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Just need to talk to my friends (170)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


 You all might want to read the last three posts, or more, on #169Hadn't meant for it to be so long but wanted to get through getting Jack into ALF.

 He called and during the conversation he talked about wanting to get his house sold and ask if I could do that.  I told him "no - that I didn't know anything about real estate buying and selling".  Told him I imagined his lawyer could take care of that.  Also told him I thought it would be best for him to get settled into the ALF before he got into something else.  I doubt he will and will probably call him Monday.  I hate for everything in the house to be thrown away - even while I was there I saw several things that were very nice and should be kept  - but it's not up to me.  He had a lawn chair that should have been taken for him to use on his patio.  But he told me it wasn't any good.

 I ordered his shower curtain and it said it would be delivered tomorrow - now he's worried about how he'll get it put up.  Told him they'd do it for him (he can't reach that high) and he said he doubted it.  Again, had to tell him there are many residents there they have to help look after and they'd get to it.

 It's still cloudy off and on - and windy.  I've done one load of clothes and it's in the dryer and another one is washing.  Got the trash ready for Monday morning as much as I can, folded the clothes from last night and got them put away.  Kind of like I'm in a nesting mode - still haven't done the dishes - but I will.  Don't have to think about cooking something for today.

 Just wanted to get this new part started so it'll be easier to post for everyone. 

 Jo, when I went out to feed  Tom-Tom this morning I thought of you because I saw a little dandelion head - all fluffy.  Looks like me, too.  But - you've had a haircut.  I don't know what it is either with beauticians about cutting hair.  I think they start cutting and have to keep cutting to get it evened up.  I did have one seven years ago who didn't do that - except the last time I had it cut.  She was in the early stages of alz. and I think she forgot what she was doing halfway through.  Some day when I get tired enough of it, I'll cut it shoulder length and hope for the best.  Charles went to beauty college and we had a salon for a couple of years.  I remember when he was in training he had to cut hair so he cut my bangs - they kept getting shorter and shorter because he was trying to get them even.   That was the only time he cut my hair except to cut it straight across in the back.  Memories.....



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning,

    Lorita.     I totally understand why you waited to start this, your a Star everything you did for Jack and Zelda,  was amazing. It will take him time to adjust to his new life. Does he have a call button in his room so if he needs something done he can get through to maintenance ? The poor aides have so many to care for sometimes they probably don't remember the request from the residence.  You did the right thing telling him to have his lawyer help him sell his house. Once he can move around and get out of  his room he then will know exactly who he needs to go to for his needs to be addressed. 

    It might take awhile before Jack gets used to his bed, if he ever does. I am sure if he has problems with his phone any of the aides that come into his room can help him. I like the idea of his private patio. I guess I am surprised each room has one. In the AL part of where Dan was the residents did not have patios, some would wonder off if they did. They were allowed to leave but they had to check them selves out and go through the main door. They had a big courtyard with lots of lawn furniture. the home actually surrounded the courtyard it was huge. 

    Sammy is just as crazy as your kitties. Yesterday he knocked one of my plants out of the kitchen window. I have a squirt gun I use when he gets up on things but he is so much faster then I am. Did you ever find what was in your yard that cut Stormy's foot?   Let me know when your going to bring the peach cobbler out on the porch I don't want to miss that. 

    Sara.   Going to volunteer in a small hospital, you will probably know a lot of the patience there. They will be so lucky to have you there for them. 

    Marie.  It sounds like both of the services were beautiful. I am sure you were very proud of your Dad, during the military honors. Your so lucky to have you son  there to help you and your mother is so lucky to have you there to help her. Your family sounds very close. 

    Fairyland.  Welcome to the front porch. When my DH was in MC they always paired up the sitting arrangements during meals. The bigger table had the ones who could communicate pretty good and a few other tables with the ones who needed help. My DH needed help but they let him sit next to a few ladies who helped him eat, it was so cute how these little old ladies made sure my DH ate. He loved all the attention. 

    Sandy.   Its so nice when you get the time to say hello. I grew up close to a D.Q. I remember the little buildings with the big ice cream cones on them. We have a DQ right here in our small town and 4 others in the big town I am close too. Bend, Oregon. Yes my pet sitting still continues. Not as much as it used too but I still have a few I care for when  their parents travel. The one that I pet nanny for during the summer will be back here in May. So from May to October I will be busy. They don't leave him alone at all so I am kept pretty busy all summer long. They are golf club members so I go over to their house so they can golf and meet up with friends for dinner. Sounds like your going to have a busy summer, with your granddaughters spending time at your house. Are they all going to be there at one time or spaced out, during the summer?  Your going to love every minute of it. 

    Last week we had a mixture of rain, snow, wind sometimes all in the same day. Snow is not lasting so  looks like summer is getting close. I am looking forward to the days I can leave my doors open and let all the fresh air in. Molly and Sammy love laying by the doors when they are open. 

    Take care all I hope you all have a good weekend. Lorita, rest, relax and feel good about what you did for Jack and Zelda. You saved their lives. 

    Hugs to all, Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Thank you, Zetta.  It was what any one of you all would have done to help him.   I hope he can settle in and be happy there.  I know he's eating his food now instead of existing on Boost or Ensure.  He also has quite a few things in his little refrigerator if he gets hungry in between meals.  He says he doesn't have an appetite but I imagine when his meals are provided that may change.  If he can just settle down and enjoy being with other people.

     I bet you're a great pet sitter - you love animals and I'm sure they love you - they can tell who loves them.  It's something you enjoy so it's not really work for you.

     I haven't rested much today - did about three loads of laundry and put clean slips on three king-sized pillows (that's hard to do) and folded a set of sheets.  Another hard thing to do - folding fitted sheets.   I've taken the winter coats out of the LR - hanging on the backs of dining table chairs and put them back in the utility room - that always makes the house feel bigger.  I washed one king-size quilt and a smaller sized quilt Sarah sent to me (I keep it on the back of my chair) but instead of drying them in the dryer I draped them over the porch railings.  Put the big quilt on the yard fence but the wind was so strong it blew it off.  Just have a couple of serapes left to wash - but that's for another day.

     Barbara - I've started reading "A Cottage in Germantown".  I think you have another winner - I'm anxious to get into it more to see what happens.   My friend Carol's granddaughter is also an author.  She has written almost 70 books.  Carol has read all of them but so far I haven't had time.  I don't know where authors get their imagination.  You know my niece, Scarlet, once told me I should write books - sort of like the Little House books -  where she got that idea I don't know.  She was so intelligent - when she'd send me an e-mail I often had to use a dictionary to see what some of her words meant.  She had MS and passed away in her sleep about three years ago - only in her 60s.

     I'm watching QVC, Day, they're selling metal hoses.  It says they don't puncture but they don't know Stormy.  He just makes mincemeat of them and has actually pulled two apart at the hydrant.  I have a new 25 ft. one, unopened, on the porch to give the girls water in the garden.  I may try one of theirs - says they won't pull apart there.

     I keep thinking I'm going to go into the bedroom and take a nap but that hasn't happened yet and it's almost 3 p.m.  Zetta, I watched three hours of Rawhide today - that's probably why I don't have time to do anything else.

    Sandy, have you seen any more  wildlife today?  What about squirrels - do you have those?  I saw a news clip this morning that showed a polar bear that had climbed up on top of a house - guess that was way up north.  They said a male polar bear could weight 2,000 lbs. - that's almost as heavy as Casper was.

     I think it was Sara who said she'd bring the ice cream for the peach cobbler.  Doesn't that sound good?  I put a little milk on mine.  When I was growing up we always put milk or cream on cobblers.  Anytime you all are ready, we'll do it.

     Better stop and check those quilts - don't want them to blow away.  Enjoy the rest of the day.

     It is so windy but so far I don't see any rain on the radar - hoping we don't get 3-4" of rain like they predict.  Just wish areas west of us could get rain and stop their drought.

     Joan, is your area in drought, too, and what about wildfires?  Everything here is really pretty and green so maybe the fire season in this area is coming to an end. 

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Omigosh; I suddenly had a thought reading about Jack this morning - um-m-m; did he get any toilet paper for the apt.?  They do not supply that.   Geeze, sure hope he has some. 

    For some reason, Jack's move really does harken back to when I was doing this for others.  Things pop into mind such as the toilet paper and dish soap for the plates and implements he has, and paper towels for the kitchenette and perhaps even a couple of dish towels.   Gads; it never stops.

    Sometimes, when a resident moves out of an ALF, the family sells the bits of furniture. If someone is selling a small, (as in tiny), table and a couple of chairs that would be nice for Jack to have for his apartment.  The chairs would also seat any visitors he may have come to his place.  See?   Can't turn off the thinker.  He could let the admin. folks know he would be interested in a little table and chairs if any should come up for sale. I would imagine that he is feeling a bit "unsettled."  He has made a huge move from his home of so many years and is now isolated for five days.  I can imagine that he feels a bit off and maybe even wonders if he made the right decision or not; this may be why he has been a bit testy.  Really rather scary for him.  Probably should not put the house up for sale for several weeks or so until he feels he is okay with having moved which we know he really needed to do; still, it is understandable if he feels a bit at odds.  Good that you advised him to speak to his attorney about putting the house on the market.  Wonder if he needs to upate his Will or Trust if he has one; he can ask his attorney.

    I do wonder why the ALF staff has not gone to visit with him a bit each day while on isolation and give him a little visit and a good overview of what to expect in the facility when the five days isolation is up and to ask him if he needs anything.  When he can go into the open community, I sure hope that the staff introduces him and give him a bit more guidance when activity time is taking place for a week or so until he is fully oriented.

    Do they actually do the resident's laundry there?  In most ALFs, the resident does their own laundry.  Probably be good to check that for certainty.  If he must do his own he will also need to have laundry detergent as well as fabric softener.  As they say on telegrams . . . "stop."  I be done on this topic.

    We heard the saddest news this week.   When new to the houses in our tract which were newly built, we had neighbors we got to know who lived on our block; our children used to all play together.   The husband has died - Parkinson's and LBD.  And more sadness, his lovely wife is now in Memory Care.  It is heartbreaking. The husband was an exceptionally intelligent man and rose to a very high level within his company.   The wife and I knew each other pretty well.  They eventually moved out of state and we lost touch.  Just shocking to hear what one would never expect.  I feel very sad for their adult children, it must be so difficult for them all.

    Had our COVID Booster yesterday.   No side effects which is good.  However, this was a strange setting of people we encountered.  We went to a clinic sponsored by a large healthcare group.  People were not separated by six feet either standing in line or sitting in chairs waiting for the vaccine.  Most people were masked as it was mandated; most were wearing cloth masks.  One staff had her mask below her nose.   One man waiting to be vaccinated kept his mask below his nose and he would wipe a finger across his nose now and then.    A woman wearing a badly made homemade mask kept talking to me which was okay; but then she began to get closer and closer until she was literally almost upon me - had to put up my arm with the palm of my hand out in kind of a "stop" signal.   She immediately apologized and said she always stands really close to people and she keeps forgetting to distance.   I made nice and then thanked her for moving.  Also, interesting in that there were no Epi syringes if someone had a vaccine reaction and they did not keep people for 15 minutes after injection to assess for a "just in case" negative reaction.  Get the shot, leave right away.  Interesting for sure. 

    I am going to have to do something about masking again.  My hair is so thick, that even though it is short now, the N95 mask elastic head bands make it very difficult to get them up and over and get it right.  Very difficult and despite adjusting as supposed to do, the masks do not seem snug enough and I can feel leaks.  Evidently, any mask with ear loops are NOT N95 or KN95.  Fuss and bother.  I sure do not want a leaky mask, sure wish one could buy sample masks of the good brands to try them without having to buy a full box.

    Your peach cobbler sounds good, Lorita. Glad you are making it for the folks on the Front Porch group - we will wait with spoons at the ready!

    Chilly today in the 60's, but tomorrow and the next few days after are supposed to be in the 90's.  Drats.  Crazy how the temp has been wildly varying from one day to the next.  Been cleaning out some drawers and omigoodness, sure have thrown away a lot of stuff.  More to go.  Things do seem to collect, especially in the grooming items.  Be nice if I could wiggle my nose and it would all be done.  

    Knees have been terribly painful, don't know if it is the change in the barometer or not, but I am certainly going so-o-o-o-o slow and thinking, ouch! ouch! ouch! each step of the way.  Then my shoulder and baby finger on one hand want to get into the action too  - enough already.  Okay; I have now complained, I feel a bit better; just not in the knees.

    Sayra, it is really disappointing to hear that some people that are going to the egg farm are not honoring the honor system and taking eggs without paying for them.   If someone is hungry and has no food, that is one thing - but one could politely ask.  To simply have no ethics and take the eggs is a real head shaker.  "Shame on them," as my grandmother used to say while shaking her finger.   Different world where ethics seem to more and more be thinner and thinner. 

    We drove through the car wash after our boosters; there are two men who wipe down the cars after the wash; they work very hard for extremely low pay.  It is astonishing to see how many people do not tip the fellows and just drive off without even a "thank you."  So glad DH always tips and thanks.  I would give him what for if he did not.  So easy to be thankful and respect others; again, different world in many ways.

    In one area of the city where new shops are, I noticed yesterday that there are new fully grown palm trees that have been planted.  So stately, tall and thin with all the fronds wired together until the trees have taken hold; then the wires come off and the fronds fall into place. Very handsome even though I by far prefer leaf trees.   Our town is very strict about businesses upkeep and maintenance and mandate landscaping and an art structure at each business or business area.  Makes for a very nice town.  They keep up the maintenance of the city and roads.  Grateful for that and there are no city taxes due to the large shopping mall and auto mall which bring in revenue.  Not a rich folk city; just a nice middle class town with parks and good upkeep and citizen friendly.  One more huge blessing we did not know we were going to be receiving as when we moved here, the town was new and all houses newly built in multiple different tracts.  Just evolved over time with caring people at the head of city government as well as good City Council oversight. Lorita would go nuts here and hate it - no land and no more cows . . . all farms now gone and no more of the country feel that was here at one time.

    Each day I remember to say "thank you," for all the blessings that have been in our lives.  When I look back at our young days - eloped at age 18 - we were SO naive (dumb) and of no experience whatsoever.  Somehow doors opened for us to move through and often, we must have had invisible hands nudging us through those doors to get to where we could keep moving forward because we did not know we should even go through a particular door nor what we would be brought to, but we worked hard no matter what.  Lots and lots of gratefulness.

    On that note - off I go.  Please tell me Jack has toilet paper Lorita - insert grin here!


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Lorita, I've seen a few of the metal hose demonstrations.  I'm afraid Stormy will not only destroy it, but end up with some broken teeth too.  Other than that it's been plants, which is pleasant to watch.

    It got into the upper 70s today and I turned the A/C on for Keys because he seemed uncomfortable (he's due for another groom soon).  Right now he's on the floor in front of a fan and seems better.

    Not much happening here, finger has pretty much healed nicely and I'm drinking a lovely oolong tea called "Iron Goddess" that's really tasty!  Goodnight all, day off tomorrow and I'm going to have lunch with my brother and sister-in-law tomorrow. 

    Interview for that promotion was Friday, we shall see because I'm under the impression a lot of people applied.  I felt it went well, they asked the 3 top schedules I would prefer and I chose all early mornings.  I know they have interviews all next week so I don't think it will be until early May that they choose who will get it.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     Day, Stormy has already destroyed three or four metal hoses.  He bites them and the water can't go through - the hose inside of the metal isn't  punctured but they're unusable.  He has also torn at least one off the hydrant.  I'm going to have to be sure I unscrew it and put it out of his reach.  I'm afraid he'll break a tooth, too.

     Good luck on the promotion.  The waiting will be the hardest - we'll keep our fingers crossed that you get it and the shift you prefer.

     Jo - he has TP.  I noticed a big package of it before I left Thursday.  I hadn't thought of it but guess he did.  It's just about like setting up housekeeping.  I have no idea what all he brought but he said he still has three plastic bags to put away.

     He's enjoying the food.  He called me tonight and said they had what we called goulash - he and Patsy called it something else - elbow macaroni cooked with tomatoes and hamburger meat.  Said they had a good salad and he thinks the salad dressing is great.  He said it was white so probably Ranch.  Vanilla pudding for dessert.  He always has milk and coffee at each meal.  I'm so glad he's eating and enjoying it.  What a relief it must be to have someone bring his food and not have to worry about where it's coming from and cooking it. 

     When he called I couldn't answer because I had an armload of hay.  I went to the mailbox and happened to see a cow about a quarter mile from the house - by herself so when I got back to the house I drove down and it was a cow who had just had a new baby girl.  The baby was up but was wobbly.  I told her to go to the barn and we took off - slowly.  Baby would walk a few steps and stop and she'd come back and see about him.  She kept wanting to go another direction but when we got about 200 yd. from the lot I got out and guided the baby with my hand on her back up to the lot.

     First I fixed it so they could be in the big part of the barn with hay and water, then came in and saw the weather - we're going to have pretty bad weather tonight.  So went back out and opened and closed gates and ran water for her in the cowshed part of the lot, then had to move the hay.  So now everyone can get in the barn if they want to.  Just couldn't leave a brand new baby out in the bad weather and with the coyotes we hear every night.  I think that makes six or seven new babies since the first of the year.  Really a nice baby, not as tiny as the last two or three but those tiny ones are growing and are full of life.  Fun to watch them run and play.  I think I counted six little ones when I was up in the pasture with them so guess this  makes seven. 

     I hadn't had anything to eat today except some Cheez--its and a crumb cake this morning so had some garlic mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables with Ranch dressing and garlic toast - just hit the spot.

    You're right, Jo, I have to have some open spaces with girls in it.  Keeps me calm no matter what's happening.  I do hope the day never comes when I have to leave here but no one knows what the future will bring.

     I asked Jack if he needed a bedside table or table by his chair and he said he didn't but may change his mind.  When I talk with Tamatha again I'll ask if there's ever any furniture for sale.  I know when my sister passed away Sara and Todd left her furniture there for anyone who needed it to use - also all her clothing.

     Jack did tell me he thinks the scrambled eggs are powdered but he's eating them anyway.  I've never had powdered eggs so wouldn't know the difference.  Oh, he  also had bread sticks for supper.

    Hope everyone has a good night's sleep.  See you tomorrow.. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good morning

    70F, 21C.  Giving a sunny but little windy day.

    Beth sounds like you will have a good salad.  You are ahead of me.  Hope to sow lettuce and greens this week if it works out.  I’m taking my time and if it don’t get done that will be ok too. I do have volunteer lettuce coming up.  Also see some type of volunteer cole crop sprouting.  Got probably half of my containers ready to go now.

    Zetta we had a week or two of that rain, snow and wind.  Hopefully we are past that.  Hope the high heat goes away, don’t want fruit trees blooming too soon.

    Day enjoy lunch and good luck with the job.  I’m going to lunch with a friend Wednesday if nothing happens.

    Congratulations Lorita on another new baby.  Sounds like you had a busy day yesterday.  I did too.  

    Made shredded chicken sandwich yesterday.  Had not done that in awhile.  Guess that is an Ohio thing.  Didn’t realize that til I saw a recipe for one once and it mentioned that.  You just cook chicken and shred it.  Then you mix in broth or some cream soup and broth, crushed crackers and seasoning you want. Sort of simple and plain but popular here.  My niece lives in Va and she said she misses them.  I sent her a recipe.

    Have been thinking about leftovers for when I work.  Got my lunch bag out.  It feels good.  All winter did not look forward to weekend.  I’m looking forward to today though and resting.  That feels good, normal.  Can get a free lunch at hospital, but will probably pack to avoid food intolerances.  Don’t want to get sick there.  May pick up a drink or fruit if they have that.  We will see.  Looks like maybe cafe is all pre prepared.  Sandwich without a bunch of Mayo would be fine. 

    Take care everyone

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Yay, another baby!

    Glad Jack is settling in.  I'm not surprised he finds the food tasty - and he'll be feeling better and better as time goes on with the balanced diet he's eating.  Yes, Ensure has vitamins, but I believe eating real food and enjoying it helps the mood as much as the vitamins and minerals in the food.

    He'll like it even better when he can go into the common areas and mingle.  I guarantee at least some of the TV fare will be Bonanza and the Golden Girls.  My mom really got a lot out of placement, being around people, the music activities, and mostly the structure.  I actually think it extended her life at least a couple of years.  We were so isolated at home.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Morning or afternoon for those of  you in the eastern time zone.

     Before I forget, Zetta, Jack has a cord he can pull if he needs help - it's in the bathroom - not sure about in the other part of the apartment.  He called this morning - said he didn't sleep too much last night. He is having trouble getting acquainted with his bed and new mattress so he's sleeping some in his recliner, too.  He had breakfast - about the same as they always have - includes two pieces of bacon which he likes, scrambled eggs, toast, oatmeal, juice, milk and coffee.  I know he's feeling better having food in his stomach instead of just Ensure. 

     Hope he gets his shower curtain today and someone will find time to help him hang it.  I heard him talking to  Tamatha and she told him when he took a shower the girls could help him.  He told her he was a little bashful so she aassured him they'd set outside the shower and if he needed help, they'd be there.  That was okay with him.

     We had rain, thunder and lightning during the night - sometime around 2 the thunder was awful.  It doesn't bother Stormy but scares Sheena so she came and sat beside me.  If I keep my hand on her and talk to her she seems okay.  We had about an inch of rain - water everywhere and still up to 3" more inches predicted for today.  I've just spent about half an hour out in the rain (light rain).  A cow had somehow gotten the gate closed and was stuck in the west lot and I saw the new baby laying out in the rain.  So went out and let the cow out and got the baby up and walked her into the cowshed.  Mom keeps looking toward where the other cows are way down  in the pasture.   Got Amy (guess that'll work) back in the cowshed and went to get some hay for her and mom had brought her outside again. So, repeated getting her back.  Finally just stood in the door while Amy nursed.  The other cow is really big and she was reaching over into the manger to eat hay so gave her some.  The baby felt warm so maybe it's okay.  I just hate for newborns to be out in the weather.

     Sara - you're always busy - bet that makes the time go fast.  How nice that you have volunteer lettuce coming up.  What kind is it?  We used to like Buttercrunch - I don't think we ever raised the iceberg variety - also raised leaf lettuce, red and green.  I remember one year we made kind-of raised beds and we had red and green volunteer lettuce coming up so I transplanted the lettuce around the edges of the big square bed - looked pretty.  I miss gardening but it is a lot of work but so rewarding.  I fell flat on my face last year trying to raise zucchini.  I thought anyone could raise them - but not me last year.  We used to raise a lot of eggplants - it may be an acquired taste but we used them in many ways.  I'd take them to work to give them away - also Charles loved peppers so we raised many different kinds.  He even sold some to the restaurants in town.  We used to grow one called Gypsy - my very favorite - a light greenish-yellow, crisp and sweet.  When I was growing up mother made stuffed peppers a lot - I've never made them.

     Glad I don't have to cook today - Day, I'm watching In The Kitchen with Daivd - and Denim & Company, switching back and forth.  I ordered the 50 ft. metal hose last night - so when I use it I won't keep it hooked up.  I have some of those  Velcro wrap-it things and after I use the hose I coil it up and put it in the wrap-it.  I like the metal ones because they're so much lighter weight.  I have a vinyl hose at the barn to fill the water tank out there and it still hasn't uncoiled.  I had a hanger out by the garden hydrant and Stormy evvn tore it up.  I think he hears and probably sees coyotes south of the garden and he's so frustrated that he can't get to them - so, he chews on the hoses and all the other things he does. 

     Talked with Mike on his way back to the clinic from a farm call.  He told me he'd been contacted - again - about leasing a ranch he has north of us for them to put solar panels on it.  There's a big electric line that goes through that area  - about 1 1/2 miles north of me - so they put the panels in and sell the power to the electric company.  But, they dig big trenches and put concrete in them so it ruins the land.  He won't lease for anything that bothers the land.  When I took Jack to the ALF the other day we passed a little town east of us and there was a tall, black fence around an area next to the highway.  I asked him about that and he said it was a marijuana grow place.  He's out and around all the time and he says they're everywhere - Carol says there's some not far from her house.

     Nothing else to write about so I'll stop and finish my hot tea while it's still hot.  The divan looks pretty inviting so if I can get the cats off of it I may take a nap later today.

     Hope all of you are well today.  Sara, sounds like you're looking forward to volunteering - bet you'll enjoy being back in a hospital setting. They're threatening to close our VA Hospital.  I grew up there - from barely 19 yr. old to 52 - same with Carol and Karen.  Really hate to see it closed.  Their mayor is really doing everything he can to save it.  If they do close it, veterans from eastern Oklahoma all the way down to the far SE corner of the state will have to drive an extra 60 miles for treatment.  Doesn't make any sense to me. 

     Beth, looks like you're getting some bad weather in your area, too.  Looks like the line of storms goes all the way to Canada and south way down in Texas.  The weather is so strange anymore - can't depend on any of it being the way it used to be.

     Back later.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning.    11:15am where I live.

    Lorita.    I am so glad that Jack is settling in and sounds like he will do good. If he needs help of any kind in his room just have him pull the cord, that will get someone in his room. Dan had a cord next to his bed but he had no idea what it was. At least in AL they know what the cord is about. Sounds like they are serving good food and big breakfasts. He is going to get spoiled real soon, and he deserves to be.  Tell him to try napping in his bed, maybe he will get used to it that way. 

    I do love to pet sit. I started my little business up by accident about 15 years ago and word traveled around and I had more jobs then I could handle. I had a few people I could pass the newbies on too. I had to cut way back when Dan was home and I needed to be home more. Now I have taken on a few of the ones I have known for years. It gives me something to do. Just like you with your cows. Your cows keep you a lot more busier then my little dogs do. I had westerns on all day yesterday and Rawhide was on a few times along with gunsmoke, big valley, bonanza, have gun will travel, ect.

    Day.  You mentioned bonanza being on the TVs in the AL homes. That is so true. When Dan was in the MC facility they all liked the westerns so the TV in the TV room had westerns on all day, that was something he liked. 

    Jo.  When Dan, passed away in MC I left all his furniture there, the bed he had was one they gave me when he moved in. So I donated a dresser, a TV, a recliner and the bed. I also left all his cloths behind for any one that needed them. I took all the pictures off his wall and the one big blanket off his bed. Funny because at times when I was visiting Dan, I saw his cloths on some of the other guys anyway.  I also plan on waring my mask for a long time, really to protect me from things. I hope your knees are not giving you too much problem. Do you take something to control the pain? 

    Sara,   You made me smile to see how happy your are looking forward to your job. Like a little kid with a new toy. 

    The sun is shining at my house today. If it warms up a little Molly and I will go sit outside for awhile. 

    Take Care all, Hugs Zetta 


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    My daughter called Friday on her way out of town to check in on me. When asked what I was doing I replied "watching my feet swell".

    Since this was a new activitiy I was abit concerned so doubled my water pill, my water intake and increased my activity. They are no worse today so.... I know I am not very active so I decided that the best activity was to go to the store every day starting today. Well the best laid plans of mice and men etc. As soon as I was headed out the door here came the rain. Checked and it looks like my exercise plan will have to wait until tomorrow.  Baby cow after baby cow....that is how many since Mike took over? Day...good news about your hand...now let's  have some good news about your job.  Sayra….you start tomorrow?
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    It's a beautiful day today which makes it a perfect day for a front porch love story. I have mentioned that I have a difficult time with Lou and her medicine. The Padres couple of days I've told her a story of our first meeting as I've given her the medicine and it works.

    Here it is: Lou do you remember how we met? When I was stationed with the Army Military Police at Fort Campbell a buddy and I went over to the airbase club. We noticed a table with about six girls and I picked out the prettiest one and asked her to dance. We danced one dance and sit in a booth and talked the rest of the night. One of the girls had to come and tell you it was time to go, but not before I got your number. I didnt have a car at the time but would hitchhike to your house every night. I was in the administration section and one day the Hopkinsville patrol told me they patrol Hopkinsville every night for several hours and would take me and pick me up. One time a friend of yours asked if you would double date with her and her boyfriend with this other guy with a car, which you told her; I've got my man now. We dated for three months before marrying and 55 years later still together. 

    She listened and smiled the whole time and took each pill I handed her without a single complaint.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,075
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    Ron, such a sweet love story.  

    Glad you have those memories, and that they seem to be calming to Lou as well.  

    I am sure your tone of voice and the twinkle in your eyes has something to do with it too!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm going to take a break for a while.  Reading about Jack's situation was very distressing for me.  Everything around me is distressing.  I often say PWDs should live in a bubble, but not a distressing bubble.  I'm not a PWD, nevertheless, I cannot handle too much stress.  

    Everyone, take care!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     We've had rain most of the afternoon and there's water setting everywhere.  I know the main road is flooded.  We had an inch of rain this morning and I don't think I emptied the gauge so will be anxious to see what it has in it tomorrow morning.  Tomorrow's trash day, again, and if it's rainy I won't take it down.

     Judith, seems like the feet swelling is a new thing.  When you're sitting down be sure to keep your feet elevated - that might help.  If you have a level enough space to walk around your house or in the house it might be better to do the walking there instead of in the stores - sounds like new subvariant is gaining omemtum.  Might be safer. 

     We've had seven little babies since Mike took over with several more to go.  I told him he had a new baby this morning and he laughed.  All of his cattle and new babies stay outside from birth but he doesn't seem to care if I keep them up a couple or three days.  I hope the cow took her back into the cowshed this afternoon.  It's getting colder - 55 degrees right now.

     Zetta - I don't get Have Gun, Will Travel and now I'm not getting Wanted: Dead or Alive but get plenty of Gunsmoke and Rawhide, also Bonanza and Big Valley. I'm not watching those last two now.

     After Lilly had her kittens, I had her spayed but for some reason Max and Sammy don't seem to think so. They really bother her sometimes.  Silly boys, anyway.

     Ron, that is a sweet story.  You may have to repeat that many times because Lou probably won't remember you've told her the story.  But, I know you won't mind doing that. Glad it redirects her thoughts so she's taking her medicine - I know that's a relief for you.  Isn't it wonderful to have those memories.  I remember the first time I saw Charles - I think it was love at first sight.  He had come to work at the VA as a  nursing assistant and the Assistant Chief Nurse was taking the new aides around to get them acquainted with the hospital.  I saw him and wished he'd be assigned to Urology - and he was!

     Zetta, talked to Jack twice today.  He said he hasn't napped much this afternoon - and that was in his chair.  He had a really good lunch - chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy - forgot what he said he had for dessert but tonight he had a slice of ham and one of cheese in a tortilla.  Probably had something else but he didn't mention that.  He's getting food and so far hasn't even drunk an Ensure.  I wish he had a better view from his window and patio - he says he can see the highway and trucks going by.  The ALF is located off a service road which is next to a busy, four lane highway but he says he can't hear the traffic.  I was amazed at how busy that highway is now - hadn't been over it in quite a long time.  Things have really changed in that town since I was working there.

     Sarah called this afternoon - sounded good, more like her old self.  She has a doctor's appt. tomorrow and another one on the 4th.  She has pneumonia and is taking antibiotics.  Todd was working today trying to get caught up - the pandemic has affected his business and he's lost employees, too. 

     Watching a show about the Tampa Zoo.  They really seem to take good care of their animals.  One part of the show was about a little black bear cub rescued because his mother hadn't returned to the den.  He only weighed four lbs. but looks like he'll survive. One of the vets took him home with him so he could feed him every three or four hours.

     I've worn a summer gown the last two nights and tonight I have on a winter one and a robe.   Funny or odd thing - Jack told me the heat doesn't work in his room.  Two days ago he said it got too hot in there - had to keep turning down the thermostat but then he admitted it was probably him instead of the heat.  Patsy told me he's very cold natured.  When we arrived there Thursday there was  a man sitting outside in the cooler air - he seemed very friendly - even told me he was half Cherokee.  If Jack can get acquainted with someone like that he'll enjoy it much more.

     I'm ready for the rain to stop - wish we could give the rest of it to Western Oklahoma and areas west from there.  Our weatherman said the wheat fields out there are just dust.

     Hope all of us can have a good night's sleep and a good Monday.  Wish you all had a dish of cobbler - I'm doing a good job making it disappear!


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Ron,     That is a sweet love story. Lou is so lucky to have you there for her. Thanks for sharing.

    (((((Iris)))))  Please take care of yourself I am sending you some big Hugs. Zetta

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    Iris....there were probably too many people trying to "help". I was one and am sorry.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Hi Iris,  I'm sorry, too.  I probably posted too much about the situation.  It was distressing but that's over now - he's in a safe place and will be happy.  He's beginning a new part of his life and will be among friends.  I'm sorry, too, that you're feeling distressed.  Our thread will be happier now.  We'll miss you and hope you're back soon.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    71F, 22C.  Giving a rainy day, show sunshine rest of week.  That would be nice.  Hope you get sunshine too Lorita.

    Don’t know what variety the lettuce is Lorita.  Had different ones so could be a mix.  Hope to get some fresh planted this week.

    Lol fell flat on my face with the zucchini too.  Going to try again this year if I’m able but trying a small yellow squash called Lemon Squash.  

    Judith hope the swelling in your feet is better this morning.  Start volunteering tomorrow.

    How sweet Ron.  Hope this continues to work for both of you.

    Guys mowed my yard yesterday.  They must have gotten really behind because normally they don’t work on the weekend.  Maybe they can get caught up this week.

    Thinking of you Iris.

    Zetta maybe you will have sunshine this week too

    Take care everyone

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Ron, what a lovely way to get Lou to take her pills and so loving.  It really is a love story and I too can imagine the twinkle in your eyes and soft sound of your voice as you sweet talk your dear wife.   What a gentleman! 

    Zetta, you really did an amazing job setting up your business - you needed three of you to take all the people who wanted to hire your service.  Folks recognized a responsible person of intelligence, caring and dependability.   I also left the good items at the care facility when my LOs passed away.  There are always others who can use the good clothing and other items and the facilities are often happy to have them, so that works well for others.

    Judith, I am sorry about the edema.  Doubling up on the diuretic may or may not be a good idea unless your physician feels it is okay.  It may have been a blessing that it rained and you could not get out to the stores - Lorita is correct; the COVID variants are presently rising in abundance and you are in a very high risk category.   Could be the doctor could order home P.T. to set you up with exercises, etc. to help with the edema. 

    Speaking of COVID - as said in last Post; did have second booster on Friday.  Had no side effects that day, but to quote Shakespeare - ". . . something wicked this way comes."   I sure got the wind knocked out of my sails Saturday and Sunday and will have to wait and see what today brings.  Saturday, I developed profoundly severe fatigue to the point at which it was a monumental taxing effort to get from the bedroom to the bathroom that is nearby; I had slight feeling of chills off and on.  Then ran a low grade temp 100.2  (my normal is 97.4) .  Saturday when I woke up I felt okay, however within an hour or so I began to get a headache and neck discomfort, then nausea chimed in along with low level muscle and joint discomfort. Still fatigued but not as debilitating as the day before; that lasted all day till bedtime. Will have to see what today brings.  My friend and her husband and my husband had absolutely no side effects from their second booster at all.   Leave it to me to be the odd person out.

    Sometimes, some folks will have a stronger reaction to subsequent vaccinations, but I would still get the vaccine for the obvious benefit being in a higher risk group.  A study done found Moderna vaccine a bit more effective and a bit longer in effectiveness than Pfizer, so am glad that Moderna was the vaccine available at the clinic we get our vaccinations at.  Most people I know had no or very little side effect, so I guess I am one of the outliers.

    Lorita, you did not discuss Jack's situation too much; not at all.  The Front Porch is for everything, (except arguing or insulting).  We discuss our ordinary days, our interests, our grooming, reading, TV shows, food and recipes, our animals, our families, and we also discuss tribulations, concerns and worries the ups, the downs and we all chime in with input and discussion.  Jack's situation is unusual, very complex and was extremely dire and we were all deeply concerned.  You stepped into the breach and undoubtedly have not only saved Jack's very life, but you have also made it possible for his life to once again have a good level of quality restored to it.  And of course, we all cared deeply and for one, I chimed in far too much. Hopefully this story will have a good and reasonably happy ending - time will tell.

    Iris lives alone and has a condition as she has described that can leave her feeling vulnerable at times and some situations can induce feeling depressed or upset if she is not cautious.  She is smart in monitoring this for herself.  It may be that she saw a bit of her situation in Jack's and it was upsetting.  I know that in the past she has absented herself to recoup from other Threads and Forums.   She knows how to balance her needs when finding herself in such a position; she is very smart about that and as said, is good about monitoring those needs. 

    I am interested in how to start lettuce and celery from using their root ends.  Does one bury the entire thing in the earth or only part of the root ends?  Fascinating thought that one can do that successfully; that never entered my mind, but then I do not have a green thumb.  My mother could grow anything, she was amazing but that talent passed me by except for zucchini - for some reason, my zucchini plants were like aliens that tried to take over the world; had so much I could not even give them away any longer.  Neighbors when seeing me come down the street with a basketful of zucchini ran indoors, closed their drapes and pretended they were not home - fooled them though; left them on their front porches! Ha!!

    Congrats on another new baby.  Mike sure is getting his dollars worth and an incredible oversight manager at no additional cost - good deal for him and also for you still caring for the animals you love.

    Our son and DIL are deeply saddened; they have four rescue dogs.  One of them, a tiny Yorkie is about 16 years old. She has a failing enlarged heart and has developed renal failure with only about 20% kidney function; she is of course, on meds.  She is unable to eat dog food and will take certain people food in small amounts.  She is greatly loved and the kids are deeply sad and making the decision to have her put to sleep out of compassion and love for her.  Extremely difficult decision for them to make. The little dog is in no pain or overt discomfort, she loves to be held and sleeps against son's back on the bed at night.  If they can closely care for her until the end, I think they would do it; but they also do not want her to suffer and are probably going to have to take the step no loving dog owner wants to take.  She has had a very good and loving life with son and DIL that she otherwise would not have had.  Very sad. 

    Hope everyone's weather will be good or better if it has been a problem.  Lorita, had to smile at the changes in your nightgowns going back and forth between winter and summer gowns.   I have had to do that too for weeks.  Several days in the 60's - warm gown; then abruptly, like yesterday and today in the 90's - summer gown; over and over again.  Today in the 90's again, keeps us guessing.

    Sayra; am sending warm wishes that your volunteering turns out to be very satisfying and that you enjoy it.  Can't wait to hear about it.

     Take good care one and all and may this be the beginning of a good week for everyone,


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Here is a video about growing vegetables in the garden from "kitchen scraps." This YouTuber is an Aussie with amazing gardens and a lovely accent. Really nice to listen to.  In short, you do just bury the end; you could root it in water before burying but you don't have to.


    More later.   Beth
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     Looks like it may be a pretty day.  It's brisk outside with a north wind and still cloudy.  The wind is supposed to be not as bad today but it ramps up as the week goes on.  We had about 2.2" of rain altogether yesterday and Saturday.  I woke up at 3 - Stormy kept coming over and standing and looking at me - wanting out so finally relented and let the GPs outside - went back to sleep and woke up about 4:30 so just dozed off and on and watched our local news.  I hadn't thought I'd take down the trash but it was still early so got up and got the rest of it together.  I had a Gator bed full.  There had been a big, black trash bag on the front porch for two months that the guys were using so put some more things in it and took it down.  There was water over the road on either side of our gate and some water standing in the driveway.  When it dries up some I'm going to have to get David to do a little bit of work on it and put down some more gravel.  Years ago that road was so bad we couldn't get to the house so Charles and I found someone to build the road - they brought in probably 30 truckloads of some kind of stuff to make the bed.  To me it looked scary, all these huge piles of stuff up and down the drive.  Of course, that was the day they tried to deliver liquid feed and also propane.  But they got it leveled it and it's been good since then.  Still have to put down additional gravel almost every year on parts of it.  Sorry for this long paragraph.

     When I got back decided I'd give the new mom some hay.  Penny had just come up and I kept hearing a calf bawling in the barn.  Two moms had left their babies in the barn when they went off to graze and Penny had come up to get her baby.  I looked and looked for Amy - even slogged through the mud to get into the cowshed and looked.  It was pretty dark in there and the ground is brown and so is Amy - I couldn't find her.  One little calf was still in the lot so managed to get here into the cowshed - turned out when she came in, Amy saw her and got up so I had two babies in there.  Finally got the extra one out.  Gave mom some hay and Penny was putting her head over the partition eating the hay.  I'll have to take a hammer out there and do a little bit of work to prevent that, if I can.  It really needs two or three more 2x6s across the partition.

     Toad took off the day yesterday but Mike said he'd feed today and tomorrow and get back on schedule.  Just called the girls to come up so all of them can get some feed.  Also mentioned to him that Toad might want to check out the creepfeeder - one side doesn't let the feed down very well so it piles up on one side.  He'll be so busy may not get it done today.  I imagine he'll have a hard time feeding in the muddy pastures this morning.

     Jo, In my heart the girls are still mine and I'll feel that way as long as they're here.   They're used to me and I can do things with them a stranger can't.  It keeps me involved and Mike doesn't mind what I do - probably appreciates it (know he does). 

     Found another tick on my mid back last night and this morning it's swollen a little bit.  That seems to happen every time I find one.  I've gotten more off me than the GPs - only one on Sheena.  They itch like the dickens when you get them off and you never know they're there until it starts to bother you.

    So you were able to have zucchini - don't know what happened to Sara's and mine - had lots of blooms but no fruits - or vegetables.  We used to grow them and they were prolific.  I think I've told the story before - but, I like raw zucchini so one day I took a zucchini to work for lunch.  I often took a piece of fruit or tomato or something like that.  It happened that day that we sat at a long table in the canteen with lots of other people.  They were all eating lunch so I took out my zucchini and started to eat it.  I guess people thought I didn't have enough or something so they started offering me part of their lunches.  Probably felt sorry for me but I was happy with the zucchini.

     I have the front door open and can see the girls walking between the house and pond.  Just saw a tiny baby go by with his mom right behind him.  One of the cats is standing up looking out the door at the birds.  As I was getting back to the house I think Stormy saw one of the squirrels.  He was running, barking and looking up into the trees.  I'm always afraid they'll catch one of them on the ground.

     Iris, I hope you're feeling better this morning.  Surely didn't mean to stir up anything but remember Jack is doing much better now.  I talked to him last night and he was going to sleep in his bed.  Sort of anxious to see if he did.

     Sara - tomorrow's the big day!  I bet you're excited.  I know we had lots of volunteers and it helped the staff so much.  Many of them had been volunteering for years and were just like employees.

     Jo - so sorry about the reaction to the second booster.  Did you have all Moderna vaccines?  Odd that everything was all right the first day, then the reactions after that.  I remember feeling a little low after my booster but, like you said, much better to be safe and take the second one.  Next week I'll make an appt. for my labwork and get the booster the same day.  Hope you're feeling much better today.  I think it's strange that some people have reactions and others don't - but, that's just me.

     I'll stop and finish my juice.  I'm a little hungry this morning.  Found two frozen pancakes yesterday morning and had them so I'll have to make some more pancakes (we call them hotcakes) and/or waffles and freeze them.  Maybe a crumb cake this morning.  I always think about scrambled eggs and hash browns but seldom get it done because it takes longer and I'm hungry.

     Hope all of you enjoy the day.  Ron, good luck with giving the medications this morning.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Ron.   Did you sweet talk Lou, this morning into taking her pills. You're so sweet to her.

    Sara.   I am looking forward to you letting us know how tomorrow goes. My weather here is still cold, we will be getting rain most of this week. I like rain it helps my grass to start getting green.  

    Judith.  Sorry about your ankles swelling. My ankles have been swollen for years, with me I think me being overweight is the reason. I go into the Dr this Thursday for my booster I will ask her then if its something I need to worry about. I want to start walking Molly, but I always seem to find a reason not too. 

    Jo.   Iam sorry you were sick this weekend. But now I know if I get sick from my booster. I will be getting Thursday it won't be a big surprise. I hope your feeling a lot better today. I plan on waring my mask for along time. The news is saying its a good idea, especially for my age. Sorry the sadness your kids are going through with the Yokie, not being well. Its hard parting with your pet but at times is has to be done. We do it because we love them. They will be in my prayers. 

    Lorita.   I agree with Jo, you did not overdue your thoughts about Jack, and I am glad we were able to help you as much as we could. I want to feel that the front porch is here for us to ask our friends for advice, suggestions or just a place to talk and share. I know I feel very comfortable on the front porch. I do understand what Iris, is saying and she will be in my prayers.  And hopefully she knows we are here for her. 

    Right now I have Gunsmoke on for background noise, I'm getting a bit tired of the limited few they show. The one that's on now is the one with Michael Learned in it. I think you see the same ones I do each day. 

    I love hearing about all the babies and to know how happy they make you and how busy they keep you. They will keep you young and healthy. Have a good day.

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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    Most of us must be busy this afternoon.  I haven't been but I did lay down on the divan and took a nap - about an hour, I think.  Usually feel groggy after a nap.

     I wanted to get the baby out of the barn and into the sunshine so walked her out through the mud and got them out onto solid ground with grass - not out into the pasture but where we park the cars.  After my nap I went out and guess where she was - in the middle of the prickly pear patch!!  Remember last year we had a baby that wanted to lay among the cacti - there's a little path through it and she was standing in it.  I had been on the porch and asked her mother where her baby was and she looked directly at her.  I had my sorting stick and was able to get her out.  Just now walked out that way and she's back in there, laying down.  No idea what the attraction is.  Wish I could get rid of those things but if you dig them up and put them anywhere, they'll come up again. Should have listened to what my sister said.  But, at least they're not out in the pastures.  I've heard that in the SW where they are in the pastures they burn off the thorns so the cattle cat eat them.

     The poke salad is growing everywhere - knee high in places. I try to break it off every time I'm around it so it won't grow into big plants.  It can get as high as your head!  We used to always enjoy eating the poke when it came up - with brown beans and cornbread.  It's sort of poisonous so you have to be careful how you cook it - can also give you diarrhea if it's not cooked right.  I haven't cooked it in years. One of our social workers used to come out and fish with Charles and he loved poke.  One year he dug up the roots and planted them in his garden in town so he'd have poke.  Sara, I bet you all ate poke in Kentucky, didn't you?

     Jack called me sometime in the late morning to ask when he'd be able to get out of his apartment.   Should be tomorrow so guess he's getting to the point he wants to see the rest of the place.  He did get his shower curtain and the nurse put it up for him.  He said "everyone kept saying they'd put it up - would be right back but never came".  I told him it just came late yesterday.  I guess he gets impatient and when they tell him someone would be back he thinks they mean "right" back.

     It's been a pretty day - sunny with some wind but chilly - a coat feels good.

    Guess the grass is really good in the NE pasture - the girls haven't been up since Toad fed this morning.  I think he'll feed again in the morning to get back in the routine he had.  I'll probably let the mom and Amy out tomorrow - or Wednesday.  She's still not that strong - I thought laying in the sunshine would be good for her.

     Judith, I hope your feet aren't swelling today.  Be sure to keep them elevated when you're sitting.   Mike has had a good return - seven new babies.  I think I mentioned that in another post.

     Time for the World News so I'll stop for now.  Have a good might. Weatherman just said there might be some frost NE of Tulsa but in the 70s and 80s the rest of the week - but there will be wind.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    48F, 9C.  Suppose to be cooler for a couple of days.

    My mom did fix poke salad occasionally.  I liked it.

    Have about a 1/3 of my grow bags prepared now.  Seeded kale, lettuce, dill, cilantro and Tatsoi yesterday.  Tatsoi is a new green I’m trying.  It is an inch tall and foot wide.  Hope to plant Swiss chard and carrots in next few days.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning, 

    Had a freeze overnight. 28 degrees. Supposed to get up to 60 and I have a lot of things planned to do outside today. Yesterday we went to Walmart Optical, where I ordered glasses. Only cost me $40; I have VSP coverage but even so, my copay is much higher at some other places. This will be my 4th pair from Walmart. I have been happy with them. Next week we will go get our tomatoes, herbs and annuals. Last year we waited until mid May, and apparently a lot of things were bought out for Mother's Day gifting. 

    Have a blessed day everyone.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Being a Northern raised girl, I had never heard of Poke Salad until what I saw here.  I actually thought it was a real "salad" made with a green called, "Poke," such as a lettuce or raw spinach salad - had to look it up and I sure was wrong.  Poke Salad is NOT the name of a dish to eat, "Poke Salad" is the actual name of the plant itself. Surprised me.

    "Salad" is simply a word that was actually meant to be, "sallet."  French word; and the plant was Poke Sallet and that was the word long ago until changed to the more modern American, "salad."  Evidently, "sallet" is a term for the cooked greens in France.  Some  folks still call the plant, "Polk Sallet."

    Anyway; Poke Salad plant can be HIGHLY poisonous especially to young children and the elderly. Has to be cooked very carefully.  If only partially boiled, can cause severe diarrhea including bleeding from GI tract. If eaten when toxic, it an actually cause organs to paralyze and fail. 

    From reading, it is advised by experienced users to always pick raw Poke Salad plant when wearing gloves.  Recommended that it be picked when about six inches tall, (but can grow to be 12 feet tall and likes to grow where there have been cattle.)  Really tall plants not good to harvest and not advised by what I read.  Advice is to never pick when it has flowered or has berries . . . white berries can make you sick, but when they turn green and then purple, they are very toxic and can kill.

    Also stated not to eat the roots or the bottom stem parts.  Some recipes advised to cut away the vein part going up into the leaves, that would take forever.

    Decided I will never try Poke Salad plant as in, why would I, considering . . .  (Northern raised girl).  Will stick to the non-toxic greens instead.  You Southern gals are gastronomically brave!  Saw one recipe that after the Poke Salad is boiled and drained, to use bacon, bacon fat and molasses to flavor . . . low cal is not on the table so to speak. 

    Evidently the boiling is the way to extract the toxins and one uses clean boiling water for each boil.

    Here is a recipe from Cooks.com:


    "Pick and wash poke salad, bring to a rapid boil for 20 minutes. Drain and rinse with cold tepid water. Bring to a rapid boil, starting with cold water, for a second boil for 20 minutes. Again drain and rinse with cold tepid water. Now for the third time, starting over cold tepid water bring to a rapid boil for 20 more minutes. Drain and rinse with cold water. Let drain completely.

    Meantime fry bacon

     and save drippings; set aside. Clean and cut onion in quarters. Take drained poke salad. Cook in fry pan that you fried your bacon. Add 1/4 cup of drippings and shortening from bacon. Add onion, 1/4 cup of water, salt to taste. Let steam fry until onions are sauteed, about 15 to 20 minutes. Serve and garnish with hard boiled egg and bacon."

     So; I got an education on something I knew nothing about; always good to learn.   If you are going to try this and are new at it, please do go and read all the multiple sites re Poke Salad on Google.  Safe not sorry is the caution and priority.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,318
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     Jo, we never called it poke salad - just poke.  It grows very fast and you should only eat the young shoots.  We always washed it really well (because it grows along the corral and fence rows), then boiled it in water for a while, poured off the water and boiled it  again.  This time you take it out of the water instead of pouring off the water.  Then, into a pan with hot grease to cook in that for a while.  We always put a little bit of vinegar on it before we ate it.  I ate it my whole life as I was growing up and until maybe ten years ago and never had any trouble with it making any of us sick.  It has a really good taste - perfect with beans, cornbread and sliced onions.  It grows all around our corral and up the fence rows.  I try to break it off to keep it from growing so big.  We also, when I was little, crushed the berries and used it as ink - just playing.   I've always worried some about the little calves getting the berries in their mouths but seems cattle are smart enough not to eat it.  Good stuff!

     I have a question:  I took the Pfizer vaccine for both my shots and my first booster.  Should I only use the Pfizer for my second booster - or can you mix them?  I hope you're feeling much better after your second booster.

     It's a beautiful morning - no wind for one day at least.  The sun is shining and it's in the 50s and low 60s, to be in the 70s later.

     Mike came by last evening to look at the tractor and some farm implements I want to sell and we decided to let the new baby and her mother out.  This morning I saw them and the moms brought the babies down close to the pond and left them and went to graze.  I was outside just now and they had all gotten up and started down to the NE pasture - except Amy's mother was looking for her.  I saw Amy still laying down by the pond - saw her mother go into the barn to look for her so I drove down between Amy and the water and mom saw her and hurried down to get her.  I left the gate open to the parking area and there's quite a few in there grazing.  I keep hearing the driveway alarm go off - guess a cow gets in front of it once in a while.

     I got my porch swing put back up.  It had been seven years since I put it up and almost forgot how to do it - took a couple of tries to get it the right height but it's back up so we can use it on the front porch.  I never did get it painted but maybe I'll get it done this year.

     We talked about how to get rid of the prickly pear - neither of us is sure - maybe spraying it with Round up.  He says if it could be covered completely with plywood or something to keep out the sun, that might kill it but not sure about the roots.  If we dug it up and took it somewhere it might sprout and grow again.  It's already putting on little buds for the new leaves or whatever you call them.  It's mostly died in the center but is thriving around the edges but the old leaves that have become detached will still live if they're planted or touch dirt.

     I called Jack this morning and he said he slept about two hours in his bed - didn't sleep much more (I think he sleeps more than he thinks).  I thought today would be the day he could leave his room but he says it's tomorrow.  I imagine he's antsy to get out and explore - know I would be.

     I still can't get in touch with Daniel so guess that's over.  I don't know if he's sick or what the problem is but probably have seen the last of him.  There's a few things he didn't get done like touching up paint in the utility room and painting the wall in the bedroom.  I also have to rehang pictures and things in the bedroom and utility room and clean the upholstery on the chaise lounge.  I bought some Resolve to use for that.

     Zetta, the Gunsmoke you saw yesterday "Matt's Love Story" with Michael Learned was on here, too.  I didn't watch all of it but in later years it turned out they had a daughter that he didn't know about but later learned about.  It was a good show.

     Day, I just watched two hours of Denim & Co. - didn't order anything, just watched.  They really have pretty clothes but I have so many I need to donate so surely don't need to buy more.  That's going to be one thing I want to do this summer - just go through the closet and weed out things.  I know I have things in there that I wore when I was working and I've been retired 27 years.  Still don't know where to take them - they have a mission and another place in town - don't think it's a resale place so guess I could take some to both of them.

     Ron, how's the swallowing problem you had?  Haven't heard you mention it lately.  I have a problem with that when I eat too fast - seems like it doesn't want to go down and it takes a while to resolve - also bad with dry things like bread.  I always resolve not to eat so fast but guess I forget.

     Just gave Stormy the last of his medicine so glad that's over.  It hasn't been any problem to get it down but this morning it was a little harder - guess he's catching on that I hide it in his food.

     Time for the news so I'll stop for now. 

     Stormy's taking the last of his medication today.  He's inside and Sheena's still out and doesn't want to come in.  Guess she's enjoying the sunshine and calm wind.

     Beth - do you have narcissus?  I noticed yesterday ours are beginning to bloom and my orange daylilies are growing really tall (Carol calls them cornflowers).  This morning I noticed some buds on the salmon colored knock-out roses.  The little pink ones over the arbor are growing like crazy but haven't seen buds yet.  They are so thorny it's hard to do anything with them.  Clematis are growing, too so won't be too long before they bloom.  I did also noticed this morning that the locusts are in bloom.  Really a pretty time of year.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    I do have narcissus - hundreds of them! They spread easily. I should thin some out and move them to another location this fall. I also have around 3 or 400 tulips. They are just beginning to bloom. I have clematis and they are showing leaves but not as far along as yours, Lorita. I think I will plant my green beans tomorrow, and maybe some kohlrabi and red-veined sorrel (it's a green you can eat but I like it for its beauty). 


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,766
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    Well in Chicago we called the plant polkweed or just polk. I too thought they were used in a salad. I guess there are salad green and cooking greens.

    I bet Dan will come back to finish and get paid.

    It does seem like alot of calves this year. How many did you usually raise every year? Did yours all go to market? Will all of Mikes be auctioned?

    Asking these questions after visiting the stockyards here last week. The cowboy just got back from TX where her branded 500-600 cattle. He loves it.

    Hope we hear from our new volunteer this evening.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Growing up in rural Deep South, I and family ate wild “poke salad” (we called it the two words, although pronunciation sure varied) several times a year, when it came up. Never raw, always cooked. No special cooking, just like spinach, chard, turnip greens, etc. Plus vinegar/hot sauce.

    The berries, though…Birds loved to eat the berries, and then wreaked all kinds of havoc on the fresh laundry drying on outside lines. That was some serious stains. And as said, we kids would smush the berries up to make a dye or “ink” to play with…somehow we all survived! 

    Now I have the song stuck in my head…chomp chomp chomp.

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DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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