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Just need to talk to my friends (198)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    edited August 16

    Those tornadoic supercells are scary-looking!

    Speaking of scams, has anyone heard that the personal data of one or two BILLION people has been recently hacked, and we are advised to freeze our credit accounts?


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    In Oklahoma we take out a folding chair, grab a beer and watch…lol

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Mint, hope you enjoy the pie! I made it just last week. So good!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    edited August 16

    Mint, I've never made a peach pie, only cobblers. I bet it's delicious. We must have had one heck of a windstorm last night -the flag pole is not quite vertical today. It's a wonder it didn't break it or tear off the flag. I wonder if the electric coop straightened the electric pole today. Darwin will know.

    It was 117 in a town just west of us today. It was so hot and humid it would take away your breath. It has been a terrible summer with the heat, humidity, drought and grasshoppers. Has to get better.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    edited August 17

    Good morning everyone

    I am learning a little bit about cloud and weather jargon since listening to max velocity but have a long way to go.

    They can be beautiful but so destructive at times.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning.

    Iris— I can't imagine mom's cat sleeping on a lumpy pillow. She's a Princess and the Pea sort of girl. She has a lovely cat bed that lives on top of a console table with a SSE exposure for sunbathing.

    Ron— I'm glad your pastor's prayer was answered. I hope last night brought rest as well.

    Jerilynn— Those kids are fortunate to have someone willing to housebreak them. And prompt them on hydration. Like Iris suggested, sometimes kids that age get into trouble because there's no time in the morning to use the bathroom before heading to school when they day starts ridiculously early. Back when I did resident camp with the scouts there was always one younger kid who couldn't deal with the latrines and would be in agony by day 4 or 5. The camp nurse was awesome with these poor guys.

    Mint— How was the pie? When I was a kid, everyone in my neighborhood had a peach tree. There were a couple different varieties in the mix, so with neighbors' sharing we enjoyed a long season of peach pie, peach shortcake, peach crisp, etc. It's hard to find commercially available these days peaches that lush flavor profile. We had a local orchard that was as good, but they've transitioned into agrotainment and didn't replace the old peach trees as they stopped producing. It's probably just as well, as I got older, I developed a nasty oral allergy syndrome reaction to most stone fruits plus almonds when not cooked— it's related to tree pollen allergies.

    Lorita— That weather sounds really difficult to live with on an ongoing basis. Those stump sculptures are quite expensive. There are a few folks north of me where the county is more rural that have them. There one modest crick bungalow I pass regularly that has gorilla sculptures supporting the front porch roof. It's kind of cute.

    Beth— Your gardens are magazine-worthy. I shared pictures of them with a friend who is new to gardening and throwing considerable funds around. I think she salivated.

    I had ideal Hosta conditions at my first house. We were at the edge of the woods on a moist shaded lot. A friend of mom's gave me some plants from her garden when I first moved in. This began The Sisterhood of the Traveling Hosta. I split them up and started lining my old iron fence, dividing them every couple of years for the 14 I spent there. I planted impatiens in with them for a pop of color and was eventually able to line both sides for the 100' fence. They did occasionally grow from seed; the mama-plants were a green and white variety, but the babies were mostly all green. When that house was destroyed in a flood, I dug a few out and planted them in the foundation beds on the NW side of this house which is fairly shaded. They did OK but the deer decimated them after the new 55+ community disturbed their paths and brought them to my neighborhood. When mom moved into her new house, I gutted the existing garden and moved the hosta to her place. Last year, mom's friend stopped by to see her and commented on the Hosta saying "I had Hosta like that at my old house." I said "girl, those are your Hosta". Turns out, her original plants were given to her by my own 4th grade teacher meaning some of these have moved 4 times. Who knew?

    DS finally got his classes straightened out. Due to his procrastination, he was limited in what he could get but fortunately the number of pre-reqs he'll need is lower than we thought. He got a chemistry class and psychology for the fall semester both M-W. Unfortunately, he'll be taking the 8:30 one on at the southern campus (a 45-minute drive that time of day) and the other at the main campus which is less than a mile from here as the crow flies. Fingers crossed for a good GPA.

    Mom's purging project marches on. She's feeling as if she's making progress. DH wants me to go spy on her. He is more invested in this than me.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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    edited August 17

    Good morning, My wife and I were going to go for a drive along the coast after we did a load of laundry. But we put the sheets in the washer and waiting for it to stop, before we left,well it did but wouldn't drain we tried everything we could think of but nothing worked. So we called the repair man and he will be here later today. But guess what the machine started to drain. We will still have the repairman come and check it out. So I guess our drive will have to wait for another day

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Went to the market to get ingredients for hot fudge sauce (gift for SIL). Talked with the pharmacist about a drug I am using and got back home un under 45 minutes. Good thing. It is going to be a scorcher,

    David…I am a firm believer that threatening machine wil make it behave.

    Hostas…grew up with them. My favorite is Sum and Substance. I would like to have a stand of them.

    I think I have found someone to work with me clearing out the jungle that has appeared in my yard. The most interesting thing is what has happened across the from of the house. A very old crabapple was cut down and now "trees" are coming up from the roots.

    The next most interesting is the assortment of trees appearing from stuff buried by squirrels no doubt. One oak, several pecans and a few we have yet to identify.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Morning, Judith, I wish that Rusty had buried seeds. I will check to see if he did bury black walnuts. I'm going to need a new tree, or two, on the North side of the house. There were three Royal Empress trees that had come up from seeds, first time that happened, but the grasshoppers ate the leaves so there were only sticks left.

    We had a little rain this morning and it was c!oudy until an hour ago but as you said, this will be another scorcher. Glad you got home early. Heat index yesterday was 116-117 in this area, very humid.

    When I go to pick up my groceries I leave about 6:40, pick them.up just after 7 and get home before 8. I do not want to be out in mid day when it's so hot. Better stop and check water tanks before it gets awful out there.

    David, when you have appliances, something will always go wrong. I need a new dryer vent now.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Finally, I can get on. I have no idea why I've not been able to post. The help desk couldn't help me either. I've been reading and keeping up, I just couldn't post.

    I'm just going to comment on our awful weather for now! The heat of the summer is upon us. Today's to be the hottest day thus far. It's 107 right now with the index of 118. It literally takes your breath away to be outside. I don't know how those who have to work outside can even do it. I feel sorry for them. I keep Gatorade on hand, when I hear the trash truck I run out with several bottles for them, same for the mail delivery person (if I hear her). I have a small ice chest that I put several Gatorade, water & a protein bar in for the Amazon delivery person. I leave it on the porch with a sign for them to help themselves. Its just so brutal out, I figure they need as much hydration as possible.

    We are going to move some of DG's painting around this afternoon. Then watch the Chief's. Lorita I bet you'll be watching also! Too hot to do anything.

    Be safe everyone, more later.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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    Lorita, in the last year and a half we have replaced the stove, built in microwave, washer and dryer,toaster oven,window a/c. Keeping fingers crossed we don't have to replace the fridge or dishwasher.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    David, I bet you're wondering what's next.
    Thanks, Eagle, for the heads up about the Chiefs. Didn't know they were playing. I have it on now. Summers in Oklahoma and Texas are no fun when these highs settle over us. I'm staying in for the most part. How nice of you to.leave Gatorade for the delivery people. I know they appreciate it. I have started drinking grape Gatorade this summer and it's good.
    I just got Stormy in the Gator and trimmed his nails. Wish I could trim Sheenas. I moved the car and when you turn off the motor and close the door it honks three times. Wish I could turn that off. It startle me every time. When I went out there were hundreds of blackbirds flying around and I'm afraid the horn scared them off. Wanted them to stay to eat hoppers. Just checked and they're gone. Back later after the Chiefs win!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    my pie tastes good, but it has an issue. The peaches were fairly ripe, so I think I should’ve drained them before I added them to the filling. The filling thickened but the peach juice is running all around the bottom and under the crust. Guess I have a little to learn about making these types of pies. Scooped some into a bowl and after I get my salad and sandwich ate I’m going to heat it up a little bit and put some ice cream on top. It’ll be delicious.

    HB I agree peaches do not taste near as good anymore. My parents always froze a lot of peaches for the winter. My dad heated our home with the wood so our home was very warm. A lot of the time remember my mom would just partially thaw them out. They still would have a little ice and they were so good. They don’t have that good flavor like they used to at least as a child. I remember them being sweet, seems like here the peaches are always sour no matter how ripe they are. Laugh out loud maybe my mom put a lot of sugar on them because I don’t use a lot of sugar. I just thought about that, could be how it was. We ate them whole sometimes and I believe they were sweet then too.

    David hope you got the machine straightened out and you can take your drive soon. Hope you get a break from replacing things for a while. It does seem to come in batches sometimes.

    I used to have a hosta with a very pretty white bloom, and it was fragrant. I think a long time ago I knew the name of it but no more.

    one good thing about being older is most of the time I work with the weather on when I go to the grocery store like you guys do. When I worked, I had to go when I could regardless of the weather.

    Eagle that’s very kind of you and I’m sure it’s appreciated. We had pretty bad storms up in Cleveland. It was a couple of weeks ago. They said it was the worst in 30 years . I got an email from the electric company a day or two ago talking about how kind the residents were to the workers. They had supplied him food and they had set up stations where they could charge their cell phones and things so that was really nice. It’s so good to hear things like that. Yesterday I stopped in at Walmart just to get a pie crust and I saw this man standing with his hood up. The family was in the vehicle. I thought I wish I could do something for him because he was just like standing there, looking at it, but I don’t know a thing about cars. It bothered me as I went on in and I thought if he still there when I come back out I’m gonna tell him I don’t know a thing about cars but is there anything I can do for you. But when I got back out there, some younger lady in a big old truck had stopped and I think she had jumped his van. Anyway in the van was running. I was thankful and I tried to thank her, but she was up high in that truck and it was loud. I don’t think she heard me.

    We had a short shower a few hours ago. Then the sun came out and shined nicely. Now it’s starting to get dark and cloudy again. I think southern Ohio and part of Kentucky they think may get the worst of it. It was kind of interesting. It rained last night about an hour before midnight my nephew said. I have two places I can look for precipitation amount. One said an inch and the other said .1 inch. Things looked pretty wet this morning, so I did not water today.

    Take care, everyone - it’s been nice hearing from everyone today

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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    You bet your a— I am waiting for the next foot to drop.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Good njght, everyone.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Good night!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 793
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    Good Sunday morning to each of you.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning rockers!

    Up and down all night, but believe I'll try and make it inside the church today. Last two weeks I went but listened in the parking lot where they have it on one of the radio stations. Even though it is a small country church it is something that was started during covid. The signal is only strong enough to reach parking lot.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SASUE. (Sandy) Enjoy and have a wonderful day!

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Happy birthday, Sandy! 🎁 🎊 🎂

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Happy Birthday Sandy!

    Didn't make it to church this morning. Started coughing blood and went to ER. After lab, chest xray and ct with contrast, I was told pneumonia. Sent home with 3 medicines and told to rest.


  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 345
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    Happy Birthday Sandy! Enjoy your day and have a great year xo

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Happy Birthday Sandy 🎂💐

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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    Mint the repair man showed up Saturday p.m. and was here about one hour and it needed a new pump now it works fine. We also got a new blender ( it was just old 20 yrs) and a new waffle maker(it did not cook all the way through). Hopefully nothing else goes wrong for a while.

    I took my wife to the 99 for lunch she needed a break after every.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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    Morning everyone, we.t to church today. Finally after COVID the church is giving out Wine with Hosts again

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Ron…I wish we were there in person to take care of you. Falling ill after a loved one dies is almost to be expected. I ended up in the hospital. Please, take care. You are worn out both physically and emotionally.

    You must rest!!!

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Thank you so very much for the birthday wishes! On our way out for dinner.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    You all will never believe what I saw today! One of the LR windows opens to the front porch and I saw something with a long tail cross in front of the window and land on the metal table I have out there. I have a big ceramic swan sitting on it so it may have thought it was another bird. I hurried to the door, opened it carefully and looked out. It was a Roadrunner looking straight at me. It sat there a few seconds and flew into the yard. It was so pretty. This is only the second one I've ever seen. The other one was probably 70 years ago sitting on top of a car parked north of our house. I wonder if it's alone- hope not.

    Later I was on the porch and it was 102. Weather said heat index in this Area was 118. Ron, you haven't been eating right or getting rest. This has you rundown and in the hot weather too susceptible to illness. You have to rest and rest and eat good food. Feel better soon. If you were closer we could help you.

    Sandy, hope your birthday dinner was delicious. Talk to you soon.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Judith, I checked a few minutes ago and it was 105 in OKC, ,92 here and 82 in Miami so the front is on the way. Will it get to you? Opened the door a few minutes ago and it was like an oven out there.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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