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Just need to talk to my friends (138)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    I think the "off balance" was from the shot. I already have a balance problem so the addition sort of kept me from doing much. I never felt at all sick.

    NYT is the New York Times. Grandaughter nurse said they had patients in St Louis from OK and I know others have been sent to Wichita. 

    I ordered triple layer masks!

    The cowboy/realtor is replacing all door hinges. We both counted and we both missed some doors...not the same ones...lol. I had replaced the brass knobs with pewter and am just now replacing the brass hinges.

    Winda had her covid test for pre-op colonoscopy. She did not like it. Went  home and went to bed.

    Today is Chinese food. Yea!!!!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Where do you order the Honey Bell pears from?
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    I am praying too Beth.

    I’m with your friend.  When able to get mine will try my best not to medicate as also feel that is the best.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Back again,

     Judith, the Honey Bells are a cross between a huge grapefruit and a tangerine - neither of which still exist.  They're big, thin rinded and delicious and sweet.  They're only available from QVC a couple of weeks in January grown in Florida.  Seems like a couple of years ago they had them from some other state but they weren't as large.  You could probably order them from Harry & Davids.  The pears are Royal Riviera, also available a couple of weeks in late October - they're grown in Oregon.  They're really big and creamy - you can spoon bites from the pear. Both of these are from Harry & Davids orchards.

     The girls got their fill of liquid feed and I was thinking I wouldn't feed them today. I was being really quiet and not going out on the porch - when I do, they start bawling when it's feed day.  Looked out the kitchen window and saw some of them behind the barn so guess I won't feed today.  I will tomorrow and will cut back to either 100 or 150 lb. 

     Bryon called.  He and his wife had spent the weekend at Beaver's Bend State Park down by Broken Bow.  Charles and I have been there a few times - really a beautiful place - lots of wonderful trees and either a lake or river, can't remember.  He said  he had been taking dogs back and forth to the vet.  Also said he and his wife waved at me the other day.  I know when I was sitting in the PU waiting for them to come out to get Barclee a young man and woman walked in front of the PU and waved at me. I didn't recognize them but waved back.  You know when you're used to seeing someone in a certain place and then see them in another setting, sometimes you don't recognize them.  I've noticed that with people from the VAMC.  He and Shane will come out one evening this week and fix the carport roof.

    Glad you're feeling better, Judith.  Do you still have trouble with the vertigo you had a year or so ago?  Hope Winda's colonoscopy goes well.  I've never had one but have had two or there Cologard tests which are over 90% accurate.  Too big a coward for a colonoscopy after I talked with the gastroenterologist.  I asked her if they ever nick the colon and she said yes and that could lead to surgery or might heal on it's own.  After that I went the other way.

     Jack called yesterday.  He's missing Patsy, of course, but all the things going on in Washington has kind of kept him occupied.  He was a staunch Trump supporter but now says he'd never vote for him again - disgusted with things the past year.

    Mike, the man who brought the liquid feed, asked me if Sheena and Stormy ever get out of the yard and roam.  I told him they didn't - he said in the past weeks he has seen two GPs roaming the countryside - in different places, north, west and south of here.  I know it's the two GPs who lived about three miles south of us.  The house burned so the people were gone but they left the dogs.  I've been by there when the man was feeding them but maybe  he missed a time or two and they took off.  They're kind of known for roaming.  I know a couple were here a few years ago - from the place where I got Stormy, three or four miles NE of here.  He said he hadn't seen them lately and I know they're not at their home where they've moved in a MH.  They were young dogs and had had one litter of puppies.

     I need to go out and see if Rose Bud's still around so I can feed her. 

     Enjoy the rest of the day.



  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Honeybell citrus are grown in my area, and many growers ship to you, if anybody wants.  The growers are advertising like crazy that honeybell are in season now. They’re obviously popular and we still have a lot of tourists here  now even with COVID. If you Google “honeybell citrus by mail”  maybe a dozen growers come up who will ship.  (Maybe more, I was distracted at how many are near me, more than I thought). 

    And I learned something else—my favorite grapefruit—a variety called Duncan—is being grown commercially and sold again! It was impossible to find for years because it has seeds, and “nobody wants seeds.” But it also had more flavor, and now it’s making a comeback. But everywhere I looked said they were already sold out

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    I have now been googling for 30 minutes. 

    There is a Honey Bell Pear in Australia.

    Hollieanna might have some Duncans..watch for it.

    My family has used Hollieanna for as long as they have been shipping. I di not realize they were in Maitland. My family has been in Winter Park since the thirties.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Rescue Mom - are you allowed to stop and pick a honey bell off the tree?  I ask because Patsy lived around all kinds of orchards in California and she said you could do that out there.  Do orange blossoms have a good fragrance?   I've, of course, never seen a real orange tree but I think it would be so pretty.  For Cushman's honey bells they say they pick them one day and ship either that afternoon or the next day.

     Judith - I'd never heard of honey bell pears.  That's really interesting.  You know I guess googling is like looking up a medical word - one thing leads to another. 

     Zetta, I'm in the 14 day countdown again - Mike last night and a different Mike today.  I had a mask on both times but wasn't always 6 ft. away, especially today.  Maybe wearing a mask is sufficient.  You'd think after almost a year you'd think about those things.  I gues I'll always be in those countdowns.

     Judith, did you order the colored ones?  I saw the paper 3 ply masks that have all pretty pastel colors.  I opened the new box I had today and they're a bit different - you can see the piece of metal across the nose.  The ones I've been wearing are 3 ply, at least when I cut an old one apart, I found three, thin layers.  I have five cloth ones - one I made last March, one from the Assoc. for the Blind and three from Bridget - never have worn any of them.  I think I will begin wearing two like I did last June when I went to the optometrist.

     Jack called again this evening - he seems to be doing all right.  He says he tries to keep his mind off losing Patsy by watching TV.  He has Zelda but I don't think he interacts with her much - just puts her outside for the day, then back in the house in her cage.  If he was able he'd be walking her every day.  He says he's on Buspar, tid and it seems to help him. 

     My costo has gone through to my shoulder and it's really hurting.  Took some Motril and will lean against the heating pad and that will help.  I didn't lift anything heavy today but did pull a heavy box a little ways on the porch that UPS brought (dog food).  Seems like every day I have a different ache or pain.  I don't know if any of you have Morton's Neuroma but I find it's affecting my balance a little bit and it's harder to walk on dried ground where the cows have walked in the mud. 

     Barclee had another little seizure a while ago.  They don't last long - just pulls his head back some and he trembles and sneezes.  Poor little guy - I feel so sorry for him.

     I'll stop complaining and watch a new Let's Make A Deal -  I think it's just started coming on at night.

     Enjoy the rest of the evening and rest well.

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    After falling on Friday, the pain got worse and started in my upper back.  My son insisted that I go to ER.  He dropped me off since he wasn’t able to go in with me.  I agreed since Dr Google wasn’t helping.  It turns out that I broke my nose and have several fractured ribs.  Nothing to be done for either, just let time heal all.

    Nothing much happening here.  Still not much snow, just a dusting once in a while.  Going to make a trip to grocery store tomorrow, my pharmacy is there and I have a prescription for a pain reliever.  I haven’t been in a store since last February.  I’ll wear two masks just to be safe.  No news about getting the vaccine yet.  I will get it when it’s available if my doctor thinks I can.  I don’t think having a liver transplant will disqualify me.  The medication I have to take daily is causing problems.  I have to take it for the rest of my life.  I’ve already taken it for 25 years since the transplant.  

    Wishing all a better year, stay safe.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Sandy sorry to hear about those broken ribs.  Know that is very painful.  Wearing two masks is a great idea.  Does your pharmacy have a drive through?  Asking because I endured a lot of suffering standing in the pharmacy line with sciatica.  When Covid started thought wondered  if they have a drive through.  Sure enough they do.  It is sort of  off to itself, you don’t see it, so just didn’t think about it.  Thought oh my gosh wish I would have thought of that before.

    Take care, hope those ribs don’t take too long to heal

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Sandy, my goodness.  I was afraid you'd broken your nose, how awful.  I bet, like Sara said, that your pharmacy has a drive-through.  Our little one even has one.  If they do, you could do that and just order your groceries.  I know you don't feel like walking around in the store.  And, you wouldn't have to be around anyone either.  If your pharmacy doesn't have a drive-through I bet they'd come out to your car and get the script and bring it back to you.  People right now are really accommodating.  Or, if that didn't work, call the doctor and ask him to call it into the pharmacy and you could pay for it with a credit card and when they deliver your groceries they could bring your medicine. 

    You know years ago they wrapped your ribs really tightly but don't do that anymore so you just have to wait it out.  Please be careful walking up and down your stairs.  I was going to call you but was afraid you might still be asleep.  I will talk with you later today.  Please try getting your groceries and medicine delivered.  Your son would get your medicine for you if none of the above things worked.  I just worry about you walking around in the store.

     My right knee's bothering me this morning so put on a knee sleeve and went out and fed Tom and Jerry, then walked down behind the barn and opened that gate and around the barn and closed another gate - I'll feed today.  All the girls are out in the pastures grazing - green grass is better than dry so I'm glad they have it.  I did see one cow laying down - probably the one with the bad shoulder.  I'll try to feed her and Rose Bud away from the others. 

     It's a pretty morning - sunny off and on, calm and cool.  Wish it would be sunny today - I don't like cloudy days.

     Stormy spent the night outside and when I went out on the porch to see the girls he came up to look with me.  He started puffing and then I saw a coyote up by the hayrings.  He huffed and puffed a while, then took off to bark and scare him away.  He didn't seem scared - just sauntered on toward his den.  Hope he found something to eat last night.  I'll be back later.

     Sara, I hope things are all right with you this morning.  Do you wear cloth or surgical masks.  Oh, I remember, you make masks so they're cloth.  Are you still making them?


  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Changed my mind.  Thought I could drive and go to the store but just walking to the kitchen is too much.  My son brought my prescription early this morning on his way to work. No need to go out.  I seem to feel worse each day instead of better.  It will just take time.  I’ll stay home and continue to have groceries delivered.


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita, about letting people pick oranges off the tree...nobody does that anymore. Big growers say insurance does not allow it; most have signs saying “no you-pick allowed”. And you really do need a ladder. Easy to get hurt.

    I know several people who had hobby citrus trees near busy roads, and people (almost always tourists) would ask to pick a few “for fun” and the owners allowed it for a while. But the people caused big problems. Broke off limbs, left trash, fell down and wanted band-aids and help to doctor, used it as a toilet, etc. We had that happen with our coconuts. People would damage the trees so much they died. So, no more you-pick. That said, there may be someone somewhere that does.

    Orange blossoms do have big scent that’s strong and sweet. You smell it driving beside the groves, and there is a lot of orange blossom perfume. As said, VERY sweet.

    Judith, I did not know about your Winter Park connection. That is such a lovely community, atypical of that general area. We’ve had friends living there 20 years and love visiting. That PLUS Santa Fe! Some very special places.

    Sa Sue, I’ve had broken ribs and they are so painful. I remember a sneeze almost dropped me! Treat yourself very gently. Not much else to do except pain meds.

    DH got the 1st vaccine shot a week ago, had no side effects at all, not even arm soreness. He’s scheduled for the second in a couple weeks.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning All,

    I have had a busy morning. I loved the link that Ed gave us on the happy music. This morning I was listing to it and dancing along with the video and Molly though I was crazy she ran all over barking at me. I had a good exercise and a good laugh. I am glad I was happy because the next thing I did was spill a new big can of just opened coffee all over my kitchen floor. I was able to save some of it but not all.  I cleaned it all up and I will probable see grounds for awhile coming from places I missed.  

    Lorita,    I am also on a new 14 day count down. It seems like I am always adding to my count. My old washing machine gave out on me so I had to go to the laundromat just to wash. My son  ordered me a new washer and it will be here tomorrow.   It sounds to me like when Sarah calls the ambulance it should be someone who they would come get.  I am sorry that Barclee has his ups and downs I know how hard that must be on you. It sounds like you get a lot more westerns then I do. I just get the ones on the TVland channel. That is where gunsmoke is. 

    Judith and Joan,      I am glad you got your shots I am still waiting for me to get  mine. Joan please don't rush recovery just get rest so things will heal well.  Judith I also love chinese food. We have a real good Chinese restaurant in our little town and we get take out often.

     Jo,     No I have not seen the elk lately. Right now I am seeing lots of squires. They are a pain in the butt. One will come right up on the porch and sit on the railing looking in the window waiting for Molly to get up and bark at it. I believe it is the same one just playing games with her. 

    Sandy,   Please take care of yourself. A 3 day old fall is still recovering from things you may not be aware of yet. 

    Sara,    I noticed you changed your picture. What is that picture of? Looks like something you have grown. I want to change my picture but I don't know how. I will have to ask my son to change it for me. I got a cute picture of Molly in the cart at Petco she was looking at the dog toys and of course she wanted them all but she just got one.

    A good day to all, Hugs Z

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    I had never heard of the Cologuard test. So Googled. I an sticking with the colonostomy;


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Lorita I’m doing ok.  The sun is shining, beautiful day.  Yes I’m still wearing my two layer cotton mask.  Have always used two layers of filti fabric between.  Since December have been using a third layer of filti also just because December was a bad month in my county.  January is bad enough but only about half as bad as December number wise. Just ordered some KF94 masks made in South Korea.  They are their version of N95 for their general population.  Just trying them. Hope your shoulder and knee get to feeling better today.

    Sandy don’t know if they told you this or not, ignore me if they did.  Keep a pillow or a folded up towel handy, or you can just use your hands.  Any time you are going to do something that will hurt take what ever you are using and press it firmly against the painful area while you are doing it.  This can help with the pain.  Hopefully they told you the importance of deep breathing also.  Splint the painful area, take a deep breath, hold it count to five then blow out.  Need to do ten of these every hour while awake if you are not moving around much.  Much more likely to get pneumonia if you don’t do this.  This actually helps the pain to lessen more quickly too if you do it consistently.  Hope this helps you.

    Zetta I changed it again lol.  Took me awhile to figure it out.  It was food I had raised.  Thought it was so pretty but not pretty in that little picture. Sign in, go to edit profile, go to story, then I deleted old picture and uploaded new one.

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Sara, thanks for the advice.  I wasn’t told about holding a pillow.  It does help.  I’ve just been using my arms against my ribs.  

    Thanks for the concern, everyone.  It’s nice to have the advice and a little sympathy.  When I don’t feel well I really miss Rich.  He was always so concerned and helpful.

    Thanks again,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Zetta, which thread was Ed's link to the music on?   I saw it earlier today but can't find it now.  I haven't listed to my Chinese Zen music lately - that does it for me.  Guess I've been watching CNN too much - and Gunsmoke.

     My back's better today but the right knee was a mess this morning - had to limp around but wore a knee sleeve when I fed and it's better now. 

     Sara - I like your new picture - very pretty.  Good advice you gave Sandy.

     Zetta - I fixed the cheddar broccoli soup again today - couldn't think of anything else I wanted to eat. I had some of that for lunch and tonight cooked a package of ramen noodles and added it to the soup plus a little bit of the seasoning  It was really good and gave the soup a little more body.

     Sandy, I hope you took it easy this afternoon and didn't have to move around too much or do anything much.  Good to talk with you this morning. 

     I fed the girls this afternoon - I like to feed mid to late afternoon so they'll have some good feed in their stomachs overnight.  When I first woke up this morning there was only one or two of them in the garden.  They may have been out in the pasture all night and after I fed them they went down to graze again.  They still have a little hay in two rings - not much - so I'll call Mike to get on his ha schedule.

     Before I fed I drove the PU down to the mailbox and my trash was still there from yesterday.  Never happened before so I called the company and she said she had a picture the collector had sent to them to show there was nothing there.  The picture was taken at 7:30 a.m.!   I told her I took down the trash at 8 a.m. and that normally it's not picked up until about 10 or 10:30.  They only have two collectors in this area now so they've changed the schedule.  I don't like that - guess I'll take it down the night before from now on and hope wolves don't get into it.  I picked it up, except the broken down boxes that were flat, and put it in the back of the PU.  I think they should have notified people of the earlier pick-up time.

     Nothing going on here this afternoon after I fed.  Stormy and Sheena evidently saw something of interest to them late this evening - barking like crazy and looking north. I couldn't see anything - may have been a bird.  Yesterday I saw a huge, beautiful, white-breasted bird sitting on one of the gate arches by the barn.  It must have been a big hawk.  It sat there for a long time - maybe that's what they saw today.  Everyone's inside now and asleep.

     Zetta - Jack told me yesterday that they used to have elk at a resort not far from them.  I never saw them but they did.  They're gone now as is the resort - it was a beautiful place called Fountainhead built on Lake Eufaula.  It was sold to some Indian Tribe and they had to demolish it because there was so much asbestos.  They had said they were going to rebuild but  never have.  We were there once having Thanksgiving dinner and it was either snowing or sleeting - looked so pretty over the lake - but the roads weren't good afterwards.  There's another big resort called Arrowhead on another part of the lake that's been turned into a drug rehab facility. 

     I have a porch full, well, half a porch full of boxes from Amazon and Walmart.  They'll be there the rest of this week.  One is a new wheeled battery charger so I can start the car and PU if I need to.  Every time the GPs go outside they stop and look at them - there's dog food in a couple of them so they  must smell it.

     Need to find some eyedrops - eyes feel dry tonight.  Hope all of you are well.  Sandy, take care and try to get a good night's rest.  I know you don't too well at night but do the best you can.  Talk to you soon.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,     Its on Spouse or Partner Forum.   Escaping Todays Struggles.   The link was added by ButterflyWings.  The name of the song is Happy by  Pharrell Williams. Its a fun song.

    Good Night, Sleep Well. Hugs  

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning, son and grandson visit was to short. Came Saturday afternoon and left Sunday night.  Was a little disappointed that he didn't talk more to his mom, she enjoys a lot of conversation and seems better when someone is talking to her. Both son and grandson spent most of their time on their smart phones. Oh well, at least they came!

    I cant win@ felt bad yesterday and went I went for radiation treatment the oncologist made me go to ER. Bottom line I have e pneumonia. They also did a covid test and I oncologist told me to stay home till results come back. I was given antibiotics to clear up the lungs.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     It's cloudy and damp-feeling this morning with a light wind.  I think it's supposed to be a little stronger later.  All the girls are off grazing except Gray Lady with the sprained shoulder.  They're low on hay but Mike will come tonight or tomorrow and give them more.  There's grass in the pasture to graze until then.

     I kind of separated all the mail that's been collecting on the front porch and PU.  It's amazing how much junk mail and mail for contributions a person gets.  Still haven't gotten the stimulus.  First one was directly deposited - supposedly the second was sent in the mail.  I have a stack of catalogs which I'll probably obliterate my name and address and throw away.

     Thanks, Zetta, for the information.  I looked at the first song and the dance moves they were doing.  If you're able to do those, you're in good shape - probably made your fur babies jealous.

     Ron, so sorry the visit didn't turn out like you'd hoped.  Sounds like you didn't get to get away for a few hours.  Like you said, at least they came.  People who aren't caregivers just do not realize what we go through and how much a little bit of "me" time means.  I can remember when I was caregiving -a couple of early, early mornings I drove into town for groceries or feed (only gone an hour) but how much better I did feel afterwards.  Just a few minutes can mean so much.   Maybe next time they come, they'll stay longer. 

    When it rains, it seems to pour.  Sad news about the pneumonia but the antibiotics will bring you out of it -  just rest all you can (saying that to a caregiver doesn't mean much and can't be done) but get all you can and drink lots of fluids and eat.  My grandma was a firm believer in eating - if you were injured or sick if she could get you to eat, you'd be all right.  I'm kind of the same way.  Hope your test comes back negative.

     News on the virus isn't good - can you imagine over 400,000 deaths from this stuff.  They're encouraging people to get the vaccine when they can before the variants become prevalent.  Are they sure the present vaccines are effective against the mutations?

     I've been watching the first of the inauguration doings this morning.  The weather says it's cold and blustery (very windy) in Washington with snow just west of them moving east. 

     Just got back in from feeding Tom and Jerry and running water in the tank in the lot.  Just remembered I left the water running so I'll stop and get it turned off.  Back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning,

     Lorita,  I am still watching CNN seeing all the activities going on today. I thought the inauguration was beautiful I prayed all the way through it for for nothing bad to happen. I will probably be glued to the TV most of the day.

     Lorita,   Be careful what you throw away. My son got his stimulus in the mail and it was not a check it came in a debit card form. Something I would have thrown away thinking it was a application for a credit card.   I am glad you listen to the Happy song. No I was not able to keep up with the dancing I had a hard time keeping up with the clapping. 

    Ron,   I am sorry you are now dealing with pneumonia now and sorry your son did not spend more time visiting with his Mother. It is a bit rude what this world has come too it seems that smart phones rule at times. My kids are the same way. At least Lou knew they were there. And that what counts. Please get as much rest as you can. 

    Hugs to All. Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Zetta, I watched the Inauguration - wasn't it a beautiful ceremony.  It was very emotional for me - especially Garth Brook's song - Amazing Grace.  I thought it was all over but just turned it back - President Biden's going to Arlington National Cemetery for the ceremony there.

     Wasn't his speech good - calming and it just made you feel better about things.  So glad nothing went wrong. 

     I checked all the mail I've received that I'd put into a box - nothing there.  Can't figure out why it said they would send it - direct deposit the first time. 

     I haven't been doing anything today except make the bread - just took it out of the breadmaker and rubbed butter over the loaf to keep it softer.  Called Sarah earlier and she didn't answer - and now, she's called me three or four times - seems kind out of it - I think she takes too much medicine.  

     I just called Sandy.  She's not doing too well.  Surely wish me or someone of us lived close to her so we could help - but, there's the virus thing.  It's hard to be hurt or sick when you're alone - something I worry about. 

     Isn't it great that the weather turned off good in Washington - beautiful blue skies but looks like it's still a bit windy.  Could have been really bad weather.   President Carter isn't there - I heard them say he wasn't able to come.  I know he's watching and is there in heart.    Glad the other Presidents came - shows unity.

     I'll get off now and watch some more - guess it goes on most of the afternoon.  Thanks for telling me about the credit card thing.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    The Inaguration was wonderful....I was thrilled with Lady GaGa and who know Jenifer Lopez could sing! Looking forward to tonight's program.

    It would have been nice to have been able to have Jimmy and Roselyn there and could you believe they actually said Trump was not emotionally able to attend. Yikes.

    Ron/Sandy sending virtual chicken soup.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   I had tears in my eyes most of the time but when I tried to sing along with Garth Brooks, I really choked up.  I don't believe that Trump was too emotional to attend he just chose not to. They said he did leave a letter behind for Pres. Biden I sure hope it was a nice letter. They also said that  Pres. Carters Doctor advised him not to go. It was nice seeing the other Presidents there. I was a bit sad that V.P. Pence was really not noticed by many. I think it took him being a big man to show up. It was wonderful how it showed V.P. Harris walking him down the steps to his departing car. Right now I am watching Pres. Biden en route to the White House. This is Beautiful.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dear Ron, I wanted to drop in and say hello.  I am so very sorry that you have developed pneumonia; here's hoping that your COVID test is negative.   Antibiotics started; that is good.

    Ron . . . . I am sorry to badger you, but I would not do so if I did not care; I am concerned on your behalf.. You are older, receiving radiation treatment, your immune system is compromised at this time and on top of all of that, you are a full time caregiver, and now pneumonia.

    Really and truly, you would greatly benefit from some help in the house to enable you to gain some consistent rest to help your physical situation which is important.   I am sorry your son seemed a bit tone deaf to what may be going on; you have been such a good and strong carer for so long, he probably did not realize what the issues are.   Looks like you will have to be very detailed and spell things out clearly for him.  Helping hands would now be very helpful for a period of time to enable you to get well and regain strength.  

    Why not email your son and be very specific about the issues; explain you are not well, and what would be helpful.  You  are a very indpendent person and have been very strong for so long; but really you do have support assistance needs that could help you heal; however, those needs are not at being met at this time.  Your immune system needs some nurturing support and that is no small thing.

    I do not know what your finances are like, or if your son is able to assist on that front.  Ron, you are normally so very independent, but these are not normal times.

    Your immune system is compromised, your treatment affects you as well as the pneumonia being a severe taxing dynamic upon your ability to heal and get well.  You need some respite in order not to have negatives increase.  

    Frankly, having someone come in at least in the daytime hours to assist would give you some ability for much, much needed rest and ability to recoup and sustain yourself through treatment and recovery.   .A very nice lady your wife could see as a "new friend" would be very helpful. She could befriend  your wife, do light housework, laundry and cooking at least your main meal; she could two or three times a week bathe your wife.  If she kept  your wife occupied and visited with her, you could rest and regain strength.  Naps, going out to fresh air, keep appointments without worry; decreased pressure, etc.  It needs to be done consistently for awhile. This could also be a helpful resource in the future should other needs arise for you or Lou.

    I can imagine you may not wish to have someone in the house during the day and I understand that.  Yet; after a little adaptation, it could be a real blessing; worth a try.   Your body and spirit would benefit from some much needed rest.  Need not be permanent, just enough to get you in a better situation.

    Okay; off my soap box; do take care Ron and let us know how you are doing.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    I think I like our new first gentleman a lot.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    I do too. He is such a gentleman.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    The whole thing has been wonderful to see especially when you consider what the Capitol and everything else was two weeks ago.  I've watched all afternoon. 

     Judith - I like our First Gentleman very much, too.  He is a Gentleman - stark contrast.  He gives you a feeling of security, that things will be better even though they will be hard.  One thing I really like that he's going to do is join the Paris Climate Control Pact  again.  This is something that affects the whole world, our home.

     I don't know if Trump wasn't emotionally stable enough to attend or not - better that he didn't.  It was so good to see all the previous Presidents but would have been nice to have seen President Carter - 96 years old. What a man he has been and what good he has done.

     You know, it's refreshing to not hear all the "stuff" that has been being said - so good to see a calm, caring, empathic, sympathetic person in control of our Country.  Could not be better.  I know it's going to be hard but like he says "we can get through this, together".

     Had a call from Carol this afternoon.  She lost an older sister to Alz. eight years ago and still has a younger sister and brother.  Her brother is a year older than I.  He has the virus.  She had told me a couple of days ago that he was coughing when she talked to him on the phone but wouldn't go to the doctor.  His wife is a  nurse and insisted he go to the ER Sunday.  He has been so awfully sick.  Was on something a step up from a C-pap - his wife wouldn't let them put him on a ventilator because of the after effects it has on people's lungs.  They've been so afraid - he was not lucid, didn't realize what was happening and oxygen level was way down.  The hospital called his wife at 2 a.m. for her to come and be with him - but he got some better.  While we were talking she had a call from her sister that he's still improving and his wife felt good enough about his condition to come home for a while.  This is getting way too close.  He lives in Enid, Okla.

     She also told me that our County has 1600+ active cases and 20 some deaths.  Even our little town I go to when I need Gator gas has quite a few cases.  Makes me rethink going into the store when I have to go get gas.   Our County's two largest towns are under 4,000 and 3,000 people -  a lot of the County is now Lake Eufaula - of course with lots of ranches and farms but not a heck of a lot of people.  Scary thing. 

     Ron, I wholeheartedly agree with everything Jo said.  I know as a previous caregiver that it's hard to give up what you're used to doing but the time is here for you to do that.  You were so eager to be able to be out and around a little while this weekend on your own - so sorry it didn't pan out.  You need to take care of yourself now so you can care for Lou when you feel better.  We're all here for you and want you to get better.

     Do you all remember - some years ago we talked about how wonderful it would be if we could all be together in some sort of commune - where we could care for each other's loved one when needed and watch after each other.  What a wonderful thing that would have been - it was, even in our minds.  Of course we know that's not something that's possible but it was a good dream.

     I topped off the water tanks just now so the girls would have water tonight.  They gave up on feed and went down to the NE pasture to graze.  I kept looking for Rose Bud and finally saw her just north of the barn.  She was looking for me and watched every move I made as I was getting her feed and taking it out to her.  I think she's spoiled and that's quite all right.  It's begun to mist a bit and is not a pleasant day.   I'm so glad the weather improved in Washington.

     CNN is showing President Biden sitting at the desk beginning to sign executive actions.  Can you all imagine what it would have been like if the winner of the election had not been Biden?  He just signed the first one - that masks have to be worn in all federal buildings.

     Carol told me that her SIL got his first vaccination (he's a social worker at the VAMC).  Odd they gave employees the vaccine but not the patients.  He's past due for his second shot and there's none available.  She said that had happened with several people she knew who had gotten the first vaccination.  That's a real concern.

     She gave me some sad news - a woman we all worked with for many years has passed away.  She was in an assisted living center in Tulsa.  I remember we all went to celebrate her 80th or 85th birthday.  She was 100 years old when she passed away this past weekend.  The last time I talked with her she sounded a little confused.  Her husband passed away in 1994, a couple of months before daddy passed away. She came to his funeral and broke down - it was just too soon for her to go to another funeral.  She was such an elegant person - so very well coordinated always and so well liked and nice.

     Jo - are your 14 days over?  If I remember correctly it was sometime around now.

     They just now said Trump had left President Biden a letter and  he said it was a "very generous" letter but he wouldn't share any of it until he talked with Trump.  Wonder what he said to him.  

     They just mentioned something about the gift-giving exchange - I missed that.    Zetta, I tried to sing along with Garth Brooks, too.  Same thing happened to me.  I think I had tears in my eyes a good part of the time while they were being inaugurated.  Very moving thing to watch.

     I'll stop and find something for supper.  Sandy, I hope you are feeling a bit better this afternoon.  Wear your medic alert necklace at all times and please be careful walking and going upstairs.  She has one of the chair lift things for her stairs but says it's kind of hard to get into the seat because of her pain.  I'll call tomorrow to check on you.

     What a day we've had!!  Now, we all have something positive to look forward to.  We will get through this - we just have to be extra careful in everything we do.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Lorita my stimulus was direct deposit and so was one of my sisters.  Guess they are coming both ways.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    OOPS.....I meant second gentleman

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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