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Just need to talk to my friends (140)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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 Time for another part of our thread, I guess.  Getting a bit hard to get on the 139.

 It's not good, weatherwise, here this morning.  All the trees and grass are covered with a thin layer of ice.  I thought I heard freezing rain last night before I went to bed.  I didn't wake up until 7:15 and then couldn't find my phone.  I always take my temperature  befre I get out of bed and I use it for light.  Got up and started to get dressed and my phone rang - couldn't find it and it stopped.  Kept looking and I hadn't taken it out of my robe pocket.  Found who was calling and returned the call.    It was Mike calling to tell me to be very careful if I went outside. Told me to be sure to take my phone with me. He said there's a glaze of ice on everything.  They were out feeding and were having trouble getting up little hills and through gates.  Hayrings are frozen to the ground and they can't get the netwrap off the hay.  I remember years ago we had a big snow and ice storm and Charles and I had to beat the ice and snow off the bales of hay so we could get the wrap off.  He said Highway 69 from Checotah to Muskogee had been closed and reopened and closed and I-40 between Checotah and Henryetta is really bad. News just said there's been a lot of wrecks o it.  East-West Highways are almost always the worst and I-40 is notorious for it.  They just said from I-40 south is still having a light, freezing mist.  Seems like I-40 is the dividing line.

 Got my boots and coat, etc. on and went out to feed Tom and Jerry.  Their water was frozen but I had taken some fresh water - so they have water, canned food and dry food and are under shelter.  Then went out to check the cow's water.  The ice on it was broken - they're awfully good about being able to break ice - guess because they keep drinking during the night and keep it somewhat open.  I'll have to give them more by noon.  So glad I fed them 6.6 lb. of feed each daily.  That's an average - I'm sure some get more and some get less (Billy for instance).  They have liquid feed and are using the feeders so the licks are open.  They're getting a little low on hay but Mike said he'd get some out in a day or so.  At this moment nothing is falling but weatherman just aid it's way bad south of here and is probably moving north. 

 Passed by the daffodils on the way back in  - poor little things.  Carol and Bill had appointments for their vaccinations today in Tulsa.  The news just said all of those appointments have been cancelled and people will be notified of new appointments.  I was going to call Carol to tell her what Mike said - and may still do so.

 Barclee and I slept all through the night and Stormy and Sheena stayed in and slept through.  They've been out and are back inside.  I hate weather like this and I know it's not as bad here as it is farther north.  Darn groundhog anyway!  I've never understood that - six more weeks of winter if he sees his shadow - looks like it would be six more weeks of winter if he didn't see his shadow. 

 I was going to feed the birds last night and the feeder was frozen so brought it inside.  Better take some food out to them. When ice is on everything it's hard for them to find something to eat.

 Liz, when I was caregiving I did the bare necessities but my house looked better then than it does now. Now, I just kind of put things off and think that no one's going to ber here anyway.  There's always tufts of white hair everywhere - from the Great Pyrenees but, like I said, no one but me sees it anyway. 

 Sara, stay inside and stay warm.  Hope you don't have to get out for anything today. 

 I think we're all agreed - SOUP today!!! 

Highway 69 north around Claremore is closed again - several jack knifed trucks.  Hate freezing rain and drizzle.  Guess the things will stay down at the road today where UPS left them yesterday.  I'm not going down after them.  Nothing that will freeze except perhaps the thermometer.

 Back later.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Just say on the news that the vaccinations in Tulsa were cancelled for today so called friend, Carol, to see if they knew about it.  Their vaccinations were scheduled for today.  She got an e-mail before 6 a.m. this morning telling them about the cancellation and that they'd be notified when they resecheduled so they won't have to do anything.  She says the weather over in Muskogee is really bad and everything's iced over. 

     So, Jo, looks like a lot, if not all, of the vaccinations sites are well organized.  Hope you're still doing fine with yours and that Laurel is improving.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Stay safe, Lorita. Don't chance walking on the ice. It's not worth falling and injuring yourself. If you decide to go out anyway, please wear your pendant. Years ago my mom fell in the garage in March and couldn't get up. She laid there for a couple of days before anyone found her - it was her neighbor, who was removing her snow, who heard her yelling. She very easily could have died.

    * The rest of the story - That was in 2013. That was when I began to have an inkling that she had some cognitive impairment. She had another fall, in the bathroom, in 2015 and shortly thereafter went into AL - 2016 SNF - died in November 2017.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Thanks, Beth, when I did go out this morning I had my pendant with me.  I will, for sure, wear it when I go out later today to fill water tanks.  Sorry about your mother - I know how awful that must have been.  Our neighbor fell in his house several years ago and couldn't get to the phone for three days.  He had bought a pendant-type thing but had never gotten it set up.  In this kind of weather, they're worth their price.

     No problem, Judith, I worry about gas, too.  Here's a scary story (sorry about all the stories but when you're 78 you have a story about almost everything).  Several years ago during the winter we had our propane tank filled.  A few days later we checked it and it needed to be refilled.  This went on for a couple of weeks, getting it refilled every few days.  The woman at the propane company took note of this and they had someone come out to check it.  There was a leak somewhere under the house and all that propane was under the house.  Open flames in the house in the stove and Charles' cigarette lighters.  We could have been blown up.  They had to relay new lines and redo the things.  So, it's never bad to worry about gas.

     I imagine they'll cancel the vaccinations for Saturday and rescheduled as soon as possible.  I don't know if this ice and freezing drizzle is that far west.  When I went out this morning the ground wasn't slick but it looks worse out there now.  Carol said yesterday evening they stopped at a pizza place and they saw a woman coming out of the shop taking baby steps.  Her husband stepped out of the car, took one step and got back in saying he would have killed himself if he'd walked any farther.  I can just imagine how the highways are around here - hope it's not as bad over there.

     Hate this kind of weather for people and animals who have to be out in it - and ranchers get out to take care of their cattle in all kinds of weather.  I'm so glad I fed the girls yesterday - not good to put things off in the winter.  Some of our girls had been out all night because their backs were white with ice.  I didn't see Rose Bud, hopefully, she's in the barn.  I don't want to chance walking out there right now.

     I didn't watch any of the impeachment thing yesterday but saw some of CNN and World News so got the jist of it.  If it's on today I may watch some.  You are so right, Judith, we are living in a time that will be in history books from now on.  Never anything like these past four years have happened before.  Heard Trump was so angry - 8 out of 10 points.  Just imagine the words that came out of his mouth.

     Watching some of Judge Judy - don't know why because she makes me so upset sometimes - maybe I'll change the channel.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Lorita.....Not certain how they would contact me re the vaccine. Here is the bread recipe I am using....the short version but I bet the over night is better.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Judith, the recipe didn't come through.  Do you have to knead the dough?

     I looked out the bedroom window an hour or so ago and saw something hanging out of a limb on the black walnut tree.  Thought something had blown into the tree - then it moved!  It was the squirrel I see occasionally hanging upside down.  I watched a little while and it went back up the tree.  There's black walnuts all over the ground, broken open, and he's probably the one who did that.

     Went out and got the birds fed - saw several around a tree on the north side of the house looking for something to eat.  Most of the girls have gone back to the garden, several standing next to the yard fence - out of the wind which is blowing a little bit.  The weather radar shows "pink" freezing rain in our area.  A semi has jack-knifed somewhere on Highway 69 - just missed going into a creek.   Wind chill is 7 right now.  Worried about Rose Bud.  I can't specifically see her now unless she's the one that looks like she's laying down by some hay.  I think the water tanks are getting low so I'll go out and fill them in a few minutes.  Hate that the weather people keep saying "this is just the tip of the iceberg - going to get much colder". 

     Judith, if you made your appointment on line, they may contact you by e-mail like they did Carol this morning.  Dr. Fauci says you can go up to six weeks before you have to get the second shot - not recommended, but possible to do if necessary.

     What's the weather like over there?  Saw a horrible pile-up on the news yesterday, must have been on I-40.

    Put the water in the dutch oven for the soup but haven't made it yet.  Still have some mac and cheese but I will make the soup later to have it ready when I am.

     Sure wish I had that UPS delivery - kisses will be frozen solid.  Wonder if the mercury in the thermometer will break?

     Stay warm - and inside.  Do hope Tom and Jerry are staying warm.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    How nice to have a fresh, new ongoing Thread; thank you, Lorita.  Gosh the ice and cold weather, please stay safe; it must be so hard to manage the ranch and animals with the freeze and ice.  Of course, nagging me; please try to remember to wear your safety pendant each time out there on the ranch when working.   

    Nicole, I am sorry for the grief and anxious feelings you are  experiencing.  That is very hard.    When in that situation I reminded myself that if it was not the right plan after all, it was reversible, so that was a help.  As it was, after we each got through the adaptation time, it worked well.   I so hope it goes well for your uncle and you too.

    jfkoc, omigoodness, what next!  Washer still out - that must be a dilly to work around; and a garage door opener that will not work, makes one stuck.  I am sorry for all of that and hope it is getting fixed soon.  You have so much knowledge about things; it was informative reading about the heaters - I have not much of an idea about that and it was good to read your input.

    Our ex-DIL is still in ICU and remains on a ventilator.  They changed her over to an "oscillating ventilator," I am not familiar with them, so I did some reading but still do not understand fully; seems there are positives and negatives, so hope it is helpful for her.

    The doctors tried to lower the sedation to begin to waken her, but when they did, her BP shot up again and they must keep her BP low because they cannot repair the aorta dissections until she is off the ventilator.  I can only imagine to wake up and find all those tubes and machines and omigosh; feeling the ventilator, what a nightmare.  Of course her BP shot up.  Her oxygenation is much better since they did a bronchoscopy and cleared her lungs.

    Elizabeth, our granddaughter, said her Mom is still able to once in awhile squeeze her hand when asked.   Heartbreaking.    It is going to take quite some time. I only hope they do not try to send her to a long term acute facility; as an RN, I have not seen much good come from such a transfer when the situation is so complex.   Elizabeth will have to return to university in not too much longer; right now she is able to work off her computer, so that is good.

    I have had some weirdness happening.  Found my urine dark brown several times - what????  Oh, oh.  Been on Bactrim twice a day since January 04.  So that got stopped.  Per MD, am pushing water (oodles) and it has cleared, but I am still leery.    I most often take two Advils per day for very painful knees and have done that for a couple of years, it does take the edge off. That is only 400 mg total per day; and then I take Advil breaks for a few days or change days alternating with Tylenol which is not as effective, but I want to not overuse Advil.  It can affect the kidneys. Never go over two 200 mg. tabs in a day.   Still . . . . sure hope it is something minor.  If I keep perking a problem, will have to have some labs and be seen.  My January 06 extensive labs were good, so that is helpful for a comparison starting point.

    Still no pain in arm from vaccine.  Have had a tiny bit of queasiness on second post-vax day; it wafts in and wafts out.  Also had a few minutes wafting of a light headache once yesterday and on evening after vaccination; I am not a headache person, so that is new and probably secondary to vax.  Have felt "cold," from time to time, but no  chills.  Also a bit tired feeling, but that can be from anything as was one moment of a dizzy feeling that hit and left.  All in all, not bad.  As said, do not know if those little things were from vaccination or not, I am just monitoring things more than usual.

    We are at 62 degrees today and may have some rain coming our way on Friday; we do need it, so it will be a welcome bother.   No ice or snow, but then we do not get the springtime and summer beauty that type of weather brings.   Sure would love it if lilacs grew where we are, but alas.

    As for the trial as mentioned . . . I am choosing not to watch it, BUT I did see the entire 13 minute film taken from the day of the rioting.  I was stunned; it is horrific to see things more up close as it happened, and to hear the words and plans being yelled and shouted.  That many were looking for the Senators and were angry the Senators had left the chamber and were not able to be found, was deeply troubling.  What would "they" have done if they were found; some rioters wanted to "try" them in their gang court.   Then of course, hearing and seeing the words and texts that came before, during and after that; stunned is about it.  

    Soup does sound good; it is the right weather for it, that is for sure.   Love the way the house smells when soup or stew is on the stove, and the good warm hug around the tummy.  I do not have a bread maker, but bet that too must make the house smell heavenly.

    Still cannot find the Valentines I bought for the family that I put in hiding, isn't that the oddest thing.  As said before, I do not lose things that badly; so this is a new one on me.  Decided no matter when I find them, I am sending them; even if it is the Fourth of July.  Hm-m-m; just came to mind while typing that there is one other slim possibility where the cards may have been hidden; I shall have to check on that.  You will hear me yelling if I do find them.  Hurray!!

    Lorita, have you been watching the new mini-series, "All Creatures Great and Small," on PBS?  Good show about veterinarians in the beautiful, Yorkshire Dales in England. Good script, good casting, good filming. I think you would enjoy it.  If you haven't watched, you may be able to find it, "On Demand," it must be watched from the beginning.

    Going to get going and then see if those Valentines just might be in one last place I have not looked, take good care, stay warm and safe and enjoy all that yummy soup!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    I have been watching the trial which, by the way, is only being broadcast on 2 of the 3 news channels. It is 100% more frightening that what was shown yesterday. 

    The testimony follows a time line and it is narrated video with videos by security containing death threats to Polosi and Pence and posts that were sent out including those biding farewell to their families. Everything is first hand...no heresay.

    The broccoli soup was not so good but healthy and edible. I would have rathered just some butter and salt on the broccoli. The main problem was that th chicken stock was really good and sort of disguised the broccoli.

    The recipe did not come through due to poster failure.


    Jo...it is  just the remote that is fussy so I am not stuck.

    Washer guy came. Says he feels certain that he can fix it so will get the right part andI told him to come back tomorrow  when the streets should be some better. Thankfully no precipitation until the weekend but the forecast keeps getting colder.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Hi again,

     Well, so much for staying inside out of the cold.  I've been out half a dozen times - the last couple trying to find a place to give Rose Bud her feed so the others won't knock her down.  Last time I went out I saw a 400 lb. calf in that meadow where they were a couple of weeks ago (by the way, today's my 14th day after being close to Darwin).  So, walked the fence and found a place she might have gotten through.  Went back to the gate but the latch was so frozen couldn't move it so decided I'd go over in the meadow and see if I could get her through the fence.  With so many clothes on and boots it's hard to get through a barbed wire fence - but I made it! 

      Mom came down and the calf went back through - casually jumped over the bottom two wires.  I got back through without falling - could just visualize myself laying with one leg over the barbed wire and the rest of me on the ground.  Found a couple of pieces of baling wire and got it wired back so maybe she won't go through again.  By this time I didn't see anything of Rose Bud and the girls were making a beeline for the barn.  Carried the feed out thinking maybe she'd stopped before going into the barn - she hadn't.  The water tank in the lot was frozen over so found a pitchfork and got it broken out.  Then, carried the feed back to the house.  I think I'm in for the night.  Everything's white -  nothing's falling but it's where it is to stay for days to come, I guess.  I hope all of the girls and babies go to the barn tonight and get out of the wind. 

     Judith, I'm glad you're going to get your washer fixed instead of buying a new one.  I so wish I'd done that when ours played out.  It was a Maytag and I think it had an agitator, not so sure now.  But, I could do a load of laundry, put it in the dryer and another in the washer and by the time the clothes were dry I had another load of wet clothes to put in.  Every time I do a load of laundry I say that I hate this washer.  It takes forever to wash a load but it does a good job except if you wash a pair or two of pants the legs are all intertwined.  I don't use laundry detergent - just washer balls.  I've used those for years and they do a good job.  Hope the washer can be fixed.

     I got a call this afternoon from the chimney sweep/man who works on stoves.  He said the end of the pilot light is supposed to be yellow and blue toward the place the flame comes out.  He said as long as the pilot light will light, it's fine to use - no problem.  He said I could tap the place where the pilot light comes out lightly with a screw driver and that would probably get the fuzz or whatever it is out.  Good to know that it's safe to use.  I asked him if they had ice and he said "no".  He's in the hospital for COPD and moved to Dallas about six years ago.  What a nice guy to call even when he's in the hospital.  He still has clients in this area and when he gets two or three calls he drives up, takes care of them, and back to Dallas. 

     Jo, like you, when I'm worried about something - like eating something I'm not sure about, every little twinge I get I usually associate with what I ate.  And, I think we do monitor our feelings more closely when we're not 100% sure about something.  I'm glad those twinges or feelings are over.  Sorry about the other - do you think the color of the urine might have something to do with something you ate?  Have you ever tried taking Glucosamine Chondroitin MS for your knee pain?  Years ago I was having a lot of pain in one of my hips and my doctor suggested I take that.  I did and within a few weeks it was much better.  I still take it fairly often for my knees and back.  I also take Acetaminophen, 400 mg. at a time, not more than twice a day, usually once. 

     Sorry Laurel isn't out of the woods yet but maybe since she's off the ventilator there is improvement. 

     Haven't gotten the soup made yet so probably mac and cheese and English peas for supper.  I have the water in the dutch oven already. 

     Jo - I haven't checked in on that program yet - I did see it on the schedule a day or so ago.  Do you know if it's a new version?  Seems like I've heard about it in the past. 

     Just now the weatherman mentioned snow - just what we need on top of the ice.  The car is covered in ice so no way I can get into it.  I am taking my alert pendant when I go outside and my phone.  Thank all of you for reminding me. 

     Thanks for the bread recipe.  I probably need to make another loaf tomorrow.  Do wish I could figure out how to add raisins to the bread.  Guess I could let it get to the dough stage, then add them.

     I've watched bits and pieces of the trial.  Just imagine how scared all of those people were and still they don't vote for doing something about it - a few do but not many.  If the mob had found them, they'd be gone along with all the others.  Hard to understand their thinking.  I heard they need eleven more Republicans to vote with the Democrats along with the six who have already to impeach him.  They should do that and make sure he can never run for office again.  I may watch some of Chris or Don tonight to see what did happen today.  I didn't see what you saw today, Jo, maybe they'll repeat some of it tonight.  Was it more than we've seen so far? 

    I'll watch David Muir at 5:30 - he'll probably show some of it.

     Weather says the freezing drizzle is moving out into Arkansas but more in the morning.  Wind chill is 8 above right now.  Snow chances over the weekend and early next week.  What happened to that forecast for a drier and warmer winter?

     Getting hungry so I'll stop and find something to eat and let Stormy and Sheena back in.  They've been content to stay inside today.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Lorita...I am sure you could add raisons to the 2 hour bread...it would be delish!
  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Oh Lorita... I remember the ice storms in NY. When I was younger then, I would have to make a path to get to my cats. I had sheds for the feral ones that had heat in them and I used a heated water  bowl outside. I don't think the cats would have known how to break ice..and that would be bad for them... now though, it would be rough getting through all that. Driving was the worst ever! I got caught in a snow/ice storm at work took me 4 hours to get home for a 40-45 minute drive.. was horribly scary. So be careful out there as they say.

    No one comes in the house here either except people I need to hire to fix things... I know what you mean, I only clean as really needed because I have to do two aviaries every day twice a day and that is a lot of work on top of all the other things. 

    I had to pick up heavy boxes today as well, my back is saying please stop.

    Well, hope that ice melts and you stay safe. 

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary


    I saw some of the trials... mostly while watching TV during dinner and seeing clips.. absolutely horrendous. It's a very scary thing to happen and to our country.

    Sending hugs your way...

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning,

    Sixteen degrees,  some more snow to shovel I see,  doesn’t look too deep in the dark lol.

    Lorita remember to wear your pendant and take your phone when you are out and about today.  

    Take care

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good morning all. I'm not watching the trial. I need to get AND KEEP Mr Trump out of my head. Thinking about him gives me stress. That stress is a lot less now that we have President Biden in office.

    Did y'all see Tom Brady "pass" the Vince Lombardi trophy from his yacht to teammates on another boat? Oh, that was scary. But we all know Brady is good at completing passes.

    Still bitterly cold here. Dog goes to the groomer this a.m. so I need to get moving to get ready to go. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Ron, I'm wondering if this awful weather is getting down to you and Lou.  I hope not - it's awful and so stinkin' cold - 20 degrees here this morning with a little wind.  Don't know what the wind chill is.   If you have to get out for your treatments, please be very careful - you can be down on the ground before you know it.

     I just came in from feeding Tom and Jerry.  They were ready.  Their water was frozen - knew it would be so took some water out to them and found something to put it in.  I guess they cuddle up on feedsacks or something there in the carport - don't think they're going to the barn.

     Went out to check the water in the water tanks.  One was frozen, other had been broken so broke both of them out good.  I'll have to give them water later this morning.  They're all around the hay.  Thought maybe I'd be able to catch Rose Bud before she got far away from the barn but she's up with the others.  I think I'll try to feed them today.  I have enough feed for five times.  I have three sacks in the Gator but the rest is in the back of the PU which is backed into the carport and the cab is covered with a tarp.  If I can't get into it I'll have to break the sacks to get them to the Gator - 25 lb. in each one instead of 50.  The PU is so close to one of the poles that holds up the carport - can't get by there holding a sack. 

     Thank you all for thinking about me and reminding me about the alert pendant.  I am taking it with me when I go out - also taking my phone, as usual.  I think we had a little dusting of snow during the night.  I have three steps to go down at the back of the house so I'm laying down a rug on the steps to keep from slipping.  So far the ground doesn't seem slippery but I'm wearing boots.

     Beth - Just now I saw Brady throw the Lombardi Trophy to another boat.  That could have been a disaster - bet someone would  have gone into the water after it.  Like you, I'm trying not to think too much about Trump or watch too much of the trial.  I did watch some of Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon last night.  How terribly close those people were to being massacred which would have happened if they'd been found.  I can't for the life of me see how any of them could vote to acquit.  If they'd been found it wouldn't have mattered if they were Democrats or Republicans.

     On our local news they're showing people who've dipped their jeans in water and let them freeze and standing them out in their yards.  I can remember before we had a washer and dryer we'd hang clothes on the clothes line to dry and they'd be frozen stiff when we brought them in during the winter.  You know, I think of how things were when I was growing up and how much they've changed now.  Young people wouldn't believe what we had to do back then and thought nothing of it because everyone else was doing the same thing.

     So glad I feel safe having the stove on - makes a difference.  I don't leave it on at night - just the electric heaters so it's not terribly cold when I get up - except in the front bedroom and sunroom.  Reminds me I have an asparagus fern in the sunroom (no sun here for days) that I need to bring out so it won't freeze.  But - back in the early 90s or late 80s we were out of power for a couple of weeks.  Charles and I lived in the MH which was totally electric.  At that time I had lots of plants (no inside cats to play with them) so we put them under the dining table and put a blanket over the table and let it hang down almost to the floor on all sides.  We didn't lose a single plant.  We'd stay in the MH as long as we could stand it - being so cold - and then come down to my parent's house to warm up.  We had 12 poodles so getting down here was a problem.  Charles would drive the PU across the pasture - couldn't get out of our gate to the main road.  We'd warm up and have something warm to eat, then go back home.  Charles always had to have a glass of water by his bedside at night - we ran out of ice and he got ice off the trees to put in his glass of water.  The next morning the ice would still be in the glass.  Like I've said before - it gets hairy out here.

     Another thing I thought of - one winter, after we'd moved to the farm house - Charles was recovering from pneumonia and couldn't be outside.  The girls needed hay so I got the tractor started, backed it out of the carport.  There was ice everywhere and I couldn't get the tractor to move out of the driveway - almost panicked but persisted and finally got it moving and was able to get hay to the girls.  I'm so thankful I'm not having to put out hay now.  Not sure when Mike will be able to hay ours because they're having so much trouble feeding everywhere. 

     Darwin's wife called yesterday to see if I needed help with anything.  She gave me bad news - my doctor has retired!  How I hate that.  He was such a good doctor and when you went to see him you felt like you were going to see a friend.  He was the only doctor in town so don't know if someone bought his practice or what.  I had an appointment with him last February (2020) for some lab work but decided not to go.

     Sorry I wrote to much - just came pouring out.  I'll stop and finish my juice and get some hot tea and breakfast. Hope all of you are well this morning and are staying safe out of the cold (except you lucky people where it's still warm).  Our weatherman said western Oklahoma might see a ray or two of sunshine today.  I'll be happy to see it for sure.

     Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Think maybe our cats use to get up in the hay loft.  That was a long time ago lol.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     I'm watching The Weather Channel and they're showing a 100 vehicle pile-up around Fort Worth. This was on I-35, the Interstate that comes south through OKC and on down into Texas.   Five people were killed.  They had a little freezing drizzle which caused black ice and it looked like as they came down a little hill they just couldn't stop and plowed into the other vehicles that were there.  The freezing drizzle is all the way down to Austin.  How scary that must have been for those people with those big semis coming toward them and not being able to stop.  It says it's foggy here - I remember driving on frozen fog - didn't know it until I stopped for gas and started to get back on the highway and fishtailed.  Scary stuff.

     I called my doctor's office to ask if he has retired.  She said he has not.  So, the neighbor's wife must have been confused.  He has told me her memory is really bad.  She kept talking about a Dr. Carr - not our doctor's name.  I asked if he had bought the practice and about his age.  She (neighbor's wife) didn't know.  So, I'm afraid she's going into alz.  This will be so hard for Darwin - can't imagine.  After we talked she called me again and said she didn't know why she was talking about Dr. Carr.  She even went into detail that our doctor and his girlfriend (he's married to the billing person in his office) were going on a cruise.   At any rate, glad my doctor is still there.

     It's still cold here.  Trying to decide about whether I should feed today or tomorrow and when we're going to have snow.  

     Tried watching a bit of the Impeachment Trial - I think it's better that I don't watch much of it - stressful - and enough of it will be on the news later today.

     I had to get myself awakened - was trying to fall asleep.  Didn't sleep too well last night .  Finally turned on the TV and when I woke up this morning at 5 it was still on. 

     Hope everyone's staying inside and being safe.  Sara - are you getting snow today?

     Joan, is all of this bad weather east of you or are you getting some of it, too?  Hope your hand and foot are better. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Back again,

     Got the girls fed.  It's just sooooo hard when you have to beat the ice off the gate chains or latches - ice in the feeders, hard to walk on the rough, frozen ground.  But, I got it done.  Poor little Rose Bud and five babies didn't even come down so I took her feed up to her.  She was laying on some loose hay with the babies but she was able to get up.  Came back by the liquid feeders and checked the licks to make sure they were working.  Then checked the water tanks.  I'll have to fill them this afternoon.  Drove back around to see if I could see all the babies.  Two or three of them are larger than the others so kind of hard but I guess they're all there.  Stopped by the creepfeeder - had to beat ice off of it to get it opened.  One side isn't feeding like it should so poked at it.  The little ones use their tongues to pull the feed out and if it gets wet I think it may freeze.  There's plenty of feed in it.  Came by the barn and went in to check.  One cow had finished eating and came in the lot to get water.  Of course, the water tank was frozen so came back to the garden area and got the axe and cut the ice - about 2" thick.  I'll try to fill it tomorrow.

     When I got back to the carport decided I'd see if I could get into the PU - no way would the door open even though it was covered - same with the car.  Finally got three more sacks of fed out of the back of the PU and into the Gator to feed next time.    It's not bad doing all of this when the weather's better but when the wind chill's 10 degrees and there's ice on everything it's just hard to get done.

     Got one boot off all right but had to use the jack on the other one.  I don't remember seeing Charles use it a lot - I was his boot jack.  I almost get a cramp in my calf when I strain to get them off.  Guess I should take my mother's advice she'd give to Charles and I when we were doing something that could hurt us - she'd say she needed to put us on a powder puff and cover us with a mosquito bar so we'd be safe.

     I'm tired so I'll stop and rest and watch The Waltons.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Well; nope - Valentine's were not in the last possible place. When I hide cards so DH doesn't see his, I always hide them only under my nightgowns in the dresser, so it is unlikely I put them anywhere else, but had to look everywhre anyway.  Then it hit me; whenever I get a niee box of cards I order from Hallmark, I open the box asap to look at them and see what they are like - never been disappointed. BUT - I did not open any Valentine's.   I had got two other boxes from Hallmark about the same time with other cards and had opened them, so I just wonder if I never got the Valentine cards in hand  . . . . DH puts all boxes and mail in garage for a few days after arrival.  Just wonder if that happened and if they somehow got accidentally lost or discarded.   Doesn't matter, whatever happened is done.  

     Yes, Lorita, the mini-series for "All Creatures . . . ." is brand new, it is not the old one. Good story and a bit different and the animals are of course, delightful.

    Me too, I so wish I had kept my Maytag when it broke down.  The repair was over $200, so DH felt it was not worth paying that much for an old machine to be fixed as it was indeed an older machine; but sure wish we had done it.   I am happy with the Speed Queen we bought before the govt. made them change too.  It has an agitator, the lid does not lock, we can set our own temperature and how much water for any load, and the wash cycle is short and quick.  Does a very good job.   The pre-set water levels on the new govt. mandated machines is so low; they also lock lids that cannot be opened once a load has begun; they provide so little water that the machines must wash for a much, much longer time to get the clothes clean.  Takes forever to run a load - had one, hated it and got rid of it and got the Speed Queen; they were considered a company that made machines for laundromats and avoided govt. mandates,  they had the wonderful regular machines and we got a set several months before the govt. made them change.  Still miss my dear old friendly Maytag though.  However; Maytag was bought out long ago and they are no longer the same. 

    I am not watching the trial either; I do not think there is any chance that there will be sufficient votes using conscience and fact to impeach; still too political.  Yet, the public and the world now have a very clear and forthright picture of what the dreadful debacle was all about; no place to hide from the truth.  Hopefully people will remember and learn.  I certainly have learned a lot. 

    As for some good, rich, lucious broccoli soup I still find the easy-peasy recipe I got very delicious and it is not full of uber-extra sodium.  Here is the "recipe":

     - Take two bags of California Vegetables  (mix of broccoli, cauliflower and carrots.)  Put them in a large pot. 

    - Cover with either chicken stock (or vegetable if you are a vegetarian), to about an inch or so over the veggies.

     - Add one small can of mild Ro-Tel tomatoes - (has to be Ro-tel for how they are seasoned.)  Mild is best.  In our area, Ro-Tel only comes in small cans.

      -  If you wish, you can add a chunked onion, but don't have to.

     - Then simply turn on flame, bring to slow simmer; put a lid on it and simmer for about 45 minutes or so.

      - Take off burner, insert your immersion wand blender into the pot and begin to puree - you can make it all puree or leave a bit of chunks if you wish. I like the nice thick puree; it is like creamed soup.  It is SO good and has a good mouth feel.

     -  If you wish, you can take part of it out while hot and stir in some chunked Velveeta Cheese to make a cheesey broccoli soup, cannot use any other hard cheese, do not even try cheddar, it will not melt and mix; only Velveeta does.

    It freezes well, and can be eaten as is and gives lots of veggie; or you can add some brown rice, or meat, or rice and meat - whatever you want. Gosh, it's good.  Now I want some. Love to make it and freeze,   It is so good family did not realize what it was really made of and they liked it too - so I always got a good amount of veggies into them.  Next to nothing calorie wise.

    Glad you are being so careful Lorita; what a job getting that big calf back in.  Your poor toes, nose and fingers must have been pretty cold and stiff by the time you were done with all that needed doing. Wish you could hire someone to do the big stuff for you in such weather.

    As for the colored you know what I had mentioned, I have been drinking water like someone was paying me to do it, and things have thankfully cleared.  Don't know why that happened, but do not want it to happen again.  Worriesome.   I drink a lot of water normally; do not drink soda or coffee; once in awhile a cup of decaf Earl Grey Tea, but I like water.  Once in a great while I will have a glass of grapefruit juice, but ordinarily I eat the fruits so I get the vitamins and fiber. 

     Oh my gosh - have you looked at the CD interest rates lately????  EEEEK!!!   The banks seem to want YOU to pay them, so we only use Credit Unions whose rates are always better.  I checked rates today just for the heck of it and blinked.  If one took even up to $90,000 and put it in a CD, the rates are about .60% for 12 months out here.  Lower in Oregon where son lives.  If one of course has less money in a CD, the rates are lower.  Straight savings is about .05%; that is awful.  This is due to the down turn in the economy.  I can remember back when rates "fell" to 3.0% and I thought that was so bad.  If only . . . . way back in the day, I recall as a kid that the economy had taken a lurch and the rates were 16% - 17%!  Can't imagine we will ever see that again.  

    It is like that old cartoon where the man opens up his little coin purse and out flies a moth.  Geeze.    Oh to have bundles to worry about - alas on that one!

    Glad your doctor did not retire, Lorita, what a relief that must have been.  A good doctor is an awesome ally to have.  Perhaps he will know if you would be best served getting vaccinated.   He will probably tell you to do it, but he knows your health well and can best advise.  It is odd to see old programs or old commercials where everyone is in a crowd and mixing and no masks and absolutely no concern about that because there was no problem.  Sure do miss, "the good old days."  Hope they will return.

    Amazes me that New Zealand has no COVID cases, and Australia none to so few they are not doing vaccinations at this time.  However, those countries are uber-strict and the citizens compliant and doing the right thing to keep their societies in good health and good stead.  No sense of entitlement and me, me, me.  Kudos to them.  DH's Podiatrist recently moved to New Zealand with her husband and children about six months ago. Bet she is glad she is there with her family.

     Time for a bit of late lunch; it is 1:00.  Think I will have some smooshed tuna and avocado mixed with a bit of olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  Love it; put it on crackers; will add some cherry tomatoes and have half an apple.  Now if only there was a big juicy pizza . . . . . ha!



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Not a lot happing with me today. We have a weather warning looks like we will be getting a lot of snow. So far not too much it has been snowing off and on all day but I guess the bigger amount is coming  tonight. I did go into town yesterday and got a lot of groceries to hold me over for a few weeks. I do not and will not drive in the snow. I worry too much about the other drivers not being careful.  I made some potato soup yesterday and it did not turn out as good as the Bear Creek soup does. My problem is I don't have all the seasonings the recipes call for. So I guess I should get the seasonings before I complain about how it turns out. 

     Jo,   Thank You for the soup recipe it looks good. I print off the recipes you all give us and use them as needed. Your xDIL is still in my prayers. I am glad you are feeling better.

    Beth,  Sorry about your Mom falling and being down for 3 days it sure was a good thing her neighbor heard her. About 5 years ago we had a lady who was a widow she lived on our street but stayed in most of the time. We would see her go out and get her mail. One day when her son who lives a few miles away came to check on her he found her on the kitchen floor she had had a heart attack and she was dead when he got there. He figured it had been about 3 days. 

    Lorita,   Sad to hear about the 100 car pile up I will probably hear about it on the new tonight. I sure hope where they are cancelling the vaccines if any are being cancelled for the 2nd shot that they will be able to get the 2nd shot.     It sounds like cows have no problem living in  the cold weather. Its nice yours have a barn to go into if they want. How does the mama cows protect the babies when its so cold outside especially the ones who dont have a barn to go into?   I do agree with Jo, it would be nice if you would get help during the cold winter months to help you with the outside things. 

    Nicole,   Sorry you are having to make this tuff decision about your uncle, but please remember your decision will be the right one.

    Stay warm and Hugs to all, Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Soup sounds good, Jo.  I steamed so much of those vegetables when Charles was here - love them especially dipped a little bit in a home made ranch dressing.  I probably have some bags of the California mix or some of the vegetable I froze.  We usually keep Ro-Tel tomatoes.  Have you ever had Ro-Tel tomatoes and Velveeta cheese as a dip - delicious.

     I'm sorry you haven't been able to find the valentines - they'll probably turn up when you least expect it.  I've found if I keep things in a certain place, then move them - I never find them again.  I remember when we were going into the 21st century - remember people were afraid the power would go out and all kinds of bad things - Karen and her husband bought a  Coleman lantern to use if it happened.  They brought it home and never saw it again - never did find out what happened to it.  I wonder if they found it when her family was packing up the house when they sold it.

     It's cold, cold, cold and going to get colder.  The weatherman said 6-10" of snow Monday I think.  Our girls had gone to the barn and were in there when Mike came to put out the hay.  He closed the gates but didn't chain them because the wind wasn't blowing.  While he was putting out the hay the wind got up and they came up to eat some hay.  They'll eat some and probably go back because the wind is blowing now.  He said they moved all of his cattle they could so they'd have some sort of windbreak the next few days.  Zetta, the cold weather and hot weather is hard on cattle, especially if they get wet and then it turns cold.  Black cattle can't stand the heat too much either.  That's why I'm so thankful we have a barn big enough to stay in and they do - summer and winter.  Zetta, the little calves will bed down in loose hay - hay they cows have pulled from the bales, and that keeps them a bit warmer.  Not good for the babies to lay too close to their moms.  We had some new babies and when we checked them after we got home, one calf was laying kind of by his mom's back legs and she had one leg over his  neck.  We got her leg off but it had done something to the baby and didn't make it - probably cut off the oxygen to her brain.  So, normally they don't have them lay too close.  It would be good if I could find someone to help occasionally but it can't be done.  When I was growing up there were always high school boys wanting to haul hay or do anything to make a little money.  Now you can't find anyone to work.  You should see the new pickups and cars parked at the school that belong to the kids.  Different world now.  And, you'd never know when you needed them - like when the calves got out in the meadow and had to be gotten back in.  I was trying to find a handyman to fix the carport roof and couldn't do that - thank goodness for Bryon. 

     Still haven't gotten down to get that package at the road.  I have a couple more things to come that will be delivered by UPS.  If something's coming tomorrow I'll call the office and ask them to tell the delivery guy to pick up the package and bring it to the house - I'll see if that will work.  I called Mike to thank him for putting out the hay and he got to the road while we were talking.  He asked me about the pkg. and offered to bring it to the house.  Wouldn't have had him do that for the world.

     Jo - I'm so glad my doctor isn't retiring either.  I know the husband of one of his receptionists and he says he'll never retire.  Hope he doesn't - he's four years younger than I so has a lot of good years except for the arthritis he has. 

     I remember when interest rates were way up in the teens.  At that time we didn't have much savings but my sister did and she did pretty well on those rates.  It's a shame the way it is now.

     I didn't watch much of the impeachment trial today but may watch a bit tomorrow. Jo, All Creatures, Great and Small is on tonight at 11 so I'm going to watch it.  Will have to stay in the LR because I don't get local channels on the bedroom TV.  It needs a new box or whatever it is and I won't let them come in to replace it.

     I made some potato soup - so, so good - just hit the spot tonight.  There were lots of potatoes in it.  Wonder if you could melt some Velveeta in it?  Might try a bowl of that tomorrow. 

     Glad your color problem cleared up.  I drink loads of water, too, and have for probably 25-30 years.  Now I have to have a bottle of water by my bedside - not bottled water I've bought, just our tap water.  Every so soften it has an off taste.  That happened last summer and I called the water manager and he had them put in something at our neighbor's house so they can flush it.  He's at the end of the water line and we're next to him.  They flushed it this summer and it was better.  A week or so ago it began to taste funny again and I called and guess they flushed it because it's all right now.  Jo - I've drunk orange and cranberry juice (half and half) for probably 56 years.  I started drinking that when I was working with a Urologist - he had all of his patients drinking cranberry juice.  I added the OJ and I'm addicted. 

     I'll stop for now - leaving the water running a little bit in the kitchen with an electric heater in front of it.  Gosh, I do dread the next 7-10 days of cold weather, ice and snow.  They said the WC may be 20 -30 degrees below zero.  How in the world do people up north survive in this kind of weather.  I don't want to live any farther north or south - satisfied here even with our hot and humid summers.

     Sleep well tonight.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning.  Twenty degrees this morning.  Don’t think I will have to shovel any snow today.  Will probably make some zucchini muffins today.

    JoC that soup sounds good.  

    There had been lights on at J house so my sister contacted her son and they were there.  He told her J will be moving to a different facility today.  It an assisted living place but I know someone who worked there and they do give quite a bit of care.  Hope she does ok there.  Tried to call her a week or so ago and her phone didn’t ring in.  She has not called me for awhile.  Will wait a week or so and try again.  She has had her vaccination, so once I get mine can start visiting her with a mask whenever the facility is ok with it.

    Heard someone say that by the end of this year we may be able to start hugging again.  That will be something I won’t take for granted again either.  Hope they are right.  Think I saw where Fauci said in April sometime we should all have vaccines available to us.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Sara, it's warmer in Ohio than it is here - it was 15 with a 0 wind chill when I got up.  I've made three trips to the barn to check to see who was in there and twice to try to break the ice on the water tank - too thick - so two more trips to fill the empty spaces with water.  Filled both of the tanks in the garden - four more trips. 

     I had two bills that are due the 22nd - wrote checks for them a week or more ago and hadn't gotten them mailed so called the post office to see if our carrier was able to make her route.  She is so decided I'd take them down and pick up the package UPS so nicely left at the gate.  It has another metal hose in it.  The one I've been using has had something happen to it - the round part you screw on the faucet has come loose from the main hose - but it still works - just takes a while to get it hooked up.  Also had my LocknLock in the mailbox that had been delivered to another address and then had to be replaced plus the mail.  Thank goodness, the Gator started and did just fine.  The girls heard it start and thought I was going to feed them so when I got back home they were still in the garden bawling.  It's not good out - there's a few snow flakes but the ground is covered with sleet and ice.  You can see where the ice has fallen off the tree limbs - don't know how that happened unless the wind blew it off.  The wind's from the north and it's cold - not so awfully bad when you're out of the wind. The girls can stand by the yard fence on the south side of the house and be out of the wind.  Hay's not too far away or the liquid feeders and water.

     I'm taking my medical alert pendant with me.  This morning when I brought it out and put it on the table, it went off.  Guess I laid it down too hard so luckily I was still in the room and noticed it and told them I was okay.  Makes twice it's gone off since we've had bad weather and I've been wearing it.

     I understand the main roads are all right but the country roads and side roads are ice covered.  I know the road north of us is icy.

     Nothing else going on here and I hope it stays that way.  I'll go out again this afternoon and fill the water tanks.  Rose Bud was in the barn when I went out but she has walked out to the garden.  Maybe she'll eat some liquid feed and hay and go back to the barn.

     Sara, wasn't Jean in an assisted living center already or was it a hospital?  I hope she does well where she's going.  I know you must miss talking with her. 

     Zucchini muffins sound good.  Do you make them just like zucchini bread?  I think you posted your recipe and I did try it and it was delicious.  I have a couple of packages of shredded zucchini so may make another loaf when I finish the muffins I have now. Glad I made the soup yesterday.  Just had a couple of pumpkin-spice muffins and hot tea for breakfast.  I'll stop and have another cup of tea.

     Hope all of you can stay inside and stay safe today.  I think the defense in the impeachment trial begins in a few minutes - may watch a little of it.  Beats me how people can see what happened and why and still plan to vote to acquit - no conscience or fear?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Today I was able to ring the bell after completing the last of my radiation treatment! I will still have to go through the harmone shots for 6 years, but the hardest part of my treatment is over. 

    Worse part of the day was leaving the house! Pushing Lou down the wheelchair ramp; I hit a slick spot, fell backwards, held on to Lou's wheelchair as I went down to keep her safe. Ended up on my butt with her in the wheelchair in my lap. Laid their for 10 minutes till I was able to get my phone out and call neighbors to help. Nothing broke, just bruised a little bit lou is fine and that's the main thing. 


    Forgot to mention that its been a long time since Lou was on top of me but I thought it use to feel better than it did this morning  

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Ron, Congratulations on completing your treatments. I am sorry to hear of your and Lou's fall but because of your quick thinking you were able to protect Lou. I am glad you had your phone with you and the neighbors were home. I bet your Butt will be sore tomorrow. Hopefully you will not have to leave your house again till the ice melts. Hugs to you both. Zetta
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Hi Ron,

     I echo Zetta's congratulations on completion of your treatments.  I know you're glad they're finished.  How often will you have to take the shots?

     So glad you or Lou weren't hurt in your fall.  You'll be sore because a fall of any kind really jars your body.  So, sounds like you're having some freezing problems down there, too.  Are they predicting snow for you?  They're saying on Sunday and Monday morning we may have 8-10" with very, very cold temps.  Right now around Tulsa and north of here they're having lake effect snows.  The NE wind's coming over the warmer water of the lakes up there and making snow. I don't think we're having any here - our big lake is south of us. 

     When I went to the mailbox this morning I saw one herd of Darwin's cows - maybe they have a windbreak.  Looked like he had just fed them.  I think he has 75 or more in that pasture and probably herds in another couple of pastures.  Once he told me it takes him about half a day to get them fed.  Same with Mike - he feeds one direction one day and the other direction the next day but with the freezing weather they'll have to go to each pasture every day to cut the ice.  Dangerous stuff - cutting ice with an axe - would be so easy to cut your foot.  I'm going to do my best to keep the water tanks filled so the girls won't even think about going to the ponds.  After I feed, they usually go down to the pond in that pasture to drink but maybe they won't since it's so cold.  I'm going to try to feed tomorrow because I won't be able to on Sunday or Monday.I don't like weather like this.

     Have you ever noticed when we have cold, awful weather like this how cluttered your house can get so quickly?  I need to do a few dishes this afternoon.  Sandy, I've done pretty well - these are just a few pieces.  I did fill one of the Cheese Ball barrels with water, just in case.  I've kept a small stream running in the kitchen and bathroom for almost this whole past week. 

     I left the things I picked up this morning on the back steps.  I need to get that new hose out so I can get it on the faucets quicker.  Don't even know what kind of mail I got - didn't look at it. 

     Tried watching some of the impeachment thing - but couldn't handle it so I'll wait for the evening news to see what happened. 

     Jo - I started to watch Creatures; Great and Small last night but went to sleep.  It's going to be on earlier this weekend so I'll watch them even though it'll be a different episode.

     Weather says it's going to be 7 for the high on Monday with a low of -8 Tuesday morning.  Too cold for anything - and we may have snow on top of that. 

     Stay in this afternoon and until the weather gets better.  EMSA is responding to dozens of fall calls in Tulsa.  I haven't been out the front way - those steps are concrete so I'm going out the back door - steps are wooden and I lay a rug across them to be safer.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Congratulations bell-ringer Ron!!!   Wonderful to have that part done and over, so pleased for you.  My goodness, what a fall with Lou, glad no one was hurt.  Had to chuckle at your last bit; very funny Mr. Ron.  So hope you do not have to go out in ice again.  May that weather clear soon.  I was raised in the UP of Michigan; that "weather" seemed to go on forever.  I remember walking to school (a long distance) in it.  Buttoned up so tight in winter clothes with scarf covering face; yet cheeks still got red and chapped.  Stay safe and cozy, you and your dear Lou.

     Lorita, the mini-series, "All Creatures Great and Small," is best watched from the first episode as one builds upon the other. Perhaps you can find the episodes, "On Demand," and get them.   It sounds pretty dangerous out there in such weather and ice, please take great care and take no chances.  This has to be awfully difficult for you right now; wish it was easier for you, ranching is not for sissies especially when doing it alone and especially when 78.  You are an amazing person and absolute wonder. 

    xDIL is having sedation slowly weaned off; they hope to be able to wake her up perhaps by this evening. They have tried before but had to postpone it due to BP issues.  Cannot afford high BP as it could rupture the dissected aorta.   Once she is off the ventilator and BP controlled, they feel she will have surgery for the aorta repair about three weeks after that. They are also hoping that her mentum will be okay; she was not without O2, so she hopefully will be okay on that front. What a traumatizing time for her though.  What makes her an even more frightened patient, is that her older sister, in her 20's, was in a car accident and was left a ventilator dependent quadraplegic. When sister returned home to her mother's house, DIL was one of her fulltime caregivers along with her mother who often was not very helpful.  DIL was young and did total care with her own life on hold for several years until she finally had to step away and get on with life and work.  She later met our son and they married and have three children.  They have been divorced for some time, but son stepped in and stayed at the hospital with her yesterday as daughter had mandatory classes to attend online, had clients to assist online, had new client intake to do, and had a group she had to facilitate later; she completes her Masters in Psychology this summer.  How frightening for DIL to wake up on that vent; when she came into the hospital, she had no vent so she is not yet aware of it.   Feel so very bad for her.

    We had some rain this a.m., but it has now passed over; however, the wind is blowing fiercely and whipping tree branches around.  It is 56 degrees today; weatherman has us back in the 70's again next week.  Strangely warm weather. 

    I just saw the naughtiest recipe for "Chicken Francese," online.  Sure does look good, but not low in fat by the end of the recipe:


    Would live to try making it, but know I won't.  Still though, it sure looks good on the plate.

    LA County had to close all of their large venues for car appt. vaccinations today, they ran out of vaccine.  What a terrible situation; they expect to hopefully re-open in a couple of days.  The Dodger Stadium site alone was vaccinating about 4,000 people a day!  Hopefully, there will also be some new sites opening as had been planned.

    Zetta, really glad you are not planning to drive in the snow you are about to get; that is wise. Some folks still are out in it and worse; put pedal to the medal, it always surprises me how careless some folks are in bad weather conditions.   You will be toasty cozy in your warm house with your fur friends and enjoying having warm toes.

     Sayra; sorry to hear about J advancing in her dementia.  The new living setting sounds as though it may be a positive for her; sure hope so.  How is your mother faring in the weather?  Won't be long before spring is upon us and you will be planning and planting your garden.  But then of course comes the miserable dog days of summer and we will all be wishing for cold weather again.

     It will be wonderful when most of the population has been vaccinated, but so many are refusing to do so.  It really is too bad; when those who do not vaccinate percolate, that is where the mutations will continue to come from.  They endanger everyone.  So hope that the vaccine we are getting will be effective for the two mutations that are already found in all the states.  If not, and the vaccine has to be tweaked; I continue to wonder what they will do about all of us who have already been vaccinated with the untweaked vaccine.

    My friend said she cannot wait to get two weeks beyond her second vaccination; she wants to double mask up and get her hair cut which has not been done since the pandemic started.  She has been whacking at it herself and dreams of that salon chair.  I sure do understand; I too have grown out and need some snipping here, there and everywhere, but will simply have to put up with it.   Sure do wish I knew how to cut hair properly; all I found on Yahoo were young folks with long hair as demos.  I am short to medium hair and biggest need is to cut the top - cannot figure whether I should go from back to front to cut, or from side to side.  Guess no matter what, it will end up choppy, ah well.

    While I usually do not watch it, I did watch, "Finding Your Roots,"  this week. They did Chris Meloni and Tony Shaloub; it was deeply interesting and fascinating - what truly astonishing things were found that neither were aware of; it was worth the watch.  The history was so unexpected and so highly unique for both of them.

     Guess I will amble on, may everyone be safe, warm, cozy and well,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     It's 15 degrees here now with a stiff north wind.  We have an air conditioner in the north wall of the living room.  I made a cover for it years ago but it's hard to keep on.  I've taped a trash bag over the AC with the cover on top of it, taped, but the cold air is still coming in.  Next summer or whenever possible I should have it taken out along with the whole house thing in the attic.  We used it a few times but just really brought in hot air in the summer. 

     Joan - Alexa just told me it's 45 degrees in Grand Junction.  Is that right?  Can't imagine being that warm in Colorado.  The snow must not have gotten to you all yet - we're going to get snow Sunday and Monday morning, 5-8", then again on Tuesday - another 2-3".  I think by Friday we'll be in the upper 20s.

     I've been in and out a dozen times today, breaking ice in the water tanks and filling them.  Late this evening I thought all the girls but a couple had gone to the barn but when I went out the last time to bring in the water hose after filling one tank there were several around the hay.  They can lay on the south side of it out of the wind but I'm thinking they're probably in the barn now.  Years ago we had a couple of bottle babies during our infrequent blizzards.  We were also out of power at that time.  The only way to heat the milk for the babies was in front of a stove - took several hours for it to be warm enough to mix the milk replacer.  I'd fix the bottles, carry them out to the barn and feed the babies.  Amazing that it felt comforting in the barn.  I took a flashlight that I'd let shine toward the roof and it was actually fairly warm inside the barn - body heat from the cattle and you could her the moms talking to the babies and them answering.  I rather enjoyed it.  But, on my way back to the house I couldn't even see the tracks I'd made on the way out there.  The hard part now is being alone and having to do all of that without someone helping or being inside when I come inside.

     Thank goodness for our vet. He came last night and put out four big bales of hay.  When I fed yesterday I took Rose Bud's feed up to her by the hay.  She didn't come down to eat with the others.  I left her pan of feed up there for her.  This evening I decided I'd walk up and get it.  Evidently Mike found it last night and put it by a tree so it wouldn't get smashed.  I'll try to feed tomorrow because I probably won't be able to on Sunday or probably Monday. 

     I picked one little daffodil about three days ago and brought it inside.  Put it down in a pop bottle that had water in it and believe it or not, that little flower still looks fresh and smells good.  The other blooms left outside are drooped over to the ground. 

     Watched parts of the Impeachment thing today - now watching Chris Cuomo for a little while. 

     Potato soup tonight was delicious - really hit the spot on this cold night.  Sara - how did the zucchini muffins turn out? 

     I'll be so glad when the weather gets better - I'm tired of this - too hard on people and animals.  Do wish I could at least get into either the car or PU to see if they'll start and build up the battery some.  In all my years of winter I never remember being unable to even get inside.  I'd leave work and the car would be covered with snow and ice and still had no problem getting inside.  If this virus thing hadn't begun I'd have a new vehicle by now.  Not sure now if I want a Jeep or a new PU.  A friend bought a new 3/4 T. Dodge this year and it cost $72,000.  We bought out 3/4 T. diesel in 2001 and it was about $35,000.  Ridiculous that the cost has gone up so much.  My first new car cost $2100 in 1965.  Can you believe that?

     I'll stop for now  - I'm thinking about going to bed.  Did take a short nap sometime this afternoon when I was watching TV.  Hope all of you can stay warm and get a good night's rest.  There's stories all over our news tonight about how different towns are helping people keep warm.  One place was giving a bottle of champagne when people would donate blankets or warm clothing for homeless people.  So much was donated and there's all kinds of warming buildings opening up.  They did find one man last night who had died from the cold.  Sad.


  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Hi  everyone..

    I didn't want you to think I had disappeared. I have been working like a few dogs, and  so tired at night by the time I get to write, my brain is pretty well shut down, I am still doing laundry at 12:25 pm..and will be for the next few hours. I want to reply to your posts but my brain is just fried. I will get there once I had more sleep. 

    I also hurt my lower back and left leg... so I guess I'll have to take something for that. Because that pain now has developed into this with the leg. I have gabapentin from the last time I had nerve issues so can take that. 

    Husband yesterday, scared me to death. I went to wake him up and he said he couldn't get out of bed his knees hurt so bad. He only eats liquids too. Well, he did eventually get out and I hate to have him go in a bldg... we were waiting for the Covid to go away but that is a long time already and not over so he can;t take the pain anymore. He does have pain meds, and I rub creams into his knees too.. an anti-inflammatory and another pain med.   I keep thinking icing it would help. have to remember! So I think he has an appt the week after next. We know what's wrong I think.. unless there is more going on... ... he's bone on bone has to be agony and the one knee with the knee replacement is swollen on the side..... soooo he has to go.

    But I felt sad today also because he said to me while he was eating his pureed dinner... he wishes he would jut die already. I mean, I don't blame him you know. But I had a good cry afterwards, because it's so sad. 

    I need some ideas to for pureeing some food for him. I do take soups and put them in the blender. I was going to give him tomorrow some farina  and also can make some soft poached eggs and puree that.. Putting soups in the blender is good but he needs some change.  

    Wishing everyone a better day then yesterday... Hugs

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron glad you are done with radiation.  Hope you are not too sore this morning.

    Liz I know you and your husband are tired and weary.  Hope your pain eases up some.  Know it is stressful seeing your husband so sick.  Nutritional supplement might be helpful, something you could ask his doctor about.

    It is always nice to see you her  Liz but take care of yourself too.  Come visit when you are able and have the time.

    My zucchini muffins turned out nicely.

    Eighteen degrees this morning.  No snow fell during night.  Giving chance of snow today.  We will see.  My aunt in Atlanta said that my Aunt in Kentucky said they had ice.  Will call my uncle in Kentucky this morning if nothing happens.  Usually call him every Saturday morning.

    Be careful Lorita.  Ice is the worst, especially because sometimes you can’t see it.  Thankfully I have a garage.  Can remember going out from work and having trouble getting car door open.

    Take care everyone

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Waiting to hear how ex-DIL is doing today.   Yesterday, toward evening, with lowering of sedation, she was able to wiggle toes on command, but did not squeeze hands on command.  Son said when he went in to visit her the night before, he told her he was there and that she was in the hospital and being well taken care of and that she was getting better and would soon be off the ventilator.  He said her face kind of screwed up and she looked as though she was trying to cry.   He was saddened for her. He said while she did not open her eyes, her nostils flared and her lips opened as though she was trying to communicate.

     It will be some time for her to be entirely off the sedation and have it work its way out of her system so she returns to regular cognition and processing.  Holding out hope she can come off the vent very soon.   Also holding out hope that the aorta repair is successful and she is able to do well.  So much, but as the saying goes; hope does spring eternal.

      Liz, you are doing so much, it must be exhausting both physically and mentally.  As for the pureed food; there is actually pre-made food that is pureed but flavored and shaped like real food that is quite tasty.  Even pureed meat is shaped like a pork chop or other meat, sides also done well.  Do not know where to buy it, but if one contacts the local hospital and speaks to the Registered Dietician or to the Dietary Supervisor in the kitchen, they should be able to tell you where to find it if you cannot locate the foods on Google.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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