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Just need to talk to my friends (186)

Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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It's a better day - dreamed of my Charles last night.  It's sunny but really windy.  Toad and Mike came and fed the girls and I was able to see Gray Lady and her new baby, Chucky or Chas (that's what Charles' dad called him).    Took down the trash and put a couple of cards in the mailbox even though there's no mail delivery today.

Sara - you mentioned raisins.  A few years ago I bought a package of raisins they were really big and so good.  Lately the ones I have bought are dry.  I used to keep a jar of plumped raisins in the refrigerator to put in my oats.  Maybe I should do that again to put in my MOM.

Nothing going on here today - if I can help it.  Yesterday I decided I'd drive around the section east of us that Mike bought.  He had told me about what they'd done on the east side and was anxious for me to see it.  So, I was really impressed at all they've done.  All the trees and bushes are out of the fences and they've bulldozed all the fences.  They've built probably a mile or so of new barbed wire fences, six wires and put in corner posts and places for gates.  I met a guy in a PU who stopped me to tell me not to turn east at the next corner because there was a power line down in the road.  I was going to turn west to come back home so didn't check it out.  After I got home Darwin called to see if my power was out.  It wasn't but he said his was and he didn't know how long because it was out when  he got up.  He didn't know how to get in touch with the electric company so I called them and they said they'd send out a crew.

Later he called me (about five hours later) to tell me their power was on.  He had driven down and said a huge tree had blown over and taken down a power pole and the wire.  His was the only place out of power.  I thought that was strange because he's only a mile from me and we have the same company.  

Mike called last evening to talk a bit.  I could tell by the noises that he was probably feeding bottle babies.  He's so proud of his new ranch so told me where he was going to put cross fences and gates. There will be about seven miles of new fences built.  He's going to take down the barn and house.  Really hate to see it go.  Mitchell built the barn after he moved here in 1960 and Carol was born in that house 86 years ago.  That was the year my parents moved here so I have no idea how old the house is.  It's sad to see old houses empty or torn down.  There's a homeplace half a mile south of us that used to have a big family living there - my sister was friends of the two girls who lived there.  They were the first people to have a telephone, electric  and running water in the house.  Now, there's nothing there - really sad.  Another big rancher has bought that land and lots of land south of us.  He sold all but about 100 head of cattle last summer so don't know what he's going to do.   Enough of that - I'm sure no one is interested in that except me.  Just thinking of all the changes that are happening or have happened since I've been here.  I can think of at least seven houses/farms that used to be here and are now gone - I think Mike has all that land now.

Talked with Sarah over the weekend.  They're still trying to change her medicine to help her more and she is sleeping more than she was.

They're getting ready to have a big MLK parade in Tulsa - said it was the third biggest one in the USA.  Nice day for a parade except for the wind.

Thank you all for your kind words.  Yesterday was a hard day but as you said I have all the wonderful memories of our almost 44 years together.  Those can never be taken away.

Just proofread what I've written and I'm sure no one is interested in all of that but it's there for what it is.   Sorry, just reminescing I guess.



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sara, guess we posting about the same time.  Glad you got your housework done and don't have to cook today  The rest of the day you can take it easy.  I'm trying to think of something to eat today - have some soup and brown beans frozen so may thaw out one of those things.  I don't have a freezer, just the freezer in the refrigerator so that would make some room.  I ordered crumb cakes and one was opened when they got here so I called and told them and they're going to replace the whole order so I'll need some more room.  Didn't mean for them to do that but it was nice of them.  I think I'll give some of them to Darwin and Donna.  Before she had alz she was always baking something and giving it to people - her specialty was banana bread.

    Hope you get some rain, Sara, if you need it.  We really need rain so, hopefully, we'll get some this week.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Lorita, I for one enjoy your "ramblings" about all the changes.  It is so sad to see the old places go, but at least Mike seems to be a good steward of the land and animals.

    I like watching "Hometown" shows where a couple are revitalizing their hometown of Laurel, Mississippi.  Some of the homes appear to be on their last legs, but they fix them up and it is then a new home to be loved.

    I also like watching "Barnwood Builders" where they are saving really old cabins and barns.

    I grew up spending summers on a big farm...all the standard animals...milk cows, cows like yours, chickens, pigs...and of course the dog named Shep.  While I was the only young one there, I was never without things to do or places to explore.  If there was more of that for the young people today, maybe there would not be so much bad stuff going on.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Count me in as another person who loves the ramblings.  I honestly think you picked the best possible person to take care of the land and the animals and he and his team are doing a great job - plus they have you to alert them in case something is up with one of them.

    Very busy day today, probably because so many people were off for the holiday.  Working 4 hours tomorrow and 2 hours Wednesday (no phone, just working on cases) and not much else planned.

    I ordered my groceries to be delivered tomorrow morning, made a Chewy order and I can't think of anything else I need.

    Hope everyone gets some good sleep tonight.  It's pretty cold and rainy here tonight.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    It's COLD and windy here


  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Good morning!  I was re-reading loveskitties' post and started some reminiscing myself.  We didn't have a farm to spend time on, but I honestly don't remember the TV being on at my house ever during the day.  And we only had 1, and my dad or mom controlled it so it was on shows they wanted to watch.

    I also remember that during the school year and in summer, we wolfed down breakfast so we could get outside (even in winter) because our friends in the neighborhood would be doing the same.  We would be outside until lunch and then back out again.  What did we do?  Rode bikes, we had a creek by our house and we would make boats out of leaves and twigs and send them down the creek, sledding in winter, playground at the school - any number of things kept us busy.  If we found a dead bird we'd be planning a bird funeral, so might have go home to get a box and a shovel and something to fix 2 sticks into a cross for the grave....we never ran out of things to do.  I would see my nephew growing up constantly with the TV on, he wasn't really outside unless it was some organized thing with a group of kids.  His mother was constantly arranging things for him to do so he never really figured out what to do with unstructured time.  I like the way I grew up better.

    Well there's my ramble for today!
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 839
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    Good morning All! 

    In the 50s yesterday - warm for January in Iowa - there was a tornado in eastern Iowa. It is to be nice today and tomorrow we have a major snow coming - up to 6.8"! 

    We're planning to go see "A Man Called Otto" today. Tuesday afternoons it costs just $5.50 per person to see a movie.

    I made homemade cinnamon rolls Saturday. They are so good! Mmmm!

    Hope all who are sad, or sick, or overwhelmed here on the front porch will have recovery, comfort and peace.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    loveskitties wrote:

    .  If there was more of that for the young people today, maybe there would not be so much bad stuff going on.

    It seems that many young people today are filled with anger and rage.  I believe the answer would be to let the young people get outdoors and interact with their peers and learn to use their creative minds to solve problems, like what you and day2 experienced.  But that won't happen. 

    It's cold again, but no rain is predicted for at least a week.  It's windy, so skies are clear.  This is the time of year when we can see the snow capped mountains in the distance which are usually hidden by smog.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Like Iris, chilly today, but no wind where we are.  After those helatious storms, we have a couple of dry days but weatherman said probable moderate rain Thursday.  Even though the rain is expected to be gentle, for those living in  the hills or mud slide areas, it adds to the dangers; so hope all goes well.  After a big rain, the snow topped mountains are so brilliantly clear they look like they are at the end of the street rather than a couple of hours away.  Still a lot of dangerous surf and dangerous tides at the ocean.

    Had to smile at the reminiscing of childhood activities, Day.  A lot like mine.  Lots of running with all of us neighborhood kids just being kids.  Our town had no TV access which was a blessing in disguise.  We did not have a creek, but we had a hill at the end of our block which we sometimes forbiddingly climbed, (parents would have been angry), and  the braver or foolish ones of us climbed high, sitting on a rock formation called, "The Phantom's Chair."  Could see the entire town from there.   We also organized "parades" of all the kids. We banged on pots and pans, clanged pot lids, blew on whistles, etc. and wore homemade paper hats while marching up and down the street. FUN!   Climbed trees, ate choke cherries, crab apples, rhubarb growing wild.  At one point, rode my second hand bike around and around the block singing "Ave Maria" at the top of my lungs being grateful for the bike . . . . roller skating with the key on a string around our necks.  Reading from the library.  I sneaked a flashlight under my bedclothes and read under the blankets at night.  Wonderful days.  No expensive toys, mostly make believe and playful things of our own making; we never felt entitled or upset about that.  Winter was the UP of Michigan; 30 below and storms left us in the house where we listened to the radio programs like, "The Phantom," or "The Shadow," and "Aunt Lois' Story Time," and of course, reading.  Wonderful to have had that; it was a gift to have grown up in such times.

    Lorita; so hope Sarah will be able to benefit from her TPN restoring some of her elements that she has been missing by not being able to process tube feedings.   May this give her a boost.

    Mike's property sounds very nice; that was a lot to achieve.  Did you get all the electrical addressed in the barn?  So hope that was able to be done for you.   How very kind and nice of you to give Darwin and Donna a cake - I am sure it is a pleasing surprise for them.

    I'm going over to Beth's house - homemade cinnamon buns - WHOOPEE!

    Last night I dreamed a very long, very detailed dream of my grandmother and great-grandmother (who I really did not know except from photos); I was trying to find a restaurant to take them to after flying them into the strange town I was in, in a helicopter!  Go figure.  Weird. 

    Today I recovered a 21 minute Relaxation Tape from Western University in Australia.  I settled down and went through it; by the time it was complete I was as relaxed as a cooked noodle and did not want to get going.  There is of course an Australian "accent," but I found it  effective. 

    Drats; I do not  know how to make this a blue hyperlink since I am not on Explorer.   Anyone know how?

    Noon here already, this morning has been flying by.  May this be a good afternoon for everyone.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Jo, sounds like you must be feeling better - so glad to know.  All of those things you and Day did sound like fun.  Did you all ever make mud pies?  I remember daddy liked to go to farm sales and one year he bought an old cook stove.  It didn't go into the house but into the backyard.  We had one in the house so didn't need it, I guess.  Anyway, I made mud pies and cooked them in the oven.  I used a jar lid for the pie plate, mulberry leave for the crust and made the filling out of mud - had to get it just right.  You know to this day if I see mud I think about how it looks just right for mud pies.  The closest kids close to us was half a mile away so didn't play with them very much  When I was in high school a couple of friends and I would get together sometimes and ride bicycles but mostly I played by myself - rolling a tire, playing with the chickens things like that.  It was a wonderful childhood - everyone had about the same amount of income and most of us lived on a farm so we worked in the fields, too.

    Jo, Sarah was supposed to have some kind of procedures this afternoon  She wasn't really sure what it was but had signed the consent for them to do what was needed.  I just got home a couple of hours ago and tried to cll her but no answer so guess they were doing it  She had PT and OT this morning.  Something happened to her thumb - bent back somehow so they were going to put some kind of splint on it.

    Yesterday Max started this loud sneezing - not often but it almost shook the house when he did sneeze.  Kitt was also sneezing a little bit. Both of them slept with me last night so didn't get a lot of sleep - I kept wondering if I could catch their cold.  This morning Kitt wasn't sneezing and for a long time neither did Max - then it began again.  Called and got a 1 p.m appt. with Mike and took them over.  I didn't feel very good but knew they had to go.  Was only gone l 1/2 hr.  Max has an allergy so he got an allergy shot and Prednisone to take (that'll be fun)  I hope I can dissolve it but it will still be hard to get down him.  With Tom and Jerry I could put the medicine in their food and they'd eat it but not these guys.  Kitt has a bad eye infection (only has one so have to get that under control).  He had that when we were there about six weeks ago.  Talk about hard to do - that's getting eyedrops in his eyes.  It'll be a fight but has to be done.  Found out that Kitt is about eight and Max is about seven - might be older because both were barn cats and the age is from the time I first took them to the vet.

    Lots of people there - always is.   He feeds every morning with Toad, starts appointments at 10 (small animals) and continues after noon until mid afternoon when he does large animals. 

    The section east of us was a beehive of activity yesterday.  Had a bulldozer going, some big machine that takes down trees, someone hauling hay off the meadow and a huge, 20 foot disc.  They're still clearing trees today.  He said they went through the barn and house and neither is worth saving so they'll be torn down.  So hate to see the house go but he said people had gotten in lately and broken windows and there was evidence they were making drugs in the house or barn - kind of scary.  Mitchell who used to live there planted Bradford pear trees across the front of his yard and when I drove by this morning they were gone.

    I had to ask him this - he had told me there were lots of beavers in a 30 acre wooded area on the south side of the section and there were lots of beavers they would have to shoot.  So, I asked if they had to kill them.  He said they did because they were ruining the ponds - cutting down trees and dragging them into the ponds and breaking the dams.  I hope I don't hear the shots.  So it will be a section for cattle only with winter grazing and haying in the summer.  Today I saw a man on the east side building fences and I hear the bulldozer going now.  I hate to tell Carol that the house where she was born will be no more.  Another sad thing - lots of history there and lots and lots of people who have lived there.  No idea how old that house might be

    That's all I know - but the snow-capped mountains sound beautiful.  Living on the plains we don't see that.  If you go far enough east you see the Boston Mountains in Arkansas and west of us is Tiger Mountain - just a big hill to you all.  I like the mountains to visit but I need open country where you can see and/or hear a truck or car a mile or more away.  There are, however, many more trees out here than there were when my parents moved here in 1936.

    It was a cold, sunny morning - 30 degrees colder than yesterday morning but it's cloudy and a little warmer now - about 55 or 60.  A little rain predicted for early in the morning, then warm again.  I wish the rest of winter would be warm.  We've only had one day this month that wasn't above normal temps.

    Just heard a cat knock something off the cabinet so better so check.  Day, yesterday I tried to watch Denim & Co. but Jane Tracy was the host - almost drove me crazy - and it was repeated this morning (did not watch it).  I miss Carolyn when she's gone and I know Gary does.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.  Jo, glad you're back. I need to listen to that relaxation tape.  Chinese Zen music does it for me.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Lorita wrote:


      Did you all ever make mud pies?  

    I never made mud pies but I did have an Easy-Bake oven, with which I made tiny cakes.  We also made bug houses for lightening bugs in the summer.  I lived in the city.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    I lived in a house on a bluff overlooking Lake Michigan so in addition to making mudpies we built sand castles. Additionally we had ravines with vines we would swing out on.

    No one had TV and we played 24/7.  No afterschool sports but there were piano lessons and ballet. Ice skating all winter. Swimming all summer but not in the lake w/o an adult.

    Mud piesc? Yes, of course. I also remember making lobster Newburg when I was in the 5th grade.

    Went to exercise at 9 thing morning. Then to The Container Store and the meat market for tri tip tuesday. Picked up a chicken for $8. Yikes!

    Worked on papers then napped...lol. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Judith, good to see your post.  Haven't heard from you for a while.  How's the flip house going?

    Sounds like we all have varied childhoods but all good.  Things are so different in parts of the country but still the same in many ways.

    Trying to find something good to watch on TV tonight - not much on.  I've been watching a lot of Shark Tank lately - most of them are old shows but many I haven't seen so they're new to me.

    Talked to Sarah a little while.  She's still not sure what they did in surgery until she sees the doctor in the morning.  They did put a splint of some kind on her thumb up almost to the elbow to stabilize it.  Not sure how she's going to manage using a walker and other things she has to do.

    I'm about ready to go to bed - haven't felt on top of the world today and my ribs are uncomfortable.  Supposed to be a little rainy in the morning so may sleep in but I do like to be up when they feed so we'll see how it goes.

    Anyway, sleep well tonight, everyone.  I'll see you tomorrow.  Ron, the porch may be a little wet but we'll be there.  How are you and Lou?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good morning
    Was oldest of five.  We played together.  My mom would not have been happy with us making mud pies.  She would never have gotten us an easy bake oven either lol.  We had to beg to make a batch of cookies.  She did let us make popcorn frequently.

    Would like a cinnamon roll too if any still left.  Beth hope the snow isn’t too bad.

    Judith sounds like you lived in a beautiful place.  

    Day to go get everyone groceries.   I pay around $9 for package of chicken.  The other day at work got a herbed chicken breast with skin and bone.  It was so good.  All I can get at store is boneless, skinless.  Called meat shop and they have them  so when have a little extra going to run down there and get some.  

    Take care

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    I remember making mud pies - and yes, Lorita, the mud needs to be a certain consistency to make good ones.  

    I remember begging for an Easy-Bake oven for a few years - never got one.  We were allowed to make Jiffy-Pop popcorn on the stove with her supervising and we helped with Christmas cookies when we were fairly young.

    The beavers - oh I would have to stay inside as much as possible because I wouldn't want to hear the shots either.  I know sometimes wildlife has to be culled when there is an overpopulation but I don't want to hear it too.  We have a big problem with deer here in Michigan in more populated areas of the state and they use snipers to do culling periodically.  In fact, when I was going to get Chucky north of here, I can't tell you how many dead deer I saw that had probably been hit by cars (up there they just put them on the side of the road and they decay or other wildlife feeds on them), I swear it was in the high teens.  I don't hunt myself, but my dad did and we ate what he caught (venison-yuck) and there are a few grocery stores with butchers here that will process wild game in season in a separate area from the regular meats.  I remember people telling me that I didn't like venison because I hadn't had "their" venison and making me try it.  Still yuck.  

    Well, there was another ramble from me!  Working 2 hours extra today and catching up on some shows.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Sounds like everyone had a good childhood.  The best of times and we didn't know it. My grandmother lived with us - grandpa passed away seven months before I was born and she came to live with us.  She was a good cook - made the best tea cakes.  Never used a recipe - just a little of this and some of that.  When she made a cake, she'd cook a spoonful of it on a pie pan to see what it might need and she could tell if she needed more baking powder or something else by the way it looked and tasted.  I liked to eat that along with some of the cake batter that might be left in the bowl.  

    We had rain last night - an inch!  The weatherman earlier this week said we might be .01" so he missed it.  Really looked muddy.  They came to feed but came in a different way - glad they did that because the other way gets muddy.  It had the girls confused.  When I went out to check the rain gauge Gray Lady had come through the gate and Chas was on the wrong side  of the gate. I thought I might have to go down and get him through but she stopped and waited and he came around the gate and through the opening.  She probably said something to him  

    When the pandemic began I ordered a bag of powdered milk in case I might need it.  I know I put it on the top shelf in the pantry - this morning I thought about it and looked and it's not there.  I guess I put it somewhere else.  One thing I thought I had learned is to never move something from where you have it - or you'll never find it again.  

    Nothing going on here except giving cats medicine.  Iris, how do you get a pill or liquid down Simon?   Zetta, you may have a secret, too.  I did crush the Baytril for Kitt and mixed it in his wet food.  Finally he did eat it.  Also have to give him Amoxicillin once a day so got that done but the eyedrops were so hard.  I know I waste half of them.  Supposed to put them in four times a day but Mike said I might be able to get them in twice a day and would be doing good to do that.  

    I think I'll make a peach cobbler.  I remembered yesterday that I ordered a great big can of sliced peaches so I'll open them, use what I need and freeze the rest.

    Ron, haven't seen a post from you for a while.  Hope everything's okay.  Let us know.

    Zetta, haven't heard from you lately either.  Are you okay?

    Day, I so hate for the beavers to be killed but they're doing it for sake of the cattle and the ponds but I still hate it.  Like I said I didn't even know there were beavers around here.  I know we used to have muskrats but not beavers.  I will stay in the house - I hate to hear gnnshots because I think someone might be shooting a deer. How awful that they let the deer lay there and decompose when there's hungry people who could use them.  We hit a deer once on the way home from work - awful thing to happen.  

    Guess there won't be any work done across the road today - someone, Toad probably, worked until dark last evening piling up brush to burn.  When they burn all of that and the house it will be scary but he says the fire can't get out - hope he's right.

    Enjoy the day.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Cake batter-yum!  What a treat to get to lick the batter!

    Fresh boneless chicken leg meat 99 cents per pound at Aldi's this week, while supplies last.  I hope I can get some before they run out.

    Lorita, I can't pill Simon because he clamps his jaw shut.  So I crush his pill and hide it in his food. I give him just a teaspoon at first, when he has eaten that and I think he has gotten most of his medication, then I give him more to eat.  So far, do good.  He is responding to his medicines, and he is doing better.   He is now 18 years old.  He sleeps a lot, but he still plays a bit and uses his litter box.  I want to keep him comfortable.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Attention rockers....mudpie lessons will be held on the property at 4p cst.
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Tornado warning close enough I had to get Lou in the closet. Looks like we are ok now, first one a few miles south of us and the second one skirting the edge of place. Still some storms out there but worse of the weather moved on.

    You have all heard the expression; it's a small world! We went to a church social yesterday for the older members and one of the ladies talked a lot to me. She is 97 but doesn't look it. As we talked I mentioned my dad being a trolley driver and my mother being a bookkeeper at a cleaners. Come to find out she was the lady that trained my mom. She was leaving and my mom took over her job! Now who would have thought after all these years you would find a connection like that. 

    Lou's health is good and mine not so good. Guess with this copd the covid really worked on it. I've taken all the antibiotics and just a little bad tasting cough syrupeft. Can still feel a little tightness in my chest and cough some, more coughing when I talk to much. 

    Got a call from Lou's nurse and the Dr. needs to exam her in order to fill out the paperwork for the VA aid and attendance program. I told her I had a appointment on February 6th a d needed it by then. She worked Lou in for next Monday. Whatever amount I get I'll use mainly to help give me a little more rest time. Right now I pay the neighbor when I need to go grocery shopping, haircut or VA appointment and not much me time.

    Lou's home health  nurse and her physical therapist is coming in a little while, I hope they didnt get caught outside in the storm somewhere.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Iris, that's what I did this morning for Kitt.  He eats really well so I gave him some with the crushed pill in it, then a little more, etc.  Worked this time.  The big problem with him is the eyedrops.  He has respiratory problems so I hate to have to fight with him - guess I'll try holding him down on the bed.  I feel like I'm wasting more drops than I get in.  Thanks for the advice.

    Judith, I have plenty of mud for the mud-pie lessons.  We'll have to get it to the right consisency though.  Cows walking through the mud is a good start.

    Ron, tornado warnings?  Goodness, I didn't know that was happening.  The sun's out here now and it's in the low 60s.  From this time on out it will be cooler for a while anyway.

    That is a "small world story".  Who would have thought you'd find that connection to your mother.  We just don't know until we start talking to people.  Carol tells me these small world stories all the time.

    Hope you can get the A&A started soon.  I don't think we ever used A&A but might have for a short time.  It's a good program and can give you some relief which I know you need.

    I hope the storms are gone by now.  Did it scare Lou when you all got into the closet?  We have a big cellar just outside the back door but I won't go into it by myself.  I spent a lot of time in it while I was growing up.  What I do now is get everyone into the bathroom.  It's not a large one so it can get crowded with four cats, two Pyrenean Mountain Dogs and me but it's exactly in the middle of the house without windows so it's okay.  

    I did make the peach cobbler - it's finishing in the oven right now and smells so good.  Hey, we can have some of that while we learn how to make mudpies!  That was a big can of sliced peaches and they tasted so good - best by date was last July but google said canned peaches can last and be good for decades.  I had some of the plastic jars I had gotten peaches in before so had three of them with some left over to eat by themselves along with the cobbler.  I was looking for the powdered milk when I found them.

    Better go and check the cobbler - also, time for Kitt's eyedrops.  I need four hands to do that.  Anyone volunteering?

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Do  you wrap the cat in a towel?
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    I haven't yet, Judith, but it's worth a try.  The problem I have is keeping Kitt's head still.  Have to hold her head and get it in a position to put in the eyedrops.  I just got the second dry in a while ago so I'll just keep trying.
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    I am wary of getting too physical in getting a medication down or in a cat.  1)They will anticipate me and learn to hide from me. 2)They will learn not to trust me. 3)They may scratch or bite and hurt me.  They do not seem to mind getting an injection from the vet.  I have struggled with liquid medication with other cats, probably getting a lot of it on myself.  It was not fun. 

    The vet's pharmacy can compound the oral tablets into a topical application to rub on the ear, but that costs $150/month versus $26/month.  I won't pay that much!

    Ron, how scary!  I'm glad you and Lou are safe!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    I agree, Iris.  Sarah was sleeping with the fan blowing on her and her kitten saw her hair blowing across her face and, I guess, wanted to play, so attacked the hair.  Sarah's face was badly scratched and she got catscratch fever from it and she's had a terrible time with it along with all of her other problems.   Have you ever trimmed Simon's claws?  No way could I do that with any of ours.

    Boy, I just dodged a bullet.  I've been going in and out the backdoor and steps to turn the water off and on and the bottom step had become dislodged so I had to be careful.  I could visualize myself going down the steps, the bottom step coming loose and throwing me headfirst into the yard.  I had looked for a board to nail on the steps holding the two boards together but decided maybe a couple of nails would sufficeth.  So, came back in the house, found a hammer and a couple of nails, went back to the utility room and I had left the backdoor open!  Of course, Max and his son, Sammy were sitting together on the bottom step, outside.  Closed the door and they went different ways.  Sammy was standing at the opening of the cellar looking down inside the cellar so picked him up and got him inside.  Max had gone to the corner of the house so was able to get him and get him in.  Got the steps fixed, went back in the house and couldn't find Lilly.  By that time Kitt was in the kitchen ready for supper so opened a can and they all showed up.  Glad that's over.

    They're talking about winter allergies - Mountain Cedars.  Not sure we have those but there are Eastern Red Cedars around.  I know we have different kinds but not sure which.

    They're also talking about a new variant that seems to be able to get around the last booster.  Wonder if that means another booster will be forthcoming?  They did say there's more flu and RSC and a little less covid.  Yesterday at the vet's office, no one was wearing a mask, except me.  Doesn't bother me anymore.  I keep one in my pocket - just in case someone comes up when I'm outside.

    Do any of you all ever just get tired of having to take care of everything from giving pets medicine to fixing steps to - whatever?  It seems to be neverending and I'm about at the end of my rope doing it.  Maybe my old age is getting to me.  It's marking one thing off my to-do list and adding two more.  Maybe the weather is getting me down.  Just wondering if I'm the only one feeling like this.  (Probably should delete this paragraph, but won't).  I'm okay - just helps to get it down on paper and out of my system sometimes.

    Now it's time to find something for supper so I'll stop and take care of that.  Kitt has to have Amoxicillin again and eyedrops.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Thanks Marie.  I would need to wear goggles to protect my eyes before I would try any of these techniques.  How many cats do you have?


  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Hi Iris,

    I had two (brother and sister) but just before Christmas I had to have sister kittie put to sleep.   She had become suddenly ill with no hope.

    When I lived in Fl. many years ago, I also had a brother - sister kittie pair.   The interesting thing was the male looked like a Maine Coon cat with 6 toes on each foot...like the Hemmingway cats in Key West.  The female was very much like a Siamese.

    I agree, easier said than done giving animals meds, particularly anything related to eyes.  

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Just spent at least half an hour giving medicine to two cats; Max gets Prednisone for his allergies (dissolved it and finally got it down him), Amoxicillin to Kitt - it's liquid so managed to get it down him Baytril - crushed it and put it in a little bit of his food - no way would he even think about eating it.  He did yesterday but not today.  Finally gave up on that and crushed another one and dissolved it and got it down him.  Then the eyedrops - got it in his eye with trouble, and wasted one drop.   Marie, those cats in the videos must have been either half asleep or medicated.  They do not act anything like my cats.  Anyway, it's all done - for now - Amoxicillin again tonight for Kitt and eyedrops three more times today.

    Filled the water tank - it's cold out and windy out there but the sun is shining.   The girls are all out front bawling - thinking this is feed day.  I saw Gray Lady getting a drink when I was out there and then saw Chas up by a tree waiting for her.  She hurried back to him.

    Kitt and Max slept in the bedroom last night.  Max lays by my side and isn't much trouble but Kitt wants to lay on the pillow behind my head.  I used to have a poodle, Pierre, who liked to sleep there.

    Ron, did a tornado touch down yesterday?  I saw a little bit on the news but it didn't say - just said there were warnings in your area.  Hope you're feeling better today.

    Better stop and find something for breakfast.  Hope all of you have a good day.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    Lorita, I agree about cats...lol...mine were always good for wanting a pet, but as soon as you tried to get hold of them for anything they were like greased pigs...lol.

    My sister had a cat when she died.  It was not used to other people and was wild like a feral cat when we tried to catch it to re-home.  Finally got it trapped in a room with door closed and got it in a pillow case, then into a carrier.  A friend of a friend  took her.  Sure hope they were able to have a good life together.

    Speaking of cats, I had a problem with furnace ducts under the house...apparently one came loose and was blowing cold outside air into the house...not good as furnace kept running but it was not getting warmer in house.  Had service come look at it.  Said I had 2 cats living under the house and they might have gotten the duct loose.  Said I should get them relocated.  That is all well and good to say, but unless I have wire mesh put all around the house, there is no way to keep them or any others out...they will find a way in to stay warmer...and I can't blame them.

    I feel so sorry for the strays in the winter time...they have a hard life for sure.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Got nice rain overnight.  Beautiful sunshiny day but cold, ice, snow etc May be headed our way and a big temp drop.

    Beth if able going to try and get those brownies made this weekend, we will see.

    Nice day at work, busy.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,321
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    Hi again,

    Marie, I can't watch those advertisements on TV about the animals left out in the cold.  Before I got Sheena and Stormy the woman who runs the animal shelter near me told me about two GPs that were being left out in the cold.  Happily, someone adopted them.    

    Sara - glad you're getting some rain - we're getting, or have gotten that cold weather - but not snow, yet.  It's a pretty day but cold.

    Zetta, it's cold enough for soup so decided I'd try some Cheddar Broccoli.  May have before.  I found a package of frozen broccoli florets in the freezer and put them in the microwave until thawed and cooked.  I tasted one and it was delicious. Then, looked on the package and the Best By date was in 2019!   I looked it up to see how long it should last if frozen all the time and it said indefinitely - still not sure I want to use it.  I had planned to put it into the soup.  It has little pieces of broccoli in it but not much.  Just wondering what everyone thinks - should I use it or throw it away.

    I get these things and freeze them or put them in the pantry and forget about them.  Then, when I start to use them they're past the date.  Luckily I found that big can of peaches in time, just two months past, opened and froze them so they'll be okay for a while.

    My laptop is about out of power so I'll stop for now.  Back later.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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