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Just need to talk to my friends (175)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Okay, another worry- sorry: I just remembered that when I pumped diesel today I didn't use gloves or a disinfectant wipe as I've done the last couple of years.  Not did I use hand sanitizer when I finished.  I put on my mask before going into the doctor's office. Only the nurse was wearing one. I think I used hand sanitizer when I was waiting to check out.  Did rub my upper lip a couple of times before that.

    Has anyone heard of someone getting the virus from a gas pump?  I  was in too big a hurry so guess I can get tested in five days.

    I saw the moon as it was coming up- really big and orange.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I just came in from looking for the moon, but it was not up.  I'm pretty sure I saw it over the weekend.  

    Lorita, the new variants, B.5 and B.4, are now prevalent in Los Angeles County.  But they are not covered by the vaccines or boosters.  In fact, our high muckety-mucks are threatening us with a return to mask mandates.  I have been okay with generous use of soap and water and hand sanitizer and social distancing.  Do you check the statistics in your county?  Being in the country and in the open air is the best preventative, I believe.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Lorita per cdc risk of transmission by surface contact is low.  

    Our memory immune system is still working against these variants ( T cells, memory B cells).  So still protect against serious disease and death.  

    If you google Paul Offit MD he is good at explaining this.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Already hot but not too bad if you're out and not doing anything.  I went out at 6:30 to open the barn shutters.  I was able to get three opened and secured, I think.  On the other two there was nothing to hold them up in but three should help.  The other dsy I noticed a board on a stall was loose so got a hammer to fix that. It was completely off so got it out of the barn.  Topped off the water tank and watered a little bit.  By that time 

    I knew I had better get back inside. I think about Bryon and others who have to work outside and wonder how they do it.  Girls were down close to the pond. Will probably take a dip and come to the barn for the day.

    I did a load of laundry yesterday and am drying it now except for two heavy towels I put outside to dry.  I have two white Great Pyrenees and have white hair everywhere, even on freshly dried clothes.  I was watching Shark Tank and and they had a thing you can put in washer or dryer that attracts the hair and keeps it off clothes.  I found it on Amazon (set of two) and ordered them.  I used one in the washer so we'll see how it works.  Did you all know there are black Great Pyrenees?

    Will stop for now.  Hope all of you are well this morning. Iris and Sara, thank you both for the information.  It was a diesel pump so maybe not many use it.  Just had an unfortunate lapse of what I should have done so will worry for 15 days.

    Better get Sheena inside.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Laundry is dry and the fur zapper worked.  I had a navy blue dress, black tank and black pants and no hair!Normally there would have been white hairs on all of them.  No hair on the zapper either.  And, I had about eight pairs of socks and they were all there.
  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions

    JO C

    My SIL will be living in a RV, walking distance from my place.

    She is not sick, just complains alot when Bill is having a bad day!

    I guess I'm doing ok, saw my doctor about 13 years ago. I got the shingle shot and all covid shots at walgreens. When I was growing up you didn't complain, just dealt with!

    I have my flowers and I feed all kind of birds in my yard, which is Very relaxing


  • toni2
    toni2 Member Posts: 31
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Hi everyone, I just wanted to tell you that I now have covid. I'm the 15th person in my family to get it. Thank God it wasn't the one that my son had because he was on the ventilator and ECMO machine for 81 days. I only had a stuffy head and a sore throat. My fever is down and I'm up and around. I'm fully vaccinated and boosted and still I got it. Oh well it could be worse.  


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Shirley, sounds like you're doing allright.  Thirteen years, that's great.  I don't believe I went to the doctor the whole time I was care giving either.  Good that you have your pretty flowers and all the birds.  Does make a difference in your feelings and outlook on life with nature around.

    I'm watering every other day, probably should every day.  Is it really hot where you  are?

    Toni, so sorry about the vuirus.  Rest and take it easy.  Are you living by yourself?  My memory us not what it used to be so have forgotten in which state you live.

    Is your son all tight now? and does he live closeby?

    I laid down on the divan for a minute and drifted off to sleep. I remember Max getting up beside me.  He likes to lay on my arm.  I stayed up and watched Barney Miller last night and got up at 6:30 so lost a little sleep.

    I f you're under the heat dome, try to stay inside. Sounds like this will be our weather for the next week or more.  We had July weather in June, now August weather in July so maybe we'll have Sept. Weather in August.  July and August are not fun in Okkahoma.

    Back later.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh Toni, all the moving into your new place and then getting COVID.  I am so sorry.  It is really good you had your vaccinations and boosters; that probably helped the course of illness to be much milder.   Wishing you a speedy recovery to full strength soon.  What a time of it you have had.

     Shirley; your yard with its flowers and bird feeding does indeed sound relaxing.   Nature sure does that for us.  When coming home from a long day of work at the hospital, I used to change my clothes, wash up and go outside and sit quietly on our back patio . . . I would just listen to the soft breeze make the leaves in the trees rustle and  feel it touch my face, the bird song and trees, plants and flowers with their peace would take me away.  Really restorative and so serene.  Then the four kids would come trooping home from school . . . . yippee! 

     Lorita, you will have to let us know the name of the product that keeps pet hair off the laundry.  Our son and dil have three rescues dogs so they too have to be cautious with their laundry.

    As for man wanting answers to things, Judith, I think that questioning is hard wired into us and it is a gift.  Think of the strides made over the vast spans of time.   Earth was flat; triphining heads in caveman days to let bad spirits out; all matter made of a single substance, the allegory of the caves, blood letting, and SO much more.  So much in ancient days were simply shared stories word of mouth from nomadic travelers; person to person or groups hearing stories as that was the main form of communication and explanations for things from mostly men who none of them had  education or enlightenment, which of course caused stories to change going person to person, group to group; later, these things were pretty much the same, but writte down dby those who could but still in a fairly nomadic society and there was no true science based education to speak of. Biases also was present.  Then control of beliefs upon the penalty of death came into it.   I especially like the allegory of the caves and that was from Plato in ancient times:


    Just think:  We have gone from, "the world is flat," to seeing 13.7 billion light years into space seeing so many other galaxies and have had pictures of earth taken by space explorers who have rocketed into the heavens.  Think of the medical and life advances . . . if it were not for man's quest and wanting answers, we would still be stuck in the mire.  The BIG answers, to religion, evolution, and origins of so much else continue to be seen and questioned in a different sort of way for which there is no concrete/tangible seeing all.  In the bible, in Corinthians I think it is, it explains this as,  "seeing through a glass darkly."  We truly need science and the continuing pursuits for discovery and answers.  Far into the future, we who now live, will be seen as having  lived in the dark and that our education was not adequate; that will continue as long as there are humans on earth and he/she are given the freedom to explore and learn.

    Goodness; off on a tangent I went.  The Webb telescope has, "my little grey cells" percolating to take four words from Hercule Poirot. 

    We are in the low 90's today.  More news each day about the continuing rise of positive COVID cases of the new strain.  Health Dept. watching it closely and letting us know if it continues we will in all probability soon have mandated masking in ALL public spaces again just as it was in the earlier days of the pandemic.  We continue to mask no matter what.  Most of our friends and acquaintances are too.  One place not much masking happening is in the churches.  Cannot figure that one out.  Shoulder to shoulder and mouths open singing and the outbreak of COVID from church gatherings continue to be a problem issue.  You would think protecting the flock and all of that . . . .

    Got a call from Amazon later yesterday.  They have advanced program techs looking at my Kindle and account.  They cannot figure it out . . . BUT . . . they have now messed up my account name which was said a change had to be done and now it won't let me onto my acct, etc.  I will NOT fire up the new Kindle until all of this has been resolved.  It is technical stuff and with that, I despair.  That account has been mine for many years when Kindles first came out and it had always been fine.  Now they tried to "fix" something and the results have been bizarre.   In the scope of the universe this is small peanuts . . . however; it is darned frustrating.  I just want my account fixed and my new Kindle; I cannot imagine ever calling tech support again.  AND . . . I asked to be transferred from India to the U. S., so I am in country for tech support.  Sigh.

    Lorita, I would not worry too much about not having gloves for gassing your vehicle; you should be fine.  Why not put a plastic baggie with gloves in your purse so they are always with you and you will not have to worry.  As it is, we gave up wiping down mail or wiping down any grocery packages some time ago.   One thing I get sticky about is that DH forgets to use a tissue when punching elevator buttons.  I still prefer that.  So many people very, very recently touching those buttons and fingers have been in noses, in mouths, etc.  I am an old fusspot I know, but geeze I hate those little microbes that plague us!

     On that happy note, off I go to do a bit of stuff needing doing,


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    For all you gunsmoke fans, I'm watching a 1957 western with Matt Dillon as a bank robber. He actually kissed a woman at the start of the movie. Him and two others robbed a bank and he was shot. The other two ran off and left him and took his lady friend with them. The posse got him and a Dr. fixed him up. Now he's out looking for them! Dont know how he got out of jail but maybe before the movie is over I'll know. Gun the/down is what the movie is.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ron, I don't recall seeing that episode of Gunsmoke. I'll watch for it.The only time I saw Matt kiss someone was when he was shot and lost his memory.  Michael Learned found him.  It was a good show.  Hope things are better with you.  Is it hot down there?

    Jo, the stupid thing is that I had wipes and hand sanitizer in the PU and gloves. Had always used them to enter zip code and pump the diesel. Just a lapse on my part. It was diesel so maybe not many use it except they do use that number pad. Makes me feel so stupid.  Guess I was just intent on getting it done and to my appointment. I saw a list and pumping gas was second on the list after opening mail as the last likely to transmit the virus. Maybe it'll be okay.

    I don't understand people st Churches not masking either or eating in restaurants. That was way down the list as being risky.

    Scientists can do so much but the one thing that is most important is saving our planet.  At the rate it's going we may not be here to appreciate any of their accomplishments.  I cannot understand why some people don't see what is happening. Just looking at pictures that compare the glaciers a few years ago to now should be enough.  The polar bears are having to find new ways to survive because the ice isn't freezing as much. So many indicators that are being ignored for the most part.  Have you seen the movie-The Day After Tomorrow?  Scary stuff.

    Watching some of the Tour de France.  Makes me wonder at their energy to ride bicycles so far.

    Jo, those things for the washer and dryer are called Fur Zappers.  At least that's what I looked for on Amazon and is what they called them on Shark Tank. The package says Big Sale.  There's two of them, one yellow and one green.  Round with a couple of cutouts, $9.99 I believe.  They're sticky but it doesn't get on the clothes.  Just what I needed. I always have white hairs on my clothes.

    Back later.

    Just checked and some of the pkgs.  Says Fur Zapper s and the one I just saw wasv$12.99.  There may be more.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, thanks for the info about the Fur Zapper!  Those inventors should get a Nobel Peace Prize!  My home and clothes are inundated with cat hair. I use lint rollers, which help a bit.  I see that they are sold at Target and at Home Depot, so I will try those stores.

    Toni, I'm glad you were not too ill with Covid.  The most recent variants are very transmissions.  How is your son doing now?

    I would like to feed birds but Simon was a bird-eater.  The other day he brought me a grasshopper that he had caught, so I know he still is interested in and capable of hunting little creatures.  So no bird-feeding for me.  Right now I have the "joy" of giving Simon half of a pill twice a day.

    The weather is very nice here, not too hot.  But an older woman letter carrier died recently, they say it was from heat stroke while working in her not-air-conditioned postal truck.  We all have to be aware of heat risks, in addition to Covid risks and all other risks!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Went out to check barn and check the water tank.  No one was in the barn but did see one baby having supper.  They're  grazing in the NE pasture.  It's very still and hot.  Been over 100 today.  There was a rabbit by the water tank, probably waiting for it to run over so he could get a drink.  I left it running and came back in for a while.  Went back and it had run over. He probably comes there for a drink. I will remember.

    Iris, have you used scrub daddys?  Also saw them a few years ago on Shark Tank. When you put them in cold water they stay hard and you can use them to scrub things without scratching. If you put them in hot water they soften.  I've used them for a long time.  Bet you'd like them.

    Awful about the woman dying from heat.  Tulsa has a lot of heat related calls in summer.  I'm ready for cool weather!!

    Sleep well tonight

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 

    64F, 18C.  Giving rain the next few days.  Noticed yesterday that corn has grown a lot recently. Probably is shoulder high now.

    My BIL helped me out a lot.  He changed the oil in my snowblower, cleaned out my dryer and put a safer hose on it and fixed my rain wand.  So much easier to water now.

    Made new sugar cookie recipe yesterday.  Was very good.  They are a little crispy on outside and soft inside.  

    Toni hope you get to feeling better soon.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, happy you'll be getting rain.  Some people south and east are running low on water in their ponds. We got more rain here so we're okay. At least in the two east ponds. I haven't been to the west ones where the little girls are.  There's going to be a big hay shortage if we don't  get rain soon.  Being a rancher or farmer is a gamble -too much rain, not enough,etc.

    Got out early and watered. Let the tank overflow in case the little rabbit comes back. One of the girls came up for a drink and I sprayed her and she moved away.  When I came in the yard gate the turtle was there so let him out.

    I thought I was out of sugar but found a restaurant type container in the pantry - later found a new pkg. I made a loaf of bread with 2 T of what I found but tasted it and it's a sugar substitute. Awful taste in my mouth so hope the bread is okay.  Also made a quick peach cobbler.  Just got it out of the oven and it looks good.

    Mike called on his way to the clinic to check on me I Guess. Makes me feel good that someone cares enough to check.  He said Toad is a little better. He said he just had to get out of the house.  He can drive around and check cattle and that will help Mike.

    Hope all of you are well this morning. If you're in the south, try to stay cool.  Happy that some of our friends will be getting rain.  Sara, go out and stand in it for me.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    69F, 21C.  Giving 1.5-2 inches of rain today.  Hope to have a day of rest.  

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, I hope you get the rain. If you have any extra, please send it to Okla.  We're getting so dry and it's soooo hot may be up to 110 and that is not heat jndex.  Heard this morning that some people are selling their cattle and baling what little hay they may have to sell. Big bales are up to $65.  Mike came this morning to give Stormy and Sheena their allergy shots and said Sidney couldn't find small bales of hay around here for her horses. Finally found some at Pryor, about 60-70 mikes north of her place. The neighbor just south of me doesn't have any either. Thank goodness I have a few small bales left and Mike has enough carryover to feed his cattle around here if he doesn't have to start feeding early.

    So, this morning just after 8 I got the call I knew would come.  It was Jackie, Jack's daughter calling to tell me her dad's soul left this earth early this morning to go be with Patsy.  She told me she did face-time? One day this week for a few hours with her dad and was able to talk with him and read the Bible to him.  Jack was ready to go.   I feel sad but it's what he wanted.

    Now she's having to deal with making arrangements. She doesn't have access to his funds unless he made some arrangement I don't know about. She's an only child and she has one daughter not sure she's closeby.  I do wish he had made financial arrangements for her.

    I cooked something  this morning that we used to have when I was young.  Cooked elbow macaroni in water until it was about half done, poured off almost all of the water and finished cooking it in V8 juice.  I used the V8 because I had opened a big bottle and needed  to use it.  Mother always used canned tomatoes.It's pretty good but will sprinkle some cheese on it when I eat it.

    I was thinking about his things at the ALC and mentioned it to Jackie. Maybe they could keep them and either have one furnished apartment or maybe one of the residents could use something.  That's what we did when my sister passed away.

    Hope all of you are well this weekend.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita so sorry to hear about Jack.  Thankful you helped him to at least be with others around, not in a house by himself.

    Wish I could share the rain.  So far it is a soft steady rain.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    So very sorry to hear of Jack's passing, but from all indications he was ready.

    Lorita, you did all you could to encourage him and help him.  

    We used to do the tomatoes and macaroni dish too when I was a kid at home.  When I have tomatoes that are past their prime, I will blanch them to get the skins off and then mash them.  Good to keep in the freezer for things that call for tomato juice, or to heat up for stewed tomatoes.

    Mother still looking to get 1 more bushel of beans.  If I get them I will snap and then take down to help can.   If she gets them, I will just go to help with canning.  The prices on the beans and jar lids are so expensive...just like everything else.  Fortunately she had most of the jars she needed.

    Another crochet project is underway.  This one for a friend of daughter's who has been going thru a tough time...you can relate...just one thing after another.  Used to be things came in "three's" but now seems they just keep coming.

    Good ideas you have about Jack's things.  Am sure there is some poor soul who would be grateful to have them.

    Wishing all better weather...either more or less rain...more or less heat...depending on where you are.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Really like tomatoes and macaroni too.  Still make it.  My paternal grandmother did such a good job making it.  Mine never measures up lol.
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    So sorry to hear about Jack. Lorita, God bless you for all you did to help him.

    All this talk of macaroni and tomato: I'm having goulash tonight. Hamburger, onion, macaroni, tomato soup, salt and pepper and a can of tomatoes (I use my own frozen tomatoes when I have them but they are gone now.) One of my favorite dishes! 

    I picked 4 kohlrabis this p.m. That's all I had. A garden fail but will enjoy what I have. I still have beets, carrots and green beans in the garden. I like to roast the beets with a little olive oil and kosher salt.

    We too are in need of rain. I'm praying for all who are needing it. I heard that about 50% of the country is in drought. 

    I hope you all have a good week.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    It is with heartfelt sadness that I hear of Jack's death.   He wanted so badly to leave this earth and to be reunited with his Patsy.   His sojourn in AL was short, but by being there for that short period of time he was safe, secure, had oversight, meals, and when his health declined to the point it did, there were professional staff that were able to identify his needs, monitor him and get him to the hospital.  Sadly, after days in ICU, he could not be saved, but his wish was to leave.  If it were not for you, Lorita, he in all probability would have wasted away in that chair in his cluttered house; no food, hard to get drinks and in all probability, with death he may not have been found for some time.  May his soul be in joy being relieved of his suffering and his most desperate longing be granted.

     It is quiet here today.  Heat is going up along with some humidity that will hit us more harshly over next few days.  We will be up in the 90's and the broiling days are soon to come.  I am sorry to hear about the heat and the cattle issues; so hope your and Mike's hay lasts for the needs that will come.   We all need to be careful with the heat, sometimes we forget or do not realize how harsh it is hitting our bodies as they have "matured."   Please be careful out there in the pastures Lorita; hope you keep your phone and emergency button with you.   I wonder since Mike is running the cattle on your property, if he would consider putting in automatic water fillers for the cattle's water tanks so you do not have to go out and do it manually.  Just an idea.

     Sure hope people are being careful with their pets too. I heard on the news this morning that if heat hits over 77 degrees, one should not try to walk their dogs on hard surfaces such as asphalt or cement as it is painful and can damage their paws and it was also recommended to use special paw covers if one is going to walk their dog in warmer weather.  If one cannot put their hand flat down on top of the asphalt or cement and hold it there on the hard surface comfortably for several seconds, one should not take their pet out.  Just like never, ever leaving a baby or child in a car, one should never, ever leave a pet in the car.  The nice person explaining all of that is right; but every year we still have sad reports.   One fellow from the police department had his dog there with his paw "shoes," and when it is hot and sunny outside, his dog actually has dark glasses for doggies to protect his eyes and when out for a walk, the owner carries water for the dog that has a collapsing bowl he can carry on his belt with a clip.  Clever.

     Saw this sweet little clip of a baby having his first taste of ice cream and thought you may enjoy getting a little smile:


    I remember each of our little ones when they first tasted ice cream and the astonished looks on their little faces and wanting more - like right now!  So excited the little sweeties. 

    Tomorrow is our anniversary; no special celebration; in fact we are beyond that now and prefer no fuss no muss.  Just a quiet day with something good for supper and reminiscing our having eloped right out of high school and causing our parents such terrible angst.  I am apologetic for that, but we were in Love.   My poor father, most of all was nearly unhinged when we arrived home - honor student gone bad . . . they said it would never last . . . . good thing they didn't make any bets!  I did not realize how shocking that was for my parents until we had children of our own.   But here we are; still together and having built from the ground up without any assistance from anyone else except our by now very tired heavenly guides.  Our story of building our lives like that is a story many, many others can tell as they too started slow when young and grew together over time. 

    Ron; I can just see you watching your old Western with Matt Dillon robbing a bank.  Did he get the girl?  I watched a movie early last evening based on an old Ayn Rand book; "The Fountainhead," with Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal.   It was wonderfully filmed and wonderfully cast, but the story was SO trite and actually rather silly that it took away from the actual good things.  I do love a good old black and white film; a couple of weeks ago I once again saw,"The Ghost and Mrs. Muir," with Gene Tierney and Rex Harrison.  It is such a good oldie and even though seen several times, still an enjoyment.

     How are things down in Louisiana Mr. Ron; is the heat up and sticky?   I worry when hurricane season hits again; it is so hard on so many, most who can least afford the aftermaths.

    Oh my, Ron; I accidentally became acquainted with Louisiana's Rouses Market  (supermarket); if you click on their link for recipes and keep scrolling and scrolling - oh my!  The Louisiana recipes abound and they look amazing - many of the dishes I have never heard of, but they look and sound lucious.  Evidently they have a market magazine that has recipes and one can find even old ones online going way back.  Recipes upon recipes.  Some of the seasonings we do not have where we are, but if I were able to start making some of the recipes, I would send for them. If I were ever in La, I would be sure to visit Rouse's.  There is also a bakery near them that makes the most wonderful things; down home and clever things, we had some of their cookies mailed to us.   Here is a link for some of the Rouses recipes if some would like to take a look:


    I had one of those CostCo  butter rich Biscone for a between meal snack - oh yum! Cross between a biscuit and a scone and filled with cranberry, orange, orange zest and topped with crystal sugar.  I know; not nutritious, but heavenly delicious.  Delicious counts.  They do not have them all the time and make them only during certain months. The are so good many folks buy multiple packages and freeze them. 

    I now take myself and my naughty ways off to see what I need to get done next.   May the rest of your day be peaceful and bring moments of smiles,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Lost a long post so will try again tomorrow.  Thanks for the kind sentiments about Jack.  He's with Patsy this evening and happy. 
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    First link of baby and ice cream did not function for me on this site, so am trying to give link again if anyone else had a problem with it:


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, you were a great advocate for Jack in his time of need!  May he rest in peace.

    I've been trying to look for the super moon, but I never can find it.  Has anyone seen it?  It's supposed to be brighter.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    68F, 20C.  Got 1.5 inches of rain yesterday.  

    Goulash sounds good Beth.  I make it every once in awhile.

    Like tomato, cheese and Mayo sandwich when there are fresh tomatoes and of course BLTs.  When I bake bread often it has some whole wheat flour, oats etc. in it.  Gives you bread a different texture and always feel not as good for grilled cheese especially.  Thought I’m going to buy myself a loaf of light bread for my summer sandwiches.  Didn’t really want to do that because of the soybean oil.  Then it hit me Sayra you can make your own lol.  So I did and it tastes just like light bread but way better ingredients - buttermilk, avocado oil, honey.  Looking forward to my sandwiches.  My tomatoes will be later.  Going to go to farmers market this week if nothing happens.  Maybe they will have an early tomato, we will see.  Beth you have been getting quite a few fresh things.  I had fresh peppers, onions and greens yesterday with my salmon.  Had not fixed salmon in awhile, was tasty.

  • VetEly
    VetEly Member Posts: 78
    Fourth Anniversary 10 Comments 5 Likes 5 Care Reactions


    Sorry to hear about Jack. He is happy now with Pasty.

    You did the best you could by getting him in a home, so he would not die alone in his home.

    Hope your toe is better.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes


    Yes, Shirley, Jack is happy now.  This is what he wanted. I'm  glad I was able to get him to a place where he wasn't alone.

    Took down trash, saw the little girls, then drove over and saw the other girls.  Stormy went with me --that's his job! Topped off the water tank while we were gone,, then watered plants.  One mom came up to drink but her baby didn't make it around the gate.  I heard the baby call her mom, then mom answered and went back to get her.  Even after all these years with them I'm  still amazed at how they take care of their babies.

    It's hot but there is a breeze.  Still I was tired when I got inside.  It creeps up on you!

    Toe feels pretty good this morning. I need a pair of flip flops so nothing would touch my toe.

    Sara, I have never seen avocado oil. Does it taste like avocados and do you use it on salads or to cook with it? I mentioned I used sweetener for my last loaf of bread instead of sugar..  It did make a difference.  The crust was tougher, texture was a little coarser but still good and it didn't brown as much.  I also like cheese sandwiches with mayo, tomato and avocado.

    I think I'll make Carrot pumpkin muffins after I rest a bit. Will try to remember to add chocolate chips this time.  The mac and tomatoes was good  Cooked two cups of elbow macaroni so I know what will be on my menu this week. Good thing I like leftovers.

    I saw a little squirrel last evening running along the top of the fence so made sure I put out fresh water for him. I ran the water tank over yesterday am so the rabbit had water. I think my sweet potato plants are going to come out again.  Thus time I will hang them!

    Hope you all are well today and can stay cool.  I have stopped watching weather and most of the news until it gets cooler,  maybe in Nivember?

    Sara, what was different about your bread?

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Jo., Rouses has many recipes that are familiar in many Louisiana homes. One, nactocheses meat pie, originated from a town about 1 hour drive from me; nactodoshes Louisiana. In fact, they have a  nactocheses meat pie festival every year. If you ever heard of nacogdoches, Texas and nactocheses, Louisiana, a interesting story is behind the two names. Just Google the two together and you will see it.

    Lorita, I am si sorry to hear about Jack's passing, he is now with his love which we all will be reunited with ours someday.

    100 + all week and even though I grew up in Louisiana, it's hard to take at my age. I do remember the days riding in the car with windows down, leaving doors open with only screen doors shut and window fans in the window. But back then that was just the way if life and you went about your daily activities. Also remember the ice houses where you could get ice by the block and how cold it was where the ice was.


  • toni2
    toni2 Member Posts: 31
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Lorita, I'm so sorry to hear about Jack passing. I know the sorrow that you have even when you know that is what they wanted. 


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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