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Just need to talk to my friends (145)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    It's been a rainy, rainy day.  It stopped for a little while but it's raining again - not hard.  I did go to the mailbox - took Stormy with me in the Gator.  The road is flooded in a couple of places west of our gate and in a couple of places east and the water is half way over the road at the end of our driveway and running fast.  I checked on my tablet and it said the daisies, cookies and catfood had been delivered.  Called UPS and was told he left the catfood at the gate (it's canned food) in a plastic bag because he didn't want to tear up our road.  So, we went down - the cookies weren't there.  I called FedEx and it said they were delivered at 2:24 - I called about 4 - no idea where they are.

     Let the moms and babies out north of the house for them to graze a bit.  Just went out to get them back in the lot - they were all in except the last baby.  Got her up and as she was going into the lot she got tangled up in the metal hose - had a time getting her out of that - thought sure I was going to end up in the mud but I let it go and it fell down and she walked out.  I left the cowshed open in case anyone wants to go in tonight.    Remember I said the girls had gone as far NW as they could when the tornado warning was SE of us - so they were afraid.  After the warning was over I went out and they had scattered and were grazing again.  That was something daddy told me when I was little and I've always watched the cattle when it storms to see what they do and kind of know from what they do how bad it will be.

     Zetta, I wouldn't go to the cellar.  With someone it's okay but not by myself.  No one really knows where it is and it could be covered up and there I'd be.  A few years ago I did go down there and called my sister to see if the phone would work - it did - but I had the door open.  Last year when we were under a warning I got everyone into the bathroom - it's in the middle of the house with no windows.

     Thanks, Rescue Mom, I'll try that with Google - we're supposed to have severe weather again next Tuesday.  They did have a tornado touchdown NE of here with some damage and another one south with a little more damage.  Six storm chasers are out tonight keeping check for us. 

    Glad you had the endoscopy and they found the problem.  What is bile reflux?  Don't think I've heard of that but good they have medication that can help.

     Sounds like you found a treasure in those comic books.  Those things can be really expensive.  I've seen them discuss the prices on American Pickers.  Good for you.

     Iris, I doubt he was teasing about AI.  That's done quite a lot. I used to carpool with a guy who did that for his cows.  That way you don't have to purchase an expensive bull and can get whatever semen you want.  Alfalfa and Spanky came to visit two or three years and last year Stanley came.  Alfalfa reminded me of that kid with the hair that stuck straight up.  They're all gentle but when they're here I'm not as comfortable being out in the pasture on foot.  They've never bothered me - just look at me.

     I think almost every part of our Country has something to contend with - hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, drought, and earthquakes.  Guess people are just used to whatever it is because that's where they grew up.  Anyway,  that doesn't make it any better having to deal with them.

     Ron, luckily the weather wasn't too bad here - just a whole lot of rain - over 3" so far and more expected tonight.  Looks like Texas is getting some bad weather now - hope it doesn't drift on over to you.

     Love those Red Lobster cheesy biscuits.  I think I've mentioned I can make a meal on those and salad - and have done it.  I think you might be able to use Bisquick to make them and add the cheese and other things instead of buying the mix - maybe not.  Glad you had that biscuit for me - really tasted good.  Do they have swordfish at your Red Lobster?  Are the people in your area wearing masks going into and out of restaurants?   Did Lou enjoy the meal and outing?

     Zetta, we used to always have sausage gravy and biscuits when the FFA sold Blue and Gold Sausage, really good sausage.  My parents used to make their own and I've never tasted any that was seasoned as good as theirs.

     Judith - Sarah did keep her appointment with Dr. D.  She said he changed her feeding tube again and said his people would set up an appointment for her with pain management - says he can't do anything about pain meds or antibiotics.  She's to make an appointment with a PCP for the antibiotics - she needs to have the same one every time she goes instead of having a different one each time.  She says she was really hurting.

     Still haven't gotten your caladiums?  I opened the Rose Bud ones this afternoon and there are buds on those so I imagine there are on a lot of them.  I ordered four different colors from red to white.  I like to put  a red one in the middle of each big pot and the others around it.  Can't remember how many I ordered, probably too many for those three big pots but I'll find a place for them.  I'm afraid if I plant some in the two pots on the steps, whatever it is that eats the violets will eat them.  Funny thing - one summer the caladiums were doing well in the pot just outside the gate.  I had a couple of cows and babies in that area and the cows ate them - but, they came back even prettier and thicker.

     Sandy, I'm watching David Venable on QVC and they just had the 2 qt. Instant Pot on - so, looks like you push the power button, then the menu until you get to whatever you want to cook - then the amount of time.  I think you said the time doesn't start until it comes up to steam - right?   Hope you're feeling better today.  I'm going to learn how to use that thing so I can cook recipes in the cookbook you sent me.  Do you use yours very often?

     I'll stop for now and see what I can find on TV tonight.  Hope you all sleep well and don't have any bad weather. 



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Good morning,  

    My long post just got deleted, frustrating.  Here’s a short version.

    Rescue mom hope the new drugs help and you get to feeling better.

    Zetta was able to reach my back with gun.  Not as easy though as with hand held massager.  It is stronger and what I really like is that it is quieter.

    Lorita market place insurance is the plan Obama sat up.  How much you pay depends on plan you chose and your yearly income.  It is adjusted when you file your taxes.  So you can get money back but you could also end up paying more.

    Suppose to rain today.  That’s ok my body could use a break.  Feel pretty beat up today.  Going to plant my peas out the next nice day that it works out for me.  A few of them have not sprouted yet.  Hopefully they will. 

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Don't you hate it when that happens, Sara?  My rewrite of a post is never the same as the original.  Glad you're going to rest some today.

     Sara, is that pain gun like the one I see advertised on TV - like a Tens thing.  It has a little thing you put on your skin and it pulses?  Hope it works well for you.

     It's still cloudy and sooo humid here this morning.  Drove down and saw all the girls - everyone looks okay.  Let the two pair out north of the house to graze - the little girls were up and around.

     We had over 3" of rain - forgot to look at the gauge but that was the total sometime yesterday.  I've been watching the news and there's flooding everywhere - and late yesterday they had a big hail storm south of OKC, around Norman.  The hail was from golf ball up to soft ball sized.  This storm, thankfully, fell apart not long after that.  I've only seen baseball hail once in my lifetime and all of the hail wasn't that big.  That could knock someone out if it hit them.

     We have a really old Mimosa tree in the  SE corner of our yard.  Daddy dug up a sprout many, many years ago and planted it.  I can barely remember when that was but it had gotten old and rotten and had been cut back but guess it just gave way sometime over the weekend.  Two of it's limbs are laying on the chain link fence.  I'll call Bryon later today and see if they can come this weekend and take care of that and some other cutting they need to do.  At least it didn't take down the fence.  This was the fence a huge maple damaged many years ago.  When Charles and I had the fence put in all around the yard and enlarging it, probably 20 years ago the whole thing cost $1500.  When the Maple damaged the fence - just half of the front fence they wanted more than that to repair it.  We didn't do it - the top rail isn't on all of it but it's standing.

     I went out to feed Tom and Jerry (both were there) and when I put the dry food in their pan it looked strange - I was trying to feed them dry dog food.  I keep the dry cat and dog food in the front bedroom - has kind of turned into a storage room of sorts so not paying attention got the dry food so had to come in and exchange it.  Guess I got a bit flustered because when I turned on the light which is a ceiling fan, it didn't come on and the fan didn't work.  My desk light does and that's the room where my modem is and it's working.  Worries me somewhat but maybe the fan just quit working since the other things work.  It was a very old ceiling fan that mother had in the living room. When we had some work done on the house we moved that to the front bedroom.  Ron, you know about this stuff - there would only be one circuit going to a room, wouldn't there?  So, if some electrical things work in the room and the fan doesn't, it's probably the fan - I hope.

     I hope Lou's doing well today and you didn't get bad weather.  Does she like the biscuits?

     Just saw on the news they're selling a pair of Jordan tennis shoes he wore in the 80s - for $160,000.  Who in the world would anyone want them anyway? They said another pair he had autographed that he wore in the 80s sold for over $600,000.  Guess some people  have more money than they know what to do with.

     I did get my Gerbera Daisies yesterday and the plants look good.  Got them out of the container and in a little planter on the front porch until I can plant them - they're still in their little pots.  Really hope they do well - they're perennial so should come back every year - I'll have to put something around them to keep Stormy from digging them up and I'll mulch them in the winter.  They're three different colors.

     Hungry this morning so I'll stop and find something for breakfast.   Sandy, that Instant Pot they had on QVC yesterday isn't the same as the one I have.  Mine doesn't have a power button so maybe it come on when you plug it in.  I'm looking out the front door as I type this and just saw a coyote going south between the house and pond.  GPs are inside and asleep so no barking.  Oh, saw a big rabbit in the yard yesterday - no idea how it got in but hope it was able to get out so the GPs won't get it.

    I'm tired of rain and bad weather but they're already talking about the next bad weather - in a day or so. 

     Enjoy the day.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    Good that she saw Dr Dunn. I am surprised that her tube needed changing after such a short period. I am not surprised that he will not prescribe antibiotics or pain killers. He is a specialized surgeon with high marks from his patients. If Sarah could get into the geriatric practice she could probably see the same Dr. I do not know what the age requirement is. Could be 50.


    No word on my bulbs. I will check on them tomorrow.

    Norman sure caught it last night...winds up to 75 mph and BIG hail!. Maybe some better days over the weekend.

    Sorry so few made it for stew last night. Oh well, more for the freezer. Thanks for the salad and the lemon cake.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Judith, I don't know why he changed it either unless it was because of the infection she has.  He also told her to get an appt. with the nurse - I think she said it was to get her supplies continued.  I'll ask her later.    Geriatric Service - where?  OUMC?  I haven't talked with her today but she was going to call them this morning.  I don't know all the circumstances - just what Todd and Sarah have told me about her appointments with the doctor - from that I don't think he does very good followup, at least for  her.  Maybe because she's had to have at least four major surgeries because he didn't get it right the first time - again, only going by what they say - but, four surgeries for the same thing doesn't seem right.  She says he only is with her at appointments for about five minutes.  I did tell her to tell him when he comes into the room that she has questions she needs answered and to ask them.  I like a doctor you can talk with and ask questions and get answers.

     I haven't heard much on the news about the damage in Norman but I imagine there was a lot of it.  The hail blob, as our meteorologist called it this morning, looked scary - made it as far a Shawnee, then fell apart.  They had thought it might make it to Tulsa. 

     Sorry about the stew dinner on the porch.  Just too much bad weather.  I can imagine it was really good. 

     Hope you get your bulbs.  I need to put a little more dirt in one of the big pots.  Think I'll get some from the barn and mix it in with what I have.  Not today - I'm just not in the mood to do much of anything - did go out just now to check on the two little girls.  Didn't see them anywhere but I thought the moms seemed a bit upset.  I opened the gate to the west paddock and when they went through one of them was looking in a certain direction and I saw the two babies laying together.  I guess they had eaten all the grass where they were grazing and wanted more - they were following me around until I opened the gate.   It's cool and cloudy here - no sun yet but there are promises.

     For some odd reason today seems like Monday to me.  Hate it when my days get mixed up.  Found an Amazon statement I had leaning against the lamp and forgotten.  Due on the 2nd so no time for mail.  Called and paid it by phone - might do that from now on. 

     Zetta - watching Gunsmoke this morning.  Hope things are well in Oregon this morning.  Have you seen any more moose? 

     I'll stop and finish watching the show.  Everyone in the house is asleep except me.  My Manhattan Euonynous (I can't spell it either) is overgrown and the winter cold damaged it so much it needs to be worked over.  I hate to take it out though.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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     Lorita, I was glad to see your post this morning I was worrying about you with all that rain and wind. I hope your mud dries up soon it would be awful if you got stuck in it and I hope your cookies showed up. Cookies always make a person feel better.

    I also love biscuits and gravy, Dan make the best of both. Me when I make them it is the instant gravy and the rolled biscuits. But they still taste pretty good.  The picts of your babies are sure cute. They look so small. I would love to hug them. 

    Lorita,  Things are going well in Oregon. It got up to 87 today. I planted a few flower seeds so we will see if they decide to grow. I plan on taking Molly for a walk tomorrow if it don't get too hot. I need to start walking. I don't walk far just to the end of the road and back it is about 1/2 mile.  

     Sara,  It sounds like your body does need a break I bet you love your massage gun especially if it gets to your back. When I hurt it is always my back. I used to get a monthly massage but it has been a year since I have had one. I hope you got some good rest today.

    Judith,  That stew was delicious and I am glad you had some left to freeze. Maybe more will come next time I think the weather was the issue. At least a few of you Ron ate a biscuit for I missed out on that. 

    Sleep Well, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Good morning

    Lorita going to be interesting to see how your Gebera daisies do.  The ones we have here are such beautiful colors.  They are annuals here though.  Pay a lot of my bills by phone.  Then don’t have to worry if the mail system got them there or not.

    Lorita in my personal experience it is not unusual for a ceiling fan to quit working and have to be replaced if they are used frequently.

    We got 1.5 inches of rain yesterday.  That was good for the water table.  Believe I heard it is about a foot low.  Seems my new gutter system is working.  No mulch washed out on my sidewalk.  Very happy about that.

    My massage gun isn’t like a TENS unit at all.  Can only describe it as it ; sort of thumps your muscles.  This one definitely packs a punch.  Last night my right upper arm ached when I got done.  Often after a massage you will be more sore for a bit then it gets better.  This morning ache is totally gone.  

    Love biscuits and gravy.  Also really like gravy over my eggs and over a baked sweet potato too.  Rarely have that, but had these things a lot growing up.  My mom use to be a really good cook.

    Made French bread yesterday.  Makes such good garlic toast and no bad ingredients.  Ate my last piece of lasagna so will make a new pan before long.  It freezes really well.  Made a yellow cake from a mix, and used chocolate icing.  Enjoyed that too.  Will have to freeze that today.  Thinking about trying a loaf of bread in that Pullman pan today.  

    Going to make stew today too. My last stew meat, will not buy any more til next fall.   Guess we will have to meet on my back porch lol.  Will eat pickled beets with mine.

    My greens are looking really good so far.  Giving freeze warning tonight.  They are covered with row cover and supposedly don’t mind the cold so going to leave them out.  They are giving 35 so think they will be good.  Hope to plant my peas  Saturday if nothing happens.  Not all of them came up.  Gave my mom the good seeds I had because she forgot to have me order any for her.   Found the variety mom and I like but not a brand I had heard of.  Just going to direct sow any extra space around the two tomato cages I set out to grow them on.

    All my tomatoes and peppers sprouted.  That makes me smile.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Sayra, it looks like you and I are the early birds! I almost slept in this morning, didn't get up till 4. I'm still getting up a couple of times to pee every night, I was hoping that the radiation treatment would shrink my prostate enough to help my BPH. I had a TENS unit many years ago before my first back surgery and didn't seem to help me. 

    Lou has talked a lot about Kentucky lately and I'm sure it's the dementia having her believe that nothing has changed there. I have considered maki g a trip back to Fort Campbell, Hopkinsville, Cadiz and Puducca but not sure how she would handle the trip. If I do take her back we might even make it to Nashville for the Grand Old Opera. Dont believe I ever mentioned it, but she went for a talent contest one time and made one of the finalists and was suppose to come back but never did. She never told me if something  happened to prevent it or if she just got cold feet.


  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
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    Ron, Bill still gets up during the night sometimes twice a night. The radiation burned his uretha tube. He was on meds to stop it but then he couldn't go during the day, so we decided to just leave it alone. 

    The way I handle talking to Bill is talk about anything in the past he remembers but nothing in the last five or six years. He gets upset if I make a mistake say something that happened last week! 

    It was nice when his BIL came to visit with ALZ and they would talk about things 20 years ago like it was yesterday. I had to explain to his wife to do the same thing and it would be easier for her to care for him. It worked no more anger outburst. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     It's going to be a beautiful day - already is - sunny and cool. To be in the low 80s today.  I slept in this morning.  The GPs woke me up around 3 - panting - so got up and let them out, then went back to sleep.  I went out to feed Tom and Jerry - only one of them is there this morning.  Moms and babies were out so opened the gate to the west paddock for them to go in and graze.  Moms went in - they had put the newest baby down to rest and the other one was walking around.  Missy is really active - she was so cute yesterday - running and playing.  The other one isn't that active yet - still building strength.  That's why I like to keep them up a week or so - for them to get stronger.  If they're out in the pastures the moms put them down and may leave them there for several hours even though they watch them.  You can be looking for a baby and not see anything, then all at once you might see them stand up for a minute, then lay back down.  I like to keep track of them until they're stronger.  But, that's just me.

     I'm going to make a concerted effort today to look at the rain gauge.  I've been out by it a dozen times and forget to look to see how much rain we actually got.  The weather says we're going to get more rain Monday evening.  I need to get the pastures sprayed but there's no way now.  When I drove down yesterday I was driving in water.

     Sara - I checked this morning and my Gerbera daisies are red, yellow and orange - one of each.  They're hardy in the ground to zero - says you should cut them back to 3" and mulch them a little bit to get them through the winter.  I hope they do well - they are guaranteed for a year.  I have a bouquet of them on the dining table that's been there for years.  I remember Charles and I were in a store in Tulsa years ago and I saw them and thought they were so pretty.  I had some a couple of years ago that I found at Lowes - they were past perfection but I bought them, planted them in the pots on the steps and enjoyed them for a long time. 

     I didn't do diddlysquat yesterday - just sat and watched TV - did check the girls a couple of times and the usual things.  I need to mop and that really does my back in.

     The ceiling fan used to be in the LR and had been a long time.  I'm going to ask Sarah if it was here when she was - I think so.  We moved it to the front bedroom when we replaced it in the LR.  I doubt it's ever been used a lot - just when I'm in the front bedroom which I now use as an office.  For a long time it's made a loud noise when it was on - then, just quit.  Worries me a bit thinking maybe something in the attic chewed a wire but the other electric things in that room work so guess it just quit.  I won't replace it because that room isn't used much.  I have a desk light I can use if I need to. 

     Ron, looks like you're going to be getting rain or maybe just south of you - rain's down in Texas now moving east-northeast.  Some of our lakes and the Illinois River are flooding but going down.  They float on the Illinois and it's too high for that now.  It's a pretty river - I remember us going swimming in it when I was very young - the water was as clear as could be with a gravel riverbed - not mud like in our ponds.  Never did learn to swim.

     Does Lou like to travel?  Sounds like that would be a pretty long trip for both of you but it would be nice to go back and visit places you remember. 

     Girls have changed pastures - they spent a day or so in the NE pasture and this morning they're out front.  They seem to make a circle and are usually in a certain place at the same time each day.  I'd like to check on the cow's foot the vet treated but haven't specifically seen her since then. 

     What is bacon jam?  They're advertising it now - putting it on a hamburger.

     Tulsa is lifting it's mask mandate effective this evening.  Even servers in bars and restaurants won't have to wear masks unless a certain place says they must.  I still think it's too early.  Even talking about closing the big vaccination unit because so few people are getting vaccinated now.  I think about 50% of the adults in Oklahoma have been fully vaccinated but there's still that other 50% out there.  Now you don't even have to have an appointments - walk-ins are welcome.

     Shirley, glad you posted.  Haven't seen one from you lately.  Hope you and Bill are doing all right. 

     Dogs were just barking so went out to see what was going on.  It was a coyote going back in for the day - just south of the house.  Little calves were really watching it.  Also there's a pair of geese on the pond that were really honking.  When I went out Stormy ran back to the porch to me, then to the south end to show me what it was.  All's quiet now.

     Sara - they're advertising something on TV that must be like what you have for your muscles.  It looks painful to me - really his the muscles hard.  I've always heard the best way to get rid of soreness in your muscles is to do the same thing again - but, that's hard to do if you're sore.  Glad you found something to help your sore muscles.

     I'll stop and finish my juice - ready for some breakfast.  Sara, when you make the French bread do you make the dough in your machine, then take it out, shape it, let it rise and bake?  I'm going to have to make some more, maybe tomorrow, so just wondered.

     Enjoy the pretty weather while we have it.  Hope everyone's well. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    Well, finally got my cookies - I guess.

     Heard the GPs raising cain so looked out and there was a big, white, farm truck coming through the gate so went out on the porch.  Thought it was probably the vet's hired hand coming to use the Gator.  It stopped and a tall, young man got out carrying a box.  He was talking but couldn't understand all he was saying but did get that the FedEx guy couldn't get down the flooded road so left the package at their house.  I don't know who he is.  May be the son of the man on the next section NW of us. I'll ask Colton when I see him again.  I asked him to leave it on the car and thanked him very much and he left.  Don't know why FedEx couldn't get down the road when UPS and the mail carrier did - maybe he was there at a different time.    I did check when I went out to get the box and we had 3.4" of rain day before yesterday so that makes a total of 6,8" in the last week - no wonder there's water standing everywhere.   I don't think the people west of us have a son that old and they're as far off the road as we are so that's the only people I can think of.  I don't know if he has a son or not.  Anyway, whoever it was has cattle by the looks of the truck. 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Had a problem getting on the Thread, took forever to get in, so went out and came back but had same result.  Simply had to wait.

     Well; it has been really hot here; 97 degrees yesterday and today.  Needed the air conditioning on.  Supposed to return to more normal temps starting tomorrow.  Looks like this is a harbinger of things to come for a long, hot summer.  Ugh.

    Update on xDIL Laurel, who had the abdominal aorta dissection in three places.  She is doing much better week by week to get her strong enough for her repair surgery.  The physician's plan is the procedure will be sometime about mid-May.   So hope for the very best for her.

    As for the Direct TV; I'm sorry yours went out, Lorita - literally everyone I have ever known who has had a dish TV has had the same aggravating issue; every time it rained or other changes occurred, they would lose the TV.  Literally every one of them has since ditched the dish and are now on cable instead. We have fiber optic cable and really love it; no problem with it rain, shine or anything else.  Since they have put underground cable near you, wonder if you can now get cable TV.

     As for bacon jam; I have only tasted it once and omigoodness, it was so good.  Here is a recipe for bacon jam, BUT, there are multiple different recipes. If you Google them, it is enough to make one drool when reading:


     I was really disappointed to hear that the states of Washington and Oregon have had to roll back and close down again due to a significant uptick in COVID Cases. It looks like 15 counties in Oregon have had to close; my brother's city of Bend, Oregon, is in one of the areas that has gone under return to restrictions again.   We are doing okay out here in SoCal; and California is really opening up, BUT I think perhaps  too much too soon.  We will not know the outcome of this broad opening for several months.  The news report this morning stated that over a million people in LA County have not received any vaccination and more who received their first vaccination, never returned for their second injection.  So; it behooves us to continue to be cautious.   Disneyland opened today at 25% capacity; must buy tickets online in advance and they are reserved and cannot be transferred to a different person..  No parades in order to keep numbers down; must be nice to be in Disneyland without the shoulder to shoulder packed crowds. 

    There is a political "recall" going on with our governor.  He is on the hot seat.  The reason the petition was initiated and started by small restaurant owners was because the governor closed down so much of the state during the worst of the pandemic; but while that sadly caused disaster for many small businesses, especially restaurants; it has saved lives.  No easy answer to any of that.  Anyway; the governor is now under pressure to make changes; so hope his opening the state is not political and will not have any negative outcome.  Will have to wait and see. 

     Boy; I have now got mask acne and cannot get it to clear. Both cheeks are broken out and it itches.   Even cortisone cream does nothing.  Should see a dermatologist, but . . .

    I have been craving good Mexican food.  I find myself wanting savory, flavorul things.  To this point, I have not wanted to get any food from takeout, but wonder if I am being overly cautious.   I remember the Fauci some months ago who said he brought restaurant takeout food home; washed his hands, took the food out of the restaurant bag and containers disposing of them, washed hands once again and heated the food in the microwave to bring it to a hot temperature.  My DH is not as careful as he could be; if he brought anything home, he would put the bags on the kitchen countertops thereby possibly contaminating them and would not think to sanitize them.  Thank goodness we have had our two Moderna jabs, but one can still get sick and I sure do not want anything else; still dealing with the kidney stone fallout issues. 

      I saw the movie, "Nebraska,: on TV last week.  It was out a couple of years ago and saw it for the first time then.  Worth seeing it again.  If you have not seen it and get a chance to do so, I would recommend not missing it - wonderful, wonderful very well done film. 

     Been reading.  Have gone through all the books written by Sue Grafton; she was such a good writer.  She is the one whose books start with the letters of the alphabet in order; really good reads and like the main character.  Now I have to find something else. I am trying to re-read books on my e-reader that I have not read in a very long time. 

    So glad you had no tornado activity near you, Lorita. I was concerned on your behalf.  What town is not far from you?  I do not know so could not tell if the high risks were anywhere near your area. I know you do not want to give out the name of your own town, but perhaps one not far away?

    Had to smile; so I am not the only one who finds putting the pillow cases on the bed pillows a strongly disliked chore. I have to do five or six of them with all the king sized cases and I do NOT like doing it.  Don't know why except it is a wrestle/wrestle issue.  Who knew stripping and making up beds would be seen as such a chore?  Of course, way back when my knees and shoulder were just fine with no issues, I never gave it a thought.  Little did I know . . .

      It is now 8:00 am; I'd best get the windows closed and the shutters shut and the thermostat set for the air conditioning.  Another very hot day expected and it won't be long before it will be felt.  Much less expensive to keep a cool house from the early hours rather than wait until the entire two story house is hotter than the hinges on the gates of purgatory, it really takes much more energy to do that.

     So, off I go. So hope you all have a very good day today,



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Tell me something - how did everyone out on the prairies, in the middle of nowhere, get so many lemons?  Seems like they always have lemonade.  Just wondering.

     It's beyond beautiful outside.  I went out to see if I could see the new babies and their moms - didn't - guess they're in the barn.  There's a dozen or so of the girls under the shade south of the house and guess the rest are in the barn.  I did look at the purple clematis and orange rose (Tropicana) and they're doing well.  There will be a bloom on the clematis in a few days.  Already have some white ones in front.  I had a very nice Jackmanii by the side gate but something broke the stem and it has died - hope it comes out again.  There's a really big autumn clematis on the back fence, north fence, south fence and in the runway at the barn which won't bloom until late summer.  There's a couple of trees that are growing on the runway fence that need to be cut back.  They're growing sideways on the pipe fence.  The crepe myrtles are beginning to grow at the base of the shrubs so hope they come out.  I trimmed some things but can't do much because of my shoulders.  I told Bryon I didn't think anything would need to be mowed but have changed my mind.  All of the area north of the house where the moms are grazing is covered in pretty, yellow, waxy flowers.  Cows won't eat them.  Those little flowers haven't been in our area for more than five or six years - guess the seeds blew in from somewhere.  There are fields of them this time of year.

     Jo - we live southwest of Muskogee, the biggest town in our area - north of I-40.  Seems like that's the dividing line as far as weather goes.  Patsy and Jack live south of I-40 and we always laughed about that. 

     I read the bacon jam recipe - I think I'll pass on that.  I bet Charles would have liked it though.  We also love Mexican food.  There's a really good Mexican restaurant in Muskogee where we used to eat a lot - had the best dip and guacamole.  I like the chunky kind - wish I had some now.  I did see on TV that you can buy frozen avocado halves.  Looks like they'd be mushy when thawed.   I'm with you about buying take-out food.  Guess I may be a bit cautious but it's kept me safe so far.  And, I wouldn't eat in a restaurant yet either or drive-through.  I don't want anything that isn't packaged and I do still wipe down the packaging before it gets inside the house.  That box of cookies the guy brought this morning is on the porch - sprayed - and will be there until at least tomorrow. 

     I think they're opening up too much, too soon.  I know it's been about 14 months but what's a couple more months to be safe.  And, I don't understand why if someone has had the first shot that they don't get the second one.  There's so much I don't understand about so many things.  I'm glad I decided to get vaccinated but I will continue to wear a mask.  I keep one in my pocket all the time - even here on the farm.  I wear one when I feed - cautious because we're not sure where Carol's brother got the virus - he had helped unload a load of feed a couple of days before he got sick.

     Well, got two of the offending floor mopped - true, they were the smallest of them.  But, I don't think I'll do more - don't want to overdo because mopping really makes my back hurt.  I've swept so that will sufficeth today.  I have laminate, self-sticking tiles in the kitchen and some of them have lost their sticking power.  I have some gorilla glue so may put a little on each corner and in the middle and see if that will restick them.  Seems like there's always one, or two, or more things that need to be done.

     I did talk very briefly with Sarah.  The ceiling fan in the front bedroom is the one that used to be in my parent's LR and was there when Sarah was little.  They didn't use it much but it's very old.  Guess it just stopped working.  I won't replace it, anyway at this time.

     I need to go to the mailbox this afternoon - haven't been in a day or so.  I think I should have a couple of boxes of scalloped potatoes there, delivered by USPS.  I had never tried those until a couple of weeks ago.  Carol mentioned them so I tried them and they were very good.

     Everyone, everywhere on the farm seems to be asleep.  I'm watching - guess what - Gunsmoke!  Zetta, I saw that dress I mentioned again - seems like it's a wardrobe staple for westerns.  And, I see so many of the people who later starred in western shows. Yesterday I saw Leonard Nimoy (playing an Indian), also saw the guy who played Kirk on Star Trek.  I've seen Michael Landon, Dan Blocker and so many others.  Guess they made their debut on Gunsmoke and Cheyenne and other old westerns. 

     Jo - glad Laurel continues to improve.  Seems like recovering takes a long time but the body has to have time to heal. 

     When do the avocado trees bloom and what kind of bloom do they have?  Watched a bit of Cottage Farms plants on TV a while ago.  Sure had a hard time not ordering some but really no good place to put them.  Some of the flowers they had I've dug up along the road or in the meadows or pastures.  I did notice some of the purple bee balm I transplanted from the meadow a few years ago is coming up - very pretty but has a strange odor. 

     Hope all of you are having a good afternoon.  So pretty outside.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,757
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    Made a trip to urgent care this morning. My first silent UTI. Horrible pain in my back so started to Google. Lots of white blood cells. Yes, they always do a culture and yes they always send a script for a possible yeast infection. 

    I was relieved to know what was wrong.

    I am headed for the recliner and some netflix...lol

    ADDED: They just sent the lab report....everything looks "off"

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    So glad you got in to see the doctor as soon as you did so treatment could get started quickly.  Now you should just rest and force fluids - water and cranberry juice.  I'm a firm believer in drinking CBJ.  I worked with a Urologist for a few years and he always had his patients drink eight glasses of water a day and a lot of cranberry juice.  I've drunk it half and half with OJ for 58 years.

     Hope you feel better soon.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Yes Ron we are the early birds.  

    Think I would like that Bacon jam.  It would be good on a lot of things.  

    My sister has had a little trouble with mask acne too, she works.   I had a little trouble when using the cloth mask for a period of time.  Have not had any trouble since switching to KF 94.  It is not cloth.  There is a YT channel Dr Dray.  She is a dermatologist out of Houston.  She has helped me with my Rosacea way more than my dermatologist did.  If you Google Dr Dray mask acne,  see she has a video on this.  May watch it myself too for hints for my sister.

    Judith hope you are feeling better soon.  My aunt had Quite a bigot trouble with UTIs and her physician put her on Vitamin C.  Do not know the dosage, but it took care of her problem.  Another option to look into, if it becomes a recurrent problem.

    Made a loaf of bread in my Pullman pan yesterday.  It turned out wonderful.  Attaching a picture.  So much easier to cut too.  May be the only thing I bake regular bread in from now on. Attaching a picture of the pan and loaf of bread. Extremely pleased with this thrift store find.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     It's beautiful outside - not sunny yet and there's a hint of fog but the birds are singing, the cows are bawling and moms are talking to their babies so it's all good.  Even saw Rose Bud up and around, grazing.   Went out and fed Tom or Jerry, one of them isn't there this morning.  He must really be a Don Juan.  Opened the gate for the moms and babies to go west of the house to graze - they were ready.  Fawn is staying up more so she's growing stronger each day.  I'll keep them up another 4-5 days so she'll be able to stay with mom and then she and Missy can bond with the little boys.

     Sara - I love the looks of your loaf of bread.  It's looks so big - is it about the size of one of those big loaves of bread?  I can make dough in my bread machine using 3 cups of floor instead of the 2 I use to bake it in the bread maker.  Guess I could do that and make a bigger loaf - just shaped and not in a pan or in a couple of loaf pans.  Mine makes a small loaf so I have to make it more often.  You really did good at the thrift store.  We never know what treasure we'll find there.

     What are you growing in your little pots?  Whatever it is, they're doing really well.  Looks like you have a solid container, then a paper one with the dirt and seeds in it.  That way, can you plant the paper and not have to take the seedling out - just cut off the bottom?

     Guess I should plant the daisies today.  They look good - already about 9-10" tall - just leaves but shouldn't be too long before they bloom.  I think I found enough of the fencing to put around them to protect them from Stormy.  This morning he's digging underneath the magnolia - nice, soft, cool dirt there.  Still going to wait a bit to plant the caladiums.

     I had told Bryon I didn't think he'd need to mow in the yard but have about changed my mind - it's really growing.  Maybe it would be better for them to concentrate on cutting sprouts and clearing out underneath the black walnut, then mow later.  One of the main things is to get the big mimosa limbs off the fence. 

     I decided to put a little feed in the creepfeeder yesterday so put in 200 lbs. - that should last several days but when I started to close the top, one of the hinges had come loose somehow but I got it closed.  Guess I'll call Mike and tell him - I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to close it tightly enough but I did. 

     Can hardly believe it's the first day of May - this year is going so fast.  Maybe I'll watch the Kentucky Derby - I always think of mother on this day - she loved to watch horse races.  She and daddy were horsemen, especially before they moved out here.   Somewhere I have a picture of them when they were much younger, each sitting on their horse.  Daddy used to break horses but I don't think they rode much after they moved to the farm - too much work to be done.  I had a horse when I was little - a Pinto I called Flash. She had a scar on her side - a horse had kicked  her and left the imprint of it's hoof.  Probably happened when she was very young.  Never rode her much because she was a bit hyper. 

     Hope you're feeling better today, Judith.  Try the cranberry juice.  Sara mentioned Vitamin C - you'll get that from the CBJ.   Be sure to force fluids or at least drink a lot of fluids. 

     Hope all of you  have a wonderful Saturday.  I'm looking out the front door and the water in the pondn looks like a mirror, so still and reflecting the image of the trees in it - looks pretty.  Sara - I forgot - I wanted to take a closer picture of the locust for you - if the rain didn't ruin them.  Will try to do that today.

     Enjoy the day.  Question:  I've never had a manicure and don't wear nail polish - chips too  much doing the things I do - but, wondered what gel coat is?  Many years ago when I did wear polish some they didn't have that.  Just wondered.  Also, about the cloth masks.  I thought they would be better than paper but sounds like they present problems.  I need to order another box of disposable ones so, just had that question.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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    I think I've figured out what's eating the wild violets on the steps.  Remember a couple of days ago I mentioned I saw a big rabbit in the yard?  I think that's what's eating them.  No idea where he stays during the day to stay away from the GPs and at night when they're out.  So, because of that decided I'd check and see if caladiums are toxic to animals.  They are and to humans - all parts of them.  Doubt I'll plant them in those two small planters and am wondering about the big pot outside the yard gate.  That's the one where I had them last year and one of the cows trimmed them back.  Guess it didn't hurt her.

     Stormy and I went to the mailbox in the car and when I got back I let the girls out of the lot - they'd been in the barn this afternoon with their babies.  One baby walked over to the bunk feeder and I touched her and she jumped over it. 

     Sara, looks like it's just you and I today - everyone else must be enjoying the pretty weather.  Forgot to watch the Kentucky Derby.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hi Lorita and Sara,

    I am out here I am just having a lazy day. I have napped most of it.

    Sara, Your bread looks real good I bet it is yummy when it is warm with butter and jelly on it. I don't make bread but when I see yours or hear you all talk about it makes me want too.

    Judith,  Sorry to hear about your UTI I hope your feeling better today.

    Ron,  That sounds like a good trip for you and Lou, as long as she enjoys it. Does she like to travel?

    Lorita,  Do the girls adjust to all types of weather? Do they mind being out in the rain and wind? Kitty always seems to be waring the dress that has a darker orange bottom and  I guess you call it lattace (sp) a lighter orange/tan on the top. I read that she wore a lot of hair pieces. I wonder if they had hair pieces back in those days? She was sure pretty.  Not much on TV here today I have been watching the ID channel today while napping.

    I woke up to rain this morning it was warm outside and the air was real fresh.   Like Jo was saying that Oregon and Washington are on rollbacks. That is what is happening I live in one of the counties that have pretty much shut down. I live in Deschutes County. I really don't notice it much I really don't go too many places and I live in a very quiet area. 

    I hope your all having a good day. Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Good morning,

    The Pullman pan I have needs a recipe with 4C flour.  Found out they make a smaller one and it requires 3C.  Glad for the bigger one, won’t need to bake it as often then.

    Just my opinion Lorita but think you can plant your Caladiums where ever you want to.  Animals usually have a natural sense about things that are poisonous to them when it comes to plants.  

    Got my peas planted yesterday. 

    Wishing everyone a peaceful day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Busy day yesterday with 4 loads of washing, making beds up and cooking. My body felt it when I finally sit down, my body took awhile to recuperate. Dont know if I ever mentioned it but my oxygen level drops to 91/92 when I go to much. I always return to my normal 95/96 when I stop and rest a little. I've also noticed after completing my radiation treatments that my bowel movement has changed, filling a urge to go more frequently without luck and gas. Enough about me!

    Just noticed a old western movie; Fort Osage is on, believe I'll watch it again. After his one Ride the high country is coming on. Sunday morning they show a lot of the old western movies.

    Suppose to be rainy today and do far just light rain. Not expecting anything serious. I've been keeping Lou some fresh roses in a vase lately and I love to see the smile on her face when I bring them in. Last storm beat them up pretty bad, but hopefully they will come back out strong. She has been telling me how much she loves me a lot lately, that is so much better than the dementia not remembering much about our love.

    Still seeing signs of a few bed bugs, orkin is coming back tommorow to retreat the bedroom and living room. He said there must be a nest somewhere and this time he is breaking down bed frames and sometimes you can even find them behind light fixtures. After 2600 dollars they had better get rid of them!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
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    Ron know you fight a battle every day.  You guys have probably thought about this, but just in case, don’t forget behind pictures on wall or picture frames.  Hard telling where all those little things hide.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Can't say morning because I missed that today.   Zetta, the girls,and boys,  don't really mind rain if it isn't a cold rain or very heavy.  It's hard on them when they get wet and it's really cold.  One reason I'm so glad they have the barn.  Also, since they're black the heat really builds up on them so in the summertime so  during the hottest part of the day, they usually stay in the barn.  I try to keep one of the tall back doors open so the air will blow through and cool them - the hallway is north/south.  And, it's dark if only one door is opon so the flies don't bother them too much.

     They spent most of the morning laying down on the other side of the pond.  I kept counting and would come up one or two short so finally drove over to be sure they were okay - I think the one I missed was probably standing in front of some bushes and I couldn't see her.  The two little girls are fine - I'll probably let them out in the pasture Wednesday if the weather's okay.

     I'm sorry to hear your State is having problems again.  I'm so afraid more states will be the same because they're opening up so much.  Scares me to think because of the opening up this stuff may last longer.  Feel so sorry for the people in India - I think I heard they were having 400,000 new cases a day.  For the life of me I can't understand why people in the USA don't want to take the shot.  Jack, for instance, and my nephew.  Hard core Republicans, both of them but not sure that's the reason.

     I took some old boxes, good boxes I had kept in case I needed them, out of the storage building and broke them down for the trash tomorrow.  I've kept three more good ones to replace ones I have some clothes in that are breaking down.  If things are where I feel safe this summer I'm going to take down Charles' clothes I have on the divan and some of the boxes of clothes I have in the building down to the mission.  In the past we've donated to a couple of places in Muskogee but I won't go that far this time.  Clothes are heavy and hard to handle.

     Sara - if you new pan takes 4 cups of floor you probably had to make the bread dough by hand - mix it up, let it rise, punch down, knead a little more and put it into the pan.  I wish my bread maker made a bigger loaf - only 2 C. of flour - but, sometimes it begins to mold before I finish the loaf anyway so maybe it's okay.  But, I love the way your loaf of bread looks.  Remember a few years ago they made square bread - well, guess the sandwich bread is still square.  Looks like your slices will be square. 

     Ron, I hope the guy does find where the BB are hiding out.  Mother once told me if we ever bought used furniture to let it stay outside a few days before we brought it inside - just in case.  Thinking of bedbugs I don't think I'd ever want to stay in a motel again - just think of all the different kinds of people who have slept in that same bed.  I never thought of things like that when we were younger.  I remember once when Karen and her family and Charles and I went to KC to a football game.  We sat in front of a bunch of very noisy fans, not from KC.  By the time we left I had the worst headache I'd ever had.  We came back down through Missouri to the Arkansas line - Karen and her family came on home and Charles and I went on to Eureka Springs.  It was dark by the time we got there and my head was bursting.  All the motels were full except one that had one room - not a desirable room but we took it because I had to lay down.  When I woke up the next morning I was mortified by the condition of the room - but, we didn't get bedbugs or anything else.  But - we could have.

     You said Lou kept telling you she loves you - I think that's so sweet - cherish those words, Ron.  Charles was like that - he'd tell me he loved me, every day, a dozen times or more.  I never got tired of hearing it and wish I could hear it again - guess we  never get over loving to hear those three words.

     Yesterday evening about 5 I developed an awful headache on top of my head and felt weird - kind of scary.  So, took an ASA, put some Theragesic on my forehead and laid down.  Helped a little so later took a Librium which did help some more.  This morning I still have a little bit of a headache but it's better.  Reminded me of over 50 years ago when I'd have these headaches.  The doctor I worked for said if it's on top of your head and you press down and it gets better, it's nerves.  Also said to take an aspirin and Librium at the same time.  This helped.  I'd work all day, come home and lay in the porch swing on the front porch.  The headaches finally went away - never knew what caused them.  Just haven't had a very good last few days - guess it's the time of year - too many memories and dates this time of year. 

     I cut some more sprouts and trimmed some more on one of the rose bushes while I was out.  My knock-out rose in the yard is beginning to bloom and the one out by the barn is now bud-free.  It was loaded with buds and I have found a couple that escaped the mouths of the two girls.  I'm going to plant the daisies later today when Stormy and Sheena are inside so they won't notice - maybe. 

     Sara - I looked at the locust trees and the rain ruined the blooms - may have already posted that, not sure.  I have a couple of buds on my peony - I do hope they bloom - it's a beautiful, pearl-pink - didn't bloom last year.

     I think I'll take another something and lay down a bit until it's late enough to transplant the daisies.  Hope all of you are well today and, hopefully, enjoying your pretty weather.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    There is too much wildlife where I live!  This morning I saw a huge swarm of bees in the yard outside my condo!  I had never seen this before.  They left before I could get my phone to photograph them.  I am afraid for my cats because they walk around in the grass and sniff the bushes.  


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I hope you have all had a good day. 

    Lorita,  I hope you got some rest today and your head is feeling better. You work way too hard. It would be nice if someday you could find some help with some of the outside work.

    Here are the pictures of the Alpaca's I guess these make good pets but I did not get very close I did not want to be spit on. I was in the pasture next to them and they were interested in the dog I had that was running the fence line. They live next door to one of the houses I pet sit in. There is about 20 of them. 

    Take care all Hugs Zetta 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Loved the alpaca photos, Zetta! Thanks for sharing.

    Lorita, hope you feel better soon. 

    Hot last two days here (82 and 88); 80% chance of rain overnight and tomorrow. Hope we get rain as it is very dry here.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Thanks, Zetta and Beth, I'm all right this afternoon.  Took an acetaminophen, took a very short nap and right now the headache's gone.  Told myself I had to straighten up.  Hope it doesn't come back - hate headaches.

     Iris, watch out for those bees - they're looking for a place to swarm and you never know where that might be.  We had a swarm in an old tree in our yard years ago.  A friend I went to school with who owns the land south of us was a beekeeper and he came and got them.  Got stung a few times and he said by the time he got home - about three miles - his eyes were almost swollen shut.  He wouldn't take a Benadryl when he was here.  We lost him seven months after I lost Charles.  Always loved talking to him - lots of fun to visit with.  His son lives a mile south of me and his brother at the SW corner of the farm.

     Beth, hope you get some of that rain.  I think I mentioned we had 6.8" last week or the last two rains we had.  More predicted for this week.  I thought it was going to rain today - was really cloudy this morning and I think I heard thunder but nothing materialized.

     Zetta, the alpacas are gorgeous.  They look so cuddly with all that hair.  I'd like to have a couple of those but wonder how they'd fare with coyotes.  Sheep don't do well here. We had a neighbor who moved here from Texas and brought their  cattle and sheep.  I remember hearing the rams butting heads.  They didn't keep sheep too long but I did get to watch him shear them - very interesting and not easy.  The son of my friend I  mentioned in the paragraph above tried raising sheep - coyotes got all of them.  Another reason I like to keep babies up a week or so.  Good you didn't get close enough for them to spit on you- but it looks like you were pretty close.  Are they gentle?

     Got the trash ready to go down in the morning.  I'll let Stormy go with me.  He looks so sad when I go out to check the girls and don't take him - but I never know what I'll run into.  Would be nice to have someone help sometimes but I never know when I'd need them and they wouldn't be here so I'll plod along. Bryon and Shane do help a lot when they're here - everything from getting rid of wasps to fixing the roof on the carport to fixing my flagpole.  I'll get them to put on new cord before long.  The cord that was on the flagpole broke in two - guess from all the wind we have. 

     It's been a pretty day after the sun came out.  Been very quiet here except for Stormy fussing at Sammy when he gets too close to his food - or him.

     Ron - I'm watching El Dorado now - love those old westerns.  I've seen Ride The High Country but don't remember what it was about.  Do you get Cheyenne on your TV?  Tomorrow it's going to begin being on two hours instead of one.  He was another big guy like James Arness.  Hope your day went well.

     About ready to lay down on the divan again and finish watching the show.  Oh, I did get the Gerbera Daisies planted and watered (while Stormy was in the house), then put leaves around them so he wouldn't notice I had been digging.  Maybe tomorrow I'll plant the caladiums.  Sara, you're probably right - except the cow who ate them last year - guess they're not poisonous to cows.  After she ate them off, they really did much better and were much thicker.

     Did get out and see the girls and located Rose Bud so I could feed her.  When I got back in I put on my gown so I'm ready for bed any time now.   Enjoy the evening.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, when I was young I believed that farmers only worked in the spring to plant crops, again in the fall to harvest crops, and had summer and winter off.  I had absolutely no idea all that has to be done year-round.  I salute you!  

    Ladyzetta, those alpaca certainly do look cuddly.  When I went on a cruise to Alaska, there was a shop in one port that sold alpaca sweaters and other clothing and items.   I'm sure the clothing was plenty warm for the Alaskan winters.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,672
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita my bread machine made the dough just fine, glad it can.  Hope you are feeling ok today.  My locust trees are just starting to putout their leaves.

    Zetta thank you for sharing the alpaca pictures.  Their are some alpacas round here.  

    Beth had been a little dry here too.  Last Thursday got 1.5 inches of rain.  Looks like they are giving a somewhat dark rainy week for us.  Good for the water table.  

    May start some more seeds today.  Won’t be that many though.  Lorita the white you saw my plants in are little grow bags.  They work great but won’t stand up.  They need to make them with a square bottom.  So I put them in those cups.  This also makes it a lot less messy than containers I’ve used in past.  They said the grow bags would disintegrate in the ground.  They didn’t really do that.  Still prefer them as the roots are not disturbed at all when you set them out.  Also they do not become root bound.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,309
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     Guess I'll try again - I was in the midst of writing a long, detailed post about farming and it disappeared.  So, I'll try writing an abbreviated one.

     Iris, I guess the most work in farming is in the spring and fall but there's always something else to do with the crops.  When you're finished with them in the spring, there's always fence fixing and hay baling.  On a farm or ranch you're never finished with work.

     I bet those alpaca sweaters were lovely and so warm.  Were they solid colors?  I imagine the cruise to Alaska was wonderful - so many beautiful things to see.

     Sara - we used to start our seeds in flats and when they grew a little bit we transplanted them into little paper-like cups (kind of thick) that disintegrated when you put them in the ground.  I think we always tore off the bottoms to be sure.  Most of the things we planted directly into the ground.  Last evening I took Rose Bud's feed to her out in the old garden place.  As I drove over it I was thinking how big it was and how I hated to walk from one end to the other.  My parents always raised almost everything we needed and it was so pretty.  Not too many people have gardens anymore.

     Stormy and I took down the trash - last night I promised him he could go with me and he was ready.  When we came back we drove over into the pasture where the girls were to make sure everyone was okay.  It took some time to finally see everyone.  They're always so curious when you park and sit there and they were all around the Gator making Stormy bark a couple of times. 

     I soaked some pinto beans last night. Covered them with water and put them in the refrigerator (I still say ice box) and this morning almost all of the water had soaked up.  I rinsed them and put them in the slow cooker.  Haven't had beans in quite a while so looking forward to them.  I like to put picante sauce on them and when I was young I always mixed in mayonnaise.  Haven't done that in a long time.   I have a jar of mayo in the refrigerator that I've had since early last year - guess it's still good.

     We're supposed to have possibly severe weather late this evening and tonight.  Really dread that.  Right now it's beautiful but kind of cool and windy.  Springtime in Oklahoma is beautiful with the exception of the severe weather.  We're just on the line between levels of severity.  Right now we don't need rain - pastures and meadows need to be sprayed and there's no way to get that done now.  This morning I had to put the Gator in 4WD in places in the pasture.

     I'm going to stop and post this before I lose it.  Hope all of you are well this morning.  I still have a bit of a headache so I think I'll take something and finish my hot tea.  Don't plan on doing much today.  I don't think Bryon and Shane will come because of the weather.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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