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Just need to talk to my friends (160)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    21F, -6C.  We got a skiff of snow yesterday morning.  Made things a bit slippery, but is gone now.

    Cannot speak for UPS  or Fedex.  My sister works for USPS, they are so short staffed where she works.  They are forced to work overtime, often has to work one of her days off, they are always making new rules that cause customers to be annoyed with them.  Get written up, can be fired for not following the rules, on and on it goes. Dog bites are a huge issue with postal carriers and believe my sister told me they do not have to deliver if they do not trust the dog. Meanwhile their service gets worse.  My sister told me they had to cut one of the carries pant leg off the other day because her knee was so swollen.  Guessing she was not able to come to work next day which makes them even shorter.  Understand your frustration with the system Lorita. 

     Something that may be an answer for people who can do this is to install RING.  My sister has it and like today she is  hoping a package comes that she needs today.  She will know if that package arrives even though she is at work.  She is going to call me if it comes, to go get it and bring it to her at work.  So that is an option for people who need to know when things arrive where not easily seen.  Believe there is a monthly fee that is not real expensive and there is the initial cost.  

    JoC haven’t had a TV in many years.  Cut it off back with original cable.  They kept adding channels, raising price and there were very few channels I had interest in watching.  Back then most had TV.  But now I have had quite a few people tell me that got rid of TV for various reasons.  Have never missed it because did not care for it to begin with.  There are many more options today. 

    Lorita love those windows you can clean from inside.  Hope to replace mine with those when I’m able. Meanwhile they are embarrassingly dirty as this mature lady not getting on a ladder to clean them.

    My friends S & BIL got to see each other yesterday.  A lady I know of died from covid recently.  Had seen her obituary.  My sister works with one of her relatives and he was telling  her about it.  Meanwhile when me and my KF94 are out and about we feel lonely and abandoned if you know what I mean lol.  That’s ok.

    Ron is your DIL doing ok?

    Iris glad you got the knocking figured out.  

    Take care

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hey there Lorita; I love hearing about the history of what happened on the ranch and how things were long ago.    Truly wonderfully interesting times that evolved as years changed things.  Isn't it really lovely to have had such a background and experiences as part of your life?   It is like a gift.   (Leaving out the losses of our LOs as that is a loss that cannot be measured) . . . Just wish that getting very "mature" wasn't so hard on our bodies and most of all on our emotions as we face changes which we do not want to make but "needs must" as they say.  Kind of scary when we reach that state and until one does, they do not really have an in-depth idea the many impacts.   It is sometimes like having a large cloud looming on the horizon and moving closer with the possiblity of thunder and lightning and we SO hope it does not land over our heads and heave all the noise and trouble in our direction or smite us down. 

    Sayra; gosh, sorry about the cost of TV where you are.  We have underground cable and there is a fee but not that severe and we get so much in a bundle that it carries all the basic and many premium channels.   Love a good movie, so it comes in handy in the nights.  We stopped our two newspapers as they both got horribly expensive, so TV is also where I get updates of local news as well as national, BUT refuse to listen to too much for obvious reasons and try to watch only those channels or news programs not politically focused with bias.  To keep the news from being overly florid and clear, I sometimes like to watch international news on BBC.  They do it differently and I pick up so much more regarding the ever changing international news.

    Sayra; your poor tummy.  From the writings done over time, I do wonder if you have an undiagnosed IBS.  If so, there is medication to really help.  A troubled GI tract and its results one way or another is really awful and truly can affect the quality of life and one does not always know when it is going to strike.  Eating can become a minefield at times depending on the guts "mood."  No fun at all. 

    As for UPS; yes, those drivers must load their own trucks back to front and high; and they are indeed on a timed schedules that is frequently near impossible especially during the holidays.  It is big time stress and hurry, hurry, hurry.  We know someone personally who works for UPS; it is a really hard job with little appreciation from their own bosses and admin.  Our mail delivery persons also have a very hard time of it on busy routes; and think of the weather those folks work in.  Good retirement benefits if one can do the job that long without the body wearing down.  Recent changes have not made it any easier for the USPS working folks; instead it has made things more difficult on many fronts.

    As for the RING door/camera/alarm; we have one and I love it. If someone approaches down the walkway to the porch, a set of "fairy chimes" goes off letting us know someone is there (one can set different tones); and then one also gets an instant alert on the cell phone and you can look on the cell and see who specifically is there on the property on camera.  Can also speak to the person so you can find out what they want if it is not a delivery person.   I find this comforting for security screening and getting delivered packages off the porch right away.  Since one can set their cell phone to pick up someone at their house no matter where they are, whether at work, while out shopping, at appointments, you still get the alarm, can see who is there and can speak to the person all using the cell phone.  Love it.

    RING has a wide view of things and we can even see the front of our neighbors houses.  It is unobtrusive and looks like a doorbell.  DH also got extra cameras that are high quality and do not stick out really far, so we can get a good look at whatever and whoever; just the RING is sufficient, but DH is retired law enforcement and it is his "thing."   Really strange this is something to think about doing, but the world is a harder place as the news tells us each day.  Ugh!  I think it is a very good product and convinced our single daughter to put one at her front door in Houston for her safety too.

    For nighttime, what we also have done was to put motion detection lights from the front of the garage, to the entry of our porch and even down the side and back of the house.  There is no one who can get around the house and into the side and back yards without being seen.

    I think especially if one is a woman living alone, it is a good safeguard to have a RING setup and motion detector lights for nighttime so one can tell if someone is on their porch or skulking about their house.  Can animals set off the chimes if they are approaching the porch?  Yes; but doesn't happen that often.

    Strong vinegar and water solution is how my mother used to wash our windows.  On our house we started using a commercial product which the name is escaping me now, and it prevented streaks.  However; we now have our windows done.  It is a big two story house and the windows downstairs are all french panes and two bay windows which are hard to get to the panes across their wide inside area.   I usually did the downstairs windows and DH did upstairs using a tall ladder and one window that requires getting on the roof; (so worried about his falling off the ladder), or I would do all the insides and he would do outside; we had plain windows at the time - no french panes, no bays, no french doors.  BUT way too many windows now and too difficult in multiple ways.  We have a fellow who does the windows which has been a good move.  Brings his own ladder and equipment; takes down all the screens from all windows and washes them; does the windows and then puts screens back and absolutely no streaks.  Also reasonably priced and so fast and they sparkle.  And . . . then it rains!  Like washing the car; do it and guaranteed to start raining.

    Gosh Iris; what a surprise finding out what the knocking sound was from.   That must have been quite a startling thing.  So hope it does not become bothersome for you.  If you had not found the source of the knocking sound you would have been left thinking you had the same "dream" every time they played their music.

     Spoke to someone in the U.P. of Michigan in my hometown yesterday and they shared that they had eleven inches of snow a few nights ago!  Eleven inches!  Imagine getting the walks and drives cleared and getting the car out and getting the kids to school and getting back and forth to work in the aftermath.  Whew!  Hardy folks up in those parts.

    Don't do too much Lorita if you can help it, hope you can save your side and keep that dratted costochondritis at bay as much as possible.  I feel awful for your pain when it ramps up with you being alone and no one to pick up and lend a hand.  Glad you get your naps now and then, the body does benefit. 

    It is now 6:15 a.m. here and about to get another day started.  May it be a good one for one and all,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,761
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    Lorita...what exactly did the Dr say about your "costo"? Re your blood work, must you have an  appointment for it? Here we just go to the lab with the order.

    Jo....French pane window? I have never heard that term. Origionally we had devided lights but for replacement we chose simulated devided. The muntins are still wide and beautiful and they were much less expensive. We ordered them primed on both sides and then painted the color to match the house. The clad was not a match.

    There are days that I think about cutting the cable but since it is bundled with my WiFi and my land line I would not save enough to worry about and like Jo, I  have channels that I would miss. I do watch a lot of news, movies, PBS, BBC. Also Yellowstone!

    Beth, my son installed HULU so I will watch First Wave. Thank you for the rec.

    Iris....mystery solved! Sorry you are feeling fatigued. Can you ease up some? I hate to acknowledge it but at 80 I find that pacing myself is a part of my day. I also must do this because of the vestibular problem. I can go full tilt but then the next day is really slow. Oh, well.

    What do you all think of brownies with a bit of crushed peppermint for the holidays? I got the idea from crushed's brownies he made with sprinkles.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    I sympathize and watch about Lorita’s issue with the farm. Wrestling with “family farm” issues myself, and I don’t even live there…

    Since you asked for stories: my fathers family came from England in the early 1700s, with a land grant from the King for thousands of acres in what’s now SC and NC. Most of it was passed down.  Nobody did much with it in the last 100 years except keep cows.

    My dad and his sibs sold almost all of it 50? years ago—except my dad kept a good bit, and we had a house there for summers and weekends. I had horses, donkeys, all kinds of fowl, etc.Always some cows grazing. I loved “exploring” and building forts, all that.

    My mom grew up on a subsistence farm. Sold some crops, peaches, and cotton. No running water, no toilets. She was the first to attend college—Berea. Her farm  was more fun for me,  the critters were more varied and kept closer to home. Couple “old maid”:aunts stayed there until the 60s, then it was all sold. 

    Both parents were in education, and married late. Schools in that area of SC had segregation “problems,” and my parents got extra  pay, and a *house* given to them, to open 2 new schools under  deseg. They were far, far from liberal, but the law was the law. The KKKlan burned crosses on our lawn….that area is still known as “the Dark Corner,” and it has nothing to do with lights.

    My time was split between there and “the farm” on summers and weekends, until college where I could get away. My mother sold most remaining land about 30 years ago. She was in her 70s, loved outside and farm stuff and did everything—fencing, Bush hog, animals, regular maintenance —until she could not, not physically nor all the prep and processes needed. The realtor said those kind of “land grant farms,” land that’s never been bought or sold, were  rare back then. 

    But—the problem—I myself still own 10 acres. I offered to *give* it to cousins, they don’t want it. Tried to sell, very low price, nope. I can’t live there, can’t with DH, and wouldn’t anyway, especially since I’m getting older too.

    There’s certainly great sentimental value, but *somebody* lord knows who, will get it when I die, and I’d rather have some say-so in that than just letting the courts give it to lord knows who or what.

    Anyway, I worked after college. Almost always for government and NGOs and mostly in communications/PR/marketing. Dealt a lot with legislation, and in legislation, consumer issues, criminal justice, natural disasters and a little health care. And in political campaigns (more marketing). . 

    Work had me travel all over the country, Caribbean and Central America. It was fabulous, and kind of amazing to think I got paid to do all that. Most places were isolated and third-world, some places were truly dangerous. I was in jail briefly in Haiti, released because the local voodoo priest wanted Polaroid pix—unknown in those parts. Dealt with drug smugglers convicted of murder in the islands;  slept  with clothes and shoes on because of the civil war in Nicaragua …that old saying, god looks after fools and drunks. Saw some wonderful places, but very few suitable for tourism. I’d go back to Nicaragua in a flash. But Haiti is just lost. And yes, I believe voodoo can work. 

    DH was senior partner at a professional firm.  He also had to travel, and loved it. We went together when possible, although my trips were far more “regulated” and unsuitable for others, than his. I couldn’t tell him a lot of stuff until years later. 

    I was tapering off (I was old, for what I did) but had to stop it all when DH Alzheimer’s was a problem. Caregiving now keeps me home, and I really do miss my old work. I couldn’t do it all now, anyway.

    But that’s more than enough. But hopefully some may be interesting to the history/farm  buffs..and if anybody wants to buy 10 unimproved acres a thousand miles from nowhere, let me know!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,761
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    Rescue....how interesting. My husband flew for Air America ( airline owned and run by the CIA). He spent 10 years in VietNam and Laos. Many things went to the grave with him.  Have you considered donating the land?
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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     Sara, I do know what you mean about the mask - but, that's okay - we know we're safe.  Everyone that comes here (that's five people - my goodness gracious) I hold the box of masks out to them and tell them to take one - and they do without any problem.  The AFB (American Farmers and Ranchers insurance )  adjuster kept his on when we were outside talking even though we'd both had all three shots. 

     Sara, one of the men who worked at the VAMC left to work for the post office.  He said he had to almost run to make the time they set for him.  He didn't like it at all.  The UPS guy, driving a Penske truck, brought my Panatone today.  Started to leave it at the gate but I told him to come in with it.  He started to put it on the porch railing and dropped it (not far).  Hope it's okay. I sprayed the box and will open it tomorrow - still have three or four boxes to open on the porch.

     Jo - there's all kinds of stories I could tell.  Scarlet (niece) once told me I should write stories about life on the farm.   Last thing in the world I'd want to do but I do like to tell you all some of them.  Living in the country I guess could be lonesome for some people but growing up here I'm well satisfied.  I've only lived away from here a total of about two years in my 79 1/2 years.  I would hate to have to live in town but I kind of enjoyed it after Charles and I got married but we were both working at that time so it was different.

     I love this kind of life and it aggravates the dickens out of me to think about not doing these things anymore - but, I'll still  check the girls every day - just won't have to worry about getting to town for feed and feeding them. Just got back from buying a couple of 8-8 mineral tubs for the girls.  Got to visit a minute or so with the owner.  She's something else - maybe a few years younger than I but her husband is my age - and she does everything.  She loaded the tubs with a Bobcat, drives fertilizer trucks and spreads it - everything.  I guess all the women out in here do the same things their husbands do.  Ricky, who mows pastures for me, told me last year I should buy a flatbed and put a feeder on it because it would be so much easier to feed.  Sometimes I wonder if the only color flatbeds they make is white.  I saw three the hour I was gone from home and didn't even get to a highway. 

     I saw the girls while they were laying down after lunch but they're all up in the south pasture now so guess everyone's okay.  Stormy watches them and when I go out in the morning to the end of the porch to see them he goes with me and watches them while I talk to him about them.  I saw another Great Pyrenees a while ago at Kays - such beautiful dogs.  I received some Christmas cards from ASPCA a day or so ago and when I opened the envelope to look at them, there was one with a picture of a GP on it - could have been Stormy except Stormy's nose is black with one little pink spot on it.  Made me happy just seeing the card - doesn't take much to make me happy.

     Well, the AFR Adjustor came just before noon.  Afraid it's not very good news.  He's going to write the estimate and call early next week.  He doesn't think they can help on the bedroom because it's a maintenance question.  I had no idea water was getting between the rock and house - guess I should have checked it out and had something done about it.  I just thought it was the heavy wardrobe that broke the boards.  On the utility room they can help - some.  He couldn't figure out why the whole floor is spongy.  I can't either unless when it was replaced 20  years ago they used particle board and the moisture just kept spreading.  I told him the problem I was having getting someone to do the work and he said everyone's having the same problem.  I heard on the news that millions of people quit their jobs in October.  Did talk with Daniel - he's finishing up a job in another town and he says they keep adding things for him to do.  Says he thinks he can start on the work by Wednesday.

     Judith, Dr. R. didn't say anything specifically about the costochondritis - guess there's nothing that can be done for it except be careful lifting and not aggravate it by sleeping on your side.  I love to sleep on my side but can't do it anymore unless I turn in my sleep, which I probably do.  When I was working in town and also when I went to a doctor in Tulsa, that's how I got my labwork done in a big lab, too but he does a lot of it in his office and sends the rest off to be done.  He asked how long it had been since I had fasting bloodwork.  I didn't know but he looked and it had been three years - well, I had it done in 2019 and was due for a repeat in January 2020 but didn't go. 

     We have Directv which, like Sara says, kept getting more expensive.  I threatened to change to DISH which is the first kind we had so Directv took $50 off my bill for the next year so I'll stay with them for a while.  I like the channels I get and it's my only vice and entertainment.  We had to change from Dish when we got a metal roof.  So, the dish had to be put in the yard and I don't think the Dish guy wanted to do any digging to put in the cable - so we changed.

     I still haven't used that stuff you spray on the house.  I'll try to do that tomorrow.  We had those shrubs taken out on the north side and behind them, the shutters are a little discolored.  Good thing - I won't have to buy and plant new shrubs because these are coming up from the roots.  I have rosebuds and roses on both Knock-Out roses - last roses of summer.  Unbelievable that it's this warm on the 9th of December - it was 30 degrees warmer today than yesterday in a town just west of us.  Right now there's not a breath of wind - tomorrow it's supposed to be really strong with fire danger.  The Drought Monitor today showed the drought is just west of us and creeping in.  I saw lots of short pastures on my way over to get the tubs but so far didn't see anyone feeding hay yet.  Glad the girls have their liquid feed and mineral tubs and the little ones have creep.

     Rescue Mom - your life story is interesting and I can relate to some of it, too.  I don't remember not having running water but we didn't have "city" water until 1995 - used pond water for the bathroom and cistern and well water for the kitchen.  We didn't have an inside toilet until I was about 11 or 12.  It was awfully hard and cold to get up in the middle of the night and go out to the little girl's room.  We don't have the building anymore but the "stool" is still there - it's made of concrete with a concrete floor. We had the wooden rest of the stool - all of this in a little building with a door you could open on the south side plus the big door, of course.   Didn't always always have TP so there was always a Sears or Wards catalog to look at and use.  I've often thought about planting something in the stool - it's almost completely filled with dirt.  It was outside the yard but when we had the chain link fence put in we enlarged the yard on the south and west side so it's inside the yard now.

    Hold on to that ten acres -  might be worth a fortune.   They're not making land anymore but the number of people is growing by leaps and bounds.  The sun's getting low in the sky and all the grass on the other side of the pond and around it is golden.  The water in the pond looks like glass and the trees on the road a quarter mile east of us is reflecting in the water - never have figured out how that happens.

     I don't know - sometimes I think I can keep doing this but when my back or costo hurts I am sort of convinced that I can't.  Like I told Mike, I can still pretend it's mine and I know he won't mind if I go out in the pastures in the Gator and see the girls.  He's always said he likes to have someone living on his land so people won't be tempted to steal.  It's as hard as all get-out to think of this but I do realize it has to happen (most of the time anyway).

     Judith, last night on the National Finals Rodeo I saw a cowboy from Edmond.  Several of them are from Oklahoma.  Bulls were really hard to ride last night - only two were ridden  - I think there were ten or twelve.  You all should watch a little of that - really good.

     Just took a deep breath and felt the costo.  Those tubs weigh 200 lbs and they had slid all the way to the cab so I had to get up in the bed and pull or push them to the tailgate, then pull them off to the ground - always afraid they'll fall on their side and the contents will fall out - had that happen once and it was hard to get it back up straight.

     So, hope all of you rest well tonight and enjoy the rest of the day.  I did get one window washed but didn't take the time to figure out how to get the top one washed inside and out.   Gosh, forgot I have the lace curtains in the washer - need to get those dried even though they can't be put up again until the work is done.  I am so tired of waiting for that.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Jjust remembered I need to dig up caladium bulbs before the ground in those pots freezes.  Judith, are you going to try to keep yours?
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Goodness Rescue, you certainly have led a varied and interesting life.  Bet there are some good stories in there for sure.

    Whoa there, Ms. L.; seems there is a lot of pushing it going on.   Not good to keep going at warp speed; you must at least be at Mach 2 with your hair on fire!  Stress and worry can do that, but thy candle is burning at both ends and sure don't want it to sputter!  

    Judith is wise to put voice to the very important item to be done as a priority asap; that is, please get those labs.  Hopefully there is a lab that you can go to rather than doing it at the doctor's office where specimens will sit much longer before being to a lab to be processed which can sometimes affect them.

    Usually, we make an appointment for lab draws at an independent lab.  Doctor either gives lab order slip during appointment, OR the office can send the orders directly to the lab; we have done that too.  Some labs do walk-ins, so you may want to look online and see where the nearest labs are and how they do things; there may be some new labs that were not there awhile ago.  When you call the doctor to get lab orders sent, please ask him to order a very comprehensive, complete set of labs for all body systems.  It is time to get that done . . . . 80 years of age this year, and getting ready to make major life changes; before you do that, it would be best to know if you need something addressed prior to making those changes or even if you want to speed things up.  

    Cold today; small bit of rain this afternoon, but are supposed to get one to two inches on Monday.   Heavens, I had a favorite white top I like to wear under a sweater, and somehow it accidentally got heavy black grease on it in several spots; am trying to figure out best way to handle that.  Spray with stain treatment and then soak it in OxyClean . . . or? 

    It feels odd in how life changes; for so long there was my MIL who had dementia who needed so much; then my mother and step-dad both with dementia at the same time and required much care for years.  Then after they had passed, had several friends who were much older and I played it forward in honor of my mother's memory;  but now even they have all passed over the last couple of years.  My dear elderly friend in U.P. of Michigan died this last year; first Christmas gone.  I used to love sending her cards and little surprise gifts, I miss that.  I donated to needy families through the school district and that is fine, but it a sort of distanced helping rather than personal.   Got used to the idea that big changes will often be the order of the day, "mature" life being what it is. The pandemic changes a lot of things too.

    Those windows; yep, it is French Window Panes out here, Judith.  We had the downstairs done first; the house was built in the early 70's.  All metal sliding windows which are now all replaced.  There was a large sliding window in the dining room and we had that taken out and put double french doors in its place which really looks so much better and had two large bay windows put in where there had also been flat windows; one in the front and one overlooking the back yard as well as replacing a large sliding glass door with French Window Panes.  Huge difference.  The muntins in the downstairs are wood; that was the deal when the windows were done and they have held up well.   When we did the upstairs windows, we wanted double glaze for sound abatement; by that time, a couple of years later, the windows were designed and made much, much better, so the muntins are between the two layers of glass and they are done very well and look good; can't tell them from the downstairs when looking at the windows from outside.  Got that done before having the cottage cheese ceilings all redone; that too made quite a difference in the house.  I know why they call them "panes;" because when going to wash them they are a great big pain and takes forever.

    I just realized that the Santa Claus in the new Capital One TV commercial is John Travolta.  Can't tell who Mrs. Claus is, but she looks familiar.  Just an aside of no real interest, just a hm-m sort of thing.

    As for the insurance not covering the water damage to the house; the rule is, if the damage happens from water falling from the sky, it is covered; but if the water is from the ground up outside, it is not covered. They will cover water damage from broken pipes or other mishaps inside the house; so they should cover your floor well, but do not let them lowball you.  Wish you had an estimate for repairs including cost of materials for the floor so you can barter the point with the insurance adjustor if necessary; sometimes we have to push a bit.

    Gosh; ten p.m.; got to go, only two hours till my glass slippers fall off and my coach turns back into a pumpkin; sweet dreams everyone  . . .



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    43F, 6C, cloudy.

    Think WiFi is expensive.  They raise it frequently, they know they have the barrel over your head because they do not have a true competitor.  Guess we are back to you get what you pay for.  It is my connection though, how I get to sit on front porch and do other things, so I pay it. 

    Think brownies and peppermint sounds good Judith.  Peppermint bark is one of my favorites.

    Rescue mom you have lead an interesting life.  

    Lorita if you feel like it Google Bob and Brad and costochondritis.  They are two mature physical therapists and have found help there several times.  Know they have videos on costochondritis.  May find some good information there.

    JoC have found rubbing Dawn dishwashing soap into spots as a pretreatment very helpful at times.  Got that hint from a girl I use to work with.

    Made an applesauce spice cake yesterday.  It turned out nice.  Called for brown butter icing.  Had never done that before.  Gives it nice color but could not tell any difference in taste.  I prefer the molasses icing I made the last time.

    Guess I’ll take it easy today.  Have a load of clothes going.  Hope maybe can motivate myself to clean bird feeder.  

    Take care

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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     Sara, it's in the 60s here this morning - supposed to be in upper 70s today, then a cold front will come through with a little rain and in the 50s tomorrow.  We're truly on a roller coaster ride - have been for the last month and a half.

     If you all ever watch The Waltons, they make applesauce cakes for special occasions.  I've never made one.  Daddy used to make, and so have I, a white layer cake, split the layers and put applesauce between the layers - maybe that's what they're talking about.  They were so good and moist.  Your cake sounds so good, Sara.

     I haven't even put up the bird feeders yet - well, one is always up but  haven't put an feed in them yet.  There's still plenty of grass seeds for them.  I don't think I put up a hummingbird feeder this year.  Seems like there's fewer birds and butterflies.  I think I saw one or two butterflies this year.

     I still have those lace curtains and long scarf to dry - should get that done before they mildew in the washer. 

     Went out this morning on the porch and didn't see cow one - no sign of them anywhere so fed Tom and Jerry and put the Gator in the carport. Came back and saw them coming down from the MH.  Probably some green grass up there under the trees.  I saw one cow licking the new mineral tub and several little ones around the creepfeeder.  Still not sure the youngest ones have gotten in yet. Guess I need to call Ray and remind him about the small bales of hay.  Don't think I'll get the 40 I usually get, maybe just 20.  We have two or three babies due in January and maybe they'll put them in the barn so I'll need little bales.  I'm ready to close up the barn - if they can bring it today or tomorrow I'll have them do that again this year. 

     Jo - what I did yesterday wasn't anything.  The whole thing - trip over and back, getting loaded and pulling the tubs out of the PU - took only an hour.  Awful looking stuff - it's black or very, very dark brown and you can tell it was liquid when they poured it in the etubs but has hardened.  Girls and babies love it and they get the minerals they need.

     I woke up at 4:30 this morning when the cats were running and playing so didn't go back to sleep - maybe a nap this afternoon after Rawhide.  Watching MASH now. Charles had PTSD 100% SC and he could  not watch war shows - except he loved MASH and some WWII shows.  Always think of him when I watch them.  I used to like to watch Combat and so did he.  Haven't seen that show in years.

     About internet prices - we have our phone service and internet with OKLATEL, Oklahoma Telephone and Telegraph that was located in a little town south of us.  They've sold out to a company in Texas so no real service here.  The woman yesterday has her phone service with them and she said they had been without service for quite a while and it's still not working right.  She said our electric company now has phone service so she's changing.  Our neighbor told me he has changed his internet to the electric company, too.  Says it's cheaper and much faster and better.  I never answer the land line but have kept it because of the internet.  Seems like things are always changing and I've grown resistant to change.

     I'm not sure Daniel will do the floor replacement - haven't talked to him about that.  Still would like for Shaun to do it - if I can ever get back in touch with him.  I'm really worried that he's been sick. 

     Really don't want to drive the 50 miles to a lab so I'll wait and get the labwork at my doctor's office - but, I may do it in January.  The  last time I had it done at that lab she hit a nerve (maybe that was in Tulsa) anyway she hit a nerve and my arm was kind of number for an hour or so.  Guess that can happen but it was a first for me and it kind of scared me.

     Tried some of the apple crisp last night with whipped cream and it was really good.  Kitt, my cat with very limited vision, knows the sound of the whipped cream (in a can) so when I use it she's ready for her portion so I always give her some.  Now, one of the other cats has caught on.  Same thing with canned cheese.  Kitt must be able to smell it so she has to have her share of it, too.  I keep saying "she" but Kitt is a boy.  He's learned his way around the furniture but I've started bring his food to the LR where he is and he has come to expect it.

     Nor sure what I'll do about Christmas cards this year - only a couple of family members left to send cards to and a few friends.  Got my first one yesterday from a couple up around Tulsa.  They bought some old equipment from us years ago and both of them were so nice - even offered to come and help us anytime we needed it.  He looks so much like Dr. Phil that it's unreal.  Her name is Lanita - my sister's name was Lorita and one SIL was Danita.  That was quite a coincidence.  Seems like those are names I rarely hear.

     Last time I was in town I bought cauliflower and broccoli so I have to do something with those things today.  Thinking I might make a big pot of vegetable soup - not with those though but guess I could add a bit of steamed cauliflower after it was done.

     Nothing much going on today - need to call the CPA to see what he's come up with.  I'm wondering if I need separate checks for cattle, land, and the residence because they'll be taxed at different rates.  A question to ask.

     Hope all of you are well today and staying safe.  Do you all see many people wearing masks?  I don't but still am wearing mine and will continue.  Saw the new variant is now in 22 states.  Our state is 52% fully vaccinated - not very good.

     Joan, are you getting snow?  Looks like Beth may get some, too.  All of that is two states north of us so hope it stays there.  We should have a good winter after the awful one we had last year.  People are still talking about it.  The claims adjuster yesterday said he had many, many claims for cattle falling through the ice during that bad weather.  That's why I use water tanks - keeps the girls away from the ponds but in big pastures away from houses they can't do that.  Felt sorry for Darwin the other day - he was talking about how hard it was on him.  He fell through the ice with his tractor and had to get someone to help him get out. I'm sure he did that trying to break the ice with the tractor so he wouldn't have to cut it with an ax.  Glad he won't have to be out this winter.  He's looking very frail.

     Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Jo - about your grease spots.  Years ago someone told me about a product called Awesome.  It comes in a clear, spray bottle and you can buy it at Family Dollar - maybe other places, too, but that's where I bought it.  It will take out almost any kind of stain.  She said she used it on stained ceiling tiles and the stain disappeared.  I've used it in places you'd think the stain would never come out, and it did.  Worth a try.
  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Good morning.  We have snow!  Over the last two days, it’s been raining in lower elevations and snowing in the higher mountains. The western side of the state has been in a winter weather watch with up to two feet or more of snow in some areas.  Last night we got two inches of snow here.  With the rain and snow on top of it, the streets look a bit icy. The weather watch ends around 10:00 this morning, and the storm is supposed to be over. It’s 27 here, but will warm up in the next few days.  We sure need the moisture and more heavy snows to get us out of the drought we’re in.  It’s very late for us to have our first heavy snow.  Our local ski area was supposed to open today, but postponed opening because of the lack of snow.  Maybe they will have enough to open next week.  

    I was supposed to go to Colorado Springs today to watch one of my granddaughters dance in the state cheerleading dance team competition tomorrow.  Unfortunately, this storm is keeping me off the roads, especially the mountain passes.  I’m so disappointed I can’t be there in person, but my daughter will stream it live to me so I can watch it on my computer.  Not the same as being there, but I can still watch her performance.  

    Lorita, I don’t ride horses anymore.  Not sure I could hoist myself up on the saddle.  That would be a site to behold for sure. Lol

    It’s been fun reading our stories.  Judith, my dad used to bring baby calves and pigs in the house when they were born in the winter months.  They would be nearly frozen from the cold.  My poor Mom would block off part of the kitchen and put blankets on the floor so they could warm up and get on their feet.  It didn’t happen very often, but I remember having a couple baby pigs that were runts and had to be bottle fed.  They would lay on my Mom’s feet while she did the dishes.  I’m not sure, but I believe they were in the house for a couple of weeks until they were stable enough to be outside.  

    Sara, your spice cake sounds good.  I think I’ll try to make fudge and divinity to give as gifts this year.  I couldn’t stir the mixture last year because of my sprained hand.  

    Christmas cards!!!  I used to send several, but now just send to a few special people and in response to some I randomly receive.  I love sending cards, but it’s getting so expensive to purchase and pay the postage.  

    Iris, I hope you are feeling better.  You too Lorita.  Not much going on here until the storm passes and I can get out and about.  I’m glad I visited my sister in GJ last week.  I sure wouldn’t want to drive in a snow storm through the canyons.

    You all have a great day.  Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    I'm with you, Joan, no way could I get up in a saddle.  What riding days I had are way over. 

     Glad your State is getting some moisture - wish it could have been rain earlier but moisture is good any way you can get it when you're in a drought.  Our State is in 90% drought I heard today.  The winds are awful today - really warm and low humidity.  Weather just said there were some big fires in SW Okla. today.  A cold front is coming through tonight - Guymon, in the Panhandle is in the 40s and we're in the 70s.

     How wonderful that you're going to get to watch the dance competition - technology can be great when it works right or if you know how to make it work - which I don't.

     I saw something on TV last night - I think it was in Colorado - there were several snow-making machines going and it was in the 40s so what they made wasn't lasting.  It's scary how the weather has changed the past few years.  Cannot understand why people don't believe in climate change.

     Sara - thanks for reminding me about Bob and Brad.  I watched several of their videos a while back and just checked on the costo ones - will watch them tonight.  Also checked to see if they had one on numb chin syndrome - don't think so.  You all may remember I mentioned that when I fell the left side of my chin bounced off the ground.  It wasn't bruised and didn't seem sore - but two or three days this week the left side of it and up kind of into my lip seems sort of numb.  Also the ligaments in my neck so it's either after effects of the fall and hitting my chin or the way I'm sleeping - don't know why that would make my chin or lip numb. 

     I drove down and checked the girls late this afternoon.  If I see one laying down I go down and check on her - everyone was okay.  Came back and did a little bit of work on the creepfeeder, then stopped at the back of the barn and tried to straighten out the cowshed door - just doing that wiped me out.  You wouldn't think a fall would still be bothering me but my doctor says it is.  I also think I have some reactivation of the EBV.  Just makes me realize I can't do this anymore.  Another sad thing - I came by "my" big,old over a hundred old tree down behind the barn.  All of it is gone except one limb and it's split down into the trunk so it won't last this winter.  It's somewhat protected by two other big Hackberries but it's not going to make it.  I've always told Sarah that when that tree goes, I will, too.  Patsy kept telling me last year that she wasn't going to make it to her 80th birthday and she didn't.  Really do miss her.  I try not to mention her much to Jack when we talk which isn't often.

     Cooked macaroni and cheese for supper so had that, English peas and cottage cheese.  I've never made mac and cheese that you bake - just the stove-top kind.  It was good and I have plenty left.  I just didn't feel up to making soup today.  Supposed to be cold tomorrow, wind chills in the 20s in the morning, so that might motivate me.

     Seems like everyone must have taken the day off - couldn't get in touch with my CPA or the lawyer's office. 

     Funny - just watched our local news and the sports caster and the two men news anchors all had on blue suits, white shirts and red ties and the weather woman had on a red dress.  None of fhis was on purpose - just happened.

     I did take a nap this afternoon.  Laid down on the divan to watch Rawhide and went to sleep - missed the first one that was an hour long and half of the next one.

     Judith, I stopped by a couple of the pots of caladiums when I came in and dug them up but only found one or two of the bulbs.  The foliage has been gone a long time but I thought the bulbs would have gotten bigger over the summer.  Guess I'll buy from Florida Boys again next year.  Really enjoyed their colorful foliage this year.

     Ron - didn't see anything from you today.  Hope you and Lou are doing all right.

     Had a call from Darwin this afternoon.  He was out cutting wood so had a chance to call.  He's going to have to go to court to become his wife's - he says custodial caregiver - maybe he means guardian, not sure.  He can't get her to go to the doctor to get a diagnosis and medication.  He says the last four days have been tolerable - not really good but better than usual.  She says in bed 20-22 hrs. a day unless she's angry at him, then she can get around all right, he says.  I feel so bad for him and I can't help or it would make her worse.  So hard for him.

     I'll stop and check on Bob and Brad. Thanks, again, Sara.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I have been sleeping for twelve hours--it's not acceptable.  I have little time in daylight hours to get my chores and errands done.  My tenant had no water since last night, I had to take care of that.   I had found a lost cat and took care of her for several days until I found her guardian.  

    My 18 year old cat is deaf and now is blind.  She sleeps for hours and hours although she still has a good appetite and drinks, voids and poops well, considering.  I thought she had only a few days left, but she revived after I gave her some catnip to sniff.  I know the catnip will be only a temporary perk.

    I met a neighbor who also rescues cats.  She has five, like me.

    I had to give my car a good washing the other day because my lease period will be up and it is due for inspection.  I hope to be able to rest this weekend.  Rain is coming on Monday.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Good morning

    At 4:30 62F, now at 7am 58F, 14C, windy, raining.  Temperature suppose to keep falling but showing it to do this slowly,  hopefully rain stops before becoming too cold.  I don’t envy you Joan.  We have had almost 2 inches of rain since midnight.  Think our water levels should be coming up and thankful for that.  Winter can definitely change our plans.

    I don’t see a lot of butterflies either but do see some.  See a lot of birds though.

    Joan I don’t know that I have ever tasted divinity.  My paternal GM used to have something called potato candy.  It was potato, powdered sugar and peanut butter.  As a child I never really cared for it.  Not long before my uncle died  he mentioned he would like to have some.  Looked online I found the recipe.  Won’t be making any though.

    Lorita this is just a thought, I surely don’t know.  Maybe a nerve got pinched or bruised during the fall.  I had a jaw surgery and they told me my chin would be numb for awhile and it could be permanent.  It did last many months but slowly disappeared.

    Since EBV is a herpes virus, known that stress activate them. You may be right that the EBV has raised its ugly little head.

    Lorita just go out and enjoy your animals, your trees, your pond etc.  Maybe before too long you can smile instead of crying, knowing that you have done your best to leave them in good hands.  That is how you are continuing to care for them.  Now you can also take a nap when you need to, too.  Caregiver must take care of themselves also,  Will hopefully feel more like cooking for yourself.  Maybe you can think of some special treats to give your cattle that are easy to bring to them now and then.  You can be their Grandma, spoil them and leave all the hard work to M.

    Macaroni and cheese, grilled cheese are favorites of mine. Had a Mac & cheese once this summer.  Did well with it and some lactase.  But has to be a very rare treat.  

    Glad Darwin was able to call you.  Know it’s good for both of you.  It is such a battle.  It just never stops, once in awhile you get a lull, then right back it comes at you.  Believe me I know lol.

    Iris don’t know how it is where you are but here is dark by 5p and doesn’t get light til around 8a.   Doesn’t leave many hours of light.  Makes me more sleepy too, especially if I sit down.  So if that is happening where you are probably adding to your problem.  Hope you get a little rest this weekend.

    Think my nephew is coming either for lunch or dinner.  We are going to do carry out if he comes. Think he is picking Red Lobster.  He had covid not that long ago, so hopefully immunity too.  He works in a restaurant so may be getting boosted some days too, who knows. Will run my air purifier and hopefully will still be warm enough to crack the windows a bit. He will sit at the island, where he always eats and I will eat on the counter and they are twelve feet apart.  Will be masked except for eating and trusting God for the rest.  Will be a nice treat.

    A year ago yesterday my aunt tested positive for covid.  Was when all the nursing homes were having such high number of cases.  Seems much better so far this year.   Something else I’m noticing, last year this time cases were very high  here in our county from Halloween on til January, then they slowly dropped and majority were wearing masks.  This year the base level much higher than last years base level at Halloween, around 40-50 new cases each day with little mask wearing going on.   After Halloween and Thanksgiving we had bumps of a few days with  cases of 100-150/day, but fairly quickly we sort of came down to a base level which is higher than preHalloween,  around 60-80 new cases each day.  Way better than last year. Hope this is encouraging signs that slowly things are improving.  Saw a cute little cartoon where someone said they couldn’t fix the issue of people not being willing to take vaccines.  The little corona virus opened his mouth and said I can.  Guess maybe gradually it is getting the job done.  Will still take it awhile to get it’s rounds made I guess.

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Had a bad night Thursday night but better last night except for the storm. Thursday night Lou woke me up at 10 wanting to know if she needed to get up. The same thing happened a little after midnight and going back to sleep was impossible. From my recliner in the living room I can keep a eye on her and three other occasions we her trying to get up, only one was for bathroom. Needless to say I wasnt in a very good mood all day friday and daily chores were even more difficult. Days like that I wished I could nap, but always afraid something would happen to her. Last night the storm came through here around one, just hard rain, thunder and wind. I dozed back off and even though I still woke up a little after three, I feel much better today. 

    We still have friends and some relatives in Kentucky and praying for them and all the families that were affected by last night tornadoes. Lou grew up in Cadiz and we met and married in Hopkinsville. 

    Still real windy this morning and expecting high winds all day. Had short pants on yesterday and long pants today. Yesterday I took the dogs out in my undershirt and this morning needed a coat. Louisiana weather!

    My sister will be in Florida all month with her daughter and probably be discussing the venue for our family reunion their next September. Don't remember if I mentioned it; but the are planning the reunion the weekend of the 24th. My niece, her son and myself were all born on the 24th. I remember my sister sending me a picture of my niece holding my service picture for her first Birthday when i was in Vietnam. 


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    Ron glad you are feeling a little better today.

    See Cadiz is in Western Kentucky which got the worst of the tornadoes it seems.  My family are on the eastern side.  Tried to call them but no answer.  They may well be stripping tobacco.  

    Have family in Murfreesboro, Tennessee and looks like the storm passed over them too.  Continues to rain a lot here and very windy but no severe weather as far as I am aware.

    Neat that three of you have a birthday on same day.

    Think my nephew forgot he told me he would be here today.  I’m glad because this weather is only fit for ducks.  Just taking it easy.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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     It's a good 25 degrees colder here this morning with a little north wind but it is sunny.  Ron, I worried about you and Lou last night when I saw those storms going through.  About 10 last night the weather radio issued a tornado watch for the far eastern Okla. counties and into Arkansas.  We didn't even get a drop of rain from it.  Glad you're okay but awful damage in places I'm sure.  Seems like any more we can have tornados in every state and every month.

     Sorry you're having a hard time with Lou - maybe it could be the change in pressure?  Not sure but I do know weather affects alz. patients - and the full moon, for sure.  Maybe today will be much better.  Seems the air and sky is always so much brighter and clearer after storms go through.

     Sara - I'm convinced it is a reactivation of the EBV and CMV.  I asked my doctor about it and he said you always  have CMV once you get a positive blood test and also the EBV.  I can do just a few things and I'm worn out.  Just did a few things this morning to straighten up and my back is hurting and I'm tired.  For sure, stress can cause a reactivation and that's probably part, or all, of the answer.  Well, and the fall.  Who would have thought I'd still be having problems seven or eight weeks after the fall.  Immediately after I fell I seemed okay - until the next day when foot, knee, chest, shoulder and hand were sore, bruised and hurting - but got over that except for a  lump on the outside of my left hand and that muscle in my chest where my thumb was when I fell.  Guess it'll just take time.

     The tingling or slight numbness is kind of in my left chin and along the lower jaw line - another thing you wouldn't have thought would have happened this long after the fall.  I've said so many times the only thing I remember is my chin bouncing off the ground.  So many times I've said a fall can change your life and I guess it has.  At least nothing was broken.

     Sara - I love divinity.  When I was younger I always made divinity and fudge for Christmas.  I haven't made it in s very long time.  I remember once I made it when our humidity was high - not a good thing.  I think I also used peanuts in it - why I don't know but it never did look or taste like divinity - wasn't nice and fluffy.  If I made it now I'd have to eat all of it and don't need to do that. 

     I'm going to freeze some of the apple crisp.  I made a 9x9 dish of it and it's just too much.  I have some small loaf pans so I'm going to divide what's left of it and freeze it for later.  I made the banana bread, two loaves, and froze one of them so that's for later.  Banana bread aways reminds me of Donna, D's wife.  She made all kinds of bread, mostly banana, for everyone in the country.  She'd freeze it and if someone came by they'd get a loaf or she or D. would bring one.  Now she doesn't cook at all.  Do you all remember when (maybe still do) they'd have sacks of almost overripe bananas in stores that were marked way down.  Bananas to be used for breads, etc. 

     We used to like to eat at the Red Lobster.  My favorite thing, back then, was sword fish but I could make a meal on their cheesy biscuits and salad.  I think someone mentioned they have mixes for those biscuits.

     I just saw something on one of the cooking shows that would be nice.  It was a 3 1/2 qt. braiser (looks just like a dutch oven but much shorter) - about 2-3" sides.  I found something similar to that in the cabinet in the utility room when I was emptying it.  But, it's shiny, made out of I don't know what.  It's heavy and has a lid.  Not sure where or when we got it but not sure I'd like to cook in it.  I'm using it now for the water bowl for the GPs and cats.  I have things in the pantry we thought we just had to have and probably only used once or twice.  I think there's a juicer, a cappuccino maker, and some other things.  I think I even have an old food processor.  Now, I use the Ninja for that if I ever need it.  Just not cooking or trying new things like I used to when I wasn't just cooking for myself. 

     Not sure I'm going to make the soup today either - it would be good but I'd  have to stand up to prep all the vegetables.  Guess I could sit down and do that though.  I start with a base of V-8 juice - makes it really good.  Daddy was a really good cook and when he'd make soup he would add some rice or pasta of some kind to thicken it.  I like to add rice and I do like thick soup.

     Saw the girls this morning - scattered everywhere.  When I was down in the pasture yesterday I did se quite a lot of green grass underneath the taller grass so they're still finding grass to eat. It'll be time to start haying them and feeding before long.  Do wish I was up to feeding another winter.  Darn fall and EBV and getting so darned mature.  But, I'm luckier than so many in that I can sell the land and cattle and still be able to see the girls every day and be where I want to be. 

     As for the chickens - been there, done that.  We always had chickens when I was growing up and I've told you all about the time Charles and I bought 125 day-old chicks, raised them and sold eggs.  I remember when they got mites - we got all of them in the chicken house (they went in every night), closed the door and dusted them with Sevin.  One of us would catch the chicken and the other would dust them.  it worked!  Also remember sitting in the floor in the LR at night washing eggs to sell at work the next day - had a lot of customers.  Occasionally the shell wouldn't be thick enough or we'd hold them too hard and the egg would break in our hand - or, we'd find a soft-shelled egg. Finally got tired of having chickens and the work they made and sold them to someone who came after them in a cattle trailer.

     Also raised honey bees - I'll tell you all about that another time.  I've written enough for now.  I guess I could write all day about things I remember growing up  and living here the last almost 80 years.  Scary to type that.

     Hope you all are safe and well today.  Be back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,761
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    Iris.....5 cats. What a nice lady you are. I am not a dedicated pet person but I do miss having a dog or two. Maybe if I had one I would stay up later and get up earlier...lol

    Lorita....please read your paragraph 5. I hope you discussed all of those things with your Dr. Have you started the medication he wanted you to take? Please get your blood work done. You may have a lack of somthing that would be easy to treat. 

    Ron...I remember vividly the toll that a lack of sleep took on my ability to function. Both my daughter and I take Valarian Root. My Dr told me about it but she is a health nut and found it on her own. It might help Lou if her Dr OKs it.

    Sayra... your cooking astonishes me....your food knowledge astonishes me. 

    Joan....wish you had a photo of those baby pigs on your mother's feet. How did your granddaughter do?


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Concerned for those in the six states hit so hard by tornadoes last night; hope the Members who live in those areas are okay.  My heart goes out to all those with such terrible losses and especially those who have lost their LOs.

     It is true Sayra, you are amazing.   Still wish you were my next door neighbor; what fun it would be and goodness, an exhchange of recipes.  Whoopee!

    My MIL used to make divinity each Christmas, it was wonderful, but if it was raining or humid, she would not make it as divinity is extremely temperamental. 

    Your spice cake sounds delicious; I love spice cake and spice cookies. Well; looks like there isn't much I don't love in the way of food except scallops only because I am seriously life threatengly allergic to them.  How did your onion broth taste?  Was it slightly onion or different in how it tasted?

    Joan; how did your granddaughter do?  I know what you mean about not being able to be there, but glad you got a live transmission of it so at least you could see how it was going and how your sweet granddaughter did.  Glad you kept off those unsafe roads; very wise of you. 

    As for the horse; I too could never get up on the poor thing.  I would be clutching at the saddle horn, pulling, pushing, and grunting with face turning purple and people pushing at my ample derriere trying to push me up and striving to no avail to at least get a foot into the stirrup; the poor horse screaming in fear with eyes rolling and demanding I be given far less straw in my food trough.  Finally my collapsing on the ground panting and calling for a very nice soft chair and needing to be carried to it.  As if.

     After discussing the delivery services, we got a UPS delivery yesterday; our front gate was ajar so the nice fellow put the package on our front porch AND rang the doorbell!  How nice of him.  The RING camera did work, but how thoughtful to ring that doorbell.

     Lorita; our sweet Judith, I am in concert with her.  We can say; "Oh; CMV and EBV," but that is simply an empty guess.  No confirmation at all to rule out anything else.   Yes; CMV and EBV labs will always how postive once a person has had it, but does not mean a person has it.  But have to say; like Judith, I am not comfortable with this as it is.

    Please; do get those labs asap.  That fatigue and co-comittant pain has me concerned.  Not only do you need to see if there is something that needs some attention with medication, etc; but not trying to scare you, with the ongoing costo pain that you feel is costo and may well be but who knows for sure, and the severe persistent fatigue, you need to rule out if there are other reasons for the pain and fatigue.  I truly am not trying to scare you, but there is a possibility that something more serious may masked and lurking that needs immediate attention so it does not get far worse.  Your doctor made a guess about EBV and we here guess about EBV and CMV, but that gets us exactly nowhere at all and may be harmful in the long run.   Judith is a smart and astute person, and I have seen much in my professional life.   Please dear one, it is time.

    I am so glad Darwin called you Lorita, he is smart in going for Guardianship; that is a rather complex process that can be costly but surely sounds necessary.  He is probably exhausted on so many fronts.   It is good that he has you to talk to and support him as he moves through this; he knows you fully understand from experience.

    As for "Bob and Brad," the two P.T. fellows who are online, they are excellent and have so much professional information; they are marvelous at explaining and demonstrating. They have an excellent video on how to choose a wheelchair.  I've watched them for so much.

     Oh my goodness; those special 3D diorama type cards I got for the adult kids and grandkids, brother and my 101 year old aunt . . . . well; I opened one up, and I am tickled pink. They are about six inches high, five inches across when opened; they mail flat, BUT you open them into the tall rectangle and it is that five inches deep across with an old fashioned living room inside the tall rectangle . . . there are windows, a pop-up Christmas tree, and a pop up old fashioned Santa; a pop-up stair rail and a fireplace on the back living room wall; well . . . when I pressed the button on the bottom side of the frame, not only did the Christmas tree lights light up, the "Oh Christmas Tree" music played, BUT I did not realize that the fireplace also lit up with the fire inside it.  Wow! It is really delightful and charming.  I know the recipients will feel delight. 

    Did I tell you about my aunt?  If I did skip this, but if I didn't . . .  she turned 101 and had a big buffet party.  She is sharp as a tack, lives independently; her place is lovely, she does her own housework and is very picky about it.  She cooks and is always well groomed.  She runs games for seniors at the activity center and walks long distances every day.  Very down to earth and funny.  Sent me a card telling me about her birthday and how people tell her she looks like she is 70 or 80, but when she looks in the mirror, she thinks . . ."Yech!!" and she underlined it.  I know she will enjoy that 3D sort of diorama card and will have fun showing it to her friends.   My other two aunts, her sisters are in their 90's.  I often think if my mother did not have those strokes caused by not having her heart valves replaced (she refused) and from that developing dementia, she too may have been living the same long life as her sisters.  Mom was very creative and so good at so much.  Sure do miss her.

    Any of you having trouble with the site and especially this Thread, that when you type, the type skips and ends up putting letters in the wrong place as well as often erasing a paragraph or a sentence or two and having to use the above left facing arrow to try and get them back?  May be just me, but I think I will log off before I start thinking naughty words.


  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    My granddaughter’s group came in fourth in the State competition in their category.  Amazing, as they are a small rural school.  I’m proud of all of them for doing so well.  So happy I got to see the performance on a live-feed.  

    Wish me luck.  I haven’t made divinity in years.  I’m going to try because my youngest daughter loves it.  It is hard to make and easy to have a failure.  It’s a little too sweet for my taste, but is a fluffy creamy candy.  I’ll let you know if it is edible and doesn’t sugar.  

    Only got up to 26 for a high today and was 7 this morning.  Tomorrow we’re supposed to get to 39 for a high, and into the 40’s next week.  

    Have a good night’s sleep and great Sunday.  Joan

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm glad to learn that most of you were missed by the tornadoes!  I hope the relatives and friends will be all right.

    Sayra, our nighttime temp in Southern CA was 58 degrees the same as yours in Ohio.  Brrr!  I hope you enjoy your visit with your nephew and that he is fully recovered from Covid.

    Ron, I hope you can get more sleep.  Is Lou on any sleep medication?

    Joan, where do you live that the temp is 7 degrees?  Congratulations to your granddaughter and her team!

    Jo C, I took riding lessons for a few years.  I miss horses very much, but I am wary of falling now, so no more horses for me.  I'm thinking of making spice cookies from a spice cake mix.  

    I don't think I've ever had divinity.  Is it a type of fudge? I used to make pralines from scratch.   I always had to eat the entire first batch, until I could get the temperature right LOL.

    Judith,  all my cats are rescues from the street.  I rescue animals.  I used to take melatonin, but just recently realized that my sleep is no worse without melatonin.  So I stopped it completely.  

    Lorita, I always feel tired after small bits of exertion.  Like Jo C says, it's best to rule out other causes.  If nothing else is found, it's post-viral fatigue.  The only treatment I have found is to get a LOT of sleep and a LOT of rest!

    I get tired prepping vegetables.  Now I buy frozen veggies or refrigerated cut up soup veggies from the produce section.  Ir's more expensive, but to me, it's worth the cost. 

    When I lived in Ondiana, a co-worker's sister brought me eggs from her chickens.  The yolks were nothing like I had ever seen; instead of being yellow, the yolks were bright orange!  The eggs were so tasty, too.  They were truly farm-fresh!

    I made a fruitcake with banana bread mix.  The flavor of banana was strong.  I might try again with cranberry muffin mix.  I used to use date nut bread mix but I cannot find it anymore. 

    The supermarkets here do sell Red Lobster's Cheddar Cheese Biscuit mix.  If you want some, I could send it to you.  Let me know!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    31F, -1C, suppose to be sunny today.  The winds were so very strong all day yesterday.  Think some survival of the fittest went on in the trees behind the fence.

    Iris hope you are able to get a good fruit cake made.  I enjoy anything date.  Surprised me at work when I took dates and people did not know what they were.  Medjools are my favorite.  You could possibly find the date bread mix online if they still make it.

    Judith I tried Valerian root long time ago.  If I remember right it gave me crazy dreams.  Raised the flower once. If I remember right they use the roots for the medicine and they don’t smell good.  The flower has a nice smell though.

    Thank you all for your kind words.  Judith you were raised up with music and art.  I was never exposed to that.  Enjoy both of them but don’t know anything about them.  Have been to two art museums and enjoyed them but no knowledge.  Have many good memories of food and flowers though in all stages of my life.

    JoC haven’t had the problem you mentioned with site.  Have done well lately doing the things I mentioned before.

    Going to try and get cookies made for my Aunt today.  She likes to eat too lol.  Hope she gets to feeling better where she can cook.  Hope to be able to mail them tomorrow.  

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Just a quick note: Lorita and other Yellowstone fans, I read in "Parade" magazine today there will be a prequel series and it's being filmed now in TX and MT. Stars are Faith Hill and Tim McGraw. I personally have not watched Yellowstone, and am too far behind to start it now but I know there are fans here.

    We got 0.5" of snow overnight Friday into Saturday. Most of it has melted, and it's to get to 72 degrees Wednesday - unheard of for December in Iowa! 

    Art: I'm far from an expert. 1) My grandfather was in the service with Grant Wood of "American Gothic" fame. He did two pencil drawings of my grandfather. I have one and my sister has the other. 2) I'm a Terry Redlin fan. We have visited his museum up in South Dakota. A good experience! There is quite a bit to see in South Dakota: Wall Drug, Corn Palace, Bear Country, Mount Rushmore, The Badlands etc. I'd like to go back.

    I made peanut butter blossom cookies and sugar cookies yesterday and gifted some to my neighbors.

    Have a good day everyone!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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     It's cold here in Oklahoma this morning and there was a big frost.  It's sunny with some south wind and only 47 right now.

     Judith, I didn't have the tingling when I saw the doctor - will talk to him about it when I see him again.  I'll call and go in for the labwork after Christmas or New Years when it isn't so busy. 

     Why don't you go ahead and get another dog - you loved Luke and were going to get another but haven't.  If you do and you like big dogs, get a Great Pyrenees.  You'll fall in love immediately. They are the best companions and watchdogs.  There's no sound that Sheena or Stormy doesn't hear and they're wonderful housedogs.  You never know they're inside until they alert you to something outside.  They really don't eat that much either - about four cups of dry food a day and I usually give them a can of Pedigree - not always every day but very often.  The only drawback is the shedding.  I ordered one of those automatic things this morning where you sweep whatever it is up to it and it draws it inside - thought that might help some.

     Jo, I was reading about Magnesium this morning and Sandy and I discussed it last night.  Years ago I took magnesium when I was on a diet.  Some of the symptoms of low magnesium I have.  The magnesium I have now expired on Nov. 2020 so I'm ordering some more this morning.  I also need to get back on my Vit. D and B-12 and get a little more exercise.  Yesterday Stormy and I drove all the way down to see the girls, then came back and did some more work on that bar on the creepfeeder and tried to fix the cowshed door and wasn't tired - so, it's kind of coming and going.   This cold morning made me dread getting out and feeding this winter - if I do that.  It should be an easy transition because he's already feeding hay and filling creepfeeder - if we can agree on the numbers.

     I'm also glad to be back in contact with Darwin - he's a dear friend and so is she - can't understand why she has gotten so jealous - but, I could call him if I had a problem like getting a new baby to the house and he's come right away - maybe that's it.  She and I have visited quite a lot and talked on the phone numerous times. Maybe medication will help when he can get her to a doctor.  Not too awfully long ago she got in her PU and left home and came here.  He was so worried and kept calling her while she was here.  I urged her to call him and she did and he came and got her.  That was probably back in the summer - I think she left home another time or two.

     Those Christmas cards sound wonderful - bet they're just like a Christmas gift for the recipients.  I only send a very few cards and haven't done that yet. 

     Congratulations, Joan, to your granddaughter - they really did well.  Glad you got to watch it and enjoy with them.  Good luck on the divinity.  I'd make some but would have to eat it all (wouldn't that be a shame?)  Gosh, 7 degrees - that's way too cold for me.  We'll all be wishing for spring in no time flat.

     Iris, Joan lives in Colorado so that's why it's so cold and snowy there.  Divinity is a white, creamy candy - not dense like fudge and so delicious.  I've never made pralines but really love a good one.  Used to be a Mexican restaurant in Tulsa that had the very best ones - no calories there, right?

     You're such a good person to rescue those cats and give them a good home and I know they're so appreciative.  Animals can tell.  I guess you could say we've rescued a lot of dogs - people drop them off near farms and, of course, they come to the house and who can refuse to keep and care for them.  All of my cats were barn cats except Sammy and Lilly. Guess you could say Lilly was a rescue - Darwin found her a couple of years ago in February trying to survive among his big bales of hay.  He took her home but they had a couple of other cats and they didn't get along so I took her.  She had six (I think) kittens and when they were old enough I took them to Happy Paws.  I know the woman who runs it and she had a request from some place way up north for kittens so they went to new homes in either Minnesota or Wisconsin.  I couldn't take all of them from Lilly  so kept Sammy and both of them have made great pets - rowdy sometimes early in the mornings though.

    Jo - I haven't had that problem with the thread except on my tablet.  I can do pretty well for a short paragraph, then wacky things happen.  It does take a long time to get on the forum sometimes though.  Probably ready for a #161.

     Sara - I've only eaten a very few dates..  A neighbor used to make a date-nut roll for Christmas when I was a little kid and it was good.

     Mother always made a fruit cake and it was so good but Charles and I always made an orange slice cake - orange slices and nuts.  Really good - makes a very big one so I don't make it anymore.  I do like to have a Pannatone cake every year - makes wonderful toast.

     Beth, love peanut butter cookies - never made the peanut butter blossoms though but I bet they're delicious.  I haven't made cookies in years - always think I will but never get it done.

     I think the name of that show is 1883.  I've seen previews but it's on Paramount Plus which I don't get.  Has lots of stars in it, doesn't it?  Several times each year before the new shows begin, they show all of the old ones.  It would take a few days to catch up but it's worth it.

     This morning on the news shows there were pictures of the devastation of those tornados - absolutely terrible.  Another thing that's probably caused from climate change. Weather this time of December is way too warm and when it collides with the cold air in the north, the result is bad storms and tornados.  I have heard before now that tornado alley has moved a little east.  The warnings and watches Friday night were in the far eastern parts of Oklahoma and east.  Tornados are scary things.  Many years ago we were having bad weather and I came down to be with mother (Charles wasn't afraid of storms so stayed home).  We kept listening to the warnings and finally went to the cellar and sat on the steps and listened.  A tornado passed about 2 1/2 miles south of us (west to east).  Did some damage to the Baptist Church and trees - you can still see the damage it did to the trees.   Scary things and they say more of them are happening at night now.  We always have storm chasers out when the weather is bad so get first-hand reports.  Those are really brave people and they do so much good.

     Better stop before I write a book.  I'll try to get #161 started later today or tomorrow.  Hope all of you have a good Sunday.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,761
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    Beth.....please insure those Grant Wood drawings.

    Tony Redlin...would you believe his painting are an abstraction?

    Art 101...Art is for all. It is meant to be enjoyed and that makes it subjecctive. 
    Art 102... All art is abstract. What??? Yes it is true. Here is the narrative. you paint what you see. It is no longer "reality". Regardless of  how accurate the work is it is an abstraction a departure from reality. The most lifelike Rembrandt portrait is indeed an abstraction.
     Art 103...the invention of the camera, an extremely accurate tool for representing reality albeit a portrait, a landscape or a moment in history has an enormous impact on the world of art.,. 
    Art104...The artist begings to explore new areas of creativity...The artist has a new creative energy....there is a new freedom to explore their minds and emotions in a way that was impossible in traditional styles of art. The abstract is an expression connecting the feelings and vibes. It is a different perspective than the usual perception of realism. We may define the abstract as a non-figurative art; it is not either objective or representational. 
    Art 105...Abstract art uses visual language of shape, form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world. 

    So there it is....art always involves the process of taking away or removing characteristics from something in order to reduce it to a set of essential characteristics.
    When it is no longer figurative/representational. The viewer need not "recognize" what they are looking at in order to enjoy the color, movement, feelings expressed. 



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Got tired of my old face on profile picture! Decided it needed a prettier face to help!!

    Cant believe it was 30 degrees when I got up this morning and just a few days ago it was 62 when I got up. 

    I haven't baked in months but all this cookie and candy making talk has given me the fever. I'm going to wait till next week where I can give our orkin guy some. On tap is my holiday cookies with brown sugar, red and green cherries, dates and pecans. Candies will be millionaires, divinity and fudge. Now to get off my butt and check the cabinets for items needed.

    Taking care of my sisters dog has been challenging for my sleep. She is a sweet dog and minds well, but a extra dog to take care of along with Lou. Lou has been exceptionally good the past two days, dogs have woke me but she has only woke me once after Thursday night problem and that one time was for bathroom which she is supposed to wake me for. It's been over two years since her last fall and it looks like me keeping a closer eye on her is working. 


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm sorry it has taken me so long to write my life story.  There is just so much.  I'm taking a chance at the end of #160 because I want my story to be with the other stories.  I'll try to keep it brief.

    My family has been here for well over a century and a half.  On my maternal side I am an ADOS, American Descendant of Slaves.  My grandmother's mother was enslaved in NC before the Civil War.  My grandmother was born in 1890 on a farm.  She moved north to New York in the 1910's, where she met and married my grandfather.  He had been a fisherman in NC, but was a chauffeur in NY.  My mother was born in 1921 and was an only child.  She went to college and studied physical therapy but never worked at that. 

    On my paternal side, my grandfather worked on the Panama Canal.  The project had been failing and authorities decided to recruit some Black workers.  My GF came from Barbados.  After the Canal was finished the workers were supposed to return to their countries but my GF decided he wanted to come to  America.  He came and then sent for his wife.  They had eleven children, all except one born here; my father was the fourth child.  My grandfather was a laborer, my grandmother raised her children and kept the home.

    My father left school after the tenth grade, in those days that was common.  Eventually he was drafted and became an MP in the Army, which was still segregated when he went in.  After the war he married my mother and became a bus driver.  They had a traditional marriage, my mother did not work outside she raised me and my brother.  When I was in junior high school my mother got a job.

    We lived in public housing, aka the projects.  The projects seem to have a bad connotation nowadays, but in those days they were brand new and clean and the neighbors were nice, all families.  My environment was totally African American until I entered the fifth grade.  I was enrolled into the IGC program which stands for Intellectually Gifted Children.  For the rest if my school career I was with the smart kids.  The city is going to disband the IGC program.   I went to the Bronx High School of Science, a specialized high school that required testing for entry.  

    I received a four year scholarship and enrolled in a state university and received a BA in biology.  I then entered Howard University College of Medicine and received my M.D. degree four years later.  I came out to Los Angeles to do my pediatric residency.  I then went on active duty in the Air Force, serving in Alaska and Indiana.

    I worked back in New York in public health but decided to return to Los Angeles, where I joined an HMO, which was supposed to be the new model of medical care at the time.  I rose to become Chief of Pediatrics of my group of seven pediatricians. Unfortunately, after five years at the age of 37, I developed memory loss and fatigue  and had to take a medical leave of absence.  My diagnosis was initially depression and I thought I would be able to return after about a month.  I was never able to practice medicine again.

    A few years later my diagnosis was changed to systemic lupus.  After treatment for lupus I was sufficiently improved to get married and to become a step-mom.  Unfortunately my marriage did not survive my memory loss.  In 2003 I had a decline, but no treatment was offered.  In 2008 I had another decline.  At this time I was given Exelon patch and Namenda.  I joined alzconnected.  I became sufficiently improved to be able to travel overseas, to Israel, Europe and other places.  I went on an Alzheimer's cruise and met Michael Ellenboggen and other PWDs and their families.

    This year, after two years of Covid restrictions, I don't feel well.  I feel tired and weak.  The cardiologist wants to introduce a new, diagnosis.  It has nothing to do with Covid, I have been seriously isolating.

    This is an abbreviation of my story.  There is much more.


    PS. I am not going to edit since this thread is already so long.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,312
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    Iris, going to move 160 to the top so it will be easier to find to read your life story.  Enjoyed reading it.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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