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Just need to talk to my friends (186)



  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Good Afternoon, All.

    Lorita.   I really hate those commercials about the poor doggies left out in the cold. As soon as one comes on, I mute the TV and close my eyes. When I adopted Molly from a shelter, I had a monthly donation come out of my account for the shelter. If I could help them all I would but I know I can't. 

    A few days ago, you guys were talking about ROAR. If that is an energy water, I would be afraid to drink anything to give me more energy. I like Propel water, it comes in flavors, and it has antioxidants and vitamins and comes in mild fruit flavors. For some reason I have not been in the mood for soup, so I have not looked for any. I still have some Bear Creek soup so when I am ready it will be there. 

    I also enjoy your ramblings Iam interested in your farm life and congratulations on the new baby. And no, I have no secretes in getting meds down cats. Like Iris said wrap the kitty in a towel to protect you from getting scratched.  

    Ron.  I hope Lou was able to keep calm during the tornado warning. That would be a scary thing. It will be nice if you can get some help so you can get some rest and some time for yourself. 

    Beth.  I love cinnamon rolls my mouth is watering for them right now. 

    Marie.  My two cats are so different. My older cat, Sammy, he's a year and a half loves for me to hold him he jumps on my lap and rubs his head next to my chin and loves the attention. My younger cat Emmy is 10 months, and I am the only one she will come too and if she thinks I am going to pick her up she bolts like lightening and she goes under the bed. She will let me hold her but only when she is ready. I hope I outlive her, but if I don't, my daughter will take her. My daughter loves cats so I am sure she will be able to keep her comfortable. 

    In my younger years we lived with my grandparents. My grandfather built a playhouse it had a roof and a door and was the size of a small room. All my cousins would come over to play. We had a swing monkey bars and a slide and a pool. We lived in Sacramento and the train ran right past our house so when we herd the train we would go out to the front yard and wave and the engineer and the Bumbs riding on the train. Back in those days that's how they got from one side of Sacramento to the other side. And it was alright for them to do that they never got kicked off. We probably waved at the same ones each time. Those were the good old days. 

    Take care all, Hugs Zetta 

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,078
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    The "best used by date" on any package indicates when they think the flavor of the product will be best.  If past that date, as long as it tastes good you should be alright using it.

    The issue with most frozen products is that they get "freezer burn" which impacted the flavor.  My mother recently found a package of blackberries (in her big freezer) she had picked and frozen more than 20 years ago...lol.  She thawed them and cooked with a bit of sugar and said they were great!

    I have also used eggs well past the best used by date with no ill consequences.  They are just a bit thicker because of dehydration thru the shell.

    I think you should be just fine.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
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    Good morning from a cool 35 degrees, which was 62 at this time a few days ago. That's how Louisiana weather is, one day heat is on and before you know it your turning air conditioner back on.

    Lou was calm during the tornado warnings! Use to when it was storming in the middle of the night she would wake me up and make me stay up with her until the storm has past. Now she doesnt realize how serious the weather can be at times.

    I also hate these commercials that show dogs suffering; in fact, I hate all commercials that show any suffering at all. I wish I could help every living thing, but showing excessive suffering is not the way to get my attention because I'm not going to watch it. I dont even like these supposinly funny videos that show people getting hurt.

    Had to go buy a new refrigerator yesterday and thinking about getting my kitchen countertops redone with granite countertops. I was shocked about how much refrigerators cost and probably really about to be woke up when I find out how much the kitchen remodeling will cost.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, it's cold here, too, this morning, but it's sunny.  The weatherman is talking about the possibility of a little snow next week.  Hope they're wrong.  We've gotten used to warmer weather and this hurts.  I bought a new soft-heat electric heater to use in the LR during the night.  I don't keep the propane stove on at night.  I'm having one heck of a time figuring out how the thing works.  It has a thermostat and timer and I just can't get the hang of it.  We've used Bionair soft-heat heaters for years and just loved them but can't find them now.  I still have one that works well, in the bathroom and another one but the cord gets pretty warm.  May have to send this one back to WM and try another brand.

    Ron, it's awful how everything has gone up.  I can only imagine how much a new refrigerator would cost. Good luck on finding a good one.  Ours is 23 years old.  Bought it just before we moved down to the farmhouse.  We've had a service contract on it for years and have had several things fixed on it.  If something goes wrong that they can't fix, they have to replace it.  Remember the AC last summer - same thing and it took months to even get the replacement and then theu didn't install it.

    Marie - we have always had blackberry and dewberry vines on the farm so have always had berries.  One way we liked, besides the wonderful cobblers, was to add some sugar and sliced bananas.  So good.  If the berries were good after 20 years, the broccoli should be good.  

    There was very little ice in the broccoli.  I microwaved it like the instructions said and there was only a little bit of water in it.  I ate one big piece of it and it was delicious - bright green and didn't get sick so I think it's okay, too.  I have broccoli, cauliflower and carrots frozen, and I'm sure they're good.  I usually buy heads of the broccoli adn cauliflower and cut those up with carrots and steam them.  If I have more than I need at the time, I freeze them with a vacuum sealer.

    The soup was pretty good, sort of thin and I like a thick soup but it will work. Might add some pasta to it.      I thought I'd add more broccoli to it or just pour it  over the broccoli.

    Cold this morning.  Toad and Mike just came and fed.  I went to turn on the water and Gray Lady was by the fence with little Chas.  He is so cute - all babies are.  There's all kinds of noises outside this morning.  Sounds like they may be working on those trees south of here already.

    I think I may go up to our little store this afteroon and get some milk and pop.  They don't keep much of anything.  They have been coolers and they're filled with drinks of all kinds except one little section.  I think they'd do well if they kept a few more groceries.

    Hope everyone's okay this morning.  I've already given Kitt his Amoxicillin and eyedrops.  One thing I did get from those videos was to put my arm around him and control his head with that hand.  Works pretty well or maybe he's just tired of fighting me.

    Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    In mid 50s yesterday, high mid 30s today, cloudy with a dusting of snow.

    Lorita my broccoli seems to always get icy too.

    Made stew today with a whole pound of meat.  You know I don’t think it takes much longer than when I make a 1/4 lb.  Got lunch and 12-8oz jars for fast food.  Definitely going to start making large quantities of things I know are ok frozen.  

    Beth got your black bean brownies made.  They taste like a thin mound bar with consistency of a no bake cookie to me.  

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    We got 4" of snow this week. 

    Making (warming up previously frozen) chicken and rice soup. Also made a peach cobbler. Just took it out of the oven. Have vanilla ice cream to top it with. 

    I have a turkey breast in the crockpot. I cook it today, carve it, then warm it in the crockpot in chicken broth before eating tomorrow evening. Very moist. 

    For your viewing pleasure: "The Volcano" on Netflix is fantastic, a documentary about a volcano that erupted on an island off the coast of New Zealand, and at theaters: "A Man called Otto" -so good! I highly recommend both. 

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Bright, sunny day here - supposed to be in low 50s but colder weather and rain predicted for this weekend and some of next week.  I'm ready for spring!

    Sounds like we all sort of "cook ahead" so we won't have to be cooking so much.  Luckily, I've always liked leftovers so it works fine for me. All of the food you all mentioned sounds good especially for cold weather.

    Black bean brownies?  Somehow I missed that.  I like brownies and used to make them from scratch - of course, that was 50+ years and who knows where the recipe might be.

    Beth, did you enjoy going to the movies?  The last movie we went to see was "Signs" - many years ago.  Now I hardly ever see one advertised that I'd like to see.  Exception is Avatar: The Way of Water.  I'd like to see that but guess I'll wait until it comes on TV - years from now probably.  I wouldn't feel comfortable going to a movie by myself.  You know I'm not even sure there are any movies amywhere around here.  Used to be two theaters in the town where I shop when I was growing up - now I think in the summer one is open once in a while - the other is completely gone.

    I hear lots of noise south of the house across the road so guess they're working on the trees.  Not in the mood to even go and check it out.  I think I will run up to our little store after the mail runs - that'll take care of getting yesterdays and todays mail and what I get at the store.  

    I've gotten the medicine down all the cats, even Max.  So all that's left will be three more eyedrops for Kitt and his Amox. tonight.  I was sitting in my chair a while ago and almost went to sleep so better get up and get moving.

    Beth, about how much snow do you all usually get?  Our weatherman showed a video his cousin in Nebraska sent him - there was so much snow they couldn't tell where the road was so one man was walking in front of the car to make sure they didn't get into the ditch.  It's been that bad here before - hope not this year.

    There was a meteor that came down this morning.  It went from Claremore to Wagoner and was seen in six States - that was about 3:30 so I didn't see it.  

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Doesn't Judith always have the best ideas?  I never would have thought of wrapping the cat in a towel to administer the drops - great idea.

    Count me in too as one who does not watch those heart wrenching commercials of suffering, abused, neglected animals.  Cannot, will not do it.  We are a family of many rescue dogs and have been for years, but none of us will watch those ads.  It also does not make me feel any more motivated to donate to their organization. 

    Like Ron, I also do not watch the program re funny home videos.  So many are beyond dangerous, people get hurt, and sadly, many people purposely stage their videos with some even staging children.  

    Congrats on your new refrigerator, Ron.  Appliances have indeed become so much more expensive.  Instead of going to an appliance store, we went to Home Depot to buy our last new frig a few years ago; a large side by side Samsung.  Of course, the store was filled with way, way bright lights overhead and all around us; the refrigerator looked good. When the doggoned frig got into our house, we found that we cannot see much at all inside our new refrigerator. No lightbulbs as in the old frig; but instead the only light is an LED light panel going down the inside back wall  which means food items on the shelves are in front of the light panel and completely blocking the light.  Very, very hard to see items and cannot see some at all.  Makes me feel cranky every time I open the frig.  SO disappointed.  Will not be buying that brand again.

    DH had to have a root canal done yesterday; it was a complicated one and took a very long time.  Poor fellow; I felt so bad for him.  Side of his face is puffy and mouth is sore. He has to go and have a new crown put on the tooth soon.   The complex eye surgery that he had is improving his vision in that eye very nicely per his appt. last week.  The specialist said it takes about two years for complete healing to take place; he is about at a year.  Praying that the macula in his other eye does not advance in its problem issues.  Scary.

    As for frozen vegetables and soup.  I have a soup I like to make using frozen veggies as it can be used different ways and is easy.  Like the pumpkin cake mix muffins, this also comes from Weight Watchers.   I simply get two bags of California Style Frozen Veggies:  Broccoli, carrots, cauliflower.  I put them in a large soup pot and add chicken broth (Lorita could use vegetable broth) to cover them about a mere half inch or so above the veggies.  Add one small can of Ro-Tel mild tomatoes (don't use the highly spiced ones).  The recipe doesn't call for it, but I sometimes add a chopped onion.  Put the lid half on the pot, bring to a simmer and let simmer for about half an hour or forty minutes.  THEN:  Take your immersion blender and begin blending.  You can make it completely blended like a thick pureed soup or partially like a thick soup with some small chunks left in if one wishes.  It is really very good and freezes well.  I like to freeze it in small batches.

    One can eat as is, calorie count very low. One can also add rice to a serving or add ham or chicken, or sausage, or whatever one wishes to make more of a meal. It is also a good way to get veggies into someone who ordinarily will not eat them whole on a plate.  My LO with dementia could get lots of veggies that way without knowing it and preferred the completely pureed style. 

    Registered dietician on TV was  talking about the vitamin water and folks who take B12 thinking it will give them energy.  She said it was a fallacy; if one has adequate B12 levels, adding supplemental will not give one bit more energy; she said there is the placebo effect for some.  She mentioned all those vitamins and vitamins in waters just get wee'd out in the urine.  Guess that would be expensive wee.  It is always something. I do not use vitamin water, but I do usually have Perrier with dinner simply because I like the bubbles and I do not drink soda pop.

    Having Tika Masala over rice tonight with mixed veggies.  I do not make it; CostCo has large package frozen, Suki's Chicken Tika Masala which is very high quality and really delicious.  One package will give us two dinners and a bit left over for a lunch.  Suki is a celebrated gourmet Indian chef and the chicken is all white meat and as said, is very high quality.

    The other frozen entree of very high quality that is delicious at CostCo, is the Mandarin Orange Chicken; brand name is, Crazy Cuizine.  Surprised me that it is much better than the orange chicken we get from restaurants.  Again; extremely high quality white meat chicken. So; those are the two frozen items we get at CostCo. They are large serving packages as for family, but the orange chicken can be cooked in smaller batches if one wishes.  For our oven, we bake the orange chicken just a tiny bit higher temp and for five extra minutes.

    The other thing bought at CostCo, is their organic hummus that comes in individual servings of two and a half ounces.  Makes a nice snack or even lunch with veggies or crackers.  I know Lorita does not like garbanzos, but since it is pureed cannot tell there are garbanzos in it and it is mixed with other organic flavors and is nicely tasty.

    Nice to find things easy and tasty and have them in the refrigerator/freezer.  Sure do eat a lot of chicken, turkey and some fish.  Should eat more fish though.  At lunch I sometimes like to take a small 3 ounce can of water packed tuna, drain it; put it in a ramekin type bowl with two ounces of  ripe avocado and two or three teaspoons of salsa, moosh it all together and it is really tasty.  Can put it on crackers or bread if one wishes, but it is also good just by itself. We are at a point in life where we need to have simpler things to fix.  Now craving a nice pork chop; maybe next week.

    Time for another haircut, guess I'd best get an appointment made.  Seems it is all fine until I wake up one day and it has got too long seemingly overnight.  Dislike having it done, but always happy when it actually is completed.  Need to do it about every six weeks.

    Had light rain yesterday, late afternoon and into the night. It was a gentle rain and now we are in for dry days for some time.  Do not know if we are going to get any more rain soon. February has always been our rainiest month where we are, so we shall see.

    I was watching some Pickle Ball; it sure does look like a lot of fun; I would love to do that, but cannot due to bad knees, etc.  I used to play tennis and really enjoyed that, but Pickle Ball for my stage in life would be good as courts are smaller and all is much easier, but still need to do a lot of running. Sure wish I could do it.  My brother plays it five to six days a week; he has had two knee replacements, so could no longer tolerate tennis.

    Making a list for groceries, need to get some more Tide-To-Go pens; they sure come in handy from time to time.  So nice to have that product.

    We won't be taking our drive to the ocean for awhile; the storms have made a mess.  Having dreadfully dangerous riptides, and starting tonight, there will be a "King Tide," at the ocean which means the water will come waaaaaay up.  That happens when the earth, sun and moon are together in alignment just so.  It can get so high that it can even go past the beach up to the beach side homes and even sometimes to the middle of some of the beach side towns.

    Let's hope for good and safe weather to come soon for everyone.  If any of you have any easy recipes for lunches or dinner or favorite items frozen, would be good to know.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Made it up to town - not much there except the convenience store with a little pizza place, I think, attached, a post office and a new meat market.  Also a community center where they have a meal once a week.  Never been in it.  If you want beer or pop, that's the little store to go too - had two gallons of milk (I bought one and will freeze most of it), a few loaves of bread, a few canned meats, chips and candy - and ice cream.  My uncle used to have a little store/gas station up there and he had more groceries.  I bought two gallons of gas for the Gator.  I need to take Stormy for a ride.  He can't/won't get into the PU so the Gator is it.

    Jo - all the dinners or frozen foods sound good, even to a vegetarian.  I used to eat a little chicken, white meat, and a few other things.  Now when they talk about chicken wings I think of all those poor chickens - only two wings to each one so think of how many chickens it takes for a party or tailgate.  That's just where my mind goes.  I can remember when I was a little girl we always had chickens.  We'd sit outside the yard, dip the chickens in hot water and pick the feathers off.  My grandma used to wring their necks - aren't those awful memories.  I won't go into the way we took care of hogs after they were killed.  I can still see the middle result.

    I've been wading in mud and water today.  The rain we got caused water to settle all around the water tanks and it makes the tanks unstable so I've been trying to figure out what to do with them.  Will do more of that tomorrow.  There's been a lot of noise all day across the road.  I think Toad is still bulldozzing trees.  I was behind one huge truck on the way back home and it went over there.  He's getting ready to lime the whole place after Toad and Raymond finish their work.

    I told Carol of Mike's plans to demolish the house where she was born.  The barn was build in 1961 so she doesn't know about it.  I don't know if I can watch either of those building demolished or not.  There's a huge, tall Sycamore tree in the yard which I'm sure he'll leave.  I remember seeing initials carved in the trunk when I was a little girl - no idea who did that.  There are two buildings, a small garage and a workshop that he'll leave.  Our neighbor built those after he moved there.  It will really look different.  I feel a tug of sadness every time I drive past an old homeplace a mile south of here.  There used to be a big, two-story house, a windmill and a huge barn at the end of the driveway and a chicken house which we bought and brought home for our chickens.  They were the first people in this area to have electricity and running water inside the house - plus a telephone which only went to one of their relative's house.  It seems like I've already writen this - if I have, I'm sorry to have repeated it.  Anyway, there's always change and I don't really like change but it's inevitable, I guess.

    I had some more of the cheddar-broccoli soup with some of the broccoli florets.  Really good but I think I will cook some rice and add to the soup.   Jo, the soup you told us about sounds good.  I like all of those vegetables and also like a thick soup.

    I better stop - written too much, as usual.  This week seems to have gone very fast.  I checked and it was 36 days ago that I last went to a store - three days ago I did go to the vets so I don't get around much anymore.

    Hope all of you have a good evening.  Will see you tomorrow.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,308
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    I had been having a runny nose and a tickle in my throat, so I took a home Covid test--came out negative!  Our area is now in the "low" category of Covid cases.  I hope we stay this way, and better.

    Jo C, your veggie soup sounds delicious.  I'm going to make it.

    Beth, can I make black bean brownies from a brownie mix?


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Iris don’t know if your stomach is sensitive to fiber.  Mine is and I only ate a small one because knew this might be an issue.  It made my stomach hurt.beans and oats together .  They have good flavor.
  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Iris, I found this recipe online. I have not tried it.

    Black Bean Brownies from Mix


    • 1 (15 ounce) can black beans, rinsed and drained

    • 1 cup water

    • 1 package brownie mix

    • 1 cup chocolate chips, divided




    1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly grease a 9x13-inch baking dish.

    2. Blend black beans and water together in a blender until smooth; pour into a bowl. Stir brownie mix into black bean mixture until batter is smooth; fold in 1/2 cup chocolate chips. Pour batter into prepared baking dish. Sprinkle remaining 1/2 cup chocolate chips over batter.

    3. Bake in the preheated oven until a toothpick inserted 2 inches from the side of the pan comes out clean, 25 to 27 minutes. Cool brownies completely on a wire rack before cutting into squares.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    I'm sorry for the weird spacing in the recipe post above. I did a cut and paste and that's how it turned out.

    Lorita, we did go to the theatre for "A Man Called Otto." It was SO good; I cannot emphasize it enough. Beautiful film. It's based upon the novel "A Man Called Ove." (I've not read that.) Lorita, I hope Sarah is getting some relief. I am sorry that her life is so difficult. I cannot even imagine all she has gone through. 

    Jo, I hope your dizziness never returns! Sounds awful. You might want to research "ear crystals." I know of 2 persons who had ear crystals causing vertigo who got some relief from physical therapy. There is also a lot of info online about this. Take care!

    Day, Judith and Lorita, I too had an idyllic childhood. Riding bike, riding horses, showing in horse shows, playing with my cousins and neighbors, taking swimming lessons in the summer, ice skating in the winter. It was all good! Or else I am only remembering the good and forgetting the bad!

    Sara, I have 4 or 5 cinnamon rolls left. I froze them individually and they are good frozen and thawed. I would love to share. Tonight my kids come over and I'm making turkey, corn casserole, roast veg and chocolate lava cake. 

    Ron, I'm glad you had no storm damage. How scary! In Iowa, most have basements so that is where we go with tornado warnings. Last March a tornado came through and sadly - a grown up daughter and her hub and 3 kids were spending the weekend with her parents. Their home had no basement. The grown daughter lived but lost her hub,  2 of her 3 kids and her mother. Tragic! There were 2 or 3 other people also killed in that storm and the damage was widespread - lengthy course of the tornado. Ron, hope you are feeling better. 

    Marie, I hope you and your mom are doing well. You are a kind and loving daughter. I am currently feeding 3 outside/stray cats. One has been here 15 years now. I consider her mine. 

    Take care, Zetta.

    Another recipe, Chocolate Lava Cake-these are super good! Melty chocolate in the middle, Mmmmmm! Easy too!

    Molten Chocolate Cakes

    4 oz. semisweet chocolates (can use chocolate chips)
    1/2 cup butter
    1 cup powdered sugar
    2 eggs
    2 egg yolks
    6 Tbsp. flour

    In a medium saucepan, melt chocolate and butter over low heat, stirring constantly. Whisk in powdered sugar, eggs, egg yolks and flour. Whisk well to incorporate all ingredients.

    Pour into 4 greased ramekins. Bake at 425 for 14 minutes. Remove from oven and let sit for 1 minute, then carefully run knife around the cake edges and invert the ramekins onto individual plates. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream. Refrigerate leftovers.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Just came in from looking for a calf I saw yesterday who has or had scours.  I told Mike about her and he had seen her, too.  I took Stormy with me.  He hadn't been out in the Gator in a long time.  We drove around and around the girls and we finally found her laying down in a group of four little ones.  She was just like she was yesterday - all dry, so guess it's that she had scours and is over them.  I also checked the barn before I found her and two of the girls came in to see what I was doing.  I saw Eve and Chas - they're so cute, so black and so little.  Our calves are smaller now since we're using an Angus bull.  When we ran Brangus the calves were bigger, harder on the moms, too, but they were so pretty. The girls and boys are so used to the Gator I can drive within three inches of them and they won't get up or move. It started to sprinkle as we were coming back in.   We took down a card I'm remailing to Sarah.  Sent it and it was returned yesterday with a note saying she was discharged so I'll try again.

    They're working across the road this morning - didn't see the dozer but heard it.  Thought about driving over to see what they were doing but it had started to sprinkle so came back - will do that later.  I think I want to see them take down the barn but can't watch them take down or burn the house - too many memories of families who have lived there.  I need to ask Carol how long her family lived there before she was born.  It's called the Flax house - no idea who they were or how long they were there but they lived there before Carol's family.

    Beth - I was going to ask for the recipe for the chocolate lava cake.  I sometimes make them in a mug - in the microwave.  Can't make it now because I only have three "old" eggs.  Need to throw them away.  Our little store doesn't carry eggs.  Maybe I should get a couple of chickens but they wouldn't last long with all the coyotes we have.  We used to have big, white ducks that were so pretty when they swam on the pond but coyotes got them.

    Cute story (I think).  When we had the ducks, we also had chickens (this is when I was a teenager).  We had duck eggs and daddy put some of the eggs  under a setting hen.  They hatched and, of course, she thought they were her babies - and they were.  Daddy cut a tire in half so it would hold water and the little ducks would get in the water and swim around and around.  Little chickens don't swim so the hen was worried to death with her babies in the water.  She'd cluck and cluck and run around the tire trying  to get them out of the water.  Lots of fun to watch.  These are things you do when you live in the country.

    I'm watching some kind of winter games from Lake Placid and the USA just won a hockey game over Japan to put them into the Gold Medal game.  I saw some curling yesterday and the Gold Medal game is supposed to be on today and also the Bronze Medal games (USA will be in it).  Hope I haven't missed it. World University Games it says it is.

    Sara - how is J doing?  Haven't seen you mention her lately.  Does she seem satisfied where she is? Also, how is your mother this winter?

    I guess the broccoli is okay.  I ate some last night and I'm okay today so I'll finish it with the soup - pretty good together.  The soup is sort of like a cheese sauce.  Still haven't received the potato soup I ordered over a month ago - still says it'll get her around the 25th.  We'll see.

    Felt good to be outside in the Gator - I'll have to do that more often.  I know Stormy enjoyed it - he could hardly wait to get in the Gator.  I think I mentioned the little gas can I have (thought it was one gallon) turned out to be two gallons.  That's all I can lift into the back of the PU.  Most of the fuel they have is on road and off road diesel.  I think there's two pumps that have unleaded with ethanol.  When I got diesel up there a while back I didn't know which I was supposed to use.  Found out I needed onroad - the offroad has red dye in it and is only used for farm use.  I have a whole overhead tank of that.  If you use it in your vehicle and are stopped and they check you can get fined.  That probably doesn't hold true for feed or hay trucks, not sure.

    There I go - rambling again.  I'll stop and reheat my tea and finish it.  I've reheated it twice already.  I have one of those little electric things you sit your cup on to keep it hot - need to get that out and use it.

    Enjoy the day - hope your weather is good wherever you are.

    Iris, glad your covid test was negative.  Was it hard to do?  I think the tests I first got are probably expired by now - have never used any of them.  I have a drippy nose, too, but I think my sinuses are bothering me some.  When I hit my head a few months ago and had it x-rayed my doctor said I had huge sinuses.  Used to bother me a lot.

    Guess I missed the curling or maybe it's on later today.  They're playing basketball now.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Why would you screw up a good brownie with beans????????? As Joe would say, c'mon man!

    Simply wonderful gloomy day to get me going inside. Big project as well as little just waiting for me.

    Jo, you must have missed all the bad ideas I have posted...lol


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    What bad ideas, Judith?  I think all of your ideas are good.  I haven't had to wrap Kitt or Max in a towel - only one pill (dissolved) to get down Max and Kitt is pretty cooperative.

    It's gloomy here, too.  I need to do a couple of 1099s so I can get them in the mail to arrive before the 31st but I keep putting it off.  One is for fencing and the other for barn repair.  I can't send one to the guy who did the floors and rock wall because I don't know his address or SSN and he doesn't answer his phone.  I thought I could send the copy in with my taxes but Sam says I don't need to because they couldn't connect it to anyone.  It's not something I can deduct so I guess it'll all come out in the wash.

    FedEx just delivered more things from Chewy.  I need to call them because I think I have at least two auto ships.  I can use everything they sent so won't have to order anything in February.

    Sheena has something in her front paws and it feels like cockleburrs, deep inside.  She doesn't want anyone to bother her feet so guess I'll keep trying to get it out. Doesn't seem to bother her but looks like it would hurt when she walks.  If I could get her in the PU I'd take her to the vet - she needs her nails trimmed but I'm also afraid he'd have to sedate her.  They had to do that once with Stormy when he had mats around his private parts  Seems like when you have dogs or cats, there's always something going on.

    Hasn't rained much, just sprinkles.  Wish it would go ahead and give us a good rain.  They're even talking about some snow flurries.

  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Okay; I'm with Judith.   Why does one want to add black beans to brownies?   Does it change the taste or texture?

    Lorita, the expiration date for the COVID tests are right on the box.  If yours are outdated or near expiration date, you can send for more free tests from the government.    They arrive in the mail very quickly.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Jo...I use the plainest Ghiradelli mix and substitute strong coffee for the liquid. This is guarenteed good advice...lol.

    Story; My friend was in the hospital and the first thing her daughter wanted to do for her was to make chocolate chip cookies. When I reminder her that her mother was very diabetic. She thanked me for the reminder and said she would add oatmeal. 

    This is something her mother did and she then called them "breakfast cookies"!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Judith, did she just add the oatmeal to the cookies or did she substituter the oatmeal for the chocolate chips?
  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,215
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Black beans brownies.........nook thank you!

    Guess I'm tired of having money in the bank! Bought a new refrigerator Thursday for over 2000 dollars and a out to remodel kitchen and both bathrooms with granite countertops for probably over 8000. I might need to open a dementia day care center to put food back on the table. But seriously, I've reached the point if I have the money now, I'm going to make everything more comfortable and presentable for Lou and I instead of leaving it for others. They will have plenty with home, car, possessions and insurance since everything is paid for.

    Everyone talking about the blackberries and dew berries had my mouth watering. During season we would have cobblers and I liked them with milk and sugar. Hills on the railroad tracks would be full of them and snakes also loved them. I have even seen blackberry ice cream but never tried it.

    Speech therapist is coming to see lou for the first time, so guess I had better sign off.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Ron, it sounds like your house will be really nice.  I know what  you mean about spending money.  I've spent a lot this year on the house and barn and still more that could be done.Guess it's never finished.  I used to car pool with a man who said to use your money now - you can't take it with you.  But, you know, we work during our lifetime and save and it's sort of hard to let go of it.

    I've picked tons of blackberries and dewberries and I know snakes like them but I have never seen a snake while I was picking them.  Finally learned to get out and pick them early in the mornings before the dew dried off - no chiggers then.  My mother had a pet pig before she married daddy and he would go with her to pick berries.  He actually picked and ate them.  I've often taken dogs with me when I was picking here on the farm.  You know I don't notice many berries along the roads now - too much mowing and spraying, I guess.  Did you ever dig up wild onions?  We used to - loved them with scrambled eggs but they were so hard to clean - took forever because they're so little.  They used to have wild onion dinners in this area - maybe still do.

    This afteroon when I went out to fill the water tank, it was empty but a big sticker weed was in the tank.  There are three or four of them out there that as big as tumbleweeds, broken loose from the ground.  Don't know how it got in the water tank.

    I found cockleburrs  in Sheena's feet, way up in the paw.  I think I got all of them except on one front foot.  Can't hold her and cut it out - so called Mike to see if they were going to feed here in the morning.  They are so after they finish he'll help me get it out.  I know it hurts her foot when she walks.

    It's cold out and tomorrow they say we may get a few snow flakes.  Don't care for that forecast. Guess I'm in for the night.  Saw Gray Lady giving Chas a bath a while ago.  They do keep their babies clean.

    Rest well tonight, everyone.  See you tomorrow.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 840
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    The black beans in brownies are to make them a fiber-rich food.
  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    It's a cool, cloudy day and probably no sun today.

    They came and fed this morning and Mike helped me get the wads of hair and burrs out of Sheena's front feet.  He held her head and foot while I cut them out.  No way could I have done it by myself - I did do the back feet.  He finally turned over an old water tank and put her on top and then it was much easier.  He said sometimes when you get them up in the air it sort of paralyzes them and they are more cooperative.  He also doctored a little calf we had been watching who had scours - gave her antibiotics.  

    That's about all that's going on here this morning.  Hope all of you are well this morning and can enjoy the day.  They're predicting some snow and rain Tuesday but it's going to be 40 so if it snows it won't stick.  Maybe we'll have great big flakes.  

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,776
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    Lorita...no, the oatmeal was in addition to the chips...lol. You know, you might go to those dinners. They might just put you in contact with some people looking for odd jobs.

    Ron...before you do granite check out porcelain slabs. That is what I am going to use in my kitchen.

    Beth...hmmm, fiber. Nope. Just can't do it. I will  up my intake of  Madjool dates or maybe buy some fig newtons.

    What to do today? Need to make a decision on what to tackle before too long. Maybe take a look at the paintings I have stacked along walls and actually hang one or two.  Hard for me to do. I really like a nice white wall as a resting place for my eyes. Manbe one large work...wall...good piece of pine. Another reason for not hanging is that I love to change the space I live in. OK...I know it's odd but the relationship of positive to negative affects us. Lorita has attested to this with her posts about the physical changes happening around her. 

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
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    Good evening

     Gave 2-4 inches of snow, we have at least 4.  It has snowed all day and still snowing lightly. Min mid 30s so a wet, heavy snow.  Used the snowblower but helped the neighbor shovel some. 

    Fixed beef neck bones for dinner.  Had never had them before.  Some meat on them and it was very tender, but felt like I had a horse foot on my plate lol.  

    Might get my kitchen remodeled one day, will look into that porcelain slab a bit more.  Think I might like it.

    Take care everyone.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Judith, what interesting thing did you decide to do today?  Hope whatever it was, it was inside.  It's been cold and drizzly here today.

    I didn't do anything except fill the water tank three times and did what we did with Sheena this morning.  I had thoughts of doing the 1099s but didn't have the SSN for one so I'll call him again tomorrow and if he doesn't respond, I'll do it without the SSN.  Have to get them to the recipients by the 31st.  I really want to do my taxes earlier this year - I know I always say that but this year I won't have many deductions- no feed, hay, vet bills, etc.- just PU deductions.

    Talked with Sarah - not good news there.  She's on hospice and has the option of going home with hospice coming in once a week or a little more or staying in the hospital with hospice on palliative care.  I'm trying to steer her toward the latter but she really wants to go home.  I reminded her of what Charles' brother told me when I was trying to decide whether to take him back to the hospital - he told me I couldn't save him at home.  Not quite the same situation but close.  She'll have to talk with Todd and they'll make the decision.  If she goes home she'll be by herself most of the time and that won't be good.

    Did take a couple of short naps in my chair this afternoon while I was trying to watch TV so decided I'd go to bed and take a nap.  Of course, I couldn't go to sleep so got up and watched the last 12 minutes of the Dallas, San Francisco football game.

    Sara, I've never heard of or seen beef neck bones.  Did it remind you of a horse's hoof because it was so big? Glad you enjoyed it anyway.  They may be in our store but I avoid the meat counter completely.

    Yesterday was my sister's 91st birthday which means I'm only five months away from being 81 and tomorrow would have been grandma's 136th birthday.  Sarah's mother's BD is either the 30th or 31st and my first poodle's BD is the other date - never could keep those straight.  So January was a big birthday month for our family - four, five counting Jacques.

    Sleep well tonight.  Sara be careful out there shoveling snow.  I know you're young but it's still hard work.

    See you all tomorrow - the beginning of another week.  How many days until Spring?  Is it too early to begin counting?

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    Yes Lorita they are mainly a big heavy bone, very unattractive.
  • Jo C.
    Jo C. Member Posts: 2,916
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    Saw these new soup recipes yesterday; some certainly do look good and some are vegetarian:



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,322
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    Thanks, Jo, for the recipes.  Some really do sound good.  What I need/want is a simple recipe for tomato bisque soup.  I've never made tomato soup and collect the recipes but never have found on for tomato bisque.  Guess I could look it up though.

    Sarah - we're supposed to get from 3-6" of snow tomorrow. The front is out in New Mexico and West Texas now but will move in sometime tomorrow morning with rain, then turning to snow.  I do hope they're wrong.  We had a really big frost this morning and weatherman said there was a lot of fog along the rivers and over the ponds.  

    I checked my in-home covid tests and all I ordered last year have expired.  I did order four more this year.  The instructions said you need to wait five days after  possible exposure.  I haven't seen anyone since Friday except Mike and both times I had on my mask and was outside with Mike and not very close to the other guy on Friday.  I have a runny nose (had it anyway) and some diarrhea.  Probably something I ate but I think after five days may try one.

    Got all the medications and eyedrops down Kitt and Max this morning - not much trouble.  All that's left for Kitt now are the eyedrops and Amox.  Four more Prednisone pills for Max.  Reminds me I haven't fed the GPs yet.  They stayed in until about 1:30 and are back in now, sound asleep.  

    They're advertising something on QVC now - infra-red treatments for people.  It has a lot of infrared lights and straps around your knee or elbow, etc.   Wonder if tht would work. Now showing some wipes for your glasses and other glass things to prevent fogging.  If I wear my mask and sunglasses the sunglasses fog up (they're fit-over).  My regular ones fogged up yesterday when I had on my mask and it was cold outside.  Sounds pretty good.

    Haven't talked with Sarah yet.  Anxious to know what she and Todd decided and what the doctor said this morning.

    Ron, how did Church go yesterday?  Hope your weather was good.  Are they predicting snow for you all tomorrow?

    The man who reads our water meter just called.  He said I had used a little over twice as much water this month over last month.  May be that the girls are drinking more and there's about 20 more in there than before.  He'll come over later this week and I'll be sure everything's turned off to see if there's a leak.  He didn't see any sign of a leak but years ago we had one, our side of the meter, of course, and it was really costly.  Like I say - always something!

    Back later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,680
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    We may be getting the tail of it on Wednesday.  Cleaned house and was done by 8:30 so decided to do all of our grocery shopping.  Giving rain, snow and ice for Wednesday, 1-3 inches they are saying right now.  Sounded like a day I would prefer to be inside.  Maybe I can finish decluttering my kitchen, over half done.

    You asked about J, she is doing well everything considered.  Is really hard on her though as dementia has worsened in several, several have died too.  The man next door to her just died recently and she really liked him.  She said everyone really liked him.

    She was at lunch when I dropped off her groceries.  Dropped in and she has a new table mate.  She is 101 yo.  Looks really good and J says she is with it.   She had told me about her several days ago.  Today is her birthday.  J told me the other day she closed on her house there at the home.

    Don’t get to talk a lot to my Aunt any more.  She is having a lot of trouble using phone.  Her daughter just got her a flip phone, will see if that is any better.

    Talk with you later

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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