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Just need to talk to my friends (176)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening,

    Yes JoC  saw only  one or two patient-‘s this week wanting tested for Covid.  They didn’t look sick like some of them coming in last week did.  Still ate out in my car but other than that all normal lol.  Probably will eat in cafeteria next week.  Think state is still up but very different than before so far, numbers up but not like before, hospitals not overwhelmed here.   

    I use Redmond real salt which is mined in Utah but I mix it with iodized sea salt because for me iodine is important.  Do not want a goiter, two of my sisters have them.  Most of my food fixed from scratch so mainly get salt and iodine from what I use.  

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    I also have Redmond Real Salt, as well as Himalayan pink salt. You are right about the iodine, Sara. I hadn't thought about that. Will need to make sure to get some; it could (?) be in vit/mineral supplements, perhaps. I do not take vitamins except for Vitamin D. Did you hear about the Redmond Real Salt from Doug and Stacey Off Grid?

    Lorita, Round up will kill what you spray it on; it will not harm the soil. You will still be able to grow things there. Round up will not kill every plant; I hear there is a product called Poison Ivy and tough brush killer that could be useful. I have found about 5 poison ivy plants in my garden! I don't like that at all. One was small and I had gloves on, and took a bag and put it on my hand and pulled it. The rest is larger and I've used regular Round up. If that doesn't work, will try the Poison ivy and tough brush killer. 

    Jo, I'm glad hubby is feeling better. 

    Swimming was great today! Probably only a few weeks before the pool gets closed for fall/winter. 

    Hugs, Beth

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    I will get some Redmond salt. 

    I paniced at the mention of iodine. Checked and yes, Centrum Silver has daily requirement. Whew...

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Last night I could not sleep, so at 1 am I got out of bed and stayed up all night until 6 am.  I spent my time productively, reading about sleep disorders and sleep meds.  I learned quite a lot!  I will have an appointment with a new sleep specialist doctor next week, I hope he will have some good advice for me.

    Jo C, I have carb cravings like your DH.  So far, I am not in the diabetic range on my A1C, but every day I am fearful of that changing.  I have learned that eating sweet carbs (sugars) causes more hunger and cravings and thus a perpetual cycle.  I have been in this cycle for years, it is extremely hard to stop.  What helps me is to cut up an apple into quarters and to PRETEND that each little slice of apple is a cookie.  If I can remember to keep doing this a few times,  my real cookie cravings gradually will disappear. 

    Sleep deprivation plays a physiologic role in carb cravings.  I already knew this, but last night I read about the physiology.  It has to do with orexin from the hypothalamus.  It's complicated; but it reinforces that I need to get my sleep into a better status!  Daylight is important.  Due to these covid restrictions, I have been spending way too much time indoors--I need to get out. 

    I read somewhere that 70% of the population has been infected with covid.  So perhaps this will enable true herd immunity.

    Judith, I purchased some Himalayan pink salt but never used it.  It is supposed to go in an aromatherapy lamp. I didn't have the energy to set it up.  I'm glad you are an expert in salt, because it is a mystery to most people.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Iris...sorry about the sleep and the lack of which is worrisome. When will you meet with the new Dr?

    I do not like the taste of the pink salt. It is really salty. My Fleur de sel is very tasty but mild.

    Can't wait to try some Redmond.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Placed an order for Amazon yesterday.  Hadn’t ordered anything for about two months.  Got some more vanilla beans.  Going to try making vanilla in bourbon.  Seen several people say they like it better than Vodka.  Hope I at least like it lol.

    Beth, Doug and Stacy could have been where I first heard about Redmond.  Know I have heard her talk about it.   Also have heard some farmers talk about using their salt blocks too.  Farmer Tyler Ranch channel visited the mine a few months ago and made a video while there.  It was interesting.  

    Going to try and look at those olive oil videos Judith.  Mainly use it and avocado.  May not be able to afford them, we will see.

    Hate that some of you have such trouble sleeping.  Iris I miss candy.  Have found a medjool date hits the spot.  They are so good.

    Ron hope you were able to have a day of not doing diddly squat.  Got my house cleaned before I went to work.  Deadheaded and watered when I got home.  After supper got one of my damaged heads of garlic cut up and in dehydrator.  Think I have three more that have minor damage, think all the rest will dry nicely.

    Good night

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Lots of heavy thunderstorms around with down bursts causing much damage. Just heard this happened where Carol lives. Hope they're okay.

    I bit the bullet this evening and let the baby and mom out.  Mom went directly to the salt block and after a couple of minutes baby headed for the pond. There were three or four cows out front and a couple of babies.  In a few minute saw them headed for the south pasture all in a row- three cows, the baby and another cow. Didn't see the other babies -must have been waiting for moms who were down in the NE pasture. Worries me that we're having thunder but maybe mom will keep him safe.  I did spray some gold paint on mom and baby so I would know them in the morning.  As you all know I always worry when I let them out until I see them the next morning.

    I have some kosher salt and some other kind but always use Morton's iodized salt.  I've  heard of the pink kind but never the red, even on QVC.  Do they taste differently?

    Iris, sorry you're having trouble sleeping. Hope you find something that helps. When I had trouble a few years ago listening to Chinese Zen music helped me.

    Had to go down to gate to get delivered packages because gate was closed and they won't open it, however about an hour later I heard the gate alarm and a FedEx guy was walking up to the fence with a small pkg.  So, he opened the gate at the road and came through.

    Talked with Jack's daughter today. The ALF finally said they would keep his furniture for others to use if needed and also his clothing. He had a lot of new things. What isn't used they will donate.  The person who bought his house found a lot of family pictures. She dropped them off at the ALF and they'll send them to Jackie along with his wallet and a couple of other things.

    I'll tell you all something eerie that happened to Jackie tomorrow.  Need to watch weather.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Good morning from the front porch! Sleep.......oh how I would love to sleep a straight 6 to 8 hours. After getting Lou in bed, I usually am asleep by 9 or 9:30. Prostate problems have me awake 2 to 3 times and then it's harder to get back to sleep. Finally around 3 to 3:30 that's it, up for the day.

    Been looking at some old clippings Lou had saved over the years and thought this is a good one to end my post with.


    "This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will. I can waste it or use it for good. What i do today is important, because i am exchanging a day of my life for it. When tommorow comes, this day will be gone forever, leaving in its place something i have traded for it. I want it to be gain, not evil; success, not failure; in order that i shall not regret the price I paid for it."


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sorry about your sleep problems, Ron.  Can you take a nap during the day, maybe when Lou takes one?  How true that clipping is.  If we could just do that.

    I let the new baby and mom out last night after I sprayed some gold paint on them. Always anxious to see how a new baby made it through their first night out in the pasture.  Never could locate the paint. Guess what little rain we had washed it off.  It wasn't regular paint.  There were eight or nine little ones close together and I think I saw him having breakfast. His little legs aren't quite as straight as the others yet.  

    We might have gotten .2" last night.  There's lots of rain about 30 miles north of us, training over the same area.  It's in the 70s now and feels good.  Still a lot of good, green grass in the pastures but needs rain.

    Felt like I had something in my eye last night and kept putting in drops and fooling with it so it's kind of sore this morning.  I have really dry eyes and sometimes it feels like something is in it. 

    Jackie has a friend she has known since they were little. When Patsy and Jack moved to Okla. she sort of adopted her friend's parents as her second parents.  The mother passed away several years ago.  Day before yesterday her friend called her early in the morning. Jackie noticed a missed call - it said Yvette's mom, missed call.  Her phone had not rung.  This happened several tines during the day. Same call but phone never rang but the missed call said it was from her friend's deceased mother.  This was strange but the kicker is that was the day Jack was cremated. Jackie thinks it was her friend's mother trying to tell her Jack was there and everything was okay.  She said she really felt strange.

    Just heard thunder so maybe we'll get some rain later today or tomorrow.  Mike is really worried --not making hay, high feed prices and so dry.  He has enough for the winter for his cattle in this area but not east of here.  If it stays dry people will have to begin feeding early. Lots of ranchers have started selling their cattle.  

    Enjoyed being out early with the girls and watching the babies.  So sweet to see several together.  Baby will be okay and will make friends. Mom was friendly reached out and touched my hand.

    Enjoy your day. Wishing for good sleep for Iris and Ron.    Xetts, is it really hot where you are? I think I saw it is.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Hi all. Good news.  My covid test was negative. I just need to get over a little sinus congestion and I’ll be back to normal.  We’re having a small surge of it here the past few weeks.  The town nearby is having a huge festival this weekend and I bet we have a bigger surge from that.  I don’t care for that fair, so never go. It’s kind of a hippie fair.  

    We didn’t get rain yesterday, but hoping we get some today.  The clouds are building and they’re getting darker. I’m loving the cooler days.  I want to get out today and finish deadheading my flowers.  I’m still taking it easy.  Anything I have to do can wait.  

    I got ambitious this morning and decided to turn my mattress around before I put on clean sheets.  It’s a queen mattress, but I forgot how heavy it is.  After a lot of huffing, I managed to slide it around and get the bottom to the top of the frame.  I was making a dent from where I was sleeping.  Looks nice and smooth again. I’m drying my pillow now.  

    Lorita, glad the thongs are working for your toe.  I’ve had Birkenstock’s before.  They are so comfortable. I need to order me another pair.  The nice thing about that brand is that they last for a long time before the wear out.  Maybe I’ll do that this afternoon. 

    Nothing else happening around here today, so I’ll get off and get busy. Take care and enjoy the cooler days if you’re having them. Joan

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening,

    Sunny day,very little rain this week.

    Joan glad you are over the big C.

    Stayed busy today, got a few things accomplished.  Got my beef ordered for October.  Went to country and got eggs and peaches, this is the first ones here.  They are finally out of last years apples, will miss them.  Forgot to leave egg cartons at farm so will have to keep hauling them around.  Made oatmeal bread and oatmeal pancakes.  Got a nice ripe tomato.  Mom’s birthday is Sunday so think I will take it to her tomorrow when I take her the peaches.  She will be 86. 

    Ron I enjoyed the clipping.

    Attached picture of eggplant.  There are five bigger ones right now.  You can see four of them in picture.  Will pull bigger one soon.  Looks like my lemon squash is getting ready to bloom.  See a few cucumbers setting on.  My onions, by far the best I ever raised  will pull some more tomorrow if nothing happens.  

    Goodnight everyone

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Ron; that was beautiful; thank you.  I have copied it and will send it on.  Sure wish we could help you so you could get some sleep.  Nothing like a good night when it happens.  Remember being young and we could drop off and sleep ten hours if we so wanted.   I remember saying that when I grew up, I was going to stay up past midnight every night and not go to bed until I wanted to.  Little did I know . . . . !  Is there any way we can somehow be helpful to you?

     Lorita, how is that little tootsie doing, any discomfort lately?  Isn't it amazing how such a little thing on our body can make a HUGE difference when it does out of whack.  I sometimes wonder which part of my body will begin to rebel next.  We are going to have some possible small rain and a lot of humidity coming along in a few days, it is surprising how much my knees know it is coming - they bark at me like junk yard dogs when the barometer changes or is on the cusp of changing. 

    DH is doing pretty much okay, glad that evened out; that was a worry for sure, he was so pale.  He is good about going to the primary MD as well as his diabetic doctor and his ophthalmologist.  Never misses an appointment, so glad he does that.  He has difficulty sleeping poor guy, he and Mr. Prostate are up voiding two or three times a night; that has to be such a terrible annoyance; he now accepts it. He takes his prostate med, but still the night calleth and he must respondeth.  We sometimes joke about our crazy changing bodies but remember to count all blessings.  Parts may hurt, but we still have parts.   He will usually sit in the bedroom easy chair and watches TV until he gets sleepy again after having been up; once sleepy, he gets back into bed. 

    Joan; delightful to hear you are testing normal.  Hurray!  Had to smile; you got that mattress turned and that is not easy.  Some time ago, I had turned the mattress on the queen bed and it took much effort, so happy I made it.  I had to go and get the clean linens out of the linen  closet.  While I did that, DH went into the bedroom and turned the mattress again while I was out of the room and he hurt his back.  He actually turned it right back again to where it had been. I simply left it, I did not have the heart to tell him since his poor back was really hurting. 

    I had made a telephone complaint about a product that had failed; I got three coupons for $5.00 each for a total of $15.00 sent to me.  They could be used for any clorox product.   Only problem is, we are waay well stocked on such products due to DHs efforts to stay that way.  None of our grown kids could use them, but our dear neighbor was glad to take them and I was glad to give them to her.  Seems we never get coupons for things we really need, but this was nice, unexpected and it helped someone else.

    Good that your hospital is no longer over run by COVID issues Sayra; we are not going to be masking out here.  County health director stated the numbers are going down a little bit, but I wonder . . . people had been gnashing their teeth and loudly complaining.  Some cities said if a mandate for masking came about, they would not enforce it.  Beverly Hills being one of them.  After all; they must keep Rodeo Drive shops going.  It was disappointing to see multiple whole cities refusing to comply with a possible masking health edict.  More of the same, once again pander to the noise rather than the science.

     Heard on the news yesterday, that the science does confirm that the point of genesis for COVID was the animal market in China.  They have all the figures and science to show how that conclusion was met and is based on fact.  What a dreadful thing, that gosh awful market with two people being the first cases and here it is, the entire world.  Truly sad and the market is still open and running.

    Heard from our prior Pastor today; he is such a very nice and very intelligent man.   Sure do miss him being at the church.  Not the same at all; nowhere near it.  Life is all about change; that is for sure.

     My gosh Beth, you have a pool on top of that beautiful huge garden!  That sounds wonderful.  I think the Front Porch group needs to go to your house for a gathering - will old fashioned long leg swimsuits do?  My bathing beauty days got all used up and now just an environmental blight when in a suit.  Sigh.

     Been thinking about picking up and doing some cross stitching again.  I have some beautiful patterns and never do anything pre-printed.  One of the pieces is like a sampler and it has been framed.  Surprises me that the plain blank "canvas" with teensiest teeny squares can turn into something so pretty.  I pick the teeny squares and pick really nice patterns.  I wear a large magnifier that goes around my neck on a tether and has a piece that rests against the chest; it is a large square and I just hold the piece beneath it and it magnifies well to see the teensy squares for the  teensy stitches. Just takes me forever to do it though, but it is very relaxing.

    Goodness, time to catch some lunch; a chicken sandwich with apple I think.  Pork chops and couscous for dinner tonight. 

     Take good care and stay cool, two more days and we are in August; slowly moving towards autumn again with cooler days.  Hopefully.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Joan, that's great news! So happy for you.  Take  it easy and don't overdo.   Have you tried Simply Saline? Really helps with congestion.  Told Carol about it and she says it helped her cold congestion, too.

    Hope you get rain soon.  I hope we get mote this weekend.  We usually get very little in August.  With all the rain they're getting in Kentucky would be nice to share.

    Turning a mattress is hard. No way could I turn mine. We have a high headboard and a fairly high footboard.  I had one of the workers turn mine around earlier this year. We used to raise one side and slide a big upside bowl under it and that helped turn it.  I'd like to have a full sized bed.

    Sara, your vegetable pictures are beautiful.  Are those Bermuda onions? That's the kind we used to raise.  Your eggplant is so pretty looks really big.  How big do you let the eggplant get before you pick it?  .  I think we let ours get 6-8" long.

    My toe seems pretty good. Thank you all for asking.  Today I wore socks and the shoes I had been wearing so it is a bit sore tonight.  But, then all of my toes are from the MN.   I feel like a panty waist complaining about a toe when so many have much worse problems.  But, you're right, Jo, one little body part not working right can get you off balance.

    Just went down to check the girls and saw Dennis the Menace trying to get supper.  Saw another little 2-3 month old calf not looking too perky so called and told Mike so he could check him. He was busy so talked to Sidney. She said Midnight is fine. They weighed him and he weighs 41 lbs.  About half to two-thirds the weight of  a newborn.  She says she's in love with him.

    Mike just called and he said he would try to check the calf while they're out in the pasture in the morning.  It's almost dark now. They only got a sprinkle of rain just ten miles away.  All or most of the rain has been north and south of us just like Ron said..

    Zetta, honestly I can spell your name but for some reason this tablet doesn't. It wants to call you Extra!  Looks like your heat wave is going to break soon.  Hope so.

    Hope you can sleep tonight, Iris.  Think about trying the Chinese Zen music for sleep.

    See you all tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Joan, that was great news about your covid test!  My town will be having a Pirate and Mermaid Festival this weekend, attending in costume is encouraged.  It's like all these people are just large children!

    I was awake all night again; but only until 4:30 am this morning.  Tomorrow I will attend a Painting Party, so I'll turn in early. The weather is beautiful, still.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    61F, 16c.  Sunny they say.

    They aren’t Bermuda Lorita.  Forget their name though.  I do pick the eggplant when it is about six inches.  

    When I went to bank this week told the teller once again, like I do once a month that I needed what I was doing to show up as two separate transactions.  Mentioned I knew this seemed odd but I needed to do that in case I ever had to place my mother and they looked into her account.   Had not explained before but felt they may think I’m a pain lol.  Well she started asking me questions and talking about her parents and her family.  There are so many of us in  this boat.  Her and I will now have a connection.

    Iris do you paint?

    Guess I need to get moving and tackle the day.  

    Take care everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Partly cloudy and humid here.  The rain is north of us so doubt we'll get any today. Hope for some tomorrow.

    Mike came about 7 this morning to check on the little calf I didn't think was doing well.  I had  been over earlier and found him so we found him right away.. He's going to be working cattle later today so we got him in the lot and chute.  He gave him three shots for his scours and pneumonia. The little bulls were bothering a cow so put her and the calf north of the house. Girls have gone up in the pasture so when they come back, hopefully the calf's mom and the cow's calf will come to the gate and I can let them in.

    Just put a peach quick cobbler in the oven. I wonder how many of those I've made the last two years.  Watching my Saturday morning shows and having another cup of tea.  Fed Sheena and Stormy and gave them their vitamin and medicine for Sheena's arthritis. Seems like she is able to get up easier since she's taking it.  Maybe I should take it, too.

    Mike said they didn't  get rain south of here.  He sounds worried and if I had as many cows as he has I would be, too.  High feed prices and not much hay.

    Sara, everyone has their problems and most have the need to talk about them.  I'm sure she felt better after talking with you.  Just to look at people we never know what they're dealing with, emotionally or physically.  Also good you're getting your ducks in a row for what may be in the future for your mom.

    Alarm just went off so better check the cobbler.  Had to wear socks and shoes this morning so sort of aggravated my toes. Have my thongs on, Jo.  Every time I say thongs I think about your post.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Jo, we don't have a pool. I have a friend who has one, and she invites her church girlfriends over on Thursdays to swim. 

    Joan, glad you have gotten better. 

    Lorita, hope your little calf gets well. 


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Decent heat today!

    Got the soaker hose going under the wilted crabapple tree. Of course it rained heavily for 2 nights...lol. Tree looks much happier.

    My friend who is home from ICU now has a lousy sinus infection with fever and her husband who also tested positive and then negative now tests positive. WEAR YOUR MASKS!

    There is a leak somewhere above my living room ceiling. Now there is ceiling on the floor and water. Hmmm. I wonder what insurance will pay for.

    Looking for a new range. Does anyone have one made by Capitol?

    Lorita...can you wiggle your toes inside of your shoes with a sock on? If not you need a larger toe box. 

    Joan...Yea you are up and well and Beth, take a dip for the rest of us. Jo...glad your husband has regained his color ...Iris, you did not go as a mermaid? Ron, I think I need some lasagna. Maybe some M&M peanuts will do until you get around to it. Sayra...please blow someof the cold air this way. Zetta...I have .5 Ambien on hand for sleep which is not very often. What is a "cooler".

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Beth, what a lovely friend; I can imagine everyone of the "girls" having so much fun and lots of laughter.   What a joy to have those times.

    Sayra, isn't it amazing that happens with people we do not even  personally know. I have had phone calls to businesses and sometimes the person will mention having a LO with dementia and how hard it is.  So; perfect time to recommend this site.  You will be such a valued presence for that person every time you go to the bank.  Your onions are amazing looking - wonderful outcome.  Now reaping your garden's gifts, that must feel really good.

    Iris; is that Pirate/Mermaid Party on or near Ocean Blvd. in Long Beach, or are they in Belmont Shore?  It sounds like fun.  I noticed that the usual overwhelming assault of June Bugs in our mutual area has not happened for a couple of years and wondered where they had gone - and hope those awful nighttime flying  beetles stay gone.  Turns out they have wafted away due to the drought.  I did not know this until today, but the females actually burrow under the earth and lay their eggs.  That is why some grass areas get brown patches.   They also attack plants and trees and eat their way through as if in a smorgasbord. Also did not know they have a three to four year life span. which explains their huge numbers.  Gosh awful things flying en masse against lights and windows and if going outside, they can actually be in small clouds. Ugh.

    Glad your toe is doing okay Lorita, Judith is right about the toe box.  Need not only a sufficiently wide shoe, but ones with a deeper toe box.  So many shoes have shallow toe boxes these days, I always have to watch out for that due to my wide, snow shoe feet. You are on your feet and walking so much.   The new babies sound sweet; I can imagine how much you are enjoying them.

    It wasn't my husband being pale that worried me the most; it was his weakness and lightheadedness and overall feeling unwell.  He does not usually have such events, so this was a worry especially with him being on so many meds.  If it had persisted, then I would have gone to the mat to get him to a doctor; but he is highly resistive to wanting to do that for changes despite his keeping his routine monthly doctor's appts. with his specialists and primary MD.   He is very much an independent fellow, so one has to work with how to approach to gain a goal that is being more or less resisted.

    Meteor showers have been in the news; have any of you been able to see them?  We do not see them here because of the city lights.  One year we were up in Napa Valley having a very mellow time wine tasting.  (I drink about one or two glasses a year, so I am easily affected by said wine tasting.)  Anyway; beautiful, mellow place and we take back roads when driving in the valley and never go on a weekend.  It's about a seven to eight hour drive from where we live.  Anyway; we had been up valley in Calistoga for dinner and a bottle of wine.  It was a cool yet balmy night; as we drove the back road returning to our Inn in St. Helena - I was feeling very happy; the car windows were rolled down and I  had hung my head out of the window singing songs all the way down the road with DH laughing.  We got back to the Inn about 11:00 pm.  Pool area was closed, but it was such a lovely night that we crept quietly out to the pool deck, needing to climb a fence, and sat on adjacent chaise lounges holding hands just quietly enjoying the night.  Suddenly, the sky was lit by an amazing light show - it was a meteor shower and it lasted so long.  So many of them and some quite large appearing as they streaked through the sky.  We were completely awed as we lay there watching it all. No lights up there, so the sky was very dark.  It is one of those wonderful unexpected memories that one tucks away to be thankful for.  Every time I hear about a meteor shower, I  think of that magical night.

    Need to order some new fruit, we are running low.   Will keep up with the cherries while they are still available; so good.  I saw where there was a recall of freeze dried blueberries, but do not use freeze dried fruits; so hope that everyone who bought them will hear about the recall.  CostCo, if there is a recall on a product will contact their customers. Evidently they can read from the computer who bought what and they also send out general emails to their Member lists. I appreciate that.

    Unsettling news, a couple we know had set off on a cruise.  The wife fell on board and fractured her arm in several places and had to be flown off ship to obtain care and they then flew her back onboard ship.  If that isn't enough, her husband has contracted COVID.  They are older and had been vaccinated and boosted, so I hope his illness is mild.   Pretty awful to have all that happening in the middle of the ocean.  I feel so bad for the both of them and wish them well and a soon to be return to home.

    Best be off, time to get something accomplished.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Judith and Jo, I don't wear closed in toe shoes at all in the summer except occasionally slip on tennis shoes. I wear the same in the winter except I do wear boots, rubber and dress.  They all have plenty of toe room but I will try the wiggle test. I have walked quite a lot today and that toe seems okay.  I had/have a slight ingrown corner of the toe next to the great toe but I think I got it taken care of. Seems like the toes on my right foot have always been problematic with ingrown toenails even when young and lost the great toenail on that foot a year or so ago.

    Got the baby's mom in with him and Beth he seems better this evening.  I've seen him nursing a couple of times.  The other cow's baby never came down so let her out a while ago.  I saw a cow with a baby nursing way up in the pasture a few minutes later so think that was her. Started to go check but saw then joining the herd so didn't.  Samson is in the lot interested in the other cow . He seems to have a one track mind.

    FedEx delivered my peach preserves today. He opened both gates and came through. I think this one was out of Tulsa. I left it on the porch, went out a while ago to open the box and it was literally covered with ants!  I opened it and the jar was broken!  So, threw  out in the yard for now. They refunded the cost.  What next?

    Jo, glad your husband is better.  We always worry about them, don't we?  I watched The Shootist with John Wayne last night and it brought back a lot of memories. Six years after Charles and I got married my parents and us went to Hot Springs, Ark for a few days. We rented a two bedroom cabin on Lake Hamilton. It even had a rocked in swimming area in the Lake for the cabin.  That was the year The Shootist came out and we saw it on that trip. Odd how a movie or thought or sound can bring back memories from the dark recesses of our mind.  So, had a good cry thinking about that trip and how happy we all were.

    On that thought I will close for the night. No rain here today but the day was nice in the 80s.  Going to be in mid 90s Monday.

    Good night everyone. Sleep well.

    Judith, I still wear my mask when around someone did this morning. Saw the President tested positive after his treatment. So will be isolating again.  So sorry about your friend. Seems like a lot of people are having that problem with colds and sinuses.

    Did you just notice the leak after this rain?  We had that happen a few years ago and that's when we had the new roof put on. Hope you don't have to do that.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Good morning

    61F, 16C.

    Judith wish I could send you some cool air.  We have only had one or two warm nights.  Now we are going into August.  August can be hot and dry, not always.

    Know it is a worry for Mike about the hay.  Imagine hay is ok here, think we have had enough rain so far.  Saw a truck with a big load of hay the other day.  Realized when I saw it that had not seen that in a long time.  Maybe because so many do those big round bales now.  My uncle used to haul a lot of hay like that and sell it.

    Don’t know anything about Capital stoves.  Have been wearing my mask. 

    The area in Kentucky with the flooding is about two hours south of where I was born.  Thanks for mentioning it as I wasn’t aware.  Wonder how would be the best way to help.  A YT channel out of North Carolina just took a pickup load of water that I watch, him and his two daughters.  Ky has set up a fund where supposedly all money will go to relief.  See that the eastern chapter of Red Cross is located in Hazard, Ky which is one of the areas affected, any thoughts.  Maybe I will try and see if anybody in our area might be loading a truck where I could donate water.  Way more mountainous there than where I’m from.  Where I’m from is just very tall hills.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Sayra, I dont remember what part of Kentucky you said you were from and I had mentioned to you I met Lou when I was stationed at Fort Campbell. She was living in Hopkinsville and was born in Cadiz. I do remember she had a cousin we visited around the lakes and a aunt in Paducah. 

    I dont think it's getting old that makes us forgetful. I think it's just to much stupid crap to remember.

    Another age related advice is always check your car good before taking it to a mechanic. Last time I thought my door was cracking and popping, the mechanic informed me that it was my knees making the noise when I got in and out of the car.


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Hi all,

    After almost 2 weeks of dealing with whatever illness I have had, am better but not fully recovered.  The symptoms come and go and change.  I have noticed that there are times when I actually feel good, so maybe it is nearly over.

    Jo, I think you asked about testing done on first dr. visit.  They did the rapid test for Covid, which was negative.  Since first visit have been staying in except for second dr. visit and trip to get meds (wore a mask...just in case).

    Will see what tomorrow brings, as today is last day of antibiotic.  Enough about me...

    The weather patterns sure have been hard on so many in our country...extreme extended heat and other places flooding and the wild fires.  My heart goes out to all for the suffering they are going thru.

    May God grace us all with better days.

    My mother ended up canning 5 bushels of green beans!  Now she is on to wanting to can tomatoes...usually she gets a bunch from a friend, but their crop is poor this year...so back to the market!  I worry about her doing so much, particularly since I have been unable to help for a couple of weeks, but she feels the need so will just keep tabs on her from afar.

    Hard to believe that another month has slipped by.  Will soon have to be contemplating Christmas...lol.

    Hope everyone is well today.

    Hugs to all.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Marie hope you continue to improve.

    Ron I was born in Grayson.  About a hour east of Lexington, Ky and 30 minutes west of Huntington, WV.  Up in the NE corner.  Sounds like Lou may be more from western part?  Know what you mean about the knees.

    Today I sliced eggplant and fried it.  Put some tomato sauce on top and a little bit of mozzarella.  It was easy to eat but continue to think of it like zucchini, main flavor was tomato and mozzarella.  They sure are beautiful though.  Did let it set salted today and agree that is better.

    Gathered 46 nice sized onions, unreal.  Still have smaller ones in ground.  Will freeze some, dry some, try to store a few.  Hope to find people to share with.  Already gave one to neighbor across street so that would make 47.  Never dreamed lol.  Hope they dry nicely.  Necessity mother of invention.  Have them hanging on square tomato cages I have that fold up.  Much better than laying on newspaper in garage like I usually do.  They are still in garage but out of the way and will get much better air.  Have to dry 2-4 weeks, depends on humidity.  

    Would like to buy potatoes for winter from mennonites but afraid maybe I could not store them well long term.  They like around 45-50 degrees, dark and high humidity.  Thinking about trying them in garage, which is unheated.   Ones  I got from store last year not the best.  Had a lot of black in them.  Have any of you guys stored potatoes long term?  If so, how did you do it and did it work well? And no I cannot dig a pit in the ground.  Those days are gone lol.

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sara, we stored onions and potatoes in our cellar. That was when I was still young.  We dug the potatoes in mid June and onions a bit later.  They were good all winter until we had new potatoes .  The cellar was a big concrete room, well under ground so never got hot and never cold enough to freeze.  Now when I buy potatoes some go bad before I can use then or grow eyes. Charles and I grew potatoes and when we dug them we put them in a little building in the garden. Not sure how they would have done because the cows got in and ate them.  Sorry I can't be of help.  Sounds like you'll have plenty of onions.  

    Ron, you crack me up!  How funny.  I've heard those noises, too, like corn popping.

    We had a brief shower this morning and radar looks like there's a lot west of us  but wonder if if will get here.

    Marie, glad you're feeling better. I know it takes me longer to get over things than it used to.  I've heard of several who have had colds and sinuus problems, also allergies.

    Sara, I think some if my ancestors came from Kentucky but not sure what part  but seems like it was more in the southern part. I have a distant cousin who did a lot of ancestry and he found relatives in Kentucky. Many graves were unmarked and he took gravestones to mark them.

    I watched about three hours of a good series yesterday.  It was David Attenborough's Global Adventures.  He's in his mid 80s and went back to places where he had done shows over the past sixty years.  Very good.

    My thongs are beginning to make my feet sore, mostly between my toes and the tops of my feet. Did see a show on Burkenstocks on HSN this morning. They look mostly alike, two straps across the foot. Seems like people really like them so must be comfortable.  I have a couple of pairs of sandals with two narrow straps that I think will work, 

    Day, watching Denim &Co. on QVC with Pat.  I bet she was a cheerleader when she was young.  Think so?

    I read, Day, that David Venable had gastric bypass surgery and has lost 100 lbs.   Remember Leah Williams also had that surgery and lost a lot.  I know David is also on some kind of low carb, low sugar diet.  He's looking good.

    Back later.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    After reading this mornings posts it occuded to me that the front porch is truly a gathering place for a very diverse group of friends. Isn't that wonderful and isn't it a wonderful learning experience that starts with a common denominator and spreads out into all kinds of directions.
    For example, potatoes. Now believe it or not I have actually grown some potatoes but they were so wonderful that there were none that needed storing. Who would have thought that potatoes could be buried to keep them. 
    Sayra....there are those of  us who wait around for folks like you who have to share...lol. 
    Lortia....please, you are not going out into "snake/tarantula/etc" land without boots. There are cowboy boots for a reason and one of them is protection. They also make jeans for protection from things like chigers. I now want a selfie of you out in the field wearing a dress and sandles. About the shoes, it is  the support in the soles that is important. The top does not matter. The MN people actually talk about the kind of shoe that needs to be worn.  The numbness in your toes could be a vascular issue as well as neuropathy. You did talk to the Dr about this, right?
    Weather? Overcast with a few drops.
    Watched The Green Planet this morning. It was about deserts. Learned that there are seeds that can wait 20 years for rain to bloom. 
    Then NOVA about the Hubble. Thinking about space is so ungrounding. I am going to stream Netflix this afternoon in order to come back to  earth.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Good morning


    Talked with my cousin in Ky. Last night.  They have had a lot of rain too but no flooding.

    Yesterday I had an unusual experience.  I was outside by my garden and took a step back.  Felt like I stepped on something.  Looked down and here it was a small rabbit.  I hollered and didn’t know what to do.  It would really bother me to kill it and at the same time I don’t want it to suffer.  I just walked off to do something else and in a little bit it hopped off.  I was so glad when it did .

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn't change anything. It just messes with your mind and steals your happiness.

    As some on our front porch might realize by now lately I've posted some quotes from my Facebook account. Some are reminders and some, just for a chuckle. I'm just trying my best to keep from posting so much about all my problems. Lately lou has wanted to eat all the time. I am lucky that she is not mobile enough to get something to eat, if she was, I would be having serious problems with her health. She cant even remember having supper 10 minutes after finishing. 

    Sayra, I had a similar experience stepping on a critter just last week. I was taking littlebit out early morning and felt something under my foot. When I got to the bottom of the steps I turned around and saw a frog hopping away. The experence reminded me to hold on to the rail when I'm going out early morning. 

    Hope all is well this morning.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Joan, glad your Covid sx were mild and that you are well now. Hope your heat has broken. Hard to think of such high temps in the mountains! I see it is 61 in Estes Park today, with a high of 78 expected. That sounds really nice compared to what we are expecting. It is 70 this a.m. but we expect highs in the 90s all week. Did you get a new laptop? I bought a new MacBook Pro a few weeks ago. This is the same model I had before; my old one was 7 or 8 years old and had little battery life as well as frequent overheating. It was time to retire it. I love Macs!

    Jo, I just finished reading "ER Nurses" by James Patterson. I read it twice, as I am gifting it to a friend and it was so good I needed to enjoy it before giving it away. You would like it, I'm sure. Have you gotten your Kindle fixed? I sure hope so. What an awful deal with the tech staff. I would say they owe you a new Kindle.

    Marie, I am glad you are feeling better. I am amazed at how much canning your mother is doing. My question is why? She surely can't eat all that before we get another harvest next year. Does she gift it to you? If yes, you're lucky to have it. 

    Sara, your onions are beautiful! I have never raised onions. We have had 5 ripe/nearly ripe tomatoes so far. I gave a couple to the neighbor. I have 3 tomato plants, all Jet Star, and I hope to have enough to freeze cut up tomatoes and maybe tomato sauce too. 

    Zetta, hope you are doing well. I like your name also. I didn't know it was your real name, thought it was a screen name for this alz site. Pretty and unusual name!

    Toni, it is good to hear from you again. Glad you are recovering from the virus. It has hit a lot of people pretty hard.

    Judith, I can tell from your posts that you are refined lady who likes the finer things of life. I would love to visit on the front porch as I could learn a lot from you. Are you still volunteering at the art center?

    Ron, thanks for your inspirational quotes. I enjoy reading them.

    Iris, did you go to the Pirate Festival? Sounds interesting. How was the painting party? I have always wanted to go to one of those and paint my own "masterpiece." lol

    Day, how are you liking your new job? How is Keys doing?

    I read twice a day, try to post once or twice a week. My life is pretty quiet. Lots of gardening and dog walking - and, as you know, SWIMMING on Thursdays at my friend's pool! We have been doing some outings with our oldest granddaughter. We have 2 granddaughters and 6 grandsons; we have two children, a son and a daughter. Last week we toured a historical museum and the state capitol. Beautiful, and interesting. We have plans to do something with her this week as well. Since it's so hot, it'll be something inside. We hope to take her bike riding but it's too hot right now. Maybe it will be better next week or the week after. Soon school will start again. 

    Have a good week, my friends!  God bless you all.   Beth

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Beth you asked 'why' my mother is doing so much canning.  Each bushel of beans equals about 21 quarts of canned beans.  My son, daughter, and 2 adult granddaughters have their own families and everybody always requests green beans when invited for a meal at my mother's.

    In recent years she would 'gift' a few quarts here and there to each family, keeping back enough for her to have some when hosting.  The supply was very low...and mother said she didn't know if she would be able to do any next year (she will be 97 in Nov.) so she wanted to do a bushel for each family and of course one for herself...total of 5.

    To be honest there is nothing special about these beans or the canning process.  It is all in the cooking when preparing a meal.  She has probably canned most every year of her adult life, so she holds on to what she can still do.

    We worry about her over doing with this process, help as we can, but don't try to keep her from doing what she loves.  So that is the story of the beans.

    Now as for tomatoes...that will probably be much less...no one else in the family uses the canned tomatoes...lol.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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