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Just need to talk to my friends (140)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     I went to sleep last night (in my bed) watching TV and didn't wake up until 5:30 this morning , so should feel rested.  I guess I do a bit but I'm tired and my legs ache - guess that's from walking so carefully and so much in the snow with my boots on and taking them off with the bootjack.  When I use it, I almost get a charley horse in my calf - but I'm getting better with using it.  I feel like I've been rode hard and put up wet or as our friend, Leanne, would say - dragged backwards through a barbed wire fence.  Just so much to worry about - keeping water for the girls, cutting ice in the water tanks, hoping none of them will fall - or that I will fall - hoping to keep heat in the house and trying to keep water from freezing.  Just about too much.  I feel like I've just crawled, or am still crawling, out of a dark hole or a very dark tunnel.  I'd feel kind of that way when Charles was here and we had bad weather but being alone makes it twice as hard.

       I'm not going to do anything today except rest and make sure the girls have water.  Fixed mac and cheese and green beans last night so won't have to cook unless I have soup.  Might make another loaf of bread.  I made a loaf of French bread this past week but really don't care for it as much as the one from the recipe I've tweaked.  Sara, I looked on Amazon and they have several of those things to help you cut good, equal slices.  I know there's a trick to it - maybe watching where the knife is supposed to end up?  Not sure.

     It was 23 this morning when I got up and believe it or not, it's 36 now.  You can see the ground in several places now and the tops of the dead grass in the pastures.  A lot of snow will melt today and, hopefully, in a day or so the girls can graze again.  Just saw Rose Bud coming out of the barn, walking very slowly and carefully.  Told her to come back down this afternoon and I'd feed her.  Both Tom and Jerry were ready for breakfast this morning.  Their feed pan was moved so whatever it is I heard in the carport was there last night - probably a coon or opossum.  I've seen both coming from there.  I was at the barn a couple of days ago and opened the crib door to get some hay for Rose Bud and one of the boys was in the crib.  So, they probably went out there to keep warmer in the hay.

     Beth, your burnt ends sounds good.  I think when I wasn't a vegetarian we would have liked those.  Charles was a meat eater as was my mother.  Daddy and I not so much.  I haven't had meat or fish in years - also getting kind of reluctant to eat eggs.  Guess we shouldn't think about where they come from.  Used to like fried eggs with a little browning around the edges.  Sara, I bet you'll really enjoy that roast and think of the good sandwiches you'll have from it later.

     Isn't it amazing how cluttered a house can get during bad weather?  At least ours does.  I think part of it is just not putting things back in their places because you're in a hurry - or cold and don't want to do it right then.  So glad I got those dishes and containers washed and put away.  Now, guess I'll have to boil some water to drink.  I don't remember us ever doing that before.  I let the water for the shells last night boil a little while before I added the pasta and guess I'll boil some, let it cool and put it in the bottles to drink.  I've run hundreds of gallons of water since it came back on so looks like that would suffice - but maybe not.

     I saw on the news last night that people are saying Cruz should resign.  Do you think he will? I think the news said one third of the people in Texas are out of water and/or power.  I'd like to know how my SILs girls are doing in her home but she doesn't have a landline and I don't have their cell numbers.  I may call her later today - she'll know.

     I'm so in hopes this is the last of the bad weather for winter.  We're still in that same weather type - La Nina or the other one - which can mean huge outbreaks of tornadoes this spring and super tornadoes.  Always something, I guess.

     Beth, the food you all got at the Catholic Church sounds delicious.  I'd love to have a baked potato - love potatoes anyway they're cooked.  Years ago when our area had been out of power for two weeks they had a hot meal for people in our little town.  Charles and I made it up there (had a 4WD Jeep then) - it was take-out - and by the time we got home it was cold anyway.  But, it was a change and good. 

     Okay, I'll stop for now.  Going to get some more hot tea and get that water boiling.  I need to get back to taking my vitamins - I did this morning, but I tend to forget them.

     Ron, hope things are better this morning.  I know how you must feel.  Do you feel like confronting your relatives about it - or would it just make things worse?  Hope you and Lou are well today.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Zetta, just saw that INSP channel on Directv is having a Miss Kitty marathon on Gunsmoke.  The one I'm watching now was made in 1957 - I was a Freshman in High School - decades ago.  They all look so young. 

     Saw a funny part of one a while ago - this man had been shot in the back with a shotgun and Matt asked Doc how he was and he said "like a ham full of cloves".  Struck me as kind of funny.

     Have you ever seen Matt kiss Kitty?  I don't think I have but he just now hugged her.

     Just thought I'd let you know.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Beth thanks for the link.  It made me cry, yes I cry easy.  Have done my best to be strong through this.  I so hope they are right.  

    Something I have learned from the pandemic is how many times in the New Testament it says to love thy neighbor as thyself.  One place it says it is the second greatest commandment.  When it is safe enough for me to do so I want to find some way to help others.  Worked 42 years taking care of patients.  Loved being able to help many people but at the same time was mentally exhausting some days.  I saw the sickest of the sick and all age groups.  When I retired was strange, but just felt like I could not handle being emotionally vulnerable any more, didn’t want to deal with being responsible for others.   Think it has something to do with what I was/am dealing with , with mom too.  Hope I can find something that would suit me, feel it is important that I do.  Kind of don’t know where to begin.

    Those burnt ends sound good.  Usually make some BBQ beef with my leftovers, soup, beef and noodles, sandwiches.  That’s why I like fixing a roast.

    That’s what I like about the gadget, my knife ends up at the right place.

    Take care, enjoyed talking on the porch

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I hope your all having a good Saturday.

     Lorita,   I also remember us all watching Gunsmoke on Saturday evenings. TV was new to us so we all watched together. I used to spend some weekends at my Godparents house and he watched boxing. I have seen Matt kiss Kitty on the cheek and also hugs. I wonder in those days if they were not allowed to show kissing on TV?     I leave my vitamins on the counter next to my coffee pot so I don't forget them. I forgot to take my heartburn med few nights ago that was not good I had to get up and chew some tumbs. I thought I had taken it till I got up in the morning and it was still sitting on the counter. 

     Lorita,  You work so hard no wonder you get so tired. When I have days I just want to relax sometimes I take a small does of melanoma its not enough to make me sleepy just helps me relax.

     Sara,    Your roast sounds so good an d I love the smell of roast cooking. Thanks for the idea of turning the left overs into BBQ beef I love that on sandwiches. That potato recipe you gave us was so good I made more last night they went well with the chicken teriyaki we had last night. Right  now I have a piece of salmon in the same sauce cooking in my over right now and it smells so good. 

    Beth,    We  have a senior center in our little town and they do lunch 3 times a week I never have been there but now they are serving it by bringing it to your car. As soon as the snow goes away and I feel like driving I think I will give it a try. They post the menu everyday on line and it really looks good. Its like a dinner with desert and milk or coffee to go with it. 

    Take care all I am going to enjoy my salmon right now. Hugs Zetta 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Did I miss something...why are you boiling water to drink etc? 

    Re french bread.....I am willing to bet that you can not really make it in a bread maker. 

    I hope everyone posts their progress today!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Hi again,

     Judith - our water was off for about a day and they recommend boiling water you'll use for consumption for at least a minute.  I don't remember that we've ever done that before but I'm doing it now.  One more day to go.  I have enough for a couple of bottles of water boiled and one cooling so that'll be enough until tomorrow.  I boil the water I use for hot tea in an electric kettle so that should be enough for that.

     I did make the French bread in the bread machine.  Not in the shape of a loaf and the texture is different from the kind I've been making.  It seems rougher if that's the right word.  I really like French bread, either toasted or made into garlic bread with butter, pepper, parsley flakes and parmesan cheese, then toasted a bit.  So good. 

     Zetta - before we had a TV we had a neighbor who had one.  On Saturday nights sometimes we'd go up there to watch TV with them.  We'd watch wrestling - do you remember Gorgeous George and tag-team wrestling?  The screen was probably 7" across so they looked like matchsticks but it was something new.  I  must have been about 10 or 11 when my grandma bought our first TV.  The first show I remember watching was Howdy Dooty and Lookin' at Cookin' - all the shows were 15 minutes and we only had one or two channels.  I remember during the summer watching 15 min. soap operas with my grandma.  TV has really changed, hasn't it.

     I think I know/remember why I might be so sore.  A couple of days ago when I was in the barn I got some hay out of the crib and was taking it across the hallway to Rose Bud.  I tripped on something and fell forward onto the hay.  Didn't hurt me and didn't seem to jar me too much but when you're old and brittle, guess anything jars you more than you think.  The reason my calves may be sore is the way the boots may have been against my legs - that plus the walking in the snow.  I had my medical alert pendant in my pocket and it didn't go off so it wasn't much of a jar.  Maybe it's just old age.      

     Sara - I cry easily, too, especially the last couple of days.  Don't know what's wrong.  It seems like my emotions are coming out the top of my head and tears come at the drop of a hat.  I think it's the stress of all that's happening in the world - the pandemic and the snow storm and cold for so long and having to worry about the animals.  Times like this I think it's time to quit but then spring comes and new life and things are better.  Don't know.  I think Darwin's feeling the same way - guess all older ranchers/farmers feel the same.

     Sara - which one of those things did you order?  I thought the one that was about $10 looked the best for the size loaves I have. 

     Sheena's still outside - Stormy has been eating crackers with me.  I'll have to go out and run water for the girls in a few minutes. 

     Just fussed at Barclee for barking. He wanted out of his chair and sometimes he just jumps/falls off and I'm afraid he'll break a leg.  He barks when he wants something.  Guess my temper/patience is short - then thought about how wonderful and full of life he was when we got him.  Now, he's about 20 and frail and not well so hugged him and then more tears.  

     I've gotta get out of the house for a while.  Enjoyed visiting on the porch, too, Sara.

     I'll be back later when I get myself together.  

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi everyone.  We have clouds today and up to 5 inches of snow tonight.  It supposed to be nicer and warmer next week.  I’m ready for warmer days.  It’s been a dreary month.

    Judith, glad you’ve recovered from your reaction.  I feel blessed to have both of my vaccines.  My son and his wife both got covid a day apart.  They ended up with most of the symptoms—no taste or smell, aches, fever, sinus infection, extreme fatigue and cough.  I called them on Skype the other day, and they looked so weak and pale.  After ten days, they both seemed to turn the corner to feeling better yesterday.  Still feeling fatigued, but most symptoms were gone.  Thank goodness.  I was worried they might end up in the hospital.  They both said they were feeling afraid for a few days that they might end up in the hospital.

    Jo, I’m sorry for Laurel, and will continue to pray for her.  Glad you’re feeling better.  And so happy to hear your daughter made it to safety.  Winter this year has not been easy for the southern states.  

    Ron, sorry to hear your money disappeared.  Keep looking, and hopefully it will reappear.  It’s hard to think family could do something like that.

    Lorita, glad your water is back on and you won’t have to tackle the pond.  My mom used to have a wooden bread holder that a loaf of bread fit into.  It had bars on the sides where you placed your knife to slice it.  Every slice was the same width.  I remember someone gave it to her as a gift and she loved it.  I wonder if they still make them.

    I think we should all head to Florida for hot cocoa on the porch.  I’m ready for a dose of warm sunshine.  I can make good salads, so could bring that for brunch.  

    Sara, thanks for all the good information on vaccines.  It’s interesting to learn more as we go through the pandemic.

    Not much going on here.  Resting up after taking care of granddaughter two days this week.  Glad to be home.  I’m getting ready to catch up laundry and clean up a few messes.  

    I hope you all have a nice weekend.  Stay warm and safe.  Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Hi Joan,

     Good to see your post and know you're all right.  So sorry to hear about your son and DIL but glad they're on the road to recovery.  A person just never knows when this stuff with strike.

     Did you have reactions to the vaccine on your second shot?  Seems like that's the one that causes the most trouble.  I can't take off two days to get over it so guess I'll have to wait until the weather's better but I think I've decided I'd better take it as soon as it's where I can.

     Our snow is really melting today, especially to the south.  Still lots of it on the north side of the house and in the north pastures.  Hope you don't have any more than 5".  I think our total must have been somewhere around 10", more than we're supposed to get each year.

     So, more stress here.  Our water pressure is going and coming. So, they must be finding leaks and taking care of them.  I've been trying to fill one water tank for 1 1/2 hr.  The girls have gone off to graze, or most of them have.  As soon as they can see grass they'll graze - will probably have to have more hay this weekend or Monday.  They can get water, or some water, up in the pasture where the terraces collect it. 

     Did see little Rose Bud out south of the house so came in and got her pan of feed and went back out, trying to be quiet because there's a couple of cows up at the hay.  She saw me and came and I took it part way to her.  She's walking very slowly - to be careful.

     I'm now to the point today to not wear a coat when I go out to check on the  water.  I have on three layers so that's enough for now - still wearing my trapper's hat though.  Had a slight sore throat a couple of days but it seems to be gone. 

     Hot chocolate in Florida sounds good right now but we'll be warm before long and we'll be complaining of hot weather in four months.

     I did call my SIL in the Texas Panhandle.  Well, she's in the hospital in Amarillo but wanted to check on her and her two daughters who are staying in her house in Pampa.  Wondered if they had been out of power and water.  They haven't so at least their part of the Panhandle has been okay.  She's still improving and sounds good.  On some test they did, they found a hole in her heart.  They're thinking this may have been the cause of her two strokes so they're going to fix it Wednesday.  She says she's still dizzy and they won't let her walk, even with a walker.  She says she can but it's better she doesn't - falling isn't good for someone in their 80s.  That happened to my sister and that was one thing that took her.

     Irritates me when I think of what our weatherman said about this winter - supposed to be warmer and drier than normal - but the caveat was that there could be some really cold spells.  Saying the same thing for spring but with terrible tornadoes.  Really do dread the spring because of the storms.

     I'll stop and go check on the water again.  I can hear it running in the kitchen.

     Stay safe.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Got the Eon Concepts bread slicer.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sara, you do indeed have a servant's heart. You help your mom, and Jean and your aunt and you keep in touch with them. You cook for your sister and your nephew. I know you are looking to serve a little more/perhaps a volunteer opportunity. I have taken care of cats and dogs at two shelters and briefly volunteered at a hospital gift shop. Also volunteered to help the guests at the Ronald McDonald house, and cooked them meals. I have been a member of our church's Ladies' prayer group for many years. We pray for, and write notes of encouragement, to persons with illness or other personal struggles. Some people volunteer at libraries, schools, or through organizations like the Elks, Lions, Girl Scout leadership, etc. Perhaps these have given you some ideas. Also - Master Gardeners is an organization through which you receive education and then volunteer in public gardens, etc. I bet that would be right up your alley! I am a former Master Gardener. I  did leave the organization as I have such a large garden of my own, and I really mainly wanted to work in my own (It can be a 4 hour per day job in spring and summer). Another way to help others is to donate not only time, but money. Many worthwhile causes for sure.
  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Lorita, just wanted to respond to your question before I forget.  I had mild reaction for one day.  I woke up exhausted, and was extremely tired all day.  Had a slight fever and chills before bed.  The next day I was fine.  I had the Moderna vaccine.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Thank you for those thoughts Beth.  

    Eleven this morning, up to 35 today.

    Hope each one has a peaceful day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    It's a gray, windy day here but in the 40s.  Most of the snow has melted and I can even see water in the pond although I know the ice is still there but it is melting on top.  Even the water tanks hadn't frozen.  Supposed to get some showers this afternoon.

     Girls are drifted off a little bit to graze.  Looked out the bedroom window and saw probably 15 of them coming down from the MH - watched until they were past the pond.  Frozen ponds scare me.  A couple of people around Tulsa have fallen through the ice and didn't make it out.  Called Mike early this morning to tell hi we'll need hay soon.  Also asked him about Stormy and his loose stools.  He thinks he probably needs to be dewormed so he'll bring that medicine for both he and Sheena.

     Beth, you have given so much to your community.  You're to be commended for doing so much.  Makes me feel bad for not doing more. 

    Sara - thanks for the information.  I guess I'll just continue to deal with sometimes ill-formed slices.  I put the ingredients in the bread maker last night to be baked about 8:30 this morning.  When I took it out it wasn't much more than half the regular size and the crust was hard.  Don't know what happened.  Years ago we used that option quite often for the bread to be baked when we'd get up in the mornings.  I have another loaf going.  I'm almost out of bird feed so if the first loaf doesn't taste too good the birds will probably eat it.

     Ordered canned cat food this morning.  I have an auto-ship going out tonight from Chewy - dry catfood, dry and canned dog food and milk bones.  Didn't think about catfood so called back and the cases of catfood will also go out tonight.  Will have to get into town this week for cattlefeed - probably Tuesday - if I can get the PU started tomorrow.

     Thanks, Joan, for the information.  Glad your reaction wasn't too bad.  At least now you have both shots so you should feel safer if you go out - at least in a couple of weeks.  Hope your foot and hand are still improving.  Do you have much snow?

     Nothing going on here this morning - watching the Sunday morning news shows.  Forgot I was going to watch Centennial but went out and fed Tom and Jerry, then forgot about it. 

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  You ladies in Texas have had it so hard so hope it's improving.  We've had a hard two weeks, too.  We had 11 or 12 days below freezing, also loss of power and water in areas.  Glad things are getting better for all of us but it'll take a while to recover.  Spring is getting nearer and nearer.

     Back later.   Ron, hope things are better at your house today.  Stay safe.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Ron, many people in the forum have talked about how their LOs “hunt and gather,” going through drawers, pulling things out of shelves, toss through drawers and boxes, move and hide things, etc etc. Harshed buzz also referred to that. My DH did that, often finding things I forgot we had, or had tried to hide from him. He didn’t know “why” he rooted through any particular place, or pulled out whatever, but he did. He quite often didn’t “know” or remember, what he found, but it intrigued him for some reason. And I would often find something he moved to another place that made no sense at all. If you think it’s possible others found it, then it’s possible your wife could find it. Their abilities to root through stuff and find things can be amazing, and they will have no memory of it. But as you say, doesn’t seem like many other things could have happened to it.

    They also hide things and forget where they hid it, but that’s kind of another thing from how they go through this stage of searching through every nook, cranny, box or purse. My mother stayed in a ALF and she would laugh about some residents saying somebody stole from them, then find the object in their apartment, where they put it and forgot. Then, of course, my mother started saying her stuff was stolen, and I’d find it in a different drawer or under the bed, or stuck back in a cabinet....

    For anyone interested in side effects of second vaccine, I had mine (Moderna) a few days ago. My effects were almost identical to Tells—low fever, slight sweats and utter exhaustion for a day, plus itching! I itched all over, more around the site itself which also got a big red blotch. My doc said that was common and I could take Benadryl if I wanted. But Benadryl knocks me flat out and it wasn’t that bad.  

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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     Ron,    I was thinking if the make up purse was right back in the same place with the envelope missing that might be a worry but if it was not in the exact same place then it might have been Lou not remembering the exact spot. I think if someone was borrowing the money  the purse would have went right back in the same exact spot. I hope that makes sense. Not saying Lou would not remember but there is a chance she won't.

    Joan and Judith,   Thanks for the update on  how the 2nd shot reacted on you. I get my 2nd shot on Wednesday I plan on getting me some ice cream and doing nothing else for a few days.

    Lorita,   Sounds like things are starting to clear up for you, please get as much rest as you can so you don 't overdue things the next few days.

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    So much happening with all friends here.  Ron, I am truly sorry that your backup cash disappeared. It makes it difficult when one does not know how such an item went missing; when we don't know, it causes to us question and to even look at others in suspicion which is a very hurtful feeling and not good, yet it is very much human to wonder about such a dynamic.

    Hopefully, you unexpectedly will find the lost cash somewhere in the house.   In my mother and step-dad's home; (both with differing dementias), I found several thousand dollars hidden in the bottom of a clothes hamper; have no idea where Mom got the money.  Found several hundred dollars hidden in a couple of old sports jackets pockets in step-dad's closet.  Found additional money hidden in Mom's old pocket book.  Each finding event far between the other.   I do know that if any money was found, neither LO said anything about finding it - they just hid it.   Didn't seem mindful, kind of like chipmunks saving acorns for when winter comes.  Long after things no longer made sense and thinking was highly compromised, cash seemed to somehow still be on their radar.

     Lorita, I am sorry to hear about the water situation; that must be very uncomfortable to have that happen.  Our daughter who finally left Houston, had no water whatsoever, no electricity and no way to boil snow to make water and no way to flush the toilets.  She did go to Louisiana with relatives for a few days; but is now on her way home to Houston.  Still will have no water, so that remains a concern.  Even after boiling the water, I would still feel leery about what kinds of things such as metals might be in it.  

    Our xDIL, Laurel, who has been on a ventilator, finally began to slowly wake up yesterday afternoon.  She was more connected when her eyes were open, and she was able to speak a few words - she told the kids she loved them.  So hope this will continue on. They are having PT work with her to get her able to sit up; I have suggested to kids that they ask for Speech Therapy to begin to work with her also; they are great at working with such things and it will stimulate the brain even more.  Once she can sit up and bear weight on her legs, they will do the repair of the three abdominal aorta dissections.

    Who was it here who had sciatica?   Was it Rescue mom or Beth L?  Don't recall, but oh boy; I managed to develop sciatica.  Bad case - it was excruciating enough to have me near tears when trying to ambulate, it is no longer a 12 on a 10 scale, but is still about 6 -8 out of ten at this time, but only when I am ambulating, no pain when resting. Horrible; cannot shower, cannot walk freely.  I am lucky to make it from bedroom to bathroom which takes forever to take those 47 steps - leaning on a walker all the way.  First night, I could not get into bed.  Our bed is standard height; not a tall one, no way could I move onto the bed one way or another.  Finally, DH got a small platform for me to stand on to raise me up - and then only with his help; it hurt SO bad.  Whew!  MD ordered Flexaril and Advil - the Flexaril helped only a little bit, but even a little was welcomed despite some unfortuate side effects a day later.  Today the pain has moved from my lower left back and has moved to my thigh.  I called the doctor today - even if it is Sunday; it was not going to wait another 24 plus hours.  He has ordered Prednisone, so hope that helps.  Anyway, whoever mentioned having sciatica last week or so, would love to hear from you.  

     On top of that, guess who had a silent UTI.   Yep, moi!  Enough already.  Gads, getting "mature" and all that entails certainly is no fun at all. Harrumph!

    Now have to count 14 days re COVID all over again.  Initially, MD wanted me to have a KUB x-ray thinking the back pain might be from a kidney stone.  So; off we went to a free-standing radiology center for the x-ray as hospitals are not doing routine sorts of outpatient radiology due to pandemic.  I called in advance to ensure that they could do the x-ray standing up as no way with the pain level could short me clamber up on the high x-ray table.  They assured me that was fine, they could do it.

    I am not a happy person re that place.  We waited two hours; place had only a very small waiting room, chairs were against each other - absolutely NO distancing whatsoever.  Some staff wearing masks, other staff not wearing masks.  Several people left because of the wait.  I hurt so horribly bad I did not want to leave and have to come back again.  Well; finally my name was called, but the radiology tech said they did NOT do stand up xray for KUB at that center as their table was fixed flat.  Would have to go to another center - what???  I had checked in advance and then waited in severe discomfort for two hours only to be told too bad.  Had to get out to car which was so badly painful I was near tears.  We were lucky to get me into the car at that point.  My big time irritation however is the lack of distancing of clients who were shoulder to shoulder, and the lack of masks on multiple workers there.  I am going to report that lack of safety to the Public Health Dept. on Monday.  People are being put at risk.  DH and I were double masked, but still . . . .

    Beth, you are a gift to your community; what wonderful giving where the rubber hits the road so to speak; so much needed, and you are rising to all occasions.  A blessing indeed. If we could put you and Sayra in a mix, we could cure the world. 

    Zetta, you will have to keep us Posted about how your second vaccine outcome goes.  Some folks like our doctor had no side effect at all to either injection, and others get mild symptoms, others a bit more but only for a day or so.  That is the body building antibodies.  We get our second vaccination on the 11th next month.  Will be glad to have it done and get to that second week mark when we know that we are at that date for the vaccine to be effective.  My goodness; once we hit that mark, and if we can find a person who does cleaning that has been vaccinated, I so want to do that.  We can mask and feel pretty much okay at that point. Sure do need some deep cleaning done that I cannot do - right now, I am lucky just to be able to get to the bathroom and brush my teeth with the severity of this nerve pain.  Should have moved to a smaller, one story house. Moving now would be far more difficult; yet I do wish we were in a single story home.  

     Sending best wishes to all who are finding the weather difficult and finding themselves in a compromised position with water, etc.  This winter cannot pass soon enough; I feel so bad for the people, it has been a nightmare for so many.   Gosh, remember when we could not wait for 2020 to pass; that we were looking forward for 2021 to be much better?  Not off to a roaring start, but there are 10 more months ahead, we can still catch up with good stuff.   Hope springs eternal.



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    JoC I would have been an unhappy camper too.  I had an incident about 11 days ago.  Went into the grocery store with my mask and goggles.  Know an employee there.  Saw her in one of the aisles and spoke to her but did not go down that aisle.  Here in a little bit she finds me and hugs me, not once but three times.  She was crying and just felt the right thing to do was trust God and not say anything.  She told me she lost her dad a couple of months ago and now her FIL was in hospital very ill.  Could tell from her eyes she had been crying a lot.  She had her mask on correctly.  I have felt fine so far.  She well may not have had covid, you just don’t know so I felt the right thing to do was to quarantine to protect others.  I have shoveled mom’s drive but the very little contact I had we stayed distant.

    JoC I have had sciatica issues.  Someone else has too I believe, maybe Joan, not sure.  It is a miserable lot.  It’s acting up a bit the past couple of days, probably from all the shoveling and they are giving a chance of snow tonight.

    Laurel definitely should have a speech consultation.  Those people are very important part of the health care team.  Learned a lot from them about total laryngectomy patients.  They made me so much more comfortable with them by sharing their knowledge with me.  Forever grateful to them for that.  

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Ron,   I forgot to mention at times I used to hide money in my pockets of hanging cloths not because I was afraid someone would take it I just hid it from myself. That seemed to be the only way I could save. Might be a good idea to check pockets in the hanging cloths or some where close to where the purse was.

    Jo,     I am so sorry this is all happing to you. Did you ever get your X Ray? It sounds like your DH is able to help you in many ways, that is good. I sounds like Laurel is on her way to recovery. You both are in my prayers. 

    Sara,  Please be careful when your shoveling snow especially if you are feeling things are acting up. Maybe don't shovel for a few days and let it melt. 

    Your all in my thoughts. Hugs Zetta 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Jo, I had sciatica a few years ago. The pain was incredible. I was given Prednisone and the pain went away and it has never recurred. An MRI showed degenerative disc disease, which I think just about everyone beyond middle age has, but it doesn't always cause symptoms. I am careful about lifting now, but live a totally normal life (well, as normal as possible in a pandemic). Jo, I hope and pray you will feel better very soon.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Thankfully, almost all of the snow is gone - still some in patches - and now we deal with mud.  The girls actually went out in the pasture to graze this afternoon.  I looked out to see how they were and didn't see cow one. Kept looking and finally saw Rose Bud by the yard fence.  Got her food and when I went out to top off the water tanks, gave her feed to her.  She came to the gate so she knew exactly what was going on.  She's really something else.  Looked out just before dark and they're back at the hay.

     Still haven't felt too good today - guess the last two weeks have really gotten to me, especially this past week with all the snow, vehicles not starting, water off and worrying about how to get water for the girls.  I imagine all the people with cattle in this area have been going through the same thing - but, they've been cutting ice on the ponds which is awfully hard.  I can remember Charles cutting the ice and slicing the 5" thick pieces back underneath the ice and out into the pond.  Now, more tears, guess memories are good but they hurt sometimes, too.  I think I have a stomach bug but no idea how I might have gotten that.

     Jo, so sorry to hear about the sciatica.  I've never had it but when I was working one of my  friends had it. She said it was very painful.  Hope the Prednisone helps.  Glad your xDIL is having some improvement - I hope it continues.  Also good that your daughter's back home - I know you're happy about that.

     How awful to wait two hours, then not get your x-ray.  I wouldn't want to be in a waiting room or anywhere with people right now but sometimes it is necessary.  So, you're on the 14 day countdown again. 

     And, Sara, guess you are, too.  I can imagine how you must have felt when your friend came over and hugged you - not once, but three times.  You're a very sympathetic person so I know it made her feel better.   Have you quit wearing your faceshield?

     Haven't done much of anything today.  Did make that loaf of bread and it was very good - had a toasted slice of it with tomato soup for supper.  Also decided I'd make another one of those chocolate cakes - literally within an hour you have a chocolate cake, one layer.  Already had a piece.

     Watched QVC today and ordered some chocolate chunk cookies.  There's 104 of them - frozen cookie dough pieces in the cookie shape - you just have to bake about 8-9 minutes.  I've been wanting cookies but just haven't had the initiative to bake them.  When I make that cake I bake it in an old cakepan, then have to cover it with saran wrap but it dries out anyway before I finish it so ordered a covered cakepan - LocknLock.  Hope it works out.

     Haven't talked with anyone today except Mike early this morning - of course, the GPs, Barclee and the cats.  Carol had her first vaccination yesterday so I'll call her tomorrow to see if she had any type of reaction.  I did talk with Jack.  He called to see if everything was okay.  I can tell he's really lonesome being without Patsy after 60 years - couldn't not be lonesome. 

      I'll stop for now and watch TV a while.  All the cats and dogs have slept all afternoon - I think I even napped off a time or two.  My back hurts tonight and my legs are still sore.  Will have to try to start the PU tomorrow to get it out of the carport so I won't have to carry those sacks of feed so far to put them in the Gator.  Will have to get into town Tuesday or Wednesday for more feed.  Hate to go - probably will have to feed them 25 more times this winter/spring. 

     Hope you all sleep well tonight.  See you tomorrow.  I was thinking today what a diverse bunch of people we have on our thread.  Always something new to learn from someone. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Have started wearing a KF94 mask BOTN.  Usually wearing goggles with it.  They are much simpler to clean.  There is a YT channel Aaron Collins.  He calls himself a mask nerd.  He has tested a lot of masks.  The KF94s out of South Korea he says are all very effective.  Also has tested them for how long they remain effective. Has a video just on this.  Find it a good resource.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    When I talked about various volunteering I have done, I wasn't trying to toot my own horn. These were things I have done over the years and the only one I am doing now is the prayer group with my church. The reason I posted was that Sara indicated she wanted to be involved in volunteering, and I gave examples.

    Today I get my second vaccine (Moderna). I'll let you know how it goes. I currently wear an N95 mask. Once I am fully vaccinated, I'll switch to a 4 layer cloth mask. The N95 is uncomfortable. I have to breathe through my mouth when I have it on. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     It's a sunny morning and supposed to be fairly warm today and warmer (70s) tomorrow.  What a difference a week makes.

     Sara - what's BOTN?   I ordered KN95 masks made in the USA from Amazon the lst of February and they still haven't arrived so called Amazon to see what was going on.  Where did you order your masks from?   I'll watch the video - guess until I get the masks I'll wear a surgical mask with a cloth one over it if I'm around people.

     Beth - I didn't think you were tooting your own horn.  You were just telling Sara some of the things you had done to help to give her some ideas of what was out there.   I think it was great that you were able to do all that volunteering.  You've done your share. 

     Will be interested to know how your second shot comes out and the reaction you may have to it. 

     After while I'll see if the PU and/or car will start and if they won't guess I'll take the battery charger out and see if it will do the job.  Otherwise AAA, I guess.  I heard on the news this morning, in Tulsa, AAA had delivered more new batteries this month than they had in a whole year.  I had mine tested probably in November and the car and PU batteries were fine, however, I knew the PU batteries were about three years old so got new ones.  I've never had trouble with it starting in all the years we've had it.

     Amazing to me how things can get messed up during bad weather - papers on the floor, things not in their place, etc.  So, this morning I've started putting things where they belong and will sweep later.  I do that almost every day but there's always little tufts of white hair around.  Sheena and Stormy stayed outside last night and haven't been in this morning.  Stormy kept coming to the door barking but when I'd go to the door he'd take off - something he saw that he wanted me to see (I never saw what it was).  Girls were up and around when I got up so they've probably gone off to find some grass this morning.  Today's feed day so I'll do that this afternoon.  Hope the PU will start so I won't have to carry the feed so far to get it to the Gator.  I know it would be too muddy to feed out of the PU.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  Looks like people in the NE hare having our bad weather.  I'm sure everyone will be happy when spring gets here.

     Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    BOTN is the brand.  Ordered it off of Amazon.  My understanding is that S. Korea regulates those masks nicely and there are huge fines if you cheat.  Also this guy, who is a mechanical engineer by day, has tested them too.  The mask to me is easy to breathe through.  My only complaint is the elastic for ears.  They are adjustable, but to get what feels like a good seal to me, hurts my ears.  I’ve been using those ear savers I crocheted a year ago.  Problem with them is if you have to remove your mask for some reason, it isn’t attached, so you have to worry about keeping it from falling.  Today ordered a brand called DrPuri.  Trying it just to see if I like the elastic better.  I still have several BOTN ones so if I dislike them will have plenty of time to reorder the BOTN mask.  Also ordered something that is suppose to protect your ears and if you remove mask it will just hang around your neck.  Hope I like it.  

    The reason I went to goggles lately is because last time I went to store it was quite cold outside.    Knew that the shield would be fogging up on me.  The goggles go in my tote and put them on when I get inside store.  Face shield is probably better but this has to do for  now.

    Learned something interesting today.  Was listening again to some of his videos.  You pick up something you didn’t get before.  You know how they said the cloth mask protected others better than it protected us.  That didn’t quite make sense to my little brain.  Thinking how does corona know whether it is going in or out of my mask. How could it filter better one direction than the other.  Well,  when we first exhale it is a droplet , has not had time to evaporate yet, so therefore way easier to stop he said.  That sounds logical.  

    Hope your vehicles start this morning.  Been there, done that, no fun.

    Beth appreciate your ideas you gave me.  In no way did I feel you were bragging.  So glad for you that you are getting your vaccinations.

    Saw a little clip the other day about a nurse who refused the vaccine at first.  Said her and a coworker got to talking about what the risks were from covid, ie losing a their job, their insurance etc. being sick for months, or dying.  She took the vaccine, her dad also had gotten the vaccine.  Somehow, she didn’t say how, their family got exposed.  Everyone got it but her and her dad.  So now she is a vaccine proponent voice.  Sometimes I feel like I talk about it too much.  Heard someone, may have been her, saying we must talk about it as much as the antivaxxers do.  I agree, not going to feel bad about it.

    Cleaning the oven. Needed it but hate the smell.  

    Was 40 degrees this am, raining lightly, very windy,  see water running off of sun porch.  So thankful we didn’t get more snow.  My body needs a breather.  Hope we all get a breather.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Sara, what if you attached a piece of elastic to both ear pieces that would go around the back of your head.  That way there wouldn't be any pressure on the backs of your ears.

     It's 60 degrees here and it's sunny with hardly any wind right now. The lock on the storm door at the front door even works.  Didn't seem like anything was working when it was so cold.

     I feel better - decided I'd take the battery charger out and see if I could figure out how it works.  It's the same brand as the one we had but completely different.  So, got it out there, then thought I'd see, just see, if the PU would start.  I turned on the key and everything lit up and made noises, had to wait until the NO START light went off, turned the key and it started!!  Joy in Mudville.  Drove it out of the carport, loaded the sacks of feed into the Gator and fed the girls.  As usual, Rose Bud was the last through the gate, or almost - Sweet Pea was - but she went on to eat with the others. Drove up to see the hay - there's still some and there were two babies in the creepfeeder.  A couple of the babies were eating with Rose Bud when I came back by them.  It's so muddy where we feed - had to use 4WD in the Gator.  I imagine the roads are just as bad so may wait until Wednesday to go get feed.

     Then, thought I'd see about the car.  Rolled up the FrostGuard and put it in the car, then turned on the key - everything lit up and made noises, turned the key and it started!  More joy in Mudville.  I guess it was just too cold for them to start - glad I didn't press the issue and run down the batteries.  I let the PU run while I fed, then let the car run a while.  I'll go the mailbox after a bit - haven't been in a week.

     Sara, I've been looking at the masks. Seems like the ones I ordered aren't going to get here so I'll have to reorder.  I see they have four and five layers so guess you'd only have to wear one instead of two - but that would provide more protection.

     Sara, when I get time I'm going to watch the video about the masks.  Seems kind of like they're becoming a sort of fashion statement - you need a mask to coordinate with your clothes. 

     I'll be back later.  Just wanted you all to know the vehicles started.  I guess when it was this cold before we didn't try to start them. 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Was able to get out for the first time today and go to the grocery. Dont know how I made it without my blue bell for 3 days!

    I have a PCP visit scheduled for tommorow, which is probably a good thing. I believe that a nervous breakdown is right around the corner. Dont know why I can't get the missing money out of my head and let God and the person that has it handle it. Lou didn't even know where it was and even if she did, she wouldn't be able to get it due to physical restraint. Whoever got it would have had to be going through my dresser! What has me tied up in knots is it had to be one of three people that I love and care for. I would have given any one of them the last penny I had. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Glad your vehicles stared for you.  Know that was a big relief.

    Ron you are right that it would be better for you mentally and physically if you could let go and accept it is between God and the person who took it.  Know from my own experiences.  Sometimes do well at this but sometimes have a little harder time at it.  Glad you were able to get out to store.  Hope to get out this week.  Will be out of quarantine tomorrow morning.

    Take care

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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