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Just need to talk to my friends (145)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, what bittersweet memories of your wedding day!

    It can be a good idea for people to carry a whistle for emergencies.    This was suggested in one of my earthquake preparation manuals.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    Lorita....thinking of you and Charles today
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Changed my avatar photo to the area where my tulips are. That's a pic from a couple three years ago and I have more tulips now, but you can get the idea. Still having trouble trying to attach a photo to my post. I am not able to attach a photo - I can't figure out how to make the picture small enough. I cropped it online but that didn't work. Anyone out there use a Mac computer and know how to do this? Calling technical support...
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi everyone,

     Thank you for the thoughts.  The day has been mostly all right.  I guess a person will always remember their wedding day whether it be a huge event or one like we had.

     Zetta, most everything has a phone number on it to call if you have a question.  I do that quite often.  Our vet worked at the Braum's Dairy in Tuttle, Oklahoma before he became a vet.  He's told me some not-so-good stories about it - but, their dairy products are good, especially the ice cream and frozen yogurt.  I do wish we had one in our little town - there's one 25 miles NW of here and another 25 miles south and yet another one 25 miles west.  I think we need one.  He tried to get a franchise for our little town and couldn't.

     I've had a pretty good day.  About 4 today I heard a noise, looked out and it was a PU with a trailer with something on it.  I had been looking for the guy to clean out the barn and Bryon had mentioned he'd call before he came so I wasn't sure who it was.  Got on my coat (it's been cold here today) and went out.  A man got out of the PU and said "I finally got here".  Still wasn't sure who it was.  He had on a cap (forward) and a coat.  I asked who it was and it was Bryon.  Did I ever feel stupid!  Just didn't recognize him with his cap on like that and a coat.  Anyway he had left work a bit early and came on out - Shane came a little later.  They mowed and weedeated in the yard and got rid of that big, old, blackberry vine.  The grass in the yard had gotten big enough I was beginning to worry about snakes when I was out.

     Zetta, a while back I mentioned the new mom wasn't too friendly.  She had gotten over that and was all right.  A day or so ago the baby was laying under the blackberry vine and when I went over to get her up I didn't say anything and it startled her and she jumped up and screamed - literally screamed - and here came mom.  She got over that but today Bryon's PU was really loud and when he walked toward the gate he was an unfamiliar person so she went bezerk.  I had him open the lot gate and she went in but she's still kind of upset.  FedEx is supposed to come tomorrow so we'll go through it again.  Our cows are used to one person - me - and if someone else comes around they are really on alert.  Sometimes if I go out dressed differently, they react until I say something or take off my hat and tell them it's me.  They've always been like that.

     I'm really enjoying watching Cheyenne - Zetta, wish you could get that show and maybe you will later  It's on Inspiration Channel.

     Just wanted to say hi and comment a bit on the medical alert situation.  It would be good for any and all of us to have one and have it set up however we want to.  I think we'd all feel more secure.  Now - the problem is to have all of us get into the habit of wearing them.  We just never know when we'll slip and fall or a cat or dog will get in our way and trip us or we'll stumble and fall down the stairs.  They're not just for "mature" people like us but for younger people as well. 

     I've also wondered how someone would get in our house if my alert went off.  I lock the storm door on the front door, then lock the deadbolt. Both the front and back doors are steel.  There's another door at the other end of the porch but it's not noticeable, but again storm door and door locked (it's mostly glass).  I think if an alert went off and someone came to help, they'd break a window to get in if they had to.  I called for a welfare check for my sister a few years ago and the Police could tell, or thought, there was someone inside because of the TV.  They broke in somehow.  She wasn't there - had gone with her daughter to look for an electric truck because they were out of power. 

     Judith, why do you think you'd wear a wrist alert more than a necklace?  Mentally, I think we believe we don't need one although we do.  Zetta, don't get an alert that doesn't have a fall detector - that's the most important thing.  At least it is to me.  It is a problem.  I looked and looked before I decided on this one.  Judith, on the link Jo gave it shows Medical Guardian and it does show a bracelet alert.

      I'll stop for now and finish watching a new show - The Life of Earth - very interesting.  I've seen advertisements of some of the new shows this coming season and none of them look worth watching for me, at least.  Guess I'll watch some more old westerns.

     Sleep tight, don't let the BBB.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I've already had my two cups of coffee and mow getting bored since it's to early for westerns and news is not worth watching. When did it stop just reporting what happened and let the people make up their own minds about the facts. I dont care which political party you support, I want the facts and not your opinion, I believe I'm able to make up my own mind if you just give me the actual news. Same with the weather, they start a week ahead of a front moving in and try to scare you to death and change the forecast almost every day. Just tell me a front is forming and wait till closer to the time it effects me, than till me what to expect. I miss being able to call my grandmother and asking how bad her knees were hurting where I could tell how bad the storm would be!

    Wasn't much to my VA visit yesterday. It was with the sleep study clinic on my CPAP machine. I sleep with oxygen since I have not been able to get use to the cpap. I cant stand anything over my face. They even sent me one that is the nasal pillow and I still couldn't use it. I was told to see if I could get use to it during the day a little at a time, that might help me get comfortable. They said the only other option would be to hane a implant under my chin to keep my tongue up, they said it works like a pacemaker. Hopefully I can get use to the nasal pillow. 

    I have two large azalea bushes in front of our house. I originally planted three; one red, one white and one pink. The red one died and this year the white one is full of blooms but its gotten so big its smothered the pink.

    Lou has been doing real good lately and I bragged about how helpful she's been lately by not arguing about everything. She was pleased that she made things easier for me and told me how much she loved me. Last night she ended up giving me a hard time about going to bed. Maybe I shouldn't have bragged!

    Lorita, you ended yesterday by saying; dont let the bed bugs bite. Well, they didnt bite, but one little one was on my tshirt this morning. Need to call orkin and ask why my 2600 dollars they got didnt help. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Beth have seen red and purple tulips together and they looked really nice together I thought.  Cannot help you with Mac, wish I could.  Took me awhile to figure out how to make an image smaller on my iPad.  Finally found something on Google that helped me figure it out.

    Lorita my locust are just starting to show buds.    

    JoC the sumo citrus I bought was good.  Guess I got lucky.  Watch a YT channel out of Southern California and they went to see the Carlsbad Flower Field, so saw a little bit of it.

    Judith that is a good rule about not throwing out the trash til a lost item found.  

    Zetta, really like vanicream for my hands.  It quenches their thirst lol.  

    Well our covid numbers here are going back down to where they were before the blip.  Easter and spring break probably brought the blip.  Thankful didn’t surge.

    Didn’t see J yesterday.  She called and said her minister was coming and she asked me to come Monday.  So rescheduled for Monday.

    Take care everyone.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Ron, when I signed off last night with don't let the BBB I thought of you and thought maybe I shouldn't have done that.  Hope I didn't jinx things.

     I've never been around anyone who wore a CPAP but one of my cousins does.  He seems to do all right with his.  I think I'd have a hard time wearing it, too.

     I agree with you about the weather forecasts.  They don't let you enjoy one kind of weather before they start talking about what's coming in a week.  We're supposed to have some severe weather tonight, then a beautiful weekend.  But - there again, we can't really enjoy that because they're talking about a really bad weather outbreak beginning next Tuesday.  I don't mind a day or two ahead but not a week.

     Glad that Lou is being better for you - maybe last night was just a fluke and she'll be all right today. 

     We've tried azaleas on the north side of the house and they bloomed one year and that was it.  It's very shady on that side next to the house is probably wet because we don't have gutters.  I think azaleas are so pretty.  Honor Heights Park in Muskogee and all the houses on the drive up to the hospital have azaleas that are beautiful.  Sometimes I'd get off the drive and go into the neighborhoods just to look at them.  I remember one or two homes has orange and yellow ones - didn't see those colors down in the park. Glad you at least have your pretty, white one.

     Sara - I enjoy seeing the locusts bloom - are yours white?  Maybe all of them are, not sure.

     The idea of not throwing away trash until you've found a lost item is good.  I bought one of those thermometers you use by pointing at your forehead but it's lost.  I think I had it about a week.  I don't know if I put it somewhere or if it was on the table beside my chair and a cat knocked it into the waste paper basket.  I didn't know it was gone until I had taken down the trash at least once.  It's probably somewhere in the house.  I think I've mentioned I take my temperature every morning before I get out of bed - I've done that for a couple of years.  After I got it, I compared temps and the new one was always a little bit different.  May have gotten frustrated with that and put it up somewhere.  I hate to lose or misplace things.

     Glad your virus numbers are going down.  I saw on TV yesterday that Tulsa is going to have Mayfest this year.  It was cancelled last year because of the virus.  I still think it's too early for all those people to be together - I won't be there.  They have Mayfest and Octoberfest along the river in Tulsa.  So many people go - think it would be kind of scary.

     I'm trying to decide if I'm going to feed the girls today or wait until tomorrow.  It's supposed to be stormy tonight so I'd like to have it where all the girls could get into the barn - probably need to move the new mom and baby into the cowshed part.  I doubt I could get her to go into the pen which would be the best.  Since it's only going to last a couple of hours they may not even go in.

     They're having several big vaccination events today.  I heard at one place the number of people being vaccinated is going down.  Now, seems you don't need an appointment - quite different than it was at first. 

     I'll stop for now and go feed Tom and Jerry - hope both of them are there this morning.  I'll need to rearrange the feed in the PU if I feed today.  The 20% creep sacks are toward the cab of the PU with the Quick Start toward the back so I'll have to get three sacks over the others to get to them.  Should go to the mailbox and mail a couple of things.  Seems like every year I get a survey from the Dept. of Agriculture.  I always complete it and send it back.  I got a call a couple of days ago asking if I'd returned it so guess I better do so.

     Enjoy the day.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    So much planting going on in good old springtime; but this is one I never thought of doing . . . . planting peanuts in one's back yard.  If one had children around, bet they woul be delighted in the entire process.  Here is a link on how to plant peanuts in the backyard garden . . .


     Who'da thunk it, not me.  I remember when we were traveling in the South; I wondered what so many fields were planted with, I could not identify the plants; turned out they were peanut fields. 

     I may have shared this before, and if I did, apologies extended.  Anyway; when our youngest son was about five, he wanted to plant flowers from seeds and he wanted to put the seeds right into the ground.  We made a special place for his plantings and even marked the area off with popsicle sticks and string.  He went out every day, several times a day to check and see if the seeds were growing.   About two weeks went by and nothing green popped up, he was very disappointed.  Figuring the seeds had not germinated, I secretly went to the local nursery and bought some very tiny flowering plants.   When son was sleeping, I went out to the garden and planted the little seedlings in his tiny plot.  OH BOY!  Imagine his absolute delight when he went out to check and saw "his" flowers growing.  So happy and I still smile when I think of him with that.  He tended his flowers very carefully and visited them every day. 

    Also fun to plant with children are popcorn kernels.  Not the ones in the bag with salt and oil, but the ones that come unadulterated like in a jar.  They grow small corn stalks and actually grow ears of corn.  Tiny little ears, cute as can be.   We did not eat them, but they went great in centerpieces with those miniature pumpkins and nuts.  The kids really got a kick out of watching the stalks grow and then the ears of corn coming into being.  Our SoCal backyard is small, so we had not much room to grow stuff. 

     The children also liked having zucchini amongst the veggies.  That squash is so prolific as most of you know that the kids got very excited about the never ending crop - for awhile; but don't do what I did. I planted too many hills and got such a crop I could no longer even give them away; the neighbors would see me coming down the street with a basketful of zucchini and they would run inside, lock their doors and draw their drapes.  Well; maybe not that bad, but no one wanted any more.

    We have azaleas in both the back and front yards.   I got the plants with double and triple blooms; they are beautiful and do well where we are.  Such pretty colors and are a standout.  I used to have pansy beds planted only with the bright colors and only the very large variety.  Lovely; the little girl from next store liked to come and see them each year.  I no longer do that, but they were always such a happy little plot.  Planted Johnny-Jump Ups once; never did it again.  Did not particularly like them, and oh my; one cannot easily get rid of them, they just keep popping up next season again and again.

     Those CPAP devices, they can really be quite a challenge.  My husband cannot tolerate them - he tried two different kinds but just would not work out for him.  My brother also was diagnosed with sleep apnea, the first night he had to wear his device he turned to his wife and said, "Don't think of me as looking weird, instead think of me as your going to bed with an astronaut!"   However; he too, though he tried and tried could not tolerate the CPAP either.  Pretty common.    Seems there should be a much better approach out there.   There are surgeries and even implants one can have, however, they too can cause unwanted issues.

     Just ordered from Fruit of the Loom; did not want to go shopping in a department store as yet.  I was surprised at the number of good options there were.   I also was purusing wide shoes as Judith and I must do.   I found Hitchcock Shoes online; they have stores but are also online for men and women's wide shoes.  Was surprised to find they have shoes for both genders that go all the way up to 6W,  Wow!   I wanted to buy a pair I saw and was happily surprised with their customer service; they have very good input regarding sizes and foot measurement and they even follow through after purchase when one has the shoes.   We shall see how they do.  I had been looking for a walker shoe, like an atheletic shoe in white leather; but I wanted one that was not big and clunky and was lower cut on the ankle.  They had a wide width New Balance that seemed just what I would like.  Will have to see how they work when they get here.

    Also saw a blouse and a very nice casual top in a catalog I really liked, so ordered them; did the casual in two different colors.  I am getting used to doing catalog purchases instead of going to the mall since the pandemic; however, there is no trying something on until you get it and then if not a good fit or if disliked, one has to send it back.   Ah well.

     I need to do some file and paper purging and re-organize stuff of that ilk.  I do not enjoy that and sure do make a lot of trash; but it is past time to get that done.  Feels so good when all is in order and easy to manage.   Usually have a lot that must be shredded; takes quite awhile, but I never put anything sensitive in the trash.  Once, some time ago, we had several large bags of trash on the curb on collection day waiting for the trash truck; BUT someone stole our trash - all of it!   Turns out that thieves will find nice houses and steal trash looking for social security numbers, credit card info, etc. and then do their worst causing all sorts of issues, so we use our shredder that does both top to bottom and side to side shredding making small confetti.   Sometimes it really has me wondering and shaking my head.

     It is oatmeal time again; so off I go, happy day wishes for everyone.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Updated my tulip photo as my Avatar. Jo, you asked how big our yard is. It is about 1/2 an acre and much of the backyard is garden (mainly flowers with a few veg and herbs).

    I'm an outdoor person, love God's nature. I enjoy working outside. Housework, not so much. 

    Have a good day!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Guess I might have figured out why I still had bed bugs. When I stripped the beds to wash this morning I found a couple in my pillow case. I have a "I Love my Pillow " pillows and remembered when they sprayed I hadn't removed the pillow cover that comes with it. I unzipped it and there they were just having a party and laughing at me. Well I had the last laugh!

    Lou's bed was fine and checked mine real good and sae none anywhere else. Orkin is coming Monday and I'll find out if anymore spraying is necessary. 

    Rose bush is full of Rose's so I went out and picked Lou a vase full. Figured if it does storm later today the high wind and heavy rain will knock them off, so lou has some anyway.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Beth, your flowers are beautiful.  I'm sure with that many it's a lot of work so good that you enjoy it.  I'm not an indoor type either - much rather be outside doing something.  Wish I could help you with the problem of posting your pictures - but I have an HP laptop.  It took me forever to learn how to size and post them.  Some kind person several years ago walked me through it.  Maybe someone with a MAC will come forward and help.  It's fun to post pictures of things you enjoy.

     Jo - I had a good friend who raised peanuts.  He had many acres of them and after he harvested them and got them out of the field there would still be some left so when daddy would go by his peanut fields he'd sometimes stop and pick up peanuts to eat.  He loved to parch peanuts and they were so good.  He raised some himself a few times and I can remember them being on top of the cellar drying.  They make a pretty crop.

     I have lots of papers I need to shred, too, and it does take so long.  I just don't have the patience for long at a time - so, they accumulate.  I know some of the big towns have days when people can drop off things to shred - not sure I'd want to do that.  I have some of those security, roller stamps that I use most often.  It completely obliterates anything that you don't want someone to see.

    Ron, glad you figured out the BB thing.  I probably wouldn't have thought of taking off the cases either.  Didn't you say you think maybe they came from your neighbor?  Have you ever  mentioned bedbugs to her?  Be careful or she might bring them back in again.  Sarah had that problem with one of her friends a long time ago.

     I'm hearing thunder west of here so it'll probably be raining soon.  The first line of rain and storms to go through shouldn't be too bad - just rain, I hope.  But, the second one that will form a squall line looks to be worse with high winds and hail and will go through after 10 p.m.   We've been lucky so far about not having bad storms because of our cooler weather.  Looks like next Tuesday is going to be a really bad day.

     Couldn't decide this morning whether I wanted to feed the girls today or tomorrow so about 2 I decided I'd feed them today because it will probably be muddy tomorrow.  Also put a couple of hundred pounds of feed in the creepfeeder for the same reason.  FedEx came this afternoon so to avoid upsetting Minnie (finally decided on a name for the new mom) I put her and Missy in the lot.  I like for the barn to be open for the girls to go in if they want to, so moved them over to the cowshed part (smaller part of the barn) and opened up the rest of the barn. Gave Minnie some hay and a little more feed when I fed (I had fed her earlier today).  She came into the cowshed and Missy didn't know where she went.  She was upset and bawling for mom but mom was more interested in her feed. She came out, got Missy and went back in.  They're so cute together and to watch how Minnie watches after Missy.

     Had a call this morning from the vet as he was coming back from a farm call.  I asked him if anyone had seen Darwin to see how things are at his house.  He's doing mostly farm calls and working cattle now but said his friend saw him.  He's still having trouble with her but he did say they had taken her completely off caffeine and it has made a difference. I'd never heard of taking away Caffeine before, have you all?  I don't think she's on any kind of medication - sounds like she needs Seroquel or something to help her - and him.  I feel so bad for both of them and I can't help.  He left the house a few days ago to go across the road to the mailbox and she got so upset it took a couple of hours to get her settled down.  He's a very kind, nurturing type of person so I know it's very hard on him.  Wish I could help.

     It's getting really dark here.  I know we need the rain (darn, forgot to empty the rain gauge) but I dread it getting muddy again.  The Bermuda grass has quit growing - noticed when I went to the mailbox today the pastureland across from us is completely brown - all Bermuda of some type.  Our fescue is still doing all right.  I'm going to stop and go empty the rain gauge so I'll know how much it rains.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Beth, I have iPad, and downloaded one called free Resizer from the web.  I’m sure they have some in the app store that are also free.  It’s very easy to resize pictures with the app. I find the small size attaches to our site without problems.  If I can help more, please let me know.  Joan
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Ron we must have been posting at same time yesterday morning.  I worked with sleep apnea patients the last few years of my job.   If you can learn to use the cpap you will probably get a much better nights sleep.  Sleep apnea is very hard on many of your body’s organs.  There is an appliance called dreamwear.  You could ask your cpap company to get that for you or you may well be able to order it yourself.  If you decide to try it, let me know and can give you a pointer on getting a good seal with it.  With any appliance where your mouth isn’t covered, for it to effective your mouth will need to have mouth closed when sleeping.  Can give you pointers on that too if you would ever like that.  

    Jo azaleas are beautiful in bloom.  Lol I love Johnny Jump Ups.  Hope your shoes work out for you.

    Got my chicken compost yesterday.  Was pleasantly surprised.  It is not messy at all and does not smell.  Only 4 months old so can’t use directly.  Will use it making my compost and she had plenty more.  I took 8 buckets and it didn’t make much of a dent.

    Got several things planted yesterday and hope to do some more today.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    Garden pics - thanks, Joan!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     We had 2" of rain last night and it's still raining a little bit and will be for another hour or so.  It's muddy,  muddy around the barn.  I think most of the girls stayed in last night but there are still three cows in there along with Minnie and Missy.  I gave all of them a little bit of hay and after those three girls leave I'll let mom and baby out north of the house to graze some.  It's supposed to be really pretty this afternoon and the next two or three days.  We didn't have storms here, thankfully.

     Beth, your flowers are beautiful.  I love the lilies - do the blooms last more than one day?  Also love the coneflowers.  I think they're such pretty flowers.  We used to have some of them in the meadows but with spraying most of the wildflowers are gone.  Also love those gorgeous tulips.

     Isn't it great that Joan was able to help Beth figure out how to resize and post the beautiful pictures?  We have people from all walks of life on our thread and everyone is so very helpful to everyone else.

     Nothing going on here this morning.  Girls are way down in the pasture and look all right.  Saw little Rose Bud laying down - wish she'd stayed in the barn, if she went in.  She may have been afraid someone would knock her down.  It isn't cold, just wet.

     I thought it was Sunday morning so guess I'll have an extra day.  Sara, glad you got your chicken litter.  We've used chicken litter to fertilize our meadow several times.  There's lots of big, long, chicken houses in the NW corner of Okla. and over into Arkansas.  They clean out those houses and sell the litter for fertilizer.  Really does a good job and lasts two or three years.  Remember a while back I mentioned we had a garden in an old chicken yard and things grew like crazy.  If your litter is four months old, why do you have to wait to use it?  Too hot?

     Ron, how nice of Sara to offer to help you get used to your CPAP or the other thing she mentioned.  I think I'd have a hard time using one, too.  Hope things are good with you and Lou this morning.

     Enjoy the weekend.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Sayra, good to know about your cpap experience. My sleep apnea is mild and I was told it was when I slept on my back and the main reason I needed a cpap was where my heart wouldn't work as hard. The full facial cover I have tried several times and cannot tolerate. Even when I have had surgery they had to give me the feel good medication right away for me to take the anesthesia. Now they want me to try getting use to the nasal pillow by using it some during the day to see if I can get to where I can sleep with it. I was told at the VA Thursday the only other option was some kind of surgery under the chin for a device that works like a pacemaker. 


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    One more garden photo. This one show the layout of most of the garden with the path, potting shed, etc.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Beth, thank you so very much for the photos; there are not words sufficient, oh my; how beautiful it all is.  It is also easy to tell that this is a labor of love and love of nature and gifts from the earth.   It gave me goose bumps looking at how you have so lovingly and artistically put this all together; how I wish I could be there to see it in person and perhaps just to sit in the mellow sunshine enjoying it with you. 

    I also love your little potting "shed."  And with a cupola and weather vane and window box no less!  Also loved the meandering stone paths and the feeders you have put up at intervals.  You are a person after my heart.  Lovely, lovely, lovely. And of course, that is an understatement.  Lots of work to get it and keep it, and I can well imagine how much you enjoy the process and the fruits of your labor.  Again, thank you; great way to start my day.

    Sayra, the dreamwear is really an innovation which should make having CPAP much, much easier, and far more comfortable. I shall send this on to my DH and my brother.  Lots of stuff on You Tube re dreamwear.  If I had to wear a CPAP, this sure would be the option I would choose.  Thank you very much for the great information.

    Should have kept the information, but in short, there is a NH where one of the staff refused vaccination; she became positive asymptomatic with COVID and has transmitted it to, I think it was, 54 residents.  Quite a number of the residents already had their COVID vaccinations, but became positive anyway.  Other residents without vaccination are severely ill; some in the hospital and not doing well.  The article I saw did not say how the positive cases for the vaccinated residents were doing, they left that out.

    It really frosts me to hear of the numbers of health care workers including RNs by the way who are refusing to be vaccinated.   Frankly; if I were Director of Nurses in a hospital or at any care facility; especially those for the aged, I would not hire anyone or keep anyone who refused to be vaccinated.   Would not force anyone to get their vax, but sure would simply say it is their choice to continue on with care at the facility and not put patients at risk by being vaccinated, or find another facility that is willing to accommodate.   Really shameful.

    Made me think; wonder if one is a patient in the acute hospital or NH, if one can ask about and refuse to be cared for by any nurse, aide or other care provider if they have not been vaccinated.   

    DH had bought an Instapot; but now where are the directions . . . . and where is the cookbook for Instapot.   Must have grown legs and walked off.  He keeps saying it works just like an ordinary pressure cooker; sure, but it is more than that.  Guess I will have to get the model number and look it up with Google; the directions will probably be posted.  I think a good pot roast with veggies sounds pretty good. 

    For some reason, I have been craving french fries . . . . and I rarely ever eat french fries.  I do like the sweet potato fries; don't know why I want that, but my taste buds are whining again - they also want a chocolate chip cookie, but do not have that in the house due to DH's diabetes.   My tastebuds have been a good year without junk foods and now they are even crying for cheap tacos . . . . go figure.   Cannot seem to train those taste buds to crave brussel sprouts and broccoli instead.  Strange how cravings hit and then move on.

    Still on hunt for housekeeper cleaning person.  Sooner or later we will hopefully find someone.   Gosh; our other person was with us 22 years; she came every other week and I di what needed doing in between.  Now, I think I will want to start off with once a week every week; that would get so much done and my wonky knees and shoulder, etc. will thank me as will my husbands back, knee and hip.  Joints have no sense of humor whatsoever.

    Frankly, we do not need to be in a big two story house; but to move would be a tremendous, overdone undertaking and DH loves the house and does not want to move.  I would love a one story house - that would simplify so much, but he is not keen on any move, so here we are.  I simply remember the blessings each and every day and also remember to be thankful.

    So sorry about Darwin, Lorita.  There is much that can be done for his wife that is not yet being addressed.  Just think; if she is driving Darwin to distraction; imagine what it is like to live inside her head not only believing all those delusions, but also FEELING them.  Horrible; it would be a kindness to get her to help for appropriate medication which would enhance the quality of life for both of them and bring her some peace.   Does he have email?  If so, could you make a deal with him that you will communicate by email and use a man's name so his wife, if she sees the computer will not think it is a woman "after him," which seems to be her overwhelming delusion at this time?  Just an idea.

    Saturday already; this week seemed to fly by for me.  It is cold in the low to mid 60's today and rain is expected beginning of the week; we sure could use it as we have had a pretty dry winter.

    Hope this is a good day for everyone,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Beth, Thank you for sharing.  Joan think you for teaching her.  How beautiful your garden is.  That is a labor of love.  How blessed you are to be able to do all of that.  I get mulch 5 or 10 bags at a time.  About all I can handle at a time.  

    Did order a supplement today that is turmeric and ginger.  My sister mentioned it to me.  It had a lot of good reviews.  Can’t say I have a lot of faith in it but willing to try.

    JoC if I had to wear cpap, dreamwear would be my ticket.  I had patients though who preferred a full face mask.  Actually wore cpap with all the different appliances when I first took the job to see what they felt like.  I sort of found it relaxing.  Had patients who wore it all day long, even awake, as they could breathe easier and relax better with it.  Others though unable to adjust.  We are all different.  One patient lol  ate Fritos and drank Mt. Dew while wearing cpap.  No, this is not recommended.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Beth, all of your pictures are so lovely.  The last one of the whole garden is breath taking.  I'd love to just take a chair our there, or a bench, and just sit and enjoy it.  I bet the birds and butterflies really are happy you have the garden.  Are most of your flowers perennial?  I imagine so - would really be hard to replant each year - and most perennials multiply, too.

     Also love your new avatar of your cat.  Looks like either Tom or Jerry - Kitt has more white on him.  Only one of the boys was out in the carport for breakfast this morning and he seems kind of scared.  I bet there's something living in there.  Yesterday when I was in the cowshed part of the barn I noticed parts (wings) of a pretty big, white bird.  I'm afraid it was the barn owl I see from time to time.  Can't imagine anything catching it because it always stayed up high in the barn.

     Just came in from opening and closing gates in the corral to let Minnie and Missy out so she could graze some - quite a job to get the two together because they wanted to go different ways.  It's soooo muddy out there.

     Jo - I doubt very seriously that Darwin does e-mails.  I'm sure he doesn't use the computer.  I asked her if she still used it and she told me she hadn't for months - I'm almost positive he never did.  Also doubt that he does texts.  I've mentioned a couple of times to Mike that he needs to get some medication for her and he's told him and also his hired hand has talked to him about it.  She uses the same DO I use so not sure how much he knows about treatment for alz.  Probably quite a lot because the majority of his patients are elderly.  He recently took her to a doctor - not sure which one - so maybe that's when he was advised to withhold caffeine.   As far as Mike knows she's not on any kind of medication.  I did mention to him, again, that she needed some kind of medicine, maybe Seroquel.  I feel so sorry for both of them.  He's an outside person but has taken on the role of housekeeper and cook (he did that before with another lady friend).  He's sold his cattle and leased his ranch so he doesn't have outside things he needs to do and I know he hates that.  He once told another neighbor (who incidentally passed away from Alz..- her sister also passed away from Alz) that when it was time for him to go, he wanted to be on his tractor.  Now, that won't happen.  They live next to a road with a creek behind their house (not too close) so leaving her by herself isn't much of an option.   Sad situation for both of them. 

     I feel more isolated since Patsy's gone (it's been five months now) and I don't get to talk with her. Now, with Darwin and his wife kind of off limits, it's even worse.  I'll be okay when the weather gets better and I feel more comfortable getting out among people and being outside more. 

     Jo, I love crinkle cut French fries.  Found a brand that's really, really good. They come in a brown sack, frozen.  I cook them in the NuWave oven and they're so good - much better than Orieda.  I also love sweet potato fries  - I eat the other kind and then a few of them for dessert.  Our little store doesn't have the sweet potato fries though.

    I saw a recipe this morning on the Pioneer Woman for no-flour peanut butter cookies.  Ingredients were brown sugar, peanut butter, one egg and chocolate chips.  They looked good and easy but sounded awfully sweet to me.

     It's still cloudy here but the sun did come out briefly about an hour ago.  It's chilly but not cold.  Guess we needed the rain - had just gotten dry enough to get out into the pastures without driving through water. 

     Sara, is it a friend of yours who has chickens where you got the litter?  Wonder if you can buy that in a store?  Never though of that.  I don't know of anyone in our area who has chickens now.  When I was growing up, everyone did. 

     Really still missing Mr. Barclee.  Strange how the absence of a little dog can affect the whole house.  He was mostly quiet except when he wanted something.  When I'm getting ready to go to bed I still think I need to give him his medicine.  We used to have a poodle who had seizures and every night I'd give him a Phenobarbital.  For weeks after  he was gone I still felt the need to do that. 

     Wish I could find something good to watch on TV - most of the good shows are reruns and many years old.  I think I've caught up on The Waltons - the last two days I've seen both shows each day. 

     Enjoy your Saturday.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    I feel I am hogging the chat today; just wanted to answer a few questions that were posed. I have both lilies and daylilies. The daylily blooms only last one day. I have around 100 daylilies. They are one of my favorite flowers. Most flowers in my garden are perennials. Annuals I'll be planting this year include violas (already planted), Supertunia Vista Bubblegum petunias (in containers/old laundry tubs), Black Eyed Susan vine, butterfly milkweed (to attract monarchs), and hanging pots of ferns. I do adore the birds and butterflies. Our garden is certified as a "Monarch Waystation" and "National Wildlife Federation certified Wildlife habitat." One of my favorite monarch photos from my garden (plant is Liatris ligulistylis). I had this photo printed on canvas by Shutterfly and it hangs in my home.

    The cat is a tortoiseshell female. She lives here, outside, a feral cat.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Afternoon All,

    Have had  rain today and some wind, but it is still pretty outside. I have been having a lazy day.

     Lorita,  I am sure you still miss Barclee, he was so much a part of your life it would be hard not to. I love the name Minnie it goes so well with Misty. Is Minnie one you have had since she was born and you just don't remember the name you gave her at birth?  Like you said once you are able to get out in the warm weather and spend more time with the girls your days will be less lonely. I am looking forward to some nice weather so I can get out and start taking Molly for a walk. 

     Lorita,  You are right  there is not much on TV anymore. I still watch Gunsmoke daily it is on for 4 hours and it seems like I have seen everyone of them. So pretty much now they are just background noise. Every once in a while I will get interested in one.

    Beth,   Your pictures and your back yard are beautiful. Something you can be very proud of. It shows you put a lot of work on you flowers and yard.  I still do not know how to attach pictures and my son keeps showing me but its too much for me to remember. I have some pictures now of some Alpacas I took so as soon as I can get him to slow down a bit I will have him attach them for me. That cat is so pretty I have a cat his name is Rascal he is big and is black and white like a tuxedo cat. He is almost 10 and he is a indoor cat. He will go out and lay on the porch when it is warm outside.

    Ron,    Azaleas are pretty flowers I would love to have a few bushes of them. I do know they grow in my area so maybe this year I will get a few bushed planted.  That was so sweet of you getting Lou some roses she is so lucky to have you there for her. 

    Beth,   Don't ever think you are hogging chat. But I do know how you feel. Sometimes the porch is very quite and I hog it. 

    I hope your all having a good day. Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Beth, the garden is lovely!  What a beautiful photo of the monarchs!

    Ron, I used CPAP for many years with much success.  Before Covid, I had had a follow-up evaluation but never was given a new prescription.  So it's been over a year since I wore it.  What I read about instead is mouth taping.  This keeps my mouth from drying out and I can sleep longer.  I am long overdue on my medical appointments.  Sayra,  if I resume CPAP, I will look into dreamwear.  


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Talk about hoggin' the thread.  I do that all the time, big time.  I write way too  much.  I love to read everyone's threads - so interesting to see what everyone else is doing.

     Beth, now that I look closer at your avatar I see that it is a tortoishell cat - beautiful.  We had one years ago at the barn - also a feral cat, couldn't touch her at all.

     Love, absolutely love the picture of the liatris and butterflies.  You know I don't see nearly as many butterflies as I used to - hardly ever see a monarch and very few others.  The liatris is beautiful - we also used to have that in the meadow -  no more.

     I know your garden is a lot of work but if you love something it doesn't seem like work to you. You must be like that.   I bet you have hummingbirds, too.

     Zetta, Minnie is one of the cows born here - all of them are.  She did have a name when she was little that I don't remember.  She doesn't have any white on her so she looks like most of the others.  The FedEx guy came today - didn't expect him.  I did have the GPs inside but Minnie and Missy were out of the lot (I thought).  Really worried me that she might panic and get out of the gate down toward the road but I found both of them in the barn.  Missy's seven days old today and I'd like to keep her up until she's at least ten days old.  The next two days are going to be beautiful and very warm but Tuesday and Wednesday we're supposed to have severe weather and I hate for a little one to be out in the weather - always afraid they'll panic and get separated from their mom. 

     Just watched two episodes of Gunsmoke - hadn't seen either of them - both  made in the mid 60s.  I think those were the best. Have you ever noticed all the hills in what is supposed to be Kansas.  I've been in east and west Kansas and never saw them.  I thik I mentioned it's filmed in Utah. 

      All at once Stormy and Sheena started barking like crazy.  I went out and there was a coyote between the creepfeeder and the yard.  This is the third time I've seen one very close to the yard.  Drivea the GPs crazy.  Really glad the fence is too hith for them to get over - but they were trying.  I kept yelling at the coyote and he ambled down toward the pond, then back north into the pasture.  They're really getting brave.  Mike says they're smart and know the GPs can't get out of the yard so the barking doesn't scare them.

     It's a beautiful evening.  I'm looking out the front door and the trees on the road a quarter mile away are reflecting in the water in the pond.  Don't know how that happens but it does.  The water is like glass.  There are a couple of geese that are on the pond occasionally - haven't seen them today. 

     I got the rose north of the yard trimmed a couple of days ago and yesterday I saw Minnie trimming it some more - eating the rosebuds.  They seem to really like them so during calving season that rose doesn't get to bloom very much. 

     Zetta - I can remember every one of our dogs and we've had so many during the past 50 years.  Hard to lose any of them.  I'm not taking Stormy with me in the Gator the past couple of weeks because I never know what I'll run into when I'm out in the pasture - might have to bring a cow and calf to the barn and I couldn't leave him in the Gator.  I need to start going to the mailbox every day so they can go with me.  I'll try to do that tomorrow.

     Iris - taping your mouth?  I know my mouth gets so dry sometimes that I can hardly swallow when I wake up.  Is that something that people do?  I think I'd feel like I couldn't breathe if it was taped.

     I had a doctor's appointment scheduled for January 2020 - just for some routine labwork.  I didn't keep it and didn't reschedule.  Did see him when my head got bumped.  I felt safe when I was there - nurse and doctor were wearing a mask and hardly anyone else was in the waiting room.  Had my eye appt. last June and kept it but missed the six month one and still don't want to go back yet.

     Really seems to me like things are opening up too much, too soon.  I heard 50% of the adults in Oklahoma have been fully vaccinated but also heard you can still get the virus even if you have been vaccinated.  The incident Jo mentioned is awful.  People who aren't fully vaccinated shouldn't work in places where they care for people of any age.

     I'll stop and try to find something to watch tonight.  Hope all of you are well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Zetta.  I don't know if you get Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet on NatGeoWild but I'm watching it nnow.  They just had a full segment on alpacas.  She was examining and treating two or three of them.  They seem gentle until you aggravate them, then they spit.  Pretty animals.  Looking forward to soeing the pictures you took. Good night.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Dark gray day yesterday.  We got a little rain.  Got out my cool weather  plants planted.  Sowed some seeds for the cooler crops.  We shall see what happens.  Something ate off my phlox and some of the volunteer lettuce.

    Yes it is early.  I fell asleep early.  

    If nothing happens will try to do a little more weeding where mom lives today.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Sara, sounds like you have a busy day planned.  Don't work too hard.  I need to do some trimming, too, but don't think I will.  My left arm, above the elbow, really hurt and bothered me when I lifted it yesterday afternoon.  Also the costochondritis wasn't really good either.  Guess lifting those heavy sacks several times did the job on me.  I think it's probably almost too late to trim the althea and still not sure if the crepe myrtles are going to come out or not.  Two of the dwarf ones are leafing out at the base but the other one isn't.  Haven't seen any new growth on the big ones.  Two of the Nandina or Heavenly Bamboo are leafing out. 

     Tom and Jerry were both here when I went out to feed them.  One of them (still can't tell them apart) was really meowing and carrying on after I fed them.  Probably the one who has been off girling the last two or three days.  Let Minnie and Missy into the west paddock to graze this morning.  Missy is getting really active - if the weather wasn't going to be so bad Wednesday and Thursday I might let them out but I think she's still a bit young.  Some of the girls are still in one pasture and others are in another - split among three pastures this morning.  Rose Bud and Sweet Pea were in the south pasture with Rose Bud laying down.  Really scares me when she's laying down - seems like it's getting harder for her to get up - kind of like me when I try to get out of the recliner - have to kind of unroll.  Just let Stormy and Sheena in and looked and she's up!  Makes me feel 100% better.

     Last night, twice, I heard a wolf.  Not a coyote yelping - a wolf howling.  Really upset the GPs who were inside last night.  Kind of an eerie sound in the middle of the night.

     Just discovered that Cheyenne is on for two hours this morning.  Didn't watch the first one because I was watching bits and pieces of the morning shows.  Seems the CDC and Dr. Fauci is saying  you're pretty safe to not wear a mask outside if you've been vaccinated.  I'll still wear mine.  Saw awful scenes from India on TV last night - they're having a really hard time - it showed mass cremations.

     I still haven't done my income tax compilation to take to the CPA.  On the news this morning they mentioned May 17.  I had called the CPA a couple of weeks ago and was told both Federal and State are due June 15 - extended because of our ice storm in February.  I should get to work on them next week and get them in before the middle of next month.  It doesn't take long  - it's just getting started.  I check the book where I keep receipts and records of things I can deduct, then check the bank statements and finally the check register to make sure I don't miss anything.  Should make it my goal to get it done pretty soon.

     Hope all of you have a nice Sunday - looks like it will be a good one here and for the next two or three days, then severe storms - Springtime in Oklahoma.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Lorita I would not know a wolf or coyote if I heard one.  

    Funny you mentioned that peanut butter cookie recipe.  Had seen it mentioned a couple of different places lately and was thinking about making it.  So made it this morning.  Very quick, very easy, tastes good.  It is a keeper.  Used 4T sugar and 3T brown sugar and that was plenty.

    Iris not sure if you literally mean you are taping your mouth shut lol.  If you are, there is something called a chin strap, that you can buy off the internet for this purpose.  If you would switch to dreamwear you probably would need one since you sleep with your mouth open.  Mouth needs to be closed anytime you are using some sort of nasal appliance.

    Today was very discouraging at mom’s.  Don’t really know what to do.  Have a call in to a real estate agent.  Have some questions I want to ask him.  Hope I can just turn the landscaping over to her and her “friends”.  Hoping when it is time to sell property that they are hooked up with someone who will for a fee , come in , weed and lay down mulch before we put the for sale sign up if I live longer than her.  Think they do have connections for things like that.  Hope I am right.  If he doesn’t answer me will have my brother in law ask him as they are friends.  

    Has been a dark gray day in more ways than one so far today.  They gave sunshine, but none yet.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Put a mark on the wall!!

     You know when you do laundry and have two pairs of socks and when you get them out of the dryer you have three socks.  What in the world happened to that fourth sock?  Last night I did laundry and dried it this morning.  I put three pairs of socks in the dryer and when I took the clothes out, I had six socks!!  Hardly ever happens.  Charles always said "put a mark on the wall" when something turned out like it should.  Just wanted to share something that came out right.

     I decided I'd make one of those chocolate cakes I like so much so got that done and frosted it while it warm.  Had to do a taste test - pretty good.  While that was baking I had put another loaf of bread in to bake.  Just went into the kitchen and it smelled so good.  When it beeps to tell me the bread's baked, I turn it off and take out the bread, take it out of the container and put it on a rack, rub butter all over it and let it cool - almost - before I eat a small slice off the top of the loaf.  Bet that apple butter will taste good on that.

     I thought of something that may be a problem - you know I have to have the floor replaced in the utility room.  I have a refrigerator out there where I keep some frozen things and things I can't fit into the refrigerator in the kitchen.  They'll have to take everything out of that room to replace the floor so what am I going to do with the frozen food while they're doing that?  So, guess I better not buy any frozen foods (when I finally decide to go to the grocery store) until the floor is replaced.   I so dread that - there's the refrigerator, old freezer that doesn't work (what will they do with that?), washer, dryer, water heater, a chest of drawers, a cabinet to store glassware and another shelving unit and two small tables.  I still won't have it done until the virus is completely over - maybe by this fall.    Seems like there's always so much to think about and the problems of getting it done.

     Saw all the girls as they were getting up from laying in the sun - always makes me feel much better when I see everyone.  Watching QVC's In The Kitchen with David.  They have so many kitchen gadgets on his show and I have such a hard time not ordering them - so far, so good.

     It's a beautiful day but pretty windy and supposed to get even windier later today and tomorrow. 



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    Lorita...good thing you have until fall to "redecorate" your utility room. I use the word redecorate because it is so much more positive than clean out...lol.

    I imagine that the freezer in your kitchen frig is not large thus the need for the extra storage space. Why not order a new small freezer. When they install you can have them take away the old frig and  non working appliances. Or if the kitchen frig is old treat yourself to a new one with more freezer space and get rid of all three old things. 

    I am curious, I raised my family with one of those old frigs and never a freezer. What are you storing since you do not eat meat?  A lot of ice cream????

    The chest and glass cabinet would be easy to move and if it were my house they would move themselves out of my house. I am desperately trying to get rid of everything I do not use or has serious value emotionally like Dick's clothes. 

    I would love to hear that howl. Must be erie like the Loon call from the other side of the lake. Enchanting night noises.

    I use the pillow CPAP. No problem here but that could be because I don't move during the night. I think I used to but now never.

    Beth.....I have some lovely daylillys. They are the most beautiful color.  I have always wanted to have a stand of Casa Blancas just to be able to cut and bring into the house....like a Magnolia blossom.

    Did I ever write about the white Redbud Dick planted?

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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