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Just need to talk to my friends (155)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita...you have a lot of considerations on your plate right now.

    The computor. I could not find an answer as to how stuff gets from your computer to the screen But know that is not going to help much. Take your new computer out of the box decide what system you are going to use. It has windows 10 installed. What programs have you been using?

    That may matter as to what you want to use in the future. Any way there is no reason not to start using the new now.

    Re the PU.  Can you get feed delivered? Free/fee/paysomeone. How long can you continue to lift the bags?  If you throw something out on your body who will tend the cows? What is your Plan B? Yes, we all need a plan B.

    Kidney stone not acting up right now. Drinking a lot of water.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Been busy as we all know how it goes as a caregiver.  


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita wrote:

     I don't know why they took out the glove compartment either.  I asked Tyler and he didn't know either.  

    I had my air filter replaced and it is located behind the glove compartment.  My car came back with the glove compartment off its track but they fixed it right away.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    HAng in there, Nicole.  You're doing a good job.

    That could have been the reason, Iris.  Bryon put it back.

    Judith, they couldn't deliver that much feed in the winter too busy.   I can break 50 lb. Sacks and not lift that much.  Plan B would be  sell or lease to Mike.

    Don't you have to get the computer set up?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Go outside and look at the moon.  It's beautiful!!
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Glad you were able to get your car fixed.  Dropped mine off yesterday so now I feel isolated a little.  Will try to clean house and stay busy.  When my vaccinated sister picked me up she also had her mask on which she never has since she was vaccinated.  Was glad she did that, it is very bad here. 

     My friend who still works in respiratory therapy said that the hospital is full of Covid.  Asked her if she is seeing fully vaccinated people on vents.  Said she is seeing a lot if people who only got one shot.  Told me they have five different types of ventilators up.  That means they are working with ventilators they are not familiar with in a very busy environment.  This is not a good thing.  I feel so sorry for the health care workers but many do not.

    Fixed the rest of my sweet potato flat bread for supper.  Mixed up some pinto beans with taco seasoning an toppings.  Wrapped it in the flat bread.  It was good.

    Nicole sorry that things are so crazy.

    Suppose to cool down a lot in a few days.  We have had a fairly warm, long summer and I’m ready for fall.  Put some fall decorations up. 

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, being without a vehicle does make you feel isolated even if you don't need it that day. Hope everything is okay with it.  What kind do you hhave?

    Ron, hope things bare okay at your home today. You and I need  get out of  this dark place we're flirting with. Too many eggs to lay and fish to fry.  Maybe cooler weather will help.

    Saw something cute out in the pasture this morning Penny Jr. was looking for her baby to have breakfast. She'd call her, then listen for an answer. All at once here came her baby and latched on.    They are amazing.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning front porch friends, hope all is well today.

    Judith, I hope your kidney stones stay on the mend. I know Lou's are better but still giving her some grief. Sometimes it's hard to tell with a dementia person just how bad a physical ailment might be, but after living with Lou for 54 years I have a pretty good idea of her pain level.

    Lorita, I can relate to how hard it is to be without a vehicle. When mine was down for over a week, even though I didn't need it, I felt lost without it. We use to be a two vehicle family for most of our marriage and I never knew how it felt to be without transportation until mine broke down last time. I believe if it ever happens again I might buy another car.

    OK guys.......what's wrong with me? I slept 9 hours last night and that's 3 to 4 more hours than my norm! If I'm not careful Lou will have to start waking me up to give her medicine. Speaking of medication, did any of you have as hard of a time getting you loved one to take medicine?

    Hope all of you have a good week, my first part of the week will be cleaning and getting ready for company if I dont sleep all the time. 


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Omigosh Judith; stone!  I am so sorry.  For all the trouble they can cause, they should be diamonds.   Is your stone small enough to pass?   Lots and lots of water to drink . . . they have me drinking about 70 ounces of water a day - at least 60 on a slower day and it isn't always easy.  Thank goodness a nice cup of tea counts.  (My grandmother NEVER said cup of tea without the word "nice: being  added.)

    Lithotripsy is easy and and in and out procedure which you simply sleep through with light anesthesia while the stone is smashed - sometimes a stent is inserted into the affected ureter to help the stone pieces to pass without abrading the ureter.  Stents are easy to remove; takes a few seconds for the doctor to do it.

     If a stone is huge and extremely dense like my main one was, lithotripsy did not help - then ureteroscopy with laser can smash the dratted thing and the bits are simply basketed out.  Again, an in and out procedure.  Not good to let stone continue to cause problems as it can sometimes begin to affect kidney function and can cause infection .

     I had bilateral ureteroscopy with laser and basketing of the huge stone, and then a simple basketing of the other one on the other side.   I had some complications due to some other issues, so I was not discharged until the second day.   Most go home the same day.  No stents from that procedure.

    So hope that all goes well and that stone is small enough to pass.   I did not know I had any stones either until one night out of the blue I had helatious back pain - it was dreadful - what a surprise. Our poor granddaughter and her husband/children.  The house is a total loss; belongings a loss; husbands vehicle total loss.  Very poor insurance; where they are, the insurance rates are sky high and mostly not affordable for decent coverage by the average person.  No church able to help; the entire little town is buried in mud and buildings just gone.   Churches gone.  Waiting to see what will happen with the little insurance money - will have to demolish house and have it hauled away which is expensive; no money to rebuild - it is a nightmare.   The poor children are really affected.  Their back yard was so nice - husband had built a wonderful fence and they had cared for their yard so well - it is now nothing left - just a mud field up to the shins.   So many waiting to see what sort of assitance will come; but so many that the wait is really pretty bad.  Husband has to drive an hour to work and now no vehicle - awful.   And poor granddaughter having to have her gallbladder removed in the middle of all of this while in another nearby state where they had evacuated to.   Geeze. Lots of prayers and hard work.  And in the middle of a pandemic in the state of  Louisiana that is having very poor numbers. Glad you got your truck back, Lorita; now if those door gaskets can be found, that would be great.  I'm not afraid of just about anything except . . . . EARTHQUAKES!   Yep; we had one.  Was upstairs and the house shook and swayed.  Was  scared to bits - so glad that we did not have any further quaking.   If I am outside in a clear area, I am okay; but when inside during a quake, it really gets me. Sayra; I am going to wait and see how your carrots turn out;  I have never been able to grow a decent carrot.  My grandfather's were always beautiful and so big and delicious - he was magic in how he could grow things. My laptop went out two weeks ago - totally.  Took it to the Geek Squad at the local electronic store - guy said too bad, cannot be fixed; need a new one.  DH took it instead to a private fellow with a small store.  He said no problem, it is a good laptop and can be fixed - it will be ready in two hours.    It was.  Costly, but far less than a new one.   So glad we did not go by what the first fellow said. Oh shucks; there goes phone - have to go . . . J.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, glad your sleep pattern has improved. That should make things better.  I think everyone at some point has trouble getting meds to be taken.  Try hiding them in pudding or ice cream after you crush  the ones you can.

    Jo, seems like you are  feeling better. Hope you continue to improve quickly.

    Judith, hopefully your kidney stone is staying quiet.  Drink  that water!!

    Cooler weather tomorrow.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Well so much for sleeping 9 hours, should have known it wouldn't last. Almost got sick cleaning house yesterday. I hate that I'm not physically able to do much anymore, guess that's what happens when you get older.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita have a Honda CRV.  It has been a very good car.  Everything was ok, just routine maintenance needed.  Always get new wiper blades.  So didn’t cost me too much.

    Ron when my dad was living he always had a car and a truck.  My mom doesn’t drive and so always had a vehicle available.  Thought about getting a second car when he died, my BIL suggested it would be cheaper just to rent a car if I needed one for some reason.  So that is the route I have taken.  That has been at least 19 years ago and have not had to rent one yet.  So definitely glad I went with that option.

    They are giving rain the next few days and then much cooler weather.  We need rain badly.  Hopefully we will be provided with some.

    Got a little more of garden cleaned up.  Still a bit left to do.  Few leaves starting to fall.

    Lorita know the cattle are company for you.  Understand why it is hard to let go of them.  Mike would probably leave them there, so they could become like your  grandchildren.  You could enjoy them and then go home and leave the responsibility to Mike.

    Will clean up some more in garden if doesn’t rain, otherwise guess I will take it easy.

    Ron was hoping you would continue to get good sleep.  Sleep is good for us.  

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good afternoon Friends!

    Sara, hope you are getting or going to get rain. We got close to 1/2" yesterday. Grateful (but we could use more). It's cooler today, in the 50s this a.m. and now 72. Sunny, and a very lovely day. 

    My sister and her husband are getting ready to move to another state. They are downsizing as well. We met for lunch in a Mexican restaurant. We had a good meal and good conversation. I will miss her! I won't see her again for a long time.   Given she is downsizing, she gave me Grandma's mantle clock. Ron opened the back of it, deciding to try to get it going. He got it going but not with accuracy. There was a handwritten note in the clock indicating that it was purchased by my great-great grandparents in 1868! Wow! It is a beautiful clock. I remember it sitting on Grandma's mantle. I will try to take a photo of it soon and post it.

    Lorita, you are such a hard worker. But it is ok to slow down, if that will give you more peace and make life easier. I cannot imagine lifting all the feed, etc that you do. Do you feed your girls the hay that Byron cuts in your meadow - or do you sell the hay?  Hope you can get the issues taken care of with the computer and the A/C. Seems like there is always "something," always something to deal with. 

    Zetta, Ron, Judith, Nicole - thinking of you all and hoping things are going ok. I know you are busy and I know some of you have health issues. 

    Sara, I found the following from USA Today about the J&J vaccine. Good news!

    Johnson & Johnson released new data Tuesday showing a booster dose of its vaccine given two months after the one-shot vaccine provides 94% protection against moderate-to-severe COVID-19 symptoms.

    J&J, citing three studies of the vaccine, said the booster shot offers 100% protection against severe or critical symptoms, the company said in a statement. A booster dose given six months after the single shot provides even more protection, the company said. The results are in line with data from studies of Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.

    Goodbye for today. Happy Autumn!  Beth

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Ron, sorry you worked too hard and almost got sick.  The thing for you to do is REST today - all you can.  I know what you mean about hating that we're not able to do the things we used to do when we were younger.  I can tell the difference in just a year.  I think part of my problem is my feet - Morton's Neuroma - which bothers my balance.

     Glad you like your car, Sara.  We've never had that kind - we did have a Toyota PU once and once only.  We've had different kinds of cars and PUs and our favorite PU is a Dodge RAM - we've had two 3/4 ton ones.  Not the easiest riding ones but powerful.  We had a new Silverado years ago and it was just like riding in a car.  We've always had two vehicles since we moved to the farm - just about have to out here, especially when both work and different shifts.  We've always said that even if you have four vehicles, the time will come when none of them work.

     Don't work too hard in the garden, Sara - there's plenty of time to get it all done. 

    Our weather today is beautiful - it's 74 right now with a north wind.  It was 66 this morning - almost needed long sleeves.  We didn't get any rain though and we really need some.  We had green grass in the yard until Bryon mowed, now it looks like it's all dirt - and so dusty.  Parts of far NE Okla. had 2" of rain last night.

     Got some business taken care of this morning.  Called Ricky to see when he could mow.  It's so dry that I'm getting concerned about fire - there's tall weeds in the garden just south of the house so I want them gone.  He said he finished baling hay yesterday (baled 7,000 bales this year) and they were hooking up brush hogs today.  He'll come tomorrow and mow.  I won't get everything mowed, just the garden and south of there where the hayrings are and in front of the house - two hours worth at least.  I told him I'd keep the girls in the NE pasture out of his way.  I closed gates this morning after they went in and opened the north lot gate so that's taken care of.  I'll be so glad to get that done.  Maybe next spring we'll be able to spray.

     Decided since I felt better today, I'd make pancakes (we've always called them hotcakes).  So, made a double recipe of buttermilk pancakes.  First time I can remember making them since Charles has been gone.  I used to always make them on Sunday mornings.  When we had so many  Queensland Heelers and poodles I'd triple the recipe and after Charles and I had some I'd break up the others and put some syrup on them for the dogs.  They loved them.  Stormy and Sheena had never had them but after the first bite they were hooked.  I froze the rest of them to have for breakfast later on.

     FedEx just delivered the things I ordered Sunday night.  The young man who has been delivering the last couple of years has been moved to another route and will only deliver here when the girl is off.  She's a little slip of a thing and she said she has to load her own truck and then take the boxes to the houses.  We had four boxes and she didn't have a dolly so she used ours.  I hate for her to have to handle those big Chewy boxes but maybe the dolly will help.

     Sara - I need new windshield wipes on both the car and PU so I'll get that done when I have the car serviced later this fall.

     Ron, I'm thinking about taking a nap.  Maybe you can talk Lou into taking one so you can get some rest.  Would be really good if you could make that a habit with her - only takes a couple of times to get the habit made.

     The hotcakes were so good - did I mention I had to have a shortstack?  That's what I always ordered when we ate breakfast in a restaurant.  I like room temp. syrup so always had to tell them that or I'd get warm syrup. Stormy and Sheena liked them with syrup and butter. 

     Made pumpkin-spice muffins yesterday and froze those so I'm set for breakfast for quite a while.  Hate to have to get up and fix something to eat.  I need to go through the two refrigerator freezers and take out things that don't need to be in there so I'll have room in one for things from two when they redo the floor.

     Hope all of you are well today.  Judith, do hope the kidney stone isn't giving you a lot of pain.  Still drinking that water? 

     Jo, hope you're continuing to improve day by day - just takes a long time to get over things.  Sounds like you went through quite an ordeal.  When do the avocados get ripe?

     Are all of you planning on getting the booster shot when it's available?  I heard this morning it might be available by Friday.  If so, I'll get mine next week if our health department has them.  Won't get my flu shot until mid to late October though.

     I just ordered Windows 10 for senior dummies.  Maybe I'll understand that.  I did use the one for Windows 7 quite a lot. 

     I turned off the air conditioner and opened the north windows this morning.  Feels so good for it to be cool.  It was 99 in Tulsa yesterday and the heat index here at 8 p.m. was 95.  We have double windows in the dining room and I have thermal drapes on all the dining and LR windows so when Stormy hears something he goes to the dining room window and pulls back the drapes and looks out and barks.  You wouldn't believe how dirty those windows were this morning - really hard to clean because there was some kind of film (from his nose probably) on the window.  I need to wash all of the windows but that's for another day - or year.  No one sees them except me when I pull back the drapes so guess it's all right.

     Zetta - hope you're having a restful day.  Just watched about three hours of Gunsmoke - now I'm on to The Waltons.  I know Sammy and Molly are keeping you company - hope they're still getting along. 

     Joan - hope you're all right.  I bet your weather is really getting cool now.  Don't you love fall?  A lot of our leaves are turning brown and falling off - the front yard is full of Southern Magnolia leaves.  The Royal Empress trees are full of buds and some blossoms are falling off as they bloom (only last one day) and smell so good.  I saw golden rod blooming down by the mailbox a few days ago - so guess Fall is almost here.  I imagine the trees in your area are beautiful.  We went to Albuquerque one October and the trees were gorgeous on the way down from Taos - forget the name of them but the leaves were yellow mixed in with pine trees.  Just remembered - Aspen.

     Fall is my favorite time of year but it also makes me sad - guess because things are either dying or going to sleep for the wintertime.  Guess another reason is because we always took a trip in October (made use of a three day weekend with some time off).  Eureka Springs, Arkansas is a beautiful, small town when the leaves have turned.

     I'd better stop - just taking advantage of opening and using the laptop.  Always afraid it'll come apart when I open it.  Maybe, Judith, I'll open the new laptop box and see what it looks like.  I know it's an HP 17" like the one I have and have had since 2009 - just hate to have to learn something new.  The tech guys promised it would only take a few minutes to change things over.  Didn't you tell me they can make Windows 10 look like Windows 7?

     Okay, that's enough.  Ellen, hope you're well.

     I googled my name last night and was amazed at all the information it showed - birth day and age, religion, political party and phone number - also other names I could go by and other people at this address or that I'm connected with - only one other family in this area with my last name so they listed them.  Try it and see what it shows for you all.

     See you later.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Lorita....good. Open the box and make friends with your new computer. I turned to google/drive and search when I lost some stuff in windows 7. I installed the same on my windows 10 and it looks and works the same. 

    I think it is important to think through how  you want your new computer to function. Then it can be configured. You probably used internet explorer. I think it may have been replaced by Edge.

    Dick's closet is now empty! Now that does not mean that the clothes are gone. I got a clothes rack from the Container store to hang his stuff. I already have my things from another closet hanging on anothe rack. Now I can put my summer stuff in one closet...winter in another. I will end up with some racks but they fold down to nothing and family can borrow. My mother always had a rack she used for getting ready for a trip.

    The jackpot was a Winchester 1890 rifle in two pieces at the back of Dic's closet,  My grandson was beseide himself.....he knew that there was a gun somewhere. A little dissapointed...he thought the Uzi Dick kept under h is bed in Laos was in the house.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Beth know it makes you a little sad your sister is moving.   Would enjoy seeing a picture of the mantle clock.  My grandparents just had the things they needed to survive.  Do have a big churn that was one of theirs.  It was one of the things that helped them survive.  They churned and they made kraut in them.  My one grandmother sold things she preserved to make a little extra money.

    They gave quite a bit of rain during night and today.  Have not looked to see if we got any during night.  Just looked at radar and to me it looks like what we have had a lot of lately.  Rain runs on either side of us but we don’t get much.  We shall see.

    Thank you Beth for the info on J&J.  Looked it up and happy to see the info.  All those different numbers get a little confusing.  Just know Shane Crotty who I feel is knowledgeable said several weeks back that J&J needs a boost.  Think he feels Moderna and Pfizer are still ok at the present time.  Guess it is about time to get the flu vaccine too.  Will try to get that done in October sometime.

    Lorita glad you felt like cooking yesterday.  

    Lol I googled my name.  Very little showed up.  Part of it was accurate and part wasn’t.  Had my age as 85.  Had a inaccurate family member, and my mom and one sister listed.

    Ate the last of my apple butter today.  Just about time to make some more.

    Hope each one of you have a peaceful day

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning from Louisiana! Cant believe it's 58 right now and high for today will be in the low 80s. Enjoy it while I can!

    Last night I decided to just leave the house like it is for our company! This morning I got up at 3:30 and haven't stopped, still need to vacuum and wash guest sheets. I believe I'll wait until early afternoon on the bedding and have my brother help make the beds. I dread the hardest part of the day and that's giving Lou a bath. She hates getting in the water and I usually just sponge bath her but I need to wash her hair and get her squeaky clean. I've been using that foam on her hair and it works pretty good but still not as good as a good old head scrubbing. 

    Tired already but after company arrives I dont plan on doing anything. 


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Enjoy the cooler temps, Ron and Sara. Cooler here today too. It was 47 this a.m. and will get up to 78. A good day to work outside, which I did. 

    I took a picture of my great-great grandparents' mantle clock, purchased in 1868. I always remember it sitting on my Grandma's mantle. That makes it special. It's not working properly, it does work to some extent. My husband opened it up and messed with it after viewing Youtube videos. Inside it says, "Warranted Good" and "Seth Thomas." It is so pretty, even non-working. And we probably don't want it ticking in our living room because we already have a grandfather clock ticking in there.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    BethL, your great-great-grandparents' clock is beautiful!  You are so very lucky to have it.

    Weather here in Virginia is cooler as well.  Expecting rain showers most of the day.

    Finished my afghan for one great grandson (Marshal the Fire Dog on Paw Patrol cartoons) and am starting the next which is CoCoMelon....such names...lol.  

    Hope everyone has a day full of joy!

    Marie who loves kitties

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Beth...thek clock is wonderful...such beautiful wood

    Jo.....shoe source  https://www.thewalkingcompany.com/products/walking-cradles-bronwyn-white?variant=31276830818350

    The tour today wennergyt well. It always gives me energy!

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    That clock is beautiful! That plus the family connection is priceless.

    Not much happening here, but a question for the cat owners (I’m very new and inexperienced). Are cats bothered or scared by thunderstorms? I know a lot of dogs are (one of mine was until he became deaf), but cats?

    We had a really big bad and very close thunderstorm yesterday, and the cat seemed very agitated or nervous by it. We have storms almost daily this time of year, brief power outages etc.,  but this one was more electricity and right over us, than most. They do not bother me, so kitty wasn’t “reacting” to my reaction. Nor is the dog bothered by them. But kitty seemed definitely distressed. Not running around freaking out, but…distressed. Somehow I thought cats would not be bothered by that.

    I got my flu shot yesterday as usual, and my arm is sore and very tender today. Not sick, just muscle sore. I do not remember that happening before, but I think it has a LOT to do with the person who gives it or how well it is given. No big deal.

    Anyway, I had to wait about 20 minutes, and while I was there, there was a constant, nonstop stream of people wanting the vaccine booster. The workers refused, politely, saying you had to have another major  condition, like cancer treatment or transplanted organ. Big stuff. They kept telling people will would be “a few weeks, nobody knows” before it’s generally available, and even then, over 65 first. 

    I just thought it was interesting that so many people wanted it, and the store stuck  to the rules. I’d imagined they’d hand it (booster) out pretty freely if people asked and said “oh sure I’ve got cancer” wink nod,  But it wasn’t like that, at least in my little moment. But the workers said they’re swamped with booster requests. Meanwhile, I was the only person who got a flu shot….

    I also had a doctors appointment about my recent labs. But when I got there, no lab results. It’s been 11 days since they were done, and the analysis usually takes 5 days. The lab told the doctor (I was there) they are running behind because of so much demand. Like everything else now, I guess. Be nice if they checked whether labs are in yet before you go to hear them, but I know the docs don’t work that way. (Cue another sigh). At least I picked up some of the worlds best gumbo on the way home! And it’s cloudy outside, so I can pretend it’s cooler.

    Continued wishes for Jo’s healing. Glad Judith is doing ok with hers.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Uncle's oncologist requested a full body bone scan and a CT with contrast. Of course he won't drink the contrast, nasty stuff!!!

    Hopefully he will be able to tolerate the bone scan. If he can't I'm done trying to make him have tests. It won't matter if the prostate cancer has spread, we are not having any chemo or radiation treatments.

    I've told my cousin he will then be placed on hospice at home. It's too much to get him to appointments, plus he's incontinate. 

    I've asked home health about a hospital bed, still waiting for this to be approved. 

    Uncle needs work on his teeth. The oral surgeon needs clearance from his primary Dr and his cardiologist. Of course he has to go in and been seen at the office. Then he will have to have anesthesia to pull 3 teeth (can make the dementia worse) then a month later he needs to have 2 visits for deep cleaning.

    So much going on.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita hope a computer issue is what kept us from hearing from you yesterday.

    Rescue mom don’t have any experience with cats.  A lot of people on here do, so someone will probably come along with an answer.  

    The clock is very nice Beth.

    Marie your grandkids will enjoy those afghans.  Use to crochet and knit them but haven’t in a long time.  Found it relaxing when I did it.

    Nicole sorry you and your uncle having such a rough time.

    We got 3 inches of rain yesterday.  It was just a nice rain all day long.  We really needed that, thankful for it.

    Hope each one of you have a nice day, take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Just a very busy morning. Laid down for n30 minutes that turned into a 21/2 hr. nap. Then had to catch up. By then maintenance had begun. I'm fine. Just came in from feeding Tom and Jerry and checking the girls.  It's cool, wore a light fleece jacket that felt good..

    Ricky mowed and it looks so good.   Really need rain. Happy for your 3" ,Sara. Need to call Ray about buying 60 small bales of hay. He just baled south of us.

    Back later

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    It's 4 pm, I've been waiting for the plumber since 8:30 am--he told me he got called on another call and forgot about me.  This is the plumber recommended by my HOA.  He wants to come tomorrow morning.  My brother's plane will arrive tomorrow at noon, so I won't have a lot of spare time.  I am very frustrated!  The leak is dripping a lot and I have to keep emptying the bucket.  Deep breaths! 

    I could not log on today after the monthly website maintainance.  I had to call tech support and they helped me.

    I probably won't be able to post much while my brother is here.  


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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     Hello cobbers, from down under.

    Sorry not to have written for a while but I have been quite busy. My book is published here, and from next week should be available as an ebook on Kindle. I will let you know when that happens. Because I paid for the publisher to do most of the work, I am responsible for selling it, so am busy promoting it in all the ways I can think of, both face to face with friends, and also with contacts on the internet. Because it is a history of my childhood, it’s mostly interesting to the older generation who share some of the memories. I will have to keep promoting it for quite some time — months or even years. Phew.

     DH continues to deteriorate, he had 2 falls during the last few days. So far no broken bones, but has a cut on his face. When I visit he is either very sleepy, or in the toilet. I have stopped trying to get him to the toilet myself, after he almost fell while I was doing it. The carers are younger and stronger than me, so I will leave it to them. He knows me, says he loves me, but has very little other memories. But still loves his food, is starting to lose weight. As we all know to expect, but still not easy to see. Next month, it will be 5 years since he went into residential care – almost a lifetime, it seems.

      Covid is still causing problems here. My state is doing quite well, but 2 of our neighbours have serious spreads. Our governments regularly close the borders between the states, and check people as being vaccinated and uninfected before they are allowed to cross the border. Keeps us safe, but causes anger. When there is an infection, we go into lockdown, must stay home except for food shopping and visiting a medical appointment. And always wear a mask in public. Some businesses are closed own as well. There are protests in Melbourne today because the building industry has been shut down. But it seems that most of the protesters are really anti-vaxers, or anti lock-down, or just young men with too much male hormone, looking for an excuse to get into a punch-up with police. Idiots.

    Hope to visit more often in future.. Barbara

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Iris, sorry about your frustration with the plumber.  Seems we plan things to be done when it's best but there always seems to be a foul-up.  I hate waiting for a repairman to come.  They give such a long time span and you have to be there - just in case they show up and sometimes they don't, as in your case.   Hope he gets there early in the morning so you can pick up your brother on time.   Hate dripping faucets.  There's something going on with my kitchen drain, too.  It leaks a bit, under the sink, when too  much water goes down too fast.  I don't want anyone in the house so I'm coping with it - not hard, just another thing to contend with.

     Barbara, sorry for the decline.  It's hard even though we expect it but when the time comes we're just not ready. 

     Seems like the virus is everywhere and not getting much better. Sounds like your Country is doing the right thing.  For so long everything was really good down there, wasn't it?   Our State is having close to 2,000 new cases every day.  They're still having ballgames and festivals with very few people wearing masks.  How do they expect us to get through this without everyone doing the right thing.   They've okayed the booster for people who have had the Pfizer vaccine - at least for people with autoimmune problems and people over 65 but not for people like nurses and teachers. Don't understand that.  For people over 65 you can get the booster six months after your second shot.  I got mine on March 30 so will try to get the booster the end of next week or the next.  Still don't want to get the flu shot at the same time but will get it for sure.

     Beth, the picture of the clock is beautiful.  What wonderful memories you have of that clock and the people who owned it.  Something to treasure for sure.  I have my grandma's clock that she purchased probably shortly after she got married.  She was born in 1876 so it's pretty old, too - not as ornate as yours for sure but I treasure it just the same.  Where would we be without memories.

     Beth, glad your weather is cooler and that you may be getting some rain.  Wish we could - it's so dry here and the drought is closing in.  We've had more rain than most in the little area where I live but it's very dry.  

     How nice that you're  making those beautiful afghans.  I'm sure they'll enjoy them.  I never learned how to knit or crochet.  My MIL crocheted and was going to teach me but we were never together enough for that.  I really don't have the patience to do something like that now so guess it worked out all right.

     Judith, glad the tour went well.  Were there many people?   Still haven't opened the "box" and gotten acquainted.  After I type this I'm going to leave the laptop open on my desk in another room so the cats won't get on it.  I think it'll be all right for a while if I do that - just still a bit too much going on right now. 

     Have been able to mark a few things off my to-do list.  Ricky came and mowed and things look so nice - wish I could have the whole place brushhogged but it's not worth the money - frost will get the weeds in a few weeks.  He mowed the MH yard and all around the fences in the east pasture - along the road.  Glad he did that.  He mowed the garden and south from there where the weeds were so bad and around the hayrings.  The girls happened to be in the barn so I closed the gate and showed him where I wanted him to mow around the barn and north and east of it so it looks better, too.  That's where I feed in the winter - north of the barn.  He also mowed some north of the house where there's some hay.  The guy who bales can't mow there because of the type of mower he uses.  I drove down the mailbox late yesterday and the driveway looks so good - he mowed on both sides of the road and around the hay that's still down there.   Like I said before, looks like someone lives here now.

     Called Ray this morning to see if he's selling hay - he is.  So, he'll bring some small bales when he gets time - no hurry.  Hopefully, next month I can have the rest of the barn cleaned out and a new gate to the pen made and doors for the cowshed and a couple of shutters repaired.  I won't close the barn until late October or sometime in November.

     Nicole, sounds like you have your hands taking care of your uncle and his doctor's appointments.  Dental appointments are hard for dementia patients.  I can remember taking Charles for a couple - really hard to make them understand what the dentist wants them to do.  Good luck with the CT Scan - another hard thing.  Hope your weather's cooling some, too.

     Ron, glad you decided to not keep doing housework - but I know you were laying there thinking of what you wanted/needed to do so got up and got it done.  I'm the same way.  Glad your weather is cooler, too.  When is your birthday?  If I missed it, sorry - but Happy Birthday.

     It's a beautiful, late summer evening - very still and not too hot - it's 77 right now.  I'm already in my gown and have on a CuddleDud's light-weight sweater.  I've been wearing it off and on the last couple of days.  Tomorrow it begins to warm up again and will be close to 90.  We've had way over 100 over 80 degree days this summer but only about six in Tulsa.  I'm tired of summer and wish we'd have a long autumn but that doesn't happen very often.  Guess now I can start dreading winter.  Never satisfied for long at a time.

     Sara, I laughed when you said Mr. Google said you were 85.  I've often wondered where they get all this information.  They had my age and DOB right but had other people living here besides me - only one other family with my last name in this area so they were all living here, according to him.

     Rescue Mom - none of our cats have ever been afraid of thunderstorms that I noticed.  Stormy isn't afraid of thunder either but Sheena is (those are the Great Pyrenees).  Sheena can hear thunder before I do and she'll come and lay beside my feet - even at night she'll come and lay next to the bed.  I talk to her and tell her it's just potato wagons rolling but she's still on alert. 

     Glad the people were doing what they were supposed to about the booster shots.  I think this will be an annual thing for us just like the flu shots - but that's all right if it keeps us and others from being sick.

     I'm watching QVC as I type this and they're showing a Joan River's shirt that buttons up a little way in the back, as well as the front.  I have one that buttons that way and just love it - I unbutton one button in the back - the shirt is pretty long.  They're having clearance but everything seems to be gone in my size before I get the call made.  That's probably good though. 

     Cleaned the range today - how in the world does it get so dirty - I have a mirror behind it that looks like a window and my goodness, couldn't see out of it - almost.  Put a lot of the spatulas, whisks, etc. back in the pantry and changed containers for them on the stove just leaving what I use most often.  So, of course, the next thing I need will be in the pantry in the other container.  I use mostly spurtles to stir with - mine are wood and I really like them.

    Marie - I know you've posted since I have but I can't get back to your last post.  Hope you're doing well.  How many cats did you say you have?  Seems like I don't sit down without at least one either being on my lap or beside me.  Sammy's beside me right now and Kitt is laying on the hassock in front of me.  The other night I was in the recliner and three of them were in it with me.  Good thing I love cats.  Tom and Jerry are the black and white outside cats.  I've fed and watered them every morning for three or four years, at least, and they still recoil when I try to pet them.  Sometimes when they're eating they'll let me touch their back without recoiling. 

     Guess I'd better stop and try to proofread this.  Hope all of you have had a good Thursday and will have an even better Friday - cool weather for those of us who have had hot weather and lots of rain for everyone who needs it. 

     See you tomorrow.  Sleep well.

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hello friends

    As I warned, my ebook is now available on Amazon Kindle. It's called The Redgens of Redford, with Redgen being my family name, and Redford the name of the farm. Has stories of farming in Australia in the 1950s, and photos of me and the rest of the family back then. Author name Barbara Randell.

    Price is about $6 Australian, and should be much less in US $$.

    Would love to hear what you think of it!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    Barbara congratulations on your book.  

    Iris is there a valve you can use to shut off the water to whatever is dripping when you are not using it?  Hope you and your brother have a nice visit.

    Lorita your sink leak sounds like the one I had.  Dealt with it for a year due to pandemic.  Got it fixed this spring, the seals needed replaced.  You are vaccinated, you have a KF94 mask, it is still nice enough to have your windows open.   Think this would be a good time to get your sink fixed.  

    Lorita we may not need a booster every year.  We will just have to wait and see as research evolves.   If I understand the virologist and immunologist correctly, with the current flu shots our immune system does not develop long term memory so why it is only effective for a period of time.  With Covid it appears our immune system is developing long term memory so time will tell but we may not have to get a yearly booster.  May just need one ever so many years or possibly never.  We will just have to wait and see, we can hope.

    Didn’t do much of anything yesterday.  Was a cold wet day.  Think it is suppose to be a little warmer today and sun is suppose to shine.  Maybe by this afternoon will be dry enough to clean up some more of the plants.

    Hope each one has a peaceful day, take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Another beautiful morning but we'll be in the 90s again soon.

    Opened the WM boxes and wiped down things. Waited til the dried and brought them in.

    Congratulations on your book, - sounds like my kind  of book.  It is on my Amazon Fire tablet kindle but I've never used Kindle so not sure how to do it.

    Sara, hope you get some yard work done today.  So happy for your rain.  Still not ready to have a repairman in the house ., soon maybe


    Back later.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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