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Just need to talk to my friends (145)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


 I waited five minutes to write a post on our thread and still didn't get on so thought it might be because it had gotten so long.  I remember years ago it would get up to page 17.

 Judith, how lucky was it that the deposition was cancelled and Dick wasn't there.  That was an awful day in Oklahoma for sure.  Did your friends get all right?  Hard to believe it's been 26 years ago.

 Sara - the apple butter was good.  Had a bit of it with toast this morning.  I have a fresh loaf of bread that'll be ready in about 20 minutes so might have a bit more.

I've never heard of alfalfa meal but I know alfalfa is good so the meal would probably be good.  I still think about those gorgeous pink and red roses I saw at Atwoods a couple of weeks ago.  I don't know where I'd put one so guess I'll forget about them.  I did go out and check on my Tropicana and Clematis - both are going good.  The clematis is above the fence waving around and the rose is putting on new growth.  I was worried about three dwarf crepe myrtles I have outside the yard fence so checked on them - two are putting out new growth at about ground level - not so on the other one yet.  I have a tall purple crepe myrtle in the corner of the yard and I've broken back a couple of limbs and don't see any green.  Haven't checked the others yet - I have a couple of white ones and a couple of pink ones in the back yard.  Do hope they're okay.

 Haven't gotten around to trimming the rose bush yet.  I went out to see Missy and she was standing under a blackberry vine.  I went over to her and guess it startled her and she screamed and ran and here came mom.  Should have said something as I was approaching her.  Also got a berry thorn in my wrist.

 It's hot out there - in the mid 70s but it surely feels hotter - very little wind.  I spent a long time trying to see all the girls - never did get the right number, even drove up to the MH and looked.  I imagine they're there - wish I could count.  They were all in the garden and when I started the Gator they thought I was going to feed them so now they're out front.  I'll wait until tomorrow or next day when it's colder and they need it more.  Did open part of the barn and some went inside - guess they think it's hot, too.

 Just can't seem to get in the mood to do yard work -  maybe because there's so much that does need to be done.  Everything needs to be trimmed or cut down.  Sara, I saw some dandelions and thought about eating a leaf, but I didn't.  Forgot to tell you that our locust are beginning to bloom - check yours and see if they are.  Maybe because you're farther north, it's not time for them yet.   I've seen a couple of Royal Empress flower buds on the ground so guess they're beginning to get ready to bloom.  I think there'll be a couple of clusters of blooms on the newest one.  Poor thing - it's been broken off two or three times but kept coming back.

 I'll stop and go check the bread.  Enjoy the day.  Judith, did you have your meeting?  Hope it went well. 



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Hi again,

     Hate to reply to my post but, Ron, I heard on TV today that there had been another mass shooting in Shreveport.  I didn't get to see the world news so don't know anything else.  What happened?

     Got that rose bush trimmed back - took out all the dead parts..  There was much more than I thought so got a wheel barrow full.  Now I have to get all of that into the Gator and pick up the trimmings from the other rose bush.  I think I can get that down to the brush pile.  I need to find my gloves because my hands are stinging right now from the thorns.  Tomorrow, if it's not too cold I have a huge blackberry vine I need to take down.  It's in a fence row so won't be easy.  That's the berry vine where Missy was when she got scared and ran through part of the vines.   Her mother has had her staked out behind the round bale of hay I had put north of the house most of the afternoon.   I have it covered with a tarp until I need it.  I was afraid the thorns had gotten into her eyes so went out just now and got her up.  She was laying next to a fence between that area and the west meadow.  Glad I had Mr. K come back and put in a couple of new wires.  Her eyes are all right, thank goodness.  I put both of them in the corral for the night.  Her mom was really upset about something this afternoon but she seems okay now.

     The pretty, white flowers in the front yard are still blooming.  They look so fresh and pretty.  I'm afraid two of my three Nandine aren't going to make it - there's one on each corner of the front of the house so the one on the north took the brunt of the cold weather.  I trimmed it back and don't remember that I found any green.  The one at the back door has new leaves.  Guess I'll just have to wait and see.

     Haven't heard anything from Sarah since Friday.  She was going to take a nap and call me back the minute she woke up - quite a long nap, huh?  Guess I'll try not to worry.

    I'm worried about Jo.  I haven't seen a post, anywhere,from her for a few days.  She was dealing with trying  to pass the crushed calculus and seemed worried about it.  Does anyone know how to get in touch with her? 

     Joan, beginning to worry about you, too.  Let us know how you are.

     Hope I can find something good to watch on TV tonight.  It's been a beautiful day - really wish it wasn't going to turn cold tomorrow but at least no rain, hopefully.

     Sleep tight.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, all I know is the victims were standing in front of a gas station when multiple black men started firing into the crowd. When the police got there they found one Male with several bullets to the upper body and 5 others had already been transported to the hospital in private cars. All are suspected to survive. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Have been wondering about Jo too.  She has had a rough go here lately.

    Well next three days are going to be quite cool to cold.  Giving quite a bit of snow possible sometime between today and tomorrow morning.  Then it is suppose to be back in 50s.  Told mom I’m not shoveling, it will melt and my car will do just fine in two or three inches if have to go somewhere. 

    Have an appointment to visit J Thursday afternoon.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    My goodness, gracious - someone left the north gate open.  It's cold out there!  When I woke up at 5 it seemed warm so when I went out at 7 I only had on my jacket.  Got outside and came back in for a coat.  It's 39.  After I fed Tom and Jerry (only one was there this morning) I drove up to see the girls and almost froze.  Should have worn gloves.  Never did see everyone.  I had seen Missy and her mom out in the corral earlier so when I came back I didn't see them - thought they were in the barn so went out to give her some hay and keep her in the lot today.  She had the baby just outside the barn in the tub of the chute, out of the wind.  Got her hay out and hurried back in.  We won't get any snow here but maybe a little bit of rain.  There's a little bit of snow on the ground in Wichita but it's supposed to stay north of us.

     Sara, glad you're going to get to see Jean.  That will help her feel better to see a familiar face and have a visit.  Hope you don't have to get out in the snow today.

     Kind of hungry this morning - didn't really have lunch or supper - just snacked.  When I went to bed I was hungry.  Reminded me that sometimes when I'd be on a diet, after we went to bed I'd mention to Charles that I was hungry.  He always had me get up and eat a bite or drink some milk.  He said you should never go to bed hungry.  I think that dated back to when he was growing up.  His mom was raising five little kids and didn't always have all they needed.  Seems like just those little things you remember are hard.  There's so much tucked away in the crevices of our brain that happened over the 70+ years.  Every so often a thought or noise or smell brings something to the surface and it's not always an easy thought. 

     Nothing on tap for today.  I was going to get rid of that blackberry vine  - but it's too cold so I'll do that after it warms up.  Wish I could eat blackberries - absolutely love blackberry or dewberry cobbler.  I used to have a few places on the farm where there were really good berries and I picked a lot of them but with spraying pastures most of them are gone except in the west meadow and I'm not brave enough to get down among those huge vines - could be a wild hog or wolf or worse in them.  When I used to pick berries down there the berries were huge and I had to reach up to pick some of them.

     Thinking of picking berries reminded me of chiggers.  Awful little things and hard to get rid of.  I used to pick the berries when dew was still on and they weren't moving around.  Do you all have chiggers where you live?

     Going to stop and get some hot tea and get warmed up.  I'm ready for some hot cereal this morning.  Hope all of you are well.   Maybe we'll see a post form Jo today.  Also need to hear from Joan and Barbara.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello and thank you for thinking of me.  I am over two weeks post lithotripsy, but am having a few complications which were unexpected.   This is just so not me . . . . I have been blessed in being healthy and not fraught with health isses, but this last couple of months have been really, really different.   Anyway, it takes a lot of the energy out of me, so I have been lax in many things includng writing.  In a couple of weeks, I have to go for new xrays and then back to the doctor to see what needs to be done if anything.   Geeze, I really do not like this, but  no choice.  I do come and read so am able to keep up with what is happening.  No stone fragments except for a few pieces of sand.  I am SO up to my eyeballs drinking water and lemon water. It appears that lemon water keeps new stones from forming.  Come on lemons!

     I too watched Prince Philip's funeral. I watched it on BBC and was happy to do that.  Their news people do NOT keep gabbing and gabbing through the program - they simply stay quiet.  I think that the most impressive part for me was prior to the services when all of the many different British forces came marching or on horseback down the long, long lanes through the park to the chapel property.  SO impressive and so many different types of forces and all tremendously regal.  They sure do know how to create impressive uniforms.

    Most poignant for me was the small open carriage the Prince so enjoyed driving; they had it there with its two horses - and on the seat was the well worn cap the Prince had worn on his outings along with his also well worn gloves.   Very personal.

     It is a country of history that is somehow quite maintained; when we were there for almost a month, we drove our own auto; no tours and we meandered here, there and everywhere going up England doing an unplanned zig-zag; then through Scotland and back down again.  It was amazing how much of the historical places and buildings are maintained.  Loved the countries which really are beautful, truly enjoying them and the people.  Had unexpected adventures of all sorts.

     The ceremony was understated and done so very well.  One big mystery has always had me wondering - how in the world do the individuals, especially the very aged ones, manage to stand still in one place for SUCH long periods of time.   They must have steel in their legs and a gyroscope to keep them from swaying.

    Been interesting weather out here in SoCal.  Had been 94; now all of a sudden, we are dropping into the 60's.  That means that the hot summer will soon be here and will last.

    The photos have been wonderful to see.  Lorita, I would just love to sit quietly on the porch or out in the fields and just soak up the beauty and peace of the ranch and watch the animals.  I can see why you feel such peace there even though it is mighty hard work to keep it all going.  Truly lovely.

     Ron; hope you are feeling a bit better.  Guess it is time to find a better place to keep money in the house.  Too much risk leaving it out where it is easily seen.  Glad that the kids did not take it, that must be a relief.

    Not much else happening, just trying to get myself back to myself again. 

     Take good care and once again, big hugs all the way around.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good morning! We had snow yesterday, but it melted within hours. It looked pretty on the tulips. It is just 36 degrees this morning. We are still busy in the garden. We're mainly mulching, we bought 240 bags of cedar chips. Hope that's enough as we really don't want to purchase more. Yesterday I made a new recipe, Potsticker Noodle Bowls. So good! They are a stir fry using ground pork and a bag of coleslaw mix, plus other things. If you are interested in the recipe, go to Iowa Girl Eats and search for Potsticker Noodle Bowls. Well, time to get out in the garden and get that mulching done! Have a blessed day.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I am so glad to be home with my Molly &  Rascal & my recliner. I was only a mile away from my home but there is No Place Like Home. I was pet sitting for my friends while they flew to Arizona.  They have 2 big dogs so I was pretty busy. I got some good pictures of the Alpaca's that live next door so as soon as my Son gets home I will send pictures of them . 

     Lorita,  I fixed that potato soup and added bacon to it. I really did not like it with the bacon it made it too salty.  I love that name Missy I don't know how you come up with names and remember them all. So the mother is not too friendly, is that normal for her or was she just protecting her new baby? I can't imagine any of your girls not being friendly to you. I loved the picture of the babies, the two that were together, what is their age difference? 

    Your right there is nothing much to watch on TV at night. Sometimes I go to bed at 8pm after Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune is over. I think the reason we like the old westerns is because we grew up with them and it brings a feeling of comfort. 

     Lorita,   I also remember the OKC bombing. I was in Cherokee, Okla 1 year after the bombing and I remember the Church rang the bell for each person who lost their lives I think it was 168 times. I was in the grocery store and everyone just stood in silence while the bells rang. 

     Sara,   I am glad you will get to visit with Jean I am sure she will enjoy your visit and you are so sweet to watch over her.  It would be nice if your Mother finds someone to help her in the yard, you really need to take care of yourself and not put yourself in any danger of falling.  

     Ron ,   You handled the issue with your neighbor real good. Its still a sad thing to have to deal with. Sunday was always a special dinner for family. When my Grandparents were alive my Grandma  always fixed chicken dinner with all the sides for anyone and everyone who showed up. I miss those times but as the family grew up the Sunday Dinners just stopped. 

     Jo,    It is nice seeing you post. I am sure you know you need to take care of yourself. As you know rest is the best thing. So please get as much rest as you can. I also thought the funeral was beautiful and when I saw the Horse and Carriage it brought tears to my eyes. That was one of many things that brought tears to my eyes.  The Queen is a very strong lady but seeing her alone was very sad. I guess with the covid restrictions that was the way it had to be.

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi everyone.  Thanks for missing me too.  I’m sorry I haven’t posted sooner.  I seem to keep busy making appointments, going to appointments, getting lab work, and hoping blood work will straighten out soon.  I have appointment with rheumatology dr. tomorrow, so hopefully I’ll have more answers.  I’m like Jo, have been very healthy until this event.  I do feel better overall, and have energy and strength coming back, so am able to do things easier.  I cleaned inside of my car this afternoon.  Looks and smells clean.  Boy, was it bad.  Dusty and floor mats were full of dirt and leaves.  I vow to keep it clean.

    Jo, I’m sorry you’re still feeling bad.  Seems hard when we’re not used to having so many bad days.  I pray all goes well for you, and you’re feeling better soon.

    Dandelion salad was always a spring treat in our house.  The best way to pick for a salad is to look under logs or leaves, and dig up the dandelion when it’s still white or lightly yellow and green.  They are so tender and have a sweeter taste.  I’ve heard they are good for our blood.  My mom would cut them up and add hard boiled eggs and oil and vinegar dressing.  They are really good that way.  Yum, guess I should go hunting for some.  Makes me want a salad.

    Lorita, the babies are sooooo cute.  Our trees are just beginning to bud out, so no flowers here.  We had a low of 23 last night.  It’s cool here today and sunny.  We’re expecting rain and snow rest of the week.  Most of it is going to eastern part of the state, so we’ve been getting more rain than snow.

    Ron, glad you figured out the missing money.  So sad someone would think they have the right to steal anything.  You’re so kind, I know if she needed a loan, you would most likely grant her the request.  Just sad for you and Lou that now you hesitate to have her come back to help.  

    Zetta, glad you’re back home and can rest yo from the dog activity.  It’s always fun to go, but so nice to come home.  I’ve been staying with my granddaughter who lives close off and on when parents are working.  She’s 13 now, so pretty much just fun to hang with.  I don’t mind being her driver for all the activities.  It’s been a distraction for me, and gives me a purpose.  She’s the youngest of 10 grandchildren, so I’m going to enjoy her as much as possible.  

    Funny story.  She had dance pictures last Friday morning, so had a bunch of makeup on.  She had a softball game in the afternoon, so still had makeup on, and fake fingernails.  She’s usually really focused, but was a total airhead during the game.  Since she was the catcher, it wasn’t good for her or team.  She was standing on home base with runner coming in, and almost fell on the girl.  Next, another runner coming to home base and she was not paying attention.  Was clapping for her teammate who made an out at first, missed the throw to her, couldn’t find the ball, and two more runners made it home.  She was a bit embarrassed at the end of that game.  

    Sara, sounds like your veggies and flowers are going to be abundant this year.  I hope your muscles are holding up.  I’m with you, if it snows, I’m letting it melt.  I’m sure we won’t get enough to bother shoveling, and if we do, it will melt fast.  

    Beth, you must have a huge yard.  That’s a lot of work.  

    Nicole, enjoy your next break.  You so deserve it. 

    I hope Barbara is doing ok too.  

     Take care all, and have a good rest I’d the day.  I’m making a turkey burger for dinner.  Don’t know why, but I’m hungry early, so will get cooking before I end up snacking.


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hi cobbers, thanks for thinking about me. I have been reading every day, so keeping up with all the news, but not doing much writing.

    Have had a painful and disappointing couple of months. My rheumy says I can't have any more biologic drugs for my inflammatory arthritis, as it might give me lupus -- and I was hanging out to try another drug, hoping to get pain under control. Also the whole body bone scan showed that I have osteoarthritis in more paces than any of us realised, and that probably explains the severe and widespread pain. So I back with the GP, who is trying to work out how to help. He is very supportive, and I just hope we can come up with something soon. If not, he says he will send me to a pain clinic.

    Otherwise, DH continues a very slow decline. Still knows me and loves to see me when I visit for an hour twice a week. Loves peppermint, so I take 6 or 8 sweets every time I visit. He has diabetes, so can't leave a packet, or he would eat them all in a day. Is starting to have falls, and 10 days ago, knocked a big patch of skin off his elbow, and it is slow healing.

    Still waiting for editing to finish on my book manuscript, but publication is getting closer. Will let you know when it happens.

    Hugs to all, especially the new calves!!!  Barbara

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Wow Beth 240 bags of mulch.  You must be strong.  That is a lot of work.

    We have a little snow this morning but not too much.  See it is already melted on driveway and road.  Suppose to warm back up to spring temperatures starting tomorrow.  Hope to plant my collards, kale and cabbage out then.  The plants are really pretty.  My marigold seeds are not coming up.  Guess the seeds are too old.  Hope I can find the type I like at the nursery.

    Zetta like being at home and in my own bed when bedtime comes.  That is why I’ve never been much of a traveler.  All my sisters like to go on vacation but not me.  Really dislike motels. 

    Joan hope you continue to improve. Pain is a wearisome thing.  Barbara hope they are able to find some help for your pain too.

    Got one type of lettuce sowed yesterday.  Got a container ready for carrots and beets.  Maybe can get them planted when it arms back up.  Only suppose to be in 30s today so probably won’t be working outside any today.  

    That was interesting about finding dandelions under logs Joan.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning everyone! Ron and I got our mulching pretty much done. We have a small area not covered, need to buy more (!!!) mulch. Maybe 10 or 20 bags. It looks so pretty in the yard. 

    Ron, I hope you are feeling well and Lou has a good week. You are a strong person, emotionally, to handle all that you do. 

    Jo, I'm sorry you're having such a rough go of it. May the coming weeks be much better, and healthier, for you.

    Zetta, tv is not what it used to be. Growing up I watched "Leave it to Beaver," "Bonanza," "Dennis the Menace" and others. I really like "Leave it to Beaver." Makes me laugh out loud! I watch it on Amazon Prime. Zetta, you're an animal lover. Have you ever watched "The Zoo" on Animal Planet? Soooooooo good!

    Joan, I am glad your health is improving and pray that you will get the answers you need to feel 100%.

    Barbara, sorry you are experiencing so much pain. Have you tried acupuncture? Or other holistic type therapies?  Prayers for relief for you. It is exhausting to live in chronic pain.

    Lorita, thanks for starting and administering this thread. It's one of the first things I read in the morning. Since my LO (mother) with Alz. has passed, I don't spend a lot of time reading other posts. But I do like spending time on the porch with all of you.

    Sara, hope you get your planting done. I planted directly into the ground (seeds or "beads" as my daughter used to call them) a few days ago. Spinach, lettuce, kale, sugar snap peas, and radishes. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Morning everyone,

     It was 32 when I woke up this morning - there's a big frost but the sun's out and it's already beginning to warm up.  We had a little bit of snow yesterday but it melted before it hit the ground.  The weatherman's already talking about severe weather the next few days - says there's three fronts coming through.  Mother Nature can't decide what the weather's supposed to be like.  I think it'll be 80 by Tuesday, then storms. Friend, Carol, called about 2 yesterday.  She said it was snowing at her house and wanted to know if it was here. It wasn't but ten minutes later it began and snowed for about ten minutes.  Really something to have snow in April - not unheard of - back in 2013 we had snow a couple of days later than this. 

     Never have tried dandelions but I think I mentioned one of our social workers ate them quite often, he said.  Do you cook the greens or eat them in salads?

     Sara, can't imagine what happened to your marigold seeds.  When you start seeds do you start them in the ground or sprout them on wet paper towels?  Something you said a day or two ago made me wonder. 

     When I first woke up a heard a chrip - I have a smoke alarm and a carbon monoxide alarm, both sitting together on the dining table.  I have a hearing deficit in my right ear so it's very hard to determine the direction of noises.  I didn't know which one was chirping.  I'd move one to another place and still couldn't tell.  Finally took one into the bedroom so I think it's the carbon monoxide one.  I've never taken it apart so not sure if I can.  I won't need it during the summer anyway - I use it because I use propane heat.  Just went through the accumulated mail on the table next to me - I keep things I want to read and every so often I have to go through and get rid of things - labels, receipts, etc. 

     Went out to feed Tom and Jerry - again, only one is there.  It worries me when both boys aren't there.  Girls were kind of standing around getting warmed up by the sun but they're out grazing now.  Let the mom and Missy out north of the house to graze.

     Zetta, you asked the age difference in the two little boys - it's five days so they're practically twins with different mothers.  Pat is the first one born and the smallest; Mike is younger by five days and weighed probably 15-20 lbs. more than Pat.  I kind of remember the names when they're babies but as they get older they all look alike so I don't know which is which unless there's some differentiating feature.  Yesterday I discovered another little one with little horns.  I  need to get her and Penny dehorned before it gets too hot.  Penny, Jr. is using her horns when I feed them and that's not good.

     I know you're happy to be home.  I don't like being away either - I'm even glad to be home when I go to town for a couple of hours.  Guess it's good that Charles and I got our traveling done when we were younger because we really became homebodies in our later years.

     Sara- I don't like motels either - always think about bedbugs now but didn't seem to think of that when I was younger and really didn't think about all of the people who had slept on the same bed even if the bed clothes were fresh, we hoped.  Nothing like sleeping in your own bed.

     Jo, so sorry for all the problems you're having.  Feeling bad and in pain can really bring a person down.  I remember when I had gallstones and the pain they brought.  Hurt so much - looked in the mirror and I looked ten years older, just from the pain.  I hope you can get relief soon and that nothing else has to be done.  Thankfully, never had problems with renal calculi and hope I never do.  Still remember those big, strong men crying in pain when I worked in Urology.  Please let us know how you are. Glad you're still reading and wish you could be here to sit on the porch and watch the girls graze and the new babies playing and exploring.  It is peaceful - no noises except coyotes and birds.

     Beth, I agree with Sara, so much mulch - lots of work putting that done.  I've never eaten potstickers but your recipe sounds good.  They sell them on QVC and I've been tempted but never ordered.  I may try that sometime this summer.  Be careful working in the yard - that's hard work.

     Joan, so sorry for all the trouble you're having.  I'm like you and Jo, always been healthy (knock on wood), never took a prescription medication except for high cholesterol years ago, just really been lucky.  I think when we've been so healthy and we have pain or some medical thing we have to deal with, it's really very hard to accept that and to take it easy.  Glad you got your car cleaned out.  I need to do that for the car and PU.  Things seem to collect in them.  I haven't washed either of them in months, probably years.  If you wash one out here, you drive on dirt roads so they get dirty almost immediately, especially if it's muddy.  I did wash the windshield on the Gator a couple of days ago - so, maybe that counts a little bit. 

     Your granddaughters have always been so active and their activities are so diverse - maybe the makeup threw her off - kind of combining dancing and playing ball.  I bet she was really frustrated - and you, too.  Next time maybe the two events won't be so close together.

     Barbara,  so sorry about your arthritis.  That stuff hurts.  Hopefully, they'll find a new medication to help with the pain.  I've had arthritis for years - my hands are really knotty.  I blame that on all the years of typing and speedwriting.  My hands don't hurt now but did some when the arthritis was getting in them.  I used to have awful pain in the tops of my hands.  They thought it was RA but it stopped and hardly ever hurts now.  The right finger on my left hand won't straighten out  so it makes it hard to pick up things with that hand.  I remember when I was working sometimes my hands would really hurt and I'd go in the bathroom and run very, very warm water over them to help the pain.  Have you ever tried Theragesic?  I've used it for years - it's an analgesic cream.  Years ago I sprained my ankle when we were visiting Charles' folks.  His sister told me to rub my ankle every five minutes with the Theragesic three times and it would be better.  I did and next morning my ankle wasn't even sore.  I should own stocks in the company because I use it so much.  Even helps me with headaches - rub just a tiny bit on my forehead and it helps.  When I was working I used it so much it because my "perfume".

     So sorry for your husband's decline.  I know that hurts you, too.  Nice that he likes peppermint and can have some of it.  When daddy was in the NH I'd take candy to him to eat.  The little pieces were wrapped in paper and it was hard for him to open them (arthritis in his hands) but he was persistent.  He'd tell me the "kids" would come in and help themselves to his candy.  I know it was the people who worked there and the other residents so I started leaving it at the desk and they'd give it to him.  It's so hard to see them decline.  Does your husband use a walker or wheelchair?  It's hard when they get to the point they fall.  Charles fell a few times but never injured himself, thankfully.

     Glad you didn't have much snow, Sara, and what you had melted so you didn't have to shovel.  Hope you get your seeds planted today - don't work too hard.

     So glad you all enjoyed the pictures of the babies.  They're what keeps me going - them and the cats and Stormy and Sheena.  We have a neighbor, probably in his 60s, just retired from being a mechanic.  He has back trouble so can't do much now.  A long time ago Charles and I were visiting him, over the fence (he lives at the SW corner of the farm) and we were talking about his dog.  He said the little dog was what made him get up in the mornings - taking care of him.  I feel that way about our animals.  Don't know what I'd do without them.  It's work but something I enjoy - I really dread when the time comes that I can no longer do it.

     I've written way too much but wanted to visit a bit.  I didn't drive up to see the girls this morning so maybe I can see them as they drift down.  Did see Rose Bud and some of them.  Babies were visiting the creepfeeder.  Hope all of you have a nice Wednesday and that the sun shines for you.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    Well this morning I am hobbling out to the porch. Looks like a lot of us are sitting this morning nursing some medical conditions...lol.

    I crashed hard onto the floor Monday morning cracking my head on the way down. A little blood but the main concern was how to get up. 

    Made it through a long meeting that morning...went upstairs while my grandson was here...went upstairs early yesterday too. This morning I am still a bit tender but seems that I may have broken a toe. I will have my daughter come and sister tape it.

    Also I lost a hearing aid for 2 days but found it this morning in the waste paper basket next to my bed. 

    Today, besides soaking my foot, I am going to work on a puzzle. 

    Surely we have now had our last freeze here so I need to get with it!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Judith, my goodness.  Did you go to Urgent Care because of hitting your head and the blood?  Do you have a headache?  How did you get up?  That's really the hard thing when we fall.  Easy to get down but hard to get up.  I hope your toe isn't broken - taping it might be a good thing.  You wouldn't think having a hurt or broken toe would inhibit your walking but it does.  Be very careful going up and downstairs.  Our friend, Sasue, has a stairlift to get upstairs.  She says it really helps her.

     I know I hobble around like I'm 90 and I think a lot of it's because of my Morton's Neuroma - balance is not what it used to be.  And, one of my cats, Sammy, will lay down on the floor in front of me and not move.  I keep telling him he's going to make me fall.

     Came back to post something you all will get a kick out of - you all know I like old westerns so was thinking about ones we used to watch.  Rawhide came to mind - you remember, Gil Favor was the trail boss and Rowdy Yates (Clint Eastwood) was the ramrod.  They drove cattle herds to Kansas.  So, I have this thing on the TV where you can look up names of shows and it'll tell you when they'll be on.  I put in Rawhide and two showing came up - on channels I don't have on my favorite's list.  So, I found them and got them logged in so I could watch it in the morning.  Decided I'd check to see if I'd seen them and they were Playboy channels - the description of the shows was in a foreign language.  I have no idea what they're about and not about to find out.  I deleted the channels.  I would really have been surprised if I hadn't checked and had turned it on to watch a western in the morning.   When you look, you never know what you'll find.   So, be careful.

     Kept trying to see all the girls and kept coming up two short so drove out and found all of them.  It's beautiful out now - bright, blue skies, hardly any wind and it's getting warmer.  I emptied a little water out of one water tub and filled both of them.  The grass and weeds are getting so big in the yard I'm getting afraid I might run into a snake.  Guess I better start wearing my tall boots when I'm out there.   Missy and her mom are north of the house enjoying the warmer weather and a lot of the others are laying in the sun, getting warmed up.

     Judith, take it easy with your head - hope there's no concussion.  Be careful with your toe, too.  Bet that hurts.  Are you soaking your toe in Epsom salts water?

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good grief Front Porch Friends; it appears that Lorita's front porch is beginning to look like the a patio at a nursing home with so many of us having "stuff" happening to us.  Here we are with this, that and another thing happening to our "mature" bodies.  Groan and drats!.

     Judith; I saw your Post on Young Onset re your fall; I am so very sorry for the fall and injury.  Did you see anyone at the ER or Urgent Care?  If you fell without breaking your fall, could you have winked out for a split second?  If you were not medically seen, a doctor's visit and perhaps a CT of the head would be a good idea.  So, so, so sorry that happened; what a shocking event.  And your poor toe . . . .

    Here is a good listing from Mayo Clinic of what to watch and get help for after hitting one's head:


    How did you get up off the floor?  Were you alone for long before help was available?  I firmly believe in a medical alert necklace or wrist device if one lives alone and is at risk; reason for that is personal experience of a friend which I wrote about to you on Young Onset; won't repeat it here, but it was a doozy and could have had a worse outcome than had already happened.

    We too got a stair lift going to the upstairs. As soon as my knee arthritis got worse and knowing I could not have replacement; we got a stair lift and it has been such a wonderful item to have for so many unexpected reasons that have popped up.  Did a lot of research and found the two best manufacturers - the most often advertised one on TV was NOT the best choice.  Our stairs are steep and they rise mightily. 

    Joan, I am delighted to hear that you are beginning to feel better bit by bit.  Sure has been a trying time.  And Barbara, I am sorry to hear of the level of pain that arthritis is causing you; that is a very difficult thing that impacts so much on one's life.  We shall wait to hear about your book when the editing is complete.  Wonderful seeing it come to life, isn't it. 

    Zetta, it really is absolutely true; there is no place like home!   You are truly very kind in doing the dog sitting for your friend.   Hear it is still pretty cold up there - my brother in Bend said it was chilly.  He is 77 and went on a short bike ride in the hills yesterday; he "only" went 10 miles with a friend.  Geeze, made me tired just listening.  He is also a big time pickle ball fan and plays nearly every day.  I should have been as active as him, but ah well.  He has had both knees replaced due to wear and tear from so much tennis which is why he now does pickle ball instead, not to mention his skiing and mountain biking.  Living in Bend has been awesome for him.  A big enough town for amenities and lots and lots of outdoor activities season by season.   Not that far from you.

    Lorita, I have not had any pain since the first night of back pain which a pain pill helped.  Find myself wishing I never had the litho due to non-pain after effects which are hanging on; but with the large marble sized stone, it was thought preventive crushing of it would be best.  May have to have it repeated, but I still have some issues and so hope they clear soon. Stent still in but not bothersome. 

    The last thing I ever had was Epstein-Barr some years go; lasted five months but all it did was greatly fatigue me.  Then Lorita had it too.  Just not used to having the down and outs of the last month or two.  Enough already.  Am staying upstairs every day as the only bathroom downstairs is a small powder room and not an appropriate place for measuring and straining looking for "gems."  So isolated and no cows to keep me company!

    Lets all hope that everything and everyone begins to do much better . . . .


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Judith, please try to be careful! First time Lou took a fall she broke her hip and early signs of dementia started due to the trauma. Lately I've taken a couple of spills myself and am trying to be more careful. Been uneasy on my feet lately and having some weakness. I have a VA appointment tommorow and will be taking Lou with me. Just dont know if I can ever trust anyone in our house again without me.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Do you all remember when the commercial that said "Help, I've fallen and can't get up" first came out and we were much younger and probably laughed about it - thinking that anyone could get up?  Well those days are far in the past and we have to be more careful - the older we get, the less steady we get on our feet - at least that's me.

     I read Judith's and Jo's posts on the other forum.  Jo, the same thing happened to our dear neighbor.  He was a bachelor and lived by himself - just across the road from Charles and I when we lived in the MH.  Such a good, good neighbor, always ready to help and never bothered us at all (as if he could have).  He worked at a hospital in Tulsa but had retired a few years prior to this happening.  He called me one day and said he had ordered some kind of alert system and wondered if it was okay to add our names as contacts in case he needed help.  Of course, I told him it would be fine - we'd be honored.  By the way, that's the same thing Darwin said when I called him about the same thing.

     Well, one Wednesday we had a call from him stating that he'd fallen on Sunday when he was getting ready for Church and was just then able to get to the phone and could we help.  I told him we'd be right over - he told us to wait, that it would take an hour or so for him to get to the front door to unlock it.  Of course, we didn't wait.  Part of his front door was glass so Charles broke out enough for us to get the door open. He had fallen in the LR and his phone was in the next room and he couldn't get to it.  Luckily, he had water in the LR but no food.  It had taken him three days to finally get to the phone.  We called an ambulance and they took him to the hospital in Tulsa.  It turned out he had broken his hip but wasn't able to have surgery.  He had a niece in Chicago - we called her and told her what had happened.  This was the next day when we were at the hospital waiting for her to get there.  They got there and we came home - just after we got home we had a call that he had passed away.  He had never set up the alert system.  A friend  leased his land and was running cattle on it and was there every day but just didn't know anything was wrong.  So, the moral of the story is to get some kind of alert system, set it up and wear it.  I should listen to my own advice.

     Judith, as you know I have Medical Guardian and have had for several years.  I don't wear it nearly as much as I should.  I should make that a priority - something could happen to me at the barn or out at the pasture and no one would ever know.  If I had it on and  I fell it has a response system for falls and they would be alerted.  I test it every so often and it really works - they reply in just a few seconds.  It has gone off when I was in town and they could locate me anywhere I happened to be.  I did fall down in the mud at the back of the barn last year and they answered immediately asking if I needed help.

     Our vet's mother has Alz. and his wife checked into all of the alert systems and found that Medical Guardian was the best she found and also just about the least expensive.  I pay for mine by the quarter - I think it's somewhere around $160 - not inexpensive but worth every penny if something went wrong and you needed help.

     I may have told you all this story; a couple of years ago somehow mine went off - maybe when I was putting it in the charger and I didn't notice.  My landline rang and I didn't answer it because I didn't recognize the number. (since then I've given them my cellphone number).  I went on to bed, went to sleep and was awakened by a light at my bedroom window and a man calling for me.  It was the Deputy Sheriff who had brought an ambulance and fire truck to check on me.  Scared me half to death.  He made me come to the front door to make sure I was okay, told me he'd been notified and came to help.  There were two or three big trucks in our driveway with their lights on.  So, it did work. 

     It only takes a minute to put it around your neck and no one knows it's there.  A light does blink every so often and I've wondered if people can see it.  I  have to put it in the charger at night but it could be left by the bed for easy use.

     We all need to do this.  Guess we think nothing will happen and probably won't - but we never know.   Okay, I'll get off my soap box.   Time for The Waltons. 

     Judith, think about going to Urgent Care - just to be checked.  When the gate hit me in the head I went and the doctor x-rayed my head - everything was okay - but I did have a headache for two or three days.  Remember the year Charles passed away I had a concussion that lasted a couple of weeks.  I stayed in bed all I could with a package of frozen English peas on my head.  I'm still using the same ones when I need them.

     Ron, be careful on the trip to the VA tomorrow.  Glad Lou's going with you - she probably enjoys the outing.  Hope everything's okay.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    O My!  Lorita your front porch has been busy the past few days. We will need to get some more chairs.  I had to laugh at what Jo said about us all sitting  on the NH patio talking about our ailments.  After hearing about Judith's fall and your neighbor falling and me being not too study at times I am going to check out Medical Guardian. I try to carry my cell with me all the time but that does not always happen. 

    Joan,   I am glad to hear your starting to feel better, I bet being with you GD helps you feel better. Enjoy your time with her as you know they grow up so fast.  I like you vowing to keep your car clean. I do that every time I get mine washed. It is hard to keep my car clean, in the winter I deal with mud and snow and summer I deal with a lot of dust and dirt. I drove my car thru a car wash a few days ago and you would never know it. 

    Beth,    Your right there is not much on TV anymore. I also grew up watching the same shows you did. My favorite one was I Love Lucy. I have a lot of hers on tapes. I do watch Bonanza and Gunsmoke everyday it is on TVLAND I find a lot of the older shows there.  Your right I am a animal lover. I do watch The Zoo. It took me awhile to start watching it I was afraid I would see one being hurt and if that happened it would really upset me. But when I started watching it and saw what it was all about I really liked it. I will not watch the National Animal shows I feel a lot of those dogs are loved but most of them spend more times with the trainers.   

    Sara,  I also don't do much traveling. I will be going to my daughters house next month for a few weeks to take care of her cats while her and her DH go to NY. Its only a 4 hour dive and its a beautiful drive going into Washington.

    I have more to say so I will be back my son just got home and we are fencing in the back  porch so Molly can't be chasing things.

    Back Soon Hugs Zetta 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    Well you do not need the medical alert if you are in town. I realize that I must have a system in place for when I am alone in the  house or in the yard. I am looking at one or more Echo connects that I can tell to call someone.

    I have had no problem with my head except I can feel by touch where I hit my head. The toe is not looking good so I will Buddy wrap it and prop it up.

    I find lots of things to watch on the TV at night and of course I have Netflix and Prime. I had Starz to watch The White Princess, The White Queen and The Spanish Queen. They were all about the War of the Roses and wonderful.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Beth, glad you have most of your mulching done and seeds going.  I watch The Zoo a lot, too. Was glad to see how well they take care of the animals.  Good show.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Judith, what if you fall and  are unconscious?  Hope your toe is better soon..
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    I am back that did not take too long. Now Molly is trying to figure things out. 

     Jo,    I hope your starting to feel better, as you know time and rest counts. I really do enjoy my pet sitting I love all the animals I watch. It is a pet sitting business I started about 15 years ago I am now watching pups of pups. My son took over the business it was bigger then I could do alone. I still watch a few of the older dogs that I have been with for the longest time. My son is taking on the new dogs because pups are to much for me to handle. I am not as young as I used too be. The people I pet sit for travel during the summer so I will be out more. Right now there is still  8 dogs and my daughters 2 cats I watch. I do live close to Bend. Bend is 20 miles from me. Your Brother has a lot to keep him busy. I retired from Sunriver Resort that is between Bend and where I live. In the winter people come to Ski and in the summer it is Golf. I did a lot of pet sitting for the resort. 

    Judith,  Sorry to hear of your fall, I hope your not hurting too bad. It made me think I really need to get serious and get me some type of fall alarm. The past few years my balance seems to be off so I have to be careful.  I am glad you found your hearing aids and your lucky you did not dump your trash. 

    Barbara,   Sorry your in so much pain. I find with me my GP helps more then some of the specialist. Going to the pain clinic might be a good thing. They might get right to the point and take care of it for you. Sorry you DH is falling I was so afraid when my DH starting falling that he would break a hip. He used a walker but he was not good with it and he still fell. He was in MC so he always got the help he needed. 

    It sounds like you guys are all good gardeners as for me I am not so lucky to make things grow. I got some seeds and I will put them in the planters I have on my porch and keep my fingers crossed. 

    What is a good lotion for dry hands? I wash mine so much they are both real dry and starting to peel. 

    Have a Good evening. Hugs Zetta 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    Then you get help when you come to I guess unless you are wearing something that detects a fall and I know I will not wear it religiously unless it were on my wrist. Maybe that is the safest but what if I  just needed "non-emergency " help. Would they call my daughter,

    I really felt very safe when someone was in the house with me....wrong!

    My niece answers emergency calls at the sheriff's office. She said to place a key vertically, almost buried, in a pot and to tell the sheriff's office where it is.

    I often wondered how EMS would get in my locked house and how they would turn the alarm off. Lots to ponder.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Good morning

    Twenty nine degrees this morning.  Got sunny yesterday evening and about all the snow melted.  Was hoping that wouldn’t happen til today as snow is a good insulator.  

    Lorita started marigolds in very small grow bags.  The seed were just not viable.  Hopefully can find type I like at nursery.  Your batteries probably need changed in your alarms.  That is usually very easy to do.  They say you should change them every six months.  Usually only do it once a year at my other house.  Here it’s tied in with my security system and they take care of everything.

    Have thought I need to get some type of alert system.  Not getting younger.  My mom is the only person that I have contact with every day.  Not sure that mom would use good decision making if unable to reach me or I didn’t call.  Might ask my friend K if anyone checks on her each day.  If not maybe her and I could set something up.  Does anyone know how the apple watch works?  Think someone talked me if they fell it would contact EMS.  It might be cheaper in long run if it worked well.  Maybe I could check into it.

    Zetta like Vanicream for my hands.   Cerave healing ointment is also very good, it is a little more greasy but find that goes away quickly.  Like to use it on my feet. Use Cerave  moisturizing cream on my arms and legs.

    JoC sorry you are feeling a little isolated.  

    Well went to breakfast with my sister yesterday.  She is the one that is fully vaccinated too.  Just me and her.  The restaurant was probably a 1/3 to 1/4 full. Was where I went and got donuts last week.  Hope I made a good decision.  Everyone there seemed to be doing what we have been asked to do except would have liked to seen people only put in every other booth as they had the capacity to do that.  Booths did have very high backs.  My sister has eaten out all along.  She is 14 years younger than me.  My friend and I are picking up Friday and meeting at my house.  Like that better.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Zetta, I like O'Keefe's for Working Hands. Not at all greasy. You can get it on Amazon. A tip is to apply a moisturizer after each time you wash your hands. I have very dry cuticles and this has made a big difference.

    I'm going to a small city about 35 miles away where there are well over 100,000 tulips. The city is Dutch and they have an annual tulip festival. Great bakeries too: Dutch letters, yum. The tulip festival is next week. I go to see the tulips BEFORE the festival. Too big of crowds at the festival. Having lunch with 2 cousins and my sister. This will be my second trip there in two weeks (with different people). Love it there when all (or at least many) tulips are in bloom. I have many tulips myself, hundreds. I have a bed that is all pink but mainly I have clumps that include red, yellow and red/yellow/orange tulips. Also a few purple in other locations.

    Have a great day!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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     It was sunny when I got up and out but now it's beginning to get cloudy.  Some rain forecast for later today and storms tomorrow.

     Zetta, I like Curel Ultra Healing Lotion.  I have a bottle on the table by my chair but forget to use it like I should.  I've never tried the kind Sara mentioned but do see it advertised so I'm sure it's good.

     What a great business for you!  As much as you love animals it couldn't be better.  You probably don't even feel like you're working.  Also, this is something you can continue to do for years.  Do you have to stay in the home all the time while the people are gone?

     Sara - my friend, Carol and her husband, have eaten out the whole time.  They're careful about where they go and wear masks as they go in and out but not inside.  She said they went to the Country Club a day or so ago and there was no one there.  She's mentioned that a couple of times so they feel safe there.  They're both fully vaccinated but only one of her daughters has had hers.  They just don't seem to be concerned.

     Hope you have a good time with your friend Friday.  Probably feels good to get a bit back to normal.  Also nice to have had breakfast with your sister.  Breakfast was always our favorite meal to eat out.

     Maybe your seeds were hybrid.  Many years ago we were in Eureka Springs and went to the Crescent Hotel.  They had beautiful gardens with huge marigolds.  I sneaked a few seeds and planted them.  I don't think they even came up so I figured that was the problem.  I've never bought plants like zinnias or marigolds at the garden centers but they always seem to have them.

     Judith, I have my medical guardian set up to call my cell phone if it goes off.  First they answer the device and you answer if you can. Then, they'll call my cell phone.  If no answer they call Darwin and if need be after that they call an ambulance if he doesn't answer or whatever.  Once mine went off and guess I didn't notice it.  I sometimes get something against it and it goes off - pretty sensitive.  They called Darwin and they were in Coweta and couldn't check so called Mike.  Luckily, he thought to call before he came - so it really works.  Yes, you could get it set up to call your daughter if you didn't answer them.  I don't know if a bracelet is available from medical guardian or not.  I don't wear my necklace like I should.  Last night I decided I'd put it on when I got up each morning.  Well, that didn't work.  I just got back in from being out in the pastures - without it. 

     The only thing about calling someone when you regained consciousness is that you might not regain it.  There's all kinds of devices out there - some that work inside your house and some within a certain number of feet from the house.  None of those would have worked for me so decided on this one.  It works anywhere and they can locate you wherever you are.    I think anyone who lives alone should have some kind of device to notify help if needed - the kind depends on their lifestyle.

     Well, today is sort of an emotional day for me.  Fifty years ago today Charles and I got married.  I was lucky to have had him in my life for almost 44 years but unlucky to have not had him these past six years.  Guess you never get over missing them - I know I won't.  I can remember 50 years ago today like it was yesterday.  I made several trips to our duplex to take things. Then, when mother got off work, she, daddy and I went back to town, picked up Charles and went to the Church.  It was pouring rain and I remember we sat outside the Church in the car waiting for the Preacher, wondering if he was going to make it.  He did - the only people there were he and his wife, my parents, Charles and I.  The house where we moved is no longer there and I think that's sad.  It was a two-story duplex - we had the downstairs that had just been remodeled.  We didn't know anyone else on the street but did know there were several younger couples.  We worked different shifts - I worked days and he worked evenings so I was alone in the evenings until just after 11 but I felt safe (times were different then).  I remember our rent was $90. for a two bedroom duplex and the owner paid the bills.  We stayed there five months and felt like we were throwing away our money paying rent so bought an 8x30 travel trailer and moved to one corner of the farm.  Stayed in that for a couple of years, then bought a MH - the LR had much more space than the whole travel trailer.  I think it was kind of odd - his brother and his wife and his sister and her husband all lived in an 8x30 travel trailer after they were married.  Housekeeping was a breeze because everything had to be in it's place - no room to be otherwise.  Hard to believe it's been 50 years.

     Didn't see either Tom or Jerry this morning but when I came back to the carport I checked and someone had eaten some of the canned food.  There's something else living in the carport or in the barn and comes to the carport that helps them eat their food.  Unusual for neither of them to be there.  Let Missy and her mother out to graze north of the house - think I'll let them into the west paddock later today.  Missy is getting more active, running more and staying with her mother more instead of laying around.  I saw the back of a cow laying by one of the hayrings when I got up so walked up there to check on her.  It was one of the new moms and her baby. I got her up and I see she's grazing now.  The other mom and baby are up in the pasture.

     Sara - our locust trees are blooming - really pretty.  What about yours - are they blooming yet?

     I'll stop for now and finish my juice.  Many memories will be with me today and probably a lot of tears, too.

      Happy Earth Day - it began the year Charles and I got married.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh Zetta, you have me laughing now.  I can just see us all sitting on the patio at the NH in  rocking chairs sharing our various aches, pains, conditions and moaning about it all and laughing - we sure would be one big group of rascals.   I can only imagine the jokes and laughter along with thes shared complaints.  At least we would look out for one another and sympathize with one another . . . . and who exactly smuggled in that bottle of wine?  Whoopie!

    Judith, yes; the medical alert companies all have contact numbers for friends or family that you provide them and they do indeed contact them first.  Some of these devices can detect a fall; others do not have that capacity.    Here is some good information from Consumer Reports:



    If I were buying a system, I would order the pendant rather than the wrist model; I simply would tuck the pendant inside my tops and not worry about appearances should it somehow show.   The wrist model for me would be in the way too often.   I would also negotiate the price as many will give discounts.

    Judith, when there is a fall or other event, the Alexis type devices do not always hear our voices or get our instructions correctly - too many potential problematic issues. If voice is not loud enough, if groaning or slurring is present, those devices will not give the intended results.   If unconscious or stroked; well, no activity for Alexis devices at all.  Sometimes, someone can be in a different area of a house from a loved one and can fall and the LO never realizes that and does not hear any calling out . . . . it happens. . . . . the medical alert device when pressed or sensing an actual fall will call the LO.  Just so much a better, reasonable option.  No vanity on this one; it is a life and death issue.  

    Sayra, going out to breakfast; what a yummy idea.  I love breakfast out, but am not yet ready to eat in a restaurant even though vaccinated.  Just too many variable issues still happening and the mutations are becoming more of a concern.  I would love to be tested to see if my vaccination is protecting me; remember, there will be people who are vaccinated and it does not "take," wonder how much it costs to have such a lab test.  Will have to find out if that is possible and how much.

    Need to apologize.  I had shared the Sumo Citrus orange as wonderful; well the first two I had were awesome, but the rest were not . . . . will not be buying them again.  On the other side of that fruit ledger, we have been buying strawberries from a roadside stand.  They are the best strawberries we have ever had.  They are juicy, very red, very sweet and none of them are hollow on the inside.  They are uber flavorful.  A bit more pricey, but we will treat ourselves to them until the season runs out.  They sure do make a nice dessert all by themselves.

    Been craving mildly spicy savory food.  In fact, I think I want a good stuffed baked potato - filled with salsa, lots of chili, cheese, and topped with sour cream.  Not a health item, but sure good and so easy.  Of course to make myself feel better, will also fix some broccoli to go on the side. 

    Trying to find good and healthy things for mid morning snack; been having one lo fat string cheese stick and five tiny Kashi crackers; but Kashi was bought out and they have discontinued those tasty healthy little crackers.  Now have to find a substitute and also need to figure out other tasty mid day snacks; somehow it is eluding me. 

    Going to be 67 degrees today with a few morning light showers; that sounds nice as we will be inside snug and cozy. 

    Beth; the tulips sound beautiful.  What type of area do you live in?  It sounds as though you live on a very large bit of property; lovely.  When the tulips are all up, can you send us a picture of them?  I remember Holland, Michigan having the annual tulip festival.  We lived in the UP, and for some reason our parents never thought to attend the festival or to drive to see the tulips.  Probably too far a drive with the kids as the drive is about seven hours.

    In SoCal; near San Diego are the Carlsbad Flower Fields; the largest in the U.S.  Awesome color display in huge, huge fields; all overlooking the ocean. Lovely.  Yet; they are now selling tickets to visit and they are sold out - I do not do crowds.

    Time to get some breakfast at 7:30 and then get on with the days needs.  Hope everyone's day is a good one.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Beth, what a nice trip that will be to see all those lovely tulips.  I can't imagine seeing that many.  I don't blame you for going early to avoid the crowds.  When yours are in bloom could you take a picture and post it so we can enjoy them, too?

     The town where I used to work has an azalea festival in April.  Honor Heights Park is just below the VA Hospital and they have hundreds of azaleas and all other kinds of flowers and flowering trees.  It's beautiful but there are so many people going in and out of the park it's better to go very early or just before the peak.  I don't know how the azaleas did this year because of the two weeks of freezing weather we had.  I haven't been to see it in years.  When I was working at the VAH it was hard to get out of our parking lots because of the flow of traffic.

     Enjoy your trip.

    Keep forgetting to mention - I called the Braum's Dairy in Tuttle where they make the ice cream and frozen yogurt - wanted to see what they said about whether my frozen yogurt is still good.  It was made last May - I was told it will still be good from 18-24 months if kept frozen and not opened too much and if it still tastes good.  Glad I didn't throw it away - I did throw away the vanilla Blue Bunny.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

     Lorita,   I laughed when you said you called the Dairy about your yogurt. Now you can feel comfortable eating your yogurt, as long as it still taste good.       

    Sorry you will be having a sad day today let's hope your memories will also bring smiles to your face. Time does fly it seems like Dan just passed away and it is almost 3 years.  Yes I do stay at peoples homes when they travel. Molly goes with me and we come and go during the day just like we are at home. I even have my own room in 2 of the houses. I am very comfortable in these houses they are like my second home. 

    Beth,   Thank You for the tip on the moisturizer I just set some next to my sink. 

     Sara,    I am going to try Vanicream I have heard that was good. It sounds like you had a nice breakfast with your sister.

     Jo,   I am sure we will all have fun on the patio at the NH. I will be the one who sneaks in the Wine. I will also bring it to Lorita's porch, so by the time we all get to the NH I will know what we all like. That is if I can remember. 

    Now I am thinking about what kind of device I want. Like Judith said there is a lot to ponder. I called 911 once when I needed help getting Dan up. They told me to have the door unlocked and the dog locked in another room. So if I had something that detected the fall who will unlock the front door and put Molly in another room. I think the best for me will be the one that does not detect the fall. So now I am Just pondering. 

    I wanted to BBQ today but I just noticed the wind is blowing again so guess that won't happen.

    Good Day to All, Hugs Zetta 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,756
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    zetta ...long standing rule here...no trash goes out until the lost item is found

    Beth.....do you replant all of those tulips every year? Yes, thank you. Lorita and I will be ready to be picked up here in Oklahoma to go to the pre-festival.

    All...I will forget to put on a neck alert.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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