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Just need to talk to my friends (175)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Just checking in to let everyone know Lou and I are alright. I've always considered our front porch as a happy place to be with friends. I've noticed lately I have not had many happy thoughts to share and now my state of mind is even less happy. I will take a break for awhile, but will stay informed of my front porch friends posts.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hi Sayra, eggplant, I love the stuff.  The only way I knew how to cook it comes from my Italian grandmother and great-grandmother, (the Scandinavian half of my family never fixed eggplant.)

     They never sliced the eggplant from top to bottom and never, ever peeled it.  (I think if it was peeled, it would fall apart and a lot of nutrition lost.)  They always sliced it with skin on, in circles of about 1/2 inch thick each circle slice.

     Then they always, without fail, salted each piece both sides, not a massive amount of salt, but enough to say it was salted.  Once doing that, they put the circles in a single layer on clean dish towels and let them drain for about 45 minutes to an hour.  This removes the excess water from the eggplant and improves flavor as there is some bitterness in the eggplant if this is not done.  Today, we have paper towels, I would imagine several layers of paper towels to put the eggplant on in single layers would be okay.

     Once drained, they then prepared the cooking method.  They would dip each slice of egglplant, both sides in flour, then in beaten egg draining off excess egg and then back into the flour again - both sides.

     It was then ready to go into hot oil in a skillet.  It was fried on both sides.  It was delicious to me.  I am trying to remember what hot oil they used, I may be recalling incorrectly, but I think it was Mazola oil.  (Olive oil is nice for a saute, but may not hold up to the frying of floured eggplant both sides.) 

    This is the only way they fixed eggplant; as much as they made homemade pasta and homemade ravioli and meatballs in tomato sauce, they never did do eggplant in a lasagna, etc.  Wonder why. Tradition I guess.

     Ron; please feel free to come and share any kind of feelings here on the Front Porch; that's what friends are for, we support one another and boy; we all need to let loose and rant once in awhile.  We are here, we are good listeners and want to support you.  It isn't easy right now between Lou and your own health needs, it must seem some days like major overload.  We Front Porch "big sisters" and other fellows think the world of you, so let loose when you feel the need or just want to.

    Wonderful you are losing weight Sayra; I know where those lost pounds went - they rolled down the road taking a cross country trip and then . . . found me!   Sigh.

    I used to like to fix green beans with bacon too, but did not want to have too much fat, so I would dice some onion in small pieces, cook bacon to crisp and while the bacon drained, I would saute the onion in the bacon fat.  I would cook the green beans, drain them and then mix in crumbled bacon and the onion.  It was really good that way.

    It would be interesting to see what critter is eating your plants, Lorita.  Wonder if they are possums or racoons - they eat like crazy anything they can get.  Would be nice to have a motion activated camera and see what is using your porch for a free cafe.

    Zetta, dear friend, we are missing you - are you alright?  If you can, let us know how you are doing, even if it is only a line or two.  We are a bit concerned. (OR . . . has Zetta won the big time Lottery and is now cruising down a river in the south of France with servants doing her bidding . . . . )

    Today, the Amazon tech person is coming back to try and fix my Kindle Fire HD 8.9 again.  SO hope she has it together, she well knows she lost all my functions trying to fix just one.  Here's hoping!

    Take good care, and I hope you all have an untroubled day that treats you well.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Ron, Jo is so right, we're all friends and what are friends for but to share our feelings, good or bad.  I think it helps to get our feelings out in the open. I know it's hard dealing with your health problems along with caregiving.  We're here and want to help if we can.  There's nothing you can say that will shock us so please let us help.

    Stormy and I just got back from taking down the trash and picking up my boxes of crackers FedEx left at the gate yesterday.  We stopped and talked to the little girls going and coming.  They are so pretty-red, black and three that are a soft beige with some little streaks of black - very muted.  Those three are  Charolais and Angus.  I bet they're ten degrees cooler than the dark ones. Noticed when we got back that four of our little boys are interested in a little heifer so drove over and saw all the girls. Did notice our Asian pear trees still have pears on them about the size of golf balls.

    I had forgotten about salting the eggplant to get rid of the slight bitterness.  I've seen them using zucchini and eggplant as substitutes for pasta when making lasagna but never tried it. Jo, we've fried eggplant that way and it's so good.  It, like fried okra, will absorb a lot of oil or grease if you're not careful.

    This morning all of the once lush Gerbera daisy is gone and most of one parsley plant and all of the other one.  I transplanted it to a smaller pot and moved it. Sara, haven't seen a caterpillar or anything on the plants so have no idea what's eating them.

    I went to bed at 10:30 last night and slept til almost 6:30 and do feel better. Toe doesn't seem sore so things are better.  I may start taking an afternoon nap so I can stay up later.

    Called about Jack yesterday and all the nurse could tell me is that there's no change.  

    Noticed Ray, our neighbor to the south has a lot of pretty, big bales of hay all lined up ready to go to the house.  They have big long trailers that haul seven or nine big bales of hay in a row so they line them up in the meadow ready to go.  Very pretty, at least to me.

    Now I'm worried about  that heifers afraid she'll get too hot trying to stay away from the boys.  She was laying down when I saw her but got up.  If she'll lay down a lot she'll do better.

    Going to be hot for the next two weeks.  I am so ready for fall. The news is showing a video of a raccoon and snake fighting in the middle of the road.  Raccoon won!

    Zetta-you need to post.  We are concerned.

    Back later.

  • Sasue
    Sasue Member Posts: 69
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    It’s a beautiful day here in Virginia, 75 and sunny.  We’ve had several cloudy days but very little rain.  We are in the Shenandoah valley between the Allegheny and Blue Ridge mountains. All the rain seems to split and go around us.  New landscaping needs water, we were hoping nature would help.

    Saw the pulmonologist regarding my pet scan. He says they are 90% sure the mass in my lung is not cancer. Wants another ct scan in 3 months.  Told me I only need one lung anyway.  Guess it’s back to the cardiologist about the CHF.  Just want help with the shortness of breath.

    I’m enjoying the talk about everyone’s gardens and the beautiful pictures.  Sorry someone is eating your plants, Dixie.  Glad you’re feeling better.

    Hope we hear from Zetta soon and Ron vent all you need to.  We all care.

    Have a good day,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sandy, great news!!  I've been thinking of you this morning because I knew you were to see the doctor today.  Now, to find out about your shortness of breath.

    So the landscaping is in.  Bet it looks nice.  Hope you get rain for it.  Just cannot figure out what's eating my plants.  Really don't think it's birds, but what?

    I felt better early but guess I dud a little too much.  After I did things outside I made banana bread.  Got a big.bunch of bananas when I was last in town and had three soft ones left. Meant to add chocolate chips but forgot.  The batter was for two loaves but i used a silicone pan with places for six mini.loaves. Had never used it but will from now on..  Got a set of two,  who knows when. Sprinkled the top with sugar so there's a little crust. Had to do a taste test - pretty good.

    Jo, hope they can get your Kindle fixed.  Hate having to contend with things like that.

    Going to be hot here this and next week.  If there ever is a cooler day need to get PU air conditioner charged.  If I get it fixed can let the car AC go for a while.

    Laying on the divan watching Rawhide.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Sandy I’m happy for you.  Hope you can now get some help with your shortness of breath.

    Ron it is ok if you quietly sit on the porch.  Talk if you need to though.

    Thank you for the eggplant suggestions JoC.  Nobody I know ever raised an eggplant.  No Italian in me lol.

    Sorry about your gerbera’s  Lorita, know it is disappointing

    Zetta’s children keep an eye on her.  Thinking of you too Zetta.

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Scary stuff on the news tonight about the two new variants. Seems they're more transmissible than the past ones.  People should start wearing masks again, I guess.  We may never be rid of covid.

    Went out to check barn and had to get a board back in place. Didn't have a hammer so will do that tomorrow. A little gate had halfway fallen down so put it back up. I only had on sandals and socks and boots are required. Girls  are down in pasture east/northeast of barn but  one little calf was on the east side of the barn laying in the shade. Didn't bother him. Mom knows where he is -'may be the new one. They'll come back to one of the ponds soon.

    The grass north of the house is crunchy underfoot. Watered the bathtub and will water the other plants in the morning when it's cooler.  Still in mid 90s.

    All this talk of eggplant is making me want one.  

    Beth, your thread is a hit!!  Such pretty pictures.  Did you all

    see the one of the huge head of broccoli?

    Enjoy the evening.  

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Just had a thought; I seem to recall, and that may be a false recall; but was Zetta going on a trip or little vacation of some sort?  I am not at all certain, but someone else may recall that.  I could go and look for the old Thread I suppose.

    Spent another two hours with Amazon Tech and not able to log in on Kindle Fire at all; she had screwed that up last Friday when we spent four hours and she could not regain what she had done away with. She said she is the senior tech . . . oh my.  She will call me again tomorrow.  Hope I am in shape for being able to do it.

    Guess that chili stuffed baked potato was not a good idea; had irritable feeling tummy afterward and OH BOY: today it let me know just how bad it is going to make me pay.  I am at this point on sips of water only and if the gut behaves, I will then advance to sips of apple juice tomorrow, but at this time, tummy is still too irritable.  Sure wish I moved faster on my feet - the way it has been today; the speed of light would have been appropriate!

    Keep losing paragraphs; will need to log off before the whole thing goes . . .


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Okay; I looked.  Zetta's last Post was on July 01.    We are on Thread #175; I went through the two last Threads, #174 and #173.   She said nothing about a trip, so that must have been a false recall on my part.

     Zetta, did, on June 14, Post this:

     "I have been real busy. My summer pet sitting job is really keeping me busy this year. They have sold their house here and bought one in Idaho close to their  daughters and one in Texas close to their son. So there has been a lot of packing and sorting out what goes to what house. I have been watching this little dog for 10 years and he gets very stressed. So I am there during the day while the packing is going on and the movers are loading things up. Iam going to miss this little guy when they are gone."

    Perhaps Zetta has been busy helping that couple with their move and caring for their little dog at their place.   That is all I can think of.

     It brings to mind, if something should happen to one of us long term Front Porch group, do any of us have anyone who can come here and inform the group?  I have not made any such plans and wonder if any of you have done so.  The only one we could check on would be Lorita and that would only be through the vet, Mike, and Judith knows how to get ahold of him.  As for the rest of the group, I have no idea.  Just thinking.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Jo, sorry that chili stuffed potato did a job on you.  We nrver know from time to time how things will agree with us.  Hope your tummy recovers soon.  I just got over something similar about ten days ago with the medicine I found I can't take.  No fun at all.

    I know Zetta's son lives on the same property as she but no name or number.  I know how to get in touch with Judith and Sandy and they with me but no one else.

    We've discussed this before and never reached a solution.  But, yoh know if something happened to me, for instance, and someone called to check on me no one would answer. There has to be a way because we have become close and worry when someone is out of pocket.  Even if we knew how to contact each other and and called if they lived alone no one would answer.At our ages (speaking for myself) you never know what tomorrow will bring.

    Let's all think about a solution.  I know  there is one.

    Sleep tight and don't let the BBB.  Reminds me Judith I've been battling with ants for a month with Zevo. They disappear for a couple of days, then come back.  Thought they'd go away when it got hot and dry.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, we were having a steady stream of ants in our kitchen. Hubby found a chocolate chip hidden behind something on the counter.  lol

    Jo, sorry you are not feeling well. Hope you are better soon. It is Amazon Prime Day, and the Kindles are on sale in case you want to get a new one. 

    Going to a large public garden that includes a butterfly wing (sometimes they land on you!) with our granddaughter today. 

    Have a good day!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Beth, do they really have better prices today?  I heard other companies also do Thursday us.

    Your day sounds like fun.  I live butterflies.  They gave a butterfly house at the big park near the VA Hospital but I've never been. Have fun.

    Just got in from watering and going to the mailbox. Even though it's a little cooler early still wears me out. I saw the little girls Samson had cone over to the fence to talk with them.  Our girls cane by and stopped for a drink and went south, probably to the pond.

    There's some thunderstorms up in Kansas but won't reach us.  Just think a little over a month ago we were having loads ofbrain, then it just shut off.

    Beth, I hate ants but they're worse this year than ever before.

    Enjoy your day.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Gary is in-studio with Carolyn, who is back from vacation, this is their first D&C show together again.  A joy.  

    Leaving around 2 pm for a little trip , coming back tomorrow but staying overnight at one of my company's hotels, just to get away.  This is technically my vacation, aside from this trip I'm staying around the house - gas prices are still in the $5/gallon range so a long car trip is not in my budget.  Although I got 2 substantial raises since January the additional pay is wiped out between groceries and utility rate hikes (my water bill alone is now almost triple what it was over a year ago and I am using the same amount of water), and to be honest, I'm probably in the hole a little and worse off than prior to the raises.  Can't seem to get ahead, I guess.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Judith, I was speaking to my son yesterday; he is the one who has had onset of neuropathy in his feet as well as kidney failure and other physical issues.   I mentioned to him without identifying where it came from, your onset of kidney failure and neuropathy.   He is well versed in autoimmune conditions for such changes in the body as that is what happened to him.  He asked me to ask you and stress to you if it has not already been done; no matter what, to have yourself checked for an autoimmune cause for the changes.  Actually according to him and double checked with Mayo, the specialist best diagnosing and dealing with such autoimmune caused conditions is a Rheumatologist who works often with autoimmune patients.  That is a good source for accurate diagnosis for causes of such changes.

     I was only asking about the meds he took for Neuropathy as I could not recall one of them, but when I anonymously mentioned you, he immediately expressed concern as having both kidney failure and neuropathy really rings an alarm bell.

    Son's doctors included his  primary Rheumatologist, but he also had a specialist in Neurology and a Nephrologist as his kidneys were involved, as well as having neuropathy; as things advanced he needed Neuro for not only the neuropathy, but because the autoimmune disease also affected his brain and caused two small strokes from which he has fully recovered.  So; if the docs have specifically looked for an autoimmune cause for your kidney failure and neuropathy; great.  If not, it may be a good idea to pursue that and insist or to see a Rheumatologist who deals with autoimmune disorders as a good amount of his/her practice.   I can now tell son that I shared the information, he was deeply concerned for you. 

      Lorita, perhaps if we put our heads together we can think of some way to put togethere a "neighborhood watch group," for our Front Porch friends.  Will have to think on that and get ideas.

     Here is a video with Martha Stewart for her Southern Caramel Cake with Caramel Whipped Cream Frosting.    It isn't a recipe so much as a project, I would never attempt it; too labor intensive:


    Drats, phone ringing - back later,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    My toe is still red but not as tender. I took a round of Doxycycline' finished Saturday morning. Am thinking about going back to see the doctor or calling to see what he thinks.  Google says it can take two weeks for the redness, etc., to resolve.  My PU or car doesn't have working air conditioning which is the drawback. Still not feeling too well part of the day.

    Our power just went off but generator came on and guess power is back on because generator went off and things are back on.

    What do you all think I should do,-get an appt.,call him or wait a couple more days-'maybe soak my foot a few times and see if the redness goes away?

    Don't have Charles to consult so you all are my resource.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Jo...I think I shared incorrectly. I have Mild chronic kidney disease. Not failure. Also A1C could be lower but not panic worthy.

    I would be very interested in what the cause of your son's neuopathy was. My neuropathy is still ideomatic. Thank him for me. I will certainly look into the two specialties he mentioned. Right now I feel everything is manageble but I certain do not want to be ignorant about what ails, what the future is or what I could be doing now. 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Lorita...I think it would be a good idea to check in with your Dr. 

    Please duscuss your toe, your Morton's, your diet, your condrotitus (sp)the need for an AIC test,  the possible depression and the use of the meds he perscribed. Write down these things and any other things so that it is all  discussed.

    You have not felt well for a long time...living with cronic aches, pains, and discomforts are no way to live if there is help at hand. 

    That said I know it is hard to face not being as young and as capable as we were even a few years back but age brings change and you and I must accept that and adapt...UGH!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Thanks, Judith, I made an appt for Thursday and meantime will soak my toe with Epsom salts.  May or may not help.

    Yes, this growing older and developing problems is not for the faint of heart.  Don't like it at all but that's  the way it is.  We just have to do the best we can with what we have.I've always been healthy and haven't taken  meds on a regular basis so just not used to this.

    We'll all hang on together.  Hope you're feeling better.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Well, we can not expect our bodies to be "fit" all the years of our lives. I feel fortunate to only have the problems that I have and to have them in my late years.

    The object, I think, is to march on as strongly as possible and when something pops up to deal with it aggressively so that we can live as well and as indepently as long as possible.  I view health care persons as important team members who are going to help me do this. 

    In other words, act proactively for the best possible results.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    You're right but it's still hard to realize we can't do what we used to do even a year ago. Carol is 85 and has had six months of recovery from a dislocated hip and fractured ankle resulting from getting up from the couch.  Still, she says we're in good shape for the shape we're in and she's right.

    I've worked with doctors all of my work years and I like and trust my PCP but still put off going.  Need to do better.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Well if doing better means to get after what can possibly be made better I am all in.

    Funny thing. When I wake up I feel 16. Reality does not set in until my feet hit the floor...lol

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, you inquired about Amazon Prime Day. Big sales! 

    "Don't miss out on two days of epic deals. Save big, save early on your favorite everything. Shop Prime Day deals July 12-13. Amazon's biggest sale of the year is here."

    I didn't buy anything but saw that Kindles were on sale.  

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Yes ma'am; a good idea to make an early appt. to have that toe assessed rather than waiting; weather will be the same.  It may be fine, but it still is red and always good to have it assessed in follow up.  As far as soaking, unless the doctor has recommended that or approved of it, I would be cautious about that as you do not know what organism has been causing the infection and you want to be sure the infection is cleared before putting it in warm water or any water to soak and leaving it there.  Just my guess for what it is worth.

    Judith, sorry for the adjectives; it need not be outright kidney failure; just changes showing in the kidneys at all along with the neuropathy raises flags for immune system issues.    If not done as yet, that immune system possibility would be best to be ruled out; changes need not be a huge, sometimes they can be subtle. The word "ideopathic" simply means they do not know the cause. Twas the same for my son until the right specialist came in consult - by that time he was hospitalized as it had gone on for so long without being identified and he had an abrupt change and was in a terrible situation all of a sudden.  He went from ideopathic to full court press on autoimmune issue as things had been ramping up.  If his doctor had been more on the ball for weeks and weeks, he would not have been in such a predicament and his neuropathy possibly even prevented.

    Me too resents the aging of the body.  SO many things I cannot do now that I used to do so easily.   My joints are sorry for their involvement, but that does not help.  I was physically so active and engaged in so much; but I am now a hum-drum and have lost most of my "perky." And everything that went south for the winter failed to come back.  Darned gravity!  Still feel about 40 inside my head; don't want sixteen, I appreciate the learned wisdom too much.  Will say, I am absolutely thankful for so much in life in the here and now as well as the sweet memories of the past years of life; and I am SO thankful that from the neck up everything is still working so well.  Hurray for that!  I remind my family; we all have roofs over our heads, food in our cupboards, healthcare, ability to choose religion, to be cared about and to care for others and so much more . . . gratefulness really is absolute.   Kids are far flung, all other family is gone.  The memories of all those years with them stays and is cherished.

     Still . . . I want my body back!

    This missing Zetta is still something to think about - even when at her daughters, she still Posted and has not as I recall gone this long without Posting.  I know her son is on her property in another house, but he would not know how to contact us should anything have changed.  So hope we hear from her soon.

    Put in a call to my very tech savvy son to check out Amazon for me re getting another Kindle Fire during this big sale today; they are about 40% off in price.  So many to choose from and I want to get the best model for my uses and ease of use as I am not a tech savvy person.  I will continue to try and get my other Fire corrected and then will have a back up; it is ten years old.  Have my Paperwhite, but it is so small and some functions are not nearly as nice; I am glad to have it but do not really like it much.

    Stomach still cranky; still small amounts of clear fluid and it grinds like crazy and irritates even with apple juice sips.  It did take Mylanta well - geeze.  This too shall pass. Eventually. 

    So many having such problems with their spouses on the Forum.  Fellows, M1, TBE, and Ed have been having just the worst time of it and all such nice guys.  The ladies are also having quite a lot of challenges too; seems like things have ramped up suddenly for so many.

    For some reason, being I have not been eating,  I am fondly thinking of cold Pasta Salad, or of all things; a Sloppy Joe which I have not had one of those in decades and don't much eat beef, or one of those Subway chicken sandwiches with the sweet onion teriyaki asian dressing - extra tomato, onions and black olives please and skip the green pepper and lettuce.  Heck; a scrambled egg would be lovely followed by some applesauce.  At least I am cheap.  

     Hope that Day is enjoying her vacation; she deserves a bit of get-away with the work she has been doing. 

      Beth; I was wondering, does your garden light up at night - or would that attract bugs.   Such an amazingly beautiful garden, it makes one feel good just looking at it.  How do you even get so much hard physical work done - I picture 12 hour days seven days a week just to get it all done and in place.  Whew!

      Well, guess I will go sip some more water - I may even try a hard candy to melt in my mouth for flavor later, think I may have some. 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Just lost a long post. Nothing important but it's frustrating. Guess I should make them shorter.

    Did mention pictures of the universe telescope. Absolutely amazing. Who would have thought there were things like that out there.

    Jo, there's no open wound on my toe. Just makes me feel like I'm doing something when I soak it.

    Hope your stomach problem continues to improve. When I don't feel like eating or can't eat a particular thing, that's what I really would like.

    Got my Rugby cream today thanks, Beth.

    Better stop. Oh, would the alz org contact someone we're concerned about, Jo? I know I've gotten e-mails fromnthem.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Day, have a good time on your trip- relax and enjoy.  I watched  Carolyn and Gary this morning. Glad she's back.  They are so good together.  In fact, I'm rewatchng parts of  it tonight.  Didn't buy anything though.

    Talked with Mike tonight and asked him about mineral tubs.  He said Toad had started putting them out but got really sick yesterday.  He has the covid virus so may be off work a while.  I have a salt block out so they're okay for now.  He gave him medicine to take. He said his wife and several of his family and girls at the clinic have had it.  So, it's close.  Need to check the county stats.

    Ron, hope things are all right with Lou and that you'll be back soon.  We miss you.

    Shirley, haven't seen a post from you lately.  Are you and Bill okay?

    I'll stop and put my phone to charge.  Dread going into town without an AC.  Do hope it just needs freon.  How spoiled are we ?  It's  from cool house to cool car to cool store and back again. For years after I began work our hospital wasn't air conditioned except for doctor's offices and morgue.  Things have changed.

    Good night, sleep tight.

    Day, I just tried on a pair of pants I received a few days ago.  They were too short!  Checked and they're crop pants! Cotton gauze which I love but I always wear long pants.  I had no idea they were cropped beach pants.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    The bald org, Lorita?  But we all have hair!  I know, I know, a typo, but  I am still grinning.  Love grins.

     I don't think the Assn. has a way to reach out to anyone except as we do; by their leaving a computer message.  I would not think they do this for people checking, that would probably be fraught with all sorts of problem issues.

    Glad your toe is doing well, that is good news.  Heavens, with the TV news causing us to have constant stress and hair standing on end, any good news is a celebration these days.

     I have been following the Webb telescope journey since they began to put the telescope  together and have been excitedly waiting for it to successfully launch and then function by opening its shields and mirrors and taking pictures - and I am certainly amazed to the nth degree!  What an amazing, amazing look at nearly 14 billion light years away.  Initially, the brilliant folks who designed and built the telescope were not certain the five sunshields would open up to permit the opening of the gold mirrors; that was a huge concern.   And then they did!  Brilliant minds that developed that telescope and then sent it out successfully.  I cannot get over it.  Those wonderful science minds need acknowledgment at the highest of levels.   What a wonderful achievement.


     I am trying to process all of what I am seeing from 13.7 billion miles in space, but it eludes me; the brain is not that huge.  So many galaxies, so many stars being born, so many planets and more and more and more.  How do I wrap my head around this.  I remember physicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson speaking about their being multi-verses (universes); he must be excited as all get out looking at this from his educated standpoint.  I have had a life long interest in astonomy and astrophysics; especially astrophysics.  I remember when a kid, my brother got a telescope for Christmas and when Mars was closer to the earth, I recall looking through it, finding Mars and could actually see it was red.  Oh; how thrilled we were.

     I have visited the Griffith Observatory multiple times, but it is really too citified and hampered by city lights to be of much use; also was at Mount Palomar once; no one there but me and my husband and I sat down on a metal stair and nearly froze my posterior off; boy it was cold up there!   It is not used much anymore either as it too has issues with city lights; I think it is now mostly a lot of tourist attraction which was not present when we were there. 

    Even more exciting, the Webb telescope over the weeks will be looking even deeper and deeper into space; we shall get to see the results of that.  Where did it all start and where does it all end?   We are not even a minute speck in relation to all of that and our planet is so unique and beautiful seen from space; sad the things that are happening on and to the big blue marble, it is unfathomable in the scope of things.

     I also think about microscopes . . . we began to see more and more things science did not know that were present as electron microscopes began to become so strong they could get more and more closer to the invisible world and can see not just atoms, but nanoparticles.  Look it up if you want to get a feeling for how much inner space we have got to; only limited by the power of the electron microscope being used.

     So; we have outer space and inner space.  My head spins and goodness; where does it all end or does it ever have an end?  How far out does outer and inner space go?  Oh; to know that would be well . . . . no measurement for that.

    I took advice and bought a new Kindle Fire today. Being that it was Amazon's big sale day it was $80 less expensive than before the sale and what it will be after the sale, so that is a good thing but with the device and its cover which was only $18, it was still $200 total tax out the door.   We paid extra not to get the ads which is worth it.  Will still try to get the older one up and running, always good to have a backup as I found out the last couple of weeks.  Son will set it up for me, I am not going to let that get messed up.

    Nearly 9:00, time to go brush teeth and then do some reading in bed using my teensy Paperwhite.  Got a mystery/suspense novel I am working on, it will soon make me sleepy and off I go. 

     Sweet dream travels to only the lovliest of places and best of feelings,


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Jo, I just added something to my post to Beth and noticed "bald" org. Where that came from, who knows.  I think this tablet has a mind of it's own.  I typed and proofread all but it still changed it. If you all see strange, inappropriate words in my posts, sorry, not intentional.

    How expansive and deep is space?  Too much so for my brain to even think about.  Some of those galaxies date back to the beginning of time, whenever that was.  Truly amazing and hard to comprehend-is there an end to space?  Also heard they found water but forget where. I wish they would do a whole show on what they've already discovered.  Jo, when was it launched? Makes a person realize how insignificant we are compared to all there is out there.  We barely see any of it.

    Enjoy your book.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Good morning

    65F, 18 C.

    JoC chili is one of those things that will put my belly out of sorts.  I have to eat it in only a very small amount at a time and space many days before I eat it again.

    Hope you had a nice time Beth with your granddaughter.  That sounds like something I would enjoy.

    Day hope your day off was nice.

    See the eggplant is growing.  Quite a few blooms opening.  They will make good compost if I don’t care for them and plant is beautiful.

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Jo, so glad you got a new Kindle, but sorry you needed to. I have had 3 or 4 of them and whenever I get a new one my books are all there from before, courtesy of Amazon. You will be happy about that. 

    Sandy, glad it appears you do not have cancer! Hope you can get care for the shortness of breath so you can feel better again. Yes, these older bodies do seem to have problem after problem as Jo alluded to. A 90 year old friend of mine (just so you know, I'm MUCH younger than that) recently had an episode where she didn't know where she was. She was evaluated for stroke (no); I suspect TIA. She was told not to drive which she strongly objects to. She told me she has follow up dr appt and will tell them that she WILL be driving. Not good. I know of 2 others, one  with dementia and one with a brain injury from a fall whose wives still allow them to drive. It's dangerous out there, folks! Defensive driving is a must. This absolutely infuriates me that these persons would disregard the safety of others. 

    Regarding being able to find out "where" one of our porch friends are....I really don't wish to share info with others. I do trust you all but there could be a bad apple out there.....I had a Twitter follower who DM'd (direct messaged) me once, and it was creepy. I immediately blocked him. If I ever seem to disappear from here without saying Sayonara or Adios - probably it's because something happened in my life.....just sayin'. If I voluntarily decide to stop posting, I'll say Goodbye first.

    Jo, my garden has a solar lantern but that's it. Also have lighting (like outdoor Christmas lights) on our patio and pergola (courtyard). How much time do I spend? Well, probably an average of 2-4 hours per day. I enjoy it and it keeps me out of trouble. Garden time is mid to late March through, let's say, November. Then 3-4 months of sitting on my _____ in the house which is not healthy. I NEED to garden. 

    We enjoyed our garden tour and lunch out (BBQ place with the most amazing ice cream desserts). I had a Milky Way sundae which was one scoop of vanilla, one scoop of chocolate and caramel and hot fudge toppings and of course whipped cream with a cherry on top.

    Sara, enjoy your gardening. You do such a great job. 

    Take care everyone and have a good day!   Beth

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Beth I know what you are saying.  A few days back I got a invitation for private messaging on here.  Did not recognize the name as someone I have seen post on here.  Made me wonder?  I just deleted it. 

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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