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Just need to talk to my friends (194)



  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    edited March 18

    Lorita, I bet it is pretty this time of year everything is starting to change colors. It's a little cool here today also, especially the wind.

    JeriLynn, I wouldn't worry to much about the lung scan. For years I've gone through xrays, scans and pft. The pulmonary function test would show a decrease in lung function, xrays, cat scan and pet scan would show nodule, ground glass, nodule and back to ground glass. They really don't get overly concerned about a smaller nodule unless it shows growth on repeat scan.

    Thank I'll have meat loaf, mashed potatoes, green beans and rolls for Lou and I tonight. Anybody want to come over!

    Saw this picture today of gumbo, now I craving gumbo but to lazy to make it; don't have ingredients anyway.

    Color looks a little light for my gumbo! Ron

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    What time is supper, Ron The e nner sounds really good. Also, the gumbo looks a bit like my soup does. I really make stoup- between soup and stew. I like it thick.

    Still cold here,- Alexa says 48 with a cold, North wind.

    JeriLynn, I'm the same about doing taxes. Just hate to do them until I get started.Guess I did too many reports during my working days.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I'm so excited, I got up at 8:40 am this morning! This is exciting because I either oversleep or undersleep, I never can get the right amount of sleep or wake up at a good time for me. I didn't fall asleep until after 1 am, I was wide awake. I have been trying to get control of my internal circadian clock, it's very disturbing!

    Lorita, you paint a beautiful word picture of your home with the trees snd the grass and the pond and the cows.

    Ron, the gumbo looks great, my mouth is watering!


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    The gumbo looks fantastic can I have some

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Thank you, HB.

    Eagle that sounds like a good plan your mom and neighbor had.

    I donated blood today that went OK.

    got a nice surprise today I opened up the chicken i had canned to make some soup and it is really nice. It’s nothing like that canned chicken you buy at the store. It was in no way too tender. I actually had to chunk it apart, anyway I’m very pleased with the chicken and so I will keep three or four little jars of it canned up to have.

    so the only meat I still want to experiment with is the roast. I have the roast I just not sure when I’ll get around to getting it cut up and trying it. Seems like I tend only have time to do those sort of things on Saturday. This Saturday I want to make a pizza..

    Thinking of each and everyone, especially those we have not heard from

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Ron, I have everything to make gumbo BUT I'm nervous about trying to make the roux. I can make good gravy but with gumbo, to get that beautiful/delicious dark brown roux takes so long! The reason I'm not a good baker is that I'm too heavy-handed and impatient. Ah, someday. But DH has already asked why I've never made gumbo for him. Since we're retired, I guess I may be out of excuses.

    Mint, my pressure canner came from Amazon. DH rolled his eyes. lol I'm excited to hear about your meat canning. That would make things so easy for quick dinners. We don't eat out often, mostly because we can cook better at home than we get going out. Also want to try pizza like HB. Again, it's a dough thing...

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    We almost had the same idea at once. After I got done posting here, there was a whole bunch of new posts that weren’t there when I started posting.

    Meatloaf last week and made mashed potatoes which I don’t do too often. The gumbo makes my stomach hurt just looking at it. I could never eat that because it wouldn’t make my stomach hurt. My stomach don’t tolerate all that grease. Had mentioned before we did not hardly have any sausages growing up. I’ve just never learn to like sausage. Only sausage we ever really had was breakfast sausage and I never cared for it a whole lot.

    David I'm sure they will share with you on the porch, we always do.

    JeriLynn I bought my original canner on Amazon. When it got here, the package was all beat up, and when I took the canner out, the side was dented in. I’ve never had an issue before when I’ve ordered anything like that. So there was a sheet of paper in there that told you if you had an issue to call this number not to call where you bought it at. So I did that and that turned out to be Nesco and they told me that since I had just bought it that I could if I wanted to return it to Amazon and have them to send me a new one she said or if you email me your Amazon order sheet we will send you a new one. She said it won’t get there as fast , but we will ship it to you. They were so nice and I just said I’ll email it to you right now see if you get it. so I did and she got it and actually I got my canon like two or three days I was sort of shocked.

    I asked her what I was to do with the old one. Did they want me to ship it back? She says keep it for the parts I said OK.

    I don’t know if you’ve pressure canned in the past and know all about it. I was not familiar with pressure canning. I have found a site called Rosered homestead on YouTube, Healthycanning.com and a few more that I use because they will not post a canning recipe unless it is a safe canning recipe. They have been tested by someone to clear them for safety and provide the amounts and the time to use and the pressure your use . There’s a lot of rebel canners out there and I don’t want to go that route. I’m sure many of the rebel systems have been used for years and for the most part are safe if done properly. But Many years ago when I was working, a multi generational family came in quite ill, at least one died from botulism from green beans. I only saw it one time in my 42 year career but once was enough it left a pretty big impression on all of us that worked with them. It was very sad. Botulism is not really common but if it happens, it’s too late Kinda. All ages got sick from it, some didn’t do too bad but some of the ones that didn’t die but survived had some pretty long-term issues it’s not something I want to take a chance with. I’m pretty picky about what recipes I use and hope and pray I’m picky enough.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    JeriLynn, have you checked your grocery store for roux? I know for lazy people like me they started stocking jars of it here. Yes, your right, if you want the roux like it should be you need patience.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Ron and Mint, I used to watch Justin (last name I don't remember) make roux. He was from Louisuana. I've only made the roux for gravy. Had no idea you could buy uit. I need to look at what's in grocery stores now.

    Mint, my parents canned everything except meat. I think they had a canning book. Our neighbor gave us one years ago, probably by Ball. Don't think I ever used it. We always made our own jams and jellies and sealed them with melted paraffin which hardened when cool. When mother opened a jar she always took off the top quarter to half inch just in case. Silly person of habit that I am, I still do that with the preserves, etc., I buy.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Hi again, Just talked with Sarah. Very hard to understand her because her voice is almost gone. She's rescheduled, again, for a chemical stress test. It was scheduled last week but the doctor decided not to do it. Now he has decided it has to be done. If it goes well she's to see a doctor about doing the TPN. She's scared and I'm scared for her. She can't keep even keep a swallow of water down so can't take meds for pain or to stop the vomiting. Tonight when you go to bed, please say a prayer for her. She and I thank you for any prayers and good wishes for her.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Sarah, you are in my prayers!

    God almighty, please give Sarah peace and ease her pain until you are ready to call her home. In Jesus name I pray! Amen!!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thank you so much, Ron, I appreciate it and I know Sarah does, too.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Mint, many years ago infant who had eaten honey got botulism. So honey is not allowed for infants less than one year of age, even if it is cooked or processed.

    I hope Sarah can get TPN.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Mint, those are my exact fears about canning. I've never seen botulism in my career. My MamMa and the ladies canned, but I was outside, not involved in that part. But she never canned meat. In my kitchen, I always wipe everything down before I even start a regular meal. So I will be sure to read carefully. My 82 year old Aunt lives at the end of the road and I can go to her for a lesson in the prep work.

    Iris, I gave my babies raw honey, peppermint and whiskey for nighttime coughing. I wouldn't do that today. I do still buy local honey and keep it on hand. I use it a lot in cooking pork dishes.

    Ron, I did find a premixed package to make gumbo recently and bought it. I keep looking at it but it almost feels sacrilegious to me, lol.

    Lorita, I pray Sarah finds relief and is able to undertake TPN. It seems she has had a very difficult and painful journey.

    Well, today is a busy running around day. I have physical therapy at 8 in town, then deliver the little one's boots to her Mama at work, then to my FIL's, the AC people are coming mid-day for preventive maintenance and the barn people are coming. Taxes to work on sometime and dinner to make. Tomorrow isn't much better in the arena of time management. I'm struggling to get a daily routine going with this retirement business and still need to finish setting up files in my office. I guess it will just take a little time, but it's grating my nerves.

    I forgot to give you all a Betty the Goat update last week. We "doctored" on her and she was much improved but we thought we'd keep her in the stall another day before turning her out to the pasture. Well, she thought otherwise... the little scamp managed to get out of the stall and was happily back among her friends that very day. She seems fine. Still don't know exactly what her problem was. Bear the Puppy is reportedly doing great in his new home.

    Still waiting on the folks to decide when they will re-tile my master bathroom shower - this house is only 4 years old and the tile has tiny cracks running thru it. They think manufacturer defect so are waiting to see if the company will reimburse for the tile. Of course, they will be out the $ for the labor and I hate that for them.

    Sorry to be so long winded. I got up at 2:30 and it's too early to get in the kitchen so here I am typing away and rattling on. I guess I'll go work on taxes. Have a good day and catch ya later.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    Lorita i remember Justin.

    USDA guideline to home canning is a good canning guidebook i feel. I bought a copy on Amazon but it is available online with free access.I have one of the ball books but seemed to refer the other one in general I think it’s a little easier to follow, others may like Ball better.

    JerryLynn hope you are able to sleep better soon.

    Lorita sorry Sarah continues to suffer so. Know it has to be very worrisome for her.

    take care, everyone

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Lorita, you really brought back memories! Many, many, many years ago, when I worked at a manufacturing plant Justin Wilson was a Louisiana Safety Supervisor. He came to the plant and sit in a rocking chair and told cajun humor for a hour. It was a great experience to meet him in person!

    Well rockers I'm beginning to wonder about my own mind. Past few months I've had to stop and try to remember; why I went to the kitchen, went to turn the stove on and do something else Instead, etc. Knowing I'm getting a little older and didn't worry that much about it until a few days ago. One of our sons was having a legal problem with a ex wife and when my brother was here he asked if it had been resolved. I informed him it hadn't, but a few days later I got to thinking about it and thought I told him wrong. A conversation I thought I had with my son was so clear in details of how the issue was resolved I wondered why I told my brother it hadn't. When I talked to my son a couple of days ago, i asked him about it and found out he still hadn't heard from his lawyer. This us the first time I've ever had something so real in my head and find out later it never happened. Just something else to worry about!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, sun is just coming up. I've fed Gray Lady and waiting for Toad to.come to feed. Want to get more feed for GL. Need to get a little juice so will be back later.

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I awoke at 4:30 am and couldn't get back to sleep. JeriLynn, even honey cooked into a dish should not be given to infants under one year. Even Honey Nut Cheerios should not be given to them, one would think that the amount of honey would be miniscule. I like honey in tea. I should pick some up, now that we are talking about it.

    I'm glad Betty the Goat is doing better. She probably felt so good that she wanted to get back with her goat buddies. I'm glad Bear is enjoying his new home. Your schedule today is packed! Best wishes on getting your taxes done and with the bathroom tiles.

    Ron, I know how upsetting it can be to disremember something that you lived through, you wonder, what is wrong with me? In your case, Ron, do you think this is because you have had a lot on your mind these past few months? Stress can zap our memories! Is Justin Wilson the man who said "I garontee!"? I vaguely remember him on TV.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    I think he was, Iris. I remember how he always scraped the bottom if pans with a metal spoon.. Always wondered why he didn't use a wooden spoon or spatula. Ron, interesting about ?Justi Wilson. He was funny.

    I bet Iris is right. You've had a lot on your mind lately. You know I can think about something I want to look up on the computer and by the time I get it and turn it on I've forgotten what it was. Carol talks about how forgetful she is, too. I wouldn't worry about it. As they say "it'll all come out in the wash".

    Toad was late feeding. Got more feed for GL. Just checked on her and she's west of the house grazing. He said he'll begin spreading lime in a couple of weeks. That will go on for a couple of months, then spraying for weeds. Never finished.My yard needs to be mowed in places so I should let her in to graze.

    Had planned on working on taxes but my stomach is botheringme. Took some Pepto so maybe later.

    JeriLynn, glad Betty is better. How we worry about them when they're off their feed. Happy that Bear is doing well.

    I went to bed at 10:30 last night and slept until 6:30- felt good. Should do that every night.

    Thanks for the good thoughts for Sarah. If they did it, she should be finished with the stress test. Charles had a chemical one and don't remember that it took long.

    Enjoy the last day of winters Spring begins at 10:40 tonight. All the talk NIW us about the solar ecliose. Supposed to be about 90% total here but 100% in southeast Okla. They're expecting 100,000 tourists in Idabel.

  • telinde
    telinde Member Posts: 195
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    Happy St. Patrick’s Day. My Dad would have been 106 years old today. I’ve been busy buying a house and already have a full priced contract on my house. The offer came in before it was listed. If all goes as planned, I’ll move in late April or early May. The kids buying my house want a lot of the furniture I was going to get rid of, so that will be less for me to worry about. It’s a little bitter sweet because I’ve lived here since 1988. I’ll be thankful to get rid of the stairs.

    I am still in physical therapy. The therapist thinks I have a hip that might need replaced, along with the tendinitis, bursitis and sciatic pain. I’m going to get moved before I see an orthopedic dr. I sure don’t want another surgery so soon, but if it means I can possibly walk on my own again and get out of this nagging pain, I would consider it.

    I finished my taxes and will drop them at CPA’s office tomorrow. Hallelujah !

    Ron, the recipes look very tasty. I hope you got to attend church today. Good Lou settled down for you.

    Jerilyn, I love angel food cake and strawberries with whipped cream. That’s always a great dessert for Easter. Lunch sounds pretty good too.

    The last of the snow is melting off the back yard. Maybe we will start seeing signs of spring soon. I’m ready.

    Mint, good luck with the yogurt. I don’t think I ever tried to make my own. Thanks for all the little hellos in your posts.

    Lorita, good luck getting your taxes in. I guess I’ll get off here and go through a couple more drawers to see what I can get rid of.

    I hope you all have a great afternoon and a good week ahead. Thanks for listening and for all the encouraging words. I really appreciate all of you.

    Jo, if you’re reading, I am praying for you. Joan


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Iris, yes Justin Wilson was the one that said "I garonteee". He also would pour salt in the palm of his hand and say, "I garonteee you this is exactly a teaspoon full". He would then pour into a teaspoon to prove it (I would see him dust off his hands after pouring in the teaspoon a few times LOL).

    Lorita, last stress test I had was chemical induced and to me it was worse than the treadmill. The treadmill the pain slowly builds up and the induced test maximum hits hard and fast. I thought they were trying to kill me! On the positive side, it didn't take long.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Joan, how wonderful that you were able to sell your house so quickly. And, they'll buy some of your furniture to boot. The less you have to move the better. Sorry that you might need mire surgery but maybe confined PT will help. I know not having the stairs will help.

    I let GL out and she went up to the other cattle. They just came down and the little bull calves were bothering her. I guess she's coming into estrus. Opened the gate and she came back in.

    It's turned out to be a pretty day after the cold start. Good to hear from you, Joan. Congratulations on getting those dratted taxes ready to go in. I better stop and work on mine.

    Probably better go down and close the main gate first. I have to have the key fob to start the car and every time I go out I don't have it so need to find a place to put it. I leave the key in the PU all the time so guess I can leave it in the car or maybe the PU. Seems so odd to not have to put a key in the slot to start it. Did discover that the doors lock when you put it in gear and unlock when you put it in neutral. Going to take some time to figure it all out.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    We are all on pins and needles waiting for a report on Sarah. Have you ever talked to Toad about palliative care?

    My Gumbo is not greasy at all. Do you want my recipe? Gumbo is really good

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    I want your recipe Judith...

  • Caro_Lynne
    Caro_Lynne Member Posts: 346
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    Hi porch friends. Been trying to catch up with all the posts!

    Lorita, I pray that Sarah can find some relief; have you heard anything? Reading your posts about your farm, the girls, GL, the GP's and just your life experiences always brings a smile to my face. I always envision The Bridges of Madison County. You could never share too much! I'm glad you are enjoying your new SUV. I have a small crossbody bag that goes with me everywhere and that's where I keep my key fob.

    Ron, as others have said, you do so much for Lou and have lots on your plate so don't give your memory lapse a second thought. I think we all have those!

    Joan, Iris, Mint, David, HB , JeriLynn and everyone else I may have missed, I love reading everyone's posts. I used to think I was a good cook until I started reading what you guys do LOL. So happy Bear is in a good home.

    I've been dealing with home related issues; mainly re-roofing my house. Taking longer and costing more than anticipated. Dealing with LO's rapid decline and being his 24/7 caregiver presents more challenges. Without my faith I don't think I could get through this!

    You are all in my prayers! xo

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Thanks for asking about Sarah, Judith and Caro Lynn. Haven't heard anything. Tried to call a while ago but no answer. Judith, I've talked at length to both Sarah and Todd about hospice and he says he has called them. Can't really get an answer as to why nothing happens except Sarah said they told her they would have to talk to her doctors.

    Caro KLynn, I loved The Bridges of Madison County, such a good movie. Just went down and closed the gate.The resident bulldozer is gone. Been there about three weeks after he fixed the road. GL is going down that way grazing. I may let her in the yard tomorrow.

    I discovered my flowering almond is blooming, at least what's left of it after the drought. When I got back to the house I checked the floor mats and I think I can put them in. But, not too sure after what happened this afternoon; I have a heavy Terry cloth cover for the ring on the toilet stool and took it off to wash it yesterday. I tried to figure how to put it back on and finally decided that I had lost it because I could not figure it out. Waited about half an hour, went back and got it on. Goodness gracious what next?

    Caro Lynn, any kind of repair seems to take twice as long and costs twice as much as we were told it would. That is, if you can get someone to do the work. I've been trying to get the electricity back to the barn for a year! Seems like everyone is having that problem.

    I'm going to call Todd -maybe he'll answer.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    It is possible that Soonercare (medicaid in Oklahoma) is run differently than Medicare.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Finally got a call from.Sarah. She had the stress test and said it threw her into a heart attack so they gave her medicine to counteract it. Said it was very painful. Then she went to see the cardiologist who said he wouldn't do the tpn but sent her to another one who wants her to have a pcp who might do it - a gastroparesis doctor-'appt. Is April 23. She's going to try to get the appt. Sooner. Not sure I have all that right. Has a dental appt. Tomorrow. She got home around 5:30 and went to sleep. They told her it might take 2-3 days to get results of stress test.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning Lorita

    Saw the moon this morning. Hadn’t seen it in a while.

    Day to clean mom’s house.

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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