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Just need to talk to my friends (140)



  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Liz, how about strawberry milkshakes with a scoop or two of protein powder?

    I'm sorry about your sciatica. I had it once. It was so bad I used crutches, couldn't stand the weight on my leg. Dr. gave me a course of Prednisone and that took care of it and it's never happened since. I am careful about lifting, not wanting it to happen again. 

    Lorita, hard to believe it will be -8 in your area and 8" of snow predicted. Wow. My daughter lives in Houston and told me for Monday they have 12 degrees and snow predicted. Almost unheard of. Their little boys will love the snow....then, later in the week they have a high of 68. Still cold and snowy here. There is so much snow cover, how do the deer/turkeys/geese/bunnies/etc find anything to eat? Sad.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     We had sunshine! at least for a while.  It's as cold as kraut but the sun made it seem better.  I don't remember for sure how cold it was - I know the WC was below zero - I think my brain's frozen.

    Broke, or cut, ice in the three water tanks and got some of the big pieces of ice out of the one in the lot.  used my hands with gloves on when I couldn't get the ice chunks on the axe.  It was at least 4" thick.  Didn't need water in that tank but filled one in the garden and broke ice on the other one. 

     I saw some blue sky in the north and thought how nice that looked - then the sun broke out here.  It's not nearly as bright now and the wind is strong from the north.  I want to wait as long as I can to feed the girls because there's no way I can feed tomorrow if it's snowing.  Years ago Charles was in the hospital on Christmas and at that time we had a good relationship with the neighbors who no longer talk to me. I think he would but it's really his wife who ruined the relationship we had with them.  Anyway there was snow on the ground, quite a lot, and I needed to come home to feed.  He came up to the house to help when I got home and we put out feed in deep snow - in feeders.  So, you can feed in snow but better if not. 

     I got the car door open - sprayed all around it with de-icer and used that hammer-like thing to help open the door.  The car started and I let it run for 15-20 minutes to build up the battery.  Turned on the defroster so I could get the frost-guard off - it was iced down to the windshield.    Tried getting the driver's side door open on the PU - couldn't but did manage to get the passenger side door open.  I can feed out of the Gator but if I could start the PU and drive it a little bit out of the carport I can get the feed in the Gator much easier.   One good thing - all the ice is off the trees, still frozen, laying on the ground under the trees.

     Tom and Jerry were here and ready for breakfast.  The two pans I keep water in for them are full and frozen solid so I'll have to find something else to give them water tomorrow.

     Worried a bit about Stormy.  He's having loose-watery stools - I think for about three days - was just able to see that it was really him last evening.  I called the vet's office and he suggested yogurt (don't have any of that) but said I could try Pepto-Bismol to see if that would settle his stomach.  He seems like he feels okay but I worry.  We had a poodle (well, lots of them) but Pierre had an upset stomach and Charles and I gave him Pepto.  Needless to say we had it all over the bathroom, Pierre and both of us.  You know it's bright pink so it really showed up - everywhere.

      Jo - hope it's good news about Laurel.  I know how worried you must be.  Hard to have someone in the hospital and not really know what's going on or how to help.

     Liz - we all know how hard caregiving is and how tired we get.  You have to try to pare down things you're doing and just do the very basic things to keep things somewhat in order.  I know you have to care for your birds and that's a job (know that because I have dogs, cats and cattle and they have to have care).  Just try to make things as easy as possible.  I know we like to try to keep things like they've always been but during caregiving that isn't always possible - some things have to be let go.  Now you don't have help to keep things done so you're doing all of that plus caring for your husband who used to help (anyway, Charles used to help).  Rest when you can.

     Jo - I don't get On Demand - no idea how that works.  Also don't know anything about "streaming".  I'm going to try to remember to watch Centennial tomorrow morning.

      So, saw this morning they're going to call witnesses (at least one so far) during the Impeachment Trial).  Will be interesting to see that.  I think it's the Prosecution who is calling a Republican witness.  One may lead to another.  We'll see.

     Hope all of you are well this morning.  We're having Lake effect snows around Tulsa (may have mentioned that yesterday) but it's still happening.  Do wish we could miss the snow and the sun would continue to shine and it would be warmer.  Only 35 days until Spring.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    JoC you probably may have experienced this too.  Worked with patients who had a lot of problems but made it, now and then someone who you thought would do fine died.  So we will just keep hoping and praying for Laurel.  Often told my patients where they were at, how they got here, why they couldn’t talk and when they could.  As you said has to be frightening.  I’m sure she was silently crying.  Can remember seeing tears roll out the corners of their eyes.

    One thing that surprised me was that quite a few patients , who I thought were really with it, as we communicated a lot by head and eye signals, or writing notes.  When they would get off the vent and I would refer to something that happened, they would tell me they didn’t remember anything about being on vent.  Guess nature protected some of them.

    Seems like a lot of different areas that normally have much milder winters than we do, in different parts of the country are having weather like we are having.  We may have it a lot longer though.  Here daffodils usually survive snow but not ice.  Will be awhile til we have daffodils.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I woke up to 10deg and heavy snow falling. Right now its 36deg and the sun is shinning. We got about 6ins of snow. WMan says more is coming but not as much.

     Lorita,  Sorry to hear that Stormy is not feeling well I hope the pepto bis helps. I know when Molly has a upset stomach I crush up tumbs and put it in her food and it helps. I know what you mean when you talk about the cold air coming in around your AC. Have you thought about maybe nailing a blanket up around it to keep the cold air from coming in. I have 2 big windows in my FR and one is right by my rocking chair I keep saying I am going to put plastic over it and so far I have not done that. I feel the cold air on my legs so I just cover up. Crazy me Hopefully by next winter I put the plastic up. 

    Lorita,  You amaze me living like you do to me seems so dangerous. I am sure you are used to all the things you do but when you are alone and you go out to tend to things at night when it is so cold and like you say there is no one waiting for you to come in that would worry me. When the weather is bad is there away you can maybe not go out at night or have someone you can call when you go out and return so someone is aware that you are out.    

    Jo,  Hopefully your xDIL is improving some. You both are still in my prayers. It is sure nice that your son is visiting her. If I remember right she is pretty young, right?

    Sara,  I found a recipe you posted awhile back. It is the one that you cut the potatos up cook till just a bit tender then let cool before you continue. The one you said you let cool a hour before you add the additional stuff and put in the oven. Any way I am fixing those to go with dinner tonight.

    Well!!   Its snowing again at my house.  You all stay warm.  Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Zetta hope those potatoes turn out good for you.  They are one of my favorites.  

    Lorita you asked where J had been and I forgot to answer.  She has been at a nursing home getting rehab.  Her out of state son texted my sister this morning.  Said she went to new place yesterday and that she did well and seems positive about going there.  She has had both vaccinations but will be required to quarantine for 14 days.  Then she will be allowed visitors.  You have to call and schedule an appointment, you can visit for thirty minutes in a room that has a plexiglass partition.  Don’t know how I feel about that.  Guess will play it by ear.  Think myself would prefer to wait til I have had my vaccinations too.  Hopefully she will be content there and won’t care if I don’t show up for awhile.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    O MY!      Sara those Potato's were delicious. I think you posted that recipe in December so you might want to post it again it was so good. I will make those often Thank You   
  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi everyone.  We’re having a lot of rain in West CO and the frigid cold is on the East side.  It can’t get over the mountains to the west.  I’m so thankful.  Yes, GJ is getting warm.  Been in the 30’s here which is normal.  Crazy we are getting rain in February.  It’s melting all the snow in the yard.  Mountains are getting snow.  The weather is predicted to last at least through Sunday or Monday.

    I had second vaccine yesterday.  I’m tired today, and my arm is a bit sore, but that’s all.  I feel lucky I didn’t get a worse reaction.  I’ve been lazy all day.  Hand and foot are doing better.  Thanks for asking.  I have rheumatologist virtual appointment on the 25th.  I’m feeling better, so it may resolve on it’s own.

    Judith, how do you feel this afternoon after getting your vaccine? I’m 

    Sara, please post potato recipe again if you don’t mind.  Zetta’s comments make me want to try it.  Glad you had a day or two off shoveling snow.  It gets old fast when it snows so often.

    Liz and Lorita, you both need a vacation.  I sure hope things settle down and the weather calms down so it’s not so difficult.

    Ron, congratulations!  Glad you got to ring the bell.  Sure glad you’re both ok after your fall.  I hope you’re not stiff and sore today.

    Jo, darn that you can’t find your cards for valentines.  I hope Laurel continues to make some progress.  She’s one tough lady.  Good news your health problem is resolving.  

    I’ll check back in tomorrow.  I need to find something for dinner.  Stay warm and have a good night.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Joan, I've been thinking of you today and wondering if you were having snow.  My goodness, you all are having a heat wave in western Colorado.  Right now it's 16 - the high for the day.  Our wind chill has been about 1-3 all day and supposed to be way lower tonight and the rest of the weekend.  About dusk tonight it was looking really dark in the NW - guess it's the front coming in.  I so wish we'd miss that snow.  So glad you're getting better and that you had your second shot with not much reaction.  I heard tonight on the news that there had only been 67 pretty bad reactions to the vaccine.  Makes a person feel better - unless you're one of the 67.  Vaccinations in this part of the state have been postponed because of the weather - hope the vaccine is still good when the places can reopen.

     Sara, yes, please do repost the recipe.  Potatoes are one of my very favorite foods - prepared any way.  They're what I'm missing most about being away from town.  I bought ten pounds last March.  I have some frozen French fries, hashbrowns and I think steak fries - guess I'm saving those for a rainy, or snowy, day.  Some day I'm going to be brave enough when I go buy feed to mask and glove up, maybe even a shield, and go in and grab a few things.  I know where things are located in the store so it wouldn't take 15 minutes.

     Zetta - I really don't have to go out much at night except when I have a cow up about to calve.  Guess I could call Darwin and tell him I was going out but hate to bother him.  Last year I had a cow up about to calve and I was sitting in the barn with her during a thunderstorm.  Found myself wondering what a 77 year old woman was doing in the barn in a thunderstorm.  She had a beautiful baby without any trouble.  I came back in the house and went back an hour later and baby was up and nursing.  Good night on the ranch.

     I've had one busy afternoon.  Went out about 1:30 to feed the girls.  They had gone back up by the hay so I yelled  "come on, girls" and here they came.  Charles always called them like that.  Got them fed and drove on up to find Rose Bud.  She's stayed at the hay the last two feedings - not wanting to walk on the rough, frozen ground.  She saw me coming and got ready for her feed.  I'll have to pick up her pan in the morning - if I can find it in the snow.  Came back by the creepfeeder and three babies were in it.  The rod I have wired across the front to keep out the bigger calves had fallen down so had to rewire that.  Need to take out some more wire and do a better job.

    Ron - I've mentioned I have a little bull that's very friendly - I checked my list of calves this afternoon and it's Little Bit.  He's a handsome young man.  That's what I tell our boy cats.  Be careful - looks like this snow is going to come across your part of the Country.  You don't want to fall again.

     When I got back to the carport, decided I'd try to open the PU door so I could drive it out of the carpot to load feed into the Gator.  Tried and tried - sprayed and sprayed and finally got it open.  But, couldn't get it started and they're two new batteries!  It may be that when I tried to open the doors before I may have loosened the latch and it ran the batteries down.  So - nothing to do but unload the feed the hard way.  I managed to get 300 lb. in the Gator - enough to feed twice and took 50 lb. of fortified grain to the house for Rose Bud.  I have 250 lb. of feed in the PU so pulled those five sacks down to the end of the bed so I can get to them better.  There's barely enough room to get between the tailgate and a big post and then there's another post with barely enough room to get through.  Have to put the sack of feed on an empty mineral tube, go around and then load it. 

     Got back to the house - worn out - and the girls were bawling.  They were out of water so had to fill the two water tanks.  I was completely bushed when I got back into the house.

     Guess Stormy and Sheena are too. Sheena went into the storage building and I had to go out and get her.  Both of them have been asleep the last two hours.  He seems okay, Zetta.  He was chasing babies away from the yard fence.  I feed the cats in the kitchen and he goes in and finishes what they leave - maybe that's his problem.  I only fed him a little of Barclee's food today and haven't noticed either he or Sheena eating dry food today.

     Watched another good Gunsmoke I hadn't seen, Zetta.  Now watching Pillars in the Sky with Jeff Chandler, Michael Ansara and I think Jay Silverheels.  Also Ward Bond's in it. 

     Jack called just as I was beginning to feed so called him when I got back in.  I was out almost two hours.  Said he was just calling to see if I was okay.  He assured me he didn't need to get out in the snowy or icy weather.  I worry because he can't see very well so driving on ice or in snow isn't good.

     When I got back in the house they had just voted on the impeachment.  As predicted he was acquitted.  I heard the speech McConnell gave and thought for sure he had voted to impeach because of what he was saying but he had crawfished and voted for acquittal.  I heard Trump says they've only begun - much more to come. 

     I'll stop for now - I'm tired but at least the feed's in the Gator so won't have to load that - thought it would be easier today than when snow was on.  They're saying we'll get snow beginning about 4 in the morning and lasting until Monday morning - then another round of it Tuesday or Wednesday.  I'm ready for Spring!!!

     Sleep well tonight, dear friends.  So glad you're here to talk with.

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary


    It's hard to get him out of your head when they talk and talk about him on the news. It's hard to listen to the news because of him. I did watch some and saw parts of the impeachment trial.. maybe you saved yourself some aggravation not watching it. I'm going to give the news a break for a while I think. Enough already with all the talk that means nothing, Will keep another channel on instead. 

    How did your dog make out at the groomers? 

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    jfkoc.. yet with all that he was not convicted. America has turned a bad corner.
  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    Sayra... We both take a lot of supplements, we're into holistic. I think that's how he's lived this long. It surely helps his dementia. The pain not so much, though,  I don't know what he would be like without them.. 

    Oh Yummy you made some zucchini muffins.. I bet they are delicious!  Thank you for your kind words too  

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary


    Thanks for the tip on the food shaped pureed. I did try and find on google but no luck. I can  call as you suggested and see if they know anything...  

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Thank you Lorita for your kindness. I do try to prioritize...   I need this pinched nerve or whatever to get better soon too because it makes this really difficult. My birds are in two separate aviaries so getting down on the floor to clean and back up a few times a day is rough.. maybe the worst part mobility wise.  I've let a lot go but regardless, I'm so worn out that everything is a big thing to me right now and my brain is slow, I forgot to give the birds their fresh veggies today that I hang in the aviary, I felt so badly. I also forgot to put the cream on his knees but he did get pain meds orally. It's just that I don't like it I'm now forgetting important thing because my sleep has not been good..and I'm so depressed., Had nightmares last night, 

    Well, one day at a time for sure. You know how it is,  you never know what the next day will bring.  

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Hi Beth,

    Sorry you had such a bad bout of the sciatica.. that's awful. Well, let's hope the gabapentin takes care of it like it usually does. This is different then anything I've had before so hope it will go away. If I can't clean the aviaries that will be a problem.  I did ask my neighbor to hep me with one thing outside because I knew if I lifted it, that would be it for me... so he was very good about it... told me I can think of him as the handyman.  He was friendly with my husband more than me because I was always busy, not in the front of the house much, 

    I make him meal replacement shakes as a change of pace too. Today he got a chocolate one and said he enjoyed it.  I keep racking my brain for more ideas to give him some changes so he has something to look forward to. I have the jellos and puddings things like that too.. I just have to be careful with sugar as he is Diabetic type II but runs a little higher since he gets no exercise.  The commercial sweetener doesn't agree with him that mannitol stuff,  wish they would use other substitutes.  I'll have to think of more ideas.  

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Eighteen degrees this morning.  They are giving 5-8inches of snow Monday thru Tuesday.  Guess that will keep me busy and exercising.  We already have 8 or 9 inches on the ground as has stayed cold.  The most snow we have had on the ground in several years.

    Joan so glad to hear you are doing better.  That happens here sometimes.  We will have a lot of snow on, it rains and then we get flooding.  Glad your reaction to second vaccination wasn’t too rough.  Definitely am seeing in general younger people having a little stronger reaction to second shot than more mature people.  I’m sort of in the middle so we will see when time comes. 

    Lorita you are one tough lady, dealing with this weather and all those cattle.  It would just not be in me.  

    Glad you liked the potatoes too Zetta.  For one person chunk up a potato and boil in a little water for 5-10 minutes, just til potato is getting barely tender.  Drain and set aside to cool.  Cut up some onion, green pepper, a little cheese.  Tear up half piece of bread.  Melt 1T butter.  Mix all together.  Season to taste with salt, pepper and parsley.  Place in a small baking dish.  Sprinkle paparika on top.  Bake at 350 til potatoes tender around 20 minutes usually for me.

    For 13x9 :  10 potatoes cubed,  1 onion, 2 green peppers, 1C cheese, 4slices of bread, S&P, parsley. 1stick melted butter           Half these ingredients for 8x8

    Hope all of us have a peaceful day

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Went to the VA yesterday for my first covid shot! Nothing to it, arm a little sore yesterday but no soreness at all today. Lou is not eligible to get it at the VA and says she will not get one and dates anyone to try and give her one. I will just play it by ear and try to sneak one in her later. Right now she doesn't get out anyway!

    Lorita, speaking of littlebit, our littlebit will be 16 this summer and other than arthritis still jumps around and plays.

    I'm pretty sore from my fall; have bruises on both legs, both legs and left shoulder. Hurts more after sitting but once I get up and move around it's not bad.

    Expecting 5 to 8 inches of snow tonight and Monday and possible sleet this morning. Cant believe this is happening in Louisiana! Got everything we need and will not step outside for anything. Already told littlebit  ot to worry about going outside, I will clean up after him and promise not to fuss. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Baby, it's cold outside!!!   It's about 8 or 9 here with a wind chill of -11, north wind off up to 35 mph with blowing snow.  Visibility is probably less than half a mile.

     I went out about an hour ago to feed Tom and Jerry - only one of them there or at least only one came out to eat and drink when I was there.  Then went out to cut ice on the water tanks in the garden.  Was able to get about a 10x10" spot in one but broke the other one out all right.  Girls were up around the hay trying to get a bite to eat so walked up, carefully on the rough, frozen ground and got the snow away from all the licks on the feeders.  Came back and went to the barn - only about five or six girls in there with snow on their backs so they've been outside.  Cut a pretty big spot of ice in that water tank so they can at least drink if they want to.  Made in back in the house all right - I think I mentioned I lay a little rug over the steps so if I'm careful won't slip there.  I think I may have forgotten to bring it in - better do that.   Just now looked out the bedroom window and all of the girls are gone from the hay - so they're in the barn.

     Mike called a while ago while he was driving from one pasture to another.  They're feeding hay and cutting ice on the ponds.  He said he and his friend have about 25 pastures to go to.  He cautioned me to be careful if I go outside - nice to have someone check on the old woman.  He told me another of our neighbors has passed away from alzheimers - her husband passed away with alz. a couple of months ago.  They live about three miles south of us.  He was a teacher at out school until he retired.  Once Charles and I were almost home with a load of feed (in mother's PU) and the PU stopped on the road about a mile from our house.  He came by in his truck and pulled us on to the house.  Another time he helped vaccinate cattle.  Hate to lose neighbors.

     I was glad to get back inside.  The LR was cold this morning when I came in even with one electric heater going.  Tonight I may stay in here with the stove going - not sure yet. 

     Put a new loaf of bread in to bake.  This snow will stop in about an hour, then another part will come through this afternoon through the night.  Then, another storm will come through Tuesday night and Wednesday.  It's not a pretty snow - small, icy things that sting when they hit you.  They're having power outages in Tulsa and north of here.

     Stormy and Sheena wanted out about 3 this morning and they were running around playing when I went out.  Now, both of them are sound asleep.

     Ron, glad you got your first vaccination and that it didn't bother you.  Do you know which vaccine you received?  From the weather radar looks like all of Louisiana is under a storm warning just like all of Texas and Oklahoma.  Weather just said there's heavy snow south of Amarillo - probably what we'll get later today.

     Watched parts of a news show this morning.  May watch some of Face the Nation - but almost all that's on is weather.  Probably a good thing that tomorrow's a holiday- not taking down trash in the morning and may not be able to feed either.  Feel sorry for Darwin having to get out and feed his girls.  He has a huge tractor with a cab but has to get out to cut netwrap.  You can't get it off so they're cutting it on both sides and laying it down on the ground, then pulling the top third off the hay and laying it upside down on the ground.  Calves and girls will lay on this and when it thaws we can pick up the netwrap.  I worry about the girls getting it in their mouths but with long pieces of it Mike says they can't swallow it.  Says he's never seen problems when they do it this  way.  Some people never take off any of the netwrap - would worry me to death.

     I'm having a cup of hot tea - hot oatmeal sounds good so I'll stop and take care of that.  Horrible wind chills north of here - you ladies stay inside - not one foot outside until this gets out of here.    They're showing a news reporter outside in Tulsa and the flakes look bigger up there.

     Stay warm - if you can.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Back again,

     Not any better weatherwise, probably worse.  Had my Malt-o-Meal and toast and put a loaf of bread in to bake.  Tried for my second cup of tea and the electric pot is balking - but finally heated the water.  I've had a small stream of water running in the kitchen and bathroom for days now with a little heater in front of each sink.

     The girls have come back out to drink, have liquid feed and a little hay.  They'll go back in before long.  There's a break coming in an hour or so which will give me time to fill the water tanks and make sure there's water.  The news people just said ranchers are really appreciating the fact there will be a break so they'll have a little time to get out and feed and cut ice.  I don't like this winter.   Bet you couldn't pay anyone to move farther north than they are now.  Looks like the roads are really bad even though there's sand trucks out everywhere.

     You can hear the wind howling.  I saw on TV last night that it's warmer in northern Canada and Alaska than it is here - we have their cold weather.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    It is 5 degrees....I am going back to bed with the electric heater!
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning.

    It is very cold at my house and about 6ins of snow. Not as bad as I thought it would be but I am glad I have no place to go. My son drove to work this morning and he said it was a sheet of ice all the way. We live 25 miles from where he works and he has to drive over a butte (Lave Butte) so he runs into a lot of ice and snow. Sometimes if the roads are too bad he spends the night at a friends house. 

     Sara,   Thank you for posting the recipe. I had some left over so I put 2 soft boiled eggs in them for my breakfast. YUM!!!!

     Ron,  I am glad to hear you got your shot and I had to laugh at what Lou said. My little dog does  not like going out in the snow to potty so I let her out on the porch with a long leash and she will either go on the porch or go to the bottom of the steps. I keep the leash on her so she can't go  any further. I hope your Butt is feeling better. 

     Lorita,   I found my new Sunday TV show. I have been watching The Hoarders for a long time but this morning I was channel surfing and I found on ANIPW a show called Crikey! It's The Irwins.   It's filmed in The Australia Zoo. It is Steve Irwins, wife Terri his daughter Bindi and his son Robert. They are caring for his love of animals it is beautiful how they have continued his passion. Right now they are showing snakes. I remember when he was alive and his children were small when he had them on his show. The Australia Zoo is beautiful and I love their accent.  Those of you that live in Australia have you been to this zoo? I hope this is on every Sunday it looks like it is on from 7am till 1pm each show being 1 hour. I have seen so many cute animals. Right now they are in The Australian Zoo Animal Hospital looking at all the new babies.   

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Happy Valentines Day and Hugs to All of You.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi again,

     Zetta, I've watched that show a few times.  Doesn't his soon look like he looked - so much alike.  Guess they grew up loving and caring for animals and they're continuing.  I really enjoy watching shows about the animals from Australia.

     It's cold here, too.  Five degree with a WC of -12.  Supposed to be -22 WC tonight.  The girls go to the barn, stay a while, then come back out for a while.  I've always worried about them slipping on the ice but they're pretty sure footed with four feet.  I was just watching one and she was walking just fine.  Not sure how Rose Bud will do. I hope she stays in the barn.  If I could, I'd give her some hay in there so she wouldn't have to come out but the others would be rough and might knock her down.  I'll have to go out before long and run some more water for them and break some more ice.

     I'm sitting in the LR with the stove on and one electric heater close to the kitchen, covered in a fluffy throw and it's still chilly.  My loaf of bread just finished baking and I took it out, rubbed butter on it to keep it softer and I'll have a piece in a few minutes. I'm drinking hot chocolate now.  Barclee was in the kitchen drinking water and I heard him cry and he was having a seizure.  Brought him in, got him next to me under the throw and he's better.  It's warmer in the bedroom with the electric heater than it is in here - because of the wind.  Our house is way over 100 years old but we had new windows put in a few years ago - really made a difference but around that AC cold air is still coming in.  Found some thumb tacks and used some of them to hold the tape in place.

     Called Sarah to check on her - no answer.  Hope things are okay.

     So glad your son made it to work all right.  Charles and I had to drive 25 miles to our work, too. Amazing how different the weather can be in that distance.  So good that you and Molly and Rascal can stay inside.  I've gotten Barclee used to using Chux so he doesn't have to go out.  He's so cute - he'll stay on the chux a while, then fold his tail over his back and then does his business.  When he lowers his tail, you know he's finished. 

     Watching QVC - they're selling sets of spurtles now.  I bought them a long time ago and use them all the time. 

     I found our electric blanket a couple of days ago and I'm thinking about putting it on the bed - or wrapping up in it before then. 

     Happy Valentine's Day everyone.   Stay in and stay warm.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,  You are so right he looks exactly like his dad. I have  not seen the children since they were very young. As soon as I saw him I knew right away who he was. I had even forgot he had a son. I have seen the daughter on different animal shows.    I probably need new windows but I am afraid of how much they would cost. I wish I could get Molly to use a chux I have put one on the porch and she just walks past it. I hope you are having a relaxing day because you need one. Hugs
  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Sara, thanks for the potato recipe.  Does sound good.  

    We got the cold air last night.  Rained and snowed and wind is wicked, although it has cleared up here.  Blue skies and 20 right now.  

    I got the chills and a bit of a fever last night.  I’m sure it was from the vaccine.  I feel normal today, so glad I didn’t have too much of a reaction.  Good luck Sara when you get to have your vaccine.  I’m very blessed and thankful I have had both shots.  

    Guess I’ll go out and pick up mail from last two days and see if I have bills to pay.

    You all stay in where you’re safe and warm.  Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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     Joan, when did you have your second vaccination?  Glad your reaction wasn't too bad.  Chills are awful though.  Happy you're feeling okay today.  You're so lucky that you've missed all of this weather.  It's absolutely horrible - all of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and so on.  Our visibility now is about a mile - can barely see Ray's house a mile south of us.  It's snowing and drifting some.  It's just showing OKC and the roads are snow packed.  Said it's l degree there.  Not sure what it is here now but it's really cold.  I'm going to try not to complain about hot weather this summer.  You think I can do that?  Doubt it.

     Zetta - far from relaxing day.  I've been out two or three times to make sure the girls have water in the garden.  They've been up eating hay and liquid feed for the last hour or so.  They'll eat a while, drink and go to the barn, then come back.  I filled one water tank and while it was filling I tried to chop out all the ice in the other one.  There were big pieces of ice laying in the bottom so thought it should be there so picked up all I could and threw it away from the tank.  I had on fleece gloves that are warm but they got wet, of course.   Took them off because they were so cold and then walked up to the liquid feeders to try to get the snow from around the licks - using one of my gloves.  My hands were really hurting so hurried back in the ice and got them warmed up.  I wasn't out too long so if someone was out a long time I could see how they'd have frost bite for sure.  Got both tanks filled and most of the girls have gone to the barn.  Wish they'd stay there tonight.  I've been watching three or four of them who were around one of the bales he couldn't get into a ring and had been broken down.  I was afraid they'd get the netwrap in their mouths but they've gone from there so guess it's okay.  Hope I don't have to go out again.

     Tried calling Darwin's wife to see if they were okay and didn't get an answer on their home phone line.  Waited a while and tried again - no answer.  So, of course, I was worried that he'd been out in his tractor and something happened.  Tried his cell phone and his wife answered.  They had been in the bedroom watching TV and didn't hear the phone. 

     Didn't get a slice of that warm bread.  By the time I got back inside it had cooled off completely.  Heated up some potato soup and had that with whole wheat crackers.  I think I have a piece of chocolate cake for later. 

     Did any of you all watch "The Day After Tomorrow".  It was about global warming and they were having terrible ice and snow storms - even the rivers were completely frozen.  So glad Biden wants to try to do something about it.

     Zetta - I've been watching QVC - In The Kitchen with David - while I've been inside.  They had the 3 qt. Instant Pot on again so decided I'd try it again.  A year or so ago I ordered one and when it came it looked complicated so I returned it.  I'm always wanting to cook beans and in the slow cooker it takes 3-4 hours so this will be much faster.  Hope I can figure it out.

     They were showing Little Rock on the Weather Channel a while ago - it's really bad there, too.  Need to call my SIL in Pampa, TX to see if they're having snow - I'm sure they are.  Said OKC has had between 2-3" of snow - lots of power outages have been reported in different places. 

     Zetta - keep trying with the Chux.  Molly will get used to it - took Barclee a while, too.

     Stay inside and stay warm.  Spring's coming!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    Hi, back again,

    I tried to call my SIL a couple of hours ago - didn't get an answer.  Unusual  because it's her cell phone and she always has it with her.  Called about 15 minutes ago and she answered - sounded sleepy. She said she had dozed off but didn't want to go to sleep this early.  Went on to tell me she had another stroke.  She had one in December and was recovering and was able to be at home by herself.  She said on Feb. 3rd, she woke up and felt dizzy, then nauseated so managed to get to the bathroom.  That was at 6:45 a.m.  Her phone had fallen off the table by her bed and she couldn't get to it to call her son.  She said she managed to crawl to it and call him about 3 p.m.  She's been in the hospital in Amarillo since then.  She says she feels good and her speech is as good as it was before this stroke.  She has a daughter in Dallas and one in Sugarland and they're both at her home in Pampa.  They're able to come into the hospital to see her, one at a time. Both did get to visit a few days ago.  Unable to go see her today.  Amarillo's about 30 or 40 miles from her home so they weren't able to make the drive because of the weather.  So bad to hear that - she's taking PT and speech therapy.  So that news didn't help any.

     Wind's still blowing to beat the band but I can't see anything falling.  I need to leave the stove on in the LR but I'm afraid to leave it on with the cats in here.  Sammy and his mother run and play too much.  So, we all may sleep in here tonight.  I did find the electric blanket so may hook it up - if we had carpet we could all sleep under it on the floor.

     I'm worried about Rose Bud.  I made two trips to the barn to see if she was in there today - each time she wasn't so I figured she was up at the hay.  I watched and never saw her come down to the barn so I'm afraid she's up there, afraid to walk down to the barn.  Maybe she's on the south side of a bale of hay, out of the wind if she's up there.  I should have walked on up there but the one time I was fairly close was when my hands were hurting so much I thought I better get back to the house.  I've considered going out to the barn tonight to see if she's in there but I'm afraid to get out in this - if I fell that would be the end.  Darn weather, anyway.  I thought I'd be able to get her through the winter and may - she may be in the barn, safe and out of the wind.  I hope so. 

     Jo - I watched Creatures, Great and Small tonight.  Pretty good show.  I don't know how many episodes have been on so it was a bit hard to follow.

    Sara - looks like your State is under the same kind of weather warnings as us - all the states from southern New Mexico all the way up past your State.  And, there's another one coming on Tuesday or Wednesday.  Kind of scary to be by yourself in this kind of weather and having to get outside.  I am wearing my pendant and have by cell phone with me when I go out.  All this snow and I didn't see one pretty flake.  The man on the weather channel said he was at the grocery store this afternoon and all the dairy products, bread and snacks were gone.  People stocking up like they do for a hurricane - this was in Memphis.

     I'll stop for now and try to figure out what we're going to do tonight.  Hope all of you are well and warm tonight.  Sara, don't go out in this weather if you don't have to. 

     Ron, hope you don't have to get out tomorrow for anything.  Glad you got your vaccination.  Did talk with Sandy today - she had her first vaccination and, Joan, like you, she had some chills and fever the next night after the shot - some soreness the day of.  She's all right now and her back is not as bad as it was - ribs still sore to the touch.

     Not fun to be by yourself in this kind of weather.  I remember the last time we had weather somewhat like this - 2011 - Charles was here and it didn't seem so bad.  It just said our Governor has issued a weather emergency for our State.  Just checked - it's 3 degrees here and wind chill of -18.  Wind gusts up to 25 mph.  Horrible.  Also saw on the news there was a really bad vehicle pile-up in OKC again.  Judith, stay in and stay warm.

     See you all tomorrow.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,  I am sorry your alone and I know how awful that must be especially when the weather is as bad as it is. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. You are 2 hours ahead of me so right  now it is only 7:53 I usually dont go to be till 9pm my time your time 11pm. If you ever need to go out I could stay on the phone with you till you got back inside, Please let me know if there is any way I can help you stay safe.  Hugs Zetta
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,307
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    THank you, Zetta, that's so sweet of you.  I  won't go out again tonight but that would make me feel better if I did.

    Decided we'd sleep in the LR, probably in the recliner , maybe divan. Stormy just woke up and got down.. Thanks again.

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary

    Hi Telinda..

    Yes you're right a vacation would be great but not likely to happen. We've had some torrential rains today and thunderstorms. I don't know why UPS doesn't cover packages they leave outside anymore. I had two cases of baking soda where the cartons were very wet.. the stuff inside a little but OK. They used to put plastic over things... makes no sense.

    I hope you do OK with the vaccine   

  • LizG55
    LizG55 Member Posts: 151
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    jfk brrrr that's cold.... keep warm over there.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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