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Just need to talk to my friends (155)



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita - took a long time to be able to get on this Thread, and then took a very long time to be able to get into a "reply."   Wonder if the update has affected number of pages being able to be easily used.

     The clock is really beautiful, Beth, and so unique; what a treasure.   It must be wonderful having that bit of family history in your home.

     Dear Ron.   Too much!  I used to run myself ragged when company came - all beds made up fresh, (seven of them), house cleaned to the nth degree and bathrooms fluffed and powdered and special stuff brought in and special groceries bought and cooked really good welcoming dinner and baking - wore myself out.  But then I got more ahem, "mature."  Knees rebelling.  So; I put folded clean sheets on the foot of each bed - my guests made their own beds; fresh towels put out, and catered in first night's dinner.   Saved me so much energy and angst; worked well and everyone was fine with it.  So much more relaxing.   May possibly even keep Lou in better stead without all the extra running about going on that can be unsettling.

    Congratulations on your book, Barbara; that is a lovely achievement.  Sending best wishes for success.  It sounds as though it would make a good movie!  Can you imagine? Jfkoc, terrific that the art museum tour went well; I can well understand the poitive energy that makes.  

    Iris, what a disappointment with that plumber - that was not good business on his part.  So hope he is out early and fixes things so you do not have it on your hands with your brother's visit.  Hope you have a really lovely time with your brother.

    Lorita, I think our smart and savvy Sayra is spot on.  You have good weather for open windows and doors at this time, you have good masks, I think she is right in that this is the time to have that leaking pipe fixed before winter sets in and makes things much more difficult or even having a larger problem develop with a much bigger fix needed because things got worse.   You can even make the request for a plumber who has been vaccinated and request he/she wear a mask while in your home due to your being in a higher risk category.    That should be able to get things done with a very reasonable degree of safety.

    Well; CT of abdomen shows I have "dust" from the kidney stone on my right side - still must drink beaucoup water, (64 - 70 ounces per day - I measure it so I do not fool myself),  and try to move about more to get it jiggling downward and out - will not be painful as it is "dust."  Hard to move about as freely as before  - knees are dreadful so must plan and push myself.  Will need to have another CT Scan in about six months.  Geeze; thought it would all be over and done with - creepy, sly kidney stones - they are very stubborn.

     I did some online shopping this morning and enjoyed doing it.   I was running out of Hallmark greeting cards and I do not want to go into the store for obvious reasons.  Turns out Hallmark has a wonderful online store with terrific detail in their cards and easy to use.

     I spent a lot, but got birthday cards for adult kids, grandkids, thank you cards, sympathy cards, thinking of you cards, anniversary cards, etc.   Was able to get much magnified detail of each card with a description so choosing them was easy.   Will get them in mail soon along with the gold Hallmark labels.

     I have done this once before and it worked so well - they come in a really nice sturdy box so the cards are in pristine condition when they arrive.   I will now have enough cards for the coming year.     If you need cards and do not feel like going to the store to buy them, it is worth giving it a try.  One can have pickup at the local Hallmark store or have them mailed - I chose mailed to the house and since I ordered over a certain amount, there are no shipping charges.

    Having crockpot porkchops tonight, it has been a long time since we have done that.   Do love the crockpot, I need to get some more easy crockpot recipes.   We are in the low 80's today; such a nice difference from being up in the high 90's and low 100's with humidity.  Hope it stays this way now.  We are now seeing the smoke from the northern part of the state, it hangs over L.A.  We keep the house closed up with the AC on which keeps the smoke out; still not as bad down where we are.

    Poor Louisiana grandaughter and family.  Husband's truck is totaled, homeowners insurance is low balling the house which is no longer livable and must be demolished including furniture which is covered in muck.  They are having to move in with a relative with the kids doubling up in one room, and grandaughter and husband looking for a camper or trailer to rent to sleep in right outside the house due to lack of bedrooms.  Entire town is wiped out - mud is very deep and found to be highly toxic as well as dreadfully bacterially contaminated even from overflowing sewage and dead animals - still no electricity.  It is a nightmare.   And . . . what a surprise, government agencies fighting over who is responsible for what and nothing being done at the people level.   I do not know how they are going to recover from this - it will be months and months.

    Goodness; we are in the last week of September; seems as though this month has flown by.  October looming.  Cannot imagine any children will be trick or treating considering the risk.   We will not have our lights on for that; just not a good year. The poor children, so much being missed.

     May this be a good weekend coming up for everyone.  Sending warmest thoughts and lots of hugs to all,


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,357
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    That clock is everything- so pretty.


    My mother's part-Maine Coon cats is terrified of storms. Mom adopted her at the ripe old age of 10 when her people got a job offer in Hawaii. She previously lived in coastal NC and survived several major hurricanes and is very troubled by thunder, lightening, heavy downpours and loud wind. This kind of surprised us as she is otherwise fearless.

    The fancy pet boutique here suggested a Hemp Oil supplement which we put of freeze-dried chicken breast ahead of storms. It seems to help her a lot. I buy the chicken breast packaged for dogs as it is much cheaper on a per unit basis. The stuff is pricey but it's been really nasty this past summer and we're just now starting a second bottle. 

    Pet Releaf Oil 100 Dog & Cat Supplement | Dogs & Cats Rule - Newtown (dogsandcatsrule.com)

    Another option would be a Thundershirt. They do market these for cats but I don't feel like the cat's comfort would be worth the hours spent in the ER having my wounds tended to. 

    Feliway is another product line that might help. They sell phermone based products (spray, diffusers and collars) that are supposed to help cats chill out. My friend uses these for a couple of her more neurotic adoptees. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Jjust noticed my crumb cakes were delivered yesterdsy. I went down to the mailbox and they were in the mailbox. Probably delivered about noon yesterday. Do yoh all think they're still safe to at after being in a metal mailbox about 30 hrs in about 80 degree weather?
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    No?  Probably not- they will replace them. Better be safe than sorry.  Thanks, Judith.

    Is this the Day?  Happy Birthday, Ron.  Have fun this weekend!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    Happy Birthday Ron.

    JoC so sorry about what has happened to your granddaughter and her family.  Hope things work out for them someway.  Know this is hard.  Hope your granddaughter is feeling better physically.

    Beautiful day yesterday.  Got a little more cleaned up outside.  Got my yard fertilized for the fall.  Made some beef and noodles.  Turned out good.  Made a chocolate cookie, after 8 minutes you take them out and put half of a marshmallow on top.  Bake two more minutes.  When cool ice with chocolate frosting.  They turned out nicely.

    Think it is suppose to be a misty day today.  Hopefully I can still get a little more cleanup done.

    Take care everyone

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Littleme, I got your book on Amazon and Read the whole book yesterday.

    Very good book, I enjoy reading about history of families and what they went through to survive and have a great family.

    Happy Birthday Ron, hope you enjoy your family visiting.

    Loritia stay safe, When will the weather start getting cooler there. It is 49 in SC this morning. Leaves have started changing.

    Bill can hardly walk now. The bone cancer is eating his carlidge. I have a scooter for him to ride to get fresh air when he is able. 

    I got my covid and shingles shot. Doctor said I need it because if I got sick who would take care of Bill? 

    Going back to Florida For the winter. We have no cases of covid in resort. Home health came and gave shots to anyone that needed one. Mask and distance are the rules.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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