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Just need to talk to my friiends (157)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Beth have never made kombucha, have you?  I cannot drink caffeine, causes me issues.  Have not seen one made with decaf tea.  That being said I buy a bottle once in a great while.  I like what I get at the store.  Drink a small glass once a week til it’s gone and do ok with that.

    The Spindrift has a lot less carbonation than most things so I do better with it.  Still don’t drink it a lot.  Wish you could get a variety pack also.  I have pineapple right now.  Will last me a long time.  Will try Grapefruit later maybe.  I like grapefruit.  The pineapple is ok but tastes like canned pineapple juice rather than fresh.

    Christmas cactuses are beautiful.  My grandma had a huge one, believe it was in a wash tub.  Would be full of blooms.  I just don’t like messing with inside plants.

    Lorita I got some yogurt.  I’m not a yogurt fan but maybe I need to work on that lol.  Thank you and Beth for the suggestions.

    Ron hope your pain has lessened today.

    Think my 91yo aunt is having TIAs.  A few weeks ago she fell and wasn’t right for a bit.  Yesterday they thought she had a stroke and again sent her to hospital.  She could not tell them her daughter’s name etc.  Tests were negative for anything, her BP was quite high and they sent her back to nursing home.  Her daughter talked to her last night and said she sounded perfectly normal.  

    A man just died with Covid where Jean is at.  Her and I added 2+2 and got four.  Saw in this weeks statistics that one patient and one employee had Covid where she is at.  Wasn’t going to tell her as didn’t want her to worry about it.  They had not been able to eat in the dining room for awhile now.  Told them it was lack of staff.  In reality they do have lack of staff but guessing real reason was Covid.  Told me yesterday that they are allowed to go to dining room now.  Well she started talking to me about someone there had it and that she thinks that was why they were keeping them in their rooms.  Told her that was what I was thinking too and why.  She knew who it was by observation and told me his name.  She told me he was already in bad shape.  Told her I think I read his obituary today.  Looked it up and sure enough.  His wife is there too so guessing she was quarantined.

    Lorita that was the FDA advisory committee that voted for all J&J recipients to get the second vaccine.  The FDA usually follows their recommendations but don’t have to is my understanding.  It all gets very confusing.  Red headed step children is a common saying here.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Sara, I have never made kombucha. I took an online fermentation course and it has all kinds of recipes. I never made any of them. I should have. Oh well. I have a history of IBS so always looking for gut health foods/remedies. I think the best thing I did to quell that problem is go gluten free. I have actually gotten to the point I can eat some gluten but I mainly avoid it.

    Had the kids and grandkids over for dinner last night. We eat outside, the kids are still too young to  be vaccinated. We had the roast with carrots and potatoes and I also made pumpkin cupcakes which I frosted with cream cheese icing and placed a candy pumpkin on top. It was very good. My granddaughter wants pumpkin pie so will make that next time they come. I was thinking about how the pumpkin cupcakes compare to pumpkin muffins. The muffins are much heavier, more dense. The cupcakes are light and very moist. Maybe sweeter as well. It took 4 eggs for the cupcake recipe which surprised me.

    Going to Walmart tomorrow; hubby needs to get his glasses prescription filled. I've gotten glasses there the last two years and have been very pleased with them. Great price. I do want to check out the shelves at Walmart and see how they are looking. Probably will get a few canned goods too. 

    Have a blessed day.  Beth

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    kombucha....never heard of it so googled. I suggest you all do the same before swallowing any. Even the American Cancer Socciety warns against it. I will stick to Medjool dates and a bit of yogurt.

    Beth ..the card is beautiful...what a delight that you can feed and otherwise enjoy the horses. Picmonkey sounds interesting. I might try it.

    Lorita...why do you keep opening and shuting gates? Another question? When do they get sold? 

    Pharmacist said Moderna booster is still not cleared...a few more steps/approvals yet to go

    Weather is heavenly.....bright and cool...high sixties...perfect for a longsleved shirt but just a teaser for ice skating. 

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Huh. I’ve been drinking kombucha regularly. Two docs (gastro and endo) advised me to eat more fermented food including kombucha. Here  it’s like artisan beer, seems like everybody is making/drinking it. I could not find any warnings online in a quick Google, except the usual “don’t take if you’re allergic” (which always struck me as somewhere between funny and insulting) and standard sanitation concerns. And advising caution about expectations.

    Thankfully my regular chain grocery has a big selection of commercial brands, and you can buy singles. As said, there is a huge difference in taste, carbonation, etc., depending on the label. I usually like fermented, vinegary food, but I have not found a kombucha I loved. Some are better to me than others.

    We are supposed to have our first night of the season below 70! We broke more heat records last week. All the other “walkers” out this morning were talking about it. Meanwhile, our winter residents are coming in, traffic already notably worse.

    Beth, the card is beautiful. I don’t think I am good enough with the graphics tools, but you obviously have that gift. I also avoid gluten, I can tell if I’ve had too much.

    I’m also waiting for Moderna booster OK. My pharmacist said today people are so confused by “recommendations” and advisory comments. It must be hard on them to have to deal with all this plus regular business. I’m pretty sure the staffing did not increase. At least DH got his Pfizer booster with no side effects, and I got my flu shot with nothing but a little muscle soreness for a day or two.

    Sayra, “red-headed stepchild” was a common saying where I grew up, too. 

    I’m going to a small family reunion in a few days. I have not been “grounded” for so long in decades. I used to pack in a few hours (kept a lot always ready) , but this is already more complicated. What does it say that I’m more worried about other passengers acting out than I am about virus?

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Kombucha risks: Making kombucha involves letting bacteria grow in a liquid you’re going to drink. Many of the bacteria are considered probiotics, but if it’s not prepared properly, it can grow harmful bacteria or mold.

    Since the mid-1990s, several cases of illness and at least one death have been reported in people who drank kombucha. Ailments included liver problemslactic acidosis (a buildup of lactic acid in the body), allergic reactions, and nausea.

    The nonprofit product research group Consumer Reports advises against drinking it because of the risk of contamination and little proof of benefits. But the FDA says kombucha is safe when properly prepared. If you’re making it at home, experts recommend using glass, stainless steel, or plastic containers. Keep everything sanitary, including the equipment and your hands.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     Rescue Mom - you're worried about other passengers acting out because they're doing it so much - reacting to having to wear masks.  Can't understand their logic.

     It is a beautiful day but it was cold this morning.  I have on a long-sleeved velour top and put on a fleece jacket this morning.  Took the jacket off when I came in but just now put it back on.  I went outside just now and it's warmer out there than inside.  Heard a little commotion - girls are coming out of the barn.

     Judith - about opening and closing gates - that's how I control where the girls can be or to keep them away from certain areas.  We have 15 gates in the corral and there's a couple of other places where I wish they were.  You can never have enough gates when you're trying to keep cows in or out.   I'll probably wait until just before I start feeding to sell the calves - not sure how many there will be but I'll probably keep 20 of the calves because they'll be a bit too young to sell - still nursing.  Probably only need to carry over 30 head for the winter.  With just that many, four bunk feeders are enough.  I think I'll start feeding creep pretty soon because those 20 need to be on creep.  I'll do that when I go in for my flu shot.  It's kind of scary filling the creepfeeder.  I have to use a three-step stool and then step over into the back of the pickup which is backed up to the feeder - then empty the 50 lb. sacks into the feeder - then have to get back down.  I will wear my pendant.  I keep the cows out of that pasture when I do that. We have a gate to the NE pasture so that works.

     Let the two moms out to graze this morning and they were back in two or three hours bawling to get back to their kids.  It was lunch time!

     I'll stick to yogurt.  I don't know if what you all are talking about is what I saw on Shark Tank or not.  They had someone on there that was making it and it had a big glob of what they called "mother" in the bottom of the container.  Not appealing to me.  Sara, if you just like the taste of flavored water QVC has these pitchers with an insert in it that has holes.  You put pieces of fruit of cucumbers in the insert and it releases the flavor into the water.  I bought one for Sarah because she kept buying flavored water.  I've never tried it - just like plain old water.

     I'm not much for trying new things so guess that's part of my reasoning.  I did the dishes this morning so the kitchen looks better.  Just got them put away and got things off the dining table.  It tends to be a catch-all - same with the dresser in the bathroom.

     I saw something on TV yesterday about a "Wacky Cake".  Looked it up and it's the same as the chocolate cake I make so much - got that recipe from Jenny van Cook on UTube.  It's really good - no eggs or butter but you use a little lemon juice or vinegar and soda and that makes it rise.  Still have a little of the apple crisp left so may make the cake in a couple of days.  Also found a recipe for chocolate pudding using almond milk so will also try that later.

     Watching parts of the Chiefs' game on TV - playing in Washington.  Browns play at 3 so will probably watch that.   Zetta - can you believe I haven't watched a single episode of Gunsmoke today - I'll remedy that later.

     Sara - I've never heard the red-headed saying before but something I want to ask you - how do you pronounce the word "wash"?  I've always added an "r" after the a and so did Patsy.  Charles always kidded me about saying warsh and also about using the word "yonder" a lot.  Odd, isn't it, that different parts of the Country have different sayings and pronounce words differently.  My grandma used the word "vittles" for food a lot and "vessels" for pots or pans.  She was born in Paris, Texas but somehow ended up in Arkansas where she met grandpa.  I think his side of the family were from Kentucky and Arkansas.  Really wish I had her to ask questions now.  I have a cousin who did a lot of geneology  (can't spell it)  and part of his family were from Kentucky.  He spent lots of time there locating graves and putting markers on them.  He also wrote a book about the family - should read that this winter.

    Don't know anything else -- Sandra - still reading your book when I get a few minutes now and then and enjoying it so much.  So many things you mention are so familiar.

     Back later.  Oh, Sara, Dr. Fauci was on one of the news shows this morning talking about the vaccines and booster shots.  I missed most of it but he said they may start mixing vaccines - like, if you got J&J you could use Pfizer or Moderna.  Kind of confusing.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Beth (and two cat questionsbelow): Thanks for that info, I saw some of that but considered it basic sanitation, preparing it correctly. “Fermentation” itself is kind of like that old joke about some things are best unseen. (Two things you should never see being made? Sausage, and law.)

     I tried, back in the day, to make fermented food. Mine always went bad. I have great admiration for anyone who can do it (looking at you Sayra). I tried so hard to make sauerkraut. Total fail. 

    Zetta or others with cats: you may remember the neighbors’ kit who “adopted” us..he is still a big snuggler, and spends much of the day here. He is very affectionate. But sometimes he’ll grab my hand (or ankles) with his legs and hold or pull at me.  And sometimes he holds my hand in his mouth for a few seconds. He never really bites, has never broken skin, but he’s holds and “mouths”. Been told it’s “love bites,” how cats show affection (?). I don’t know if he’s misbehaving? or playing? 

    2. He never eats very much at one time. He seems to want to eat often, though—small amounts, throughout the day. Is that typical of cats, or just this one?

    I am leaving for a few days, kids are watching DH, but arrangements must be made with neighbors/his owners for kittys daytimes…

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    Here is what I read;


    I don't know how one keeps up....now no baby aspirin every day?

    I understand that the gates control where the cos are but when can't they just go where they want on the property. If you had 100 head would they need to be shuttled about too? Wheredo  the calves go when they are sold?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Changes every day.  Used to say coffee was bad for you now saying 3-4 cups a day is good.  Makes a person wonder.

    Finally got my taxes done. Sam sent them Friday. Almost time to do them again.

     Rescue Mom, I feed my outside two cats wet food in the morning and leave dry food. Can't do that for inside ones because Stormy and Sheena  like cat food so feed them wet food am and pm and dry food off and on during day.

    Be very careful of cat bites and scratches they can really get infected.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita,  I am watching a real good movie right now it is on INSP, you probably watched it also. It is with James Arness and Michael Learned, its called Gunsmoke, The Last Apache, Its a 2 hour movie and Matt is much older and he is no longer the Marshall. Its really good and its almost over. I hope you watched it. Got to go so I can finish the movie.

    Good Night, Zetta 

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Hi Cobbers'

    Have been very busy for the last month. I paid to have the book published, so am now turning into a book-seller, trying to get some of my money back. Will be a long job.

    Wanted to give you an update on DH. He has declined a lot in the last month. Had a day in ER, for a complete check-up, including blood tests, X-rays, scan of head etc. Has had several falls out of bed at night, but thankfully no bones broken. After I made a fuss, his bed is now on the floor, with pads either side if he does roll out.  He spends the day in a lounge chair outside the nurse station. He needs a lot of help to stand, but is virtually unable to walk. 4 weeks ago he could walk 20 yards while using a walker.

    The change seems to be the result of severe anaemia, and he also has very low blood platelets. 2 years ago he was diagnosed with a type of chronic leukaemia, which is recognised by just these 2 symptoms. So I suspect that the leukaemia is no longer just 'chronic'. The hospital doctors said they could do nothing to help, and  there is no treatment for the leukaemia, especially with severe dementia, and at age 90.

    No idea what the future holds, but I do hope he does not suffer like this for a long time. I first knew there was something seriously wrong, back in 2007. 14 years of this is enough for anyone!

    Do wish I could join you on the porch, and share hugs with everyone. I could tell you about my spring vegetable garden, and how green everything is. And it will be HOT soon....


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Beth from what I can tell gluten doesn’t seem to bother me.  It’s more greasy, acidic, lot of sugar, too large of a meal and carbonated things. I had such a good summer, could eat anything.  When it’s ugly head raises seems to be fall and winter.  Evening worse than earlier in day.  I’m going to try a new game plan working with the things I cited as causes and see how it works for me.  Going to try and become a grazer and make sure to not eat acidic things in evening. Something I had forgot about and seems to be helping the past few days a lot, is mixing a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil with lotion and rubbing it into my abdomen real well.

    Muffins definitely less sweet and more dense than a cupcake.  

    Sorry Zetta and any one else I mislead about Moderna.  Will try to be more careful.

    Lorita I mainly drink plain water.  Wish I could have something a little more tastier at times.  Pears are suppose to be a non acidic fruit.  Found natural pear juice this week.  Drank it plain at first and it was ok for a change.  Then I thought I’m going to add some to my water. I really liked that much better.   Lorita I am the opposite of you in that I like to try new things.

    I have made the wacky cake.  Think it turned out pretty good.

    Do pronounce wash as warsh.  My niece and nephew get on to me for saying yella instead of yello. Am familiar with vittles but not vessels so much.  

    Watch a YT channel called Celebrating Appalachia.  She had a video recently regarding how big of an area Appalachia is.   Looked up a map of Appalachia and was not surprised to find that the eastern area of  Kentucky where I was born is considered part of Appalachia and is part of the foothills.  The area is very hilly.  Very little flat land there.  Any flatland was called a bottom and usually where several hills came together.  They mainly raised tobacco in them.  But in an area about a hour SE of there the hills are much taller.  I would still consider them hills but they are extra tall.  Have no idea when a hill ends and a mountain begins.   What really surprised me though was how much of Ohio is included in Appalachia.  A county I’ve been to often, it is about a hour SE of where I live is one of the western edge counties of the foot hills of the Appalachian Mountains.  It is a beautiful there.  The land is very rolling but very farmable. Lots of farming in that county.

    Rescue mom the sauerkraut making thing is interesting.  My dads grandmother could ferment anything.  She made the best kraut and pickles.   She made it in jars and she made it in big churns.  She also pickled corn and beans.  My mom could never make kraut and she discouraged me from trying.  Only made three quarts, promised two to my sister,  but I’m going to make some more.  The kraut I bought was $10 for just 25oz.  My grandma sold kraut to people, guessing she got no where near that.  Hope you have a nice trip.

    Lookin like fall temperatures are here to stay so going to try and cover A/C up today to keep the leaves all out, they are starting to fall too.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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     My goodness, hard to believe it's almost 1 p.m. - the morning has gotten away from me and all I've really done is disrupt things.  Didn't take down the trash - not much of it anyway; let the two moms out to graze and just now let them back in for the babies to have lunch; fed Tom and Jerry and everyone in the house.  Decided I'd wash the bed linens and that led to thinking about putting the extension to the dining table under the mattress (my side needs reinforcement).  I tried sleeping on Charles' side but just didn't sleep well.  So, the table extension was in his closet - got it out (wrapped in a comforter) and into the front bedroom and realized it has a piece on each end that extends downward to be like the table so can't use it.  Finally got it back to the sunroom where the closet is but had to take out some things to get it back in.  That's where I got in the rat's nest (not literally, thank goodness - didn't even see a mouse).  Charles was a clothes horse and especially loved shoes.  I started taking old shoes out of the closet - none of them wearable except a pair of diabetic shoes and a pair of tennis shoes.  I may be able to wear them because we wore the same size - 9. I bet there was 30 or 35 pairs in there - already filled two kitchen trash bags and more to go.  I did fine the box that holds his Shriner's fez - had wondered where that was.  Now, there's going to be room in the floor of his closet to put things out of the floor of mine. Why is it that when you start to straighten one thing, it messes up everything else?  So, cleaning that up will wait until I have more time - but it's a start.  That whole room is cluttered to the nines.

     Zetta, I have seen that show - didn't watch it again last night.  It was really good.  Michael Learned played quite a different role than she does on the Waltons, didn't she?  But she was really good in it.  I've watched a couple of episodes of Gunsmoke this morning while I had breakfast.

     Sara - my mother and grandma made the best kraut.  They'd slice the cabbage really thinly, then pack it into big crocks and put in the salt and whatever else.  Then, they put it in the cellar or the storage building to ferment, then canned it.  Mother also made pickled peaches - cut in half and put into the jars with the round side out - they were so pretty and so good.  She loved pickled okra and made that.  I never acquired a taste for it though.

    When I talk, I say y'all but not when I type.  Everyone around here says that - and I drop my "g" on words - same as everyone else unless they're trying not to do so.  I have American Pickers on TV right now and they're in Texas talking to a man.  He sounds just like Jerry, Charles' brother, when he talks - slow and hesitating in places.  Charles and Jerry sounded exactly the same on the phone.  My SIL has a very strong Texas twang - doesn't sound like Jerry at all.  Strange to ne that people in different parts of the Country sounds different when they talk.

     Barbara, I'm so very sorry to hear of your husband's sudden decline.  Seems like that often happens.  Charles was doing all right, I thought, until he developed pneumonia and went downhill from there.  I'm so glad he didn't break any bones when he fell out of bed and good that you had them put his mattress on the floor to prevent more falls.  My sister was also doing all right in memory care until she fell and broke her hip and ankle (on different sides).  From there she didn't last long.  My friend, Carol, says her objective is not to fall and I feel the same.  One fall can change your life forever.    I hope he improves.

    How nice that you're now a published author!  I'm still reading your book and think I'm about 3/4ths finished (there's a 75% in the right lower corner of the page so I think that's what it means).  Very interesting about the cutting horses and rodeos.  Sometimes I feel like a cutting woman trying to get the cows to go where I want them to.  We've always gone to rodeos (when I was younger) and enjoyed them.  I still like to watch, especially the bull riding that your mother couldn't watch.  She was so right - they can get severely injured or killed. 

     Barbara, you're right here on the porch with us, always.  We just come and go, sit a while and talk, then move on.  Always someone there.  It's beautiful today on the porch - sunny, cool with a light north wind.  It was cold this morning so wore a jacket which I still have on because I'm in and out.  I like weather where you can wear long-sleeved shirts or light jackets.  But, dread the cold winter.

     I need to cut a few weeds around the creepfeeder that Ricky couldn't cut with his brush hog and clean it out to get ready to start feeding creep.  Will have to be sure to take the loppers, grab-it and wasp spray.  I bet they've made nests inside.  Also need to see about fixing one of the hinges on top - not sure if I can - may have to have Mike look at it.  I think one little piecs needs to be hammered back but don't want to break it. 

     I have the sheets drying and I think they're dry so better stop and get the bed made.  Hate making a king-sized bed.  It's hard to do by yourself and I can't get Sheena or Stormy to help.

     Hope all of you are well today.

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi all,

    Been getting chilly in the evenings/mornings here in Vegas.....bbbrrrr...

    So I will probably make some clam/seafood chowder and potato soup soon. I have 2 bags of the Bear Creek potato soup but I really don't the potato pieces they put in it, so I always add chunks or potatoes and bacon.

    The hospice nurse will be here today to do an evaluation. 

    Nothing exciting going on here.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Gold luck on the hospice evaluation, Nicole.  Let us know.

    Absolutely love the Bear Creek potato soup but, like you, the little potato pieces not so much.  The last time I made it I pureed it with an immersion blender but adding cooked potato chunks would be  good.  May do both next time.

    Got the bed made so going to rest a while.

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    I feel like I hardly have the right to post here anymore...haven't posted in so long...mainly because my day to day life isn't really noteworthy. Anyway, what inspired me today was all the potato soup talk. I have a batch of it going in my slow cooker right now and it's so easy and is delicious! I don't know anyone who doesn't like it. Here it is:

    One 30 oz. bag of frozen shredded hash browns, 3 cans of chicken broth (14 oz. cans), 1 can of cream of chicken soup, one chopped onion, 1/4 teaspoon pepper, 1 pkg. cream cheese...not fat free (won't melt.)

    In the slow cooker combine everything except the cream cheese. Cook on high for 6-8 hours. About 1 hour before serving, add softened cream cheese & heat until melted through. I cut it into cubes to help the melting and after it's heated up I whisk the soup in the slow cooker.

    Serve with grated cheese topping, bacon bits, green onions, or whatever you like. Sometimes I throw in a handful of bacon bits at the start of cooking. I've also used Tater Tots when I've been out of hash browns...just broken them up after they're thawed in the slow cooking process.

    I hope you'll try this & enjoy it. I freeze it in individual servings for myself and it freezes well.


    I hope that you'll try this...so easy and good!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    HI Betty, so glad to see your post.  You're always welcome here.  

    Your potato soup sounds so good.  I've never had soup with cream cheese in it - bet it makes it really good and rich.  Sounds like something I'll try this winter.

    I hope you're well and staying  safe.  You know our lives may not seem  too interesting or eventful to us but it may be to others.  I don't feel that mine is interesting   but I post anyway.    We're happy to hear from you.  

  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Thank you, Lorita. Yes...staying safe. Got my booster a couple weeks ago and flu shot will be tomorrow. I enjoy reading this thread every day. I really enjoy reading about all the things that you do with your girls. You're so strong! I'm 78 and find 25 lbs. of bird seed is about my limit! Hats off to you!

    My avatar shows my husband holding Lucy as she slept when we went to pick her up as a puppy. She's a labradoodle (25 lbs.) and we got her after we had to put our Westie to sleep. My husband was, by then, very far along in his Alz journey. He really didn't mourn our dear Westie, Daisy, at all...he was unaware. I really needed this puppy for a buffer and a distraction for us. Everyone thought that I was nuts to get a puppy but I knew what we needed. I knew it would be a lot of extra work, but worth it. He passed away 7months later and I don't know what I'd do now without my dear labradoodle Lucy. She's the dearest and sweetest dog and amuses me no end.  The picture attached is of Lucy now. She's 6 years old now.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Barbara I’m so sorry about your DH decline.  Know it is hard on you.  Please sit on the porch and tell us about your garden.  You can send us pictures too.  Putting mine to bed and the leaves are just starting to fall.

    Betty we love to hear from you.  Your recipe sounds good, thank you for sharing.  Going to try and cut the recipe down and try it if I can.  Have made potato soup with cream cheese before and it is good.  Lucy is beautiful.  

    Yesterday I added alfalfa pellets to all of my containers.  They are supposedly very good fertilizer for amending soil.  Will do it again first of April.  Hope it works, you just water it and they break down and work their way into the soil.  Hope to do my front beds too.  Going to try and do that right before a rain.  Went ahead and did the area where I planted my garlic.

    Take care everyone

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    Seaside...one of the cutest dogs I have ever seen!!!
  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Thank you jfkoc!

    One more thing about the soup recipe. That many hours on high can really be excessive & makes the mixture stick to the bottom. Just play that situation by ear, I think. I know it's not recommended to open the crockpot much while cooking, but I do stir it several times.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Cool, sunny and windy day. Let the moms out to graze early and they're back in with babies.

    Cooked zucchini, onions and crushed tomatoes this morning and made potato wedges. Doesn't sound good together but cottage cheese bridged the gap. Next time I'm going to bake them with foil over them til done, then brown them.

    Betty, Lucy is beautiful and looks so happy and full of life. Bet she's mischievous, too.  Do you have to brush her a lot?

    Sara, glad you got your alfalfa pellets in  ground- already thinking about  next year

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,759
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    Just talked to a friend who said she makes that soup but cooks 5 hours on low.  Even that seems like a long time. Couldn't you cook it on top of the stove a lot faster? Oh, it only hasslightly over 1000 calories...lol
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Hello, All.

    I used to hear the term "red-headed step-child" in the late 1950s, early 1960s in Brooklyn.  I never hear it now.

    Lorita, the last time I traveled, my suitcase weighed over 50 lbs, and I had to open it on the terminal floor to remove about six pounds of weight.  I was embarrassed, but I had to do it.

    I drink plain tap water also water with a few drops of lemon juice for flavor.  I used to drink sugar-free Kool-Aid type drinks, but I don't like them now. 

    Rescue Mom, I have a feral cat who will bat my hand--I think he wants me to keep petting his head.  His claws are very sharp and he occasionally will scratch me, but I don't think it is intentional.  He won't let me clip his claws yet.

    Little Me, does your husband get packed red cells for his anemia?

    Sayra, do you hear anyone use the term "holler", as in, they live back there in a holler?  I heard that when I visited in Virginia as a child.

    Seaside, thanks for the potato soup recipe.  One of my favorite soups is potato-leek soup.  Yum!


  • Seaside
    Seaside Member Posts: 38
    Ninth Anniversary 10 Comments
    Here's another picture of my little pal, Lucy. She likes to sit on the back of the couch like a kitty watching out the front window and guarding our place. I knew she was asleep on my head, but by the time I had carefully reached for my phone on the side table to take a selfie she was awake, but stayed there...lol. I do brush her, Lorita, but this mix of dog is known for lack of shedding. I get her clipped every 8 weeks or so.

    One more thing, regarding when you've lost a post or something. It just now happened to me but I tried something from Photoshop that "undoes" the previous action. I pressed "control z" and my post reappeared. It's worth a try. 
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

     Lorita,   I totally agree when you said you clean one thing then it leads to another thing. I moved my front room around again just because one little thing looked out of place. It never ends. I need to clean out my closet and take a lot of stuff to Goodwill.  That movie was real good, I figured you had probably already seen it.  Matt was better looking as he aged. He kinda looked like Kevin Costner. 

    I also get teased for the way I pronounce (wash) I say worsh, not sure why.   I love to hear different accents and the way people talk. 

    Nicole, That was a good idea putting clams in the Potato Soup, I added clams to my grocery list. Hospice will be a real big help for you and your Uncle. My DH was in MC when he needed hospice and they were wonderful. 

    Betty,   Please post often and don't be a stranger on the front porch. Nothing exciting going on in my life but its nice to have a place to go to just say HI! to people and know they care. I love that picture of Lucy, my avatar is a picture of me holding my Molly, I also have a kitten his name is Sammy. I don't know how to attach pictures but as soon as I figure it out I will  show Molly & Sammy. It is wonderful how your pets can be so comforting. Please keep posting, if only to say Hi. 

    Barbara,  Please take care and get some rest you and your DH are in my prayers. Sorry for his decline. It was a good idea putting the mattress  on the floor. My DH also had a sharp decline, he was in  MC  I knew things were starting to shut down, I went in one morning and he was in bed on morphine a few hours later he was gone. I was so thankful for Hospice. 

    It was pretty cold outside today we are suppose to get rain starting tomorrow and turning to snow by next week, so we will see. 

    Take Care All and rest well, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Go outside and look at the moon.  It's full and so pretty reflecting in the pond. 

     Sounds like the consensus is that potato soup is a favorite of many of us.  I know it's one of my favorites.

     Betty - what a cute picture.  You couldn't have planned that in a million years.  Our little fur babies really come up with cute things.  I just know from looking at the two of you that you're best friends - just like Sheena and Stormy (and the cats) are my best friends - except for all of you.  We used to have a Shih Tzu and we had him groomed fairly often but we lost him a few months ago.  My two now are Great Pyrenees.  They need to be brushed often but don't always get it done.  Sheena will come and stand between me and the hassock wanting to be brushed.  Stormy doesn't like it as much.  I have white hair all over the place.  I can sweep in the morning and by the afternoon it's back on the floor.  Stormy just came in to find a milk bone.  He sneaks them out of the box.

     Iris - I imagine that was embarrassing but we do what we have to.  I get scratched pretty often.  My cats have long nails and there's no way in the world I could trim them.  The two Savannah cats will try to get my hand in their mouths and if they do I don't try to extract it - that would mean a bite for sure.  They are so different from Max and Kitt - maybe because they're younger and also a different breed of cat.

     Zetta - I think Matt looked best when he was in his 40s and 50s - Kitty, too.  I'm still watching and the last day or two I've seen all of the ones on TV but I'll keep watching. 

     It's been chilly here, too.  I'm kind of cold right now.  I'm thinking about going to bed early and watching TV in the bedroom - probably won't.

     I'll be glad when you learn how to post pictures so we can see Molly and Sammy.  It took me forever to learn how.

     I so need to go through my closet and get rid of things I haven't worn in a couple of years.  With the virus and me not going anywhere that would just about empty the closet though.  I still have things in there that I wore when I worked and I've been retired for 26 years.  I will get it done, sometime.  I have two tall kitchen bags and one feed sack (50 lb. one) full of Charles' shoes to get rid of.  I did find one good pair of tennis shoes and one diabetic pair that I've kept.  His other clothes are laying on the divan in the sunroom.  Something I'll have to deal with eventually - at least I was able to take them out of the closet after six years.

     I also found a big stack (in a plastic bag) of National Geographic magazines that Charles kept - just couldn't stand to throw them away.  No idea what to do with them.

     Jo - where are you?  I hope you're okay.  Let us know.

     Enjoy the evening and be sure to look at the moon if you're farther west than I.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Zetta, I made a phone call yesterday but dialed 800 instead of 866. The person or recording said I was eligible for a free medical alert.  I hung up because I have one.  If you would like the number I still have it.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Lorita still have my scrubs hanging in the closet.  I have no attachment to them just hate to throw them away.

    Other people may not still use red headed step child either, I don’t know.  I retired, then the pandemic hit.  I feel sort of removed.  If it wasn’t for my one sister, you guys, TWIV and my friend I would really feel removed.  Do believe would hear other people at work say that.

    Iris as far as I know holler is still used in Kentucky.  Never was a word used here in Northern Ohio.  There are no hollers here.  There may be in Southern Ohio as it is much more like Kentucky.  I walked out of a holler to catch a school bus in first and second grade.  Remember I missed the bus once and a neighbor came a long with his kids and he picked me up too.  They may have missed the bus too,  they did not live up a holler though.

    Think I would like clams in potato soup too.  At another place I lived, had an older neighbor and would take her food.  One day she asked me to make Manhattan clam chowder for her and she gave me the recipe.  It was good.  Made it for her several times.  

    Betty your picture reminds me of something I saw the other day.  Saw an older gentleman walking out to his mailbox.  He had a black cat he was carrying on his shoulder like you would a baby.  Made me smile. It’s paws and head were on his shoulders.

    Want to remind you guys this is the time of year that phishing gets really bad.  Be cautious about opening unfamiliar texts and emails.  Got an email yesterday from someone pretending to be yahoo.  Said I had asked for my account to be deleted and if I hadn’t to click on the link.  It was fairly amateurish.  If you have any question about it, don’t hit link, contact them some other way to find out if it is real or not.

    My vaxxed sister had just told me a few days ago how anti vax  and mask one of her husband’s sister and family are.   Yesterday morning she texted me that my BIL had talked his sister into getting vaccinated.  Her son and his children have Covid.  His sister is definitely high risk if she gets it.  Hope she didn’t wait too long and that she realizes it takes 2 weeks for protection to start and best protection a bit longer.  Guess people think it won’t happen to them, they think they will get by.  Then just a few minutes later Jean calls me.  She had already voiced concerns to me about how a person and their family’s behaviors.  Think they make her feel vulnerable because that lady eats at her table.  Think I told you one man died last week.  Well yesterday morning they passed out a letter to each one stating that they are overwhelmed with COVID.  She doesn’t know how many have it.  Feel really sorry for her.  She is in such a vulnerable position.  Told her if it was me would not go to the dining room, and to wear her mask anytime someone comes in to her room.  Said she is calling her son in Michigan and telling him not to come.  She so looks forward to him coming.  Our stubborn unvaccinated county has now had 64 deaths since July1. Sad part is no one seems to care unless it hits their family.  Even some don’t seem to care then.  Just heard a doctor say a few days ago, you will have a date with Delta.  You are going to have to decide how you will prepare for that date.  He put it a little more bluntly.

    Take care everyone

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Guess I’m long winded again today.  Just remembered an article I read last night.  Was talking about supply chain.  It made sense to me.  Said there is really only a shortage of a few things for example chips for cars, electronics. Said otherwise it is not supply, it is demand.  That we are bringing in what in past would have been more than enough in past.  This makes sense to me.  As a single person, know I have started keeping extra of almost everything.  I don’t like doing this as makes house, pantry more crowded.  But the experience of 2019-2020 has caused me to do that in case I don’t want to go out for awhile.  So for families think how much more they are stocking. For example  use to keep 2 detergents, now I keep 5.  This is why things setting in ports.  More being ordered and brought in because of demand.  There are only so many trucks and so many drivers. This is why there are some empty shelves and full ports.  Not too much of a problem here really. Had to laugh, it said this jokingly.  The only thing they knew to do was cut China’s electric off.  Appreciate a laugh, have been few for a long time. 

    Everything we go through effects us.  My grandma went through the Great Depression.  Where she lived in Kentucky it was the Great Depression.  She used towels that were literally rags.  She had brand new ones stored away.  As a kid, use to wonder why she didn’t use her new towels.  My sister and I were talking about that one day, we understand now Grandma.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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