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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • ButterflyWings
    ButterflyWings Member Posts: 1,752
    500 Likes Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Insightfuls Reactions

    Iris, can you let him take Uber or Lyft? He seems to have no boundaries where you are concerned and I'd be closing the door on this "relationship" right now, not a minute later. Please consider...

    Mint, sending you heartfelt sympathy on the loss of your dear aunt. I too have been wondering how meat is canned, but I guess there is corned beef, tamales and so many other meats in cans on store shelves, so...

    Everyone, I am working through lots as shared before so I am just rocking silently on the porch when I can grab a peaceful moment. I will let you know as soon as I can come up for air. Praying that it will all be good news. The babies and news of everyone's flowers, recipes, and other activities encourages me so much.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    So many sorrows and concerns in play for all.. but today I’ll just leave you a note of encouragement and joy. This is Great Granddaughter and the Care Bear puppy. She spent the night with us and has been playing and toys are EVERYWHERE and we are about to make cookies together.❤️

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, JeriLynn, for a bright spot in our day. Your granddaughter is beautiful and the puppy is so big. How old do you think he is?

    Lots of not so good things with our friends but we have each other to lean on.

    I'm worried about Gray Lady. She's not happy being up even though she gets more feed. I let her out on the driveway yesterday to graze and she came back before long. Looks like , to me, that her udder is filling out some.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, I'm worried about Sarah having inplants. Not knowing exactly what she will have, hopefully she will be alright. I just know what I'll be going through. Not enough bone in the uppers, so I'll have a bone graph before the inplants for the uppers. They will do the bone graph one day and the lower and upper inplants te second day. Because of the bone graph the whole process will take about a year. Even without the graph it takes about 6 months to complete the whole process.

    JeriLynn, I've the picture and thank you for sharing, it helps put a smile on fir the day.

    Seems like my problems are multiplying. Top of my foot started hurting this morning when walking and my balancing problem isn't better. I'm fine while walking, but when I stop I start swaying.

    Enjoy your weekend, here it's beautiful, but rain coming back next week.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    @JeriLynn66 Your granddaughter and the puppy are adorable - the puppy has gotten so big!

    @harshedbuzz and @telinde I know what you mean about the advantages of a ranch style home - one level living. We have a two story home. Last September, DH fell off a ladder and broke his ankle, humerus and back. He has residual spinal cord injury. He can and likely will still improve. He can now get up the stairs using a cane and hanging on to the rail. When walking, he uses two canes and his gait is not normal. He cannot carry anything up or down the stairs so the laundry baskets going down, mail going out to the mailbox, etc. are things I need to do. Living with a master and ensuite on the first floor, and a first floor laundry, would be ideal for us. We've talked about relocating but we like our home and garden. We are coping and he could still improve so will just keep on keeping on at present.

    Below, we don't want to leave this!

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Likes 25 Care Reactions

    Making bread today. It's a gluten free mix from Bob's Red Mill. You add eggs, oil and water to the mix - it includes the yeast - and beat with mixer. Then let it rise and then bake.

    I have a double oven and placed it in the top (smaller) oven. Noticed it had gotten so tall it was touching the element (top of the stove)! Oh no! So I removed it and put it in the bottom oven. It is messy on top, as there was some tearing of the top of the loaf. Oh well. It smells good and I'm sure it will taste good too.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    HB, the loss of those 700 cows and who know how many more just tears me up. I can only imagine what the owners are fee!ing. The man who is leading the cause for taking hay and feed almost broke down when he was talking about it. Even when they get there with the hay, pens will have to be made and the living cattle rounded up before they can care for them. Ranchers know their cattle and grow to love them - just think about the loss and heartache. You canbtalk to anyine who runs cattle and they have sad stories to tell and you can feel their pain. This from experience from talking wuth some of them.It will take years to recover and rebuild their herds, not just for the big ranchers. Just too much to think about.

    Ron, I'm worried About Sarah having the implants, too. I don't see how she can tolerate it. I do hope it turns out all right.

    Do you think your shoe may have been too tight on the top of your foot or maybe you had on a thicker sock. I can tell the difference with different socks. When you stop walking be sure you have something to hold onto. Do not fall!!!

    Going to be a warm weekend here, too, but very windy which worries me. Things are greening up fast but not enough yet. The pear trees by the pond and west of the house are beautiful. I opened gate 2 and let Gray Lady go down the road to graze. She was ready.

    Beth, is there any way you could turn one of the first floor rooms into a bedroom until your husband gets better? When we're young we don't think about things like having a second floor that might be problematical as we get older or injured. I know how hard it would be for you all to leave your home and beautiful garden you've worked so hard to develop. The pictures are beautuful.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Beth, those gardens are amazing!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Joan, so glad to see your post. I hope the new therapist will help you. Charles had a rollator and they are so nice. Scarlet was having trouble walking so boxed it up and sent it to her. You should have seen what the package Looked like. I imagine you hate to leave your home but you'll be nearer your daughter so that will be nice. When do you think you'll be able to move? I bet by summer's end you'll be back taking your walks.

    I am enjoying my new car. It's fun to drive - going to take time to learn all about the features though. I think it's really oretty- about the size of my first new car 59 years ago. Stormy and Sheena like it , too, if I could just figure out how to get her into it. Be careful when walking,just going to take time.

    I know I'm not as steady in my feet as I used to be. Going up and down steps is harder so hold into the railing. This getting older is not a lot of fun sometimes. One good thing is you can get your driver's license for eight years now!!

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello Rockers.

    Joan. Thank You for asking about me. Iam doing well just had Cataract Surgery, I go to the eye doctor on Monday for my last checkup. Iam also thinking about selling my home and moving to Arizona. My daughter and Son in Law are having a house built and they want me to live with them. Iam seriously thinking about doing that.

    Lorita and Ron. I also worry about the time and the commitment needed for implants. Iam at the point now that I need to do that. But I know Iam not willing to go through all of that, so unless I change my mind I will go without teeth. I have no problem eating.

    JeriLynn. Your granddaughter and the puppy are precious. That puppy has sure gotten big. I hope you wind up keeping him. How can your DH say no to a sweet puppy?

    Lorita. Iam so sorry for the loss of all the cattle, the land and the pain that so many or feeling. Our daily news shows all of this and the people who they talk to have a hard time talking about the loss of their cattle. Iam sorry for the way you are feeling because I know how close this is to your heart.

    Iam having a hard time keeping up with all you rockers, everyone is so busy. You're all in my thoughts. Jo, I miss you. Hugs Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi Zetta, glad you're doing all right. I think of you often. Are you having any of the awful storms? When they mention Truckee and other towns, Donners Pass, etc. I think of Wagon Train and the places they mention. I cannot imagine that much snow.

    What are you thinking about moving to Arizona . It's going to be a big change in climate but you'd be with your daughter.

    We had a new baby today. It's one of two of our cows with beautiful horns. Saw her across the pond so drove over and baby was trying to latch on. So cute - he tried to run and stumbled and fell down. Second cow who has calved in that area. It's away from everyone and a little sheltered from the strong wind. They have them away from the herd and keep them away from others to bond. I saw a yearling watching her, then she literally ran to her and played a minute, then went on.

    We haven't gotten much news about by the prairie fires but enough to make a person sad. Think of the monetary loss besides the pain of losing them- a good cow can bring $1200-1500 easily.A few years ago they had to rebuild their herds because of having to sell them during a drought. So sad for those ranchers.

    I worry about Sarah on going through all that with implants, too, but maybe will work out. I know I wouldn't do it.

    Rest well tonight - see you all tomorrow.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    HB my ghee may only be a one time thing, we’ll see. Just want to try it.Understand you can use it for anything but baking. It has a much higher smoke point so can fry with it. Supposedly has a nice nutty flavor.

    Understand the bra thing .

    Beth hope your DH continues to improve. Know is hard to think about leaving something you like and would miss.

    Take care

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Long post warning:

    The bra thing: Flowood Mississippi: Sal-Liz Lingerie. Also caters to post surgical mastectomy patients. Best fit, best staff. Pretty things for gals that need a little support and comfort. You can shop online but I have been badgering DH to take me back for an appointment..

    The Animals : Betty the goat is better. Still weak but up and eating in her Huntland stable. We’re going to move her here to Walnut Grove in a few days so she’s with us every day. Sheep babies up there are good. Goat babies here in WG are good. @Lorita Jake scared me! One of the goat babies dashed off during feeding and Jake whirled around after him. I thought “Oh no, Jake’s gonna hurt him”. NOPE! Jake circled and herded the baby back to his Mama. He did his job! I’m so proud of him ❤️.

    The Puppy is still here. No word from anyone after posting on several social media sites about him. DH made a comment yesterday in front of the kids about “since you’re not gonna find him a home”.. I don’t even know what else he said because we all froze, all the kids cut eyes to me and nobody said a word. We all were thinking “oh, was that a crack in the armor??”..lol

    The Shop: Almost done. 4 double decker rolling tool boxes and some smaller items and we’re finished. Next will be the sorting, storing and trying to remember where everything is lol. We’re adding side overhangs to the barn in Walnut Grove for equipment storage so that will help.

    Hope everyone's well this Sunday morning. Spring is almost here.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    @ButterflyWings I hope you get the answers for which you are hoping. And soon. You could use a break.

    @BethL It would be hard to leave that garden, for sure. Still it would be nice if you could add a first-floor owner's suite and laundry. Mom's house is in a planned 55+ community-- all the homes have a first floor with both. It makes so much sense. Could you convert a space or add on a suite?

    I made bread yesterday, too. A James Beard Cheese Bread recipe. It's not difficult to make but getting them out of the loaf pans without crushing the soft loaf to crisp up the bottom crust is tricky. One of them got a little misshapen in the process. That'll be the one we have for breakfast this week; I'll pass the handsome one on to a friend.

    @JeriLynn66 Kudos to whomever braided your granddaughter's hair. It's a perfect frame for her pretty little face. And the dog continues to be adorable. Sounds like there's a *$%& in the armor forming.

    We have a couple of those old school corsetry shops in the Philadelphia area. They are amazing. When I sew for brides and their parties, we often make a trip there to get them fixed up. I guess I just wasn't in the mood for schlepping into the city.

    @ronald71111 So true about implants not being instant gratification. I lost a tooth in mid-December and had the graft done then. He'll probably do the implant device in late June and says I'll have a tooth maybe late September. I'm missing #7, so I'm super anxious to get this done asap.

    @ladyzetta Arizona would be quite the change for you. Would you be happy there?

    @Mint Hmmm, I didn't know you can't bake with ghee. I know it's not the exactly the same as a clarified butter, but they are similar. A friend of mine makes a browned butter shortbread cookie with chocolate chips every Christmas. The browned butter brings some nuttiness as well.

    The weather here is lovely- false spring- we're headed to 65F with sun. I need to get outside for a bit. But first, crossword.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Morning, , sunny, warm and windy. Girls are out grazing. Don't see the new baby. Mom has him somewhere safe.

    JeriKynn, you have veen so busy. Will be good when you can rest.. Fed Gray Lady and have her in the lot.

    What bra thing? I must have missed that. I don't like them but they are a necessary evil when you go somewhere or someone is coming.

    Good for Jake!! He knew what to do. Glad Betty is imoroving. Just hate it when someone is not well. . JeriLynn, you've been so busy moving. Will be good when you can rest some.

    Sara, never made ghee. How are you going to use it?

    I am so sore this morning, mostly knees. Still paying for all that bending two days ago. I injured my knee probably 55 years ago exercising and if I do something unusual it still bothers me. Brought in cat food from the porch yesterday. Lifted the 40 lb. Sack to empty into the container. Don't know how I lifted those 50 lb. Sacks of cattle feed, but I was younger. Seems like even a year makes a difference.

    Toad is up at the MH feeding so girls are running up there. Somehow he got down here, left a bale of hay, fed and left before I knew he was here. Enjoy your days hope everyone is well. Sarah called last night to tell me the dental surgery is a go for Monday. Not going to do the implants.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    I can't talk about bras, so I'll just say......Good morning rockers!


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Good Morning Foggy morning light rain and possible sun in the p.m.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Jerilynn...Walnut Grove...Bristol?

    Lorita...no implants so what is the surgery? If Sarah can digest mashed potatoes she is doing well. They are very high in fiber and can stop up a kitchen drain. After every Thanksgiving my daughters sink would stop up. A "new" plumber told her about the mashed potatoes. No more problem. Why not order smaller sacks.

    OK gentlemen. We will not talk about underwear anymore...lol

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
    Seventh Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Insightfuls Reactions 500 Likes

    My post disappeared. That's odd. It should have been right after Mint's.

    @JeriLynn66 Your granddaughter is adorable. I love her braids-- someone in the family is a talented stylist.

    I hear you on going to a proper corsetry shop. I know of a few but didn't want to commit to the drive, so I ended up at the sad mall in the dumpy Macy's because it's near mom's house and I had some food to drop off. My plan is to reorganize my lingerie drawer later. I Marie Kondo'd it early in lockdown and it's a mess again. Tomorrow is trash day and there's stuff that just needs to go.

    It sounds like there's a small *$%& in DH's armor. I hope so.

    @BethL It would be hard to leave that garden. It looks like a page from the White Flower Farm catalog. I made bread yesterday, too. It was the James Beard Cheese bread which makes the loveliest toast. It's not difficult, but it can be tricky with timing because of the cheese content. Popping it out of the tins to harden the bottom crust can be dicey too. Last night I got a mild burn turning one out which cause it to be a bit misshapen on one end. It's still tasty.

    @ladyzetta Moving to Arizona sounds like an adventure. Do you think you'd enjoy it there?

    @Lorita I hope Sarah's procedure goes well. It probably makes sense for her to skip the implants at least for now. If the implants weren't successful, it could mean big problems for her. A friend's 93 year old mom in the middle stages of dementia got herself lined up with a "same day" implant mill and had nothing but pain and infection for last years of her life. It was very different than mom's and DH's experiences. I'm glad the Equinox is working so well for you. Enjoy that new car smell.


    Speaking of smells, DS just accidently broke a roller ball of perfume ("Good Girl") on the bathroom floor tidying up after a beard trim. I'm not exactly happy, but it smells wonderful up there.

    We ended up going to a kind of roadside farm stand/dive lunch counter near mom's last night for dinner so we brought her along. We had smashburgers all around, fries, chips and their cider. It did her good but she was low-talking and blamed it on my right ear. This is something she does when she's not hearing well. FTR, my right ear is mostly cleared and neither DH nor DS could hear her either. I think maybe her hearing aides might need looking at. I hope they just need cleaning; she does them regularly, but her vision isn't great and sometimes she misses stuff.

    DH finally heard back from his brother last night. DH and BIL don't actually talk-- they text in fits and starts. Mostly it's a lot of jokes and memes, but sometimes his brother will report serious emergent health issues and then go silent which is frustrating. I get that sometimes he's having a procedure and that his wife would contact DH if something really bad happened, but it's still a worry.

    BIL in the ER on Friday night. He has had angina since Tuesday and was even sent home from cardiac PT on Wednesday but didn't find his way to the ER until Friday at dinnertime and then complained about how long it took to get a bed. Ugh. Turns out he ended up with another catheterization early Saturday and was knocked out most of the day. He's had 3 procedures since November, so this came as a surprise. TBH, I am surprised (and grateful) he's still among us.

    I just looked at my calendar for March and discovered I have 2 whole weeks with no appointments. I can't remember the last time that happened. Seriously.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Jerilynn think i forgot to tell you your granddaughter is beautiful. Hope you are feeling ok.

    Lorita believe will use Ghee like a cooking oil.supposedly has a nutty flavor.

    Good morning Ron.

    David glad you are having a good morning and sure hope the sun finds you. It’s been cloudy here in North Central Ohio this morning too. But the skies look like they may be clearing and maybe we will get sunshine too. Nice to see you and Ron on porch this morning.

    Zetta i hope whatever is best for you works out about your move to Arizona.

    Good morning JoC 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Judith, Walnut Grove is the small community we live in within New Market Alabama.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, extraction of broken uppers and roots, deep cleaning of lowers and fillings, I guess.

    JeriLynn, the nearby town in Little House On The Prairie was also called Walnut Grove. Where was the discussion in brass missed that. It was hazy here this morning, David. May have been smoke from fires. Yesterday I heard there was one in the county west of us but this would have been from the South . But, I didn't smell smoke.

    I let Gray Lady out. Opened the gate and she came over and stood a while. Told her to come on out and she did and headed north. Several of the girls came into the lot to eat some hay she had left. I'll go out and check on her and the new baby later this afternoon.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Ghee is just clarified butter, right???

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Made it to church service, but not Sunday School! I just am not able right now to sit though both.

    I remember taking Lou shopping for bra's and she was the hardest person to please. She was so undecided and we went from store to store. I would get tired and tell her to just get something to throw over those girls and go home.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    The doctor gave me some meds to help stop my hallucinations and they seem to be helping they're few and far between. I am on March 23rd have a nuclear test (on my eyes) to see if I also have Parkinson.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 500 Likes 250 Care Reactions

    I finally managed to reviews several days' worth of posts. You rockers are prolific!

    Mint, I'm still trying to picture canned ground beef. Do you can it in a pressure cooker, like vegetables? The biscuits sound good. I don't think I've ever seen low sodium baking powder in a grocery store or supermarket.

    JeriLynn, congratulations on getting all the moving done. I'll bet your great-granddaughter is a good help to you in making (and eating) cookies. Care Bear is a good size already, how old do you think he is? I'm glad Betty the goat is improving. Bambi and Cocoare still cute!

    HB, my friend uses collagen peptide powder and has beautiful strong nails. My nails are short and always peeling. I never heard of hot dogs steamed in beer, and I'm from New York. I miss our Nathan's or Nedick's franks.

    Day, I'm glad you found your earring. I don't wear my earrings and one hole closed up, so I have to have it redone. Do you feel comfortable walking outdoors where you live? Is the weather still cold and wet? Are you using a cane?

    Zetta, did you try to move to Arizona about a year ago? I know someone who moved to Phoenix from San Francisco and she loves it.

    Joan, how are you doing with your back pain? Do you do exercises at home?

    Beth, your fish fry sounds good, it reminded me to have fish tonight. Your place is so beautiful and colorful and peaceful! I understand why you don't want to leave.

    Butterfly Wings, I have the same problem at night. Early this morning I awoke at 4:30 am and was wide awake. I read for about two hours until I was able to sleep again. I don't like this it messes up my day. I hope you can get back to a good schedule so you can get things done. I know you have a lot on your plate now. As for my neighbor, I didn't mind driving him to his appointments, it was the neighborly thing to do.

    Eaglemom, I'm sorry your shoulder is still bothering you. Have you found anything to help? I tried our local farmer's market n but found out that dome of the stands are manned not by a farmer, but by a consolidator who buys produce, just like the markets do. So it's easier and cheaper for me to get my produce from the market.

    Judith, I have great respect for docents. The docents at the plantations that I visited knew so much! At one place they were dressed in period costume. But at one place the docent must have been new, because he read his spiel from a notebook.

    Littleme, our tour director has written romance novels based on her touring. Under name do you write? Do you think your books are over here? I'll check.

    Ron, I hope you are can enjoy your Sunday. Louisiana is really an interesting state! I'm impressed!

    Lorita, I'm so sad about the fires and loss of human life and animal life. Rain seems to be the only thing thst can put out the fires. I hope your new gravel road is satisfactory for you. Your taxes are done? That's on my list for this month. I understand how you feel about not having close relatives. I still have a lot of relatives, but they are not close. Ironically, I am still close to friends of my late mother. One of her friends was 97 yesterday, and I called to wish her Happy Birthday. You have such a beautiful place of wide open spaces, and of course, the animals. I noticed the homes in Louisiana were spread out, with lots of greenery around. Many people don't have that.

    I hope Jo C will be able to post soon.


  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Iris, thanks for asking about my books. I publish under my own name. All my books are on Amazon, both as ebooks and paperbacks. Some are romances, but I have recently published a story about a dog's adventures. It is basically for middle grade kids, but adults would learn a lot about the bush near where I live.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, Iris, you can find Barbara's books, or at least two of them on Kindle. I read all of the first one and it was sooo good - I'm halfway through the next one.

    It's been a roller-coaster day of emotions here. Remember I told you all I let Gray Lady out in the pasture because she'd been up three weeks. About 2:30 this afternoon I looked out the front door and saw her and several small calves and a cow. In a few minutes I went out to see about her and she was in the garden but was down - not able to get up. I saw her new baby - the cutest little black fuzzy thing. He was hungry and trying to follow another cow so I managed to get him and carry him to the Gator and finally got him into the lot. Fixed it so he couldn't get out and get lost.

    Went back and called Mike. He was knee deep in surgery and said it'd be at least two hours before he could come. I stayed with her for those two hours and kept the calves away and gave her water and feed. She was exhausted and breathing hard.p Guess she'd had the baby down in the pasture and the calves started bothering her and she tried to make it to the house - which she did.

    About an hour and half later she started trying to get up. I wasn't strong enough to help her so tried pulling on her with the Gator - didn't work. Finally about two and a half hours in she was able to get up but was wobbly. Let her stand, then got her into the yard - she followed the feed bucket - and got her through to the lot to her baby. She was so happy to see him. Gave her some hay.

    Talked to Mike a couple of times - still in surgery. About 20 minutes ago he came - Sidney was with him. They had been in surgery all day and both were worn out. He decided Gray Lady didn't have enough milk to take care of the baby so they took him back to the Clinic. Hated for them to do that but it's best for both the calf and Gray Lady. I'll feed her another couple of days, then let her out with the others. I guess it's better for both of them - baby will have milk and she (it won't be better for her - at least for a few days). But she was with him for several hours.

    I was so worried that she wouldn't be able to get up and he'd have to let her go to sleep. She's pretty old and just doesn't have enough milk and the baby was so little. I was able to carry him so probably not more than 35-40 lbs. Sidney picked him up and carried him to the truck. Sad day but both of them lived and I want Gray Lady to live out her life here on the farm. Baby will be fine - he has a lot of bottle babies so he'll have company. Gray Lady will miss him for sure but she knows he was alive and she saw them take him. She'll grieve.

    Ron, bras are a pain for sure. It's hard to really find some that are comfortable. Glad you made it to Sunday School - probably a good idea that you came home to rest.

    It's been a beautiful day - 79 or 80 and will be a little cooler tomorrow. Mike mentioned the road - told him I was thinking about having the rocks bladed off and gravel put on. He said that's what they have in all their gates and where they keep their hay. He said they put crusher run (smaller gravel) on top to fill in and smooth it out. I guess that's what Dakota meant when he said he likes to "cap" it. Guess I'll have him bring another couple of loads of crusher run.

    I have mixed feelings about today - I was so worried that I had let her out and that she might not make it - not being able to get up - then was so happy when she did get up - and now sad again that she can't keep her baby. Life is hard sometimes. I'm sorry that I bore all of you with things about the girls but you all are the people I talk with about things. Sheena and Stormy listen but usually don't respond. Sorry this was so long. I'm crying now - not sure why - relief that Gray Lady and baby are okay or sad because they can't be together.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Oh Lorita! Poor Gray Lady. I’m so glad she made it back to you and the baby is safe. What a heartbreaking afternoon. But the baby is being cared for and you will love on GL and help her through this. You are so right, Life is just hard sometimes.

    I’m so grateful to hear your stories and have you to hear mine. Sometimes I think folks think I’m just crazy with how I feel about my animals. So it really feels good to have a friend whose heart is like mine. ❤️

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
    Legacy Membership 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Thank you JeriLynn. Glad you understand. We've had Gray Lady since she was born so she's a favorite. At least she was with her baby a few hours and she knows he's alive. Hope Betty is still better today.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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