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Just need to talk to my friends (170)



  • GMcG
    GMcG Member Posts: 10
    Legacy Membership 10 Comments
    Jo,  thank you for the book recommendations. I had just finished a book so immediately downloaded The Kite Runners into my kindle.  Probably would not have selected it without your recommendation but I am really enjoying  it and learning so much about Afganistan.  Added bonus the kindle edition  was only 1.99.
  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    I used to buy used books from Amazon. As Beth said, just look under the format box—where it says paperback hardback or Kindle— of the book you’re looking for, and there’s a line that says  “used copies available..” Just click on that. 

    The sellers are virtually all businesses (not individuals) and they give a description of the condition, and price. The descriptions were valid, IME;  you decide how “perfect” you want for the price. Recent books/current best sellers may cost about the same as brand-new.

    I forced myself to Kindle solely for space. We have a 2-story full-wall bookcase with ladder. People like it  (my favorite is “have you really read all those?!?”) but I’d never do it again, too hard to deal with. 

    Last book count was around 2,000. I didn’t watch TV, I read. Still do, at night. DH too, before Alzheimer’s. The Kindle Paperwhite IS good for easily enlarged type, and it’s a different light that doesn’t interfere with sleep like most computer/tv may do.

    I tried selling about 50 books at some yard sales this spring, best-sellers, some cookbooks, and a few fantasy, $1, then free. I got rid of a half-dozen (fantasies and very niche cookbooks). The frequent yard-salers just laughed at me. Even charities stopped taking books during pandemic, most limited their takes even before.

    Earlier I threw away a lot of old paperbacks, DH was in his rummaging stage and got them out of the outside trash (super-nasty by then) and back inside. We have so many serious art books, I don’t know what will become of those. I guess the kids will toss. As the  kids keep telling us, some things aren’t worth saving —especially when we can’t even find it (as they’ve witnessed too much!)

    Lol, before I worked in disaster response/recovery, I thought people who’d lost everything would be glad to get almost anything (not books, but it reminds me). That was a hard wake-up call, my bad.  They don’t want my old clothes any more than I do!   (The chronic homeless are a little different, although many also have mental issues. No telling what they’d take).

    The tornado video from Kansas? has been breath-taking. Unimaginable destruction, in slow motion. Nothing can withstand that kind of hit. We’ve been in drought/fire conditions but finally got a rain, and it’s so noticeable how fast lawns and plants greened back literally overnight.

    But different, I could use cat advice. We now have the cat, along with our old toy poodle. Feeding is the problem. Cat food gives the dog bad diarrhea—and the dog is crazy for cat food. If I feed them in different rooms, the dog goes wild tearing at the door (she can smell it). If I put cat food up high, dog smells and jumps and barks at it. Dog can be stuffed full, she’s not hungry, but still wants the cat food. Is there any solution for this? (Cat has no interest in dog food)

    All the music talk…I just got tickets for Lady A(ntebellum), not a big fav but an event. Our local arts hall never books “country” bands, and this one sold out in a day! Also just saw Lyle Lovett. I used to love him, but he’s been low-profile, and it reminded me how much I like his work. Tom Jones!! Oh my, he really did have it—and still performed until very recently. He kept his voice incredibly well.

    So sad about mama Judd suicide….family said longtime mental illness. It’s so hard on the family. And I just read “My Love” by Amy Bloom a few days ago. Different, but a lot. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Naomi Judd committed suicide?   I hadn't heard that - just that she passed away from a lifelong mental illness.

     I don't know the solution for keeping dogs from eating catfood. I have that problem with Stormy.  He's had diarrhea and our vet said catfood can cause it.  The cats want dry food but usually don't eat all I put down and Stormy watches and sneaks in and eats it.  I guess feeding them in a different room with the door closed is what I'll have to do.

     It's seemed like a long day.  I got up early and have napped on and off today, mostly in my chair.  When I laid down on the divan I kept having to get up for this and that.  Still have to go out and put the PU in the carport - they're predicting heavy rain and storms with hail by morning.

    I haven't done anything productive today except I did get a couple of storage boxes out of the crib.  They've been in there for a long time so are very dusty.  I got them as far as the water hydrant - kept thinking I'd go out with a brush and wash them but haven't so far. It's still really muddy around the barn and now they say we may get 4-5" of rain this week.  If that happens the roads will really be bad - there's still water over the one down by our gate.

     Haven't talked to anyone today except Jack called for a couple of minutes.  Sheena's still getting up and down slowly but she's doing it.  So happy about that. 

     Did make a big grilled cheese sandwich with tomato soup for supper.  Couldn't eat but half of the sandwich and soup - so guess that'll be lunch tomorrow.  The tomato soup is really sweet even with hot sauce in it.  I didn't remember it being so sweet.  I've never made tomato soup but will try it someday.  I bought a case of it over a year ago and still have almost all of it.  I used half almond milk and half water in it so maybe the almond made it sweeter although it was unsweetened. 

     Guess I'll go out and get those storage boxes cleaned up.  I have been storing off-seasons clothes in cardboard boxes but these would be better.  I still have Charles' clothes laying on the divan in the sunroom.  I need to call and see if the Mission is opened again so I can taken them in.  Sort of hate to do that but at least someone could use them - if they will.

     Hope the weather's good where all of you are.    See you tomorrow.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    50F, 10C.  Got some rain yesterday.

    Lorita I do like spring.  Last spring I planted a trillium my sister gave me in the woods.  Have been looking for it.  Found it Saturday.  Hope it blooms.  When we lived on the farm our woods was full of them.  Didn’t realize how special it was.  My sister planted some too and hers has blooms but she doesn’t have woods.  Hope mine is just a bit later due to being in woods.  That is their natural habitat.

    My plants for the most part are doing really well.  Hope to get my poppies out today.  Hope they do well.  Last year they didn’t and the constant mist we had didn’t allow the seed heads to dry properly.  If I can get them to do good one year then they will self sow and I will never need to start them again.  Love poppies.

    Zetta I made stew yesterday.  Made spaghetti and buns day before.  Trying to get a little ahead in case don’t have time or feel like cooking.  Not sure if I work Tuesday.   My trainer’s wife is having surgery and so he won’t be there tomorrow.  I am comfortable with working by myself but don’t have my badge yet.  Sent the manager an email Friday asking about this.  Maybe she will get back with me today.  She might be waiting to see if she gets badge.  Will call her this afternoon if have not heard from her by then.  

    Lorita I have been nosing around at pita bread recipes.  May be awhile as this is a busy time for me but hope to try it.  Really like tzatziki sauce too.  Going to try that to at some point.

    Rescue mom sad to hear about Naomi Judd.  She was born about 30 minutes east of where I was born.  Not too far from where Lorita Lynn was born.  So many people suffer from mental illness.  It is the cause often of drug and alcohol abuse.  Why I have empathy for them as I realize in many there is an underlying cause.  My dad lost his battle with depression in December 2002. I have a sister who suffers from it.  She so far though stays on top of it and is very vigilant about trying to get help when she needs it.  I have been exposed to mental illness through both sides of my family and through my friends families.  Hard for me sometimes when I see people who have never had exposure to anyone with mental illness and they have no empathy at all.  Many feel like they should be able to just pull themselves out of it.  Heard my dad say once when he was doing ok that you have no control when you are going through a real rough patch.  My dad dealt with it by being a workaholic.  When he could no longer do that he had a harder time dealing with it. The other day saw a show on local program about suicide prevention.  Watched it and it was so disappointing as all they talked about was opiate issue.  Many out there struggling are ignored, there’s a lot of people struggling with this issue who are not drug addicts.  They need help too, better drugs, better access to treatment.  Hard to get treatment in our community.  My sister really has a struggle with this now and then.  PCP are clueless and very few professionals available in our community.  My sister and dad both have/had hypothyroidism which can be a contributing factor.  I do too but have not suffered from depression so far.  The lady I help, don’t even want to put her initial here just in case someone locally is here and would recognize, you regulars know who I mean.  She told me a few weeks ago that she hoped I understood what she was going to say.  She told me she thought it would be best if her son with mental illness died before she did.  Told her I did understand.  Now I know why she fights so hard to carry on .  There may be others here who know this pain, but maybe not.  Maybe I know about this pain so I can understand other’s struggles.  I worked with a girl who had this struggle with a husband she loved.  I could listen, I could understand.

    Take care everyone


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     It's 62 here this morning - just a little bit of rain last night and a sprinkle a while ago but this afternoon and a couple of more times this week we're supposed to have severe weather.  I hadn't planned on taking down the trash because I thought it was going to be rainy this morning but I took it down.  Girls are drifting down to NE pasture to graze.  It's so green here that it makes the air look green.  It's usually that way in Spring.  This morning when I was out I noticed the red knock-out rose in the back yard is beginning to bloom and there are buds on the other red one and also on the salmon colored ones.  I really need to trim out some of the dead branches - just can't seem to get around to doing it.  If it rains this evening and night I'm going to transnplant some of the little white flowers so they won't be mowed. The wild violets in the north yard are not blooming but the leaves are really big.  The ones I transplanted in the two pots on the front steps keep growing and something keeps eating them.  Do wish I knew what it is.  It's raining like everything in Tulsa right now - not here.

     Oklahoma has it's first case of Avian flu. The flock was somewhere in Sequoyah County and all of them had to be destroyed.  That can really be a big hit for someone raising chickens.  The news said it only occurs in chickens and turkeys and isn't transmittable to humans.  Also safe to eat chicken and turkey - don't have to worry about that.

     Sara, I'll be interested ini what you learn about pita bread.  A few years ago I went through a time when I could get it at WM so made sandwiches from it - and really enjoyed it so if you find a good recipe and it works well, I'll try it, too.

     Called and cancelled my doctor's appointment for this afternoon.  The irritated place is almost healed - the ointment he gave me in 2017 really works - but, need to get it refilled.  I'm going to wait until next week to get my second booster and lab work.  Hopefully, I can coordinate both appointments the same morning. 

     Charles was 100% SC for PTSD so we dealt with that problem for all of our married life.  He was on medication and it worked well.  I know he had flashbacks - I can remember a couple that were scary but for the most part a person wouldn't have noticed it if they weren't familiar with him.  He did very well but he probably had flashbacks I didn't know about and I'm sure he had bad dreams.  One of the social workers also had PTSD.  He was in Viet Nam and he said if a helicopter flew overhead it caused flashbacks and took  him directly back to the war. Charles was vigilant all the time and didn't like crowds - when we ate out he always had to be facing the door - just two or three of the things he had to do to keep it under control.  The secretary in SWS in Tulsa said he husband had PTSD and it affected him the same way.  It's a wonder every soldier doesn't have it if they've been in combat.  War is an awful thing.

      Well, today Jack is supposed to have a visit from the realtor about his house.  I'm sure  he's excited about it.  He'll do what he wants to do so I won't try to interfere or inject my ideas.  I think it upsets him.  Patsy seemed to always let him have his way.  He called one time yesterday morning and that was all.  Still says the men he sits with at mealtime don't talk.  I told him to go ahead and talk to them and maybe they'd start talking - he said "no, they won't" so I dropped it.  I know he's so relieved that he doesn't have to worry about driving into town to get something to eat - has to be a big relief for him. Hoping Zelda is able to find a good home soon and I'm sure she'll be much happier. 

     Ron - do you still have all of those pretty songs in your head this morning?  I do wish music was as pretty now as it was many years ago - big band music, Platters, BeeGees and all those groups many years ago.

     I'll be back later. Need to find something to eat.  Zetta - I'm going to try coloring the boiled eggs again next time I boil some - I really like the way they turned out.  I think I put too much dye in at one time.  Hadn't used it for years and it came out in a glob.  But, the pastel pink eggs are pretty and really did taste better than white ones.  I think it's probably our imagination, or at least mine.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Lorita think I remember you mentioning before Charles dealing with PTSD.  That is tough too. 

    Just letting you know they have my badge so will be working 7-1 or 2 Tuesday and Thursday so if you don’t see a post those mornings I probably woke up a little late and didn’t have time.  Have to learn how my new routine will go.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Our son and DILs little Yorkie, Ella, was given to sleep this morning.  She had that little rally last week, but over the past few days she far worsened and she had no reserves left.  Poor little wee being, and truly sad for son and DIL; but they did what was far best considering, and did it out of love and compassion. 

    Yes, Lorita; the almond milk would indeed change the taste of the tomato soup; not, I would imagine, for the better.  Sorry that happened.  I really like the flavor of the Progresso tomato soup far better than the Campbells; but that is just one person's preference.

    Glad you found the Trillium plant, Sayra.  Trillium is such a pretty plant, I understand it can sometimes take from five to seven years to bloom.  That is such a long time, but imagine the excitement the first year it does flower!

    I have begun reading the Knightsbridge prequel, thanks for the recommendation, it is a very good read and hard to put down.  Similar to the first book, "Pillars Of The Earth."

    Mental illness is certainly not a joke and certainly not something that someone can "pull yourself up and get over it."  Sayra makes very good points sharing that.  It can be very cruel and affects many lives deeply and in so many ways.  Even having intermittant anxiety or moderate depression can cause suffering and affect the quality of life for a person which is often discounted.  So many different diagnoses in that arena, and I found in my RN experience, problems often go undiagnosed.   Some of my RN training experience for severe psychotic disorders was done in a locked male maximum security wing in a state mental hospital.   Also had further experience in two private mental health facilities - all of it very stunning to a student nurse who had no idea, but who soon learned the human toll it can take. It is often heartbreaking.

    The Lanterman-Petris-Short Act which changed the indefinite and involuntary committment of individuals was meant well, but it has also put very badly compromised individuals out of care without much of a safety net with unfortunate outcomes and has greatly contributed to the homeless population and other significant issues.   After seeing the effect of such conditions and the meds used to treat, I have often hoped for better treatment for those affected, but not much has changed and horrible nasty side effects of such meds are still a significant problem.   As for the actual cause of Ms. Judd's death; nothing had been released as of this morning's news, so it appears that as of now, it is anyone's guess as to what actually happened. 

    As for sitting facing a door when in a restaurant, etc., Lorita, most law enforcement does that as a matter of course.  They are trained to keep their eyes open in rooms and their eyes as a matter of course will often, even when relaxed, be on what might be coming through a room.  I know my husband far prefers to be able to sit facing the door/room when we are out.  Another family member who is a fireman always counsels family to immediately look for ALL exits from a space when going in.  Theaters, arenas, churches, restaurants, any gathering spaces.  He has said, in a fire or mass event, most people will run for the main exit they came through, blocking the ability to get out safely, so always know where the alternatives are. 

    Thank you for the hints re using Amazon; I guess I somehow missed the prompts for used books.  In the past, I had so many, many books that it was ridiculous.  One way I did donate books was to the military; called first and then brought boxes to different bases or offices.   They mainly like novels.  Both male and female military, so all kinds of fiction novels in good condition were wanted.  Don't know if they are still doing that or not, but it was one way of donating. Now I find myself needing to get some good paperback fiction novels to put aside for those sneaky power outages when I cannot plug in my e-reader.

    Sorry about your mother, Sayra.  It can be true; some things are just not worth it.  I remember my MIL who was totally capable of living alone in her home; but oh my.   One day, a sales person on a cold call, managed to get her to sign a contract for new windows for ALL windows in her house.  Only thing was, she already had fairly new windows and they were all good and no problems.  She had been "suckered."  DH did not find out about it until after that three day cooling off period where one can cancel a contract.  The loss would have been in the thousands of dollars.

     Oh, what to do.  MIL argued, carried on, and then was angry and upset and on and on when she realized she had been taken advantage of.  So, DH called the window sales person back; they would not cancel the contract.  He then and asked if they did not have better quality windows than what had been sold.  Of course they did.  So; salesman met with DH and MIL.  DH said they would need a new contract for the new, better windows; to be sure for no mixup, the old contract was torn up.  Well; the new contract was brand new and within the three day cooling off period.  DH, the same day, cancelled the new contract thereby saving those thousands MIL could not afford to lose.  He felt bad doing it, but no other way out as company had refused to cancel the first contract.   Sometimes on a not so merry, merry-go-round.

    I love that tzatziki sauce too.  Recipe is easy; best to use full fat yogurt.   It can also be made with sour cream which is a bit more tangy.   We used to get Gyro sandwiches from a local Greek takeout.  Pita bread with bbq'd very thinly shaved lamb and tzatziki. Gosh it was good.  However, the shop has been closed for quite some time.

    We are only in the low 70's today, it feels so good.  Supposed to go up into the 80's mid-week, and then fall again with a "possible" bit of rain next week.  Sure hope so, we can use it even if it is only a little bit.

    Had Chicken Tika Masala for dinner last night over some rice with some broccoli on the side, it sure was good.  That dish we get frozen from CostCo; it is in a 36 ounces pkg. and made by a gourmet Indian chef, Sukhi Singh; she sure can cook.  Very high quality and very, very tasty.  Glad we have enough left over for another meal.  She has her own site where one can order a variety of her frozen meals, but it appears they come in smaller packages. 

    Wish I could get the oomph to be able to make some Cornish Pasties.  Love them too, but  labor intensive.  No shops in SoCal that make authentic pasties, in the U.P. of Michigan can find them everywhere. There was one pastie shop in SoCal but they use hamburger for their meat instead of diced beef; (never, ever use hamburger), and their potatoes shredded like the size of shredded cheese instead of diced, no diced onions or bit of tiny diced rutabaga, that would cause an uproar in the U.P.; no self-respecting pastie maker would own up to such a pretend pastie.  The iron ore miners used to take the pasties to the mines for their lunches/dinners.  Original recipe came from Wales where the miners there used to take pasties for their meals.

    Time to be moving on, hope all is well with everyone, and Ron, so hope things are going better.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     Jo, I feel so bad for your son and DIL for their loss of Ella.  It's a very hard thing to have to do - heartbreaking.  When Susie had to go to sleep I couldn't make the decision - left it up to Mike.  She would never have recovered but before, when we were out in the waiting room she was greeting people and wagging her tail.  I can remember each one who has to go go to sleep.

     Well, the severe weather has begun.  They had a tornado east of Talihina that moved on into Arkansas and now they're tracking two tornados north/northeast of Tulsa moving East.  One is around Hominy where Charles'  aunt used to live and near Gray Horse. Storm chasers are out in force.  The tornado track on one is headed toward Pawhuska - wonder if the Pioneer Woman is home.   I've only been in a town one time when the sirens went off - shortly after Charles and I were married and lived in town - it was eerie - did not like that at all.

     My new sauce pans are supposed to be delivered today - I bet anything UPS leaves them down at the road.  We had 1 1.2" of ?rain around noon - for two hours it was really hard.

      Laid down on the divan and went to sleep - felt lousy afterward.  Jo, I bet it is the almond milk that made it taste sweet.  I finished it this afternoon and didn't notice the sweetness as much - won't use that kind of milk in the soup again.  I used to like Progresso lentil soup but haven't bought any in a long time - so easy to make at home.

     I did a little bit of clothing change-out this afternoon.  Put a lot of winter tops away and got out some summer clothes.  I tried calling the Mission this afternoon but no answer so guess they're not open yet.  Don't know what I'll do with those clothes - guess I'll leave them where they are until things open up.

     Sarah called - she was going to the hospital.  Her feeding tube broke and the doctors advised her to go to the hospital for replacement. 

     Jack is all right - he can get Lasix prn - says his are swollen a little bit today.  He has at least one of the men at his table talking a little bit so that's good.  Because of the bad weather today the realtor rescheduled their meeting for tomorrow. 

     I'll be glad when we get through this bad weather this evening but it will happen again either tomorrow night ot the next night.  I mentioned I'd been asleep on the divan - I got up and now Stormy's asleep on the divan. 

     Quiet here today except for the weather.    Extex, all of this bad weather may be moving toward you and Bonnie - be careful.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,767
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    Explanation tomorrow.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Shoot!  Supposed to get my yellow pans today but a notice they attempted delivery but couldn't.  Guess the roads were flooded.  Maybe tomorrow.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    We have been getting a mixture of snow and rain today. It's pretty cold but still warm enough that the snow is not staying on the ground. Weatherman is saying 75 on Wednesday. We will see.??   Pretty quiet day today and tomorrow. I go to the drug store Wednesday to get my second booster. I hope I don't have a bad reaction like Jo, did. 

    Jo.    I am so sorry about Ella. Please tell your son and dil that they are in my prayers. I know how sad this can be. I still miss all of mine that have passed on. We love them so much. And they have given us so much love. I will have to try that Progresso Tomato soup I use Campbell's Tomato and I like it, but I have heard that Progresso is better.  

    Sara.    I bet your glad your badge finally came in, soon you will be on your own, you're probably way ahead of things already. It is a good idea preparing your meals ahead of time. I always did that when I worked. 

    Rescue Mom.  I always have to feed my cat Sammy up on the table. My dog Molly will try her best to eat the cat food. Maybe you can try taking the cat food bowls off the counter when she is done so your dog knows it's all gone. I am sure you have tried it all. Maybe take your dog for a walk when the cat is eating.  

    Lorita.    You are so right the colored eggs taste a lot better. Blue is my color, so I just use the blue color on the eggs. I hope Sarah gets the feeding tube replaced, without any problems. Is she improving at all?  Sounds like Jack is making friends, I am sure it will just take time. It is nice he has his own room. He can choose to meet up with the others are just have some quiet time. If I ever have to go to A.L   I think I would enjoy it as long as I can have Molly with me. 

    I hope all of you are well and n ot in any area that is having all this bad weather I have been hearing about.

    Good night, Hugs Zetta

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    50F, 10C. Giving a rainy day.

    Zetta hope all goes well today.  After my last one felt a little rough for a day.  Fine after that.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     It's about 50, cloudy and windy and soooooo wet.  We had 2.1" of rain yesterday but we lucked out as far as really bad weather went, in this area at least.  There were four tornados in the State last night with damage.  But, tomorrow, it's rinse and repeat.  Bad weather in the morning, then again overnight and into Thursday morning - this will be a slow moving system - the one yesterday was pretty fast so didn't last too long.

     Sara, you were up and at 'em early this morning.  I know you're working right now - hope it goes well today without your trainer. 

     Zetta, are there ALF that let you have your pet?  That would make all the difference in the world to me.  I don't know if I could make it in one because I have to be outside.  I do wish Jack had brought his lawn chair with him so he could sit in it out on his little patio - probably 3x9" but big enough to have a chair, or two. 

     When I woke up this morning Sheena and Stormy were still sound asleep so I just laid there for half an hour.  The girls had already gone off to graze but I saw one or two in the lot so went out to see if everything was okay - and to get the lid to one of the storage boxes I brought out a day or two ago.  I got the wrong lid the first time.  It is so muddy, even with boots it's very hard walking.  It'll take forever to dry out - but it will.

     Zetta, hope you don't have any kind of reaction to your booster.  I'll try to get mine next week.  I'm not around anyone so that will work out all right.

    QVC had a hummingbird feeder on this morning so that makes me think I should put one up.  I didn't see any of them last year.  I found one on the front porch but there's no way to  hang it - I think I tied it on the bannister last year.  I think there's one in the storage building.  The man who was selling them said he saw baby hummingbirds last year - about the size of a bumble bee.

     Zetta, didn't hear anything else from Sarah last night so don't know if she was admitted or not.  I'll try to call her in minute.

     I'll be back later.  Need to drink some hot tea - sort of have a headache this morning.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Thank you for your kind words on the passing of little Ella.  It is appreciated.

    I would not be too concerned re getting the COVID booster.   I had the one day "ick," but I have sensitivities to SO many meds, that is just me.  None of my other friends or acquaintances including my husband had any side effects whatsoever.

    The news reports today did confirm that Naomi Judd did commit suicide.  Tragic and so very hard for her family.  Clinical Depression can be a terrible disease.

    Zetta - snow!  Oh yikes, in the Merry, Merry Month of May.  All you rain area folks, please send some our way.   Crazy how the weather is so different in various states; not so many miles and a completely different situation for weather.

    Judith - Quack???  Well; honk, peep, right back at ya' feathers and all.  Are we a chorus yet?

    Glad to hear that Jack has been getting a little socialization.  Getting used to things and adapting takes awhile.  Curiosity may well bring him to activities.  Some ALFs do permit one small pet, Lorita, but have to meet care criteria.   Some ALFs also have outside paths and walks with gardens and lawns for exercise and pleasure; they differ from on another in that way. One near us has huge outside areas and one of the areas with bbqs and outside tables and chairs.  Beautiful place with amenities, but oh my; it is too big; reminds me of a rabbit warren - far too many apartments on three floors; all ALF only, no step-down units.  Also pricey as in, eek!  I can understand Jack preferring to eat in his apartment while watching TV.   I do not know of any places that will bring trays to the room unless there is a short term illness; the rare one that would probably charges extra for that.   Wonder if they will let the resident use containers to bring the food back to their own place.  If they do, perhaps that will please Jack when he wants to watch a favorite program while having a meal.

    Hope Sarah is doing okay, you are right from what  you have said in the past; she would probably do much better in care, but it does not sound as though that is going to be an option.   So much stress for her in how her care needs go; if she would permit visiting nurses to see her each week or at other intervals, it may be helpful, but that too does not seem to be a wanted option; she seems very independent.  You are very dear and kind with her, Lorita; I am sure she must appreciate that very much.  Hope the new tape will help her skin.  If her appliance is leaking or has other problems, she may really benefit from a home visit by an RN Certified Enterostomal Therapist who could assess the appliance and other supplies being used.  Sometimes, after surgery, the body tissue changes and a different appliance is needed for best fit.

    So quiet here this morning; no bird sounds from the trees and all as silent as can be. Odd for this time of the year.  Did not hang hummingbird feeders last year or this. Our hummingbirds have not been friendly to one another.   One hummingbird, (able to identify the bird),  will stake the back yard as his/her territory, and aggressively attack the other hummingbirds coming in to have a bit of food too, despite there being two different feeders in different areas.   We usually hung two of them far apart, but the attacks by the dominant bullying hummingbird is really forceful - after having that for a couple of years, we decided not such a good idea to reinforce that.  Seems they may do better with the flowers and plants.  The dominant hummingbird always seemed to be a little larger than the others.  I always thought of them as the sweet little birds; but evidently they too have  their issues.  Found this:


      Will now have to wait for Judith's, "Quack," to see what's up . . .


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Morning,

    Warm and sunny right now, I hope it gets a bit warmer so I can open my doors. Thank you for the concern about me getting my booster, I get it tomorrow I had no reaction to the others so I don't plan on having any to this one. But I will be ready. 

    I don't plan on hanging my hummingbird feeders this year. When I do they draw bees and ants that get all over my porch. I tried hanging them out far enough so the nectar would not drip on the porch, but it still draws the bees and I am allergic to bees. The last time I was sung I was 18 I broke out in a big rash and passed out. I was told I was allergic to bees. So Jo, would I still be? if I get stung and I am by myself what should I do? 

    Lorita.     The MC where Dan was, was attached to a big AL facility. They allowed small pets as long as the resident could take care of them. They had a real nice fenced in doggie yard. I always had Moly with me so I would let her play in the doggie yard and she got to know a little dog that lived there. Then there was a sidewalk that surrounded the facility so there was a place to walk the dogs. I only saw the one dog that lived there but I was told there were a few cats. If I did not have Moly I would be happy with a cat. There also is two big enclosed courtyards. Dan was  not in a fancy place but it was a comfortable place.  I have told my kids if the time came I needed to go that is where I want to go. It sounds like Jacks apt is pretty big. The AL that was where Dan was they were rooms with private baths. The rooms are pretty good size they also had a small kitchenette in the room. 

    Sara.   I hope you had a good day at work. You were up so early did you get any sleep at all last night? 

    Judith,   I hope your OK and by quacking you were just letting us know your there. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Hi again,

     Well, Jack called a while ago - he sold his house - and car.  He said now he might be able to sleep since he hadn't slept in three nights.  He sleeps during the day - at least he tells me he takes naps.  They offered only $3,000 above what they bought the house for and he wouldn't take that so ended up getting something about $33,000 more than they paid but that includes the car.  He made the deal so hope he's happy with it - seems to be so.  I hate to see all of Patsy's things destroyed - pictures, knick-knacks, new little refrigerator and so many other things but it's up to him and he doesn't seem to mind.  None of my business.

     He said that now he could afford to buy a little scooter when he needs it.  I reminded him that Patsy had bought one only two or three months before she passed away.  He seems to think it isn't any good - too many controls on it.  She paid at least $2,000 for rit.  I tried to get him to return it after she passed away but wouldn't do it. 

     He said they're getting  his medication from a company that delivers and he signed a paper giving them access to his debit card to pay for the meds.  Doesn't sound right to me so he's going to call the bank to talk to them.  Also concerned about his Lasix..  Says his legs are swelling, at least one foot. One nurse told him he would have to ask for it and when he did today the CMA (I guess) said it wasn't on his chart like that.  I think there'll be something to bother him all the time.  I told him he's only been there less than two weeks - a big change - and he'll have to take time to adapt.  He's also concerned about a tear or two in the hall carpet - asked the adm. clerk if the place was going down.  Sorry, just sort of aggravates me.  I know it's a complete life change for him - he realizes that and says he knows he could not have stayed there.

     Darwin called - he and his wife are doing all right.  She stays in bed almost all the time. He's doing all the cooking and has for a long time.  She's no longer getting mad at him and accusing him of things so that's an improvement.  Good to talk with him.  He's back to telling me to call him if I need something.  He's getting all of his equipment ready to sell - hay-baling equipment, hayrings, feeders, etc. 

     I got my new pans!  The UPS guy delivered them before noon - left them at my yard gate but I caught him and told him to bring them in.  He did and we talked a minute.  He says the roads are horrible.  I can only imagine.  Darwin said the creek on his land had been overflowing but had gone down some.  I haven't opened the box yet - sprayed it and will open it later. 

     Zetta - good to know that you could take Molly or Sammy if you ever have to go to an ALF.  I hope you do all right with your second booster - since you didn't have any kind of reaction to the others I'm sure you will do fine. 

     I had exchanged two boxes of winter and summer clothes in the bedroom and just now took the boxes out to the utility room.  I think there's still three boxes in the sunroom to exchange out.  Still have a slight headache so I'll finish tomorrow.  Still have some touch-up painting to do in the utility room but I think it's better to paint when it's not so wet and humid. 

     It's been chilly today and cloudy.  Guess we might as well get ready for a full 24 hr. or more of bad weather.  Surely wish we could share some of this rain with all of you out west.

     Judith - still waiting for that explanation about "quack".



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,767
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    OK...the quack...

    Started out at 7:45 yesterday morning to get to appointment with the neurologist I have been trying to see for months. For two months I called and the message was the Neurology Dept is unavailable...leave your info and we will call bacl in 24 hours. No call back. I even pressed the option for Drs. It should have been a 35 minute drive.

    Shortly aften leaving the house is poured rain. I mean poured. Cars pulling off to the side and stopping. I had googled the route 2 times and knew that the office was at the corner of SW 4th St and Santa Fe in Moore. 

    SW  4th never appeared and by 8:20 I had such anxiety that I had to poop. We were in the middle of nowhere. Finally saw some king of motor shop and turned in sliding on the mud driveway. I jumped out of the car, saw someone and yelled "help, help" but kept walking toward the inside. Ther was a man standing who somehow understood that I need a toilet. 

    It was immaculate!

    Returning to the car I saw Winda talking with who was likely the owner who graciously pulled out his phone and gave us new direstions. Off  we went. Still lost so pulled into a bank drive through. Every one knew where the building was and off we went again. Made is 30 minutes late. Of course too late but they said someone would call and reschedule. Ha...we know what a chore that is going to be.

    Anyway it was an adventure for Thelma and Louise with a great deal of laughing after we got home. 

    Then.....horrible weather predicted. 60-70 MPH winds and up to baseball sized hail.

    I realized, for the first time, that I was pretty uncomfortable being alone.

    The worst weather was not terribky close...whew.

    and that is the story behind quack....

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Oddest thing - some of the cleanest bathrooms I've seen were in vehicle repair shops, glad you lucked into one of them.

    I might start quacking too.  It's been raining for close to 12 hours now, not really much wind but there are areas that normally stay dry that are now flooded.  My watch tells me it'll be raining for another 2-3 hours...

    Jo, I'm sorry about Ella.  Always so sad to lose a furry family member.

    No word on promotion yet, still waiting.

    Off tomorrow and Mr. Keys gets groomed - he's a curly monster!  

    I'm watching a documentary on the TWA Flight 800 crash back in 1996.  Very interesting.  Why am I not watching QVC?  Because when I turned it on Jane and Courtney were shaving their faces with some instrument.  I was waiting for her to get up and dance and shave at the same time.

    Lorita, as Jack gets used to his new surroundings, the complaints may lessen and as the staff get to know him, they'll learn techniques in redirecting his attention from negative things.  It may take him a few months yet to become more accustomed to things.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    You're right, Day, I should be more tolerant of his questions and concerns  -  I'd be worse than he if I was picked up and put into a new place.  Maybe since he won't be worrying about selling his house and car, he'll settle down.

     Good for Mr. Keys getting groomed tomorrow.  Does he like to be groomed? A groomer we used to have for one of our poodles used to paint her toenails and she'd put a ribbon in her hair.  You never saw a little dog prance around so much.  Somehow they know they're so cute afterwards.

     I was curious to turned on QVC.  Jane was trying on a shoe and started marching around in it.  Maybe it's time for her to retire?  She talks about her girl or girls taking ballet so much - maybe she did, too, and that's the reason she's always dancing around.

     We're supposed to start getting rain and storms tonight and it's supposed to last a full 24 hours.  I like rain but this is enough for a little while.

     I opened the box with my pans in it.  They're really pretty.  The picture showed a bright yellow but these are a creamy, soft yellow with a white, non-stick interior.   I'll try them tomorrow.

     Been meaning to ask a question of all of you good cooks.  How do you cook your rice?  My sister brought a pan of water to a boil, then added the rice and cooked it until it was done, then poured off the water.  I use equal amount of rice and water - bring the water to a boil, add rice, return to boil, reduce heat to low and cook for about 15 minutes until the water's gone.  I think I bring the water to a boil before I add the rice.  Been a long time since I've cooked rice.  I know for sticky rice I keep adding water and stirring.  I have an instant pot but don't know how to cook rice in it.  The thing sort of scares me.  Probably a bad buy for me but it looked so great.

     Judith, what a morning you and Winda did have.  I don't like to drive in the rain but have many times in those 33 years. I'd rather drive in dense fog.  But, you found the place so next time it'll be easier for you.  Glad Winda was with you.  I think as we get older we're not as confident in anything we used to do so easily - at least I find that's the way it is for me. 

     Good that you found the motor shop when you did and that the bathroom was nice and clean - you'd have thought it would have been the other way around. 

     Driving in rain in OKC, for me, is scary stuff.  Mother and I went to OKC early one morning and it was raining cats and dogs and we were on I-40 downtown.  Of course, they were doing construction and I ended up in the wrong lane.  Thought I'd never be able to go any farther but a nice man stopped and let us through.   

     Hope your new appointment wlll be on a sunny day.

     Finally got to talk with Sarah.  I found two messages she'd left on my phone - never did hear it ring.  She's back home.  They took her to surgery and put in another tube - not the right kind (second time that's happened that the hospital didn't have the right one) and sent her home.  She has an appt. with a Dr. Baker tomorrow who's going to schedule surgery for the herniae and, hopefully, do something with the feeding tube.  She said part of it is still inside - slipped down into the intestine.  They told her it might pass but she doubts it so they may have to do something about that.  Next day she has an appt. with her new PCP.  At least Mercy is closer than OUMC.  I think it's almost as far north as Edmond.  She said when they were at the hospital (had to go 2x so may have been yesterday - probably was) they saw a funnel cloud - not on the ground.

     I think today and yesterday were really bad weather days in Okla. - The Moore tornado was in 1999 or 2013, can't remember - the weatherman was talking about it.  I think he said there were 70+ tornadoes in one day in Okla. and Kansas.  Springtime in Oklahoma is beautiful but the weather is awful. 

     I haven't done much of anything today - just not feeling on top of the world - so laid on the divan watching TV and drifting off to sleep.  May be the humidity.

     Zetta - good luck on your booster tomorrow.  Let us know how it goes.  I'll get mine next week - just saw the weather and it's supposed to be around 90 degrees and the AC in the car doesn't work (they still haven't found the part for it) so I'll drive the PU - I think it works.  Dread the hot weather this summer.

     We did get a little bit of sun late this afternoon for about 30 minutes.  Girls are still down in the NE pasture grazing so haven't seen much of them today.

     See you all tomorrow.  Ron, watch out for the storms - they may get down that far south.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    50F, 10C.  Little less than an inch of rain.  Cool cloudy day.  Hope I find the energy to get my poppies out.

    I did sleep 6 hours Zetta.  Just have to get adjusted to working two days.  Will get a routine established eventually.

    Hope you enjoy you new pans Lorita.  Nice that Darwin feels free to call you again.

    Here is how I fix rice.  I butter a dish.  Rinse my rice well.  1/2C rice, 1C water, 1T olive oil, 1/2t salt.  Sometimes I use chicken broth instead of water.  Cover with lid.  Bake at 375 for 25 minutes. Let sit covered 5 minutes once removed from oven.  Then fluff rice.  This just makes a small amount.  Double it if you want more.

    Lol Judith, know that was stressful while it was occurring.  It did make me chuckle though.

    Day what breed is Mr Keys?  You have probably said but I don’t remember.

    Lorita I feel like as I get older have less confidence too with certain things.  Feel that it may be due to you start seeing how vulnerable you are.  Also I’m just tired.  Have lost a lot of my support system, become more isolated.   Parents no longer able to help, instead they depend on you but still want to be in charge lol.  Have lost a dear friend and to illness, pandemic taught me could not depend on people that I thought would help me when times were rough.  My best friend though always help me get through.  Start realizing physically cannot do like I use to either.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning from the front porch! 

    My sister came into town for a few days this week to get a nerve blocker treatment in her neck. While she was here we talked about how cruel some people can be. I might have mentioned this before but cant remember if I did. When I was in Vietnam my parents received a phone call telling them that I had been killed in Vietnam. My mother had just list her baby girl a few years earlier and had been on valium for her depression. After hearing the news of my alleged death, she became depressed again and they had to prescribe her valium again. No one ever told me of that call until my sister in law mentioned it a few years ago. She was staying with my parents while my brother got settled in his new job in Texas. She overheard everything and witnessed my father trying to calm mom down. My sister said that my dad made several phone calls later to try and find out more details of my death. I do remember being called into my company commander office and being told I needed to write my mother. I didnt think much of it at the time, just thought someone must have told him I wasnt writing much, but now wonder if it wasnt connected. No one ever found out who made that call, but it was probably the most terrible thing anyone could have ever done to my family. 

    I still haven't received anything back from my request about lab done in February when I had my VA benefit review. I did have a eye appointment Monday and went for lab to get psa check prior to my Urologist visit the 18th. I should be able to see those results on line myself either today or tomorrow and I'll know if that was the reason for their findings. 

    Lou has been having some good days lately as long as we are home. I have found that her sundowners has started a lot earlier than it use to. Around 3 are 4 it begins with the same questions over and over, I just greet my teeth and answer it over and over. I took my sister and her to Outback for supper and it will be the last time I take her out to eat for our evening meal. 

    I hope everyone has a good day. Its suppose to be nice today with storms tommorow, then up in the 90s for weekend and next week.


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Gosh Ron, what a cruel prank someone played!  I'm positive that was why you were told to write home.

    There are sick people out there.  Working in the hotel business, and not in person, I'm always depending on my ears to tell me if something is wrong.  One day a few years ago, I answered a call and it was a woman telling me she was being held in one of our hotels and she didn't know what room or what floor, but she needed help.

    I immediately asked her what her name was, was writing down the number she was calling from, already knew which hotel, was trying to get other information and was messaging my manager at the same time to call the hotel to notify them.  Just when I said I was going to let my manager on the line, she screamed "PSYCH!" and laughed and hung up.  I burst into tears, called my manager to tell her and I actually had to take 10 minutes to compose myself before I could continue taking calls.

    I couldn't believe how sick some people are to make a prank out of someone being kidnapped, trafficked or anything like that.  A real eye-opener for sure.  Since then, I've learned that a very small number of people will lie about almost anything and I can't wrap my brain around it.

    Lorita, Keys would probably rather not be groomed but he does like the attention and he is well-liked at the groomer because he doesn't snap or bite at all.  He just licks their hands.  The only thing he really doesn't care for is having his toenails clipped, which he also doesn't like here at home.  

    I'm excited you got new pans!  I'm always excited to get any kitchen thing new.  My last set of pans were Pioneer Woman last year and I still love them, they are so easy to cook with and clean up.  Right now I've moved on to my bedroom and upgrading things there.  I got rid of this horrible old floor lamp by my desk and got a lamp that dims and a desk lamp.  I was thinking of buying a new office chair, but a good task chair you can sit in for 8 hours is now around $1000 and I'm going to visit some office furniture stores in my area to see if they have anything refurbished (like a Herman Miller chair or a Steelcase chair) or even a factory return that is very lightly used.  I just can't make myself pay that much money, but I also need something that is fully adjustable and durable that will last.  I've sat in chairs at Staples and Office Depot and they aren't even as good as the chair I have now.

    I'm enjoying my coffee and Keys is sleeping next to me.  I'll be back later.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Morning from a rainy, stormy Oklahoma,

     It's beginning to rain lightly here already - to be rainy and stormy all day and all night.  Really dread that.  I feel bad for Sheena because she's afraid of thunder.  I know she must have been left outside in a thunderstorm when she was a puppy.  Thunder doesn't bother Stormy at all.  I tell Sheena it's just potato wagons rolling (don't think she believes me). 

     Day, Barclee, the little Shih Tzu I lost last year bit the groomer. She was a new one so probably did something he didn't like - but, he could be a biter if he didn't like what you were doing to him.  I didn't take him back to her.  To trim Stormy's nails I get him in the Gator and trim them while he's laying in the seat.  Sheena won't get in the Gator and won't let me trim but one nail (have to slip up on her while she's asleep) so took  her to the vets to have it done a couple of weeks ago.  I held her head and talked to her while the girls did the trimming.

     I'm excited about the new pans, too.  Haven't had a new set for many years.  I think Charles and I bought a new set of green ones not long after we were married.  I've been using a set we got at a flea market years ago.  I'll try them out with some rice in a day or so.  I have one pan I really like and don't remember where I got it.  It's all glass including the handle and has a metal band around it close to the top.  I watch Andy Griffith and I see Aunt Bee using some just like it.   Also have an old Visions 3 qt, I think, that was mothers.  Funny - when Charles' mother would visit she always said we didn't have enough pans.  I love kitchen gadgets so like to watch In The Kitchen with David.  One of the best things I've bought fairly recently was a bottle or lid opener that you can adjust to fit the lid and tighten it down and turn the handle. 

     What an awful trick to play on someone - I bet it did leave you shaken thinking someone was really in trouble.  I remember many years ago our Details Clerk at the VA Hospital made a mistake and called a family to tell them their relative had passed away - in fact, he had been put on the Seriously Ill list and was not deceased.  Just think how the family must have felt and how awful the clerk must have felt.

     Already a severe T-storm warning for the Tulsa area with lots of hail.  I put a frostguard on the car windshield - might help a little bit to pad the windshield.  The girls are changing pastures so hope they go into the barn soon.  Saw one little baby running like the wind in front of his mother.

     Tom-Tom was ready for breakfast - the last two mornings he has come over to his food pan while I was still there.  This morning he actually let me touch him without pulling back.  I have a box out there with a big piece of soft material in it for him but don't know if he sleeps in it - probably on the Gator seat.  I have a feed sack on the seat to keep their nails from tearing the seat.

     Sara - I'm glad you seem to be enjoying volunteering - helps to get out among people after staying semi-isolated for a couple of years. Sounds like you're a people person.  It hasn't bothered me - I'm perfectly content to be here with all the animals.  In talking with Carol yesterday she's feeling the same way.  Of course she has her husband and daughters who visit fairly often.  I think as we get older (she's five years older than I) we're more content just being by ourselves.  I worked around people for over 33 years and thoroughly enjoyed it but I'm enjoying the solitude.  I'm never alone - always a cat or GP or cow around and, of course, all of you are always close by.

     In going through a box of clothes yesterday I found an outfit I had bought years ago that didn't fit right so was never worn.  It fits pretty well now so I put that in the closet.  Day, it was a pair of those pork-chop pants from Denim & Co. - the ones they've sold millions of.  The fabric is sort of stretchy and I didn't remember that.  What I should do is start wearing those clothes around here instead of jeans and shirts.

     Still have a little headache this morning - I think it's the barometric pressure and humidity and nothing to be done about that.  May try an allergy pill to se if that helps - lots of things in bloom and leafing out now and I'm right in the middle of it.  It's chilly here this morning - in low to mid 50s and only 60s later today with rain and storms.  I have a rambling rose on one side of the arch over the side gate and it's covered with buds.  It has the prettiest, soft pink roses but only blooms in the springtime.  I need to find another one to put on the other side that will bloom all summer.  Wonder if they have a rambling knock-out rose?  I don't recall ever seeing one but may check into that.  I like them because they bloom all summer and fall.

    Better stop and finish my juice.  I need some hot tea and breakfast.  I keep thinking I'll cook some scrambled eggs and hash browns but it doesn't get done.

     We've had 2.2" of rain and a while ago the weatherman said we could have as much as 3-4" more today and tonight.  Everything's already as muddy as it can get and I'm sure the roads are flooded and washed out.  They were awful before this last 2".  Spring-time in Oklahoma.  Enjoy your day.

     Wonder if Jack was able to sleep last night and how he feels now that he's sold his house and car. 



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Ron it is so sad that some one could be so cruel.  Ron you seem to enjoy eating out.  Not quite the same but maybe you can do carry out when your sister is there.

    Not raining here but very cloudy and everything is soaking wet.  Is very hard to get anything done outside.  

    Had soft tacos for dinner.  Tasted good.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Sara, thanks for the baked rice recipe. I've never done that. When I cook it on the stove, it often absorbs all the water then sticks to the bottom of the pan. I do have good luck with Minute Rice! lol

    Jo, I am so sorry about Ella. It's always so hard to lose a beloved pet. 

    Softball tonight; weather is nice.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     Well, the stormy weather has begun.  We have the weather on TV - will be ongoing for several hours and the weather radio is going off plus the warning on my cell phone.  Already has been one tornado about 25 miles west of here.  The warm front is either right along where we are or just south of us.  It's in the upper 60s to low 70s here.  Been large hail NW of here close to Tulsa.  Next week, beginning this weekend it's supposed to be in the low 90s and very humid.  We've been hearing thunder for almost an hour so Sheena is upset and panting.  I went to the mailbox a while ago and there's some water over the main road and several water holes in our driveway.

     Girls are fairly close to the house - south of us so they'll be going into the barn before long.  I moved the car closer to the carport in case a tree might fall on it.  Several years ago I did that during the winter when we had ice and, of course, a limb fell on it.  If I'd left it where it was, it would have been all right.  Storm chasers are out and one of them is seeing power flashes - so tornado may be still on the ground.  I think they have five or six chasers out - those are really brave people.  Our news had a story about three young, college students who were going to be storm chasers - they had been out chasing storms and were on their way back home when their car hydroplaned into the other lane and were hit headon by another vehicle - all three were killed.

     Because of the climate change storms are getting worse.  Really hope they can do something to change things.

     Ron, how awful that someone would have contacted your mother with that news.  I can imagine how she must have felt.  Charles told me his commanding officer called him in one day and told him to write to his mother.  It's easy to forget to do that - we know we're okay so we're not worried so we let it go. 

     I made the potato soup - and, Zetta, the Bear Creek potato soup is better but I had it for two meals and have enough for a couple more.  Had to get those two big potatoes used before they went south on me. 

     It's going to be a long night for everyone in Oklahoma.  I guess it's past OKC - not sure - I hope so.  I called Sarah and we talked just a minute because she was on the home with DHS.  She said she didn't get to see the doctor - don't know the details.

     We're also under a flash flood warning - here they say we may have 3-4" more of rain.  I went out to the barn to make sure no one was in there and it's so muddy out there.  I opened the head gate and went through the chute to avoid most of the mud.  They're showing a huge hail core west of us and the area of rotation is not as bad as it was but still there.  I remember when I was growing up and we'd go to the cellar, my parents always opened the windows away from where the storm was coming - to equalize pressure I guess. 

     Hope all of you had a good day and good weather.  Ron, it sounds like this really bad weather will make it to you early in the morning.  Stay safe.

     Weather just said the tornado is getting really close to Okmulgee.  Looks like the storms are moving NE so, hopefully all of them will go NW of us.  Keep your fingers crossed.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita.    Please stay inside and be safe and do whatever you need to do to protect yourself. Is there room in your caller for the GPs and the house kitties? You're in my prayers.

    Weather is strange all over it was 79 today and rain coming tomorrow. I went and got my second booster today. Right now, my arm is sore but not sorer the usual. I am pretty tired I feel like I want to go to bed, so I may do that soon. 

    Good night, All, Hugs Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Hi Zetta,

     Glad you only have a sore arm.  On my first booster my arm was sore and a little bit swollen for a day or so.  I put ice on my arm to alleviate the swelling and it helped.

     Thanks for thinking of me.  We're in the midst of the storm and have been for several hours.  The weather has been on continuously since 6 p.m. - it's 10:45 now.  We're having heavy rain now.  There's been tornado warnings, severe thunderstorm warnings, hail, heavy rain and hail.  One storm chaser was blown off the road into the ditch - he was on I-40 - just now was able to get out.  They drive huge trucks so it was a strong wind.  Roads and highways are closed.  All the trucks on I-40 are driving slowly with their lights flashing.  The TV reception keeps going off because of the heavy rain.

     I haven't been down in the cellar for a few years - it's big, probably 12x12 - plenty of room but if it gets really bad we got into the bathroom and there's room for everyone - if I can get them in there.  I have things in there now - purse, important papers, etc.  I think I just now heard about another tornado warning.  This won't be the end of it either - more storms coming up from Texas and SW Okla.   A couple of reports were that it was raining at the rate of 5" an hour.  I had 2" of rain in the gauge but mptied it so it may be full in the morning.  Hope the girls are in the barn.

     Weather radio just said a severe a severe thunderstorm warning has been issued for the county west of it - they've had t-storm and tornado warnings all evening and the storms are moving slowly - under 30 mph.

     Really don't like nights like this.  Sheena's afraid of the thunder and there's lots of it and tons of lightning.  I noticed Stormy licking his right back foot a while and looked at it and it looks like the wound has tried to open up some.  Tomorrow I'll try to get some Neosporin on it and wrap it with gauze if I have some.  He's not limping so that's good.  TV reception is off so I'll stop and get the weather on my tablet.

     May not get any sleep tonight - looks like the cats are asleep but not Sheena.  See you all tomorrow.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    48F, 9C.

    Hope you are ok this morning Lorita.   

    Did get my poppies planted in the mud yesterday.  

    You are welcome  Beth.  I have never done well with rice on top of stove either.  Thinking about trying Mexican rice on top of stove when I make it next.

    Zetta I was tired about 24 hours then felt fine.  

    Take care everyone.  Working today.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     I'm okay, Sara, thank you for asking.  I'm just sleep deprived.  I didn't go to bed last night until after midnight - too many tornado warnings around and flood warnings.  Finally went into the bedroom and got to sleep.  The phone rang this morning just after 5  - it was Jack.  He said his room was leaking.  Finally, after asking questions the only place that was wet was the carpet at the doorway to the hall.  Kept saying if this was in California they'd have had everyone moved out to hotels.  Reminded him this was a very rare thing and not to worry.  He was determined to talk to someone but didn't know how to get in touch with them.  Told him to pull the emergency cord. Of course, he said that no one would come.  It wasn't two minutes until the DON was at his door.  He had told me she could hardly speak English but she sounded fine to me.  I heard the whole conversation - she was very nice and calming.  After she left another aide came in and talked with him - very reassuring.  She said some of the residents whose rooms were flooded were gathered in the library - again reassured him everything would be all right, breakfast would be served.  I know she stayed at least ten minutes talking to him. 

     About half an hour later one of the men who I met when we first got there called to inform me about what was happening and what they planned to do. He said he drives a Jeep and had a hard time getting to work this morning.  The ALF is lower than the service  road in front of it so I can visualize the water running off of it and directly into the lobby - no idea if this is what happened.  If he had been home with his leaky roof (at least that's what he told me) he'd have been scared to death. I remember parts of Muskogee are prone to flooding if it rains even 2". 

     It isn't raining right now but there's more west of us.  The news is showing a road that's flooded  - a semi is going through the water and there's a car in front of him just floating around.  Wish we could have shared this with those of you who need it or saved it for July and August when we always need rain.

     Think I'll have some malt-o-meal and toast for breakfast.  I'll be back later.  Doubt that Toad will be able to get around this morning to feed - anywhere.

     I went out to feed Tom (he wasn't there - imagine he was in the barn) but I left his food.  Won't have to fill the water tank this morning.  It was half full last evening and this morning it's full!  I emptied the rain gauge - 5" of rain last night and there's more west of us.  I emptied it last night - had 2.2" - no idea how much rain didn't get into the gauge.  I'm sure the roads are all flooded and washed away.  While I was out I went into the barn to see if everyone was okay - there were probably nine or ten of the girls still there.  Earlier I saw some of them coming out with the little babies.  I guess they went to the south pasture.  The ponds are running over and all of the water that runs out of that pond goes into the smaller pond north of it and out of it the water runs down the pasture and into the road.  The County west of it is almost completely closed down as is Muskogee.

     I remember years ago I was driving to work in a pouring rain - went over a bridge where the water was near the top so since it would only get worse I turned around to come home.  Stopped at a phone I could use from the car and called in. When I got back home I heard the highway I was on had been closed.  There are many roads closed now and dozens and dozens of water rescues being done.  Sure am glad we live on higher ground.



Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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