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Just need to talk to my friends (194)



  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, thanks for the cow cartoon and the bands. I like Earth Wind and Fiber, that's right up my alley.

    Beth, my city wants us all to compost our kitchen waste, but we were not given bins.

    Congratulations on your raise, Day, and also on your great oncology news! How is your little dog?

    Mint, I'm sorry you are afraid of chickens.

    Right now, I'm on a bus on my way to the Channel Islands to see whales. It's a beautiful day.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    I vote "Earth, Wind and Fiber"! Got a pot roast and fixin's in the crockpot, everyone is coming here for a sendoff dinner tonight. Another great grand is on her way home from a school trip and hopefully makes it before the weather hits. Storm and tornado alerts for this evening. Some rain for tomorrow, but hopefully smooth skies. All my clothes are on the bed waiting for me to get them in the suitcase. But, I have basil and oregano to set out in the front flower bed, so that's next between showers today.

    Stopped in to see FIL after physical therapy this morning. No injuries, I looked him over. He also did not remember falling. He kept asking if I had enough $$ for my trip and "call me if you get up there and run out of money; I'll wire you some!" He can't do that of course, as I have his ID and all his bank stuff. But, it touched my heart.

    I'll check in again before bedtime, have a good day everyone.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Loretta sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers. They will be beautiful.

    Glad oncology appointment went well Day.

    Jerilynn hope you and your granddaughter have a safe trip and that you are able to relax a little bit.

    we’ve had an interesting day here in our town today. Many of us, including me had the smell of gas in our houses. It’s not terrible just a little. Many businesses and people were calling and when they were getting into their houses, they could smell it too but their equipment showed that there was no high levels of gas. So eventually it was determined that a supplier had put too much of the chemical they use so that you can smell the gas in. I’m not sure how long it’ll take the smell to go away I opened up my window and that helped.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Earth, windand fiber getas my vote.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron, I'll go with Earth, Wind and Fiber, too.

    JeriLynn, have a safe and wonderful trip with your granddaughter. Hope the weather cooperates. We'll need to see pictures.

    Been a rainy day here, not heavy but enough to get you wet. Going to.be in the 80s this weekend.

    Bryon is coming to get things in shape. Will really look strange without the holly but it does anyway. Sort of reminds me of the Adams Family's yard. I'll try to get sunflowers to grow there this summer.

    Enjoy the rest of your day, everyone

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Another busy day here in Iowa (my garden). The dog did fine with her dental yesterday. Her teeth look great! So white! They were brown before, even though I brush them nearly every day. I think tartar on the teeth is one thing that plagues miniature schnauzers, so genetics enters in. If anyone has other ideas for keeping her teeth clean, I'm all ears.

    Harvested much of my homemade compost and applied it in the garden. I hope I can get enough to get all of the raised beds with an inch or two of compost; more would be better but unless I buy some, this will likely be the best I can do.

    Beautiful sunny day today. 72 degrees. Supposed to be very windy tomorrow. I'll be back tomorrow or Friday. I read every day and am thinking of you all.

    Thanks for the cartoons, Ron!

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Iris, did you see a lot of whales today? We saw one at some big water show in Dallas. An Orca that jumped straight up out of the water. I got a picture of it that looked like it wss standing on its tail on the water. Beautiful mammal. Mint, I had a friend in high school who was afraid of chickens. At that time we had a big chicken house with lots of chickens. I took she and another friend down to the house to see the chickens, went inside and I thought she was going to get hysterical before I got her outside.

    When Charles and I had chickens and sold eggs, we had two roosters and probably a hundred hens. We raised all of them from day old chicks. One rooster was a black one with feathers so black they looked green and blue in the sun. He was nice. The other was a big. White Leghorn named Hoppy. When we went into the chicken yard to gather eggs he would come across the chicken yard hopping sideways toward us. He had big spurs that would go through jeans. Had to watch him. He didn't want anyone in the chicken yard.

    We took a two hour nap this after noon and it was so nice. Should do that every day - and might. I have something interesting to tell you all tomorrow, at least it was to me. Maybe should say surprising to me.

    Sleep well tonight. Have a safe trip, JeriLynn.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    JeriLynn, I do hope you and your granddaughter have a great time in New York! I'm a native New Yorker, and I am still charmed by Manhattan.

    Lorita, we did not see any whales on our 3 1/2 hour ocean trip, although we did see a few dolphins and a lot of seals and sea lions and jellyfish and many sea birds.

    #1) Paddle-boarding

    #2 seals and sea lions on a dock

    #3 crew member salvaging a mylar balloon to keep a sea animal from choking on it, they fished out three balloons from the sea on this trip

    #4 the little white dots on the water are jellyfish

    It was a beautiful day, the weather was mild and the sea was calm.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

    Enjoyed the pictures Iris

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 797
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    Good morning everyone. Enjoying the pictures!

    Beth, we had a Mini Yorkie and still have a Little Jack Russell. My late husband used to say we spent more on the dogs' teeth than we did our own. Poor Hannah had 1 or 2 teeth left when she passed. AnnaBelle has had several extractions. She's so old no one will put her to sleep to clean her teeth anymore. All I know to do is brush and periodically have the Vet clean.

    Iris, it looks like you had a beautiful day on the water! Lorita, I keep asking DH if we can plant the small front pasture by the road with sunflowers. He just shakes his head at me, lol. I usually have about a dozen in the vegetable garden, but will get some seed planted next week. Ron, hope you and Lou are having good days. HB, I plan to SHOP like Mom while I'm in NYC, LOL!

    Time to get dressed and ready to go. Have a good day everyone and keep us in your prayers.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited April 11

    I'm awake and up, too, Mint. The GPs wanted out and then I couldn't go back to sleep- and I was hungry. Had some cheese and crackers. Stormy is back in but Sheena won't come in yet.

    Iris, looks like you had a wonderful day. The pictures are beautiful. Thanks for posting them. Here in landlocked Oklahoma there's no sea animals. We do have a lot of beautiful lakes, in fact, we live about ten minutes from the State's largest lake. I'm afraid of water, never learned to swim. We did have a small boat years ago and were out on the lake a time or two but it was not for me.

    It's a dirty shame how people are letting things into our oceans and endangering our sealife. Good for those people getting the balloons out of the water.

    People should take care of oyur world- this is our home and we're ruining it.You know I find those mylar balloons in our pastures. No telling how far they've come to get here. I pick up anything I find. Little calves are like babies, they pick up and chew on anything they find.

    Going to try to get Sheena in and go back to bed. Don't need to get up early today. I'm watching a four day old QVC program I haven't seen. Don't need to buy anything. Talk to you later.

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning rockers.

    Iris— those pictures are stunning. Thanks for sharing.

    Dayn2Nite2— congratulations on both your good checkup and your raise. I'm glad you get to stay on the service side of things.

    Beth— I just priced out compost and yikes! Maybe it's the impetuous I need to get my act together and compost. The switch on my garbage disposal died on me, so I have the scraps in spades lately. I was tempted to get one of those ball composters. Any thoughts?

    Mint— the gas smell must've been terrifying. Mom had a gas leak a few days after dad died. She lives in a section of a 55+ community where the houses are "twins" and the HOA decided to replace the roofs all at once for uniformity. Her street was started a few days before dad died and was the first being done. The Wednesday night dad died, I took her back to my place after we went to the MCF. We grabbed clothing for a couple days and she hung with me until Sunday when my niece picked her up with a plan to work for mom's house for the week to keep her company. When the niece opened the door, she smelled smoke and backed out the door.

    Niece called the gas company and hung out at the local coffee shop. Turns out, the builder had run gas lines along the roof of the houses, and a few were pierced in the process of installing the roofs. The fire marshal had been trying to contact mom to inspect the house, but she was at my house so they assumed she wasn't impacted. When I think about what might have happened, I still shudder, even if she weren't there.

    Lorita— you should try the nap thing daily if you find it restorative— you deserve it. My DH takes one daily. I think it's his favorite part of the day now that he's retired.

    Jerilynn— enjoy your trip and don't buy anything my mom wouldn't buy. FTR, buy all the things. Shopping in NYC is like nowhere else. I so want to sneak up to Mood's for a fabric finding mission. I haven't been since DS needed to do some research for an archeology class. I was so pumped to find some interesting food and DS insisted on getting Taco Bell. Yuck.


    I did my taxes yesterday. I e-filed, but I still need to print out a copy for my records and do the state form. PA's taxes are very simple, so there's no way I'm paying $69 to e-file commercially. I think there's a free state option— if not paper and pen shouldn't take more than 10 minutes. The only drama in the process was that my battery almost died while I was actually transmitting the form. DS had to run my charger up for me in the middle of it. I got confirmation it went through, so I'm done but that was drama I didn't need.

    Since mom was otherwise occupied, I met a best friend for breakfast. She's the recent widow with the immunodeficiency and struggling a bit at the moment. She's limited in how she can socialize and feels like the world has moved on without caring about those who are still at risk from COVID. She had norovirus last week and has had a slow recovery. She lives an hour away in the city, but she sees mom's hand surgeon here because of his reputation. She's enrolled in a treatment study comparing Voltaren to a CBD cream for arthritis; she'll do both at some point. So far she sees some improvement, so she thinks Voltaran. So I'll be able to see more of her around the testing and now that the weather is better, we can eat outside which is good for her soul.

    She does come up here to buy her birdseed as the local feed store has an excellent blend and the city girl in her likes the country atmosphere. The first time I took her there she was dazzled by the concept of selling baby chicks. She also enjoys the country post office that doesn't open until 1pm and has a resident cat on the counter. She had so much fun, I took her to Tractor Supply and she about lost her mind. She bought a 6' metal lawn chicken from them last month. It wasn't even her first 6' lawn chicken.

    My son, who has a form of high functioning autism, and I had to buy some Oliver Green spray paint for his eagle project and went to Tractor Supply for it. He walked in and looked around and said, very seriously, "this must be where Temple Grandin buys her clothes". He's a fan. Speaking of son, he needs to wrap up his taxes— the man has 30 credits in accounting so it shouldn't take long. The procrastination is very strong in him. I think he takes after his mom.

    Our cousin needs to go home today, so I'll need to make that happen. It was a short visit and they didn't ask for a ride to the casino so it was pretty easy for me. Plus I got the fabulous potato salad. DH pooh-poohed the salad, but I served it with a ridiculously pricy corned beef special last night and he told me I needed to get the recipe. LOL. I need to figure out tonight's dinner. Maybe chicken— I've been hitting the red meat a little too hard.


  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    @ronald71111 I hope you can advance your diet to soft food soon. Also I sense your frustration at continually undergoing medical procedures! I wish health for you and for Lou as well. I pray for you and everyone on this site as well as their LOs.

    We enjoyed seeing the eclipse - about 84% where I live. It didn't really seem to get dark, at least not much but what a unique experience!

    @JeriLynn66 Enjoy your trip! How special to share this experience with your granddaughter. Be sure to fill us in on all the details.

    @Iris L. I loved seeing your photos! Lots of jellyfish! Wow. Glad you had a fun time.

    @Lorita People should not do balloon releases. I have heard of people releasing them in memory of someone - the thought is nice but the reality is not nice for wildlife!

    Back later with compost and garden photos.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I'm here. Posted about 3 a.m. Will be back later after I read posts. Darwin went out to cut and pick up downed limbs. Carried feed to GL and brought in a case of dog food and now my back hurts. Getting old-er

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Good morning!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm up and on the Metro, on my way to Universal City Walk.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Just back from my 2 week post op of my oral surgery. Was told to give it 1 more week before chewing food, but still nothing hard. Return 30th of September and if everything looks good they will do the upper inplants.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited April 11

    Hi again, I hadn't used my laptop in a long time - been using my tablet and I had to sign in again. Forgot my password and had to hunt through papers to find it. If it isn't one thing, it's two others - and I forgot to bold this. It is uber windy today but sunny and pretty warm - almost 70. This weekend it's supposed to be in the 80s. I'm not ready for the hot summertime.

    What I was going to tell you that surprised me - yesterday I opened the mail from the day before. There was one handaddressed envelope from California from Loretta.. I don't know anyone by that name. Opened it and the letter said it was from Loretta, a girl/neighbor I played with when I wasn't even a teenager. She said another girl we went to school with was on facebook and she decided to look me up. She found my address on google. She lived in the house across from us on the section Mike bought. It was around the mid 50s because I had a birthday party when I was 12 and she was in the picture. She enclosed a copy of a picture I guess I had given her when we were very young. She mentioned she had talked with a Fay a few times. This may be another girl we went to school with. She gave her phone number so I'll call and see how things are. There were so many people who lived in that house but I remember she had a younger sister and two older brothers. We played over there a lot and they had a black walnut tree - we were throwing the nuts at each other and I got hit in the eye. I think I remember they did move to California.

    I don't really like the idea that anyone can look up someone else and get their information. I know some of my information is incorrect. Anyway, that letter surprised me.

    Nothing going on here today, I hope. Darwin called a little while ago - said he got the limbs loaded up and was on the way home. His saw power ran out so he said he wouldn't be doing anything until it charged. I know he's cleaning up his place - seems like he's driven to get it done. Sort of makes me think he's worried. I do wish they would push for that appointment to get him taken care of.

    Ron, seems like a long time to have to wait for the upper implants - had no idea it would take a year to get it all done. My oral surgeon talked to me about implants and I told him I didn't want them. He said I'd be back. I haven't been and now am for sure i won't be going back.

    Talked with Sarah a bit yesterday. She had been to the dentist and had some more extractions. Seems like so much for her to be going through right now but they (doctors) thought it had to be done right now. She asked me to find a recipe for fruit cocktail cake. Mother and then I used to make them a lot. I've looked and can't find it. Hadn't thought of that recipe in years. Probably could use a cake mix and add a can of fruit cocktail to the batter (maybe use a little less liquid), then add a sauce of powdered sugar and milk on top while it's still hot. I have so many recipes I collected over the years - never use them now. Mint, I found loads of bread recipes - don't think I used many of them. I better stop, looks like I'm about out of power. Enjoy the day. Iris, you do get around.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    @Lorita If you google "fruit cocktail cake" several recipes come up.

    My garden pics from today, and my dog Josey.

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Beth, what a green thumb you have! Every year I buy an orchid and every year it dies. Your flowers are gorgeous! So is your furbaby Josey. xo

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Beth, what are the names of the second and fourth ones? I love blue flowers and I see several kinds where they don't spray. Your flowers are beautiful and I know you enjoy them so much. I did look up the recipes so I can tell Sarah, thanks.

    It's gotten cloudy here and I think it's pretty cool. You know I was fortunate to.be able to give Sheena a home. The name she came with was Josey. I changed it because I thought Sheena fit her more. Your Josey is a cutie pie.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All Porchers.

    Beth, Your flowers are beautiful, and I love your precious dog Josey. Her face is so cute. I wish I knew how to send pictures. I will have to get my son to show me.

    Iris. Thank you for sharing those pictures, that water is beautiful. When I was a kid we spent a lot of time on the beach in Jenner California, at the mouth of the Russian River, we would look for the jelly fish that would come up on shore. We never touch them we were told they would sting us.

    JeriLynn. Sounds like you and your granddaughter are going to have a wonderful and memorable trip. Enjoy your stay and take you time.

    Ron, Thank You for the cartoons they are so cute. My dentist talked to me a few years ago about implants, I said No, because I remembered all the problems people had with dentures. She told me I would have to undergo the same procedures you're dealing with; I said No. I still say No, I only have a few teeth but I can pretty much eat wherever I want. I might change my mind when I have no teeth. Then maybe I can glue in some Walmart teeth. 😁😁

    Lorita, I also would be surprised if I got a letter from someone way in the past. I agree I also would not like people to be able to get my address. But I do think it would be nice if its someone you really liked. You talking about chicken eggs, brought back a Memorie of when I was a kid, probably 6 years old. My godparents had chickens and I would go out and help gather eggs. They bought me a little plastic chicken, you put the eggs (white marbles) down its mouth, and it would lay eggs. That is something you never want to give a 6-year-old. Guess what I did. 😂 😂 I also laid eggs.

    Iam getting ready to fly to Arizona, I leave Saturday for a 2 week stay in my daughter and her husband's new house. Iam a little nervous about flying.

    I hope and pray that none of you are experiencing the bad weather the news has been talking about.

    Hugs to all, Zetta

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, The second flower in my photos is Hellebore, also called Lenten rose. The fourth is Virginia bluebell.

    Zetta, have a wonderful time in Arizona!

    Caro_Lynne, I've never tried to grow an orchid. I think they are kind of complicated.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks, Beth. Both of them are beautiful. They do look like bells, don't they?

    Zetta, funny you should say that about the little chicken that laid eggs. When I was very young my parents gave me s little red one. You put the eggs which were tiny white marbles in. Then you could gently push on it's back and it would spread its wings and lay an egg. I had that on the whatnot shelf until a few years ago and somehow it got broken. I remember that toy and a red, rubber tractor daddy gave me, about five inches tall. Also a Sparkle Plenty doll when I was five and a doll house I could turn on its side to put the little rabbits in that daddy would find when he he was plowing. Memories.... Have a good time on your vacation.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Good morning! Coffee perking!!


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes
    edited April 12

    Good morning

    wish each one a safe day and those traveling safe trips

    Will still be awhile here before we can plant much.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Had my coffee...…..now I can relax!

    Lorita/Zetta, The sinus lift with bone graph was the biggest problem and wait time for inplants. My lower inplants went smooth, with very little discomfort and my understanding was 4 to 6 months on dentures. The problem and longer wait time was the upper sinus lift with bone graph. I have to wait for the bone graph to take and heal, after that the inplant surgery and wait on gums to heal and than I could get dentures for uppers. I believe when it's all over, it will be worth it to be able to eat with teeth and also not have to put the glue like stuff on dentures to hold them in.

    Beth, tell Josey hi for me and your garden is beautiful. I loved my dogs, but do not want another. We've had a mixed Yorkie/Shih Tzu, a Yorkie and a Shih Tzu. Our last; littlebit was a Shih Tzu, all three was sweet but different personalities.

    Lou was extremely difficult yesterday! She was complaining about it stinking where she was sitting, so I tried to get her in the bathroom. She became agitated and said she didn't need to go but I finally got her there. Once over the toilet she wanted to sit down without pulling her depends down and when I tried to help it made her mad. I finally got them down and they were soiled! Her backside was dirty and I tried to clean her before sitting down and she wouldn't have it, so as I tried to hold her gown and robe up, they became in contact with her backside. Finally after what seemed like a eternity with heart racing and frustration over trying to help but finding resistance the whole time, I finally accomplished everything. Washing her, scrubbing the spots on gown and robe where I could get them in washer and dressing her, I was then able to relax. Later, once again, she was the angel I married.

    Praying for a good day today!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited April 12

    Morning, sun's up and so are we. Always have this thought of going back to bed. But haven't yet. Hope all is well. No coffee here, just juice right now.

    Later: got a scoop of feed in the tub near the yard gate to distract GL so I could get mire in the west paddock. She knows what I'm doing. She eats a bite or two, then I hear her behind me as I walk out there. Opened the gate for Toad and raised the flag - wind is supposed to be light today. Got the birds fed so they're happy. Sandy, took your advice and instead of vetting a 40 lb. Sack, got two 20s so they wouldn't be so heavy.

    Glad things calmed down, Ron. Guess all of us have gone through those times. Sometimes getting Charles into the shower came to a showdown. By the way, how is your new shower working I think it is a walkin?

    Sinus lift sounds awful. A few months ago when I hit my head my doctor x-ray ed it and told me that my sinuses were really large. I used to have awful sinus headaches, maybe that's why.

    News is talking about cicadas don't remember seeing those. Maybe that's what I called June bugs.

  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Good morning Rockers.

    It looks to be a beautiful day here. I will check back in later, DH has a dr appointment. I need to share about the eclipse. Or is everyone tired of hearing / reading about it?


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Judith, what's the brand of those shoes you like and are good for your feet? I bought some sketchers with an arch support but the support is really high and they're not shoes to wear anywhere except home. Is if Orthofeet? I looked at that website and could only view one pair that had an enclosed heel that I can't wear.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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