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Just need to talk to my friends (195)



  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Judith, what do you mean her chapter? Doesn't she live in Los Angeles? Loretta typed my name in and got my address. You can do this- I HI have complete confidence in you!!

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Thanks for posting, Judith, that is exactly Jo C's writing! Eaglemom, could you perhaps get a message through to her via the moderators, since you are both Peer Volunteers. We are all thinking about her and I pray for her daily.

    Beth, the flowers are lovely, so bright and colorful!

    Mint, my dentist has three sons who all became dentists, the eldest moved to Oklahoma City, his name is Emigh. Here, a lot of doctors are refusing Medicare patients.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good mornong

    Beth your flowers are so beautiful as always.

    My Dental situation remains stable at this time. The PCP situation is becoming discouraging. Seems it is impossible to get into a stable situation.

    Ron hope your throat feels a little better this morning.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    Checking in…...back later! Didn't get up till 5:30, can't remember last time sleeping that late.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning rockers.

    David— Our VA Home is run by the state. It is kind of barebones in terms of decor, they don't have a dedicated MC unit and rooms are semiprivate, but it was my favorite of the dozen places I toured. It was a busy place that seemed very inclusive and offered a masculine camaraderie and atmosphere not unlike the local American Legion Post. There were 3 women living there when I toured; I always wondered if it was a good fit for them. We were told the waiting list would be about 6 months. One thing that was interesting to me in terms of who could be a resident. Residency was restricted to veterans and their widow(ers). Basically, mom could place dad, but if dad was living he couldn't place her. Had he passed, I could place her. This seems to rule out couples who both might need skilled nursing at the same time.

    Beth— The garden is coming back to life. I love tulips but don't love the work it is to keep a bed going so I stick with my daffodils. The hosta are stunning. In these parts the deer population would refer to that as the all-you-can-eat-salad-bar. Mom's are just now coming up and she forgot to spray so they've been nibbled already. Grrr. I reworked her beds last year. Only one of the 6 bleeding hearts made it, 2 of 3 peonies are up and I'm not sure about the coral bells. I planted 9 and I'm not seeing much. The azaleas and rhodos I put in 6 years ago are finally reaching a size where they make a statement when they bloom. They were pretty pathetic previously.

    Ron— I hope your throat is feeling better this morning and that Lou has an easy day with you.

    Mint— Yes to everything you said about the medical provider merry-go-round. I live near a big city with a number of competing university affiliated medical systems but even so, sometimes it's hard to have the continuity we had in the old days for the doc who cared for the entire family. DH is on his 3rd PCP in 3 year- the first took a transfer to another satellite office closer to home (he'd been driving an hour), his second quit and joined a growing system across the river (his gastro did the same). The new guys seems good. I hope he sticks around. I've lost a dentist and eye optometrist to retired in the last year. Their replacements are taking some getting used to. Both are gung-ho pushing services not covered by insurance. The dentist suggested $12K in braces and veneers to perfect my smile on my first visit. Seriously dude? I'm 66. My DH had a laugh over that as I'd grumbled through the COVID lockdown saying "it's like being a teenager— I have long hair and am grounded. All I need is braces for the trifecta". My dentist was willing to make it come true.

    It was worse where my mom used to live on the border of rural and resort MD. Their medical practice seemed to have a revolving door. Same building and phone number but a different PCP every year or two when they returned from FL. It's no wonder dad was able to go undiagnosed as long as he was.


    It's dreary here today. And a bit chilly.

    It's been a weird week medically for some LOs. One friend was diagnosed with pretty severe CAD; she'll be looking at a stent at some point. As is so often the case, she's the last person I would guess— she walks 3-5 miles daily and swims for an hour 3 x week. Her brother died of about 8 years ago from the same, so I guess there's a family tendency towards it.

    My BFF had an unexpectedly iffy colonoscopy result yesterday. Her older sister died from colon cancer than was diagnosed at stage 4. As a result, BFF is screened more often. Two years ago she had a number of polyps removed and was turfed to the hospital for one that was not safe to remove in a freestanding center. A month later, she had that one removed and then she had a follow-up 6 months after that and was told to come back in a year. The year turned into 18 months after her husband spent most of the summer hospitalized and then died. This time they found 30-40 polyps and are suggesting genetic screening and colectomy. She is a mess over this so we've been talking and texting. She is between PCPs but she has a pelvic floor specialist and immunologist who she can talk with. I expect a number of calls later.

    BIL gets a new stent next week. I hope it goes well.

    I had to take mom for her hair appointment yesterday. Her driver's car was in the shop. I threw mom a bone and took her to the ReStore Thrift Shop. She loves to look at old weird stuff. I found a cute Talbots shirt she doesn't already own for $6 and she got 10% off because it was Senior Discount Day which made her happy. I also took her to get a pair of dressy flat slingbacks for the tea party tomorrow to avoid her sneaking heels or whining about how she can't wear a dressy dress with flats.

    We see her PCP next Friday for her annual Medicare check-up. I am thinking of reaching out ahead to ask for a MMSE and a B12 blood test. She had some bloodwork done in December and January which was out of range. She's been goofier than ever. She gave me out-of-code cornbread mix Tuesday and asked me how old I am yesterday. I don't know if I can do this again.


  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    I guess veterans homes have different rules at each location. I don't know if it is about my own health issues are if the rules are just different. All I know is when I checked into it if I went to our local veterans home I could take Lou with me.

    I also am worried about Jo C. I pray fir her daily and everyone else that has posted with prayers needed.

    Had a difficult time swallowing even water yesterday without pain, but much better today. Next week will be the last week Lou's sitter will be available for awhile. She is going to Florida to help with her daughter that will be having surgery first of May.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Morning, it's warm, muggy and sort.of windy. A front is coming thtoigh.later today and it it will be quite a lot cooler. Fed Gray Lady and got her in the paddock, opened one gate and closed three so the girls won't be so far away when Toad feeds. Billy is in the pasture I closed off but Mike says he never comes to fed anyway. He only has vision in one eye and is rather timid.

    Side is still hurting some. Guess if it wss my appendix it would have already burst. I read that appendicitis starts suddenly and this has been bothering me a couple of weeks st least, mostly st right waistline

    Ron, glad things are better this morning. Our homes are run by the Stste, yoo. Never knew wives were eligible- maybe that's a new change.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Lorita, Judith put a link to the chapter in the Chicken Soup for the Soul book that Jo wrote. Copy the link and paste it into your browser and you can read it. I tried to add a hot link (where you can just click and it takes you right to it), but it didn't work for me. GMcG and Judith, thanks for adding the information.

    You asked how many hostas we have - about 1,000! Lots in the back on the fence row but many scattered about in other areas as well. We have deer but so far they have stuck to nibbling on tulips, daylilies and lilies. I do spray those and it helps a lot.

    HB, I am so sorry about your friend. What a shock to have all of those polyps and the suggested treatment - awful to contemplate. I will put her on my prayer list. I hear your concern about your mother too. Will pray for her as well, and for you.

    Fun to hear about your garden. I'll bet those azaleas and rhododendrons are stunning! I should get some Rhodies. I have 2 azaleas; one is lavender in color and the other orange.

    Ron, hope you get good news from your esophagoscopy and that you feel better.


  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Thanks, Beth, I'll try that. Do the hostas multiply?

    I called and have an appt. With my doctor tomorrow morning. It may be stormy here this afternoon so thought tomorrow would be better. I think it's a muscle strain or pull, maybe from leaning against the chair arm so much. The achiness is mostly at my left waistline but does move around. My back was hurting this morning after feeding Gray Lady. That muscle wraps around to the back.

    Darwin just called. He's going out to cut down a small tree and cut up another one. Can't keep him inside. Cloudy and windy here this morning - feels stormy.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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    Our flower garden is finally starting to bloom.

  • David1946
    David1946 Member Posts: 665
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    The Veterans Home that I am going to visit is in Boston and since COVD a new state of the art building has been built and my wife knows someone's whose husband is there and she says that it is fantastic. It supposedly has a one on one ratio. I can not wait to see it tomorrow but It makes me nervous to see it because it makes it feel that mt ALZ too real.

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    For all you talking to yourself in your garden.


  • eaglemom
    eaglemom Member Posts: 521
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    Morning Rockers. Yes Jo and I are the only PV's. I have sent her multiple emails with no response. To say I'm concerned would be an understatement. Her footprint is low because of her DH's previous employment. I'm going to try again today.


  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Beth— Thanks for the kind words and prayers.

    I envy you your orange azalea. Mom's are DelVal whites. They were developed at Delaware Valley College which is about 12 miles north of me. My niece is an alum. They have a nice large white flower that's mid-season. I was trying to make mom a white and green poet's garden since it's shady but she's fighting me at every turn— the girl likes garish colors. I have a couple of azaleas dad transplanted from my old neighbor's house. They were from Friends Hospital in Philadelphia which had amazing gardens which we open two weekends a year. Patients grew these as therapy and each car that toured got a tiny plant in a Dixie Cup. They're mostly bright pink and reds. He also planted some coral at the front and side of the house. They're overgrown on the sides and not in great shape in the front bed. I'm toying with pulling the front ones out and putting something else in.

    I put "Yaku Princess" dwarf Rhodos in at mom's. They're stunning. Massive flowers that start pink and fade to white on compact plants that come after the azaleas have faded. She put in a standard "Strawberry Sundae" hydrangea that starts white and deepens to pink and then reddish as fall approaches. It's pretty spectacular.


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 795
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    Rain here tonight and most of the rest of the week. DH is out on the mower "to get ahead of the rain or this grass will outrun me". So here I go to get on a zero turn lawn mower. He cuts by the road and around the pond since I almost drove INTO the pond my first time on that thing. Wish me luck😶

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Medicare has not been a problem for me so far. When I was at OSU the social worker mentioned I had good insurance. From what i understand it is some of the advantage plans that some including hospitals are not taking.

  • loveskitties
    loveskitties Member Posts: 1,073
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    HB, so sorry about your friend. I had colon cancer and had part of colon, rectum and total hysterectomy about 14 years ago. I chose not to have follow-up chemo or radiation. Have had colostomy bag all this time. If she has any questions feel free to ask.

    I am not sure about genetic testing…more for the research docs than for the patient. Any children are suggested to get colonoscopy done earlier and more routinely when there is a close family history.

    I know first hand how devastating the news is.

    Wishing her the best possible outcome.

  • BethL
    BethL Member Posts: 838
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    Medicare with supplemental BC/BS has been great for us. Hubby was in hospital 6 wks and skilled nursing facility 7 weeks and we paid less than $1000. Also, he has been going to PT 2-3x/wk and we have not had to pay anything. I am so grateful!

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
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    HB, My brother had crohn's disease for many years before passing. After several operations removing parts of his intestines, he finally went to a colostomy bag and lived a good life afterwards.


  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Ron, you have the funniest cartoons! I hope your throat feels better soon.

    During the pandemic I avoided medical visits, and two of my doctors retired anyway. I have only been going sporadically for about the last year and a half. Tomorrow I will have a visit with my neurologist who I have been going to for over fifteen years. I am reluctant to sign up for a Medicare Advantage program because I would lose him.

    Lorita, could your right-sided pain be gall bladder pain?


  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    Thanks Eagle

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Hi Iris, I had my gallbladder removed in 1998. I always worry about appendicitis but I think it's a strained muscle. I sit in my chair leaning against the right chair arm. The pain moves around. Made an appt. With my doctor for in the morning.
    Years ago I signed my sister up for one of those Medicare plans with no premium. At that time I had a nurse coming in every day to see she took her medicine. I.learned the plan would not pay for it so got her back on regular Medicare. I'm Leary of them. I have Medicare and ChampVa so don't pay anything for visits. If I took medication on a regular basis they would fill it without charge. Just another benefit from the VA- they and Charles are still taking care of me.
    HB, so sorry about your friend.
    Ron, I laughed out loud at that cartoon. I don't do that often.

  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
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    Interesting HB that you have the merry go round too. Thought maybe it was just in smaller towns. My dentist office just a very few years after I started there the dentist I was seeing died unexpectedly. He was probably late middle age. His nephew, though was in dental school, and only had one more year to complete if I remember correctly. Know it was no more than one year. So his partner hung in there and covered everyone until the nephew got out of dental school. Nephew is just as nice as his uncle was.

    my daffodils are blooming David. that’s nice to see isn’t it? The irises I transplanted are growing, so I hope they bloom.

    enjoyed the sign Ron

    Iris, I would really read and educate myself about advantage plans before you switch to one. They are referred to by some as the disadvantaged plan so something to look in to.

    wish each one a good night’s rest

  • jfkoc
    jfkoc Member Posts: 3,754
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    I firmly believe that you are going to get medical care based on what you pay for it.

    Medicare Advantage sounds great until you find out that you have a limited number of Drs to choose from. That is just one drawback.

    I have Medicare A,B,D AND F. Not changing.

  • Lorita
    Lorita Member Posts: 4,308
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    Judith, what is Part F?

  • Iris L.
    Iris L. Member Posts: 4,306
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    Mint, thanks for the warning, I am not planning to switch to an Advantage plan anytime soon, I need to be able to choose my own doctors.


  • Mint
    Mint Member Posts: 2,671
    Eighth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Care Reactions 100 Likes

    Good morning

  • ronald71111
    ronald71111 Member Posts: 1,213
    Tenth Anniversary 1000 Comments 250 Likes 100 Care Reactions

    Good morning rockers!


  • JeriLynn66
    JeriLynn66 Member Posts: 795
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    Good morning everyone!

  • harshedbuzz
    harshedbuzz Member Posts: 4,353
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    Good morning porch people.

    Jerilynn— Many a time I have rushed out to beat the rain on my little John Deere. We've got a couple of days of showers coming so one of my neighbors was mowing (push mower) in the dark last night wearing a headlamp. That's dedication. Stay out of the pond, please.

    Mint— My implant guy and mom's retina specialist both practice with their daughters. She's the one doing mom's eye injections; her dad says she has steadier hands.

    DH has lost 2 younger dentists to death. One especially skillful general dentist to an acute leukemia and an oral surgeon to an "ether frolic" alone in his office of a Saturday afternoon. Around the same time, DS's orthodontist crashed his plane onto the beach 1/4 mile from my BIL's house killing all on board. So sad.

    Mom and I both have MAPs as part of a retirement benefit. Hers is a bit better in that her incentive package is more comprehensive and tops out at $300. This is her favorite feature as she gets to earn gift cards. Her copays are lower than mine as well. She had remarkable coverage as a retired teacher and I was concerned when they switched her to a MAP 3 years ago, but so far, it's been exactly the same as the previous plan in terms of coverage. They covered months of PT, her interocular injections and all manner of prescriptions many plans won't. I haven't encountered any issues with our plan either since being switched 2 years ago. Our share of the premium is a bit lower but coverage has been fine for our, thankfully, mundane needs.

    Maybe MAPs are like any other health insurance where their are tiers of plans.

    Lorita— Hosta don't really spread in the normal sense but they do get bigger and will fill in a space. They can be propagated easily by division. A friend of mom's gave me some cuttings when I lived in my old house which I planted on either side of the gate to my iron fence. They flourished and I split them until I had enough babies to line the whole side of the fence. I used to tuck impatiens in between them for color. When the house was destroyed, I dug up a few for my yard here but the deer were an issue, so I replanted them at mom's new place. When they're in a suitable place, they're bullet-proof. Unless you have deer or slugs.

    Thanks for the kind words of support and personal stories.

    My friend's pelvic pain doctor, who recently had some similar issues, suggested a practice downtown so she planning to get a consult there as she's not sold on this being something her community hospital can manage. Her husband was in the former last summer for 8 weeks before he died, and she was unimpressed with the nursing care in certain units. She's afraid she might not get good care for her time in the hospital and that her daughter wouldn't be able to advocate effectively. My godchild is a very gently nurtured creature who has been largely protected from the grittier aspects of adulting so I expect her mom is correct on this. She's got an appointment with her immunologist later today.

    Tea with mom today. We've got ridiculous hats and tea party attire but it's really chilly. At least it's not raining like it was last year. The event is tented with heat, so a sweater might do. Except that this dress has long poofy sleeves. I may try some long underwear under my dress for warmth.

    Speaking of mom, she called me in a lather asking about an appointment she had in the afternoon yesterday. I didn't have a record of any appointment and when I asked her who she thought she needed to see, she couldn't say. I do maintain a calendar on her phone, but she doesn't know what the icon is for that app. And if she's having a bad vision day, all bets are off. DH is starting to agree that she's slipping.


Commonly Used Abbreviations

DH = Dear Husband
DW= Dear Wife, Darling Wife
LO = Loved One
ES = Early Stage
EO = Early Onset
FTD = Frontotemporal Dementia
VD = Vascular Dementia
MC = Memory Care
AL = Assisted Living
POA = Power of Attorney
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