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Just need to talk to my friiends (157)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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 Time for another empty cottonsack!  Seems like they come around pretty fast.

 It's a beautiful morning - cool (had to wear a long-sleeved shirt) and sunny.  But, they're predicting storms again early in the morning and, hopefully, rain the next couple of days. 

 Thank you, Beth.  I appreciate that so much.  We have had too many losses - two calves and two cows the last month.  I know when you have animals you lose some but it still hurts.  Not so much for the money factor - we usually put sales back into feed but for the loss of a life that means so much to us and to the other girls.  Everyone goes through this from time to time.

 Enjoy your walk this afternoon - I've had mine for the day, I think, but you never know what the next hour will bring. 

 I went to the mailbox this morning to mail some letters and the one I mailed yesterday was still in the mailbox.  I had forgotten it was a holiday.   Saw all the girls before I went and got the right count.  It's very comforting to just sit among them and enjoy watching the babies and hearing them graze.

 Sorry you lost your post, Jo.  I hate it when that happens.  Seems like I can never remember all I had written.  Maybe you'll try again later today.

 Sara - I'm going to make an apple crisp this afternoon.  In all my lifetime I don't remember ever making one but it sounds easy so we'll see.   I've made several cobblers lately so thought I'd try something different.  Fingers crossed.  When I was in school our cooks made the best apple crisp - wish I had their recipe.

 I went out a while ago and Sweet Pea was having her lunch.  All the little calves are so cute and precious but there's just something about a little white-faced one.  I'll post a couple of pictures of she and her mom.  I took one of her nibbling on the Gator tire but it didn't come out right for some reason when I loaded it into the computer.

 Ron, we haven't seen a post from you in a couple of days.  Hope everything's all right and you're feeling okay.  I think I remember you had an appointment this week. 

 Can't believe you all are talking about snow so early.  We just missed a record - we had 131 days of 80 and over temps beginning June 2.  The record was 133 in the 1930s.  It was 78 in Tulsa yesterday.  Our thermometer on the porch said 60 this morning but it felt cooler than that to me.  Things (grass and trees) are changing colors of green and even when a plane flies over it sounds different so guess fall is here. 

 I'll be back later.  Hope you enjoy the pictures.  Posted another one of Tina (can't leave her out - she was so cute laying in the sun).  Sweet Pea's mom's name is Daisy - Sweet Pea's daughter.  Sweet Pea had more black around her eyes.  So, Sweet Pea lives on in Daisy and little Sweet Pea.




  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,    Those pictures are precious. That little one laying down I just want to put my arms around her and give her a big Hug!!!  Is that Tina?
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    It is Tina, Zetta.  She is sweet both of them are. Been quiet here today.  Made the Apple crisp and tastes pretty good.  Waiting for storms and rain, we hope.  How's Molly and Sammy?
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    Glad your apple crisp turned out ok Lorita.  Made one with blueberries yesterday.  It turned out good.  Thinking you can use any fruit.

    Got my garlic yesterday.  Will need to get it planted in the next few days.

    I get that error message sometimes too JoC.

    Hope each one has a peaceful day

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Just a quick note to let my front porch friends know Lou and I are doing fine.

    Sister is here this week while I have my pet ct scan, lab and later this week first fitting for permanent teeth. I believe the pet ct was good but need to see results. Also nephew and his crew is rebuilding our front deck with a roof where lou can sit outside more. His also putting slip resistance strips on wheelchair ramp where I want fall again.

    Will write more when I know more!

    Hope all of you are doing ok!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    We are OK in OKC but Lorita is likely under a tornado watch right now.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Glad you're ok, Judith. Tornado warning was a few miles south of us.   We haven't had that much ra
    in but light rain now.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Sara, blueberry crisp sounds good.  I had a dish of my apple crisp just now with whipped cream and it was better than it was yesterday.  The really hard pieces of topping had softened.  I will make that again.  May make individual ones next - I have four small loaf pans so probably have enough apples left for those. 

     Daddy planted garlic years and years ago and it still comes up every spring - not as much each year though.  I've never pulled it but should because I do like garlic in some things.  Good luck with yours.

     Ron, glad to hear things are okay with you and Lou.  Hope the results of your scan are good.  Nice that your sister has come to visit.  Bet you'll get some rain from this next storm that comes through - was a cyclone or hurricane that went into Mexico and now is coming up through Texas, southern Okla. and Louisiana.

     I don't know how much rain we've had this morning - rained really hard for about ten minutes and a much softer rain since then.  Grass won't grow much anymore but it'll be good for winter grasses anyway.

     Well, I had both vehicles running for about two weeks.  Yesterday I drove the car to the mailbox - did just fine.  Came back and parked it and later decided I needed to move it.  Backed up and got a small feed pan underneath - it wasn't stuck because I pulled it out with a shovel, reparked the car and thought everything was okay.  Decided I needed to go to the mailbox again because google said UPS had left something in the mailbox.  Turned on the key, heard a little noise and then nothing - not a thing.  It has a new battery so don't know what happened.  Ron - is there something underneath the car that could have been pulled loose?  If it had, looks like it would have died then.  So, guess I'll have to have it towed in.  I'm going to look under the hood to check the battery cables (Bryon said one was rusted) before I call the repair shop.

     Marie, I checked the PU yesterday and the door seal on the passenger side is okay - just the driver's side needs replacing.  I think I did that last winter - the door was frozen shut and I had to get it open to feed.  Tried warm/hot water and de-icer to no avail so pried the door open and that probably pulled it loose.  I don't know how the seal fits in - with adhesive or just in the track.   I am so tired of dealing with the problems with the car and PU but I hesitate to buy a new PU for $45,000 or more when I may not be around to use it very long, even a few years, and may not need it for feeding either.  I need the car to get gas for the Gator - the PU bed is too high to lift the cans.  So, I'm in a quandary.  Maybe leasing a PU would be the way to go.  Not sure.

     The two babies and moms seem to be doing all right this morning - saw both of them having breakfast and I fed the cows before the rain began.  I couldn't give them hay because the other cattle were in the barn and they would have mobbed me.  I used that term because years ago Charles and I were coming home from town and there was a truck in front of us, stopped,  with a woman cutting the strings on a bale of hay.  We stopped to see if we could help - she said she had to cut the strings before she got into the pasture to feed it or the cows would "mob" her.   That lady is long-gone but she was out there taking care of business.   You all would be surprised at what women do around here.  I know one who drives a huge truck to spread fertilizer and she also drives a Bob Cat to load minerals. They have a fertilizer/mineral business not far from us.   Another one buys calves and feeds them out to sell.  Guess that's just what we've always done.

     The cats are still checking out the bathroom.  When they come in there, they go toward the corner where the snake was, stretch out and look.  I also find myself looking in that corner when I go in there.  Haven't fixed the place with the sealant yet because my back has really been hurting this week - and also my knees.  Maybe it's the damp weather - couldn't be old age, could it?

     Good luck with your dental appointment, Ron.  Have a friend who had implants and she said she was there several hours.  But, I think she likes them.

     I'll stop for now.  Nothing else to write about except everyone is glad we're getting rain.  They had 14 tornados in Oklahoma Monday night and last night had one in Clinton - west of OKC.  I'll be glad when this storm season is over.

     Enjoy the day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, what you described sounds like battery or ignition. What happened to mine was brake light wouldn't go off and it ran my battery down. If you have a wire brush take the cables off and clean the posts and inside of cable.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I would put the word out that you are looking for a pickup truck...I would not buy new and I would not buy larger than I needed.

    The snakes will soon be coming in to get warm so plug that hole.

    Ron...great nephew. You will love sitting outside and not slipping on the ramp. 

    Cuisenart paninni maker...I use it all the time and only 2-3 times to make a sandwhich.

    Cuisenart airfryer/toaster oven...I do not fry anything, air or otherwise...it is great as a toaster oven. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, Ron, I'll try that if I can find the wire brush.  I know Charles had one .  I put a battery in the Jeep but that was a long time ago maybe I can get the cables loose.

    Judith, I'll try to fix that place. It's secure now, I hope but needs to be fixed better.

    Even used vehicles are really expensive now. We've always had good luck with them so maybe that would be    best.

    Sleep well.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lorita Sweet Pea is beautiful.  Enjoyed the pictures.

    Used cars are hard to find here too.  Like you said they are expensive too.

    You guys have had a patch of bad weather.  They are giving a chance of rain here for a couple of days starting tonight and then looks like it will cool off.  Will try to plant my garlic this afternoon.  See several nights before long in the 30s.  Our frost date is October 15th, so will be pretty close.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Good news! Score one for Ron!!  Opened the car hood and pecked on the battery terminals with a wrench like I have seen Charles do-  got in car, turned on key and the car started!

    So, Ron, it is the  battery area. Next time I'm in town I'll have them put on new cables..  Thanks again, Ron.  Good luck on your appointment today.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Just put a couple of loaves of zucchini bread in to bake.  New recipe and too late realized I didn't  combine sugar and other wet ingredients  together before adding to dry.  Made it a little  hard to combine.  Hope it comes out okay. Seems like the sugar I'm using isn't as fine as it used to be- maybe my imagination.

    Having light rain off and on. Makes for a lazy day.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    Lorita, if you feel you need finer sugar, run it thru the blender or a food processor.  Great for getting rid of clumps that are sometimes hiding in the bag.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, glad you found your problem. From what you explained it's usually battery, ignition will usually grind a little without starting.

    Saw my results and lungs looked good except for emphysema changes. They did say something about the lesions on right buttock which oncologist asked me about and said that my PCP will handle it. It hurts like hell to sit!

    The only item I'm wondering about is lab that showed blood in my urine. I have a history of kidney stones but I thought that a kidney stone would show on ct pet scan, which it didnt. 

    Go tommorow for first fitting of permanent dentures!

    Sister is staying till Saturday!


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  Ron, looks like you get the gold star this week.  How nice you could suggest an easy fix and it worked.  As my dh would say, “you are the BEST.”

    Cold here with snow and rain.  We had about an inch of snow this morning.  Now, it’s just raining.  We’re supposed to get down to 27 tonight.  Our high was 41 today.  This is supposed to be out f here tomorrow with warmer weather on the way.  I’m ready for a sunny day.  It has been stormy all week.  

    Lorita, the babies are so cute.  I love the little white faced calf.  So cute.  I want to hug them too.  So nice you got your car running again.  You’ve been busy in the kitchen.  Apple crisp and zucchini bread sound wonderful.  I made banana bread the other day.  Gave one to the neighbor and put one in the freezer.  

    I guess I’m now fully vaccinated with the covid booster and I got my flu shot Wednesday.  My arm was hardly sore this time.  

    Nothing going on here.  Guess I’ll check out the baseball playoffs and see what’s going on there.  Have a good evening.  Joan

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning
    Lorita did that zucchini bread turn out ok?  I’ve done things like that before and usually comes out ok.
    So glad Ron was able to help you.  Good feeling for both of you.  Great to have people we can ask questions of.  Miss my uncles help in this regard.  I would always say to him, I have another man question.  Tell my BIL that too.

    Joan snow is one of my least favorite things.  Causes so much work for me, that is not easy for me.  

    Suppose to be in low 70s today and windy.  They are giving a bit of rain.  Hope we get that as we need it.  Said thunderstorms could be severe this afternoon.  Hope they don’t get too severe. Got mom’s groceries to her yesterday so if nothing happens will just stay inside.  Got my garlic planted yesterday and cleaned my bird feeder so I’m ready lol.  Got quite a good parsley harvest yesterday and dehydrated it.   I’m really starting to like to grow my herbs.   Had fresh greens yesterday, going to see how long they will keep going.

    Made date cookies the other day.  Sort of like a chocolate chip cookie, but used cut up dates instead.  I really like dates.  I’m dealing with a bout of gastritis snd dates are better than chocolate for me at this time.  Made a cup of ginger honey tea this morning and it is tasty.

    Put a roast in crockpot yesterday eve.  It smells so good and is falling apart.  

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Hello everyone. Not much going on here. Will get groceries and go pick up my Christmas cards today. A lady I know took a photo I took (barn in snow) and made me cards. She has made a number of notecards for me in the past.

    Sara, is your ginger honey tea a homemade brew, or a purchased teabag? It sounds good for stomach upset. I like to drink Sprite when my stomach is upset. Of course, I'm sure you know fermented foods are full of probiotics and good for gut health; I know you ferment cabbage for sauerkraut. And regarding your roast-I have never cooked one overnight in the crockpot. I either start it in the morning and cook it all day on low, or cook it 4 hours on high. I'll be making a roast this weekend. I will cook carrots and potatoes with it. 

    Lorita, the white faces on your cattle are beautiful. Glad you got your vehicle started. 

    Ron, take care. So nice your sister is here to help. Hope you can get your medical issues under control soon and feel better.

    Attached my Christmas card pic. I think it's a beauty! I don't love snow, but it can look stunning! The barn is in the pasture which is behind our house - directly in our backyard. Not ours but we sure enjoy having the barn and the horses there. We have seen fox and deer there too.

    Have a blessed day.  Beth 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     More storms last night - woke me up at  a.m. thundering.  Sheena's afraid of thunder so she's always by the bed when there's a storm.  The weather radio was going off so listened to it - do wish they'd have someone from Oklahoma do the reading of warnings so they can get the names of the towns right.  Anyway, we have had 1.7" of rain this past week - really good for us although some places have had more than 4".  They did have storms in OKC - high winds through the middle of town and storm damage in Del City and MW City.  Judith, hope there wasn't any damage in your area.  They say this is the last of the bad weather for a while.  The front hadn't come through when I was out earlier but just now stepped out on the porch and it is cool - supposed to be in the 60s today and 40 tonight. 

     Ron, glad the test results were good and your PCP can take care of the other problem.  So nice you've had visitors this week so you wouldn't have to worry about Lou having someone with her.  Good luck on your appointment today.  Thanks, again.

     Ssara, the zucchini bread came out just fine.  It was hard to mix the dry into the wet but I used the new mixer and it was okay - much easier after I added the zucchini.  I didn't use quite as much sugar as the recipe called for so sprinkled some on top and it made sort of a crisp top which I liked.  Charles always said I never did follow a recipe completely - and I usually don't - sometimes add a little more or less of something.  Like Joan, I froze one loaf.  I would have liked to have taken it to Darwin and his wife but didn't want to rock the boat.  She has always been so sweet to everyone - kept all of us supplied with banana bread.  She brought a banana pudding to us once when Charles was still here - the best one I've ever had.  She said she used half and half so that's probably why.  I haven't made a banana pudding in ages - should do that.

     Glad you all liked the calf pictures.  They are the sweetest little things but they can kick like nobody's business.  I've had a bruise I got from one of Tina's little kicks.  Both babies are doing well - I think I'll let them out in the morning.  It's supposed to be sunny.  I gave the two moms some hay this morning and as I was carrying it out to the feeder I sensed something behind me and it was Gray Lady.  She wanted hay, too.  Then three other girls came out of the cowshed - hadn't gone out to graze yet and they wanted hay.  Didn't get to give the moms enough so will have to do that later.

     Snow already, Joan?  Seems early but probably not in the mountains.  I did hear that somewhere up north they had 27" of snow in 24 hrs.    What happened to Autumn?  I agree with Harv - Ron is the best.  We're lucky to have such a good man on our thread.  He's our go-to guy.

     I love all little calves but those little white-faced guys are so pretty with their bright, white faces.  In years past most people around here had Herefords - now there's hardly any. 

     There should be some good football games on tomorrow and Sunday, Joan.  Maybe we can watch those together - wouldn't that be nice?

     Beth, I love the picture that will be your Christmas Cards.  Guess we could all say we've received our first Christmas Card of the year.  I love pictures taken of ice and snow and have always gone out and taken them.  The barn kind of hidden in the icy trees looks so pretty.  Do the horses stay in the barn a lot?

     Glad you're fully vaccinated for everything, Joan.  I still have the flu shot to go so I'll do that in another week or so.  The news yesterday said 57% of the people in Oklahoma are now fully vaccinated.  Wish the others would get theirs.  Bothers me when I see all those people at football games and other places not wearing masks.  Just taking their lives in their own hands and guess that's what they want to do.  I wouldn't though.

     Sara, hope your gastritis gets better soon - just eat bland things and maybe it'll clear up soon.  Good idea to use dates in the cookies.  We used to have a neighbor who always made a date loaf for Christmas - I've never used dates much.

     Wonder what happened to Jo?  She wrote a post that disappeared and I haven't seen anything from her since then.  Maybe she'll post today.

     The news is talking about store shelves being empty.  Sara and Beth, did you all find that in your areas?  I order quite often from Walmart.com and I've found that many of their things that used to ship have to be picked up now - don't know the reason for that.  QVC is really pushing people to order Christmas things early because they say they won't be able to get things back in before then.  I'm beginning to hear about shortage of TP, again.  Reminds me, I need to order paper towels.

     Guess I've written enough for now so I'll post it before I lost it.  Hope all of you are up and at 'em this morning,  Still cloudy here but supposed to be sunny this afternoon.  So thankful for the rain.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Zetta, hope you are okay. Wanted to tell you I saw a Gun smoke showing how Quint came to Dodge. Remember he was the blacksmith and was half Commanche.  I had always wondered how it was that he was in Dodge. His dad was white and mother was Commanche. Good show.
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sara, my grandmother used to make a date pudding at Thanksgiving. It's not a date pudding cake; it's really a thick, rich pudding and absolutely delicious with a dollop of whipped cream. No one else in my family likes it so haven't made it in probably 20 years - or longer.

    Lorita, the horses are mainly out in the pasture rather than the barn, unless it's raining. I can call them to come over to me at the fence. I have been known to give them sugar cubes. I asked the owner if I could and he said yes. You asked about empty shelves. I haven't seen much of it, nor have I had too much difficulty finding things on my shopping list. I did see not as full a dairy case, but there was product there. It wasn't empty. Also saw awhile back (Target) an empty shelving area where some canned fruits or veg were supposed to be. I follow a YouTuber who has shown a lot of pics of empty shelves - ones he has seen personally and ones where his listeners have sent in photos from their area. I don't know what areas of the country specifically. But I do know my Christmas shopping is almost done, because of concern for shortages. I had no trouble getting the items I wanted. That shopping was 100% online. Wrapping the gifts today. 

    Blessings, Beth

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I just took Sammy in for his kitten visit to the vet, he had 2 more shots and had his nails clipped. He has one more visit to go and at that time he will be neutered.      I had purchased a new kitten package from the vet it included 4 visits all the shots and testing's and nail clippings. The neutering is extra but well worth it.  Today and tomorrow are suppose to be warm high 60s low 70s. Then more rain is on the way with a little bit of snow. 

    Lorita,   I have been watching a lot of Gunsmoke, especially now that I get the INSP channel.  I am glad you got your battery problem solved, Ron is a jewel and we are so lucky to have him here for us.  Lorita, Quint, must be the blacksmith on the older gunsmokes. I guess I am not sure which one he is. I will watch for him, now that I am getting INSP.  I am seeing the older ones. Is Quint the one I saw yesterday and he was being taken advantage by that girl who was going to marry him. And he made her walk all the way to Dodge?  I am also seeing empty store shelves and I shop at Walmart. I usually buy the store brand and that is what I am finding empty. I am really stocked up on food and pet food now, with winter setting in I don't want to have to go out shopping. 

    Ron,  I hope your feeling better and it is so nice that your sister was able to come spend some time with Lou while you went to the Dr. I am sure that relieved a lot of stress for you. 

    Joan,  It also has been cold here especially in the mornings. Weatherman is saying snow is on the way. I am not too fond of snow, but not a whole lot I can do about it. I just stay inside and not go anyplace unless I really need too. It is nice you have had all you shots, I am still waiting for my booster, and as soon as Moderna, gets approved I will be on my way to get it. 

    Sara,  Do you think you can find someone to shovel the snow for you? You should not be stressing yourself out and taking the chance of getting hurt in the snow and ice. I bet your house smells real good with that pot roast cooking all night. When you do it is it because you like early dinners? I usually eat my big meal around 3pm. Do you just leave it warming in the crockpot during the day? I am guessing a crockpot is the same as a slow cooker?

    Beth,   The Christmas Card is beautiful, Thank You for the Christmas Card. I love the way it appears to sparkle. 

    I will spend the rest of my day being lazy, my poor Sammy is sleeping it has been a big day for him, he is only 2.5 months old.  This will also be a restful day for Molly, because Sammy is sleeping. 

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Went to VA this morning for 1st fitting on my new dentures. Was hurting so much from that sore on my butt check and bladder problem that I desided to go on over to ER while I was there. Called home to make sure all was ok and found out lou had diarrhea and messed up her clothes and toilet. Sister told me not to worry she had it and for me to take care of myself. They lanced my butt cheek and sent me home with two antibiotics and pain medication. Now it doesn't hurt to sit, hurts all the time, I believe I will take the pain medication. They told me my bladder was emptying good and that more than likely my problem was with my prostate and to follow up with urology. Had radiation for the cancer and now wonder if they should have taken it out.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Zetta, Quint was played by Burt Reynolds in the mid 60s.  Glad Sammy got his shot and nails trimmed.  All of my cats need that done.

    Ron, good you went to the ER while you were at the VA so you could get treatment started. Rest as much as you can and drink lots of fluids this weekend.

    Sleep well.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Beth the picture is beautiful.  Like to cook my roast overnight on low so ready for lunch.  Have never cooked veggies with it.  Do you put veggies on top or bottom?  Make my ginger tea.  Cut up a small piece and steep it 5-10 minutes.  Then I add a little honey.  Made a cup of Sage tea for supper.  Had never had that before.  I liked it.  Will have fennel tea today.  Have had it before.

    Beth I am eating sauerkraut.  Didn’t want to use my homemade for this lol.  Found a refrigerated brand without any preservatives.  Was a bit expensive but tastes just like homemade.  

    Lorita our shelves seem fairly well stocked.  The only thing I had to look for at a second store was Tide Pods.  I use Free and Clear ones, they don’t carry as many of them.  There was plenty of detergent there.

    Beth seems quite a few people don’t like dates.  Dates vary a lot.  Like the medjool dates so stick with them.  I would take dates to work sometimes.  Many people had never had a date, kind of surprised me.  Might see if I can Google a date pudding recipe, if I don’t forget, to see what I think.  Have made a cookie before where you make a date filling.  Make cookies and put filling between two and bake them.  Was a very good cookie but this is much simpler.

    Zetta think your Moderna got approved.  Then there are the J&J red headed stepchildren, no body wants to talk about us.

    Zetta I just take the roast out whenever I’m ready and if it will be awhile til lunch just put it in a warm oven to hold it.  Do call my slow cooker a crockpot.  

    Zetta at my house I have a big snowblower and a very nice snow blade thing that works great for smaller snows.  If the lady will snowplow for mom this year then things should be pretty good.

    Ron hope you feel a little better today.

    Marie got my counted cross stitch and was pleasantly surprised at how good I could see to do it.  So did a little bit yesterday.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sara, I have made date pinwheel cookies in the past. Pretty labor intensive. Won't likely make them again. I have a roast in the crockpot this morning. I peeled and cut up carrots and potatoes and put them along the sides in the crockpot; then I cut up some onion and put it on top of the roast and the vegetables. Added 1 1/2 cups water. I guess you can add beef broth as well. Maybe don't need to add liquid at all but I always have. Your teas sound good. I make Smokey Earl Grey and green tea with jasmine (teabags). Re the kraut, kraut that is sold in the refrigerated section has active probiotics, or so I've been told. I drink kombucha sometimes for probiotics; have you ever had it? Made it? I really don't much like the taste of it but force myself to drink it for health. Also, I found Spindrift yesterday. I bought the grapefruit kind. I would love to get a variety pack but didn't see any. I liked it; thought it was better than LaCroix. Also better than Hint. I tried Hint and it has barely any flavor at all. 

    Ron, I am glad you got treatment. Sounds like it was a good idea not to wait. Thinking of you, prayers for healing. 

    Zetta, you are taking good care of sweet little Sammy. I am glad that he and Molly like each other. My Christmas card photo was taken a number of years ago. I used PicMonkey (like photoshop but free!) to add falling snow and the words. I've always liked that picture. 

    Joan, glad you are feeling better. I'll bet the snow in the mountains is lovely. Our weather is beautiful now. Cool in the morning, warm in the afternoon. We still have roses and some annuals blooming and my carrots are still in the ground. I brought in my Christmas cactus (actually Thanksgiving cactus) this week. I have a white one and a red/pink one and they both have buds. I need to dig up my elephant ears and bring them in before we get a frost.

    Enjoy your day!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Just a short.note for now.  Let the two moms and babies out this morning.   Sweet Pea and Tina were staying together with Daisy.  A couple ofhour layer they came up without Sweet Pea.  I've looked everywhere and can't find her.    Maybe Daisy knows where she is she bawls and listens-.   

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Found Sweet Pea.  Of course mom knew where she was but still tried to decoy me a way from the baby.  All four are back.in again.  Sweet Pea was hungry but wouldn't move til mom told her to.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Finally got to a stopping place and I'm tired - been a busy day.  I've walked and walked which is good for me but not so much for my knees.    This morning when I let the cows and calves out I decided I'd try to move two, 200 lb. mineral tubs out where the girls could get to them.  Red brought four about eight weeks ago and put two in the pasture and left two north of the house.  I wrapped a tow rope around each one three times and then around the back of the Gator and pulled them out - no problem at all for which I'm thankful.

     I let the two moms back in for a while, then back out and they're back in now for the night.  I've tried to get pictures of both of the babies together but it's like herding a bunch of cats - they're not still a minute.

     Sara, just saw they've approved the J&J vaccine for a booster for everyone.  I laughed at your saying about the red-headed stepchildren - I'd never heard that.  So, guess Moderna, Phizer and J&J are eligible for boosters now.

     Years ago Charles was having some stomach problems so got Acidophilus for him and I take it occasionally - also eat quite a lot of yogurt which has good probiotics.

     I'm in the front bedroom where I keep a box of milk bones for Stormy and Sheena.  I gave them one a while ago and Stormy just now sneaked in and got another one out of the box.

     Better stop and lean again the heating pad - costochondritis is hurting.  I did move one of those mineral tubs by hand a foot or so that's my problem tonight. 

     Hope all of you are well today and enjoyed the day.  The weather just said it was 45 here this morning - and it's been cool all day, sunny with a good north wind.  Guess fall is here.  The Royal Empress trees are blooming which is another sign of fall.

     Sleep well tonight.

      Rescue Mom - I listened to the song on your thread - really brought the tears.  So sad.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    Lorita,   I sure hope you plan on resting tomorrow, you will probably be sore. I am still amazed at all the things you can do. I hope you had your guardian medical alert with you. This was probably a beautiful day to let the Moms and babies out to play. 

    Sara,  Thank You for letting me know about moderna, i will get my booster as soon as possible. I sure hope that lady keeps your Moms place plowed, sounds like it is way too much for you to be having to do. I am lucky that my son takes care of things like that. 

    Beth,  Thank You for the sweet comment about Molly and Sammy, they are my babies so I do the best I can for them. Sammy keeps me busy a person forgets how wild a kitten can be and how many things they can get into. 

    I got out and did a little more of my painting today. I touched up spots around the outside of the house. I still need to stain my porches I just have not gotten around to that. Hopefully I will before winter sets in. This is something I had planned to do when summer set in and as of yet I have not got it done. 

    We have a nice day today it got up to 75 but tomorrow we may see some rain. I am not looking forward to the snow but its on its way. 

    Good Night All, Hugs Zetta 

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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