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Just need to talk to my friends (145)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Judith, I still have all of Charles' clothes except the ones Jack and Todd could wear.  I did take them, or most of them, out of the closet and they're laying on the divan in the sun room.  Patsy told me there's a mission in our town and I'll eventually get them down there.  Some, that he wore a lot, I can't part with yet - maybe never.  Also need to go through my clothes and get rid of a lot of them.  I still  have things I wore when I worked and I retired 26 years ago.

     I only keep a couple of cartons of ice cream - used to always keep Vanilla because that's the kind Barclee liked - and, it's good with fruit pies.  The other things are leftovers - soup, etc. and frozen fruits and vegetables.  I keep extra juices in the refrigerator in the utility room and what's left of a 50 lb. sack of milk replacer to use when I have bottle babies.  I don't know why we bought a big freezer but then, we did keep  meat and things like that in it for Charles.  Both of the refrigerators are about 21 years old, bought both of them when we moved down to the farm house.  Have never had anything done to the one in the utility room except last summer when it froze up and that's part of the reason for the needed new floor.  I have a service contract on the other one and have used that contract several times - always for the ice maker.  If something goes wrong with it that can't be repaired, they'll replace it.  I think there's plenty of room in both freezer compartments for what I need.

     I pity the poor person who has to go through this house when I'm gone - Sarah may not be here to do it so they'll just have to bring in a dumpster and dispose of it that way.  I don't have anyone to give things to like Carol has.

     My caladiums will probably be here tomorrow.  I checked and they made it to the post office in Tulsa this morning.  I won't plant them until the ground is warmer - also need a little more dirt in one big pot.  The pot I was going to use outside the kitchen window is now full of wild violets that didn't come out earlier so will only have three big pots.  If I put one or two in the pots on the steps whatever is eating the violets will probably eat them.  Wish I knew what it is.

     I filled the water tanks a while ago and did a little bit of trimming.  I have two huge crepe  myrtles in the back yard that looked completely dead - no green I could find - but, they are coming out at the base of the shrubs - just about 2" so far.  I'll get Bryon or Shane to cut them back to about waist high so support will be there for the new growth. 

     I've seen that wolf I heard last night - several months ago - down north of the house - a big guy.  Someone came up to the house just after I saw him and commented on seeing him, too.  I hear coyotes every night - usually as they come out to hunt and again as they go through to their dens which is about a quarter mile west of the house in a line of trees.  It has a pond so it's the perfect place.  Our neighbor said a couple of deer used to stay in there, too.

     When we lived in the MH we had some Asian lilies - really pretty.  I have some day lilies now - the old, orange kind that used to be at everyone's house.  Carol calls them cornflowers.  The ones by the water hydrant out toward the barn never get to bloom - a cow always takes care of that along with the rose buds.

     I wish I could turn over the mattress - the side where I've been sleeping needs to be on the other side.  There's no way I could turn it - really hard for Charles and I to do.  I think I have a wide board at the barn that I can wrap and put a big bowl under the mattress so I can slide it in.  Might work - might not.  We'll see.  My back always hurts when I get up in the mornings and I hate that.  I walk like I'm 100 for a few steps.

     I'm thinking about laying down to rest for a while. I'm sitting in the chair with the heating pad on my back.  Everyone else in the house is sound asleep.  Hate to waste a pretty day but there will be more. Need to get the trash ready to take down early in the morning - wasn't going to do it tomorrow but I need to get rid of a lot of feed sacks each week.

     Hope you all are enjoying the pretty day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Judith, tell us about the white dog wood.  Is that the shrub that quit growing when you lost Dick?
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    Yes, that's the one. Well it caught something and a great growing cavity appeared. Last Friday I had the fork that leans against some large windows removed. My nosey neighbor across the street came over during the cutting to speak with the man doing the surgery and told me to cut the bottom branches off. No way. They swoop down graciously in front of the window. So enjoyable from inside the house.

    My daughter just called from Dallas where she was at a party. Her father has a massive heart attack. They are moving him today to Evanston Hospital for and angiogram and pacemaker.

    She was fine until I asked her how she was. She lost it. I listened and shared that she had just had a huge slap in the face by life. I also told her that he was having two relatively common procedures done and would undoubtedly feel considerably better after. I know that does not lessen the shock of it all...the fact that her father is not immortal. 

    Anyway she is on a plane now and I know her father will be the better for having her there. I even said to share my concern and good wishes with her father. It was very big girl. I do not like or respect him.

    Lorita... Dick's clothes have not made it out of his closet so you are one step ahead of me.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Judith, didn't that tree almost die or at least didn't bloom the year after you lost Dick, then the next year it did?  Some neighbors want to run everything - I don't have that problem here. I'm glad you didn't have the lower branches cut off.  Is it blooming yet? My sister really did with her neighbor who wanted to cut all the trees - kept her upset a lot. 

     Do you still have Dick's flight jacket hanging on the back of the chair?  That doesn't hurt one thing in the world and brings you comfort, I'm sure.

     Not all of Charles' clothes are out of the closet.  I just could to take out the ones he liked and wore a lot - the ones I took out were ones he hadn't wore in some time.  Just kind of makes us feel we're letting them go.

     I just saw on TV that at least eight million people who had gotten the first vaccination hasn't gotten the second one - probably a scare about the J&J vaccine being stopped for a while.

      I'm sorry your daughter is having to go through this with her dad so it's good that she'll be with him.  You were a big girl. 

     Put some feed in the pan for Rose Bud and drove up to her - she tried to get up but didn't make so I just put the feed down so she could eat it without getting up.  I'm afraid it's getting close to her time.  At least I was able to get her through the winter and through that awful two week ice storm and the cold.  Hot weather is just about as bad on them.

     I saw a show this afternoon called The Wild West Chronicals.  Each week they pick one person in the history of the wild west and tell about them.  Today it was Bass Reeves, a slave who become a U.S. Marshall.  I had heard Charles talk about him a lot.  He was a Marshall in Muskogee and part of the north side of Muskogee is named after him - The Reeves Addition.  Really interesting.

     I got a lot of feed sacks put in trash bags so I can take them down in the morning.  At least it cleared up one part of the carport.  There's lots of them in the carport behind the PU.  I just got behind this winter - usually I can keep them sacked up and gone.

     Minnie and Missy are fine today - they're grazing west of the house - good grass there.  I gave her some feed but I don't think she's come out to get it yet. 

     Zetta and others must be taking it easy today.  I'm getting tired so I think I'll put on my gown and lay on the divan and watch Gunsmoke.  I think I ate too much supper.

     Anxious to get my caladiums tomorrow to see if they have buds on them.  Also getting anxious to get the Gerbera Daisies I ordered from QVC.  They're perennial so hope I can overwinter them.  Guess I'll put some kind of little fence around them so Stormy won't pick the flowers.

     See you all tomorrow.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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     Lorita,    Yes I am taking it easy today I am still reading post trying to keep up with things. Thank You for telling me about the NatGeoWild I could not fine it in my channels. I usually watch The Zoo on Sundays and it has not been on for 3 weeks now. I read someplace where it was cancelled. Be careful if you turn over the mattress you can really throw your back out.

     Sara,   You are so good to your Mom it would be nice if you can find someone to take care of her yard just to keep it looking good. Then worry about the landscaping when and if the time comes to sell it. It sounds like your Mom is not realizing you are not able to do all the yard work. 

    I don 't have many of Dan's clothes at home. He never really had a lot of clothes so when he was in MC there was a few men there that needed clothes so I was donating a little at a time. Then when Dan passed away I just left his clothes there I brought home his blankets. I donated his recliner and the TV.

     Lorita,  What do coyote dens look like and what kind of noise do they make. I hear things far away at night I don't know if its dogs barking or coyotes. 

    We thunder and rain today and right now it is snowing. I hope you all had a good day. Sleep Well, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Zetta, I wouldn't even attempt to turn the mattress over.  It's a king-sized one and Charles and I had a really hard time doing it and he was really strong.  We had a high footboard on the bed so you can't kind of twirl it around which would work for me if I could do it.  I didn't get out to the barn today to see  about that board - will tomorrow.

     Did a silly thing just now.  I put my gown on about 7 and about half an hour ago, just before dark, decided I'd go out and see where Missy was and get them both north of the house.  Didn't take my phone or alert button.  A new mom really doesn't want you to be around her baby so there I was walking around with just a little stick in my hand, looking for the baby.  Found her (or rather Minnie went to her) and got them back north of the house.

    I've never seen a coyote or wolf den in person - just on TV - but  looks like they might dig out a little place in a bank to keep their puppies safe.  A coyote doesn't bark - it yelps.  Sounds like a bunch of little dogs.  Two coyotes yelp so much they sound like half a dozen.  If they're alone, they don't yelp, guess it takes two to do that.  The ones I've seen close to the house were very quiet.

     Do any of you ever watch Barnwood Builders?  It's a good show - this group of men find old, old cabins mostly in Virginia and that area, buy them, tear them down and save the wood and rebuild them for people.  It's amazing how people could build such good log cabins without power tools.  I think old houses are sad.  I think of the people who lived there and what they did and how they raised their kids and lived their lives - like the poem "The House By The Side of the Road".  Charles and I have been through a couple of old, empty houses around the countryside and it was kind of sad.  There aren't any of them left now. 

     Can you all believe it's almost a full moon again?  Just saw it as I came into the house - seems like last week when we were talking about it being the Worm Moon.  Wonder what this one will be called?

     I'm about ready to go to bed.  I brought something in from outside and it's flying around - some kind of little, black, flying thing - probably a mosquito.  Anyway, sleep tight.  Ron, hope you don't have to have more spraying done tomorrow and that you and Lou had a good weekend.  Sara, hope you didn't work too hard today.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita wrote:

       I brought something in from outside and it's flying around - some kind of little, black, flying thing - probably a mosquito.  

    When I visited the farm in Nirth Carolina when I was a child, I saw small, black flying things.  I asked what type of birds fly around at night?  I was told these aren't birds, they're BATS!  That's what I thought you had brought into your home at first, Lorita!

    Sayra, yes, I really do tape my mouth shut.  I tried a chin strap but my mouth wouldn't stay closed.  I'm used to it now.  If I forget, my mouth becomes painfully dry!  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Good morning,

    Lorita I have that sock problem sometimes too.  Think Judith’s redecorating idea sounds like a good plan.

    Judith Casa Blancas are a very pretty lily.  One of my neighbors just planted a magnolia tree.  It’s small but was full of blooms.  Their blooms get killed here a lot of times though.  Inherited a couple of day lilies when I moved in here.  They are pretty.  The deer love the blooms here though so I have to fence them in every night to have blooms.

     Think it is about time to put the hummingbird feeder up.  Maybe can get some food made up today.  Ordered two nice feeders.  The one I had last year were cheap.

    Zetta how late do you usually get snow?.  Here we are getting to the point that it would be unusual to get snow.  Could take care of moms yard fairly easily if she would be cooperative.  But she seems unable to be cooperative.  So kind of had some thoughts last night.  Can keep it clean around the house pretty easily as I have that under control and will just go weekly and maintain that.  The retaining wall I’m turning over to her and her “friends”.  Realized if I just do nothing more then likely grass already in yard will just eventually take over I’m guessing.  Has sort of started already.  I’m fine with that, in fact that would be a good solution.

    Only did about two hours of work yesterday and my body tolerated that pretty well.  Today will need to fertilize my baby plants and time to start the rest of my seeds.

    Iris bats are eerie to me.  Hope one never gets in my house.  Many chin straps are worthless.  Had a patient who had bought a really nice one.  Searched for it but could not remember it’s name.  In the meantime came across something called somnifix.  Looked very interesting and you can check it out at somnifix.com if you want to.  It works something like your tape and seems as if it would be more comfortable than a chin strap.  If you decide to try it let me know how it works.  If tape works though it’s probably cheaper.  What type of tape do you use ?.  

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good morning! Judith, I had not heard of a white redbud. The redbuds, crabapples, lilacs and magnolias are all in bloom now. It is a beautiful time of year. Casablanca lilies smell so good! So do Stargazers. We have deer issues too and I spray certain things with a product that contains odorous things like garlic and onion, etc. It only smells bad to humans when you are spraying it but it smells bad to deer and rabbits and keeps them from eating lily buds, tulips, little trees, etc. The product I have now is called Repels All. Works great!

    Sara, I'm glad you thought out solutions for your mom's house. As I understand, that house is yours but you moved out and bought another house. After she moves out or passes away, sounds like you'll stay in the house you are now living in. Do you like it better, or just not want the hassle of moving again? 

    Zetta, surprised you had snow again. We had flurries last week, twice, which is unusual but not unheard of here. Today it is supposed to be 83 degrees (normal for this time of year around 60). 

    Lorita, you are such a hard worker. I don't know how you do it. I hope someone can help you turn your mattress. Don't hurt your back trying to do it yourself. Glad Tom and Jerry both showed up; always makes you worry when they are missing. We feed our outside cat (and others who stop by), and then take in the cat food and water bowl at night. If we don't do that we get raccoons. They are pests. They will dig in the yard. 

    I watched several YouTube videos last evening regarding the Royals. My, there is a lot of drama going on there! I do admire the Queen. She still is a hard worker. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     We have another  new baby!  Not sure if it's a girl or boy - didn't get a good chance to check.  She's beautiful - kind of a fawn color.  This is trash day so got out early to take it down.  I saw a cow down behind the barn standing on alert so as I passed by I saw the baby's little ears.  Got the trash down, came back, opened the back gate of the corral and closed the one going into another pasture.  Went down and by that time the baby was standing up and I got them started up to the barn.  You all know we like to keep the new babies and moms up for a week or so to let them get stronger so the cows are used to it.  Had no trouble getting them into the lot - gave her some hay and she has water.  I have Minnie and Missy in the west paddock with the gate closed.  UPS is coming today and I've left the gate open so he can bring the stuff to the porch. 

     When I looked out this morning I saw water out in front of the corral - checked and somehow during the night Minnie must have rubbed on the hydrant and opened it enough to get the water running.  It's happened before.

     Goodness, Sara and Iris, when do you ladies sleep?  Iris, I've never seen a bat around here and hope I never do.  I'd go bezerk if one got into the house.  We've had birds in the house before and that was bad enough.  That little, black thing is still flying around this morning.  

     You know if I taped my mouth shut I'd feel like I was suffocating.  I wake up sometimes with a really dry mouth so I guess I sleep with my mouth open.

     I think the magnolias you all are talking about are the ones that have pink or purple looking blooms.  They have a lot of those in the town where I used to work and they're gorgeous.  The magnolia we have is the Southern Magnolia - they have huge, creamy-white blooms and smell so good.  I don't know how old ours is but it's probably 20-30 ft. tall and has never bloomed.  I have no idea why it hasn't either.  At the VA Hospital there used to be several Southern Magnolias on the grounds and they were beautiful.  Gradually, they were taken out and replaced with parking lots.  I don't remember that any are still left.  One of our social workers lived just down the hill from the hospital and he had a magnolia in his yard. When they were in bloom, he'd bring some to the office for all of us to enjoy.

     Sara - sounds like the idea you have for taking care of your mother's yard is a good one.  If a person can keep things under control it isn't so bad - it's when you get behind that makes it hard.

    Beth, I'm not going to even try to turn the mattress.  I was at the barn this morning getting hay for the new mom and should have brought in that board but forgot - maybe later today.  I think/hope I can get it under the mattress - that'll work.

    Stargazer lilies are gorgeous and do smell good.  We were in Tulsa a few years ago and went to a nursery where they had some on sale.  We bought a big one, put it in the PU between us and by the time we got home we had pollen all over us.  I think I planted it but it didn't come back the next year - I think it's too cold for a lot of lilies but you're a lot farther north than us so don't know.

     Drove up to see the girls after I got the mom and baby up.  Rose Bud was laying down by the pond but she got up - it's a struggle but she's still making it.  All the girls are up around the MH finding goodies to eat, I guess.  We have one cow who's having some trouble with one of her feet.  I stopped by and looked and it doesn't look swollen but she's walking very slowly. 

     I'll stop and get Stormy and Sheena in so the UPS guy will come into the yard.  It was so good to see Tom and Jerry - I do worry when both of them aren't there.  I used to feed the cats in the barn when we had so many but gradually these two started staying in the carport and it's a little bit closer - maybe I should change back.  But, I know there have been raccoons in the barn  because I've seen them.  Pretty animals but I think they're kind of vicious.  I don't know if I mentioned this but a year or so ago I heard the GPs barking, went out and they had a raccoon backed up against a tree in the yard.  I got them in the house to give him a chance to get away.  Went back out later and he was on top of the house.  Kept the GPs in and he, I guess, got out of the yard - never saw him again.  Oh, I saw a cottontail this morning when I was out in the pasture - don't see them very often.

     I'll stop and finish my juice.  Enjoy the day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Lorita went to bed at 7.  Was tired and it was a cloudy dark day.  When I woke up was 9pm.  So checked on my plants and went back to sleep.  Then of course wake up early.  I’m ok with that. Mom calls at 6am.  So I’m all cleaned up and ready to go if don’t hear from her.  Iris is in California.  For me it is an hour later than the time it shows.  

    Go to see J today.

    Beth I do own the house.  I bought the house from mom and sold the one I had at that time to my sister and BIL.   It’s a way better house to me than the one I own now.   It’s bigger though and would be a lot higher maintenance.  Only getting older, do not need that.  Has a retaining wall, a well, much bigger yard, larger driveway.  Do like the big garden, that is fenced in and blueberry bushes that are fenced in, and the generator.  May get a generator installed here after I sell that house. This neighborhood I’m in now is a nicer neighborhood at this point.  So at this time plan on staying here.  If one of the nephews would want the house will make them the best deal I can, if not, then will sell it for what I can get out of it.  Here at the moment houses are selling at high prices and not easy to find, especially ranches.  Older people are wanting ranches and all they have been building for years is two story ones.  You never know when that bubble will pop though.  

    Sun is shining today.  First time in several days.  Not very warm though and windy.  

  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
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    Hello to everyone.  I have been busy outside getting flowerbeds rearranged and loving every minute of it.  Sayra, I have planted a lot of veggies in the garden bags ,also.   I am keeping them on my patio, easier to harvest.  This makes room in my garden for tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers.    Planting cantaloupe and watermelon this year. Not planting green beans or peas. Just me here and I can buy them cheaper.   

    Have two grandchildren getting married in May.  Wedding showers and the weddings are fun.   One is in Indiana and the other one is in Ohio.  First week of May and Memorial Day.   That will be 9 grandchildren married.     5 more to go.!     Also have 20 great grandchildren but that will be some time away   

    Little windy today but a beautiful sunny day    Need to stop working today  My back says “enough”   Thank goodness for Aleve  Muscle and Back pain reliever    

    Going to bbq outside for dinner 


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I also wake up with a real dry mouth and I do sleep with my mouth open. I get up a few times at night and I keep a glass of water by my bed so I can take a drink to make my mouth feel better. I might try the tape and see if that works. I try to sleep with my mouth closed but I guess it opens. 

    We have bats where I live.  They have cute little doggie faces and are very small. They hide up under the roof rafters. You can also see them flying around the lights in parking lots. The resort that I worked at I saw them all the time. We had a net with a long handle because sometimes they would get into the guest rooms at night and someone would have to go out to the room and get the bat. The guest would leave the door open in the evening and the bat in the rafter would fly in to the room. 

     Lorita,   The reason I was asking about the coyote den I was wondering how close I might be to one. I have not see a coyote for a long time. My home is on flat ground so hopefully I don't live close to dens. I back right up to the woods with lot of trees.     Congratulations  on the new baby I have lost count. I can see why you love them all having them all born right there. Is Rose  Bud your oldest one?  How old is she.   I hope your other cow's foot is feeling better.

     Sara,   I was surprised to see the snow yesterday and even surprised that it stayed on the ground till today. The weather here is hard to predicted it can change many times in one day. Our elevation is the same as one of the ski areas close so snow is a welcome site here. I am not a skier so I don't welcome the snow. It is very pretty if I don't have to drive in it. It sounds like you came up with a good idea helping you Mom in her yard.

    Judy,  I love to BBQ I was planning on doing that the other day. I got my grill all cleaned and was ready to go. Then the wind started blowing. I am afraid of fires so I decided not to BBQ. But my grill is all ready to go. Now I am hungry for BBQ. 

    Take Care, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     All of you working in your flowers and planting vegetables makes me feel like a dud - I'm not doing any of that.   I did get my caladium bulbs today but won't plant them until the ground is a little warmer.  Judith, it looks  like the bulbs are nice sized - I opened one sack and took out a couple but didn't see any buds - there may be some on the others.  Have you gotten yours yet?

     Judy, so nice to see your post.  We've missed you. You and Sara both plant in the grow bags so you can exchange ideas.  This year I want to get a watermelon and a cantalope.  I'd rather buy from a farmer's truck instead of in the store.  I love orange watermelons and they're hard to find.  Did find one guy a few years ago who had some but they don't last long. 

     Sandy, enjoyed our visit today.  After we talked I found the cow had her baby with her and babysitting the other little boy and another calf who was a little bigger.  I did call the vet to come and check her foot - left back one.  He came and found she had a sore between her toes and he said it looked like she had broken a toe.  He can't do anything about that until the infection's gone - then might grind it off.  After he and his helper left I let the cow and babies out.  The other little boy's mom had come up after him.  I thought they'd all come down before dark.    Glad that's done and she can start to heal. 

     Would scare me to death if there were bats around here.  I've heard they always want to get into your hair - another reason to wear a hat or cap.   We have four little ones under a month old - two boys and two girls.  Even the vet commented on how good they looked.  Rose Bud is at least 21 - she had her first calf in 2002 and was probably two years old then.  Sweet Pea is the same age (also white faced).  Those two and maybe Gray Lady are the oldest ones we have.  Gray Lady named that because she has gray around her eyes - not sure that's from age or just that way.  

     It's cloudy here so doubt I'll get to see the Pink Supermoon - and it's supposed to begin raining late tomorrow - maybe it's clear enough to see it after it rises some. 

     It was very warm here today and verrry windy.  Somewhere north of here there was a gust of 51 mph.  I think it's going to be windy tomorrow, too.

     I opened the WM.com order I received Friday.  I had ordered Chips Ahoy and really had my mouth set for a chocolate chip cookie.  I opened them and they were completely crushed into dust - I think there were a couple of whole cookies.  I called and they'll replace them.  I cannot understand why they pack heavy items in with things that can be crushed.  This happens pretty often.  I'll find a use for the powder and crumbs - not sure what.  Wonder if you can make a crumb piecrust - really would be sweet, wouldn't it.

     I'll stop and drink some water.  Got hot while we were out moving the cows around.  I was really surprised at Minnie.  She completely freaked out the other day when Bryon came but tonight she was calm and in the same part of the lot as all of us. 

     Sleep well tonight.

     9 p.m. - I did get to see the full moon for just a few minutes when it was above the horizon.  There as a thin layer of clouds over it and it looked a little bit pink. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Nice to see you on the porch again Judy.  Hope to try a cantaloupe plant this year.  Have the seeds and this will be new for me. May buy a watermelon plant if I can find a smaller one.  Have a decent sized area where I could plant one I think.  Not sure about that yet.

     Have my peas started and hope to put them out soon.  Grew green beans last year and the bean bugs devoured them.  May try just planting bush type this year and putting row cover over them.  Have you had to deal with bean bugs?

    Find a hand held massager used every night and sometimes in the morning too helps quite a bit with my muscle pain.  Just ordered a massage gun, suppose to be a little stronger I think.  Hope it will prove to be more useful even. Find limiting the amount of time I work to a couple of hours each day, and to frequently change the type of work I’m doing to be helpful also.  During the really busy time hard to only do two hours though.  How is your  daughter doing?

    Lorita you are far from a dud.  All that lifting you do.  Hope your flowers do real well.  Have some zinnia seeds planted and some petunias.  Hope to buy others. My sister and I plan on going to nurseries on May 8.  Looking forward to that.  

    Went and saw J yesterday.  Her room is large and modern looking.  Her conversation was ok at first but then she started telling me all those things that are not right.  Just go along with her though.  Wore my mask, but she didn’t.  Wish she would.

    My cousin is coming to see my aunt in Kentucky on Mother’s Day.  Guess we will see a spike or surge following Mother’s Day.  My aunt is so excited.  Hope they have a nice visit and do it safely. 

    As a child heard adults talking about bats, rabies, bats getting in peoples hair.  Bats are probably where SARS-Cov2 spilled over from.  This is why I find bats eerie and do not like  them being around.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Orkin was out yesterday and sprayed our bedroom again. I told him about finding two on my tshirt last Thursday, one friday and one Saturday after washing sheets Friday. I have not found any Sunday, Monday or today, so hopefully that's it. He told me hopefully that was it, but if it was needed they would respray the house. I asked if I needed to wash the sheets again since I had just wash Friday and he told me the spray wasn't harmful, but to be on the safe side he would advise it. 

    I always ask Lou if she wants to help me make the beds and she always says NO real quick. She tells me she hates to make up beds and tells me about the time she would make up her bed and come back later and her sheets would be on the floor and her mom would be remaking the bed. She does always ask if she can help anytime I'm doing something and I try to get her involved when I can. She does put the pillow cases on our pillows!

    It was a beautiful day yesterday and is suppose to be nice again today. I'm thinking seriously about taking her out shopping for her some new clothes. I have ordered her some online, but it's not the same as looking at them. Not sure yet if I'm going to do it, I've had my shots but have had a difficult time getting hers. I'm afraid to try another sitter after all the problems with money being stolen and bed bugs. My mind is more at ease if I just take her with me when I have to go out.

    I was hoping to have a raised garden on our back porch this year, but with things going on with health and finances, I decided to wait. I'm hoping that 2021 gets better; started with the $800 being stolen, then $2600 to get rid of bed bugs, $640 to fix air conditioner and then small amounts of money missing. 

    We had a large magnolia tree in our front yard when we lived in Shreveport. When it was in bloom it had some of the most beautiful large blossoms on it. One year when the electric company was trimming back from their lines they ruined it. In the past when they trimmed it didnt hurt it but that year they butchered it and it never looked the same.

    Guess I had better go get my shower. It's so much easier to get it in the morning while Lou is sleeping. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     It's cool, cloudy and windy again this morning.  They say we may have up to 3 or 4" of rain the next two days.  Rose Bud was down by he pond, standing, then laid down, then up when I drove out.  I think she's laying down again.  I try to keep an eye on her.  All the others were up by the MH but they're beginning to drift down.  Even the cow Mike treated last night was with the others - at least I couldn't see her anywhere.  He probably gave her a pain shot, too.  I took the cutest picture of the new baby and her mother.  She was having breakfast and they both turned to look at the camera.  When I tried to import it into the laptop, it didn't take, so took another one of the baby laying down.  She was staked out while the moms grazed and the Missy ran around.  She got up when I found her but laid down again pretty good - shaky, little legs.  She has the cutest face - long eyelashes.  Also took a picture of one of the locust trees, Sara, to see if they look like yours.  They're both together and in full bloom.

     Sara, hope you and your sister have a good time at the nursery.  There used to be a really big one several miles east of us where Charles and I used to go.  Loved that - but, of course, they closed.  Also glad you had a nice visit with Jean.  That's the way my sister was - she could carry on a good conversation for about five minutes - then, began talking off the wall about weird things that weren't true. 

     My left knee and behind it is really uncomfortable/painful this morning.  I sleep with a little pillow under that knee.  Probably 52 years ago I injured it doing exercises and had to have treatments on it.  Still bothers me from time to time.  I must have had the pillow wadded up under it, or something, last night.  Kind of scares me when I have pain in an odd place like that.  Also found another tick on the back of my other knee.  It was itching and there the thing was.  Found another one on my side yesterday - it still itches.  I've said it before and will say it again, need to put the tick stuff on the GPs.  Just kind of worries me that they'll have a bad reaction.

     Sara - nothing like homegrown watermelons and cantalopes.  There was one kind of big melon we used to grow - can't remember the name - but it was delicious.  Watermelons take a lot of room but you can wind the vines around if need be.  I've heard you can cut back the end of the vines and that will make the watermelons seedless - never tested it.  Daddy always raised melons and we'd go out and he'd find one that looked good and he'd bust it on the ground and we'd eat the hearts with our hands - nothing in the world better than that.  Also would sometimes plug one to see if it was ripe enough.  I loved to eat the end of the plug.  Charles and raised watermelons when we moved down to the farmhouse but had to water them so just wasn't a thing we wanted to keep doing.

     Ron - I'm with Lou.  I hate to make a bed.  But, you know she's doing one of the things I find the hardest - putting on the pillowslips.   Hope your bedbug problem is over.  I've heard that can sometimes take a long time to get rid of them. 

     Does Lou like to shop for clothes?  I haven't bought any clothes from a store in a long time.  I shop on QVC and from a couple of catalogs I like.  Good results from doing that.  If you take her hope you have a good time and she enjoys it. 

     Don't you love those Southern Magnolias?  They're gorgeous - surely wish I knew why ours isn't blooming.  Always thought those seed pods they make after the bloom were pretty with their bright, red seeds.  You know the power companies hire people to trim trees who know nothing about it- they don't care as long as the trees get cut back.  I see some of the worst jobs imaginable where they've trimmed.  They were trimming the trees (Bradford Pears) along the north side of the meadow a few years ago so I went down and stopped them.  They called their Supervisor to come out - he did, and they stopped.  I think it's awful that you have to watch to  keep people from coming onto your land to cut or spray - I've stopped them from doing that, too.  They don't care how it looks afterwards.

     I'll stop and finish my juice and take a pain pill.  I rubbed the back of  my knee with Theragesic, rubbing downward. 

     Enjoy the day - hope you like the pictures of the babies.


  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments

    Hi.  I don’t post on here often because I need to sign in every time and they don’t accept my password which I never change.   Do you guys keep this site open or you sign in every time? 

    My daughter, Carrie, does not do anything but walk around, look at pictures and talks all the time.  When she was “normal” she was very quiet and very loving    Now she may tell you that she doesn’t like you or everybody is stupid or wrong.   So unlike her.  She thinks I am her grandma.  My Mother and I looked alike so I think that is why she thinks I am grandma.   Doesn’t really bother me.  She loved her grandma.  Her husband takes excellent care of her.  She isn’t vaccinated.  It would be a hassle and she would be traumatized.  Sometimes she eats everything and the next day, she can’t stand it.  I have a friend whose wife is just starting this route and I feel so sorry for him.  My husband was a handful but he ate good 

    Beautiful day.  Had to get my little tiller worked on and picked it up today.  Got my plants and ready to put in the garden but we are to have bad storms tomorrow and I will wait a day or two.  

    Mowed the yard today.  Looks so neat.   Need to get ready for bed     


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    I use CVS brand cloth tape.

    Lorita, I see you mention mama cows but I never see anything about papa cows (bulls).  Where do the babies come from?  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Good morning,
    Ron understand your concern about bringing anyone in.  You definitely don’t need additional work and losing a chunk of change is disappointing.  I do keep a certain amount of money in my house after we had a brown out here once and it sort of shut things down for a few hours.  Thought it might be a good idea.  This happened several years ago and has never happened again, have never used the money.  Keep it somewhere where they would have to sort of really be looking for something.  They would just not bump into it.  Guess that will work as long as I don’t forget where it is lol.
    Judy I have to sign in every time.  If accidentally click out, unless I get back in quickly will sign me out.  We just sort of have to go with the flow with our dementia loved ones.  Some days that is easier for us than others.  They came and mowed my lawn yesterday too.  Was glad they did because they are giving rain for  a couple of days and my guys don’t work the weekends.  Your grow bags look like mine.

    Lorita tried to enlarge the picture of the locust tree but that made it blurry, so couldn’t really compare.  Mine is just now getting buds.  It is one of the later trees to leaf out.  The leaves are very small and oval shaped, never have to rake them in fall they just sort of disappear. In fall they drop a seed pod that Looks like a really long and wide pea pod.  The pod is like a purple black color. They sprout up every where.  Going to try and remember to keep watching for blooms.

    Put in a busy full day yesterday.  I’m feeling it, will try to rest some today.  My massage gun should be delivered today.  Hope I like it.

    Don’t know if anyone else on here is on market place insurance.  If you are, in the last stimulus package they decreased the monthly payment.  To get this you have to go in and  refile then your monthly bill will be lowered.  If you don’t, will get the refund when you file your taxes.  I got an email from my insurance company making me aware.  A friend did not know when I mentioned it to her yesterday, so why I’m mentioning it.  

     Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Porch was quite yesterday! Lou and I didnt make the shopping trip yesterday, was a gloomy day all day and neither of us wanted to get out. She was a chatterbox all day, funny how dementia works on a person. She had been dozing a lot lately, but yesterday she wouldn't stop talking. I loved hearing her talk and actually remembering some things with a little prodding from me.

    I believe today; if all goes well, we will go to red Lobster for biscuits and fish. Shoved their talipia but with the limited menu it's not available. I have been cooking the talipa at home with broccoli and baked potato and she likes it.

    I hope everyone is well today and stays safe!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     Judy, I have to sign in every time but for some reason I don't have to enter my password, just click on sign in at the top and again where it says password.  Why not send a note to alz.connected and maybe they can straighten it out.  I know it must be aggravating.

     We're under a tornado watch until 10 a.m. - very, very heavy rain right now.  I'll be glad when it's daylight so I can at least see what's going on.  They just had a tornado warning way NE of here near the Arkansas line.

     I moved the two pairs over to the east side of the barn (cowshed) last night and when I was giving them hay saw that Rose Bud had gone in.  So, figured that was okay.  But later decided I'd move her to the other part and close the barn.  I was afraid she'd lay down and couldn't get up in that part.  When I went out she was laying down but got up but I did move her over and gave her some more feed and closed the corral.  I looked out a while ago and I didn't see any cows around the lot so guess they're still down in the pastures.

     I get so disgusted with Directv - every time it rains the reception goes off - always has and we've had it for years.  That's when you really need reception.  Also, couldn't find anything but radar on the laptop - seems like I used to get weather on it.  Sheena's scared - thunder really freaks  her out.  She stays close to me so I brushed her some and she's laying down  now.

     Judy, like your grow sacks or bags.  It looks like they're like the ones Sara uses.  What are they made of and do you take out the dirt, fold them and reuse them the next year?

     Ron, sounds like you had a really nice day with Lou yesterday.  Hope that continues today.  It's always a nice surprise when something like that happens and we always cherish those days.  Wish I was there with you all to go to Red Lobster.  We used to go occasionally.  At that time I was eating fish and when they had it, I'd order swordfish but the last couple of times we were there, they didn't have it.  So, they're having trouble getting tilapia?  We used to eat at Golden Corral and they always seemed to have it and it was good.

     Don't know anything about Market Place Insurance - sounds like they pay you back?  We have American Farmers and Ranchers and got a notice a few days ago that the annual premium for the farm will be due next month - also have the car and PU insured with them and I think the semi-annual premium is also due in May. 

     Iris, my avatar is the last Brangus bull we had - Jasper.  His dad was Casper (named him that because he was all black).  Jasper was born and raised here but it was time to change bulls to prevent inbreeding.  Our vet offered to bring over a couple of bulls for two or three months and we had to sell Jasper so they wouldn't fight.   He weighed 2200 lbs.  He was very gentle - I could either walk up to him or drive up and he'd give me sugar.  Now, we don't keep a herd bull because our vet still is lending one to us in the late spring for a couple of months.  We sell our little bull calves.

     Sounds like that heavy rainfall has moved on.  I emptied the rain gauge yesterday so I could tell how much it rained.  I think it's supposed to rain off and on today and there's lots of rain SW of us now.  Then, again tonight and early tomorrow.  Oklahoma is sometimes a scary place to be in the springtime.  We have a big, underground cellar but I haven't been down there in several years - kind of afraid to go by myself.  It's probably 12x12 and is way underground - cool down there in the summer.  My parents used to keep jars of food they would can and also potatoes and onions.  Daddy built a storage building on top of it where we store things, mostly clothes we're not using.

     Weatherman was just talking to the storm chasers and there's an area NE of here they're watching because of the cloud formations.  Also said there's flooding. Good we live at high elevation so don't have to worry about that, however, the road north of us always floods - water comes out of our meadow and pasture and on across to Darwin's land but a lot stays in the road.

     I'll stop and look out and see if I can tell what's going on.  I'll be back later. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi - back again,

     Got my boots and jacket on and went out to feed Tom and Jerry and check on the girls.  Both boys were there so that's good.  Walked down the road a ways and opened the gate to the driveway - FedEx is supposed to bring cookies today, UPS should bring cat food and USPS is supposed to deliver my gerbera daisies.  Don't know if any of them will be able to get through the roads.  There's water standing everywhere, even on level ground.  We've had 2.6" so far and it's supposed to rain all day and into the night before the front comes through.  I walked out behind the barn to see if I could locate all the girls - didn't get to count but saw a lot - everyone seemed to be up and around.  My binoculars had gotten water on the lens so couldn't use them much. I can see Darwin's pasture from there and it's filled with water.  The water from our pasture runs across the road and into his pasture and doesn't always make it to his ponds.

     Took an empty protein tub into the barn and filled it with hay for Rose Bud - she was up.  Makes my day!  Also gave hay to the two moms and babies.  One of the moms had come out of the cowshed but came back in so everything seems to be okay outside.

     I like to keep vehicles off our driveway as much as possible when it's muddy but we'll see what happens today.  There's a severe thunderstorm warning down by Calvin going NE so that may get us later this morning.  Many years ago Charles and I were driving around this part of the state and south from here just to see the scenery. - it was early and we were hungry.  We drove by this little café - didn't see any other buildings around but there were PUs there - didn't look too good.  But, we stopped for at least a cup of coffee.  We had the best breakfast I think we've ever had at that little place.  I have no idea how big Calvin is - we were probably on the outskirts, not sure.

     I'm having my second cup of hot tea - already had a piece of toast with some of the apple butter I made.  I think I'll do that again - really refreshing and light.

     Ron, are you getting any of this rain or is it all west and north of you? 

     I did talk with Sara yesterday, Sandy.  She said she has an appt. with Dr. D. today at 3:15.  Really hope she can keep it.  Hard to get appointments and Todd's scheduled aligned to keep appointments.  We'll see how it turns out.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    Lorita...looks like bad weather for you for a while longer. Strange how close we are and still have such different weather. I get weather alerts on my phone. See if you can install an alert on your phone too. 

    Sarah has an appt today? I thought she had one set for a year last time she saw him. Did she ever see the gastro?

    So did every one know you could buy minced garlic? Today I am making Ina Gartens  recipe for beef stew and it called for that and sun dried tomatoes. First time buying that too. I now have a whole jar of them so will find some recipes that call for them.

    No Caladiums here yet.

    We had bats in Santa Fe. I did not worry about them. I was told they have excellent "radar" and would not get to close. I worried 100% about the snakes and lizards. 

    Looking like the euonymous (sp) is truly not coming back so out it comes. Big trash is next week. We will get as much to the curb as possible by then. 

    Stew tonight ...served on the porch at 6p. Everyone welcome and could someone please bring some of that homemade bread!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    The weather radio just went off - tornado warning in the southern part of our country going NE.  May get into our little town, 11 miles southeast of us a little later. Storm's moving about 40 mph.  We are under a flash flood warning. 

    Some of the girls just came up and after the heavy rain slacked off a bit I went out to open the barn but by then they had gone back north.  It's rained 3" by now and there's water everywhere.

     I knew about the minced garlic you buy in a jar that has olive oil in it, I guess.  I have some in the refrigerator.  Never have used sun-dried tomatoes.  The stew sound good - I'll bring the home made bread.

     Judith - we live 25 miles from the place where we both worked and many times when the weather was too bad for us to make it in, it was okay there - north of us. 

     Sarah kept calling Dr. D until she got an appointment.  I don't think she ever got an appt. with another gasto.  I doubt he'll do anything.  She says he comes in, asks how she is and leaves within five minutes.  You've been there with her at these appts. so you know how it goes.  I'm glad the weather's okay there so they can make it.  I've encouraged her to be there half an hour early.

     How do you all get on facebook?  I wouldn't participate but when the weather's bad with rain, etc., our TV reception goes off.  The weatherman just now said he was on facebook with all of this.  I used to be able to get the live weather on the laptop but can't get it now so maybe facebook would work. 

     Cows usually go the farthest direction from bad weather - hope that's not why they went back north.

     Probably should call Jack and warn him - looks like it's going just east of him.

     Hold off on the euonymous for a while.  Both of ours looked completely dead but now have leafed out.  They might come out at the base of the plant, too.

      11:23 - called Jack and he said he was a little frightened.  I was watching the radar on TV and where he lives is just to the NW of the pologon  - Eufaula, a town he's near to is on the edge of it. So maybe my call reassured him a bit.   I did go out and open the corral gate.  The cows have gone as far NW as they can go - right in the corner of the pasture.  Two bigger calves had been in the feeder and they're headed in that direction.  There's been up to 5--6" of rain in this part of the storm - that's south of us.  Right now we're having rain - not really heavy and I do hear thunder but not as loud as it was five minutes ago.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Good Morning,

    Lorita,  It really sounds like your getting a lot of rain  and wind. Please be safe and I hope you will go in the cellar if you need to. It sounds pretty small but its big enough to save you and the GPs life. My grandparents lived in Cherokee and they also had a cellar I went in just to see it and it was also small and I would hate to have to stay in it. Grandma also stored a lot of her canned foods and fruits in it. How far are you from Cherokee? I spend 6 months with my Grandfather after my Grandma passed away back in 1999. 

    Judith,  I love stew so I will join up with you all on the porch at 6p. I am not a bread maker so I will bring a big salad. Thanks for the invite.

    Iris,  Thanks for the info on the face tape I plan on getting some and giving it a try. It should work if I don't feel smothered.

    Sara,   The massage gun sounds interesting. Will it be able to do your back with out someone helping you? 

    Ron,   I bet you really enjoyed Lou's chatting she is so sweet. I hope you guys get to go to Red Lobster, she must do well in restaurants if so I bet she loves getting out. 

    Judy,   I don't sign in. I was having problems when I joined so Alz. fixed it so all I do is click on the sign in box in the upper right hand corner. I think they set it all up for me. Once I get in I leave the site open all day along with my e mail. I keep pretty active during the day reading all the threads working on my e mails and playing solitaire. Then about a hour before bed I shut things down. If you contact alz.connections they will be able to help you.

    Rest of this week we are going to be in the 70s.  Right now it is 52 but I am waiting for it to warm up. I want to get out and clean up Mollys little messes. I am not a gardener but I do plant seeds and hope something grows. So I plan on doing that today. 

    Sending you all wishes for a nice day. Hugs Zetta 


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Well, I had an important lesson the last couple days re: doctors and health issues....but first

    Lorita hope the bad weather has passed with no damage. Everybody down here with DirectTV says it goes out in heavy rains, which as you said, is when you need it. I use several weather and weather radar websites on the computer by asking Google for local weather websites, then just click on the one(s) I want.

    Judith, I get the minced garlic and sun-dried tomatoes a lot. I will eat the tomatoes with cheese as a snack, if oil-packed I’ll eat them alone, or add them to just about any soup, sauce or stew—and salads—you’d use tomatoes for.  I use the minced garlic in stews and soups and roasts—anything that gets some cook time. But I still like the fresh if it’s just a quick sauté, like with butter for pasta. The fresh garlic flavor comes out more then, but if it’s cooked for long, it doesn’t make so much difference, seems to me, anyway. And thanks to you for steering me to Google for Parkinson dementia. Duh me, I should have thought of that.

    We always had bats in mountain cabins, when we’d first arrive. They could be startling if you didn’t expect them! We’d be chasing them around with brooms to get them out the door or window. But I never heard of them hitting or making contact with anyone. 

    Down here in Florida people put up houses for bats, as done for birds. They are wanted and beneficial because they eat mosquitoes like crazy.

    I had endoscopy Monday, the anesthesia hits me harder than when I was young, ha! But he found I have bile reflux—not acid reflux that I was being treating for. I had an endoscopy about 6 months ago and that doc reported no probs found, “just GERD”. My extreme and quick weight loss was then blamed on all kinds of things, for which I got more meds.

    But this new doc said he thought he saw the bile problem on that previous  endos, was shocked it wasn’t mentioned. So new doc did the one Monday to look farther. Sure enough, he said the bile was unmistakable. My PCP saw it too, he says the first doc just missed it. (I so rarely hear one doc criticize another). But that’s the cause of my weight loss, among other things, and why I got Rx now unnecessary.

    So: if one doc says nothing wrong, and you keep having the same problem, GO SEE A NEW doc. Get a second opinion. I should have done that sooner. My fault. At least I have new meds.

    In my unending efforts to declutter, I found some action/superhero comic books from the ‘60s still in good shape. I talked to a dealer here who wants to see them (I had pictures) and mentioned an incredible (to me) amount of money. Then I looked on eBay and saw,prices there are even more incredible, like five figures. There’s also huge variations, I know condition counts, and asking and getting are different, but now that’s another decision I don’t want to deal with

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    Lorita, I spent a year in Indiana and every day I was frightened of tornados.  I don't know how people live like that.  But many, many people do.  I'm glad you have a cellar to get to.

    Thanks for the info about the visiting Don Juan bulls.  I went to college in upstate New York, which is a dairy state.  One of my classmates told me his summer job was to inseminate cows.  I didn't know if he was fooling with me or not.  


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Lorita, I hope the bad weather stayed away from you. It isnt near us at all and not expecting much here until friday. At least that's the last I heard, they change from day to day. We had direct tv when we moved here and everytime bad weather came we lost the signal. I sure was proud when cable was available,  i jump on it and we hardly ever lose our tv.

    I wish more of you would have been on the front porch this morning before we left for red Lobster. I wanted to eat one biscuit for each of us and only three were on the porch, so including myself only 4 biscuits. 


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hi Ron,

    If I had known you were going to eat a biscuit for the early ones this morning I would have been on earlier. I Love Biscuits & Gravy. I am glad you and Lou had breakfast out I hope you both enjoyed it.  Hugs to You Both, Zetta 

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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