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Just need to talk to my friiends (157)



  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Nicole; I am delighted to hear that your uncle is now on Hospice.    Isn't it amazing how one Hospice can be so different from another?   May they bring much relief for you and be even  of more help than you hoped for. 

     Had the COVID Moderna Booster 2 1/2 hours ago; thus far all is well.  It was packed to the brim there.  Kaiser Permanent is giving all types of COVID vaccinations to their patients as well as to non-patients.  We are non-Kaiser.  They have an arrangement with the goverment for vaccinating both.   When we had our first two vaccinations it was done at a lovely large ancillary building and all was done quite efficiently.

    Today, they were using the first floor of their huge parking structure at one of their hospitals.   It was packed and packed and packed.  The RN who gave my vaccine said they did over 800 vaccinations yesterday and that by 11:00 today, they were already going to go over that number.  There was a line bout as long as the Great Wall of China and it never got lower in number as more and more people kept arriving - most for their boosters.  They had different areas for Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson and Moderna.  Most of the people were getting the Moderna so their line was longest.   Guess people are sticking to being vaccinated.  It was interesting watching all the people from every walk of life and different ages.   Here's hoping we do not get any side effects - that would be lovely.

    Going to get some Pasta Fagioli soup; it is cold and sprinkly with dark clouds hanging over us - sprinkles today; getting ready for light rain later on Sunday and our larger rain on Monday into Tuesday morning.   Love soup when it rains.  Just so cozy.

     The apple cake recipe looks delicious; I especially love the topping idea, bet that just makes it even more tasty.

     Well; off to have some lunch I go; an open faced turkey sandwich with tomato I think. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Jo, glad you all got your boosters and it sounds like lots of people were doing the right thing, too.  Hope you don't have side effects.

    Sara, are you doing all right? Bet the soup was good.

    Nicole, having your uncle on hospice will be a big help for you.

    Good night, .Sandy, hope your day was good.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Lorita Moderna was not available.  I am not sure about J&J.  I do have a sore arm and just like last time both arms are sore.  That is the craziest thing.  That happened the last time too with J&J.  It did not happen with the flu shot.  I had actually forgot about it til yesterday when both arms stared bothering me.  Know that makes me sound a little wacky.

    Joan appreciate the recipe.  The one I lost had caramel on top too.

    Iris hope you are doing ok this morning.  

    JoC wish our county was lining up to get shots.  I went at nine when pharmacy opened.  Was only one there.  Had to wait a bit for the medicine to warm up.  As I was waiting a lady came in to get flu and covid shot.  

    I was there about a hour total as they asked me to wait 15 minutes since I had not had a mRNA before.

    They are giving a rainy day.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, glad your reaction wasn't any worse.  Both arms sore that is odd. Hope the soreness doesn't last long.

    I can't find the Apple cake recipe. Been many years since I made it. Sarah has rearranged my n recipes so don't know where it might be.  Sorry.

    Partly cloudy, very warm and uber windy this morning.Knees and shoulders hurt this morning.. Think   I will take it easy today.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    We are having a cold windy rainy day and I am enjoying it, we really needed the rain. A few people have had their wells dry up and we have been told to not water lawns as much as we would like too. So the rain is being welcomed by a lot of us. I am just relaxing and watching the rain today. My son who lives with me picked up all the outside hoses and sprinklers and covered all the outdoor furniture we are getting ready for winter. Weatherman says we could be getting some snow on Tuesday. 

    I am glad all of you are getting boosters. I have a Eye Dr. appt tomorrow as soon as I am done there I will go into WalMart and see if they are giving the boosters. If not then I will call my Drug Store and make a appt to get one there. I am not a patient person I will not wait in a long line, like Jo did. Jo I am glad you got the patience it took. Soup sounds like a good idea.

    Lorita,  I am glad your not as sore as you were. I am still amazed at how much you do. I am hoping you will have a week end full of games to watch so you can get some rest. I am watching Little House on the Prairie, it is on The Hallmark Channel, it will be on all day.  

    Joan,  Any snow yet? are your winters pretty bad as far as the snow goes? ours have been but it seems like the last few years it has not been as bad. 

    Nicole,  I am glad your uncle got approved I bet you will get a lot of help probably more then you expected. I found Hospice to be a God send and you will need all the extra help you can get.   I am glad that Lucky found his way into your backyard. He was a very Lucky dog. My Molly is also a rescue.  

    Sara,  Both arms being sore that is a crazy thing. Take care get lots of rest and enjoy your soup. I hope I am as lucky as you and don't have a line to wait in. If I see a line tomorrow at WalMart,  I will then call my Dr and schedule a time. I don't do good in lines. 

    I hope you all having a good day. Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I got my Moderna booster and flu shot yesterday.  Today I am achy with temp 100.6 F.  I expect to be back to normal by tomorrow.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     We were under a tornado warning this afternoon and evening but, thank goodness, nothing happened - it's all east of us now.  We had maybe five minutes of rain and a clap of thunder and that was it.  Upset Sheena though.  Rain is predicted for a couple of days this week - they say 1-2" and we could use it.

     Went out about 5 to see the girls.  Counted and found all but one - finally realized it was Billy the Bull (Sweet Pea's son).  He's kind of a loner so he's off somewhere by himself I guess/hope.  He only has vision in one eye and Sweet Pea was still watching after him when they changed pastures.  I hope he's doing all right since she's been gone.  Tina and Sweet Pea are doing well.  Sweet Pea was around a couple of other little calves and Tina was having a snack, then laid down to rest.

     I got the trash together to take down in the morning.  Didn't take it last Monday so there's quite a lot (bet the guys groan when they see it).  I had three sacks of Charles' shoes - none good enough to donate and they're heavy.  So, I'll have to get up early in the morning to get it down there by 8 - it's not even light here at 7.  Time change is before long, I think.

     Zetta, hope you're able to get your booster tomorrow without any reaction or side effects.  Hope your eye appointment comes out all right, too.  I hate to wait in line - not very patient in my old age.

     Iris, sorry about the elevated temp and achiness.  Hopefully by tomorrow you will be back to normal. 

     I'm still sore in places and lifting all that trash didn't help any.  Back's hurting now so I'll lean against the heating pad for a while.  My left shoulder is bothering me some, too - that's the one I fell on.  I had a cortisone injection in the other one a couple of years ago with really good results.  I am having some problems with the bilateral Morton's Neuroma - seems to make my leg hurt.  It's worse, I think, on the left side which may be the first foot to have it.  I may have to break down and go to a Podiatrist for cortisone injections.  I don't see why my doctor can't do it.  The ones he gave me in my shoulder and knee didn't hurt and really helped.  I will talk with him again before I decide.

     I watched some of a ballgame today - Chiefs lost - so there wasn't much on TV today.  I'm listening to music from the 50s and 60s now.  I just don't like or understand the music anymore - don't even know the names of the singing groups now. 

     Need to get to shredding papers - guess I can do that these cold winter days when I'm inside.  Did get a new shredder that will take 18 or 19 pages at one time or at least you can put that many in and it will shred it.  Haven't tried it yet.  My old one would take two pages at one time and it took forever to get anything done.  Maybe this will be much faster.

     Snow, already, Joan and Zetta?  Seems early to me but we're down in flat country and still fairly warm.  Hope you all can get some rain to help with your droughts.

     Guess I'll stop for now and see what's going on with the cats and GPs.  I was thinking a while ago about all the people who have been in this house in the last 79 years - my parents brothers and their families and now it's down to just me.  Gets pretty lonesome sometimes.  My mother told me a couple of years before she passed away that the worst time for her was just before dark - that was when she'd be the most lonely.

     It's been noisy this weekend - not here but east of us.  The man who owns that land has been having his soybeans harvested so tractor noise and trucks going up and down the road - not used to that much noise.

     Enjoy the evening and rest well tonight.  See you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    My whole post just disappeared so going to try again.

    Lorita glad you didn’t get any tornadoes.  Mr Google says the time changes November 7th.  Had been wondering about that.

    Zetta glad you are getting some rain.  We got some yesterday too.  Haven’t looked to see how much yet.

    I get very lonely too at times Lorita.  Not all the time, just now and then.  Dark rainy days tend to be the worst for me sometimes.  My vaccine reaches full effect in two weeks.  But even then, so what, life isn’t returning to what it was before because many are not immune.  

    Think it feels good to get unneeded things out of the house.  My garbage is pretty heavy sometimes too.

    Rescue mom are you back from your trip?

    Both of my arms seem much less sore today.  Hope you feel better today too Iris.

    Take care

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    It rained all day yesterday, starting around 1 a.m. and ending about 9 p.m., with a few breaks at times. We got 3.2" which was much needed. I am grateful. We are still in drought, but this helped! I like rainy days. I love the sound of rain and thunder. I love the smell of rain. 

    My Christmas shopping for the grands is done. Have a few other gifts to buy, but mainly done.

    I need to buy some slippers. Have ordered from 3 places and none of the pairs worked. I think I need to go try them on. 

    No big plans for the week. Making a pot of chili today; had tater tot casserole yesterday which was very good.

    Iris hope you are feeling better. 

    Blessings, Beth

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Glad you all are getting rain. I like to have some rainy days, too. We may get some this week.

    Made my appt. for my flu shot Wednesday. Not giving shots today and booked up tomorrow.

    Took down the trash almost in the dark. Stormy rode shotgun for me.  Back is giving me fits now even with heating pad. Should take pain pill.

    Zetta, just saw that Rawhide will start being on in early . .. Not sure if it will be   INSP or TVland.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    ost left out November.  Hope you are ok today, Iris.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Dear Friends,

    I just got home I went to the Eye Dr and its time for a stronger prescription, I knew the left eye was a bit worse but the right eye had also gotten a bit worse. I went into WalMart to see if I could get my booster and there was a line waiting so I just turned and left. I went into my Drug Store and they were only giving boosters by appt so I made a appt and I will be getting mine on 11/3.  My eyes are still dilated I hope they clear up soon.

    Sara,  I hope your arms are feeling better today. And Iris I hope your temp has gone down. I will be making me some soup on 11/2 just incase I need some comfort food. 

    Lorita,  Its nice the tornados missed you. It sounds like you need a few more day of rest and a good nights sleep.

    I will be going to a friends house tomorrow and staying for a week while her and her husband go visit their kids in San Francisco. Molly & I will be pet sitting. Molly knows her dogs real well so she will have lots of fun. I will be coming home a few hours each day to spend some time with Sammy while my son is a work. 

    I saw a few snow flakes yesterday so I wont be surprised if there is some on the ground in the morning, like the weatherman says.

    Take care all I am tired so I will probably be taking a nap here soon. Hugs Zetta     

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Glad you got your refraction, Zetta, and your eyes were all right except for the upgrade in prescription.  I've worn the same prescription for years - at least 8 or 9 and I think I probably need more if they can give more.

     Guess what I just did; I drove down to see the girls grazing.  Yesterday I kept coming up one short and decided it was Billy the Bull I wasn't seeing.  I saw him just now and got the right count so came back to the house and stopped by the big creepfeeder.  I'm about ready to start feeding creep and I know it has to be cleaned out.  I drove up next to it as close as I could, stood up and lifted the lid.  Looked down and something was staring up at me.  It was tucked away in a nest of hay.  We looked at each other for a few seconds and it jumped up like it was going to try to get away.  There's no way it can get out.  The place where the calves get the creep is very narrow - they have to pull it out with their tongues and the top is way up high.  I think it was a rat - if it was it was the biggest one I've ever seen (haven't seen that many).  There's hay in there - guess it or something pulled the hay in to make a nest and there's some old creep in one corner.  It couldn't have gotten in there as big as it is so much have gone in when it was a little thing.  The only thing I can figure out is to ask Bryon and Shane to get it out and clean out the creeper.  It was going to be hard to do anyway and I don't think I can do it.  If it's not one thing, it's two others.Poor thing may be going to have little ones since it made a nest.

     My back is feeling better - haven't done diddlysquat today - did make some muffins or cupcakes and brought in cat and dog food from the porch.  Supposed to be rainy here Wednesday when I have my flu shot scheduled so may not get in that day to get it.  I'd drive the car and it's not good in mud - we'll see.

     Glad you got your booster scheduled, Zetta.  I'm sure Sammy will be glad when you come home every day to see him.

     I've heard the storms in California and the west coast are awful - mud slides. Can't imagine how awful that would be.

     Now I'm worried about that rat or whatever it is.  It can't get water in there and I don't know how it's surviving - there's feed but no water.  I'll call Bryon tomorrow and see if they can come Saturday or Sunday and try to get it out.  Maybe use a shovel or a grab-it or maybe Shane can lean over the edge of the creepfeeder and grab it.  The sides are very sharp - just one layer of steel - I'm always afraid I'll get my hand caught in it.

     Hope all of you are well today.  Judith, how did the wedding and weekend guests go - are you by yourself again today?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Zetta, when I lived in Alaska, we had a sort of competition to see which state would have snow first, us or Colorado or Wyoming.  I lived near Fairbanks.  We had snow dustings in mid-October, and by the end of October, the ground was fully covered for the next six months.

    Lorita, be careful with those heavy loads! Can you break them down into smaller bags?

    We has another earthquake yesterday morning at 7am, 3.6 magnitude.  It woke me up but I didn't get out of bed, I was so groggy.  There was a huge landslide in Northern CA, obliterating a highway.  They had heavy rain storms, but we had only soft rain for a few hours down here where I live.  Now the sky us clear for the time being.

    I'm back to usual now, after my two vaccinations.  The side effects lasted a bit longer this time about 36 hours or so.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Just like yesterday morning when I posted my message got an error message and lost my post.

    Glad you got a good rain Beth.  We have got about 1.5 inches over past few days.  Was suppose to have rained last night.  I haven’t checked yet.  

    Have seen two good you tube channels say that alfalfa pellets, the kind you feed horses, are excellent fertilize for the soil.  You spread the pellets out now and In April.  They slowly break down and enrich the soil.  Hope this works as is simple.  Got mine all down before rain started.

    Zetta did you get snow?

    Glad you are feeling back to usual again Iris.  The flu shot made me feel a little draggy this year.  I usually don’t notice it at all.

    Lorita  I have never seen a rat.  Hear the virologist though frequently mentioning rats, and bats as being carriers of bad diseases.

    Yesterday was dark and damp.  Got the house cleaned.  Thinking about making an apple pie today.  Ate my last piece of cake yesterday.  The topping is very different.  Can’t remember the ingredients but know an egg is in it.  Got it off of the Celebrating Appalachia channel.  She said it was her aunt’s recipe and that it was good with blueberries too.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's cool, 63, cloudy and windy here this morning.  Weather is about to change.  Earlier it was cloudy, then sunny and now back to clouds.  Rain and storms expected tonight.

     Iris, I should do that but if there's space left in a trash sack I fill it up.  Guess I don't realize it's' so heavy until I lift it out of the trash can.  Seems like there's always something that has to be lifted.

     It's strange, at least to me - when I first fell I had localized pain - great toe, side of foot, knee, everything on my left side.  I can still remember being on the ground and my chin bouncing off the ground.  Strangely, my chin didn't get sore.  Now, my soreness seems more generalized - back and shoulders mostly.    Looks like it would be dissipating by now.  Maybe it would if I'd stop lifting.

      Stormy and Sheena woke me up at 2:30 wanting to go outside so that left about four hours to sleep.  I guess I did but at night you think about things.  I did get up about 7:30.  Fed Max, Kitt, Lilly and Sammy, then went out to feed Tom and Jerry.  I drove down to see the girls - didn't count because they were scattered all over 40 acres but did see that everyone was up and around.  I did see Sweet Pea - her little, white head shines so it's easy to spot her.  There were two other little ones with her and a cow.  Came back by the creepfeeder- got out the stepstool, climbed up and looked in - nothing looking back at me so maybe the rat (guess it was a rat) had walked up the plank and gotten out during the night.  I'll leave the board in during the day and then take it out and close the top of the feeder before the rain tonight.  I hope it got out.  I know they can squeeze down to almost nothing but the head doesn't squeeze down and I don't think it would be able to get out that small space where the feed comes out.

     Came back in and thought I'd feed Dixie - I did and then put on another loaf of bread to bake.  Fed Sheena and Stormy and nothing much since then.  I do need to do dishes later today

     Iris, so glad you're feeling back to normal.  Sometimes we just don't know how something is going to affect us.  How did you like living in Alaska?   Don't think I could stand those long periods of darkness.  You know before I was born my parents and grandparents lived in what is now Camp Gruber (wasn't then) but when they decided to change it into an Army base everyone had to move out.  My parents had three choices - move to Alaska, move here or to another farm NE of here.  I'm glad they chose this place but Alaska would be kind of fun, at least in the summertime.  How long did you live there and how did you deal with the darkness?

     Sara - hope the alfalfa pellets help - surely can't hurt anything. Guess the alfalfa builds up the soil so it should work.  Hope your weather is better today.  When it's dark and damp I don't want to do anything.  Love apple pie - have you ever made an apple pie baked in a sack?  When I was working there was a group of us that got together on birthdays to have lunch.  After one lady retired we'd go out to her house for lunch.  She always made an apple pie baked in a sack for my birthday.  They're delicious - really just a deep dish or mile high apple pie that you bake in a sack to keep it from dripping, I guess.  Anyway it browns and is soooo good.  I baked one down here at the farm house for mother and daddy once and after the time allotted for baking I opened the oven door too soon and it burst into blames.  We threw soda on it and it was still okay after we got the soda off.  After it bakes you need to let it stay in the oven for a few minutes so it won't flame.  I haven't made one of those in years either.

     I made those pumpkin-spice muffins yesterday - forgot to put in the chocolate chips but they're still good.  I used some of the frozen pumpkin - makes a slightly different texture.  I used to electric mixer this time and they're lighter than when I hand mix.

     What about these onions?  I'm not sure I want to use them.  I did call the grocery store and they had no idea where they came from. 

     Just took a pain pill so I'll stop and let it work.  I've been leaning against a heating pad.  My flu shot is scheduled for tomorrow but it's going to be rainy so think I'll reschedule.  Don't really want to take it either when I'm not feeling up to par.

     I did talk with the owner of the construction company that's going to do the work on the barn and floor - he says next week they should be able to get to it.  I will wear a mask and not be around them any more then necessary.

     Enjoy the rain of you're getting it and need it.  Iris, an earthquake!  I've only felt a quake one time but it cracked the sheetrock in the living room.  I've heard that Oklahoma has more earthquakes than California - mainly due to fracking, I hear.  Hope you don't have any more.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Beth, love the picture of your beautiful tulips. Won't we be glad when they are in bloom again.

    Today is my dad's 114th birthday. He has been gone 27 years - still miss him every day.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

     Lorita,  You no longer need to worry about the Rat. He probably fell in there and just could not get out, could he have been in a bale of hay? If he needed water he probably was not in there too long. He probably like you said went up that plank and got out.  I am glad your back is feeling better. I imagine when a person falls the pain will start out in the area that was hurt then the pain will move to other parts of the body that was jarred due to the fall. If that makes sense?  I also had some pumpkin spice muffins I got them when I was in town yesterday, had one for breakfast today and will have another one tomorrow. 

     Sara,   No snow. We got snow close to us about 15 miles away but none here. Its very cold with some rain but our weather predictions can change 3 times in one day. Your apple pie sounds good I like peach pies, I might be getting me one next time I go into town. The bakery at the store in town has some real good ones there. 

    Iris,  I am glad your earthquake was pretty small I would hate to be in one even a small one. I saw on the news this morning that landslide in your area, it really looks bad. Our news is saying due to all the fires we have been having we could be seeing landsides in Oregon. The weather is changing so much all over, I guess we need to be ready for anything. We are out of the fire season so that is a relief but I was worrying about the strong winds we were having a few day ago.  

    I hope your all having a good day. Hugs Zetta 

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all.  It’s a windy and rainy day here today.  We have had several downpours and the wind has been fierce.  Snow is capping the mountains around us today.  A lot of the leaves are flying around the neighborhood.  Guess I will be raking when this storm passes.  

    Zeta, Colorado is like Oregon.  It can go from horrible storms to clear skies in a couple of hours.  Enjoy your dog sitting.  Those pups are lucky to have you watching them.  

    Rats Lorita!!!  They scare me.  Even mice scare me.  I’m a whimp.  I hope you start feeling better soon.  We have to be so careful not to fall or even twist too much in fear we'll hurt ourselves.  I’m back to my exercise class and do feel that I'm getting stronger and more balanced.  Sitting around this past year took a toll on my body.  I hope I never have to do that again.  

    Beth, I like your tulips too.  They’re such a pretty color.

    Sara, do you know if the alfalfa tablets will sprout in the spring?  I hope not.  

    I went to exercise this morning and got my hair cut this afternoon.  Otherwise, just a few things around here.  Kind of a lazy day.  

    Nothing exciting today.  Just checking in.  Have a nice evening.  Joan

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita I like full trash bags too.   Nevertheless I won't overwhelm myself with something too heavy.  I'd rather make two trips.  

    I LOVED living in Alaska!  The only thing I didn't like was the social situation.  There were a lot of men in Alaska but I never found anyone suitable for a LTR.  

    Everything about Alaska was great!  The food was delicious!  Fresh salmon and fresh shellfish was common.  The cabbages do grow very large.  The veggies tasted great too.

    The people were wonderful.  As you may imagine, they are independent and capable.  They reach out to people and help out.  It is mandatory to pick up hitchhikers or those walking on the road.  I saw several wild animals up close--a bear and several moose including a calf.  The bear was actually across a field but still, it was wild. 

    I visited Santa's House in North Pole, Alaska.  When I lived there, Fairbanks had only two stop lights and two TV networks.  Cable TV was just beginning and it was popular.

    In Alaska, once the temp reaches about minus 10 degrees F, it doesn't snow any more.  What is on the ground stays on the ground for the rest of the winter, until Breakup, when the ice in the river begins to break up.  The skies are often clear, and coupled with the sparkling white snow, allows for the moon to shine bright, bright enough to walk outside for a few moments.  You can see all the stars and of course the aurora borealis whirling in the sky.  Very beautiful and breathtaking!  There were also days of ice fog for miles--very dangerous because you can't see one foot ahead of yourself.

    We dressed in long johns, then regular clothes then a thick sweater, then a heavy parka.  The parka had a hood that covered our entire head and nose and mouth, leaving only a slit for eyes.  We had regular gloves, then long thick mittens over the gloves.  We wore thin socks, then thick socks, then heavy mukluk boots.  It took me about 20 minutes or more to get dressed!

    Cars had small heaters added to their motors so they could be plugged in.  I had a Volkswagen Bug.  I had to heat my rear engine the old fashioned way with a pan of hot charcoal underneath.  Before electricity,  drivers just kept their engines running as long as they could.

    Dark nights didn't bother me too much, because I was used to going to work before sun-up, and not getting out until after sun-down.  Some people did get cabin fever.  It was terrible!  There were some very bad occurrences.  On the other hand, many people appreciated the liberty and community spirit of living in Alaska.  I felt very safe there, I never locked my house door or my car door--I was too afraid they would freeze.

    Local and community news was often communicated over the radio-- they called that "tundra topics".  If I had been married, I might have stayed.  Alaska is a marvelous place!  Don't forget Denali National Park, another great place.  Also there are no snakes in Alaska!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Your new avatar is cheerful Beth.

    I still have some of  my own onions.  Guess this will encourage me to keep to keep planting them. Bought mom one recently and no problems there.  My sister did a stomach ailment a few weeks ago.  Wonder now if onion related.

    Think you have a good plan for the barn builder. If the barn doors are open, or you are outside even the better.

    Joan do not see any seeds with the alfalfa so hopefully no issue there.  Two large gardening channels use them already so think it will be ok.  They know the NPK for them, 3-1-2.

    My dad was stationed in Alaska for one year when in the Army.  He had many pictures and seemed to enjoy his time there.  My cousin’s daughter lived on Kodak Island several years.  She liked it there but moved back here eventually.

    Made the pie yesterday.  It is good I think.  It is different.  

    Hope everyone has a nice day

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's a very cool, rainy morning.  I think it started raining around 4 this morning and it's still raining.  At 8 this morning was had .5".

     Sara - I won't be around the barn when they're fixing it - only to tell Shaun what I want them to do.  The big thing is the utility room floor.  I can close the kitchen door so I think that will be all right.  He and his crew work fast so it might only be a day or two.  I'm going to have to get things out of the refrigerator out there - maybe I have room in the one in the kitchen.  I may bring it back in and use it until it quits.  The hose or pipe where the defrost water goes freezes up so maybe it'll have time to thaw while it's outside.

     Joan, I'm afraid of rats, too.  I don't recall ever seeing another one - but this was kind of creepy and even made me feel sorry for him.  I opened the top of the creepfeeder, looked down into it and it was sitting in it's nest looking up at me with those big, black eyes.  We just looked at each other for a while, then he ran.  Tried to catch him with the grab-it but couldn't.  I hope he did get out.  I can't imagine how hot it must have been in that metal thing this hot summer if he couldn't get out.    Zetta, we've never had any hay around the creepfeeder - he must have built his nest out of dried grass that he collected when he was small enough to get out.  If he couldn't have gotten out I don't see how he survived this summer in the heat without water.  He must have been able to get out or drank the water that leaked into the feeder when it rained.  I'll never know for sure.

     Iris - it sounds like Alaska was wonderful for you.  I worked with a woman who transferred to Alaska to work and she loved it, too.  Our neighbor who doesn't talk to me anymore had a son who lived in Alaska and she talked about the big vegetables (while we were still talking).  A doctor I worked for was stationed in Alaska for a long time.  Said they never had colds until supplies were brought in. 

    You mentioned the nprthern lights.  I can imagine how beautiful they must be.  Many years ago when I was young we were able to see them a couple of times - green and pretty but just a bit of them.   Were you working in Alaska or just lived there for a while?

     So, you went to the North Pole.  Are there building there and did you see Santa?That would have been a good story to tell your young patients.

     I'm still sore - how long does the soreness last after a fall?  Seems like I'm more sore now than I was immediately after the fall.  At that time I didn't think too much of it but now I do.  I fell on my left side and that really did a  number on my costochondritis and my back.  I know I've lifted things since then that I shouldn't have and if I hadn't it might have been better by now.  Today I'm going to not lift anything heavier than a big can of dog food (already did that).  I want to make some potato soup but I won't lift the dutch oven for sure.  I think I'll use the immersion blender to make it smooth, then add some diced, cooked potatoes.  It's cold today and wet and is only supposed to be in the 50s tomorrow - it's 62 now so the soup will taste good.  Guess I'll have to reschedule my flu shot, too.  It's going to be too wet and muddy to drive the car tomorrow.  They don't have an appt. Friday so guess it'll be next week.  They had an opening Monday but not sure when Shaun will come.  I won't be around anyone without a mask so it'll be okay.

     Going to stop now  - my back's hurting.  I'll be back later.  Funny, my temperature runs in the 97 range and the last couple of days it's been in the 96s - it was 97.1 a while ago.  Wonder if that has anything to do with the fall -

     Hope all of you are well today.  Joan, I just can't imagine living where you can look out your window or door and see snow-covered mountains.  Must be beautiful. When Charles and I went to the Grand Canyon years ago we left our trailer in Flagstaff and drove up to the canyon.  It was April and there was snow in the mountains so we stopped and got out in it.  We picked up pine cones that looked small and put them in the back window of the car.  The next day they had opened up and were really big.  I still have a lot of those.  We had two poodles with us and we let them out in the snow to play.  Okay, back later.

     One more thing - I saw a good recipe that I'm going to try.  You make a packet of instant vanilla pudding, then add green food coloring and a little bit of mint flavoring.  Then add 2/3rds of an 8 oz. carton of Cool Whip.  You lay chocolate graham crackers in a pan lined with plastic wrap and put the filling over the crackers, then top with more crackers.  Cover completely with the plastic wrap and freeze for  few hours.  Unwrap and cut into ice-cream sandwiches.  Looked good to me but I would omit the mint flavoring.  Recipe from The Pioneer Woman.  There used to be a store in Muskogee many years ago that had ice cream sandwiches to sell.  It was a department store (Hunts) but had a candy and peanut counter with the sandwiches.  They were really good - Neopolitan ice cream.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes
    So hard to get here, there are 4 pages, it’s being wonky. I don’t k
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Rescue mom the last two or three mornings I have lost my post and had to repost.  Haven’t had any trouble getting to here though.

    The leaves are starting to become pretty now.  

    Was another dark wet day yesterday.  Not much rain just misty.  Think they are giving rain today.

    If nothing happens going to go to orchard today and get some apples for mom.  

    My vaccinated sister is having Thanksgiving this year.  Told her I will decide about coming closer to time.  We will see what the rate of spread is then.  That has been dropping each week but is still high.  Told her if I come I will wear my mask which she is fine with and will go off and eat to myself.  Don’t want to be unreasonable but at same time I really have no desire to listen to a certain few’s negativity either, I prefer to try and be positive most of the time.  Dislike  all the clean up too.  Course I don’t have to stay long .  May take every thing in disposable containers.  Think that sounds like a good plan if I decide to go, that way I could exit when I felt the need.  This sister is going to fix her turkey in disposable stuff too.  She usually uses paper plates etc.  

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Sara, your idea for Thanksgiving sounds good and safe. At the least you would be with family.  This will be my 6th  holiday season by myself. The first one my niece s and their  significant others came.

    Today I feel some better but mentally I feel like I'm in a deep hole.    Just too much to deal with.  I'll work through it though..

    Back later.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    I believe my uncle is starting to decline. Yesterday he had a deep cleaning dental appointment (I have cancelled ALL appointments) and he couldn't get out of bed. Very weak. 

    So I called his hospice nurse, she came and helped get him out of bed and put a catheter in. He stayed in bed all day/night no food or drink or meds.

    I kept checking on him as I was scared that he would pass away in the middle of the night. But this morning he was awake and wanted to get out of bed and was hungry.

    His cna came to give him a shower/shave this morning. 

    We now have a lift and an over head trapeze to help him get up out of bed. Due to my neck injury I can't help too much. If this doesn't work I've told my cousin he will need to be placed in a MC facility.

    He's been more confused (day/night) for the past few days. 

    My husband is trying to get here to be a support for me, I'm scared. 


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Nicole, prayers for you and you’re uncle.  That is a scary time, and I hope your husband can get there soon to support you. 

    Nothing much going on here today.  Just my laundry and exercise class.  

    Cloudy day, but warmer today.  Tomorrow is bringing sunshine and warmer days, with storms again on Halloween.  Fall weather.  I’m loving the warm days.  

    Have a peaceful evening.   Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Nicole, I'm sorry this is happening. I k now how scared you must be so hope your husband can get there to give you support. It's scary anytime but being alone makes it worse.   Glad you have hospice to help when you need it. You and your uncle will be in my prayers.  Let us know how things go.
  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments
    Dear Nicole....I'm so sorry...I can still remember that scared feeling & it's been nearly 6 years ago for me. xoxo
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I got locked out after the monthly computer backups but I figured out myself how to get back on.

    Nicole I hope your husband will get to you soon.

    Lorita, I was stationed in the Air Force and lived on the base when I was in Alaska.  There is a tiny place, smaller than a village, called "North Pole", Alaska.  It is not the magnetic north pole.  The sole attraction was Santa's House, which was a store filled with toys and Christmas items.  I had car trouble once and the nice proprietors there waited with me until I got my car going.  I don't remember much else.   Go to www.santaclaushouse.com to see a picture.

    Did you take any pain medication for your soreness?  I took two aspirin after my Covid and flu shots--they did help.  Keep resting!  I hope you'll feel better soon!


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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