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Just need to talk to my friends (151)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    For you ladies who are lactose intolerate I saw a new kind of "milk" advertised last night - it's called oat milk.  Can't imagine how it would taste - but, what about almond or coconut milk.  Would that work?

     Called a while ago about the PU - told them I'm not in a big hurry - just wanted to check.  They're probably going to check into it this afternoon so told him some extra things I wanted to have done while it was there.  We'll see how Car Shield works out.

     Made an appt. to have one of the air conditioners checked - can't come until next Wednesday.  I changed it from energy saver to cool and it's not as loud but the compressor is still going off and coming on.  I made my "to-do" list - pretty full but there are two or three things checked off.  Also found a new "flapper" for the stool.  I thought there was an extra one here - why, I have no idea.  I measured and this new one is a bit longer so maybe that will help - when I get enough nerve to try it.

     I heard last night at the NBA Finals in Minneapolis (I think) there was an auditorium filled and 65,000 people outside watching on a big screen.  Very few, if any masks and sitting elbow to elbow.

     Zetta - Stormy's bed is on the front porch, in the box which I did spray.  I'll open it in a day or two. Right now there are eight boxes out there - going to have to get them opened and put away so all of us will have room to sit and visit.  It's nice out today so time to enjoy it.  I felt bad so went out at noon and all the girls were in the pond so I opened the barn.  Only see Rose Bud now so maybe there's inside.  I called "come on, girls" - no movement.  Charles could yell that to them and here they'd come - guess it was his voice.

     Can't get in touch with S. so guess I'll just wait and see what's going on.  Had a nice, long visit with Carol this morning.  She says there's a huge grow house going up a mile from their home - near the Country Club.  She says they're all around town.  All they  have to do is get a license and they're legal.  They did find an illegal one south of her town using migrant workers to build it.  They were living in tents and having to wash their clothes, and bathe, I guess, in creeks.  The police closed that one down.  Still waiting to hear how the land auction went yesterday - do hope none of those people bought the land across the road from us.

     Think I'll lay down on the divan and maybe drift off to sleep.  Hope you all are enjoying the afternoon.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Thanks for the recommendations, Rescue Mom.  I had my first smoothie made with Lactaid milk.  It was kind of tasteless.  I actually prefer the taste of the almond milk.  But almond milk is low in protein, and I need the protein.  I did purchase Lactaid caplets to use when I have other dairy.  I am not a big cheese eater, but I do like yogurt.  I also like sorbet.  Since I have been on a weight loss journey for the past few years, I have not had much ice cream.  

    Lorita, we have do many milks here: oat, almond, cashew, soy.  I have not tried the oat or cashew milks yet.

    Lorita, you said on the prior thread that you counted a calf twice.  Here's a funny story.  One of my neighbor's had two cocker spaniels in her fenced patio area.  One day I saw a cocker spaniel loose, so I put it in her patio.  When she came home from work, I told her what I had done.  She said, when she went to work, she had two cockers.  When she got home, she had three cockers!  Apparently, the cocker spaniel that I put into her patio was not hers but belonged to someone else!  Imagine, so many cockers!  They used to be a popular breed, but I rarely see a cocker now.  She did find where the new dog belonged.  Ha ha on me!


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I did try Oat Milk, it was a little sweet. I had it in my latte, I asked for something low in calories and I was told Oat Milk is low and very good, so I tried it and it was pretty good. I don't put flavoring in my latte's and the one with the Oak Milk had a little bit of a sweet taste too it. I also use almond milk in my latte's. 

    Lorita,    I bet Stormy will be happy with his new bed. I would love to see a pict of both of them side by side in their beds. I sure wish I could do picts maybe once I get my new phone I will be able to do picts.  That is cute that you have a turtle pet. Does it know you and come to you? They probably have personalities once you get to know them. I don't get the inspiration channel I wish I did I would love to be able to watch wagon  train.

    I hope Sarah did go back to the hospital, and hopefully she stays there till she is strong enough to take care of herself. I think she went home too soon. Do all of your girls fit in the barn at the same time? 

    I hope you got some rest today and your head is feeling better. You need to take care of yourself in this heat. 

    Beth,    Your flowers are beautiful. And Thank You and Sara, for the advice on my avocado plant, but I think it is dead. I watered it and put it on  the front porch so it would get some sun but the leaves are all drooping and are very dry. I may try another one but that one was getting so big I really did not have a good place for it. I think if I try again I will keep cutting it back so it bushes out and does not get tall. 

    Iris,  Your a good neighbor for taking care of your unknown neighbors Cocker. You still did a good thing that 3rd cocker was not safe running around. Hopefully the unknown neighbor was not to frantic wonder where her cocker was. 

    I hope you all have a good night. Hugs Zetta  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Sarah called and I bet she talked an hour - sounded pretty good but is still having a lot of pain.  She said she had tried to get in touch with Marvel but thinks she has the wrong number.  Judith, I know you posted Marvel's phone number - I've looked and can't find it anywhere.  Would you please post it again?  I thought the appointments  and supplies and other things had been set up but they just gave her names of doctors for her to make the appointments.

     I mentioned two of her school friends stopped by last week.  She said she got phone calls from most of the class.  I think the rest of them are trying to get together for a class reunion.  She won't be able to go but I think it cheered her up just talking to him and finding out what had been going on with them.

    Judith, did you get your alarm system fixed?  I bet it gives you a sense of security when it works like it should.  Did you give any more thought to finding another fur baby?

     Iris, I'm glad you've decided to be a part of our porch group.  So nice to read your posts and find out some thing about your life.  I thought the cockerspaniel story was funny.  I be your friend really did a double take when she saw three of them instead of the two.  You were doing her a big favor and being a good friend.  When I'm checking the girls in the morning, they're all moving around and it's hard to get a good count and sometimes there's a baby behind a cow and I don't see it.  Always relieved when I see all 45.

     What about putting protein powder in your smoothies?  I bought a canister of chocolate protein powder a couple of years ago and made a smoothie a couple of weeks ago and it was pretty good.  Did read somewhere that some protein powders aren't good for you though.  Always something.

     I hope your weather has cooled off.  I think the high pressure dome that's been over the western part of the country is beginning to move eastward.  Hate when that happens.  We haven't had a 100 degree day in two years but I imagine we will next week.  They won't be here until next Wednesday to work on my air conditioner but the two of them keep it cooler than it is outside when it's hot.  I was raised without air conditioning but I've gotten used to it and it's hard to be without.

     Zetta - I haven't opened the box with Stormy's bed in it - won't until Friday or Saturday.  Now, he's sleeping mostly in the bathroom at night - sometimes on the chaise lounge.  I'll try to get a picture of them when I open it.

     Have you all ever tried overnight oats?  I tried it once and didn't really care for it - didn't like the texture.  Carol says she layers milk, blueberries, oats, blueberries and more milk and cooks it for a couple of minutes in the microwave.  Then eats half of it one breakfast and refrigerates the rest for the next day. 

     I don't think the turtle knows me - he just happens to be around when I'm feeding Tom and Jerry.  I have heard of people having turtles for pets though.

     Zetta - I take pictures with my camera, then load them into the computer - have no idea in the world how it would be done with a phone.  I'm still trying to learn how to do things on the new one I have and it is supposed to be very uncomplicated.  I find something and then have a hard time finding it again.  I took a couple of pictures of the caladiums again this afternoon to send to Carol.  They're still growing.  I ordered three colors and I know there's four or five different ones.  The cows ate the tops off of one tube of them but they're coming back and will be thicker than ever - like they were last year.

     Zetta, I'm trying to root an avocado seed.  Have it in the kitchen window.  I put four toothpicks in the sides to suspend it in the water until it roots.  Remembered that's what we did years ago.  You know your avocado plant may lose some leaves but don't give up on it. 

     About time for bed so I'll stop for tonight.  Thinking about going into the bedroom and watching TV in there - Denim & Co. comes on at 10.  I don't need more clothes but I like to look at them.  Did I mention (probably shouldn't - you all will think I'm nuts) but I ordered a pair of French terry chocolate colored pants to wear with a blouse I have and when they got here, they looked familiar.  Looked in the closet and found the exact same pair I had ordered sometime and never worn.  Also found another pair of chocolate colored ones with wide legs so guess I'm fixed for brown pants.  I think I'm getting more "mature" every day. 

     Good night, sleep tight and don't let the BBB.  See you tomorrow.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Yes, Lorita, I had been using whey protein powder in my smoothies.  But I took a break in order to test for lactose intolerance and the treatment for it.  

    I have a turtle story.  My neighbor gave me two large red-eared sliders that were too big for the aquarium they were in.  So I called Turtle Rescue and the lady said to bring them over.  I was with my stepson.  She asked how old he was, because in her yard she had about a dozen or more sulcatas.  A whole bunch of them were mating! Like horses!  Sulcatas are some of the largest, if not the largest turtles, about the size of microwave ovens.  They are not for inexperienced people because they need a large area to roam and they can be destructive.  This lady had about one hundred turtles on her property.  She was the turtle adoption coordinator for the Turtle Club and was known in two counties as the Turtle Lady.

    What do you feed your turtle?  Some members of the Club fed softened dog food, along with raw vegetables and fruit.  They loved watermelon--they could really chow down! 

    I purchased two pairs of jeans in May and I just found them stuffed in the closet, still on the bag.  I had forgotten, but isn't it  a nice surprise when you re-discover them?  When I put away my winter jackets for the summer, I like to leave $5 or $10 in the pockets, so I will have a nice surprise for myself the next winter when I take them out again.  I'm a hoot, aren't I?  Ha ha!


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Company is now gone and time to catch up on front porch gossip. Brother and sister in law came Saturday and my sister came Sunday after her fiance's funeral.  Sister said she needed to be with family for a few days and it sure was enjoyable for all of us to catch up on old stories. My sister isnt as far away as brother and now that she doesnt have to care for her boyfriend has said she will visit more. She probably understands better than anyone what I'm going through since she was the one carrying for our mother with alzheimer before nursing home. 

    Lou enjoyed our visitors and was pretty good most of the time. She did show out when I tried to get her in the bathroom for a good washing before Monday Urologist visit. Ended up with a sponge bath which is happening more frequently. After I got her the tub chair she could sit on from outside the tub and move into the tub by scooting over, she had been pretty good about tub baths. Here lately she's just been afraid of the water, even though I haven't even used the shower head. Oh well, sponge bath works and that foamy stuff like they use in hospitals does keep her hair clean.

    Urologist said she had several stones, not one large one like ER Dr. said. He told us if she's not hurting now it's not much to do and just call if we needed him. She does have medicine to take for a mild urinary tract infection. I told him about twenty years ago she had a kidney stone zapped 2 or three times and dr wanted one more time and she refused. I asked if it was possible that those were still there and he said it was possible. He told us probably the reason she was hurting so bad that one got lodged in the track and fell back in.

    Better go for now where I can catch up my reading on front porch talks.

    Take care, Ron

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Good morning,

    Thanks for the update Ron.  Hope your sister is able to help you out a bit.  Sponge baths are fine.  My grandparents didn’t have bath tubs way up into their life.  

    Lorita guess I go to a lot of trouble to freeze my corn but to me is worth it.  I cut the corn off then scrape the cob real well.  For each dozen of corn add 4T butter, 1T water and salt.  Start on medium in heavy pan, stir every couple of minutes.  When it comes to a simmer, turn heat down a little and cook three minutes.  Put the corn in a bowl, set it in ice water til cool.  Jar it up and freeze.  Took it to a dinner at work once.  One of the guys said to me this did not come out of scan.  He was right.

    Our infection rates are climbing.  People have two choices and they will have to decide.  All action either way has consequences.  People’s behavior has drastically changed here over the past month and it’s catching up with them.  Of course the media blames it on the scariants, but in reality and time may well prove, it was people’s behavior not the scariant.  Flu is constantly producing new strains that is what viruses do.

    Rescue mom we don’t have a Costco.  So many people brag on them. Which cheeses are made from sheep milk?  Have tried goat cheese a few times and I do not care for them.  

    My Aunt had a cocker spaniel years ago.  I liked it.  

    Mainly use lactose free milk for cooking.  Use very little.  Think it has a sweet taste if you drink it plain.  Guess they add sugar of some sort when they remove the lactose which is a sugar.  Have tried almond milk to me it tastes like expensive water.

    Iris love when I find money in my pocket.  Guess I’m not a hoot though lol, have never done it on purpose.

    Hope each one of you has a peaceful day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Iris, my aunt and uncle used to have a cockerspaniel named Cookie.  I was very young but I thought she was the prettiest dog I'd ever seen - long, blondish-red hair and so energetic.  We've had all kinds of dogs but somehow missed that breed.

     I had never heard of those names of turtles so looked them up.  I think I've seen the red-eared sliders - maybe that's what we have here and I've seen the ones with a smooth shell.  Those others were really big.  We have big, black turtles that move from pond to pond.  You will see them crossing the road.  I've seen them in our driveway going from one pond to another.  Carol told a story yesterday about one of her great grandkids who had found a little, box turtle and put it in their acquarium.  They had a cat and somehow the cat knew the turtle was there (turtle was covered with a cloth).  The cat stalked the turtle all across the floor, then put her paws on the table and looked at it. 

     I'd never thought of putting a little money in the pocket of a jacket to find the next winter.  I do find starlight mints in the pockets and Kleenexes but no money.  Iris, I found two pairs of shoes in the closet that I didn't remember.  They were tennis shoes like I wear that you just slide your foot in.  I was about ready to order new ones when I found them.  Something like that is always a nice surprise.   How nice that you found your jeans - now you won't have to buy more this fall. 

     Ron, so glad you all had a good visit this weekend.  I hope your sister can come more often - that would give you some down time.  Do you use the no-rinse foam when you give Lou a bird bath?  It's a foam and really works and you don't have to rinse it off - so one-time over and done. 

     Maybe Lou won't have more trouble with those calculi.  Glad that one that was giving her so much pain got back where it was before.  We just never know what's going to happen to us at any time. 

     I went to sleep watching TV last night and woke up at 12:30 - thought it was morning.  Sheena and Stormy wanted out about 2:30 so that was two trips to the front door.  Stormy came back in but Sheena stayed out.  Right now it's not too bad but the heat and humidity will start building today.  This is why I don't like summer.

     Just spent about an hour out with the cats and girls.  It was time to charge the backrubber - had been a month since I put it up.  I run 3 gallons of diesel in a 5 gallon can and add a cup of insecticide, then using a sauce pan I pour it onto the backrub.  I have one fly bullet at one end so the babies will rub against it so put one on the other end.  Guess diesel doesn't hurt if you get it on you because I always do.  When I finished Billy the Bull was standing by the fence waiting to get into the barn.  I was able to see all of them so I'm good to go for the day.  Ran some water in the water tank at the barn and as they came in most of them came over and got a drink of water.  Came back in the house to let it run a while and when I got back out it was just beginning to run over.  Still half a dozen up in the pasture - two or three moms and babies. 

     Sarah said Todd was coming home from Austin last night and on to Wilson, OK today (that's about 30 miles west of here).  He's going to have to go to Dallas in a couple of days. I guess you go where the work is but it really seems scattered to me.

     The big pot of caladiums the cows ate is coming back and looking pretty again.  The other three pots are getting taller and taller, really pretty.  Still have a few, beautiful, pink roses blooming on the rosebush over the gate arch. 

     It's smoky and hazy here this morning along with some fog.  I don't like it when it's hazy or smoky - scares me.  There were two earthquakes south of us this morning - not big but still earthquakes - I didn't feel them.  There were a couple of showers just SE of us this morning early but they've dissipated.  A few days ago we were having dust from the Sahara Desert - what next?

     I need to stop and go to the mailbox and drive the car a little bit to keep the battery up.  I did call about the PU yesterday so maybe I'll hear something today.  I hope Robert can figure out what's wrong with it and get it fixed.  It's 20 years old and we've never really had much work done on it - still only under 70,000 miles.  Bryon said he'd like to buy it when I get rid of it but it's too expensive to buy a new one so guess I'll keep it as long as I need one. 

     Iris, I don't know if the protein powder I have is whey or not.  What's the difference in them and which is better?  I need to make more smoothies but never really know what to put in them.  Don't really think I could drink a green one.   I need to check to see if there are baby zucchinis this morning.  Tuesday the plants were full of blooms and buds.  Maybe I'll plant a watermelon next year - if I can find orange watermelon seeds.

     Politics, politics - seems like it's getting worse instead of better.  Is this something new or has it always been like this?

    I'm getting hungry for chocolate cake but don't want to use the oven.  Guess I need to look up some mug cake recipes for the microwave. 

     Enjoy the day and stay cool if you can.



  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita, a lot of protein powders use whey, which is milk-based and bad for people with lactose sensitivity. There are other protein powders made from other proteins that are better for us with lactose problems.

    Sayra, some widely available sheep cheeses are manchego (like cheddar), pecorino (like Parmesan), and feta. I mail order some similar to a Brie from a sheep dairy, which makes lots of different kinds.

    I also had a cocker spaniel when I was a kid, like 50 years ago, lol. Flash forward to when we were looking for a dog a few years ago, and I was looking at breeds. Cockers have a bad reputation now, generally thought to be largely caused by bed breeding or inbreeding. They got *too* popular, and bad breeders got involved. I believe having a pure breed is overrated, that said, we’re  big on poodles, despite their genetic eye problems, and there are plenty of rescues around.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Yes, whey protein is milk based.  Remember Little Miss Muffet, who sat on her tuffet, eating her curds and whey?  I tried pea protein powder, but I didn't care for the taste, although I like peas.

    Politics has gotten worse.  I blame the loss of the draft.  Years ago, the draft was a vehicle to bring all different types of men together.  They learned how alike people are, and not to be afraid or suspicious of others.  In civilian life, most men had their military time in common.  Women had the experience of bring in the military themselves or of supporting their military men.  People were patriotic.  I saw this first-hand when I was on active duty myself.

    Ron, no rinse products and no rinse shampoos are great.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, Rescue Mom and Iris, for the information.  I checked and the kind I have is EAS soy protein, chocolate flavored, and it has milk and milk products in it.  It's really good - tastes like a chocolate milk shake.  When I was checking out with it at the grocery store, the clerk told me it was very good and that she used it all the time.

     I'm a cheese lover but have never tried sheep or goat cheese - should do that sometime.

     Iris, I worked in a VA Hospital for 33+ years and every day, then and when Charles would go in for an appointment, I saw the camaraderie that existed among all of the patients.  They never saw a stranger and were always willing to help each other - just like they were brothers. 

     Rescue Mom - Charles and I had poodles many years ago.  Gidget was the first poodle we had together - bought her three weeks after we got married.  I had Jacques when we got married but he was jealous of Charles so I left him with my parents (we saw him almost every day).  At one time we had 12 poodles.  We'd bathe them and I'd give them puppy trims - quite a job to do that many.  Like you said, they almost always develop cataracts, just like most people.  They're very, very smart and very loving.  But, I like all kinds of dogs.  Barclee was a Shih Tzu and now I have two Great Pyrenees - best kind of dogs around - good watchdogs, quiet and really good housedogs.  I'm seeing more GPs now and usually the people have two of them.  Only problem is when they blow their hair and how it mats but they're worth it.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita, there are lots of great protein powders. Just us with lactose problems need to watch out. Even most Rx pills have lactose as filler. I have found lots of snacks using pea protein, but that’s just my taste. 

    It was only recently—because of the poodles—I learned there are veterinarians who do nothing but treat doggy eye diseases! They are dog ophthalmologists, although ours treated other animals, but only eyes. And she stayed incredibly busy.

    Our poodles had PRA—progressive retinal atrophy, not fixable, and always causes blindness. It is an inherited condition, and far more common now than in the past because of bad breeders. (They had cataracts, too, I was surprised how many people have their dogs cataracts removed, just like people). I have seen breeders, also called puppy mills, in horror movie conditions. Unbelievable. Those  people should be locked up in cages like they keep their dogs in, and treated the same.

    Those sheep cheeses I mentioned are in regular groceries around here. There is a sheep dairy that I love their cheeses, but I do not mail order any foods that will melt or changed by heat,  even if packed in dry ice, this time of year.

    The delivery trucks are not air conditioned, and even the packing ice can’t survive a few hours in such heat.

    I was happy to recently find a brand of roasted chickpeas that tastes great to me. That’s one of those things I tried several times to do at home—everybody said it’s so easy—but mine were never crunchy. 

    I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, I am more salty-savory for snacks, and lucky to have no BP problems!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Yes I use the no rinse products on Lou, it makes it so much easier on Lou and less of a hassle on me. Guess after the other day it will probably be a very rare occasion for a tub bath. I remember when my grandmother was in the nursing home they broke her hip giving her a bath. She was a big woman and when they used the chair lift to put her in the water, they forgot the belt and she fell.

    The draft in the old days forced boys to become men. If you went in with prejudice, you changed quickly. You get to know people of all races and religion and realize there is not much difference. You sleep together, eat together and cry together when a buddy is lost.

    Political differences need to change for the good of everyone. I'm sure on this site we all have different options, but have you noticed how well we get alone. I have no idea what race or religion any of you are and I don't care. All I care about is all of you are my friends and I'll be here for you just as you are for me.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita...this is the sight for the support group etc;


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Rescue Mom - Our veterinarian referred us to a canine ophthalmologist for Barclee.  The little guy was playing with a cat and whirled around and hit his head on the door facing, a couple of days later a cat scratched him in the eye and that made his eyes start to enlarge and develop glaucoma.   This ophthalmologist had a practice in OKC but came to Tulsa twice a month.  Barclee's pressure increased and we had to put drops in his eyes and see the doctor every month.  Eventually he did surgery on Barclee's eyes to keep the fluid from accumulating in his eyes.  He did eventually lose sight or almost all of it.  This was the only canine ophthalmologist in Oklahoma and there were people from surrounding States in his waiting room when we'd be there.

     Puppy mills are horrible places and they find them in Oklahoma from time to time and I'm sure there's more around.  And, there are people who horde dogs - can't understand that but they find them occasionally with the dogs and cats living in awful conditions.

     I agree about being careful what you order in the summer.  I've gotten orders of frozen cookies from QVC and, of course, by the time they got here they were thawed completely and not usable (raw dough).  I called them and they refunded my money but they sent another shipment - same thing.  The dry ice pack (only one) was completely empty.  Most places won't ship chocolate in the summer.  A few years ago I did order semi-sweet chocolate bars from WM and when they came they were soft - but I refrigerated them and they were okay.

     Ron, I also used the no-rinse product part of the time with Charles and they worked well.  He was very reluctant (some of the time) to get into the shower so they came in handy - also very good for a shampoo since they seem to be afraid to have water on their head or faces.

     It does seem that each political party is trying to do everything they can to disrupt what the other side is doing.  They really need to work together because our Country is in trouble, in more than one way, and only working together will solve our problems.

     I don't think the people on our thread have ever had any real disagreements about anything and that's because we care about each other and have respect.  We're all in, or have been in, the same boat healthwise and we understand the problems we encounter and try to help.

     Judith, thanks so much for the information.  I put her number in my phone and when it charges I'll give the number to Sarah in case she hasn't been able to get in contact with her.  I did have it but when I changed phones, lost it.  I'm still trying to figure out things on the phone (and it probably isn't complicated).  I find one thing, then lose it and have to hunt and hunt to find it again.  Sent Carol a couple of pictures of the caladiums and had a hard time finding her message.  Just too old for new-fangled things, I guess.

      I found Ree Drummond's recipe for chocolate cake in a mug so I think I'll try that this afternoon.  Karen gave me a recipe years ago and I tried it but it was kind of dry if I remember correctly.  I like that chocolate cake I make but don't want to heat up the kitchen using the oven.  Anyway, this would be a little bit faster.

     Gave the GPs the last of their Prednisone and sprayed Sheena's Hygroma (I think it's a bit smaller- now she has a pink spot on her hip but she had antibiotics a few days ago so I'm spraying it and the Hygroma with Derma-G.  I put flea medicine on three of the cats - I think I put it on Sammy but now I'm almost afraid to put the last one on Lilly in case it was she instead of Sammy.  I'll watch and if she's scratching I'll know I need to put it on her.   I need a keeper!!

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    That is a great link Judith gave; when I looked at it, they have the Enterostomal Therapy Nurse, Marvel, and her contact number listed there;  I think she was the one who has seen Sarah before .   Marvel said if she is texted, she gets messages in and out faster.  So; if Sarah  still wants her number, here it is:

    Marvelle McKinzie LPN Wound/Ostomy Nurse (405) 476-0329  

    You are a dear person, Ron.  I so deeply admire and respect all you do and keep trying to do; what a blessing for your Lou.  A big hug is being sent your way.  You are correct, on this entire Message Board unless somebody states the information or puts a photo in, we do not know  what ethnicity, race, religion,  age, financial state, level of education, or whether a person has a mental health issue,  a physical issue, or an issue with alcohol or meds; or anything else.   All are welcome.   And the Front Porch:  The best place for sharing and getting some respite and more than anything, being supported.  We all care.

    Wouldn't it be something to meet in person?   What a group! 

    Spoke with the surgeon at length today; really a tremendosly nice man; Head of Urology.  Excellent as well as kind and caring, so that is good.  So glad you will all be with me; that feels much better.

    Surgery itself is planned for 11:00 - 11:30 a.m. this next Monday morning, the 26th of July if it starts on time.   Will take about two hours.   He did tell me that the huge stone and the medium large stone in two different kidneys will each be lasered with a tiny internal scope and laser; then they will basket out all pieces.   He said at most, there may be small bits of grains of sand - not painful, but they will get all the other pieces in a basket that the laser breaks up, so I will not have to pass any stones.   One stent will be put in for a week - drats - but it is necessary.   So . . . . soon it will be done.

    Got a call from UCLA yesterday, they no longer require COVID tests prior to surgery any longer; that seems odd secondary to the Delta virus surge.  They are a very busy with surgeries.

    Some bars and restaurants have had to close in the LA area; the reason being, one or more of their employees turned up positive for COVID and all staff had to go on isolation so all did not become ill.  One bar employee had been vaccinated - do not know which vaccine, but he was the positive case in one bar.  Many, if not most bars and small restaurants are letting people in ONLY if they have a certificate of vaccination or have proof of a recent within a few days negative COVID test - reason given was that the bars and cafes cannot take the risk of employees getting ill and having to close their businesses due to insufficient staff. 

     So miss small children; they are my special talent and my joy; I love them to the moon and beyond.  Hard now to be around ittle ones; if only the closures and mask mandates had lasted a bit longer; but there was much miscalculation and politics as well as self-entitlement that went into it.   The American Pediatric Assn. had to step in and do the right thing when the CDC did not, and why not, I do not know.  The vaccine companies are now in the process of talking with the health experts about booster shots for those who have compromised immune systems.   Word is, that they expect the vaccines to slowly wane rather than stop their effectiveness abruptly.   Wonder how they will begin to check people for waning protection or if  they will begin to know this by the science. 

    Goodness me; had the worst GI illness this week, one of the worst.  I certainly did check myself lest I had been somehow exposed to the big bad virus, but no fever, no sore throat, no loss of taste or smell, no cold and no cough.  Labs done, will wait and see if they turn anything up. Sure do not want that to recur prior to surgery and then have to cancel it.

    It is in the 90's here and a bit humid.  Last night, I went to brush my teeth; turned on the cold water and let it run for a minute or so; it was really awfully warm.   I thought I had turned on warm water by mistake; but nope - it was from the heat of the day.  Felt odd brushing with warm water.   I know worse is to come and like Lorita, I loathe that stifling weather.  I no longer do heat well.  And oh; the fires and not a hope of rain in sight.   The worst ever.

    Happened across the movie, "The King and I," again last night - what a beautiful film; and the lyrics to some of the songs were worth listening to.  I watched that film over and over when I was a kid - beautiful.  Love that dance scene with Deborah Kerr and Yul Brynner!   We also recorded, "I Remember MaMa," another  great classic film that is so satisfying and enjoyable to watch when we get some time.

    We too had a blond cocker spaniel named, "Sparky," when I was a kid.  His ears always falling in his food dish.   Such a busy, lovable cutie - but . . . every day whenever anyone came home from school or work, he would get so excited he would wee all over that person's feet. Did not matter if he was outside first; once he saw his person was home, he ran to them and be so excited, he wee'd.   Learned to take my shoes off!  I remember him outside playing on the lawn with a moth that he saw.  He chased it around, then it landed. Being curious, he touched it too hard with his paw and it crumped..  He tried to nudge it, but nothing.  So; he picked it up carefully in his lips; not his teeth - then he ran as fast as he could and threw it up in the air by tossing his head.  Nothing happened; the moth simply lay there.  He tried again and again to make it fly, but finally had to give up.

     He also hated getting groomed.    He would hide behind the sofa for a day or so only coming out to eat or go outside; then back behind the sofa no matter how we tried to love him and make him feel better. I worked in Woolworth's Dime Store when I was in high school.  I bought Christmas stockings and decorated them - one for my father and one for my mother.  I filled them and left them under my bed.  It was to be an unexpected Christmas surprise under the tree Christmas morning.  One evening, our entire family was in the living room watching a TV program together - out of the hall came Sparky; running to my mother with her Chrismas stocking in his mouth and laid it at her feet with a doggie smile, giving a look; "What a good boy I am!!  The stocking had her name on it;  I did not know he could read!  Everyone got quite a laugh; but it took me awhile longer to join in.  Sweet dog.

    Hey; didja hear?   Evidently gray and white hair is in!   Some women are even dying their hair gray or white - WOW!   Most of us here are now hip again!

    Glad Billy the Bull will be able to get in the barn soon - he sure has been waiting for that.  Hope you don't get too much of that chemical stuff on yourself, Lorita.  It absorb in  to the body - into the shower or I will have to come out there and hose you down.  Don't re-wear the clothes or it will be another hose-down.   As if . . . .

     Hey Iris; I would be happy to let you come over to my house and put money in my jacket pockets - Ha!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Rich Eisen is being interviewed on Anderson Cooper, CNN, about his breakthrough case of Covid.  He said it began with a tickling in his throat one day and a slight cough the next.  He was pretty sick but didn't have to be hospitalized but his seven year old daughter caught it from him.  Scary stuff.  I think, like you, Jo, that when we have a slightly sore throat or a little cough or a slight temperature, it scares us.  At least it does me.  I attribute my slightly irritated throat and occasional cough from being in air conditioning so much and with a fan blowing.  Who knows?   I'm going to wear a mask no matter if anyone else does or not.  Even here when someone comes for business.  I wore one the other day when the guy took in the PU and for sure I will when the technician comes next week to work on the air conditioner - if I let him come.

     Glad your GI distress is gone - hard to not worry when something is a little bit unusual.

     Jo, I'm turning into my mother.  When I was growing up and the family or just she and I went somewhere she always took a thermos of water with her.  I'd tell we could stop somewhere and get something to drink if we needed to but the thermos always went.  Now, I don't leave home without either a bottle of water or one of those bottles that keep things cold.  And, that's not the only thing that I'm doing that she did.

     So, Jo, in the heat you all are having, be sure to take plenty of water and snacks ( do that, too, just as mother did).  It sounds like you know exactly what they're going to do next Monday - that's good.  Always better to know than guess.

     Carol's daddy also had a Billy the Bull - a big Hereford she said that she was really afraid of.  She had to walk a quarter mile to catch the school bus and she'd walk on the other side of the road if Billy was around.  She says sometimes he'd walk down the inside of the fence while she was walking.  I'll take a picture of Billy when I get a chance so you all can see him.  He's tall and not really as fat as his daddy was and he holds his head a bit to one side since he only has vision in one eye.  Jasper, in my avatar, was his daddy - he weighed 2200 lbs.  His mother still watches after him even though he's three or four years old.  Jo, he's always first to go into the barn - guess to find "his" place before the others come in.  They spent some time in the pond this afternoon before going off to graze.

     I drove the car down to the mailbox and another mile or so to keep the battery up.  Didn't take Stormy since it's so hot and he was NOT happy about it.  Promised I'd let him go with me to see the girls in the morning.  Both of the GPs are in the bedroom where it's cooler.

     It was a good link that Judith posted. Thank you so much for that, Judith.  I called Sarah (no answer) and left a message that I had the phone number she needed.  Didn't get a callback.  I don't think she's feeling well enough to follow through with things.  She says she will but does she?  All I can say is the case workers at Valir and Mercy did a very poor job of discharge planning.  Just not what I expect from a social worker - just guess the VA when I was working there is not at all like the private sector.  Not saying bad things about social workers - they're great most of the time.

     Wouldn't it be something if we could all get together on the porch and watch the girls graze and enjoy the quiet of the farm - or, what about that commune we talked about many years ago?

     So, 11:00 to 11:30, your time - which would be 9-9:30 our time?  Time confuses me but I think that's right.  We'll be there beside you - everything will be all right and just think, this time next week it'll all be over and the calculi will be gone!  When I have something to do that I really dread - on the way to wherever it is I pick out some landmark - a house, tree or something, and then look for it on the way home.  May be silly but works for me.

     Loved The King and I and I Remember Mama - both so, so good.  I wish they made movies like that now.  But, I haven't been to a movie in years - the last one we went to was "Signs" and that was years and years ago.  I never see one advertised that I even want to see.

     I can't understand why they keep opening up things.  Jack called this afternoon and he said in our little town things are continuing to open - no masks in sight.  Don't people realize how serious this can be?  Guess not.  I didn't question him about whether he had decided to get vaccinated but I doubt very seriously that he will - he's so lonesome without Patsy so may just not care too much.  He has told me he told his daughter to call for a welfare check if she didn't hear from him in a day or so.  He's afraid something will happen to him and he and Zelda won't be found.  I know the feeling - I have it, too.  Sometimes it's hard to live by yourself especially if you don't have contact with the same person daily.

     Guess I'm right in style with my silver hair (except on the ends).  Now, if frizzy hair would just come into style I'd be all right.   It's very humid here and is going to get worse the next week or so - hate hot weather and high humidity.  And, it's hazy from the smoke from the fires and just haze.  In Oklahoma, the summertime is hot, hazy and humid (the three h's)  

     I better stop and see what's going on - it's awfully quiet.  Sometimes I hear things falling in other parts of the house.  I have two rooms closed off - front bedroom and sunroom and the two air conditioners do a fair job of keeping the other rooms cool enough.

     Sleep well tonight.

     I got a little diesel on my dress this morning - always do and it's hard to get out. Also got it on my hands even though I use a long-handled pan to pour it on the backrub.  I've done it this way for years so guess it won't hurt - but, probably should wear a mask.  It's not so bad when it's not windy but I've done it when it would blow all over me.  I got it on the backrubber at the right time this morning - just before everyone came into the barn and that was the only open gate. 

     The water in the water tanks gets warm during the day, too, so I try to run a little of cold water to help cool it off - don't always get it done though.

     We had a little poodle, Tiffany, given to us by one of Charles' sister when we were out in Texas.  She made us stop in OKC and let her go to the bathroom - very persistent.  We had her groomed once with painted toenails and a ribbon in her hair.  She was so ashamed and bashful about it, she wouldn't even look at us until I got rid of the bow.  They know something has been done to them that's different.  Little dogs are very smart.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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     Lorita,   It was so funny what Jo, said about hosing you down, I think that would be a fun thing for us all to do. So Jo, please let us know when you go to do this. It sounds like Sarah did not go back to the hospital? I really hope they don't have to redo all the treatments she had done. She is too young to have this many things wrong with her. 

    Do all your girls fit in the barn at the same time? And do they all have there special spots to go like  Billy, does?

     Ron,   It was nice that Lou, enjoyed the family visit and nice that your sister will be able to come more often I am sure she will be a big help to you. You work so hard taking care of Lou, any help you can get will be nice. Your sister is probably looking forward to helping you.

    Iris,   That is a good idea to put $$$ in you pockets so you can be surprised. If I did something like that I would probably forget and donate those pants to Good Will. Then someone else would be surprised. 

     Jo,  Please let us know when your going to go hose down Lorita, I want to go with you.  I am in the same time zone as you so it will be easy for me to remember the time on the 26th. You will be in a lot of peoples thoughts and prayers that day. That was cute about Sparky tossing the moth up in the air, he knew it fly's so he was trying to get it to fly. He sounds like he was a lot of fun. I hope your labs come back good it would be a shame if they had to cancel your surgery.

    It has been interesting talking about the turtles, I bet they have personalities once you get to know them. I had a bunny one time his name was Captain Crunch. He used the cat box and would lay on the back of the couch if I was sitting on the couch. If I was eating he also had to have a bite, he was so cute. 

    We got down to freezing last night, crazy weather and got up to 88 today. Sounds like we will be in the 90s for a few days. 

    I would like to echo, what you are all saying. This is a very loving place to be. We care for each other and never criticize each other. You are all very special people, and Thank You for being here.

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Zetta, are you in Oregon?  Here in Southern CA it can get cold enough to need heat at night, but then hot enough to need ac in the daytime.  Where I live we never have frost, but in the suburbs there can be frost.  I just remembered,  one winter night in the 1980s we had a snowfall. But that's all.  In December, local groups will truck in snow and make a hill so the children can slide down and throw snowballs.  My friends ask me if I want to go see, I tell them I've seen enough snow! 

    I read that the smoke from the northern CA/Oregon fires has wafted all the way across the continent to NYC.  My cousin said the sun has been hidden the entire month.

    The Air Force has a saying that I first heard when I went on active duty in 1978: "We take care of our own!"  That was a fact!  

    Lorita, Oprah had a show about puppy mills years ago.  Horrible!  Where I live backyard breeders are not allowed.  Pet stores are not allowed to sell puppies or kittens.  The shelters are overwhelmed with kittens.  There are many rescue groups.  People here are very attached to animals, both domestic and wild.  We have coyotes, bears and mountain lions.  There are often tv stories of bears cavorting in swimming pools.  

    Jo, it's great for you that the requirement for a recent Covid test has been recinded.  I read in the paper that  somewhere elective surgeries have been cancelled.  Was it Great Britain?  It's amazing how techniques have advanced to dissolve these stones.  I'm wishing you complete success and absolutely no pain!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    OMIGOSH!!!!!!!  Late this afternoon, Dr's office RN called, the cultures showed positive for C. difficile!!!!!!!

    I had a horrible "tummy" start on the 19th - big time unusually bad; called the doctor's office; told the RN what was happening and that I was concerned either about C. diff or the salad I had eaten from Costo/ but more concerned about C diff as I had been given antibiotics for about 36 days or more months ago - (I told the doctor back then I was concerned about doing that lengthy abx  regime due to the risk for C diff. , but he discounted the concern); anyway; had more bad "tummy" on the 20th for half a day - then it tapered off.  Water only in small sips - the 21st no more bad "tummy," and able to take applesauce and saltine crackers; still okay today and able to eat eggs, toast and more applesauce am and pm.   If I stay that good, I will go soft food diet tomorrow; but there is a list of things one cannot eat including fresh fruits and vegetables; no fats, no carrots, peas, fattiy foods, nuts, seeds, whole wheat and more until past the C diff. which may take several weeks. Had to look that up myself.

    The primary care doctor said there was no reason to cancel the surgery; but I have left the surgeon the information; he should have the call on this.  So hope he says okay and moves forward so I can go ahead with the surgery. The primary doctor initially stated  through nurse not to worry; probably just a temporary tummy thing. I was the one who asked for cultures, so he ordered them.  I never took Immodium as that is contraindicated in C diff and can make things worse; but he had the RN tell me that I needed to take the Immodium. Against my concern, since he reiterated that, I did as advised, but took only one instead of two.  Sure as heck glad I mentioned wanting cultures.  It appears I have a mild case; some get so sick they end up losing part of their intestines; and some even die.  It is a nasty organism.  Not a virus; a spore.

    C diff is extremely contagious through contact with the spores. One usually gets this from antibiotic treatment; up to six months after the antibiotics as the abx kill one's good stomach flora.  I took Florastor back then as a preventive with the abx after clearing it with my doctor. Didn't seem to help 

    You should see the list for cleaning!!!!   Oh heavens and me with severely bad knees and DH with a bad back; each with multiple joint issues - right now neither of us fit to do much but will have to find a way.  Interesting, hand sanitizer is worthless with that organism; did not know that till I looked it up.  Neither Lysol nor regular clorox wipes or other usual cleaning wipes and sprays kill the spores.  I did not know that; so glad I looked it up. Have to get special Clorox wipes and spray or other EPA approved chemical that is specifiicallly labeled good for C diff.  Also can use one part bleach to nine parts water.  Bathroom will be a huge clean from top to bottom due to invisible spores that can float and land on surfaces even though all looks all sparkly clean and good.  I have a separate bathroom I use from DHs, so that is good.  Even laundry needs special handling until I am cleared.

    It bothers me that there were no instructions from the doctor about sanitizing the house, the hand sanitizer issue nor much about the diet except, "soft diet."  If I had not thought I should research that, it could lead to negative outcomes. It would have been best for him to have called me late in the day to explain things medically and also to give me necessary instructions.  Glad I felt well enough to use the computer to gain some necessary knowledge. Hope it is thorough enough.

    I am being given Flagyl and Florastor for ten days. What in the world will happen next, I wonder.

    So hope I do not get the "ick" back and so hope that the surgeon will move ahead. Should I get the ick back either from the C diff or the Flagyl, sure won't be able to ride two hours up to the med center and have surgery; but if I am okay, all should be good to go if the surgeon says he is okay with it.

    Surgeon called me today.  What a really lovely man.  He is beloved by all  the staff at the med center as well as in his office. He answered questions for an hour.   He is SO kind; his staff says that there is no one as good and dear as he is; and there he is, Professor and Head of Uro.  No ego.  Boy; am I ever lucky.  I asked all the questions I had written down and he answered them completely over about an hour.  At the end I asked if there was anything I could do or should not do to make the surgery easier or better for them. He tought and then said there wasn't; then I asked him if there was something else I should be asking him that I had not thought of. He responded iwth a smile in his voice that, "No, you have asked more questions than other patients I have had."   Well . . . . knowledge is a very good thing.  Sure wish he was on staff at a hospital near us.  In primary medicine. Such a sharp fellow and very ethical and as the RNs say; excellent and very dedicated to his patients.

    As for surgery time; it is 11:00 or 11;30 PST, which is 1:00 or 1:30 Central Time; and EST, it would be 2:00 or 2:30.  If it is a go; I willtruly picture all of you there with me; thank you so very much.  Love you all.

    And so it goes . . . as I should be doing too.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    C diff, Oh no!

    I found a good article about treatment.  You may have already read this.


    It says imodium should not be used with C diff.

    You might want to look into getting one of those ultraviolet light sanitizers that are used in hospitals for your bathroom.  They seemed to be more prevalent after Covid entered our lives.

    You say the urologist is okay with proceeding?  

    I'm wishing you rapid recovery from C diff, Jo!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Good morning

    JoC so sorry you have been handed another curve.  

    Miss the Woolworth store.  Is such a good memory from my childhood.

    Rescue Mom thank you for the info.  Will look for those cheeses.  Wrote them down on my list.    Will be a bit as just bought a 8 ounce block and that will last me a bit.  We have two stores with good cheese selections so probably will be able to try some of them. I don’t care for feta.

    Hope you start getting zucchini Lorita.  I’m not having much luck so far.  Did have a female flower yesterday morning with two males.  Saw a bee in the female but I gave it some pollen too. 

    This has been a busy week and think today will be too.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Zetta - down to freezing!?  My goodness, we won't be there until December.  Our temperatures are slated to go up and up the next week with horrible heat indices.  Hate that, hate it!  But, it's nice this morning.  I fed Tom and Jerry and then Stormy and I went out to see the girls.  Took some time but we saw everyone.  This morning they're going up toward the MH instead of into the barn.  Zetta, I think some of the girls have special spots - I know Rose Bud's is in the far NW corner - if she goes in.  Earlier she was grazing but when we came in she was in the pond.  Some of the smaller ones are coming into the corral to get a drink of "city" water - much cleaner than pond water.  When we got back to the house I sprayed water on the windshield of the Gator - could hardly see out of it and accidentally I sprayed a little bit on Stormy - he promptly got out of the Gator and as far away as he could get.  He needs a bath in the worst way but I just don't think I'll attempt that.  I did some trimming on his back end - remember he had loose stools.

    I took some water back out to Tom and Jerry and the turtle was in the feedpan, just getting out so I picked him up and put him back in and he got out again.  Guess he was finished eating.  I looked it up and "Jimmy" is a box turtle - dark color with yellowish stripes on his back.  I think the one that's in the yard is the same kind.  I never even thought about there being different kinds. 

     Thinking about making some yogurt before I eat what I have - you have to have a "starter".  I have a yogurt maker but one of the little jars has been broken - think that leaves five.  I was looking to see if you can use powdered milk - I'll research that some more today.  I know you can make it in the instant pot but you need a gallon of milk - and - I'm far from proficient in using the instant pot.

     I think I'll enjoy being hosed down in a couple of days but the water that comes out of the hose is pretty cold.  Wouldn't that be a sight? 

     Can't believe, Zetta, that your rabbit was that tame.  I'm sure it must not have been a cottontail or jack rabbit.  Cottontails were the kind I used to play with when I was little.  I think I mentioned that when daddy was plowing, sometimes he'd find a rabbit nest and bring a little one home for me to play with.  I had a dollhouse and I'd turn it on it's side and put the rabbit down in one of the rooms.  I have let them get loose in the house, too.  Haven't played with a baby rabbit for many years.  They are so cute.

     Jo - that was a cute story about Sparky.  Poor little guy - trying to make his playmate fly.  I've seen a cat we used t have - Midnight - playing with a mouse in the pasture.  He'd throw it up in the air, then run to the spot where it came down.  I don't like to see that but he was too far away to stop him.

     Iris, when I woke up this morning I could smell smoke.  Scares the neck out of me but it was the air conditioner bringing the smoke in.  It's hazy this morning so guess we're still having some of Zetta's smoke.  Can't imagine living where you never have frost.  In that case you can leave plants outside all during the year, can't you?

     In the spring when we have a lot of rain, there's always a lot of stories about firemen and other people rescuing ducklings that have gotten trapped somewhere - in storm drains, etc.  Sometimes they even have to climb in and get them out one by one.  Then, when they're all reunited with their mom, they head for the nearest water - in a row.  Saw a story a day or so ago about someone hearing a dog bark and bark - turned out he was trapped in  a wall (how did that happen?) but the person used a sledge hammer and broke downo the wall so he could get out.  Most people really do care about animals.

     Jo - so sorry about your infection.  Wonder where you picked it up?  Flagyl - I've taken that a couple of times for diverticulitis.  Always made me feel like I'd been sucking on a metal door knob - but it does the trick.  What you're taking and the food regimen you're following sounds a lot like what I had to do.  Just reread your post - so it sounds like you got it from taking long-term antibiotics.  I'll remember that.

     So glad you got to talk with the surgeon and ask all the questions you had.  He must be a nice person to take that time - most of them are always in too big a hurry. 

     Sara - darn, forgot to check for zucchinis this morning when I was out.  How do you tell the female from the male flowers - I've never paid that much attention to them.  How does your watermelon grow?  I bet you can almost see it grow day by day.

     Woolworths and Kress - how I remember those stores when we'd go to a bigger town.  Now, they're all gone.  TG&Y, I guess, took their place - but, even that's gone now, at least here.  There used to be a store in Muskogee called Hunt's Dept. Store.  Had lots of nice things and a section where you could buy warm, salted peanuts and all kinds of candy.  They'd put it in little, white sacks and people would be walking on the streets eating peanuts and candy.  They also had ice cream sandwiches made with Neopolitan ice cream - how good was that on a hot day.  Guess those times are gone.  I'd like it to be like it used to be when I was growing up.  What did Pres. Bush call it -

     I may make another loaf of bread today - never did get around to making that chocolate mug cake.  Ree Drummond's recipe said to cook it 90 seconds - I wonder what wattage that was for.  Mine's a 700 watt so guess it would take longer.  I have two pans (silicone, I think) that I can use to  make muffins in the microwave - works pretty well.  When I  make them again, I'll use those.

     Better go and finish my juice.  Just had some cereal with almond milk - always have to leave a little bit so Stormy can taste.  Looks like Sheena has another hot spot - she had an antibiotic shot about nine days ago so looks like that would take care of it.  I'm spraying Derma-G on it - may use some Neosporin and I think there's some Sulfaden that I might use.  We used to use that when our dogs out hot spots.  Always something else to think about.

     Stay cool today - our weatherman just said we'll have Sahara dust for a few days along with the smoke.  Maybe that's why my throat is a bit raspy and my eyes burn.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Lorita, I got the C diff from taking antibiotics; that is not uncommon.   The abx wipe the normal flora out of the gut.   The C diff spores in the gut then take over and are highly contagious; much of the outbreak in NHs is from inadequate hand washing by staff when having cared for someone with C diff.  Handwashing is extremely important; if someone touches a surface that has C diff spores on it and has  not done a thorough enough hand washing, then that person can get it or pass it on because the hands then go and touch other surfaces in the house including the frig and stove and around and around it goes when others come along and touch the contaminated items.  House can be sparkly clean; but the C. diff spores are invisible and very, very contagious.  So hope I only have a very small case of it and stay asymptomatic now.  (By the way, Flagyl is both an antibiotic and an antifungal.)

     Have to hear from the surgeon whether or not they will let me have my surgery; I also seem to recall that Flagyl can also cause some problems with anesthesia and in some input, 10 days OFF the Flagyl is needed.  So; I am in a holdng pattern.  I am on a 10 day regime with the Flagyl which is making me dizzy and a bit mutton headed.  No metallic taste as Loriita had.   Ah well; tis what tis.

    Had to laugh at the mind picture of me and Zetta chasing Lorita with the hose, screaming and laughing.  I can imagine all the critters joining in the noise.  What made be grin even bigger was the mind picture of all of us in Lorita's yard running through the sprinklers together . . . . not a single Sports Illustrated body in the bunch!  Good grief if that isn't an understatement!  No "Slip and Slide" to slide across though; no broken hips needed.

    Remember those old water hose toys; the Water Wiggle?   They screwed onto the hose and then when water is turned on, they maniacally fly and flit around chasing the kids making them run about getting wet; they had so much fun; I'd laugh myself silly " watching them; sometimes I would join in which made the kids roll around laughing.  We could get one here!

    I too remember Woolworths; in fact I remember when they had clerks behind the counters at every counter; boy those were the days.  I worked mostly in "notions" after school and on weekends/holidays; I also worked in cosmetics, jewelry and the long, long, double sided candy counter. No electronic registers; had to figure out the amounts with taxes ourselves including those items that needed excise tax, and then press the right keys and make correct change figuring if all out in our heads.  I felt SO grownup.   Once, someone opened all the doors on all of the bird cages in the pet department and there were canaries flying everywhere.  I was absolutely floating on air when my hourly salary went up to $1.00/hour.  That was big at that time; my babysitting earnings were .50 cents/hour.

     To feel really grown up when working, at lunch time, I would sit at the lunch counter and have a BLT sandwich with fries and a coke.  Ah yes; the height of sophistication.  Lovely, lovely sweet and innocent days.

    So hope Sarah is doing okay; it surely is worriesome.   Wonder if there is someone there with her; hope that is so. 

    How is that watermelon doing, Sayra?  Hope that baby grows big, sweet and juicy.   Would't that be terrific?

     Better go and try to reach the surgeon's office to see if there is any news,



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, box turtles are the most common turtles kept as pets.  At least they were in our southern CA turtle club.

    I do remember Woolworth's and Kress.  There used to be a department store called McCrory's that has an ice cream counter in the basement.  I remember my first time being a "grown-up" kid, my mom would give me a nickel and send me downstairs while she shopped.  I was about five years old.  Ice cream was four cents, and chocolate or strawberry syrup was a penny more.  So for a nickel I could get a treat and entertain myself until my mom came to get me.  Moms can't do that nowadays.  


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

     Lorita,  When I had my bunny I lived in Sacramento, they sold bunnies at the pet store. So they never were wild. I don't remember where I got mine at but it was never wild. I also saw the news story about the dog being trapped in the wall. He was so happy when they got him out. I wonder how he got trapped?  I bet it is a big job giving your GPs a bath. Do they just stand still and let you do it?  I hope you had a good restful day and your headache has gone away. Any news on how Sarah is doing?

    Iris,  Yes I live in Oregon , and the weather here can change many times during the day. I live in Central Oregon, we get a lot of snow I wish I could send you some. I pretty much stay in all winter, I do not like driving in the snow. You are so right about little kids not having the freedom we used to have. I remember when I was about 6 and my sister was 5 we would walk a few blocks and cross a busy street and go to the movies. It was The Tower Theater, in Sacramento, and we had to cross Broadway to get there. 

     Jo,   I hope your starting to feel better and your surgery is still on. It is nice you have the background that you have, so you know all the questions to ask and you know the best way to care for yourself. I am glad I made you laugh. You made me laugh when you said you were going to hose Lorita, off. Can't you just see us all in our flower bathing suits with our flowered swim caps on running around chasing Lorita?   Ron, probably won't have a swim cap on. 

    The smoke has pretty much died down and most of the fires are contained. I am sure there will be more fires, the fire season has just started. I just hope they don't cause any more damage to peoples homes.  

     Molly,   Chased a Chipmunk, under a chunk of wood next to the house and she is laying there waiting for it to come out, its probably long gone. I might have to move the wood away from the house so she knows its not there, so I can get her to come in when its bedtime. 

    Good  Night to All, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's been a very lazy day.  I feel fine now but didn't feel too hot this morning so after I fed Tom and Jerry, saw all the girls, opened all the boxes (except Chewy boxes) and wiped down everything and fed everyone in the house I spent most of the day laying on the bed in the bedroom watching TV.  I tried a couple of times to get Sarah but never did.  Went out late this evening after the girls had come out of the barn - saw a few of them.  Saw Rose Bud in the pond.  Went out later and she was at the mineral tubs so called her to come and get her food and she did. 

     I never worked anywhere - living in country, it wasn't feasible.  I went to business college after I graduated from high school.  Wouldn't have but I didn't get shorthand in high school so had to do that.  I took speedwriting and after I finished there, went to work at the VAHospital.  When I was in business school I had a lot of grilled cheese and tuna sandwiches at Purity #3 drugstore.  Purity had several of them in town and I don't think they're there anymore.  The town had small dress shops along with the bigger department store - all of those are gone, too.  They build a big shopping mall saying it would help downtown grow.  It didn't and now all but one or two stores in the mall have closed.  Just think all of that was 60 years ago!! hard to believe.

     Jo, hope you're recovered enough to have your surgery but if you have to wait ten days after the Flagyl it may be postponed.  I know the waiting and dread has been awful and I hate for you to have to go through that again.  Let us know so we can be there if it's a go.

     Iris - they actually have turtle clubs?  I've never had a pet turtle.  We did have three baby skunks at one time.  Daddy found them in the field and brought them home and built a pen for them.  I'd bring one in the house and when he'd get aggravated he's stomp his front feet.  None of them ever threw their scent.  Eventually they were able to get out of the pen.

     Just imagine what fun we'd have in our bathing suits and caps running through the water - or, we could go to one of the ponds and wade and/or swim.  That is if you wouldn't mind getting mud between your toes.  It's awfully squishy and you never know what's in it.  People used to swim in our big pond - we had neighbors almost a mile from our house and mother said she'd hear people laughing and they would be in the pond playing in the water and swimming.  I was too young to remember that.  We also used to swim in the pond.  I never learned how to swim so I waded. 

      Iris, you may not have read where I got stuck in the pond rescuing a calf about eight or nine years ago.  We were in the midst of a big drought and the pond dried up except for about three great big puddles.  We had a new baby and his mom on the other side of the pond and the mother decided to come to the house.  Baby didn't know to not try to go across the pond and when he started he fell through the drier ground on top.  I happened to see it and hurried and got in the Jeep - with a rope - and walked out toward the calf.  Of course I also fell through and was in mud and water almost to my waist.  I couldn't move and was afraid I'd fall over in the water.  Luckily I had gotten the rope around the calf's neck and was holding the baby's head out of the water.  I had told Charles where I was going and when he got over there I threw the end of the rope to him and he pulled both of us out of the water and mud.  The baby was covered in mud but mom came and got him so he was all right.  I was covered in mud and didn't get out of the mud with my LeChute pants intact.  I guess they're still somewhere in the mud in the pond.  So, if it hadn't been for Charles I would still be in the pond.  Funny, that same year a friend of ours also got stuck in the pond going in after a calf.  He had his cell phone with him and called his son who pulled him out.  Gets hairy around here sometimes. 

     I think Sheena's hygroma is bigger so I'll have to call and see if the vet can make a farm call and give another shot of antibiotics.  I was worried about Stormy's ear but it seems okay today.  What would I do if I couldn't worry about something.

     Zetta- there's some huge fire out in your area - maybe it's the one south of you that has moved into Nevada.  They said it might not be under control until October.  I hate fire season - so scary when there's prairie fires. 

     I've never seen a chipmunk - except on TV.  They're so cute.  What would Molly do if she caught it?  What about the elk - have you seen any of them lately or are they back in the woods right now?

    Iris, you're so right - moms can't let their kids out of their sight anymore.  When I was in school the biggest town close to us had a Free State Fair and every year the school would take a busload of kids to the fair about noon and we'd get home about MN.  No one was afraid of what might happened and nothing ever did.  They no longer have that fair because too much crime became associated with it.  Those were in the good old 50s.  Wish our world was like it was then.

     I'd better stop - wrote too much.  I'm about ready for bed.  I did watch a bit of the opening ceremonies at the Olympics - didn't think much of what I did see.  A little while ago I watched the USA compete against Indonesia in archery.  Enjoyed that except that the US didn't win.  Carol and I used to carpool with a man who competed in archery.  Interesting sport but guess you have to have strong arms - he really did.

     Sleep well tonight - hope everyone feels better or well tomorrow.



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Got the call - if I am still doing well, surgery will go as planned.   They moved it from 11:00 am to 11:30 am.   One of the RNs from the OR area called to get information.  She was dellightful and we had a nice conversation.   She said she hopes she gets me as a patient on Monday, but if not, she will see my name on the OR list and come to see me. How nice of her; kind of makes it personal and personable.    So hope I am still doing well and no further issues.   Have to start getting things ready tomorrow. 

     I am SO dense - I have had two routes of exposure to C. diff; not just one. First one would be the length of time I was on antibiotics, (though even one round of abx can cause C diff); second exposure was being in the hospital in early March when I had the severe back and hip pain which the doctor missed the diagnosis on -- it wasn't my back; it was a kidney stone.  Anyway, very high exposure risk for C. diff in hospitals and NHs.  Just found out that stuff can live invisibly on surfaces for up to five months. Enough already!

     As for bunnies. Our granddaughter just graduated with her Masters in Psychology.  She had adopted a little rabbit early semester.  He is house broken - he uses a small kitty litter box, and has the run of the house when she is home. He loves to play and also to snuggle and cuddle up to our granddaughter.   He has a very large "cage" with soft areas and toys where he sleeps.  He acts like he thinks he is a puppy. I did not realize they could do all that.

     As for all of us in flowered bathing suits with flowered bathing caps funning about playing in sprinklers and hoses - ohgads; I would be afraid the Environmental Protection people would get after us!  Hey . . .  "Girls Just Want To Have Fun," as Cindi Lauper says.   No bathing cap for me, I shall instead  look like a wet dandelion. Guess I am not going to  tint and highlight my hair again; at least that is my decision at this point.   Really disliked sitting in that salon chair all that time.   Looks like my pandemic hair will stay.  I think.   I would say we could go play in Beth's glorious garden, but not a good idea lest we lose ourselves and make chaos out of it and get in big trouble.

     Iris, you are so correct regarding what we used to be able to do and even what my children were able to do.  No way today would I let my children walk to or from school these days even if with a friend.  We live in back of a pretty park; all the neighborhood children used to gather going back and forth to run and play there, no way now.  I would never let them go to the park without being with a responsible adult.   The world has changed in ways that we never could have imagined when we and our children were young.  That is tragic.  I do not think we will ever be able to turn it around again.  We can be grateful we had those times, but sad for the children of today.

    So hope that the GPs will be alright.  I cannot imagine trying to bathe them if they were adverse to having that done.  It is not like you are near a groomer's; can you imagine the length of time it would take to bathe and groom them?  Glad you got some rest, Lorita.  You have been doing so much; perhaps too much and it is not exactly cool weather.   Maybe your body was trying to tell you something; glad you gave it some rest.

     Off to bed I go - "Wynken, Blynken and Nod one night sailed off in a wooden shoe" . . .



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Good morning

    We had several hazy days this week.  Had wondered if it was from the fires out west. Mour air quality was poorer too.

    Lorita if you see what looks like a small zucchini starting right below blossom then it is a female.  If just a slender stem below blossom then it is a male.  Still am not getting very many females.  

    My watermelon which I check on frequently doesn’t seem to be growing lol.  Hopefully it is my impatience.  Think it is going to be the only one I have and I’m ok with that.  The rest seem to dry up and fall off.  When I have time will have to try and find out what causes that, if it is something I can correct or if they just aren’t getting pollinated.

    Weeded at mom’s yesterday.  Was a lot of weeds, we’ve had a lot of rain.  Got it done in a hour though.  Picked 8 quarts of blueberries.  Froze six of them.  My BIL is coming to help me trim some trees today.  Didn’t ask him too, just asked if he was done with the trimmer , we share it.  My sister texted me and said he is coming over tomorrow to help you.  What a blessing, so going to give him a quart.  Funny my neighbor says to me yesterday, you can make some blueberry muffins anytime.  Gave them some last year.  So hope to make them some muffins.  Later going to try a blueberry cobbler.  Going to try a peach cobbler today using pie crust and a cast iron skillet.  Will either be delicious or a flop.

    Chipmunks are cute BUT they are very destructive.  They are a dime a dozen here.

    I’ll sit on the porch and watch you guys play in the water.  I am not much of a water fan.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Jo - glad the surgery is still on so you won't have to go through all of this again.  You're all geared up for it so would be a shame to have it postponed.  I don't believe I ever heard of C diff while I was working at the hospital but I'm sure it was there - never saw the diagnosis, that I remember. 

    You're so right, having someone who is personally interested makes a difference.  I hope you get to see her.  Will you go from surgery to the recovery room for a while and then home?  I know you dread the trip home but maybe you can put some pillows or a blanket in the back seat and lay down, maybe even nap.  Be sure to take that cold water and some snacks.

     Before I forget again - some of you all have gotten your driver's license renewed online.  Since you have to have a new picture, how does that work?  Our little tag agency is not far away and I've only had to wait for one person to be waited on, one time.  Mine has to be renewed in 2022 - so just thinking ahead.

     Stormy and I went up in the pasture to see the girls.  Finally saw all of them.  Since I'm so determined to see each of them every morning it takes some time.  If the little ones are laying down in the grass all you see is their ears and that's easy to miss.  We finally saw everyone and didn't see a coyote this morning.  This is Stormy's job and his feelings are hurt if he doesn't get to go.  After I got back into the house and watched a little bit of men's volleyball at the Olympics remembered I wanted to open the back door of the cowshed just a bit so the air would draw through so got my shoes back on and went out.  In that 30 minutes the girls had gone into the barn so I'll so that tomorrow or late this evening after they leave the barn.  I don't want to be in close quarters with all those girls moving around - they hadn't found all their places yet.    If I could open it from the outside it would be fine but Shaun wired it inside the cowshed so I'd have to be in there.  

     Called the vet from the pasture to ask for him to come out to give Sheena some more antibiotics for her hygroma.  It had gotten a bit smaller but now it's bigger and weepy - that along with her hot spot.  He'll be out some time this weekend.  They used to have a groomer at his clinic but no longer.  I don't even know where the nearest one is.  I've never bathed Sheena or Stormy and I'm sure it would be a monumental job.  Just the little spray of water I got on him yesterday upset him so I can imagine what it would be like. 

     I gave the inside cats some canned salmon for breakfast - they cleaned it up.  Gave the rest of the can to Tom and Jerry before I went out in the pasture.  When I got back I checked and Jimmy was in the feedpan - and, they had left the salmon uneaten.  So, gave them a can of catfood and some dry food.  Can't imagine why they didn't eat the salmon - just something different, I guess.

     The rest yesterday did me some good - feel all right this morning.  I just seem to dread getting up in the mornings but after I'm up a few minutes I'm okay.  Don't know where this is coming from - maybe it's the apprehension of being sure to see everyone and know they're okay.

     Sara - I forgot to check the zucchini this morning.  I'll do that next time I'm outside.  I watered them yesterday and they look good - I think there's five or six plants. There's lots of blooms and buds so there must be some girls somewhere.  I like to dice them, not too small, add onions and canned tomatoes and cook them together - also a bit of oregano.  That, along with brown beans, is really good - so, guess I'll have to try that instant pot for beans again.

     Utz potato chips!  Have you al tried them?  I had never heard of them until last fall I saw one of the Senators carrying a sack of them.  They're now my favorites - better than Lay's, if you can imagine.  They're not quite as salty and not as greasy.  Really good with Pace mild picante sauce.  Just wondered.  Sheena loves potato chips.  She was the one who would not touch any kind of junk food - she's changed!

     Jo, I never imagined a rabbit would be that good of a pet - even using the litter box.  how smart they are.  I don't think a rabbit would last ten seconds here with the cats and GPs.  I see one occasionally either in the yard or just outside.  Years ago there were rabbits everywhere - now, not many - guess the coyotes have feasted on them.  Did your graddaughter have to train the rabbit to use the litter box or was it just a natural thing for him?

     Sara - glad you got the rain when you did.  Guess it's going to get hot over there, too.  This is the time of summer I do not like.  Nice that we got rain when we did so the ponds are full but things dry out fast in the awful heat.  It's supposed to be around 100 and over next week with heat indices of up to 108.  Good for making hay but hard on everyone and everything else. 

     Fresh blueberries - how great! They taste so good.  Will you get more later on?  I used to make blueberry pies for Charles.  I used a can of wild blueberries, always with a bit of lemon juice, and they were really good.  I found a big bag of frozen wild blueberries in the freezer so thawed them just a bit so I could get some out and into a baggie to use on my breakfast cereal.  Also like the big ones.  Did you freeze them on a sheet pan before you put them in bags?

     Don't work too long or hard out in the heat today.  It creeps up on you - and, drink lots and lots of water.  After being outside, I bet playing in the water would feel really good.  I've never learned how to swim either but like to get my feet in it.  Otherwise, I'm really afraid of water.  Jo, maybe I'll join you and just have dandelion hair - that's what it looks like all the time.  Everytime I look in the mirror I think of you and what you said about your hair looking like a dandelion. 

     Better go and find something for breakfast - cereal with blueberries, I guess.  Still haven't made that mug cake.  

     I love this bunch of people on our thread!  Never a dull moment and so much to talk about.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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