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Just need to talk to my friends (176)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Ron I have seen others post on here about their LO not remembering they just ate.  I am a worrier too and really dislike that I am.   Hope one day I will learn to let go of that, feel like I should be stronger than that.  Maybe it is a cross I bear to have empathy for others that worry, that’s ok if that is why I worry.  I have a quote I saved, forget where I found it.  Worry is like a hamster wheel.  It gives you something to do but you never get anywhere.  Have always loved frogs.  Not sure I have ever seen a frog where I live now, miss that.

    Beth I have two big boys and one jet star.  Have gotten five tomatoes so far.  Four of them big boys and one jet star.  Big boys ripening sooner but jet star appears to have more tomatoes.  Have not ate the jet star yet.  Trying to let it get really red.  If I like it’s flavor may raise all jet stars next year.  I’ll probably make a little sauce, but have quite a bit left from last year so don’t need a lot.  Have never frozen tomatoes but have already done a few this year and hope to do a few more.  Do you like onions Beth?  

    Beth don’t apologize, we love seeing you here when you have time.  Those grandchildren need you to teach them how to be a grandparent, how to garden, how to respect others etc.  Also they grow up so fast and then you don’t get to do things with them as often.  Think about those parents that lost four children in the eastern Kentucky flood, ages 1-8.  We never know what life will bring us, a lesson I have learned.  

    Yes Judith does like the finer things.  She had a much different childhood than I did.  I’m from eastern Ky. and as the governor said lot of people there had it rough before the flood.  Same held true in north eastern Ky too.   The  mountains start where it is flooding now and so they have way more flooding issues than where I’m from but it is all Appalachia and what that brings.  Still not a lot of flat land, just bottoms and hollers where I’m from.  Why tobacco is a good cash crop, can be grown in those bottoms.  They have a few fields big enough for corn or hay but not too many. That is why my dad came to Ohio, no work where we lived, still isn’t.  Many people continue to live there but drive a long ways to work every day.  

    Wish I was wiser when with my paternal grandma.  She had so much common sense that would have benefited me.  But she died when I was fairly young, at that age you don’t realize what all you are going to lose.  Have great memories of setting with her and stringing bushels of green beans.  Loved to get her going.  My sisters have those memories too.

    As a child I had nose bleeds quite a bit.  Normally they weren’t too bad but one day I had the big one as Fred Sanford would say.  I’m so glad my mom wasn’t home and grandma was visiting.  Mom would have panicked and been clueless.  My grandma took the bull by the horns and I never doubted she knew what to do.  Lol remember she had my feet in a pan of ice water and ice on my neck and head.  Surprised we had that much ice in the house.  My grandma was partially American Indian.  She denied it because she was made fun because of it when young my uncle told me after all had died but him.  When I was around fifth grade I figured out that my grandma and her sister looked just like the Cherokee lady in my geography book lol. Came home showed it to my sisters and mom, they agreed.  Can’t remember what my dad said, sure I showed him because I found it fascinating.  Well then I mentioned it to grandma, got the message that was not going to be talked about.  Sad, that is probably where a lot of her horse sense came from.  Have no understanding of people having things against certain people because of who they are, making fun of them.  See all of us as just people, from what I can tell we are a lot alike even with our differences.  How did I go there lol.

    Marie, good for your mom.  Gives her a purpose.  Makes her still feel worthwhile.  If she dies doing what she loved to do that is ok.

    That’s enough lol

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    I'm worn out from just sitting and waiting.  Left home about 7:20 and got home about noon. They charged the PU AC, took off the charger and found the leak so put on a new part and recharged.  Then Robert discovered the fan that keeps the AC going when you stopped wasn't working.  Of course they didn't havd one so will go back in the morning and get that done- about an hour and half.  I did get to see Mr. K, the fence builder,  and had a nice visit with him.  He's custom baling hay with at least 400 acres left to bale - then my fence!

    Went across the parking lot to the grocery store.  Forgot it was the first of the month so quite a few people there.  I wore my mask both plsces- saw two others with masks.

    Judith, I agree with you.  We're all from different backgrounds, different careers and different locations but we found each other and have become a close knit group who truly care about each other.  It is wonderful!

    If I think about it in time I usually wear shoes instead of sandals whennI go out in the pastures. I don't wear cowboy boots- not comfortable to me and hard to get off, sometimes even with a bootjack.  I use that for my tall rubberboots. Charles was the cowboy boot wearer.

    Never stepped on a rabbit or frog but  came close to stepping on snakes though. 

    Sara, have you ever made catsup?  I love the smell of Heinz catsup.  Bought some frozen French fries so will be smelling the catsup tonight.

    I think I've helped can everything I can think of.  We canned everything before we had a freezer. Raised vegetables and canned them for winter.  I still have the big pressure cooker we used.  It was a scary thing to me.  I froze a lot of cherry tomatoes Mike brought to me last summer.  When I make vegetable soup  after it cooks I fish out the peelings. When I was growing up we were pretty self I sufficient - raised our vegetables and fruits and canned them.  Rsised our potatoes and onions and had them all winter. We raised turnips in the fall and, Judith, we did bury them in the ground  in a bath as hay lined hole.  We had cows so had our milk and made our butter. Had our own meat and raised feed for the cows and hogs.  About the only things we bought wss floud, meal, sugar, salt and leavenings.  Mother even made her own cottage cheese.  None of this wss unusual because everyone around here did the same thing.  Noe everything is different.  Kids don't even know where vegetables and meats come from.

    I was going to buy some avocados today and the ones they had were about the size of an egg- didn't notice the price.  Wonder how the crop is this year?

    I need a nap. Got up early and will do the same in the morning.  The baby looks okay.  Samson and one of the little guys is interested in the cow so will keep them up until tomorrow.

    Joan and Marie, glad you both are better.  Feeling bad is not a goid thing.  Just take it easy.

    Ron, you're right about worrying.  What's going to happen will happen anyway and worrying won't change it.  Wish I could practice what I preach.  Glad that Lou is eating.  I know that helps your feelings.  

    Back later.  I did proofread but please excuse the changes this tablet makes.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Marie, your mother is a canning dynamo! So nice she gives to her grandkids, kids, and great grandkids. I know it is appreciated. 

    I don't know how to can. I have not frozen green beans; I just give away the excess over what I can use. I freeze tomatoes and use them in goulash, etc. 

    Sara, I do like onions but haven't raised them. I have a limited amount of space for veggies; most of my garden is flowers!  

  • SQBEAR50
    SQBEAR50 Member Posts: 104
    Seventh Anniversary 100 Comments 5 Likes

    Hi everyone,

    I just finished reading all the posts to catch up with you all. Busy front porch folks.

    I'm back in Las Vegas for a few weeks, hubby wants to buy a house here and use for an airbnb (people come to town and rent our house instead of staying in a hotel) so I'm working with a realtor here in Vegas. 

    These triple digits everyday are taking its toll on me.....can't stand this heat. 

    My uncle's birthday is coming up on the 6th so I know it will be a hard day for me. Still miss him.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Beth, I did not go to the Pirate and Mermaid Festival, I mentioned it because it is unusual.  Apparently there is was a mermaid school, so anyone who wanted to become a mermaid or merman could learn how to swim with a big tail!  I did enjoy the Paint Party, we did not paint masterpieces but painted glass vases.  Some of the women made bracelets.  The weather has been very comfortaben so it was pleasant to be outside eating and painting and socializing. 

    Another month!  Here, back to school begins in August, not September.  I have not seen many children around here, anyway.  I know that children live here, I just don't see them.  Perhaps they're indoors watching dvds and playing video games.  Summer is the time to get outdoors and to see nature!  It was for me.


  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All.

    You all have been so busy it has taken me a few days to get caught up with my front porch friends. 

    Lorita.   I also can't ware thongs they hurt my toes and slip off my feet. I tried when I was a kid. I had to laugh when you said you never saw Charles waring them it is because he probably did not like them. I ware slip in tennis shoes, I take my shoes off when I go in the house so slips on are easy for me. I keep a pair by my front door and back door. It was nice they kept Jacks, things to give to others. Thats what they did with Dans things. I even left his T.V. for his roommate. 

    Nicole.    It is nice hearing from you I was thinking about you. Sounds like you have been busy planning the airbnb in Vegas, I imagine you will always have guest. Take care of yourself on the 6th and remember all the good things you did for your uncle. 

    Joan.   I am glad to hear that you're feeling better and hopefully getting back to normal. When you talked about turning your mattress it reminded me, I need to do the same thing. I notice that my side of the bed sags a bit, so that's on my list of things to do. 

    Beth.  Thanks for commenting on my name, I was named after my godmother. Sounds like you have a wonderful group of friends and enjoy swimming together. With your friends and your grandchildren your life sounds full.  You must be a very busy lady. 

    Toni.   When I was young and in school, they also tried to get me to write with my right hand. It never worked. I can do a lot of things with my right hand about the only thing I do with my left hand is write. 

    Jo.    I am glad your DH is feeling better. When you told us about your very sweet memories in Napa Valley it reminded me of the few times I stayed in Napa Valley when touring the wineries. We lived in Sacto and when we drove to my grandparents' house, we had to go through Napa. That was a sweet memory you shared. 

    Sara.  I have never seen onions hanging upside down like that, thanks for the pictures. Dan used to fix eggplant it was so good he fried it I think he dipped it in flour. I tried once and it was not the same. I am glad the little rabbit survived. I was moving my front yard a few days ago and I almost ran over a frog. I have never seen a frog in my yard so now I will be watching for frogs when I mow. He was pretty big that's probably what saved him. 

    Marie.   It is nice you're feeling better and that your sweet 97-year-old Mom is still canning. She probably loves every minute of it. 

    We have had a lot of hot weather here but the last 2 days we have had thunder and rain. But it still has been hot. I am enjoying the cooler weather.   I still keep really busy with my pet sitting. In 14 days, I will not be able to say that again. The little dog I have been a pet nanny for, for the last 12 years will be moving far away. I will still be pet sitting but not as much as I have been. 

    Take Care all, Good Night, Zetta 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Nicole, good to know you're doing okay. Good luck on your new endeavor. We always remember birthdays of our loved ones who are gone.  Nice we have those memories

    Zetta, know you'll miss the little dog and bet he will wonder where you are. My grandma also had an unusual name - Sarah Bertie. Sarah was named after her. Never heard the name Bertie before but have since.

    Charles probably bought these thongs because they had OU Sooners on them. They have helped my toe though.

    Spent another couple of hours in town getting the other part put on the PU air conditioner. The PU hesitates sometimes when it's building up speed so will get that fixed when it's cooler. Hope I don't need to go anywhere the rest of this month. Probably should break down and get a new vehicle if I could learn how to drive the new ones.  I was cool on the way home.

    Mike came by early to check the baby. Says he's much better but to keep them up today.  Girls are going into the barn for the day.  I will be so glad when it gets cooler. Guess then I'll complain about the cold.

    Met a man at the shop today who is going to Wyoming for a couple of months to be a cook for hunting parties.  Says he doesn't  get much sleep but pay is good. He's hoping it will be cooler in the mountains. 

    Better stop before I lose this.  Zetta, we left my sister's things for residents who could use them, too.  I know there are people who are where Jack was who can benefit.  I suggested to them to make a furnished apartment.

    Enjoy the day and stay cool.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Good that the frog and rabbit survived their run-in with people's feet, Sarya and Ron.   In Enland, all on one single day in the country; DH was driving - suddenly a beautifully colored duck flew right in front of us and uh-oh; DH could not swerve fast enough and it was killed . . . a few miles down the road, a sheep suddenly shot out onto the road in front of the car, DH missed it by a hair . . . an hour later, we were in a Downton Abbey type house on an independent self-tour; we went out on the stone veranda, where DH took a step backward, accidentally steeping on a frog and it too did not survive.  I began to think I was going to have to warn the populace not to come outside until we were far out of sight.  Geeze.

    Ron; your friends here on the Front Porch are absolutely fine to have you share all the stuff that has piled up that you are carrying around.  We are here for one another; we are not just sunbeams and unicorn types, we live with and through the real including the  sad and the bad.    Anything you want to share or complain about or just vent; here we are!

    Carrots.  How I wish I could have grown really good carrots.  My grandfather's garden had the most beautiful and delicious carrots, but despite amending the soil and turning it well, I could never grow them.   I would get some small very stubby things, but not at all carrot-y.  Same with radishes; root veggies did not do well for me.  But just get me zucchini seeeds and they took over the garden and threatened even the house . . .

    Names can be so beautful and interesting; your grandmother's name was lovely, Lorita.  My GMIL's name was Berta Angelia; love that name.   One of the early morning newscasters out here had a baby girl a few weeks ago, she named her, "Penelope Rose."  How pretty.  My name is so long, I always wanted a cute little name when I was a child, but now that I am grown, I rather like the old fashioned, long names I was given.

     Beth; how wonderful to be spending time with your grandchildren; that has always been the highlight of my year when they would come out in the summer.  Days of absolute joy, laughter and lots of hugs. Bet you are having fun. I have a recording of a song about "Grandma," sung by children; I will have to find it and Post it here. Really sweet.

    I think that museums and libraries are the best of the best and we need them.  We always took the grandchildren and as they grew, they always longed to go back again and again, and we did/do.  The Los Angeles County Museum of Art is a wonderful multi-storied place with wonderful exhibits; they also have a separarate large children's art museum.  Then there is the huge Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History which again is filled to the brim with  SO much . . . the kids loved the dinosaurs best of course as well as the King Tut exhibit when it was here, and so much more. We would spend the day.

     Museum and music center docents are awesome and Judith, being one, is gifting her time to giving that wondeful experience to others.    We also took the children to live performances each time out here; twice there were the Broadway casts and performances of two big shows; the kids were awed.  One time, we met a young woman while washing our hands in the restroom at Universal Studios; she was in the cast of, Beauty and The Beast, from the New York company; we had tickets and she invited us to go backstage after the performance.  We went to the stage door where we were let in and our granddaughter got to go into the dressing room, costume room and wig room, makeup room and then got to go and stand on the empty stage looking out over the seats where the audience had sat and up into the balconies.  She never has forgotten that, it was unexpected and enchanting for her and for all of us.

    Will go to the ocean this week; depending on weather of course.  It feels like a nice time to just sit by the water and let ourselves enjoy the sound of lhe waves and watch gulls playing on air currents and smelling that wonderful ocean salt smell.  It has been awhile.  We can pull up right to the edge of the sand and the water is right there.   No vacation trip this year, we will "stay-cation." Just too much kerfuffle and issues right now with COVID still going up, down, up, down and then up and up.  Not worth it especially staying in hotel rooms.  Besides we don't feel like it this year anyway, so that is okay.

    So far, we are doing okay with the restricted drought watering and sticking to the rules.  Timed, automatic sprinklers really help.   As of now, everything looks good. Trees; shrubs, flowers, lawn all healthy looking - but then, we have stayed in the mid to high 80's; when the heat ramps up later, we shall have to see how everything does then.

    Noticed interest rates  on CDs, etc. are going up at the Credit Unions.  The fed raised the rates, and now the CUs are making upward adjustments.  I remember, long, long ago, when rates were at 16 - 17%.  Gads.  Have to smile, when the rates "dropped" to 3%, I did not want to put savings in such a small amount.  Oh boy; if  I only knew.  Am not rolling in dough, so it is moot, but it is interesting to watch.  How the young adults are going to be able to afford homes at the present prices and increased interest rates, I do not know.   It is so much harder these days than it was back when . . .

    Zetta, on a long and poignant goodby to your little fur friend, you will be missed.

     I am stunned by the flooding and losses in Kentucky; it is overwhelming.   There are still so many missing.  The poor people, so many did not have flood insurance and everything is gone. During this immediate time, there is so much needed.  One thing that gets left out is the need for women's sanitary products and even moreso, both baby and adult incontinence supplies. The adult needs go the longest as a need.  Somehow the elderly get left out and if one has a LO with dementia that has had to evacuate their home, there usually is virtually no special accomodation; I cannot begin to imagine the depth of the despair.   Another thing troubling, is the lack of clothing for those of large size.  Lots for the thin and average, but if overweight, it is a huge lack - especially underwear.  I wish there were a way to help directly, but it seems the big agencies like the Red Cross and others are the ones in charge and doing; yet there are still significant lacks.

    We have no problem with the avocados out here, Lorita; they are still in abundance and of good quality; but we cannot seem to get good peaches.  Depends on where one lives, I suppose.

      Whoops, just had a hiccup and thought I lost all of this, so time to go . . .


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening

    Lorita so glad you got that pressure off of your toe and it is feeling better.  That is very good news.  Nice you had a cool ride home and the new baby is doing better.

    Lorita I have never made catsup.  Can remember my mom making it one year.  It was very thick and tasty. 

    Gas around the corner from me is 3.85 today if you have their app.  I don’t so would be 3.95 for me. Will see what it is at Krogers and go from there.

    Knew a lady named Bertie.  There a few different names in my family too, my paternal grandma was Arminta( they called her Mint), sister Jincy and cousin Cienwen.

    JoC hope you get to go the ocean.  Water can be so calming and yet so destructive.  

    Take care

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Took a two hour nap-wonderful. I spent the afternoon with Charles. I remember we had gone to an unfamiliar town for some reason. Should take a nap everyday. When I sleep so do the cats and  GPs.

    On names; my mother's middle name was Corinne and my paternal grandmothers name was Rilla Ruth.  Always thought if we would have had a little girl we would gave named her Rilla Corinne.  Of all the animals I've named you would have thought I would have used those names.

    We couldn't raise pretty carrots either except Danver's Halflongs.  I love carrots and now when I make those muffins I use a carrot cake mix. Better than spice, I think.

    Guess I will begin the 15 day countdown again since I sat on a seat and touched it with my hand today in the waiting area. Guess I need to start carrying a spray.  Today only one other person was in the waiting area. Yesterday two or three and one guy coughed some. I was the only one masked. Carol and Bill are out and about all the time and she says no one wears a mask.

    Baby looks good so will let them out in the morning after one more look. Seems odd to call the vet and not have to pay!  If he thinks baby is okay, he is.  Feel kind of sorry for him being on call 24 hrs a day, seven days a week. He says he sometimes takes an hour nap if no calls late in the evening in case he has night calls. He and Sydney are often out until 10 pm on calls after beginning at 6 a.m.  If he ever retires this area will be in deep trouble.

    Guess I will water in the morning to keep roses and caladiums  going.  Still getting  those tiny thorns whenever I go out that way.

    Heat index was 104 today, temp 100 and will be seems like forever.  We've had 20 days of 100 degree days this far with at least six weeks of hot weather to go.  I do not like Oklahoma summers.  Seems like we have such a big range in temps from 110 with higher heat indices to below zero with terrible windchills.

    Day, I missed Denim & Co. This morning but it will be rerun at 9 tonight.  Did you see it?  Live to watch Gary and Carolyn together.

    Better go before I lose this.  Sleep well.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    I've got the 'Rona!  I woke up with my usual runny nose, but I started sneezing with a little cough.  My temp was 99.3 F.  I did a smell test and I could smell all my spices.  I took a rapid Covid test because I had a doctor's appt scheduled for tomorrow, and I wanted to be safe.  I'm pretty sure I got infected at the paint party.  I called the hostess and she said she started coughing yesterday, and that her sister, who has COPD, was having chest pain.  I told her to isolate and to get some rapid tests, also to notify her other guests.  I had already called the women that I knew.

    My health plan had no advice for me.  But I called a different advice nurse to ask about taking Paxlovid.  I'm going to talk to my doctor tomorrow about it.  The funny thing is, I felt worse from the reactions to the two vaccines and the booster!  

    I started back on my zinc, vitamin C and vitamin D3.

    One important thing: these ladies all know each other and they are huggers.  I have been out of reach of Covid all these two and a half years but I believe I was too close to someone with Covid.  My advice: AVOID HUGGING!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    So sorry, Iris.  Hope you have a light case.  Take it east.  Keep us updated.  Goid you have a doctor's appointment tomorrow.
  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    66F.  Heat index in high 90s today.  Guess August is here.

    Iris Paxlovid would be great if you are able to qualify.

    Got a free supper at work last night.  It was good, a bbq pork chop, mashed potatoes and collards.  

    Take care everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Iris, I am so sorry you caught the virus! Glad it seems to be mild at this time. 

    I heard a couple of states have declared emergency due to monkeypox. Also that there is polio in the wastewater somewhere in NY. Are we all at risk for monkeypox? And regarding polio, I had the vaccines as a child. Is a booster going to be needed? My mom had polio when I was 6 months old. She was in the hospital for awhile and my aunt and uncle took care of me. She had no deficits, but possibly some post polio syndrome (muscle weakness) in her later years. 

    Nothing much planned here today. It's going to be hot again. Going to pack up a book I'm mailing to a friend in TX and will take it to the post office when I head to the pool tomorrow. 

    I have more green beans to pick and possibly cucumbers. Picked some yesterday and the day before. Not having a lot of tomatoes yet. We have eaten 2, have 2 on the counter and gave 2 to a neighbor. There are MANY on the vines but not  red yet. I imagine (hope) I'll be inundated with them soon! 

    I enjoyed reading about unusual names in your families. I like the name Jincy - never heard of it before. How do you pronounce Cienwen? Is that an Irish name?  Have you all heard of the name Siobhan? It is pronounced "Shi-vawn" (short i sound). Irish name. We watched Bally Kiss Angel - lots of interesting names. Niamh was another name on the show; pronounced "NEEV."  I had an aunt named Alenis (long e, short i). I have never heard the name before or since. 

    Have a good day everyone.   Beth

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sara, supposed to be 104 today with 108 heat index. I got out and watered, then drove out to check on the baby who has been sick.  He was in the shade with six others and looked okay.  You should have  seen my getup to water.  Had on tall rubber boots and long sleeved shirt, mask, sunglasses and hat.  Pretty sight for sure but think it worked because I'm not itching.

    Do you all remember Ma Kettles?  I saw her in my bathroom mirror two nights ago.  Remember she had long, gray hair she kept up but some on one side would be sticking up and some of it hanging down on the other side.  I looked in the mirror and there she was!  Kind of scary.  I had mine up in one of those clips and some had fallen down.  Glad no one was around to see it.

    Iris, anxious to see what the doctor says.  Was everyone at the painting session wearing masks?  Sounds like symptoms begin 4-5 dats after exposure.  Hope everything is okay.

    I think I read there are around 12000 new cases of the virus each week in Okla.  

    The pink bathtub  flowers are really pretty this year.  I had some short, red caladiums  leftover and planted them among the dark pink vinca.  They've filled the bathtub and the cow didn't eat them.  I have another tall planter with all red tall ones and the other three planters are mixed red with green edges, white with green veins and red spots and red with pink dots.  That smaller black tub is doing all right after something ate them.  I still have half a dozen I didn't get planted.  Judith, are your caladiums doing okay?

    Really glad I didn't have to go to town today. I even slept until 7:15 this morning and watched Barney Miller last night.

    Sara, I have never eaten collards.  The only greens I have really eaten and liked is spinach.  Your supper last night sounded good.

    Going to take it easy today. Do need to go through drawers and probably get rid if some old t shirts and ranjs.  Same with the closet.

    Ron, hope things are better with you.  Jo is right. We can talk about everything including feelings.  I think it helps to get things off your chest.

    The flooding in Kentucky is so awful.  I just can't imagine how awful it must be.

    Stay cool!

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Iris, so very sorry to hear you have Covid.  Hope that you continue to have very mild symptoms.

    You are right about hugging...but you know that is one of the things I miss most.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Have never heard of Siobhan or Alenis.  Jincy is Gin’ see, Cienwen is Kin(long I) and wun(short u).  Jincy was named after a neighbor in Ky., Cienwen name was gotten from a book her mother read.

    The virologist, Vincent Racaniello, has done a lot of work with polio vaccines.  He says if you have been vaccinated once you will be ok he believes.  The young man in NY is from an orthodox Jewish community who are against vaccinations.  He had been traveling abroad in Europe.  You could go to you tube channel TWIV and watch his recent video on this titled Polio in New York.  It is a little complicated and I don’t want to be a source of misinformation so will leave anyone who is interested to listen to the video.  If I knew how to make links I would, but I dont.  The video about 26 minutes long, easy to understand.  

    According to them those of us who got the smallpox vaccine years ago probably not protected from monkey pox.  But you do have a little more control it seems over getting monkey pox than Covid or polio.

    Got first two cucumbers today.

    Lorita the collards were good, so will get them when they have them.  Haven’t eaten them but a few times.

    I’m a sight too out in the yard lol.  Wear a big sun hat, sun sleeves and gloves with finger tips out.  Cannot tolerate sun screen.  Drives my eyes crazy. Have used and still do drugs that make your skin sensitive to sun.  So I do what I have to do.  

    Marie hugging is what I miss most too.  I have hugged a few times this summer but always had my mask on.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Beth, just saw your post.  I watched Bally Kiss Angel, too.  Loved it!  I would like to watch it sgain.  The names were interesting and so unusual to me.  Loved the name they pronounced Neev

    Your garden sounds like it's doing well.  I think you have had rain so that helps a lot.  I usually buy fresh green beans in the store when I see them but haven't seen any in the store where I shop..  

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Life is short,

    Time is fast.

    No replay, No rewind.

    So enjoy every moment as it comes.

    Words I wish I could live by!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, we are dry here, but I water. City water isn't as good as God's good rain, but it does keep things going! I have 4 caladium bulbs that a friend gave me. I think I planted them too close together, but they are doing ok. One bloomed. That surprised me. I have elephant ears too. I really like them. They get really big. They get especially big if you overwinter them inside. Last year I overwintered them and I ended up with a gnat infestation in the house! Fungus gnats live in the soil. I was able to get rid of them but what a pain! Instead of overwintering in pots inside, I will just put the tuber or bulb in the basement. It will dry out, which is ok, and will start again when put in the ground or in a pot and watered. 

    Sara, I found the video on polio and will watch it later. Thank you. I knew someone would have some info on the questions I asked. Now, I don't know if I said this before, but I am also a medical person (retired). I worked as an RN. I haven't worked in over 10 years now. I worked in E.D., ICU, CCU, OR, school of nursing, infection control/quality assessment/JCAHO prep team/utilization management and also medical case management, disability case management, electronic medical record team for a cardiology practice....I think that sums it up pretty well. I let my license expire after I retired. 

    I have some lovely sunflowers out in the garden. They are volunteer from my bird feeder. I also bought some fancy sunflower seeds but they are leggy. I think where I planted them doesn't get enough sun. Lesson learned.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    98% of monkeypox cases is found in men who have sex with men.  I don't believe the general public is in great danger. 

    The information on Paxlovid is confusing.  There are free government clinics where one can be examined, diagnosed and prescribed Paxlovid.  There are three near me, but I cannot find a specific address.  Anyway, I am doing okay and don't need medication.  There was a report that taking Paxlovid prolongs the positive state.  My own immune system seems to be handling the virus.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Thought you were an RN Beth but couldn’t remember for sure.  I never renewed mine either, I’m done .

    Iris that is what I meant when I said you have a lot more control with this virus.  The majority are of the group you mentioned.  You can get it say by changing their bedding and not wearing gloves and get some of the infective material on you, ie healthcare workers, so others do need to just be aware of their surroundings.  

    Glad your flowers are doing well Lorita.  

    Beth I got two more cucumbers this afternoon, makes 4 today.  I bought a few pickling cucumbers at market today.  Hope I find time to make pickle relish.  Just a jar or two.

    Take care

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Wonder what is happening with the site today.  It took forever to get onto this Thread, but finally, success!

    Dear Iris, I am so very sorry that you have tested positive for COVID.  I hope that it stays very light.   Being that you have had other conditions, it would be best to contact your MD to let him/her know and let them decide whether or not Paxlovid would best serve you or not.   Of all the things.  Also, do call to ask about going into the office being positive for COVID.   There are some strict protocols out there in medical offices whether we are masked or not when positive.  At least they will get you into an exam room right away rather than sitting in a waiting room.

    My Internist went on vacation; he did not have COVID until then . . . suddenly, there he was; exposed on vacation.   Had fatigue, sore muscles, bit of a headache, cough and nose symptoms but did okay.  One of the office staff who works only part time became positive; she had the same symptoms but was very worried as she lives with her mother who is in her 70's.  They masked when in near proximity and daughter stayed isolated.   Her mother did not contract COVID, but she had her second booster a month before, so the effect was still quite robust.

     Beth; what do the grandchildren think of the garden?   I can imagine for small ones they would think it magical.   Our grandaughter, at age five had chosen a "princess" hat at Disneyland; you know the kind - cone shaped all sparkly with a chiffon fabric attached to the back of it.   I had also bought her a star shaped wand to go with the hat.  Well; she was outside in the yard, and when I looked out the window,  there she was; had her hat on and had her wand - she commenced to go to each flower touching it with her wand whispering something; could not hear what she was saying to the flowers, but it was so heart warming sweet.  Usually she would choose mouse ears, but this was different.  She loves flowers and would have loved your garden.

     As for Monkey Pox, here is as good overview of it:


    Can incubate up to three weeks, but most will show within two weeks. One can also contract it from, OR even give it to animals.  Yikes; our poor pets.  For most of us, this will not be an issue. However, it caan be picked up from "fomites"- surfaces - so once again, hand washing reigns supreme especially when having been out in public. Drats those door handles and elevator buttons.    I have never been vaccinated for Polio as they were not doing that except for the children back in the day.  It makes me smile to look back at my first Microbiology class and how we contract harmful microbes: "Filth, Food and Fomites."  The big three. 

     Sayra; love the names of the sisters, how pretty and beautifully unique.  Your dinner sounded good.  I am sun sensitive too.  Used to tan as a teen, but now; even though I am not on any meds, I just fry and look like a lobster no matter the sunblock, etc. That must be my 50% Scandinavian genes laughing at me.  Looks like my Italian genes burned out in my teens.  

    Oh Sayra; your gas prices are lovely.   Just announced today that we are "down" to $5.69 a gallon.  Was $6.29.  Sure went up like a bolt of lightening, but going down slow as can be, toying with us. 

     We did not go to the ocean; it is so bloomin' humid, rather not be oot and aboot just now.

    Glad the calf is doing better, Lorita.  Made me smile about not having to pay the vet for his visits; that must surely feel quite different.  Saves a lot per year.

     Feeling a bit peaked again today; tummy still not all done with its trouble it had awhile ago; I noticed I cannot eat certain things still.  Slowly we go, and eventually it should be better; am more than halfway there.

    Going to go and have some chicken rice soup and applesauce - sound exciting?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,679
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    Last night on TWIV they discussed monkey pox a little again.  Apparently they are not seeing monkey pox in older people and feeling now that those 52 and older who got small pox vaccination probably are still protected.

    Take care

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    I have to get my life together this heat made me realize I cant go to Hell.

    Several comments about our front porch group being a diverse group had me curious about where we all started and currently are in our lifes. I will start with what is not as interesting as most if you.

    I was the youngest of 4 and needless to say more headstrong and rebellious as my siblings. I was smoking at 12 and going to bars at 15 and more interested in girls than school. I was selling popcorn and peanuts at local events at 10 and always had my own money and spent it freely on girls and friends. At 18 joined the army, trained as a cryptographic operator and turned 19 in Vietnam. My experence in Vietnam was not one that I enjoyed but is one I learned a lot about life and death. After Vietnam I was stationed at Fort Campbell KY where I met and married Lou. While at Fort Campbell i was promoted to sergeant and was the non commentioned officer in charge of the Provost Marshall office. Before being discharged from the army i had the chance to enter the officer's cannedence school, which i turned down for the fear of another deployment to Vietnam. Marriage had its ups  and downs but one we survived! I started my civilian life with Western electric which the government broke up because it considered it as a monopoly. Staying with the same manufacturing company under several name changes; western electric, at&t, lucent and finally Avaya I retired as a warehouse supervisor, under a forced retirement due to manufacturing moving to Mexico. After 42 years with the same company, I went to work as a TSA screener and retired after 10 years as screener scheduling and payroll expert. During this journey I worked two full time jobs at times, helped Lou raise two boys, stopped smoking and drinking and had a full life. A lot if what I did affected my health, but it is the life I lived.

    By the way......this was the clean version of my life!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    It's raining!  I didn't  think it would get down this far but it did.  Don't expect too much but every drop is needed and appreciated.  Filled the water tank and  only touched the hose to get it back in the trough and the hydrant handle but itching anyway. Drove over and saw some of the girls who weren't with the others and took Stormy for a short ride and Sheena for a short walk.

    Looking for the place I ordered some masks from. I don't remember where but the box says Generic Plus. They have weird earpieces. Wore one the other day and it came apart. Box says 99% effective.

    Ron, you've had a full life.  I agree about the heat and hell so we better be good, right?

    My life has been pretty mundane and straughtforward. Graduated from High school in 1960. Went to business college to learn speedwriting.Pre enrolled in college to become a teacher but after I took the Civil Service test went to work at the VAHospital in 1961.

    Met Charles at the hospital in 1963.  He left but came back to town years later and we got married in 1971. Lived in town for five months, then bought a travel trailer and moved to the farm. We helped daddy with farming and cattle and when it was too much for him took over taking care of the cattle.  Charles retired a couple of years before I did. I retired after 33 years and 3 months service in 1994. We lost my parents shortly after that so we took over running cattle.

    Charles was diagnosed with vascular dementia in 2008. I was his sole caregiver until I lost him in 2015.  The VA was a lot of help to us.  The rest you all know. I joined this group in 2008 because I needed someone to talk with and ask questions.  I could never have made it without this forum.  My sister had also begun to have symptoms of alz so couldn't talk with her.  

    So, here I am on our farm doing what I can. Sold my cattle to Mike the end of 2021 and leased him the land.  I still watch.over them as if they were my own.  I will live here until the end or when I no longer can. I hope the time never comes that I have to leave but we never know what is  in store for us.

    Charles and I had a good marriage and life together.  I still miss him every day and always will.  We didn't have children but had lots of pets.  My family now consists of four cats, two wonderful Great Pyrenees, Stormy and Sheena and the girls.  No family except my great niece, Sarah and her brother and cousins and, of course, all of you dear friends on the forum.  Told you my life was mundane.

    Back later. Time for some more hot tea.

    Still raining a little. Wish to would continue all day.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
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    Advice to old people

    Do not sit on the floor without a plan on how to get back up.

    Good advice I wished I knew a long time ago. Cant remember when I sit down to work on something, I can't just jump back up.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita, I've been thinking about you and your Covid precautions.  I think you need to be careful about touching anyone, such as shaking hands.  Wear plastic gloves and wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds frequently, also use hand sanitizer.  My problem is I did not wash my hands enough at the paint party.  

    The hostess and her sister, who were both symptomatic, both tested positive.  The hostess told me that several other guests were coughing, although she did not tell me if any others were Covid positive.

    An odd thing happened, my brother, who is 3,000 miles away from me, also got Covid this weekend!  What a coincidence!  He is more symptomatic than I am, with body aches, headache, sore throat and fever.  He is taking Paxlovid.

    After reading about Paxlovid and consideration, I decided against Paxlovid for myself.  Apparently, there is a chance of rebound positive test with Paxlovid.  The current president has rebound positivity.  So far, I am doing okay.  I don't have headache, sore throat or body aches; I have runny nose, sneezing, cough and fever.  But my temperature is down today (third day).  I am on a lot of supplements.  Actually I felt sicker after getting vaccinated, but this is lasting longer than the post-vaccination side effects.  I feel like I have a bad cold.

    Nevertheless, Covid can still be dangerous to some people.  There are still many variants roaming around.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    THank you, Iris, for thinking about me.  I haven't touched anyone since all this began.  I wipe down the grocery cart and the pen thing you use to sign your name when you write a check. Usually use hand sanitizer when I get back in PU. Don't remember doing that Tuesday.  I wipe down groceries before bringing them inside and spray mail.  Trying to be careful. Always wear my mask.

    Your brother and you getting the virus at the same time is odd.  Glad you're doing all right and hope he does.

    We got half an inch of rain!  Cool all day until the sun came out about 3 .  Any reprieve is so appreciated.  At 4:30 yesterday it was 102. Heat index North of here was 114.

    I so agree, Ron.  Hard to get up when you get down. Also hard to sit down on a low place.  Our knees and hips just don't want to bend.  I was watching the little calf a couple of days ago and got tired of standing.  Thought I would sit down on a piece of low farm equipment but it just didn't work so didn't.  Just a couple of more things we have to deal with as we get older.

    I heard our President tested positive again this motning. Iris, do you think that's because he took the medicine?

    What is the connection between smallpox vaccination and monkeypox?  Also polio?  I was vaccinated for smallpox when I began working at the hospital.  Still have the round, dark place where it was given.

    I'm beginning to think I got those sticky, little things on Max, one of the cats.  He sat on my lap this afternoon and I got itchy.

    Took forever, Jo, to get on this site so will begin 177 later today is in the morning.  

    Time to find something for supper.  Sleep well tonight.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,214
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning from the front porch. I will start your Friday off with a cooking tip.

    Tip: how to keep your brownies fresh.

    Eat them all in one sitting...........


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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