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Just need to talk to my friends (170)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
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    I really enjoyed my day. Worked 9a to 2p.  Didn’t feel tired out at all running around there, but felt tired when I got home and stopped.  Not bad though, will sleep good.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    It was good to learn something absolutely new.   Now I know what Polk Salad is.  If this ever comes up in a crossword I am doing, I am now prepared.  Kind of.

     Sayra, so glad to hear that the first volunteer day went so well.  Sure can imagine you were tired when you got home, but what a good tired.  They are so fortunate to have you and bet it is a good feeling to be with patients and families again.  I still miss that.

    Beth; your garden . . . oh what a dream of a place you have - done from the heart with a lot of hard work.  Have you ever been to Bouchart Gardens in Canada?   The sunken garden is down, down, down, a lot of steps into the sunken garden in what I think Eden must have been like - acres of the most beautiful garden I have ever seen; it goes on and on such a long way with beauty everywhere.   The day we went, it was a lovely day.  When we went down into the garden, there was only one other couple and us.  It really felt like the Garden of Eden (sans figleaf.)   It used to be a humongous limestone quarry pit dug far into the earth until Mrs. Butchart made it her life's work and what a job she did!   If you haven't seen, do a Google onto their site.

    The upstairs of Butchart with the buildings and all have pretty flowers, but it is not the breathtaking sunken garden . . . if you ever get far north on the coast, it is well worth seeing.  As it is, I love Canada.

    Jack's first day of freedom tomorrow; will be interesting to see what his initial take on it is.  In an ALF there are not "nurses" per se.  He may be misunderstanding what the staffing is like, but he will soon become acquainted.

    Just got a call, our son and DIL are going to put their little very ill 16 year old Yorkie to sleep end of this afternoon.  Tears in my eyes and DIL and son are heartbroken.  Son took a vacation day to stay home with little Ella and is cuddling and treating her with all that she could wish today.  DIL did that yesterday.  She is a vet tech at work today; son will bring Ella in at close of day and they will say goodbye.   I myself am so good at hello and so bad at goodby . . . . they will work through it -  the other three rescue dogs will miss the one that is gone, she was quite a personality.  And so tiny, even though I think she thought she was a Rotweiller.  She loved her little cuddly doggie bed and doggie treats and being in charge of a room.  She could run like the wind on her tiny little legs.

      On that note, best to get off the computer for awhile.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Jo, I am so sorry about Ella. Our pets just don't live long enough! 

    I have been to Butchart Gardens. They are amazing! 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    My grandchildren have at various times called me for help with a homework assignment.  The one for today was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy out of my education experiences.

    It had to do with Adam Smith, a Scotts economist, and 5 of his quotes.  Students had to write a paragraph or two of their interpretation of what he meant.

    Thanks to Mr. Google, I was at least able to get some insight into Mr. Smith's philosophy.

    Had a chat with granddaughter about general ideas on each of the quotes...here's hoping I didn't steer her wrong...lol.  Told her to let me know how the assignment was graded by the teacher.

    Always something new to learn!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     Jo, so sorry about Ella.  It's a very hard thing to do.  We've had to do it several times and it never gets easy.  I still miss Prince and that was several years ago - I miss all of them but I could never stay with them until the end - for the first shot I stayed with the last one and she fell asleep on my foot but I had to leave before the final shot.  Sometimes we have to do it for their sake.

     Sara - so glad your first day went well.  How often will you work - I think I remember two days a week?   I still miss the interaction I had with our patients and families, too - guess you never get over that.  Your adrenalin was pumping while you were working and you didn't notice being tired.  Was everyone wearing masks?

     Jo - Jack said the nurse came in and did another covid test - she told him they would have the results in two or three days so he still has to stay in his room until then.  But, he says he doesn't mind.  I think he's enjoying just being safe and not having to worry about things.  He had a call from his daughter today and he called to tell me about it.  She's going to have to have all of her teeth extracted tomorrow, in surgery.  He says he isn't worried but I imagine he is. 

     I took a nap this afternoon - not sure how long but Carol called and it awakened me but I was glad to hear from her.  She's still not getting out and about but is doing well.  Some days she has some pain, others not much.

     It's been a quiet day - I've had some of the cows north of the house to graze the grass out there - hate to have it mowed and them not get the benefit of it.  The new baby and her mom have been out there.  She's been panting - the sun is hot when you're just out in it a while.  Mom took off to go somewhere else to graze and left her bu I just now let her back in.  She's really nervous - Mike says it's her first calf.  Hope she calms down - she doesn't bother me but having him around upset her. Gotta go - forgot to turn off the water to the tank in the garden. 

     Addendum:  Well, I did run it over, big-time.  If I don't set the alarm on my phone I forget about it - trying to do other things.  While I was out there I heard a woodpecker - must be a great big one because it was making a lot of noise - could never locate it though because of all the leaves on the trees.  Seems like they've leafed out overnight.  I saw two other big birds today - may have been pigeons - sort of grayish.  When we had our big, red barn we had lots of pigeons but I haven't seen any lately.

     The girls are enjoying themselves - probably six or eight in there with two or three little ones.  I think I'll leave them in there tonight.  There was one small calf by the fence - in the garden - so his mom may be in there, too.

     I got the dishes done!!  Once I get started it doesn't take long.  Have you all ever noticed how people do their dishes differently - meaning, washing glasses first, then cups, bowls, plates , etc.?  I seem to do mine the same way every time - probably learned that from mother.  Always seems so good to have them all clean and put away and not have to wash a spoon when you need it.  I've had a couple of dishwashers and since neither of them was built in, it was more trouble than it was worth but I imagine they're really nice.  Always liked for Charles to do dishes and clean up the kitchen - always looked better when he did it.

     Sheena and Stormy have stayed out most of the day - enjoying the sunshine and lack of wind.  Tonight Stormy gets his last antibiotic. 

     I forgot to call Bryon today about mowing.  I'll do that in the morning - hate to bother him ati home.  It's going to be hard to mow with the daffodil leaves and the pretty, little, white flowers and wild violets but it's really looking bad.  I still have to figure out where I'm going to leave or transplant the little plants from the shrubs I had taken out on the north side of the house.  I want to put them farther away from the house this time.

     Judith, what about your feet?  Are they still swelling?  Have you received your caladiums yet?  I think mine have been mailed so better check the mailbox in the morning - didn't go today.  I think they come by USPS.

     Need to find something for supper.  I found some brown beans I had frozen but they're not thawed so maybe a grilled cheese sandwich - sounds good to me.  I make them in the Nu-Wave oven, Sandy.  Thanks, again.

     Sleep well tonight.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    36F, 2C.  Windy, chilly, temp will continue to drop and will have frost they say.

    Mom cooked poke like a green.  Yes rescue mom the birds make a mess with the berries.

    Beth you have to buy plants here early in May also.  You can’t plant them here that early.  I don’t normally plant til last week of May, and have had to wait til first of June.  Don’t like buying so early, would rather the greenhouse babysat them lol.

    Marie sounds like you are a good tutor.

    Yes two days a week Lorita.  My trainer will not be there Tuesday so unless I get my badge I won’t be able to work that day.  If I get my badge by then, will try on my own.  I was doing fairly well yesterday.  Need badge to get in to certain areas.  Everyone was masked except babies and very small children.  Probably 30% of noses were hanging out though.  

    I did lunch late.  Very few in there.  Everybody spaced out and most were eating by themselves.  Seen a lot of workers taking their food somewhere else to eat.  Working 9-2 til I get my badge.  Then I think I will work 7-1 or 2.  The guy training me has post polio syndrome.  He goes gets his meal before he leaves and takes it with him.  He could not tie the bag himself.  So even his hands are weak.  His wife transports him.  He said he doesn’t feel sorry for himself.  Said he feels blessed that he has a chair that gives him independence.

    Take care everyone.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I've been sitting on the front porch this morning singing poke salad annie waiting on my friends to chime in. Never ate any, but have seen it on the table and have gotten the ink stains on me from the berries. Mom had problems getting me to eat any type of greens. Lou and I use to have wilted lettuce with beacon and beans all the time.

    Lorita, I will always have the swallowing problems since the upper and lower sphincter muscles no longer work. Everything I eat goes down by gravity only, no muscles to help it alone.

    More problems with Lou lately, this time it was her back. For a couple of days I've been treating her with her back pain and it is not a easy task with a person with dementia. Thankfully it was better yesterday!

    Jo., I believe it was you that mentioned something about my difficulty finding out why I am now considered permanent and total disability with a active malignancy.  Best way I can explain my concerns is not understanding the VA information sharing. When I went for my disability review I was under the impression that my local Drs would have access to the review findings. When I received the letter stating I was 100% disability rating due to active malignancy I called my primary care right away. Since I have had my treatments my psa has been 0 and I was anxious to find out if it was back up. Primary care told me that they did not have access to disability review conducted outside of  the VA hospital. I then called the VA disability review branch requesting the lab from my February review. I was informed the information was not available over the phone and a signed request would have to be submitted. Upon returning from my trip April 2nd the form was in the mail, I filled it out, signed it and mailed back. I'm still waiting on the answer! I go in next Monday for a eye exam and have to have lab for my psa so the Urologist will have results for my May 18th appointment. The only thing I can figure out without the results of the review, is they made it 100 percent since I'm still having harmon shots. The reason that doesnt make any since is because "permanent/total ", means it can no longer be reviewed, which is only given for prostate cancer in very selective cases. Guess I'll probably know more one of these days  but it does have me baffled. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     Looks like it's going to be another beautiful day except more wind this afternoon.  It's chilly this morning but very sunny.  Had several of the girls and three little ones north of the house so opened the gate so they could get out and called down the others from the MH so they could eat when Toad came.   They came down and all of them were north of the house - wanted to get rid of the grass so it's a good start.  He fed and they all came out except Amy is still in the paddock laying down - I saw her having breakfast so guess her mom told her to stay there.  There's one big cow who is having a lot of trouble bearing weight on her back foot.  I think it's the one I told Mike about and when he checked her he thought it was her hip - probably been kicked.  I called him and he said he'd try to get over sometime today or later this evening to check her - but, now she's out with the others.  He can use the Gator to find her.

     Got tired of waiting so moved the furniture around in the utility room where I want it to be.  Lots of room out there now without the refrigerator and freezer.  There's lots of things in the storage building that I'll need to bring in - but I'll sort through it first - I know there's things out there I've forgotten about and don't need.  We had kept quite a few cans of leftover paint so need to get rid of that - they said it wasn't good.  Guess I'll have to open it and let it dry out before I put it in the trash.  He had bought a 5 gallon can of white paint so most of it's here and I think I'll paint the railing on the front and back porch.  Need to get some battleship gray to paint the porches and steps.  I've painted those before and it's a job but all I have is time so guess I can do it.

     I slept in the bedroom last night for the first time in three or four months.  When I woke up I didn't have a backache.  I had one of the boys turn the mattress completely around so I'm sleeping on the side where I didn't sleep before - Charles' side.  I need to get the pictures and things back up and hang the curtains.  I laundered them so they're ready.

    Sara - when you got your second booster did you get J&J or something else?  And, Jo, what about you?  I called our health dept. where I've gotten all of my vaccines and asked them - they don't mix.  I heard something on TV this morning that some are recommending you get a different kind of second booster.  Sort of worries me so I think I'll get Pfizer this time, too.  I'll get it sometime this week - they're giving them this afternoon and again Friday.  I'm not seeing people now so it isn't an emergency.

     Sara - sounds like the man who's training you has a good outlook on his life.  Makes a person feel good to be around someone like that. It sounds like they're being carful - wearing masks, etc.   I sort of miss being in a hospital setting, too.  I literally grew up in a hospital - like I've mentioned before, from barely 19 to 52 - eight hours a day all those years.  I really hate to see the hospital closed for inpatient care.

     Ron - Charles was rated permanent and total disability so he didn't have to be re-examined annually either.  I know the VA has changed a lot since I worked for them and they have so many different programs now, so it's hard to understand what's going on.  I think you probably have it right - kind of like the one hand doesn't know what the other is doing.  It looks like information would be shared.

     Since you only swallow with gravity, I imagine you have to eat slowly and in small bites.  I need to do more of that but got in the habit of eating fast when I was working and running errands at noon.  You'd think I'd have slowed down in 27 years.

     You've never eaten poke and grew up in the south?  But if you didn't like greens I understand that.  Poke has a very distinctive taste - really good but it's a lot of trouble to cook the right way.  I need to take a couple of hours and just break off all of it's that's growing but you do that and the next day sprouts have come up again.  Hard to keep ahead of it.  The berries do make a mess from the birds and so do mulberries.  We have one mulberry tree that has berries on it and it's really messy.  I've heard you can make jam or jelly from those and you don't have to use any kind of extra pectin because the fruit has a lot of natural pectin.  I've only eaten a couple of them but mother said she ate them when she was young.  The ones I've seen look kind of wormy.

     I dread rehanging pictures and things so guess I'll take my time.  Still have to find the blue paint and paint that one wall and fix the hole at the bottom.  I don't know why he didn't fix that when he was working on the wall.  Those were messy men - dropped that spackle or whatever you call it on the floors in places - not hard to get up but irritates me.  I didn't know that was happening because I wasn't around them when they were working.  One good thing though, I have solid floors.

     Haven't heard from Jack this morning.  He's wondering if they have  a barber who comes in occasionally to cut men's hair - someone did tell him a beautician comes occasionally so I'm sure they do.  I hope someone shows him around when he's able to get out of his room.

     I also need to call Directv and find out what's going on with my TV in the bedroom.  When they moved things back in, it looks like they hooked it up in a different place than where I had the cords going into the TV.  Odd that I can get the schedule but no pictures.  That's for another day.

     Need to order cat and dog food from Chewy - seems like they eat a lot but with five cats and two GPs guess it's normal.   I know I pay more for their feed than I do for what I eat.

     Prices are really going up - fertilizer a year ago was a little over $300 a ton - now it's $1,000 a ton.  Same thing with cattle feed.   You know once they raise prices on things, they hardly ever go down again.  Haven't been to town lately to get gas so don't know how our gas prices are.  Last time I get diesel it was $4.69 a gallon - almost a dollar higher than gas.  Just imagine how much it costs to run a semi or one-ton trucks.

     I'll stop and see if I've seen Gunsmoke that just now came on.  Like you, Zetta, I've seen most of them lately at least once or twice but they're still good/  You know James Arness was 6'7" and his brother was 6'3" - we have a news reporter on one of our TV stations that's 6'7".  Not important, just thought it was interesting.

     Enjoy your day.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    You might want to try Command hooks for putting up your pictures, etc.

    While certainly more expensive than nails or picture hangers, it does let you take them down and change without harming the dry wall.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Thanks, Marie, I've never used them but sounds like it would work well.  I'll look into that.

     The wind is blowing like crazy - back to what it's been all during April and to me it's chilly.

     Jack has found a realtor who's going to look at his house Friday.  Just hope he's not trying to move too fast and without talking with his lawyer.  I gave him the numbers for the electric and water companies and the attorney's office.  Sort of wish he'd wait a little while before he does something but that's up to him.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hello Ron, I am sorry that Lou is having back pain; that can be a misery and it certainly makes your assissting her a bit more difficult. I hope she is improving.

    Ron, I can understand how concerning it is to hear the term, "active malignancy" applied to yourself on the application for total medical disability and not hearing more to clarify the categorization.  BUT - that term can mean multiple different things even with a PSA of 0.  Here are some of them:

    1. At the time that term was written in your record, it can mean a cancer was diagnosed within the last six months or so, or

    2.  that cancer has been treated within the last six months or so; or

    3.  that cancer is still being treated

    Basically since you are still being treated with hormone shots and being followed, as well as having been recently treated in other ways, that may be why that particular term was used.

    I am truly sorry that you have had to have this on your mind because the medical entity has been lax in providing adequate communication.  In my professional experience, VA has quite a history of very poor communications regarding outpatient services; just keep at it and by the time of the next appointment, get that doctor to be the person advocating for you if he/she does not have the information to enlighten you as to why the categorization.  I have a feeling it is probably due to number one or two of the above.  Let us know when you find out.

     Of all the surprises. Ella did not get put to sleep yesterday.  She had been lethargic and not doing much and not eating much.  On the way to the vets, they stopped and bought her a little hamburger pattie from Carl's Jr. They do not feed their animals that way, they are very conscious of nutrition.  Well . . . . Ella ate the entire thing and then when they got to the vets office, she sprang into a happy little ball of energy and went exploring and tail wagging.  Not time.  Soon, but not yesterday. She is still more alert today.

     Got a call, see you later,


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Jo., VA rates "total" as 100% disability and "permanent" disability as minimal chance of improvement. Prostate cancer is rated at 100% when first diagnosed but almost always reduced after disability review. The only exceptions are if the prostate cancer has affected the bones are other organs. It is rare for prostate cancer alone to be left as permanent disability, but has on occasions if it is determined treatment cannot eliminate it. Once P/T rating is given it no longer can be reviewed unless fraud is found. I dread thinking harmone therapy is in my future for the rest of my life.

    Lorita, we use to eat mulberry and the jam was delicious. You also mentioning the ticks brought back some not so fun memories. Being a young boy always out in the woods, ticks would attach to my private parts, which was no funchiggers was a lot worse but I lived through it. I believe that mom would heat a pin or something to touch the tick where it could be pulled off without leaving the head in.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ron, chiggers are awful.  I used to pick a lot of blackberries and found if I got out early while the dew was still on, I wouldn't get chiggers - guess they can't get around when it's wet.  I also hate ticks - if they get on your back and you live alone the only way to dislodge them is with a backrubber.  I tried lighting a match to get one off Charles once - didn't work for me.  I usually just get hold of them the best I can and pull them off.  Always makes a swollen, itchy, red place for a few days.  I think I mentioned once that my parents, Charles and I went to a singing convention way up around Jay, Okla. - out in the woods.  We took our lunch because we wouldn't be around a drive-in or restaurant - stood by the car while we ate and on the way home we had tiny, tiny ticks on us.  It was awful - they were as thick as chiggers.  I think we must have stood in a den, cluster, whatever you call  it so they just hitched a ride on us.

    The weatherman says it's in the mid 70s but feels cold to me - must be the wind.  I looked at the back of the TV and I think I might see what's wrong.  Tomorrow I'll get a stool so I can reach it better and see what I can do.

     I want to go through my closet and donate clothing I haven't worn in three or four years - thought I'd take them to the mission or resale place but Jack says both of them are closed so don't know what I'd do with them - don't want to throw away good clothing that people can use. 

     Jack said he had talked to a realtor at the ALF and she's going to go look at his house Friday.  He said she may buy it and the admission clerk said she might buy his car.  I think he may be moving too fast but none of my business.  He was sort of "off" today - sort of irritable because I wasn't really happy about all of it right now.  I think he should settle in where he is and then work on these things.  Maybe he's right  so I'll keep my mouth shut.  This morning he offered the idea that he might be the only person in the ALF because he didn't see a lot of people in the halls (the one hall he can see).  I'd probably be worse if I was in his shoes though.  He said the realtor and admissions clerk spent a long time in his room talking with him today.  I asked if he had asked the questions he was worried about - barber, etc. - but he hadn't.

     Amy's mom left her in the paddock for about six hours today but Amy came out and got in the middle of the prickly pears again.  Mom came out of the barn with another cow and they were calling their babies.  So cute - two tiny babies had been bedded down on the other side of the pond and they were running to the barn as fast as their little legs could carry them - their moms had called them for lunch.  When I came back in the house Amy and one other baby were both latched on.

     The bedroom is open for business and three of the cats were taking a nap on the bed - may be four now because I don't see Kitt anywhere.  Need to get the curtains back up tomorrow.

     Last night I found a container in the freezer that I thought was beans so put it in the refrigerator to thaw.  Had my mouth all set for beans but it turned out to be lentil soup it wasn't thawed completely so took out some and put it back in the freezer.  It was pretty good with lemon juice and hot sauce.

    Guess I'll wait until next week to get my booster - weather's supposed to be stormy Friday but I won't be seeing anyone between now and then anyway.

    Ordered cat and dog food today from Chewy - to be delivered Friday or Saturday.  You know I spend more money on their food than I do on mine - but that's all right.

    Enjoy the evening.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    I will try again, I just lost my last post. ???? 

    Lorita.    We had a porch swing on my Grandparents porch a big one for the adults and a small one for the kids. I loved that swing. I have a rocking chair on my porch. Your bedroom sounds so pretty I bet you like being able to go back in there, it sounds like your kitties like it. Hopefully they come back and finish it up for you. If not just be careful when climbing on things. 

    Hopefully Jack, has been able to leave his room, he might have been out during nap time is the reason the hall was empty. When I would go visit Dan the halls were pretty empty during meal times, and if it was warm outside a lot of the residents were out in the courtyard. I would think if someone is interested in buying Jacks, house hopefully they would talk to a attorney, just to make sure everything is all right. For his continued care he might have to sell his house. There was a beautician where Dan was at she did men's and womans hair in AL and In MC. If I needed a hair cut and she was caught up with the residents she would give me one. And I always paid her.

    Sara.   I am glad your enjoying your volunteer time. What type of things do you do? I don't know how you do everything you do, you are so busy.

    Jo.    Good News that Ella, perked up but it still is a sad thing knowing that it may not last long. I will pray that she does well. Their vet must be in Bend, Oregon? If this is your son that lives in Bend. I know there are some good vets in Bend. 

    Marie.    Its very nice you are able to help your grandkids with their homework. I remember when my boys were small I felt so stupid I was not able to help them with math. Remember when they were doing new math? I was never good at math anyway. I still don't know what new math is. Those command hooks you told Lorita about are they good on all types of walls? Will they pull wallpaper off? 

    All of you talking about Poke, I have never heard of it and I don't think I would like it. I have had a stew in my slow cooker today and it sure smells good. I will be eating stew for a few days.

    Take Care all Good Night, Hugs Zetta 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Hi Zetta,

    Command hooks are not recommended for use on wallpaper.  The wallpaper on its own is not strong enough to hold items you might want to hang nor is wallpaper attached securely enough to the wall to not just pull off with the added weight.

    It is too bad that the "picture rails" of days gone by lost their popularity.  They were strips of wood trim which were positioned down from the top of the wall...usually all the way around the room.  While on their own they could be considered "decoration", they served the purpose of being able to suspend pictures, mirrors, etc. from the strip with no damage to the wall.  

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,678
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    28F. -2C, frosty.

    Lorita had JJ, the next two were Pfizer’s.  My sources say it’s fine to mix and match.  They said it long before mentioned by others. They said it may be beneficial. What I see is that wherever you get it they usually just carry one brand.  Would have to find someone who carried whatever type you want.

    Jack needs rid of the house and car, sooner the better is my thoughts.  As long as he owns them he is responsible for their upkeep, taxes etc.  Anything that sits usually deteriorates and loses value.  To me it would be a blessing to have someone willing to buy and get them off of my hands as long as he gets a fairly decent price.  One less worry.

    Zetta that is what I was thinking, they probably have a beautician who does both guys and gals.  Enjoy that stew.  Zetta I direct and take patients or visitors to where they need to go.  

    The job is causing me to have to become more efficient.  I have been pretty lazy for 3.5 years.  Got grandmas pillows done yesterday evening.  Should have got them done way before.  Always think I’ll do it tomorrow, that bugs me when I do that.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Good morning friends, What a privilege it is to sit on the front porch with all of you. Wishing you a blessed day today.

    Judith, how is the swelling? Hope you are improving and enjoying life. 

    Jo, I was sorry to hear about your side effects from the booster. I haven't had the 2nd booster yet but my side effects were minimal for the other 3 shots. I was very glad to hear Ella is still alive and kicking, enjoying life. She sounds like such a sweetheart. 

    Zetta, I always enjoy hearing about your pet sitting business. As you may recall, we have a 2nd generation feral cat 14 y.o. who lives between our backyard and the pasture. We feed her and had her spayed. She seems very healthy. Anyway, when you put cat food out other cats seem to come (other critters such as raccoons too but we alleviate that to some extent by taking the food in at night). Anyway, a new sweetie has been coming. She has a tag, her name is Stormi, and on her tag it says, "Please let me be. I always find my way back home." So guess she is an inside/outside cat and a traveler. 

    Marie, it's great you help the grandchildren with their homework. If it was math, that would be my downfall...basic math, no problem but algebra etc. - not my forté. Has your mom gotten settled? Hope you are getting some peace and not having to be so stressed. 

    Sara, glad you are enjoying the volunteering so far. My volunteering is in the gardens, Master Gardener garden projects and local "mansions." That is just getting started now. It's been a chilly spring and very, very windy here. I did get my green beans planted. Have had a problem in that when I dig/turn over the soil, somebody (? raccoons) digs further into that spot. I think they find it is easy digging, and there are grubs there. I won't use grub killer on the garden but do on the lawn. So, I have applied "stinky" stuff to try to keep the diggers away: Milorganite (which is an excellent fertilizer for lawns, vegetables, trees and flowers, by the way) and Irish Spring soap. Will report back on how it works and am open to other ideas. I do have fencing on some of the raised beds.

    Lorita, I'm glad Jack is settling in. You have helped him so much. What a kind and caring and generous person you are! You mentioned poke and the berries. I was not familiar with poke but there are lots of persons who use various weeds as well as herbs for medicinal purposes. I bought some nettle tea recently. Supposed to be good for you. It tasted bad so put it in the compost. Speaking of berries, we had a mulberry tree but lost it in a storm. I wasn't sorry to see it go. Such a messy tree, and in my way of thinking mulberries don't taste good. Lost my black raspberry to a fungus last year. Planted some red rasp. this year - they are not as susceptible to disease.

    We went to a rolled ice cream place last night then to kids' BB game (8 y.o.). It was fun watching the rolled ice cream process. They pour liquid onto a very cold tray, add your mix-ins which was strawberries for me, manipulate it till it freezes in very thin sheets, then use a spatula to make long sheets of ice cream and then roll it. They add a sauce, whipped cream and a cherry on top. Yum! 

    Going to Olive Garden for lunch today.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Lorita, I am going to take a different approach to what is happening with Jack and his precipitious sales.  From my viewpoint, I would think an urgent call to the ALF Admin. needs to be made asap for the following reasons:

    The approach of the staff at the ALF is very inappropriate and could easily get themselves and even the facility in significant legal trouble.   This is a very new resident whose behavior in actual decision making capability is not yet known by the ALFs supervisory staff.  ALFs care for people who need assistance and can no longer live alone for a variety of reasons.   Jack may possibly have some issues with reasoning and judgment that is as yet not known by the supervisory ALF staff who assess such matters, and if there is such an issue, how it is affecting his decision making.

    Jack may also be getting taken advantage of in getting low ball pricing on his home and automobile and getting stuck with fees in not selling with a good approach on the house as no one is looking out for his interests.  Also, it would be a disaster for the ALF, if after a sale to staff members, Jack suddenly became upset and angry and accuse the ALF staff of wrong doing.   Any such actions need to have the knowledge of the ALF Administration in that they are comfortable that all is being done above board, especially in Jack's not being financially taken advantage of.  Using an advocate for Jack would be helpful.

    This situation warrants a call to the Administrator of the ALF to inform them of staff involvement and to ask that the call and your name be kept confidential.   I would then provide the information as to what is happening.  IF Jack is to sell right away, then it would be best to go through Jack's attorney or another advocate to check things out to ensure all is well.  If the ALF Admin. is fine with it all as is, then at least they will be aware.

    If this were my brother, I would hope he would wait just a few weeks before such a sale to determine whether or not this ALF is not only a good fit for himself, but also that the ALF will want to continue to have him for a resident.  It is too soon to know; he had not as yet even been out of his room.  Just a few weeks could make a difference.  If anything happened, and either Jack or the ALF did not wish to continue together, Jack would have nowhere to go.  Once several weeks have passed, then both parties will pretty much know what the likely outcome is.  It is surprising how two different staff members are involved in such a dynamic considering that Jack had not even left his room as yet, does not know staff except for tray delivery or shower curtain hanging, but still two of the staff are soliciting to buy his car and his house.

     In any case, once that all is evaluated and after a couple of weeks residency, and all is above board, then the sales could commence without too much concern.

    Just my opinion based on my professional experience of many years where similar situations have gone south in highly negative ways.

    Zetta, it is my brother who lives in Bend.  This son and his wife live in California.  My DIL said they were astonished that their Yorkie, Ella, ate the entire burger pattie.  She had not been eating much at all; only little tidbits now and then.  They stopped to get the burger pattie for a few bites to give her a comfort treat before they got to the vets for her being put to sleep.  First hamburger pattie and she sure did like it.  They and the vet were astonished that Ella got down and greeted staff  and then went exploring - the vet had been seeing Ella right along and did not expect such a significant change.  Everyone knows that this is a very short time since 15 year old Ella has congestive heart failure as well as liver failure; thankfully she is not in pain.   This abrupt change is like a human patient who has a rally at the very end.  It is only a matter of days.  Boy; if their other three rescues knew about the hamburger pattie, they would be demonstrating in front of the house, carrying signs for unfair owner practices and demanding hamburger patties.

    Our in the mid-90's temps have whooshed down into the 60's again.  That is okay with me, it feels good to have that break before summer hits full force.  Grass is green, trees, plants and shrubs perky and happy.  Love to see them like that.  We are in a water shortage and we are very, very cautious about that and use timers and least amount, however; we will soon have extremely tight mandated water restrictions, so what will happen during the worst heat of summer waits to be seen.  This happened once before and it wasn't pretty.

    The side effects of the Moderna 2nd booster have passed.  Only one day post vax discomfort with profound fatigue, some aches, a head/neck ache, and a few hours of a low grade temp; second day no temp or discomfort and much less fatigue and all gone by the third day.   Mixing vaccines is acceptable per specialists in the field including the CDC.   Some variance in opinion whether mixing them is actually an advantage.  Report read yesterday from one study that had Moderna with some advantage over Pfizer for how long it  lasts and its effectiveness.  However; it was not dramatic, but an edge.  I think whatever booster I could get, I would commence.  I like to use Moderna knowing my reaction to it as I have a long list of med sensitivities.   Sure hope the vaccine tweaking to make the vaccines stronger and longer in duration will soon be accomplished.  Neither my husband nor my friend and her husband had any reaction to their second boosters at all; they all had Moderna.

    Lorita, have you made the final payment for the work on your house as yet?  If so, then nothing to be done and shame on the construction owner for leaving you  with work undone and not taking calls.  If you have not yet made final payment, you can let the owner know either through a call or in writing that the payment will be made in full once they have completed their work.  They  left you with painting needing to be done and gunk on your floor that needed scraping off.   They know you are an elderly woman who is alone and has no one else to do this for herself.   I am really sorry this has happened.  If they are not going to complete their work and you have not yet paid the final payment, then you can subtract a sum for the work that was not done as promised. 

    Always good to not make final payment for all work is completed and is satisfactory.  Taking advantage of people, especially in such a situation as Lorita is in, is something that is not only bad for business as in getting a poor recommendation, but it is also reprehensible as individuals of little conscience and lack of ethics.

    Got some big red grapes yesterday, they are very good.  Summer fruit is getting here fast.  Miss the little clementines, but they are out of season and will be back next fall.  What takes their place are not truly clementines and are stringy and rather dry.   I am craving zucchini slices browned in olive oil with a little garlic, onion and salt and pepper.  Guess I will have to get that as well as some salmon which also sounds so good.

    Great that you are enjoying connecting with people in your volunteer position, Sayra.  Good to be out with people again and helping.   Also making you more efficient?  I can see all sorts of projects heading your way!

    Well; I "refreshed" the computer when entering this site because of last night's update work.  However, I am finding some of my typing disappearing and other hiccups along the way.  Hope all is well with everyone.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     Looks rainy here - hopefully, it will be north of us but rain and storms predicted for late tomorrow and tomorrow night.  I think I'll call and make an appt. for my second booster and get that over with tomorrow.   Bryon just called - he's the man who mows our yard - he says he's way behind so will  probably be mid week, next week which is fine.  The girls are grazing north of the house so they'll take care of that.  I let them in yesterday and they came back for another round this morning

     Mike just left.  I called him yesterday to tell him about a cow who's having trouble getting around.  He drove the Gator up and around all the girls and checked everyone out.  The cow is the one he checked before - the problem is in her hip - probably been kicked or hurt somehow.  She's getting around fairly well - there's nothing to be done for it.  Also had him check Sheena.  When I first went out she didn't come around - then found her out by the water hydrant not wanting to get up.  It's also something in her hip - he thinks it's probably arthritis and is worse this morning because of the dampness.  So will have to get here on arthritis medication - he'll send some for her.

    I want Jack to be able to sell his house and car too but thought it might be better for him to get settled in and comfortable first so he wouldn't have to be dealing with both things at one time.  But, it's entirely up to him.  I think he may be upset with me because I wasn't enthusiastic when he told me - hasn't called since then - maybe that's good that he's transferring his attention to other things. 

     The driveway alarm keeps going off - it makes the alert I set for it, then chirps afterewards.  I have another sensor so think I'll put it farther down the driveway.

     Nothing else going on here today except I think I'll put the curtains back up in the bedroom - the double windows look bare without then.  I need to get things back into the chest of drawers out in the utility room - summer things and pack the winter things in boxes.  There's a place in the utility room, sort of in the end of the closet out there where the boxes will be sort of out of sight - doesn't matter anyway since no one else sees it.  Still have some boxes of things in the storage building that were in the shelving unit that I have to go through.  I know there's things out there that I haven't seen for years -   Eventually it'll get done - guess there's no hurry.

     I slept well again last night - Max slept with me so it didn't seem so empty. 

     Zetta, I love a porch swing.  Ours faces north toward the driveway.  We've had a porch swing out there as long as I can remember.  Need to get the porch painted, too.  Guess having things to do never ends - but it makes the time go faster - as if that's something that's needed.

     I ordered a couple of new saucepans last night - a one quart and a two quart - yellow ones, nonstick.  I've been using parts of a set we bought at a flea market many years ago - they have little strawberries on them but they're really old now and just wanted something new. 

     Jo and Sara - do either of you know of some kind of tape Sarah can use around her colostomy and feeding tube to keep them in place and from leaking?  She's allergic to the kind she's having to use and it's really bad on her skin - she says it makes it bleed.  I thought about Alien tape but not sure that would be something you could use on your skin.  She says she's tried everything she can think of and hasn't been able to find anything that works yet.

     I think Mike enjoyed driving among the girls and checking on them.  He doesn't have much time for that - probably was among them 15-20 minutes.  He said it doesn't look like we'll have more calves for a while.  I have one scheduled for late May, then two or three a month for a while.  Judith, I think you asked about how many we usually have - somewhere around a dozen - but we have more heifers now that will be calving so not really sure this year.  There's been two or three that were really small - probably from Little Bit. 

     Nothing else happening right now so I'll stop and finish my tea and think about something for breakfast.  Guess I should call and make my appointment.  Hope all of you are well this morning.  Sara - it's cold where you are - hope it warms up for you.

     Jo - so happy to read that Ella perked up - good for her.  I so hate for one of our furry friends to not feel well or be having problems.  Hope she continues to be better.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Back again,

     Beth and Jo, you all must have posted while I was writing mine.  Just now saw your posts.

     Beth, it may be a raccoon - you're making easy digging for him.  Hopefully the stinky stuff will get rid of him.  I know I must have one that eats some of Tom's feed - coon and opossum - I've seen both.

     That rolled ice creams sounds so good.  Never heard of that before.   But, I like ice cream in any form - really do like Gelato.  I was able to get it for a while at the grocery store where I shop but the last several times they didn't have it.  I may have been the only one buying it - same with the Dannon's Natural Yogurt they used to carry and I love.

     Thanks, Beth, I've been able, with help, to get Jack into a safe place and for that I'm thankful.  He called this morning - wasn't sure he would - he said he had gotten his PCR test results - negative.  I said "you must be excited now that it's back and you can get out of your apartment".  He said he was disappointed.  Asked him why and he's disappointed that he can't continue to have his meals in his room.  Tamatha had told me that after they have their negative test they have to eat in the dining room.  He's afraid he can't make it that far.  He was walking pretty well going into and out of WM and the mattress place.  He has a walker with a seat so told him he could walk a while until he gets tired, then sit down for a while.  He said they give a pretty good warning time that the meal is going to be served.  He is very deficient in teeth so that may also be part of  not really wanting to go to the dining room - and he eats very slowly he says.

     Jo - I didn't mention anything at all about the house or car to him and I don't think I will. It's a point of contention between us and  it's his business.  According to what he said they've also talked to the person at the bank about getting the deed out of his safe deposit box so I imagine he'll sell it - almost at any price - just to get rid of it.  There's probably a lot of bad memories there of the past almost two years.  He said  they mentioned $75,000 and he told me he'd sell in a minute if they offer him that amount.  He has enough money in the bank for over two years of care and his retirement is well overo the amount of his rent so he's all right moneywise.

     Of course, I've paid the last amount to Daniel.  It's a shame that this has happened - if he's sick, someone could answer his phone and tell me - if it's even within hearing distance.  I can't find any other numbers.  I'll be all right - there's just a few things and I can take care of that.  I'll see if Bryon and Shane will put the AC in the window later this spring.  Good thing I've watched a lot of episodes of This Old House so I know how to do some things.  I think at one time or another Charles and I have done almost everything.  Found the spackle (I need to look on the bucket and see what that's called) and have already fixed one little place and I'll do the other in a few minutes - watching Treehouse Builders and talking to my friends right now.  You know I believe if someone does something bad to someone else, they'll get their just rewards in the end, in one way or another.

     I do hate for him to be taken advantage of and maybe he won't be.  I just hate for the things Patsy loved (pictures, etc.) won't be saved but he didn't seem to care about any of that. 

     Jo - glad the reaction from your second booster has worn off.  I had a slight reaction - a little swelling and just sort of "off" for a day or so after my first booster so hope it won't be worse for this one.  I called a while ago to make an appt. for tomorrow and she said to call back in the morning.  Weather's supposed to be okay until late afternoon so hope I can get it - if not, I'll get that and my labwork one day next week - that might be better anyway.

     It's been raining a little bit this morning and it's really dark - good nap day.Really is nice to be back in the bedroom.  Jack said he slept a little last night - had to get back in his recliner because his side was hurting.  He says he may have broken a rib - first time he's complained of that.  I asked if he had fallen and he said "you knew that".  I knew he had fallen a few weeks ago but thought maybe it was recent.  He's a big snappy.  I do hope things work out for him there and they will if he'll let it.

     Enough of that - I have to get back to fixing that other place so it can dry.  If Stormy wasn't asleep on the divan, I might lay down there for a while.  Sheena has heard thunder so she's panting and not relaxed.  I bet her first owner had left her outside in a big thunderstorm and that's why it scares her.  Just a thought.

     Zetta, the stew sounds good - wish I had some potato soup made.  Should make some from scratch.  The potatoes I bought a month are shriveling and taste sort of sweet so need to be used - maybe a baked potato later today.

     Enjoy your day.


  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes

    Lorita, about clearing out and donating, you might want to call the places you heard were closed. Many places closed during Covid, partly because of covid but also because they were so overwhelmed with donations from people cleaning out. They got more clothes and stuff than they could give away or store anywhere. Many closed all over the country  because they could not take  any more. But now they're opening again.

    Regardless, might be worth calling and checking.

    Sayra continues to amaze and inspire! 

    So astounding (all of what Jo said)  to hear about the AL staff involved with big purchases from Jack…so much potential for problems. He’ll do what he does, but it might be something others of us encounter with family some day. Hard to imagine the place allows it, but. You never know these days.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    The construction fellow whose business did your work is very lucky that you are such a kindly and forgiving person, Lorita.   Many such businesses have complaints made against them to the Better Business Bureau as well as to the Contractor's State Licensing Board IF he was even licensed to do business as a contractor.   I have seen people take such businesses to Small Claims Court to recover the money for items not actually done or completed on a job, so this fellow is indeed really luckier than he realizes that you were his customer on this one.  Ah well; the big stuff is done so your floors appear to be safe once more and that is really important.  

     Must be nice to sleep in the bed again and not wake up with a sore back.  Have the cats said "thank meew" yet for their places on the bed?

     Beth; I really enjoy your Posts.   I love hearing about your beautiful gardens and about the work you do and seeing the photos of your garden.   What a lovely person who seems to nicely "grounded" in more ways than one, so to speak. 

    Rolled ice cream and Olive Garden today for lunch . . . . Hey!!! Wait for me!  Never had rolled ice cream, it sounds intriguing.   Interesting in using smelly stuff to keep unwanted things away on the property . . . Irish Spring Soap?  That is a new one on me.  Guess if someone is using it to garner a new sweetheart, they may want to change to another soap if it repels, (grin.)   We used stinkum to get rid of a bevy of oppossums who were using the back block wall for a highway and doing their worst while going back and forth.  Animal control told us to use rags saturated in ammonia on both ends of the wall; evidently they are strongly repulsed by that odor.  Worked like a charm, little pointy tailed imps never came back again.

    You are right on spot, Lorita. Jack's business is not yours to mingle in; you have done a miracle out of the goodness of your heart getting him safe and secure and cared for.   He does sound a bit stubborn and a bit testy.  I imagine that is even more in evidence what with all the significant changes in his life; bound to make him a little unsure of it all and he may be trying to hang onto his control.  It will take a bit of time perhaps until he feels more comfortable.   At some point, if he is having trouble navigating those lengthy hallways, he can get himself an electric scooter or electric chair with wheels that he can use for long distances.  A lot of ALFs do permit them and it can be helpful to get from one place to another.   The supervisory staff could help him get advice on that.

    The $75,000 purchase price sounds like a low amount for the house from what you said about the neighborhood and the exterior looking handsome.   Heaven help those staff members and the ALF if the daughter gets a whiff of this and the house sold under market value; as well as Jack going over the moon if he changes his mind later after all is said and done.  I have seen big time law suits and state licensing issues and penalties for care facilities in regard to similar sorts of dynamics over the years.  Doesn't matter he has money; it is what is appropriate in not taking him for a ride financially.  It is actually, by state statute, a form of elder abuse and prosecutable.  Let's hope it goes well.

     I like gelato too.  Had the best ever gelato in Italy; omigosh, heavenly and SO many different flavors.  We would stop at a gelato store during our meanderings,  (they were about everywhere in towns), we'd each get a cup and eat it at the little outside tables while we people watched and enjoyed the soft sunlight.

    Zetta, you will have to give us your recipe for crockpot stew.   Love stew and love having the crockpot in use and especially love things that do not requiring browning first.  Nothing like a good stew or good rich soup.  Well; guess my problem is, I love just about everything except scallops which I am deadly allergic to. 

    I have to find a new 100% whole wheat bread.  What I had been using changed and its taste is bitter.  I do not like a lot of hard things in bread.  Oat flakes, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds okay, but the really hard bits and pieces I do not care for and send me seeking the floss container.  Things change and that means going on a hunting trip for new stuff again.

    Geeze, post last night's update, it takes longer to access Posts, and the "bold" function keeps going off, and sentences or paragraphs suddenly disappear and things go flying about on their own. I have refreshed each time coming onto the site with no result.  Guess we just have to wait for things to settle down; or perhaps it is just me.

    Will want to hear what Beth had for lunch so we can all feel hungry for Italian food.  And no cooking or cleaning up - hurray! 


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, Just to throw my two cents in, used car market is up right now. It's ok to give someone a good deal, but they shouldn't rob you. Find out what his make and model is going for before selling. Also, when a realtor wants to buy a home, they are in the business of selling and they look to get property cheaper. Tell him to think it over before selling.

    Lou's back is better but still bothers her some. I am becoming concerned about our trip to Missouri letter this summer to visit our youngest son and family and also the Florida trip in September. I just don't believe Lou can make the trip. I have been looking forward to both trips since I bought the car, but believe it's best to forget it.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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     Thanks,Rescue Mom, hadn't thought about that.  I will call and see if they're opened again. 

     Sara - have you really been retired for 3 1/2 yrs.?  Really doesn't seem that long - I can remember when you still had six months to work.  I don't think you've been lazy those years - look at all you do everyday - taking care of getting groceries for your mom and also taking care of Jean plus all the gardening you do.  Doesn't sound like you're lazy to me.

     We had one heck of a rainstorm this morning.  That little bunch of showers east of us turned into a big rainstorm here - water setting everywhere but the sun's out now.

     Jack called.  He was so dreading trying to walk down to the dining room but he made it just fine. Sat with two other men and visited with them some..  Sounds relieved.

     The person who was going to look at his house is a realtor in the town close to where he lives.  He told me her name and I looked it up.  Her last name is a familiar one around this area, in fact, I worked with someone with the same last name and there's a family or two east of us.  Tamatha's family live in the little town where I buy groceries so she probably knew her from there and because he was wanting to sell his house she called on her.  So, maybe everything is okay.  He was concerned about his "one" housekey.   I told him that Lowe's is just across the street from his ALF so maybe she could take the key over and have one made for him to keep.  That made him feel better.

     With someone as elderly as Jack is, some people would try to take advantage of him.  He's intent on getting rid of the house and car so maybe it'll work out all right since she is a known realtor in this area.  He's also been talking with the woman at the bank who has taken over paying his bills for him.  I thought she just showed him how to pay them but from what he says, she's doing it.  Tamatha also is taking care of a change of address for him so he'll get his mail.

     Sheena's still not getting up.  She tried a while ago and by the time I got up to help her she'd laid back down.  Maybe just resting today will help.

     I need to go to the mailbox after a bit - maybe my caladiums will be there.  Still the dirt is not warm enough to plant them yet.  We planted eggplants one year and the ground was too cold and they got smaller and smaller.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,767
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    realtor.com values the property for much more...so does Zillow .... I am thinking LMG!
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh dear; I do not know what LMG is.  I looked it up and it told me, "Light Machine Gun."  I am still laughing.

    Careful for who is getting a key copied; they can easily make several and the house can be accessed and ransacked or others let inside.  Just saying, it is a risk.  Just because a person seems nice, one never knows for sure.  I know; I know.  Who is there to help?  Frankly, if his attorney was contacted, or any Elder Law Attorney, they would know the names and contacts for people who serve as certified advocates who can now and in the future be able to assist Jack with such matters. 

     It appears that my pre-retirement profession has come back to haunt me.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Lorita,  I have a colostomy and have a tape I just love that I got when I had my surgery many years ago.  It is 3M Micropore tape.  Comes in various widths.  Here is a link...where else but Amazon...lol


    It is very easy on the skin, holds well and comes off without stress on the skin.  


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Jo - Lawn mower  Guy!!   I'm still laughing at light machine gun.  At the time we would have used one - or a heavy machine gun - for sure.

     I hope things will be all right.  I'll suggest, again, that he call his attorney's office and ask about her. 

     Marie - thanks so much.  I'll call Sarah and ask her if she's ever used that kind of tape.  She's running out of kinds of options.

    I've  been checking my e-mail to see if my caladiums had been delivered - couldn't track it on the laptop so today tried the tablet and it said they had been delivered.  Hurried down to the mailbox (they've been there two days) and they were there.  On the box was stamped the words "arrived in bad condition and the zip code" so I opened each package of them and they look okay - dry, but okay.  Tomorrow I'll put them in something and sprinkle them with water so they'll start to sprout.  There's water over the road in at least four places that I can see.  FedEx delivered cat and dog food and he said the roads were really bad.

     I got my curtains up in the bedroom - feels more like a bedroom now.  That joint compound (finally read on the bucket what it's called) comes up easily with a wet paper towel - so glad of that.

     Zetta, I found the electric throw I ordered last winter.  I think I only used it once - it was folded and covered up with other things on a chair in the bedroom.

     Sheena is having a hard time getting up - it's her right hip.  Something must have happened to it during the night because when she went out last night it wasn't like that.  She's had a little trouble getting her back end up for a while.  I can help her by getting hold of her collar on each side and giving her a little boost.  I just did that and told her I have to have help getting up, too, but I use the arms of the chair.  She's eight so that's only 56 human years.  I'll call Mike and see if there's anything else we can do.  I did find some linament that I used years ago on Christy after she had trouble calving and had a partially paralyzed leg (it got well) and I've also used it on my lower back.  Looks like green slime but it works.

    Weatherman just said they had wind gusts up to 55 or 56 mph south of Tulsa.  Wind wasn't too bad here today but it's going to be worse tomorrow.  Guess the girls are up in the south pasture.  While I was out saw one calf, probably eight or ten months old, come out of the barn and started to the NE pasture, then heard him bawl - guess he was calling to see where they are.

     Judith, when you get your caladiums, are they ever sprouted? When I used to get them at WM they always had little sprouts on them.  The ones I got last year were dry, too, but they were beautiful when they came up and leafed out.

     The little white flowers in the front yard have been blooming this week.  They were late - probably because of the awfully cold weather we had just before they were ready to bloom.  I have some of them I need to transplant, too.



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,767
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    Reporting in;
    feet better

    caladium bulbs not shipped yet per my request, they have always been dry...we usually do not plant until Mother's day ....sprinkle with water? more info please on that


    How was Sarah's Dr appt?

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Glad you're feeling better, Judith - so, no more swelling?

     Sarah said the doctor read her record and said he always liked to give his patients good news but he couldn't find anything that was good in her chart.  She has an appointment or two next week - one with a surgeon and another with a new PCP.

     If you sprinkle the bulbs with water it moistens them and gives them a bit of a headstart since they have to get hydrated when they're planted.  They usually don't sprout until they're planted but do come up a little sooner.  I don't plant them either until the ground is warm - this year who knows when that might be.

    Thanks for the information about the tape, Marie.  I told Sarah but she didn't remember if she'd tried it not.  At any rate I ordered a couple of rolls of it for her - 2" x 10 ft. - really hope it works for her.

     I guess I'm going to have to call Directv to get my bedroom TV working right again.  The TV comes on but it says there's no signal.  It showed the schedule but no pictures - I did something and now the schedule doesn't come on.  Hate to have someone in the house but guess I'll have to.  I hooked it up when I got it but now it seems like there's more cables to hook onto the TV.  Seems like there's always something to have to get repaired - guess it's that way with everyone.

     I've decided to wait until next week to get my booster.  Will try to coordinate that appointment with the one for my lab work.  The health dept. couldn't tell me which days next week they'll give shots until tomorrow. 

    It's been a long evening - I like to watch Barney Miller from 11 to 12 but don't know if I can make it tonight. 

     Glad you're feeling better,Judith.  I just remembered you said your grandson had helped brand 300-400 head of cattle?  I've never seen cattle branded except on TV but looks like it would hurt.   Is he going to go back to cowboying? 

     Looks like we'll have some bad weather tomorrow - rain and hail.  It is so wet right now - wish we could save some of this rain for July and August but MotherT Nature doesn't work that way.  Going to have high winds again tomorrow.

     Sleep well.



Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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