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Just need to talk to my friends (194)



  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Mint….I have worn "flip-flops" for a million years.

    What I like about Clio is the custom fit through the velcro straps. Lots of stability. I like about the company? You can return them. I look forward to your opinion.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    HB, I did get results with no significant changes; 7mm ground glass left lung (6mm in January), multiple small nodules mid and lower right lung, Moderate emphysema changes, and still 2cm nodular filling at gastroesophageal junction. The gastroesophageal junction is what they are still looking at with the third scope next week.

    I am tired of this soft diet! My diet consist of anything I can mash with a fork and nothing hot or spicy. I've been eating peanut butter and banana with pieces of white bread broke up, scrambled eggs and oatmeal. They did say I could have ground beef so I tried a hamburger helper, but not being able to have it hot and no spices added, I couldn't eat it. Beginning to wonder why I didn't leave well enough along and keep on gumming my food.

    Looking to be a stormy week!


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    It has started…tthe light is eerie..the shadows are spooky…..

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Ugh. My quiet day got filled up. Mother had the day wrong for our cousin to come. I distinctly recalled it as a Monday when we talked about it week ago, but mom swore it was the 10th last week. I had to run up to the county seat to collect her and drop her off at mom's. I was rewarded with some of cousin's world class potato salad— totally worth it.

    It's getting eerie looking out. We're due for 89%, so I'm kind of surprised. My expectations were low.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    We no "total" darkness but the temp really dropped and the only sound was my neighbor, the one who power washes her driveway, trimming her hedges.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited April 8

    Judith, did you look at the eclipse? It was eerie feeling here, too. I walked out to.open a gate and realized the girls were in the barn- went in earlier. After the sun was out again, they came out. It was like dusk but strange. Just imagine what people hundreds of years ago must have thought was happening. It was so quiet, like everyone had gone to sleep. Bright now.

    Mint, I know chopping wood even with a chain saw isn't good for him . I cautioned him about lifting and he said he doesn't lift anything over 40 lbs. When he was younger and farming he said he could lift and carry two 70 lbs.sacks of seed. He told a neighbor years ago that he wanted to die on his tractor. No tractors now so maybe this is his wish. Who knows. No idea what Donna would do. Mike and I have talked about that. He did call me when he left and when he started home. She has my home phone number so maybe she could call. Scary stuff.

    Sandy, I'm watching Carolyn Gracie on QVC- all about plants which is right up her alley. Want to order everything.

    Addendum: FedEx just delivered my caladium bulbs. Opened the box and they are really dry do sprayed them with water and will do that more times before I plant them. Asked if he saw the eclipse. Said he did, had glasses in his truck. He said one lady said her horses went in the barn when it began.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Yes. Grandson put a chair in the driveway where there is notree branch interferance. Actualy saw some corona

    Whew, Darwin is cutting not choppinng wood.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Back home and have supper ready to fix. Ribeyes, baked potatoes, asparagus, salad and hollandaise sauce for the asparagus (it was on sale).

    Went to PT, stopped to see FIL and he is REALLY having difficulty in processing conversation. I thought it was his failure to snap the hearing aids shut but it didn't improve after so I guess this is where we are. I've been told that "talk FAST for a Southern girl" so I guess I'll have to slow down a bit. He was a little addled today, told he had already been to lunch but they came to get him, so that's new. I met the new Executive Director today - it's her first day, and at first impression: I like her. She has dogs and cattle. So maybe that's a good sign. (🙃)

    Judith, Granddaughter and I have already decided a second trip to NYC will be a must do. We've mapped our itenerary by day and will start the first evening at Times Square and surrounding the hotel safe to do at night spots. Do the Statue of Liberty viewing point and work our way up thru the neighborhoods on full day 1 to include shopping on 5th Avenue and pre-selected restaurants, shops and sights. . We will do things close to the Midtown Manhattan Hilton day 2 with Broadway tickets in the afternoon. We will visit a Cathedral, a museum and a selected chocolate shop and some stuff animal place for the "in-person experience" of selecting some kind of doo-dad she wants to get for the 5 year old niece to her/greatgranddaughter to me. I'm exhausted already.

    All the purchased flowers, plants and veggies of the moment are in the ground! Groceries, fruits, snacks, milk and bread are purchased and in the house for DH. I'm making a pot roast with the fixin's for our departure night supper with DH, DD, grands and greatgrand. Now all that is left is to try on ALL the things I've bought to wear on this trip and hope they fit. If not, I've given myself a re-set, re-shop day Wednesday (think @HB and her Mama), go see FIL to take more dark chocolate and pack. I think I'm ready.

    My Physical Therapist asked me "what are you most looking forward to?". I'm most looking forward to a safe return HOME with a Granddaughter who remembers this trip long after I am gone and tells her own children about the time she went to NYC with her Nana. If we can get there, have fun and get home safely: that's icing on the cake.

    Tomorrow would have been my Mama's 90th birthday. I feel her smiling down on me as we move thru this journey. The first grown up thing I remember her taking me to do was to see Gone with the Wind at the Lyric Theater downtown. I was around 12? There was an intermission!!! a first for me. I felt so grown up and so out of place at the same time. My Mother had a high school education, was a polio survivor, was extremely shy and lacking self confidence yet she worked at Redstone Arsenal and achieved honors for her performance. The one thing she ALWAYS told me: "When you walk into a room, you stop, you look around and then you walk in like you own the place!".

    So that's what I'm trying to teach my Granddaughter😚 Well, time to cook.. have a good and restful night,

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I wrote at 8 am but it didn't post. I went to the Senior Center for a presentation on various helpful programs and also on the Vial of Life. Is anyone familiar with this? You write down your pertinent medical information and leave it on your refrigerator for first responders, if they have to come get you.

    I then watched the eclipse with the others on the big screen TV. It was interesting. But here in SoCal, the sky wasn't even a little bit dark, just a normal beautiful spring day.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited April 8

    Iris, I have my information on the refrigerator! Our local fire department gave me a package; one to put on the refrigerator and one for the glove compartment of my car. The one for the refrigerator also has a magnetic pouch to put the card in. I was told that they are trained to always look on the refrigerator and glove compartment of your car anytime they respond.

    Below is what they give you, I had a extra one in case I needed it.

    The "yellow dot" is the package for your car, it comes with a yellow dot to put on windshield where they know to look in glove compartment. The "moments matter" is magnetic pouch and you have one for your information.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    I went to moms and stayed til the eclipse was over. I didn’t really see anything eerie. It was just like suddenly someone flipped the light switch off and it went dark. It went really dark pretty quick. So I got into the house to check on mom. She says to me it’s getting really dark. So I explain to her what was happening and actually someone else told her earlier that had came to her house that day to clean out the gutters. So she stayed very calm and took that all well. It lasted just a little over three minutes here and then it was just like somebody flip the light switch back on and and things were normal.

    I started working on her flower bed and I was a little overwhelmed by it. It is just such a mess and it is fairly large. As I started to write about it here the thought came to me what I need to do. My mom has always had something against mulch. I tried to get her when I first left, to let me mulch it. At that time I could have accomplished that. She was not agreeable and now it would just be too hard on me to do mine and hers. Actually, if I need very much done, I’m going to ask my yard men to do it because I found out they will. But I cleaned up all of my beds. I got that done today and I think I’m going to need very little mulch, so I think I’ll be very capable of handling it myself.

    What I was trying to do at mom’s was just leave the dead plants in the ground and just let them be a mat which would serve as mulch basically. But I was finding that a bit frustrating today as her bed has become full of ground ivy if you guys have ever had to deal with that, you know what a mess it is . It is all intertwined among the plants, the rosebushes, etc. I had always kept the ground ivy out of her beds, which is fairly easy but last year due to everything that happened I was unable to. So it has totally gotten out of control. Also there is quite a few roses in there. They are a pain to work around. It just came to me. I can use the method called chop and drop. It’s actually pretty popular among homesteaders. I will actually pull the plants up and then I’ll just snip them into the smaller pieces and just let them drop to the ground, that’s fine as long as they don’t have disease. It actually is good for the ground. I believe that will be much easier because it’ll be way less matted and it’ll look better to . Glad that came to me. I feel less overwhelmed about it. It’s still going to take a while though.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Mint, that sounds like a lot of work.plus your beds and the planting bags. Just be careful and don't overdo.

    I don't have any flower beds, just five three foot tall flower pots, three are mineral tubs, abouf 24" across and a bathtub. I need to get Bryon to cut down the six big hollies that died. Can't pull them because they're too close to the porch foundation which is wrapped in rock. I think I might plant black oil sunflowers all across the front this year. I used to have dinner plate dailies behind the holly when they were little. So pretty but I think sunflowers might work, at least this year.

    Talked to Darwin. He's going to cut wood again tomorrow.

    Sleep well tonight, everyone, especially Iris and Judith. I'm.not even going to set the alarm so all of us will sleep in.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, our presenter spoke about the Yellow Dot but did not provide, we have to call the company for that. It's great that you are all set up. It sounds like a great program


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited April 9

    Storms last night woke me up, but Lou slept right through it. Suppose to be stormy till Thursday, but worse of it should stay below and above us.

    Hope the rockers all have a good day!


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning rockers.

    Wow, Ron, you're up early. I was up at 3:20am; mom was goofy yesterday and it has me rattled.

    I suppose no changes on the imagining is a positive thing. I hope there's good news after the scope.

    Judith, I noticed the temperature drop as well. I'd gotten home from the grocery store just before it started to noticeably darken outside. I put my things away and decided to run the bags back out to my car (my town's plastic bag ban starts today) and it was positively chilly— like 10 degrees cooler than 15 minutes prior. So weird. The other thing that struck me, was that it wasn't like dusk at all. My office window faces west, and I get a beautiful and colorful sunset most days coming through the trees. Because the sun was high, this didn't happen. It just got a darker gray.

    Lorita, it would be best if Darwin took it easy until his surgery. That must be frustrating for you to watch.

    The Vial of Life was a big thing in my community years ago before the 911 system was updated. I remember my parents had one here. I bought this house from them in 1999 after my place was destroyed by a flood. Mom stayed here until the end of the academic year and then moved to MD. Not long after she moved, I was cleaning out the fridge and found it— they used to tell people to put it in the freezer/fridge to protect it from things like flooding, fires, etc.

    I signed mom up for Smart 911 last month. I was surprised how comprehensive that form was. I even uploaded pictures of her and the cat. Supposedly, first responders can pull up the file on route. I hope I never find out.

    That Chop and Drop sounds pretty labor intensive, too, Mint.

    I hope you have a great trip JeriLynn. I have to admit, your meals sound amazing. Don't tell me you make your Hollandaise from scratch.

    It's still quiet here. I was up too early, but I had a coughing jag and didn't want to disturb DH so I came down here. I had to toss out my first pot of tea because it wasn't strong enough. I bought my usual brand, but picked a catering pack which is different. I think the bags are a lot smaller than what I usually buy. It took 5 to make a decent cuppa. At that rate I'll burn through the 440 count in no time. And here I thought I was saving money.

    Today I plan to clean off my desk and do my taxes. Ick.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    good morning

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning everyone. I'm up but not so much at 'em yet. Darwin called to tell me he's not going to cut wood today because we had rain last night and it would be too wet. He has fixed breakfast for Donna. She has breakfast in bed every day. I think that's so sweet. Charles used to bring my juice to the bed every morning. Miss him and that.. Back later.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm up, now dressed and fed, both the cats and myself. Sleep is still wonky, only six hours last night.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Father in law fell this morning. The nurse called asking for my late husband because he needed to speak to the POA for him. That paperwork is 4 years old!!! New nurse, new folders, old folders still on the Unit.

    Needless to say I have made a trip down there in the rain to present myself to the Executive Director. It's fixed now, but my nerves are shot!

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good afternoon
    It was sort of a hazy day, but a nice day, and I probably got about a third of my bags ready for planting so I’m pleased with that.

    my sister’s project at moms was to prune the roses. Oh, she got that all done today and proceeded to tell me that in the process she pulled up quite a bit of stuff because when she pulled on one thing, it just all pulled out together. I’m guessing because it was also intertwined. Then she proceeded to tell me that she has two extra bags of Pineneedles so we’re going to mulch with them. Then I told her I think the pine trees by the side of the house have a lot of needles so I think we can maybe mulch the whole thing with the Pineneedles, which would be doable I think. They’re not that heavy, pretty light. Also, I think mom won’t get near as agitated about that because she has used Pineneedles in the past to mulch.

    I’ll try to grocery shop tomorrow. Think they’re giving a rainy day. I will try to take care of J also. J is not doing so well. It gets harder and harder for me to communicate with her. She appears to know what she wants to say, but cannot get it out.

    Also got one of my compost bins emptied out. So I was able to empty all the bags of compost scraps out of my freezer. That was nice now.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    So sorry this happened, JeriLynn. Is your FIL okay? Even when we think things are in order these things show up. I know it rattled your nerves getting out in the rain to take care of it. Have a cup of hot tea and relax.

    Looks like rain i s closing in on us from the west and south. Had half an inch last night.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    JeriLynn, that doesn't give one confidence that they really know their residents. I hope FIL is okay after the fall!

    Mint, my downstairs neighbor throws kitchen waste into the small planter area by her frint door , instead of making a true compost pile, so now there are a lot of flies. I'll have to talk with her.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Pine needle mulch…how wonderful!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Has been raining cats and dogs since last night. The heaviest is about over, but suppose to start again early morning. My phone went off with a emergency weather alert; it was a flash flood warning and I had to explain to Lou we were inside and nothing to worry about. This weather reminds me of times when I was working and rain was so hard I had to follow taillights in front of me.

    Go back for post op check up on my oral surgery Thursday. Hope I can expand my diet, but afraid I can't. Did buy some eggs french toast sticks and cut them in bite size pieces, butter and syrup and they were soft enough to eat.

    Here's one for you Lorita!


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Hello everyone. Busy day today. Dog to vet for teeth cleaning (under anesthesia). While she was gone, I was out in the garden for a few hours. I did garden clean up and weeding, and planted lettuce, spinach and carrots. Not able to plant anything else until there is no danger of frost - usually around Mother's Day.

    Mint, I used pine needle mulch, aka "pine straw" for several years. I got it by raking it up at a couple of neighbor's yards and a city park. For the volume I needed, it was a lot of work so I've now gone back to buying wood (cedar) mulch. The pine straw looks so nice though. Mint, I compost too. I have two large bins that my hubby built for me years ago. One is actively being added to and the other I'm not adding to, but am waiting for it to process. I have a 5 gallon bucket in the garage and I put vegetable and fruit peels, etc in it and when it's full enough, I carry it out and place it in the bin. Also, when I'm weeding, I put weeds (only weeds without seeds) into a bucket that I carry with me and when I'm done with it I throw that into the bin as well. I also put dried up leaves in the compost, in the fall, and when I don't have leaves my carbon source is shredded paper.

    Time to call it a day.

    JeriLynn, Enjoy your trip!!! Can't wait to hear all about it.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning! Coffee perking and quiet outside for the moment. Had another round of thunder and heavy rain earlier and more to come.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    edited April 10

    Iris you are right, that is not composting and that is not good. If she would dig a hole and bury it that would be ok as long as it is stuff that will compost. The worms would enjoy that.

    Nice to hear from you Beth. Thought yesterday we haven’t heard from Beth in awhile. Thought came to me though that you were probably busy. Yes i use shredded paper too. Also compost my paper towels as long as they are not greasy. Compost in 3 - 18 gallon totes. Punctured holes in all the sides and try to turn it frequently and usually at least 2 of them are ready each spring. have some volunteer lettuce up I see. I enjoy raising carrots and they do well for me. Don't eat spinach as it is very high in oxolates which is a culprit in causing kidney stones so i stick with eating kale. Use to really like a good spinach salad.

    Ron prayers for safety through the storms. Think we are going to start feeling those effects over the next several days.

    Beth take it you like Cedar mulch. I had wondered about it. I have used cyptess the past few years. It is ok and I noticed I am getting a lot more worms in my soil. I’m not sure if it’s from the Cypress as it breaks down or if it’s just from all the things I’m doing in general. I mentioned when I first came here there were no bees. I’ve been here six years now and last year I had oodles of bees I couldn’t hardly believe it. I feel like they found me. But I think I’ve also mentioned that bees has become much more popular here now. Used to I never seen beehives now I see beehives everywhere. Have not seen any hives in my community, but I’m not that far from rural areas so I’m not sure how far beast travel.

    Seeing a lot more chickens too. There’s at least one neighbor that lives fairly close to me that has chickens . My friend who lives in the same township as me has chickens. I would like to have just a couple of hens, but I’m afraid of chicken so I’m not able to lol. I had a few bad experiences with chickens as a child. The house in my community that has chickens I’ve always thought of It is kind of a fancy house even though it’s older. I think there’s newer younger owners there. First time I saw chickens in the yard I kinda looked again to be sure I was seeing chickens and I chuckled . Now when I go by there, I always look for the chickens and once in a while I get to see them.

    Take care everyone

  • dayn2nite2
    dayn2nite2 Member Posts: 1,132
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    Swinging by for a visit on the porch - I'm up unusually early today for a day off. The eclipse here just outside Detroit was worthy - we had 98.4% of the sun covered and it got DARK. Everyone was out on their front lawns with snacks and dogs and blankets/chairs. Spring also seems to have sprung finally - it was beautiful outside yesterday and will be so today.

    Big changes happening at work where we are splitting into 2 different groups - I'm staying where I was already because I'm not interested in sales, I'm more interested in service. Got a raise, too!

    I'm going to go by the grocery store, it's funny that I no longer mind going after all the months I was unable to go (first with the hysterectomy and then with the broken leg)!!! Now, it's nice to get out of the house and go for walks.

    Had my 6-month oncology appointment - everything is normal and healed and I have labs next week, my regular PCP appointment the week after that. Filed my state taxes last night so I'm all done with taxes. I'm not expecting my federal refund until June perhaps.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Beth, you've had a busy day. We can plant almost everything here now - even eggplant. No more chance of frost, just storms. Hope your dog is alright tonight.

    Ron, loved the bull picture and the cute caption. I could have dressed Samson up.like that if he was still here. I miss him when I'm out with them.

    Darwin called no wood cutting, just working in his yard. They still haven't heard about an appt. For him yet. I would be calling them. Legs are aching tonight. I wonder if it could be associated with the neuromas. Might take a drink or two of tonic water, that used to work or the soap under the sheet. Supposed to be rainy tomorrow,did put up the rain gauge. Sleep well tonight.

    Morning, I wrote the above post last night but it didn't post. Seems rainy here this morning but dry so far. Toad just came and fed and I had fed GL. The girls were down here since he's started feeding the heifers first,then ours so they won't have to go so far. I watched as they went up to feed and saw the baby that wss born Sundsy. He was with his mom, then ran way ahead of her with her little tail up in the air. So cute.

    Day, I was wondering about you yesterday and how you were doing. Congratulations on the raise- always looked forward to those. Glad you're fully recovered.

    Mint, I hardly ever see honey bees anymore. My neighbor who had bees passed away and I don't know if his son has bees now. We never did compost no reason, just never got into it. We used to put newspapers between rows in the garden to cut down on grass and weeds but hardly ever munched either.

    I need to call Bryon about mowing and cutting down the holly and I think I have four shrubs that died. Still no.leaves on the Royal Empress trees. Afraid they won't come out.

    I think I'll call the electrician about running power to the barn agsin.. So hard to get anyone to do work for you. Toad was just saying the same thing this morning.

    Hope everyone is well. Back later. Sorry this post is backwards

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    I'm forming a new band catering to senior citizens. I've narrowed m

    y bands name down to four, help me pick the best one.


    Just trying to keep all of us smiling!

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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