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Just need to talk to my friends (160)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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 Hated to start a new part of the thread when the discussion on EMV, CMV, Covid, the new variant and so many other things were going so good.  But, it's past time so losing posts will begin to happen more frequently.  Dr. Fauci has been on almost all of the news shows this morning - he seems a bit worried about the new variant.

 Hope all of you are well this morning.  It's chilly here but sunny - some north wind.  We had a front go through last night.

 I've made two trips to the carport to feed Tom and Jerry and give them water, two trips to each water tank to fill them and I'm worn out.   I actually do think it a reactivation of EBV and CMV.  Jo, I was positive for both of them - in 2016.  I had been feeling not well for about a month with some nausea and other symptoms.   Tried to get in to see my doctor but he wasn't in that day so went the next day  to Urgent Care (at that time our little town didn't have one so had to go farther(Darwin and Donna took me - just didn't even feel like driving) and the doctor thought it was stomach flu so gave me a couple of kinds of medicine.  Went to my doctor two or three days later and he agreed - elevated temp, etc. so gave me some other kind of medicine and discontinued the others.  The next week he was on vacation so went to see him when he came back.  Meanwhile we had discussed all of this on the forum so I was going to ask him about EBV and CMV but he beat me to it by ordering tests for it.  He called when the tests came back to tell me it was positive for both.  Said to take 2000 mg. or mcg. whichever it is of B-12 and also to take Vit. D.  Just rest, take it easy and not to do anything I didn't need to. I started feeling bad in Sept. and it may have been a bug but from that went into the EBV.  By January I was feeling some better so guess I was well enough to feed the girls.  This time it's only a month away from feeding and I don't think I can do it feeling like I do.

 Ex-Tex - this is something you do not want - good times or not - even when you were younger.  I guess I had mono about 35-40 years ago.  Had swollen lymph nodes and just didn't feel too well - not too bad.  Stopped a doctor in the hallway and asked her about it and she said it was mono.  Got over it and nothing again until five years ago.

 About the masks - you can also find them on Amazon.  For some reason I wasn't able to get them at the website Sara mentioned but did find them on Amazon.  The ones I got and I think Sara also has are BOTN KF94- mine are in a green and white, long package.  I got the black ones.  I do find them a little hard to breathe in but as Sara said that also means less will get through them - worth it for sure.  I keep mine in the package when not wearing it and note on the outside of the pkg. how long I wear them each time.  Sara says they're good for 40 hours.  Until I got these I wore the pleated white or blue ones - two if I was going to be in close contact.  I still keep a couple of those in the PU and car and also in coat and pants pockets - just in case I need it.  I also hate to see someone "trying" to wear a mask without it covering their noses. Makes me want to tell them to pull it up.

 I think I remember you live somewhere south of Fayetteville.  I also remember there used to be a herd of Belted Galloway cattle in that area, somewhere south .  I think they are so pretty.  There used to be a few south of Tulsa but not there now.  They remind me of Hampshire hogs except the white belt on the hogs is around the shoulders and on the cattle it's farther back toward the middle.  I had rather not have calves born in the winter months - best time here is in late March and April, however, we will have at least two in January.  There were so many calves and cows lost in our two months of awful winter weather last year.  We were lucky and didn't lose any and I'm sure it's because ours could get into the barn.  The boys will be all right - good break for them.

 Joan - thanks for asking about Sarah.  She's in the hospital - has begun to have seizures again so that has to be taken care of with different meds.  Good to see a post from you and hope you're well. 

 Slept better last night - did get up at 4 to let the GPs outside.  Cats didn't start to play until about 6 and they're still at it.  Those Savannah cats are so different from Max and Kitt - so energetic - of course they are younger but they're really sweet and really big - even the vet commented on that.

 I think my problem is all the stress I've had the past months and then the fall on top of that plus the worsening of bilateral Morton's Neuroma which has changed my gait especially indoors.  Seems like I do better outside.  When I come up the front steps my reflection is in the door and for the life of me it looks just like mother coming up the steps - holding onto the railing and walking slowly.  I hate to be like this.  I want to be able to be out with the girls and be able to do things and enjoy it.  I'm not an inside person and it's hard to take. The only thing that is good about if I do it is that I'd still own and be in my house and around it and the girls would still be here for me to enjoy.  But you all know I'd still worry about them - I'd have to see all of them each day just like I do now. As you know I like to keep new babies and moms up for a couple of weeks and that couldn't be done.  New moms put babies down and leave them while they graze and I don't like that but don't worry so much with only coyotes around but those big wolves are a different story, however, the moms and other girls watch the babies anyway.

 There's no way I could fill a creepfeeder or lift 50 lb. of feed right now.  The fall has worsened my costo, too.  Guess falling on that left side caused that and it really gives me fits.  I'm leaning against a heating pad now. I know it's for the best - I'll leave it at that for now but the decision will need to be made within the month before winter feeding begins.

 I can't remember all I wanted to write in response to other posts so I'll leave it at this for now and try later.  Judith, still waiting for that picture of you in your ballgown and a report on how it went. 

Need to make an apple crisp but not sure I'll do it today.  Talking about fruitcakes = mother used to  make such good ones. She'd make it 2-3 weeks before Christmas and wrap it in a cloth and put it in the cabinet. Every few days she's pour grape juice over it to keep it moist, I guess.  It was so good and I loved it with jello fruit salad.  Charles and I made an orange slice cake - just a light-colored cake with orange slices and nuts in it - sooo good.  The batter was so thick I couldn't mix it so he had to finish.  Haven't made one of those in years - makes a big cake with a little glaze on top.  I'm going to order a panatone from Amazon.  I've done that a couple of times after we first found them at Big Lots.  They are so good, especially toasted.  I've spelled that wrong or at least spellcheck says so - but you know what I'm talking about. 

 Need to warm up my tea and see what's on TV.  The Bedlam game last night was really good.  OSU won by four points but the outcome wasn't sure until the last few seconds.  Good that OSU won since it was played there.  The place was packed and no masks in sight, except for one guy who had on a gater on the sidelines.  Would not have been in that bunch of people for love nor money.

 Hope you are all well today.  I'm going to remember to watch Yellowstone tonight but, the Browns are playing at the same time.  Sara - I watched a little of the replays of Ohio and Michigan from yesterday - not sure where it was played but there was some light snow falling and even a little on the field.

 See you all later. 



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,760
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    The ball was last nite...pictures were taken. I will do my best to post one when they go online. 

    Lorita....please do not dismiss depression. You can call it sadness if you would rather but.....Please make an appointment for a thorough physical.

    Jo...yes, I know wonderful Drs but the way Lorita drives they are ove 2 hours away from her and involve major hiways. 

    Company and gatherings will be over tomorrow. I will miss but enjoy having my routine back again.

    IMHO...don't think I would keep a mask in it's origional container or in a pocket. Somehow I think the germs could be spread that way.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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     Judith, a neighbor friend once told me that it was good for her kids to come and visit but she was always glad to see their tail lights turn the corner when they were going home.  At our age we're set in our ways and always ready to get back into our normal routine.

     Looking forward to the pictures.  Did you have a good time and do lots of dancing?

     I hadn't thought about mask storage - on the others I just fold them up and put them in my pocket or on the dash of the vehicle.  I always try to keep one in my purse in a baggie.  Something to think about.

     I will talk with Dr. R. , again, about depression.  He has written two prescriptions for depression meds - got one filled and just threw it again (expired) a couple of days ago.  I think I have the other one in my purse - also too old to fill.  Had an unsettling experience with depression meds many years ago.  I thought I was fine but my doctor (not the one I have now) thought I was depressed - so, I started taking the medication and my hands began to shake.  I told her and she increased the dosage and the shaking got worse - so, I stopped taking them.  I just need something that's very mild.  The Librium I keep and take occasionally is for anxiety.  Very seldom take one but they do help.

     I've gone to this doctor for many years and really like him and have confidence in him.  Now he's the only doctor in our town - hate the day he decides to retire.  I've always gone to Osteopaths except for a couple of times.  A good portion of his patients are elderly so I have confidence in him and he's a very good diagnostician.  An MD I once worked with told me, jokingly,  that the only thing an Osteopath had going for him was a good bedside manner.At the hospital our employee health doctor was an MD and I think one was an Osteopath.

     I've kept journals for probably 35 years, at least and today thought I'd look for 2016 to see what I did when I had EBV then.  I found every one of them - except 2016.  I have no idea where it could be.  The rest are in a box.

     Got the trash ready to take down in the morning - didn't do it last week.  I have empty boxes on the front porch so will take some of them and several big ones I've broken down.  Still three big boxes from Chewy sitting out there  so will open them this week.  They're sacks of cat or dog food and cases of canned food.  I do use a dolly to bring them inside but still have to get them out of the boxes and onto the dolly.

     Had thought about a nap but haven't gotten around to it - maybe now.  Too cold to be outside - 58 but windy.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Store my mask in brown paper bag.  This is what we stored our N95 in at work.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Did anyone watch Tony Bennett with Lady Gaga?  I posted on the general boards but did not post on this thread.  There might be a repeat on cbs.com or CBS app.  I thought their performances were great.  Tony sang well!

    My sleep is up and down.  One night I'm awake all night, the next night I sleep through the night.  Sigh.  When I sleep poorly, I can barely function.  


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    28F, -2C.  

    Iris did not see that program.   Usually I sleep well.  Once in a while have a bright eyed night.  Will make me tired next day.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Didn't see it either, Iris.  Was tied up with football and Yellowstone.  Glad you enjoyed it.

    It's 37 here this morning and supposed to be around 60 and warmer each day.

    Slept good last night. Took down trash and    watching MASH now.  

    Hope everyone is well this morning.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,760
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    Iris....missed it. We had the last family meal last night. I will look to see when it might be rerun.

    Lorita...when you post again please include when your Drs appointment is. Yes, that is a push to make one!

    Here is some info on the Morton's


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    I missed it too, Iris.  However; last night PBS had a special event, (fund raising time), and they repeated a performance with Andrea Bocelli and guests; one of which was Tony Bennett and Bocelli singing together.  It was from about nine years ago, so Bennett was in fine form.  Interesting that Tony Bennett's real name is, Anthony Dominick Benedetto.  Lovely.  The real emotion wringer of the program was Bocelli and Celine Dion singing a beautifully done duet of, "Time To Say Goodby," from the Phantom of the Opera.   It really was truly beautiful and also somewhat sad.

    Lorita; you are a brave and stalwart person.  The decisions you are now making are heavy of heart and difficult to do.  You are on the right path and as you work this out in consultation with your attorney, it will take on more light.   There is no huge rush, so you have time to get it set in your mind and heart for what you really want for the best for yourself as time moves forward.  Have to say though, it did bring tears to my eyes knowing how special the ranch is to you.  I do not think it odd at all that you talked with your parents and grandparents about the decision.  Frankly; I talk to my Loved Ones who have gone before me and do it time to time.  Never, ever gone from us.

     As for the physical self.   Well; best not to continue to "assume" what you think maybe is going on; that can be way off from what is really happening inside the body. Always a possibility you may be right, but there is even more of a possibility that something else not even on your radar screen might be going on.  Sure hope you make that doctor's appt. very soon instead of guessing and assuming. I have done that myself and then was really surprised at what was actually happening.  Silly me.   Judith is also probably on spot; while you may have physical issues needing identification and addressing; there may well be a bit of depression.  You have been having to make the decision you never, ever wanted to make and you are pretty well isolated with no backup. That is a truly a heavy burden.

     I really enjoyed seeing the two GPs taking their fluffy, sweet naps.  They are beautiful dogs; wish I could see them in person and play with them . . . and of course hope they would let me hug them.  I sure do love dogs.  I saw a bit of the national dog show on TV last night; so many different breeds and all of them with such sweet faces.  I never could judge "Best of Breed," because I would want them all to win.


  • extex
    extex Member Posts: 62
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    Lorita, I have lucked out on the mono so far thank God.  Thanks for the ordering and using info on the new masks.  I fear we will all be needing them again soon.

    I had a longer post written earlier but hit the wrong button and lost it.  This system is unforgiving.

    Have a great day all!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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     Had a call from Daniel a few minutes ago.  He's had a death in the family so that's why he didn't get back to me Friday.  He'll call back this afternoon with an estimate.  Whatever it may be, it has to be done.  He said they'd do it from the inside so that will involve moving the wardrobe and taking up the floor and subfloor, jacking up the joists, replacing whatever subfloor that needs replaced and the hardwood floor.  I may have them move the wardrobe to the wall where the dresser is and move the dresser there.  Hate to have someone in the house that much but it's supposed to be warm this week so the window can be opened and I'll have them wear masks.  I hope they can do it this week.  I say "we" because sounds like he'll have help - maybe the stone mason.  Also they'll put flashing around the house between the rock and siding and Daniel says he has done stone work so he can replace the stuff between the rocks and replace those that have fallen off. 

     I will make the doctor's appointment after this work is done - it has to be done and while the weather is good is best.  I've read my journal when I had EBV and CMV before and sounds the same.  The only difference is the fall that has made the costo worse.  It's hurting now because I took down the trash.  Iris, I again, filled the trash bags too full and they were heavy.  Hopefully, this work will only take a couple of days. 

     Jo - I talk to the people who lived here quite a lot - Charles, every day, and I talk to the dogs and cats and I truly believe they understand what I say.   The GPs stayed outside last night and are now inside, fast asleep.  I have the papers on the farm that go way, way back.  First people who lived here were Indians and a few families since then.  My parents moved here in 1936. Always wanted to keep the farm in the family and if I do sell it and keep the house, it will still be in the family while I'm here.

     Carol called this morning - she will be 85 Dec. 15.  Gets tired easily so she understands how I feel.  It's so sweet of all of you to be concerned but I'm 98% sure the way I feel is from the EBV and the fall.  I'm not running a temp, no nausea, vomiting or diarrhea - just the tiredness.  Thanks, Judith, for the info on Morton's.  Seems from what I've read before it happens to women more than men and often bilaterally.  This is not from wearing too-tight shoes or too-narrow shoes because I haven't done that. Did wear heels when I was working but only to and from work and to and from the Canteen - otherwise wore what we used to call "pixie" shoes.  Since retirement - no heels - I'm way past that.  I know you have my best interest at heart but recovery will take time. When I first had it, it took from mid-Sept. to Jan. or Feb. to get better.  I was able to continue feeding, slowly and probably could this time but don't  think I will.  After all, I'm five years older now.  If, after they have the work done, I'm still feeling like this I may see the doctor.  I'm resumed taking the prescribed meds for the EBV and I will rest as much as I can.  Not feeding now and creeper is full so not much to do except feed Tom and Jerry.

     Decision about the farm has to be made but like Jo said, I have time and he could take over at any time.  When he was here Saturday the girls were all around the creeper so he saw them and said they look good.  Makes me feel good when the men who are here tell me that and especially a vet. 

     I have one little spot in my left, upper chest that's still sore - I fell with my hand/thumb against my left chest so that's the reason for that.  I'm using Theragesic on it and a heating pad on my back when the costo pain goes through.  I'm sorry, I'm a bit stubborn but I do so appreciate your concern.  We'll see how things go after the repair work is done.  Like I said I'm sure the snakes are in brumation right now.  I saw a wasp setting on my boot outside the front door this morning - was too cold for him to move around.  Also turned off the Dyna-Trap for mosquitos.

     Again, thank you.  Keep reminding me - we'll take care of this if it's still bothering me, after the work is done. Have to have it done while he can do it.

     It's supposed to be in the high 60s to 70s this week and no rain - so, now is the time to get things done.  Not going to worry about the barn - I can close the big doors and I think Bryon and Shane can get the cowshed doors closed for the winter - or I may have Daniel build a new door.  Not going to worry about the utility room floor this fall - not out there much anyway.

     Jo - Stormy and Sheena are wonderful and so cuddly.  Hard to imagine that Sheena will be eight this spring and Stormy will be seven.  Time has gone fast.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Changed my mind. My appt. Is at 2:15  tomorrow.  The spot in my chest is bothering me today.    I've had pneumonia two or three  times so guess I better get it checked out.  Not sure when Daniel was going to begin with work but will    need to wait til Wed.
  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Iam still at my daughter's house in Longview, Wash.  I am having a good rest. Molly and Sammy are having a lot of fun playing with the 3 cats my daughter has. They keep me pretty busy with 2 cat boxes being cleaned out twice a day. My daughter and her husband leave here Friday for a 7-day cruise, then I really will be busy feeding all these critters.  Three of the cats are kittens all under 6 months old so they run and play all day and sleep good at night. 

    I did take a fall 7 days ago I fell down to the ground from about a foot off the back porch. Lucky, I did not break anything I am sore in one of my knees and lower back. Tylenol seems to work well. 

    Lorita,  Iam sorry you're having so much to deal with. but it looks like all your plans are in place and if something happens sooner than you think hopefully Mike will be able to step in and take over. This way you will be able to sit back and enjoy your girls and not have to worry about the feeding and the upkeep. I think as long as you stay in your house your stress will be gone and you will live longer.  Sounds like you are getting all your repairs under control, it amazes me how organized you are with so many things. Now it is time to devote all the energy to taking care of yourself, and its a good start by going to the Dr tomorrow. 

    Judith, sounds like you had a real good time at the Ball and I would love to see the pictures of you all dressed up. Enjoy getting back to normal. 

    Iris, I was going to watch Tony Bennett, last night but I forgot all about it. I bet it was really good. 

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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     Zetta, I can only imagine how much running, playing and noise three little kittens would make.  I have quite enough with the two Savannah cats.  I think Lilly is either two or three and Sammy about a year younger,  They sleep part of the night, and about 4:30 they think it's play time.  Maybe tonight will be different because they haven't been sleeping much.  I'm trying to fix it so the men who work on the bedroom floor won't be in this part of the house.  The sunroom is next to the bedroom and has an outside door so I can clear out all, or some, of the things I have in there and they can go and come through that door.  I have Charles' wheelchair and the exercise thing plus a battery charger (on wheels) a long pole saw and I think there's a chair you use in the bathtub plus other things.  I've cleared out his closet and have clothes laying on the divan and when I got the bedroom ready for them to work I moved boxes of clothes in the sunroom.  It'll work out and make me feel better having them not in this part of the house.  The cats are so curious and are having fun exploring.

     There is another wrinkle (I'm tired of wrinkles, all kinds).  The propane guy just came and filled our tank.  He came inside (wore a gater) and listened to the sounds the stove (heater) makes.  He called the guy at the office who cleans heaters and he said it was still dirty so he'll come one day this week and finish cleaning it.  The two young men who came from a plumber cleaned it but didn't have the right tool with them to clean one other, little place.  I did ask him if propane has a smell - it has an awful smell, he says, and stays low when there's a leak - whereas natural gas floats up.  Now, the wrinkle - the guy who will come to finish cleaning the stove has been visitng with his dad who had or has covid!  Of course I'll wear my KN94 and I'm sure he'll have a mask - or I'll give him one to wear.  I will open the dining room windows (double windows and not get close.  Oh, and in the sunroom and bedroom I can have the windows open - there's three sets of double windows in those rooms. 

     I'll be glad when this week is over and hope they get the bedroom finished.  I've had the doors open to the bedroom today and the cats have been exploring - curious beings they are. 

     Opened all but one of the Chewy boxes and brought cat and dog food inside - with the dolly so I'm hurting and leaning against the heating pad.

     Yes, Zetta, Mike could take over from one day to the next if need be.  I would so like to talk with Darwin to see how they handled it. He leased all of his land - about 800 acres plus buying all of his cattle. 

     I've been watching Rawhide.  Can you get it at our daughters?  Eric Fleming was such a good actor - sad he had to pass away when only 46 years old.  He was making a movie and drowned.  And, the way Clint Eastwood has changed from when he was so young and making Rawhide. 

     So glad you're enjoying your visit.  Where will your daughter and her husband be cruising?  I know you're having a good time but sure you'll be glad to be back in your own home.  Have there been any moose or elk around your house yet?

    I don't feel organized, Zetta - at least not the way I'd like to be but so much depends on return calls.  When I go in tomorrow I'll stop by the mechanics, after my doctor's visit, and see if they have time to put on the new blower.  They probably won't have time to look at the brakes but that can be done later.  The way this new variant is progressing I will be staying home and away from people after I get these things settled.  Doesn't sound like it's going to be too good.  Carol says she hardly ever sees anyone wearing ia mask - and they should be.

     Cheyenne just came on but I've seen it.  Think I'll take an acetaminophen and lay down on the divan. Stormy's outside so it's vacant.

     Enjoy the rest of your day, everyone.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita,  Yes I will be glad to get back home I miss my bed my recliner and being with just Molly and Sammy, and my son in the cabin out back. I think what I might do is leave my daughters house the day they will be getting home that way I will not be catching anything they got while on the cruise.

    They will be cruising from Fort Lauderdale to Key West, Half Moon Cay, Amber Cove, Grand Turk, Nassau, back to Fort Lauderdale. My daughter works for this cruise line and they give out cruises to the employees. She sells cruises so this way she can share what she is selling. She has cruised many places. Sometimes its employees only and other times spouses or a guest like me can go along. I have not been on one yet, but maybe next year. 

    I will be waiting to hear how your Dr appt went. Kittens are crazy. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh gosh, Lorita, I am so glad you are going to see the doctor tomorrow, thank you for doing that.  I wondered if you had a small bone fracture or a "cracked" rib from when you fell . . . . and dear one; that deep fatigue and other symptoms can come from SO many different conditions; it is great you are going to get a concrete diagnosis rather than trying to assume and treat the "whatever" yourself.  Bless you.

    If I may, (when do I ever shut up she asks), when you see the doctor, try not to give him your "diagnosis."  Give him the symptoms - all of them - big and small no matter what, and for how long you have had them, and the history of the fall and let him percolate his diagnostic thinking.  Also,  if he does not think to do so, encourage him to order a good assortment of complete labs to rule in or out anything going on with the body that may be a bit hidden.   After symptoms are given, one can mention having had EBV and CMV; but so much time has gone by and much has happened that you realize that may not be it and it will be good to know for certain when all the labs come back.  He will appreciate that and you sure do not want him missing anything.

    Your poor foot.  Getting "mature" is not always a box of candy, that is for sure.  Have you ever had special wide and extra deep shoes and ever a special insert?  Wonder also if the foot has been injected with a steroid which does help some people.  Sure wish it was not so bothersome; has to be a real tribulation when it acts up.  Wonder if it acts up especially after you have worn a particular set of shoes or boots . . . boy; the body does what the body does and seems to do "it" more often in later years except that when far younger, we used to bounce back with nary a thought.

    Got to go and get a call out to a business I have been trying to catch for over a week.  I sure will be thinking of you tomorrow, Lorita; we're all going to be with you, (but we will close our eyes if you have to take any clothes off!)

     Hugs coming at you (and for Stormy and Sheena too),


    Whoops!  P.S. Here is a sweet story I saw you may enjoy; we can all use more sweet and kind stories:


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, are you getting enough good sleep? It seems you get up early.  I'm trying to get to bed earlier myself at least before midnight.

    Zetta, those kittens could be a trip hazard.  Keep a whistle or a cell phone in your pocket in case you need to call for help.

    Sayra, it's 60 degrees at night here--that's too cold for me!

    Jo C, how fortunate you were to see Tony Bennett and Andrea Bocelli together.  That was quite a performance.  I used to watch PBS.

    I wish I could just stay in bed all day, every day! I am that wiped out!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    32F, 0C.  Little snow during night.  None on street, skiff on driveway, grass covered.  Biggest snow so far this winter.  Think sun is suppose to shine today so hopefully no shoveling required.

    Zetta sounds like you have a good plan.  Be careful and hope your soreness doesn’t last long.

    Enjoyed your link JoC.  Thank you for sharing that.

    LOL Iris.  60F can feel cool if the conditions are right.  Sorry you are feeling so tired.

    Thinking of you today Lorita.

    Had a different day yesterday.  My nephew stopped by on his way to work to drop something off.  Asked him if he would like a roast beef sandwich.  He ate that and a piece of cake.  He often gets a hour break in middle of shift which is supper time.  He only works about 5minutes from me and is a bit farther to his house.  Mentioned he could come to my house instead of going home if he ever wanted to.  Called me at break and asked if I could fix him another roast beef sandwich.  Was nice having someone in and out.

    So my spice cake is gone.  Shared some with my sister over weekend.  Guess I will fix a blueberry cobbler today.

    Have a couple of quarts of AC vinegar started and they seem to be doing well.

    Take care everyone 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good morning Iris; your fatigue has really become horribly severe beyond an "acceptable" point; I am a bit concerned on your behalf.   It seems it may be time to get to your physician to see what is happening so it can be dealt with and hopefully corrected.   Try to not push yourself too hard.  If you need groceries, you can order them online from just about any grocery chain, WalMart or Target and get car pickup with no face to face; so easy and saves all that walking up and down aisles pushing a cart and also - no exposure!

     We have been doing that; order - drive up to designated parking spaces; call in on cell and within a couple o minutes, out the order comes and is placed in trunk that is popped open and off home one goes.  It has been such a blessing.  Please let us know how you are ddoing.

     Sayra; I love spice cake.  Your frostings sounded wonderful.  Your nephew hit the jackpot!  Bet those roast beef sandwiches were delicious.   The easy, easy spice muffin/cupcakes Lorita makes comes from a recipe I got on Weight Watchers years ago.  One box of dry spice cake mix, one standard size can of pumpkin (plain pumpkin, not pie filling) one egg or equal amount egg beaters . . . . mix; put into paper cupcake liners and bake!  Lorita puts in mini chocolate chips which sounds great; can also put in raisins if one likes.  Makes almost two dozen.  They are delicious and very moist.  In fact, I cannot ice them as the tops are moist and frosting does not adhere.

    When I was a child, my mother used to bake spice cookies that were awesome, but I do not have the recipe.  She also used to bake Saffron Buns and Cardamom Seed Buns (that were braided) from scratch that were just so very wonderfully good; also do not have those recipes nor for the Swedish Rye bread she made - it was not at all regular rye bread; it was in loaves yes, but was sweeter and almost cake like in flavor; yet was truly a bread - served sliced with butter and honey.  The Scandinavians in the U.P. of Michigan used to bake those items.  Sure wish those recipes had been handed down.

     Today is appointment day; may you have a good and smooth drive Lorita.  And also hope that the garage finds the door gasket material fits your needs.  By the time you get home those two big sweet dogs should be all over you welcoming you home.

    Yikes, Zetta; that must have been quite a fall.  How are your knee and back doing?  So glad you did not get badly hurt. What a shock it must have been finding yourself airborne off the porch.  Drats and more drats.  When we least expect it . . . .

     Got to get going; need to look up our Homeowner's Policy - they raised our policy we have had for many years (and have had increases on) up $600 this year!  What in the world.  Guess we are paying for the fires and hurricanes.  Going to be looking at other companies and see how they compare for the same coverage.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Yoo-Hoo!!  Golly whillikers, am I the only one on the front porch?   Been thinking about our Lorita and imagine it was a long afternoon for her.  

    Sheena and Stormy . . . . did you give your Mom lots of fuzzy love when she got home?  Thinking of you Lorita.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    Well, made it in to see my doctor. He was uber busy but they're always able to work you in when you need to be seen.  There were at least three other people in the waiting room - but, it's a big waiting room and I always sit on the south side and no one was there.  There was a new sign on the door saying masks were required and everyone was wearing one.  While I waited I listed to those other people talk - two of them had had the virus, one of them twice.  One had never had the vaccine and from the way she talked she did not believe in taking it.  She did talk about another member of her family who has it and isn't doing well.  She talked about how she was losing her hair during and since the virus.  I bet those girls at the desk really get an earful sometimes.

     Dr. R. listened to all my symptoms and said stress could cause/aggravate every one of them.  Lungs and heart sounded good. His recommendation was to try to get rid of some of the stress - including selling the farm and moving to town.  Told him I wouldn't move to town but was considering selling.  My family has been here 85 years - if I do sell the land and keep the house, my family will still be here.  The place in my left upper chest is a muscle pull resulting from the fall - even this far out.  He asked if I'd had injections for my neuromas  - I haven't - he said he uses Theraworx and it helps him so I will order some of that.  He said a mild antidepressant couldn't hurt so wrote a script for Celexa 10 mg. once daily in the morning.  I did get it filled and will try it.  He said he was tired, too.  When he gets home all he wants to do is sit in his recliner - he's 75 (just a youngster).  Glad I went to confirm what I thought was wrong - STRESS - and how do you get rid of it.  So, I'll take my vitanins and rest all I can and try to chill out.  Think I can do that?

     Dropped of the prescription, then went to the grocery store to get some cinnamon rolls - theirs are really good.  Went back to the garage (all of these three things are very close together - within the same parking lot, really.  They haven't been able to get the part yet - another one of those not having it, then finding it (maybe) and waiting until it get there.  I still haven't paid for the battery cables but he says just wait and we'll settle up when the part comes.  Then picked up my prescription and headed home.  Jo, Stormy and Sheena met me at the gate and I got lots of sugar and crying.  They're inside, on their beds, sound asleep.  It was almost hot today, especially in the waiting room.  The "little" room was cooler - nurse said she had turned off the heat back there that morning. 

     Zetta - I think you're very smart in leaving the day your daughter gets back home so there's no chance of getting anything.  I know you'll be glad to be home - I'm glad to be home tonight just being gone a couple of hours.  Iris is right about cats possibly causing falls.  Be careful.  Sammy runs in front of me and falls down on the floor and stretches out, full length, in front of me so I have to really watch him.

     Thank you, Jo and Judith, for the gentle push to go to the doctor.  Glad I did - nice to see him - I thought I was okay - just the darn stress and fall.

     Iris, I think I get enough sleep - usually go to sleep with the TV on.  I like to get up and out early so I can see the girls as they change pastures - I'll do that even if I sell them.  Normally I'm a morning person - just lately not liking to get up too early.  Maybe it is time for you to also go to the doctor to get checked out.  Even though I worked with them for 33 years, I still don't like to go and put it off as long as I can.  It's not a good feeling to feel tired all the time.  You think of things you want to do and just don't have the energy to get it done.   I'm so glad you've decided to be a member of our porch club - so nice to have you with us.

     I watched your link, Jo, and enjoyed it but at the moment can't remember what it was - thank you.

     Sara - snow - and blueberry cobbler.  On the weather this morning it showed the snow in your area - looks like a couple of rounds of it.     I saw part of a recipe on TV today and I think they were using pumpkin spice chips.  Is there such a thing?  I looked on WM.com and couldn't find them - but that would really be good in those muffins.  I may make some tomorrow but may try making a loaf instead of muffins.  Jo, I don't always use an egg in mine either.  Oh, the recipe was for the pumpkin-spice muffins - they used half a cup of water and the egg and chips. They also used a yellow cake mix.  If I don't have a spice cake mix, I use a white one and add the spices. 

     I saw on the world news a while ago that CNN has put Chris Cuomo on indefinite leave because of the legal help he has given his brother.  Want to watch the first of Don Lemon's show to see what he says about it.

     I mentioned the new variant to Dr. R. and he says he's not worried about it. I don't plan to be going anywhere unless it's a necessity.  Did talk to the nurse about the pneumonia shot I got three or four years ago - it's the Prevnar 13 ot 20 that I still need.  They don't give it in the office but write a prescription to get it at the pharmacy.  I think the Health Dept. would be where I'd get it if they offer it there.  Next time I'm in town.

     It's supposed to be in the 70s all this week - guess I better enjoy it because the cold weather isn't far behind.  Need to get some more gas for the Gator so I'll do that one day soon.

     Enjoy the evening - and thanks for being there with me this afternoon. Kept on all my clothes, too.   Sleep well.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Jo C, going to the grocery store is my primary social activity and entertainment.  I don't want to give that up.  It's my main connection to the outside world.

    I went to the vet today for one of my cats, $500 for exam and lab tests.  She had to be sedated so that was extra.  I will get the results tomorrow.  She has rectal bleeding and is pulling out her fur.

    I have been consulting doctors for over thirty years regarding this fatigue and sleep problems.  The most they can offer is sleeping pills.  I am awaiting the results of my sleep apnea test from 2020.  I was unable to follow up sooner due to Covid; I did not want to deal with CPAP blowing into my face with Corona flying around.

    Lorita, you sound like you are able to get around okay.  Keep going!  Feel better!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    29F, -2C.  Sunny yesterday, but chilly.  Suppose to be rainy today.  All the snow has melted off.

    JoC you have many fond memories of food from childhood.  I do too but ours are so very different.  My families were very poor and the foods we ate reflected that.  Never the less we were blessed to have good food to eat.

    Lorita enjoy those cinnamon rolls.  Like a good cinnamon roll.  Haven’t had one in a long time.

    You asked about the pumpkin spice chips.  I don’t know about those.  

    Iris think many of us who live alone find the grocery store as a social activity.    Before I was vaccinated and had my KF94 I did pickup.  Was very thankful for it.  It is the only thing normal I get to do.  

    Iris if you have sleep apnea and it is untreated, will definitely make you tired.  When severe they fall asleep during a conversation, fall asleep driving etc..   You probably already know this but it is one of the leading causes of high blood pressure, very hard on your heart which eventually becomes hard on your kidneys.  One vicious circle.  Hopefully you can get that taken care of pretty soon if you have it.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita,  glad to hear you went to your Dr and nothing serious. Of course, stress can be serious and you do need to try and reduce your stress level. I'm one to talk ain't I!

    Brother, sister and SIL are still here. Sister is leaving today and brother and SIL tommorow after my sleep clinic appointment. Guess the dr will try and convince me again to use the CPAP, but its almost impossible for me; cant tolerate it and Lou needing me. Perfect example was Lou waking me up at 11:30 wondering if she needed to get up. I woke up again at 2 needing bathroom and never could go back to sleep. Now at 7 lou has sit up in bed twice wondering if she needed up. So, my sleeping problem is not with mild sleep apnea, it's my prostate and Lou. 

    Hope to see everyone soon on the front porch feeling good and sharing stories. 


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Well; frustrating . . . . once again wrote a Post and when Posting it I got the error message and it not only lost my Post, but knocked me completely off the Board. 

     When this happens to you, please use the Contact Us prompt at the top of the page and let the Tech folks know.  They will always say, "Timed out," or a "connectivity problem," whatever that means, but it has been happening to multiple Members lately, so perhaps the Tech folks can find a way to fix it if they know it is happening more and more.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,760
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    What a great Drs report!
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    It was good to visit with him and to get some answers.   Now to find how to get rid of stressors. Had another one , or two, this morning. Talked with Daniel. He's waiting for quotes from lumber yard.  If I have him to the work he can't do it til next week.    Nothing I can do about that.  

    Beautiful day.  Ron, sounds like you can use a nap-Lou, too.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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     Where is everyone this afternoon?

     Iris, the cost for vet care is as much, or almost as much, as it is for humans.  I know our vet bill can be pretty high every year.  Hope everything's okay for your cat.

     I'm doing all right.  My feet don't bother me as much during the day - it's at night when the bottoms of them, mostly the right, seem to either burn or be cold - can't really tell which.  I covered our window air condition this afternoon and by the time I was finished I was exhausted - costo giving me fits.  I didn't have a real cover so improvised using two big black trash bags.  I think what bothered me was pulling the duct tape off the roll to cut.  Sticks like nobody's business when you don't want it to.  Maybe this will work.  I made a cover for the inside so maybe one of them will work.  The north wind coming in through it gets cold.

     Ron, hope you got that nap today. I didn't - always think about taking one but never get it done.  Stormy has been sleeping most of the afternoon on the divan and Sheena on her bed.  Finally brought both beds into the LR for them.  Cats really like to lay on them, too.

     Sara - the brand of those cinnamon rolls is "Lone Star" - not sure if they're made in Texas though. Our store used to carry them and I got used to having them - then they stopped but they're back again. I bought two packages and when I get around to it will freeze a couple in each baggy.  Thinking of some yogurt for supper - good with graham crackers but guess that's defeating the purpose.

     What kinds of food did you eat when you were growing up?  I bet you all raised most of it - just like us.  My folks were pretty self sufficient except for flour, meal, sugar, coffee and guess that's about it.  We had our own milk, butter, meat, vegetables, lard - canned a lot until we got a freezer, then froze and canned.  I think people who lived in the country and had gardens did all right.  I can't remember going without  and everyone was in the same shape.  I can remember grandma making lard with that big, black iron pot over a fire outside - then the cracklins.  We used to keep a huge can of lard by the door inside the pantry.  Seems like I heard on TV a few days ago that people are going back to using lard.

     Sandy - nice visit today.  I did it!  I called Sam and no answer so left message.  He just called me back.  Looks like it'll be around 14-15% federal tax on capital gains.  I need to try to find what my parents paid for the place - probably not too much in 1936.  I remember Charles and I looked at a farm in the early 70s (not this many acres) and the cost of it was $7,000.  He said to try to find that and he'd run the numbers.  Quite a chunk they'll take.  So, guess that's the first step (maybe second since he and I have talked about it).  I did ask him if it would be better to sell now or next year - said it wouldn't really matter.   I have the abstract and Sam said it might be on there.  That $7,000 sticks in my mind but I know that wasn't this farm.    

     It's been a beautiful day - sunny, warm and calm winds.  Just couldn't be nicer.  Hard to think that winter is near and thinking about how cold it can be.  The wind really does come sweeping down the plains here in Oklahoma, just like the song says.

     Never got around to doing anything really except covering the AC.  Wanted to make the apple crisp before the apples go bad and needed to do those dratted dishes - but didn't.  I've just sat here like a bump on a log.  Someone asked me my address today and for the life of me I could not think of all those numbers.  Guess I'm going to have to write it down in big letters and keep it by the phone.  The old address was much easier. Sometimes I don't have the sense God gave a goose. 

     Didn't take my new pill today - or for that matter, didn't take my vitamins either.  Hate swallowing those little pills, especially D-3.  Glad I got that doctor's visit done - thanks to all of you for that gentle push.  I need that sometimes.

     It's only shortly after 5 p.m. and it's getting dark - seems like night really does fall like the cartoons say.

     Hope all of you are well today.  Have a good night's sleep.



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,760
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    I assume Sam is your CPA. I would have him run the numbers on leasing too. It may be better for you to sell the cows and lease to Mike but then what happens when you die??? It is all too much to figure out. I hate doing this stuff.

    I hope you have  some records of your capital expenses/improvements over the years. I think those get deducted so your net gain will be less.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Its been raining most of the day here. If I was at home, I would be in my recliner watching the rain.  My daughter likes privacy, so all her drapes are closed. They leave for the cruise on Friday so I will then open the drapes and neighbor watch. 

    Lorita,  I am glad the Dr did not find anything other than stress being your problem, and stress is a problem. I have been taking antidepressants for many years it's been long enough that I really don't know what stress is. I have a little stress at times but not like I used to. Once you decide and start making the plans to sell to Mike, I bet your stress level really drops. 

    Sara,  Thank You and my soreness did not last too long. A week for the knee and a few days longer for the back. Soreness is all gone now.

    Jo,   The fall was not a big drop. but big enough it hurt. I am surprised I did not bruise. I am really careful when I take Molly out to potty, so it does not happen again. 

    Lorita, Jo and Iris,  Thank You for the concern about me being tripped by all these cats. I am being really careful because they all gang up on me at feeding time. Molly is good about watching my feet and she stays out of my way.

    Take Care All, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,311
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    He is, Judith.  He's done our taxes for years so guess he would have all that information.    If I leased  I'd still have the problem of the land and still have stress of what to do. D. Did that but he has kids.  I hate these decisions, too.

    Where are those  pictures?

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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