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Just need to talk to my friends (176)



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    Lorita.  I hope the thongs are helping your toe get better. It's probably good to give the toe some air to heal. I am sure you are having heat problems so please stay inside as much as you can, so the heat does not get to you. Sounds like you're having a lot of new babies to keep track of. 

    Hopefully Jackie was able to take care of things for Jack. Did you find a place that will take the donations from Jack?  I hope your weather reports are correct and you will have a cooler Friday.

    Marie.   I hope you're feeling better now. I also have been dealing with allergies, not as bad as your dealing with. I take an allergy med every morning and it seems to help. It's only been a few years that I have had any allergy problems. Take care and get lots of rest. 

    Ron.    Please do what you can to deal with depression. You have so many things to deal with depression is not good. Please share this with your doctor. I am on depression meds I have been on them for about 8 years. When Dan, was dx with dementia I was having a hard time dealing with things. My Dr put me on Fluoxetine 20mg once a day and it really has helped. I still am on them, and I hope to never have to come off them. I am a big worrier, so they have really helped me not to worry much at all. Please take care of yourself. Lou needs you to stay healthy. I will have to remember to go back to bed when I wake up with a cleaning idea. That made me laugh. 

    Jo.    I hope your DHs eyes are getting better. He is lucky to have you there for him, with your background you make things a lot easier for him. I bet you give him all the comfort he needs. Sorry you still having computer problems. I knock on wood that I don't have problems I would have no idea what to do. I would probably have to go to Arizona so my daughter could fix things. 

    We are having a heat warning, so I am staying in as much as possible, I don't have AC but I do have cooler that keeps my house real cool. We will be in the low 100s this coming week Iam not used to that. 

    Has any of you deal with Trazodone? I have been having trouble sleeping, nothing new. My Dr gave me 3 months of Trazodone 50mg. For the last 2 months I have been taking 1 before bed. A few weeks ago, I was feeling dizzy at times during the day and very lightheaded. So, I stopped taking them and those strange feelings are gone. I have a follow up with my Dr on Thursday so I will tell her this. I wish I could find something OTC for a good night's sleep. 

    Stay Cool and take care, Hugs Zetta 

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    This evening, firecrackers are being set off--they sound like bombs!  I had to close my sliding door, and the cats are spooked!

    Zetta, I am on a strong sleep aid but I was awake all night, I slept four hours during the day.  I don't like for my days and nights to be reversed.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    61F, 16C. 

    Have no experience with Trazadone Zetta.  Sorry you and Iris have so much trouble sleeping.  Know that makes for a long night.

    JoC sorry for your DH.  Know it gets wearisome for him.  Got my head of cabbage frozen yesterday.  Got quite a few jars frozen.  Next I need to dehydrate a lot of my garlic.

    I call a lady in her 70s, with lots of health problems twice a week, to just be a friend.  Known the family since a child.  Her daughter called me yesterday evening and vented for around two hours I would say.  Both of her parents have a lot of issues.  Feel bad for her as she basically is an only child.  She has had Covid twice and has never completely gotten over it.  She works full time, deals with the arthritic type flare she is having and the challenges of her parents.  Mainly listened, told her I have those same challenges and anxieties, but no answers.  

    Work day

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Zetta,Charles took Trazadone for yesrs.  Never had any problems with it.  He always seemed to sleep well.  He also took 20 mg. of Prozac every morning.   Really helped him.  Hope you can find something to help.  Sarah told me to tell you she really likes your name.  Guess I had told her something you had said.

    It's   already hot but ut never cools off below 85 so heat builds. Supposed to be 107 today.   I put three five gallon buckets of  water out for the little cow and gave her a little hay.  Baby was in the prickly pears but when one of the heifers came up to the gate bawling he came out.  He's running and jumping around.  Got mom and baby west of the house where it's nice and shady.  I have deliveries scheduled for Thursday so will try to have gates open so they'll deliver to porch.  Trying to call the shop to reschedule AC work but no answer so far.  Guess all of them are in the shop working. Supposed to be cooler Friday and Saturday so hope I can get it done then.

    I'm not finding it easy to walk in these thongs- can't seem to keep my ties in the right place. Used to wear these when I was young and remember how sore my toes would get.

    Sara, glad you're getting your garden vegetables taken care of.  Never have eaten cabbage  that was frozen.  But guess you can freeze anything to preserve it.  How did you like the eggplant?  They say it's an acquired taste.

    Think I may make cupcakes or muffins today but will make them in the microwave- too hot to use  oven and they're just as good and faster.

    By the time I get water out for the girls and water plants I am worn out plus having to get the cow and baby in place.  Need to do a load of laundry.  When I wash the serapes I put them on the back porch railings to dry. Doesn't take long in this heat. Not as soft but okay.

    Judith, you sound like you know what you're doing with the computers.  How do you get it connected to your internet?  I even had to have help with the tablet. I don't have a computer password but do for the modem. Wrote it on the back if it and on the list of other passwords.  Too much to contend with now to even think about it.

    I need to call Jackie to see if she was able to get things donated. Jack told me she sleeps until 2 pm our time.

    Jo, I remember Charles watched all the news shows - national and local and read all the news magazines.  Gradually he list interest in them.  He had trouble watching war movies except WWIi movies and MASH. Well into dementia he thought the news people and weather people were talking to him so had to restrict that.  It does look like they're talking directly  to us.

    I'm so tired of hot weather I could scream and would if it would help and we're not even into August yet.  Probably two months of hot weather left.

    Sorry if the tablet has changed words. I checked but it still does it.

    Stay cool if you're in this part of the Country.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all. Just checking in to say hi this morning.  Like all of you, I’m waiting for the heat wave to break.  We’ve had a lot of days in the 90’s.  I can’t imagine how it would feel if we had high humidity too.  Wednesday through the weekend we’re expecting monsoon rains again, which should cool us off.  It’s 64 here right now and I have windows and door open.  I’ll closeup the house in a bit and turn on the air conditioning. 

    I’m going to test myself today to see if I’m Covid free.  I had cold like symptoms last week and tested positive, so have been in quarantine.  I had a mild case and never got really sick.  I’m thankful for that.  I’m not sure where I picked up the virus because I’ve been very careful and use my mask.  

    I’m needing a new laptop computer too.  Mine is old and the operating system can’t be updated, so I can’t use some of the apps and features I need.  I plan on looking into that next week.  Judith is right.  Turn on those new computers and get started.  It’s surprising how easy it is to use. Lorita, the internet would be found by clicking on edge or chrome, then type in alzconnected.org, or whatever web site you’re looking for. 

    I’ll have to come back later to chat. My computer needs charged. I’ll return this afternoon.  Have a good morning. Joan

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Goodness; those prickly pear cacti seem to be a lure for those little ones; wonder if they have a scent that animals can smell that we cannot.  Lorita, bet Toad can get those things gone without causing problems with the nearby wiring, etc. 

    Had to smile; we mention you wearing a thong for that foot. Back in the day we knew what a "thong" was; and we knew that thongs went on our feet.  But mention "thong" today and it is not feet one first thinks of or visualizes . . . things can sure change over time.

    Sayra; you are the dearest and kindest person on top of all your other skills and talents.  You are probably the youngest one here in years, but the wisest and busiest of all of us.  You are our "little sister!"  Thank you for being you . . . it is lovely to get to know you.  Now for your pickle recipe . . .

     Zetta; yes, Trazadone can cause dizziness and lightheadedness.  It is also a drug that should not be taken when using an amazing variety of other meds.  Here is a link to Mayo Clinic (super reliable) that discusses Trazadone, it gives a loooooong list of meds not to be used with that drug; and if you scroll downward you will find the listing of side effects, dizziness and lightheadedness are common.   Have you been checked for sleep apnea?  Also, are you napping during the day which may affect your sleep at night?  Have you looked up all your other meds to find out if insomnia can be a side effect?  It may be an adjustment in your present anti-depressant med can possibly help.  Probably a good idea to ask about impact of your other meds along with the Trazadone; sometimes our dear doctors need a little nudge.


    Ron, I am truly sorry for the depression that seems to be sticking around.  Also suggest that you look up all meds you are taking to see if depression may be a side effect as many drugs may cause that.  Also, all the treatment may also may well have had a bearing on that.  Probably.  Would be good to mention  that to your specialist and primary MD.

    You have been through so much on top of all the caregiving and still have effects of all the physical issues and you have had no time to renew or recoup as you are still totally immersed in the caregiving needs for Lou and all the housework and cooking and shopping as well as taking care of the health for both of you.  It has been relentless and your body is running on fumes so to speak.  Wonder if there is a way for you to get some respite in one way or another; physical causes and medication causes need to be ruled out for causing or contributing to this downward set of feelings.  One more idea which may be helpful is to see if there is a professional counselor you could see to help define what is happening and more than anything, help you to work throught it - in all probability it may be both physical as well as psychological considering those relentless circumstances and treatments you have been enduring.  Sure hope you do reach out for possible relief, you so deserve to feel better than you have been.  You know that all here on  the Front Porch care about you and want the best for you.  In the meantime, we all send you loving and healing hugs!

     Judith; you are so smart!  Okay; do this and do that . . . um-m-m-m . . . okay when I get the new laptop, I shall try - until I start crying.  Grin.  That 50 foot ethernet cable connected to the router is working well,  it is the only way I can use this present laptop, I am grateful that I can and that I have a son who knows so much and is so sweet to  come on over and help his Mom.  He did this at 10:00 at night after I sent an email asking him what could have happened to the computer and he stayed working on various solutions which were not to be and then went shopping taking along DH early the next day for the best new laptop to best serve my needs and getting the ethernet (thanks for the definition) cable long enough to go from the room with the router to the room where I use my laptop.  So kind and so deeply appreciated.   Don't get to see much of him as he is a law enforcement officer who works the midnight shift and sleeps during the day and days off vary wildly and are often split which is hard.   He does not sleep well due to the shift he is on, so he tries to catch up on days off.  His poor wife said the two of them are like ships passing in the night - she works days.

    Judith, as for the question regarding nutritional value being lost with fresh veggies - that is true. In fact, somewhere in an earlier Consumer Reports article it discussed that.  When in the field, as soon as the veg is harvested, it begins to lose some of its robust vitamins and minerals. The longer it sits, going from field being transported and sitting on a shelf to be processed then transported again, sold, the more nutritional value is lost.  Then more is wafted away when it sits in the frig waiting to be fixed and eaten.  When veggies are harvested and go swiftly from field to freezing, more food value is retained; multiple companies have put uber swift processing from field to freezing into place.  Saw that on TV and it was impressive.

    Many studies have been done and frozen veggies are actually more healthy as they keep their food value for vitamins and minerals.  We use mostly frozen here due to that and also for convenience.  NOTE:  If one has one's own garden and picks their own fresh veggies and prepares and eats them soon, there will be robust nutrition.  Have to say though, been reading articles about folks with their own gardens for edibles, that they need to test their soil for lead and other toxins which are appearing far more these days than used to be.  There are kits for doing this, but the best way to do it is to take soil samples before spring planting and send it into a lab for professional more accurate testing.  There are kits for that too.  Who knew - not me! 

     I love veggies; they are lovely.  I remember as a child hating beets and I said I would never eat them when I grew up.  My aunt told me, "Yes you will, you will even like them."  She was right; I love beets, especially if pickled.   Remember years ago when Harvard Beets were the rage?  Never hear of them anymore.  I recall, sugar, cornstarch, vinegar, butter and other stuff . . . a friend in the UP of Michigan has a huge veggie garden her husband tends. Their beets are huge and amazing.  They pickle and jar so many; it is a rigorous endeavor what with having to get the skins off, etc. Beet red all over the place!  But they are the best I have ever enjoyed.  Too bad they are so far away, I'd pay for a jar of them.

      Now I am feeling a bit hungry for beets, go figure.  Take good care and hope your toe continues to improve, Lorita.  Sending more wishes to all for a good day to be,


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    How to connect to internet?  This is done either with an eythernet cord or your wifi service. Your new computer will magically find and connect to your wifi service.... all you need to do is select your browser app. That will be the blue wave until you install another  browser.

    Turn on machines...at least say hello to it!

    Jo...you have likely lost wifi connection with your server. Did you son try to reconnect?

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Forgot to ask and it is a bit silly.   I have run out of ballpoint pens that had good strong black ink.

     I cannot use gel ink as I am left handed and upside down and drag my hand across the ink smearing it.  (Drove my elementary teachers nuts . . . they tried to get me to use my right hand but we all know how that doesn't work.)

    Anyway, I have purchased several different ballpoint pens with black ink only to have the ink be not very black or dark whatsoever; very weak sort of faint looking ink and since I had thrown away the other pen box and did not have a name on the pens, I do not recall what kind they were. 

     If any of you have favorite black ballpoints that actually have good black ink and not very faint black, it would be great and appreciated to know what brands you have found to be good.

    Thank you for one answering one more inane question from me.  Soon you will remove my rocking chair from the Front Porch for being such a boring idiot . . . .


  • A losing hand.
    A losing hand. Member Posts: 44
    Tenth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Lorita, have you tried something like this for your toe? 

    Buy them in any drugstore for 2 or 3 do0llars. Called toe bandage.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Jo., I am also left handed and I use a pilot G-2 and have no smearing. I also had trouble in school with dragging my hand across the paper and would most of the time effect my grades, especially in English classes. My sister is also left handed and wrote upside down and did not drag across. Both brothers were right handed, so that helped on our sitting arrangement at the table.

    I appreciate all the advice from my front porch ladies and love you all. I have considered most of them but have difficulty implementing them. When Lou broke her hip and life with dementia first started everything went fairly well. Over time with her falling and eventually fracturing her leg it all changed. I promised she would never be left to do things on her own again. I slept on a air mattress by her bed and eventually moved one of the smaller grandchildren beds in her room. I get up with her when she needs to go to the bathroom, change her clothes, wash her, fix her meals and get her to walk around as much as possible. I always make sure her Walker is locked down when it's in front of her because that is how she fell the last time. I have talked to experts at the VA concerning my mental health and am aware of what is needed. I am concerned about taking medication because I am afraid I will not be as alert as I should be. When I have been given hydrocodone after any procedure, I will not even take it unless someone else is there to help with Lou. Because of COVID and her unwillingness to take all the shots required, I'm afraid to have her in any groups. I'll shut up for now, but once again thank you all for your concerns. 


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Lorita, I forgot to mention you should always be able to go to your settings; click on internet and look for your internet provider connections. I have wifi and the password for it is on the back of my box.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Just a quick note...add another "lefty" to the front porch...ME!

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Jo, I grew beets this year for the first time. I roasted them and they were quite good. However, peeling etc is quite labor intensive. I have lots of green beans now (Maxibel bush beans) and cucumbers are starting too. I have 3 tomato plants but none ripe yet. I have purchased good Iowa sweet corn from a farmstead too. Good eating this time of year!

    We went to Beyond Van Gogh, The Immersion Experience today in Council Bluffs, Iowa. It was amazing! Loved it! You can google it if you don't know what it is.

    Hope you get cooled off - we've had a couple of cooler days and are thankful. Still dry here. 

    Hugs, Beth

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Lorita I could never wear flip flop type shoes.  Always amazed me how others tolerated them. Had no trouble eating the eggplant.  Found it a little tasteless like I do zucchini.  Looked it up and is considered very nutritionally dense so will continue to eat them.

    Glad you are doing ok with Covid Joan.  My sister probably has it too but don’t think she is going to test or isolate.   She is my sister that is fully vaccinated.  She does not mask anywhere though unless required.  Sounds like at least 4-5 people where she works have been coming to work and they know they have Covid.  Guess none are too sick or they wouldn’t be able to be at work.

    Only had one or two Covid folks today and there was no special room for them.  Hope maybe we are just going to have a small surge, we’ll see.

    Beth I see about three of my tomatoes turning.  I really like beets but have to be very cautious when eating them as my GI system gets unhappy.  Do ok with pickled, when I cook raw ones seems to be the issue.  Peeled the pickled ones I fixed the other day with a potato peeler.  Worked well for me.  Been buying good corn and beans.  Nice time of the year.

    JoC I bought easy touch Pilot pens off of Amazon and I’m pleased with them.  I do not like gel pens and I’m right handed.  Hard to find a good ink pen here.  Bought a box of them so hope they are still available when I run out.

    Good night everyone

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Gosh Ron; that is a lot.  You are at a point that you could use some support yourself to begin that recouping, and you are pretty much isolated with not much socialization for a people person.   So wish that there were a way to get you some relief.  As for Lou refusing COVID vaccination.  Frankly; when she goes to the doctor next outing or any healthcare setting that does vaccinations, I would have her get the first vaccination without telling her what it is for, and would ask staff to conceal the syringe until they are ready to inject, if she starts to yell; well, that is simply noise; let it rip. Then it will be about four weeks until the next vax and then another measure of months until the booster; she will be well into the winter and beyond before all done as winter is expected to have another big uptick in COVID.  If she were ill and needed injected abx, she would get it - not much  difference.

     If she needs to be seen in any setting or have any services including an ER visit, or any visitors of any sort in the house, even if they are vaccinated, she is still at high risk.  I would not let her drive the train on that one.  I understand about not taking the hydrocodone for pain - it really can make someone loopy, (it also saves one from possible truly dreadful constipation.)  If needing to take it, ask the doctor about stool softeners.

    Judith, my laptop is automatically wi-fi connected all the time; it does not need a password or extra measure for that.  I simply open the lid to the computer, do not have to press any buttons.  I have icons I click on for the most popular usages; alzc, yahoo, aol, etc.  I am instantly connected.   I have passwords for each venue and have no trouble recalling them.  I know how to use most functions on the laptop and do alot of research .  It has a good size screen, 17 inches.   As for son; he is highly, highly technically skilled; he did indeed check everything  from the simple and then going deeper and deeper into codes and all sorts of hidden options.  It appears the network card is burned out - it had done that once earlier.   Had the professional tech company take care of that and they mentioned the computer was ready to be retired.  Sigh.  I use Windows 7 and Explorer as well as some Chrome.  The only concern I have is getting the new Windows 10 and having no information on what and how to progress if that is going to be necessary.  It was like getting my first Kindle and not one single word of instructions or information on how to do a single thing and no books I could buy on that model.  Maddening. All I need to do is be informed or shown so I can do what needs doing and not bollux things up.   Once acquainted with the new format, I will be fine - it is just getting the info to get there.   I am not at all tech oriented, so the learning curve is important.

    Joan; I am sorry to hear you contracted COVID, and am glad to know that it is a very light case of it.   Were your masks N95 or KN95?  It is August in a few days and we know that the heat will hit us hard over the next two months.  Our Oregon son has been having heat up to 108 and 109.  Ugh!  Those poor UPS delivery drivers and US mail persons.  It is unconscionable to me that their truck cabs are not air conditioned.  People have been getting ill and some have died.  One postal person died from heat in her US Mail truck without AC.  Just not right.

    Would a giant fan work in the barn Lorita?  That was a good question Judith had.  Could rotate from side to side and be either in ceiling or on a large wall I guess.  Who mucks out the barn I wonder . . . we had many dairy farms around us; when we would complain about the smell, my mother would say it was a "healthy" smell.  The land became extremely valuable and all the large and small dairys sold out.   One change difference seen was the huge drop in flies to almost none.

    You are close to the university and apartments where young people are, Iris; so those firecrackers are probably going to be around in the summer.   That reminds me of when I was in nursing school, I was class president and as an officer of my major department,  had an all expense paid trip to the three day Student Leadership Conference in Palm Springs and it was a doozy in some behaviors.  Two nights in a row, there were firecrackers tied to the hotel doorknobs up and down the hall - what a noise!  They finally found out who did it - of all things, the LDS officers.   I was older and settled;  however, the two younger female students across from my room had the band from our evening entertainment in their room.  Along down the hall came the professor oversight staff checking rooms which meant opening one's doors. I called the female student with the band members and clued her in that our hall was getting inspected.  She hid the band members in the bathtub with the shower curtain drawn.  Geeze. After the oversight group left, so did the band.  One day I was walking down a long empty hall going from one meeting to another.   From the pool area in a hall that crossed the one I was in, came the male student president of another department;  he said, "Hi, Jo," I responded, "Hi Cecil," only to realize a few steps later he had been stark naked.  Being a nursing student I had not even noticed!  Too many naked patients I guess.

     One of the male English Professors propositioned me on the bus on  the way to Palm Springs.  I did not know him at all, but my seat was next to his. When he did that, I just got up and moved to a different seat.  The second day, at breakfast announcements he got up to announce the activity of the day was horseback riding on some trails and then said all invited, but we don't know about those nursing students, "evidently they ride side saddle."  Almost choked on my water.  What a jerk. That was an interesting trip.  Glad to get home to my DH and children.

    We got some new cherries and they are juicy delicious.  Will enjoy them while they are still in season.   Same with the red grapes, this was a very good year.  Need a haircut again, still trying not to go into a salon due to the driers blowing everything this way and that and not all the beauticians vaccinated nor are all the customers. I was rather astonished to find out that there exists a resistance to the vax's by a number of  the staff in various salons; since they contract for their own stations there is no control over them being mandated.  Just really wish that was not a concern.  I can mask, but when it comes to wet hair cutting, the mask cannot stay in place. Guess I could hold it with one hand, but whether that would break a seal, who knows.

    DH feeling very weak and a bit lightheaded today; does not look well; am concerned.  His blood sugar is okay, but he will not do a BP check nor a pulse or pulse ox check.  Worry, worry, worry.  I cannot push as he is extremely independent and to push ramps up resistance.   Will just have to see what happens and if he seems any worse, then I do need to strongly suggest his being seen.  Men.  Or as I like to think, "Men; women's just desserts."


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Jo...please keep us updatedd on your husband....know you are concerned'

    I forgpt about the card problem but surprised with it burned that you can get on wired up. I do not think you will need any help with your new computer. They pretty much know what to do on their own.

    Joan...ugh,  Covid. My PCP is convinced that everyone it going to get it. My friend is out of ICU and back home. I went to the peach stand for her at the crack of dawn. Her daughter's family is here from Florence staying in a hotel. Hopefully they will be able to move to the house sometime this wee

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Jo C, I use Bic pens--cheap, but with dark ink.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 25 Likes 5 Insightfuls Reactions

    Hello All.

    Lorita.   Thank Sarah for saying she likes my name. I was named after my Godmother. If I am in a place where they have to call my name out for a pickup order, I tell them my name is Mary. It's easier for them to say. I also was never able to ware thongs, the thing between the toe hurt. I don't like the feel of dirt or sand on my feet, so I always ware socks. Socks is what I ware when I am at home. 

    Iris.   My sleep is not as bad as I make it sound. I do sleep at night I just don't sleep all night. I am in bed all night I just wish I could sleep all night. If you sleep 4 hours a day, I can see why your days and nights get mixed up. Years ago, I worked a graveyard shift and that was really hard trying to sleep. 

    Joan.   Sorry you have not been feeling well. Hopefully your case was a mild one. I think with mild cases some people may just pass it off as a cold. It's nice that you were able to test yourself and see that was what you had. I figure I will get it soon or later so hopefully it is a mild case. I have had both shots and the booster. Are you feeling better now?

    Jo.   Thank You for the info on trazodone, I had all those reactions. I was even having blurred vision and I was thinking it was my glasses. This week all of those strange feelings have gone. It probably was because I had taken those pills for 2 months and they had built up in my system. My Dr told me 1/2 of the pill would be a good place to start, I should have listened to her.  My sleeping is not that big of a problem that I would want a sleep test. I just whine because I wake up 3 or 4 time during the night.  Your Oregon son is so right it has been hot here. It was 100 today. The little town I live in is 25 miles away from where your son lives, and we could have a 10 degrees difference. My son works in Bend, in the winter he can leave here with snow on the ground and get to work and the sun will be shinning. Thanks again.

    I am also a lefty. I'm glad I don't drag my hand across my writing. 

    Good night, all, Hugs Zetta 


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Another hot day on tap. So tired of hot weather I could spit.

    Joan, so happy your covid case was not too bad but scary anywsy.  I guess no matter how careful we are we're still vulnerable.  Hope you recover quickly.  Good  to hear from you.

    Jo, sorry your husband isn't doing well.  Hope he depends  and agrees to see a doctor if he doesn't improve quickly.  Summer heat can get a person down quickly. 

    Got out and gave the new mom some more water and a little hay.  One of the little heifers was at the fence talking to her. Funny how curious they are about the baby.

    Zetta, I laughed when you said you tell them your name is Mary. I think you're the first Zetta I've known.  Reminds me the feed store owner once asked me if my real name was Dixie. He thought it was a nickname.  We once had a patient at the VA with that name,- a man.  Thought that was odd.  Last name was Wolfe..

    Jo, I have no idea what kinds of pens I use. Some are good and some not so much.  I get pens from St. Joseph's Indian School all the time so that's what I use.

    Judith, thanks for all the information about the computer set up.  Right now there's too much going on with the heat and worrying about the girls and babies and everything else. Maybe one day I'll tackle it or call India.  I have lots of pictures on my old one I want to transfer.  Sounds like several of us  are using Windows 7. I got my laptop the year it came out so it's old.

    I left the gate open yesterday and FedEx left a heavy box of cat food at the open gate. Last night I made a big sign to put up asking them to deliver to the house. If I know something is coming I can leave it open. I'll be glad when Mr. K can out up the new fence. I can call the local UPS office but no way to get through to local Fedex.  I've called the main office and they are no help.

    Mother used to make pickled beets. They pressured them in a big old pressure coojer. Daddy would bring it outside and when it cooled a little it was my job to peel them. Kind of liked doing it.  The peelings would just slip off after they were cooked.  Never ate Harvard beets but they used to have them in the Canteen sonetimes.  One of our social workers would get them and they looked good. The sauce reminded me of berry cobbler.

    Ron, I hope you can get some relief from your depression.  It gets to all of us sonetimes. Maybe your doctor can prescribe something.  I should talk - my doctor has given me something twice and I've never taken one of either of them.

    My toe is better and beginning to peel a little.  The thongs have helped keep the pressure off it.  I used to wear thongs when I was young and they always made my toes sore.  The ones I'm wearing now have cloth between the toes and it's better.  I am having trouble keeping them on and walking in them. The ones I ordered will come today and are not flat like these so maybe they'll be better. I don't remember ever seeing Charles wear these.

    Better stop and find something for breakfast. Never got the muffins made so maybe today. If was 107 here yesterday and that was not the heat index. Stay in and stay cool.  Odd weather - it's been so hot here and yesterday four hours away in KC it was 76 and eight hours away in St. Louis they had six or seven inches of rain.  

    Enjoy your day.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good afternoon

    Cloudy day, got grocery shopping done early and went to farm stand.  Just got corn, potatoes, green beans and tomatoes today.

    Yes think it would be very good to keep pressure off of your toe and keep your feet dry. Those flip flops could cause other foot conditions to act up unless very supportive.  Might still want to take a look at Birkenstock or something of comparison to try and keep the other things at bay.  I just put on a pair of socks with my Birkenstocks if my feet get cold.

    Take care everyone

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
    Legacy Membership 100 Comments 5 Care Reactions 5 Likes

    Good morning.  It’s a beautiful cool morning here.  It’s around 70 right now, but will heat up fast. At least we have cool nights which sure helps sleep well and not have the air conditioner on all night.

    I’m feeling good today. I’ll test myself tomorrow to see if I’m negative for covid.  Jo, my masks are kn95. 

    Thanks for the good wishes. I think I’m at the end of this.  

    Lorita, I’m sorry to hear you lost another baby a couple of weeks ago.  Happy news that the vet tech adopted the premature calf. They are both lucky to have each other. I hope she keeps it as a pet forever.  I hope your toe is feeling better today.  

    Ron, I’ve been thinking of you and hoping you find some help to allow you to rest.  You have to be exhausted and being depressed just adds to your stress. Was it you talking about watching the news and Lou reacting?  Harv used to yell at the news anchors and tell them to shut up. I guess he thought they were talking to him and he was disgusted with them.  I kept the news programs off when he was watching. 

    Zetta, you’re getting some heat up your way. Our temps have cooled off this week and we are expecting rain tomorrow through Saturday.  It’s a nice break from the 90’s. 

    I love beets cooked with a dab of butter and salt. I’ll have to buy them next time I shop. I haven’t seen any at the farmer’s market yet. I want to pick up some tomatoes too. They’re so good in the summer. Peaches from Grand Junction are ripe and showing up at the outdoor markets. 

    Jo, I hope your husband is feeling better. That has to worry you,  I know I would be. Thankful you’re a nurse and know how long to let it go before forcing him to see the doctor.  These stubborn men don’t seem to realize when they need to go to the doctor.  Harv was like that too.  

    Sara, you are a busy one.  I like to be busy too. It makes the days more fulfilling for me.  I tried eggplant a few times but never acquired a taste for it.  I tolerated it better when it was stuffed with hamburger, sausage, onion, bread crumbs and spices.  I couldn’t taste the  eggplant. 

    I better get going and finish laundry and pressingout a couple of tops. Stay cool and have a good rest of the day.  Joan

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Joan, so good that you're feeling better today. Hope the test is negatuve.  There's an ad on TV that gives a number to call if you are on Medicare that will enable you to get up to 8 in home covid  tests free. Wonder if that's on the up and up.  I only got two instead of four when you could call and get them. Never used any.

    Thsnks, Joan, even though they're no longer mine it still bothers me.  Around noon I saw a baby by the yard fence in the garden. Went out that way and he ran toward some trees and I saw another one. All the cows are in the barn but guess they thought they'd stay out.  I did see one cow in the West corral in the shade,  The other day I saw one cow and four babies there.

    I wish we wouldn't have calves in August just too hot for them.

    You're so lucky it cools off at night. Last night at 11 it was still about 90- just doesn't cool iff.

    I did a load of laundry and dried them, made microwave cupcakes and a fresh loaf of bread after I did my things outside. Used  the easy chocolate cake recipe but forgot the pinch of salt.  You can tell it but they're okay. Salt makes a difference. Guess that's why my great grandmother rode so far to get salt during the Civil War.  You know she wss almost home and a carpet bagger or the other kind stopped her and took the salt.

    I think those prickly pear stickers are in the cover I had on the divan and maybe the cushions.  I laid down there and I can feel them so put the cover and pillows in the washer and flipped the cushions or maybe they're on Max who wss laying on my arm.

    Seems like so many of our loved ones felt the same way about newsmen on TV- like they were talking to them. We had to stop watching news and weather.

    Sara, your vegetables sound good and so fresh.  I miss having a garden sometimes but they are a lot of work. What about rutabagas?  We never raised them but Charles liked to put them in soup.

    I'm hungry for mashed potatoes.  I have a little pkg. Of four cheese instant ones but should use the potatoes I have before they ruin.  Hate to peel potatoes though.  I use something called Paper Fresh to keep fruit and vegs last longer. Got it from QVC, just paper infused with something and it works!

    Day, how are you? Haven't seen a post lately.   Hope all is well.  Every time I see Jane on TV I think about you when you talked about her dancing around David.

    Sara, I wear socks most of the time anyway. Ordered some thongs that are supposed to have arch supports? And aren't flats. Should get them tomorrow.

    I've started watching the game show networks pretty good.

    Glad some of you all are getting rain and having cooler westher.  I so dread August. The temps are going to be above normal and normal is in high nineties in August.

    The washer is done so better put those things in the sun to dry.

  • Rescue mom
    Rescue mom Member Posts: 988
    500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Likes
    Lorita, several pharmacy chains here give away free home covid tests to any/all Medicare  recipients, just for the asking... It was my understanding it’s a new Medicare rule, so it applies everywhere, but  I could be wrong, but ask your pharmacy if you’re interested.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Losing hand, did not mean to ignore your post.  That would be a good idea.  I knew they had them for fingers but not toes.  My little toe tries to turn under the one next to it and s sharp on the side so don't know if I could get one on it.  I'm trying yo keep a cotton ball between the two.  Thanks for the idea.

    Rescue Mom, didn't know that.  I haven't used the ones I have.  Just wondering if that was a scam or what.

    Are you doing all right! Haven't seen a post from you lately.  Is it hot at your home?

    These little old stickers are driving me crazy.  May have to change dresses and just out on this one this morning.  I walked out to see if the baby was with his mom this morning and the cow jumped up and ran.  Guess this dress looked different to her.  I sai something and she was okay then.  They notice everything, even hats.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning front porch friends. Hope everyone is well today! Still hot here, what little rain has stayed above and below us.

    I started yesterday doing nothing and going to try my best to do it again today!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    We used to have prickly pears - just one plant. It was close to where we rolled up our hose and the thorns would get in the hose and then on my hands when I used the hose. I couldn't stand that, so got rid of it. It was planted in an area with lots of river rock so digging it out by hand was impossible. We got rid of it with round up. 

    We are getting a cooler day again today - high of 82 predicted. We have had 3 cool days this week. Still in need of rain: 5" short for the year. 

    Getting groceries and going swimming at a friend's pool today. Should be a good day. Hope you all have a good one.


  • toni2
    toni2 Member Posts: 31
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments

    Good morning everyone. The weather in central Pa. is cooling down. I am glad to be over Covid. I had to go to the hospital to check my lungs and today I need to call my lung doctor, but I am back to normal. At this time I'm not sure what my normal is.

     I was reading so many of you are left handed. I was until I went to school and then the teacher wouldn't let me use my left hand so now I can use both. It was helpful when I had my right hand operated on. I just switched to writing with my left hand and never took a day off of work.

    Jo, I know how it is to worry about your husband and have him not want to listen to what you say. That is what happened with my DH. He thought he could walk with his walker when I knew he was too weak. When he fell and broke both of his legs he said to me I did it this time didn't I? I said yes dear you did. That was the last day I could take care of him at home.

    Take care Loreta. You always do so much. I remember when I could too, but those days are gone.


  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    So hope your heat begins to go down, Lorita; what an awful time of it.   Poor cattle, cannot get cool, so they endure.  If the temp finally breaks it will be much healthier for you when needing to go out in the fields. 

    Zetta; I do sleep, but I usually sleep only four hours a night.  I suppose all those years in nursing on early a.m. shift, having to get the children ready in the morning before I left for the hospital, and simultanously pursuing into a Masters Degrees at university night classes left me very little sleep and I simply adapted to that and it became permanent.

     Sometimes, once in awhile, I will find myself not gearing down at night to sleep. So there I am; it is 1:00 am or even 2:00 am and am still percolating.  In such an instance, I take a small 0.5 mg Ativan tablet and it relaxes me to sleep without causing any side effects or drugging me.  I am careful not to do this often, I don't like taking meds if I can avoid it, but once in awhile that becomes necessary.  I have found that I cannot use the computer at night; the blue light effect does keep me awake.  On the other hand, I will turn off  the TV, turn off all lights, get my pillows lined up and read for awhile on my lighted Kindle.  It works to put me to sleep in short order.  So; my books are also my sleeping aid in a way.   My friend has a horrible time sleeping, but she is on multiple meds and they are the cause of her poor sleep ability.  Fun when we mature and our bodies do us wrong.

    Relieved DH is feeling better today; handsome and sometimes frustrating fellow.  He has some health issues which I do not discuss as I feel I would need his permission to do so and that would not be forthcoming.   He does have diabetes which I can share with a horrible non-care self approach; eats everything he absolutely should not be every single day in goodly amounts.  He is the alpha male type, so there is no insisting or education or intervention to make a difference.   The multiple candies, cookies, the cakes, lots of fast foods, fried fast foods, tons of mayo, fatty meats, nitrates and nitrites ad lib, and on  and on and on.  Ghastly, but I have learned over time due to negative reactions not to make a single eyelash quiver.   He is intelligent and well aware.  I do find ways to say that I have been eating healthier, and I can make a menu for both of us and we could partner up.  Nope. And after all the decades of doing all meals for a six member family, I no longer cook due to the very severe knee issues that cannot be fixed.  So; he does the kitchen and it is his deal. I simply just eat what I put on a list and make better choices.  If I am going to overeat, it will mostly be something that is not as bad for me.  So; natural peanut butter on my oatmeal as I do not like milk; avocado every noon with whatever else I have; those are good fat choices along with olive oil; fruit at each meal, and veggies.  Meat choice is chicken but I need to do more fish.  So; I do feel a great concern on his behalf.  My being an RN is discarded and resisted.  He will not listen to MDs, Diabetic Teachers where he chooses not to nd anymore; nor permit me to help.  His diabetes meds have been upped upped upped by his Endocrinologist and he is on the cusp of needing insulin which will force him have to limit his food intake and choices, but damage done.   Since he has family history of dementia, heart disease, and cancer, it is very difficult to watch this going on. Exercise, even walking is not a choice for him either.   Just a bit of adjustement would make such a difference.  He also does not do established glucose checks; he did at my request yesterday when he was feeling so bad; it was in normal range, but any other check such as blood pressure, adamantly refused.   Interesting that in the rare times a glucose check is done, the levels are within acceptable range beause he is on so much medication including weekly Trulicity injections which have been upped three times now.   Scary. Have loved this dear man for so long, but stubborn denial seems to be the dynamic that refuses to change.  Enough; he is a good husband in so many ways and I love him dearly.  Met when we were fourteen; eloped at eighteen.  Enough of my blathering about that.

      How are things at the hospital now Sayra, still a down turn in the number of COVD cases being seen?  We are still up there in known cases; that is the clue "known."  However, we may not have to go to mandated indoor masking. There is a huge push against doing so, trying to overwhelm the Health Department.  Some of them politicians - elections coming up so why not pander to the noise making bunch rather than to science. Tis what tis as always.

    Thank you for the input on the pens. I shall have to start trying some out. Retractable ball point dark black ink without any gel ink for this leftie woman.

     Shall have to keep our Judith in reserve for when the new computer comes; I will be having to use Chrome for all which will be different from Explorer, I may have some "HELP" calls to find out what to do for this and that.

     Sending out hugs to  Ron and Lou and hope this day finds things going well.  We will wait to hear.

     Off I go into the wilds - means laundry to be done.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    I'm doing as you said you would - not doing much. Did open the boxes from yesterday more due today.  Heavy cases of dogfood. I'll open the box and put the cases in whatever I Bruce down.  Peach preserved coming tomorrow.  I have on the new thongs and it seems I can walk a little better in them they're shorter nut seem to hurt mire between my toes.

    Darn prickly pears.  I've been itchy this morning. Rewarded the gowns and patio dresses.  Also trying to jeep Max away from ne.  I think I got things on him.

    Beth, dir the Roundup kill the roots, too?  If I use that nothing will ever grow there again, right? Something has to be done.  Baby was in if again this morning and mom was trying to get him out so used a glove on the hose and sprayed him and he came out. I think I may let them out tomorrow..  Two little ones are laying together, like spooning, just over the fence outside of the barn. Need to check on then.

    Just a sprinkle this morning. Mike called in his way back to the clinic with a load of hay and he said they got .3" U checked a while ago and it was 84.  Much better for about three days. Have to get PU in at 8 Monday morning and maybe all the AC needs us Freon so hope I can get back home before it gets too hot.

    Jo, your husband sounds typucal.  Men for the most part aren't good patients. Charles was better than most - he took meds without resisting.  He was better than I was. Glad your husband is feeling  better. We hate for them to not be well.

    Carol called and they're better. Bill is playing golf again. 

    Beth,no didn't think about those thorns getting in hoses. I use a metal one and guess they're in it, too. I watched Green Planet last evening and it was about deserts and all kinds of cacti.  Really made me itchy. Years ago we went to a garage sake and bought a pretty cactys. It sat between us in the PU and by the time we got hone we were miserable.  I think it literally threw thorns it on us.

    Another fine we stopped out in Texas I'd NM and dug up a couple of choya? Cacti.  Same thing.  Guess I'm not good at learning lessons.

    Tablet us about of power so will stop.  Please excuse weird words or spelling.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Totally unfamiliar with blue light. Anyone else?

    https://www.webmd.com/eye-health/what-is-blue-light About olive oils…One day a lovely woman from Italy was in my small market selling olive oil from her family’s olives in Liguria. It was wonderful/ light and started my interest in olive oils. https://bestoliveoils.org/ https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/food-products/g4846/top-olive-oil-reviews/ About the same time I realized that I was growing weary of “wine” talk and decided to become a salt “expert” as well as well versed in oil. Absolutely nobody knows salts…lol so being an expert is easy. Both of those interests have stayed with me. While I  have a strong liking to any red,  including boxed, I have learned that either salt or oil can bring a wine discussion to an abrupt halt or it can bring  on a very interesting discussion. I basically use Morton’s Kosher https://www.americastestkitchen.com/taste_tests/2109-kosher-salt And Fleur de Sel from William Sonoma. It is almost $15…pricey but will last about a year. I also have a drawer full of other salts which are fun to use but they do live in a drawer. Jo…Chrome….just open edge and type in https://www.google.com/chrome/downloads How do you eat oatmeal with peanut butter? Could you make a peanut butter/oatmeal cookie?

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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