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Just need to talk to my friends (155)



  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Here is the Bananas Foster recipe. I've made it, although not recently. It is good.

    Bananas Foster


    1/4 cup butter

    1 cup brown sugar

    1/2 tsp cinnamon

    4 bananas, cut in 1/2 lengthwise then halve

    Vanilla ice cream


    Combine butter, sugar and cinnamon. Cook over low heat stirring till sugar dissolves. Place bananas in pan. When they start to soften and turn brown, spoon over ice cream and serve immediately. (There is an alcoholic version too; you can google for that recipe.)

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Thanks Beth. I did not know it was that easy. 

    Ron ...I would also say that a thyroid problem can cause problems with concentration and sleep.  Thyroid is one of the main things an AD diagnosis looks at.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Grocery day again.  Glad you were able to pick up a few things Lorita.  You asked if I sprayed things down.  I do not spray like you do.  I’m comfortable with this is a respiratory disease and try and make sure I keep my hands washed well.

    The masks are warm, makes sense if you have a mask that seals nicely since our body temp is ~98.6.  Nice in winter, not as nice in summer.  Always try to remember it is helping me not to become ill if I start getting warm.  Guess it is a price I’m willing to pay.  

    Was a dark misty day yesterday.  No real rain just wet.  That has been the pattern a lot this year.

    Take care everyone

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Ron, I take thyroid meds, and swing big between low and high. My thyroid was removed years ago, so now I must take daily meds to replace it, and have regular bloodwork to check.  Thyroid can also wreak havoc with your skin, but worst, with your energy. “Thyroid brain fog” is a real thing, you can Google reputable experts.

    One thing to think/ask about if you get meds: all my endocrinologists told me to take the brand name med, NOT the generic, if at all possible. Generics DO vary slightly from the “brand,” they are legally allowed to say they’re the same, and usually it’s not enough to matter. 

    But thyroid involves such minute amounts of the crucial drug, the difference DOES matter with thyroid meds, several  different docs  told me at different times.  The brand is slightly more expensive, but worth it given the symptoms, IMO. My PCPs have not all been aware of that, but some have and all accepted the endos’ advice.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Rescue Mom - I'm going to look up the recipe for bread pudding.  It's one of my favorite desserts but I've never had any luck making it.  My dad used to make the best bread pudding - I think he just added this and that, whatever was in the refrigerator, but it was delicious.  I did make a bread pudding once and it was so bad even the dogs wouldn't eat it.

     Hope you get your car fixed soon.  I guess a person shouldn't keep a vehicle for 20 years but when you have one you like and it's running good and you know what's in it, you do tend to keep it.  When all of the virus thing started last year I had planned to buy a new Jeep when it was over (the end of the year), of course that didn't happen and now the prices are sky high so, here I am.

     We used to have top-notch service from Sears and their products were the best.  I remember when mother got her first washer and dryer - Lady Kenmore - she was so proud of it and it lasted almost forever.  Now, it's down the drain for them.  I would advise anyone who might be thinking of a maintenance contract with them to forget it.

     I did have the AC delivered this morning - a contracted company.  Huge truck that came at 7:30 but, of course, they don't install so it's sitting on the floor in the utility room.  I've called several different numbers for Sears this morning and talked to several different people - all not in the US and no one knows anything.  They don't even have an installation date for me.  Finally got someone who said I should hear from an installer in three days (I will not hold my breath).  All the people are very nice, apologetic but that doesn't get the job done.  I would not advise anyone to deal with what used to be Sears.  At least I have the AC after going through two hot Oklahoma summers without it.  Thankfully, the one in the window does provide a little bit of cooling for the utility room.

     Rescue Mom - years ago most towns had a Sears store - and K-Mart, now nothing.  I don't even know of a store anywhere around.  Sad that things like that happen when a company provides good service.

     Sara, I sprayed down the room really well after the men left this morning and still have the door closed.  What you said about a good seal on the masks makes a lot of sense - which means no air is getting in or out.  What was it you were doing to keep track of how long each mask will be effective? 

     Beth, the recipe does sound good - I bet it's really rich but I probably will try it.

     Ron, seven hours sleep - how great you must feel after that.  I'm so glad that worked out for you and hope it continues.  Sorry about Lou's sore arm but that's a small price to pay for being safe.  Hopefully, she'll not be reluctant to take the second shot.  Sounds like there will be a booster to come.  It said last night, about six months after the second shot.  I think in the future it will be something we'll take routinely just as we take the flu shot every year.  I don't think I want to get both of them at the same time though.

     It's a nice morning, weather-wise, fairly cool with a good south wind.  I wanted to see the girls when they came to the barn but they're at the MH yard again.  I got a good count last night so won't worry too much about it.  I promised Stormy I'd take him for a ride this morning to check them but if they're laying down in the yard up there I can't see all of them and don't need to go to the mailbox until after the mail runs so maybe I can take him then.  Sheena wants to go but down and back is too long for her to walk with her hygromas.  They are doing all right, no enlargement; in fact, the size of the right one decreased after the medication. 

     Thinking about making a rice pudding.  I do love them - I like quite a lot of custard - just a bit too upset to do much right now.  PU still not home - I may call this afternoon.  It's a favor they're doing for me to bring it home so don't want to press too much.  I also will cancel Car Shield.  I kind of hate to cancel the maintenance contracts on the refrigerator since it's 21 years old now.  Contract says if they can't fix it, they'll replace but, again, that's Sears and we know how that goes.

     Stormy let me know something was going on outside a while ago so checked and they're baling hay.  They had baled a little of it so guess it wasn't dry enough.  Really interesting to see how that's done.  I like to watch and see the big, round bales roll out of the baler.  You know you can unroll those.  Charles and I did it a few times but the cows and calves tend to lay on the hay when it's rolled out so there's a lot of loss.  Funny, the first time we unrolled it, it was kind of downhill and it kept rolling until it was all on the ground.  You have to find the seam and have the bale turned the right way to get it done. 

     I need to call Bryon to come and mow this weekend and take the limbs from the shrubs down.  Seems like time gets away and here it is Thursday but I'll tell him to come when he can.  Also want them to put new cord on the flag pole - miss having the flag flying.

     If the AC doesn't get installed, at least I have the new one and the weather will be cooler beginning next week.  So, all isn't lost.  Just a lot of nerve endings for me and I'm sorry for ranting about it to all of you.  Just don't have anyone else to complain to - the GPs and cats don't have a lot of sympathy.  Maybe I'll just have pizza and pork'n' beans today and not cook - probably won't be a good day for me to cook.

     Oh, I did get the new paper shredder - still in the box on the front porch - and got the replacement can of sealant - still on the porch.  Hope the "straw" thing is on the new one.  Seems like I'm having an inordinate amount of trouble with everything this summer.  Maybe next year will be my year.

     Again, sorry for the rant.  Hope all of you are doing well this morning.  Sara, I've heard there's lot of empty shelves in the stores now - even a woman on QVC who lives somewhere in New York said her store has empty shelves.  Is it that they're just not able to make things or is the delivery problem?  Not sure.  Do wish this virus thing had never happened.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes
    Lorita, are you near Atoka? I want to think so, for some reason. Anyway, Reba McEntire was in an old building there that collapsed this morning. She is OK but had to be rescued by firemen, according to news.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I'm way north.of Atoka - odd I'm watching her show now.  Didn't see the news- glad she's okay. Wonder what happened to cause the collapse.  Guess we never know what is going to happen. Thanks for telling me - I really like her.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Pick-up is home!!  Looks good to see it sitting out there.  Stormy's sure we have company.  Now,- to figure out how to decontamination it.  Many people have been in it these past weeks. Spray and wipe down and keep windows open, I guess.  Any other suggestions?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Good news, Lorita!   


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    This is the last full week of summer.  Still quite warm though.  Notice a few leaves are starting to change color.

    Lorura I put each mask in it’s own paper sack.  Mark date and hours worn.  Good for 40 hours as long as in clean environment.  I usually wait a week before I wear same one again.  You could just hang it somewhere too.

    Glad your pickup is back.  All I would do is roll down the windows for a day.  You could wipe off the steering wheel and door handles if you wanted too.  

    Don’t think our shelves are that empty.  For years our stores will be out of something I need.  If I only went to one store that would be a problem.  Usually go to at least two stores each week and sometimes more so if I can’t find it at one it is usually at another.

    JoC continue to think of you.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Extended Warranties:




    Lorita, a 21 year old refrigerator . . . . read the fine print in your warranty and I would strongly doubt that you would find yourself with a brand new frig if the 21 year old one laid down and died.   As it is, available parts for a 21year old refrigerator may not even be available.

    Warranties are a BIG money making business so there is usually a hard sell when an appliance is purchased.   Do you have to update and renew the warranty or is it still standing after one purchase price?   Please do read the small print for EACH appliance you have a warranty on - they most often will differ from one another depending on the appliance. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


     It's warm already and going to be a hot weekend before a cold front comes through Monday night.  Then, cool for a couple of days and back to hot weather again.

     I wiped down the doorlatch on the PU, opened the windows and sprayed the inside with disinfectant spray - then wiped down steering wheel.  For some weird reason they'd left the cover off the fuse box so put that back on, then tried to put the glove compartment back in.  I don't know why it was out or why they didn't put it back.  Got it back in somewhat and will see if Bryon or Shane can get it back in the right way. Both of them are good at mechanics.  Bryon told me a while back he'd like to buy the PU when I get rid of it.  I had my mask on so maybe it'll be okay.  I hate to have to try to be so careful when doing things - always seem to slip up on something and then worry about it.  I didn't start it - will wait until tomorrow to even get inside. 

     The girls were scattered in two pastures this morning.  Saw a cow, white-faced, across the pond with a little one with her so, drove over and it was Rose Bud - one of the little ones was staying with her - so cute - Aunt Rose Bud, I guess.  Everyone looks okay.  I try to check on Lucy every day and so far she seems okay.  Mike called a couple of days ago to visit a bit while he was waiting for a client to bring in a dog and he asked how she was.  He said that was the hardest birth he'd ever helped with.  Lucy's our biggest cow - odd that smaller cows give birth easily, most of the time, and the bigger ones sometimes have trouble.  Just a freaky thing he says,

     Jo - what we have on those appliances isn't a warranty from the company - it's a service maintenance agreement we've had for years with Sears (the good old Sears).  I wouldn't take one of those extended warranties they offer when you purchase something at all - it is just to make them more money.  But, I will read the contracts.  Thanks for the information.  Until now they've been so good to come out and take care of anything that has gone wrong - replaced the icemaker a couple of times.

     I called our trash company this morning to see if they furnish those containers on wheels - I just need one big enough for a couple of trash bags - and got a recording - then waited a bit and another recording saying someone would call me back.  They haven't and that was about half an hour ago.  I get so frustrated - seems like everywhere you call you get recordings or have to wait - up to half an hour sometimes.  Have no idea what the difference is.  I used to call them and immediately someone answered and helped me.  Seems like everything's falling apart nowadays.

     Jo - hope you're feeling better this morning - thank you for taking the time to post those links - so nice of you.

     Opened the utility room door, sprayed the room again and wiped down the doorhandles.  Looks like the AC is sitting on end instead of down flat.  Guess that's okay. 

     My costochondritis is bothering me this morning - that spot hurts in my back and it hurts around my wrist. Sometimes if  I sleep on my side for any length of time it bothers me - guess it pushes on that bone. 

     I was thinking this morning - I've lost two of my immediate family, plus Charles, with dementia.  Kind of scary.  Scarlet used to talk to me about being worried since her mother had alz.  Seems like sometimes it's hard to think of a word I'm searching for - I eventually think of it - but it's a bit scary. Seems that people who have dementia aren't always aware something's wrong - they think everything's okay - so hope that doesn't happen.  Guess I'm thinking too much.

     Seems like there's conflicting information about the need for booster shots.  Maybe the meeting they've having today will clear up things.  And, heard something this morning that was a bit concerning - seems like it's not very uncommon anymore for vaccinated people to get the break-through cases.  Guess  person should stop listening to the news.  They were talking to Sunja Gupta and he didn't seem really confident about his answers -  he usually is.

     I see that they're putting up the fences around the Capital again in preparation for the rally tomorrow.  I just don't understand all of this - why people would want to rally against prosecuting the people who caused the insurrection in January.  Weird world we're living in these days.

    Hope all of you are okay this morning.  Glad this is the last full week of summer - but, then we begin to worry about winter.  I so hope we don't have another two or three week awful cold snap like we had in Feb. and March.  That was terrible.

    Need to order some things from WM so I'll stop and get that done.  If I order today, if they don't separate the order, it should be here Monday. 

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita, I am sorry so many things that are frustrating are happening with appliances, etc. I'm glad you got the A/C. Now for someone to install it. Would Shane or Bryon be able to do that? Is it a window A/C? 

    Yesterday I picked 31 tomatoes. 2 days before that I picked 21. This is off of just 2 plants! (Jet Star variety). I made tomato sauce and froze it, maybe I will make some more. I already have enough of plain tomatoes in the freezer, for goulash, chili, etc. I am now officially tired of dealing with tomatoes, so I pulled them. The only veg. crop I have going now are carrots. I've never grown them before so it'll be interesting to see how they do. Sara, do you still have veg. growing? 

    We had a little rain this a.m. which was nice. High today will be 78 so turned off the A/C and opened up the windows. I have no fall color yet on my trees but have seen a couple around town that are turning. We have 3 young maple trees, two of which should turn red ('Sun Valley' and 'October Glory,' plus a sugar maple that should turn orange. I'm looking forward to seeing them this fall. 

    Time to get around, as we need to go get groceries today. If I can find frozen cherries, I will be making a cherry pie! Yum. 

    Have a good weekend!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Beth, your tomatoes have really done well this year. You'll  enjoy those this winter.

    Our big elm tree has turned yellow too early..

    Been trying to get in touch with trash company for for two hours only get recording. I  tried ordering from wm.com.  they don't support internet Explorer anymore.  Why the change?    Called and complained for what good it will do.  So tired of frustration s.

    I may leave window AC til new floor is installed.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    try wal-mart.com
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Have had a invasion of red wasp lately. I have swatted 4 in the kitchen in a little over 1 week. I've asked them nicely to leave, but they refused. I do have a hole right above my front door that I noticed a little red head peeking out of. Will end up asking orkin to take care of it.

    I've tried to stay upbeat this past week but it's been hard. Lou has not caused much trouble, in fact a lot better than usual. I dont know what it is but have been tired a lot, muscles aching more than usual and extremely depressed. Hopefully brother, sister and sister in law will snap me out if this.

    Need to take littlebit for bath and hair cut tommorow so that will give us a chance to get out for awhile. 


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Ron.....this job is exhausting plus you have had a lot of medical things to deal with. Realistically I think your energy has been sapped and you a likely running on empty. I suggest one pajama day with no cooking and watching old westerns or the History channel.  Maybe 2 days.

    Beth...wish I had been with you for the Lilys and the tomatoes.

    Good news...Trader Joe's shelves are as full as ever.

    Lorita....Winda called  Sarah. Yes, she really did and Sarah answered. I was in the room and could hear Sarah even without my hearing aids in. I did not listen in but can tell you that her voice was very strong and they seemed to have a pleasant if short chat. 

    Re Reba...the stairs collapsed stranding Reba until a ladder was brought to a window.

    Looks like Moderna doesn't need a booster.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    How sweet of Winda to call Sarah. Makes me feel better to know she's doing okay and sounds good. I know you and she did that for me.  Thanks to both of you. You're both good friends .

    Ron, I've had a rough week, too,.  but for different reasons.  I agree with Judith, you need a couple of days  to just rest maybe this weekend.  . .  

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    We just had a 4.3 earthquake, epicenter very close to me, but nine miles down in the earth.  I was laying on my bed, and it shook everything, but nothing fell down.  My cat Simon was spooked and he ran and hid, I had to coax him out from hiding.  He's still scared and he's on my lap.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Thankful the earthquake was not any worse than it was Iris.  

    Ron it is very understandable why you feel down.  You have a lot on your plate.

    Lorita I have accepted and expect either to wait or receive a call back.  Try to call when I have time for this.  The call back option usually works pretty good.  Put my phone on speaker phone and lay it down near me and continue to work if having to wait.  Find this less frustrating.

    Understand your concern about getting dementia.  Have some of those concerns myself.

    Beth think I will try the Jetstar variety next year.  I’m still getting a few tomatoes and cucumbers.  My peppers are putting out blooms and new peppers.  Have three containers of carrots that I sowed in July.  Getting lettuce and greens.  I’m harvesting my herbs and either hydrating or freezing them.  Still getting ground cherries.  Have just one plant but have had excellent production.  Got at least 5 quarts so far. Starting to clean a lot of things up.

    The blood drive was cancelled yesterday.  I was relieved.  It was just bothering me.  The last time I had to really fight to not become light headed and also had concerns about if the phlebotomist are vaccinated.  Had already thought about if I should call and cancel as usually I do not have these thoughts.  Don’t think I’m going to try again until things have settled down, if at all.

    Judy thinking about you this morning.  Hope you are doing ok.  You too Zetta.  Nice to hear you holler out onto the porch yesterday JoC.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Iris, an earthquake, how scary.   Did it do much damage?  Do you have them often?  I read that Oklahoma has more than California but ours are smaller.  I did feel one years ago creepy.

    Sara, how many vegetables you still have.   That's great fall veggies are so good.

    I'm glad for you thPat the blood  drive was not done you were too apprehensive about it.  

    We need to hear from everyone today several we haven't seen a post from in a while.

    Im 'm ing my ablet  and it has a mind of ir's own.  Back layer.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    We are finally getting some rain and it has been real nice. It rained most of the  morning right now the sun is shinning and it is beautiful outside. The air quality is outstanding and the sky is blue. I have been busy this past week, the people I pet sit for are getting ready to go to their winter home, in Texas so I have been spending a lot of time with the little dog so he does not get upset with all the packing. They will be leaving in 14 days I will miss my little buddy but I am also looking forward to being able to stay at home during the winter. This is a lazy day for me I have my electric fire place on and I am enjoying the rain. 

     Lorita,   I bet you are glad your PU is home, its strange they had to take your glove box out and even stranger they did not put it back in.   I know what you mean about your volume control mine is also on the side of the phone and it is so easy to turn it off by accident. I understand the frustration of having to speak to someone in a foreign country. They installed a new cable system in our city and we had to call to set up the times to have someone come out and bring out the new cable boxes. I called twice and could not understand the person I was talking too. I finally had to make a call direct to the company to get me a time set up.

     Jo,   It is so nice hearing from you please take it easy till you start to feeling better. I am so sorry about you Granddaughters home being a total loss, I am sure there will be a lot of people in her church to help her out. Church family's are usually pretty good at helping each other. 

    Rescue Mom,   I had to laugh when you talked about the hole in your cars floor. My GPa had a old truck he would let me drive and it had a hole in the floor board and you could see the ground go by as you drove. He lived in a small costal town and the store I would drive too was only a few blocks away. That truck was very old. I think he kept it just for his grand kids to drive when they came for a visit. I hope you enjoy your family reunion in October. It will be  nice to get away., 

    Sara,   Thank you for thinking about me I have been keeping up with all of you by reading all the post but either I am too tired or too busy to add anything. Thank You, it feels good to be missed.  Its nice that your blood drive was cancelled. I donate blood to  Red Cross, but I have not done it for a few years and that is sad because its really needed now. I really need to start the donations back up again. 

    Ron,    Wow!!! 7 hrs sleep it has been a long time since I have slept for 7 hrs. I am sure it did your body good you needed it and hopefully you will be able to do that again. Its nice that Lou got her shot, one more to go. She's a good girl maybe take her out for a big ice cream cone after the second shot.

    Iris,   I am glad you did not have a big problems after the earth quake, that would really scare me. Does this happen often? I was living in Sacto a long time ago and I felt the ground quiver under me I had no idea what it was. But when I found out it was due to a earth quake, then I was afraid it would happen again. Poor Simon if I had been there I would have been hiding with him.

    Take Care all, you are in my thoughts. Hugs Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Judith, pajama days sounds like what I might need, but with company coming next week I'll be busier than usual. Lou and I dont dirty the house up much but I always feel like every thing should be cleaned and bedding washed. Company would be fine like it is but I wouldn't. 

    Earthquakes sound scary and is one of the few acts of nature I haven't experienced. Been in several hail storms and way to close to tornados, but never had the ground moving under me.

    It looks like Lou's kidney stone is trying to move again. She's complaining with it hurting like she did when I took her to ER a few weeks ago. She still had some of the hydrocodone they gave her, so I gave her one and she's now resting good. Neither one of us ever takes many of those pain pills, so we usually have some left. 

    Hope everyone has a good weekend. 


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Kidney stone...did I mention the horrible pain I had in my back recently? Tests just in...kidney stone!
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Judith, Ron & Lou, Jo - all with kidney stones. I've heard they are the most painful thing (or one of the most painful) that one can have. Hope you all will soon be on the mend. 

    Sara, your garden is doing great! My cucumber vine started dying out a couple of weeks ago. I miss having them. Glad the blood drive was cancelled. The last time I donated blood, a few months ago, I felt fine actually until I got home. Then I was light headed and just didn't feel well the rest of the day. 

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Oh, no, Judith - not a kidney stone!  We're having an epidemic. Beth, I've never had one (knock on wood) but I worked in Urology a few years and I've seen big, brawny men come in crying with them.  I'm so sorry, Judith - maybe it'll pass easily.  You hadn't mentioned the backache - hope it's better.

     Beth, I gave up on my zucchini, too.  It's almost the end of the growing season so may try again next year.  You're probably having cool weather by now - ours is coming Monday, thank goodness.

     Sara, I can only remember my parents growing carrots one year.  The ground is pretty hard, here and they weren't shaped really well - kind of split into two roots.  We were probably growing the wrong variety.  There's one that's only about half as long as the others so would probably have done better.  Hope yours do well.

     Zetta, glad to know you were just busy and are okay.  You've worked hard this summer so it's time for you to rest this winter.  It's nice that you're having rain and much better air quality.

     I don't know why they took out the glove compartment either.  I asked Tyler and he didn't know either.  I got it back in partially and if they have time I'll see if Bryon can get it back in tomorrow.  I am so glad the PU is home.  I haven't been in it yet - need to wipe down everything really well first - just wasn't in the mood today and wanted it to sit three days anyway.

     It's been sort of a long day.  I dried sofa pillows and a bed pillow I washed last evening and swept all the floors - got enough GP hair to make a cushion, again.  I had hash browns, scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast and it was too much.  I'm used to only having  a couple of pieces of toast or a couple of muffins.  Kitt and I just had some rainbow sherbet - really good.  I'm tired today and I don't know why.  Maybe the weather's getting me down or all the frustrations I've been having this past month has me worn down.   Always kind of scares me when I feel so tired - always thinking about EBV and CMV.

     Ron, I know how you feel.  When we'd have company I'd try to get everything shipshape - not sure I'd do that now though.  You need rest - things are a bit calmer so take advantage.  Remember, your company is coming to see you and Lou - not the house. 

     Sorry about Lou's kidney stone hurting again.  Glad you still had some pain meds for her to take and hope it helps.  Must be something in the water causing all of the kidney stones on this thread (I know it's not - just a saying).

     The girls are okay - didn't count them today but say them coming out of the NE pasture to the MH this morning and then coming out of the barn this evening.  They're so pretty and fat and shiny.  Such good girls.  Sometimes I feel like I don't know if I'm up to feeding again this winter or not but I probably will do it when the time comes - it's just every other day.  I'll sell ten or twelve calves this fall so it'll only be a couple of hundred pounds to feed.  I remember when Charles was here, I'd tell him it was feeding day and he'd say "we just fed yesterday".  It does seem like that - time goes so fast.

     Zetta, a while back you mentioned the possibility of renting the MH to someone who might help on the farm.  It's not livable - people have gotten into it and trashed it.  Last time I was up that way I saw that one of the big, south windows has been broken - probably in a storm. 

     Do you all know how the keyboard is connected to the screen on a laptop?  The right hinge isn't working right on mine - I'm afraid it'll come apart and I'll lose everything I have in it.  I have a new computer - not even opened - so when things calm done (if they ever do) guess I'll have the techs change things over.  Just hate to learn something new.

     I'm also thinking about whether I want to try to go through another winter with the PU or not.  Guess it depends on if I can feed this winter.  If I can't, no need for a new PU - maybe a new Jeep.  I really like the PU but when things go wrong with a vehicle, it takes a long time to feel sure of it again - at least for me.  Glad town is only about 12 miles away.  It's a shame vehicles are so expensive now.  In late 2019 a new Jeep cost around $22,000 - now it's $30,000 or more.  Seems like everything is getting upside down.  I don't call anywhere that I don't have to wait a long time to talk to someone and then it's a person who's hard to understand.  Yesterday I called about something and I absolutely could not understand the girl.  Finally told her, after having her repeat three times, that I was sorry - just could not understand her.  So, hung up and called back and did get someone who was better.  It's even like that with our trash company.  I called about 9 yesterday morning, got a recording to leave a message and they'd call back.  I did and later called back and got someone.  Then, at 5:30 yesterday evening someone called me back from there.  I had called about a small container to put my trash bags in  at the road this winter.  They wanted $75. to deliver it.  I won't do that - she said maybe they could do $20 - but, I did learn our trash is now going to be picked up at 8 or after - I can handle that this winter.

     Hope everyone's okay tonight.  Joan, how are you?  Ellen, you only posted once - I hope things are okay with you - let us know.    Wonder our how friends down under are doing.  I'm so happy that Sandra found someone to love and share her life with.  It's hard to be alone all the time but think of the millions of people who are.

     It's about time for Dr. Pol so I'll stop and see what he's doing tonight.  Hope you all have a good night's sleep.  Did I mentioned that WM.com has decided they no longer will support Internet Explorer so another kind of browser has to be used.  I tried one (forgot it's name) and it's awful.  Guess I may have to start going to the store.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Hi all,


    the hinge on your laptop may impact the screen...that is where the wire go thru I am thinking, but should not impact what you have on the hard drive.  If it goes bad, then you will need to take it and your new computer to the store to have the contents of the hard drive moved over.  Unless, you can find a tech type person to make a house call.  If only we were closer I would send my son...he was taking them apart and putting them back together while he was still in high school...lol.

    As for changing from internet explorer...I had to do that and am now using Google Chrome.  I have found it easy to use.

    Weather here has cooled off.  We had a big storm thru here last week with lots of rain.  While we can use it for sure, it only encourages the weeds to grow faster...lol.  Have got to borrow the weed eater from daughter to get them back under control.

    When I was working was often in California but never when they had an earthquake.  But after I came back to Virginia (from Florida) we had one here!  It was a crazy feeling for sure and never expected on in this part of the country.  Fortunately no serious damage.

    Wishing all better days and better health.

    Hugs from Marie who loves kitties...

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Marie that was good information.  Hope it helps Lorita.

    Was very hot again yesterday.  Did get a nice breeze in the evening which made my porch comfortable.  Got a little work done in the morning.  Got my spearmint harvested,so all the mints are taken care of.  Hope my parsley’s grow better soon have got a little dried.  They like cooler weather.  Is suppose to cool down in a few days.  

    Zetta and Beth we use to have what they called a chapter house here.  When you gave blood they had nurses and phlebotomists there.  I had one of those light headed spells once there and they handed it real well.  They closed the chapter house.  Now it is just phlebotomist.  You never seem to have the same one twice. Two years ago had a very scary experience when got light headed.  Don’t trust them any more so just makes me leery each time I give.  Red Cross never gives you the opportunity to evaluate them.

    Judith sorry you are having to deal with kidney stones.

    Lorita that is why I grow my carrots in containers.  Perfect soil for them.

    Dropping my car off today for it’s yearly maintenance.  Won’t probably get it back til late tomorrow evening.  Makes you appreciate your car.  Always dread giving it up for a day, especially due to mom.

    Made flatbread yesterday with sweet potatoes and flour and salt.  Turned out good other than it could have used a touch more salt.  Was easy to do.  My first time making flat bread.

    Hope to take a day of rest.

    Take care everyone

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    I don’t know how you west coast residents deal with frequent earthquakes. I guess you get used to it (??). I was in one once, enough to knock down shelves, pictures on wall, move  furniture etc., and it was the weirdest, most disorienting things ever, for me. 

    I was too dumb to be scared or even know what it was, I was just trying to stand up thinking “what is WRONG!”  It was in a Nicaragua city that still had damage and rubble from an earlier earthquake. Thousands of residents spent the night on the sidewalks, too scared to go back inside.

    Judith, I am sorry about your kidney stones, hope they stay relatively quiet. During all this COVID mess (and before, with the pain killer crackdown) I have been terrified of another attack and being unable to get relief in hospital. I used to “joke” that the only good thing about kidney stones was that they are recognized for pain, so the docs would give you big relief real quick. I hope yours are manageable.

    Zetta, I got my car leak fixed! A rubber seal around the drive shaft just disintegrated, made an opening for water to come up through. They replaced the seal, and all ok. Mechanic said he had not seen many seals rot like that—and added he has not seen many 20 yo cars, either, lol.

    Our cat has been a wonder and constant amusement. I forgot how cats like to get into things, and how good they can climb or jump He is a cuddler but he will not sleep in the bed. Pretty sure the dog keeps him out. She is still so jealous.

    Lorita, as skittles said, Your computer hinge should not affect the contents, but I have no idea how you fix it. I wish I was as good as you are about following directions over the phone, although the service people can be difficult. I still need face-to-face hands-on help.

    Speaking of, I been calling to hire a landscaper for yard, and a finish carpenter for some house repairs, for 3 weeks. Everybody is so busy with new construction, very few even return calls. If you are an existing owner you are up the creek. Even people in the business can’t find help for their own houses—such jobs are too small now.  An architect and a contractor both told me last week horror stories about being in mid-job, with workers, and can’t find materials—and still need some skilled workers. (both are not taking any new jobs, and don’t know anybody who is….) Basic labor is out there, it’s the skilled trades that are the shortage.

    I guess if neighbors complain about yard I will ask them to find me some workers! And if a storm comes, just hope it blows away from our problem areas….

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Thanks, Marie, for the information. I'll only use the laptop as little as I n can until things settle down so I can get things moved to the new one.

    Tablet works ok for a couple  ,of paragraphs, then goes nutty.

    Sara, hope you're resting .

    Rescue Mom, I don't know how they deal with them either bUT we  have tornados which are awful

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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