Just need to talk to my friends (200)
I doubt the carrots will hurt us if we cook them. E coli is bad but it can't survive heat.
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Good to hear from you JerriLynn. Glad you were OK just busy. My sister gave me a piece of strawberry cake. A few days ago was delicious. I froze a bunch of strawberries this summer so hopefully before too long I can start making stuff with them.
HB cheeseburger was good. But it tasted like cheddar cheese to me not Velveeta.
Like my carrot brand is OK best I can tell. I’ve already eaten some of them. Thank you for mentioning it.
prayers for a smooth transition David.
Looks like rainy, snowy weather headed our way.
Take Care, everyone
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Thank you
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We had a little more than 2.25" of rain. Water standing everywhere and ponds are full. I know the road must be flooded but Bradley made it here to feed the girls. We actually had a little sunshine about 3:30. Never did get that nap.
Eagle I watched some of the Chiefs' game. I agree with you Kelce has other things on his mind other than football, namely TAylor and his commercials. Time to shape up!
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Wind and rain here, right out of Oklahoma, blowing 50 mph. Wednesday will be winds from the NW instead of the SW, and we know what that means. Brr
Travis thinking of Taylor reminds me of the old C&W song about "having daydreams about night things in the middle of the afternoon." I was young once, I remember how that was.
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Will probably get our first freeze this week, Carl.. Hate that because for the first time in months there is green grass in my yard.
Everyone, look at the moon. It is still gorgeous! I remember that song but not who sang it.
See you all tomorrow. About ready to.hit the hay. Good night.
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No moon for me yet, all clouds and rain, but I'll look again when it clears off if I'm still up.
We had a freeze a couple of weeks ago, then it rained and the grass greened again. We expect another hard freeze later this week. It's almost Thanksgiving so I guess we're due. The woman across the street invited us to her church next Sunday for early Thanksgiving dinner after services. I think I'll go if I can get DW up, dressed, etc.
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I dig out an old flannel shirt today. The only thing more comfortable than a flannel shirt is an old flannel shirt.
The most comfortable looking things are a dog on its side with its feet pointed at the fireplace and the dog on its side with its feet pointed at the air conditioner.
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good morning
Think the wind and rain are hitting Ohio today and snow starting Thursday. Looks like will be a wet snow. We have had several hard frosts.
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Good morning,
Got my cake made but took the easy way out and made a bundt. Always serve DH a slice before I share it and he said it was good. Covered the cake in powdered sugar. Looks pretty. I'm adjusting to the new stove and oven. It's so clean and pretty, I hate to cook on it LOL. I did order one of those expensive stove mats for the top but I'm very disappointed in it. I had expected it to be a heavier, more sturdy protector. It's kinda flimsy. But, it does catch crumbs and what not. I'm kind of a "messy" cook. Oh well, as long as the food tastes good, right?
HB, I think the headcount for Thanksgiving is around 30. We (the grand girls and I) use a group text for menu planning purposes. And, I ALWAYS wind up making extra, because, "You never Know", right? The oldest granddaughter told me she would be here the day before to "help set up and decorate the tables". I laughed. Honey those tables will be set up, decorated and covered this week. lol. She did laughinly inform me she would NOT be getting up at 4 am "like you do Miss Jeri".
Well, I think I'd best get up and get something started for the day. I checked my carrots. They were fine. Which is good since I already cooked half the bag 🙄. Have a good day and I'll BBL.
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Good luck today David. I'll be thinking of you today.
My concern about the carrots was that many of the bags recalled were the smaller baby carrots people throw in their kids' lunches. Mine kid is 31, but if I pack his lunch, he gets a bag of carrots. I did have a bag of Wegman Baby Carrots and one of Grimmway on hand. I didn't see a sell-by date on the 3# bag, so I tossed it. The "babies" were looking a little old, so they went out too.
No word from the mechanic as of yet. Maybe I'll stop by the garage later. It's a busy day. DH has a routine dental appointment at 9am, about which he is already grumbling. He feels like the hygienist has some kind of side hustle going on where she's constantly trying to sell him stuff. I have to stop by the dental lab at 11am to get my crown color matched which is new to me. Then I have to get downtown for my haircut at 3:30pm. I hope my niece is able to join me. The receptionist flaked on scheduling, I think. The salon owner has had a difficult time finding reliable desk staff and he was training a new guy, so we did talk about getting 2 overlapping appointments and had to go out several weeks to make time-of-day work for us.
I hope all have a good day.
HB0 -
Thank you, it's moving day ,just waiting for transport
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Morning, believe it or not, it is 60 degrees and sunny and no wind.
David, you'll be allright. This time next week you'll wonder why you dreaded the move.. Keep us up to date.
JeriLynn, sounds like you and the new stove are getting along just fine. Is it gas or electric? That's a lotn of people to cook for but I think you're used to it.
I have tried to find out the brand of my carrots but can't find them on my purchase history. I think half of them have been used but guess I will throw these out anyway. How can you make soup without carrots unless its potato soup? Wonder how E Coli got into the carrots and now long it will be until there are safe ones?
HB, lots for you to do today as usual. You are always so busy.
I think there will be too much water and mud for them to straighten the mailbox so guess I will wait. It's in the edge of the ditch that seems to stay filled with water. Leaning but not down.
Carl I also love old flannel shirts, always so soft. I have one that has a sort of fleecy inside. Need to find it.
Enjoy the day snd.nice weather if you have it. Back later.
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The effected carrots were all organic. If you don't buy organic carrots, they're safe. Cooking to boiling (160F or above) in a soup would kill the e. coli. The real risk would be the use of raw carrots in salads, crudites and as a snack.
The short answer to your question is poop.How Do Pathogens Get Into Produce? | Food Safety News
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David, I'm eager to hear about your new home!
I spent yesterday feeling the effects of my two vaccinations, but I feel okay today. I hope these vaccinations protect me this winter.
We are having a warm spell in SoCal, in the 70's.
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David….will you have email??
Are you taking your own computer? Just type alzconnected.org. We will be waiting for you!!!!
I cannot remember everhaving a flannel shirt. Dick either. I do have the most wonderfully soft sheets now. Does that count?
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Oh,no! One person in Los Angeles County has died from the E. coli-tainted organic carrots! Check your carrots and discard them! I have some carrots, they are not organic, but out they go!
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Mine will go out, too, Iris. My flag pole and mailbox are both straight now. And, Darwin's barn is fixed. Two really nice Hispanic young men. One had worked for me before. The other doesn't speak English. This spring I will have then paint the wooden trim on the barn. Way too high for me.
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Yes I have my email a d my own computer and cell phone
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Iris l this place is better than anything you can imagine . All the people are very friendly a d I've already 3 Veterans EVERYTHING is included even a y field trip is free I only have to pay to get my hair cut a d my monthly rent which is very reasonable. I've already posted some photos I will post more eventually.
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So happy to hear thst, David. Tell us more as it goes along.
My trash wasn't picked up again. I have a call into the trash company and county commissioner. The water is running out of our meadow, across the road and down the ditch on the north side of the road. The ditch on my side hasn't been opened out and they need to put in a horn at my driveway. Water gets there and just stays.
I won't hold my breath waiting for a callback but he lives about a mile a nd half from me. In fact a few years ago he called me wanting to lease my land. More to follow.
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Thats right Jerilynn, it is all about taste.
David Im happy for you.
mom started giving me a hard time yesterday when I went in in the morning about going home. I just left and the good thing is I don’t have to worry about her I can just leave. I had to go back in the evening because of some business I had to take care of there. When I got there, she was sitting in the lobby, and she talked OK to me, and she didn’t mention the nonsense.
When I got there soon as I sat down she started in on me about going home. She says I can walk now on my own and etc. I said mom this is your home now. She then became very loud and started telling me what I should do. Two of the residents are sitting there and looked at me and smiled sweetly at me. So I just said mom I’m going to go now. And as I was walking toward the door, I heard her say to the two ladies she doesn’t want to take me home. And one of the sweet lady said I’m sure she’s doing the best she can. I wanted to go hug her so I called my sister and we talked and so Behavior modification does work with my mom some what. Sometimes she has to be retrained rather frequently. Anyways, my sister and I decided that we’re just going to go once a week. And as soon as she starts misbehaving we’re leaving. My sister will have to go in an extra time this week whenever the electric bed is delivered. My sister is going to go next Monday. So it will be about two weeks before I go back. We are going to try to stock up the day we go for the whole week. But I did call the nurse and I talked to her about this and I told her if they ever need anything to call us and we will bring it in.
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Mint, I think what you and your sister are going to do is the right thing. Best to not visit often until your mother decides this is the way it is going to be. My sister was really hard for them to deal with for a whole. Sarah and Todd were the ones who had to deal with it but after a while she settled down. Hard for a family to go through tbis. Just know, and you do, that she is beng cared fir.
I think people with dementia follow instructions better from people who aren't family. I saw this with Charles, mother and my sister. Time for you to rest and relax.
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David…thank for the update!!!!
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David, I saw your photos posted on the other board. Your room looks really cool! I'm glad you're meeting people and settling in.
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The water company says the EPA has mandated that every house be certified as not having lead water pipes. Every house built before 2014 is required to look at the water meter and report what kind of pipe we have. People who don't have plastic pipe are expected to put a magnet on the pipe. If the magnet doesn't stick, we are to scratch the pipe and see if it looks like brass or copper. If it turns out to be lead, I guess we'll have to dig up the yard and install new pipe at our expense. This magneting and scratching is to be done through a hole a foot wide, to reach a water meter at least three feet underground. My arms aren't that long.
The water company says if we can't provide the information, they'll have to "pothole" our yards to check the pipes. Last time they dug in my yard, they left a hold six inches wide and three feet deep, just right to break a leg.
Fortunately for me, my house was built in 2009 and has plastic pipe. I doubt you could buy lead water pipe in 2009 if you wanted to. But this is going to be a serious PITA for people with older houses. I suspect a lot of people are just going to report "No lead here."
Whoever made up this survey is a desk jockey who has never looked into a water meter hole.
Oh, they also want us to complete a form online and attach a photo of the water meter and the pipe leading to the house. Just assuming we all have computers and are able to attach photos.
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good morning
thank you Lorita for your words of encouragement. It does mean a lot to me. Appreciate your comment that your experience is they follow instructions from others better. My aunt in Atlanta is my mom’s only surviving sibling. I discussed this with her, and she agrees that it’s the right thing to do too. Lorita it is a blessing for me that I no longer have to worry about her. I feel she’s in very good care. The workers there all say she is doing well. I’m thankful, my prayer is that this will continue and it’s OK if I can’t visit. Good Lord knows I would go every day if it would help her. It wont help her. It makes me feel better, like I’m being the daughter I should be. The reality is it doesn’t seem to help her at all just exposes me to more abuse for lack of a better term. There is no appreciation on her part it seems for what I do. This is why you amaze me David. She lives sort of in her own little made up world and I have to live in reality.
Im sorry Carl, one more thing to deal with.
Iris I am not seeing David’s pictures. Which board did you find them on?
Caro_Lynne, Zetta, hope you guys are ok.
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This is the dining room
Loria L, spent my first night here it was different not having my wife next to me but it was necessary because of my Dementia. I can call her whenever I want. I wish we could face time bur her phone doesn't do it.
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Lorita l, the first photos were of t he dining room here are pics of my room.
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Beth's Travels - Days 7, 8 & 9 on the Emerald Princess
Day 7, November 18 - We had a tour in Cartagena, Columbia, South America. My first time in South America. This tour was a scenic bus tour, followed by time in an old museum and a church built in the 1500's-1600's (San Pedro Claver). The vegetation was stunningly beautiful. The traffic was awful, with motorscooters zipping in and out of traffic between buses and cars. It was SO HOT; I don't know the temp but I'd guess in the 90's with high humidity. A dip in the pool when we returned was just what the dr. ordered!
Day 8, November 19 - The day I'd signed up for this trip for! Panama Canal transit! Once I get home and have the ability to import my photos from my phone to my laptop, I'll do that. There are 4 sets of locks, 2 on the Atlantic side and 2 on the Pacific side. There are the old locks, opened in 1914. The new locks opened in 2016. The locks are parallel to each other. We went through the new locks on the Atlantic side. More later about this fun day.
Day 9, November 20 - Limon, Costa Rica We were supposed to go to a coffee plantation on tour but there were strikes or protests blocking the road that would take us there. Thus, mainly staying on the ship. I was wanting to get some Costa Rican coffee and did purchase some in an open air market. Also bought some chocolate covered espresso beans - yum! OK, I know I can and probably have bought coffee from Costa Rica before in my local grocery store. After all, "Latin America is one of the most prolific coffee-growing regions in the world, producing 84% of the world's arabica supply and filling more bags with beans than Asia and Africa combined. Surprisingly, though, coffee is not native to the Americas. Instead, it is thought to have originated in Ethiopia."
Days 10 and 12 will be sea days. Day 11 is Grand Cayman. Day 14 is Bye bye to the Emerald Princess and Hello Iowa.
Commonly Used Abbreviations
DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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