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Just need to talk to my friends (138)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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 Thought I'd begin a new part of the thread because I waited and waited and just couldn't get on - don't know if it's our thread or what. 

 Judith - frustration is the best word I can think of to express my feelings.  You get something started and it falls through - so, frustration.

 So, Johnson & Johnson's vaccine is available?  I hadn't heard that.  If I did get the vaccine I'd prefer a one-short vaccine, too.  I know it's been said we'd have to continue wearing masks even after the vaccine but someone who's had it and recovered isn't safe to be around?  I haven't watched anything about the virus today.  Did watch some of the morning shows - really frightening and they're saying we don't know the half of what really occurred in the Capitol.  I'd like to know how the policeman is who was being crushed.  How awful that was - just imagine and those people pushing and yelling "heave-ho" and "fresh patriots needed up front".  Patriots, indeed.

 Made some more potato soup - already tried it, it's really good but I'm going to add some peas to it.  Right now, I'm hungry.  Been kind of a busy day.  Watched some of those shows this morning.  Then closed the gate to the place I feed the girls.  About 1:30 decided it was time to feed them -  I was trying to be really quiet but the minute I opened the back door, they started bawling and here they came.  They seem to watch every move I make and actually know the sound the doors make when I open them.  Got them fed - really muddy but got it done.  Filled two water tanks and the bird feeder, then Mike came on his tractor and set out four bales of hay and then moved the creepfeeder to a drier spot.  Glad that's out of the mud.  Then I closed the gate and I think that's it for the day.  Also fed Rose Bud.  Now, four or five babies have learned she has feed they like so they're the last through the gate and then come over and try to eat with her.  She's not too receptive to that. 

 Haven't talked to anyone today except Mike.  Doesn't seem to do any good trying to call Sarah because she hardly ever answers. 

 I did watch most of the Ravens-Titans football game.  I think I missed all of the third quarter and part of the fourth but got to see the end of it.  Looking forward to seeing the Browns play tonight.

 Glad the girls are fed and have hay.  They went down to graze after I fed them but just looked out and they're at the hay now. 

 Jo - how many days does your son have left on his 14 days and how many do you have left? 

 Nothing else going on so I'll stop for now.  Hope everyone's well today. Sara, you were up early again this morning.  I bet all your co-workers really loved you - you're such a caring, sweet person.

 Back later.




  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    5 friends got the Moderna this morning....did not feel a thing and feel just fine 6 hours later
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Were they able to choose and was there a 15 min. observation?
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    there was no choice....I do not know if there was a wait round period...they were on a 15 minute schedule but no two were one after the other...three were Drs if that matters... an oncologist, a gastroenterologist and a cardiologist
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Judith made your stroganoff yesterday.  Turned out good.

    Jean has not called for two days now.  Wonder does she have Covid (there is an outbreak there), has she got so she is unable to call, or maybe they have been able to calm her a little (I hope).

    For anyone who might like this found a podcast called This Week In Virology.  You can Google this or you can go to You Tube and put in the same thing and it will pop up.  Has become one of my favorites for accurate, calm information.

    Johnson and Jonson has not applied for UAE of their vaccine yet because it is not far enough along.  They do not have their efficacy and safety data yet.  They are a little behind Pfizer and Moderna in their trials.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Cold here this morning - 29 - no wind so doesn't feel as cold as it did yesterday.  Supposed to warm up the next two or three days, then cold again - guess that's January which is one of my least favorite months which includes July and August.

    I kind of slept in this morning.  Decided I wasn't going to take down the trash - not enough to worry with so stayed in bed until a little after 7.  Fed Tom and Jerry - the PU doors weren't frozen shut, walked out to the fence to see the girls - scared one baby who was at the water tank and saw another one going in the feeder.  It's right in front of the house now between the house and pond but they've found it.  I'm glad he moved it because it was getting really muddy around it.  Fed the four cats inside the house and when I came in fed Stormy and Sheena.  I'm having juice now and Barclee's still asleep.  I started his oral meds last night because he's sneezing and sounds like he has a cold.  I'll see how he is tomorrow and if he isn't better by then I'll call to see if he needs the injections he got the first time.  Just like taking care of a bunch of kids (of course I wouldn't know but I imagine it is).

     Judith - I saw on our local news this morning that the 10,000th vaccination in OKC was given yesterday so you all are off to a good start.    Are you going to wait for the Johnson and Johnson one?

     Sara - I know you're worried about Jean.  It's impossible note to worry when you're used to talking to someone frequently and then there's nothing for a while. 

     Pod casts - I've heard people talk about them.  How do you get to listen or see them?

     I hope it's a calm day here - it was busy yesterday and when I think it's going to be quiet, it isn't.  I did manage to see Rose Bud grazing.  There's four bales out now and the girls are around three of them - some are already off and grazing which they'll do today if it's sunny. 

     Sarah called two or there times during the evening - upset because T and his partner were going to buy new shoes and go somewhere to eat.  When I woke up this morning I had a couple of text messages from her sent about MN - one saying she loved me and two minutes later one saying she wasn't going to speak to me again.  What does that mean?  Not going to worry about it but did send her asking what she meant.

     Kind of anxious to see what the House in Washington is going to do about impeachment.  Still wondering how the policeman who was being crushed is doing - wonder why they don't mention that - or maybe they did and I didn't hear it.

     I'll stop for now and finish my juice - I need some hot tea.  What about that ballgame last night - Browns had 28 points in the first quarter to no points for the Steelers.  Got closer but they still won by a good margin - first playoff game they've won since sometime back in the 80s.  They play the Chiefs next weekend - what a game that should be - with Mayfield vs. Mahome.  Really enjoyed watching football this weekend - some really good games.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Sara, I'm sure you'll hear something from Jean today - hope she doesn't have the virus.

     Ron, I thought of you yesterday when the radar showed snow over Louisiana.  Did you get very much?  I hope you and Lou are all right.  We need to see a post from you.

     Zetta - made some more potato soup yesterday - how good that stuff really is.  Hard to believe it comes from a package.  I decided I couldn't eat the tortilla soup - maybe because I'm getting as old as the hills and can't tolerate the same things.  Was afraid to give it to the GPs because it was kind of spicy.  But, I love the potato and cheddar broccoli.  They have several kinds - even a chili.  I may make a fresh pan of cornbread today.  I have one of those cast iron pans for cornbread that's divided into individual pieces (pie shaped).  May try that.  I think it's seasoned so should work well and it would be crusty.  Also have a pan to make cornbread that's in the shape of ears of corn.  Guess I'm thinking about cast iron pans because QVC had several on yesterday that did not have to be seasoned.

     I'll be back, I hope.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good idea to start a new Thread; whenever we reach page 4; things start to go wonky.  Guess it is too much for the program.

    7:00 am here; it should be in the low 70's today; nice, softly cool and slightly sunny.  No winter feelings yet; February usually starts our rain and colder temps.

     It is sad Lorita that the vaccine will not keep us from getting the virus nor will it keep us from passing it on if we do get it.   What it will do, is keep us from the severity of the disease and hopefully not require hospitalization.  We still must mask for a longer time.  So much is not known yet about the vaccine, and we will learn more as time moves forward with the hundreds of thousands having had it.  Perhaps it will indeed keep us from getting it so easily or passing it so easily.   I am also very interested in learning how long the vaccine will continue to be effective.  This they do not yet know. 

    Lorita; as to your query - whenever one gets the vaccine, they must be observed for any possible reactions for 15 minutes; if a person has a history of allergies or other issues, they will usually watch for 30 minutes.  This is one of the reasons I do not like to see the car vaccinations with hundreds of cars in line. 

    I did indeed cover up six ways from Sunday going to the doctor and then to the lab.  My biggest concern re the doctor's office was not him or his nurse; it was going up in an elevator in a three story med building.  The elevator is busy, and is a small enclosed space and that virus can ride on air currents for quite some time - so; mask with filter, shield and gloves for that experience.  No waiting room - was taken right in.

    At the lab, I was concerned about waiting room filled with sick persons; but had an appt. and got taken right in.  However; the lab tech hung over me for quite some time - she did not get a vein easily - she had a mask and shield on.  Still; she was a chatterbox and was practically in my lap - she drew eight vials of blood, so it took time.  This is where I wore my double mask and shield and gloves too as I knew the tech would be near my face.  Geeze; can't wait for the day to come when we can breathe without fear.

    To answer your question Lorita, my 14 day watch ends on January 20, inauguration day.  My son I think has to go until  a week from this coming Thursday - as of yesterday, he was doing okay, but still concerned as his exposure was so big despite all the caution he took for himself. 

    Here I am craving chocolate chip cookies again.   Homemade, don't want packaged stuff.   Love those cookies as well as the molasses crinkle cookies.  Got the old recipe for molasses crinkles in an old cookbook; they are delicious with a nice cup of tea.

    Gosh; all of our spices are so old - just realized that. I need to replace them all.   Even our flour is old now, that also needs to be replaced.  Just not cooking like I used to; knees so nasty that it hurts like heck to stand in the kitchen lately. 

    Our daughter sent some sugar free Sees candy at Christmas as DH has diabetes - oh my; it was not good.  Even texture was way off and had an odd after taste. Guess better to limit oneself to regular Sees and limit to one or two pieces each day.

    I am in a mood for savory food and of all things, I have been thinking of stuffed baked potatoes with chili. salsa, onion and cheese.  (With broccoli to offset the other stuff naturally!)  Had thought to do that few weeks ago, but did not do it. Want to order salmon this week too - love it.

    My hand held hair dryer went out this week.  I was blow drying my hair and suddenly felt something burn my arm - when I looked, the cord had split and a bare wire was exposed.  Uh-oh.  Fortunately, I had one up on the closet shelf for guests or emergency needs such as this - don't like to use it as it is SO loud, I must use ear plugs. That will suffice until I get a new one which has been ordered on Amazon.  So glad to have had a backup as my hair was soaking wet.

    Sent my donation to the Optismists Club for families in need; included a letter that I wanted it to be given to the school district that has a "closet" for essential needs for student's families who are having a difficult time.  However; though the check was sent much earlier and is cashed, have not received the promised feedback nor did the school district get the money yet.  I shall have to check up on that today.  Families could certainly use the help and everything counts.

    Also have to have porch pickup of returns to Vermont Country Store and to Jessica London catalog.   So nice not to have to go into the Post Office.  Same with pickup at the grocery store.  Order groceries and pay online; choose a time/day for pickup; drive there into a numbered parking slot and pop trunk; call the delivery number - within a minute, the nice person is putting the groceries into the trunk and off we go with no contact.  So very much appreciated and very efficient.  Also nice that the link for the store keeps our orders online so we can see them permanently, this way we can screen and not forget something.  Really all in all, a great service.  I called the store and wrote the corporate office to thank them; but want to send a thank you card to the workers.  Awesome.

    Figured what we need at our house which is big and two story and hard to care for  -  is that wonderful robot in, "The Electric Grandmother."  Maureen Stapleton played the sweet robot Grandmother.  She did all the cleaning, cooking, errands, managed everything and was programmed to love the family she was with - then she plugged herself in at night to re-charge.  Really a lovely little film.  If only . . . .

    Nicole, your grandson is adorable.  I miss mine being that young.  Want to hug, read story books, give cookies, play games with them and just  talk and listen to what they feel is important and funny.  Isn't it just the greatest?

     Gosh Zetta; you have both a snow blower AND a handy son - whoopee!  I know you are snug and cozy, and that is wonderful to picture; you and your little fur friends.  We are zooming our way through January; not long before it's Valentine's Day and then it moves fast to springtime. That will be lovely.  You live in such a beautiful area.

    Sayra; thank you for, "This Week In Virology."  I will jot that down. I have lost the name of the British MD who is wonderful to listen to also.  Do you still have his name?  Worth watching.  I am so sorry about Jean.  It  sounds as though her dementia is rapidly evolving - so hope she does not have COVID.  If only she could feel peace and some contentment.  Very sad.

    One of us, if one of us is organized and savvy, really needs to keep a list of, "Front Porch Recipes," you know . . . recipes given here on this Thread.  (Not the entire Forum.)  For some reason, I keep losing them.  I would not be a good candidate for that; I can be like a butterfly with hiccups sometimes.  

    Everyone have a day with sparks of good things; stay safe and know you are all being thought of.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Sayra...glad you like the hamburger stroganoff...it sure is easy.

    Lorita...the late night phone call speaks volumes.

    I did not know the J&J vaccine was not further along. Thanks...I will take  what is offered. 

    Going to take down Christmas today. Some around town are still turning on their lights....hate to see them dimmed, one by one. It would be nice to have light for each holiday...probably something I could look into. I think I have some pumpkin lights and I could put together something for spring...a swag of magnolia leaves and some tiny white lights....could add some blossoms for summer...fall would be easy...or maybe I should just organize some clutter...lol

    The pictures from inside the capital are horrifying. I think I will be glued again to the TV.

    By the way...in the middle of the night I watched an episode of the Waltons. They were all grown up with Jim-boy (?) coming home from the Navy. A Bit smaltzy. I doubt that life was ever like that but we watched the Waltons, Leave it to Beaver and Ozzie and Harriot all the time. I know my life was pretty great but    not like that.

  • Jane Smith
    Jane Smith Member Posts: 112
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    Lorita, obviously this is anecdotal but thought you might be interested. 
    I work in a medical office and we are affiliated with a big health care/hospital system. They have finished vaccinating their first priority group of employees so we became eligible for our vaccinations. 
    Two people from our office (myself and another person) had our first vaccinations last week. I went Friday afternoon and my coworker went Thursday. 
    We had the Moderna vaccine. We did not have a choice; that is what the health system had received from our state and that is what they offered. 
    We were contacted directly by the health system as we are registered employees there. We had to make an appointment for the vaccination. We checked in like you would for a doctor's appointment. This hospital is using a big conference room and they had stations set up:  in the hall, confirm who you are and your appointment time. In the room, again checking who you are and your demographic info, and also a temperature check. Then we waited to get called to a station with a nurse and another person (in this case a nurse manager) where we verbally went through a standard list of questions, like when you get a flu shot or any vaccine:  do you have any known drug allergies? Food allergies?  Any allergies at all?  Have you ever had a reaction to a vaccine? Here is a list of the ingredients in the vaccine, are you allergic to any of them?  If female, are you pregnant or breastfeeding?  And then other questions: are you sick today?  Have you been sick in the last two weeks?  Have you had a known exposure to someone with a confirmed case of Covid?  Have you had a positive Covid test in the last 90 days?  Have you received any treatment for Covid? Have you been vaccinated for Covid already? That’s all I remember but it was standard stuff. 
    The injection was given in my arm, like a flu shot. I did not feel anything beyond a small needle prick.  I know some people have reported that the injection itself is painful but I did not experience that. It was also very fast. 
    Then we went to a waiting area where we had to wait for at least fifteen minutes (longer if you have a history of reactions/allergies).  We were checked on by nursing staff. We were also given info to make an appointment for our second shot (Moderna is four weeks between doses), plus information about the vaccine, info from the CDC, info from the hospital system, and we also got a wallet sized card that records our immunization date and type. We were told to keep that and bring it to the next appointment. 
    I always get a sore arm from a flu shot and it usually starts about 4-6 hours after the shot. Just like a flu shot, my arm started to feel sore at the injection site that night and was a little more sore the next day. I am still a little tender at the site, like I don’t want anyone to grab me there, but it’s fine and this is what I get every year with a flu shot. My coworker reported similar reactions, less arm soreness than me actually, but with a little bit more of a reaction at the injection site itself. 
    I hope that helps and sorry if it’s too much detail!
    Sending good wishes to everyone.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    I do not have time nor space to relate how the vaccine program is working in OK. Suffice it to say it is not going well at all!!!!!
  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
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    Lorita, a podcast is something you listen to—it’s somebody talking—on your smartphone, tablet or computer. There are millions of podcasts, on every subject imaginable, and by celebrities as well as various experts, or just regular people who want to say something. Anybody can make one.

    The ability to listen (and see what’s available) is built into my iPhone and tablets. Unsure about other devices, you may need an app. Some are free, many of the better ones cost something. Some are really interesting, others not so much. 

    There are so many, it’s hard for me to pick one. Anybody can do a podcast, the hard part is finding people to listen to it. But it’s basically like listening to a speech or lecture, or comedian or whatever....

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Hi again,

     Thanks, Jane, not too much detail at all.  Sounds pretty much like what we go through to get a flu shot - at least from the health department - but much more, too.  I've heard there hasn't been too many adverse reactions which is good.  I'm still going to wait a while to see how things shake out.  If you can still get the virus and can still infect someone else it seems like there needs to be more.  Maybe that's just me.  If you did get the vaccination and did get the virus but had a milder case it would probably be worth it.

     Glad you got your vaccination without any problems.  Don't you hate those sore arms?

     I have a bruise on my finger - from what I do not know.  I noticed it a couple of days ago - the entire joint from the hand to the first joint on my middle finger is bruised - not sore and I have no idea how it happened.

     I don't mind wearing a mask, in fact, when the weather's cold and the wind's blowing it really helps to keep a person from inhaling cold air.  I've only had one injection where I had to wait afterwards.  Something bit me on the arm and was really sore.  Went to the ER and they gave me an injection and I had to wait 15 minutes to see if there was any reaction.  I didn't like that - just sitting those 15 minutes and waiting.  What if you had the vaccination and didn't have a reaction for two or three hours, or more, and you were at home alone?  What then?  Just a few too many questions I feel are unanswered but I may change my mind.

     Jo, wouldn't one of those robots be great?  I could use one inside and another outside.  I need to mop and do dishes.  I went into the bedroom a while ago and the door to a chest was open and a big sack of leftover material was on the floor along with a cigar box where I keep spools of thread and things like that - all scattered on the floor.  Saturday the jewelry box I kept on the dresser was upside down on the floor with rings and jewelry scattered everywhere - also a little small, round box where I kept tiny earrings.  Don't know if I found everything or not.   The culprits - Sammy and Lilly.  Lilly was very young when she had her kittens and now Sammy and Lilly are both grown kittens or young cats and they run amuck every morning until noon - then, they're quiet.  I have a bottle of water I squirt on them and it slows them a bit but that's only when I'm inside the house.  Guess that's just one of the downfalls of having pets.  They give me a lot of pleasure and company so I'll keep them and pick up things.

     Went out on the porch a minute ago - it's beautiful out but still chilly.  So serene with babies going into the creepfeeder to eat a bit or to the water tank to get a drink of water and others eating hay or grazing.   When I go out I always ask them if everyone's okay.  I did that this morning and two or three answered.  Mike and I talked yesterday about how smart they are.  He says his girls know the sound of his truck when he's still a mile away and gather to eat.  I know these watch me when I go outside so I have to be quiet and that doesn't always work.  Sorry to go on about it - just interesting, at least to me.

     Jo - I'm with you - wouldn't I love to have a batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies.  The kind you buy just aren't nearly as good.

     I also have two or three things I need to return.  I ordered a couple of pairs of jeans, received them in October, opened the pkg. and hung them up.  They were the size I always order so thought they'd fit.  I've worn one pair and Saturday I thought I'd wear the other - couldn't even pull them up.  I know they must have mislabeled it.  Not sure if they'll exchange them now or not.  Probably should call before I return them.  I ordered one of those Cozy things - huge sweatshirt type thing that comes almost to the knees.  It's made of a wonderfully, soft material but it's just not my thing.  I have until the end of this month to get it back to QVC.   I can put these things in the mailbox and our mailcarrier picks them up. 

     I still have a few things on the porch to wipe down so I'll get that done today.  Opened the 40 lb. of birdfeed and need to get that put into containers.  I use those big, plastic catlitter containers for birdfeed (after I'm sure all the litter is out.)  Just now when I went out the birdfeeder was very busy.  Need to fill the other one.  I've seen the cutest, little birds this year - don't remember seeing them before.  They look kind of like the pictures of Chickadees I've seen - they're almost the size of fledglings but I know they're not.  Cardinals are back, Sandy.  Glad to see them. 

     You're right, Judith, the calls speak volumes.  Don't know what the problem is except I keep trying to get her to do the right things for her health - she's very noncompliant, as you know.

     I love the Waltons, especially the ones when the kids are small.  Judith, I think the one you watched about John Boy was a different actor.  Sad when the grandma had to leave and then the grandpa passed away.  But, things never stay the same as we all know.

     I've watched some of CNN - looks like impeachment is going ahead.  Pence won't invoke the 25th so it'll have to go that way.  Seems Twitter, Facebook and several others have banned him from using them.  Also lost  the PGA golf tournament that was to be held at one of his golf courses - more to come, I'm sure.

     Zetta, be careful in that snow.  You know you can slip and be down in an instant.  I know I have to be careful walking in mud - hate to fall down in that stuff - but I have before. 

     Already lunch time.  Everyone except me is asleep.  Stormy's stretched out on the divan and Sheena's asleep on her blanket in the bedroom.  Barclee doesn't sound as congested this morning so maybe the meds I have will work without taking him in to the vet.  He's asleep beside me in "our" chair.

     Enjoy the afternoon.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    It was Ben Walton who came home from the Navy.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Lorita it is a podcast like was described.  All you have to do is just Google This Week In Virology and up it will come.  You can then listen to it anytime you want to.  They actually do several videos a week.  Sometimes there is a group of virologists from different places, on a regular basis they have an infectious disease doctor on there from  NYC who seems to know his stuff.  They have other guests from time to time too.  They put it up on You Tube too like I said.  They started doing this to try and educate the public.  They will tell you there is a lot of information on Facebook, news media, politicians talking that is not accurate.  There is a  Shane Crotty PhD out of California, knows his stuff too.  He doesn’t have his own videos but have seen him on other peoples videos.  So much information has a little bit of truth in it but is still highly inaccurate. 

    JoC it is Dr John Campbell.  I still listen to him but have had to cut back a bit.  He knew it was going to be bad but now that it is, it is really stressing him, I can tell.   Will be glad when the virus chills a bit so I can enjoying watching him again. He very much cares about people and this is very hurtful to him.  Understand as I am like that a bit.  At some point though I realized I had to detach or I would have a much rougher time at enduring the pandemic.  Those who choose to follow the blind are making their bed.  I don’t want to see anybody sick, but if they get sick then I can’t worry about it because that is the bed they chose to lie in and I just have to accept that.  Who I do feel so very sorry for are those who are dependent upon others, have no control themselves, and are at the mercy of those making bad choices.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Oh,okay, I forgot he had been in the Navy.  John Boy was a war correspondent and Jason was in the Army.

     Had a call from my BIL in Texas.  He and his wife live in a small town north of Amarillo. They got their first Moderna vaccination a week or so ago - from their Pharmacy.  His wife had called a few times to see if they had the vaccine and got a call from them when they got some.  He said they seem to be getting about 100 vaccinations at a time.  Neither of them had a reaction and she only had a sore arm for a couple of days.  They both got their little card telling them when to return for their second one.  He said he hadn't heard of anyone having an adverse reaction.  He said while they were waiting the 15 min. some others came in and asked if they had vaccine and got their vaccinations, too.

     Got the dishes done!  Doesn't take long when I get started.  Got the other items on the porch wiped down so will bring them in later.  Of course, when I opened the box with the cheese balls I didn't have on my mask.  It had been there since Friday and guess it was probably packed a few days before - came from NJ.

     The girls are trying to convince me it's feed day.  It's beautiful out - no wind, fairly warm and sunny - a completely different day than Sunday or Saturday.

     Sarah did call - T's partner has been very good to her but she said she told him she didn't want to talk to him anymore - doesn't want to talk to anyone - just wants to go away. 

     Looks like they're going ahead with the impeachment - will give Pence 24 hr.to  let them know if he's going to go the way of the 25th amendment.  I doubt he will.  More and more videos are showing up letting us know just how bad it really was.  Pelosi said the young people who work for her in her office area and they barricaded the door and got under a big table.  They could hear them banging on the door and were scared to death.  Just imagine how scared all of them must have been.  We were so lucky there wasn't more bloodshed.

     Going to stop and watch The Waltons. 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    for those who have a "boffice"

    The originators of National Clean Your Desk Day could not have anticipated that at one point it would include washing your sheets. But hey, thanks for the reminder.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    J just called me.  She was still confused but much calmer.  Was able to redirect her to keep her phone close to mouth and could understand her.  She was back to talking about being able to go home.  Was glad to hear from her.

    Can’t remember if told you guys that suddenly her mail started being left at my sisters house.  We wondered why, and now we know.  My BIL asked the mailman yesterday.  The mailman is a fill in.  He said J told him when he was filling in this summer to start leaving her mail at their house because she was going to move in with them.  Guess he could tell no one was at her house so he left it there.  

    Hope we all have a peaceful day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning, sorry I haven't posted in awhile, but just haven't felt like it. Having bad weeks lately instead of a bad day here and there. 

    3 to 4 inches of snow here in north Louisiana yesterday, which is very much out of the normal weather for us. Cleared the snow off of the wheelchair ramp leading to the house where the wood could dry out as it warmed up. All the snow was gone before dark! Main thing we have to watch for around here is glass ice on the roads.

    Didn't go to the VA for my radiation treatment yesterday. Last year we had a little ice and I fell on my butt getting her out of the house. Since falls is a major concern with my treatments I felt it best not to take a chance. 

    Lou and I really had it bad yesterday. I was cooking supper when the other woman in her came out, started wanting to go home and wouldn't listen to anything i said and insisted i call someone to come get her that she didn't like it here. I had to turn everything off of the stove and try to talk to her. I finally lost my temper when she said i didn't do anything for her; which I know staying calm is the best thing I could do. Ended up finally calling our oldest son for her to talk to, which didnt change her. Finally after about a hour the woman I love came back to me and I could finish supper. 

    Our oldest son text me later and said he was coming this weekend to give me some rest. I think while he is here I will remind him that several years ago he told me Dallas was only two and a half hours away and he would make it a poi point to come see us on several weekends. 

    Lorrita, I been meaning to ask you if you ever watch GRIT TV! It's a channel we get here that is nothing but westerns. Old tv series and movies which I watch a lot of times.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Judith, I still have my boffice but it's moved off the bed.  Still need reminders.

     Sara - glad Jean called and that you were able to talk with her and that she seems better.  So hard to have someone you worry about not call or not be able to talk with them.  Many years ago when mother was still with us I asked the mailcarrier to leave her mail in my mailbox. I was afraid she'd get bills and not let me know and they would go unpaid.  I've regretted that many times since then.  Getting the mail was something she looked forward to.  The mailbox was a quarter mile away from the house (on a different road than now) so she couldn't walk there, or shouldn't, so I'd take it to her.  I did take things that didn't involve bills.  Still regrets.   Guess there's always something you regret.

     Ron, so good to hear from you.  I was almost sure you all were getting snow - what about Lubbock and even Austin - so far pretty unusual winter.  I think another storm's coming through in a couple of days that will go south of us down into Texas.  Wonderful thing for the kids to have snow though.  They can have it - we have mud, mud, mud.

     Just walked out to close the gate into the pasture where I feed and still having to wear boots.  I was as quiet and inconspicuous as I could be but the girls still saw me and are now gathered out front waiting for me to feed them.  I'm going to wait until about 1:30.  There's no way in the world I can get out of this house without them knowing. I heard one bawl - guess that's when she saw me and alerted the others.

     Sorry about the problems you're having with Lou.  Hopefully, she'll get through that phase, if it is one, and return to the lady you love which will make it so much easier for you.  Don't blame you for not getting out in that weather - better be safe than sorry.  It's so very easy to slip down in snow or ice.  Our weather today is beautiful - still cool but is going to warm up into the mid 50s today and 60s tomorrow - then back down again. 

     There's another thread about difficulty swallowing I should probably post this on but this seems to be my homebase and I know you, Ron, have that problem.   Charles had difficulty swallowing and had to resort to using the thickening in things.  Also got aspiration pneumonia from it.  I have trouble sometimes when I eat too fast - which happened this morning. I think I got in the habit of eating fast when I was working and ran errands at lunchtime - only had half an hour so ate on the run.  I try to eat slower and most of the time I succeed.  This happened a couple of weeks ago and after all the trouble of getting over it I don't feel too well for a while.  I'm going to have to try to remember to eat slower.  It gave me a headache this morning.  Seems like there's always something I complain about.

     Mr. Barclee rested well last night until about 4:30, then was restless.  He's asleep beside me now after getting his Amoxicillin and eyedrops but he sounds like he still has that cold.  I've only given him two doses of his meds, more of the Amox, so if he's not better by tomorrow I'll call and see if Mike thinks he needs those injections he got before.  I was so hoping the oral meds would do the trick.  I feel sorry for the little guy - he's so thin and can't see but is still eating really well.  He's had a couple of seizures and has trouble walking - seems like his back legs don't want to work like they should.

    I've been watching Denim & Co. on QVC and kept dozing off.  Then decided I'd watch a little of CNN.  The more I see about what happened last week, the worse it gets.  I heard there were 50 policemen injured and 15 are still hospitalized plus the two policemen who died.  I think I heard one took his own life this weekend - not sure about that.  I still haven't heard how the young policeman who was crushed is faring.

     How scary things are - now the FBI has issued warnings about armed protests in all 50 State Capitols plus Washington, D.C.    It's so hard to believe what's happening.

     Had a call from Synergy (I think it's a home health agency) about Sarah. Had to tell them I didn't think she wanted anyone to help right now but told her I'd call if things change.  I haven't tried to call her this morning but may in a while.  I do hope she's not suicidal.   What happened to those "golden years" we've always heard about.  Doesn't sound like any of us are enjoying them very much.  Of course there are good times we enjoy but they're surely interlaced with not-so-good times.  I've gotta get outside a while - always makes me feel better and gives me a fresh outlook on things.  Surely wish I had that tree limb, Judith.  We still have the front porch but it's too cold to be out there much now.   One bright thing - the winter jasmine is blooming and is fresh and pretty and there's still green around - Southern magnolia and cedars and there's some green grass in the yard.

     I'll stop for now and watch the local news, then feed the girls and get back in so I can watch The Waltons.  Hope everyone's okay this morning.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Well well...DH got vaccine yesterday, unexpected and kind of interesting. For context, my state is where all vax  is going to health care workers and seniors over 65. My county had the overnight lines, then went to a phone system to call for an appointment. The slots for this week filled in 3 minutes, and the lines were jammed/broke down all day because no one knew it filled up so fast. They reported more than a million calls for ~3,000 slots.

    That was last week. Yesterday DH had a long-standing PCP appointment, when we get there they offered him the vaccine. Surprise! Turns out that doctor, and a few others, got some doses because of their affiliation with the local hospital. Official websites had said, and still do, those doctors will be getting it in the future, but not now. (I wonder how other docs like that).

    Apparently the word was out some way (word of mouth?  longtime doc and ppl know each other) this doc had it, because patients were coming in just to get it. Not crowds, but regular. I could not get one myself b/c I’m not a patient, but far more important for DH. I can wait in line or move fast to get one myself, and he can’t.

    He reports no effects or soreness whatsoever, said it was like any other shot.  I’m glad he got it, I would not refuse it, but it seems kind of weird how it’s being handled. Like everything in government, I’m sure there’s a lot we have no idea about.

    The real problem is this county has 250,000 residents over 65, and we’re getting about 10,000 doses a week from the state.  Say, just for example, only half the people want it, that’s still 125,000 seniors, plus all the health care workers. Facilities are supposed to have the vax delivered to residents onsite, but the ones I hear about have not yet.

    I know the retired docs who still have active licenses have volunteered to help here and elsewhere, but no word back yet. Seems like a good idea, although I know you can’t always count on volunteers....

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I had to go get some groceries so I went in early when I knew the store was not going to be crowded. I am starting to not want to leave home for anything. I have never been one to go much after I retired. So I am on another 14 day countdown. I felt sorry for Molly she was with me and each time I got in my car I sprayed my hands. One time it made her cough so I opened the window. I hope she is OK she's been  sleeping ever since we got home. 

    I called my drug store and asked about the vaccine, I was told it would be on their facebook when it comes. Seems strange no one seems to know when that will be. I know its close because the hospital workers are getting theirs.

    Jo,    You are so right I am very lucky to have my son home to help me. He lives in a cabin I have on my property. That cabin is very close so he comes and goes often. I do all the cooking so he comes in for his meals. He works long days so it's nice he lives in the cabin because he leaves at 4:30am and I really don't get up that early.  I had to laugh when you talked about the robot. Molly and Rascal bark and attract my VCleaner when I use it I am sure they would kill the robot. 

     Ron,     It was nice hearing from you. Sorry you have bad days with Lou, she has  no idea what she is doing and I am sure you know that. As far as you getting upset with her don't even let that bother you because you know she will never remember. You are a real good caregiver/ husband for Lou she is lucky to have you.

     Sara,    Jean is so lucky to have you there for her. I am sure each time she calls you it gives her a lot of comfort to hear your voice.

     Lorita,    That soup sounds so good. I have 3 pkgs of it but for some reason I have not been in the mood for it. It sounds like you have a lot of cast iron pans. I have a few I really don't have room  for more then what I have. I keep some of my electric cookers in my bedroom closet till I need them.  You talk about all the stuff you need to return. Our news was telling people today that most companies are telling people to just keep them no need to return and they will still mail the replacement. Sounds like their mail is backing up.  Your girls sound real smart they really have you figured out. They love you and you are so needed.

     Lorita,  You talk about your cats making messes, well I can not put anything on the bottom shelves in my kitchen because if it can be opened Rascal will open it. I have had rice and popcorn kernels and flour all over my kitchen floor.  You are probably banning your hand and fingers on something that causes the bruise. I get bruises on my arms and its because  I bang them on the door jams as I go thru the doors. 

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Zetta, you said you went in to the store early today before so many got there.  I just heard that our local Walmart has been closed for deep cleaning and reopened this morning.  Seems that company is doing that with all their stores - don't know how often.  Our grocery store used to open early for "mature"  people, as Jo says - 7 am. I think but in the winter it's dark here until 7:30 so that's out of the question for me.  Isn't it awful to go on that 14 or 15 day countdown every time you come in contact with someone or some thing?  I don't like to go anywhere and do put it off as long as I can.  Thankfully, I can get feed without going in - the other things I can do without although I'd like to have some dairy products - cottage cheese and yogurt.  I have frozen milk and that works well.  And I can get milk and eggs at our little convenience store - usually only the clerk is in there and maybe one other person - still don't like to go.   Did you really stock up?

    Right now it's quiet here except for the TV - Stormy and Sheena have been outside but came in and had their milk bones and ate some food - they've gone to the bedroom to sleep.  Even the cats are asleep.  Lilly and Sammy can really be rambunctious - jumping over things and knocking things over.  Not unusual to hear things falling even during the night.  Rascal has figured out how to get things open, hasn't he?  They're really smart.  I keep a LocknLock container with dry catfood sitting on the table by the microwave in the pantry and many times I go in there and it's on the floor - they think if they get it down it'll open but it doesn't.  I find cabinet doors open where I keep cans of cleaners, etc. and find some of them on the floor.  Keeps me busy putting things away.

     I just called QVC to see if my Comfy thing is still eligible for return - it is - and I have it packaged to return.  I don't like to return things but sometimes it's necessary.  I thought I'd like it but just not something I found I didn't like.  I can put things with the return labels in our mailbox so don't have to go to the post office.

     I fed the girls this afternoon - they were so ready.  Rose Bud is always the last cow through the gate and she's figured out that I turn the Gator crossways and feed her on the side away from the others so they won't see her - so, she comes right over.  And, the little ones have figured out what I'm doing, too, so they come over and try to eat with  her.  She doesn't like that and pushes them away.  Today all nine babies had stayed down by the barn and where I was when the girls went through.  They're so cute and growing like weeds.  After I fed them Stormy and I went to the mailbox - hadn't gone in a couple of days.  I have a box and put the mail I don't need in it and bring the things I do need to the porch, spray them and let them set a couple of days. 

     Talk about cats tearing things down or up.  I have the dry cat and dog food in the front bedroom and when I go in there to get some at least one cat always manages to get in.  Then, they won't come out so I close the door.  Last week they tore down the curtain - just got it back up today. Couldn't reach high enough until I brought in a little stool to stand on. 

    Rescue Mom - glad your husband got his vaccination.  I know that's a relief for both of you.  Evidently the VA is scheduling their patients, inpatient and outpatient, to get the vaccine.  My BIL said he was scheduled to get his at the Amarillo VAMC but both he and his wife were able to get them at their local pharmacy so he went that way.  I haven't heard of anyone around here getting them - but, again, I haven't talked to anyone.  I'll talk with our neighbor tomorrow and see if she and her husband have had them.  Makes me a bit nervous about the fact they're not going to hold back that second shot - this, to speed up people getting vaccinated.  But, what if they don't have it when your second shot is due.  I did hear today that they think it will last about a year so guess it'll be an annual vaccination like the flu vaccine.  I think I'm still going to sit back and see how things go for a while. 

    Haven't heard anything from Jack since last Wednesday and haven't heard from Sarah.  I've thought about asking for a welfare check since she, to me, sounded suicidal but surely I'd have heard something.  Guess I'll wait and see.

     Zetta - I keep a throw across the back of the divan and a serape on the set.  I bet I straighten those things a dozen times a day.  Those cats delight in messing them up and I don't know how they get both of them so disheveled. 

     Jo - I hope your son is all right.  I tried to find in one of your posts today when his 14 days are up but couldn't find it.  Maybe it was the 20th and your 14 days was a little longer?  Not sure. 

     You all enjoy the rest of the evening. 


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hi Lorita,   

     I got a lot about a months worth. The clerks at the store said everyone was told its time to stock up again .  I have not heard on the news, so not sure where they heard it. My son and I really don't eat a lot so I can usually get enough for the month. When my niece was here she ate a lot day and night. She said being bipolar she could not sleep so she would get up during the night and have cereal or a sandwich or what ever leftovers I may have. She was costing me more then I realized.

    I also have a throw on the back of my couch and one on the couch (aka as a divan???) Molly messes up the one on the couch and Rascal crawls under the one on the back of the couch. I fix them before we go to bed.  My 2 fur babies are very entertaining. I would be lost without them.

    You have a good night I will be back tomorrow. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Going to be a beautiful day - sunny and fairly warm for January.  The sun is really bright.

     Zetta - divan vs. couch - I think they're interchangeable but maybe a lot of how we use the terms depends on the part of the country where we live.  We've always called it a divan and I'm too old and set in my ways to change.  Just a place to sit or for Stormy or cats to lay.

    Stormy stayed outside last night but he came in this morning and he and Sheena had a good time playing after their breakfast - they've gone outside again.  I'm trying to decide if I should take Barclee back to the vet.  I've given him three doses of the oral meds but he still sneezes a lot - in spells.  He was really restless part of the night - just wouldn't lay down and now he's fast asleep and will probably sleep for hours.  He has his nights and days mixed up.

     Ron, I don't get Grit TV - wish I did.  I watch most of the westerns on Inspiration TV and TV Land - I get Bonanza, High Chaparrel, Big Valley, Gunsmoke, Wanted: Dead or Alive and probably more.  I like westerns - grew up watching them and going to western movies with daddy when we lived in town (I was five).  I saw so many of them I'd have dreams of seeing Indians ride up on the horizon north of us - you see that so much in the old westerns. 

     Hope things are better for you and Lou today.  Glad your snow didn't last long - that's kind of how it is here when we get snow - it's usually gone in two or three days.  Our really cold spells usually don't last too awfully long but long enough for me.  In the winters our temps are up and down - today it's going to be in the low 60s, then get colder.

     I've been watching some of the impeachment proceedings on CNN this morning.  So much is still coming out of the riots last week - really awful.  I still haven't heard what happened to the policeman who was being crushed.  Have any of you heard how he is?  I know about 15 of the policemen are still in the hospital and there were at least 50 injured. 

     Hard to believe it's already the 13th of January - this month is going fast.  My daffodils are growing and some of them will probably be in bloom by the end of the month.  I don't like really hot weather but I get tired of cold weather pretty fast, too.  Just too hard on ranchers and others who have to be out in the cold taking care of the poor animals who have to be outside.  Our girls haven't been in the barn for days.  I mentioned we have a lot of fescue grass so there's usually green fescue under the Dallas grass that's fallen over so they'd rather be out grazing.  Reminds me that I need to check the liquid feed today - it may be empty because I haven't noticed them around the feeder lately.  They're really enjoying the different mineral tub I got at our feed store the other day.  They seem to like it better than the ones I get at Atwoods. 

     Filled one water tank this morning and will fill the other two later.  Those girls really drink a lot of water.  And, the birds are eating me out of house and home.  Guess I need to get some more sunflower seeds to mix with it although the kind I buy has quite a lot in it anyway.

     Watching LocknLock on QVC right now.  I have a really hard time not ordering more of it but I have things in it all over the pantry and more in the cabinet.

     I'll stop for now and watch some more TV until it warms up some.  I have to jump start the car today - it sat too long without being started.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,      That policeman was on the news this morning. A little girl name Emma wrote him a get well letter and with the help of many postings she found out how to mail it to him. They met on zoom and he thanked her for the card. He said he is still very sore and has a pretty bad headache but he is getting better. I am sure it will be on your news sometime today I saw it this morning. He choked up when he was telling her thank you.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Thanks, Zetta, glad to hear he survived.  He could have been crushed to death.  How sweet of that little girl.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Emma is a little girl maybe 10. She saw that on TV and it really upset her. I guess it is hard to keep your children from seeing unexpected things on the TV. When my kids were little I pretty much controlled what they saw on TV.  They did not like the news so hopefully they would not have seen that. That was many years ago and things have changed.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Hasn't been a very productive afternoon.  Didn't have to feed the girls and didn't give them an anaplas block - thought I'd do that tomorrow when I feed.  Guess that'll be before noon because we're supposed to have very high winds in the afternoon and the next couple of days.  I dread high winds and this time they'll be from the N and NW.

     Yesterday I tried to start the car to keep the battery up but it wouldn't start so today thought I'd jump it with the Bolt Halo thing.  It didn't work - no idea why because it did last time.  So, brought out the big gun - big battery charger on wheels - didn't work. We've had it for years but it worked last time.  So, what's left is jumping it from the PU.  I don't remember ever doing that before so makes me a bit nervous.  Guess I'll have to look up which things to connect first.  Frustrating that I couldn't get it done.

     Did fill the water tanks and gave Rose Bud her feed after the others drifted off to graze.  Barclee's slept almost all afternoon and is still asleep.  Stormy and Sheena have been outside almost all day.  Did I mention yesterday morning Stormy was barking like crazy so I went out to see what he saw - it was a big coyote walking across the garden between the house and hayrings.  Not in ia hurry, just sauntering along going home for the day.  They're seeing big birds again - hawks, I guess, and it drives them nuts.

     I've watched TV this afternoon - impeachment stuff.  Guess it's over for now since they've voted. 

     Sara - just heard on the news they've found two more variants of the virus - both in Ohio.  Columbus was mentioned and I don't think you're too far from there.  So, please be very careful when you go to the store - maybe pick up would be better for a while. 

     Judith, also heard that Johnson and Johnson's vaccine may be given the go-ahead by the end of the month.  That's a one-shot vaccination.   I talked to Scarlet's partner this afternoon.  All of her family - a couple of brothers and a couple of sisters have all had the virus.  The brother is living with her now and she thinks she got it from either him or her sister.  She didn't have to go to the hospital but was monitored several times a day for fever and blood oxygen levels using a computer or something.  Says she's still tired with not much energy. 

     Tried to get in touch with our neighbor's wife - no answer this afternoon so maybe she'd gone to town but she doesn't go often so don't know what's going on over there.  I had ordered 10 lb. of honey bells for them to thank them for all they do for me - they're supposed to be delivered Friday so wanted to tell her to watch for them.  I'll try tomorrow.

     Haven't heard diddlysquat from Sarah.  Guess I'll let it be - just hope she's not laying on the floor passed out or even worse.  The welfare check last time didn't help much - they say they can't break in - but, you know years ago we couldn't get in touch with my sister and they went over to check on her and did gain entrance.  It was during an ice storm and she and Scarlet had gone out to look for power trucks to get her power back on.  Makes me feel helpless that I can't do anything about anything, it seems.

     Zetta - still enjoying that creamy potato soup - one more serving and I'll have to fix something else.  Thought I might make some cornbread today but didn't get it done.  You mentioned me having cast iron pans - I have two 8 or 9" ones that I use most often, two that are about 5 or 6", the corn bread skillet and a big 10 or 12" skillet.  Years ago I ordered a whole set of cast iron things - even sauce pans.  I have no idea what happened to them.  I think I even seasoned them.

    I had an ocular migraine an hour or so and it left a little bit of a headache.  They're really odd - first you see this tiny spot in the middle of your vision that looks kind of gray - can't see anything in that area.  Then, you begin to see something that's really small and shaped like a boomerang with lights.  This keeps increasing in size until it goes out of your area of vision.  Normally I don't have a headache and it's almost gone now.  I was out in the sun a lot this afternoon so that may have brought it on.  Too much light gets into my eyes from the laser surgery I had and, of course, the cataracts.

     Haven't heard from Jack - cataracts reminded me.  He has really bad ones that should have been extracted a long time ago.  He has a hard time driving and seeing road signs.  Patsy said she was always worried when he went to town.

     Can you believe tomorrow is Thursday already?  This week is really going fast just like today did.  I'll stop for now.  Hope all of you are well tonight.  Sleep well.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good Morning,

    Daffodils coming up, how nice.

    Know Emma won’t see this, but thank you Emma.  May you be blessed with a heart so tender and kind always.  So thankful for people like you.  Those of us with tender hearts do cry a lot, but God’s eye is on the sparrow, he sees our tears.

    Lorita  Columbus is about 45 minutes away.  There is much travel between the two cities.  Right at the present moment, in our county December was the roughest month so far.  We had around 150 new cases give or take a few every day then.  Twelve or  so new hospitalizations each day.  Since January, so far, average 70 -80 new cases each day.  Hospitalizations 5 or 6, now and sometimes less.  Maybe fewer people had a big gatherings on Christmas and New Years.  Hopefully a few people were awakened by what happened after Thanksgiving.  Very thankful that so far we seem to hopefully be slowly improving.  We have two local hospitals, they were very busy in December.  Know one of them, toward end of December stopped elective surgeries.  Believe they are doing them again now.  My sister who works in the lab said hospitalizations have went down a lot.  

    Viruses mutate all the time, that is natural the virologist say.  Whatever it does we need to try and be calm and carry on with ventilation,  distancing, masking and good hand hygiene.  The rules remain the same.   Just because a virus mutates and we see a surge doesn’t necessarily mean it is more transmissible per the virologists.  May be other factors actually causing the surge, or may be more transmissible. Will take some time to figure it all out.  Not all mutations are bad sometimes they may lower risk.  This why we need to be very thankful for our scientists who work on keeping an eye on them so we know what is happening and can respond, instead of acting like we want to be a third world country.

     The good thing about mRNA vaccines is they can quickly be changed to become effective if need be.  Wonder if mRNA  technology used in the vaccines will prove to be very useful medically in the future in many different ways.  Let’s hope they can ease the suffering of many.  ALS was a disease that broke my heart.  Most were not that old and some still had children at home.  

    Take care each one

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Sara,  you're becoming or may already be, very knowledgeable about viruses and how they transmit and mutate.   Good to have you here to keep us in the know. I did hear that when we begin to use vaccines they tend to mutate even more.  Who would have thought something so small they can't be seen with the naked eye could cause so much suffering and turmoil. We may be wearing masks from now on.  I have heard a good thing about the flu - there's not many cases this year and they think it's because we're being more careful and wearing masks.  I've done that during the winter for a few years so taking or trying to take care of one thing helps another.

     It's a beautiful morning but before long the winds will be sweeping down the plains - already getting windy north and west of here.  I don't like for winds to blow when I'm feeding so I've already fed the girls.  I feed on the north side of the barn so thought it would be better to get it done while it's not windy - better for both the girls and I.  They were ready - always are.  Earlier I saw Rose Bud up by the hayrings.  I always go out on the porch when I get up to see if I can spot her - I did and knew where she was.  So, fed Tom and Jerry, then drove out in the Gator to see how things were, got back and put the feed in it and called the girls.  Calling them is honking three times in a row, pause, repeat, pause repeat - but they already knew what was up. Got them fed and drove up and took Rose Bud's feed to her.  She's a sweet cow - a little contrary - really has a mind of her own.  Did check the liquid feeder which is empty so I'll need to get more of that - I'll wait and call Saturday - don't like to have vehicles driving around in the grass when it's windy.  Probably will only get one feeder, maybe two so more can lick at one time. 

     I tried to mail a few things yesterday but just as I left the house I saw the mailcarrier turning around so since I don't like to leave anything I've mailed in the mailbox overnight I just picked up the mail.  So, drove down this morning and mailed those things.  Now, I'm back in the house.  We have two older, huge trees on the north side of the house and when it's really windy I worry about them.  I've tried to have them trimmed  but we have a metal roof and it's so hard for the guys to get a good footing on it - and because of the yard fence it's too far for the cherry picker or whatever they call it to reach out far enough.  I'll try again this spring before storm season. 

     Sara - I was so relieved to know the young policeman was all right - I was so worried about him.  How very sweet for Emma to think of him and to send him a card.  We need more people like that.

     Barclee and I both slept through the night - at least until about 5.  Got him up to go to the bathroom and got him back in bed.  He's still asleep.  He sneezed and carried on some when he woke up but it quickly settled down.  I don't want to have to take him back to the vet so I'll continue with his oral meds - I think there's three more doses.  Stormy and Sheena stayed out last night and they're still outside but will come in a little later and sleep. 

    Hope all of you are well this morning and have a pleasant day.  Jo, wondering how your son is doing - hope everything's all right.

     Back later.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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