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Just need to talk to my friends (194)



  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    @Mint So many good reminders.

    I got sucked into mom's vortex yesterday- a real If You Give a Mouse a Cookie kind of day. She needed a ride to Rite Aid so I drove here (she wanted to 1/2 price pots for her Monstera babies which could have waited until Monday). Since we were at Rite Aid, she may as well stop at Talbots to pay her bill instead of mailing it. While we're at Talbots she has to see all the new things; they had a tee she likes, so of course she has to try it on in 3 different sizes and buy 2 different colors. Rather than have me take her home, she decides to go to the grocery store with me for a few things. An hour and $174 later, we finally got back to her place. I explain the Smart911 system and lock boxes to her and she thinks that a swell idea. I had one foot out the door and the woman whips out a boilerplate advanced directive and says "why don't we do this now". We did get through about half of it, but it was after 5pm already and I'd told DH I'd "be gone an hour-tops". I got home at 6:30 and DH and I ended up grabbing a pizza. When I got home, I discovered she'd left her pots in the backseat of my car along with her new tees.

    It was while I was filling in the part about who you would want to be acting on your behalf that it dawned on me that if something happened to me, she wouldn't be the only one in the weeds. A few months ago my niece was joking that if I died my DH would perish from grief within the year. DH jokes about it. This is a partial truth; he'd die but it would be because the man has no idea how his prescription medications find their way here. But I've always handled insurance, doctors, home upgrades/maintenance, and banking stuff. It occurred to me that he has no idea about any of this stuff, so I am going to write him a little notebook with the stuff he'll need to know.

    Yes! to the Apple Watch. I swear by mine. They're waterproof so you can shower or garden with one on.


  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    I am going this Friday March 22 to see if I might have Parkinsons. Will let you know the results after I get them

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    JeriLynn, are pocket beans the same as butter beans? I still haven't gotten to my taxes today. Did work on them some last night.

    Have any of you all put floor mats in a car? Used to you just laid them In. Looks complicated to me.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    Things we all must take care of. We must realize that when we are caregivers we are basically alone!!!

    First responders routinely look on the refrigerator for emergency information. If you have a cell phone you list you information under ICE (in case of emergency). They also know to look there. It is good to include all health issues, Drs, meds another contacts. Good to put a copy in your car also.

    Finally have a plan for contact with another human being in the morning and in the evening. A text or even a curtain open and shut is good.

    Ron...please do call Lou's neurologist and chat about possible drugs and/or increasing what she is taking. She is terribly frightened.

    Pocket beans....here they are turtle beans. Where in the world do names for things start????

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Glad you got that in place, Judith. On the days You'd feeds I wave to him from the porch but feeding will end in about a month.No one close enough here for curtain or light.

    You know my cousin's wife who passed away last week fell in her bathroom and was there for four hours until her daughter who lives across the street found her. My one lady cousin has fallen several times and has had her phone with her and had to call EMSA to get her up. I think she's maybe 85. A person could talk with someone, fall immediately and be there for hours.

    Remember, Judith, Years ago we talked about how nice it would be to.have a great big place where all of us could live and help each other. At that time we were caregivers, now we're just elderly!

    Turtle beans - same as pocket or butter beans?

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Pocket beans are butter beans. The big white ones, not the little green ones that go in Brunswick Stew.

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I think they are one in the same. I do not like them no matter what they are called...lol

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    I think they are one in the same. Bottom line is I do not like them.

    Lorita you can check in here with a simple good morning...good night or email me or someone from your phone.

    You were easy to locate when we needed to. I think Jo is really having a rough time but she is not alone.

    Whynot ask your car dealership to order mats for you. That way they can put them in. They can at least tell you what size to order and yes, I think you just put them in. My used Volvo came with some.

    This was on my screen earlier;

    Jackie, 12, and Shadow, 10, have hatched three eaglets together. Two ― Simba, hatched in 2019, and Spirit, hatched in 2022 ― survived long enough to fledge and leave the nest. Another eaglet, Cookie, hatched in 2019 but died of apparent hypothermia.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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    edited March 16

    I think I also would put one just like the one on refrigerator on my bedside stand and not have any clutter around it. Make it very obvious.

    Thank you Judith for remembering the phone. I have my information in there. yes Judith is right good to have contact morning and evening with someone. I text with my Aunt morning and evening. She lives in a big city, not one relative there. I believe she appreciates this. Also text with my sister morning and evening.

    I know this is hard for you because you don’t know who to use. Something you could think about is using an attorney if you know one or if Mike might have a suggestion of one who you can trust and who does things like that. I have taken care of patients in the past who an attorney was their medical power of attorney, and they would come in and check on them, and make the decisions that had to be made and took care of their financial affairs .

    What I would do for sure is once I had things set up is I would let my doctors office know who would be representing me and give them a phone number. If you know which hospital you would go to , I would call them and ask for the admission department. I would explain the situation and ask them if there’s someway that you can be entered into the system so that if you showed up unresponsive that they would know who to contact, have your insurance information, and things like that. I know from work in the emergency room that if someone finds you unresponsive the first responders police, squads, etc. they are going to do their best to find your name and other identification.

    The kidney stone was what got me in the big trouble. That was in May then in July is when I got stung by yellow jackets. I took Benadryl and started doing better. A week later they flared up worse than at beginning . Had to go on steroids for six days to get it under control.

    Jerilynn angel food cake and strawberries is one of my favorite desserts. Your whole meal sounds good. Hope you start feeling better soon.

    Thanks HB for apple watch info, that sounds good. Good Lord’s will, I’m going to have lunch with my sister and at least one of her children. I believe his fiancé is going to be there and she has an Apple Watch. I think I’ve noticed that. I will pick their brain tomorrow about getting me one.

    I have seen the scenario you are talking about with your husband. It would be good for him. If you could sort of get him trained a little.

    Lol Lorita got my car mats at sort of like a thrift store except the stuff is new. My brain is tired right now and I can’t think of the right word. Anyways, they just lay in there. They fit good enough for me and it was a way cheaper, and I’m all about cheap for the most part not the lock box, Lol.

    That is right Lorita and why having a medical alert device is a nice thing. Its great for a fall but it would not have helped me last May as i had no idea i needed help. My sister messaged me twice and then called and got no response. Then she came to my house. It is just like I just drifted off to sleep. It’s a strange thing. I don’t remember any of it, including the pain.

    living together is a reason i hope to go to a senior community when im 80 if not before if it would be the good Lords will.

    i canned 3 half pints each of black beans and pinto beans. So far they are the favorite thing to have on the shelf canned. It’s just so handy. They turned out really nice this time, not perfect but way better than before I found a few pointers and I used them this time.

    Then last night I made yogurt from skim milk, using my previous home made yogurt as the culture. It thickened nicely, but it’s a little more tangy, more like store yogurt than the other two. So I don’t know if that’s because it was skim and I had to maintain the 180° temperature a lot longer time so that it would evaporate more water and be thick enough or if it’s from me using my own yogurt. Anyway, I will get that figured out because I will try it again with skim milk and yogurt from the store. If it’s still tangy then I’ll know it’s just because I used skim milk . The full fat milk and the 2% milk were both cultured with Chobani plain yogurt. They had no tang . From reading I know that when you use your own yogurt to culture it at some point it will be too tangy to suit you and you’ll probably want to get some yogurt from the store to culture it from reading. So I’ll get that figured out. It’s no big deal to buy the yogurt because I can get a small thing. It’s cheap and I can freeze what I don’t use and then let it thaw and reuse it the next time. I’ve already tried that and that works fine. It does not kill the culture . Do not like my yogurt to be tangy at all. That’s why I’ve never cared for yogurt from the store. My nephew tried the full fat yogurt and he told me he is the best yogurt I’ve ever eaten he must not like the tang either.

    I got two jars of ghee to my sister. She told me they’re way better than anything she’s ever bought at the grocery store and there as good as anything that she’s bought online. They now have set up and they’re as hard as butter. A real pretty creamy color. They are not nutty flavored though and I know why I think I explained that before. She told me she has never had any that tasted nutty. I said well the next time I’m going to try and get nutty flavor. I know what I did wrong. We can decide do we like it better nutty or not nutty I can fix it either way. If she likes both one for one thing and one for another, I can fix them differently.

    Was able to get my crabgrass preventer down today. It was sunny and beautiful but cool due to the wind. But they’re giving it to turn back more seasonably cool for a while now so I wanted to get it done today and I managed to do that. That feels good. usually have from March 15 to April 15 to get it done but the forsythia are already blooming so I felt it needed to get done. Plus it’s another thing off of my plate.

    good evening, JoC and Joan

    OK I think I’ve talked enough for today

    Hope each ine can get a good nights rest

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
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  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Mint, my medical guardian detects falls. I've fallen once in the mud and one time in the snow. They responded without me pressing the button asking if I was ok. If I hadn't answered, next they would call my cell phone, then Darwin and then ambulance. Twice they've sent an ambulance when I didn't answer a number I didn't recognize. It has GPS so works anywhere, out in the pastures or in town. My problem is remembering to wear it.

    Judith, I usually post every day, most often in the morning and I will make a point of doing that. If I have an appt. and can't, will post that the day before. That should be enough. Thank you for your suggestion.

    Cooked the beans with potatoes on top. They were good. I used to mix mayonnaise into my beans but not in years. Might tomorrow.

    Sleep well tonight. Spring is almost here. I have some yellow tulips blooming, those the cows didn't eat last year. I need to reread today's posts again tomorrow.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    Ron, I was thinking about you this morning while I put together today's meal - the oldest daughter, granddaughters and great grand are coming for lunch after church.

    I'm making Mississippi pot roast with all the fixins.. potatoes, carrots, red potatoes, onion and red peppers. Fixed some corn salad with diced red peppers, fresh green onion, celery : is that the trinity in Louisiana?

    Then I got to thinking about the summer my MamMa was sick and I had to learn to cook from scratch to feed all the farm hands every day at lunch. I cried a lot that summer. I was a city girl and didn't know anything about cooking a big meal for 8-10. I learned. When I stopped to think, I've been cooking on this road since I was 14 years old. 53 years. My family has lived on this road for over 100. That's a long time and I feel blessed to be able to look right across the road and see the kitchen window of my Grand parent's house.

    Whoever said they loved strawberry shortcake, the strawberries are marinating in sugar and the (I cheated again) whipped cream is ready to whip. Wish y'all could come for lunch. I'll have to think of some kind of bean for Judith since she doesn't like pocket beans, LOL🤣

    Y'all have a good day. See ya later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, Lunch sounds really goof, JeriLynn. It's barely daylight here and it's windy. I was going try to close the gate to the NE pasture so the girls wouldn't be so far away when Toad feeds but some are still down there. The garden is full of them grazing. . I thought GL might come up for feed but she hasn't- yet. Cats are running amuck. Every morning I have to straighten everything in the LR because of what they do at night.

    Everything is so green. Maples are leafing out and the elms and hack berries are barely budding. Nothing yet on the Royal Empress trees or the different kind of maple.

    I'll be bc back later,- just checking in.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    JeriLynn, I thought you might enjoy trying a couple of my mom's dishes I grew up with.

    Serve with whatever sides you like; we usually had mashed potatoes, rice (the natural gravy was delicious over those two), green beans and rolls.

    This one is a very popular dish!

    No problems with Lou yesterday, it just seems to happen every once and awhile.

    I hope her sitter makes it today where I can make it to church. Raining pretty hard right now.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning rockers.

    A happy St. Paddy's Day to those who observe.

    A cold front is moving into the area with a return to seasonal temps. I got the rest of the maple pruned and shaped. It has a much more specimen-plant look to it now. They're pretty common here in the 'burbs-- I don't particularly like when folks shape them to resemble beach umbrellas-. I was going for a more sculptural look. I made need to do more once it leafs out. I also did a little weeding.

    I did something to my back stretching before I got up. It's a special kind of old when you injure yourself lying in bed. It's a stabbing pain between my spine and shoulder blade. DH fixed me up- i have ibuprofen and heat on board. DH thought maybe I overdid it yesterday. Hah! between Pilates, Yoga and Barre, my body is used to these kinds of movements and it was warm enough that this shouldn't have happened.

    I hope this settles down soon. I have stuff to do. Tomorrow is mom's AMD injections which are always a dog'n'pony show.


    @JeriLynn66 Your experience learning to cook reminds me very much of my Nana's. She grew up on a potato farm in northern Maine and was used to cooking for farmhands as well as the seasonal pickers at harvest time. I don't think the woman could fix a meal for 4, lol, but if you're bringing 50 for dinner, she's your guy. Mom was one of nine kids so her cooking skills came in handy. She considered herself French and had a very French approach to food. When we'd stay with her at the beach in the summer, we had to go back to the house for a proper lunch-- usually a soup made from whatever carcass was last night's dinner. As kids, we would have preferred a PB&J on the beach, but these days I'd kill for one of her soups.

    She wasn't all kitchen drudgery, sometimes she'd gather a bunch of us when we were staying in town, and we'd take a taxi to a restaurant where my grandfather was entertaining clients and she'd tell the waiter to present the check to him. He'd have an old fashioned and Shirley Temples sent to our table.

    Kudos to you for making real whipped cream.

    @Mint I think an Apple Watch would be good for you. One thing you'd want to explore is whether you want cellular or not. I have cellular (it has its own phone line and bill on Verizon) which means it works even if I don't have my phone with me. The nurses at mom's derm office all have the regular GPS model which allows them to make and receive calls so long as their phone is nearby. These are a bit cheaper and there's no monthly fee. If you do buy, I suggest buying a bumper guard to protect the screen-- they're easy to break. I get bumpers on amazon. I bought mom half a dozen a few weeks ago for $8 which is way cheaper than Best Buy. She likes to swap out her colors and straps.

    I think tanginess in yogurt is linked to both fat content and brand of yogurt. I only eat Greek yogurt. I notice that across the board Fage has less bite than other brands like Kirkland, Chobani, and the store brands and that Fage's full fat is milder than the 2% or skim. The texture is nicer too. I don't care for the sour cream-like flavor unless I'm making a dip or salad dressing, so I opt for 2% as a compromise to keep the fat down to reasonable levels.

    @ronald71111 I'm glad Lou is in a better mood. Here's hoping she remains untroubled for you. I do hope you get a chance to worship and enjoy some fellowship to start your week.

    The meat pies look interesting. They remind me of Jamaican Meat Patties. When you measure the shortening, is the half cup as a solid or after it's melted? I don't generally fry things-- too messy. How long would they bake and at what temperature?

    Authentic Jamaican Patty Recipe (Flaky Beef Patties) - My Morning Mocha

    Off to do my crossword.


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,758
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    edited March 17

    and...our porch rockers can check in here like Lorita is going to do.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Did it this morning. Works fine. I know Judith and Sandy both have my cellphone number, just in case. Thanks - makes me feel better.

    I looked out this morning and Gray Lady was Standing by the gate wanting her feed so let her in. She's down the driveway now grazing so hope she doesn't go to the road. Just now saw Stormy was out of the yard! Don't recall him being out by himself for years. He was headed east so hurried out and called and he came back. We have a double gate in the yard and he pushed on it somehow and had enough room to get through. Got that chained better. He's worn out and sleeping now. I think the last time that gate was opened is when Bryon got limbs out of the yard, probably November. Still in gown and robe.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 667
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    edited March 17

    Happy St Patrick day, Had corn beef and cabbage for the third time this week. two dinners one at the senior center and at church and my wife made one yesterday and we had leftovers today.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good evening the meat pies sound good. Have never tried them.

    HB thanks For the extra information on the Apple Watch, I appreciate it. My phone is almost always with me, but there could be an occasion where it’s not as sometimes I forget and leave It lay somewhere though not very often. Guess though it only takes one time. So I Have a lot to learn about them. I don’t really want to pay Verizon any more money than I already pay them. Lol. Guess I would have to compare the price between a medical alert system each month and the Apple Watch each month. I believe that some of the medical alert systems come in watch form also cause I don’t really want something hanging around my neck all the time.

    Think my neighbor started moving out somewhat this weekend. I suspected she was going to do that as her car was sitting in the driveway overnight, I’ve never seen her leave her car out of the garage before. When I came home, there was a small trailer there and I seen the garage was full of plastic boxes..

    Sounds like you have been eating good David. Don’t believe I have ever had corn beef and cabbage.

    We’ve had light snow this afternoon, but no accumulation. Think they’re giving it for tonight and tomorrow. Tomorrow afternoon I’m going to go and donate blood if nothing happens.

    Take care, everyone

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Zetta, hope you're okay. Judith mentioned Jackie and Shadow which reminded me did that third egg hatch. If not, how sad for them not having one hatch last year or this.

    Mint, check with Medical Guardian about a medical alert. I've been with them nine years and have what they call the mini. I wear it around my neck or sometimes in my pocket or purse. They may have a bracelet available. I pay $140 per quarter but not sure about other prices. Mine has to be charged so I put it in the charger at night.

    Gray Lady was laying down not too far from the road when I took down the trash. Just saw her down the drive grazing. Guess I'll let her stay up or let her out which ever she wants. Still chilly and windy but it's been sunny.

    Ron, hope you got to go to Church. See you all tomorrow.

  • ladyzetta
    ladyzetta Member Posts: 1,028
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    Hello All,

    Lorita, No the 3rd egg did not hatch. Jackie is laying on them right now, she's not ready to give up yet. Her and Shadow are still incubating the eggs. The last one hatched in 2022 its name is Spirit. The moderators say they will give up when they are ready to. It's sad. There are people from all over the world watching them they are loved by so many, including me.

    My cats are crazy like yours. I get up in the morning and I have to be careful what I might step on. This morning, they somehow had knocked down the little box my TV plugs into, so I had to figure how to reset things. Not sure how they managed that. They are sleeping right now. Getting ready for tonight. haha

    Happy St Patrick's Day, Hugs to all, Zetta

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Zetta, does many he have an idea why their eggs don't hatch? It is sad for them. They're so faithful about incubating them. My cats are quiet now and have been all afternoon. Like you said - getting rested up for tonight. But, you gotta love 'em, right?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    I just posted a request to search for a post about a lockbox, then I found that post right here on this thread. Mint had posted on 3/15. I had looked all over this board and the General Caregivers board going back for several days. I'm glad I found it.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,673
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning 🥶

    Glad that worked out for you Iris

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    I tend to be pragmatic. I see my mom's main risk are living alone/falls. I know, objectively, that she could also have a heart attack or stroke at home and might not be able to call 911 or even press a button.

    With Apple Watch you buy the watch-- since the main risk for you is at home, the watch wouldn't need to be a more expensive cellular model (starting around $240 and they do go on sale), and you wouldn't have the cost of a phone line with Verizon (a line about $12 on our plan). I see the watches on sale at places like Costco and Target fairly often.


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Good morning rockers! Just a quick check in for me.

    I was going to share what my mom used to do with her neighbor after we lost my dad. They decided to "check" on each other each morning, which I encouraged. Since their houses were across from one another they used their blinds. If they didn't see the other ones blinds open by a certain time in the morning they would call. If they didn't answer the phone they had each others key to go in and check on each other. It made both of them fell more secure.

    More later.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    Morning, we really slept in. It was actually 8:15 when we got up. Denim ,& Co. Is on a lot today but I want to work on taxes this afternoon. It's sunny, really chilly and kind of windy. Just checking in. Be back later.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Did not make it to church yesterday! Sitter was to late for Sunday School and when I left out for church, Started having stomach problems, so desided not to go.

    Believe I'll just relax on Lorita's front porch with a glass of cornbread and milk today. Kinda cool here, but nice!


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,310
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    edited March 18

    Hope you're feeling better today, Ron. It's cold and Windy on the front porch today so better wear your jacket or sweater to enjoy that cornbread and milk. Very pretty view of all the green grass and black cows scattered around. The pear trees are now just green since the flowers are gone. They're a pretty, bright green with the pretty.blue water beside them. The whole place is carpeted with green grass. No wonder I love this place.

  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 796
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    @ronald71111 thanks for the recipes! I will try the meat pies this weekend. My DH will like those. He's better at making dough so he can help, LOL. Lunch was good yesterday and it was pretty enough outside that the GreatGrand got to ride the gold cart with DH to see the "stinkin' goats and egg sucking dogs" as they jokingly refer to them. Also wore her new "pasture boots" and "forgot" to take them off before going home.. I sent her Mama a text that I would be bringing the silver sequined cowgirl boots to her work tomorrow and Little Stinker better bring those pasture boots back next weekend. Forgot, my hind foot... those boots light up when she walks so I think she may have "forgotten" on purpose, >LOL... another shoe hound in the making @harshedbuzz !

    It's cold and windy here today, supposed to drop to 28 tonight. The materials for the barn side sheds arrived today and work begins tomorrow to get them up/attached to the barn. Then get stuff moved out of the shed by the house down to the barn. It's slow but sure that DH is stowing all the tools and the like from the Shop. ALMOST have my office together here at home.

    No word on lung scan results yet and trying not to worry about it. It is what it is, so just wait I guess.

    I have some leftovers from lunch to use for dinner tonight, just have to fry up some bacon and cabbage for a green vegetable. DH likes cabbage, me - meh.

    Working on taxes again today. Went ahead and made the intake appointment for Friday to push myself to finish up. I don't know why I just do not like this task. It isn't hard, just aggravating.

    Going to visit my FIL tomorrow while in town. Wondering what I will find when I get there. Plan to visit with the Interim Executive Director (she's also an RN and we get on well) and see if we need to make the move to memory care. I had the Nurse Practitioner start him on an anti-depressant and will also consult with her regarding a Hospice consult. Another set of eyes.

    Well, back to the tax table for a bit. Later...

Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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