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Just need to talk to my friends (138)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I'll be glad when I can feel like getting back to talking g about cooking and baking!

    Latest on me: I have now had 26 if the 42 radiation treatments, so going downhill now and was looking forward to completing it. Yesterday for whatever reason the Dr told me see wanted another ct scan on the lung in two months instead of three. I also had bloodwork yesterday and today was told she wanted the ct scan today because of results from bloodwork. I know the white blood cells were high but dont know what else she saw. 

    I'm very tired lately and fell like I'm riding a emotional roller coaster. Oldest son is coming this weekend and I haven't been anywhere in months. I think I'll go out; maybe a casino, by myself just to get away.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Hi Ron,

     Sorry you're not feeling too well now but glad you're on the downhill part of the treatments.  How often do you have them - daily? 

     It will be so good when you're feeling well enough to talk about what you've cooked and recipes.  How do you manage to do all the things you have to do for Lou and take care of cooking and also get your treatments.  No wonder you're tired.  Sounds like you have a good plan for the weekend - to get away to yourself for just a bit.  Just be sure you wear your mask and/or face shield.  We're all pulling for you to get better soon.  The doctors probably just wanted to make sure everything was going well so decided to get the CT scan now instead of later.

     Did you all have high winds today?  I was so worried about those two big trees on the north side of the house but it turned out the winds weren't too bad - but, they're supposed to be back tomorrow.  And, I hear it blowing now.

     I had been hoping that I could give Barclee his oral meds and his upper respiratory infection would get better but he seemed worse today than yesterday so called the vet's office first to ask him if he thought Barclee should have more meds, then decided I'd just take him in.  No appointment so had to be worked in.  One of the girls came out and got Barclee, then brought him back and said Mike would come out to talk to me.  That scared me but he brought the meds he wanted him to take.  Also gave him three injections.  I have to continue the meds I have plus another one.  That is one busy place and I only saw one person wearing a mask.  When I was there a month ago almost everyone was wearing masks.  Don't know why that would be because the virus is worse now than it was then. 

     Fed Barclee and gave him his meds and he's sound asleep.   I feel like I could go to sleep but I'm watching CNN.

     Hope all of you are doing all right tonight.  Ron, take care and enjoy the weekend.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Glad you were able to check in Ron.  Glad your son is coming this weekend.  

    We are suppose to get a little snow today.  About a half an inch they are saying.  

     Took a short walk yesterday, the first time in over a year.  Had no leg pain.  What a blessing.  Wore my mask in case I met others and actually have found that the masks helps keep your face warmer.   Hope I will have the mindset to walk every day when not gardening,  starting out slowly and hopefully the leg will continue to be good.  Think my leg pain thing was a sciatica issue.  Boy it has been a long, gradual process, probably three years.  Maybe I have finally overcome.

    Took my mom muffins yesterday and got the cars weekly drive in lol.  Was very surprised in that saw many other drivers with their mask on while in the car.  The majority of walkers had one on too.  This is definitely a change.  Maybe we have endured enough illness and death in our county that some are starting to understand, hope so. 

    Yesterday This Week In Virology put out a video on Alzheimers.  Was getting late so didn’t watch it.  Will try to watch it later and if it is interesting will let you guys know.   Their videos for the most part are at least a hour long and some are longer.  So you have to have a bit if time to watch them.  The guy in charge of the channel is out of Columbia University.  He also has put out a classroom like series on viruses.  Hope to do these too.  Guess I’m some sort of nerd but love understanding how things work, always have. 

    One of the ladies on the show said something very interesting.  She said every minute of every day, five people’s lives are saved due to a vaccine.  Isn’t it wonderful that we have been blessed to have that knowledge.  How blessed we are to live where we can be provided with them.  I’m looking forward to getting my vaccine.  Got an email from my health system telling me they will be providing us with the vaccine and will make us aware .  I did of course not qualify yet.  Our health department has set up a number to call to schedule you appointment through them.  Have frequent communication from GoldRx and CVS too.  So looks like maybe the ball will start rolling a little smoother, and faster here I hope.  Even though will still need to wear my mask, will feel much better about going to the store etc.  Will have two things working for me then (vaccine and mask), will still be protecting others even more so, AND maybe I can go the thrift store.  Hope I have learned never to take even the smallest things for granted again.

    Hope each one has a peaceful day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Sara, you're up on being safe, so how do you insure your fruit- apples and oranges are safe?  Do you wash them with soap? When you peel them you have to touch the peelings and inside, so is that all right?
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Sara, so glad you were able to take your walk without pain in your leg.  Three years has been a long time - take it easy and hopefully this will continue to improve even more.  I think you said you have raised beds to do your gardening so maybe that helps.  It'll be time for gardening before long.  The middle of next month is when we plant English peas.  Hard to believe it's already the middle of January - time is really going fast.

     It's windy here again today - second day and the weatherman says it'll last through the night and into the early part of tomorrow before it diminishes.  At least yesterday it was sunny and some warmer so it didn't seem so bad.  Today it was sunny early and now it's overcast.  I got out early and saw everyone and filled water tanks before it clouded up.  I just heard a couple of girls bawl so they're trying to convince me, again, that it's cube day.  I fed them early yesterday so I guess it seems like a long time.

     I slept through the night but I seem a little sleepy now - probably will go to sleep in my chair. I just moved over to the chair where Barclee is to get him settled down and back to sleep.  Really glad I decided to get him to the vet yesterday.  His clinic is really a busy place  - people come to his clinic from way down in southern Oklahoma.  I think I mentioned I saw one man wearing a mask - one woman stopped beside the PU and she got out, without a mask, but I saw one hanging on her mirror.  None of the employees in the clinic wear a mask, including the vet.  He brought Barclee's meds out and stood outside the PU window while he told me about the meds and visited just a minute or two.  So, I'm in the 14 day watch, again, and before this one is over I'll have to go in to get feed so it'll start all over.  I did hear if you're going to develop symptoms they usually begin within 5-7 days.

     I heard a little of something on our local morning show on TV while I was going outside - wish I'd heard all of it.  They were talking about the effects of the virus on people's lungs.  They were showing x-rays of people who had had the virus and how their lungs looked.  Even the people who are asymptomatic have this problem and breathing difficulties last for months or even always.  They also were talking about the mutations of the virus but don't know what they were saying - again, on my way outside.  Isn't that the way it always is - you can sit in front of the TV and nothing interesting happens and the minute you get up and leave something of interest comes on.

     Sarah called yesterday.  She said she had ridden down to Texas, somewhere around Dallas, the day before with Todd - just to get out of the house.  Said she felt some better and while he took care of his business she sat in the PU listening to the radio.  Evidently she started to seize and when he came back to the PU he found her and got her to the hospital.  She was there a few hours and then they let her leave with their observation papers and told her to get to her hospital today.  So, guess that's what will happen.  Probably shouldn't have gone but she said she was so tired of staying home alone she thought it might help to get out a while.

     Heard on our local news that our Governor is sending 75 National Guard people to our Capitol.  They're saying there's over the top chatter on all the social medias about what may happen Sunday or Wednesday.  Wonder what the significance of Sunday is?

     Was able to talk with our neighbor yesterday - she says she stays home all the time and Darwin's the one who goes to town when necessary.  She said they got their Honey Bells and they're so good they're almost gone.  I'm supposed to get mine today - again wondering about how to make sure they're okay.  I know they're picked off the trees, packed and then shipped the same day so at least a couple of people handle them plus UPS people.  How awful it is to worry about the food we eat.

    Jack called - he's okay.  Sounds like he's been watching a lot of news programs.  Thinks a lot of this is hype.

     I'll stop for now and watch some more of Gunsmoke, Zetta.  I've already watched one episode.  This one is in color!

     Hope all of you are well today.

     Addendum:  I was just posting on another thread and realized that I lost my Charles six years ago tonight.  Sad day.



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Sorry it’s a sad day Lorita.  

    Lorita I do not worry about food like you do.  The thing I don’t want to do is inhale it.  If you eat it, your GI tract kills it they say.  Do close my commode lid before I flush it  just in case.  Just wash my fruit as usual.  Do not wipe my groceries down.  Just wash my hands real well after I put them away.

    Watched the Alzheimer’s video.  Would not recommend it.  Did not find it very interesting.

    Take care

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    My goodness, Friday already.   Will be looking forward to the next week being peaceful and over.  It is exhausting of spirit.  

    Our BIL who was in early 80's, and who had cardiac disease, died suddenly a bit over a week ago.   He was going for an x-ray; as he stepped out of the car, he collapsed and died instantly.  My poor SIL was with him.   Today was his funeral in No. California.  Due to the pandemic, the church service was to be held on Zoom at 9:30 this morning; but something went wrong.

    Evidently, the person at the church who was to technically manage the service for Zoom forgot to turn on the sound and the picture.  Nothing.  Empty space.  No one was able to see the service.  I feel so bad for my poor SIL and her family.   Of all things.

     Lorita, my DIL is a vet tech; at her clinic, all staff MUST wear masks and shields.  They change masks frequently as when moist they lose effectiveness.  The other vet clinic nearby also has the staff mask and shield and they go one step further; staff wears disposable gowns.  Both clinics have closed their waiting rooms.  Instead, the vet tech goes outside to get the animal and then returns them to the car after care.  Vets themselves also adhere to masking.  Not good practice not to do so; especially when working with public, even without a waiting room.

     Out grandson is being deployed to the Middle East.  He and his group are in 14 day isolation right now; after completion, they will be flown out.   How I wish he were not going, this is his second tour.  Last time they were to go for six months, but they were held there for nine months.   He is such a sweet guy.   What a world - we look at the planet from outer space - the big blue marble - it is SO incredibly beautiful; yet, all the strife that is created by man on the planet, I will never understand it.

    As for fruit and veg; it is highly recommended not just for COVID, but even prior to COVID, that one washes such items under running water with a brush. Even bananas.  Very important with melons to use a brush and scrub thoroughly.   We wash our fruit and veg, however; we are lax about the brush business and need to get better with that.  Sure wish I  could grow lettuce and spinach, but cannot; never could get it to grow.   Those are the two items that worry me re contamination.  Just too many outbreaks of really bad, bad organisms even from the good growers.  In some items, cannot just wash away bad organisms; they are grown within the plant.  Sure wish we had open access to affordable hydroponically grown veg.  Those large hydroponic growers are amazing; but not yet enough to supply the large food chain need. Bet it is also very expensive to buy if one can find it.

    I recall Dr. Fauci describing how he did his food from restaurant takeout:  He would get it home, wash his hands thoroughly; remove the food from the bag/container, throw away the bag and container, wash his hands again and then put the food into the microwave or oven and heat it to a hot temperature.   There are no studies mentioning that food can cause infection of COVID19, but no significant studies have been done re this.  While a respiratory illness is not spread from the GI tract;  when infected with  COVID19, it can cause GI problems. 

    This is the oddest winter for weather for our area.  We had been running in the 60's right along; suddenly, today, we are at 92!  Will be in the high 80's until next week when we will once again go back to the mid-60's.  Unfortunately, there are high winds again in some areas; and of course these spots are high fire danger areas in the vegetated hills.  Two fires have already started and are needing to be battled.  Some homes in affected areas in several counties have had their electricity shut off should the wind cause power lines to blow down.  What a mess on top of everything else.

    Ron, so good to hear from you.  Lovely that your son will be with you this weekend.  You sure do need some relief.   Is it possible to have someone come in to assist even part time during the week?   There is so much happening, it must be tremendously fatiguing and you need to be able to get some rest and relief for yourself.  We are thinking of you.

    Gosh Sayra, I did not realize you were having problems with your leg, hope that the improvement sticks and that the problem has turned the corner permanently .  Must be a relief to feel it being positive.

    Hey there Zetta; have you had any more snowfall?   Any more big critter sighting?  What an amazing sight to see an elk by your porch!  I would have probably gone off like a rocket in excitement.   I can imagine the little dogs barking like mad. 

    My skin is so dry; my hands are like a mummy's from washing and sanitizing so much despite using Eucerin on them.  I am going to turn into a mound of crepe paper from all the dryness this winter.   Isn't it fun maturing?  I still laugh at Dolly Parton who mentioned everything, "saggin', baggin', and draggin," my friend included . . . "and leakin'" Dolly looks doggone good for a "mature" person in her 80's.  My, my. She is a living legend.

    Trying to find good movies on TV that are positive and not full of murder and mayhem; and good books that have soothing characters and plots, (but NOT romance books which I cannot stand); hard to find, I think I have read and seen them all. I have now read all of Maeve Binchey's twice.   With all that has recently been happening, I prefer to decelerate and get my shoulders back to their correct anatomical position from where they have been up around my ears.

    "Mrs. Miniver," an old black and white film from 1942 was recorded, so that should have some decent watching as films go.  Perhaps will watch it tonight or tomorrow.  Also have recorded the new PBS, "All Creatures Great and Small." That should be good watching too.

    Oh my stars and garters; my DH kicked over the traces and ordered the giant chocolate muffins with chocolate chunks folded inside from CostCo.  Oh; they are so good!  Oh; they are SO high in calories!  They come only by the dozen; so some have been frozen, but I think I will have a whole giant one with a cup of tea on Sunday.   I let myself have naughty treats on Sunday.  I certainly do not need it, but what a delicious indulgence.  I am such a cheap date!

    I have a friend who can eat anything and eat it by the ton and she stays as slim as a willow and she does not exercise.  I even look at a food and I feel the ooomph of extra pounds piling on.  Sigh.

    May this weekend and coming week be of peace and may everyone do well.  Take good care; see you soon.


  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Been busy cleaning out this house! So much SH*T!!!! But it will have to be done anyway. I've been loading up my uncle's car and going to the Goodwill every other day for over a week now.

    Makes my neck hurt (I have a neck injury) even more as I'm doing this, but I usually get into the hot tub in the evenings doesn't make the pain go away but......

    So I decided to cancel my trip home (very disappointed) but I will try again in a few months. Maybe by then my cousin will have recovered enough to come relieve me. I sure hope so.

    I do have a caregiver coming one day per week for 4hrs, last week she was able to convince my uncle to take a shower, this week nope. So she will try again next week. She also does a bit of housework, changes and washes the sheets. Nice to have someone else do these things. I will be adding another 4hr caregiver to the week also.

    Been going to bed every night exhausted.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     It's been a cold, windy day and still is.  It's looked stormy all day. Had a nice, long visit with Carol and she said they had some snowflakes where she lives - none  here that I saw.  The girls finally went on off to graze after they decided it wasn't feed day. I went out on the porch and saw Rose Bud south of the house so called to her and she looked up - she knows her name - and she came down and got her feed.  Poor little thing - I think she has arthritis so I can empathize with her.

     I mentioned I had a nice  long visit with Carol.  While we were talking she had a call from her sister so she called back.  She and her sister are worried about their brother - who's my age - he's coughing and won't go to the doctor.  Sad it's to the point that it scares you when you or someone else coughs but guess that the way it will be for a while.

    The girls had finished off one whole water tank and half of the other so filled one tonight and will do them both in the morning.  At least this is keeping them away from the pond in case it freezes over with no danger of a baby falling through the ice.

     Nicole, sorry you had to postpone your trip and you're having to do all that work.  Don't do too much to tire you out - a little at a time will get it done.  Good that you'll have some help 4 hr. a week now and 4 additional hours later.  Hope your cousin is continuing to recover.

    UPS delivered my Honey Bells this afternoon.  I had let the GPs out of the house so had him leave them outside the yard on the car.  He hasn't become acquainted with them yet so not sure how they'd handle a stranger coming into the yard.  After a while I brought them to the porch and opened them.  They're gorgeous - huge and I'm sure they're full of juice - they always have a very thin rind.  I washed them with soap with a brush and then rinsed them really well.  I know, probably should have used soap but I did.  Also did the same for the apples and oranges the vet gave me yesterday. His grandkids get them at school and won't eat them so instead of throwing them away he gives them to people - case in point - this old widow.  I hate that word and this is probably the second time I've used it.

     Sorry about your BIL and the problem with the funeral.  A sudden death is so had to take - no time to even say goodbye.  How awful for his wife.

     I'm going to try to figure out a place to plant a couple of zucchinis and some spinach this spring.  If I plant them outside the yard the girls I'll have up with new babies will eat them and if I plant them in the yard Stormy and maybe Sheena will have their way with them.  I love fresh spinach cooked until just tender.  We have poke that comes up everywhere each spring so maybe I should eat some of that - it's really good with a little bit of vinegar or hot sauce on it - and with beans and cornbread, of course.

     While I was out turning off the water Stormy decided he wanted to play so grabbed a stick and ran around and around the yard wanting me to run and play with him.  I'm afraid running is a thing of the past - my knees and neuroma feet won't permit that any more.

     Zetta, just finished the last of the potato soup I made a few days ago - still just as good as the first day.  Tasted really good on a cold day like today. 

     Jo - chocolate muffins with chocolate chunks - sounds wonderful.  I make that chocolate cake recipe and add mini chocolate chips and make muffins - regular size.  I bet you can't wait until Sunday morning to get to that muffin.  I love muffins - my grandma used to make them really often.  I'm not sure what the difference is between a muffin and a cupcake; is it that a cupcake  has a paper liner and are frosted?  Not sure.  She didn't use paper liners but I do so I don't have to wash the muffin pan.  I should thaw some pumpkin and make those pumpkin-spice muffins - I add chocolate chips to them, too.

     Ninety-two degrees - I'd love that for a day or so.  Our weather has also been odd - temps up and down and quite a lot of rain with snow in western Okla.  Looks like weekend after next we're going to have a cold wave.  I'm ready for Spring.

     Enjoy the evening - maybe there'll be something good to watch on TV.  Jo - what's the name of that movie where the woman rents a house and the ghost is there - oh, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir.  I really like that movie.  See, can't remember something, then all at once it comes to me.  I think I'm "mature".

     See you all tomorrow.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    I recommend Fisherman's Friends on Netflix.

    Getting my vaccine a 8:45 tomorrow morning. I will post as soon as I get back.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Judith, sounds like you're lucky to get your vaccination because of the shortage they found.  

    Hope it goeswell.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    So sorry about your BIL Jo. 

    Oh Judith I am glad for you.  Each person that gets a vaccination inches me closer to mine.

    Little snow this am, not much.  Their giving it as a possibility for the next several days.  We shall see.

    Nicole that is hard work.  Some thrift store shoppers will be happy though.

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Just saw radiologist report on my ct scan! 11mm nodule right lung resolved, two small calcified nodules right lung, large ground glass right lung.

    Good news on the 11mm nodule being resolved!

    Now, why the heck does it finally look good but something else shows up. Last January I had ground glass in right lung and it disappeared but the 11mm nodule showed up. Now the nodule is resolved and ground glass shows up.

    I'm not looking for something wrong, just tired and want answers. Why does one disappear and another shows up? Why is it always just the right lung? Hopefully cancer is not there but what is wrong?

    Looking forward to son visiting.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Done! The state portal had over booked to had to go to a location that they pulled together at the last minute. Every one was in a good humor, things went smoothly and I got my next appointment when checking out. Whew. I do not have to scramble for it.

    I felt nothing!!!!!!!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    It didn't hurt?  Did you have the'\15 min. Watch period?  Are you confident there will be vaccine for your next one since they talk about a shortage?  Which kind did you get?

    Good for you, Judith!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Finally got to sit back down.  Emptied that darn litter box and took it outside to dry and brought in another one.  Really should have two.  I think Martha Stewart has one for each of her cats.  Fed Stormy and Sheena - they're funny - I have two pans that I keep food in for them and they have a certain one they want to eat from. They're on the floor and they have to either bend way down to eat or lay down - Sheena does that a lot.  I've ordered an elevated pan for each of them and should get them early next week.  They look pretty - wrought iron with a stainless steel bowl.  I can just see them being knocked over by those darn cats who are in to everything.  Got Mr. Barclee up and fed him and gave him two of his medications - the other two I give at night.  Didn't get his eyedrops in but will in a few minutes.

     I called the guy who has liquid feed to bring some.  We had a nice visit and learned a lot from him.  He thinks I'm feeding the girls too much protein - maybe so because their stools are not always formed.  A friend told me once he watches that to tell if his girls are getting enough protein.  I have the liquid feed, mineral or protein tubs and the creep that I feed them.  Years ago we decided we'd only feed liquid feed during the winter but  we couldn't stand that.  I think they need something to chew on - if they still have teeth and all but four or five still do.  I think I'll have the liquid feed for them - 21 1/2% protein, I think, and I'll use mineral tubs instead of protein tubs and maybe three or five lbs. of creep every third day.  I'll see how they fare with that.  Don't want them to lose weight.  I'll have to go to another place to get the mineral tubs but they're friends and out in the country only about five miles from me so probably won't have to go in - their office is rather small.   

     This morning I went out to see them and they thought it was time for feed (remember a few days ago I fed early in the morning and they remembered).  Got the gate closed in time and drove around and saw everyone.  I have one cow who's limping - looks like the place between her toes is swollen some.

     Ron, so glad you CT scan looks good and that the 11 mm. nodule has resolved.  What causes the broken glass look in your lungs?  Have you ever had pneumonia?  I've had double pneumonia once and just one lung a couple of times and I think there's a spot on one of my lungs from that - maybe that's why. 

     I'm so glad your son will be there this weekend and you'll be able to get out and about some - it's a gorgeous day here, sunny with no wind, so maybe it's the same down there.

      Anxious to see the ballgame tomorrow at 2 p.m. between the Chiefs and Browns.  Carol's grandson went to college with Mahomes down in Texas and she, of course, likes the Browns because of Mayfield so neither of us can decide who we want to win.  Guess either one will be okay.  Chiefs won the Super Bowl last year so maybe it's the Browns' turn - at least they won the first playoff game in many years.

     Talked with friend, Sandy (Sasue) last night.  She's had a fall and I'm sure she'll be really sore today.  Seems like a fall jars every part of our body and the soreness really begins the next day.  I'm having to be awfully careful about falling, too, because of these cats.  The Savannah Cats run amuck all the time and Sammy will lay down on the floor in front of me and I have to be careful not to step on him. Also my balance is not what it used to be because of the bilateral Morton's Neuroma.  Isn't getting "mature" lots of fun - not.   I want to put 200 lb. of creep in the feeder today or tomorrow and I'd like to figure out a way to do it without climbing up the stepstool and getting over into the PU.  I can remember when I was young I'd jump off the porch and jump over flowering bushes mother had in the front yard.  I think when we're young if we knew how it would be later on, we'd enjoy those things more.

     I think Sheena may have slightly sprained her foot or leg running and playing with Stormy. Yesterday she seemed to have a hard time getting up out of the yard - seems better today. 

     Judith, do you know what they give if a person has a reaction to the vaccine?  I was able to see what's in the vaccine last night - it has polyprophylene glycol in it which is what was in Beneful dog food but has since been taken out.  I think it's poly, maybe just the prophylene.  This stuff is also in eyedrops and it's used in making antifreeze.  Hope your arm doesn't get sore.  Did you get it in your less dominant arm?  Sorry for so many questions - I told daddy once that's the only way you can learn something.

     Gosh, it's already noon.  How fast these days and weeks seem to go.  Mother always told me that the older you get the fast time goes and she was so right.

     I'll be back later.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good morning.  I thought I would check in.  We’ve had snow, but nothing near normal.  Still in a drought.  The taping and therapy exercises seem to be helping my sprained foot. I’m walking a little better.  My wrist and hand are getting stronger, so that’s a gift.  

    I had my first covid vaccine yesterday.  Didn’t feel a thing.  Last night, I had a small area around injection site that was sore, but it hardly noticeable today.  I got the Moderna vaccine.  They set appointment for 2nd shot.  I guess they must be holding enough vaccine in local storage to make sure we all get the second dose. We sat at tables set apart for distancing after the shot for 15 minutes, and they released us.  It was a happy place.  Staff went out of their way to keep us safe and comfortable.  My daughter was at the site giving shots, so she vaccinated me.  

    I feel for all of you struggling with problems lately.  I’ll be praying for good outcomes for all.

    Sara, I had sciatica caused from spine compression.  After about 3 years of therapy, on and off, it disappeared.  That’s been about 10 years ago, and I haven’t had a problem since.  Hopefully yours is resolved too.  That’s so painful.  

    Nicole, thinking of you cleaning out the house.  I got half of my basement done.  I’ll work on it again in the summer when I get healed up.  I can’t imagine all that work and taking care of your uncle.  Sorry you canceled your trip home.  I drug out a bunch of old junk, called the Habitat Restore, and they took all but 4-5 items.  Saved me from lugging it out and taking it to other places.  Do you have a Habitat store near you?  

    Hi to all, and hope you can get your vaccines soon.  Stay safe.  Joan

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Lorita, from what I heard yesterday, reactions were less prominent in those taking the Moderna shot, and severe reactions happened within 15 minutes of taking the shot.  

    I had it in my dominant arm with just a little soreness.  A suggestion might be that you wear your lifeline the day you get vaccinated, and if you get feeling bad after15 minute wait, you could push the button and get help if you need it.  I didn’t feel any different yesterday than any normal day.  I hope that’s what happens for you and all of us.  

    Jo, I meant to comment about how sad to have a zoom funeral and no video.  How sad for the family.

    Ron, hope you get feeling better.  Hopefully the other spots will disappear too.  

    It’s time I get up and get a few things done.  Have a great weekend.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I hope your all having a good Saturday. I am not doing too much today just staying inside and keeping warm. The snow is melting but its still cold outside and the road that goes aroud my house is a sheet of ice.  

    Lorita,     I am glad that Barclee is doing better.   Did Sarah ever return to the hospital. Poor thing is sounds like she is tired of staying home.   I am sorry you had a sad day yesterday I hope your day today is better. It sounds like you need another pot of potato soup.   I found a recipe on the back of a soup can. Its bean with bacon soup and you add 1/2 cup of uncooked rice then cook till the rice is tender and it turns in to like a casserole. I think that would be good with some cheese on it. I am going to fix that for dinner.   I use a bigger size cat box for Rascal, it is really a plastic storage box it is 16 by 22ins when I used a normal size cat box he was kicking the sand all over the place. 

    Jo,         I am sorry to hear about your BIL and sorry for your SIL hopefully she recovers from the shock of seeing that happen.      I also have dry skin on my hands and I am sure its because of all the disinfection sprays I have been using. What is the best lotion to use to soften them up?  Enjoy your muffin tomorrow they sound Yummy. 

    Ron,     It is nice hearing from you. It really sounds like you need some time for yourself. I hope you find some time to just get away for a few hours. Please relax and enjoy your sons visit. 

    Nicole,   I know you were looking forward to your trip home, you do need some rest.  Hopefully with the caregiver it will give you some time for yourself. 

    Judith,    I am glad to hear you got your shot and it did not hurt. I got notice yesterday that the shots for my age group will start to be given on the 24th of this month. So I guess I just wait till I hear something else. The notice was from the Medical Center that my old Dr was in. I had to change Drs after mine retired so I wonder if I still get the shot there or wait till I hear from my new Dr. I guess it does not make a diff where I get it at. 

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hi Joan,

    It is nice hearing from you and I am glad things are starting to get better for you. 

    Do you all and any of you remember the long lines we had to wait in for our polio shots? Some of you may not be old enough to remember that. I am 75 and when the shots were given out we had to go to a big place it had many long lines of people waiting. I was so scared as a kid I did not like shots. After we got our shot my Grandmother took me to a little ice cream shop for some ice cream I was sitting on a stool at the counter, the next thing I remember I was laying on a bench in a booth. I was so scared I guess once I relaxed I passed out. I hope when I get my shot I will not be in a long line with a lot of people.    I wont pass out but the memories will come back. 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    When you go  you fill out several pages re any possible allergies or reactions. I have no idea what they might have if someone has a reaction but most reactions seem to be within the 15 minutes. 

    I expect my arm (non-dominate) to be sore and I may feel sick later on         ....not concerned. I will be happy to deal with whatever and not fear getting this disease or giving it to someone else.. I will continue to wear a mask etc for 6 week and then some.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Zetta, I do remember polio shots.  I was in K or 1st grade.  They lined us up in the school hall and gave us our shots.  That’s about all in remember.  
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Joan, good to hear from you and to know you're still improving.  Sometimes it takes a long time and we do get impatient.  I saw a drought monitor this morning on the weather and this part of the state from OKC to the Arkansas state line and down to around McAlester are not in drought but other parts of the State are. It's still muddy here but I was able to feed from the PU today - lst time in a long time.

     Sarah called today while I was feeding so called her back when I finished.  She didn't go to the hospital - Todd went back to Texas and hasn't come back yet.  Don't know what's going on with them but it's not good and it's not good for her to be alone so much either but I can't do anything about it except worry.

     When I backed the PU back into the carport I saw daylight behind me - the wind from yesterday and the day before has blown the sheet iron on the NW corner (direction the wind was from) up and a little bit of the next two pieces.  I can't get up there to fix it and can't get something heavy enough up there to hold it down.  I called Bryon (the man who mows and does things for us) to ask if he and Shane might have time to fix it and also to cut some sprouts in the fence.  I hadn't called them before because it was too muddy to get to the brush pile to take the limbs down.  I doubt they can do it on this short notice but couldn't think of anything else on the weekend.  I don't want to ask Darwin because he's about 84 and shouldn't be climbing either.  Monday I'll call our local lumber company and see if they know of anyone.  Just remembered I have the number of a handy man in my phone - could call him.  Hopefully it won't be windy again until I can get it fixed.

     Joan - it seems like the Moderna vaccine is the one given west of the Mississippi.  I heard something about that when they first started distributing it.  I think I read somewhere that for every injection given it saves five lives.  Don't know how that works but that's what I remember.

     I'm okay today  - the "day" always is sad - lots of memories.  It does me good to get outside among the animals - it's cool today, enough for a coat and hat but I fed and then put some creep in the feeder and by the time I finished I was hot. In fact, this is the first time I've been able to get out and about without wearing boots.

     Zetta, the bean and bacon soup sounds good - bet the rice will make it even better.  I like rice cooked anyway.  I finished the last of the potato soup I made this week so I'll be ready for some more before long.

     I received my Honey Bells yesterday and this morning I couldn't resist so cut one.  They're huge and thin-rinded and so full of juice.  They send a bib for you to wear when you eat them because of the abundant juice.  They're so big I could only eat half of one so will finish it tonight.  If you all haven't tried them, please do next year.  They're grown in Florida and are only available for two weeks each January.  The box says Harry & David on it (the place in Oregon where the pears come from).  I called QVC to see if it's the same company - and it is.  I was surprised because the pears come from Oregon and the Honey Bells from Florida.

     I have a cow with a sore foot - Gray Lady - she's almost as old as Rose Bud so today I also fed her.  She'll be looking for that from now on.  Funny, always one or two babies who try to eat with them - probably Rose Bud's granddaughter. 

     Been watching some of the news on TV today - Zetta, Gunsmoke's coming on in five minutes so I'll watch that.  Looking forward to the football game tomorrow.

     Good to hear from everyone and, Sandy, if you're reading I do hope you're not too sore today and are feeling okay.  I'll call you in a day or so. 

     For you two ladies who've had the vaccine - I know you feel relieved and will feel more so after your second one.  I don't know whether to call our health dept. or not since I'm not quite ready to get the vaccine even if I could.  I'm glad the reactions seem to be infrequent.  Take care and stay safe.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning, 

    Good to hear from everyone.

    Joan you are sure having a battle.  Hope you get to feeling better soon.  

    Lorita for us single women, getting repairs done is often a challenge.  Guess it probably is for a lot of men too, especially as they get older.  Got gutter guards installed this fall and so thankful for that as I hate climbing up on that ladder.

    After we receive the vaccine still important to wear mask for quite awhile.  Was explained by a physician on This Week In Virology very recently.  One reason is vaccine not 100% effective.  Moderna and Pfizer 94-95% effective in Phase 3 trial.  So a small percent will not get immunity from the disease.  We do not have data yet from J&J on their efficacy but should know that sometime soon they are saying. They also do not know for sure yet whether those who did obtain immunity can still spread it.  Even though they are not getting sick they may still be infectious and able to spread to others.  The latest things I am seeing is that they are leaning toward you won’t spread it but assuming you do til they are for sure you are not. This is the path of safety for all.   Time will figure this all out.  There are many of us who are willing to take the vaccine but have not been eligible yet and we still need those of you who have received it to help be sure you are not infecting us that are patiently waiting our turn.  At some point, possibly fall or a little later hopefully masks will be optional lol.  If you chose at that point to risk the disease rather than the vaccine you are on your own then.  Have kind of grown to like my mask.  Maybe it will become a permanent part of me when going out  from November through March.  Noticed my sisters family who always have had a lot of flu and colds in the winter have not had that this year.  Have seen posts on here regarding this same observation by others.  This physician also mentioned seeing health care workers, who he said should have known better, not wearing their masks after being vaccinated for first time and they are getting Covid before returning for second shot.  He asked us to spread the word.  Hope this helps.

     Take care everyone 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Phizer vaccine is being given here as well as the Moderna. I am counting on the research that thinks if one gets the virus after being vaccinated the illness will not be as bad and I think they will find that those vaccinated will not be spreaders.

    Arm is a bit sore but only when I move it.

    Beautiful day. I think I will buy and umbrella and have my grandson build me a small patio on the from of my house until we can figure out the back,

    Making short ribs today. I have the ribs thawing...hope I have the rest of the fixings.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Sara - I hate that I can't do things I used to do and not too long ago either.  But, as far as sheet metal goes I've never dealt with it much - can't seem to get a nail through it.  I'll call the lumber yard tomorrow morning to see if they have someone - they always seem to and I've used that resource several times.  Bryon hasn't returned my call which is very unusual - worries me that he might be sick, or his family. 

     It's a beautiful day - it was cloudy this morning except along the horizons but cleared off pretty quickly. It's a bit windy and 50 degrees now.  I didn't drive out to see the girls and won't because right now they're all laying down and it would make them get up. I was able to see almost all of them - always look for Rose Bud. Just came in from filling one of the water tanks.  A little calf was standing by it and I stopped and talked with her a while.

     Had a mini melt-down a while ago. I've been watching In The Kitchen with David on QVC and they were selling meatballs.  Brought up memories of when Charles and I would go to KC to the football games.  There was a little drive in close to the motel where we usually stayed and we'd get meatball sandwiches there - so good.  They'd hollow out a bun and put the meatballs down in it.  All at once the tears came - really strange that even after six years it still happens and for the strangest things and at the oddest times.  Do we ever get over that?

     Sara - glad you got your gutter covers on - climbing those ladders is a real hazard even though you are younger.  The electrician we used to use was at the barn  years ago fixing the lights inside and he was scared - he was elderly, too,and told me he fell off a tall ladder flat on his back on concrete.  He was telling me this when he was on a tall ladder working on the lights.   He retired shortly after that.  Ladders and I don't get along too well - going up three rungs is my limit.

     I saw Dr. Fauci on TV this morning.  He feels like 100 million vaccinations in the first 100 days of Biden's term is very doable. 

     Judith, I'm so glad you got your vaccine - Joan, too, and that both of you are doing well afterwards.  Did you get the Modena vaccine and did you have a choice?  When I get mine it'll be in the dominant arm because I'm still having problems from the flu shot given in 2019.  I'm sure the nurse must have gotten into a nerve.  She gave me the shot a couple of years before and I didn't feel a thing, then or afterwards.  Odd.

     Enjoy your ribs.  Charles used to cook them on some kind of cooker, outside, that had coals and water in it.  Really good.  Daddy used to fry them.  I don't remember us ever cooking anything outside when I was growing up.

     I noticed buds on the maple tree just outside the yard this morning - that and daffodils up and the honeysuckle is beginning to green up.  I'm ready for spring.

     Need to break down the boxes on the front porch before others are out there. Trash collection is tomorrow morning - still won't have much but I need to take it down.  Seems like most of the trash I have is dog and cat food cans and boxes that things for the kitchen come in - crackers, etc., plus the broken down boxes.

     Barclee slept through the night until about 5:30 this morning.  Got him up to go to the bathroom and then he couldn't settle down - fell off the bed twice.  Finally I put a pillow at the edge of the bed and that worked.  Don't know why I didn't do that sooner because I've done it before.  He tried to get underneath the pillow with the sham on it - guess that keeps him warmer.

     Nothing going on here today, I hope, until the ballgame comes on this afternoon.  I can just visualize how things will look in KC at Arrowhead - green field, pretty uniforms, blue skies - but now with so many fewer people.  Big day for both teams.

     Judith, how about your air fryer?  Have you used it yet and do you like it?  How nice it would be to have a little patio to sit on when it's sunny and warm this winter.  Guess you're still planning on the screened-in porch.

     Zetta, I remember when we either had the polio shots or sugar cubes.  I wasn't too old and I think it was in the summer and daddy took me up to the school house to get mine.  The neighbors who lived on the farm west of us had a daughter just younger than I who had polio.  She recovered but one leg was a bit shorter somehow but she still was able to play football.  Probably not because it was shorter but something that happened with the polio.  I also remember getting a smallpox vaccination when I started working at the VA Hospital.  I have a keloid from that.

     It's almost noon - short morning.  Hope everyone's well this morning - watch the ballgame if it's on in your area.

     Forgot to mention:  I saw, either on TV or the internet, a women who was talking about face masks.  Supposed to be an expert.  She said if you wear a cloth mask next to your face and a surgical mask over that you have what is essentially a N95. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Judith seen Israeli study today and it is also leaning toward those vaccinated will not spread.  Hope they will be able to confirm this for sure before too long.  That would definitely be a great bit of news.
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    My friend who is an occupational health nurse at a hospital had her second vaccine recently. It was the Pfizer vaccine. She had side effects of fatigue, muscle weakness and chills. She said if you take Tylenol or Ibuprofen, you will decrease your body's antibody production. So she did not.

    Another concern: over 40,000 people who were due for the second vaccine have not received it. One is not protected with just one dose. Not good.

    Praying for our country this week. May God have mercy.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    So Sunday I felt "off balance". Arm? If I moved it I was aware of the shot. Today all is well.

    I am being extra careful being so close to the finish line. BTW...there are no ICU beds in OKC!  (NYT)

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Judith, do you think the off balance feeling was from the vaccination?  I'm glad things are back to normal today.  No ICU beds in OKC - not good.  Sarah said she called the ambulance a couple of days ago and they told her they weren't picking up people unless it was a dire emergency because of the virus.  What's NTY?

     Beth, that's what worries me - that a person would get the first vaccination, then the second wouldn't be available.  I know they were going to release all they had in storage, then discovered then wasn't any in storage.  The whole thing has been a mess-up.  I think I'll wait until things are straightened out more.  I see very few people so maybe that'll be okay.

     Another busy morning.  I let the cow out - Mike came last night about 8:30 and decided it was a sprained shoulder instead of her foot.  By the time he was here and she'd been up and around she was walking pretty well.  I gave her some feed to get her up and then hay and she had water.  I let her out this morning and she was walking pretty carefully.  I think I see her up by the hay laying down now.  He did give her some medications (shots).

     The guy who sells liquid feed came about 10:00 - huge truck that could barely get underneath the arch over the gate by the barn.  He filled two liquid feeders and the girls are working them over now.  He talked about how pretty and fat they are and that I need to back off the creepfeed for the cows.  I may but I'll feed every other day but maybe just less.  They'll get a lot of protein from the liquid feed and some from the creep.  Now, I need to get over and get the mineral tubs - instead of the protein tubs I've been using.

     He had just left and UPS came.  Glad I saw him because it was a big, heavy box and he was prepared to leave it outside the yard.  Got him to bring it to the porch.  If we'd have the same guy twice in a row it would be better but it's not to be.  Glad the GPs were back in the house.

     The liquid feed man gave me the name of a handyman he uses who lives maybe 8-10 miles from here.  I gave him a call and had to leave a message.  He says he's used him quite a lot and he's dependable and honest.  I hope it works out.  I'm really worried about Bryon - he's so good to return calls and he hasn't.

     Thankfully, right now the wind's from the south and it's kind of blown the metal back to the north.  That carport was built in 1960 so it's 60 years old.  It needs to be cleared out in the worst way but I can't tackle that. 

     Took down the trash - didn't think I was going to but decided since I didn't last week I should today.  Glad that's done. 

     Zetta - watching Gunsmoke.  I was watching a western last night and saw an actor I hadn't thought of in a long time - Richard Boone who played in "Have Gun, Will Travel".  Do you remember that one?  The Virginian is coming on now.  We used to watch that a lot.  Not long ago I saw some kind of public service announcement or something and it had  James Drury, the man who played the Virginian on it.  Gosh, he really looks old - but then, I look in the mirror and so do I.

     Still working on finishing my breakfast so I'll stop and get that done.  Do hope that handyman calls. 

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  I think the elevated dog bowls are in that box so maybe I'll put on my mask and check - probably not.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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