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Just need to talk to my friends (151)



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh Ron; I am so very sorry.  So hope that things "move" soon to give relief. Did doctor prescribe Flomax or other urinary tract relaxer to help things out a bit?   Gosh; we should go outside together and shout at the moon - "Enough is enough!!!!!"  I so hope that those dratted stones pass soonest.  For all the trouble they cause, they should be diamonds.

    Can't say how much I appreciate all of you.   Thank you once again, you have made a big difference.  Troubles of yesterday have ceased.  UCLA physician called; they wanted to ensure me not to feel bad about cancelling.  They will try to get me in soonest as soon as I see the GI physician.  Sure hope so because the next routine OR slot is not until coming September.  Still feel bad though even though it was not my fault. Found out that one is considered no longer infectious once one is at least 48 hours past last bout with C. diff. effect.  Good.  I am past that.  I never get headaches; but had a nasty one for two days when C.diff first started.  It also can cause deep fatigue; now I at least know why I feel like an over boiled noodle. Boy the things we learn that we never wanted to!

    Zetta; your discussion of your dear husband and his thinking his dog was his cat was sweet and poignant; what loving caregiving you provided.  Talked to my brother in Bend last night; he is so funny.  He sure loves living there.  His house is beautiful and rather large; since he is divorced, he lives in it alone.  Weather has not been that bad and he is playing Pickle Ball like someone is paying him to do it. He is transplanted long ago from California; he sure loves Oregon.

    Jfkoc, I just recommembered:  Sinkhole?  What sinkhole?  Are you and your property okay? Omigoodness; if it isn't one thing . . . .

    Joan; thank you and I am delighted to know you continue on the mend.  We do not bounce like we used to when we were in years of yore. 

    Lorita, so hope the vet can buy that land so all is kept serene and as lovely as it is right now. Keeping fingers crossed for that. Heavens; now you are feeding oppossums - would not be surprised if the circus train stopped near your town if you ended up with a giraffe and elephant in your back property.  That sure would keep Stormy and Sheena barking!

    OMIGOSH: our granddaughter in Lousiana has contracted COVID.   Last holdout in the family; was waiting longer to be sure the vaccine was really safe.  Geeze. This despite our  conversations; etc.  She will see doctor today; I can hear nasal congestion and she is coughing. 

    Take care everyone, and again and again, thank you so much for being you,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Just wondering - are repairmen wearing masks now when they come to your house?  I think when the AC repairman comes, if he isn't, I'll ask him to.  The last time a repairman was here was early last year.  He went back to his truck and put on a mask, gloves and covers for his shoes.  I bet they're not doing that now.  At any rate he'll be in the back of the house and I'll spray really well after he leaves.I'm going to have to get my tablet (charging now) so I can read the ends of the sentences.

    I'm curious about the sink hole, too.  And, I must have missed Zetta's husband mistaking Molly for Rascal or vice versa. 

    It was cloudy for a while here and radar showed a shower east of us - nothing happened here - it's sunny again.

     I so hope Mike gets section east of us, too.  We have leased our land in the past but I'd  never do it again.  I almost counted the days until the lease was up last time.  I did hear the other guy who has so much land and land leased may be selling his.  He has land half a mile SE of us.  Guess times are a-changing.  Not always for the best either.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Couldn't read all the doctor said until my tablet charges.  I'm glad things are better today though.  I'll write more after I read more.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    My link messed up the layout...sorry...I thought I had it figured out.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Howdy All,

    Lorita,  The posting I was telling about Dan thinking Molly was Rascal was a thread I had responded to on Caregivers. It was talking about if your LO always remember you. Funny how your GPs get into things just like kids do. They are big enough to get into a lot of things. Molly is so small the only thing she can get in to is what's on the floor. She has never got into things. I always fed Rascal on the counter in the bathroom so she would not get in to his food. 

    I also don't watch much of The Hoarders, it all seems to be reruns and I get board watching them. I saw 3 Gunsmoke's today and I had seen all 3 of them each a few times. So I am getting board with Gunsmoke also.

    Joan,  It sounds like you have been busy baking. Reading all the baking being done here makes me want to bake also. Only problem I have is I am the only one who would eat it and I don't need that. I am really wanting to do a peach cobbler, I think I will share it with my neighbor.  I am glad your feeling good, hopefully that continues.  

    Beth,  I hope your smoke is dying down. There was a few fires close to me and those are pretty much under control. I am not getting as much smoke as I was getting a few weeks ago. We are getting a lot of hot weather so I am spending a lot of my time inside so Molly & I are staying cool.

    Jo,  I hope you are feeling better and getting a lot of rest. Oregon, is a beautiful place to be as long as you don't mind the snow. I have been in Oregon for 45 years now, a marriage was what brought me here. That marriage did not last but I decided to stay. I don't miss the heat in Sacto, where I came from but I don 't like the snow either. Since I have retired I spend most of the snow days inside. I sure hope your Grandaughter, does not get too sick and recovers easily from  covid. 

    Sara,  Thank You for the info on the cobbler, I plan on making some soon. Yes I will be careful on my porch's. I got the porch's ready and I was hoping to put the stain on tomorrow but now I am hearing we will be getting some rain . I am really hoping we do get some rain. My porch's are very small so its not a big job. 

    Hugs, Zetta 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    My peach cobbler recipe; tried it this weekend; delicious and loved by all. You use a can of pie filling and can use any kind.

    • 12
      cup  butter or 1/2 cup  margarine, melted 
    • cup  sugar
    • 34
      cup  flour
    • 12
      teaspoon  salt
    • teaspoons  baking powder
    • 34
      cup  milk
    • 1
      (15 ounce) can pie filling (flavor of your choice)

      Melt butter or margarine in 9 x 9 baking dish.
    • Mix sugar, flour, salt, and baking powder.
    • Add milk and mix well.
    • Pour batter into melted butter-- do not stir.
    • Pour pie filling into batter (I drop it by spoonful and put several spoons in the middle and then divide the rest into the corners and sides-- do not stir).
    • Bake@ 350° for 50 minutes to 1 hour or until golden brown.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Thank You Beth,     That looks Yummy. I will try it. 
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo, I'm glad the C diff is getting under control.

    I'm salivating at all this talk about peach pie and peach cobbler!

    Can you all believe it's almost August?  I feel like I accomplished nothing so far this year. 

    Lorita, why does a calf need milk replacer if the mama cow is right there?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    We had a hot one yesterday.   Some of my bigger tomatoes are starting to turn.  

    The zucchini I fertilized is growing.  Think I may have another one to fertilize this morning.  Realized yesterday (yes I’m a little slow) that they don’t have to be from same zucchini plant so this will make it easier too.  My friend told me she saw you can save the male flowers in a baggie in frig for a week.  I’m learning.

    Beth I grew bush beans.  Three different types in grow bags.  Have five or six plants of each type.  Getting beans off the first two now and the third type is starting to bloom. Just get enough for 2-3 messes a week and that is plenty for me.  Personally do not like frozen green beans. Much prefer canned beans.  Have tried them different ways.  You may like them though.  Your cobbler recipe sounds good.

    Ron hope you have been able to get rid of that stone.  How is Lou doing?

    Hope all your girls are good this morning Lorita.

    Did get my corn yesterday. Froze one dozen yesterday and hope to do the other dozen today.  

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     it's already hot and sooooo humid.  I fed Tom and Jerry (didn't see Jimmy, the turtle), then Stormy and I drove over to see the girls who were still grazing.  I turned on the water to fill their water than while we were gone. Even though they swim across the pond on the way to the barn, many of them still go to the water tank for a drink.  Had trouble seeing everyone so hurried back to the house and counted them as they came to the barn.  So cute to see little ones getting up and running to catch up with the others and other little ones stopping at the mineral tubs before going into the barn.  Rose Bud was in the water but I think she came out and may go to the barn or to stand in the hallway door.

     There's a bit of rain south of us - even had 1-2" of rain with 50-60 mph winds.  Things are dry so watered all the caladiums and zucchini and roses.  Something had eaten every single leaf on the wild violets in the pots on the steps - all that's left is one lone caladium - that'll probably be next.  I have a big bunch of violets by the steps, in the ground, but so far they haven't found those.

    Mike called to let me know he won't be our new neighbor.  The guy turned down his offer.  He had plans to do some farming on part of it but we decided things happen for a reason and there's probably something better down the road for him.  He sounded all right.  We were thinking the guy might not sell his farmland because he didn't sell any of his equipment.  All the land he sold was pastureland.  So, if he didn't sell to Mike at the price he offered, he won't be selling because Mike's was the high bid. 

     Beth, your cobbler recipe sounds almost exactly like the quick cobbler I make - except I use canned fruit instead of pie filling.  With the sugar in the crust and the sugar in the pie filling, does it make it too sweet?  Guess that's something that would be an individual taste.  I have apple, apricot and blueberry filling so will try it for sure.  But, not while it's so hot - not wanting to heat the house. 

     The AC in the utility room is cripplin' along.  If you stand directly in front of it you can feel a little cool air.  I think they'll have to replace it.  It was already replaced about four years ago.  Will have to make sure the repairman doesn't fall through the floor - need to find a wider board to put in front of the AC - hope he's very slender!

     Iris, the reason for milk replacer can be for several reasons.  If the mother doesn't survive, the baby will need the milk replacer.  If the cow doesn't take the baby - very seldom happens; if she has twins, sometimes she doesn't give enough milk for both babies so one will need replacer, or if the cow has one calf and doesn't give enough milk.  Sometimes it's hard to get the calf to nurse so you can use the milk replacer until you can get the calf onto the cow.  Sometimes the cow has a bad udder - maybe one or even two quarters doesn't have milk, so the calf may need extra milk.  We also keep a couple of sacks of colostrum - in case the calf doesn't nurse right away he'll need colostrum given in a bottle, until he does nurse.  I have part of a sack of milk replacer in the pantry - it has hardened so need to get rid of that, too.  Also have part of a sack in the bottom of the refrigerator in the utility room - it's still good.   Judith, the milk replacer I got rid of was in caked, powder form, so it's outside the yard fence.  There'll be a mess when it rains.

     Zetta, there was a story on the news this morning about a man who is turning 100 and was at Pearl Harbor.  He's from Tulsa, or Oklahoma, but now lives in Bend, Oregon.  He has a half-brother who made it to 106 - he says he's going to beat him and get to 110.  Cute, little guy.

     So, Sara, you're going to fertilize the zucchini yourself?  When you said "fertilize" I imagined the kind you put in the ground (I'm slow this morning, too).  Never tried that - just let nature takes it's course.  Hope it works for you.  I didn't see any zucchini babies this morning either.  They will be there soon though.

     I really don't care for frozen green beans either.  I have a sack of them in the freezer but have never used them.  When I was growing up, we canned them.  I like the kind that comes in a can but prefer fresh ones if I can get them.  I didn't like green beans when I was growing up but now they're one of my favorite vegetables.

     I'll stop for now and watch Denim & Co -2 hr. this morning.  Don't need clothes but I like to look.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    "Frozen food, however, is harvested at peak ripeness and flash-frozen within hours."

    I always buy frozen when given the option. Better nutrition.

    Dog owners.....amazon has cooling mats

    The sink hole is where the deep end of the pool was. It is still growing but is no threat to the house.

    The baby bunnies were having a fine time chasing each other last night...such a happy sight.

    Appraiser is coming at noon. The house looks like you might imagine with both daughter and grandson on the move. The appraisal is to have approval for a loan for possible real estate investment.

    Jo....hope you are feeling better after such a shuffle!

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita,   There was a story on the Bend, news channels about a man who just turned 100 and his DIL wanted to do something special for him. I believe they said he was at Pearl Harbor. The DIL called to see if there could be a few men in uniform come by his house to wish him Happy Birthday. Who ever she talked to said there would be more then a few. The plan was she would take her FIL in his wheelchair out side to see those coming to wish him a Happy Birthday. To her surprise there was a pretty large parade, Military with uniforms, the High School Band, I also believe there were scouts in uniform. I am not sure what else, but it was really something. Bend, has 3 different news channels and each one of them showed it a few times. This could be the same guy. Let's hope it was. 

    Lorita,  I hope you get you AC fixed or replaced before it stops working. As hot as your weather has been it would be a worry. 

    Beth,   I added to my grocery list the things I will need to make the cobbler. I will be making it next week. YUM!  I hope my neighbor gets home soon so I can share it with her, if not I may have to eat it all. My son is not much of a sweet eater, unless its chocolate. 

    We are finally getting some rain. Just a little yesterday but today it has rained a lot off and on most of the day. Weatherman says it will be this way for the next 3 days. The Wickiup Reservoir which is close to where I live is very low. The news said it could be dried up next week. I am sure the rain won't fill it but I hope it helps some. So today I have just been sitting inside watching the rain, my door is open and the smell is so nice.

    Take Care All, Hugs Zetta 

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    Hi all,

    Jo I understand the frustration and upset regarding your surgery.  I had my back surgery canceled 4 times.  The last time I was on the gurney set to go to the operating room when it was cancelled.  I decided to listen to the universe and not have the surgery. 

    As it turns out, my son and daughter-in-law have decided to move to Virginia and want me to come with them.  After 58 years in my home, I’m purging and packing and will be going within the next few weeks. It has forced me to finally pack Rich’s clothes after 5 years. Still very hard to do.  

    I know I haven’t posted for a very long time but I’m still read everyday and keep up with what’s going on with everyone.  I’m still staying home most of the time and always wear my mask when out.  As a transplant recipient I have been advised my vaccination may not provide the antibodies.  Everyone needs to still be very careful.

    Take care and stay well.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Judith, glad the sinkhole isn't getting deeper or growing.  Wonder what caused it to happen?   Sweet little rabbits - I bet they're almost full grown now.  How many are there? Hope the house sale goes through smoothly - are they planning on still living in OKC after the sale?

     I'll look at those cooling mats.  I just bought big beds for Sheena and Stormy.  Sheena's laying on hers now, in front of the fan.

     Zetta - I bet anything it's the same little man.  He was so cute wanting to beat his BIL by getting to 110.

     I hope the guy can fix the AC but I doubt it - probably have to be replaced - but - I thought that last time they worked on it.  Heat index today was between 105 and 113 this afternoon - still hot.  I have heard thunder a few times but it's gone north, east, west and south of us.

     I don't know if I  mentioned it or not but two or three weeks ago my wall furnace came on - just out of the blue. We used it very little and it hasn't been used in years and years.  I couldn't turn it off at the thermostat so finally discovered which breaker it was and turned it off.  That scared me.  The last week or two when I close the bedroom door for a while and then come back into the LR I smell what I think might be smoke.  It dissipates in just a little while.   Can't figure out where it's coming from.  When we had smoke in the air I thought that's what it was but don't know now.  I did call our electrician this afternoon - he couldn't figure it out either. The AC repairman is coming tomorrow so I'll see what he thinks - maybe it's the AC in the utility room.

     Sandy, so glad to see your post.  You should really post more often - we like to hear from you.  Just think what a pretty place you'll be living in - all that clean air.  Will take some getting used to though.  Bet you can hear wolves and maybe see bears!

     I know how hard it was for you to empty Rich's closet.  I've gotten that done but all Charles' clothes are still laying on the divan and chair in the sunroom.  If this covid thing is ever over I'll try to take them to the mission.  I remember how hard it was to empty my mother's closet after we lost her.  It's just something we keep putting off until we're forced into it.  I'm glad you're wearing your mask - just saw the CDC is recommending that everyone wear them inside if they're in a "hot" area.  Looks like the whole country is - except up around Ohio. 

     I haven't done much of anything this afternoon.  I did go out to the carport to find another board to put in front of the AC so the guy won't fall through the floor.  I wore my boots - no telling what's in that carport - it's open and I know the opossum comes and goes and I've seen raccoons in there, too.  I still have empty feed sacks from this spring and I'm afraid to even think about what might be in them.  I put water in the swimming pool for Stormy and Sheena when they're outside - which isn't often and watered everything.  Also put Vectra 3D on the GPs.  It says to keep them away from cats for a few hours - how do you do that if all of them are inside.  They were sleeping so maybe it's good and dry now.

     This covid thing is getting worser and worser (as they say).  Scary stuff.  I'm going to make sure the repairman wears a mask - if he will - tomorrow.  He'll call when he's on his way and I'll tell him to come in the back door and leave a mask on the doorknob for him.  I won't go into the utility room - will watch from the kitchen.  And, when he leaves I'll spray the dickens out of the room.  I will also wear a mask - or two.

     I saw that our Governor has passed a law that a mask mandate will not be done (doesn't surprise me).  Also saw President Biden is thinking about making it a mandate that all Federal workers have to be vaccinated - I'm for that. 

     Think I'll stop and go into the bedroom where it's cooler.  I may leave the bedroom door open tonight (did that once before and it worked all right).  Really don't like that smell when I come in.  Darn heat wave anyway.

     Sleep well tonight.  Sandy, don't work too hard getting ready to move.  You want to feel rested when you get to Virginia so you can explore!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Sorry Lorita, I used the wrong word.  Should have said pollinated, not fertilized.  Put two male flowers in refrigerator yesterday.  One of my plants has several females with blooms. The other plant rarely has a female.  So will start pollinating them myself now. Mother one I did grew nicely.

    Zetta glad you got some rain.  Hope you are blessed with more.

    Good to hear from you Sandy.  Hope you enjoy living in Virginia.

    Lorita I am soft.  Really enjoy my AC.  Lorita be cautious, open the windows in the room if you  are able, keep distance from him as possible, wear your mask and hopefully he will be cooperative and wear his.  But if he doesn’t, remember you have a lot of layers in place, vaccination, mask, distance and ventilation if you can leave a window open.  That’s a lot of layers and very protective.

    Feel like I am out of quarantine now.  Two weeks ago today since my uncles funeral.  Hugged my cousins with my mask on.  Hope all of them are ok too.  Many had no masks on and I’m clueless as whether they were vaccinated or not.

    My steps are getting installed today.  They have been very efficient.  Hope I like their work so I can use them for more things I would like done.

    Froze some more greens and another dozen of corn yesterday.

    Had to deal with wild animals yesterday.  A wild hen turkey was strutting around in my yard.  Afraid she might mess with my plants.  Put the garage door up and the noise sent her on her way.  Then a chipmunk ran into my garage lol.  Thought oh no, was afraid he would hide and I wouldn’t be able to find him.  Was successful in getting him ran out.  Will try to find his hole today.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Sara, wild turkeys and chipmunks, oh, my!  Odd that a wild turkey would come into town but guess they do.  I've seen some once or twice but guess the coyotes and wolves keep them in line.  Glad you thought of opening the garage door for the noise to scare it away.  No experience with chipmunks except I think they're cute.

     Glad you're out of quarantine and everything's okay with you.  The repairman has come and gone.  I have a land line phone but it's in one of the rooms that's closed off so I don't always hear it ring.  I did faintly this morning and answered and it was Sears saying the repairman was on his way.  So, I waited.  When he got here he just sat in his van - he saw the Beware of Dog sign and guess he was afraid to come in.  I had gone to the back gate but guess he didn't see me so went to the front porch and he got out.  I told him to come in the back way and asked if he had a mask - he did and he wore it.  He went to the AC and asked what it was doing - I had gone back through the house so told him, then closed the door.  I kept the door between the utility room and kitchen closed all the time. Then I left and went outside.  I don't think he touched the AC once - just used his little computer thing.  I stuck my head in the door - still 6 ft. away and asked him if it would make a smoke smell.  He said it would if the compressor was going out and he said it was - and a relay.  He came outside and said he was waiting for a call from his boss about whether they would replace it or repair it.  I told him to tell his boss there was an old woman here who needed her AC. The call came back that they would replace it - probably by the end of the week.  He did say it was okay to go ahead and keep it on - it cools a little bit.  He said there was no danger - so guess that's where the smell was coming from.

     After he left I sprayed and sprayed everything in the room and the air.  I have the door closed for a while.  I think it's downright awful that people have to be afraid to be around other people and take all these precautions just to be sure we're okay.  It's really scary to hear those doctors and scientists talk about more variants that may be worse even than this one - and they will be here IF everyone isn't vaccinated.  If I had a kid in school, I would do homeschooling for sure.

     Mike and Toad came early and he took one load of old, old hay.  I think he has some places where he can put it to stop erosion.  I'll be glad to get rid of it - probably six or seven years old with no netwrap - all of it has disintegrated.  I did drive out to see the girls - didn't count but saw everyone up and around.  They were coming into the lot and getting a drink of water and going to the barn just after 7 this morning.  Guess where Rose Bud is?  You're right, in the pond - with another cow.

     Glad that guy came early so I don't have to be waiting on him all day.  He wasn't the friendliest person around but that's okay.  He did what I wanted done.  Not good conditions for him - spongy floor and having to be sure to stay on the boards I have down and two litter boxes.  Did all I could to  make them smell okay but I doubt they did. 

     I left the bathroom door open to the LR last night and about 4:30 this morning the cats decided they wanted to play - of all the running and jumping on the bed, my goodness.  Those Savannah cats are something else. Max and Kitt were quiet most of the time - not these.

     Sandy, I see there's going to be some big storms in your area today.  Stay safe - and don't work too hard on going through those closets.  Clothes are heavy.  You know I think I can donate most of Charles' clothes but there's two or three things I just can't give up - maybe it would be better if I did but I'd feel like I was throwing him away.  I can see now why mother kept her daddy's overcoat so many years.  She never gave it away. 

     I'll stop and find something for breakfast.  I'm ready for fall - and they're saying by Sunday the big old high is going to move back west for a week or so, then come back.  Summertime in Oklahoma!  Not good.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    A cat and catnip question…but first I’m just knocked out by Jos experience. It’s unbelievable so much happens to one person so fast. (I totally believe her, but you know.) it’s just not fair, not right.  I’m sure the med staff understands, but I’m so sorry this all happening.

    My little stuff is pretty nothing next to that.

    But was curious about cats/catnip. A friend brought some stems and leaves she said was catnip. The cat did not care, had no interest at all. The leaves had no smell, other than like any green leaf. 

    Meanwhile, I got kitty a string toy, that happened to have some catnip in it (not why I got it, but). The cat went NUTS over it, even when it was still. He plays and nuzzles it a few minutes, then he totally zones out. I’m wondering if friend’s plant was really catnip?? And do cats really go nuts for catnip? I thought that was kind of an old wives’ tales, or maybe depended on each cats liking?

    So much weirdness here in little things mounting up. We have broken so many heat/humidity records. Have not turned on hot water faucets since late June. What comes of cold faucets  is unpleasant warm. That is normal in August, but this year started in late June.

    Had to increase bug control service, also not unusual, but much earlier than usual. That works great—except for flying things. And for first time ever, I’m fighting flies in the house. Can’t figure what I’m doing different, but never had flies before. Never. And lots more snakes outside. I don’t mind them at all, there’s always a few around, but lots more now.

    The increased temps and humidity also causing problems with our AC. (Central heat and air, zoned). Bedroom zone not cooling. Repair guys say there’s too much humidity in the house, probably due to weather outside, and we have so much glass. That problem is ongoing, looking at whole house dehumifier, which is pricey but not as bad as replacing all windows. Thinking hard about that one. Meanwhile, running at much lower temps than ever before, which is supposed to help. Mold—the bad kind—is a concern and starting.

    There’s a reason nobody lived in S. Florida before AC! (It’s not a joke, it’s for real. Only outlaws, outcasts and hermits….a few rich people wintered here even 100 years ago, but not all year).

    Went through an unsuccessful round of PT with DH. He enjoyed it to a degree, but did not get much (if any) PT benefits. He cannot understand cause and effect, so not motivated, but maybe worse, cannot describe or point to any pain. His answers/descriptions  vary wildly minute,to minute, and often are nonsensical. Meanwhile, his PT person noticed and asked about my neck problems—which she thinks can be helped. So I start a round for myself in a couple days. Kind of nice when a doctor seems to take an interest in your well-being. Of course they get paid, but they stay super-busy without my neck. I was hoping it would work for him, but we tried before and same results, so not unexpected. Just trying.

    Lorita, the first time I saw a wild turkey I did not know what it was. Lol. I had only seen the fat domestic ones. So different! Hope your AC works now…

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Really hot here - Broken Arrow has a heat index of 113 - but, there's hope on the horizon - upper 80s part of next week, after Sunday.

     I've been watching TV this afternoon in the bedroom where it's cooler.  I just had one of "those" moments that I know all of us who have lost their husband or wife has had.  For an instant I was 22 again, sitting at a table in the canteen having a cup of coffee with Charles.  For those two seconds I was happy again, content, I was with Charles and all was well.  He in his white uniform and me in a pink pantsuit.  When he worked nights and before he went home we'd sometimes have a cup of coffee in the canteen.  That instant happened seven years before we got married.  Do you think we'll ever get over those moments?  I doubt it - it's been 6 1/2 years since I lost him and sometimes it feels like it was yesterday.  I'm still teary-eyed every time I think of it.  Just for those couple of seconds everything was well.

     Rescue Mom - we've had the same experience with catnip.  We planted some one year and the cats would have nothing to do with it - while it was green.  Maybe it has to be dried before they go silly over it.  We've bought toys with catnip in it and they loved them.

     About your flies and bugs; have you ever tried a DynaTrap?  It's something I saw on TV/QVC, a few years ago.  You hang it on the porch or in a tree and it has a light in it with some kind of scent and a little motor that attracts bugs to it.  They go in and can't get out - doesn't zap them, just keeps them inside.  I do hate to empty them though - sometimes the bugs haven't died.  We're on our second one.  They come in different sizes from taking care of 1/4 acre up to a full acre.  You turn them on in the spring and turn them off in the fall.  I think they even have one for inside.

     You'd think we'd have a lot of flies with the cattle so close and the flies they have but I hardly ever see one - maybe they're all on the cows.  When I was growing up we did have flies and used some kind of granules scattered on the porch to kill them.  Stopped using them when our parakeet ate one of them that had gotten under the door and didn't survive.

     In the summertime here when it's so hot and humid our air conditioners don't do a very good job either - but, it's still better than being outside.  I just looked out the door and the girls are in the pond - or their swimming pool.  There's non wind blowing at all so that makes it hotter.  When we have wind it's a little bit better.

     I still have the door closed to the utility room - wonder how long I should keep it closed?  I didn't hear that guy cough or sneeze and he had his mask on so it's probably okay.  Like I said I don't think he even touched the AC but did touch the doorknob which I sprayed until it was wet. 

     Carol called this afternoon.  She said almost no one is wearing a mask in her town.  She's had big get-togethers with all of her large family and none of them wear masks and not all are vaccinated.  One of her long-lost cousins has moved back to this area.  She had cancer and I guess had heard about people taking cattle dewormer to cure cancer.  She consulted a vet in Gore and started taking it.  Four years ago the doctors told her she had two months to live - she seems to be in remission and doing well - only took two chemotherapy treatments.  So, what about that?  I've heard of taking some kind of cattle medicine to prevent the virus but this is something new to me.  Carol says it's all over the internet. 

      Guess I'll stop and watch the rest of Cheyenne.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Good morning 

    Rescue mom I live in northern Ohio, not south Florida, here we do get some humidity problems but nothing like you guys I’m sure.  Run a dehumidifier in the summer.  Can see how all the glass would make things even worse.

    Step guys didn’t get here yesterday.  Said they would come today.  They are giving rain today so we’ll see.  Their tool trailer is parked in my driveway so guess they’ll get here sooner than later.

    Lorita think it will be fine to open the door.  Sounds like you both did what you needed to do.  

    Went to grocery store yesterday in case those boys show up today.  Met a lady I worked with who is retired too.  She had just got her first vaccine shot.  I told her thank you and that I had gotten mine.  A lady walking by stopped and said I heard your conversation and want to thank both of you.  Her and I talked for a long time.  We both were vaccinated and both had masks on.  She told me her brother was one of the first to die from Covid I our area, and that he got it from the prison he worked in.  I remember that happening.  Said he had health problems since he was young.  Said he was very sweet person, that his wife had died at a young age and he raised his two children by himself.  We both enjoyed talking with each other.

    Picked four quarts of blueberries yesterday.  Will get to pick at least one more time and possibly twice.  Will get fewer each time.  Hope to make a blueberry cobbler today or tomorrow.  Hope to pick up some more corn to freeze too.

    Fertilized another female zucchini yesterday with a male bloom in the refrigerator so we will see how that works.

    JoC hope you are feeling at least a little better.  You too Ron and Lou.

    Takecare everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Sara, how are your tomatoes doing and what about those black ones?  I just remembered that some of the small tomatoes our vet brought the other day were partly black - dark red and black.  I haven't tried any of those yet.  There were some that were about 2-3" long and they're delicious.  I peeled them in hot water, then took the seeds out.

     I forgot to water the zucchini and other things this morning.  The girls were already coming up when I got out so I sat on the steps and counted as they came in.  Of course, I came up one short - got to thinking I didn't see Billy the Bull go on and he's usually first so, hopefully he was already in there.  I did drive up to the MH to check and in the east pasture - no one was there.  I did see a coyote going home for the day.  Rose Bud's standing in the water - that isn't good for her feet - standing in that mud and water but I guess it's keeping her fairly cool.   It's 80 here already and the heat index is 90  - to be as high as 115 heat index today.  We're really beginning to need some rain.  Weatherman says it may get to 100 this afternoon.

     I turned off the AC in the utility room and closed the door - left the bedroom door open so we made it all right.  I did close the bedroom door for about half an hour and when I opened it I didn't smell the smoky smell so guess it was the AC compressor.  I hope they don't have to wait for a new AC to come in. Just heard on the news that so many air conditioners are going out in this weather and they're having a hard time getting parts.  People, including me, are so spoiled nowadays; I grew up without air conditioning or water cooler - just fans.  When I started working I bought two big air conditioners for our house but I was gone all day and if mother was home, she or grandma wouldn't turn them on because daddy was working in the fields and they felt bad being cool and him being so hot.  That was before big tractors cabs and air conditioning. 

     I'm going to call today to see what Robert has found out about the PU.  I think if it was fixed he would have called.   I haven't been in a hurry to get it back but I'm curious - really wondering what Car Shield is going to do.  One thing I don't like about them already is tow charges.  Their ad says you don't have to pay anything for towing.  I did - had to pay an extra $15.  Guess all of that's fine if you live in town and you don't have to be towed more than ten miles.  Doesn't work out here.  So, if I have to have anything towed again I'll use AAA.  Just wanted to see what Car Shield would do.

     The GPs wanted out about 5 this morning and they just came in when I did - after 8.  They've gone to the bedroom to be cool and sleep a while.  It's just too hot for them to be outside very long.  Stormy did get sick so he may have gotten a little too hot.  I feel sorry for anyone or any animal that has to be outside in this weather.

     Jo - hope you're feeling much better by now.  Haven't seen a post form you in a couple of days - let us know. 

     Ron, feel sorry that you're still having so much pain and discomfort from the stones.  Maybe they'll pass before long.  How's Lou doing in this hot weather.  I know you all are under heat advisories, too. 

     The news was reporting on how many people they've taken to the hospitals because of Covid.  It said two weeks ago they were transporting 8-10 people a day; now it up to 30-40 a day.  Sounds like a surge to me.  You all wear your masks!!

     I'll be back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Forgot to mention - the news just showed a video of a new, little girl Malayan Tiger cub at the Tulsa Zoo.  It is so cute and mom was giving her a bath.  It said the Tulsa Zoo is the only zoo in the Country that has two breeding pairs.  Mom's name is Ava. Maybe we can google it - I'll try.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Well, I'm learning more about Car Shield.  My PU has been in the shop over a week and they're squabbling about paying for diagnosing the problem.  They want the diagnosing done first and then will pay IF whatever they find is covered.  My repair shop doesn't want to do that.  And, another thing I just found out from the Claims Dept. - if a part is required, they have to provide it.  If the shop uses their own part and it costs $500 and Car Shield can get if for $300 that's all they'll pay.  So, who knows how long that will take - she said the time varies.  Sounds like your vehicle could be in the shop for who knows how long.  After this is over, I'll probably drop it.  I've heard "if something sounds to good to be true, it probably is" and their advertisement sounds really good.

     Guess it's a good thing I'm not needing the PU right now.  What if this had happened in the middle of the winter when I had to have it to feed?  Guess the saga will continue.  I'm almost tempted to tell them I'll pay for diagnosing the problem if what they find isn't covered.  I'm almost sure it will be because it sounds like the problem is electrical.  There are other things I want to have done that isn't covered that I will pay for and that was expected.  I'll think about it and maybe talk with Robert tomorrow.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    When I thought about Carshield I found that it had an F rating from the BBB and decided not to get it. My USAA insurance tows my car and provides roadside service including when the car is in my driveway. I have always been more that satisfied.

    The sink hole is where the deep end of the pool was.

    Sayra...could you please explain why you are fertilizing your zucchini. I am fascinated.

    Hot out. I went to my second exercise class. I think I did a bit better.The music is wonderful. Today's favorite was Lollipop. You can't not move to that!!!

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita; I am sorry about the Car Shield disappointment. If you Google, "Car Shield complaints," some interesting stuff pops up. The BBB has over 2,000 complaints listed.  If Care Shield is insisting on using only parts they provide, ask if they are "refurbished" parts; that is, used parts that have been refurbished.  Not all redone parts are bad, but I would not want that done for anything to do with brakes.

    Rosebud in the pond - I can well understand why she does that in the heat; she sounds very endearing. How old is she now?  Hope her hooves will do okay.   As for the air in the laundry room, by now you are okay. Be cautious spraying; expecially spraying the air. I do not think spraying the air will do anything, and one must be cautious not to inhale that stuff into one's lungs.  I can well imagine the poignant sudden reminiscing of you and Charles together; it seems to hit the senses when we least expect it.   How I often wish there was a time travel port that we could go through; just for a little bit to revisit those loving times. I know that if I hear music from the 50's; I am immediately transported back in time with my DH and how we were.  Our grandaughter who felt she had COVID after having been greatly exposed and developing a snuffy nose and cough, was tested.  It was negative.  She needs to return Monday and be tested again.  Hopefully she will be okay. she now decided she will get vaccinated; glad she is doing it, but . . . . SIGH! Sorry about your steps, Sayra.  I was hoping it was all done and done well for you; well soon we hope.  The blueberries sound wonderful.  We used to go out and pick them in the woods in the UP of Michigan; they were awesomely delicious.  The frozen ones do not have the same protection values as fresh do. Sure wish we could find some fresh, wild blueberries; the hothouse ones are just not the same. Joan, it is great to hear that upbeat tone in your written voice. Omigosh; peach pie, chocolate cookies, peanut butter cookoes and lasagna!   Wow!  I was tired just reading about all that baking. What a blessing you are to those lovely grandchildren.  Sasue Sandy; that is a big move.  How do you feel about it? So hope that it is something that will be a positive for you in all ways; I wish you well.  I sure can undersand how difficult it is to donate your husband's clothes. It is still like having part of him with you. I can even remember when my husband had to travel on business; I would take one of his used T-shirts to bed with me so it felt as though he was there. I know; silly of me, but it was comforting. Gosh Rescue Mom; the flies in the house would drive me up the wall.  Do you know how they get in?  I used to get flustered when my DH or one of the kids would hold the door open when they needed something or were talkng to someone. Flies came in carrying suitcases!  In summer, they did this getting out of the heat.  Used to use vacuum attachment to suck them off the ceiling or wall.  Had to get really hard nosed with family to shut that dadblasted door!   Or else!! Hope your neck responds to PT quickly.  That is a problem that is difficult; the neck holds up the head and flexes so we can see around us. DH almost had to have neck surgery; but he held on with PT and lesser treatment and it finally improved. Gads; DH was angry yesterday.   We get our CostCo order delivered by Instacart; no charge if one buys over a certain small amount. So . . . Instacart fellow delivers the order that contained refrigerated and frozen food onto our front porch; in full sun, and then left . . . . did not call first which all other of the drivers do, and did not knock or ring doorbell.   Husband happened to see the delivery because we have the RING doorbell cameras, he went out  and found the groceries on the porch in full sun with the delivery guy far down the sidewalk.  DH had a few things to say; if he had not heard the RING tone, he never would have known the groceries were out there and all would hve been spoiled.  First time that has ever happened. Saw report that some anti-vaxers are going to the ER to get COVID vaccine secretly; they want no one to know.   Wonder how immature and vacuous a person can get; that seems to set a new record.  Unbelievable but true.  Their vaccinating could possibly help others they know to accept getting vaccinated, but guess that is not on their minds as a value. Ron; been thinking of you; has anything improved with those stones?  Cannot imagine having that continuing.  Let us know how you are when you are up to it.  This strange, never before occuring cascade of medical surprises continues.   Turns out the Flagyl over time is causing 10+++++ severely profound weakness and fatigue. Almost could not walk yesterday.  Had to look it up; not all credible stes show that as a side effect, but others did.  Side effect for some; had to call doctor it was so extemely bad. He cut me back from three 500 mg. tabs a day to two. As it is, I am probably free and clear from C. diff by this time, but best to be on safe side.  Got four more days to go with the med.  I was so badly weak yesterday that I did not take the pm dose.   By morning, the weakness was 75 - 80% gone.  Thank goodness.  So; took the dose for this morning at ten; by 11:30, I could feel the weakness and bit of cloudiness; but not as strong as yesterday; seems it was cumulative. Flagyl has an eight hour half life which makes it 44 hours till it clears the system completely.  Can't wait.  Watched a bit of the Olympics off and on; what bodies those young people have!  Just amazing how they do in so many different events; amazing.  Really beautiful how they are strong and so well formed.   Which leads me to say;  good for those sticking up for the volleyball women who have to wear those teensy bottoms that get stuck everywhere and dig into their hips and lead to sand burns when they fall.  Those females are on display for slovering idiots while the men can wear long shorts.  Really?  With all the publicity about it, hopefully the rules will change for next Olympics. Really; this is 2021 and females are equal in all.  We shall see. Also watched the testimony of the officers from the DC insurrection; it had been recorded.  It was truly stunning to see so much film of that day and to hear the officer's recounting of their experience; some of which had not been seen publicly as yet.  Insufficient words. It is almost one o'clock here; hope that you are all having an untroubled and good day, J.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Good morning

    We didn’t get the nasty part of the weather just some rain.  Hopefully today will be a good day and my new steps will get installed.

    Lorita the tomatoes are producing better than anything.  Picked all of them that were turning yesterday morning as they were giving nasty weather and didn’t want them to get damaged.  So I have lots of tomatoes in paper sacks.  Have eaten a couple of black and not that great.  May not be ripe enough.  They are very productive.  

    Things like Car Shield I never trust.  Always figure there is a lot of fine print and it won’t be to my advantage. AAA has always showed up and did what they are suppose to do but they can be slow about getting there.

    Judith sometimes zucchini will only put out male or female flowers , they need both at the same time in order to get fertilized (pollinated).  They say they eventually get it worked out but mine haven’t so far.  So I have started cutting male blooms, putting them in fridge, and then hand pollinating the females.  Right now I have several female coming but not seeing any males.  It is kind of crazy.  The blooms only stay open about half of a day so the window of oppurtinity is small also.  Most of my bees are staying on the Indian Blanket flowers , think I will plant some of them in my garden next year so maybe will have more bees in that area.

    JoC nice to hear from you.  Heard anti ax folks are slipping around and getting their shots on the sly too.  If that is true maybe it is because they don’t want to say hey I was wrong.  

    Interesting about Flagyl.  Know you will be glad to get off of it.

    Got one dozen of corn frozen yesterday and hope to get the other done today.  Less tiring to do a dozen at a time.

    Made the blueberry cobbler.  It didn’t turn out quite as nice as the peach one.  Peaches are suppose to be available at orchards all of August.  Hope to find some good tasting ones and freeze some of them too.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's already beyond warm here and going to be hotter today before it cools off some on Sunday.

     I didn't do my home work on Car Shield like I should have.  It sounded so good and our PU is 20 years old so thought it would be a good thing.  Next time I'll do better.  If it doesn't work out and they don't pay, I'll cancel and see about getting a refund (probably can't but won't hurt to try).

     Judith, why are you going to an exercise class - is it for balance improvement?  Did you go to some classes once before and your balance improved - or maybe that was my SIL

     Jo, good news about your granddaughter - hope the tests continue to be negative.  Maybe part of her problem was allergies.  I know they're bad around here - the weeds are doing very well this year.

     Rose Bud is at least 21 years old.  She had her first calf in 2002 when she was probably two years old.  She was out of the pond this morning but before I got back into the house she was standing in the water.  Girls were going in when I got out there before 7.  Going to be very hot today and no wind, so far.  I hate hot summers.  The water and mud isn't good for her feet so when the weather improves and she stops standing in the water I'll make sure her feet are okay. 

     I've had the problem you all had with Costco before, but with UPS.  We ordered Omaha steaks years ago and the driver left the box at the county line - a quarter mile away and we had no idea they were there.  They were thawed completely before we found them. They also left medications down there once.  I have trouble with them all the time.  For the time it would take the driver to get out and walk 50 ft. to sit down the box, he could be at the house and leave it on the porch - FedEx doesn't do that - Colton brings everything to the porch.  I've complained and complained but I think it goes in one ear and out the other.

     So, this morning my left side is hurting, down low.  I hope it's a muscle pull.  I've eaten a small tomato that I thought I had completed seeded or deseeded (whichever it is) so now I'm worried about diverticulitis.  I agree with my mother - I should be put on a cushion and covered with a mosquito bar - to protect me.  I've taken Flagyl twice and never had the problem with fatigue.  I hope, though, that I never have to take it again.  You got the fatigue and I got the metallic taste - rather have the taste. 

     Sara - checked the zucchinis this morning - I have the prettiest crop of little girls you ever saw.  I read that, like you said, there's always more girls than boys - like one to four but eventually it evens out where it should be.  I never thought about or observed any of this before - guess it was because we had more plants and didn't think about it.  I watered them some this morning and also gave a little bit of water to caladiums, daisies and roses.  I need either another 50 ft. of hose or a bigger watering can.

     Good luck with your pollination technique.  Any sight of babies yet?  Hope you get your steps put in today and that you're satisfied with the work.

     I'm thoroughly disgusted this morning.  Seems like I've been that way all week though.  I called Sears - I have a maintenance contract with them on two ACs, a washer and refrigerator and have had for 20 years on some of the things.  Always had good service and the value of the contract was worth it.  A service call out here is at least $140.  So - called Sears to see when they were going to deliver the replacement air conditioner.  They asked if I'd received an authorization number - no, hadn't.  Took three calls so finally got someone I could hardly understand (but was nice) to check on it.  The repairman recommended replacement and his boss agreed - but - he never sent the recommendation to the district supervisor - so nothing has been done.  I asked him point blank when it would be delivered and he said by the end of the week (this is the end).  So, she sent the correct paperwork and asked that it would be expedited.  I told her I'm a 79 year old woman, living in the country by myself - the weather's going to be 115 and I need the AC.  She said something should be done within 48 hours.  I lost it - sorry, but I did - reamed them out up one side and down the other.  I did tell her my anger was not toward her.  Then - she told me when I get the e-mail with the auth. number I could order the AC from Sears.  That set me off again.  I don't even know where there is a Sears store (I think they're all closed around here).  So, told her in no uncertain terms that they were to take care of ordering it, delivering it, installing it and taking away the old one. 

     When it was replaced before, the tech. came out, checked it - said it needed to be replaced and within a day or so they brought out a new one and put it in.  No auth. numbers, nothing.  Things are just getting worse - I think technology has caused some people to rely too much on it which causes them not to follow through with their jobs like they should.

     Sorry about this - just had to get it out of  my system.  Now, I have an e-mail asking how I rated the service call.  Wonder how I'll answer that?

     Guess I'll call Robert now about the PU - maybe I should cool off some first.  No way to do that - no AC!  At least the one in the bedroom is working.  I have a big 220 one in the LR but it hasn't been used for years.  I may plug it in and see if it works.

     Jo - it is strange how you just all at once think of something that happened many years ago and for an instant you're back there - just for an instant.  All of these things are tucked away in our gray, or white, matter and a sound, smell or thought can bring them to the forefront. 

     Saw something so cute this morning (if I didn't have the cows and calves to get me some job, I'll shrivel up and blow away).  Anyway, I'd been out in the pasture with them and came back and was closing the gate and saw one of the little babies playing with a pile of dirt and grass.  He had come through a gate and don't know why but he started kicking the dirt and putting his little head down in it and really kicking up the dust.  He was probably waiting for his mother or another baby to catch up to him.  It's the little things that count.  You know, I could probably bite nails right now - but I'll be okay.  Just have to think about that baby playing in the dirt.

     Sorry to have ranted and raved - just had to get it out of my system.  Probably a good thing I'm not around anyone today.  But, if Charles was here he'd calm me down and tell me everything will be all right.  Darn, I miss that man! 

     Hope all of you are doing all right this morning and in a much better mood than I.  If I was a drinking woman----- but I'm not, so guess I'll have another cup of hot tea.  You know that reminded me - when daddy would be working in the fields on his tractor (remember, no cab - no AC), he'd come to the house and drink a cup of hot coffee.  He said it helped to cool him down.  He always wore long-sleeved shirts, too.

     Have a happy day - I'll be back in a better mood later.  Sorry for all of this.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Dear Lorita,

    I am new to your "front porch" but have been reading all the daily notes for a while.

    While I grew up a city girl, I was fortunate enough to have grandparents who lived on a farm and would get nice long vacations with them in the summers.  I also remember my granddad saying a hot drink helped cool him off and long sleeves were a must.

    It seems like if it is not one thing it is another when it comes to appliances or anything mechanical.  You are certainly having your share of challenges lately.  Good for you in your efforts with Sears.  Unfortunately, these days you can't get good service like we used to.  Can't even be sure that the person on the other end of the phone is even in the USA.  They work off scripts on their computer and have no idea how to deal with the real life we experience.

    Do you have any lavender plants?  I hear that the fragrance has a calming effect...not a substitute for your DH but might help a bit.

    Hope your day improves...and the PU and A/C issues are resolved quickly.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, when I get a service evaluation, if I am not satisfied, I give them the lowest scores.  I also email customer service or telephone and complain directly.  You are paying for service, after all! 


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Needed a little relaxing on the front porch today! Been keeping up with everyone, but just haven't felt up to posting. Always keep all that need it in my prayers. When I saw the post on wild Turkey, all I could imagine was my drink of choice back in the day, not the feathered one that Sarah spoke of.

    I passed only one of the three stones that I'm aware of, but not in any pain now so that's a good thing. Not sure how much longer before I have a mental breakdown.  Just feel like it keeps multiplying on me. I had a dental appointment today and Lou complained with her back hurting yesterday evening and last night. I gave her a pain pill this morning and she's been fine all day. I try not to give her any of her heavy pain meds unless necessary, but didnt need dealing with her during my appointment. 

    Now for what keeps piling up on me: in order for my lower dentures to fit they have to grind down some bone in my gums. Simple surgery procedure, but something else for me to deal with. What's really has me close to a breakdown was I noticed a note on line this morning where the pulmonary and critical care dr reviewed my past xray and scans and ordered another cat scan for October and if lung issues has not resolved he recommends a broniscopy, biopsy and PFT. Just seems like I cant catch a breather. 

    Let's all plan for a good old relaxing front porch ho down; I'll get Lou to bring her accordion and any other front porch friends get a y instruments out and join us are just be there for listening pleasure. 


  • JudeV
    JudeV Member Posts: 30
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments

    I’d love to join you on the porch ,Ron, but I cannot carry a tune let alone play an instrument.  I love music but somehow God skipped me.   In church, I sing very softly.  Some of the church songs I can do because the are in my low key!

    Sayra, I get tickled with you pollinating your zucchini.  We never did that.  Being raised on a farm and having vegetable gardens all my life , we plowed up the ground, disked it and planted vegetables.  Pull weeds and wait for the rain to come.  Being a kid, I don’t remember my folks ever watering.  They never heard of irrigation systems.  I water my garden with soaker hoses.  The water goes in the dirt where you need it to.    Got a lot of green tomatoes . Wish they would start turning red.  I love fried eggs and  fried slice tomatoes together.  

    Going to Louisville to see my daughter tomorrow.   Hospice said she is in last stage.  Giving her just weeks.  She is 57.   She doesn’t remember me but that is okay, I remember her.    Hard loosing a husband but extra hard loosing a child.    

    We need rain so bad.  My grass is turning brown.   It has been so hot and humid that I can’t work outside during the day.  

    I got a new free app called”Libby”.  It is connected to your library.   Bring the app up and put in your library card number and tell which library is close to you and get to choose books to read for 2 weeks.  If you don’t have a library card, they will fix you up with one.  No charge.  All is free.   I get so tired of reruns on tv.  I like to read series of authors.  

    Hope you all are doing okay.  


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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