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Just need to talk to my friends (175)



  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Insightfuls Reactions 25 Likes
    Oh Lorita, it's so disappointing to try on something you thought was one thing and discover it's another.  They have also started calling "crop" or "capri" pants "skimmers" - I noticed that and I can't remember who but the host made mention that QVC is now describing their crop pants with that name.  

    I'm back already and it seems Keys in his old age doesn't like to be away from home.  He was very restless and whiny until late last night and woke up this morning again restless and very whiny so I gave up and we came home.

    You could smell the clean the moment you walked into this hotel.  My brother stayed there before and said it was immaculate and he was right.  For those wondering, employees were wearing masks (guests not), hand sanitizer stations throughout the hotel, signage limiting elevator to 4 people or less (granted, there is nobody policing this), but breakfast is back to normal (self-serve buffet so everyone sharing utensils), so definitely a mixed bag.

    So we're back home, Keys is happy again.  I'm off till Saturday.

    Lorita, I hope that toe gets better, any redness at this point is not a good sign.

    Sandy, I'm so happy you got good news!
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Sandy, I am delighted with the news from your doctor.  It has been such a difficult time and long haul for you and that news must indeed be welcome.  Understatement.

    I do get multiple request messages for Connections from persons who do not Post at all on this site - I check.   Just not a good idea to accept.

     Lorita, I too have a device that makes up its own words; it is my ancient cell phone.  When texting, it makes up words and what the dickens . . . sometimes it is hilarious and other times just aggravating.  I have to check messages before sending them as it is a sneaky phone.

    As for when the Webb telescope was launched, this is really sweet . . . it was launched, Christmas Day, December 25, last year; 2021.  Imagine that!   Kind of boggles the mind when thinking about it in context.  When looking at the photos of the gold dishes before setting up for launch when still in process of being put together, you can see huge black sort of leathery looking tarps around it . . . those are all shields that folded over and covered the folded gold dishes to protect them; they had to be released one by one by one and when each was released; if successful, it had to be tightened by computer from back on earth before the next one could be released and on and on . . .THEN . . . the golden dishes had be unfolded and released.   Each time, controlled from on earth, it was a bit nerve wracking for the scientists and engineers managing it all.   Would imagine it was a collective holding of breath.  Just like a science fiction movie; who could imagine we could ever do this . . . oh; if only we could see what will be achieved in the next 100 years and on.   Things we cannot even conceive of right now.   Unto other generations it will be.

    Beth; as I sit here sipping bits of apple juice, I am reading about your bbq and Milky Way Sundae - it must have been indulgence heaven!  I may graduate to a soda cracker today.  Naughty Milky Way Sundae.  You mention 3 - 4 months sitting on your _______; the word asterisk comes to mind.   (Grin.)

    Sayra; you now have me intrigued to see online what a flowering eggplant looks like, I have never seen one.  You have the most interesting things that you do, what an interesting and bright person you are.

     On the Zetta type concerns, perhaps we could each have a person we give the information as how to access this Thread and if anything untoward happens to us, they can log on and let the Front Porch folks know.  Otherwise, I am rather stumped about what to do for such matters.

    Time to get some more apple juice, so off I happily and wishfully go.  Craving white rice all the way. 


  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    Hi Lorita

    I read often, taking care of Bill. He has not been around anyone since Covid

    Started. I have to do everything due to he can barely walk. 

    We are in Silver Springs Fla and I take Bill to SC to see our 2 boys and their

     family's about every 2 months, if they are well. We still go to the VA in SC.

    Bill's Sister moved here last year after her husband died. She is 79 and wanted 

    To be near so I can take care of her also. Her husband did everything for her, she

    Is totally Lost in How to do things we do everyday.

    Bill's health is getting worse. I put him on Ensure Max protein, which has 1 

    gram Of sugar. It seems to help in the afternoon with the brain fog. Doctor

    Said it was ok.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Heavens!  I had NO idea that eggplant plants had very active sex lives . . . in order to get the fruit on the plant, this short and clear video explains it all about how to ensure your eggplant will grow fruit. . . . those plants even have ovaries!   Heavens the things we learn when we use Mr. Google.  Here is that link of a short video that may help Sayra's plants, with a tiny bit of assistance, to give a good crop:



  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    As to how to let the "front porch friends" know when we are no longer able to post... I have written instructions in with my important documents about all the sites I use and what needs to be done.

    For some sites like this one, they need to be able to get to my account and post.

    For others like Amazon, how to cancel my account.

    For things like facebook, etc. they need to know how to delete.

    Since my kids and grandkids for that matter, are more tech oriented than I, I feel sure they will be able to take care of things as long as I keep the info on userid/password are kept up on the written doc.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Shirley, sorry to hear Bill isn't doing well.  Hope you are alright but now you also have his sister to care for.  Take care of yourself.  That's a lot of of driving you do, please be careful. Thanks for posting the verse/saying.  It is so true.  Learning from mistakes can be hard but we do learn.

    Jo, how interesting.  Technology can be wonderful.  I imagine there was lots of breath holding, many times.

    As for the eggplants, we let nature take its course and always had an abundance of fruits.  Sometimes I believe people interfer with nature too much.  We've never hand pollinated anything and always had good luck except for the zucchini fiasco last year. We never had eggplants when I was growing up but even daddy started raising them after he discovered how good they can be.

    Sara, I've had requests also from people I had never seen posts from.  I never answer any.

    I don't know the answer about contacts either but there has to be a way.  Maybe if we exchange contact information with one person that might work.

    Just got the papers completed and ready to mail to get my vehicle tags by mail.  I did go into the tag agency about a month ago to get my drivers licensed renewed.  May never have to do that again it's good until 2030 and it was free!!

    Jo, nice that you'll have a new Kindle.  Is it strictly for reading books?.  I have Amazon fire tablets and can read on them.  I'm completely illiterate about these things.

    Day, glad you had a nice time.  Sounds like Keys is a homebody like me. We used to always take a dog or two when we went somewhere- now Stormy thinks he needs to go when I do.

    Repeat of Gary and Carolyn is on for at least the third time. I may keep the pants, not sure.  I like gauze pants in the summer and these are nice.  Clothes have really gone up, haven't they? But, everything has.

    Google is something else.  Often wonder who puts in all the info and where they get it.

    Time for the Waltons.  I've also been watching Leave it to Beaver - remember that one with Joan wearing dresses, heels and pearls around the house?  Same with the Walton girls when they were grown.  I've never worn dressy clothes or heels around the house.

    Back later.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, cellulitis should respond fairly quickly to the appropriate antibiotic.  If there is a foreign body or an auto-immune or fungal condition, a different treatment would be called for.  Only your doctor who examines you can tell. You did say you don't have diabetes, correct, because that could be a reason for poor healing.

    My cat Simon, age 17 1/2, has hyperthyroidism and chronic kidney disease.  I have to give him a medication every 12 hours, even though he is resistant to being given meds.  He may be eligible for anti-thyroid irradiation.  He has been more alert after his antibiotic treatment.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    JoC that is the video I used.  Was afraid to leave them to their own devices due to lack of pollinators.  This is a problem I have.  See more pollinators in front yard than back yard even though I plant things everywhere to attract pollinators.

    Shirley don’t know if you feel like this or not, but from your postings I picture you a calm gentle soul.

    It was the first time I had got an invitation from an unknown.  Made me wonder.

    Where I volunteer is small, I have told you.  As a greeter I see walk in ER patients, out patients, people being admitted,  people going to surgery, people in labor and people just seeking information.  Think I have been there at least 3 months, need to look at my time card so I know when I started for sure.  Anyway, Tuesday was the first day that I had to deal with multiple COVID things.  Had just seen an occasional thing now and then previously.  Tuesday people coming in saying I have tested positive for COVID, I’ve been exposed to COVID, how do I get tests  and think I have COVID.  This weekend they are having an event with estimated gate of 75000 in our city of  approximately 48000.  It is a three day event.  Think we are starting to surge already,  that should be the icing on the cake.  Might wear my N95 for a couple of weeks instead of KF, we’ll see.  KF is so much nicer, but. 

    Getting a nice rain.  Very thankful for it.

    Good night everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, please be extra careful now that you'll be around people who have it or think they might.  I saw on the news that places in California are requiring people to wear masks inside.  

    I may double mask tomorrow with surgical masks.  It's so hot here it would be hard to breathe in the others.

    Sara, I've known Shirley a long time and she is a very sweet, caring person. She's taken wonderful care if Bill for a long time.

    Iris, I'm not a diabetic.  The cut on my toe has been healed since before I originally went to the doctor.  I don't want to take more antibiotics- the toe seems pretty good, just a little sore a little farther down on the outside of my foot. Just wanted to be sure.

    Bad news on our weather this evening.  Tomorrow and next day the humidity will continue to be lower even though temps are around 100.  Next week humidity goes up and temps will be close to 110 so you imagine what the heat indices will be.  Things are getting dry. People aren't baling much hay so may be a shortage this winter unless people had carryover.  We got stuck like that one year but finally found hay in Guymon in the Panhandle. Had a semi of it trucked in a\t $70 a bale.  Price now is not far from that.

    Tomorrow I should open the shutters on the east side of barn to let air circulate better. Thank goodness our girls have two ponds and the little girls have two.

    Really hope the PU AC works. Don't want to spend time in town.

    Found a new nature show called Green Planet on PBS with David Attenborough.

    Better stop and go check the bsrn.   Girls came out to pond about 4:30 but want to be sure.  They went in about 9 this morning.  Still have a good breeze.

    Sandy, saw Virginia had floods.  Was that near you?  Really hope not and that you all are safe.  We all need to go to Alaska or NW Canada - cool there.

    Enjoy the evening and rest well.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Largest moon of the year!

    July’s full moon will reach peak illumination at 2:38 p.m. EDT, according to the Old Farmer's Almanac. "It will be below the horizon at that time, so plan to look toward the southeast after sunset to watch it rise into the sky," the almanac advised.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    NOVA is about the Webb telescope tonight!!
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Thanks ...turning it on.

    You might just pick up some coolent when  you are in town.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Thank you so much for missing me. I have tried to keep up with reading everything, but I had a hard time doing that. I am just now trying to get caught up.

    The people I pet sit for are in the middle of moving, I have been staying with their dog and keeping an eye on things. It's been way more then I imagined. Right now, they are gone for 2 weeks, getting things settled in their home in Idaho. Then they will be back for 2 weeks then the final move to Texas. I will sure miss the little dog I have been his caregiver for 12 years. 

    I have missed all of you it might take me a few days to get caught up on what's been happening. I hope all of you are well. If something ever happens to me, I have asked my son to post it on this thread. 

    Hugs to All, Zetta 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    The photos from the Webb make me very uncomfortable.

    Zetta...thanks for checking in

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Zetta! So good to see your post and know you're okay.  We missed you.  A lot has been going on so it will take a while to catch up.  Glad you're back.

    Judith, when?  Tomorrow night?  I'm going by the auto shop and get them to put in Freon if it needs it.  Usually have to do it every year.  At least the blower works. Does not in car and they couldn't b find one last  year.

    Wasn't that show something?  I can't comprehend all of those things being out there.  Space is infinite.

    Justv went out to see the moin.  It's huge and so bright.  But it was too far south to reflect in the pond.  You all west of Okla. Go out and look at it.  It's gorgeous!! Thanks, Judith for telling us..

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, it sounds good about your toe.

    Welcome back, Zetta!

    Sandy, I have shortness of breath, too, and there are many days when I just cannot function.  I will see the pulmonologist in August.

    I'm going yo step out right now to look at the moon.  It's almost 11 o'clock.


  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions


    I was the oldest of 7 brothers and sisters! I was nurse, baby sitter,teacher.

    I also did volunteer as a candy stripper in the Hospital. After I graduated I went to college for nursing. 

    Not knowing I would meet someone that needed my care and love. Bill came back from Vietnam in a bad way! No family or help from anyone. None of his friends who did not get drafted wanted to be around him.

    I had studied About Agent Orange in College and knew all the details, side effects, and danger to our soldiers. I just take care of him like I did my siblings. But I got him help from the VA, only it was too late to catch the cancer! They are caring for him at least.

    We will be married 53 years in December. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Nice to see your post, Shirley.  Fifty-,three years is a long time. Charles and I would have been on our 51st. How lucky Bill is to have you to care for him.

    Called to see if the tire shop could check my green this morning. He said they were booked by so weeks on air conditioning.  Guess people should get this done in early spring.  So, really hope it at least cools some.  Only need to see doctor and get some diesel. Don't  really need any groceries.  The wind is blowing a little-  any little bit helps.

    The moon last night was beyond beautiful, just wish I had seen it rising.

    Talk to you all later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Shirley, I am taking a break from posting for a few reasons, but after reading your post about how Bill came back from Vietnam and how he was treated, I had to respond. It took me years to realize I needed help from the VA because no one like you was in my life. For me, being in country at 18 and celebrating my 19th birthday with the sky lighting up under mortar fire, was a strange and frightful experence. I also came back being greeted in California almost as bad as the Vietnam experence. For years I swore that California would be one state that would never see me again. My feelings for the citizens of California changed when I ended up with a daughter in law from San Diego and found that just like any other states that sweet, kind, generous people exist everywhere. If more would have been like you during the Vietnam era, more could have been done for the returning Veterans. THANK YOU!

    All my friends on the front porch since in posting I might as well tell you how dumb I was Tuesday night. Before bed I always take three pills for my prostate and give Lou her seroquel. Guess what, without thinking I took Lou's seroquel. Needless to say I was nearly able to clear my head up before my afternoon appointment. The upper and lower GI is scheduled for September 8th.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Zetta, wonderful to see your post, it is good to know that you are alright.   It will be like missing a beloved grandchild to have that sweet  dog move so far away, they really do have a special place in our hearts. Ron; omigosh, you took the Seroquel - well; I know you will be far more cautious in the future.  You were not dumb; just awfully tired.  I bet you were not a happy camper when you realized that.  And Ron, I am deeply sorry for the way you were treated after you came home from Nam.   I live in California, (transplant from Michigan), and I can tell you that most citizens here were NOT of that despicable ilk.    I remember the big acting out against our soldiers, especially way up in the northern part of the state and  across the U.S.  Shameful.  More than that, I am heartfelt saddened that so many very young people who were still innocent of mind and still growing got thrust into such a beyond horrible situation; it defies description.  I am sorry for what you and so many others have suffered.   We need to support our men and women in the military and for heavens sake, have "those" in Washington ensure that military families can afford to live and afford their housing, etc. For lower ranks especially, it is shameful and families suffer.   So, Mr. Ron, you have until September to feel cranky about having to have the upper and lower GI.   Remember the medical diagnostics on Star Trek?   Doctor had a hand held device like a TV control in his/her hand.  All they had to do was wave it over the patient and it told ALL and I do mean ALL going on in a patient's body; could read all organs, the tissues, the fluids, et al, and even do diagnostic blood readings, etc. without ever touching the patient.  Literally everything.  Now THAT is what we need to have.   No preps or invasions.  Wouldn't that be great.  Of course, the treatments were painless and could often be done without getting inside the body and fixed everything just perfectly with no fuss, no muss.  Just under a plastic dome or special light and Voila!  Lorita, sorry about the AC in the truck.  It is good you can get the Freon.  We had a near uh-oh with it not being available.  Freon has been mandated out of production; it is no longer made.  Lawmakers deemed it to no longer being produced due to environmental concerns.   There is still some left, some recycled, but not much.  Our AC repair people who we have had for years, told us that they have a tiny bit of freon left and they are unable to get more and that it had cost them a fortune to buy the little they have.  Our AC works extremely well, but it is an older unit and for the first time needed Freon.  It cost us $400 too replace said Freon.  Oh my!  Cheaper than a new whole house unit though.  The AC repair person told us the new coolant replacement is a problem issue in functionality and in other ways and he wishes Freon was still available. Boy; that Webb telescope just keeps giving and giving. I understand it will get far more deeper into space right along and especially come January.  The idea of infinity is not a tangible one, that is for sure.  I remember sitting in a chaise lounge at night in the back yard looking up at the dark sky and stars and pondering infinity . . . just when I almost would get a tidge of understanding, it would blink away . . . truly; this look into the vast light years away and the myriad of other galaxies pretty much boggles my mind.  I cannot wait to see more and to also get the science interpretation of what is being seen.  Whew!  How much more and more and more is there is the monumental question. Much new technology comes about from these various space endeavors.  In the past, the MRI is one of them. In fact, there is a book from years ago that lists all of the new technology for human use from the space program.. Wish I could recall it, and wish a new one would be written; I find it fascinating. Judith, what is it that you find scary regarding the pictures coming in from space?  It is not only an intellectual matter; I think for many, me included, it is also in a way, an emotional dynamic. Sayra, I will be interested in how your eggplant crop comes out; so hope it is a lovely success.  When watching the video re the eggplant pollination, I scrolled down and watched another short video on how to help tomato plants pollinate for getting large bumper crops and also for helping the tomatoes to be without blemish.  I never knew any of that.   Lorita has probably got lots of natural pollinaters and does not have to worry about it.   Gosh; I remember buying big batches of lady bugs and worms for our back yard for other reasons.  The lady bugs were good at keeping aphids and other little mites under control, and we could use worms to help with the soil.   Well; despite having bought a good amount of them, they all disappeared.  The lady bugs just flew away to do some shopping elsewhere, and the worms - well who knows where they went - probably tunneled under the block wall and across other yards and are now playing worm tennis at the local park.  At least I tried to augment our garden space. Had myself a scrambled egg and more rice last night along with some fruit and did well; so hopefully am on the mend.  As my doctor would say, "The body does what the body does . . ."  Well; it surely does this that when we least expect it. Off I go; I keep getting some paragraphs deleted by the gremlins again.  They sure can be pests on this site from time to time. Good day wishes are being sent to one and all, J.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Back from the doctors.Only gone an hour and half but to Stormy it could have been a month. Got diesel on my way in 4.59 gallons and it was almost $30 but the PU is getting good mileage. The gas gauge doesn't work so I fill it every time I go to town. AC didn't work so windows were down. 

    Only had to wait five minutes before seeing the doctor.  Said Toe is looking better with no need for more antibiotics but continue Epsom waits soaks twice daily.  As usual forgot to ask how long it will stay reddish. He went to   Lake Tahoe on a short vacation and said it was beautiful with 72 degree weather.   I told him about Jack (long time patient of his).  He said he had really gone down since he lost Patsy - just wants to die. Their daughter and granddaughter used to live and work there.

    Ron, it's good to hear from you. So glad the Seroquel didn't cause more problems for you. Be sure to give Lou her meds, then get yours to take.Be careful.

    It's a shame the soldiers who fought in Vietnam were treated so badly when they got home. My cousin was there and was injured by Agent Orange. 

    So glad to be home and, hopefully, won't have to go out until late to check barn.  I'll work on shutters early in morning.

    Day, missed In the kitchen with David last night so watching a rerun now.

    Back later.  Jo, do you have an idea about how long the redness might last?  Seems to come and go.  How are the Sequoias doing? Haven't heard today.


  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions


    Bill was in the Army on frontline, he said it was called US 1 highway. 

    In the jungle the whole time. Sprayed everyday with Agent Orange and another chemical also.

    When he landed in Calif,  they were to wear Regular clothes or they will be spit on! He said I want my dress uniform, 

    He said no one did anything, probably could see how proud they were all to be home alive.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    The Webb photos did not fighten me. I said that they made me uncomfortable. They make me question the myths/structures/religions man has made up since the "begining" to cope with his world. They bring to the front the idea of infinity...impossible to grasp for me.

    Dick flew for Air America in Viet Nam and then Laos which was even more dangerous. It was a totally different experience than fighting on the ground but left him forever changed. BTW....what they did was nothing like the movie!

    Lorita...your toe will be red until at least the end of August. Yes, I made that up just so you could stop worrying...lol

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Judith, you crack me up!  You don't think I worry, do you?  I admit I do but come by it honestly. Grandma and mother were worriers, not so sure about Lorita though.

    It does make you question things if the universe is billions of years old.  Did you ever watch  Carl Sagan years ago?  It's amazing that the telescope could be made, launched and is working.  It said there over 300 things that could go wrong but none did.  Absolutely amazing. It's hard to even imagine there are things out in space like the pictures showed.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Bill and Ron, I’m so very sorry for the situation you and other young men were thrown into.  Very sad what was done.

    Shirley I’m sure Bill appreciated all your kindness and care.  I’m the oldest of five, and sot if had the same role.

    As a volunteer,  patients mention agent orange to me quite a bit as a cause of issues they are having.   Had a younger man during my RT career who was dying from a disease caused by agent orange.  Went into his room, there was him and his dad.  He starts talking to me about someone he had requested to come see him. This individual would not come and see this dying young man.  Very hard for me to understand.  He asked me if I would hold his hand while I did his breathing treatment.  It made me so sad when I was done.  I wanted to just be there for him but had other patients also who needed care.  I think of him anytime agent orange is mentioned and sometimes shed a tear.

    Lorita glad your trip went ok.

    Zetta glad you are ok too.

    Saw the moon this morning.

    Good night everyone

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, the Sequoias are in big trouble!  The fire which started in Yosemite National Park has spread eastward to Sequoia National Park. The Washburn Fire covers 5.8 square miles!

    All veterans need to be protected and rewarded for their service, IMO. 

    The telescope's photos are amazing.  The God who created those amazing stars and galaxies is truly amazing too!  I am amazed!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, you have such a kind heart.  I know you did so much good, medically and as a kind person while you were working and you're doing the same as a volunterer.  It takes a special person to to that.

    Called and got an appt. On the 27th to get my AC fixed, hopefully.   He said he could look at it next week but it's  going to be way over 100 so don't want to be out without an AC.  Maybe it'll be better by the 27th.

    Iris, I agree that all veterans of all branches of service should be honored. I think of Charles being in the Korean War when he was only 17.  Life was changed for all of them.

    The pictures were spectacular and I hope we see many more.  I watch lots of nature shows and marvel at the diversity of them, fish included. So many and so different.  God really knew what he was doing to create them and humanity. Just think of man and how things work to keep us alive and well.  I just can't imagine all those galaxies and whatever those brown things are.  I'm going to watch it again Saturday and hope to see more.

    I ordered four or five things from WM and when I got to check out they were all unavailable.  Hate that. Even on Chewy lots of dog and cat food is out of stock.

    I'm going to try to see moonrise tonight. May not be as brilliant but will be pretty anywsy.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    I recall that the science from the space program brought the technology for cochlear implants, ventricular assist devices for the heart and other cardiac assistance which I cannot recall. 

     Here is a link outlining some of the things that the space program has made possible:


    Yes; me too Judith.  Those photos into the near 14 billion light years and what we see and knowing there is so much, much more even beyond that leaves me pondering and wondering and questioning and feeling really up in the air myself so to speak.  I think if a person is concerned about God and creation, for me it would be that our brains are too tiny, our eyes too small and our minds too insufficient to even begin to catch a glimmer of the complexity and wonderment, so in other words; simply accept it and know that it is.  That would be faith.

    Yesterday tummy good, today tummy bad again.  Doctor on vacation until Wednesday next week.   His associate is absolutely horrible at prescribing and he did indeed give feedback that was SO off base it is out of the ballpark completely.  Geeze.  Our really wonderful MD who was part of that group has retired.  Well; it is what it is.

     I too have patients from over the years that have stayed in my mind Sayra; it can be heartbreaking as well a very satisfying to have a profession working and helping right at the bedside of patients in the med centers.  There are so many I will never forget.

    Judith made me laugh at her answer regarding your toe, Lorita.  She is right on spot in a way. It is not able to be determined when your toe will not be red again.   Just know the doctor said it is going well, and keep an eye on it should it decidely worsen or if the red begins "spreading" or if you develop a fever.   I really think you will be fine.   You are a smart and savvy person and will know if it needs to be addressed. 

     Those redwood trees, I hope they will all be saved.  We have many times gone to visit the giants, and they are almost a religious experience they are so majestically awesome.  Love being near them.  Sometimes it seemed as though they would almost begin speakng and I imagined their voices being very deep and rich.  Yes, an overdeveloped imagination.

    Shirley; what a blessing you have been to your Bill.   Love really does bring us to places that we never could have dreamed we would be and you have made Bill's life very different in such a wonderful way.  You have had quite a busy life . . . . but I am willing to bet you were a Candy Striper and not a Candy Stripper . . . . that made me smile.   How are you doing, Shirley in the midst of all the caring for others.  Is it your SIL that needs care and is she moving in with you? 

    Saw a recipe today for Filipino Chicken Adobo; the person got the recipe from her elderly mother.  It is so good served with Pancit and Lumpia.  Whenever we had potlucks at my house with our hospital department staff, we always looked forward to those dishes.    They do take time to make, but lovely flavors.  I think I should have tried making that before my knees gave out.   It does take work, but then the gift is the wonderful taste.

    Favorite potlucks was when we were asked to bring dishes that come from our nationality background.  What a wonderful variety of dishes.  My secretary was from Sri Lanka and her husband would put together some really delicious items. 

     Looks like it is time for me to mosey on down the road a bit,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Jo... I agree. I am not able to grasp infinity...Man has always wanted answers...are there any? Do we make them up in order to compensate?
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Went out to check barn and saw a cow laying down by the hog pond. Called to her asking if she was all right. I was going to go down to check but she got up and stretched and started to the barn.  Not a cow but Billy the Bull.  He came on up while I talked to him.  He is a big boy. I remember when he was a little baby and I discovered he didn't have good vision.  Mike was here for some other reason and I was standing over Billy and asked if he would band him. I had decided Billy would never leave here and his mother.  He banded him and he'\s still here and is my only bovine.

    Filled the water tank and checked the shutters. Opened one from inside but I need three more inches of height to fix it to stay open. If they're open air will circulate better in the barn. So, that plus watering is my morning jobs. I'll put on my.boots and take out a stool to stand on.  It's going to be up to 108 or 110 next week so maybe opening them will help.

    I can't grasp the infinity of space with my pea brain but do find it amazing.  I did hear they discovered water in one of the galaxies.  We're not alone!

     I hope the wonderful, huge trees can be saved. Is the tree cars can drive through a Redwood or Sequoia?

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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