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Just need to talk to my friends (175)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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Jo, I've been having problems, too. Meant to start 175 last night and then this morning but had to water. When I came in didn't feel too well and tablet had to be charged.  While it was charging got interested in the men's semifinals at Wimbleton and when it was over Carol called..  Finally got back to the tabket.

She said her husband just got hone from playing golf.  He and seven others, one is 92, play golf everyday hot or cold.  I've never had any interest in golf, either to play or watch.  But those who love it, really love it.

Two more pills to take.  Toe looks pretty much like the other one just a bit sore but the neuromas.make my toes and feet sore and sometimes painful for an instant.  I hope after I finish this medicine I get back to feeling better.

Two little ones were out front this morning licking salt while I watered.  About an hour later everyone went into the barn.  There's some wind, off and on. I can see the flag out the window, looks so pretty.

Hope you got J to her appt safely, Sara and that all is well.

Back later.



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I don't know if I had posted this.  But I had a pair of new sneakers from the same brand that I always buy.  Every time I wore them, my toes would feel tingly and numb.  I finally went back to my older pair and the numbness is gone.  I never had this numbness before.  I wonder if this could be Morton's neuroma?  I am trying to wear flip flops during the summer.  Maybe my toes need more open spaces .


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Iris, look in the toes of the sneakers.  They may have left a string sewed in.  About four of five winters ago my Achilles tendon on the tight side started hurting.  Finally I checked the work boots ! Was wearing and there was a taut string from one side of the heel to the other..  So everyday when I wore them for an hour or so the string was pressing on the tendon.  Now I can't wear a shoe with the back in except I can wear boots because they come up all the way past my heel.  I guess we should always check new shoes before wearing them.  Lesson learned.

    How's Simon today?

    Zetta, where are you?

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Today was green bean day.

    Picked up a bushel from a local market.  Wanted to start early, but their truck from the farm didn't arrive until 11.

    Took me about 6  hours to get them all snapped.

    Daughter will take them to Mother tomorrow and help to can them.  We are trying to get her to take next week off from beans...lol...as it is getting tough for me and daughter being there at least one day a week each for something.  It isn't the being there that is the issue, it is that it is 1 1/2 hrs drive each way.  Sure wish we could get her to move closer, but I think she will insist on staying where she is.

    Weather here has been humid but temps not real high.  Still in the path of near daily thunder storms.  Fortunately no damage from wind or water in our area.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good evening everyone.  So glad your toe is looking much better, Lorita and here you are, finished with the antibiotics!   Hooray for that!   I am sorry for the loss of the premature calf; that poor mother cow, she needed for you, for someone to know.  You are a very loving friend to the herd. I think of the huge herds where it is all business and the cows are on their own so to speak; too bad they cannot all have a Lorita. 

    Well; I sure did spend a very frustrating day today since early a.m. until about 5:30 tonight.  Literally, hours.  I have been using a Kindle Fire HD 8.9 to do my e-book reading and have loved, loved, loved that thing and its larger screen.  It is also user friendly.   After our cable went out for three days, the reader came on and permitted me to get into my extensive library of 542 novels, but would not let me access the Kindle Store to be able to buy new books.  Thus, I began to re-read some of my library stored novels I have not read in quite some time.

    Well . . . today I contacted Kindle Tech Support to get the Kindle back to being able to access the store. Got a charming lady in India, but she had not a clue of what to do and was going to try and find someone else in her "office" to help but could not get it done.  I then asked to be transferred to the United States.

    Got a nice young lady in the U.S. . . . . AND . . . . I literally and I do mean literally spent hours on the phone with her.    Ended up, the sweet young lady has screwed up my poor Kindle Fire SO bad it now will not let me on no matter what.  Cannot access my library or use the device at all - she went through a myriad of processing with special codes and you name it.   (Said that G3 issue is not a problem.)  Have to say, I am appalled to lose all on the device - my Kindle gets a daily work out, especially in the evenings and I confess I have come to depend upon it. Love the big screen as I am a fast reader and the larger screen has more space. Very easy to use and read.

    The nice person has messed up horribly.  She has put in a request for a, "work order" and Monday she will call me and try again . . . . did not have the heart to tell her that I want someone more experienced; and am now, if I could get my foot up that high, I would kick myself on the posterior for not having done so.  Little thing as the universe goes, but boy, I now realize how much I depended on that lovely device.

     I have a tiny Kindle Paperwhite, but do not like it whatsoever. Teensy screen, harder to navigate and does not list the library as easily as the bigger Kindle Fire did.  Just listen to me whine - what a big baby!  Yep.  When it comes to books, that is me.  At least I have something to do some reading with the Paperwhite, but it is a sorry alternative.  Guess Monday, if she does not get it first time out of the gate I shall have to ask for a supervising tech.  So hope I can ask nicely enough as she is such an earnest and sweet girl.  See?   That is what I get for being a mother and grandmother!

     Okay; nuff about that.

    I accidentally came upon the most amazing artist; Scott Gustafson.   I was looking for well illustrated children's books as I love to give them for gifts.  However; good artists for illustrations are hard to come by.  I kept looking and looking and suddenly - up popped this site for a wonderful artist who is great at what he does and who has a strong sense of whimsy and a penchant for detail.  You have got to see this.  If you click on the link, go to the top and click on "portfolio," and get ready to see some smile worthy art.  Check out the details.   I continued to click all over his board and many of his drawings can be clicked on to enlarge - I was fascinated and was at it for a very long time as the site does carry one hither and thither.  Link:


    He does art for children's poems and fairy tales; I would love for him to do art for Robert Lewis Stevenson's book, "A Child's Garden of Verses."  Love those poems and his art would really do them justice.   As you can see, I have done a whole lot of reading to small children and miss doing so now as I have run out of little ones.  He has a few art pieces regarding Santa; my favorites were, Santa taking a selfie and another that has Santa with three reindeer and a basketful of apples - again, omigosh the details in the art!

    Got some more cherries and red grapes from the market, and they are wonderful.  Both are fat, juicy and tasty.  We sure went through the first batch of them fast.  Summer's bounty - how very nice.  We have been in the high 80's and the low 90's, but worse is coming our way.  Not looking forward to that.  Come on autumn!  Ah well.

    We are having a very large up-surge of the bad COVID types out here.  It is so bad with increased hospitalizations, etc., that the County Health Dept. has warned we may be back to mandated indoor masking within the week.   My brother, a very healthy person who is never ill called from Oregon today.  He has an extremely bad "cold" is badly congested and it has turned into a cough and bothering his chest but no temp.  Omigosh. He did one at-home COVID test and it was negative, but he needs to do another and let his doctor know.  It is summer and not cold season and he said he has not knowingly been near a person with a cold.  AND . . . he did not get his second COVID booster and he is in his 70's.  He was waiting for September for the second booster as that was "more a season for COVID."   Count to ten and bite my tongue.  Sure hope all will be well.  He seemed to not realize that not all COVID is or starts out as milder.  He is my only living siblng and we were close as children.  He is divorced so lives alone - has a beautiful home;  he is but one person  in that big, big place.  Will have to call him in a.m. and see how he is faring.

     Zetta; have not seen you recently, how is it going up there?  Beth, are those day lilys blooming yet?  Waiting with anticipation to see the pictures of the garden, bet it is beautful.

     Did you folks see Mr. Toad's Thread on this Forum?  If not, go take a look and click o the link he has for Saline, Michigan and the city wide program for Alzheimer's with businesses, churches, etc.  Lovely, and Jim, "Mr. Toad" generated all of that.  Amazing.

    Take good care and may tonights dreams all be sweet,


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    64F, 18C.  Cloudy, misty or rainy all day yesterday so didn’t get as much accomplished as I hoped to.  Maybe today I can get a bit more done.

    Marie I can remember snapping bushels of beans as a child.  Now I just do a few at a time and find it relaxing.

    Lorita glad your toe is healing.

    Has been a busy week.  J and I did well yesterday.  She had an ultrasound of her heart to see if she is a candidate for having a heart procedure that might help her shortness of breath.

    JoC seems like somewhere recently I seen or heard that owners of older kindles are or will start having trouble with them due to 3G.

    Giving a sunny day, hope to get a little done.

    Take care everyone

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Kindle....I use my iPad for Kindle and think at one time is used mylaptop. Hopefully these will not be affected but there is a lot online re 3G and Kindle tablets.

    I agree that illustrations are important. Wyeth's illustrations for Stevenson are a prime example. I will only buy toddler books that have animal pictures that look pretty much like the real thing. Why confuse a small child.

    Canned green beans! Are they wonderful? They must be for all the hours they took added up. The only thing I have ever "put up" is Concord Grape Jam". Funny story. We werre driving home from St Louis and bought some Concord grapes from a roadside stand. We had not gone very far when I had to tell Dick to pull over and stop, We not only had grapes...we had bees.

    Hot as the dickens here. Maybe I will get stuff done inside. Maybe or maybe I will watch my "mindless" TV. Lorita that would be TCM, Bravo, TLC. No, I do not watch HGTV much but will tune in to the cooking channel. Can not watch Drummond. I can not imagine where she gets those tops and the rapid change of focus is actually physically bothersome for me. I guess her brother inlaw has a good shot at being elected. I di prefer him in the primary.

    By the way, you western fans, TLC has westerns and other movies like we used to see. They run them Saturday mornings and they will really take you back. This morning was Bomba. Truly wonderfully horrible.

    Covid here 5 times great number of cases than this time last year. Everyone at the Dr's office was masked. He did two tests on my legs. One ws electical current the other needles. Not as painful as I feqared. Result? Severe neuropathy. Still idiopathic so there we are. Days a re just fine. Nights are fine when I finally get to sleep. He said to continur with the Doxepin (which I am taking for off label use) and he would be glad to talk to my gerentologist who really is not on board with my taking it. Good friend and cardiologist sided with the neuro. I will continue since it does somemasking of the symptoms. 

    Re foot problems....I now only wear shoes from Orthofeet. They even make a sandle that my daughter approves of!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Last capsule down with lots of wster! So glad- now in the morning I can have my hot tea. Really missed that in the morning s.  Toe is still a little pink and a bit tender sort of at the side and base. I've cut my toes before but guess I wasn't going to the barn then.  Haven't felt too well while taking these so maybe I'll feel better now.

    Marie, I also remember fixing green beans to can.  Mother loved them so daddy always had up to four long rows of them in the garden.  Then I didn't like them but do now.  Our tastes do change as we get more mature.

    Jo, the mother cow did want someone to know about her baby so that's why she came to me and bawled letting me know something was wrong.  I've been around cattle all my life, more so for the last 35 years and I'm still amazed at things they do. This mom just needed a little attention and comforting. I remember years ago we had a sick calf who had crawled into a hayring on the hay. I got in with her to give her some medicine. Mom was standing by us concerned about her baby. but we lost her.  Again, needing comfort and attention for her baby. I've seen it so much. They are amazing animals.

    I filled the water tank and the seven little ones came up to drink and play.  I had driven down to see the girls and saw the new baby having a snack.  In a few days mom will let him be with the others.  They keep them close for two or three weeks.  Saw one cow leave the herd so drove over to check.  She wss joining some others who were grazing just over a rise that I couldn't see.

    It's 88 degrees with 66% humidity with a North wind. It was 95 at this time yesterday.  I had to get back inside because with this medicine it says you're more sensitive to sunlight.

    Jo, sorry about your Kindle.  I know what you mean about calling for help.  That's the reason I'm using a tablet instead of getting my old computer fixed and sitting up the new one.  It takes hours when you call and it's hard to understand them.  You can get hooked up with them and not have to sit but you're still tied down.  Hope they can fix it for you. I will get it done but have to be in the right mood.

    Zetta, Rawhide just came on for three hours!  I get two hours during weekdays. I've seen a lot of them but do see new ones.

    Sara, so glad you're getting rain.  The grass north of the house isn't as pretty and green as before.  

    Judith, caladiums are getting pretty.  I have some that are white with green edges and veins with little red spots on them.  Really pretty. Always like to have some white ones with the red and pink. I put red ones with green edges in the big planter with wild violets. It's outside the kitchen window so I enjoy them.  White would have been pretty, too..

    Beth, looking forward to pictures of your lillies.  My orange ones are almost bloomed out.  I do have some wild apricots or passion flowers that are beginning to bloom - so pretty and fragrant.

     Enjoy your day.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Jo...take a look at A Childs Garden on Verses on Amazon. I think you will like the aritst.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Rescue Mom, wondering how your husband's hand is.  Hope it's healing well.  Dog bites are painful.  I was bitten on the finger all the way to the bone by one of our sweet poodles.  I put my hand down under my chair and she thought it was another poodle.  Two of them had puppies and were protective.  It got infected and I still have the scar.  Hope it heals fast and well.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Omigosh, Rescue Mom, I missed the news of the injury to your husband's hand from a severe dog bite; I am so sorry - that must be very painful for him and a lot of work for you of course with the problem of dementia on top of it and using or not using his hand as instructed and maintaining the dressings, etc.  I hope he has fast healing.   Is he sleeping okay at night?

    Thank you Judith, I will look on Amazon for that book.  My favorite child's poems by Stevenson are, "The Land Of Counterpane," and "Bed In Summer."  And of course others; I think there are 66 or 68 of them.   He also wrote books such as, "Treasure Island," and "Kidnapped," and "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." He was quite prolifc and wrote mostly for children and older children.   Classics for sure.   His children's poems are my favorite; he dedicated his book of poems to his Nanny (Nurse).  He much loved her and she, him.  It in itself, is a lovely writing.

    Gosh Judith, you really are going through the wringer and back again.  I am sorry for what you are dealing with.    Very frustrating is the time it takes to find the right med for each person that gives best relief with little or no side effects.   I remember our son being on two meds for the neuropathy caused by the strange Anca Vasculities that attacked him out of nowhere.  He not that long ago got off the last of the meds which I think was Lyrica.  The vasculitis induced neuropathy from knees to feet was a huge problem for awhile and he could not wear or toleerate shoes.  I sent him a long, very strong grabber that has those rubber cup grippers at the end that you can operate with a hand control.  It had been so painful for him in the beginning; if he dropped something or wanted something near but could not each with his hand from where he was sitting, he could use the reacher/gripper which did come in handy at times.  What a difference for him now; he does everything and in fact just dug up his sod on his large front yard and re-did it and built a decorative wall and is putting in new plantings.  He never stops - unlike his mother.

     Had to chuckle; saw the following ad and can only imagine son's small dogs loving this in the heat of summer.   I can also imagine lying on it by doggie owner . . . . now that would be a picture:


    We need sprinklers for Lorita's bovine friends . . . can you just see them ambling through the sprinklers on a hot, hot day?  Our children had one of those Wham-O Water Wiggles that hooked up to a hose and then it truly did wiggle like mad way up and down and all over, all through the air and chased the kids around  the yard getting them soaking wet in their bathing suits . . . they loved that thing and had them laughing.  One day it got me by accident, and oh boy did they ever laugh then.   They also had a Slip n' Slide; just glad no one got hurt on that one.  They had such fun!

    Guess it will be chili stuffed baked potatoes with salsa and cheese tonight for Saturday night supper - along with some broccoli of course so I don't feel so bad about the chili, cheese and potatoes.   Will be tasty.

    Any more news about your Sarah or Jack, Lorita?   Wonder what the Case Manager/Discharge Planner will do for Jack's discharge plan and who they will coordinate that with when he is well enough to leave the hospital and if Sarah will be having that surgery or not. 

    As for 3G affecting my e-reader; according to the tech, and Amazon and the links I have been reading online, my Kindle Fire HD 8.9 (third generation) is not at all affected by the 3G changes.  It is strictly wi-fi and the Fires of that generation have not been affected.  We shall see what happens on Monday.  More and more technical stuff to deal with and I am an absolute incompetent when it comes to tech matters.  Wish there were a store that I could take it to like a computer store for computers, but alas on that one. 

    Called my brother this morning to check on him.  He sounds a bit better than yesterday and the chest cough not so severe, but still congested and coughing.  Told him what to watch for and I will check with him each day in the a.m. to see how he is.  With any luck, it is a summer cold and not COVID.   His at-home test was negative, just hope he did the test correctly and far enough up his nose.  No way to tell at this point; hope he continues to improve and all is well.  He is not tuned into not being totally healthy and not ever having anything wrong.  Denial works for him.  He is so tall and I am so short.    He is in good shape; plays Pickle Ball every day since he had to give up tennis due to his knees and he cross country and down hill skis in the winter as well as riding his mountain bike up and down mountain trails.  Makes me tired just thinking about it.

    Keep an eye on your toe and foot Lorita, hopefully it will be just fine.  Still good to catch any flare up right at the beginning.  Try to keep hard shoes off it and nothing should rub on it nor should the area get overheated in a shoe or boot at this point as it is still healing.

    Well; off I go. Lunch time, guess a veggie pattie with avocado and some fruit. Saving space for that dinner tonight.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Jo, I called a couple of hours ago to check on Jack.  The nurse   just said she couldn't  tell me much except he is stable. I asked if he's eating.  He isn't.  Then asked if a person refuses nourishment can they give it IV.  Answer was they can't because it's too hard on the body especially if they have pneumonia as he has.  He is  conscious so asked her to tell him I called.  He has decided he wants to go but what a hard way.  He's told me he wishes he could pass away in his sleep.  He's determined he's going to go be with Patsy.

    I don't know what will happen. Guess Jackie can make arrangements over the phone but I don't know. What will happen to his things at the ALC?.  He bought a new mattress and only slept on it a time or two and his clothes and other things. Gi

    Iuess they could have one furnished apartment.  Glad he got his house and cars sold.

    Haven't heard from Sarah since she went to the Cardiologist.

    Took a short nap this afternoon - doesn't always do much good.

    Mike called.  I told him about the two babies.  He says they're having them in many of his pastures. He said the premature baby was probably six months.  Also said some cattle have died from the heat. He said they were calves they had up to wean that weren't used to the shade so just walked the fences and got too hot.

    Jo, I've always wished we had something like that to spray water on the girls or big fans.  I've sprayed them when they were close to the fence and they ran.  But, bet they'd get used to it.

    The little baby, Midnight is doing well. He's a little over three weeks old, up to a little over half a bottle every 12 hours.  A bottle holds a quart of milk.  He follows Sidney everywhere when she lets  him out. He said she does all the care for him.  Really attached.  Still very small and he doubts he'll ever be very big.

    Thawed some cauliflower, carrots and broccoli to steam for supper.  Now I need to make some ranch dressing to dip them.

    Mike said it is 95 on his truck.  I haven't been out since 9 this morning.  It wasn't as hot this morning and the wind is still blowing some.

    Back later.

  • toni2
    toni2 Member Posts: 31
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Hi everyone. Well I am moved in to my daughter's home and have my own space. I still have a lot to unpack but things are looking good. It is almost 3 years since my DH died and the doctor doesn't want me to live alone any more so here I am. I am very happy with the move but sure am tired so just wanted to tell you I have missed you. Take care. Will write later.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    HI Toni,

    So good to hear from you and that you're doing well. I imagine moving is hard work but you can rest now. Our friend, Sasue has also moved to another State with her son.  So nice that you both were able to do so.  I'm sure it's comforting to have someone else in the house. Come back often and let us know how you are.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, I checked my shoes and there is no string or anything untoward.  There is a built-in insole, perhaps it is not up to snuff.

    Simon is slowing down again, the antibiotic injection is wearing off.  I have a follow-up appointment scheduled for Monday, I hope his teeth can be worked on.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning


    Nice to hear from you Toni.  Nice to be living with someone but having your own space.

    The heat is hard on everything.  We have been getting a break from the heat for a few days.  Been getting some north wind which cools it a bit too.

    My zinnias are starting to bloom, my favorite flower maybe. See a little eggplant is forming so must have got it pollinated.  

    Bees do love grapes.  Have you ever had a pie made with Concord grapes?  They are pretty good.  Not some thing I would want frequently but like a piece in the fall.  Judith glad you are getting some help with your neuropathy.

    Checked my kraut and it seems to be doing nicely so far. 

    Take care everyone, I hope to have a day of rest and hope each of you can too.

  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
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    Greetings front porch friends - it is a beautiful morning so far and I am trying not to do too much. I have so much catching up to do here on all your updates and goings on, and will simply wish everyone a wonderful day and week ahead for now. 

    I wish I could say I've been at the beach or off touring the Louvre and other museums for a while but that's not it We have had a few too many exciting things (the not so good kind) here the last couple of weeks and I haven't even had the energy to wrap my brain around them all, so haven't posted on much of it either. Mainly progression, a dental emergency for DH that hospice prescribed oral antibiotics and pain meds for (but I saw an older post from Iris about abcesses and realize the meds may not help), and a 2nd episode of DH passing out briefly in the john before I could get him back to bed.  
    We are really lucky neither of us has been injured. I'm truly very grateful for that. I was able to use the oxygen for the first time, and he stabilized. It is good that the 2nd hospice company enrolled him right after the original one discharged him. Otherwise I would not have had the rollator at the ready, o2, or 24/7 nurse on call to talk me through what the heck to do. So that's the short version...I have just tied a few knots and am holding on for dear life. So far, it is keeping us afloat.
    Enough on that. I will probably post the same in the main forum with a couple of questions.

    On a different note, I just saw Beth's garden photos on another thread. So gorgeous and I can imagine how many butterflies are flitting around, bees pollinating, and birds singing away! It brought me loads of joy after another sleepless night. I also will daydream of wandering through a farmer's market and scoring some fresh green beans or concord grapes (we used to have a grape vine & small arbor when I was growing up, and they sure burned the lips and tongue after we ate too many, but I could never resist!) No bees hopefully, but maybe some honey with a bit of honeycomb just because.

    Enjoy your Sunday everyone - I will read back through the prior thread and see if there's some inspiration of a good dish or two to cook today. DH's appetite remains good despite the big lump on his jaw and I have long felt that a good, home cooked meal is one of the finer things in life. Looking forward to it.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Still have a North wind and a little cooler.  Stormy and I went to the mailbox to get two days of mail and a couple of  pkgs. FedEx had left at the gate. Will be glad when Mr. K can build the fence so the gate can be left open. I ordered four items and they delivered two yesterday, one today and one tomorrow. Wish it could all come at one time.

    I needed to trim Storm's nails so did that while he was in the Gator.  Best way and he doesn't object and I don't have to get down on the floor. Too hard to get up. Topped off the water tank and watered plants.  It didn't seem too hot but didn't feel good when I got back inside. Out about 30-45 min.  I'm really puzzled about what is eating the plants on the porch. Yesterday morning the pot of caladiums was empty and this morning the two sweet potato plants were completely eaten plus some of the parsley and at least half of the gerbera daisy. The porch is at least three feet off the ground and all of these plants were in pots on the bannister.  It has to be something pretty big and able to get on the porch.  Maybe a coon? Opossum?  I go to bed about MN so it happens after that.

    Watching mens finals at Wimbledon.  Reminds me that my first new car, a Mustang, was Wimbledon white. That was 55 years ago, scary!!

    Judith, somehow I missed your post about your neuropathy.  Is it worse than you thought and does it bother your balance?  Both Patsy and her mother had severe neuropathy - so bad that they'd lose their shoe and not know it.  Is there anything they can do to help it?  Glad the tests weren't as bad as you feared and hope the medicine helps.

    I watch the pioneer woman sometimes.  What bothers me is she doesn't scrape everything out of the mixing bowls. That's one thing I like about Martha Stewart - she gets every little bit out.

    What relation is Gentler Drummond to Ladd- I've never heard..

    Sara, hope you get to rest today. You're busy all the time.  Must be nice to be young and energetic.  Eggplants are really pretty growing.  What variety do you have? You know they have a white variety that is only a little bigger than an egg and actually looks like eggs growing on the plant.  There's one called   Ichibon that's slender and another called Classic- bigger and same size all the the way.  We used to make stuffed eggplantsz-:really good.  Hope yours does well.

    Hot tea this morning is good so I will stop and have some more and watch tennis.  

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Good afternoon Friends! I did post 3 garden photos on a new thread called "Garden pics." Hope you enjoy them.

    Lorita, I was sorry to hear about the premature calf. With animals there is both joy and sorrow. We had some wild animal sorrow this a.m. - a rabbit was in the street and he was paralyzed in the lower body, and dragging himself about. I felt sorry for him. I called animal control to hopefully humanely put him out of his misery. He must have been hit by a car and surely was in pain. 

    Lorita, hope your toe is all healed. I know you will keep an eye on it. Glad it is feeling better. Hope Jack is doing better. Absence of hope is a very bad thing. We all need hope! 

    Marie, you got a lot of green beans! I picked nearly one grocery sack full from my garden yesterday. I don't can and am wondering if I would like the taste of frozen green beans? So, I cook what we will eat (add bacon and onion), and give the rest away. I don't know how to can.

    Jo, I am so sorry about your Kindle! I have a Kindle that sits in my drawer; I rarely use it although I do have many books on it (I've read all or most of them already). Have you read "Being Mortal?" Really good book! My latest computer issue is that my Mac is 7 years old and too old to update to the latest operating system. Also, worse, it overheats! So, last week I went into the Apple store and got a new one! Love it! Interestingly....despite all the inflation and financial issues going on now, the mall was packed! And the Apple store had at least 10 employees helping customers, and many, many customers. Of interest, they offered to buy my old computer for-get this-$70! Uh, no thanks. It cost me well over $2000 when I bought it. I'm keeping it as a spare, backup now.  Why not?

    We are eating green beans, beets and carrots as well as blueberries from the garden. The radishes were a fail - bolted and I got none. The kohlrabi were a fail - only got 2. I have cucumbers planted too but planted a bit late so none yet but there are blooms. I have tomato plants and they are looking good but not near ripe yet. 

    Sara, hope you and your garden are doing well. So kind of you to take J to her appt. 

    Judith, sorry to hear about your neuropathy. I hope you can get relief with treatment. 

    Good to hear from you, Toni. Rest up and then catch us up on life in your corner of the world!

    Zetta, you are missed. Hope you are ok.

    I made fried rice last evening to serve as a side dish with oven fried chicken. The oven fried chicken: Mix flour or Bisquick with equal amount Parmesan cheese and add turmeric, pepper, salt and garlic powder. Dip chicken in an egg and coat with the flour mixture. Bake at 450 for 15-20 minutes. Fried rice: Heat oil, sauté onion and any other veggies you choose. Heat leftover rice in the oil, then push rice aside and put two eggs in the pan. Scramble them in the pan and when fully cooked, mix with the rice. Mmmm! 

    I need to get outside; my day has mainly been inside today with church, fixing lunch etc. Got to have my outside time (and I need to deadhead the daylilies). 

    Best wishes to all. Beth

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Beth, sure did enjoy your pics of your garden.  You can freeze beans...think most call for blanching them first before freezing.

    More beans in my future...lol.  Taking Mother to dr. appointment early Wed. and just found out she plans on getting a bushel of beans before I pick her up...lol.  While she says she can do it all by herself, I will stay later than planned after the appointment and help get them snapped.  Daughter said she will go again on Thurs. to help with the canning part.  This last week youngest granddaughter went with her and enjoyed helping too.

    The prices at the market are going up and up.  I bought the bushel here for $42 and the very next day they were selling 1/2 bushel for $25!  Outrageous!  Told Mother we would have to watch the costs to make sure it was still worth all the effort.  Of course she thinks that home canned are best so will probably continue her plan to do at least 4 bushels so that each of family can have a good supply!  Can see that pressure canners will be on Christmas lists this year...then they can do their own!

    Have a peaceful and healthy day,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Beth, your garden is beautiful, as always.  I asked about the red flowers next to the coneflowers- are they red cone flowers or roses? We used to have all kinds of wildflowers in our meadow and pastures until we began spraying.  I transplanted Menards one year and this year still had a few blooms.  Really enjoyed the pictures.  I think everyone will enjoy the thread.

    My toe doesn't seem very sore but I don't feel too well. Tired of not feeling up to par. Something bit me on the inside of my upper arm yesterday morning. It's red and itchy so using Benadryl cream on it.

    Just got a message from WM- my saltines are down at the gate!

    I doubt that Jack will improve.  I think he has lost the will to live and the only he could figure out how to go to Party was to quit eating.  So sad for him.

    So, I goofed up again.  I went out the back door to empty a cat box and found a plastic bag on the porch with two cans of peaches and two cans of pumpkin in it.  The last time I went to the store was two weeks ago this Tuesday.  They've been out there in the 100 degree weather and a couple hours of afternoon sun for almost two weeks.  I think they'll be going in the trash.  I leave things out there until I wipe them down and forgot them. 

    Beth, sad story about the rabbit.  The woman I was carpooling with and I were on our way home years ago and a German Shepherd was hit by a car two cars ahead of us.  Poor thing was dragging himself off the highway. We were in front of a house so maybe his owners saw him. They should have stopped and if I had been driving I would have.  One morning I  was on my way to work and saw a cat at the side of the highway that had been hit.  I turned  around and picked him up. I dropped him off at the vet's office down the hill from my work but sadly  he didn't make it.

    If you have animals sad things do happen but it's hard to take.  You can talk to any rancher and they will have a sad story to tell.  None of us are exempt.

    Zetta, are we going to have to send out a search/rescue party?  Hope you're all right.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Twice I have lost my Post; here goes again - gremlins be gone!  

    Toni, it is so good to hear from you.  I have been thinking of you and wondering how the move went.   It is delightful to hear that the move has been a positive one.  I am looking forward to hearing more from you once you are rested up and all set.

     There was an oven fried chicken recipe from Kraft some time ago:   Take thawed chicken breasts with skin on.  Using a a brush, coat the chicken breasts well with full fat mayonnaise on both sides.  Then dip both sides of the breasts in a mixture of Italian breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese, (more breadcrumbs than cheese.)  Put skin side up on baking sheet and bake at about 400 degrees or so until crispy and done - use a food thermometer. Chicken should always be done at a temp of 165 degrees in the fattest part of the meat.

     Sorry to hear about the rosacea, Sayra.  That can be such a stubborn condition; so many people I know have that problem.  Nothing like a red face - I do get red cheeks and it takes a few days for the redness to dissipate, so I am glad it has stayed low grade.

     Butterfly, how difficult things have become; my heart goes out to you.  Do you feel you are still able to manage at home?  If it is becoming physically dangerous to you, Hospice can help if  he needs to be placed - they can still follow him in care and you can be with him without hurting yourself.   NOTE:   Hospice does indeed have fully paid five days of respite care for the caregiver, it is paid for by Medicare; you may want to ask about that.  They have care facilities that they contract with and follow their patients during that time. 

    It is interesting in that for some reason, I feel a bit put off by Pioneer Woman's cooking show.  Don't know what it is about it, just do not feel positive; sometimes there even seems to be a bit of smugness; don't know what it is.  When it comes to Martha, oh dear.   She just did an interview where she talked about how multiple friend's husbands have hit on her . . . I would suppose she now she has friends wondering about their husbands. She could have gone without pubicly bringing such a topic up; what purpose did that serve I wonder.   She has "freshened" her face.  Looks like that may have involved a bit of nip and tuck and/or perhaps a bit of injection.  Oh well; doesn't matter one whit in the scope of the universe.  Just more star junk.

     No Beth, I have not read, "Being Mortal," I scanned it some time ago, but my reading is for pleasure, so I do fiction reading most of the time and it can be a pleasant escape, a bit transportive at times.  Your garden is absolutely breath taking - what an amazing landscape of love.  Just think - you did that!  Amazing. Thank you for the photos, I went back and looked again it was so lovely.

     Drats, keep losing paragraphs, time to exit stage left . . . .

     Time for a bit of lunch, may this Post find everyone being well and the day being one of simplicity.



  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, the red flowers next to the coneflowers are bee balm (Monarda).
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Beth, the wild monarda I transplanted it from the meadow was  medium purple and maybe the flowers were 1" across.  The plant had an odd odor,  not unpleasant but distinctive, very noticeable.  Is it the same with the red?  I imagine it's perennial ,too?

    How long did it take for you to get your garden so beautiful and complete?

    Very hot here.  I haven't been out since about 9 this morning and don't plan to be until I check the barn about 7.  At least there has been a breeze.

    Joan, how are you and is your weather also hot?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita wrote:

    Topped off the water tank and watered plants.  It didn't seem too hot but didn't feel good when I got back inside. Out about 30-45 min.  

    Lorita, we older adults do not perspire the way we used to, so we easily get overheated.  It is worse with exertion.  I get overheated just doing light housework, and believe me, I am not topping off any water tanks in yhe heat!  Are you wearing a hat?  Do you drink water every 25 to 20 minutes outdoors?  Are you taking breaks?  I suggested to my 90 year old neighbor that she break up her two loads of laundry, she doesn't want to do so, saying, this is the way she has always done her laundry.  

    I don't think staying in the sun for two weeks would hurt canned peaches.  You can call the company and ask Customer Service.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Butterfly hope you got a little rest today.

    My eggplant variety is classic.  Tried to pollinate 3 more blooms today.  We shall  see what happens.  What did you stuff the eggplants with Lorita?  

    I haven’t felt that energetic this week lol.  Have had a lot of discomfort on my left side between ribs and hip bone.  Felt like it was muscular pain, but not sure.  Had a bit of rough time getting settled last night.  This morning got out my trigger point book out.  Have been working on my trigger points today, also thought about my sacroiliac belt which I had not worn in a long time.  Found it and put it on.  Have gotten quite a bit of relief already.  You can wear it as much as you want to.  It simply keeps your pelvic bones lined up.  Will not cause any muscle weakness by using it.  That’s helped  me to be pretty confident now it is trigger point pain.  Lorita wish you could get to feeling better. 

    Had a nice day.  Got to sit on the porch quite a bit.  Made 2 batches of flour tortillas.  Have really gotten to like them and can whip them up fairly easily.  Figure they are way less calories than a bun.  Really like a hamburger wrapped up in one.  Lost 8lb over winter when I stopped eating after supper.  I like a night snack but not a good thing especially as I get older.  Lost two more pounds since started volunteering.  Very happy with my weight, hope I can keep it there.

    A pretty cardinal is hopping all around my garden.  

    Covid hospitalizations going up here too.  But, so far not seeing a huge uptick in ICU admissions.    Hasn’t brought about any behavior changes in community lol.  Dr Griffin ID doctor NYC says a little hard to compare to last year as people getting admitted to hospital now who would not have been admitted last year due to more rooms available now.  Will just keep an eye out on ICU admissions.  There is an uptick after every holiday.

    Beth you must not have trouble with bean bugs.  Did not raise any of them this year.  I do not like frozen green beans. My mom froze all veggies except green beans.  She pressure canned them.  If you like frozen green beans from store you would probably like them ok.  I always buy canned.  

    I may try hot water bath canning this year if I fix something that suits it.  My cucumber vines look really nice right now and are starting to bloom. We shall see if I get cucumbers.  Wouldn’t mind trying a few pickles.  See how  cakes I get and how much energy I have.

    Have always thought red monarda was pretty.

    Good night everyone

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Interesting about the beans. I only buy frozen, french cut but we have a BBQ restaurant here that has green beans as a side. I think they have been cooked for hours with a bit of bacon...fabulous.
  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Lorita, I think it is time for you to visit doctor and find out why you are still not feeling well.  It has been a long time.

    I know you don't like to do it, neither do I for that matter, but when you continue to not feel well it is time.

    Just some friendly advise,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Marie, I've been dealing with the cellulitis for a couple of weeks and on top of that the antibiotic I couldn't take, then a week of the new one.  I'm going to try something else, too.  I've been staying up until MN, then get up about 7 or a little earlier.  I always feel better in the afternoon so I'm going to skip Barney Miller for a few nights and see how it goes. Also probably sitting too much, too.

    Iris, you're right plus the fact I've been moving water hoses around to water but only every other day so guess it's a bit much when it's so hot and humid.  Went out a while ago to fill the tank again and check the barn and did allright.  I have another water tank in the garden that I keep filled in the winter.  When it gets a little cooler I might move it to the lot and keep two filled.  Then would only have to fill them once a day.. I do wear a hat and sunglasses.  I drink lots of water, Iris.  I never go anywhere without a bottle of water.  My mother was the same so I have turned into my mother.

    Would birds eat plants?  I know there are fewer leaves on the daisy tonight and whatever it is has started on the parsley so know it's not a coon or opossum.

    Sara, I know we cut them in half lengthwise and took out the inside.  I believe we cooked the diced eggplant with onions. Also believed we had some ground beef in it but would not have to. Mixed the cooked ingredients with cooked rice and put back in the hollowed out eggplant, topped it with shredded cheese and baked it a while.  Now that I read this I don't think we cooked the diced eggplant so baked it until it was tender. I may have the recipe so will look for it.  We loved it and had it often.  We were friends with a lovely, elderly couple and she made a casserole with eggplants - also good. The man was a patient on the EENT ward and had cataract extraction. His wife came to visit every day and stayed all afternoon with him.  I was 20, still single.  Remained friends afternhus dischsrge and when Charles and I got married he also became friends with them. He had a long, white beard and looked like Santa.  Sorry, didn't mean to get into a long story.

    The girls left the barn to graze and when I looked out someone had left a baby in the shade.  Bet anything it was the new one. Didn't see her when I went to the barn but girls were coming down to the pond to drink and stand in water so she probably sent to mom. Saw Samson in the water away from the others.

    Wrote too much so will stop for now.  Sleep well tonight.

    Ron, are you and You all right?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Good morning

    61F, 16C.

    Judith that is how my mom always cooked her beans fresh, long and slow with bacon.  Also certain varieties are better than others.  We raised half runners and cornfield beans.  Some varieties might not like to be cooked that way, not sure.  A favorite meal is these green beans, creamy slaw, vine ripe tomato, ear of corn and cornbread.  That is summer especially with a glass of tea lol.

    A lady I know told me she makes lasagna with her eggplant.  Getting different ideas.

    Birds will bother plants but for me this usually only happens when plants are small.  I’m wondering if it’s possible that you have a butterfly caterpillar eating on things. Know certain ones like parsley.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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