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Just need to talk to my friends (151)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Judy....such a sad trip to make. Please let us know how you are when you can.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Dearest Judy; my heart goes out to you; I am so sorry for what is happening with your beloved daughter.   Good that you are able to go and be with her now.   Please know that we will be thinking of you and sending up prayer on your behalf.  Also sending you a virtual hug from one mother to another.

     So Jude, you are a reader too; what sort of books and authors do you enjoy?    If you have not read Maeve Binchey; her books are awesome and hook one right in.  Far best to read her in order.   While she does not use the same main characters, once in awhile, a main character will show up in another book in a very minor way; but only for a short bit.   She did have a single standing book I have really enjoyed; "Circle of Friends."  Someone made a (blech) movie of it and did  a dreadful, dreadful job of it.  Gosh it was awful.  The book though is excellent and is the favorite of her followers.  She passed away with an illness in 2012.  She has mostly full novels, but also has books of short stories; I tend to pass the shorts up, I prefer the novels.   I also like a lot of mystery and detective books and have discovered some foreign authors; especially from Scandinavia that  are excellent.  And then one of my forever favorites, "Pillars of The Earth," by Follett.  The sequel, "World Without  End" was also very good.  Huge books, but I like 'em that way.

    Louise Penney, in Canada, writes some good books for reading.  Great plots, great characters, but hers MUST be read in order; because there are the same characters.   Expensive author, so getting her books from the library would be good.

     I am in the process of re-reading Elizabeth George novels because it has been a long time since I have read them, they are in my e-reader library so they cost me nothing new.

    Sorry your black tomatoes were not that tasty, Sayra.  It was a good try and certainly with a very different looking sort of tomato.   You have turned into an amazing gardener/farmer.   From what you write, it appears you love it. 

    Ron; had to laugh at your take on Wild Turkey.  You are so funny.  When visiting our son and DIL in their new house in Oregon outside of Medford, we could hear wild turkeys gabbling at one another on a hill behind the house.   When early morning was up, we would often see deer coming down into the housing area; sometimes with fawns.  It was lovely to see; but that also meant that the new housing area had infringed on the wildlife.

    So Ron; you wife played the accordian.  I love music, but am not musical.   At least Judy has a key; I have never been able to find mine.   I make quite a joyful noise, but not especially one anybody wants to hear.  Alas on that, beause I LOVE to sing.   I am a good listener though.   

    Lorita, if you Google the BBB and look up Car Shield; you may find it interesting.   In the over 2,000 complaints by their count, some complained about what was not covered, and also at not being able to get refunds; if there were BBB complaints, Car Shield responded and I saw some where because of that, the subscribers go their fair portion of money refunded.  Evidently when BBB lists complaints companies pay attention.

     Sorry about your Sears AC.  Remember the Sears of long ago?  It was a dependable quality store.  Things change.  My friend ordered a refrigerator from them; three times they delivered the wrong model and it took a long time to  get through and get it handled.   Then there was something wrong with the correct model new frig and it took a near act of Congress to get  it taken care of.    We had bought a new washer and dryer from them; the electronic panel on the washer went out and the machine was not working; it was not that old.  So . . . called Sears for repair. Spoke to the repairman on the phone - he asked questions and he said, "Okay, I know what it is; it is such and such a part."  He came out within several days; saw the machine and said, "Yep, it is such and such a part just like I thought." BUT he did not have that part with him.   He knew what it was, but failed to bring the part.  He had to come back a second time and what really frosted my cookies was that he charged for TWO visits; not just the one because he forgot to bring the part with him.   Sears would not accommodate that when we made complaint; the double charge stayed.  Due to those items and other issues that happened,  needless to say, we never bought another item from them.  As it is, no reason to shop with them any longer.  There are only a handful still in existence.

    We used to shop at JC Penneys for newborn baby items for crib and infant; the quality was very high.  We also shopped there for good quality clothing for our older elementary school children; especially for back to school shopping.  However, they too have gone so far down in quality and service, (just try to find a clerk), we have not shopped there in a very long time.  Really too bad.  We seem to not have the good stores like that any longer and I miss them.  The good old dependables with both quality of merchandise and service went POOF!. The big dept. stores do not have the same culture and items many need for family.  Okay for some items, but not so much any more.

    Looks like Rosebud is a little old lady in cow time.   What a sweetie. Rosebud's pond.  At least you know where to find her much of the time.

    Judith; what sort of exercise are you doing?  I can imagine Lollipop being very enticing to move; although I do not know how much "move" I have in me.  When I was doing the water exercise back and forth across the olympic sized pool, I liked when they played Olivia Newton-John's, "Let's Get Physical."  That big, beautiful indoor pool has been closed since the beginning of the pandemic.

    The problem we had with that delivery was not CostCo; it was with the InstaCart delivery person.  We have had all our CostCo items delivered to our door by InstaCart and our regular groceries are done with car pickup; no inside store shopping for us at this time.  Never once have we had  a single issue until this poor fellow left the groceries including the refrigerated and frozen items on the front porch in the sun without knocking or ringing the doorbell to let us know he had delivered the goods.   All other delivery folks let you know they are there and do a good job. 

    Ron; I do understand where you are and can well imagine how you are feeling with all that is happening healthwise.   You have so much more going on than I have; and yet, I too, who never gets really ill, suddenly has too much on the plate and frankly, I do feel rather woebegone. What can happen next, I wonder.  I have been blessed over time with not too much going on for many decades; this year, it has been one thing after another.  You are in the midst of far more big impact stuff and also have Lou to manage 100% for everything which puts so much more stress on all else. I am so sorry that is happening and so hope you begin to catch some good things very soon.   I am really tired of feeling down which is completely alien to me. Got to get myself turned around as soon as I can think of how to do it and eventually I will.  I think being isolated so much of the time also has an effect.  You are like cream, Ron; you always rise to the top.

    It is almost five o'clock; I think chicken breasts with rice and cooked carrots and green beans.  Can't have any sauces or fats; but I think I will use a little mild salsa and a couple tsps. of Parmesan on the rice.  Being on a special diet for C. diff, I am really limited.  Pretty bad when i look forward to oatmeal!  Last day for prescription med is tomorrow, hurray!  By now, I am supposed to be "over" it.  I just do not want it sneaking back again.  Horrors! 

     My scoping will be done on August 11; must have a COVID test on the 9th.  Will have to follow a diet for that for about a week; low residue, and then clear liquids the day before. Oh joy.  If it isn't one thing . . . . . . .

     So; off I plod,


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I just lost a long post. My fault I accidently hit the wrong key and PUFF!!!!!!  it was gone. I am too tired to try again. So Good Night to All, I will catch up tomorrow, All's well in my world. Hugs Zetta   

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's been one heck of a hot day.  Just now walked out on the porch and it's still hot and so still.  If we just had a breeze it would be better. 

     Loveskitties - glad you came to visit on the porch.  Hopefully you'll come back often.  I've talked with Sears umpteen times today and really got conflicting answers to question.  Midafternoon a lady called me from the part of my contract that deals with repairs.  She said the repairman did do exactly what he was supposed to do when he was here - he did approve (after talking with his boss) replacement of the AC so that part of it's all done.  Now to wait on the warranty part.  She said it is taking longer now than it did because of slow production during the pandemic, and still now.  Might be five more days.  They're supposed to send an e-mail to let me know.  She was apologetic and reassuring.  First time I've played the "old lady" thing but I did use it today - probably to no avail though.

    You're right - she was the only person I talked with today that I imagine was in the USA - all the others had heavy accents.  Seems like everything's "farmed" out now to get work done for lower pay. I think back to when I was working - our VAH had a laundry but a few years before I left, they closed it and transported all the dirty linen, every day, to Fayetteville, Ark. to be laundered and returned.  Never did figure that out.  But, guess that's the way the world is turning. 

     I don't have lavender plants but I think I have some lavender oil but it doesn't do the trick for me - really don't like the smell.  Petting and talking with one of the Pyrenees does it for me most of the time.  Thanks, though, for thinking of that.

     Judy, so sorry about your daughter.  I can only imagine how hard this must be for you but I know you want to be with her as long as you can.  Have a safe trip and enjoy your time with her.

     I stumped Alexa - a while ago I asked her how to convert cattle years into human ones - she didn't know - and maybe it isn't done. 

     I've stayed inside today, mostly in the bedroom watching TV and I think I had a short nap.  It's cool in there and tolerable in the rest of the house except the rooms I have closed off.

     Sorry you lost your post, Zetta.  Hate it when that happens.  Maybe you'll repost it tomorrow.

     This morning when I first opened the door and let the GPs outside, they immediately went on alert and started searching.  I had left a 40 lb. sack of catfood on the porch and sometime during the night something ripped open the side of it and ate his fill, I guess.  They knew something had been there and were looking everywhere for it.  So, whatever it was is what has been eating the wild violet leaves - must be a raccoon or opossum.  Maybe it can't get out of the yard - maybe should leave a gate open at night and be sure to close it before I let Stormy and Sheena out the next morning. 

     Iris, I will do that when all of this is over - both for Sears and Car Shield.  I've meant to ask you what kind of kitty litter do you use?  I use that kind in a big yellow and red pail but just doesn't take care of the urine scent.  I'd like to find something that does. I even use the stuff like soda you put in the litter.

     Ron, I know what you mean about things stacking up on you.  I feel that way sometimes.  Guess we all do.  I'm glad that stone is gone and you're no longer in pain - makes life a bit easier for you.   I'm for the musicale on the porch but right now it's awfully hot - maybe we can do that when the weather cools some.  I play the piano and I bet we can get a good musical group together.  Might scare the girls but that's okay - they'll get used to it.  I used to sing alto but my voice no longer does that - sounds worse than a cat screaming.

     Good luck on the impending dental surgery.  I know you dread it - we all dread going to the dentist.

     Jo - we'll be there with you when you have your scoping done, too.  We're never alone when we have each other.  I know I've felt the presence of all of you several times.

     I miss the good old department stores where you could get quality merchandise.  All of them have left our bigger town in the area and the mall is almost completely empty.  There used to be Montgomery Ward and Sears stores everywhere - and Penneys.  Now, they are all gone.  I don't think the quality of appliances is what it used to be.  Everything costs more and lasts less time. Everything is farmed out and not made here.  Wish we could get back to having things made in our Country.

     Chris Cuomo's on talking about the variant so I'll stop - I've posted way too much today.  I'm all right now - still aggravated but that's to be expected, I guess. 

     Sleep well tonight.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Good morning

    Lorita it surprises me that you can get service from Sears at all.  They are dead and done here.  

    Think you are right about the zucchini Lorita.  When you have more plants probably have less issues with production.  Think that is more of an issue for me because only raise one or two of each thing.  Also see way more bees in front yard.  They love the Indian Blanket.

    Thinking of you today Ron and Judy.

    Judy I am with you in the musical department.  Will just set with my feet up and listen.  Like JoC do make a joyful noise from time to time.

    Pray you will have a safe trip to see your daughter.  Know you have a heavy heart.  I am so sorry about your daughter.

    Judy like a slice of tomato on a fried egg too.  Is it a ripe tomato?  Do you fry it with a breading or plain?

    Our grass is often brown during part of the summer.  Not so far this year.

    Welcome to the porch Loveskitties.  Lavender is a relaxing smell for many.  It gives me a headache though.  Do have two lavender plants outside.

    Zetta looking forward to your post. It is discouraging when that happens.

    My mom is 85 today.

    My steps are complete, the posts are up but will be back Monday to put on the rail.  The steps look nice and sturdy.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, I looked it up - there are 3.64 cow years to one human year, there is a whole table of animal years as compared to human years - chickens do not do so well on that scale.   So; your Rosebud is over 76 years old in human measurement.  Lovely old gal.  No wonder she wants to rest in the cool water on a hot day.

    By the way; no worries about it being too hot on your front porch for a visit and musicale; remember . . . no matter the weather; the front porch weather is always lovely and enoyable and the rocking chairs always fit every size backside.  I did not know you played the piano Lorita; that is wonderful.  Do you play now and then?

     Judith, what type of exercise are you doing?  Do you use your walker with it?  I need some exercise but need to have it for a person with two bad knees and other falling apart symptoms.  Everything I see is for those who can stand long periods of time moving and moving and moving.  Hate that I can't do that any longer and need to get with it so to speak.   

     Glad everything is doing well in your world, Zetta.   Sorry your long Post got lost; that happens with me too every now and then; pretty frustrating as one can never re-write it exactly.

     Hey loveskitties - hello and welcome!  Good to have you join us on the front porch for a visit.   Always nice to welcome someone new.   Will be good to get to know you.

      Ron - hope those other stones don't start causing any grief.  So glad that awful one finally passed.  Our son just passed one a few weeks ago.  For some reason, he did not feel it until the time of passing; he said the pain was only a 4/10 and it was a good sized stone. He has no idea why it did not cause more grief, but he is not questioning it.  Some day, some brilliant scientist will develop  a med that can easily dissolve all types of kidney stones without damaging tissue or any toxic side effects.    He/she would be a billionaire and receive lots of love from a lot of people who have been plagued with stone suffering.

     Sayra; wonderful that your new steps got put in and that they seem stong and sturdy.  It will be great when the handrails go on; it must feel good looking at them and knowing it is done. A bit of a wait, but -  Hurray!  Our front door has a used brick porch with used brick steps; sadly no hand rails.  We need to think about getting that remedied.  DH and I go into the house from inside the garage. The door opens into the laundry room which has a door that opens into the family room.  Only thing is that the door sill from the garage into the laundry room is so dratted high and wide.  However; our house was built in the early 70's, so it was built to the way things were done back then.  We have replaced all the windows and got double glazed with muntins which has been nice for insulation and noise. 

     We made a decision to update the house from the 70's look; what a tribulation.  It was a big job and I sure would not want to do it again.  Over several months we had the popcorn ceilings removed in all rooms and closets, what a difference that has made.  The front entrance from the front door is a long entry that is open on the right into the living room with two long but shallow steps down into the room and a half opened stairwell on the left of the entry - we had the 1970's wrought iron railings on the open part of the stairwell and on both sides of the long steps down into the living room removed and had a talented carpenter build us some wooden railings.  They are beautiful and made a huge difference.   Dark wood on top, white spindles on the bottom.  At the same time we did that, we had the rock fireplace taken down in the living room and a wooden one built; it is colonial style and very trim with only a bit of detailing; it too made a significant difference.

     The part that made my hair stand on end was our small kitchen; we were without it for about a month. Had a microwave on a picnic table and paper plates.  The cabinets were so old, the ceiling had that old 70's huge square area of neon ceiling lights covered with rigid plastic.  Down it all came; got the new cabinets made and took out the old 70's lighting having the ceiling recessed and new lighting put in.  Also changed the countertops from the old chipped tile with annoying grout; put in stone that cannot be stained or  chipped, that made a big difference too, it is astonishing.  Flooring was updated and that meant moving all the furniture, etc.  Omigosh. Also had some work done upstairs, BUT:  what a lot of turmoil and upset. It really was.   Never, ever  do I want to do that again.  Ever.  We are enjoying the result and know that it really helps the sales price when we are ready to move on and sell our home.  Sure could have used Judith's decorating expertise though; I am not one who makes such decisions easily because I do not have that decorator sense that puts it all together in a few minutes; Judith has that talent.    Tile, countertops, wood choices, carpeting, hardwood, lighting, faucets, paint color, moulding design (who knew there were so many types moulding?)  on and on and on and on.  Yep; our Judith would have taken a look and known right away what was good to go.

    The one big plus was that it made me clean out my cabinets and cupboards; sure did get rid of a lot of stuff that had just been sitting without use.  Took all that to get me to clean out.   Don't know why I hung on to some of it. Anyway;  all this writing out of  Sayra's lovely new steps.   I sure do digress.

     Our issue will be as we age, is that all bedrooms and showers are upstairs.  Not good for the older person with limits.    Will either have to move or add on the back of the house where our backyard is already small. 

     If we all want to stay in our present houses, I think many of us tend to wait too long to make our homes ready for our being aged.   It would be good to have bedroom and bathroom on the first level of the house along with a room that a caregiver could use if one needs such care.   When I was coordinating care for our LOs who were aged and some with dementia, the agency and private aide rule for a 24 hour caregiver was; there had to be a separate sleeping room for the caregiver who was to have minimum of six hours sleep each night; and access to a bathroom and shower.   That makes sense; the care aide has to sleep too unless one puts in two aides each on a 12 hour shift; still, my experience has been that the night aide seemed to always fall asleep in the living room anyway,, no matter what; so that creates an issue too.  Yet; so many of us want to stay in our own homes as long as feasible.  I get that and I would want that; yet I know of a NH not far from us with a stellar reputation.  Not fancy, but very homey and for me, that is a good fit beause the care is so good.  IF it stays that way and IF they have room as they are almost always filled - all of that as I get to that aged spot.  Oh to be 30 again; or 40; or 50 . . . . . Sigh!  We forget that things happen and aging comes when we least expect it to sometimes; so it is good to think about it early.  Thinking is one thing; doing is another.  I am not strong on the doing part of something so big.

      Question:   I need to get yogurt - but it cannot have chunky fruit or seeds in it; must have live active cultures.   We tried Siggi's, but I found it a bit too thicky and a bit not as tasty; more than other yogurts.  My problem is that I need flavored yogurt without the blobs of fruit.  I do not like that yogurt that Jamie Curtis advertises.  Just too much cane sugar in it.  Sh-h-h-h; this is not polite, but found it is true.  In that brand, the live active culture comes from rat poop.  Sterilized of course, but an "interesting" thought.   Wonder where the other brands of yogurt probiotics come from.  Will have to look that up.

    Anyway, if some of you know of a good yogurt that is blended flavor without seeds or actual bits of fruit, sure would like to know.  I Googled it, but it was confusing and not a lot of detail in the ads.

    Saturday already; must get some breakfast and get going.   I always think of Lorita when it is time to "get going" in the morning; her day is so much more complex; it is amazing to me all that she does - I could not begin to even approach that. If  I had a hat, I would take it off to you, Lorita; but I do not, so I send you my best thoughts and admiration; you are an inspiration.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Looks like this will be another scorcher. I'm tired of scorchers and ready for fall.  I know I begin saying that at the first hot spell but I do not like hot and humid summers - especially without one of the air conditioners.  I think everyone stayed in the bedroom last night and everyone except me is in there now.  I'm watching Pioneer Woman and my Saturday morning cooking shows.  Saw a good recipe for tomato soup but seems like there's a lot to it.  I like fast, easy things.

     Got out early while it was still "kind of" cool and fed Tom and Jerry.  The GPs woke me up at 1 this morning.  They were so excited to get outside - to see what they could find.  Around and around, barking.  Finally came back in when they didn't find anything.  I hope they never do.  Raccoons can be dangerous and deadly to dogs and knowing these , they'd jump right in, however,  a couple of years ago they did tree one, against a tree, and didn't dive in.

     Stormy and I drove up to see the girls - they were taking advantage of the tiny bit of cool weather to graze some more.  Of course, Rose Bud was in the pond along with three others.  The six little ones are growing like weeds and their moms let them roam at will - there's always two or three together.  When it's breakfast time, she calls them and here they come.  Saw one mom doing that this morning.  No need to call twice.  I asked Mike how they can tell their mother's voice and vice versa - he says it's from smell but don't know if that would work at a distance.  When they're older, they know what their moms look like so that would help.  Finally saw everyone.  I turned the water on to fill the water tank in the lot while I was gone and it was just beginning to run over when we got home.   Jo, my calculating power is off this morning - if Rose Bud is 21 in my years - that would make her how old?  Can't find my calculator.

     It's very still this morning - if the wind would blow it would be so much nicer for the girls in the barn.  There's one 12 ft. wide doors, north and south in the big part of the barn and about a 10 ft. one, north and south in the cowshed so when the wind blows through it's pretty cool.  Downright cold in the wintertime.  I remember many years ago, one of our cows, Daisy, was down.  She had tried to calve and she was next to a fence with brush in it and we didn't see her.  It paralyzed her back legs.  When we found her Charles and the vet we used then, Gary, brought her to the barn and put her in the hallway.  Every morning before we went to work, we'd come down to the barn and turn her so she wouldn't be laying on the same side all day, feed and water her and then go to work - same thing in the evenings.  I think mother would turn her sometimes during the day.  We were never able to get her up so finally had to let her to go sleep.  I think we tried for at least a month.  I just remembered about her calf.  Charles and Gary brought the calf to the house and mother took care of him, feeding him at least three times a day. I think he stayed in the house a few days, then to the barn with mom but mother kept on feeding him because he couldn't nurse with mom laying down.  Mother named him DJ.  Domino, a big, horned Brangus was his dad - so he was Domino, Jr.  He was made into a steer when very little - we had DJ for many, many years.  Charles had just started showing real signs of dementia when Mike let DJ go to sleep (he had gotten down; we'd get him up, then he'd go down again).  Really hurt Charles and me to see him go.  I started telling this because when we'd feed her, the wind would come down the hallway and almost freeze us - one of the back doors was partly off the roller so air came through.  Amazing what ranchers will go through to try to save a cow or calf.  Mike still talks about the bad, cold weather we had in February when he and many others  had lots of little calves freeze to death.

     Jo - sounds like you had lots and lots of remodeling done.  We had some done before we moved down to the farm house and it took forever and we didn't have nearly as much done as you did.  They say to always double the time the carpenter tells you it'll take.  When we're young, we don't think about getting older or "mature" and what we'll need to be able to stay in our homes when we do get that age.  I think about that sometimes, too.  Our house is all one floor so that's no problem but getting a wheelchair into the bathroom will not work.  The door from the bathroom to the bedroom is low and narrow (used to be a closet between two bedrooms) so doors were smaller.  My parents had the bathroom put in and enlarged the closet but kept the doors.  No way can a wheelchair get through one of those doors, probably not a walker.  I think the door from the front bedroom is a normal size but the vanity would prohibit a wheelchair coming in that way.  No thinking ahead there for us.

     Your house sounds gorgeous and I know you both enjoy it so much.  It's hard to leave a home where you've lived a long time and had many happy years.  I felt sad to leave the duplex where Charles and I lived for five months after we got married.  Is it still so hot out in California or did all of it move to the central part of the Country?

     Sara - glad your steps are in and you're satisfied with them.  The hand rails will be very good for you as you get older.  I use ours everytime I go down the steps.  Our front steps are concrete but the back ones are wooden and it looks like the bottom step is kind of giving away.  Several years ago we found two older men who did some work for us; both were veterans and so good.  They fixed the steps one time for us.  One of them had heart problems and retired and the other went back to driving a truck.  I think they called their company POW/MIA veterans.  When Shaun replaces the utility room floor I'll ask him to fix the steps.  He's a really big, tall guy with a full, long, gray beard - but very softspoken and nice. 

     Guess I'll stop and get back into the bedroom with everyone else.  Thank goodness, tomorrow it's supposed to be cooler for a few days - back to 90-95, sometimes 80s.  Will be a nice break. Glad today is the last day of July - now to get through August and part of September. 

     Loveskitties - hope you're doing all right today - come back and visit with us on the porch where it never gets too hot or too cold - always just Goldilocks (justright).

    Hope all of you can stay cool today.  I saw the radar and looks like the front is somewhere around Iowa and Nebrasks - with some rain.  I hope we can get some much-needed rain.

     Back later.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    My exercise classes;


    Scroll down to the golden swans and Parkinson's. Each is 2x a week and free!

    Thinking of Judy today....

    Another inside day. Lot's to do...sort, throw away, file etc. I ordered clear sweater boxes from the Container Store for yearly records. I love them...so uniform in the closet.  The store is maybe a mile from me so I orer and have them brought out to the car.

    I have a special tour at the Pompeii exhibit tomorrow. Really looking forward to learning a lot. After that I will spend several hours in the exhibit with my computer preparing to lead my own tours. My first tout will be GAls who Travel. I have had them before and always have a good time. They travel around the country in RV's.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    When it rains it pours! Backup lights on car wouldn't go off yesterday evening and nothing I tried worked. Couldn't do anything but leave it alone! Battery dead this morning and all auto shops are closed Saturday and Sunday. Lou has a primary care visit Monday and I have echocardiogram plus the bone grinding for lower dentures Wednesday. Enough already!!

    At least no major problems with Lou! Knock on wood!!


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, Rosebud is a little over 76 years old in human years.

     Ron; oh no!  I am so sorry; what a thing to have happen.  So hope that the car can be taken care of successfully and very fast on Monday.  One more item to put in the "Enough Already!" box. 

    Judith, the class looks wonderful - hope you continue to enjoy it.  What a wonderful endeavor.  Do the participants wear masks?

    Me too thinking of Judy today; truly a sad trip.  May it all go smoothly for her and may it bring peace to her heart.  No matter how old the child, that child is still your baby.  That doesn't change.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I lost my post yesterday so I will try again. I hit the wrong key not only did I lose my post what ever I did made my screen view shrink up to almost nothing. Who knows what I did. 

    Lorita,   I sure hope they get your AC installed soon  it has to be pretty hot for all of you. I also hope your PU gets fixed soon and not cost you a arm and a leg. I really don't trust any money saving things I see on TV and I am sure some of them are good but I just don 't trust them. You talked about leaving your gate open before you go to bed so wildlife don't get trapped in your yard. If you do that what's going to happen when the GPs get you up at 1am to go out looks like you will have to go out and shut the gate, hopefully the gate is close to your house.  

     Sara,  I bet your are enjoying your new steps, hopefully you get some railings. My 90 year old neighbor next door has a railing but he decided not to use it and he fell backwards and cut open his head he's now in rehab, trying to get his balance back. Hopefully he does because his wife is not well enough to take care of him. 

    Rescue Mom, My cat Rascal loved to play with catnip. He had a few toys and he would throw them up in the air over and over again. I have never seen catnip stems or leaves. I sure miss Rascal.

     Jo,   It was nice hearing that your GD does not have covid. I hope you are starting to feel better and please if you feel dizzy or weak don't try to walk. I am like you I am not used to having something wrong with me and I don't know how I would handle having to stay down. My daughter says she has no idea what she will do when and if I have to stay down, she says they will have to put a tracking device on me just to know where I am at. Jo I am one level so I am happy about that. Sounds like your house is pretty big. Maybe just add a bathroom on the back and turn one of you downstairs rooms into a bedroom. 

    Judy,   I am so sorry about your daughter that has to be very hard on you. Please have a safe trip, you are in my prayers and we are all thinking about you.  ((((Judy))))

     Ron,  Hopefully you and Lou are relaxing today. I hope you can get your car started for Lou's appt on Monday. I like your idea of sitting on the porch with our instruments. I used to play a clarinet years ago. I was in my High School band. I have not played since and I probably don't have enough air to even blow into one. But I will be there.

    I still have not got around to staining my porches. We have been getting rain and not much sun. I am enjoying the rain. I love the smell of lavender if it is not too strong, I am going to look for a lavender plant, hopefully it is something that will grown in my house.

    I hope your all having a peaceful week end. Hugs Zetta  

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Masks for class...actually most everyone is wearing a mask everywhere and store doors post "mask required".
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jude, I am so sorry your daughter is not doing well.  

    My library also has Libby.  In fact, next Thursday there will be an online webinar on how to use it.  I need that!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     I checked about 4 pm. and it was 100 - afraid to check again.  But - tomorrow will be in the 80s and also the next two or three days, then back to hot weather.

     Judith,, how cute are those Golden Swan outfits.  You need to have someone take a picture of you in one and post it.  Glad to hear that everyone's wearing masks in your class and in the stores in town.  The last I heard there's hardly any mask-wearing in the stores around here.

     I need to shred or burn tax returns dating back years.  I'm supposed to keep them for seven years but I bet I have at least 15 years.  I always think I'll do that when there's snow on the ground - but, then it's too cold to be outside.  Good for you getting things organized - something a person tends to put off (at least I do).

    Zetta, I'm sure you do still miss Rascal - just as I still miss Mr. Barclee - I guess we always will.  If you were closer, you could surely have either Lilly or Sammy - they're a handful.  This afternoon when I was in the bedroom laying on the bed (well, I did that all day - it's cooler in there) there were three cats on the bed with me and Stormy and Sheena on the floor.  It's pretty cool in the bedroom but in the LR and kitchen it doesn't feel cool - until you go outside and come back in.  Then it feels cool.

     I hadn't thought about letting the GPs out in the middle of the night with the gate open - that would not work.  So, guess I won't do that.  I'd probably be so sleep I wouldn't remember it was open and I don't like to walk around in the yard at night because of those snakes. 

     I just heard on the news there are floods in the western states and mud slides in Colorado.  How scary that would be.  I'm glad you're getting some rain.  I love rain and do wish we could get some.  The grass is still fairly green but where car or truck wheels have driven, it's getting kind of brown. 

     Walked out to the barn to see if everyone was out and in the pond.  Billy the Bull was still in the cowshed - he was breathing a little hard so told him to go get in the water.  He didn't listen but he may be out by now.

     I ordered things from WM on the 29th and Colton brought most of them this afternoon - that's pretty good service.  When he delivers things and the GPs go outside, they stop and look over the boxes - guess they're wondering if there's something inside for them.

     Ron - join the club.  Sometimes (now) I feel almost overwhelmed with everything that's going wrong - but I'm thankful things are as good as they are.  It could always be worse.  Monday I'm going to call Robert and talk about the PU.  I can promise him if Car Shield doesn't pay for the diagnosis of the problem, that I will.  It may end up that I have to pay for all of it myself but it has to be done, one way oro another. 

     Sounds like you may have an electrical problem, too.  Wonder if it has something to do with the heat?  I know I'd rebel if I had to be outside all the time.  Which reminds me I need to start the car and drive it to the mailbox when it gets cooler this evening.

     So, sweet Rose Bud is 78 years old!!  If she wants to stand in the water, she can and she can do anything she wants to.  Sweet Pea is the same age and I imagine Gray Lady is almost that old.  Darwin once told me he had never heard of anyone having cows that old.  They probably cull when they get to be a certain age.  We don't - well, we did one time and it bothered me for years so I'll never do it again. Any cow who's that old and had many babies will stay here as long as I do. 

     Ron, maybe it's a fuse that's keeping your back-up lights on - probably an easy fix - hope so.  I know it makes you nervous knowing you have those appointments though.

     Zetta, I talked with Sears again today and seems like it's going to be 5-7 work days, at least.  I have a maintenance contract on two air conditioners; one is 14 years old - still working, a washer which is several years old and a refrigerator that's 21 years old.  I've had them out several times to work on it - replaced ice maker a couple of times - so, I'm afraid to cancel those contracts.  All come up for renewal next August 2022 so don't know what I'll do then.

     Was Judy going to come back home today?  Hope her trip was all right but I know it was sad for her.

     I'm in the LR now watching local news and weather but about ready to go back to the bedroom.  I did bring out a different fan for the LR.  I had one going that was not very tall - this  one is taller and oscillates.  This will probably do a job on my dry eyes.

     I have about a quart of milk that's just going bad - not good to drink so I was thinking about making cottage cheese - doesn't sound hard.  My mother used to make cottage cheese.  I still remember seeing it hanging in cheese cloth on the back porch (closed in) draining.  I don't have cheese cloth so if I do make it, I'll use a colander.  It doesn't have the same consistency of the kind you buy and isn't as creamy.  I don't know - may just make pancakes and freeze them - but it's too warm to cook in the kitchen.  Just too much to think about.  Guess I need to go bury my head in the sand.

     This afternoon I was really missing talking to Patsy.  She was always up for a good conversation.  Hard to believe she's been gone eight months.  I did talk to Jack for a minute yesterday - he's staying home as much as he can and seems to be doing all right - but, he still hasn't gotten vaccinated.

     Well, back to the bedroom.  Hope all of you are well and staying dry or cool.  Pretty hard to do down south but hope is on the horizon.  I'm ready for fall!!!!



  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Judy, I wanted to let you know I’m sorry to hear about your daughter.  You’ll be in my prayers.

    Sears.  Oh the old Sears, where you could buy an appliance that worked for 30 years and if it did break down, the repairman came out the next day and the crisis was over.  Kenmore was my brand for everything.  Sorry Sears is taking so long, Lorita.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hi Day, it is true; Sears used to be the "go to" place along with Penneys; a person could get Kenmore that would last and last and last.   Penneys for so much for the house and he kids.  Those quality stores are long gone and as said; they sure are missed.  Lots of things from "back then" are missed.  We live in a world of turmoil, yet; I am so grateful for the blessings that have come into our life.  Always remember to say, thank you.

     The house is middle class Lorita; it really needed updating and some things were wearing.  The new windows have made a big difference since they are double glazed. If I had thought long and hard,  would have given triple glaze some thought, but we do not have long harsh winters here; yet, not bad for summer heat and noise control.

     Omigosh; do you remember back in the day; long, long ago:  burnt orange, harvest gold, avocado green appliances;  shag carpeting, barnwood paneling, and macrame?   Open weave drapes and wooden/woven shades for the kitchen and lots of wallpaper?  So glad that is all gone by the wayside.  I had love beads, puka shells, long dresses and platform shoes that were worn once in awhile.  Really ugly design and clothing during that time.  I was so very young, and everything was in its correct young anatomical position - double Sigh!

      The Golden Swan girls sure do look lovely; I would not be a lovely; I would be one of the dreadfuls.  Sigh!   Isn't it fun to do things to music?  Loved that in the water aerobics which I wonder if the pool will ever open up again - pandemic took care of that.  Lorita gets plenty of exercise at home without machines.  Weight lifting too.

     ris; I will have to see if our Library has the Libby capability.  Would save me a lot of mone on books.  That is my weakness; cannot bear being without a book.  

     Lorita; love you dearly, but why not throw that milk away?  One quart - if it has developed any nasty organisms you would not know it; best to dump it.  My always trite old kitchen saying - "When in doubt, throw it out."   Not worth possible consequences. 

      I have never had a fried egg with fried tomato, but that does sound good.   Our favorite cafe, "Ruby's" in Long Beach closed forever.   Victim of the pandemic.  We really enjoyed that place.  Like an old fashioned diner and lots of good food.  We always took the grandkids there and let them order whatever they wanted:  milkshakes included of course.  Really sad they are gone.

     Oops, dinner done - off I go again,



Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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