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Just need to talk to my friiends (157)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    I would make anyone coming into my room or near me wear a mask!!!

    I have just begun to realize how much this disease has effected me both physically and mentally. Not every change is bad like I am more comfortable being with just me but I realize that my body has slowed down...not good. After this wedding with extended family and some dysfunctional people I am going to dig in!

    Going to new PCP. She is an internist/gerentologist. My tote is filled with papers and a bag of "meds". I imagine we will have a visit, she will order labs and then another appointment. This is a Dr I have tried to get with more than once so looking forward to the new relationship.

    Jo...forth try, found some dressy black mules that fit.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Judith I feel the same.  Just starting to realize that too in the past month or so.  Starting to become very aware of it on a different level.

    Wonder will it ever revert or if we are forever changed.  I imagine forever at least on some level. 

    Be very careful at the wedding Judith.  Hope you and your new physician have a great relationship.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    .Heavens to Muragtroyd!  Been reading here - our Friends of The Front Porch once a day, but rather off for doing my own writing.  I did something to injure my left hand - hurts like the dickens across the palm and do not know what I did to cause it; can't really use it.   It makes it hard to type and then aches even more. It is getting better with resting it and geeze, beeze, Loueeze; I am left handed.  Of course that is why that one is hurt.  

     Also had a nasty vertigo that came out of nowhere yesterday - scared the socks off me and I wasn't even wearing socks!  So hate that when it happens - lost my sense of up/down, and the room spins and feel so deeply out of control hangin onto the furniture for dear life.   Fortunately it was not long, long lasting, but am still having lightheadedness which I have had off an on for several days this week.  Pulse, Temp and Pulse Ox all okay. 

    So that painful hand is why I have not been Posting.  Just using Tylenol and heating pad . . . honestly, feel like such a wimp - so many things happening physically when this has not been my usual way of being; but guess it was my turn starting ever since the vicious kidney stones came to cause mayhem.  It all started there . . . . now you know; that is only my poor untrue excuse. Probably just older body parts wearing out.  I am a stalwart person most of the time and am scared silly by only two things:  Earthquakes and Vertigo.   Ugh!!!!!!! EEEEEK!!!!   Yep; need rescuing when those things happen.

     Ooh la!   Judith in black mules!   Bet you look amazing!  Perhaps a glass or two of vino at the wedding will make it tolerable till you get back home and "dig in."   I am now used  to being dug in - it is our way of life and I am okay with it.  What color outfit are you wearing?  With your hair, I bet black would look great on you with your silver earrings.  Congrats on your new MD; so hope she is a wonderful doc.  Our great doc retired early and though there is a nice one I see, it is still quite a loss to not have the prior one who was so good and knew me so well.   That is life, changes and more changes.

    Too much too much regarding risk of going out unless really needing to.  Risk everywhere including the church we used to attend but no longer do.  Lately, per the bulletin they sent out, they are not demanding masks be worn to church services despite the city, county and state mandating them to be worn inside.  AND Pastor decided to send out multiple messages to pray for people who have lost their jobs because of the vaccination mandates they did not adhere to.  Not a single word to pray for those with COVID or praying for those who have not been vaccinated to "see the light" and move forward to get it done, or for those who have contracted COVID from non-vaccinated people.    For me, that seems deplorable.  Also, so many folks in stores with no masks (take them off when through the door) and those only half masked with noses hanging out spreading all the organisms from inside their nasal cavities which is the primary place for spreading.  Sometimes I feel the urge for a cattle prod!  Just kidding, just kidding.  In-hospital, staff from nurses, aides, housekeepers, etc. not wearing masks. If I were to be admitted now, I would ask for masks to be worn in my room as I would do myself if not oxygen deprived and having it augmented.  Judith is absolutely spot on.

     Gads, gasoline here is $4.71 - $4.96 per gallon per news this morning.  Groceries going up in price, but we have not had anything come up short with our grocery ordering.   We order groceries online from our local supermarket and DH picks them up without getting out of the car; no contact, and CostCo delivers free of charge with certain amount of purchase, so we do that with them.  No going into the stores unless absolutely no other way.  We even changed our pharmacy for prescriptions to one a bit farther away as it is the only one with a drive-thru pickup window.  Figure too many sick people waiting in line to pick up their prescriptions inside the store; would rather not.   And flu season just about upon us . . . .

    I live near Long Beach, Ca where all the supply ships are stalled off the coast.  If we drive to our special place on the beach, we can park right next to the sand looking out at the water - we can see the ships piled up like a traffic jam waiting to get into port and waiting and waiting and waiting . . . . . . guess that trucks that are available are backed up into housing tracts which is causing issues with noise and blockages.  Still; so short of trucks.  Northern Ca offered to have ships go up their way near Oakland and off load there; but the problem would be the same - far, far too insufficient numbers of trucks to handle the goods.  Sure wish we would make incentives though the government to have far more of our goods made in the U.S.; then we would not have to ship all the stuff at such great costs and risks.  More expensive yes; but there would be payoffs and if the government established incentives, it would make things easier.  That would take a long time to get results, but worth doing. The one thing I wish were made here would be ALL of our drugs - but most of ours come from China and India as well as other places.  Even if a drug company says that a prescription drug is "made in the USA; very often they just mean put together here; the raw prescription drugs are often made in other countries and shipped here. 

    The photos of those sweet doggies are just precious - so cute.  I do love dogs and find that they are really good people.   So; Zetta, you moved furniture once again. One of these days you will find just the perfect place . . . . or get sick and tired of moving things around - Ha!   I too need to clean out closets but need some assistance doing so due to knees and shoulder.   I think I shall begin by going one to two feet at a time rather than thinking of the entire thing as a DIN. 

    Sayra; you kept your scrubs from your time as Respiratory Therapist.  I kept my white nurses cap with the black stripe and pin; I have it in a hatbox in my closet.  Worked so hard to get that cap, do not want to toss it.  I so recall the night of graduation when I walked down the aisle carrying a red rose to get up to the podium to get my cap with the new black stripe and pin.   All of us newly graduated RNs dressed in white walking down that aise and all of us so shiny and new . . . . Sigh.  Sure wish I still was shaped the same - dratted gravity!

    After graduation we still had to pass State Boards.  They were held at the end of summer and I spent that entire summer buried in a mound of text books studying myself silly.  Either I knew it or didn't know it - but still felt if I did not study disaster could possible happen; so study every day I did.  State Boards were held downtown Long Beach in a huge auditiorium near the ocean; grads came from all over the state from many colleges and we sat at tables on two levels of the cavernous auditorium.  Proctors walked up and down amongst us in that large, completely silent auditorium - very intimidating.  It was two full days of exams; one exam book after another after another.  By the time it was done, we were all so exhausted; purely wiped out.  It took three months to get the exam results. Talk about suspense when that state envelope arrived in the mailbox. Shaky hands opening it and then . . . WAHOO!!!!   I DID IT!!!!   What a disaster it would have been to go through the RN Grad Ceremony in front of family only to have failed State Boards.  So relieved to have passed it well.   Gosh; talk about memories. I had four children when I started pre-nursing school for all the sciences and requirements; then Nursing School which was day time and also had to double back nights and both summer sessions of the school year to pick up the solids I needed to get the degree along with the RN.  Only doable because I was so young.  Any later  and I would never have been able to do all that full time for those years.   Hm-m-m; now I know where I wore myself out!

     Ron; so glad you got that problem lanced; do you have a "donut" cushion you can sit on to keep the affected area off the furniture seats?  Hope for fast healing for you.

    And thank you for the soup recipe; I will be trying it.  I am looking for some new easy crockpot and casserole recipes.  It is winter soon and that is my comfort level - of course it would involve food. 

     My hand is pretty sore so must log off.  Take good care dear friends and may the rest of the week bring you lovely unexpected good things.



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    Dr appt went beautifully. I was lucky. I had tried for your to get in. Learned today she was only taking new patients for 2 month and was closed again. 

    Need labs and bone density and flu but will do that next week. 

    House guests begin arriving tomorrow. Friday morning wedding then lunch. Dinner for everyone. Saturday Pickle ball. I think I will go and have them video me for my memorial service...lol. Football game in the afternoon. Not all of us will be interested in that so maybe scrabble. Big reception that night. I will go early for family pics then sneak out after a bit...probably.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Judith, glad your appointment went well.  You were lucky to get to be her patient - good for you.  Daughter's wedding?   Sounds like you're going to have a really full couple of days.  Take care and enjoy.

     Sara - I think we've all been changed in one way or another and it will probably last.  Things will never be quite the same. I enjoy your long posts - keep it up.

     Barbara, finished your book - thoroughly enjoyed it.  The chapter on drought really hit home. I've seen a man water witch or divine.  When I was a little girl daddy had one here - I do remember the diving rod or branch go down but don't think they drilled for water.  I'm ready for another book to read.

     Jo - sorry about your hand.  Had wondered what was wrong.  Hope it improves quickly.  You know when I went to work at the VA the nurses thought so much of their caps - they'd carry them to work and put them on when they got there.  They worked hard for them - glad you've kept yours.  They wore caps, white, starched uniforms (no pants), white hose and white shoes with stacked heels.  Most of them were Army nueses.  Not the same anymore.

     I decided Stormy and I would drive the car down to the mailbox.  When we got out the door I saw headlights coning in our driveway and Stormy heard the truck (FedEx) so I started trying to get him back in the house.  Colton isn't afraid of him but he isn't always the driver.  He decided to turn around at the gate close to the house because the gate was still closed.  I let the two moms and babies out this morning and hadn't opened it yet.  Finally got Stormy by the collar and somehow got our feet tangled up and down I went.  I hit my left great toe, left knee, left hand and my chin.  Toe, knee and hand are hurting and already sore.  I've rubbed them three times with Theragesic so maybe that will help.  Could have been a whole lot worse  Think my hand was in front of me because the place where I have costo is hurting - probably the jarring.  You're down in a minute.It was a box with canned dog food (22 oz. cans) and he was going to leave it at the gate.  I called to him and had him bring it to the porch. 

     Haven't done anything today - probably should have but it was a dreary day and I just didn't want.  Probably will be too sore tomorrow.

     Hope all of you are better.  Be careful and don't fall!   Hope the wedding goes well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Judith, congratulations on your daughter's wedding!

    Also, I hope you get a touchdown at football! 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Ok Zetta think I have this right now.  Yesterday the FDA approved next shot.  Today CDC needs to approve it and sign off.  Once Dr Walensky of CDC signs off, which may be today, then we are eligible.  You will be able to get any vaccine, not restricted to original one.  Think I understand the process now.

    I’m excited to get my booster.  At the same time hope my reaction is not to tough.  I had a pretty good little reaction first time, didn’t last too long though.

    Well statistics come out on Wednesday’s for congregate settings in Ohio.  Where Jean is at showed no new cases for residents or workers.  Will call Jean and tell her later.  Talked to her yesterday and she is ok.  Told me that they seemed to have much better staff yesterday.  I’m thinking they have been overwhelmed because since a worker and resident had it week before there were others workers and residents who had to be quarantined.  That makes sense because they are now going to dining room again.  They didn’t go for a period of time which was probably around 10 days.

    Lorita hope you don’t get too sore.

    JoC knew something had happened.  Hope whatever it is doesn’t hang around too long.

    Made an apple cake yesterday.  It is pretty good.  Does any body have an apple cake recipe they really enjoy?  Would like to have it if you are willing to share.  I had a good one but some how lost it.

    Ron hope you are feeling a little better.

    Take care everyone.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning! 

    Good to hear from you, Jo. Sorry about your hand. Hope it gets better very soon. 

    Zetta and Betty, good to hear from you and loved the doggie pic! So cute. 

    Lorita, I was sad to hear about your fall. Glad you weren't hurt any worse than you were. A good reason to wear your Medical Guardian pendant. 

    Nicole, sounds like your uncle is progressing. I know his care is very challenging for you. You do a great job. How loving and kind you are. 

    Sara, sounds like mixing and matching vaccines will be approved. I had Moderna and plan to stick with it. I imagine once this approval from the CDC happens, it will be tough to get appointments again for awhile. I'm not "desperate" to get the booster immediately like I was with the initial vaccines, so if I have to wait a week or two, no big deal.

    Enjoy the wedding, Judith! 

    Not much going on here today. Cold and windy. A good day to not be outside more than necessary. 

    Have a blessed day.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, how are you doing this morning?  I am so sorry that you fell; that is no small thing and it often hurts more the day after the incident; hope that you heal and feel better soon.  Also hoping you are wearing your "help" button each day; things happen when least expected.   If need be, can you take some rest time for a day or so if needed?  Wish there was a way we could be helpful for you.

    Judith; I somehow did not realize that the wedding you are attending is your daughters.  Congratulations Mother of The Bride; it sounds lovely.    That is a very big deal and what an event.   There you are; a house filled with overnight guests for the duration of the celebration and beyond.   Oh brave, brave warrior woman!  Or something akin to that.  Pickle Ball?  Not with your new black mules on I hope - (grin.)  Wow, I am impressed; all of that company prep and running hither and thither with Pickle Ball, I am tired just thinking about it!  By the time all is said and done, you will need some great big rest sans mules.  Bet there will be some wonderful photos afterward and lots of nice warm memories to cherish forever.

     As for my "hand" issue; was excruciating painful for awhile and unusable, but it is now ever so much better; just a bit sore after typing and I am careful when lifting something heavier until it is all the way better.  Strange the strange things that can happen.

    I just saw the recall of red, white and yellow onions due to salmonella across many states in the U.S.  Just happen to have such onions  in our house. If one gets their onions in a bag with the farm name on it and it is NOT the company named in the recall; can't remember it, but think the affected company outlet starts with letter "P," farmed from Mexico, should be okay, BUT most of us do not buy onions in a bag and get them from the open store bins so we do not know from whence they came, (we're supposed to throw those out), and much of the onion crops do come from south of the border.   NOTE:  Another issue is, that the onions in the bag may say they are distributed by an American named company, BUT they may still have come from Mexico and just distributed by a vegetable vending company; so one has to look close.  Confusing to say the least.   Evidently the contaminated onions were also purchased by fast food and restaurant entities and used in their food .   Some folks across the U.S. have had to be hospitalized, others were sick but okay at home and probably not knowing what the cause of their GI symptoms were.  

     Sayra; I too am changed by what has happened and will probably not ever be as solidly open as I was; actually some changes both real and those in the mind are small, it is difficult to describe.  I now look at the pre-pandemic days of full openness as the "lightness of being," what a wonderful gift that was and did not realize it but sure do now.   Who ever would have thought we would ever have to be concerned about or fear breathing or getting together with friends and family and hugging and shaking hands and sitting shoulder to shoulder in groups, or even going shopping or to an appointment?  Sounds like a script from a bad movie, but sadly all too real.

    I want to get a Real ID from DMV; but sure do not want to go inside the office as the  DMV is like a percolating Petri Dish of people crammed in lines and chairs.  However; if I want a Real ID, DMV is a must.  DH got his when they first came out and his re-license was due.  My license did not need renewal until this year and I did it online; one cannot get a Real ID online, have to do it in person with supporting documents.  Geeze, I need a force field in a bubble around me for a place like the DMV.

    Also need to get a new Passport but will need to get a photo for the new one which means off to another public place to do so.   Not planning to go abroad these days, but always want to keep a valid Passport.   Just part of having adequate documents.  Sure do miss being able to travel without worries except about losing luggage.  Strange times we live in these days.

    Gosh, Thanksgiving coming up.   All of our LOs are out of state except for son and DIL here locally and they both work on the holiday due to the type of work they do.   So; we are alone.   Do not feel like roasting a turkey without all the sides and since all my sides are from scratch, do not think that will be done. LOVE my turkey gravy and best of all, my sausage herb dressing with bacon and all the veg and seasonings; (I make my own croutons); it is so good but awfully, awfully time consuming.  Saw a recipe for a crockpot sausage dressing, wonder how that would work out.  I learned not to stuff the turkey due to the bacterial issue, but do it instead in the oven in heavy casserole dishes.

    Also have wonderful recipes for a lucious corn pudding and creamy broccoli souffle casserole; green beans with bacon, shallot bits and toasted almonds; and special cranberry dish; and of course cannot leave out that old beloved fruit salad with sour cream and miniature marshmallows which the kids always loved, and the candied yams sometimes done mashed and sometimes whole with apples.  Oh my; I am now really hungry and haven't even got to the pies . . . well; I am no longer able to do all that cooking from scratch due to wonky knees and the hours and hours over multiple days it requires to stand in the kitchen.  Ah well.  Seems all those years and years of doing it are done and family who used to gather are now far away or passed on.  The only one who does the traditional recipes is one of our out of state sons; he is a really good cook and loves doing the holiday meals with the family recipes.  Enough foodie nostalgia.  Will have to figure the holiday out - do not really want to buy a restaurant prepared holiday meal, they just do not taste that good and are a bit under par, but then they are cooking like mad for large crowds in restaurant and take away.

    Gosh; a shortage in chicken.  Haven't tried to buy any the last couple of weeks, so hope that it is going to be available.  I do not eat hardly any red meat; I do chicken, turkey and fish for the most part.    Saw news report that stated there really wasn't a supply chain shortage as much as there is an over-buy by panicking people who are rushing out to buy large quantities of things they fear will fall into a shortage category.   Same as the beginning of the pandemic when people were buying multiple carts of toilet paper, etc. Gads; I remember one news video of a man coming out of a store with two grocery carts stacked way over the top with toilet paper.  The news media just has to get in there and repeatedly describe "shortages" with excited voices as they are wont to do with so much of the news; it certainly can create the problem where it had not existed before.   Just the way current news cycles where excitement and upset makes or breaks the news media outlets for ratings, etc.   I happen to believe in open valid news; just not the over the top exciteable drama making it more than it is that we see so much of now with few exceptions.

    NOTE:   Lorita and Zetta, I am sorry;  there is in all probability, no "free" medical alert system; that 866 number would undoubtedly had led many to thinking they are getting something for nothing - except it would probably be tied to other items to join or buy; such as changing Medicare to an Advantage program, etc. or buying into something else.  That has been an issue that has been problematic for quite some time.  Also, most of those freebies that come with buying or joining something else are very substandard, and often problematic and not what a regular purchase of such an item would be - and one still has the monthly fee for the substandard alert system.  It is an issue that protective agencies have discussed looking into but have not done so yet.

     Bothers me that so many companies advertise on TV how if you change your regular Medicare to THEIR Medicare Program, you will get SO much more including glasses and hearing aides, etc.   They are no different than many other Advantage Programs that have the same fedaerally approved perks where you sign away your regular Medicare and belong to what is really an HMO model which works for some; and the news has been full of information that the hearing aides, etc., have been very cheap and substandard.  It really should be stopped; it is not at all protecting those who are aged and who may have early thinking issues.  I have seen so much of this both professionally and privately.  However; the worst are the ads for the memory protecting medication that can keep or restore memory.  They really need to be stopped.

     Goodness; I have to lighten up - too much droning on like an old witch-like crone with a bad temper and worse personality.   Cranky, cranky - TRICK OR TREAT - Reeses Peanut Butter Cup please . . . . I am trying to blame it on Halloween; is it working?   Chuckle, chuckle, snort!  Off I go to get my morning yogurt, bran flakes and blueberries with a nice cup of tea - may this be a bright and better day for our Lorita and a bright and happy day for everyone.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, watch out with those sore bones are you want be able to do a ho down on the front porch when we all start playing our instruments and Jo, be careful with your hands if any picking and grinning will be going on.

    Proud of my test and Dr visit! Everything looked good with a few exceptions. Biggest problem is still my prostate which ER dr said probably still needs something else done. I've already had a TUIP, TURP and radiation for the cancer and beginning to wish they would have taken it out.

    Sister just left after a 10 day visit and sure enjoyed her company. She loves to cook and had chicken and dumplings and homemade vegetable beef soup. I picked up carryout rest of the time because I didnt want her staying in the kitchen all the time. She's coming back next month to help the week I'm scheduled for several dr visits. 

    Stay well friends!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    Fun sized Snickers. Leftovers went to the freezer. This year I will again turn off the porch light and not buy candy.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Ron, so glad all went well and you enjoyed your visit so much; and she is coming back!  Isn't that just wonderful . . . . a blessing to be sure.   Also delighted to hear how well your medical appt. went; that too is a delight and another big time blessing . . . . the chicken and dumplings sounds yummy; I have never been able to make that well, for some reason that recipe eludes me.

    Judith, Snickers in the freezer; double yum!   We will not put our porch light on this year either; I used to decorate the house to a faretheewell for the children, but less and less children bother to treat or treat since the large local park has a huge Halloween festival for kids each Halloween night now so I no longer decorate and in fact, gave away all my decorations.   When the trick or treating would be in full bloom, I would dispense candy to the children until 9:00 pm; that was when the porch light went off.   So; the last child to come to the porch at 9:00 got ALL the candy I had left.   The last year I did this, the last child to ring the bell was a boy about ten years old with a pillow case for his candy - I poured all the left candy into his bag and his eyes got as big as saucers . . . . he went running and yelling off the porch,  "Mom!  Mom!  Look what this lady gave me!!  Look what I got!!"  No; she did not send me the dental bills.   Still remember how happy that boy was.  So cute.  Love kids and sure do miss having them around.

    Judith, I too notice the changes in myself.  I am now okay being more solitary; and I too have felt the slowing of myself and how things have changed.  I was one who said, "That will never happen with me."  Ah; grasshopper; it happens to most everyone - eventually.  My DH always said that it was true; youth is indeed wasted on the young; by the time we have experience and wisdom the body begins to betray all we have learned and are able to do in full flourish.   Still . . . . I feel as long as everything is okay from the neck up, I am ahead of the game.  Being a caregiver has certainly taught me that as well as being on this wonderful supportive place sharing with everyone.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Today turned out to be a busy day after all. I cleaned out the refrigerator, inside and out, went through and neatened up and discarded things from two drawers that seem to have accumulated a lot of junk, cleaned two bathrooms, drove to a Papa Murphy's and bought a take 'n bake pizza, and planted a tree. The tree is an American Yellowwood. 

    Halloween: When I was a kid, we ran the entire town (population 400) and went to many, many houses. In those days people sometimes gave homemade goodies and apples. Where we live now, there aren't a whole lot of trick or treaters so we typically give to 7 neighbor kids and then shut off the porch lights. I made treat bags for my local grandkids with a juice box, rice krispie treat, crackers, fruit snacks and hot chocolate mix. A few years ago there were some older kids wearing T Rex dinosaur costumes - those were cool! And my favorite Halloween candies: Reese's pb cups and almond joy.

    You may have noticed I changed my profile pic. That's me, my sister, my cousin and my mom at Disneyland circa 1963. 

    Blessings, Beth

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi everyone.  All is good here.  It’s a beautiful day with blue skies and colorful leaves that are dropping everywhere.  I’m sure I’ll be out raking soon. It’s cool today. Only in the 50’s.  Fall is setting in and the days definitely getting shorter.  

    Lorita, I hope you’re ok today.  Those falls can really jar your body.  I’ve had to learn to slow down a bit.  I’ve always walked fast and scurried around doing everything.  My reactions to things aren’t as sharp as they used to be.  

    Jo, I’ve had things happen to me like your hand incident.  Who knows what causes such weird things to cause so much discomfort.  I stepped out of the car a month ago and heard a pop in my foot.  It hurt like crazy for a few days and then was just a bit sore for a couple of days.  I have no idea what happened.  I’m happy you’re feeling better. 

    Judith, I’m sure you’re beginning the pre wedding gatherings and fun.  Enjoy every moment, then rest, rest, rest.  Congratulations to you and the happy couple.  

    Ron, you’re so positive and chipper lately.  I’m happy you’re feeling better.  So nice you’ve had help and that your sister is coming again next month.   That’s so nice to be able to go to an appointment and not worry about Lou being comfortable and cared for.  I played the clarinet and the organ.  Not sure I could read music anymore, so I’ll just have to stomp my feet and clap while on the porch. 

    Sara, I interpreted the covid vaccine approval the same as sou stated in your post.  I think anyone over 65 or compromised medically are approved to get the booster.  It’s been rather confusing.  I’m looking for my Mom’s Apple cake recipe.  If I find it, I’ll post for you.

    Beth, what a cute little dog.  She looks like her personality matches her cuteness.  

    I hope everyone on here is having a nice day.  I need to get moving.  Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     It's been a beautiful day - sunny and not much wind.  It's 71 right now.  Pretty chilly this morning when I was out looking for the two babies to make sure they made it through the night all right.  Saw Sweet Pea with her mom and saw Tina but had a hard time locating her mother.  She wasn't far away.  I put a little bit of pink paint on both of their flanks so I could tell them from the others.  Mom finally came over, gave Tina and a bath and then Tina had breakfast.  I was watching just now as they came out of the barn - saw Sweet Pea and I think I saw Tina laying down by the back gate of the corral - several of the cows were out grazing in that area.  Guess I shouldn't worry - but I always do.

     Sara - I used to have, and probably still do, a recipe for a fresh apple cake.  It's a recipe I used to make when the hospital was having some sort of thing where we needed to bring something.  I'll try to find it.  I really liked it.  Daddy used to make the best applesauce cake.  It was a two layer, white cake and he put apples (not apple butter) between the layers.  I think he even split the layers.  It was so good and got more moist as time went on but it didn't last long.  On the Waltons they talk about applesauce cake - maybe that's the same thing.

     Hope you're able to get your booster soon.

     So - about onions.  I hadn't heard about the recall, Jo.  Glad you let us know.  How in the world do onions have salmonella - some kind of fertilizer they used?  What are we do to without onions?  I just cooked zucchini, onions and tomatoes together.  Had some of them but now I'm wondering if I should have more.  It's worrisome that so much of our food comes from other countries when we could raise our own.  Onions I find in the store are in a bin with no labels so how are we supposed to know what's what?

     I'm doing pretty well, Jo, thanks for asking.  I'm sore but to be expected.  It's just my left side - not the whole side, just the edges if that makes any sense.  My great toe on my left foot is really sore - must have been bent backwards.  The outside of my left knee is sore, left ribs are sore on the side and my shoulder.  I must have had my hand against my upper chest as I fell because the outside of my hand is sore and my upper chest.  I felt my chin bounce off but it's not sore.  Oh, and my back on the left is sore.  But, I've done some things anyway.  Fed Tom and Jerry and everyone else and checked the girls, cut some weeds a while ago around the creepfeeder and that's about it.  Last night I put the ingredients in the bread maker and set it to be baked about 9 a.m.  I had come inside and was in the utility room when I heard something beep.  Couldn't figure out what it was for a  minutes, then realized the bread was done!  It was really good with butter and boysenberry jam.  It will just take some time to work out the soreness.  I wasn't wearing the alert pendant - it was safe in the bathroom in it's charger, of course.  I was only going to take Stormy to the mailbox - what trouble could I get into doing that?  Then FedEx showed up and, well, you know what happened - I was trying to get Stormy in the house and fell.    Did manage to make a "wacky cake" this morning with some peanut butter in it.

     Hope your hand is better today.  Did you ever figure out what happened?  Sometimes it seems like things happen without a real reason.

    It seems like this year has gone fast - can't believe Thanksgiving is so close and then before long we'll start another year.    Time is going faster and faster or so it seems.

     I don't believe you can get a free alert button either but that was the come-on.  Several years ago my sister was having a nurse come in every day to make sure she took her meds and was on PT, I believe. Anyway she didn't have insurance so I changed her to an advantage program (don't remember the kind but no premiums).  Turned out it wouldn't pay for the nurse or the therapy.  The nurse called and told me and he or I was able to get it changed back.  It does sound so good - no premiums and all those advantages.  Guess what they say is true - if it sounds to good to be true, it is.

     Ron, great news!!  So glad things were good on your visit.  I had never heard of a TUIP - guess they didn't do those when I worked in Urology.   How nice that your sister could come for her visit and will be back next month.  I'm sure that will relieve some of your stress during your medical visits.  Does she live close to you?  \

     Thanks, Ron, I try to be careful but sometimes things just happen without warning and then you have to pay for it with soreness.  It will be better in a couple of days.  I need to fix a hinge on the creepfeeder and I think I knew what I needed but could not for the life of me think of what it was called.  So had to consult Mr. Google with all kinds of questions to figure it out - it was a chisel!  I'm sure Charles has one somewhere but to find it is something else.  Why in the world is sit so hard to remember things?  Carol tells me she's losing her nouns and seems I'm doing the same thing.  Eventually I do remember or figure it out somehow, thank goodness.

    Judith, were the fun snickers for Halloween or just for eating?  I just found a Milky Way in the refrigerator I probably bought back in 2020 - for hard times, I guess.I'm sure you're enjoying your guests and I know the wedding in the morning will be beautiful.  Enjoy.

      Beth, sounds like you had a busy day.  Hate cleaning out the refrigerator (which I need to do).  Bet there's things in the back I've forgotten about.  I've never heard of an American Yellow wood tree, so I'll look it up.

     We've never had trick or treaters way out here.  I remember one year two or three of us went trick or treating in our tiny town - don't remember if we got candy or what happened.  Seems now the custom is to have some kind of safe celebration for the kids which is probably better but guess the kids enjoy it.

     Jo - how do you get your driver's license renewed over the phone?  What about your picture?  Mine will be due next June.  The little DMV I go to is small and I think I've only had to wait for one person to be taken care of.  So, guess I'll do that.

     Guess I better stop.  My back's hurting so I'll get out the heating pad (I leave it on the back of my chair so it's ready when I am). Zetta, I think you said you keep your heating pad on the back of your chair, too.  How are Sammy and Molly today?

     Enjoy the evening and thanks for caring.  I'll be fine - just have to be more careful.  I was afraid I'd fallen on Stormy but guess I didn't.  This morning he was trying to get out of the house as I was coming in and I stopped him with my knee.  My knee hurt for a while and I bet he had a headache.  Always something.

    Rest well.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Joan, the front porch is for all instruments and good thing about the porch we all visit, even if we have restrictions on what we are able to do, on this porch you can do it anyway.

    Lorita, my sister is about 1 1/2 hours from Lou and I, so she's closer than my son in Dallas. A TUIP was the first procedure I ever had on my prostate. The way it was explained to me was if you have a ripe peach and cut each side, the juices of the peach could flow down the sides and that he would put slices in the prostate to allow the urine to move easier. 

    I forgot to mention our wasp problem returned. Last week I saw one fly out of the outside stove vent. Had the vent fixed where wasps couldn't nest in it and was told they got three hives out of the vent. Orkin repeated the spray and last night I killed 5 on the kitchen floor. I called my orkin man and he told me the reason they were on the floor was the spray he used makes them drunk and eventually kills them, but they wouldn't be flying around. He said that since the vent didn't allow them out, they came into the kitchen looking for a way out. None today so maybe that's it.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Joan, I know I need to slow down some and I feel like I have but there's things that have to be done as long as I run cattle.  It's hard for me to believe I'm this old but when I say my age out loud or write it down, it becomes a reality. 

     I bet the Aspens are gorgeous where you live.  Wish we had some here.  We have one huge elm tree and it's lost almost all it's leaves and so has one Maple.  We do have two other younger maples that are beginning to turn - hope they'll be pretty.  All the hackberry trees are still full of green leaves.  They're even pretty when they don't have leaves because of their limbs that go every direction.   Be careful raking those leaves.  Our yard is absolutely full of leaves.  I sweep the front porch and steps twice a day and there's still leaves on them.

     Getting ready to watch the Broncos and Browns play football.  I know you'll be for the Broncos and I'll be for the Browns because of their QB.  I was curious the other day when I was watching some game who had a QB who was 6'5" so looked up the tallest one and I believe it said your QB is 6'8" - is that right?   Let's watch the game together.  Not sure where they're playing but know it'll be a good one.

     Ron - hope the TUIP helped.   New procedures and surgeries are coming along all the time so hope it did help.  I'm so glad you had good reports when you had your appointment - makes us all feel better.   Glad your sister is not too far away so she can come often to help you when you need it - and to just visit.

     I went out on the porch a while ago - just before dark - and about a dozen cows and Tina were changing pastures to where all the others were (in the south one).  So cute to see Tina running alongside her mom.  Those are the moments I live for.  So happy both little kids are doing well.  Saw Sweet Pea and her mom going into the south pasture earlier - also running to keep up with mom.

     Forgot to tell you all - we have a big, black walnut tree in the back side yard and there's walnuts all over the round.  I haven't checked this year to see if they filled out - usually aren't for some reason.   We have a storage building that daddy built over the cellar so it has a concrete floor - I went in there today and there was a big pile of walnuts and hulls that something had peeled off the walnuts (you know they have a black hull around the nut that you then have to crack).  So, whatever is in the yard is storing nuts for winter and probably that's what's eating the wild violets on the steps.  Maybe the squirrel I see from time to time in the trees.  Think I'll check those nuts tomorrow to see if they're good - but, I'm not supposed to eat nuts because of diverticulosis - oh, well, I'll check anyway.

     Judith - hope you're having a good time with your guests.  Congratulations to your daughter and her new husband.  Enjoy those black mules.

     Better stop and see if the game has started.  Enjoy the evening.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I had a crazy day today. My Daughter lives 4 hours from me and we were talking on the phone this morning and decided to meet 1/2 way for lunch so that's what we did. So we both left our homes at 9:30am and at 12:00 we met at  DQ in Rhododendron, Oregon, for lunch. Snow is on the way so we decided to do this before I get snowed in. Molly went with me and slept all the way. She loves to go in the car.     

    Sara,  Thank you for the update on the moderna shots. I am hoping they give the boosters at the same place they did the 1st & 2nd shots at. We have a clinic in town and everyone had scheduled times to go get their shots.   It is so sweet of you to keep in touch with Jean, I am sure it means so much to her. 

    Judith,  The wedding sounds like everything will be so beautiful, and it sounds like you will be as beautiful as the bride. Please try not to overdue it, take some deep breaths and enjoy yourself.

    Jo,   Yes I am through moving my front room around, it wore me out and I just gave up, so I am going to like it the way it is. I hope your hand is feeling better. Thank You for the warning about nothing is Free! I don't trust anything to be free I don't answer any un known calls and I don't reply to unknown e mails and I don't open any spam. I have often wondered if i have missed anything good. A few of you have mentioned how tired your starting to feel, I am also feeling my age, (75) I wonder if we are all starting to feel tired trying to keep up with everything. Yes I am so tired of seeing all these Medicare commercials I am happy with what I have even if it does not offer everything. I don't think any of them offer everything. And I don 't feel like checking around to see. Please get some rest. 

    Lorita,   I am glad you recovered from that fall, another reason you need to have your alert button on, I know if I had one I would probably forget it unless I made myself ware it all the time????  Yes I do have a electric throw on the back of my recliner, most of the time its just on for relaxation unless my back is sore then its on high for the heat. I took Molly with me today so poor Sammy was by himself for 5 hours, he survived so I don't know how long he looked for us, but he was fine when we got home. I just took Molly out to potty and it is raining pretty hard. Its time for me to get ready for bed.

    Your probably all in bed.  Hugs Zetta 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Wrote a Post; not a long one, and when Posting, it erased it and sent me another of those "Error 15" messages.   Earlier today when Posting, it suddenly tossed me off the Board completely while writing.  Getting annoying.

     Anyway . . .

    Today,  I was the receiver of a phishing scam pretending to be our dentist, "Ed."  I had emailed with Ed once before when he was looking for some specific information, so I knew his very unique personal email address.  Anyway, this is what I got today:



    I was Just thinking about you. Have you gotten your vaccine?

    Please let me know when you get this. I need a little favor from you.


    I responded to Ed and told him I would be happy to assist him.  Then I got the following from "Ed":

    Thanks for responding, Actually, I need to get a GOOGLE PLAY GIFT CARD for my niece, it’s her birthday today but I can’t do this now because I’m currently away. This method is neither graceful! Or fast!, and I tried purchasing online but unfortunately no luck with that. Can you get it from any store around you? I will reimburse you with the money spent immediately. Once I'm back
    kindly let me know if you can handle this. so I can tell you the amount and how to get them for me.
    Await your soonest response.
    I knew right away this was not Ed; he never would have written that and does not speak in that manner.  It was a phishing attempt.  Usually one is asked to buy a $500 or so gift card and send it on; of course your money is gone . . . . I notified Ed's office and they said that they had a number of patients get this email; he was hacked.
    Then; later in the day I got an email from the church we had attended. The email supposedly came from the secretary, James.  In it, he had included a "confidential document" to be reviewed . . . . the church was having a general congregation business meeting, so it may seem to some that was what it was for . . . BUT . . . I was not comfortable and did not click on it and checked . . . . sure enough, it was another scam waiting to happen. 
    This morning, on the news, a couple was interviewed who had received a very real looking email from their local bank; the page design and the contact numbers and names on the email were accurate.  The email asked for some things to be done to verify something or other and ALL their money was stolen from their accounts.  Omigoodness; they were devastated.  It had all looked and sounded real.
    Looks like the crooks are doing their holiday shopping early; so even though I know you do; please take extra caution with what you open these days.  I know my consciousness is now elevated and I will be verifying so much more. 
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    JoC I don’t really care about holidays too much.  Even before pandemic, magic was gone.  Now it is even less.  Have not missed cleaning up those dishes one little bit.  Last year I fixed chicken, some veggies and a pumpkin pie. May well be the same this year, we will see.

    If I get my vaccine soon I personally should be good to go.  I do not want to be stubborn toward those without immunity in my family, but at the same time it is very hard for me to want to be around people, family or not, who I know will not care about my safety.  I’m not mad at them, talk to them at least once a week on phone, but prefer to keep my distance from the 50% who don’t have immunity and will not show respect.  

    Ron glad your sister has been able to help you a bit.  I do like chicken and dumplings.  Did she fix fluffy or flat dumplings?  I’m a fluffy person because that is what I was raised on.

    Didn’t know people were hoarding chicken.  Have not had trouble getting it each week.  We have a small, fairly local chicken producer.  That is the only brand I buy.  There are many egg farms in our local area.  

    Beth did notice your new avatar.  Was going to ask you if that was your grandchildren.  I am not familiar with the American Yellowwood.

    Joan I tend to rush too.  Got into this bad habit at work I think.  Feel it is hard on my body physically.  Eat too fast too, which is not good for my stomach.  Always had a phone at work, frequently lunch got interrupted or didn’t get it at all.  That is how that eating too fast started I believe.  Try to change but seem to fall right back into bad habits. 

      Joan and Lorita if you feel like it and have time to find the recipes that would be nice.  If you are busy don’t worry about it.  I found another one on line that I might try.

    Zetta think there  is one more step left in the booster approval process.  Dr Walensky will give the final rules and sign off, possibly today.  Beth doubt if there will be a big rush in our community.  Possibility I will be in line by myself lol.  If it is busy I will be glad it is and wait my turn.

    Zetta nice you and your daughter seem to have a good relationship.

    JoC scamming goes on all year long.  Way worse this time of year though.  If I am not expecting an email from someone hope to remember to verify with whoever it is supposedly from first, before clicking any link.   Thank you for the reminder, keeps it fresh in our minds to beware.  My sister got the same one I did pretending to be Yahoo.  

    Take care everyone

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    It sure is quiet on the front porch today. Lorita, please let us know how you are. I am thinking about you. I hope alls well with you. Hugs Zetta
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I'm okay, Zetta. Thanks for caring. Still some soreness. Been a stressful, aggravating day.  Going to watch one more Gunsmoke, then go to sleep. Hope everyone is well.

    Good night.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    Lorita hope you have a better day today.

    Zetta I believe we are good to go now.  You should probably call ahead to be sure and in case you need to make an appointment.  It takes me about five minutes to get to where I’m getting mine.  Just going to drive over there this morning if nothing happens.  As far as I can tell you can just walk in.  If not I will make an appointment.

    My 91yo aunt having a rough time.  She is having frequent TIAs.  Has fallen three times recently.  This does not seem good to me.

    Take care everyone

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    We are going for our COVID vaccination boosters today.  We had the Moderna  and I prefer to continue with the same vaccine as I know how my body reacts to it.

    However, I had almost forgotten not to take Tylenol or Ibuprofen prior to the vaccine; evidently some people take these meds in order to prevent side effects of the vaccination.

    The CDC and other valid entities state in taking such meds for prevention; they do not know if or if not those meds may affect the robustness of the vaccine.  (They also mention not taking an antihistamine to try and prevent vaccine side effects.)  I was going to take some Tylenol to help my knees going to the vaccination site - now I shall just let the knees bark at me instead.  Thought I would share this CDC reminder as some of us may not know of this recommendation or like me, may have almost forgotten and it is a timely topic as the boosters are now available for those who are considered eligible for them.   Won't be long before the boosters are available for a much wider section of the adult population.

    Here is a statement from the CDC that I copied:

    "It is not recommended you take over-the-counter medicine – such as ibuprofen, aspirin, or acetaminophen – before vaccination for the purpose of trying to prevent vaccine-related side effects. It is not known how these medications might affect how well the vaccine works. However, if you take these medications regularly for other reasons, you should keep taking them before you get vaccinated. It is also not recommended to take antihistamines before getting a COVID-19 vaccine to try to prevent allergic reactions.  "

    The CDC statement regarding taking such a medication for post-vaccination side effects if one should have them, is:

    "Talk to your doctor about taking over-the-counter medicine, such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin, or antihistamines, for any pain and discomfort you may experience after getting vaccinated. You can take these medications to relieve post-vaccination side effects if you have no other medical reasons that prevent you from taking these medications normally."


    I think that personally, I would rather try and not take anything for at least a few days post COVID vaccination, painful knees or not. I would rather support the robustness of the vaccine.

     It takes about two weeks for the antibody level to rise after vaccination, I do wonder at what point those OTC meds no longer affect the vaccine; but I could not find any source for studies that have been done regarding that.

     In fact, in HealthWatch, the statement was that taking such meds prior to ANY vaccination would be the same as for the COVID vaccines.  Oh dear; took Tylenol prior to my flu shot on the 3rd.  Well; now I know.  That is me, always a day late and a dollar short as the old saying goes.   Who knows what affect if any that may have had on the flu vaccine.  Hopefully little to none. 

    So; little tempest in the teapot to start the day.

     We are to get rain on Monday and it is supposed to be 1/2 to 1 inch. That is a lot for us considering the drought we have had; we sure need it.  Of course, when it rains that means a barometic change which means that arthritic joints will begin to yell and shout their displeasure . . . . just going to have to grin and bear it with no OTC meds considering the vaccination today.  Just my preference at this point.   Interesting in how barometric changes affect human joints. 

     Wonder how Judith is doing with all the wedding activity and her houseguests; what a lot of hither and thither and celebrating she will be partaking in.  I smile to think of her in her new shoes - black mules; will she keep them on the entire post wedding celebration, or will they end up under the table at the reception party?   We shall have to wait and find out how it all went for her and her shoes.

     Lorita, how are you doing with the post fall pain . . . . are you having any limitations on using any of the injured parts?  I am so sorry that happened.   Unforeseen falls and other surprise "events" can happen quicker than the twinkle of an eye before we can prevent them; sure do hate that.  Am hoping that the post-fall pain and symptoms are not too bad and are getting better.  It has to be difficult to get out to all those ranch chores when aching and ouching . . . . I do not know how you do it all on the best days and it must be a dilly to do it all when hurting.  Take good care of you and even pamper yourself a little bit as much as you can to rest up all those bits and pieces that had hit the ground and steps.

    Saturday already, seems this last week flew by; is time moving faster, or am I simply losing time reference in my new dotage since I stopped dying my hair in the pandemic and turned into the semblance of a dandelion gone to seed . . . .????  

     Happy Saturday wishes being sent to one and all,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Got mine today too JoC.  They only had Pfizer.  I was fine with that as study out of UK was done with Astrazenec and Pfizer.  AstraZeneca  is similar to J&J.   No other meds, I toughed  it out the last time and plan on doing same this time.  I am very pleased getting an mRNA boost.  Virologist I trust said months ago that two different ones may be a good thing.A

    Came home and made a big pot of chicken noodle vegetable soup so if going gets rough this evening, I’m set.  Bowl of soup and to bed.  So far my arm isn’t even sore.  Took about eight hours to hit before.  Read something, can’t remember exactly, that since it has been several months since my previous vaccine that my reaction may be less as body better able to deal with it.  We shall see.  That would be nice.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Good for you, Sara.  Glad you got your booster.  Did you have a choice of which kind to get?   All three of mine were Pfizer.  First two only had a mildly sore arm for a couple of days.  On the booster, I could feel it immediately -  nurse said that was normal.  Then, just a sore arm until two days later - in afternoon I didn't feel up to par and my arm was very warm and a bit swollen, I thought.  So, just laid on the divan with an ice pack on the arm and I felt fine three or four hours later.  Good idea to have to soup ready if need be.

     When I got my booster, I did what I needed to do in town - groceries, etc,, then got the booster and came straight home.  Sounds like you did the same thing.

     Now, next week I plan to get my flu shot.  Hope it goes as well - usually have a little bit of a sore arm with it but it's worth it.

     Today is all right - outside of my left foot and hand are still sore and a little bit of soreness in my ribs and back. It's warm and windy today so I plan to watch Oklahoma play Kansas, then maybe Okla. State play (can't remember who).  I need to do something to the creepfeeder but I don't plan on using it for a couple of weeks o can do that later.  We're supposed to have stormy weather tomorrow and rain a couple of days next week so I'll call Monday to see if they have the flu vaccine and go from there on which day to go.

     Jo and her husband probably have their boosters by now, too.  Hope all goes well with them, too.

     Now, if everyone would get vaccinated and get their boosters, everyone would be much better off.

     Game's on so I'll stop for now.  Hope all of you are well.  Sara, hope you just have a little bit of a sore arm and that's all.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good morning.  Happy everyone is getting their booster shots.  I had no reaction to mine, not even a sore arm.  I hope you all experience the same.  

    It’s a lazy Saturday morning here.  I’ve had my leisurely cup of coffee and been enjoying the morning catching up with my email and reading here.  I need to get laundry started and will do that soon.  

    Sara, I found one of my Mom’s Apple cake recipes.  I remember making this one, and it’s good.  If I find the other one, I’ll pass on to you.  Makes me want to make a half batch and see if it tastes as good as I remember. 

    We’re waiting for a couple inches of snow later tonight, so I might get my outdoor furniture covered this afternoon.  If not, I have time before full blown winter hits.  

    I hope you are all having a great Saturday.  Joan

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm going to CVS this afternoon for my Moderna Covid-19 booster and my quadravalent influenza vaccinations together.  I'll get some soup ready for dinner.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions
    I had my booster Friday morning. Felt kind of feverish toward evening. Had a headache for a while this a.m. With my 2nd shot I had a headache for 3 days. It was very tolerable and well worth it. I had the Moderna shot all 3 times. Sara, glad you got an mRNA booster.
  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Happy Saturday everyone,

    Congrats on your daughters wedding Judith. Hope you are resting now. I too turn off the lights on Halloween night.

     My grandson is 8 and he doesn't go door to door anymore he goes to family/friends houses and they fill his bag. Plus he doesn't eat a lot of candy (what???) and lets me pick out the chocolate ones I like.

    Ron glad to hear your sister or was it your sister in law was able to help with Lou and will be coming back to help again. It really does help us caregivers so much to have help. 

    Betty your dog is so cute. My daughter has a ten year old yorkie named Sweet Pea. She's had her since she was twelve weeks old. Spoiled four pound dog. But so cute. My daughter dresses her up. My grandson has an eight year old poodle bichon mix that somehow found himself in our backyard. 

    I took him to our vet to see if he was chipped, but nope. So we named him Lucky cause he was lucky he found such a good home. He is so loyal to my grandso. He even sleeps in the bed with him.

    My uncle was not approved by the first hospice so I called another company and he was approved due to his prostate cancer, then his cardiac issues and lastly due to his dementia.

    Looking forward to the extra help.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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