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Just need to talk to my friends (151)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Just saw something interesting - turned on the Olympics and they were playing something called Men's 3x3 basketball.  When Carol and I played basketball the girls played half-court (three forwards and three guards) and the boys played full court (five on each team).  This was played on half court (but I don't think it was full-sized).  There were three players from each team and they all shot in the same goal.  Really went fast - not all that running back and forth.  This must be something new.  Japan won this game - supposed to have been ten minutes but went into OT and it lasted 15 minutes.  They were gasping for breath.

     I heard yesterday there's a big storm headed towards Japan.  They weren't sure how close to Tokyo it would be.  Haven't heard about that this morning.  The men's volleyball was good - two on two for that one.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good Saturday greetings everyone.  Another 90 degree day today; would be nice if this summer stays out of the three digit temps, but never such luck.  Hang on Lorita; only another two months till a bit of cooling in October.  Well; out here, some Octobers are still pretty warm.   When the children were little, when trick or treating, I remember having to bundle them up under their costumes.  For years now, it has been hot on Halloween with kids complaining about being too hot.

     Gosh; that reminds me of Halloween.  I loved to decorate the house for the kids starting at the front gate of the courtyard all the way up to the door . . . I did it up with all sorts of stuff and had just about as much fun as the kids.  I would always overbuy candy because I never wanted to run out and disappoint children.  However; at nine o'clock at night, that was when I closed up the house and turned off the lights.  So  . . . the last child who came to the door at 9:00 pm got ALL the candy I had left.  So much fun! I remember one boy, about nine, he was alone with his mother; he was carrying a pillow case for his candy and did not have much.   So; I emptied all of my candy into his bag and the reaction was priceless.   His eyes got so big and he began to shout to his mother who was way back on the front sidewalk; "MOM, MOM, YOU SHOULD SEE THIS - OH BOY!"  Really tickled me.

     One year I won a seven foot blow up Frankenstein from our local Hallmark shop.  I had to take it to a gas station to have it blown up as it was so large.  You should have seen me driving home with that thing hanging half way out of the back window!  Fortunately did not have to go too far.  Sure do miss all that fun and seeing all the children dressed up.   Due to the sad danger, kids do not trick or treat here anymore.  The local park usually puts on a Halloween Party for the kids.  Not the same, but necessary.

    Lorita, in California, when renewing a driver's license online, you do not need to have a new picture taken; the old one remains.  No one ever looks like their photo anyway.  I look like a horror show - if I saw that picture and did not know me; I would not like me on the spot it is that bad.  My hair color was also different.  Might want to give it a try and see.

     As for driving home from the hospital, no need to lie down, etc.  Only concern was that since it is a two hour drive IF traffic is good, sure hope the stent does not cause an abrupt emergency need - those darned things can cause an URGENT MUST to void and if one does not answer that demand immediately, the stent will start doing it for you whether you want it to or not.   If all goes well, and I expect it will; we would be heading home right in the midst of the heaviest dinner hour traffic going from LA as far as Orange and Riverside Counties which are past where we live.  So; it may take longer than two hours, and since I will be processing all the IV fluids - it seems it may be a fingernail biter . . . . I can always find something to worry about.  At least I have found out I will not be trying to pass stone fragements on the freeway since they will basket them away during the procedure.

      I've bored the socks off you guys with all that surgery junk.  Sorry.  Well; I placed a link on one of Crush's Threads regarding interviews I came across this morning re adult people and why they refuse vaccinations - it is startlingly illuminating and worth watching - far, far more a deep rooted issue than I had appreciated.  It is worth watching the link; go past the RNs prank and listen to those being interviewed:


    Just heard on the news that the Attorney General in Missouri is going to court to stop St. Louis from mandating masks.  How dismaying that the lives of people are tied up in such a decision.  I often wonder when such things happen at various times if there may be political aspirations at the fore. Do not know; perhaps not, but it comes to mind.

    As for the litter box bunny; my granddaughter did train him; I do not know how, but she said he was so good and he learned very fast.  So glad it worked well considering he is loose in the house. He turns his back and won't turn around if he does not get his way or if he is displeased. She said he is adorable and very, very sweet natured. 

    Never knew there was gender of zucchini.  All I know was that I got prolific crops that went on and on and on.   Love zucchini.  I like to coin them; put them in a small amount of hot olive oil and brown them - I brown the onions separately because otherwise they get water in the zucchini and it spoils the texture, then I mix the browned onion with the zucchini, add a little salt, pepper and sometimes I saute the onion with garlic and oh boy; it is so good.

     Sayra, I hope your watermelon will begin to grow again; I was waiting to see what it would be like and how good it was. Well; perhaps it will be okay.   One never knows when growing foods.  And Sayra; you are so strong and have so much endurance; my goodness you have been and are such a busy person with such big things to do.   Wow!  You are a very kind person, what a dear neighbor you are to those near you.

    Iris, chipmunks are rodents - cute in their own way, but the little dears can cause difficulties.  When a child, I used to watch them gather acorns and run up the tree to store them or they would bury them.  They would get so many in their mouths and be all lumpy. Very industrious when the cold weather is to come.  I used to plant acorns as a child hoping I would grow a big oak tree, but never a single growth. 

    Well; best to get going, I have to get some breakfast, and then start getting things set up for Monday.   I am sometimes a lollygagger, so it can take time for me to motate from thing to thing.   Sending best day wishes to everyone,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    There will be more blueberries to pick if nothing happens.  

    Made my peach pie lol.  Didn’t use a recipe and forgot to thicken it.  But it is still good and will be fantastic if I thicken it.

    My BIL came and trimmed some for me.  I will do some easier things later.  He also helped me to realize that I can spray the wet and forget on my siding without using a ladder at all.  That made my day.  Here on the north side of the house or anywhere it is shaded, vinyl siding gets to looking dirty.  It is a mold I understand.  Wet and forget takes care of it and is so easy to do, especially now that I don’t mess with ladder.  You just literally spray it on and you are done. There was mold on my stoop, mold on a landscaping wall when I moved in.  It took care of them too.  BIL power washed the wall too after the mold died. They are staying clean too.  Think it is because I got rid of a lot of things that were stopping good air flow.  There is also a little mold down at the bottom of two of my porch windows.  Realized they would come out but didn’t know how to do it.  When the guy came to give me an estimate on new steps I asked him about it.  He showed me how to take them in and out.  They are big so afraid they might be too heavy for me.  Well this morning I tried it before BIL got here so if I couldn’t get it back in I would have help.  Was able to do it so now I can clean them. That makes me happy too.  So thankful for those that help me.

    Ok, lunchtime is over and time to go take care of my plants.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's hot!  I had a couple of letters to mail so drove them down to the mailbox and was in a hurry to get back inside.  If I'm inside it doesn't feel too cool - except in the bedroom - but when you come in from outside, it feels so good.  There is a breeze - not wind - just a light breeze you can feel.  Hope the girls are feeling it inside the barn.  They also go in there to be in the dark so the flies won't bother them too much.  This, even though I have the backrubber up and we're using mineral tubs with something in it to help control flies. 

     I just saw a segment on our local channel - Oklahoma Gardening.  The first part was about yuccas.  We have the big, white ones that are native to Oklahoma - didn't know that.  I thought they were from the desert.  Anyway, they mentioned red yuccas.  They have those in the little grassy areas in the parking lot at our WM.  Pretty, but much smaller than the white ones.  Wish I could get rid of all but a couple of the prickly pears but it would take a bobcat - and, then what would I do with those they dig up?  My sister warned me about them and we have been careful to not let them get out into the pastures.

     I'll check next year to see if they need a new picture on my driver's license.  When I got mine taken three years ago, or however long it was, I looked at it and said "I look like a darned raccoon".  Of course the girl assured me I didn't.   My eyes are dark underneath but you don't notice that unless my glasses are off - and they have to be to have the picture taken.  I'm ashamed to show it when I have to for some reason.

     Jo - what about wearing one, or two, of those Tena pads - just in case.  It's easy for a man to deal with needing to go but not so much for us.  Just a thought.

     Got a letter from Carol with more information about our little town a century ago.  I sprayed it and will open it later.  Really wish that tornado had bypassed it.

     Sara - checked my zucchini - all little boys so far.  I had never really noticed before - maybe the boy blooms are first, then the girls.   I'm sure your watermelon will continue to grow - just think how great that will be to grow and eat your own melon.  Maybe it's like the watchpot.  They are so much better when they're picked when they're good and ripe.  Mother used to put pepper and salt on her watermelon.  I just like salt.  She did the same for cantaloupe - and she ate both of these melons with a fork - I use a spoon.

     Good to know that about getting rid of mold.  There's green mold on the lattice around the porch - I've sprayed alcohol? on it and that gets rid of it but good to know about just using water.  After it dries, do you have to wash it off again?   Glad you found out how to clean the bottom of your windows.  Talk about cleaning windows - I need to wash all of ours.  I have lace curtains in the bedroom, sunroom and front bedroom but insulated drapes in the LR which I keep closed all the time.  Stormy pulls them back to look when he hears something outside and imagine how dirty that must make the bottom of the dining room windows.  We have those that you can open and clean both sides but I don't like to do windows anyway.

     Sara, was it a peach pie or cobbler you made?  If I didn't have to heat the oven I'd make another cobbler - maybe very early some morning I can do that.

     I'd like to see a chipmunk - very seldom see a squirrel.  Guess out here on the prairie the trees are too far apart for them.  But, something cracks the black walnuts - probably squirrels.  We have two pecan trees at the MH but I don't think they ever have pecans.  One year we did have a few. 

     When I went to the mailbox I had a surprise.  The 15 acres of meadow that was too wet to bale a few weeks ago now has 30+ big bales of hay on it. A couple of days ago I kept hearing this noise - like a tractor - but could never locate the noise.  I thought it was those people working on trees under the power lines, even drove down to look - didn't see anything.  But, I bet it was them cutting, then baling that hay - it's on the far side of the meadow so if it was them I just didn't notice. 

     Jo - that was a funny Halloween story - that little boy really thought he hit the jackpot - and he did.  Bet he came back the next year, too.  We've never had trick or treaters and I only went one time in our little town - several of us did that time.  We took Sarah and Eric a couple of times and I remember it was so cold Sarah had to wear a coat - and she was on crutches - had just had surgery on her Achille's tendons, I think.

     Watching fencing at the Olympics now.  Everyone else is asleep.  Sounds good to me but I don't know when the vet will come to give Sheena more antibiotics so I'll just watch TV.  Enjoy the evening and stay cool.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo, you don't have to litter train rabbits--they naturally litter train.  I just placed mine in the litter box once so that they would know it was there, and they went.  The issue is that you cannot use the clumping litter that people use for cats, because bunnies nibble on litter.  I had to get the old-fashioned non-clumping litter.  

    I let my rabbits free roam, but they chewed everything, including electric wires--very dangerous! I finally confined my rabbits to my balcony, where they had a bit of room to roam but nothing dangerous to chew.

    C diff seems to be more prevalent nowadays.  I don't remember hearing about it much when I was practicing medicine, back in the 1970s and 1980s.  Perhaps because it is less common in children?  IDK.

    It's great that you found a nurse who you can relate to on the day of your procedure.  I hope she is assigned to you.

    Sayra, it is said that blueberries are some of the strongest antioxidants.  They are especially good for eye health.  I always use some in my morning smoothies.  I purchase frozen wild blueberries from Maine, way across the country from me.  I believe our fresh blueberries are locally grown, though. 

    Lorita, I used to bathe my original cat family but these cats I gave now are not amenable to bathing.  Three are too skittish, and one is too big.  I might be able to bathe Simon.  But I would have to bend over to bathe him in the tub, and I don't like all that bending!

    Many people ere have yucca in their yards and I believe it grows wild.  It is sold in some grocery stores because people cook and eat it.  There is a county garden near me and a neighbor asked them if he could pick some of their yucca.   He loved it.

    When I stepped outside this morning, I could smell smoke in the air.  But the clouds did not look smoky.  The smoke smell is gone now.  There are so many fires I can't keep up with the locations.  Most are in Northern CA but some are down here in Southern CA.

    I watched the Opening Ceremonies last night.  I like to watch the Parade of Nations.  I was impressed by the huge globe of lights hovering over Tokyo.  The lights were made of hundreds of drones.  What a logistical and technological feat!

    My brother did fencing in high school.  He made some score that went unchallenged for many years.  That was over fifty years ago.  


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I have a question for you ladies who are medical professionals:   I have diverticulosis

    and have had a couple of bouts of diverticulitis and I don't want another - too painful.  Can I safely eat tomato seeds or should I get rid  of the seeds before eating?
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Good morning

    Have never seen a red yucca Lorita.  Lorita this is not my area but googled it.  Seems like there was agreement that they have changed their mind about the dietary needs.  They say tomato seeds are ok unless having a flare.  I would go by what your own experience has been.  If you feel the seeds caused you to have a flare in the past then I would avoid them, not worth it.

    I laid a pie crust on bottom of skillet.  Put my fruit in and then put a lattice crust on top.  How my grandma made cobbler.  May not be as thin today since has been in fridge.  Made blueberry muffins yesterday eve so ate one of those. Only have one left, think I will have it for breakfast.  Gave 5 to the neighbor, five to my sister’s family.  That worked out nice.

    In the low 70s this morning so probably going to be a warm day.  Realized yesterday eve it has not rained for a week so guess I will go back to watering.  

    Lorita wet and forget is the name of the product and you mix it with water.  We got a little shower around 1am but didn’t last long.  The only reason I know is because thought I heard my door bell ring.  No one was there so don’t know if I was dreaming or if it really rang.  But it was lightning.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Sara, that's what I had read, too.  Since my first flare I haven't eaten anything with seeds except blueberries, no popcorn or nuts so I'm not sure what I can eat.  Guess I'll have to try a little and see what happens.   I think I'll take the seeds out of tomatoes, just to be as safe as I can be.

     Mike came late - about 8:30 and gave Sheena two antibiotic shots and two kinds of medicine to take for a week.  He said if her elbow, the hygroma, doesn't get smaller and better  in a week he'll have to remove it.  That's major surgery - she'll have the surgery one day and stay overnight, then can come home and back in ten days to remove sutures.  I so hope she doesn't have to have surgery.

     We had a nice visit and he brought tomatoes - said the squash were gone.  I told him my zucchini hadn't started baring yet but when it did I'd share with him. I don't think they have a garden, maybe some tomatoes, but his daughters do.   I just cooked some farfalle for this week and decided I'd put the tomatoes in that hot water and peel them - so I did and it worked well.  He brought some that are really good - they're kind of long and slender and have a good flavor.  Last year he told me the name of them but I don't remember.  Maybe I'll seed them and cut them up in the pasta with some cheese.

     He still doesn't know whether he got the land or not - the guy has until Tuesday night to decide if he wants to sell.  He bid on the whole section east of us  - all but six acres.  Really hope he gets it.  People are selling their land and leasing it to let people put solar panels on it and those big windmills.  Not something conducive to running cattle, especially the solar panels.   They have to dig deep, long  trenches and pour concrete to support the panels, then sell the power to the electric company.  There's a huge power line about 1 1/2 miles north of us - I don't like that either.  If he can get enough land and with mine, it won't happen right here.

    Last night I had Sheena outside of the yard to get her shots and she started barking and looking toward the carport.  It was an opossum going into the carport.  So, that's what has been eating the catfood, it  and Jimmy.  Didn't see him this morning.  Got out and saw the girls - didn't get a good count, so counted again as they came into the barn - think I saw everyone.  So cute, four babies stopped at the mineral tub and got a few licks before going into the barn - they learn young.  Rose Bud's standing in the water - hope she gets out of the sun.  We used to have some willow trees by the pond but they're gone.  Years ago Charles and I set out two or three trees on the other side of the pond and put a fence around them.  Thought it would be good for shade for the girls.  They didn't make it. 

     I think I almost got too hot late yesterday when I decided to open the cowshed doors.  I didn't feel too hot but haven't felt up to par since -  no temp, just don't feel too good.  I'll rest again today and it'll be okay.  Wish Charles was here to tell me that - meant more when he said it.

     No baby zucchinis yet but more blooms.  I didn't water them but did water the Gerbera daisies I transplanted.  Don't know if they're going to make it or not.  There is a chance of a little rain this afternoon and part of tomorrow.  Western Arkansas is really getting some downpours this morning.

     Carol sent a picture of she and Karen taken on the patio at the back of the hospital.  I must have taken the picture because it was lunch time.  Glad to get that.  She also included some slides taken at my wedding shower - 56 years ago.  I think it was the first go-round, not with Charles, because of a couple of people who were there that time.    For the life of me I can't remember where our shower was - probably at Carols.  I can remember Charles coming by after the shower and us taking the gifts home. 

     Zetta, can't find anything to watch at the moment so I have that hoarding show on.  You just never know - I wonder how Jack is doing with all the things in his house - probably still there.  By the looks of our front porch, you'd think I was hoarding - still three Chewy boxes out there with cat and dog food.  I'll have to get some of that inside today.

     Sara - I'm thinking about making some blueberry muffins.  I had a big pkg. of wild blueberries in the freezer and took some out to eat on cereal but I'm about out of the other muffins so might do that in the microwave.  Don't remember exactly how long they have to cook so will be trial and error - I think about 2 1/2 -3 minutes.  I'm going to have to get some more cupcake liners.  It's so  nice to have muffins in the freezer - like Zetta does - and just take one or two out and microwave it and enjoy.  I guess a person could use a cake mix and just add blueberries to it.  What did you do?

     I'll stop for now.  I think the compressor on the AC in the utility room quit working last night.  When I came back in the house it was really warm out there but I've heard it come on today.  Worries me - wish the repairman was coming tomorrow instead of Wednesday. 

     Jo - tomorrow's the big day  - we're all on standby and we'll be right by your side throughout the whole thing.  You'll be fine - everything will be okay.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Made them from scratch Lorita.  Hope to try a blueberry cobbler next time I pick.

    We had more rain than I thought.  We got 9/10 of an inch.  Did not have to water.  Been damp and gray all morning, the sun is coming out now so will probably be steamy.  Will give it a bit to dry off and then I will check to see if anything needs picked.  

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, people with diverticulosis may eat seeds and nuts as long as they are not inflamed with diverticulitis.  A high fiber diet is recommended.  I have diverticulosis and I eat a variety of berries and grapes with seeds, also sunflower and sesame seeds.  I never have had diverticulitis.

    Here is an article from the Cleveland Clinic, a noted medical group.



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Lorita, here is a link to WalMart - they carry Wet and Forget.  If you Google the product, there is information to be found.


     Yes; tomorrow, 11:30 PST.  Got to get my tiny roll-aboard case with a few items in it; "just in case" I would have to be kept overnight.  I do not think that will happen; but just in case, I will have some clean undies for me and DH, etc.

    See you all there tomorrow; when they wheel me into the surgical suite, I will picture all of you standing beside me. 

      See you all soon;


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,   I am also watching The Hoarders I am getting tired of them all being reruns.   They are pretty much background noise, today. I have been getting ready to stain my porches, so today I got all the porch chairs off and got the porches all washed off. My Son got all the stuff I need so that is my next project. Tomorrow or the next day that is what I will be doing.  Heat is not good for you, there is a lot of news about senior people dying do to heat. I hear about the ones who are inside with no AC and the heat kills them. I had no AC and I thought I was comfortable and then my son came inside and said it was way too hot so he got me a AC and put it in my window, I guess I never realized how hot it was. So be careful I think at times we don't realize how hot it is. You need to plan your outside jobs to be done in the morning or in the evening if possible. 

    Sheena is in my prayers for no surgery. You have the best vet in the world Mike, cares so much he will take good care of her.  Would be nice if Mike gets that land, you both and your girls will rest more comfortably.  

    Sara,   How long and at what temp did you bake your pie in the iron pan?  it sounds so yummy I plan on making me one. Was it a pie or a cobbler you made?

    Jo,  We will all be with you tomorrow. What time are you leaving home? I plan on taking the trip with you. Give yourself a BIG HUG as you go into surgery, from all of us. 

    Like Iris, said I also did not have to train my bunny I just showed her where the box was and she knew what it was all about. She also ran free in the house, and loved attention.   Back in those days there was no clumping cat litter so I think I just used cat sand or dirt. Iris I think that was cute you had a porch they lived on. I would love to have a big porch and a bunny, but the weather here would not be good.

    I hope your all having a restful Sunday. Hugs Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Jo. Just wanted you to know that you are in my prayers tommorow. 


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo, I too, will be praying for you.  

    Sayra, I live on the second floor and have a balcony.  I had to train the rabbits to not jump onto the ledge.  My cats are agile so I have no fear of them being on the ledge.  

    I thought "wet and forget" was a box of baking mix, like Bisquick.  That's my speed--I need food I can add water to and forget!  LOL!  I'm cooking bone broth now.   I cooked frozen chicken bones and shrimp shells and seasoned with minced onion and minced garlic and a bay leaf.  I'll use it to heat up the frozen dried out chicken that I have and make chicken soup.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi friends. Jo, I’ll also be with you tomorrow.  Prayers are with you, and will continue throughout your recovery.  It will be nice for you to have this behind you so you can enjoy the rest of summer.  

    All these goodies being baked prompted me to make a fresh peach pie, chocolate cookies, and peanut butter cookies.  I also made a lasagna.  All are in the freezer and ready to take with me when I go to see granddaughters and family in a couple of weeks.  I did try one of each cookie, but am trying to avoid sugars.  The doctor told me that prednisone can cause a person to have diabetes, and I don’t want that to happen.  I have another virtual visit Wednesday, so will know more then.  Did bloodwork this week so that will give us more information.  I’m still feeling great and can’t help but feel I’m doing well.

    We’ve had monsoon rains off and on over the past two weeks.  It’s been so refreshing and much cooler.  This week, we are supposed to have two days in the 90’s, then back to the afternoon storms.  I’m enjoying the cooler weather.  We have smoke again today.  I hope the larger fires west of us haven’t exploded again.

    Not much going on here today.  Guess I better put the laundry I just folded away and hang the clothes I pressed.  I’ll check in tomorrow.  Happy Sunday all.  Joan

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dearest Ones:  My procedure was just cancelled.   I began to have a significant GI bleed out of nowhere.   I cannot even fathom this is happening.

     Spoke with primary doctor; he said because of C. diff and the GI bleed, that moving forward with the procedure would not be recommended.

     Thank you so much for all your care; it deeply touches me; what wonderful people you all are.  Well; frankly, I love you guys.

    The bleed is is sufficient enough to make the procedure a bit dicey in some ways, but not severe enough to be admitted to hospital; hopefully it stays that way.  I must monitor, and tomorrow, the doctor is making arrangements for me to be seen by the GI specialist.  If it increases I must get to the hospital.

     What the dickens . . . . don't know if it is from the C. diff, or a venous abnormality or a Prep H condition.  Will find out after the scoping is done.

    I never cry, but have to say I did.  Sure did want to get that procedure done and move forward. It is also embarraassing and I feel so bad; that specialist at UCLA had made special arrangments and went way out of his way.  Truly feel very, very bad because of that.  I have probably made a hash out of his schedule.   I do know his next open spot is not until September!   I so hope there will be something that can be somehow done sooner if all checks out well.

     So; the best laid plans of mice and men . . . .

     Thank you again,



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh dear heavens; just heard that Arkansas is passing a law forbidding mandating masks.  Governor said that we do not need to argue about wearing masks; we need to argue about making a vaccine.

    How many will die or develop harsh conditions that can last the rest of their lives is the danger to such thinking. 



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    ((((((((Dear Jo)))))))

    I am so sorry and please don't feel bad about things coming to a stop you in no way did anything to make that happen. You are in my prayers so please do what you need to take care of yourself. Your primary Doctor is doing what's best for you. Relax if you can, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending Love your Way, Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's been another hot day - right now it's 93 with a heat index of 102 - doesn't sound too bad but it's as hot as heck out there.  I made three trips out to the garden to fill a water tank (pressure's low in the afternoon sometimes).  Also went out to the barn to make sure everyone made it out - they did.  But, I don't know where they are; Rose Bud's still in the pond - she's going to get water soaked.  They must be on the hill over by Denny's or they're way down by the county line.  Even though our February cold spell was terrible for those two weeks, I'd take it again instead of this hot weather.  At least you can put on more clothes and get warmer and you won't die from heat exhaustion.

     I've stayed in this afternoon all that I could and even took a nap!  Put a mark on the wall, as Charles would say.  I haven't even opened the Chewy boxes - will do that in the morning.  The dog and cat food sacks are heavy as are the cases of 22 oz. cans of dog food.  I use a dolly to move those.

     Thank you Iris, for the information.  I did seed the tomatoes, or deseed them - whichever it is.  Diverticulitis hurts so much and makes you feel so bad I certainly don't want another flare of that so I'll take it bit by bit.  I did ask my doctor a couple of years ago if I could eat lettuce; he said try a little bit and see if it's okay.  I haven't.

     Zetta, I can watch a little bit of the hoarders, then give up.  I've watched Olympics this afternoon.  Watching Highway Thru Hell now.   So glad your son got the AC for you.  Is it a lot cooler up there now?  I'm not even going to take down the trash in the morning - don't have much and it'll wait.  It's mostly empty boxes.   I can hardly visualize a rabbit using a litter box - bet that's cute. 

     I so hope Sheena doesn't have to have surgery, too.  We've had three of the very best vets a person could ever want; one was in Muskogee at the foot of Honor Heights Drive and it was very convenient to just drop off whoever needed to see him on my way to work; another was a young vet just starting out. He was so good - even took one of our little dogs home with him one night when he was so sick to make sure he was okay;; and Mike - you couldn't ask for a better vet or person all around.  He's that way with everyone.  He'd be the only one I'd trust with Sheena.  I was able to get Sheena through his Clinic over six years ago. Looks like he's been moving hay off the meadow this afternoon between calls.  Glad the tractor is air conditioned. 

     Jo - so sorry for what's happened.  I hope it's nothing serious.  I think everything happens for a reason - maybe you and your husband were not meant to be on that highway tomorrow.  Don't feel bad, like Zetta said, what happened wasn't your fault - the doctor will understand that.  Hope whatever it is resolves quickly and that you get in to see the GI doctor very soon.  We're still right there with you, through thick and thin.  Probably good that you did have a good cry - to release your feelings.  Always seems to help me.

     I can't for the life of me understand people not wanting to and rebelling against wearing a mask and being careful.  I even heard on the news tonight that some people were going to get the vaccine but didn't want anyone to know they were getting it.  What?  I saw the Governor of Georgia or Alabama today - she was so frustrated.  Said she'd done all she could do.  I know there will be no mask mandate in Oklahoma - never was except in some towns.  In my opinion, if he can do this - the President needs to make a mask mandate for the whole country.  It may even come to mandating that people get the vaccine.  What an uproar that would start! 

     Joan - so glad to see your post and know you're continuing to improve.  You have been a busy lady doing all that baking. Has it cooled off in your area - guess so since you've been having some rain.  After all we've had this spring and summer, we could use some more.  Just be careful and continue to take it easy so you can continue to improve.  Hope you have a good time on your visit (I know you always do).

     Haven't heard from Sarah today.  I know she's by herself and not doing well but I can't do anything about it except worry. 

     I had bought a loaf of bread last year sometime and had it in the freezer.  Took it out because I needed the room and had it on the counter.  I was going to give it to the birds because it was so old.  Went in a while ago and several slices were on the floor.  Couldn't find the wrapper so took the bread  out and threw it over the fence to the birds or whoever finds it.  Came back in and Stormy had the wrapper in the bedroom - no idea how much bread he'd eaten.  Hope he didn't eat much plastic.  I'll tell you - it's just like having a bunch of kids who get into everything.  But, I love each and every one of them and wouldn't take anything for them. 

      Over a year ago I bought 50 lbs. of milk replacer (maybe longer than that).   When I got home with it, it wasn't the same kind I'd been using and I didn't want to use it in case it might upset the baby's stomach.  It got damp so couldn't return it.  It's been sitting in the utility room but a few days ago I took it out on the little back porch.  One morning I noticed something had dug into one side of it and there was old milk replacer around.  I put it in a trash bag and got it down on the ground.  Today, something has gotten into the sack so I got it all in the wheelbarrow-type thing I use.  Now to find a place to put it.  Also noticed that something has eaten all of the wild violet leaves in the pots on the front porch.  Maybe that opossum.  I did see a little squirrel run up into a tree when I first went out this morning.  Varmints everywhere - as Patsy would say.

     Wish I knew where those girls are.  Jo, I love these guys, too - such a good bunch of  caring people.  Couldn't be a better group of people.  Hope everyone's better tomorrow.  Sleep well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Had a brief respite from the hot weather.  The gust front from the storms way up north made it all the way down to us and we had a nice, north wind.   Rose Bud had gotten out of the water and was up so I fed her.  Then decided I'd drive down behind the barn and see if I could see the girls - they were as far away as possible but everything looked okay.  All the hay's off the meadow so guess he worked all afternoon moving it.

     When I got back and parked I saw the opossum really bookin' it headed from the barn to the carport.  He saw me and detoured but I bet he's enjoying Tom and Jerry's catfood now.

     I took the boxes out to the carport - may take down the trash.  We'll see.  While it was cool I thought I'd take care of the milk replacer so got that dumped.

     I've been laying on the bed since then watching the USA play Japan in softball. 

     Hope all of you have a good night's rest.  Jo, hope things are better tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Oh no, Jo!  To get C diff and then GI bleeding!  It's too much!  What a disappointment!  You're scheduled for a 'scoping?  I hope you get answers soon.  Please don't cry.  These things happen.  We have to be prepared for sudden changes.  I hope you are not in pain.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    JoC I’m so sorry.  Seems like you have got in that vicious cycle.  Hope things start turning around here soon. Will continue to pray for you.

    Zetta as a child the only cobbler I knew was made with pie dough.  Some laid a crust on bottom, not up the sides, in some sort of baking dish or cast iron skillet,  not a pie plate.  Then they laid a pie crust on top.  Others only put a crust on top and none on bottom.  They put sweetened fruit in middle.  Now that my cobbler is in refrigerator all the juice has been absorbed.  I don’t think they thickened the fruit, now that I think about it. It was not thick like a pie.  Think I made it right,  just should have let cool a bit longer and the crust absorbs it a bit.  Probably should have not let the fruit and sugar set as long as I did either.  The cobbler that you guys make is a little more cake like than pie.   I like both, in fact have made a cobbler both ways with the peaches.  Hope to make a blueberry cobbler soon and plan on using the cake version.  Baked it at 400 degrees til brown and bubbly took 30 minutes or a little longer.  Also I cut pie crust into strips for the top, doesn’t boil over near as bad that way and also set it on something in case it does.  Brush top of each crust with egg ans sprinkle a little bit of sugar on top.

    Zetta take it easy working on that porch.  

    Chicken soup sounds yummy Iris.

    Joan glad to hear you are truly feeling better.  Has been a long, rough road for you.

    Hope to freeze more corn today or tomorrow.  Got my garlic into dehydrator yesterday.  Pulled mine a little to wet so thought that was best option and mom will have a few that I will just store.  Actually prefer using powder than messing with the other.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good morning Friends, 

    Thinking of Jo today and praying for the very best possible outcome: full recovery, no pain, no complications. Just read your update, so sorry. You have had more than your share of medical issues lately. 

    Good morning Iris. I enjoyed hearing about the three cocker spaniels, and also about your cats. You have a heart for animals. Such kindness! 

    Zetta, hope the fire situation has improved and that you and your son and Molly stay safe. We continue to see hazy skies and some brilliant sunrises/sunsets due to the smoke. When we went to Rocky Mountain National Park, we drove across from Estes Park to Grand Lake. There was a huge area burned, by the East Trouble Fire, I think they called it. It happened last October. Grand Lake had to evacuate and some persons lost their homes.

    Ron, I hope you and Lou are feeling better and getting to enjoy life some. You are a good caregiver, a good person.

    Joan, you have been doing a lot of cooking! Your family will enjoy it so much. I, too, cooked with peaches (cobbler). It was delicious. Thanks again for showing me how to attach pics! I appreciate it.

    Lorita, I enjoy hearing about your life and cattle. You are such a hard worker, and you have a heart of gold. 

    Sara, I also raise blueberries but we picked ours about a month ago (they are gone now). I enjoy sharing as I always have more than the two of us can eat. I had a friend and her little granddaughters over and they picked many. I eat my blueberries on oatmeal for breakfast, and will also make pie and muffins with them.  Do you grow green beans? They are coming out my ears! I read about freezing them; will give it a try. I guess you can do it without blanching. Wonder how they taste? Surely not like fresh, but probably ok to add to stir fries etc. 

    I will be back later, I have a video I want to share about the pandemic but need to get moving now.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Another hot day on tap.  Right now the whole State is in the mid to upper 70s, by 3 p.m. it'll be 95-99 with heat indices from 105-109. It's already hot out there with no wind.  I woke up at 6 and got up about ten minutes later and got the rest of the trash together.  Stormy and I took it down and as we got to the road I saw carlights to the west.  Darn, can't even go to the mailbox without a car coming by.  It was coming so slowly so turned around and by that time realized it was the trash truck so didn't have to take it out of the Gator myself.  I told them that I guessed I was running later - they said they were running early - don't blame them.  Came back and the girls were already going into the barn - went in and counted and I think I got a full count.  Rose Bud and another cow are already standing the water.  One calf was in the creepfeeder looking for a bite of food - makes me feel bad not having some for them.

     I just saw on the news that 21 counties in Oklahoma are having restrictions put on hauling and selling hay - has to be approved - because there may be fire ants in the hay!  Can you imagine?  What if a cow started to eat the hay and got stung?  Awful.  It's in the southern counties just south of us.

     Nothing else going on here today, I hope.  I'll mop and straighten up the utility room tomorrow.  The AC repairman is scheduled to be here Wednesday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. - irritates me that it's that long a time to wait for him but I'll be here anyway and Stormy will watch.  I'll have him come in the back door into the utility room and after he leaves I'll spray really well.  I won't go out there while he's here.

     Sara - when I was growing up cobblers were also made with pie dough - crust on the bottom and up the sides and fully covering the top.  I don't think they thickened the fruit either.  I've made them that way but its' been a long time - much easier to make the quick cobbler.   It looks like the blueberries I took out of the freezer has almost disintegrated - lots of juice - maybe I'll take some more out and make a quick cobbler with them.

     I watched a little bit of a 3x3 women's basketball game between the USA and China.  Some of those girls were 6'4" - what a fast game it is and no stopping. Wonder when that was invented - brand new to me.

     I didn't take time to look at the zucchini today or to water anything.  I doubt if there are any zucchini babies yet but they'll be here if the plants survive the heat.

     Hope all of  you are well this morning.  Jo, what kind of "scope" are you going to have? cystoscopy?  Hope things are much better for you today. 

     Didn't see Jimmy this morning - or the opossum. 

     Back later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Jo. I'm so sorry to hear about your setback but as you know everything is for a reason. 

    Right now I'm trying to pass a stone/stones. Couldn't sleep, drinking lots of water and laying in a warm tub of water (the water seems to help relax the bladder and ease the pain). I did notice one small blood clot last time I went. 


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Jo....so unnerving. I know I would be crying.

    Lorita...hopefully the milk went to the curb. 

    A pie is a pie and a cobbler is a cobbler;

    Pies are encased in pastry, either just on the bottom or on both top and bottom. Cobblers, on the other hand, are simply topped with some sort of baked pastry or dough.

    I can not wait until fall when the conversation will morph to apples....I am not fond of peaches except a juicy fresh one.

    Had a stack of financial stuff and papers to file. Got it done. Now I can start a new pile...lol

    Remember when summer meant swimming, riding bicycles and running through the sprinkler? 

    Now we just check the heat index!!!!!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    freezer people;

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sorry that is not a live link. It is "Big US implications from Israel" by Dr. John Campbell on YouTube.

    In a nutshell, he talks about how in Israel many or most of the population are fully vaccinated. Now, however, it appears immunity is waning as the vaccine appears to be only 33% effective against preventing infection. However, it is still very highly effective against severe illness and hospitalization. In the U.K., individuals fully vaccinated around the same time as those in Israel have a much higher effectiveness against infection. I believe around 88% (don't quote me, but something like that).  WHY? Reportedly the same vaccine. Dr. Campbell postulates this: In Israel, doses were given 3 weeks apart. In the U.K., more like 11-12 weeks apart. 

    This has huge implications for the U.S. as our doses were 3 (Pfizer) or 4 (Moderna) weeks apart. Our immunity may be waning already for those of us vaccinated early this year.   

    Ok, that's my explanation but I suggest you watch the video yourself if you are interested. Not good news!!!

    as if I needed something else to worry about.....

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes
    Oh my …wow. Unbelievable about Jo. But I can’t read much, the page format is messed up, maybe a bad link?

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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