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Just need to talk to my friends (186)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, I think it was a very wise move to get the groceries today while the weather's okay.  You're a whiz at housecleaning - finished by 8:30!  

    Sorry Jean is declining some - we all know that comes with it but the knowledge doesn't help us.  I know it must be hard for her to lose friends she's made while there.  Is the facility full and do they have enough employees?  I read where the number of patients and employees in NHs have declined so wondered about the place she's in.

    Well, Mark (water guy) said he had a doctor's appt. this afternoon and it'll be bad tomorrow so it would be Wednesday before we could check the water.  So, I decided I'd check it.  Turned off everything, house and barn and drove up and found the meter.  It's in the ground a quarter mile south of the house.  Had to get down on my knees (not an easy thing) to get the lid off.  The meter is down in the ground and is really hard to see.  The lid has three barbed wires across it where Ray, our neighbor, built the new fence and left the old wire.  Finally saw the numbers on the gauge but didn't see any movement so didn't know if I was looking at the right thing.  They  must have changed it because there used to be a black triangle that moved if there was a leak.  Called Mark and he told me where to look (I was looking at the right numbers).  I watched it quite a while and saw no movement - he said the last two numbers showed portions of a gallon.  Then, called our neighbor who found the last leak to see if his water pressure has decreased.  It hasn't so guess I'm good to go.

    Came back by the girls and saw a young calf (2-4 months old) who couldn't get up.  Called the vet who was in surgery so left a message with his wife at the clinic.  I finally got the calf sitting up and put some loose hay behind her.  I stayed around for a couple of hours and she finally did get up, very wobbly, and walked over to the hayring.  Hope no one knocks her down.  Saw a little brown calf I thought couldn't get up.  Mom was closeby.  Watched it a while and after an hour or so the baby got up and found mom and latched on.  It was another new, brown baby - just born this morning (saw the afterbirth).  I saw one of the brown babies but never could locate the other one - even checked the barn.  While I was in the barn Sally came in and I gave her a little hay from the crib.

    Really enjoyed being out with the girls - even the little heifers are no longer afraid of me.  Several of them licked my hand.  I imagine Mike will call sometime this afternoon.  I'm not sure it was the calf he medicated yesterday morning - this one's a heifer and I saw a little bull who's having the same problem.  

    Went to the mailbox while I was out.  It's a beautiful day, sunny, fairly warm with little wind.  Wish it would stay like this.  

    There, I've rambled again but thought some of you might be a little interested.  I need to get out with the girls more often - makes me much more relaxed, even when I find something wrong.  Glad I did see the little girl - she was beginning to bloat which happens when they lay on their side.

    I left the stove on while I was out so came back in to check on it and got some Ritz crackers and an RC to eat while I was with the girls.  I remember when I was little I'd go with daddy to livestock sales.  We always had a bar of candy and a coke for lunch.  Hadn't thought of that in years.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Jean says staffing is better since Pandemic slowed down a bit.  It got pretty bad for awhile.  The one office lady had to work night shift quite a bit as a nurse.  She said a lot of the workers complain that they don’t really have any training for this type of patient.  If I understand Jean correctly there is a separate unit for dementia patients but they don’t have enough room for all of them.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All

    No Thank You on the black bean brownies. Do they even taste like brownies?

    Lorita.  You be careful out doing plumber work. I hope you had your alarm button with you. A quarter of a mile from home is pretty far if you needed help. Growing up on the farm like you did has taught you many things, us city folks may not know. Like watching for the numbers to move I never would have thought of that. 

    I bet those burrs did not feel good on Sheena's feet. It was nice that Mike was able to help you. Getting out with the girls was a good thing for you to do, just think spring will soon be here and you will be able to get out more and stay out longer.  

    I enjoy your ramblings, and I learn by them, so keep on rambling. 

    Ron.  You have some real nice plans for your kitchen, will Lou be able to help you plan? Enjoy what you have while you can. 

    Jo.  Thank You for the soup recipes they do look good. Iam not much of a cook but I will try a few of them. 

    Sara.  You're so good to J. she is a lucky lady to have you in her life. Whatever made you want to try beef neck bones? they don't even sound good. 

    You must start your housework early in the morning to be finished by 8:30. It takes me 3 days to clean my small house, I always keep it picked up but when I really clean, I do 2 rooms a day. I just finished my cleaning today. I only do it really good once a month. 

    We are having a nice sunny day today and supposed to be that way for a few days then back to rain. We have had a mild winter. I hope it stays that way. Its 43 right now with a low tonight of 6. Still lots of snow on the ground. 

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Zetta I wanted to make bone broth.  If I don’t like the bone broth will not mess with them next time I get beef.  You know me I enjoy learning new things.nice winter is giving you a break.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Sara, they actually sell bone broth on QVC - not something I'd ever buy - but they say it's good for you.  

    Zetta - I didn't have my medical guardian.  I was in a hurry when I went out so didn't get it.  The hardest thing about checking the water meter was being able to see it - it was way down in the hole and the sun was shining in. Was sort of hard to get up from being on my knees.  I think I did that about four times.  I hurt my right knee doing exercises about 50 years ago, or more, and I've never been able to kneel with my weight on it but guess because it was dead grass and dirt it didn't seem to hurt.

    Went back up to check the calves before it got dark.  The newest baby was laying by the fence -  mom not around but just across the fence was one of the ten little heifers that didn't change pastures.  Guess she was interested in the baby.  We have several little, bitty babies so I've sort of lost count - they are so cute and moms take such good care of them.  I saw the little calf I was able to get up this morning.  She was down by the barn nibbling on some tiny green weeds so I followed her back  up to the hay.  She's walking slowly so hope she's okay.  Mike called to see about her and said scours had gone through a couple of other herds he has.  They feed in the morning, hopefully before the rain, so he'll check on all of them.  They're all around Toad's feed truck so he checks them and then they go to the hay where Mike's feeding and he's able to see them.    I was so glad he was able to help me with Sheena, too.  There's no way I could have done her front feet by myself.  I can do things like that with Stormy.  I think when Sheena was little her master didn't fool with her very much. 

    Just heard the weather and it's still saying there will be heavy, wet snow - up to 8" - through our area but it's going to barely freezing and in the low 40s Wednesday.  Next week the high temps are supposed to be in the low 30s.  Not ready for that.  I dread the water tanks freezing - don't think I can do a very good job chopping ice and I don't want the girls around the pond.  We've been through that before.

    Never got a callback from James about his SSN so guess I'll send it in without it - I think I've done that before.  Maybe tomorrow I can get those done and ready to mail.  If it does snow, I hope it's big, pretty flakes.  

    I'll stop for now - need to put eyedrops in Kitt's eyes and he needs Amoxicillin before bedtime.  Just took my glucosamine and ibuprofen.  Side's hurting some.  I got two big boxes yesterday from Chewy and opened them this evening - just got the cases of dog and cat food and dry food inside the door - don't want any of that to get wet.

    You all enjoy the evening.  Judith, the snow will get to you pretty early in the morning so be careful if you go outside.

    Sleep well.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    Lorita, I don't make tomato soup but we really like Progresso Tomato basil soup. Very delicious! I like to make a grilled cheese sandwich and dip it in the tomato basil soup. I use the tomato soup as an additive for things like chili and goulash as well. 

    Sara, we ate the last of your tuna noodle casserole yesterday. So good! I had made a double batch and froze some. We got 5 or 6 meals from that. I make chicken bone broth but have not made beef. I hear with beef you should roast the bones first. I have a chicken carcass and a carcass from a turkey breast (not just bones, but fat, skin, cartilage etc) in the freezer ready to make bone broth. The last batch I made was super delicious. I used most of it just to drink; also used some as the broth when making something. I used to purchase bb from Kettle and Fire, but it didn't really taste very good at all. I would love to drink bb regularly, but it would take 2 or 3 carcasses every week or two and while I eat chicken, I don't eat that much! If you are interested, this is the bb recipe I use. I do it in the crockpot. https://sweetpeasandsaffron.com/bone-broth-recipe/

    We drove to a small town about 20 miles away and went to their locker yesterday. We bought 1/4 beef. I have a small-ish chest freezer. I cleaned it out before we went - transferred quite a few things to my frig freezer. It was just over 200 lbs of beef - large cow. The quarter we bought before didn't take up nearly as much freezer space. We go probably 35 pounds of ground beef, many roasts, steaks, a few stew meat, a brisket, soup bones. I discarded the soup bones. Not interested in that and out of room in my freezer - filled absolutely to the top, wasn't sure if I could get the lid shut! The "brisket" was a large, flat piece of meat with a lot of fat on it. I thought a brisket was a really nice piece of meat similar in shape to a roast. ??? Anyway, for the most part we should have enough beef to last close to a year for the 2 of us.

    Our son and family come over on Saturdays for a meal. We had turkey breast, corn casserole, roast pot/sw pot and the molten lava cakes last Saturday. I always try to make a nice meal when they come. This coming Saturday - we are having individual pizzas. I ordered some mini 7" pizza pans and every kid can make their own. Should be fun. Also making a lemon loaf cake. 

    Cold weather here. Ready for spring for sure. 


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Good morning from Lorita's front porch! Rainy day today, lucky the snow is staying g northwest and north of us.

    Sunday was not a good day! Lorita remember me telling about that throat noise Lou makes and you said Charles did the same thing. Well, lou did it all morning at church, I started to yell out LORD HELP ME, but I was afraid the preacher would stop his sermon. She continued it all day trying her best to find my last nerve. Took her to the Dr. yesterday where he could exam and fill out the paperwork I need for VA assistance. Her vitals were great and he examined her and tried to ask several questions which I had to finally answer for her. He told me that he would have the paperwork ready bu the next day. Now just for the VA appointment to submit and then the wait for final approval.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    It started raining a little bit here about 9:30.  Weather just showed OKC and they're getting snow.  Also showed Amarillo and there's lots of snow there - may get up to 8" - same as predicted for here.  

    They came and fed this morning so the girls have hay.  As soon as it begins to rain harder or snow they'll go to the barn.  

    Stormy did his exercises a while ago - laid on his back and moved his feet like he was riding a bicycle - did that for a few minutes.  He's sound asleep now.

    Beth, I used to like Progresso Lentil soup until I started making it at home.  Have never tried their tomato soup.  I do like Campbells Tomato soup - but I doctor it up using a little more salt (probably already has enough), pepper, oregano and hot sauce.  I use half a can of water and half a can of milk.  Also like grilled cheese sandwiches with it.  Might have that for lunch.

    When I was growing up we had our own beef and pork but never had brisket.  Charles and his brother really did a good job cooking them - I think they cooked them low and slow - for a long time.

    Ron - if you had said that during Church it probably would have livened up the sermon.  Hope today will be better.  Glad you got her to the doctor and hope things go well with the A&A.  Charles always used the ODVA (Oklahoma Dept. of Veterans Affairs) when he applied for anything.  They had an office in the VA Regional Office where the decisions were made so they could check on it for us and also help us with the applications.  I'm sure Louisiana has the same thing.  Where is the VA Regional Office in Louisiana?

    Guess I better stop and go fill the water tank again. Some of the girls are going to the tank at the barn so it must be low.  I saw the newest baby this morning bedded down with maybe the calf I helped get up yesterday.  I just looked and there's several bedded down in the same area.  Mike said he saw all the calves and everyone looked okay.

    Mike told me they have his whole new section limed and about half of it  fertilized.  Said Toad shot seven beavers a night or two ago and saw two minks and some muskrats - didn't shoot those.  He says there's lots of beavers over there.  Never have seem them around our ponds but there's no trees around ours so that's probably why they're not here.  

    Hope all of you are well this morning.  The weather just showed the snow in some little town in the Texas Panhandle and everything was white and still snowing - already had about 8" of snow.

    I'll be back later.  

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good evening,

    Beth I read where you need to Roast beef bones.  Beginning to think I’ll just buy it.  Too labor intense for me.  Ive been using pacific brand.  It’s cheaper than kettle and fire here. Have even less bones than you do.  Thinking your family loves to come to your house.  Your meals always sound delicious.

    Ate the last of my tuna noodle the other day.  Will be making it again soon, but I made the recipe kind of my own way.  But please help me Beth because can’t find my recipe.  Think I used cream of mushroom and beef broth.   Did I add peas too, breadcrumbs on top?   

    That is a big cow,  mine was 130 pounds and my freezer could have held very little more.  Never have gotten brisket with mine.  Brisket is different than a roast.  Believe you need to cook it long and slow.  A girl I worked with use to make brisket quite a bit.  Here’s how she did it. Place fat side up.  Add can of onion soup.  300 degrees 4-5 hours til shreds easily.

    Glad Toad is feeling better, sounds like him and Mike getting a lot done.

    Supposedly getting snow, rain, sleet changing to rain tomorrow with several inches of accumulation.  Hope it rains enough to melt it all, we’ll see.

    Ron hope this all works out for you.

    Lorita believe you mention eating chili with rice.  Had a little Mexican rice left so finished it with chili tonight.  Not bad but my favorite thing with chili is. Still peanut butter and crackers.

    Take care

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    Sara, Thanks for the brisket recipe. I'll give it a try! For the tuna noodle casserole, cream of mushroom soup, beef broth, pasta, a can of skipjack tuna, peas. You used bread crumbs on top and I omitted that. It surely was good!

    I enjoy cooking a nice meal (or a unique meal) for my kids. We like playing board games when they come over; in the nice weather the kids play soccer, etc in the backyard.

    Hope everyone has a good evening and rest of the week.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Thank you
  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Sayra, when I lived in New York, I used to hear women talk about "a nice brisket".  But my mother and my grandmother never cooked a brisket, and I never heard about brisket here on the west coast, although I do know they sell brisket because I have seen it and I see recipes on YouTube.  Your recipe sounds easy, possibly for a slow cooker.

    We had our first in-person homeowners association meeting since the lockdowns three years ago.  It was great to see my neighbor's.  There were a lot of new owners.

    The weather seems to be warming up a little bit.  I still feel discombobulated from the horrific events over the weekend, even though I was not directly affected.  I just don't feel like getting out.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Iris, I'd feel the same.  It seems like it's almost gotten to the point it's not safe to go anywhere there people.  So, I'm satisfied to be here with the girls and no one around much.

    It's still snowing.  I had unhooked the water in the garden and left it on at the barn but a few minutes ago I watched the weather and decided I'd better unhook the float valve, too.  Would be awful if it froze up.  I looked out and it's still snowing - has been since about 3 today.  It is absolutely gorgeous out - everything, everything is covered with 2-3 or more inches of snow - all the trees, shrubs, fences, everything.  I think we've had about 4" - my footprints melted the snow where I walked.  The flakes are still pretty big - they were huge and fluffy this afternoon.  

    Not sure who all is in the barn - I heard someone bawl up by the hayrings but shined the light toward the barn and saw some big eyes inside so some are in there.  Hope it's the moms and little babies.  It's still just above freezing which is when we get the best snows.  I love to see it snow and to get out and walk in it and take pictures.

    Beth, I had that grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup - really good so may have it again tomorrow.  I added just a pinch of sugar to the soup this time along with oregano, a little salt, pepper and hot sauce.  

    Believe it or not Sarah was discharged to home today.  They completely changed their tune from yesterday when they said she could go home or stay in the hospital, both with Hospice.  Now they said her insurance (Sooner Care) won't pay for hospice.  I guess if she needs to she can go back in the hospital.  I don't know how she can make it by herself at home but we'll see.  We almost lost her a morning or two ago when her BP bottomed out. Luckily it was time to take her BP and they found her in time to get her revived.  The same thing happened to Charles when he was in the hospital and it took him two or three hours to get back to normal.  

    My lamp just flickered so there may be some power outages because of the heavy, wet snow and the wind.  Having a generator gives a person peace of mind.

    Day, I watched Gary and Carolyn this morning and I'm watching some of it again - they usually repeat it Tuesday night.  It was a breath of fresh air having them on together.  He's on with Nancy on Sunday and it wears me out to watch her.  Guess I'm very prejudiced.

    It's almost time for Barney Miller so I'll stop for now. Hope all of you are having good weather - heard there was a bad tornado near Houston today and also bad weather around New Orleans.  I do hope the babies are in the barn - gotta worry about something.

    Good night - sleep tight.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning,

    Iris my mother never made a brisket either.  For many years we raised our own beef but never had brisket.  Different butchers cut the meat differently.  A girl at work was always talking about brisket, was one of her family’s favorites.  Think they ate it with a meal.  Then she shredded up with some of the soup she cooked it in and they had sandwiches from rest, best I remember.

    Iris I understand how you feel about the events this weekend.  Have some of the same feelings. I know where my safety lies though so I do what I need to do but enjoy the days when I can just stay home.

    Got Simple Truth oat milk ice cream this week, Kroger brand.  The flavor was raspberry chocolate chip and I’m enjoying it.  Don’t have to even think about lactose.

    Probably have little more than an inch of snow so far.  A heavy wet snow.  Main roads must be ok as they just plowed my road.

    Take care

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    We had a 4.2 earthquake at 2 am, I was already awake.  The epicenter wad off the coast, there was just a brief jerk and shaking.  Nevertheless, I've been awake all night.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Iris, earthquakes would scare me to death but did you know that Oklahoma has more earthquakes than California?  Most of ours are small but occasionally they are destructive  I have a couple of cracks in our LR walls from earthquakes a few years ago.

    The weather says we had about 6" of snow - it's really melting now because it's above freezing.  As I said in my last post I went out about 10 to turn off the float valve and everything was covered in snow and it was still snowing.  It's been a long time since I've seen a snow that pretty - meaning everything, shrubs, trees, etc. being covered.

    I've been out a couple of times - to hook up the water  at the barn and in the garden.  The girls were just standing around waiting for a drink.  I do have them spoiled. The tank is finally full so shut it off just now.

    My left hip area is really hurting.  Before I got up I got sort of scared thinking what if it fractured - what would I do and what would happen to the animals.  After the weather gets better I guess I'll go in and have it and my ribs x-rayed to see what's going on.  Meanwhile I'll remember to take my glucosamine and calcium.  I think of one of our friends who had osteoporosis.  Her back would fracture just from bending and she would have to wear a brace.  Her name was Daisy and I can't tell you how many times I've been called by her name and she by mine.

    About brisket - if you plan to cook it in a slow cooker, you'll probably have to cut it in half - maybe cook one half and freeze the other.  They're big and even when Charles would buy one they were very expensive.  No telling how much they cost now.  Once when we went to Texas to visit, Jerry cooked a big one and we had sandwiches from it.  My parents never cooked brisket - I think they had it made into either roasts or ground beef.

    Sara - the snow we had may be moving your way - I heard something about Ohio on the TV when I was getting dressed.  

    Back later.  I'm anxious to see how Sarah made it last night but I won't call until much later today - maybe she'll call me before that.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    I know Sarah is glad to be home. I hope they will interview several Hospices and find one that they like. However if they will not let anyone into the house it won't matter.

    Brisket....pour a packet of Lipton's Onion Soup over it...cover with foil and slow roast for hours. They are always a large size at my meat market so I have one devided for cooking then I freeze.

    The snow was beautiful...now just sloppy. 

    I roasted a halved chicken last night. It was horrible so I will convert it to chicken and brown rice (my attempt at healthy eating) soup. 

    Those cows really are spoiled. I wonder what the cows drink on the Yellowstone...lol.

    Someone asked what on my list I decided to do last weekend. I chose to watch Netflix instead...I should just put that at the top of my lists!

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    I've never made a brisket, but if you look up the recipes for Hanukkah Briskets you will find lots of easy recipes.  My daughter's friend is Jewish and her mother makes brisket; I will try and get her recipe - she does it in the oven in foil, but I do not know what she puts with it.  She does not do hers with any carrots or potatoes.

    Yes; I felt the earthquake too, Iris. For me, it was an abrupt jolt shake and it scared me silly.   I am terrified of only one thing - earthquakes. If I am outside, I am okay; but if inside, I am undone.  This one was 4.2, and centered in Malibu. Sometimes a larger quake can occur after small ones.  SO hope not. 

    Lorita, I used Google and looked up Sooner Care in Oklahoma.  They DO cover Hospice and will cover it at home for her.  Perhaps Sooner Care may have questioned covering Hospice in  the acute hospital for needs that could be managed at a lower level of care.  Wonder why they did not send her to Skilled Care in a Rehab setting where there would be 24 hour care.  As I recall, Sooner Care also provides funding for a certain amount of hours for aide care at home as well as Home Health for those with medical necessity but not on Hospice;; I remember when Sarah had this in the past.   Hopefully Sarah will permit the RNs to come into the house this time, and perhaps would be willing to accept the hours of aide assistance if approved again.  Last time, she was not on Hospice but was on Home Health service but would not permit them entrance.  In all probability, she will have Hospice in he home setting.  What she really needs is someone with her 24/7.  Her husband could perhaps cover when he is not at work, and perhaps aide assistance could cover other hours if aide care gets approved again by Sooner Care.  I so hope that she does well at home and that Hospice is able to put a good program together for her needs.  I certainly can understand how concerned you are.   If she was in a care facility, Hospice could follow her there.  If a person is in need of Hospice but has no insurance coverage; Hospice provides their care anyway regardless of inability to pay. Hospice is covered by federal mandates and it is the same nationwide for those rules.  (I also wonder if her Sooner Care coverage is affected by her getting married.)

    We have more rain due on Sunday and Monday; it will they said, be "measureable," but not a blustery amount as we had in the prior big storm.  I wonder how things are going in Houston and Louisiana.  Our daughter is in Houston, I saw the early news this a.m. and will call her later. I would imagine if she was in the tornado area she would have called.  Storms, floods, mudslides, tornados, earthquakes . . . . not a good month.

    Iris, I too was unsettled by the recent events.  My husband and I visited Half Moon Bay many times following each of our trips to Napa Valley and San Francisco. Lovely, quiet place the times we were there with beautiful unspoiled ocean settings.  So pretty.  My heart goes out to all of those who are impacted by what happened.  Words are not sufficient.

    Had some delicious lasagna last night and have some left overs for one more meal.  Nice.  I am not usually happy with heavy foods, but this was good.

    Sure have some dry skin this winter. CeraVe not helping much; I need a new moisurizer for my face and also need to find a new makeup foundation.   When I do put on foundation which is not often, I have been using Estee Lauder, but it is not working well for dry skin. Sigh.  I am turning into a giant white prune!  Any foundation suggestions?  In the way of the world, small potatoes for sure.

    We have a "new" waste disposal scheme in our city which I understand is being done across not only our state but some other states as well.  We have a "green" barrel.  We are supposed to put in all foodstuffs to be disposed of; then it goes to a plant that makes it into compost.  They will give small containers to put on a counter top to hold meat, bones, veggies, fruits, etc.; anything of that nature - raw or cooked.  We have small lots for our houses; I can only imagine when it gets big time hot in the summer. We use our garbage disposal for such items, so this is new.  Folks are not happy in the housing tracts for worry about attracting insects, mice, rats and other animals not to mention the smell.  Guess if we were in the country or had larger lots it would not be a big concern.  We shall have to wait and see how it goes.  Let's hear it for mashed potatoes and gravy and broccoli!  Well; we shall smell it.

    Time to get off to some oatmeal; let's hope this day will bring strength, comfort and positives where so much is needed.  (And no more earthquakes.)


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    The girls are spoiled for sure but I want to keep them away from the pond this winter.  We've lost a couple of calves in the pond when it was frozen.  Used to chop ice to make holes for them to drink but that's hard work.  The girls in Yellowstone drink from ponds but the ice still has to be chopped - they don't show the hard work that goes on with raising cattle.

    I'm sure Sarah is glad to be home.  I can't reach her and, of course, with what happened I don't know if she's sleeping or what.  Once I was talking to her and she stopped talking - I called for a welfare check and she had had a seizure and was injured.

    I've tried calling the case worker at the hospital - no response.  Called the main SW office twice - no response.  I did call Sooner Care and they don't seem to know much but one lady did say there were waivers that could be used.  She sent an e-mail to Sarah's DHS caseworker so maybe she'll call.

    Jo, it may be that Sarah is not on Medicare.  I did find one place that stated to be eligible for hospice you need to be o Medicare.  I don't see why she can't get on it or get SS - seems like they've been trying for a long time.  Wonder if she could call Hospice and see what they say.  I know she doesn't feel like doing anything like that so I may try but oftentimes they won't give me anything except general information.  I guess if she gets bad enough she'll go back to the hospital.  I'm worried that the same thing with her BP happens and she'll be by herself and can't do anything.  Guess it doesn't help to worry but how do you not?

    It is slushy and so muddy, Judith.  But, the snow was beautiful - such big flakes.  The news and weather have been showing pictures of the snow people have sent in and they're beautiful - mostly in this area and south of here.  I know when I went out last night about 10 or so, I couldn't believe how pretty it was and so quiet.  Seems like it's always quiet when it snows.  There's still a lot of snow around but it is melting - somewhere in the 30s or about 40 I guess.

    UPS is supposed to deliver some things from Amazon today - probably will leave them down at the main gate in the snow and mud.  I've called and called and complained but it doesn't help.  Seems like people just don't care anymore.

    I'll stop complaining and get my 1099s done so I can mail them tomorrow.  Will only take 15 minutes when I get started - but, therein lies the rub.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    Over the space of three hours, from 6:30 to 9:30 am, I was subjected to THIRTY scam telephone calls.  The numbers appeared to be local with my same three numbers, but I know a scam call can be made to look local.  But thirty?  I never answered and there was never a message on voice-mail.  These scammers are bold!  


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    I feel quite certain that there are Hospices that take Sooner Care (Oklahoma's Medicaid). I would call one and ask. That sounds easier than calling the hospital etc. The problem still remains about someone entering the home. 

    Amazon etc always leave things at my door. I usually get a message when it is going to arrive, a photo of it at my door along with an email that it was delivered. If your dogs are not inside they will not come to the door. They will not come if there is a possibility that a dog is outside either so that may be the problem.

    Jo...looking forward to that recipe.

    Beth...we are always playing Rumikube or scrabble. 

    Iris...I fear I would move after an earthquake.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Good idea, Judith.  I'll do that tomorrow.

    I heard today that eggs are selling for $5.  a dozen.  Has anyone seen this in the stores?

    Good night.  We still have a lot of snow on the ground.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Chilly days are good for chili - makes sense to me. I have made many different chili recipes but sometimes simplest is best. Here's my simple chili recipe: 2 cans tomato soup (progresso tomato basil), 1 lb hamburger, onion, chili powder, can of tomatoes (pureé if smooth texture desired), can of dark kidney beans.

    Speaking of chilly - 6 degrees this a.m. Overnight tonight it will get warmer as a front comes in. With warmer temps, more snow is expected. 

    Lorita, I buy free-range, large brown eggs and they have been selling for approx $5.49 a dozen for a long time. I don't know the price of non-free-range, white eggs.

    Jo, I've never had Tika Masala. What is it? 

    Thanks for all the suggestions regarding the brisket. I appreciate it.

    Lorita, I am sorry about Sarah's condition. I am glad she will have some time at home and hope it works out for her to be there. I'll keep her in my prayers. 

    Sara, chili and rice, chili and peanut butter and crackers - nice combo. I love putting lots of goodies on top of my chili (but I actually never have most of these available): guac, cheese, sour cream etc. Has anyone ever heard of chili and cinnamon rolls? (You do not dip the cinnamon rolls in the chili!!! lol)  The combo may be an Iowa thing. We had that a lot as a school lunch and it was one of the favorite school lunches we had. It wasn't just our school; it seems it was common although not universal here.

    Hi Ron, I think spending your $$ on you and Lou is a good thing. If you have it, there is no reason at your stage of life to be frugal - unless you want to. I'm 68 and we don't dip into our retirement investments much - we might have another 20 years to live so it's prudent to save for the possibility of needing nursing home care. I do have a bucket list, though (trips!) and I'm 100% ok with using some of what we worked hard to save for that. As far as house projects go, someday when we are too old to do stairs and/or cannot maintain our flower garden, we'll need to sell this place and move. Hoping it's a good long while before that becomes necessary. At this point, I'm glad we have a big yard. Gives me purpose and exercise.

    Keep warm everyone.         Beth

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Hospice is not for Medicare only.  SoonerCare does indeed provide Hospice services which can be found informationally on Google.  Lorita, here is a link that explains Oklahoma's insuranace coverage for Hospice Care . . . please scroll way down the page for Hospice information.   The Oklahoma model for Hospice is pretty much the same as Medicare's is.  Very informative to read:


    As you can see per the link information, Sarah would have been "certified" for Hospice services for the first six months of care.  She is still well within that period.  After the six months, then she would be re-certified for continued Hospice services every sixty days for an unlimited period of time until passing as long as she continues to fit Hospice criteria for services.

    If she suddenly got much better and was no longer a Hospice candidate, OR if she refuses Hospice care, then Hospice would be discontinued.  If the condition then worsens or if she refused service but wants to resume their care, she can then reapply for Hospice care and be placed back on service again.

    It would be best to find out which specific Hospice Sarah is receiving services from. Those would the the ones to communicate ALL of Sarah's information, but do know they too are bound by HIPPA laws.  There can be some wiggle room re information re Hospice, if Sarah gave you a waiver for HIPPA, no problem gaining information.   As we know; under HIPPA, we can provide information freely from ourselves and express concerns.  Often, when such a dialogue is open, more information is often the result.

    As for Medicare; if Sarah had applied for complete disability and it was accepted, she would be able to have Medicare.  Disability coverage for healthcare starts two years after being declared accepted as fully disabled.  However; since SoonerCare does indeed provide Hospice as a benefit, not having Medicare does not count. I would think SoonerCare has specific Hospice entities that provide such care, but that is just a guess.

    If you have Todd's phone number, perhaps you can obtain update information from him.  IF Sarah is on Hospice, she will not be going back to the acute medical center unless Hospice services are unable to provide the care she needs.   In such a case, Hospice would continue to be on service while Sarah is in the Hospital - BUT - this is only for short term time such as for relief of pain or other significant issues and not for curative service for extension of life. 

    I agree that Progresso Tomato Soup is amazingly delicious and far, far better than Campbell's tomato soup.  We keep a supply of that on hand.  While I don't do it often, it is really great wtih a grilled cheese sandwich.  As for chili; that is my DHs big recipe.  We like a nice thick chili and usually put out diced onion, grated cheddar cheese and sour cream for choices of toppings.  Something that is really good on top of a good chili are Fritos. I have only done that twice, but sure is naughty yummy. 

    Houston daughter is okay. She said all of the big damage is about 15 to 19 miles away from where her house is at, so she was okay.  No water or power outages which is good. Big relief for Mom.  Judith, I am sorry; I forgot to ask for the brisket recipe. I shall try to do better.

    Iris, I am sorry for the bad calls.  We have blocked calls from our telephone company and we also enrolled in the free program;  NoMoRoBo.  It cut calls dramatically.  If one slips through, we simply provide that number to both call blocking entities who add it to their blocking mechanism.  Really need to smash those rotters; nothing but large pains in various portions of one's anatomy.  They call seven days a week; sometimes very early a.m., and we have received them up to 8:30 pm.  NEVER pick up a call as that puts one on an even higher level of calls and is shared with other callers.  I look at the screen to see if anyone calling is known to me. If not, I let it go to "answer," if it is a bogus call they do not leave any message.  Annoying to the max.

    We are older; I am big on saving as there is a likelihood that one or both of us will come to need care in the future and in all probability it would need to be facility based or with a care aide in the home - big time pricey to say the least.   We traveled extensively for so many years; both international as well as in-country.  We had quite a bit of time doing that and really enjoyed it.   Not too much now as DH has back and other joint issues as do I with knees, et al.  We are blessed that at least at this point, needs and wants are pretty much met. No one knows what the future holds, so enjoy life while also being wise.  House upkeep and maintenance always part of it; if it isn't one thing . . ..

    Best thing ever was when we had made extra payments and paid off our house mortgage, that was an awesome feeling to say the least.  No car payments, have no bills except routines such as utilities, insurance, groceries.  We are careful to ensure we never have a credit card balance; the interest rates are horrific. So many younger couples live on their credit cards and that is a road to much danger.  Neither of us came from "monied" families; would have been nice if we did, we just worked harder.  I so wish the young ones today had it a bit easier to position themselves well; I think it is much harder to do so as things have changed so much.

    Thinking of games played with family. When the kids all come in from out of state which is not that often to get us all together, we play Uno and Mexican Train Dominos as well as one other I cannot think of the name right now.  Sometimes we put on oldies music at the same time and a few of us get raucous and sing along silly while playing the games.  Fun and a lot of laughing. Oh, to very young again!  I am inside my head; my body just has gone to wrack and ruin. Ha!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Lorita....space heater info on my email


    Beth....what is on your travel bucket list??? I get emails from Breck etc every day and think of  your beautiful garden.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Still very cold here with a lot of snow hanging on - hope it's not waiting for the next one

    Jo, so glad the storms weren't that close to your daughter.  Seems odd that they're having tornadoes down south this time of year - our time will come in a couple of months - dread that.  

    Judith - I bought a soft-heat space heater but it doesn't seem to give off as much hest as the ones I've had before.  Also sort of hard to figure out how to use it.  The ones I had you just turned on and that was it but this one has a thermostat plus a timer which I don't use.  I don't leave the propane stove on at night because the cats sometimes get rambunctious.  It's still about 55, or was this morning, when I came in and the electric heater was on.    Thanks for the link though.

    Jo and Judith - I talked with one of the hospice agencies this morning and they do provide hospice care to Medicaid patients.  They need a referral from the doctor and six months of medical records (this won't be an easy thing), then they'll make the decision if she's eligible.  I have run into so much trouble not being able to get the information I need/want because I'm not "on her list of people to talk with".  Judith, I know you ran into this a few years ago.

    I did talk with her briefly this morning.  They had been to the tag agency to get an identification for her.  The one she had expired and she needed one for Todd ot use when we lose her.  Don't understand that but it is what she needed to do.  She didn't sleep last night so I'll talk with her later.  She had a PCP appointment tomorrow.  I think the referral would probably need to come from one of the doctors at the hospital. 

    Last night I heard the girls bawling after I heard a truck (thought it was on the road east of us) but looked out and saw a truck out front.  Evidently someone fed grain last night and I think one bale of hay.  This morning the girls would hear a truck somewhere and go that direction, then they'd hear one in another direction and go that way.  They didn't feed this morning.  So don't know what was going on.  Guess I won't worry about it because he did feed last night but they'll need hay today.  The water tanks had a thin layer of ice on them and so did part of the pond.

    Need to get on those 1099s today and get them in the mail.

    Judith, the problem with UPS delivery is that we had the gate closed all summer and they got used to leaving things down there and I guess they think that's easier.  When I know there's going to be a delivery I always have the GPs in the house and if they happen to be in the yard because I didn't know about the delivery they can leave it outside the yard.  Like I've said, I have signs down there telling them to bright it to the house.  A delivery was scheduled for yesterday but wasn't made so supposed to be today.

    Day - I was looking for something to watch a few minutes ago and found a two hour Denim & Co. clearance program.  

    Jo, thank you for all the information you found on Hospice.  I know Sarah needs something like that even though home health will be coming occasionally.  Someone did some the day after she got home.  I feel sorry for her - she says she afraid to go to sleep - afraid she won't wake up.  We talked about that and she said if that happened she wouldn't know it so it would be best.  That's how we lost Scarlet - just went to sleep and never woke up.  Best way to go - if you have to.  

    She said something that made me feel bad last night.  At the height of the pandemic she wanted to come down and see me.  I asked them to wait because I couldn't risk getting the virus - and both of them have had it and hadn't been vaccinated.  I'll always think about that decision and wish it could have been different.  I think Todd has narcolepsy - every time he sits down he goes to sleep.  He's worried about her, trying to work some and take care of things at home - maybe he's just worn out.

    I'll stop and have some more hot tea.  Enjoy your day.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    Judith, places I'd like to go include Scandinavia, U.K., European river cruise, cruise on fancy mega ship (that one is planned for this spring), Israel and maybe even a cruise to Antarctica. Not all are realistic but some are and God willing, will happen. Not bucket list, but enjoy: Estes Park, CO which is our favorite place and Houston, where our daughter and her family live. 

    I like what Jo said, to enjoy life but to be wise.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Beth in Ohio Cincinnati chili is a thing and it has cinnamon in it.  I do not like it so probably would eat my delicious cinnamon roll after per done with chili lol.

    Iris just kept deleting, don’t give them the time of day.  

    Retirement, one of the things I find most challenging is what you guys are talking about. 

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Lorita...I had very little trouble getting records due to not having authorization. You have no authorization. If Sarah wishes she can add  you to her HIPAA. Please let it go. Sarah has 6 months of records at Mercy or near that much. I did not need to provide any records for Dick nor did he need a referral for Hospice. Again, please let Sarah and Todd handle these things. 

    I can not imagine why Todd would need a current drivers license. People die all of the time w/o out one. 

    I would, in light of the situation, rethink selling to Mike. That way you know the property will be kept in one piece and not used as a greenhouse in the future. 

    As for visiting, I am certain you could find someone to drive you over for a couple of hours. Going town to town on 40 it is less than 2 hours. Close the front gate, let the dogs out and tell Mike you are going for the day. You could easily do it in under 8 hours including a good visit.

    The thermomater will let your heater stay at a desired  temperature. The timer will allow  it to run at your setting for a certain length of time. My heated is close to my bed. I set it at 72 for about 40 minutes. This allows me to get into a warm bed.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita.   I love hearing about all the babies. How many do you all have now? I bet you have lost count. I hope your hip is feeling better today. With everything you do it's a wonder you're not sore all over every day. 

    A lot of talking lately about chili. I found some Bear Creek soup that was chili. It was delicious and it does not have meat in it, meat is something you can add if you want meat. I did not add meat and it was delicious. I still have a few bowls left. As you know Bear Creek soup feeds a person for a few days, with some left to freeze. 

    Try not to feel bad about asking Sarah not to come visit during the pandemic. You told her that to keep you all safe. Iam surprised they let her come home it sounds to me she needs more care than what she will get at home. Not speaking of the worry, you and Todd will be having. 

    Beth.   That bone broth sounds good. I will remember that the next time I have a bone to throw away. I had a friend years ago who used ice cube trays and froze juice from meats to be used for flavoring in things. I had forgot all about that. I bet you really look forward to Saturdays. I miss not having family gatherings. My family is scattered so it has been many years since we have been together. So, enjoy it all you can.

    Iris.   Iam glad you're not answering those prank calls. My daughter fixed my phone so that any call that comes in that is not in my contacts goes right too v mail. It does not even ring. Thats crazy that you would get that many calls, that many would drive me crazy. 

    I only had brisket once and that was years ago. My cousin made it and brought it to our grandma's house for a potluck. It was delicious but when I heard all the time, she put into that brisket I decided I was not going to do one. I don't even see them in the store. Is it a tuff meat is that why you cook it for so long?  

    Jo and Iris.   I would be terrified of earthquakes. In Oregon fire is out biggest worry. 

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta 

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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