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Just need to talk to my friends (176)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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Seemed to be the right time for 176.  Can you all believe it's been that long and for years we didn't number them.

Sara, I will make a concerted effort tomorrow to find the recipe for stuffed eggplant.  Jo's recipe sounds good but lots of ingredients.  I'm like you in that I like easy things to cook.  By the way I sprinkled a tiny bit of sugar on the mac and tomatoes tonight and no sharp taste at all!

Iris, Simon should be here to catch grasshoppers.  Two weeks ago they were many of them and they were tiny..  Now they're huge.  I don't like them or any bug.  Simon is a cute name and think of the fun he would have catching them.

When I went to the barn about 7 one cow was in the barn. Another one outside of the lot but came in.  The newest baby, two weeks old today was in there laying down. When I walked toward her she got up but was wobbly and is thin.  I called Mike and told him. He just left.  Baby has scours and is not well.  We tubed her with electrolytes and he gave her a shot.  Hopefully, she will be okay. I'm sure it's the same calf that was by the pond yesterday afternoon. Mike said she probably had fever and didn't  feel like making it to the barn.  I'll keep them up north.of the house for a while. He said to call him in the morning to let him know how she is.

Guess what-:he said Baby Midnight is a survivor and he gave him to Sidney!  I told him I figured he would.  She already has horses so I'm happy he did that.  She saved him.

I'm going to move the planter of caladiums, in fact I got it inside the yard a while ago.  Google says they're poisonous to cattle.  But they eat that planter of them every year.

Saw another very good show -Green Planet -tonight on PBS. How in the world do some people not believe in global warning.  It's already affecting the Sequoias and everything. Goodness!

Weather says over 100 next ten days.  People selling their cattle - cattle prices going down\- no hay for sale,- feed prices over $300 a ton. Not good things happening.

See you all tomorrow.



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    I'm tired of this hot weather! It was so hot yesterday I watched a bird blow on a worm to cool it before it ate it.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Thsnks, Ron, for the laugh of the day.  I'm so tired of this hot weather I could spit.  No air circulating this morning. Got up early and went out to check on the baby.  She had a hard time getting up but she was laying in some mud where I had let the water run over.  Got her up- wobbly for a while but walking.Mike wanted to hear how she us so called him. I have mom and baby north of the house with plenty of shade and water.  Found some feed in the trunk of the car so gave that to mom while baby nuzzled and maybe nursed a bit.

    Girls aren't up yet so need to go out and make sure all the babies get to the barn.  I think I will go through some drawers and get rid of old tops --or maybe not. Will look for that recipe, Sara.

    Stay in if you can today.  How many days til the first day of fall- or December?  It may be that long til cooler weather.

     8:30. Almost got too hot!  Decided I would drive out and see if everyone was ok.  Saw a cow laying down more than halfway down in pastute.  Not a good sign.  Drove down and saw a brand new little boy laying beside her.  Absolutely could not leave them there so got them up and started to house.  Baby did great but got a little sidetracked by other cows and calves. Got back gate to lot opened and finally got them in the lot, then North of the house with the other pair. I was so hot!!  If it had taken another ten minutes I could not have made it..  The Gator is behind the barn but it's going to have to sit a while.  See what I mean about never knowing what to expect?  Mom's a heifer so she was gentle enough for me to get themnup. Amazing how a baby a couple of hours old can get around.  Got to rest and cool off.  I'm too old for this!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sandy, I'm back in.  Saw the bigger baby laying flat out in the shade by carport. The other was having lunch and got him and his mom in the shade. It is awful out there.  Going to lay down on the divan after I take an acetaminophen.  Checked my phone and found your call.  Sorry I missed it.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Ron; you did it again - you have me laughing out loud!  That hot, hey?   Please stay cool and try not to do too much.  Hopefully Lou will be having a good day today making it a bit easier.  No baking today I take it . . . . grin.

     Lorita - far too hot to be outside in the terribleness of it.  Glad you are lying down and cooling off.  Sure hope the new baby improves and does well.  Bet you are grateful for the new AC.  I do have concerns about the electricity going out where we are; the electric company has been threatening rolling blackouts and it is not even August yet.  We get the worst of the heat in August and September.  I so remember going back to school in September and all the students miserable; not to mention the poor teachers - no AC at all and many of our classes were in portable bungalows with no insulation or anything else to keep the heat lower.  Sweat like crazy and then recess on hot blacktop.  As said, those poor teachers.  How they did it heaven only knows.

     It is unfortunate in London, 104 degrees; reporter said yesterday, and that less than 1% have AC; to make it worse, most homes in the UK are built to retain heat because of the cold winters.  That is another factor being faced. 

    We found in Italy that the heat was not to be turned on until a certain day in November; big fines for not complying.  No one seemed to be using clothes dryers; clothes on lines and hanging from balconies and NO heating inside the homes due to the restrictions.  Gas and oil are dear there, have to be brought in from other countries and is sky high expensive.  When we filled up our car, I thought it was an error for the cost; but nope - it was the regular price.  Way over what we pay here. 

    I remember when we were in Italy for three weeks, self-driving.  The weather was up and down weird.  One day so cold I had to buy gloves and bundle up including layering and gloves at night to stay warm - a few days later, it was  hotter than the hinges on the gates of purgatory . . . when we were getting ready to fly home, we had to get to the airport city the night before.  It was so gosh-awful miserably hot we actually felt a bit ill - we called a top name American hotel that was part of a chain and asked if they had AC; the clerk said in clear English, that yes they did and it was nice and cool.  We booked a room for the night right away.  Well . . . the only place they had AC was in the lobby.  No AC in the rooms and we were on a top floor and heat rises.  Cold shower, cold drinks and hope for morning to come fast so we could get out of there.  Just think how the pioneers suffered and had shorter lives. Imagine those women having to boil water to wash clothes then hang them out in the hot sun, then cooking on those miseable wood fired hot stoves, and canning and drying stuff; no refrigeration or baths/showers, they had to garden so they would have food, care for the children; no way to cool the house and wearing those heavy long clothes.   All in the heat . . . and then comes winter with its own challenges.  I can only imagine and I respect all they went through.  And the mosquitoes . . . .

     I would not have made the Princess Di stuffed eggplant either; far too much work - but she had a professional chef.   I kind of think of having some browned crumbled Italian sausage mixed with some diced veg and onion mixed to stuff the eggplant and have a nice tomatoe sauce for over the top.  But me; it is simply cut 'em in circles, and then  the salted and peppered flour/egg/flour and brown in a skillet. Easy and for me, tasty.  But rinse and drain them on multiple layers of paper towels well for an hour or more to get the natural bitter moisture out of them.

     I used to love the homegrown "burpless cucumbers."  I think they are also called, "Japanese Cucumbers."  Haven't seen any in quite awhile in the stores - perhaps I am not looking close enough.  Also did not find seeds to grow them when we still had room to grow veggies in our yard.

    Omigosh, this morning, I came across the 1956 recording by the, Five Satins, "In The Still Of The Night."  Heavens; that takes me back so far and wow; I can remember all those feelings - theyall rise up and take me back in time listening to that. They used that song for the movie, "American Grafitti" in 1962.  Ron Howard was SO young in that film. Here we all are now, so much more "mature."  As in "vintage."  Oh lets face it, older than dirt and gravity has done its worst.  Harrumph!   But still . . . play that music for me and I am once again that young girl with all her future yet to unfold.  Lovely music of that 50's era; can't hold a candle to it today.  Oldies but very, very goodies.  Even my kids like the music.   When we were all together, we'd play UNO or Train Dominoes at night on the weekends, put on the discs from that era and our daughter and I would sing away driving all the guys a bit nuts; but we'd all laugh and chant away with the repetitive "Duke of Earl."  Gosh; I miss that.  Everyone is now scattered all over the U.S. 

    My doctor was supposed to be back from vacation today, BUT - he will be out at least another week - he has COVID.  Geeze.  Hope he gets negative tests before returning to the office.  He did fine with all the sick patients in the office, many with COVID; then goes on vacation and it hit.  Reminder to be careful and not let ourselves get lax.  He is taking Paxlovid and is not too ill.  Hope he does well; he should, he is in great shape and in his early 50's and is fully vaxxed.

    Just heard the President also has COVID; Dr. Jha said the incubation period is two to fourteen days and the President is being treated with Paxlovid.  He has very mild symptoms and continues to work at his residence.   He had been vaccinated and double boosted which makes his illness not as severe.  His O2 levels are normal.

    Happy to hear that Baby Midnight is going to stay with Sidney, they bonded with one another; she saved him/her and baby will be with her horses, so should have a content setting for life.  Good.

    Remember how cold winter was and everyone on the Forum was waiting for summer to get here - I vote for all of us to ask Mother Nature to give us only spring and autumn from now on and let the rest go.   Guess she won't be asking what we want though.

     Take good care, stay cool and do not overdo our Lorita; gotta keep our Dixie-chick well and hearty.  Off I go to lunch, something light and bland I think . . .


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Good evening

    Had tornado warning for hour yesterday eve.  Have not heard of any damage.  We got a nice rain and so far temperatures remain in the 80s.  Hot enough for me.

    Well the tattoo party and metal music concert was definitely icing on the cake for Covid here.  Today they were getting so many Covid patients, one of the waiting rooms was turned into an isolation room for them and non Covid type patients put elsewhere.  Guess this is what they had done before.  Ate lunch in my car.  Wore my N95 this afternoon.  Hopefully they didn’t have to admit too many.  Our county still less than 50% vaccinated.

    Gas now down a whole dollar as I was coming home from work.

    Good night

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Tbanks for the concern, Jo, much appreciated.  But I couldn't leave that new baby with a first time mom down there. Sometimes heifers really don't know exactly what to do, especially in the heat.  Sneaky Little Bit, we weren't supposed to have babies this month.  I have to be mire careful though.  Laid down on the bed and slept two hours guess I needed it. Actually have two new ACs, I've from Sears and I bought a new obe, both 112/ we have a big 220 but hardly ever use it.

    Our power is off but the generator is running.  Don't know what happened - need to call electric company and report ui.  When you have rolling blackouts how long do they last and are they scheduled?

    Oh, those songs of the 50s.  You could actually understand the words. We did most of our singing on the bus to and from ballgames.  Duke of Earl was a favorite.  How nice to have grown up in the 50s- no worries except what to wear and boyfriends. What was that one about coal mining John Henry?

    Better stop and report the outsge. It's windy so may be a swinging short.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ha Ha, Ron!

    Lorita, your posting to Kathy, the new member who is thinking about moving from her farm, was so warm and wholesome!  You are giving me new inspiration to remain in and enjoy my own home, even though it is not an old family home.  I hope you enjoy many more years at your family home!

    Regarding heat, this is not new.  When I entered active military duty in July 1978 in Wichita Falls Texas, the temperature there had been over 100 degrees for two weeks.  On Saturday, when I went into town on the bus, the temperature was 114 degrees!  I think some places are just hot.  Palm Springs often runs about 120 degrees in the summer, but it is cool in the mountains above the desert.

    One spring day years ago, Miami was colder than Fairbanks.  Miami was 43 degrees but Fairbanks was 44 degrees.  Go figure!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    THank you,, Iris, just wanted Kathy to really think about it before she sold.  We've had neighbors who sold out and moved to town and just really regretted it. I hope I can remain here, too.

    The baby Mike treated didn't make ut.  Thus morning she was walking around some and even thought about nursing.  I went out at noon and she laying in the shade. Just now found her in almost the same place but turned around and was gone. She was out in the hot sun the whole afternoon  a day or two ago a nd sick and it was too much to recover from. Looked for the new baby but didn't see him. Will go back when I cool off

    There has been up to 2" of rain about 60 miles east of us and even some around Tulsa.  It's cloudy and I heard thunder.

    Life is so fragile. Thought the baby was going to be all right. called Mike and he was surprised. Sad to lose a baby. I let her mom out and will take care of her in the morning.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Just saw your post,missed it somehoew.  Glad your gas is down.  Please be doubly careful when you work and everywhere.

    We had some rain tonight not too much but ant drops are welcome.  Wind came through first and cooled it off.  Makes you think how nice summer can be.  Funny thing to remember but when we'd get rain Charles would always say the girls and babies were getting a bath.  I always  think of that when it rains.

    Sara, I found the recipe box I used when we cooked so much but haven't yet found the stuffed eggplant recipe.  I know I cut UT in half long ways and took out the inside.  I probably salted  it a little and let it set.  I know it had cooked hamburger, onion,  rice and the eggplant. Seems like I cooked the onion and cubed eggplant some. Stuffed the shell and topped with cheese and baked it a while.  I'll keep looking.  It looks like the recipe box was dropped and the cards put back in just anywhere.

    I have several recipes for eggplant casseroles the eggplant was always cooked and mashed, then other ingredients added. I remember we liked it stuffed or fried better.

    At least the cooler air and rain gave livestock a short reprieve from the heat.  They'll enjoy the night.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Lorita, sorry about the little one.  Yes, life is fragile all around!  Why don't people get it?

    I had never had eggplant.  But one time, when the movie Ratatouille came out, my friend cooked some and told me it was eggplant.  It wasn't bad.

    For the past few days I have heard a crow cawing on my roof.  I hope there is not a nest up there.  There is no way I could get a look up there and no one to call to look.  I'll just have to wait and see if I hear little peeps.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Iris, I doubt there's a nest.  Just not the time of year for little ones.  So there are crows in cities!  We used to hear a lot of them, not so much now.  I think it's illegal to shoot then.

    The mother cow came up late yesterday and bawled a couple of times but haven't noticed it this morning..  I took the baby way up in the south pasture while the cows were in the NE pasture so they wouldn't see.  Maybe if I had gotten her up when I went out at noon and she was laying down it might have been different.  Little calves lay down flat a lot   and are able to get up but she was too weak. I always think of something I should have done.

    Got too close to the prickly pears yesterday and got some of those thorns in my arm.  Got some out but there's still a couple left.  It's in my right underside of my forearm and since I'm right handed just can't  get them, even with tweezers.  If anyone who reads this might know how to get rid of the cacti, please let me know. They are pretty when they bloom though.  Charles said he had always wanted them so we bought a pot with two paddles or whatever you call them.  The things are about a 12ft. Circle now. Can"t burn them because they're by the electric pole.

    The newest baby is okay. He's been laying in the shade. I went to the mailbox and the little heifers followed me back to the house.  Had to leave the Gator outside the gate.  The new mom has been out talking to them. I got my new toaster!

    We actually got half an inch of rain about 9 last night so didn't have to water this motning.  I moved the planter of caladiums that was outside the gate into the yard.  Found they were toxic to cattle.  But, every year they eat the ones in that pot.They come back more lush than ever..  But, this may be the last year for them.

    My toe is still a but tender and a little dark pink.  My shoe has a strap that rubs on it so if I could not walk as much if would be better but... Can't go bare footed because of the neuromas.

    It's warm and muggy this morning.  Supposed to be 103.

    Iris, don't been think about checking out a possible crow's nest too dangerous.  I always heard if you split a crow's tongue it can talk.  Anyone ever hear that?

    I took down a gate inside the barn this morning.  Cows kept pulling it down. It was wired to the partition and never had wire cutters until this miorning.  Glad that's done but I got pretty hot getting it out to the Gator and into it.

    Back after while hope everyone is okay.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Good morning

    Lorita have you ever wore Birkenstock sandals.  I find them very comfortable.  Google Morton neuroma and Birkenstock sandals.  See if you can find any info on that.  I try to wear sandals a bit to let my feet get air.

    Lorita don’t worry about the recipe.  Think I may eat one tonight and see if I like it.  Just going to use oil, S&P - air fry it.  I rarely eat cheese.  I love cheese but have high cholesterol.  If I buy a 8oz package it usually molds about half way through.  Always throw half away.

    Just got a call from my doctor and they are putting me on low dose Lipitor mainly because of my age.  My numbers were actually a little lower than last year but still high.  It’s discouraging in that many things such as cheese, I never eat or rarely eat to try and avoid this.  Age is no longer on my side and hypothyroidism is not helpful either.  Realize though would probably be way higher if I didn’t watch my diet.  That’s what she said too, told her I had thought about that.  Are any of you on Lipitor and how have you done with it if you are?  Some people I know do ok on a statin but know a few people who it caused issues for.  Hope it works out ok for me.

    Have done a lot this morning.  Made tortillas, two jars of refrigerated dill pickles, two jars pickled beets and working on harvesting all my dill as it is succumbing to the heat.  Will freeze it, works great that way.

    Take care

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Sayra...I agree with you about the shoes. All of mine including sandles have supportive soles. It makes all the difference in the world. My Dr said to wear correct shoes all the time. I guess Lorita's thinks it is not important. He also said I could no longer go barefoot due to lack of feeling.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Thanks for posting this article, Judith.  Since I learned about Morton's neuroma, I've been wondering if this is the cause of my numb toes.  But I only have the numbness when I wear one particular pair of shoes.  I have Crocs sandals, which do have arch support, but I have not worn sandals yet this summer.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Iris...my footware has more than arch support. My sandles feel like there is a"ridge" between the ball of my foot and base of toes. Very comfortable and I feel stable when walking.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Well, lost that one so will try again.

    Thanks, Judith, for posting the link.  Read it and it  makes sense.  I will look into the Birkenstocks. Patsy  had severe neuropathy and wore  and swore by them. The link listed causes of MN and the only thing that I could think of for mine was wearing heels most of the time for 33 years which is probably the cause, however  haven't worn them for 27 years.  I do wear about 2" wedges which are comfortable.  The shoes I wear at home have that little ridge you mentioned.  I can't wear a shoe with a strap or a closed in heel because of that string injury.  I can wear boots.

    Iris, the first thing I noticed was it felt like I had something in my shoe.  Toes aren't numb but have 3-4 second pain off and on.  Can't really distinguish between hot and cold too well but tactile sensation is intact. I first had it in my left foot and after a few months the right foot became involved.  Patsy had it and it went away.  If I wiggle my toes it feels like there's paper on the bottom of my foot.    My doctor said cortisone injections might help.  Eventually I will probably do that.

    Found the new baby in the middle of the prickly pears, got him out and thought I had it fixed so he couldn't get in. Went to the mailbox a while ago and he was in there again.  I still have two of those thorns in my arm.  Seems like they jump on me when I get close so left him.  He can get out and I might do more damage than good. May try to fix it tomorrow.

    Iris, last night I found a 2" long grasshopper in the basket where I keep pens and things.  No idea how he got in the house but I got him out.

    Better post this before I lose it.  Well, we made it through another hot week but another one ahead.

    Sleep well.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Mom wanted her baby out to nurse so got him out and think I may have gotten it fixed this time.The other mom who lost her baby came up bawling so let her in.  A good friend once told me it's better to have more than one up. We'll see how it is tomorrow.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Lorita forgot to mention there are two types of footbeds with Birkenstock’s.  Have the soft one and it is very comfortable.  Am not familiar with the original so can’t say about it.  Maybe someone else is.

    Fixed my eggplant for supper.  It was ok.  Seeing quite a few bumblebees on it now so guess I won’t have to pollinate it any more.  

    Giving a cloudy, damp week ahead it looks like, starting today.  My yard needs mowed and guys didn’t show up.  A bit disappointing, hope they aren’t sick.  Don’t know if they went to the event last weekend or not but think it is a possibility.

    Take care everyone 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sarah, did you sprinkle the eggplant with a little salt and let it sit a while before you fried it?  It can be a bit bitter. After I let it sit I think I wiped the salt off.Needs hot oil so it won't b soak it up like okra does.

    Just got back in from filling water tanks and did drive over to see the girls.  They're getting the last bites of grass and crossing the pond before they come to the barn. The two cows were grazing west of the house with baby laying down but when I started the 

    Gator the two cows came around so let the one out who lost her baby out. There's still lots of green grass in parts of the pasture and water is still good.

    Nothing on tap today so will try to stay off my feet and rest.  Today is National Cowboy Hat Day!  Just saw that on QVC.

    I may try those shoes since you all think they would be good.

    Talked with Carol late yesterday. She and Bill have been sick all week. He didn't even play golf two dsys. Thinks it's colds or allergies.  Told her about Simply Saline. 

    Back later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, watching the dig agility Premier cup from Columbus, IOhio.  Amazing what they can fo.

    Already hot here but there is a breeze.  Went out to check on baby and mom followed..  Got him up and he nursed.  Checked two quarters and she has milk in those.  She's a heifer so udder isn't as big as cows who have called befiore.  On my way back to the house saw a turtkle.  Picked him up, got some dry cat food and took him out to a mineral tub lid with water in it.

    Funny story; earlier  this week ordered some things from WM. One item was a 12.5 oz. sack of potato chips for about $4.59. When I checked later they had charged almost $10 for shipping the chips.  Finally got that straightened out.  They were delivered yesterday. Picked them up late yesterday They were in a big box so wondered why.  Opened the box this morning and it's filled to the top with individual sacks of different kinds of chips. The box says there are 66 of them but haven't counted.  Looks like I am fixed for potato chips for a while.  Guess the moral of the story is you never know what you'll get when you order.  There are barbecue chips. Haven't had those in many yesrs.  I was in high school when they first started making them.  I still remember how good they were.  Hope these are.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Just a note on cold/allergy symptoms...I have been sick since Monday when I got up with a stuffy head and sore throat.  

    Went to Dr. on Tues. when felt worse.  Dx was head cold.  Recommended over the counter meds. ( they did strep and covid tests...both negative)

    By Thursday,  more symptoms much worse so back to Dr.  Possible flu or sinus infection. The symptoms are very similar, but they didn't do a flu test.  Got a 10 day prescription for amoxicilin, twice daily.  

    After 4 doses, a few symptoms are lessening, but far from feeling like there is much improvement, except for throat is better.

    I am seldom sick enough for Dr. visit, but this has me just hanging out on the sofa or bed.

    Plenty of liquids too.  Guess it will just take time.

    Can't let these things go if symptoms persist.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Marie, hope you feel better soon. Maybe the Amox. will do the job.

    It sounds just like Carol and husband.  He's staying in bed a lot. He's an avid golfer-  plays every day and he was too sick to play. She hasn't felt like watering plants so she's really sick. Haven't been to doctor.  Shse's hoarse and coughing up ohkegm.. Summer colds are the worst.. Glad you've been to doctor and got medicine and are drinking fluids.

    Just another reason to stay away from people when possible.

    Feel better!

    I counted the chips and wiped them down.  Forty 1 oz. Pkgs.  Guess I got my money's worth.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    70F.  Got 1/2inch rain yesterday.  Saw a little lightning at 4 so may have had a shower already.  Giving several days of cloudy wet weather.

    Marie hope you get to feeling better.  A lot of things going around right now.

    Lorita the Birkenstocks were just a thought for you to look at and see what you think.  Everyone’s feet are different.  For me they are very comfortable.  I can’t wear croc’s but lots of people really like them.

    Got a lot done yesterday.  Fixed two jars of refrigerator pickles.  The brine smelled so good.  Had mustard seed, celery seed, tumeric and clove.

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Good morning; I hope everyone on the front porch is feeling well this morning.  I woke up feeling like cleaning, so I went back to bed until the feeling went away!

    Saw my oncologist Thursday and see said that the radiation treatments could could cause the problems I'm having. Was glad I'm having upper and lower GI and also stated my Urologist probably needed to go in and look for damage. You with medical experence know exactly how he would look and I've had it done before..........ouchhhh......no thanks.

    I'm trying my best to get out of the depression I've been going through lately. It's been so bad at times I've prayed to God he would go ahead and take me where I could get some rest. After I think about what I ask, I let him know I didn't mean it, especially after I realize I am the one that can help keep Lou from being worse than she is. I guess I'm just overwhelmed at times, even though I have some periodic help.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Sara, your pickles will be wonderful this winter. My mother made lots and all kinds of pickkes. She made one chunky sweet pickle that were crisp and almost like eating candy.  She also pickled peaches and okra.  I liked the peaches but not the okra.  I tried making the sweet pickles and they were pretty good.  I remember I found some in WM that were similar.  She made pickles brets, too.  The only way I have ever eaten beets.

    Glad you're going to have cooler, wet weather.  Wish we could.

    I've watched morning news shows today and there's so much talk about climate change and what we should do.  VP Gore was on two of the programs   Remember he warned us about what would happen if we didn't do something.  This was at least two decades ago.

    Ron, you gave me another laugh this morning about staying in bed long enough for the thought of cleaning to pass..  Guess that what I'ce been doing.  I've meant to clean the AC filter for two days.

    We all get down from time to timr.  I know I did and still do.  I've often said what helps me is getting outside in nature and with the cattle.  Different things work for people.  Maybe just playing with Little Bit or taking him outside on the porch might help.  We're here to help.  When you feel down, come and talk to us.  There's always someone here.

    Last evening I tried one more this  to keep the baby out of the prickly pears.  I had about 8 ft. of a wire cattle panel that I put across where he had been going in.  Thought that would work.  It did not!.  Looked for him this morning and he was right back in there.  He had squeezed by it.  I give up!  Took it down and guess I'll just have to watch him.  Maybe I can let them out in a few days. She's a first time mom and hasn't quit gotten the hang of how to make him mind.  I'm afraid he would lay down and she'd go off and leave him.

    This morning I got them west of the house and one of the little heifers was so interested in the baby.  When I went back out all of them were lined up by the fence watching him.

    Guess I'll go clean that air filter before I forget again.

    Toe is sort of red and tender this morning-  guess too much walking.  Hard to really tell if toes are sore because if it or the MN.

    If you all get Green Planet on PBS try to watch the one entitled ,"Seasonal Worlds" - about what climate change is doing to our trees and plants including the giant Sequoias.  It's on here now.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    72F, 22C.  Got 1/4 inch rain overnight.

    Ron you might check with your doctor and see if he can help you a bit with your depression.  Have heard several people on here mention that medication helped them.

    Still thinking of you Marie, hope you are mending.

    Lorita if toe is not continuing to improve you should go back to doctor.  Sooner than later definitely better in this situation.  

    Hope to freeze a little cabbage today then will have everything taken care of that I bought at farmers market Wednesday,

    Your goulash sounded good Beth so made one yesterday.

    Take care everyone.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Oh Mr. Ron; if it isn't one thing . . . . I am sorry for your tribulation. And yes, the urologist - eek!   "Frankly; I am not putting up with this; give me IV low level conscious sedation and a prescription for something like or similar to Pyridium for post procedure burning - I ain't going to put up with it anymore!"  I have often wondered about those urologists - to gain certification in that specialty, they should all have to have such an exploratory plumbing exam themselves - they seem so cavalier about it all when it is not their personal plumbing.

     Lorita, I recall another calf, I think it was last year, that also loved lying down in the prickly pear plants.   Too bad there is no way to get those noxious cacti out of there. Can they be poisoned or burned without harming the herd?  The little ones must think it looks like a comfortable cool place to lie down.   Wonder if there is not another way to provide a more comfy looking alternative for them, sweet little things that they are.   The herd always has so much going on and always interesting - but a lot of hard work that goes on and on without let up; such is the nature of raising cattle as we have learned here.  I enjoy hearing about it.  How is Billy making out in the heat?  Sure hope he is okay.

     Marie, I am sorry you have not been feeling well.  In the office, did the doctor have a PCR test done to rule out COVID rather than the nasal swab rapid test?  It is the PCR that is far more accurate.  As it is, an antibiotic does zero; absolutely nothing for the flu or cold as those are viruses and abx do not do a thing for a virus.  If you have a bacterial infection of the sinuses, it could help that.   Hope you begin to feel much better soon.

     Good grief, Sayra, it sounds as though the post silly gatherings have now started spreading around their largesse of COVID sharing.   It is so with so many gatherings. People will say that since they have heard about such simple symptoms, it will be okay - they forget about those folks having had vaccination and boosters and do not think of the very real spector of long haul syndrome; long haul would be horrible.  Glad you are taking serious N95 precautions.  Actually, I wish you were out of there for awhile, but that is just nervous nellie me.  I hear that the KN95 masks supposedly from Korea are now having issues in that China is labeling them as Korean but they are coming out of China.  I need to get more masks and will get the N95, but boy; do they ever get tangled in curly hair, sure wish they could have ear loop elastics instead, but it is what it is.

    My laptop computer died again.  Oh no!  Fried the card for the second time in a few months and will not connect to the internet.   Our sweet son came over with an unbelivably looooong cord that does something special and it connects to the internet for my computer from the router.  AND a new computer is on order from CostCo and will be in within a couple of day and son will get it all fixed up for me.  BUT:  It is a Windows 10, and my present one is older seven model; will it be difficult to learn to use the 10?  I understand that an 11 is coming out, but not expected to be the "big one" for some years; I am horrible at technical stuff.  I will miss the ease of use of this dear laptop, it has been perfect for me.  So hope I can learn to use the other quickly.

    Amazon techs still not able to fix the damage they did to my Kindle Fire 8.9.  They are "working" on it . . . this is now going on over three weeks of about eight hours spent online with the tech to no avail.  I have a tiny five inch Paperwhite, but geeze, it is so small and the instructions to get one place to another are miniscule.  Yesterday, it refused to let me load a book from my library.   I am not sure I am even loading correctly since Amazon never has directions for their devices.

     I am especially worried because the Amazon tech not only caused more damage to the Fire; that person also screwed up my Amazon registration name and my password. She has now had me change those multiple times that I am no longer sure what it is AND despite her changing all of that, they do not work. I am fearful of losing my extensive library.  Can't put a new Fire together until my registation name and password are working.  Okay; I will stop whining, but it seems everything electronic is going sideways including the bedroom TV which DH tried to "fix" a little problem and now, it is in limbo with color contrast issues, and no matter what, very faint words on show recording listings, etc. and now; instead of one controller managing all, I must use two controllers - one for the cable box and one for the sound on the TV.  I do not know wht he did and he refuses a repair guy coming in.   I will often go upstairs and watch the TV up there as DH watches hours and hours of political shows and I just cannot stand that.  It would make my eyeballs start rolling around in my my head.   He also likes war movies and I am not much endeared to that either.  I want to tell him which side wins, but that doesn't seem to help.  Ha!  My friend and her husband also have two TVs, one in the den for him and one in the living room for her; same dynamics as us.

     Our neighbor sent the loviliest card for our wedding anniversary last week; she even had a photo of my DH and I from a prior anniversary gathering that she put inside the card; it was really such a lovely thing for her to do.  What a nice and thoughtful surprise.  We do not celebrate anniveraries except for a special milestone, so that is rare and she kept that picture which was so surprising. In fact, we have decided no more milestone celebrations, it is just too much.

     Weather in the high 80's so nothing too amiss right now. As for crows; yes indeed Lorita, we have crows in the city. In fact, we have had SO many crows that they are a problem. Noisy, nasty birds.   We had a huge number two years ago; they took over the trees in the back yards and robbed all other birds nests and were so dirty.  They sure made a racket.  They loved pecking and pooping and shouting from our patio roof.  Then the dread West Nile Virus hit them and began killing off large numbers of them.

    This year we have only had one that I have heard and it is presently gone, and that is absolutely fine with me.  The other birds are happy too and their nests are safe.  Crows are still a protected species despite what appears to be their large numbers.  Also, thus far we have not been plagued with the summer time Mockingbird that had hung around and screamed loud all night long as it did for two years.  It was such a terrible ear shattering noise; the neighborhood was really not happy as no one could sleep - those birds too are a protected species. I probably should not say this lest I change our luck, but this year we have not heard it.  Maybe it found its mate. Frankly, I would have gone and found it a mate if it would just have shut up.  Nature does what nature does. DH developed an infection in both eyes; he is being treated with drops again, it has been so uncomfortable or him; I feel bad and wish I could fix it for him.  I worry about his vision.  Hopefully they will be able to remedy that infection - it is the second time in about five months in addition to other health issues and changes.  I worry especially about his operative eye, but so far that has been healing well. Another eight months until we know the final outcome of that procedure, but it has been doing well.  He sees the specialist for followup once a month now. Off I go again, it is almost 7:30 am, which makes it oatmeal time.  J.
  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Jo…I went from 7 to 10 all by myself and I have no training. It may have been especially easy since I use Google/Chrome for everything and it was just sitting in “the cloud”. I have not upgraded to 11. Next purchase will be a Chromebook. Have you thought about getting   Nook?

    I guess that I was fortunate that my husband somehow knew that he could not fix anything. It’s called an ethernet cord. That is what we all used at first Lorita…You can get rid of a Prickly Pear and I bet Toad could take care of that task with one of his “machines” in a few minutes. BTW…1) have you ever thought of installing a Big a** fan in the barn?   2) your shoe/boot is likely irritating your toe So, pickle people, Dick and I made watermelon pickles one year. They were fabulous but way too much trouble to ever make again. Ron…good ideas from Jo. I would add that the time has come for a prescription chat. There is no Gold Medal given out for suffering…lol Watched Seasonal Worlds yesterday and a program on dinosaurs this morning. Two things….there were no Brontosaurus and birds are dinosaurs! Question…if you buy produce at a farmers market and do not prepare immediately has it not lost its nutritional value?  I know I was told that and always buy frozen. Marie…hope today is better.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,319
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    Another hot day!  Anxious for Friday when it's supposed to be a bit cooler.

    Jo, it seems like all the little calves we have up love to get in the middle of those things. There's also tall grass so guess they feel like they're hiding.  This morning I got mom and baby West of the house away from them. Figured out how to get water for her  with a couple of mineral tubs and a five gallon bucket. Did this   so I could open gates so FedEx could deliver dog food.  They left it by the open gate a quarter mile away so had to go get it abywsy. UPS also left a pkg. By the open gate.  Gave both companies a piece of my mind but a lot of good it will do but made me feel better.

    Judith,  I think you're right about the shoe.  I found a pair of thongs (flip flops) in the linen closet that were Charles so I'm wearing them.

    Toad could probably blow dig up the prickly pears  but they're right by an electric pole and under the guy wire. I have a Yucca  on one side and a rose on another side.  If he dug them up where could he put them without them coming up again.  Mike says they could be sprayed, then covered to keep light off of them and that might kill   them.  You can break off one of those leaves or paddles, let it lay for weeks and it will grow again. Wish I had listened to my sister when she said not to plant them.

    Got another one or two thorns in my arm from the mineral tub I had laying against the pears and they itch like crazy.

    I have Windows 7:on my old computer and 10 on the new one that has never been set up. Just hate to be tied down for hours while they do it. I was perfectly happy with 7 but the laptop won't scroll or space. Always something.

    Stay cool!

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,768
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    Dear "non-tech" friends with new computers. Plug them in. Turn them on and take a look. If I could do it so can you!!!!

    The power button is in the upper right corner of my Dell computer. 

    You may now need to enter your password.

    You may now get the option of using One Drive. I simply close this since I use Chrome.

    Then press either the blue wave which is edge or the google/chrome app if it has been installed. If you are a Chrome user and do not see the app google install Chrome. All  you have to do is press the install button.

     On my screen they are part of a selection of apps on the right side. You column may be located elsewhere. This may be all you have to do to get up and running. 

    You are not going to hurt anything unless you screw around changing defaults!

    You will probably  need to know your passwords which you have carefully printed out in case your computer failed, right???

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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