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Just need to talk to my friends (170)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Glad you live on higher ground too Lorita.  You ok Judith?
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Lorita, sounds like you need an ark!  or at least a big boat for you and all your 4 legged friends.

    I know how unnerving it is to have bad weather all around you...while living in Florida I was ever fearful of the hurricanes.

    We have had numerous thunderstorms here...which is odd because normally don't have any until the heat of the summer.  Cloudy today, forecasting rain thru the weekend.

    My kids and their families and I are going to Mother's for Sunday.  She is cooking for us all even though we asked her to go out.  Something she enjoys doing and will be first time since Dad died.  

    Hoping that everyone of the front porch family are safe and well.

    Hugs to all,


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, just got back after computer "break down," and my hair stood on end when I saw what the weather has been like where you are along with tornado watches.   I am so glad you are alright and so hope the weather there is simmering down.  Times such as that must be pretty scary considering.  Hope your cellar is good to go with the pets if need be.

    It was also lovely to see that Darwin, your neighbor from the next ranch, had contacted you.  That is such a nice thing.   He probably is feeling a bit isolated and alone, and he knows you understand what he is experiencing with his wife's dementia.   May be a positive for you to contact him once in awhile to connect, especially since he did offer if you needed anything to call.   He may be at loose ends looking for someone to talk to once in awhile and is too shy to say so.  I can well imagine and he seems to be a very good neighbor.   Must be very difficult for him with his wife bedridden with advanced dementia.  Does he have anyone coming in to help with her or have Hospice?   She would probably qualify for Hospice service.

    So; you finally got your new pans, they sound very pretty and must be nice just looking at them.  Bet it adds a bit of cheer to the kitchen.  As for rice, I do ours on top of the stove and it does just fine with no problems.  Measured water to a boil, add the measured rice and stir well, put the lid on and heat very low and let it do it's thing.  When done, a bit off light fluff with a fork and good to go.  Sometimes I use broth to cook the rice in depending on what I am using the rice for.   One thing I like once in a great while, and it is NOT anything a good cook would do, would be to cut carrots into teensy  crumb like particles and put it in with the water set to boil; sometimes added tiny diced onion or celery or even green onions then added rice at the boil.  When done, added a bit of butter and parmesan cheese and stir together. Sticky as all get out and really very good.  Would add a small bit of garlic salt when done too.  Makes a nice little sticky cheesy side with something else. But then I like messy sticky foods . . . anyone got a few bbq'd ribs?

    Gosh; my laptop would not connect with the router yesterday.  I spent around three hours on the phone with three different very young CostCo Concierge techs; (no cost if item bought at CostCo.)  Absolutely no results after uninstalling and reinstalling various bits and pieces which made me a bit nervous for fear my machine would have a final collapse.  No luck with them and they certainly seemed not sure of whatever.  So; got it to a pro computer repair shop.  It is now fixed; it needed a new "card" so it could connect to the router and cost a bit over $200.  Twas $62 for the part and the rest labor and I was SO thankful it could be done.  Very appreciative.  I am the worst person for anything technical.

     That story from Ron regarding someone calling his mother with false reports of his death was stunningly dreadful.  That poor, poor woman; how cruel.  I imagine that had her feeling uneasy for a very long time even after she learned Ron was okay.

    Weather in the mid 80's here, a tiny bit of rain maybe early next week - may be 1/4 to 1/2 inch depending on where it might fall.   We will take anything.  So dry which is not a good sign for the summer fire danger season.

    Thank you for your kind thoughts regarding Ella's passing.  She was a sweet little dog; son and DIL have had a rough couple of days.  The other three rescues went outside with DIL yesterday and the one, Izzy kept going back and forth near the back door and around as though she was looking for something; she probably realized Ella was not there. Ella was 15 and Izzy is 16, so they had been together for a very long time.

    Zetta, hope you are doing okay and no side effects after booster.  Son and DIL went and got theirs yesterday.  Just very slightly sore arms and that was it for effects.

    Mother's Day on Sunday; sounds lovely that you will be getting together with family, Marie.  Will be a chance to get together with good conversation and memories. 

    We just had our LA County chief medical officer inform that the projected number of deaths from COVID in May alone will be about 9,500.  If accurate, that is a lot.  Some warning also from other medical infection control folks that we can expect an uptick in cases and hospitalizations.  Well . . . if only we could get more vaccinated, that would be nice.  CDC once again recommending masking on buses, trains, planes, etc.  Just trying to stay current with information from credible sources.

    Still some really bad false information out there re the vaccine and still, some of it coming from elected folks. One senator was SO horribly false this last week that I could not believe he even uttered the words he did . . . really bizarre .  . . wonder if that was actually a false belief or if he is trying to pad his political re-election target at a certain population.  Who knows.  Just too bad some will believe him and that it can cost lives. 

    Can't believe it is May already. Lorita, what date is your birthday?  I am towards the end of the month.  Isn't May a really lovely month to have a birthday?  Happy springtme days.  Unless you are Zetta who is still seeing some snowfall.  That is Mother Nature's last bash before she puts away her winter duds.

     Well; it is 2:00 here and I have not had some lunch yet, off I go - veggie pattie - some avacado with a bit of salas - whoopee!  (But I do get some apple and a cookie.)

    Happy evening wishes being sent,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Marie, the thought had entered my mind.  Lots of boats have been used today and last night rescuing people from their homes and vehicles.  We have a neighbor that lives on the road north of us and I bet the water is up to their door - it's lower down there and their house is where the road floods anyway.  I think I may have heard one vehicle on the road today and it sounded like it was having a hard time.  Nice that you're going to be with your mother on Mother's Day.  I bet she's looking forward to having her family with her and even doing the cooking.

     Strange thing just happened here.  I was watching TV and all at once it went off.  The lamp was still on so I went around over the house turning on lights - some worked, some didn't.  The generator didn't come on which was odd.  So I went out and opened it (the green light wasn't on) and it's full of ants!  That happened  few years ago and was pretty expensive getting it repaired.  I had a couple of those ant traps in it but guess they'd been there too long.  I called United Engines and they'll try to get someone out tomorrow - if they can get here.  It finally dawned on me that I had those light bulbs that can turn on without electricity in the lamps in the LR and in the light in the bathroom.  It came on just about ten minutes after I called the electric company.

     It looks foggy or misty out - guess it is mist.  Stormy just came in and he felt damp.  I'm going to have to try to get the cone on.  I think I'll see if I have some gauze to put on his foot tonight and do the cone tomorrow.  I don't think he's going to like it.

     Jo, it was nice to hear from Darwin.  Since his wife is in bed most of the time I feel that I can call him - he said he'd try to call every couple of weeks.  He's been through this before with alz but at that time he was taking care of his cattle so it wasn't an easy thing for him - as if it ever is.

     Glad you got your computer fixed.  I just hate for something to go wrong with anything I'm using.  Don't you feel isolated when it isn't working?  My internet goes out occasionally and as soon as things settle done (if they ever do) I think I'll change to EcoLink through our electric company.  Our neighbor has it and he says it's much faster and less expensive.

     The weather has been awful - unbelievable how much water there is everywhere.  It doesn't look like a bit of it has soaked into the ground.  We had about 7" of rain the last few days - 5" last night - some places just north of us had 11".  Roads and bridges have collapsed and people have their homes flooded.  So far I haven't seen if they got much rain in western Okla. where they have such a bad drought - hope so.

    It was scary last night - the tornado that went through Seminole   came on up to just north of us and at times the polygon showing tornado warnings included out little town.  I stayed up until just after MN until it got a little better.  Mike said he stayed up until after 3 because they were talking about hail and he had trucks and trailers out he needed to put inside if it got this far - luckily it stopped about seven miles west of him.  Toad had already put them in the barn but he didn't know that. 

     Jack called and said they had put a dehumidifier in his room.  Said they got his hallway dried out some today.  While I was on the phone with the generator place his daughter called.  I couldn't find a message she left so guess she'll call back. 

     I've been sitting in my chair today, dozing off but I feel wide awake now - guess the power going off woke me up.  But I imagine I'll sleep tonight.

     Jo - you have the best-sounding meals - you seem to eat things that are healthy.  When do the avocados bloom and what do they look like?

     I don't think I'll try to spray anything into the generator - afraid I'll make matters worse.  Never saw so many ants. 

     Hope all of you are all right tonight.  Judith, how much rain did you all get?

     Sara - hope your work went well today.  You may get some of this storm that's headed east so things may not dry out too much.  I've thought today was Wednesday all day - just checked and it's Thursday - week is almost gone.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Lorita.   I am glad you made it through the storm. Was this storm something worse than the others?  Years ago, I had a big dog, and she was also afraid of thunder. She would hear it way before I did, but I could tell how she was acting that I would soon hear it. My Vet gave me some pills that calmed her down during the storms. I don't remember what they were, but they did work, she slept through the thunder. 

    Hopefully your having better weather today. Do you live close to any of the towns that had the weather warnings? I imagine alot of the warnings were for your area.  I hope you are enjoying your new pans. If Aunt Bee uses them, they got to be good.  ( ;

    I can see why Jack would be a bit upset with water coming under his door. I know I would be. Poor guy he is having to experience so many things that he is not used too. 

    Sara,   I was also tired I went to bed at 7:30 last night and slept pretty good. My arm is sorer today but still not real bad. Are you starting to set a schedule for yourself?  I always need a schedule to keep me on track. I keep a pad of paper next to my chair and if I think of something I need to do I will write it down, and mark if off as soon as I have done it. 

    Marie,     Going to your Mothers for Mothers Day is real nice. She will be so happy to be able to cook for all of you. That right there is a good Mothers Day for all. My grandmother was the one who loved to cook for us all. My mother was the one who would take us out.

    Jo.   I am glad you got your laptop fixed with out much problem  after you found someone who could do it. Mine is so old I don't know what I will do if it stops working, I will let my son figure that out. The only reaction I had was the sore arm. I went to bed early last night I was real tired. 

    I hope your all well and safe.  I had no storms here just some rain.

    Lorita.    The news was just showing all the damage that was done in Oklahoma and Texas. It was awful, I am so glad you are safe. 

    Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    Good morning,

    54F.  Rainy night and they say day too.

    Lost my first post I see.

    Hope you guys in Oklahoma got a good nights rest.

    Marie glad your family is getting together.

    Zetta I make a list just like you.  Keeps things flowing more smoothly.

    Learning what it is like to be the new man on the block at work lol.  One tells you one thing and one another.  Anyway I will keep pressing forward.  The lady in charge up front approached me yesterday telling me how to do something new. When my trainer comes in two hours later he gets a little flared up when he sees me doing this and said something to me.  Explained that I was doing what she asked me to do.  He goes over to a different lady and starts talking to her about it.  Felt very much in the middle.  Anyway he starts questioning me again a bit later, and was aware I goofed up a bit on one of them.  I calmly explained again that I was asked to do this and that I’m learning so not perfect but have learned a few things today.  He got calmed down after that and said he understood now.  I don’t stress because I’m volunteering and can leave if need be.  I don’t want to do that but helpful that you know it is an option.  Will be glad when I get to the point where I have self confidence that I’m making right choices.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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