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Just need to talk to my friends (138)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Jo., I appreciate your words of wisdom and completely understand what you say. I have tried to ease my caregiver task, but can only do it a little.

    Last summer I hired a professional sitter to come in for a couple of hours, two or three days a week. It worked out until a few problems with her started and I fired her. After awhile I found out a neighbor; who had recently retired, was willing to come over. Unlike the sitter, now when I come home the dishes have been washed, floor cleaned and a time or two washing done. She seems to have a lot of excessive energy and talks a lot, which Lou loves. I now only have a sitter that talks a lot to Lou but a housekeeper also (I forgot to mention she also cooks Lou's breakfast). This works out great but I can only afford to pay her two or three days; usually no more than 10 hours at 15 dollars a hour. Nice thing is she will still pop in here and there for a few minutes just to check on us. It helps when she shows up even for a few minutes,  I can be having problems with Lou and as soon as the neighbor comes in she's a new person. Just wish I could afford more!

    My son understands what is going on! Last summer when I had my surgery for achalasia he stayed with her. He told me it got so bad at times he had to leave the room. I've explained to him conversation is what she needs and is why his weekly phone calls helps. I was hoping he would remember to talk to her during his short visit without me constantly reminding him.

    Thanks to everyone for your concern and I will let you know when I hear back from the covid test. 

    The antibiotics must be working, feeling better already.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Glad to hear you are feeling a little better Ron.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Glad you are feeling a bit better, Ron.  Every little bit of progress is so very helpful.   I understand about the financial aspect regarding getting care into the house, that is no small thing. I find myself wondering if you and Lou would qualify for services through a variety of programs in which you would receive coverage for some of the care hours.  I have a feeling that there would be such assistance, but one must find that in one's own area.  Have you tried contacting a Care Consultant at your local Alzheimer's Assn. office?  They often can assist with referral contacts to various such entities.

    Also, being that you are in the Vet's system, have you spoken to their social workers regarding the Vet's Aid and Attendance Care Program in the home?  My neighbor got that for her husband who had Alz's, and they paid for his aide care which was so very helpful.  They also paid for much more as needs arose.  If not looked into as of yet, this may be very helpful especially in the light that you too are receiving care at the level you are.  You would not have to do much I do not think; the Vet's social workers should be able to facilitate that for you.

    Sandy; those fractured ribs are so darned painful; I am sorry.  Yes; using a pillow to support the area involved can be helpful; especially when coughing, sneezing and taking those necessary deep breaths.  Were you given an incentive spirometer for breathing exercise?  It is amazing how much we use that area for so many things and do not realize it; I am truly sorry for the pain and difficulty this is causing.  Be sure to follow your own doctor's instructions; here is also a link to general information for at home care, but as said, follow your own doctor's instructions:


    I hope the pain lessens soon and that you feel much better soon.  That six week healing period can seem like forever and even afterward, it can take some time for all the discomfort to leave.   If taking pain meds, be sure you get enough water and fiber to avoid constipation which could involve having to push down and cause more pain.  Sometimes a stool softener can assist if this problem arises, but again; follow your own doctor's advice on this and all things.

    Yes Lorita; my 14 days were up yesterday.   My grandson is still in 14 day isolation along with his entire military unit before they deploy to the Middle East.   They do that as a general precaution. Our son who was exposed had his test come back negative for COVID, his 14 days are also up.  He received his second Pfizer COVID vaccination for first responders on Saturday, so in about two weeks he will be protected.  So glad for him.  Other son is due to get his second vaccine in Oregon next week.   Now if only DH and I could gain access to a vaccine that would be great. I am supposed to have mine in a medical setting due to my having multiple allergies, I am hoping for Pfizer as there have been problems with increased severe allergies in larger numbers with the Moderna vaccine in California; bad enough that a number of people had to be hospitalized. They think this may be due to a particular batch of vaccine and initially halted giving it from that batch, but suddenly reversed course and they decided to go ahead with that batch of vaccine anyway. 

    As time moves forward, there will be new and entirely different types of vaccines as there will be time to do the work; this had to be done so fast out of necessity.  Science will catch up,  but as said, it will take time.

    I agree with the peaceful feeling that came from the inauguration and what the possibilities are.  Feel very relieved.  Have to say I was astounded that the prior admin. did not leave a single bit of information about vaccine distribution - nothing.   The incoming new team must now take up a herculean multi-faceted task on behalf of people's lives without any map showing what was/is in the works  re distribution planning; that is a problem.  All of that on top of finding out that the prior admin. had no extra vaccine held back for second vaccinations as they had said they had, so no ability to release it to get more initial vaccinations done. No stockpile as they said there was; not a bit.    How very, very . . . . . well; you can put in your own word, I cannot find one sufficient.

    Watching yesterdays events, I began to wonder after awhile.  How the heck did they sustain the standing and walking all of those hours?  There was President Biden and the First Lady; standing for so many hours and then walking, walking, walking.  And the First Lady in high heels - how did she do it?  They must be exhausted from so much of so much; yet the President is at his desk doing the necessary work on multiple fronts this morning.  Real work. 

    On a no big deal note.  Had salmon and couscous again last night, I really love good salmon.  Have enough to have left overs tonight which is fine with me.  I will put some couscous into some Progresso Tomato Soup for lunch tomorrow; I love that together.  Little things can be so delightful, including the tiny brownie bites from the grocery deli at our market.

    Lorita; I remember the past group discussion re having a commune of all of us front porchers. So this is what I think:  You have a lot of land way out there . . . so let's parcel off a small bit of it which you of course will still own, and we will build little houses on that.  Or we build a shared single story residence with each of us having our own bedroom and bath, but communal kitchen and great room where we can all congregate.  Whichever works. Then we are all in the same spot and can help one another and keep our eyes peeled as needs evolve.  Sayra will be in charge of planning our vegetable garden, Lorita will still be doing her ranching, those who are good cooks can take over menu planning if we have a congregate kitchen; each of us doing our specialty to assist others. Can anyone sew?   And best of all, we can all sit out on the front porch in the afternoon, chatting over a nice cup of tea or glass of wine.  (Tea and chocolate chip cookies anyone?)  No being lonely, but also respect for privacy.  The Front Porch Group.  Nice little fantasy.  Oh yes; we build a tornado cellar.

    Our granddaughter was a passenger in a car that was in a bad accident; they were T-boned by a pickup truck.  Thankfully she was not badly injured.  Huge bruises, a lot of muscle and neck pain and a small conscussion.  Her friend who was driving sustained same along with a fractured pelvis; it took the jaws of life to get her friend out of the car.  Very, very scary for the girls.  So glad it was not worse.  It will take awhile to heal. 

    Time to get myself moving, may this be a good day for everyone and with best wishes for Ron and Sandy and Joan to get much improved soon.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Ron, glad you're beginning to improve pneumonia-wise.  You said your son knows what's going on - what about him contributing toward paying someone to be with Lou to give you a little break and time to recuperate from all you've been going through?  Do you think that would work?  If he isn't able to be there to help in person, maybe that would be a good way he could help.  Never hurts to ask him.

     It's a dreary, cloudy, dark, damp day.  Hate days like this as much as I hate hot, humid summer days.  I have a headache and went into the bathroom and got an acetaminophen to take, now I don't know if I took it or not. So now I'm afraid to take another one for four hours.  Darn, can't even keep up with one little pill - too many irons in the fire - feeding inside and outside cats, getting Barclee up, feeding him and putting in eyedrops, feeding Sheena and Stormy and trying to watch the weather.  Did get my vitamins taken though.

     Jo - unless things have changed since I retired 25 years ago Aid and Attendance is only for the veteran and they do pay for so many hours of in-home care if I remember correctly.  But,, your idea for Ron to talk with the social worker is right on - a social worker worth their salt is the best resource you can have.  I hope things have changed and like I said before it never hurts to ask about something. 

     I love couscous and used to love salmon.  I need to fix some couscous - just never remember. 

     Started my day off with a bang - Sarah called after I got back in the house.  Guess because of my headache I wasn't too easy-going with her.  Of course, she had to stop and go to the bathroom so that ended it.  So, called Todd - as usual, his mail box was full - but- a few minutes later my phone rang and it was him.  He thought he was calling his partner - bet he wished he had.  Guess I put on my Judge Judy hat with both of them - or my mother's hat.  She was a strong lady who didn't mince words so for this morning I became her.  They're both middle-aged people and they're acting like teenagers.  Hope I got a few things across to him - he seemed to agree with what I said and I will talk with her later.  I told him and will tell her that I'm too old to be dealing with their problems and cannot be a mediator. 

     Patsy and I have talked about how alike our mothers were.  I don't think I ever got a spanking but all mother had to do was give me "that look" and call me Dixie Lee and I knew what I should or should not do.  If she called me Dixie, things were all right but add that Lee to it and I knew the jig was up.  Really do miss that lady - hard to believe she's been gone 24 years and daddy 25.  I remember when Carol's mother passed away and she remarked that she was an orphan.  Zetta, I was watching Gunsmoke (of course) last night and the word "parch" was used.  Reminded me that daddy always like to parch peanuts.  He raised peanuts some years and if he didn't he'd stop along the road at a neighbor's field of peanuts after they were harvested and pick up some to parch.  Isn't it funny how one word can bring back so many memories?

     I'm for the communal thing - lots of space here on the farm and there's that 40 ft. porch across the front of the house - plenty of room for all of us.  Wouldn't that be something.  Each of us would have his own expertise and we could all care for each other.. 

     Guess we know now why the past administration didn't share with the present one anything about the vaccine - they couldn't share because there was nothing to share.  It was a beautiful day for America - I hope everyone felt as a lot of us do - that there was a feeling of hope and security from President Biden's message.  We can have hopes that by this time next year or even the fall the virus will be under control.  I did hear this morning that the very worst is expected about mid February - by that time they say there will be half a million deaths in the USA - unbelievable. 

     I'll call Carol later today to see how David (her brother) is.  Do hope he is continuing to get better.  She's worried about her daughters - two of them and their husbands don't even wear masks and go about things as usual.  I think David's illness is making she and her husband rethink things they've been doing or not doing.

     Aren't you glad, Jo, that your 14 days are up?  Always makes me feel better but by the time they're up, another one is ready to begin.  I'm just on my third day after seeing and talking with the liquid feed guy.  Hopefully Brian and Shane will come after they get off work this evening to fix the roof of the carport.  When he's finished what he's doing he comes and knocks on the door, then goes back into the yard - that is, if I haven't seen him coming first - then I go out on the porch. 

     The girls were off grazing when I got up but they've come back to the garden to rest.  Saw Rose Bud and Sweet Pea standing together this morning - watching me when I went out on the porch.  I fed Sally extra once and now she's very watchful.  I closed the gate to the NE pasture and opened the other one to drive through to feed so I'll do that about 2:30.

     The GPs stayed out last night to guard everything - they've had their breakfast and both of them are sound asleep - I think everyone except me is sleeping.  I actually stayed in bed this morning until 7:30 - dark outside and just wasn't ready to get up.

     I'll stop for now and finish my hot tea.  Hope all of you are well this morning.  Sandy, I hope the pain is less today - and that the pain is less each day.  Good link that Jo gave you - just try to avoid coughing or sneezing.  Talk to you later today.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Covid test came back negative! Now all I have to worry about is getting over this pneumonia. VA oncology department called and told me to wait until Monday to restart radiation. It's cool and rainy today and tommorow! I wonder just how long I've been fighting this, last week blood work showed WBC high and lymph count low and it showed the same on ER workup. 

    I've been in contact several times in the past and VA care is mainly for the veterans. There was help in the community but most of that has dried up due to the Covid virus. 

    Lorita, sons have financial problems of their own and I'm probably more able to help them than them me. 


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Ron....you must stay afloat. You do need some help. Even a little will help a lot. Please take a look at this site:


    Lorita....you can not help a dysfunctional relationship. Your having a headache is the best thing to have happened. Tell them to call when they need your help and come on out to the porch where we are waiting for you. Sarah is totally non-responsive to  help and Todd may be just hanging on to get the house. His name is on the deed as well as Sarah's.

    We opened the clothes washer this morning and water flooded out and migrated through the ceiling downstairs. Hmmmm. Should not be able to open during a cycle and who started the cycle. Hmmmm. there goes the screened porch. On to plan B.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Ron, glad your test came back negative.  You probably had or were getting infected with pneumonia when you had your lab work done last week.  Did they do a chest x-ray when they found it?  So good that you're already improving - just take it as easy as you can.

     Judith - I know you're right. My brain tells me that but my heart still wants to help.  I can't do anything from a distance or couldn't do anything if I was right there.  I told both of them they have to work it out - that I can't help.  I'll do my best to back out and let them deal with it.  But, there are things she could do that would help - like getting doctor's appointments, completing paperwork that would help her and other things I'm sure.  Noncompliance is a hard thing to deal with and I'm sure that may be part of Todd's problems.

     I fed the girls this afternoon and they're grazing now.  They still have a little bit of hay.  Just talked with Mike - he has two large animal calls that'll take his evening time so he'll set out the hay tomorrow - and, it's supposed to be sunny.  It's been a dark, dreary, cold day.   One bright thing - I have a daffodil blooming!! It's in a little clump of them that's next to the house on the south side and is always the first to bloom. 

     Talked with Carol today - her brother is improving.  His wife who is a nurse at the hospital where he is said he had sausage and eggs for breakfast and is already wanting to go home.  He's on normal oxygen so must be still having a bit of a problem.  They were so elated that he's better.  Not sure where he picked it up.  He had been helping his SIL work on a house and also unloaded some feed so they're not sure.

     She sent me a text of the number of covid cases in our little town.  It has a population of 159 as of 2018 and there has been 100 cases, 6 still active, 2 new ones and 2 deaths.  I haven't talked with anyone from there although I'm only 2-3 miles away.  Scary thing - makes me think I won't go into the convenience store for milk and eggs when I have to go get Gator gas. 

     Better go and make sure the gate is open for the girls to come back through tonight and also need to top off the water tanks.  Back later.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Just saw a bit of an interview with Dr. Fauci.  He says he feels liberated being able to tell people the truth about what's happening.  He seemed much more relaxed than in the interviews I've seen lately.  He's also going to be at all the meetings about the virus which I think will be a daily happening.

     Judith, so sorry about your washer.  Guess it is a front loader - was it not in use at the time the water collected in it?  Seems like there's always something going wrong that we have to take care of, doesn't it. 

     Stormy and I went out and made sure the gate was open so the girls can come back through.  Five of the little ones were coming through and one big cow, Penny, kept following us around - curious about Stormy, I guess.  There's one young bull, not a little calf - he's about 9-10 months old - who trumpets like a bull who weighs a ton.  I fact, I never heard Jasper or Casper trumpet like that.  Sounds like an elephant trumpeting.

     Going to stop and warm up some of the Cheddar Broccoli soup for supper.  I've been snacking on Cheese Balls.

    Back later.

    7 p.m.  Just talked with our friend, Sandy.  Remember she fell a few days ago and has a broken nose and fractured ribs plus other things.  She's not feeling any better, in fact, she says each day she feels worse.  She's short of breath and has sharp pains in her shoulder.  A day or so ago she said she had a pinched nerve in that shoulder.    I asked her if a heating pad would help - she thinks it might but she can't get it plugged in.  Her daughter's coming over tomorrow so maybe she can help her do some things. 

    She said Lucy, her little dog in her avatar was hungry so she managed to get up and find something for Lucy but didn't feel like getting herself something for supper.  I think when you fall it jars your body in so many ways and it takes a few days for it to recover.  Hard to live alone - makes me  think twice about climbing up on that ladder into the back of the PU.  One sip and your life can be changed.  Carol says her main objective is not to fall.

    I asked Sandy to post but she says she doesn't even feel like reading.  Maybe she will tomorrow - at any rate, I'll call her and report.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning

    Ron glad to hear that your covid was negative.

    Feel sorry for you Judith.  Know that is a mess to deal with. 

    Worry a bit about Sandy, especially if she is not moving around and sounds like she isn’t.  This is setting her up to get pneumonia.  Living with someone and living alone each have their advantages and disadvantages like everything in life.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Judith, how much damage did all that water do?  Can't imagine what happened and how the washer got into a cycle.  I remember when our hot water tank started leaking and water got everywhere.  It ruined the floor in the utility room that will have to be replaced.  I thought I'd have it done last spring but the virus reared it's ugly head and I still haven't gotten it done. I have wide boards laid out so I can walk on them to distribute my weight and not fall through.  That would be a bad thing.  You know if you own something, there's always going to be something that has to be fixed but that doesn't help our feelings, does it?

     Ron, hope things are better with you and Lou this morning.  Hopefully, you can rest well at night and if Lou takes a nap during the day, that's the time you should also nap.  If she isn't doing that now - you can easily get her into the habit.  Just takes a couple of days until you really want that nap. 

     It's sunny today - great for that but it's chilly and windy.  Bryon's coming in the morning to work on the carport roof.  Will be glad to get that done.  Really don't care how it looks, just so he can fix it so it's secure and the rest won't rip off.  It's behind a tree so it doesn't show.  I have some heavy tires out by the carport so I'll ask him to put them on that corner to weigh it down.  I couldn't lift them.

     Sandy, if you're able to read today, I do hope you're feeling some better.  When you get your heating pad plugged in and can use it, I'm sure it'll help you some.  Hope your doctor called you this morning.  I hate to wait for return calls but it seems it's always necessary these days.

     I'm in a quandary about what to do with Barclee.  He slept until about 4 a.m., got him up to the bathroom, then he wouldn't go back to sleep.  He turns around and around like dogs tend to do before they lay down.  I'd lay him down and he's jump back up.  Sounded congested.  Finally went back to sleep for a while.  He's asleep now in the chair and seems okay but he wouldn't eat breakfast.  He's always ready to eat.  I'm afraid he's on the downward slide.  He's so painfully thin.  He still falls off the bed even though I think I had it fixed so he couldn't.  I don't know whether to take him back to the vet or let him be peaceful.  I'm thinking about calling to see if I can talk with him about Barclee and see what he thinks.  He doesn't book appointments on Saturdays so the wait is long - if I took him it would be better to do it today.  Don't know what to do.  He's had two rounds of antibiotics in the last less than two months.  Seems odd that sometimes he sounds very congested and other times not.  I wanted to give him an allergy pill, Medrol, this morning but couldn't even get his mouth open to try.

     It seems like things never go smoothly for very long - there's always something that comes up that has to be taken care of or that brings on worry. 

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Stay safe.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning All,

    Lorita,      So sorry to hear that Barclee is not doing well. Decisions in cases like these are so hard to make but I am sure what ever you do will be the right thing. He knows you love him. I know what you say when you talk about not remembering if you took your pills. I lay mine out each morning and that is how I remember to take them. I have a morning pile and a evening pile and they stay on my counter till I take them. If I have anything extra to take that day I will add them to the pile I want it to go in. 

    I was not part of the group that talked about the community dream but I would love to be part of the community. If we were all together it would be so comforting to know we are there for each other. I am a very organized person and I do not like clutter so I would be the person to pick up after everyone. In the summer I sit on my back porch with my glass of wine I would love to sit with all of you. I know this is a dream but one only can hope. 

    I also wish I lived close to someone who I could go help. Since Dan has been gone I don't feel needed much. I guess I should not say that Molly and Rascal need me.

    Ron,     Your someone I wish I could help with the care of Lou, You are so lucky to have a caring neighbor. Please make sure your getting the rest you need.

    Sandy,   Your also someone I wish I lived closer to. Living alone is not good when you can't plug in your heating pad. Heat is good if you have a heating blanket maybe just wrap it around you and get comfortable and stay. 

    Jo,    I was also thinking the same thing about all the walking they were doing in the heals. They were probably getting a lot of rest during down times. I though it was funny when they talked about Pres. Clinton dozing off during Pres. Biden's speech. He maybe was probably so tired. But if you look he might just been closing his eyes to the cold and wind. It looked like V.P. Pence who was in front of him had his eyes closed also. 

    Judith,    Sorry to hear about your washing machine. I just bought a new one and I was thinking about a front loader. I decided against because I though what if it had a leak. I am glad I got a top loader.

    I loved all the fireworks they had. The men that set the fireworks up were on the news last night and I guess that display was the biggest one they had ever done. It was set up and stretching miles away and timed to go off one right after the other to get all the special affects. They said the sound was head in the neighboring state.  

    I better go its almost time for Gunsmoke. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     I also thought about the high heels the women were wearing.  Those times are past for me.  When I worked, we wore heels to work, then on the wards we wore what they called pixie shoes.  When we went to the canteen for breaks and at quitting time we again wore heels.  Could not do that now and wouldn't want to.  I can wear boots with heels but they're stacked and some wedges.

     I imagine they were closing their eyes because of the cold and wind.  I've found that wearing a mask when outside and it's cold helps a lot.  Also have some that cover my entire face except the eyes but it's hard to breathe in them.

     Carol just sent me a picture she'd found of five of us when we went to the 80th birthday party of the friend who passed away this past week.  Then we had a nice visit.  She was born in the house across from our farm the year my parents and grandma moved out here - 1936.  There's no one left now to talk with about people who used to be around here or things that happened.

     I don't know what to do about Barclee.  He's still sound asleep - not a peep out of him.  I'll wait a little while and call the vet's office to get their opinion.  I have a bottle of Amoxicillin I could give.  One day before long I'm going to have to get a couple of mineral tubs - I'm thinking maybe the end of next week when I have to get feed and make one trip do it.

     FedEx just brought the 5 week supply of cat and dog food - the porch is indeed full of boxes now.  Tomorrow I'll be able to start opening them and wiping down the contents.  No hurry for the dog food. 

     My left arm hurts today - the place where I had my 2018 flu shot.  Had another headache but it's better.  I think it's stress related - Sarah and her situation and Mr. Barclee. 

     Zetta, I'm watching Planet Earth now.  Saw the cutest thing.  This huge whale had a little one and when it would get tired she'd support it to the surface so it could breathe.  Sad thing - they have the little ones in a warm part of the ocean where there's nothing for her to eat but she stays there with the baby for months until it's strong enough to swim with her to the feeding grounds.  Mother's love is something else.

     Better stop and find a bite to eat.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,     I am getting worried we had not heard from you today. I hope alls well with you and Barclee. Please let us know. Hugs Z
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Everything's okay, Zetta, thanks you for your concern.  Just been busy.  Bryon and his son came this morning and I asked him if he's jump start the car for me.  I have a new battery charger but haven't opened the box yet.  He did but it took a long time.  My battery cables were kind of rusty (hadn't been used in years) and his were, too (laying in the back of his PU).  But, he finally got it started and we let it run a long time while they worked on the corner of the carport.  He said some of the boards were rotted but he managed to get a couple of nails to hold after he got it back in place - then put three big tires on top to hold it down.  Said when it got warmer he'd come back and cut some wood and fix it better.  I'm relieved to have that done because it's supposed to rain the next two days.  In late February I'd like to get him to trim the holly and the huge shrub at the side of the house and paint the corral, barn  trim and entryway.  Also the porches.  Guess I could do that though.

     I drove the car down to the mailbox, then came back and got Stormy and we drove around the section - for a total of about 5 1/2 miles.  I think I remember Sara saying she takes her car for a drive every week.  That's what I'll have to do.

     I waited until about noon, then fed the girls.  I wore gloves that have the mitten part that folds back over the hand so you can use your fingers.  I can't open feed sacks with gloves on and my fingers almost froze.  Gave Gray Lady and Rose Bud their feed and watched them eat, then checked the creepfeeder and put an anaplaz block in one of the mineral tubs.  Closed the gate to the NE pasture so it'll be easier to put out hay today.  Glad to get back inside.    Darn, I forgot to wear a face mask while I fed because of the feed sacks but did have a hood-like thing that zips  up over your nose but it was below my nose.  Anyway, I've had that feed for a couple of weeks so it's probably okay.

     I'm watching a really interesting show on Smithsonian Channel "Planes That Changed The World" about development of spy planes.  I remember when Francis Gary Powers was shot down - way back in 1960.

     Just texted Carol to see if her brother's still improved.  Return text said he is still improving.  She's in Tulsa with brave Mr. Bill.   He doesn't seem to be afraid of the virus (she is) but she goes when he wants to.  Both of them do wear masks much of the time. 

     Thanks, Zetta,Mr. Barclee slept through the night without any seeming congestion.  Got him up about 7:15 to go to the bathroom, then back to bed until about 10.  Put in his eyedrops, gave him his Lasix and Amoxicillin and fed him.  He's asleep now.  The vet said at his age he needs Nutri-Cal twice a day.  When I give it to the GPs I get it on my finger and then in the roof of their mouths.  But, with Barclee  licking it off my finger was the way he took it.  I forgot to give it to him so better stop and do that.

     Hope everyone's okay today.  Haven't talked with Sarah since I got on to her and Todd.  I'll wait until she calls.  Think I'll make a chocolate cake or maybe brownies in those little cupcake liners.  Have any of you ever done that - wonder if they'd be dry.

     Back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   I am glad to hear everything is O.K.   I use cake mix for cupcakes but I never have used brownie mix in the cupcake cups. If your using a brownie mix I think sometimes it shows on the box how to use it more like a cake mix so that might be a good way to keep it from being dry.

    I made some corn bread yesterday. It is a mix and every time I make it I am the only one who eats it. So yesterday I just took a little of the mix and added a little water and made me a small piece of cornbread. It was real good so now I know I don't need to make the full box. 

    It's quiet on our porch this morning I hope every one is fine and just having a quiet day. We got a few inches of snow last night. I will be so glad when it stops snowing.

    Happy Saturday to All. Hugs Z  

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Not much going on here. It is an inside day. 

    I finally got some Woolite to wash the sweater we bought from Susan on the Aran island of Inishmore. Then found out it was best to use a product called Eucalan. It is a no rinse product and will be much easier to use. I had an interesting time googling the sweater care. Susan had a little trailer on the side of the road to Dun Aonghasa. The women knit all winter and then sell in the summer or that is how it used to be. It is a real cottage industry. now many of the sweaters are loomed so I consider the ones we bought to be treasures.

    Has anyone else heard of or used Eucalan???

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Woke up this morning to find my uncle on the floor at the foot of his bed (camera doesn't show that angle) watching the events on the camera from last night he got up then moved to the foot of his bed and fell. So that was about 2 am. I didn't check on him until 8 am.

    I called the neighbor to get him off the floor. The carpet under him was soaked with urine.  Makes me sad that he laid there for hours.

    Only good thing was he got into the shower (caregiver has had no luck the past 2 weeks getting him into shower) 

    He said he was dizzy so I took his blood pressure (was fine)  gave him some juice with his meds, got some clothes on him and put him to bed (I can hear him snoring) He said nothing hurts (thank goodness) 

    I just ordered 2 more cameras for his room. I may need to hire a caregiver to stay in his room at night so I can sleep without worrying.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Quiet day for me too.  Was a beautiful sunny day, cold though.

    Have never heard of it Judith.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Zetta, I make an iron skillet of cornbread, cut it into pieces and freeze it.  Then, when I need a piece I just microwave it - very good.  Also, have you ever had fried cornbread or what I call corn pone.  I looked up recipes for it and it's not like we make and like.  All we do is add boiling water to corn meal mix, then spoon some into our hand and pat it out thin to about a half inch and carefully slide it into hot grease or oil.  It gets nice and brown and crusty and is delicious.  Charles' mother was Indian and she loved for us to make that.  Of course, in the south we like everything fried so it's right up our alley.  Except, I haven't eaten anything actually fried in several years.

     Carol called - her brother's still improving and they're ready to move him into a regular room but none are available so for now he's still in ICU.  His daughter who's about Sarah's age and is not in good health has tested positive and is in the hospital now, too.

     Judith, is this a sweater they made from wool from their sheep that they spun into yarn?  I've never heard of the product you mentioned either.  I looked at pictures of the area you mentioned - I imagine in person it's pretty but looks a bit rough and forboding to me - mostly what they showed was a lot of rocky areas but the rock houses were so pretty. 

     Nicole - so sorry about your uncle falling - I know you do hate that he laid there that long but you didn't know.  If he was on carpet he was probably as well off as he would have been in bed.  Glad there were no injuries.  You know we do our best and things still happen that we can't prevent. 

     Sara - it's been a raw day here, too - no sun and cold and windy.  Tomorrow is supposed to be in the mid 50s but rain late, through the night and on Monday morning.  Even some discussion of severe weather.

     I've watched nature shows this afternoon - watching another one right now until Dr. Pol comes on - supposed to be a new show tonight.  Barclee has slept most of the day.  I gave him the Nutri-Cal this evening and he almost took off my finger.  That must taste really good - I think I'll test it.  Luckily I had them give me another tube of it.  I had three or four tubes but only part of one of the Nutri-Cal.  The others were Katalax so wouldn't have worked. 

     So glad that corner of the carport is fixed so the rain doesn't come in.  Maybe this spring I can get Bryon and Shane to clean it out.  Need to dispose of dozens of feed sacks.  Normally I keep up with getting rid of them in the trash but this winter it's been overwhelming and I just didn't get it done.  If we get a snow, maybe they can be burned.  Things are so scattered in there because cows or calves have gotten in and knocked things around.  It's not like a carport you have in town - it has a dirt floor and I'm not sure what's in there or has been, animal-wise.  I saw that pretty cat again today when I was going to the mailbox.  She (I imagine) has a light colored body and a dark tail.  It's probably coming up and eating catfood with Tom and Jerry - and that's just fine with me.  Everything has to eat.

     Saw on the news today they discovered someone west of Muskogee was hoarding dogs.  They found 80 of them and said they were scared, withdrawn and just not good.  They showed a few of them that looked all right but you could tell from their eyes they weren't happy.  Why or how do you hoard dogs?

     Stormy and Sheena are outside staving off the coyotes and wolves so better stop and let them inside.  I think the wolves have gone east to hunt.

     I'll stop for tonight.  Hope all of you have a good evening and can sleep well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Well, that's the pits.  Typed a post almost to the end and it disappeared.  This one will be abbreviated so if I lose it, it won't matter much.

     It's another dark, dreary day.  When I got up it was foggy and misty - that's gone but it's still cloudy but not too cold.  Supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow.  I need to go get some mineral tubs but can't do it when it's rainy - they still have some so it's not a must-do.

     Drove out and saw all the girls and babies after Mike put out the hay.  They had been in the NE pasture and when he opened the gate I watched the little ones coming out, one behind the other going to the creepfeeder.  When I drove by there were five in it with a couple more waiting to go in.  Gave Rose Bud her feed for the day but she was hanging around so gave her a couple more scoops.  She'll go to the liquid feeders now.  Really cute watching the little ones around the liquid feeders - the cows do the licking and deposit some of the feed around the licks and the little ones lick that.  Not strong enough to move the wheels themselves.

     Joan, I hope you're continuing to improve.  Seems like it takes longer than we'd like for things to get better.  You'll be better by Spring.  I've already seen buds on the maple trees and daffodils are beginning to bloom.  The vet said the fescue is really growing and cattle are beginning to graze quite a lot.

     Saw a really good interview this morning on Face the Nation, I think, with Dr. Birx.  Really interesting to hear how things really were.  I know when I see Dr. Fauci (and he was on this morning on another show) he seems so much more relaxed and forthcoming with information.

     I'll stop and watch some more of ITKWD and then later I need to open the boxes on the front porch and wipe down the things and get them into the house. 

     Hope all of you are well this morning.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Been a gray day.  A bit nippy when I set the garbage out.

    My aunt had her second vaccine yesterday.  She only has a sore arm today.  My sister gets hers second one Thursday.  

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Thank you Dixie for your phone calls to check on me.  You’re a good friend and I appreciate you.  Hope Barkley continues to improve.  The rain you are expecting will probably be the snow we are expecting.  You’re rain usually gets to us the next day or so.

    Thanks to Jo, Nicole, Sara,Judith and Joan for your advice and well wishes.  Jo, I wish it was easy to follow the advice in the link you sent.  Just can’t do the deep breathing.  Coughing is really a nightmare, I avoid it as much as possible. 

    I have a watch that detects falls but just like Dixie, mine was on charge when I fell.  Unlike Dixie, I do wear it when it doesn’t need charging.

    Take care, thanks again .


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Sandy glad you were able to check in.  Keep working at trying to do your deep breaths consistently.  Each hour when you are awake try 10 times, deep breath then hold it and count to five slowly, breathe out.  Splint firmly with your hands while doing it.  If you do this consistently,  usually the pain will start slowly easing off a little too and you gradually can start taking deeper breaths.  As you do the deep breathing it helps the muscles to very gradually start relaxing.  If you don’t the muscles stay all tensed up.   Hope this helps you.  This is how I worked with my patients that came in with fractured ribs.  Usually at first they sort of thought I was a pain I think.  Would keep going back every hour to say it is time to do this again.  Usually what happened was by the fourth or fifth hour when I walked in they would smile at me and say I have already done it. Then I  smiled, gave them a thumbs up, and said to myself mission accomplished we are now over the hump they will be ok. Just checked in on them every three or four hours after that.  Also stay sitting up in the chair  and up walking around as much as you possibly can.  Way better for your lungs.  When lying down, change positions frequently. Take care.  Know this is not easy.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Isn't this a great place to come?  We have an RN who keeps us in line medication-wise and a Respiratory Therapist who can tell us what we need to do to recover from injury and keeps our lungs in shape.  Could not be better.  I am so privileged to know all of you and I'm sure others feels the same.

     It's cloudy and dark here - and WET!  It began to rain last night before I went to bed.  Poor Sheena's afraid of thunder so when she hears the first rumble she stays next to me for security.  Evidently it rained all night because things are flooded.  Luckily our house is on an elevated piece of land so we don't flood but there's still water standing everywhere.  So glad we got the hay out yesterday and I don't have any FedEx or UPS guys coming to mess up our road.

     Remember they told me our trash pick-up will be at 7:30 a.m. so I got up at 7, got my duds on and Stormy and I took the trash down.  The County Line is flooded on either side of our drive-way. The water running down the ditches is at least 4 ft. wide and running fast.  It would be interesting to know if the trash guy did run at 7:30. By the time we got back to the house it had begun to get foggy so couldn't see when he did run.  Some of the girls were coming out of the barn when I went out so guess they stayed in there last night out of the rain.  They're kind of scattered now - some grazing, some laying down and others eating hay.

    Stormy stayed outside last night to protect us and he was wet, wet when he came in.  He's sound asleep now on the divan and Sheena's sleeping on her rug.  I gave Barclee his medicine, eyedrops, Nutri-Cal and breakfast and he's sound asleep.  Sandy, he slept all through the night.  You'd think taking Lasix he'd need to go to the bathroom all the time but it's about the same.  Those Lasix tablets are tiny, tiny and he loves the Nutri-Cal.

     I watched a couple of hours of QVC - LocknLock yesterday and just had to order a couple of things.  I always think I have enough but you can use it for everything and storage of pasta, beans, etc. - even packets of soup and crackers.

     Chiefs are going to the Super Bowl again to defend their title.  Good game and Mahomes was all right after his slight concussion the week before.  Really don't think it's too fair that the Buccaneers will be able to play in their home stadium but they didn't know at the time they selected the location that they would be playing so guess it's all right.  Hope KC wins.

     Carol texted me just after the game to give me an update on her brother's condition.  He is still improving but both of his daughters have the virus.  The one who has underlying conditions is in ICU and the other one is quarantined at home.  So far David's wife, who is an RN, hasn't gotten it. 

     Sara, glad your aunt has her second vaccination and your sister will get hers this week.  Kind of scary not knowing if you'll be able to get the second one when it's due.  One of my SILs called yesterday - the one who had the stroke two or three months ago.  She's now staying by herself, has been since the first of the year.  So wonderful that she only has some trouble with her speech but it's not bad.  She says it's sometimes kind of hard to get the right words out - she's taking speech therapy twice weekly.  She drives, cooks, takes care of her home all right and she's 84.  Today her DIL is taking her to the doctor - in Amarillo - to get the things she needs for them to do a sleep test tonight - at home.  They think she has sleep apnea.  She told me her daughter slept with her when she was there a month or so ago and said she talked a blue streak all night long.  Tomorrow she has an appointment with a neurosurgeon - she's upset about that, doesn't know why she needs it.  She's like me, not sure she wants to take the vaccine until she knows more about it.  Charles' brother and his wife have both had their first vaccination with the second due in about a week.

     Sandy, I know how coughing or sneezing must hurt and I'm so sorry.  I think Sara has given you good advice that I'm sure you'll follow as much as you can.  It worries me that it's hard for you to fix something to eat and like you said, thank goodness for frozen dinners.  Sounds like that Progresso soup will be good when you get your snow.  The weather map this morning looked like a box of crayons - so many colors denoting snow, rain, weather warnings, etc.  Hope you don't get as much snow as we got rain.  Take it as easy as you can when you're not doing the breathing exercises.  You know Sarah said she fractured some ribs but she doesn't talk about it now so guess that has improved.

     Need to do dishes today and I may (not sure) make some applesauce cookies.  I've never had them but I found a recipe for them and it sounds easy.  I made one of those chocolate cakes Saturday - they are so good.  From the time you decide to make it until the time you're eating the first piece is within an hour - my kind of baking or cooking. 

     Today is feed day for the girls but I don't think I'll feed - they have lots of hay and liquid feed and the babies have creepfeed - it's so very  muddy out there and if I feed tomorrow, Thursday and Saturday I can get feed next Monday and start over feeding again. The liquid feed guy (another Mike) thinks I'm feeding them too much.  He says once or twice a week for the creep is enough when they have the liquid feed.  I like for them to have something to chew on so I did cut down 50 lb. but will continue to feed every other day and sometimes every third day.  I guess I'll wait until then to go get the mineral tubs - will get them on the way home.  Sorry, doing my weekly planning that I know is of no interest to you all.  Guess I use you all as my sounding board.

     Just watching another LocknLock show and I see something I doubt I can live without.  I need to get rid of all the other containers and just use it.

     Hope all of you are well today.  I saw Ed on another thread stating he hadn't seen a post from Jo C. lately.  Hope things are all right out there.  Maybe she'll post today.  We miss our friends when they don't post. 

     I'll be back later.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    I got my first vaccine shot—Moderna—a few days ago. No side effects at all, my arm had a twinge of muscle soreness, but I would not have noticed if I wasn’t thinking about it. But I feel like I won the lottery. My state is supposed to be doing only seniors and some HC workers, but there is nowhere close to meet the demand. The phone line and website for required appointments crashes within minutes. 

    I don’t know how I got through—4,000 ppl did, amid 250,000 ppl trying—but I did, and got it at a pharmacy. The form is kinda long and complicated, you have to be fast, and know what you want. If you have to stop and think, you get closed out. After the shot, they asked me to wait 15 minutes, I did, but all good.

    DH got his Pfizer vax a week or so ago from his doc. (Docs are now out). We both have appointments for the second one, which they say they planned for and can handle, now I have to hope that’s available. But I feel very fortunate to get what I did. 

    The whole process is a mess. The state (FL) says feds don’t give them enough, the feds say the state hasn’t used half what it already has. And Publix grocery drugstores can give it in some counties, but not in others—which means fewer places providing it.  The state decides that, but nobody knows how. Some have said blue counties not allowed to get it at Publix, which is largely correct, but several red counties are not, either. Meanwhile, Athena Dade  (Miami) county commission chair got 1,000 doses to give out as she sees fit, and other commissioners got 100 each to give out as they choose.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Rescue Mom,    It is good to hear you both got your shot. Is there anything on the form we have to answer with out packing a lot of information with us? Like dates of illness. 

    Sandy,   I am glad to hear your starting to improve a little bit. I find the stretching  and taking deep breaths helps with a lot of things. Sara gave you a lot of good and helpful information I  am thankful for the information she gives us. You have been in my prayers please don't over due things.

    Jo,      I have been wondering about you also, as you can see you are missed by many. I sure hope all is well with you and your family.

    Lorita,   You are always so busy I know I don't need to remind you to be careful but I will any way. Please be careful in the mud so you don't get stuck any place. Have your phone or your alarm button with you.  You make me laugh when you talk about ordering all the stuff and it stacking up on your porch. I watch The Hoarders on TV and it reminds me of my Mom who would order a lot of stuff. Do you have room for everything you order?  I bet you keep busy cleaning everything off before you bring it in. 

    We got a little more snow but the sun is shining today so hopefully the snow melts. 

    Take Care all. Hugs Zetta 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Zetta, I can answer your question about the form to fill out, from my state's perspective. It may vary. Name, address, phone, email, DOB, age, questions such as do you feel sick today, have you had Covid, are you allergic to anything. Some sites will ask you to upload your insurance card as well. 

    We are on major snowstorm #3, seems like one every other week!. We had one with 8", one with 5" and this one could be 8-12". It started snowing today around noon. 

    I went and got my vaccine this morning. I was fortunate to get in as they just opened it up for 65 and over last week, and the website was fine, but trying to actually schedule - well, you were in competition with many others. You may want to contact your state or county health dept to find out how you can get signed up.

    Best wishes to all.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Beth,   Thank You for the information. I got a e mail from the clinic my Dr is at. The vaccine is here we are being told over 65 is next. They will let us know when it is time to schedule our appts. The shots will be given at the Doctors office. Its nice you got your shot. Thanks Again
  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Zetta, re: questions on my form. This differs bigtime, depending on your county and who is giving the vax. But in addition to the usual questions about allergies, past illnesses, etc., i had to have my Medicare number, and specify which drugstore—out of the dozens offering—I preferred. 

    In my case, i was applying at Publix grocery pharmacies. And there are dozens of them, IDed by address. You had to know the address of the one you wanted, there were lots on the list and addresses was the only way to differentiate. I know how to drive there, but knowing the address is different

    I could look at the form online ahead of time, and knew what info was needed. Otherwise I would have had to stop and hunt for it. But as said, different places do different things. The questions on this form were different, and longer, than questions on other forms in my county.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Glad those of you who were waiting to get your vaccinations have been able to get them.  Hope all goes well with them. 

     Zetta, all the boxes are off the front porch except three from Chewy.  They have heavy sacks of dog food, cat food and canned dog food.  When I open them I bring them into the front bedroom, just off the LR - and leave them there.  No one else is here so that's the most convenient place.  That's the room where I was born almost 79 years ago. The other things go into the pantry so everything has it's place.  I use a lot of LocknLock and that helps keep things organized.  I'm always glad when the boxes are off the porch though.  If I order half a dozen things from Walmart, sometimes they come on different days and in two or three boxes.  They use a lot of packing which is good so things don't get crushed. 

     I didn't feed today because it's so  muddy out where I feed.  I told the girls earlier I wasn't going to - a few came out front and stood around a little while but drifted off.  I went out a while ago and looked for Rose Bud.  She was in the garden by the yard fence so told her to come around and I'd feed her.  She did and I just now saw her going back around probably to get a drink.  I did fill the water tanks this afternoon.  It's amazing how much those girls drink.  But, I'd must rather keep the water tanks filled and keep them away from the ponds during the winter.  When I let the girls out of the NE pasture yesterday I saw one big calf headed for the area where I had been working on the fence.  I haven't called out neighbor to see if it got in but I imagine it did.  I'll either have to have the man who built the fences a few years ago rebuild it or maybe our neighbor's nephew will rebuild it if I furnish the wire and t-posts.  He rebuilt our south fence a couple of years ago.

     Barclee has slept a good part of the afternoon so I think he's better - no coughing or sneezing.  I ordered a couple of those elevated dog dishes - got them out of their boxes, wiped down the stands and washed the bowls.  They're square and wrought iron and the bowls are stainless steel.  Stormy and Sheena really seem to like them because they don't have to bend over to eat and they look better than the big, round trays I was using.  I keep their bowls in the LR so this is better.  I was afraid they've move them around but they're heavy enough they don't seem to move.

     Got my vet bill paid - I've paid about $300 for his upper respiratory infection but he's worth every cent.  I think going to the vet costs more than going to a doctor - wish I had insurance on them.  Also paid my AAA for another year.  It has really come in handy many times over these past 28 years.  Did find out if necessary they would bring out a battery at a discounted price and install it.  Good to know.

     They had some excitement in a town in NE Okla. today.  There were two shooting call-ins - one for the school and another for a McDonalds.  So, things were shut down for several hours.  Nothing happened but everyone was really scared.

     It's been a quiet day - I think lifting those heavy sacks of trash out of the back of the Gator bothered my costo and my pulse rate was high this afternoon.  Took a Librium and it was back where it should be in an hour or so.  Don't know what caused that - but, it's usually a bit high.  Had mashed (instant) potatoes and English peas for supper.  I wanted to, and did, order what I thought was a box of instant potatoes and when they came it was three boxes - so, I'm set for mashed potatoes for a while.  I have a couple of those flip-top LocknLock containers and it still had some in it from when Charles was here six years ago.  I tried some of them but I didn't think they still tasted good. 

     Sorry about the snow you all are having.  Our weatherman says we might have a few flakes tomorrow or Wednesday - I can do without that. It'll take quite a while to get things dried up some after all the rain we had - at least 2".  Saw one mineral tub that had 4" in it.

     Sandy, hope you're feeling a bit better today.  Glad you have Lucy to be with you for company.  I know she's quiet but it's good to have her around.  I couldn't make it without all my fur babies even though Sammy and Lilly get really rambunctious. 

     I'll stop for now and watch the World news to see what's happening today.  Hope everyone's well today.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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