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Falling Apart Caring for my Mom

troubledone Member Posts: 12
25 Care Reactions 10 Comments
edited October 2024 in Caring for a Parent

Hello. I am not doing well. My dad had Alzheimers in the last 7 years of his life, and I cared for him. I thought that was all over when he died in 2017. Then in 2020, it started all over again with my mom. It's been 5 years now, and I'm going absolutely bonkers. My life is falling apart caring for her. Almost everything is a mess, and I often feel I have nowhere to turn. I found this forum, and I'm hoping I can get some help.

I absolutely hate my life right now, and often wish I were dead. The only reason I am glad to still be here is because without me, my mom would have no one to care for her. But I am falling apart and am so angry about everything. Hoping to make a friend or two here to help me get through this, and maybe I can help one of you too.

PS - I'm a lawyer, have a PhD in psych, am a bronze-star nominated Iraq war vet, am a two-time TEDx speaker, and... absolutely none of this has prepared me to deal with what I am dealing with now.


  • M1
    M1 Member Posts: 6,788
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    Welcome to the forum, there are many of us here who understand what this is like. Glad you reached out. There is a 24/7 help line 1-800-272-3900. Call and ask to speak to a care consultant. if you care to post more details, people here could give you more specific suggestions. You don't need to be a victim of this disease too.

  • NizhoniGrrl
    NizhoniGrrl Member Posts: 95
    Third Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    It is truly the worst. I’m also balancing a career and some serious health issues (MBC), after being a caregiver and responsible person for several relatives, now all deceased including my only sibling. No one expects to be in this situation ! I decided after a time with my mom living with us, and then IL, that the best place for her (and my sanity) was assisted living. It’s still not easy but it is easier. When she was living with me I really became resentful and that wasn’t good for her either. We all have limits. Your life has worth and meaning, too. Please look at options and read on here. Sending hugs!

  • Dementia44
    Dementia44 Member Posts: 1
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    > @troubledone said:
    > Hello. I am not doing well. My dad had Alzheimers in the last 7 years of his life, and I cared for him. I thought that was all over when he died in 2017. Then in 2020, it started all over again with my mom. It's been 5 years now, and I'm going absolutely bonkers. My life is falling apart caring for her. Almost everything is a mess, and I often feel I have nowhere to turn. I found this forum, and I'm hoping I can get some help.
    > I absolutely hate my life right now, and often wish I were dead. The only reason I am glad to still be here is because without me, my mom would have no one to care for her. But I am falling apart and am so angry about everything. Hoping to make a friend or two here to help me get through this, and maybe I can help one of you too.
    > PS - I'm a lawyer, have a PhD in psych, am a bronze-star nominated Iraq war vet, am a two-time TEDx speaker, and... absolutely none of this has prepared me to deal with what I am dealing with now.

    Hello I understand exactly what you are feeling. I also take care of my mom and I feel like I am losing it.
  • troubledone
    troubledone Member Posts: 12
    25 Care Reactions 10 Comments

    Thank you for the welcome. I have noted the help line. That is helpful.

  • troubledone
    troubledone Member Posts: 12
    25 Care Reactions 10 Comments

    My concern with a facility is that it will cost more than what it's costing right now. If she runs out of money, then she's back to living 'with me'. We live in separate apartments in same building, because I tried living with her, and it was really bad. So this is the best I can do. I feel like there is no win-win. No matter what decision I make, it will be a bad one.

  • troubledone
    troubledone Member Posts: 12
    25 Care Reactions 10 Comments

    Yes, I feel like I'm losing it too. I have this horrible heaviness in my head for hours every day. It's overwhelming. So much going on. Caring for her, and also trying to keep my life and dreams alive. It's a challenge, and not fun.

  • Paulokc
    Paulokc Member Posts: 6
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    I was able to get my moms Dr to adjust her medication. She still drives me nuts and won't do anything I ask her to do but at least she doesn't go down the street to visit a neighbor who died 30 years ago and seeing bugs that are not there. She seems to be doing a little better. I have no help all my family has died.

  • Anonymousjpl123
    Anonymousjpl123 Member Posts: 736
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    I didn’t have exactly your experience but I know what stress about financial decisions, being a sole caretaker, working, and trying to maintain some modicum of self care is like.


    You mentioned you are experienced, educated and have had a career. None of this matters when we are coping with grief and the every day challenges that come with caregiving. I urge you to call the care line. It helped me so much. Even just vent. I cannot imagine having to do this again after what I am going through with my mom. Also taking a bath, a walk, that stolen hour or two just for yourself to remember you are alive and in the world. That said, I have come to a place where I finally got things settled down. You will get through this.

  • Smilescountry
    Smilescountry Member Posts: 109
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    It is difficult trying to do so much as just one person. Reaching out to the help line is good. Personally, I find that meeting one on one with a therapist to be very helpful. I need that for myself to be able to care for my parents.

  • MaryEllenDaughter
    MaryEllenDaughter Member Posts: 40
    10 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Welcome, I am caring for my Dad. I am a PH.D Mental Health Counsler who has worked with street kids and medical clients. There is NOTHING that can prepare you, you just have to be the kid. It is hard to balance. My Mom died a month ago and I basically moved in with my Dad. It has been quite a learning experience. He is a gentle man so I am fortunate.The grief is overwhelming sin’s it? Grief for what you had, what you anticipate. I get it. Always here to listen.

  • tiredg
    tiredg Member Posts: 5
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    Are you able to consider hiring a live in caregiver. Or, if the needs aren't great yet, a companion. I believe the companion care is less money. It would give you a break from caregiving. I am struggling too and have no experience with dementia. It is very hard to handle. You're not alone.

  • Emily 123
    Emily 123 Member Posts: 872
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    It's not your fault and it sounds like you're doing a good job making lemonade out of the lemons you've been handed. The degree of cognitive loss very much seems like normal aging at first, and often decisions about handling finances, etc., are made before family realises what's going on. Another alternative might be a care home that could allow your mother to age in place until the end. They can be a bit cheaper than AL/MC. Your mom's doctor should be able to write a consult for a social worker so they can assist you, though word of mouth is always helpful. Have you been able to initiate Medicaid?

  • troubledone
    troubledone Member Posts: 12
    25 Care Reactions 10 Comments

    My issue is that she refuses to take medication. She refuses to believe she has any problem whatsoever. Today, in the car, she began screaming like a banshee, and hitting me. It was terrible. I can't be with her in closed spaces anymore, it seems. I am so frustrated with her. She is just dragging me more and more down.

  • troubledone
    troubledone Member Posts: 12
    25 Care Reactions 10 Comments

    Hi Mary. Yeah, nothing can prepare you, and even having been through it before with my dad hasn't prepared me for this insanity of my mom. It was bad enough with my docile father; it's a nightmare with this woman who is as strong as a bull, very volatile with her emotions, and 100% bonkers. A bad combination.

    I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. And your dad's situation.

    I'm most angry at my two sisters. WHERE THE HECK ARE THEY?!

  • troubledone
    troubledone Member Posts: 12
    25 Care Reactions 10 Comments

    No one wants to stay with her for long. She is VERY difficult to be with. I used to live with her. I had to move out because she is just bonkers. And she yells. And is angry. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

    Are there companies that do companion care?

    My big concern is running out of money. I don't want to start some service only to have to pull that service later…

  • troubledone
    troubledone Member Posts: 12
    25 Care Reactions 10 Comments

    For better or worse, my mom isn't at the poverty level. We own two condos together that we rent. So her assets will always be more than the medicaid poverty line (as far as I know). So I don't think medicaid will ever be an option. Further, there is the 5-year look back rule anyway, and she certainly wouldn't pass that.

    I am so sad, and angry, and frustrated.

  • troubledone
    troubledone Member Posts: 12
    25 Care Reactions 10 Comments

    The worst is when she starts hitting me. I hate that I cannot defend myself. Why, just because someone is a woman, and elderly, must I (a man) accept her violence? When she hits me, I want to punch her in the face. But I don't, and I have to take the blows, and my back ends up out of wack, knees banged up, scratches. It's not pleasant.

    Do any of you have a violent loved one?

  • H1235
    H1235 Member Posts: 767
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    edited November 2024

    It sounds like she needs medication! It’s not good for her to be so upset. Can you get her to a doctor? Be very clear about how she is acting. It can take a while to figure out what will work best and the correct dose. If she starts swinging at you in the car I would drive to hospital emergency and push for a geriatric psych evaluation. As far as money goes, dementia is expensive. If there were thing done that would disqualify her because of the 5 year look back, have those things stopped? Eventually those things will be beyond the 5 years. My mil was a wealthy woman. By the time she passed it was all gone. Property and investments may need to be sold (kind of tricky if you co-own) Have you seen an elder law attorney or maybe a financial advisor? Now is the time to figure this out. The uncertainty of not knowing how long her money will last must be stressful. Getting some answers and coming up with a plan for the future may lessen the stress a bit. Keep in mind AL and MC facilities often have a waiting list. Good luck.

  • troubledone
    troubledone Member Posts: 12
    25 Care Reactions 10 Comments

    She won't take medication. She throws it out. If she finds me trying to add it to food, she claims I am trying to poison her. So meds are not an option.

  • Isiah26:3
    Isiah26:3 Member Posts: 14
    10 Comments First Anniversary

    it is devistating, but all i can continue to tell myself is that when the time comes to when my father is no longer around, i will be grateful for the time i spent with him and i will regret it if i dont. Prayers to you and your mother.

  • shannon Brown
    shannon Brown Member Posts: 2
    First Comment
    > @troubledone said:
    > Hello. I am not doing well. My dad had Alzheimers in the last 7 years of his life, and I cared for him. I thought that was all over when he died in 2017. Then in 2020, it started all over again with my mom. It's been 5 years now, and I'm going absolutely bonkers. My life is falling apart caring for her. Almost everything is a mess, and I often feel I have nowhere to turn. I found this forum, and I'm hoping I can get some help.
    > I absolutely hate my life right now, and often wish I were dead. The only reason I am glad to still be here is because without me, my mom would have no one to care for her. But I am falling apart and am so angry about everything. Hoping to make a friend or two here to help me get through this, and maybe I can help one of you too.
    > PS - I'm a lawyer, have a PhD in psych, am a bronze-star nominated Iraq war vet, am a two-time TEDx speaker, and... absolutely none of this has prepared me to deal with what I am dealing with now.
  • shannon Brown
    shannon Brown Member Posts: 2
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    I am feeling same way. I took feel like killing myself. Going through a guardianship now which sister who never helps with anything and tricked her into signing over houses is contesting me being guardian because it will reverse what my mom signed for property. We now have a temporary guardian who hasn't done anything yet. I feel you
  • rev
    rev Member Posts: 10
    5 Care Reactions First Comment

    So sorry to hear your story and all the stories like it. I guess we all have our version. I went through my mom’s dementia— ending in her death in a memory facility in 2020. Now my 77 y/o wife has had dementia for two years and getting slowly worse. The argument thing is a real drain on my patience and tolerance. Lots of good advice here, but I’m still struck by how poorly our country’s health system supports all of us. We have relatives in Denmark and our issues are so much better addressed there. For all the talk of the US having the “best in the world”, I think we all know better!

  • Tardesslace
    Tardesslace Member Posts: 1
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    Welcome I m new too and your exact words are from my own mouth! I have been caring for my 85 yr old mom now for over 6 years maybe more when it first started...my dad recently passed about 9 months ago and mom has since given up and gotten progressively worse as days go by...I am retired nurse also and have worked with many dementia/Alzheimers patients but none has prepared me for the aggressive and agitation my mom now demonstrates on daily basis! Basically hating me and calling me every cuss word in book and disowning me and gives me he'll every day of the week! I really need write a book ! I could never write here everything I have to go through on daily 24/7 basis on every aspect of care along with taking care her house and 2 dogs and cooking cleaning maintenance and shopping and all her care...all while she resists and cusses me out and throws me out house etc...
    I have no support from my 2 brothers or sister except by phone mostly..they cannot handle her or all the care...wow! I could go on and on!
    If anyone needs help I do! Depressed and feeling like I wish I was dead and everything else...with nowhere to turn...trying to keep her out of a home or facility...please contact me if anyone else needs talk cause God knows I need someone that understands!
  • VKB
    VKB Member Posts: 372
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    troubledone, I survived caring for both my parents for nine years at home. My mother had severe dementia or Alzheimer's. I could not do without God's help and also using my parent's money for a paid caregiver. I think some people are just natural caregivers and others should never be caregivers.

    Have you thought of doing a thorough investigation of all the nursing homes near you? Then you might decide to become an advocate who visits often to make sure your mother is being well cared for. This would be a super important new role for you, but visiting often will be essential. I would search for discussions here on nursing homes, especially how to know whether a nursing home is the best one in your area.

    I prayed for you.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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