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Just need to talk to my friends (140)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Good morning,  Eighteen degrees, no snow yet.  Suppose to get two inches today and tonight is when they are giving six inches.  So far it is gonna be cold but nothing below what is normal for winter here,

     Mom was starting to fixate on the other half of driveway that was not cleared.  Got that cleared yesterday morning.  She was going to ask the LMG to do it.  He is not that healthy it seems to me.  Told me one day she called him up and he was short of breath.  Said he had been shoveling.  I shoveled steady for two hours yesterday, was deep and a little icy.  Very thankful, have no shortness of breath at all.  Bothers my muscles though.  That doesn’t kill you though.  Took two aleve  when I got home, which I rarely do as not good for your kidneys.  Definitely did help at keeping edge off.

    Zetta very kind of you to offer to do that with Lorita and that is a good idea.

    Everyone of us need to be careful as we can be in this weather.  Lorita do you guys not have furnaces in your homes or do you need additional heaters also with the furnace?  Never hear you talk about a furnace is why I’m wondering.  I have a gas furnace.  Also keep a small electric heater in my bathroom because I like it to be toasty lol.

    Laid a ribeye steak out yesterday but  didn’t cook it as I was hungry when I got home from shoveling and just fixed something quick.  Will fix it for lunch today if nothing happens.

    Don’t know if have mentioned it or not but have been experimenting with making different vinegars.  My raisin and apple did nicely.  Have a banana one started and it is fermenting nicely.  Had to throw the first orange and lemon ones out, they never started fermenting.  Have two more started.  Think I see a little fermentation but not vigorous like it should be.  If anyone else messes with this could use a little advice.  It’s fun, hope to have more fun with it in summer.  You can make vinegar from almost anything including flowers.  Had no idea.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I wrote a long post and lost it!

    Lorita the vaccine that the VA gave me was MODERNA. 

    A little before 4, no snow, now at 6:40 it's a winter wonderland. 

    Dont plan on getting out, one fall is enough for me !

    Stay safe and warm my friends!!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Slept in the recliner in the LR - all the cats and dogs were in the LR, too.  Stormy had the divan.  I haven't been outside yet - weather says it's 0 here with -20 wind chill.  It's still snowing a little bit but it'll move out soon.

     Have to get out and feed Tom and Jerry (hope both of them are there).  Then, cut ice on the water tanks and fill them - probably won't need to do that because they were full last night.  Still worried about Rose Bud.  If she's in the barn I may try to get her in the pen - we'll see.

     Sara - we don't have a furnace or central heat and air.  Our house is over 100 years old and to have put that in would have cost a fortune.  We did have an electric wall furnace put in but never really used it.  We use propane heating stoves.

     I slept fairly well, off and on.  Did wake up once - TV was on all night - and found Designing Women was on - FETV - also Lassie and some more old shows - Sgt.. Preston was another old one.

     This weather or snow is supposed to move out, then another round of it tomorrow afternoon and night, then a slow warming trend.

     Ron, stay in - winter wonderland or not.  I wouldn't call it although it can be beautiful - looking out at it.  Sara, you shoveled too long.  You sound like me, you get something started and go on until it's finished - not always good to do that. 

     It's almost 7:30 so I'm going to get my flannel-lined pants, boots, coat, hats and gloves on and go out and see what's going on.  Praying Rose Bud is okay.  Can't imagine how a newborn calf could survive in this weather.  Our weatherman runs cattle and he said lots of ranchers are having new babies now.  One pasture of Mike's is calving now.  I like April calves - much nicer weather.

     I'll be back.  I'll take my pendant and cell phone.  I'll walk out to the carport to feed Tom and Jerry, then to the barn to see who's in there and then out to the water tanks and up to the hayrings,.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    II'm back in the house. Rose 

    Bud is in barn,- okay. I'll write more when I rest abit.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    That is frustrating when you lose a long post, has happened to me.

    Glad all is ok Lorita.  That makes sense about the furnace situation.  Realized my grandparents didn’t have furnaces.  They had a wood stove in living room and wood cook stove in kitchen.  Was not the warmest things.

     We had a furnace in the house my dad built.  He still went to the Amish neighbor and found out what wood stoves they used.  That stove would heat the entire house.  Don’t really care for that kind of heat.  Gets too hot sometimes.  You and I couldn’t cut wood for them anyway.

    Snowed a little heavy around seven or so.  Then it stopped.  Pushed off the drive, was light snow so easy.  Think the heavy stuff is suppose to be this evening and tonight.  Mom say s the neighbor man says it is going to miss us now.  Hope he is right but the winter advisory is still on my weather channel and has increased total amount up to 12 inches.  We shall see.  Will go get mom’s once, this afternoon sometime, if the Good Lord’s will.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning.

    Sara,  Please be careful shoveling the snow as you know ice is dangerous. My son shovels then I think he puts ice melt down. He keeps me a good path to my car. I have a real good neighbor next door he is 89 and he has a big snow plow is rides in and he keeps my drive cleared. He loves to feel needed and his wife loves for him to get out of the house for awhile. I used to love it when Dan went out to his shop.  

    Lorita,   I am so glad it all worked out for you last night I was worried. I bet you were all comfy sleeping in the LR. I need to get me a recliner I have a rocking chair and a foot stool but a recliner would be more comfortable if I ever wanted to sleep in it for the night. Molly and Rascal can get on my lap in my rocker but would have more room in a recliner. I was serious about my offer last night, so if you every want to set the plan just send me a connection and we will make it work. I am glad Rose Bud is safe. During this type of weather do you have a special place you can keep her so she can't get out in the weather. 

    We got no new snow last night but weather man says more is on the way. Stay warm. Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     I was so relieved to see Rose Bud. She had been out because there was snow on her back - same with the other two cows and calf who were in the barn.  I broke a bale of hay and gave all of them some, then broke a hole in the ice on the water tank.  As I came back in I saw another little calf coming to the barn.

     It's so cold out there but breaking the ice on the two water tanks in the garden was easy - snow had insulated it so not much ice.  I'll have to fill them soon.  The six licks on the two liquid feeders were snowed in - no one had used them so put a plastic bag over my glove and got the snow off, then walked up to check on whether or not I could see netwrap - couldn't. 

     The drifts are deep but there's also places where there isn't snow so it blowed a lot.  Wind today isn't too bad.  It even looks like there may be a ray or two of sunshine. 

     Still trying to thaw out the hot water in the kitchen.  I guess I didn't have the hot side turned on as much as the cold.  I have a little electric heater going under there - but I did last night, too.  Tried the hair dryer and will some more.  Hot and cold water in the bathroom are both okay.

     Thanks,Zetta.  I'm careful walking although I thought I was going to fall over in the drifts a time or two - wouldn't have hurt - I've had that happen before.  I'm sure to take my phone and pendant.  One of the hardest parts this morning was carrying the ax from the house to the barn and back.  It had frozen ice on it and was really heavy.

     Sara - when I was growing up we had a Warm Morning coal stove in the corner of the LR.  The other rooms got some heat from it because it got really warm but that was the only stove except a propane cook stove.  Now, everything's electric except heat.  Our neighbor used to, and may still, use corn for his stove.  Darwin uses a wood stove and his wife says the fumes burn her eyes.

     Carol called - they're snowed in, too.  She said their vaccination appointments have been rescheduled to Feb. 20th.  Maybe by that time they'll be able to go to Tulsa.

     I saw another coyote last evening before I came back in the house.  Sheena was barking - don't know what they'd do if they could get close to one or catch it.  Poor little thing was out looking for something to eat - same with the birds.  Need to put some feed in the feeder for them.  Only one cat was at the carport this morning and they hadn't eaten all of their canned food from yesterday, maybe because it was frozen.

     Hope all of you are staying inside and being safe.  Sara, please do be careful shoveling snow.  They say many people have heart attacks while doing that.

     I'll be back later.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Zetta, what a loving person you are and what a smart plan.  I too worry about our Lorita, at 78, and in the freezing -20 degree cold with ice and snow and so much heavy, heavy work.  Big article this week outlining why so many heart attacks doing cold, cold weather work.   So glad Lorita has pendant and phone on her person when going out.  Having a Plan B should one get ill or hurt would be a good idea.   Just a plan in place for a "what if," sort of idea. Lorita, do you have close by neighbors phone numbers in your phone on auto dial, and on your pendant list of people to be called in an emergency?   It otherwise could take quite some time for someone to get to you.  We front porch friends do worry about you and we really do care.  Also, do you have Carbon Monoxide detectors throughout your home?  Hope you do, but if not, please order some right away.  With the type of heat you are using, this would be extremely important.  In fact, all of us need those placed in various areas within our homes no matter what our heat sources. Big news:  Laurel, our x-DIL, came off the ventilator and all sedation.  She is on Bi-Pap to assist her.  She is able to move body areas on command.  She has become verbal, but only mumbles and is actually not processing well and there is confusion.  They will be doing another CT Scan today with dye to ascertain whether something has occurred within the brain.  Hopefully she will be able to stay off the vent.   If so, they may do aorta repair surgery next week.   There are no DPOAs, the person trying to help her and manage all is her young daughter who is in university and lives down state from her mother; she is presenty in her mother's townhome and doing her university work online, doing a good job under very difficult circumstances, but is also beginning to be on overload and will soon have to return to university. She graduates in July.   I do help as can with information by phone, texing and email, but that is such a tiny bit in the midst of so much need.   If DIL survives all of this, what happens with discharge care at home, I do not know. DIL is only early 50, I think that a period of rehab would be best to get her strengthened; that all remains to be seen with how this all goes.   Very complex matter; still considered critical condition.  One small step at a time and go from there. Daughter in Houston is having snow and ice; first time for her.  Sure hope she stays in and does not try to drive in it.  She is below zero in temp now.  We are in 60's here and the winds have finally stopped blowing so hard.  I seem to have developed the "icks" today.   Just do not feel very well, this too shall pass.  At an stage in life where it is always something. Please all take good care and stay safe in this weather.  J.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     The sun's shining and it's 5 degrees!!   At least the sun makes it feel better.  Just spent an hour or so filling two water tanks and taking out all the ice.  Decided not to use my  hands this time so got a shovel and shoveled the ice out.  Couldn't get all of it broken loose around the edges.  All this time the girls were standing around watching me - and also standing there because the house is a windbreak for them.  They're wanting me to feed them (this is the right day) but I'd like to wait until tomorrow because I won't be able to feed the next day - supposed to snow tomorrow afternoon and Wednesday.  Just what we need.  Not sure how much we did get because it's drifted but the best I can tell it's somewhere around 6" with at least 2 ft. drifts in places.  Rose Bud came out to the garden to enjoy the sun and eat some hay and drink.  I'll check the water tanks again before dark. 

     My hot water in the kitchen is still frozen, almost, just a little trickle. I have the stove under the cabinet and hope it'll break loose.

     How wonderful 60 degrees sounds.  I think it's supposed to be around 50 here late this weekend.  Just saw on the weather channel that it's 81 in Tampa, Florida.  Can't even imagine that.

     Jo, I do have Darwin's phone number in my phone and on my pendant - they're supposed to call my cell phone first and if no answer, then they'll call Darwin.  I do have a carbon monoxide alarm in the LR where the stove is.

    So glad to hear that Laurel is improving.  When we're worried and anxious about someone or something it seems like the time passes so slowly. Her daughter has a lot on her plate, doesn't she? 

     Stormy and Sheena are enjoying the snow - I've noticed Sheena laying down in it a couple of times.  A couple of hours ago when we were out they were barking at something west of the house.  I looked and there was this poor, skinny coyote coming through the fence into the garden. I said something and it ran back through the fence.  Poor thing was looking for something to eat - I don't know what they live on because I hardly ever see a rabbit anymore. 

     Zetta, I've also found Little House on the Prairie.  I enjoyed that show so much when it was on.  Saw MASH today, too.  I did notice over the weekend and even today they're showing all the episodes of Yellowstone again.  I haven't watched any - I've already seen them two or three times.

     Jack called to check if I was all right.  He's staying in and says he's only been able to get Zelda out once today to eat but she won't go out again.  Doesn't like the cold.

     Stay in and stay warm.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dear Super Woman Lorita, so glad that Darwin's name is set into place for you.  That really is a good thing to know.   I truly do not know how you manage all you do and am mightily impressed.  You are amazing.  Also glad that you have the carbon monoxide detector in place.  So many people have not done that.  We have them in various rooms in the house even though we have forced air ducts for heating and cooling.  Better safe than sorry on that front, that is for sure.

     Isn't Zetta just the nicest person; she really would stay on the phone with you to ensure you are safe when outside on the ranch.  The nicest people on the front porch.

    Hope that the hot water faucet in the kitchen defrosts itself soon. What with the heater near it, hopefully that will do the trick.

    Sayra, finding myself wishing you were my next door neighbor; you do so much and so much that is interesting.   Very, very creative. 

     It is seven days today since we had our COVID Vaccinations.  Sure seemed to go by fast.  Will be time for second one before we know it. 

     Wishes being sent for everyone to stay warm and safe,



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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     Jo,    That was a nice thing to say but I would do that for anyone of you guys. It warms my heart to hear that Laurel is showing some improvement. Hopefully there is no brain damage. Sounds like you need to get some rest and stay warm so you aren't  coming  down with something.   I bet your daughter in Houston does not like the snow. The people that I pet sit for here during the summer also have their 2nd home in Houston. They go there during the winter to get away from the snow. They are golfers I bet they are not doing that now. 

     Lorita,  I will rest easier knowing you have those contacts on your phone and alarm button so please remember to always have them with you and in your pocket so if you do fall your phone will not fly away. My phone is in a caring case so if I don't have a pocket I carry it around my neck. I did see that Yellowstone was on but I can't watch something that I have to keep up with especially anything that comes on after 9pm. I am a morning person sometimes I get up at 4am but always by 6am. I saw that Mash was on today I never have liked Mash and especially when it is on the same channel that Gunsmoke is. So today there was no Gunsmoke for me to watch I sure hope this is not something new.  I also like Little House on the Prairie ever so often it will be on. I really liked The Australia Zoo I hope that is on every week.

    We had some sun today with the warning that more snow was coming. It is now snowing Molly just came in so she will only have to go out one more time before bed.

    I hope your all staying warm. Huigs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Just checked with google and it's zero at 9 p.m. and the sky is clear so the temp will drop like a rock tonight.

     I got all the ice out of both of the water tanks in the garden - filled one with water for the girls this evening and left the other empty - got all the ice out of it I could.  When I was that way one time I saw Rose Bud by the fence and all the others were around the liquid feeders and hay.  Came back in, then thought maybe she would come around and I could feed her some fortified grain.  Took a sack with some in it and she was going into the barn.  She bawled when she saw me - it's like she reads my mind so put the grain in the manger and she went in.  Checked when I came back and the other girls hadn't noticed so tonight I guess she safely in the barn. Probably should have given her a little more hay but didn't go back out.  There's a couple of big drifts by the lot gate and they're hard to get through.

     We  have frostproof hydrants and with it being as cold as it is I have to pour a little water over the handle to be able to turn it on and even then it takes a few seconds for the water to begin to flow. After I filled the water tank I wrapped it with a throw andn put a big catfood sack over it.  I'll fill both tanks early in the morning.

     Jo - still the hot water hasn't thawed but I have that little stream running along with some of the cold water.  Talked with Mike this afternoon and he said lots of people had frozen and busted pipes who had never had them before.  I called him to see if when he was over the way feeding if he might have time to set out a couple of bales of hay.  The girls can't graze because of the snow so they're depending on hay and liquid feed.  He said he had been down our road earlier today and that Darwin had broken out the road with his tractor - said he probably couldn't have gotten down the road without that being done.  It's an east/west road and they tend to drift in.  He did that for us in 2011, last time we had a big snow. 

     Going to sleep in the LR again and keep the stove on.  It's comfortable in here and it's all right in the bedroom (I like to sleep in a cool room) - maybe Stormy and Sheena will sleep in there - they're in there now.

     Jo - Zetta is the best and I know she would do it for any of us.  Isn't it great how we can look out for each other even though we're states apart?  How nice it could be if we could all be neighbors or have commune or whatever we called it years ago. 

     Zetta - I'm still watching The Little House oon the Prairie marathon - also watched an episode of Gunsmoke.  It was on early this morning.  Do wish Designing Women was on at a normal time. 

     Jo - Charles and I have done this kind of work almost from the time we got married.  For several years we didn't take care of the cattle - daddy was able to do that and didn't run that many because he also farmed.  We had a big garden and were both working so that's about all the time we had.  After we retired and daddy wasn't really able to do what he used to we took over .  I guess we've done almost anything a person could think of from putting down new floors to raising chickens and selling eggs and enjoyed every minute of it.  He was a city boy and took to the farm like nobody's business. 

     We're supposed to get snow beginning mid afternoon tomorrow until late at night - then again Wednesday.  I'm going to try to feed tomorrow - if the Gator will start and the snow drifts aren't too deep to get through.  I'm sure the feeders are full of snow so will have to empty them - I think I'll take a scoop for that instead of turning them over - probably frozen to the ground anyway.  Can you all believe our weatherman said it will be in the 60s by next Tuesday.

     I'm kind of tired and now Sammy and Lilly are beginning to run and play.  Barclee wandered around on the floor a long time but he's been asleep for the last two hours.  He slept through the night last night. 

     Liz - glad your baking soda wasn't all ruined.  Doesn't that make you mad when UPS does things like that?  I've had trouble with them leaving packages down at the gate, a quarter mile away instead of bringing them to the house.  I've complained each time and as soon as I get one driver trained to bring them to the porch, they change drivers.  I had a package down there all during the last snow storm.  Amazon ships everything by UPS or USPS  and it aggravates me that they don't use FedEx - no trouble at all with their delivery service. 

     I bought one of those no-contact fever thermometers - finally figured out how to use it but it registers my temp a little different than my normal kind so don't know which is correct.

     Saw another coyote just over the fence this evening.  Sheena saw it and was barking and two or three babies saw it and were very curious.  Tried to fill the birdfeeder but it was frozen so brought it inside to thaw so I could open it.  Did put birdseed along the porch bannisters for them.

     I'll stop for now and finish this how and watch the news and weather and probably a Gunsmoke or two. 

     All of you are such good friends and I cherish each of you.  No one could have better friends even though we'll probably never meet.  If we weren't all so "mature" we could have a reunion some day - wouldn't that be nice.  You all could come and sit on the porch and we could drink lemonade or iced tea and watch the girls and babies.

     Take care and stay safe and warm tonight - or cool if you're in Florida or California.

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary


    Thanks about the baking soda. They used to be so good about that with plastic. I think the Covid, just caused so many problems customer service of all kinds is affected. I’ve received a lot of stale food, food with 3 month expiration dates, things like that as well. 

    Wow it’s cold by you. ..and more snow expected! Interesting to hear how FedEx is better. Everything is changing. I don’t even want to turn the tv on but I do because listening to the news is so depressing.

    I lifted up som gas cans .. more dragging than constant lifting. I’m going to make some calls tomorrow about handymen. They are not so reliable around here but will give it another try.

    I’ve been so depressed at what’s happening. I wish I could find reliable people. Everyone says it’s hard here on that Nextdoor app. I keep thinking what can I do to save myself from dropping dead or going insane. There are no easy answers. 

    Not so great with coyotes..I hope they don’t cause any trouble. 

    How do the animals stay warm enough in these below freezing temps? Hope you have a good night 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    18 degrees, it snowed, not sure how much, will know before too long when I go out to tackle it.

    Hope it starts warming up for you a bit Lorita and your pipes thaw out nicely.  They are giving zero here tonight.

    Everyone try and be careful.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     It's bright! and sunny here this morning.  Really have to wear sunglasses because the sun glaring off the snow is so bright.  It was -8 here this morning with a wind chill of -almost 20 and more in other places - but good news, very little wind so it's bearable.

    Last night I filled one water tank and went out and cut the ice on it.  Girls had already come out of the barn and were up around the hay.  Just got back inside and heard trucks - Mike and Toad were here to set out hay.  They put out four bales and it didn't take them 20 minutes - they're a well-oiled team.  Thanked each of them as they came through the gate.  So glad the girls will have plenty of hay.  Decided I'd go out and close the gate to the pasture where I feed so walked around behind the barn - it's drifted quite a lot out there but if the Gator will start and I do feed I can avoid those drifts.  Walked back around and then back to the house.  One or two of the girls had already been out there to check out if there was feed out.  If I do feed I'll wait until around 11 to let it warm up just a bit and to let the girls eat hay for a while.  I'm afraid if I wait to feed until tomorrow we'll have too much more snow and it'll be harder.

     Oklahoma and several other states are having rolling blackouts - just for one to two hours.  I called Jack to tell him about it.  I feel sorry for him - he called last night and said this cold weather was really scaring him.  His home is totally electric and he's afraid the power will go off and he'll freeze to death.  Not good to have total electric house in Oklahoma unless you have a generator.  But, good thing is that this only happens every ten years or so - we hope.

     Liz, when UPS left that package at our gate last week he didn't put it in a plastic bag - there wasn't anything in it that would hurt but he should have.  In the past they have wrapped them well - guess it's just a cutback on expenses. 

     The weather is showing a water spout on the big lake south of us.  He just said it's -7 in Tulsa right now - no wind, thank goodness.  We're probably going to have 3-6" of more snow - the snow is still out in west Texas. 

     Slept in the LR again with all the kids.  Slept fairly well but really hated to get up and get my heavier clothing on. 

     Sara - be careful out there shoveling snow.  I was going to sweep the snow off our porches but it didn't sweep well so I gave up.  It's a light snow - hardly any moisture in it - which will be good when it melts.  Supposed to be in the 60s by Tuesday.

     I'll stop for now and drink my second cup of hot tea - already  had juice and a couple of  muffins.  You all stay safe out there.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Well got my place done.  We had 8 inches but was at least a foot on my sidewalk.  Used the snowblower.  Snow was light so makes what I had to shovel, much easier.

    A lady that plows moms neighbors driveway, did moms.  I’m so thankful because was really too much to do by hand.  Just have to go over and do her porch and neaten it up a bit. Next year thinking about next year just hiring someone at beginning of season anytime we have two inches or more.  My sister said she would pay for it.  Told her mom has the money, will just have them to bill me and I will send them a check from her account.  Told her if mom doesn’t have the money we can split it.  Nice of her to offer to help.

    Fixed a Kentucky lunch.  Baked chicken ( they would have fried it), greens, sweet potato, fried cornbread.  They were greens I froze, have been very pleased with how they taste.  Hope I will have them to freeze next year.  Like frying the cornbread because can fix a really small amount and no leftovers.  Made two fritters and ate one with maple syrup.

    Ok see ya later.  Guess I better do the dishes and go clean mom up.

    Be careful every one of you

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    It’s so worrisome to read about the weather crisis so many of you are dealing with. Lorita, I also thought about what Jo said—even if you can reach someone, it may take some time to get to you. But I know you are going to do what you have to do. Please post often, even if just a couple words, so everyone knows you are safely inside.

    The Florida weather is fine. But we have had record high temps, and many more tornados than ever before. I do not understand how anyone can argue against climate change. The big events are getting more extreme, as predicted.

    I have had some health problems that worry my docs, and trotting around for tests, specialists, scans, etc.  Just scheduling all that is a chore. I have hired some help for heavy handyman work, and can call for rides, but the day-to-day now demands a home aide. That’s more of a problem, very few speak much English, which bothers DH far more than me. I can make do for basic cleaners, but this is more, and DH gets upset if unable to communicate. And I barely have the energy to interview any. I know I should be grateful that we have what we do—and there is no way I could deal with the storm you all have—so there’s that.

    One brighter note—we got our first Trader Joe’s! Been so long since I was in one, I forgot what fabulous frozen and refrigerated meals they have. Plus desserts, soups, and ingredients, like a terrific lemon cream sauce for meat, veggies, pasta, etc. They have a senior  hour,  which was not crowded, no lines, the time I was able to go. And masks are required.

    DH got his second dose of the Pfizer vax a few days ago, no side effects, except his arm was a little sore at the site, for one day. I get my second dose in a couple days, had no side effects from the first (Moderna) but so many say the 2nd may be more. Still better than the alternative.  So many here still trying to get it, but our hospitals now have space, and lowest number of cases since the start. Can’t understand why it’s so much worse in Cali than here, here nothing shut down, and so many people are out, albeit most masked. 

    Jo, I hope your DIL continues to improve. Sounds like a long road ahead, but at least she’s made some steps.

    As a time-killer while I am laid out, I have found a couple of live-cam feeds from bird feeders, in very snowy areas. The feeders have SO MANY birds, with little other food available. There is great activity and variety every time I look (I would have thought not so much, but snow, I guess). One is by Cornell U if anyone is interested.

    Has anyone watched “Bridgerton”? It’s set in Regency England, about some royal/titled families, and the sets—costumes, buildings, dances, gardens, hair, etc—are absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. Many of the buildings/gardens are real and still in use for tourism or movies. The clothes and hair-dos are incredible. (I doubt they were so clean back then though There’s been so much hoopla about it, I get that it’s gorgeous, but not much story there IMHO.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Rescue Mom, so hope all will be well for you; do let us know how you are.  I have also been having difficulty moving about due to bilateral knee damage that cannot be fixed, and arthritis.  Thank goodness everything from the neck up is working well.  Seems a professional life as an RN does our joints and bodies in - running hither and thither up and down hospital corridors ad infinitum for many years, and turning and lifting patients - even if in Admin. later in career, it still has taken a toll on the body.

     Our x-DIL, Laurel, is still off the ventilator; still in ICU, still listed in Critical Condition.  She was sat up on the edge of the bed for a minute or two with assistance.  However; her brain is still not kicking in.  She is not processing nor communicating in a relevant manner.   That is very scary.  She had a CT Scan with dye yesterday and it was essentially normal; but things are still very out of synch, so they will do an MRI later today.   She is only just 50, is very pretty and fit.  What a frightening time for her adult children.  Two in college, and son in Kuwait.   The doctors are wondering if she did not have some infarcts from clots when she had the tears in the aorta.  Evidently she has three separate tears.  Unbelievable.  No warning, no symptoms,  just happened.  We never know what will be from one second to another.  We appreciate the concern and prayers on her behalf.

    And our daughter in Houston . . . .  millions of people in Houston area with no electricity now for two days, starting the third day without.  Snow and ice continue.  She is single and has a three story town house; electric except for stove on second floor.  She closed all drapes and shutters to try and keep cold out, but it has been 31 degrees inside her house!  She is trying to keep pipes from freezing and must go into the garage to run car with motor on and garage door open to keep gases from accumulating while she charges her cell phone. No WiFi with power being down, phone out, no computer.  No lights, no heat, no TV, nothing. Slightly less freezing on third floor which is where bedrooms are, so she is staying up there, but still freezing cold. 

    She said she is wearing several pairs of socks, sweats, knit hat, knit gloves, layered tops and bottoms, and a long down coat, and under three blankets but still very cold.  Good time to wear a mask to keep one's nose warm.  Omigosh, I bet the toilet seat is freezing! She takes hot tea upstairs with a thermos to drink something warm; but she said going down to second floor is colder and she feels like an ice sculpture by the time she is done.  It has got to the point of miserable and too cold to sleep she said.  But think of the elderly, the ill, the babies and children all caught up in that.  Something went very, very wrong and the power companies and government in Texas have been less than competent re the risks of all of this.  Very poorly prepared.  Hospitals still have power and the downtown skyline last night had all skyscraper buildings all lit up, but the surrounding housing areas all dark without light.  Sure hope they get power restored today; there is another bad snow/ice weather front coming in later this week or next week; so odd for Houston, but there it is anyway.

    We are still in 60's, a bit of fog early this a.m. Next week, weather in 70's expected, it will continue to waffle up and down for awhile.  Not feeling well all yesterday; queasy, so tired it was too much to even take a shower; just felt ick all over.  Not as bad today, but still a bit tired.  Do not know what I got into, haven't been out anywhere.  This too shall pass.  In the meantime, I am staying pretty much down, reading, using laptop, a little TV, crossword puzzle book, and that is it.

     And Lorita, yes; this is a wonderful group of folks; it would be lovely to be where we could gather.  I think Sayra is the "baby" of the group as the youngest; at least I think so.  It is a great front porch.   If we all live on same grounds, we could certainly take advantage of that front porch; what a barrel of laughs we would have, and we could all help one another if needs arose and each of us has their own talents.  Most of all; a very loving, kind and nice group of people.

     On that note, I will go check my emails to see if we have heard anything new re daughter and DIL.

     Hugs sent to one and all


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Insightfuls Reactions 100 Likes

    Rescue Mom, so hope all will be well for you; do let us know how you are.  I have also been having difficulty moving about due to bilateral knee damage that cannot be fixed, and arthritis.  Thank goodness everything from the neck up is working well.  Seems a professional life as an RN does our joints and bodies in - running hither and thither up and down hospital corridors ad infinitum for many years, and turning and lifting patients - even if in Admin. later in career, it still has taken a toll on the body.

     Our x-DIL, Laurel, is still off the ventilator; still in ICU, still listed in Critical Condition.  She was sat up on the edge of the bed for a minute or two with assistance.  However; her brain is still not kicking in.  She is not processing nor communicating in a relevant manner.   That is very scary.  She had a CT Scan with dye yesterday and it was essentially normal; but things are still very out of synch, so they will do an MRI later today.   She is only just 50, is very pretty and fit.  What a frightening time for her adult children.  Two in college, and son in Kuwait.   The doctors are wondering if she did not have some infarcts from clots when she had the tears in the aorta.  Evidently she has three separate tears.  Unbelievable.  No warning, no symptoms,  just happened.  We never know what will be from one second to another.  We appreciate the concern and prayers on her behalf.

    And our daughter in Houston . . . .  millions of people in Houston area with no electricity now for two days, starting the third day without.  Snow and ice continue.  She is single and has a three story town house; electric except for stove on second floor.  She closed all drapes and shutters to try and keep cold out, but it has been 31 degrees inside her house!  She is trying to keep pipes from freezing and must go into the garage to run car with motor on and garage door open to keep gases from accumulating while she charges her cell phone. No WiFi with power being down, phone out, no computer.  No lights, no heat, no TV, nothing. Slightly less freezing on third floor which is where bedrooms are, so she is staying up there, but still freezing cold. 

    She said she is wearing several pairs of socks, sweats, knit hat, knit gloves, layered tops and bottoms, and a long down coat, and under three blankets but still very cold.  Good time to wear a mask to keep one's nose warm.  Omigosh, I bet the toilet seat is freezing! She takes hot tea upstairs with a thermos to drink something warm; but she said going down to second floor is colder and she feels like an ice sculpture by the time she is done.  It has got to the point of miserable and too cold to sleep she said.  But think of the elderly, the ill, the babies and children all caught up in that.  Something went very, very wrong and the power companies and government in Texas have been less than competent re the risks of all of this.  Very poorly prepared.  Hospitals still have power and the downtown skyline last night had all skyscraper buildings all lit up, but the surrounding housing areas all dark without light.  Sure hope they get power restored today; there is another bad snow/ice weather front coming in later this week or next week; so odd for Houston, but there it is anyway.

    We are still in 60's, a bit of fog early this a.m. Next week, weather in 70's expected, it will continue to waffle up and down for awhile.  Not feeling well all yesterday; queasy, so tired it was too much to even take a shower; just felt ick all over.  Not as bad today, but still a bit tired.  Do not know what I got into, haven't been out anywhere.  This too shall pass.  In the meantime, I am staying pretty much down, reading, using laptop, a little TV, crossword puzzle book, and that is it.

     And Lorita, yes; this is a wonderful group of folks; it would be lovely to be where we could gather.  I think Sayra is the "baby" of the group as the youngest; at least I think so.  It is a great front porch.   If we all live on same grounds, we could certainly take advantage of that front porch; what a barrel of laughs we would have, and we could all help one another if needs arose and each of us has their own talents.  Most of all; a very loving, kind and nice group of people.

     On that note, I will go check my emails to see if we have heard anything new re daughter and DIL.

     Hugs sent to one and all


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, I know you enjoy Ree Drumond; here is a link about their daughter coming home to help on their cattle ranch that is like yours, in Oklahoma and hit hard by the bad winter weather  . . . after reading that, do scroll down the page to the video and watch; it is hilarious and about when a huge rat ran through the kitchen while Ree was being filmed.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Been resting up some after feeding and watering the girls.  The sun was shining and it's supposed to snow so thought I'd feed the girls while I could.  I fed Saturday so had missed yesterday.  Luckily I had the feed in the Gator and it started so gave them four sacks.  Had to call them a few times because they were interested in the fresh hay but they came down - except for Rose Bud and one baby.  She has decided it's just easier for her to stay at the hay and let me bring the feed to her - I don't mind, in fact, it's better.  So, left her with her feed and the baby may help eat a little of it.  Some of the girls went down to what we always called the hog pond  but didn't stay long.  I'm always afraid one of them will get to far out on the ice and break through.  A few years ago a rancher north of here was out feeding in the wintertime, didn't come home so his wife called a neighbor to look for him.  A cow or calf had fallen through the ice on a pond and he went in after him - didn't make it out.  Remember I've been in the pond a couple of times - once in the summer - in the mud and another time in the winter when  a calf fell through and I went in after him.  No fun at all.  Anyway, they're all back at the hay.

     When I got back to the house I got the hose out of the water tank (I was filling it while I fed) and broke the ice on the one I broke ice on this morning.  The ax is so heavy I can hardly lift it now - it gets wet, freezes, gets wet, freezes, etc.  Used a hammer to get all the ice off I could and brought it into the house.  The snow had blown into the carport and was on the sacks of feed I had in the back of the PU so took a broom and swept it off, then covered it with a tarp - also covered the feed in the Gator.  Saw Tom - or Jerry - didn't see either one this morning when I fed them.  I had taken a bottle of water out to the hydrant to use if I needed to so took it out and gave the kitty some water.  I took an afghan out last night and put it on the Gator seat - maybe he'll find it.

     All I'll need to do late this evening is to make sure the girls have water.  They put out four big bales so those are there plus parts of two others so they should be fixed for hay for a few days - they have liquid feed and were fed today - average of 6.6 lb. a head so if I can keep water in the tanks they'll be okay.  They had spent the night in the barn - you could see their tracks coming out.

     This weather just makes everything so much harder to do.  Normally I can hook up the water and leave it that way.  Thinking of our vet and his friend cutting on ponds in 25 different pastures and taking the time to set out hay for me this morning.  I told him it looked like they were having fun - one of them takes a bale up and while he's cutting netwrap and getting it off, the other one is bringing up a bale, etc.  They work really well together and seem to be friends.  Toad's a really nice fellow. 

     Sorry about the knees, Jo and Rescue Mom.  I have that trouble, too, and my left knee's hurting right now.  My doctor mentioned knee replacement a couple of years ago.  He injected one with Cortisone a couple of years ago and it worked well so I'll go that route.  Guess I may have to do the same with my bilateral Morton's Neuroma.  It's gotten to the point I have pains in my toes from time to time and it always feels like I have something wadded up under my foot.  I think it's kind of thrown my balance off some, too.

     Rescue mom - I feel the same about global warming.  Anyone who watches any kind of science or nature shows can see what's happening.  If it gets to the point it was in The Day After Tomorrow I don't want to be around and it will if the people in the world don't do something about it.  At least Biden believes in it and has rejoined that organization. 

     I got the car door open but the car won't start - and the PU won't start - only running vehicle is the Gator.  I won't bother with charging the batteries (got a new charger ) until the weather's better.  I think we're supposed to get up to 8" of snow tonight - beginning about 6 p.m. and snowing all night.

     Sara - when you make fried cornbread, what do you put in it?  We only used meal or corn meal mix and hot water enough to make it moist enough to make a patty - then slide it into the hot grease or oil - really good.  My MIL really loved it that way. 

     Good idea to have someone else do the driveways during the wintertime - would help you and them, too.  I still haven't gotten the snow off the porches yet - all I can do to get it off my boots before I come inside.

     Jo - sounds like Laurel is improving some.  Hope the MRI gives a good report.   You're so right, anything can go wrong at any time.  My mother always said there are so many things about the body that can go wrong, we're lucky to be able to get up and about in the mornings.  Right now my costo is bothering me in the middle of my ches t- hasn't gone through to the back yet but I'm leaning against a heating pad.

     Stormy and Sheena just came inside. They went out when I did at 11 this morning and have been out all day.  Haven't seen a coyote today but they did because they were looking in the direction where they stay and barking. 

     Thank you all for caring - makes a person feel better to know there's someone who does.  Guess Jack does - he's called twice today.  I think he just gets lonesome - still afraid power will go off but if it does will only be 1-2 hours.

     Back later.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

     Jo.    That video was so cute it made me laugh. I agree it would be nice if we all lived on the same grounds. We  could all take care of each other and you are right I think Sara would be the youngest. 

     Sara,   Your Mom is so lucky to have you there for her I am sure she apricates you very much.

    Rescue Mom,  It sounds like you do need to get some help so you can stay healthy enough to take care of your DH. I am glad he did not have any reactions to the 2nd dose I will be getting mine next week. I also like Trader Joe's the closest one to me is 30 miles away. A lot of times I forget about it unless I am near it. I like the little loafs of pretzel bread. 

    Lorita,   It sounds fun sleeping in the LR with all the kids sounds like a party. Tonight before you all go to bed just put your warm sleeping stuff on so you wont have to get up and do it. I just threw some old bread out in my yard for the birds and the big crows have been coming down and taking each piece Molly had been busy looking out the window barking at them. Gunsmoke is back on today so here I sit watching Gunsmoke. 

    We have been getting a mixture of rain and snow today. The sun is shinning so its pretty to watch it sparkles. 

    Stay Warm and Hugs to all. Zetta 

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi everyone,

    I can't even imagine the cold weather you all are getting. I'm a California girl so no snow for me! No thank you.

    Talked with my cousin about our uncle. She will be done with PT at the end of this month, And if her MRI shows no growth of her brain tumor, she will be coming here for 1 month (I will go home) so she can see with her own eyes how much our uncle has declined since she was last here, last July. 

    Then we will discuss how to proceed. I know she's in denial, she thinks getting caregivers to come to the house more frequently and longer hours will help. How is that helping? We all know this disease is slowly killing him. She wants to do memory games with him, keep him entertained. 

    Does she really not understand his brain is slowly dying. It won't come back with memory games. He is a fall risk. I say he needs to be placed soon so he can have a different environment with other people his age, other veterans to talk with, socialization, activities. Do it now so he can "enjoy" this before he gets too far along. I know he wouldn't sleep 18 hrs per day (like he does currently) if he was in a social situation. 

    We are co-guardians but I have already put the deposit down and have signed the paperwork. If I have to I will just place him even though I know she doesn't want this, it's about out uncle not about what we want or don't want.

    Please stay safe everyone.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Lorita made them with cornmeal and buttermilk.  Maybe I will try water next time.  Was just sort of winging it.  Don’t really know how my mom made them.
  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes
    Oh my goodness.  I shouldn’t say anything but...accuracy. My health problems are not knees or bones or muscles. My docs think liver or pancreas. My problems with moving are not bone or muscle related, it’s just energy, of which I have little.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Got my evening chores done and back in the house.  Amazing how much ice can form during the day - used the shovel to get the ice in the tank where was a little water and my gloved hands to get the ice out of the other one - all this time one of the girls was waiting to drink.  So far it's not snowing here but it was about 50 miles west of us an hour or so ago.  Maybe we won't get any - don't need it for sure.

     Jo, enjoyed the video of Ree Drummond and the rat.  In the country when the weather starts getting cold mice try to find a way to get in to warmth but I think in this case I saw something about some kind of plumbing work being done so probably got in that way.  I don't watch her show as much as I used to - don't really like it since the kids are doing the filming since the virus began.  Those kids have really grown up.  I've never been up there but friend, Carol has with her daughters.  They went to the grand opening of the Merc.  Carol said there was a long line of people waiting to get in and the weather was hot so the kids and Ladd's dad were out giving people water to drink.  She had her picture taken with him and sent it to me - sweet looking little man.

    Jo - do you think the way you're feeling has something to do with your vaccination.  Seems like you haven't felt up to par since you got it.  I hope not - makes me even more leary of getting it.

     Nicole - hope your cousin improves so she can come and be with your uncle so you can get a break.  Your idea that if your uncle was place now while he could enjoy being with other people his own age sounds pretty good.  If there's veterans there he'll find friends for sure.  There's a kind of kinship between veterans - they never meet another veteran that isn't a friend.   I worked in a VA Hospital for over 33 years and I saw this happen all the time - kind of like they were brothers.

     Sara - be sure to use hot water and only enough to make a very thick batter.  Put a spoonful in your hand and make a patty about 1/2'' thick or however thick you like.  Carefully slip it off your hand into hot grease or oil and let it brown.  I never used much oil, just enough to make it fry good.  It's so good with beans - and, like you said it's easy to make and you can make as much or as little as you want.  I think we called it corn pone.  I never tried it with syrup but bet it's pretty good

     Zetta - I've watched two or three Gunsmokes today.  Yesterday I began to wonder just how many people Matt Dillon shot during the years the show ran.  I looked it up and wrote the numbers down but I'm sitting in the recliner and the paper with the numbers are beside another chair and I don't want to get up right now - but, I think it's somewhere around 300.  Just think of how many of those people he buried and along with others he found.

     I guess we are having sort of a slumber party because all of us don't usually sleep in the same room.  Everyone now is asleep except Barclee who just went in to get a drink.  We're all in the LR except Sheena who's asleep in the bedroom.  It's actually 14 degrees, probably warmer than it's been in several days.  I was watching the weather and one of the storm chasers was waiting for the snow to come in - somewhere west of here - and he said the temp had gone up to 18.  We're supposed to be about 70 next Thursday. 

     My dry eyes have really bothered me today and yesterday.  The dew point is very low so maybe that's the problem. 

     Just saw an advertisement and it had a cake on it that looked like the one I used to make for daddy.  I'd make a two or three layer, white cake and split the layers, then put a good layer of vanilla pudding on each layer and sprinkle all of them with black walnuts.  It was so good and very moist.  Haven't made one of those cakes in 30 years.  We have a black walnut tree in our back yard and another at the MH but for some reason the nuts never really fill out.  I think I mentioned I occasionally see a squirrel and there's walnuts all over the back yard that have been cracked open.  They're hard to crack so don't know if a squirrel can do that or not.  We used to have a big, flat rock with a rounded out place in it the size of a walnut.  We'd put the walnut in that place and hit it with a hammer and it would crack and not get lost.  They're delicious but so hard to crack and pick out. 

     Hope all of you are well tonight and are safe in the bad weather. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Two degrees this morning.  I still see concrete on driveway and sidewalk, so hopefully no shoveling today.  See they are giving more snow starting tonight but looks like it won’t be too bad.

    Rescue mom sorry to hear you are not feeling well.  

    Lorita maybe it would ease Jacks mind a little if you tell him if he becomes cold to where he feels endangered to call the rescue squad.  They will come and check on him and do what is needed.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Sorry, Rescue Mom, that I got things mixed up.  Both conditions, knees - liver and pancreas are hard to deal with.  Hope things get better with you soon.

     Sara - Jack mentioned yesterday that if his power went out he could call 911 but we're through the worst of it now.  Power situation is at level 2 instead of 3 so that's better, too.  So far there have been no blackouts in this area that I know of.

     We had snow last night.  I had trouble sleeping and every time I'd look out I didn't see anything falling so either it was so fine I couldn't see it or it happened when I was asleep.  When I went out this morning there was lots of new snow.  Took food out to Tom or Jerry and heard something in the back of the carport - never saw anything but it was scared of me.  I always talk to the boys as I go out.  The one cat who was there was afraid of what was back there but I think he got to eat some - forgot to take out water though.  Came back and went out in the garden to check on the water.  They had drunk a lot of it in both tanks but the ice was less than an inch thick so just broke it with the back of the ax.  I'll have to run water this morning.  One cow, Penny, Jr., was at one of the liquid feeders licking.  One little calf was trying to find the lick on one of the feeders.  The snow had completely covered them with several inches of snow so got all the rest of them cleared off.  There was probably 5-6" of new snow on top of the feeders.  Looked like most of the girls were up at the hay - didn't specifically see Rose Bud.  Don't know why but my back is really hurting this morning - probably the way I tried to sleep.  Bet I didn't get more than three hours sleep last night so will get a nap in today sometime.  So glad I don't have to do anything but run water - I hope.  Feel kind of shaky so hurried and fixed breakfast and have just eaten it.

     Doesn't look like we'll get any more snow.  There's another band to go through later today but I think it'll be south of us.  All of the streets that were cleared off yesterday in this part of the State are again snowpacked.  It's really beautiful outside and normally I'd be taking pictures and may later today.  The holly in front of the house has every leaf covered in snow so it's pretty with the red berries.  Need to feed the birds - already have eaten what I gave them yesterday.  Wonder where that little squirrel might be.

     Stormy and Sheena saw something this morning because they were really barking - I didn't see anything but whatever it was they saw.

     Sara, I hope you don't have to do any shoveling today.  It's hard on you.  I tried to sweep the snow off the porch - couldn't get it done so it will have to be shoveled - bet the warmer weather will take care of that.  It's 17 here this morning - yesterday it was minus 12.  No wind, so very little wind chill.

     Back later.  Going to drink my hot tea.  Hot water in kitchen only has the same tiny trickle.  Bathroom hot water is okay.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita hope your back quits yelling at you.  If I use one of those hand held massagers routinely morning and night does help me a lot at keeping the pain at a much lower level.  Have done fairly well the past two weeks.  

    Sun is shining today.  Cold and beautiful.  A day like this was when I saw a snow owl sitting on a tree limb against a beautiful blue sky.  Had never seen one before or since.  They are not normally in our area I guess but if the temperatures are really cold in their normal habitat they come a little farther south.

    Kind of being lazy today.  Did two loads of wash and cooked some pinto beans

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    What a morning.  Found out our x-DIL, Laurel, who has aorta dissections has had several strokes; confirmed by MRI.   They are in areas which should allow her to heal and do well; hopefully.   Still in ICU, PT tries to sit her up twice a day, it takes two people to hold her up despite her being petite.  Speech is mumbling and slurred; sounds like stroke effect.   Have suggested to daughter to request Speech Therapy if mother is stable and not over tired.  Soonest started the better for recovery. So young to have all of that happening.

     Still do not have date for repair of DILs three aorta dissections and she continues to be considered in critical condition.  She worked and was not well-monied, so do not know what will happen with the rent on her lovely townhome as well as other finances. Young daughter cannot find key to mother's mailbox, so the mail has not been able to be opened for getting bills out and other mail.    Guess she will need to contact the post office to see what can be done.

    And more this morning; so deeply concerned re Houston daughter.  Well; 31 degrees and lower into her townhome.  No water - none.  Power outage keeps pumps from pumping water. No Wi-Fi for computer, phones not working well, very weak and problematic; even cells.  No toilets as no water to flush.  If anyone has a trickle of water, they were told to boil it first as the water plants are not functioning to make water safe. People are desperate; those with tiny infants and very elderly are at the point of panic in many instances.

     Then came news from news stations: Possibility that entire state of Texas will lose power.  Entire state!  If that happens, who knows how this will play out.  All this because Texas chose not to be part of power grid in order to avoid paying federal fees. It was also about big money to be made for those involved in the way it was set up.  How they will go about fixing this debacle, heaven only knows.  Yesterday early a.m., there were 104 plus cases of carbon monoxide poisoning with many in the hospital because of it.  Two entire families in Houston were wiped out secondary to that same thing.  How many by today, I have not heard.  Interesting that El Paso, Texas, chose to pay fees for being on the power grid with the U.S. and Canada, and they have full power.  Good for them, very wise.

    Anyway; daughter being frozen stiff, no water, no toilet, another big storm expected to commence tonight;  unable to find any hotel as all hotels are without power and not renting rooms, and with news of possibility that the entire state may go out, has decided to drive the five hours to a relatives home in Louisiana.   Omigosh.  Here I sit, Nervous Nellie.  A five hour drive on roads not the best at this time, and Louisiana having its own weather issues.  We told her, no matter her finances, we will help with any hotel room and also if there are planes flying, with an airline ticket to warmer climes with family or friends if she wishes.  She has her own finances, but with the lengthy pandemic layoff, etc. it is not as easy as it has been for her; she has been plowing through her savings.

    Lorita, I do not think my feeling a bit of ick was at all related to having had the COVID Vaccination.  I am far beyond that time period.   The first day after the vaccine, I had a slight bit of queasiness that lasted only for a few minutes that happened a couple of times; also a few seconds headache that fleeted in and out a couple of times.   Felt a bit tired, but it did not debilitate me.  Our vaccination was back on th 8th, so the ick I felt would not be related to that.  As it is, ick has passed after that one day.   Who knows why that happens, it just does.

    As for the vaccination; Lorita, if someone would have side effects, they are not usually debilitating and last only for a day or day and a half.  After second vaccination, when two weeks pass, then one is very much protected from ease of getting the virus, and if one does, it should be only a light case most often not even requiring hospitalization.

    The alternative to not vaccinating, is getting the virus and becoming dreadfully ill, especially at an older age;  needing hospitalization and the possibility ventilator support; long long, long time of sickness, long hospitalization sometime into months, and then the possible risk of being saddled with permanent or long term debilitating side effects which are called being a, "long-hauler," with really debilitating effects.  Or of course, death is also an outcome for many.

    For me; considering the risks versus benefits I decided to choose the vaccine.  All it takes is one tiny slip or gap with a mask or other exposure to get the virus; that played into my decision too.  One big benefit is that when I am fully vaccinated, so is my beautician; I will sally forth with mask on and finally get a good haircut.   Hooray!  I will also be able to be far more comfortable with a repair person coming into the house; Hooray!   All kidding aside, mostly, it really is about much more peace of mind.

    Boy; all your chores in the ice and snow, Lorita; I feel exhausted just reading it.  What a huge job under difficult circumstances. Considering all the heavy lifting, turning and twisting and ice axe chopping, no wonder your back hurts today.  Hope you  can rest and recuperate a bit before going out again.

    Rescue mom, liver or pancreas, I can imagine the concern.  Let us know how you are and how things are going; we are here and we truly really do care.

    Just getting a text from daughter - looks like she is sending an app by which we can follow her car as she travels. That is good.  Want to take a closer look, so will sign off; take good care all and stay warm and cozy.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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