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Just need to talk to my friends ,(193)



  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Never knew some places charge taxes on groceries. We have not ever had to do that so far.

    Think this may be a busy day for me.

    Good morning Ron

    Eagle hope you got lots of vitamin D yesterdsy.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning Mint!

    Lorita, I did make it to Church yesterday, but had to leave after Sunday School. Don't really know if it's related to my balance problems, but my eyes have gotten real sensitive to bright lights. After being there fir awhile I get real weak and head starts feeling weird. Be glad when I have the test the 21st.

    Lou has been a angel the past few days, but this morning the devil 😈 is taking over. Guess all u can do is except the good days and try to make it through the bad ones.

    Been beautiful the last few days in Louisiana!


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    You are not the only who has lost an earing my wife has lost 2 pairs in the last 2 months one was in the bed room and to this day we still can not find it.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    @David1946 When we cleaned out my mom's house, found a pair of CZ earrings under the bed. Have you looked there?

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Yes we have checked under the bed and every place else. We figure it probably went down the cold air return. Thank you for your help.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,357
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    @David1946 I wonder if the tech could look when they come to do your routine maintenance. I keep most of my jewelry in a closet in the "dressing area" of my bedroom. It's carpeted and whenever. I've dropped an earring or back there, it bounces. I've found them in the space between the carpet and the baseboards, inside the closet, in the bathroom off this area. Nothing I wear is very big these days, so it can be quite a hunt to find it. The hose to the vacuum with a nylon over the end can be a good tool for hunting.

    @Mint State taxes can be all over the place. Back in the day when I was a college student, I worked as a cashier and then CS manager in a large chain grocery store. Before scanners, we had to know what was taxable and what wasn't. After scanners, it was simpler for most except those who entered the information associated with each UPC. It wasn't always intuitive; the general public tends to oversimplify "non-taxable" as necessities which can lead to angry exchanges.

    Some of the examples were ridiculous. In PA clothing wasn't taxed unless it was for active sport or recreation, bridal or formal occasions or burial. In theory, if you bought a golf shirt at Macy's to wear on casual Friday there was no tax but if you bought it at Dick's to wear golfing on Saturday it was. Some of the laws have been tweaked, but I'm sure it's crazy still.

    @ronald71111 the Snow Moon was Saturday. Perhaps Lou was under the influence.

    Some sad news locally. DH was awoken to the sound of helicopters around 4:45am. I had ear plugs in and slept through it. Turns out there was a fire in the townhome section of neighborhood. An elderly woman was found dead in an upstairs bedroom. They haven't identified her yet, but there was a Silver Alert last spring about an elderly man with dementia missing during a walk from the same small block. He was found within 24 hours and was fine. I can't help but wonder if this is the same couple.

    A Costco run for me today and the dairy farm store. I'm out of gas and mom wants me to pick her up some collagen peptide powder. She was feeling puny yesterday and thinks it's because she ran out. We see the cardiologist tomorrow and I am curious if he'll order more tests or switch up her meds.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi, It's a gorgeous day, supposed to be 85 today and tomorrow. Previous record for both days is 81.

    Toad came and fed and left feed for Gray Lady. He was at least half an hour late..I smelled smoke earlier and also the smell of the spray Ray put on yesterday. There were regulated burns yesterday in places. He told me Mike's truck caught on fire this morning while they were fee11ding. Don't know where exact1y but if it was near to hay it could have been disasterous.

    I went into town and got the car tag and paid the tax on it. I was surprised that it was less than half of what I thought if would be. On the way home I saw a truck across from the MH- not sure it was his and saw another one in Darwin's pasture. Both were white flatbeds which is what they drive. Glad no one was hurt.

    When I parked to pick up my groceries a car exactly like mine parked to pick up theirs one spot over. Same color but he had a hatchback he opened from inside. In the way out saw another Equinox -white this time. It drives really and does fine on dirt roads. I did notice that dirt really accumulates on the back window. Hope everyone is well today. I need a nap!

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    @harshedbuzz I close the drain on my bathroom sink and then lean over the sink to put my earrings in. If I drop one, it's in the sink. Easy peasy.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Another hearing aid for me tomorrow. Now will have both ears. Vestibular Clinic next week for vertigo. Blood work tomorrow and PCP appointment Thursday.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    edited February 27

    I am glad that you will be able to hear. I am going march 15 to get my first set of hearing aids I am getting them from the VA. I can not wait so I can hear.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    so now the cows can tell time???lol

    check you key fob to open hatchback or next to where you open the gas tank

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    JeriLynn and David, Charles wore two hearing aides and so did his brother and sister. My daddy had something not right in one of his ears and had surgery for it-"wore two aides. I have poor hearing in my right ear and the ssurgery told me I have the same thing he had. I can't tell directions of sounds too well. I have really good hearing in my left ear though. Charles also got his aides from the VA-even went once to North Little Rock VA for one set. Good luck to both of you with your new aides.

    I was moving and filling a water tank this afternoon and saw a tow truck leaving the place across from the MH with Mike's truck on it. Looked like he wasn't too close to hay from what I saw when I passed by. Looks like it's been a very quiet day on our thread.

    I picked three bouquets of daffodils today from our yard. I love their frageance. Wonder if they make a perfume with that fragrance. I've worn L'Origan for probable 65 years but would like that. Sort of hard to find L'Origan anymore. Carol said her forsythia is in full bloom. Msybe I'll plsnt.one of those, or two, where the Magnolia was.

    Have a good evening.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    Thank you I will let you know when I get them

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Thinking of you Jerilynn and David. Jerrilynn hope you are able to find help and start feeling better. Know it is hard when uou struggle with hearing. Several members of my family have struggles with that.

    we had a beautiful day yesterday. Truly felt like spring. Today and tomorrow they are giving rain and snow. Got a lot of things done yesterday but not everything. Hopefully later in the week can get the other things done. I don’t like shopping in the rain/snow. Want to start working on my grow bags though, getting them prepared. Now i wonder should i have worked on them yesterday and endured the rain today. Will have to consider that in the future.

    My Aunt passed away Sunday night.

    im thinking about canning one jar of hamburger today or tomorrow. I want to see if i like it. Have seen mixed reviews. Several have said and makes sense that you get much better results from a good grade of hamburger. I have good hamburger. Bought a package of chicken breast and a roast i found on sale yesterday and will try canning them next. Could do more than one meat but til i get more familiar with canning just going to do one at a time so i can focus and do a better job. Have inly see positive remarks on chicken and roast.

    Lorita glad you were able to get some things dine yesterday. That always feels good.

    Take care everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Mint, also a beautiful 88 degrees here yesterday! Woke up at 3 with 66 degrees and looking forward to another day in the 80s before another cold spell. I'm sorry to hear about your aunt! Prayers being sent up for you and family!!

    Hearing aids.........oh boy, what a story! I received hearing aids from the VA right before COVID hit us. Was working fine until the mask came into play. Several times when I took the mask off one would fly off my ear and sometimes even end up under my car seat. I just stopped wearing them! Last week I had to go in for a hearing test prior to the VNG/Balancing test and was asked where my hearing aids were. I explained why I had stopped wearing them and was told I needed to start wearing them again. I have tried and have a lot of static in the left ear and the right ear will not charge. I've read the instructions from the manual and tried everything, can't fix them. Instead of wearing them for my balancing test the 21st, I'll take them in to be fixed.

    Hope all is well on the front porch!


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,357
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    edited February 27

    @Lorita The cousin Terrain I had, there was a button on the key fob with an icon for the hatchback book that you clicked 2x to open from inside or out. Just be sure to take a step or two back if you're outside-- it is much larger than the one on my old Jeep and I almost got hit.

    I had no idea daffodils had a pleasant scent. Hmmm. I do know they're about the only thing the deer won't touch so I tend to enjoy them outside.

    @Mint I am sorry about the passing of your aunt.

    Good luck to all dealing with hearing issues. I temporarily lost hearing in my right ear after a nasty cold and it drove me to distraction. I normally have keen hearing and can pick up things like when the washer finishes a cycle, DH sneaking candy before dinner, the sound of DS downshifting just before he makes the left into our community from the highway behind the house. I'm used to being the one who has to repeat things for DH and my mom.

    Speaking of mom, she sees the cardiologist this afternoon. I am hoping for some clarity around the symptoms she had last month. She's complaining more about getting winded and fatigued which is new. In December she was kicking butt in PT doing a 6-minute walk at an astonishing clip and now she's winded tidying the house.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Mint,so sorry for the loss of your aunt. You all will be in my prayers for comfort. It's so hard to lose a family member. I worry every time I hear the phone ring - about Sarah.

    Ron, you beat us in temperature yesterday- it was 84 here. When it's warm early like this we always worry that fruit trees will bud and then we'll have a killing freeze - like we had last year. Good luck with your hearing aides - hope they work out all right for you. Charles was always fiddling with his - turning them up or down, etc. A while before I lost him he forgot how to regulate the sound so I had to do it and I wasn't very good at it.

    HB, I don't have something like that on my key fob but read something in the book and tried that and it didn't work so guess it doesn't have that feature. I did enjoy it when I had the Mercury but this will be all right.

    It's cloudy here this morning and we have a south wind that's going to increase as the day goes on. Sheena just now got up - she's been sleeping in the bedroom and still doesn't want to go outside. I fed Gray Lady and saw the girls as they were changing pastures but just now put on my clothes.

    This is a weepy day for me - for some reason, not sure why. I just feel sort of like a flower or weed that has grown from a seed, flourished with blooms or whatever, and now have started the downward trend, losing petals, then leaves, then the stem not wanting to stay upright. This should happen in the fall, not the spring. Guess I better get in the Gator and go sit with the girls a while to get into a bettermood. Glad I got into town yesterday instead of waiting until today. I just start thinking about how things are and it's dowright scary - no relatives that could help if need be - in reality I'm alone. I remember telling my sister after we lost mother - that someday it would just be she and I sitting on this hill. She's been gone at least four years now so..... Okay, I'm going out and get out of this mood. Need to do that and get back inside and do dishes (not my favorite thing). Hope all of you are well this morning and in a good mood.

    HB, I didn't know that about deer not eating daffodils. They are so beautiful right now - still only about half of them in bloom but somehow they have gotten scattered all over the yard and even out toward the barn - the huge King Alford, some that are a bit smaller and then tiny ones. I think there's a bunch or two of white ones and some double ones somewhere. I wish they'd bloom all summer. I'll be back later.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    So much to comment on and so little time! Just know I'm reading and saying prayers as I go thru your posts. Pushing hard to get done at the Shop this week. Animals are all good at my place, one sick goat up at Huntland and we'll see about her this afternoon. It's Betty, Boogies best friend. Lord, I hope she waits on me to get there. I swear if I have to hire 10 men to help DH, more fence is going up so I can get ALL these critters down to my place. @Lorita I'm weepy today as well. Mint, I am so sorry about your Aunt. Hugs to all❤️

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited February 27

    Sorry, JeriLynn, for all your problems. Do hope Betty is allright. I just hate it when any of the animals are sick.

    I'm better now. Drove out and spent at least 45 minutes with my girls. I parked and in a few minutes at least a dozen were all around me. I'd put out my hand and they would reach out and touch it, sometimes licking it. It was lunch time. So sweet to see babies finding their moms for lunch.

    Decided I'd go to the mailbox while I was out. When I got closer saw a bulldozer and a big truck and there was more gravel on the road. Guess the County Commissioner who luves abcouple if miles away decided it was time.It was Dakota, the young man who is going to level and gravel my driveway. We talked for a while and decided he'd wait til tomorrow. When I got home saw the weather. No rain predicted for here until Thursday. Called and told him so he's going to work the road today and haul rock tomorrow. $400 a load and he thinks four loads plus the bulldozer time. Worth it. Charles and I had the road rebuild quite a few years ago and gave kept it graveled until David retired two years ago. Amazing how being out in nature with the girls can change my mood. JeriLynn, hope you feel better, too. Wish you lived closer so Peter and his son could build your fence. They've built a lot for us. His barbed wire fences are pretty and he works fast.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Betty is alive but sick. Looks like maybe she had a miscarriage?? Anyway, gave her pedialyte, antibiotic injection and wormer for good measure. Now we wait.

    The baby lambs look good. Bambi and Coco.. The goat babies are happy with Lilly and Jake: running along as if they could keep up lol.

    Care Bear is getting fatter.. he’s a good puppy. Here he is sitting for a treat.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hope Betty improves quickly JeriLynn. Did you give her LA 200 like we give calves? Do you know if she was expecting.?

    Those lambs are beautiful. Do you often have black and white ones and will she stay like that? Care Bear looks happy. Any budging on your husband's part?

    Don't you just love baby animals of all kinds? I went out on the porch just now and saw up the cow with the newest baby on the other side of the pond. Baby was really curious either about the water or something she saw. Mom was so patient just letting her explore. Then baby started on up toward the hay with mom close behind.

    Today I discovered that some of the Bradford Pear trees are blooming down in the west pasture. I went up to the MH after that to pick some daffodils and the two Asian Pear trees are blooming. Not much of them left but there are blooms on both.

    The daffodils are glorious so picked a bouquet. Hard to get to some of them because they're between the old yard fence and the new barbed wire fence.

    Looks like Dakota got the road levelled and ready for rock tomorrow. Going to put on 3-4" rocks and assures me it won't be hard on tires after it packs down. He'll level and pack it down with the dozer. Really upset Stormy when he looked out and saw the bulldozer. Looks like he bladed it up to the nearest gate. It will probably take all day and FedEx is supposed to deliver crumb cakes tomorrow. When we had the road rebuild it took two days. They brought in about 25 dump trucks of dirt, then did the rest. Of course that day they tried to deliver liquid feed and propane. Never fails!

    Ron, when do you get your new hearing aides. Bet you can't wait. All my.local channels plus two others are off today. Directv says it's due to satellite repositioning last night.

    Sleep well tonight.

  • littleme
    littleme Member Posts: 70
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    Just had new hearing aids fitted. Everything is so LOUD! The car engine, the bumps in the road, the jingling of the other keys in the keyring......this is going to take some getting used to!


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Mint, please accept my condolences in the passing of your dear aunt.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Lorita we have a ram that has the same coloring as Bambi, he’s kept his color. The Daddy is cream and Mama (Cookie) is chocolate. DH gave Nuflor, I really don’t know much about antibiotic use in goats and wish we had a Vet that would come to the farm like the “old days”. I may ask our dog/cat Vet his opinion, he’s semi-retired but he’s knowledgeable and used to care for farm animals and horses.

    3 days remaining to finish up clearing out the Shop. The new owner has started moving trucks onto the fenced lot. If this doesn’t kill us, we’ll be retired folks Saturday!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,674
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    edited February 28

    Ron i understand the hearing aid issue a little bit from taking oxygen tubing on off patient ears who had hearing aids all those years.

    Barbara Ive heard of others who didn’t wear their hearing aids as they preferred the quietness.

    Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

    Temperatures are suppose to plummet today but then go back up.

    The hamburger I canned yesterday looks nice. Now for the taste test later. Very easy to do.

    Good morning JoC and Joan. Hope you feel better today Lorita.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,357
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    You must be counting down the days to Saturday. It sounds exciting but utterly exhausting at once. Thanks for sharing the baby pictures. They're so cute. Any traction around keeping the puppy?


    My husband needs hearing aids. His doc did a hearing test and suggested them. He's got moderate loss. We went to Costco and he trialed a pair and hated it with a passion. He was hearing people yelling into their cell phones, rustling of packages of snacks, tantrumming toddlers and the hum of the freezers and said "no thank you". He misses a lot of what DS and I say-- especially me with the missing #7 tooth/Invisalign. Conversations can get pretty funny around here.


    It dreary here today. I'll need to run out for something to feed my people but am out of ideas. Last night I fed the boy a burrito bowl from Chipotle and DH and I had breakfast-for-dinner. Creamed chop beef on toast for him and some lovely, scrambled eggs for me.

    Mom's cardiology appointment was yesterday. He's suspecting a progression in her CHF w/preserved ejection fraction. He's tweaking her meds and scheduled her for a stress test next month and bloodwork to make sure she's tolerating the new medication. If she doesn't do well with the stress test, he'll schedule her for a catheterization. I would not be surprised if she's going to need a stent or two. At least we have a plan.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, JeriLynn, if I remember correctly we used to give Nuflor for pneumonia but it's been many years since Charles and I medicated. It should do the job for Betty.

    I know you all will be glad when all of this move and clearing out is over. Try to not work too hard. Both of the lambs are previous. How I'd love to have a couple. Do you have trouble with wolves and coyotes getting the lambs? Our neighbor tried raising them a few years ago and they got all the lambs. However, we had neighbors move in from Texas with sheep and cattke. They refenced all their land with hogwire and I never heard them talk about losses. I remember seeing/hearing the rams butting their heads together. It was loud!

    Barbara, good luck with your new hearing aides. Can you adjust the volume? Maybe that's why Charles was always adjusting the volume on his.

    Mint, it's as cold as kraut here this morning. Going to have to break out the thermals but it will warm up again in a couple of days. A few days ago I heard they were developing, or trying to, a plant that would have potatoes on the roots underground and tomatoes on top. Wouldn't that be sonething! I'd try that for sure.

    Are any of you having trouble getting some of your tv stations? I can't get any local channels and many I usually watch. Directv says it's due to satellite positioning Monday night. Irritating. Just called them and it said waiting time was 15 minutes. I hung up. I'm wondering if they gave to come out and do something to the dish. At least I can get QVC!! Hope everyone us well this morning.

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    edited February 28

    Pearls - I have a lovely set of pears but ironically I also lost 1 pearl stud earring years ago and was never able to find it. I actually got the pearls from Jewelry TV and they are hand-strung. Since I work from home, I haven't worn them in years but I love to look at them.

    Day off today. Nothing scheduled. Now that the weather's better, I'm going to try to walk every day to strengthen this leg - the home PT I've been able to do really hasn't done what I expected (or maybe I am just rushing the process), but if my "bad" leg doesn't feel significantly better by April I'm going to call the orthopedist and get a prescription for formal PT. I don't know, maybe this is how it's just going to be.

    People are planning their Christmas and New Year's trips and complaining about prices. Well, everything has gone up, just like our groceries.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Mint, how do you can hamburger?

    This has me upset! A neighbor that I barely knew asked me to drive him to his cataract surgery appointment last January at 6 am, so I did. I had to drive him the next day for his follow-up appointment. Then he asked me to drive him this month for the other eye, which I did this morning. I will have to take him again tomorrow morning for the follow-up. As it turns out, he will have to leave his place where he was renting a room. He asked me if he could stay with me. NO! I barely know him! I just learned his name last month. Driving a neighbor early in the morning to surgical appointments is one thing, but letting a strange man move in with me is completely out of the question! I used to be friendly and say hello whenever I saw him in the past, but now I don't even want him to talk to me. But I am not rude to him. I'll drive him tomorrow, then that will be the end of it. I won't be available for him to talk to me.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Scary, Iris. You're a good neighbor for driving him four times but that's enough. Don't let him into your apartment at all. Why does he have to.leave his room? Must be a reason. Thanks for sharing with us.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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